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Table of Contents ============================================================================ 0. Table of Contents 1. Legal Information 2. Introduction 3. Basics A. Screen Set-up B. In-Game Controls C. Combos D. Death E. Collectables F. Free Play Mode G. Dexster's Diner H. Hints 4. Basic Story Mode Walkthrough - Episode I A. Chapter 1 - Negotiations B. Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo C. Chapter 3 - Escape From Naboo D. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace E. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace F. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul - Episode II G. Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino H. Chapter 2 - Droid Factory I. Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle J. Chapter 4 - Gunship Cavalry K. Chapter 5 - Count Dooku - Episode III L. Chapter 1 - Battle Over Coruscant M. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril N. Chapter 3 - General Grievous O. Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk P. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi Q. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader 5. Characters 6. True Jedi Status 7. Secret Level Walkthrough 8. Lego Canisters A. Overview B. Picking Your Team - Episode I C. Chapter 1 - Negotiations D. Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo E. Chapter 3 - Escape From Naboo F. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace G. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace H. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul - Episode II I. Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino J. Chapter 2 - Droid Factory K. Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle L. Chapter 4 - Gunship Cavalry M. Chapter 5 - Count Dooku - Episode III N. Chapter 1 - Battle Over Coruscant O. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril P. Chapter 3 - General Grievous Q. Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk R. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi S. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader 9. Extras 10. Dark Jedi Objects 11. Completion Checklist 12. Glitches A. Import Character B. Import Extra C. Infinite Studs D. Defeat Vader Glitch 13. Codes A. Character Codes B. Extras Codes 14. Frequently Asked Questions 15. Revision History 16. Acknowledgements ============================================================================ 1. Copyright Information ============================================================================ This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2005 Justin Lang. ============================================================================ 2. Introduction ============================================================================ Welcome to Lego Star Wars. In Lego Star Wars you will play through Episodes I, II and III of the Star Wars saga ... but with Legos. It is a truly unique experience. Ultimately, the game is a platformer. As far as platformers go, this one is fairly well put together. It has decent graphics, good controls, short load times and great flavor. Platformers are scarce in the Star Wars universe, so we take what we can get. Does anyone remember Jedi Power Battles? The game was a mess but I still cherish it because it is one of the few Star Wars platformers out there. Even though you are playing with Lego versions of the characters, it is the closest thing we have to an actual Star Wars platformer. Quite honestly, the game feels like Star Wars even though it is Legos. How many games let you control Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, General Grievous, Yoda and tons more all in the same title? Years back it was awesome getting a chance to play Darth Maul in Jedi Power Battles. Now we have them all. For the Star Wars geek, this game is truly a must have. The biggest problem with the game is it's length. It is short. You will complete story mode in a matter of hours. With some diligence you can easily unlock everything on a rental period. So why is the game so good then if it is so short? Certainly the Star Wars license is a plus, as is the offbeat character of the game. But there is something more... In the end, this is truly a game for all occasions. It is straightforward enough that almost anyone can pick up a controller and get into it with little effort. The ease of moving in and out of two-player mode, combined with the fact that two-player mode is so darn fun, really adds a lot. This game is perfect for an evening geek out with your buddies. It is also something you will be able to sit down and enjoy with a kid brother or cousin or son or neighbor or whoever. Probably the game's best attribute, in my humble opinion, is that it is a game that you can get your non-gamer significant others to play. It is a game for parent and child, husband and wife, or just about anyone. With straightforward controls and a silly theme, you will be able to sit down for anywhere from a ten minutes to several hours of fun with anyone. That's quite an accomplishment for a video game! This FAQ covers everything from game basics to a basic story mode walkthrough. It also contains information on the unlockable characters and True Jedi Mode. Probably the most important part of the FAQ is the canister location guide, which outlines the locations of every single secret canister in the entire game. *=NOTE=* This FAQ is in its first release. I am sure that it is full of all sorts of errors. If you find a mistake, please let me know. Additionally, if you have anything to add, please drop me an email. Full credit will be given. ============================================================================ 3. Basics ============================================================================ This section contains some basic game knowledge that you are going to want before jumping into the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.A - Screen Set-up ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The screen set-up is as follows: |------------------------------| | 0 1111 BBBB A | | 2222 XXX CCCC | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------------------------| 0 - Player 1 Character Icon 1 - Player 1 Stud Count 2 - Player 1 Hearts A - Player 2 Character B - Player 2 Stud Count C - Player 2 Hearts X - Boss Life total or Objective icons (in certain parts of the game only) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.B - In-Game Controls ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The controls are fairly straightforward: [X] 1) Jump - For most characters, press X to jump. 2) Double Jump - Certain characters can double jump by pressing X twice. 3) Hover - Certain characters can hover by holding down X. 4) Fly - A few characters can become airborne by pressing X. Press X again to return to the ground. 5) Accelerate - In the podrace level, pressing X will accelerate your pod. [Square] 1) Activate Weapon - If your character's weapon is not out, press [square] to activate it. Note that some characters do not have weapons. 2) Swing - With your lightsaber or staff activated, press [square] to attack. Swinging in the middle of a jump will cause your character to lunge into a jump attack. Swinging during a double jump will cause your character to strike the ground, damaging an nearby enemies and objects. 3) Shoot - With your blaster or bowcaster activated, press [square] to fire. You can shoot while in the middle of a jump. 4) Combo Attack - Sword-wielding characters can press [square] multiple times to chain together a combo attack. See Section 3.C for more info. 5) Block - With a sword or staff, hold [square] to block. 6) Deflect - Pressing [square] at the exact moment a blaster bolt is about to hit your character will cause him to deflect the bolt back at the shooter. This of course only works with a lightsaber or staff. 7) Deactivate - Astromechs can press [square] to temporarily freeze a droid. 8) Fire Starship - Pressing [square] will fire cannons in the starship mini-game levels. [Circle] 1) Force - While targeting an object (face it and it will glow the color of your lightsaber blade), press and hold [circle] to use the force. This will cause certain objects to change shape, activate or be destroyed. Use this on certain enemies to force push them to an untimely death. 2) Grapple - Certain blaster-wielding characters have ascension guns. Stand in a glowing red grapple marker and press [circle] to grapple to a higher level. 3) Activate Panel - Droids of various types can activate panels. Face the panel and press [Circle] 4) Sheath Weapon - With weapon activated, press [circle] to deactivate it. You can do this midjump. [Triangle] 1) Tagging - While facing a friendly character (or any unlocked character in the diner), press [triangle] to switch to that character. Tagging your partner will result in your current character becoming your new partner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.C - Combos ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -*- This info is from Urbansamurai (reformatted for ease of reading) -*- Yes, this game has more than just a three hit combo. All the Jedi, excluding 'clones' (i.e. The three faces of Obi-Wan Kenobi) have an original attack pattern and original moves. They look different, that is to say. Anyway, this is just speculation. I haven't tested it a whole lot. Combo Key: s = Tap the square button S = Press the Square button down hard. -S- = Time the Square button. As in, time it to the end of the last attack. The normal combo for Lego Star Wars is as follows: s, s, s. Easy, correct? The next obvious follow up is: S, S. It is only two hit, but it is the 'strong' combo. The third, and best combo, is: s, -S-, and -S- It is able to break through someone who is blocking. It will have a trail of stars following behind it, which is the way to tell that you are doing it correctly. Lastly, there is the failed block break combo. If you manage to press s, then -S-, but miss the last -S-, you will either have nothing happen, or you will get a failed slice that will have no stars and will not break through a block. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.D - Death ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You cannot lose this game. Presumably as a way to make it "kid-friendly" (or, perhaps equally important: "spouse-friendly") the designers have made this game impossible to lose. If you die for any reason, you'll just respawn a second later. In some areas you may have to replay a very short section of the chapter, but this is rare. The penalty for death is stud loss. You studs will shoot out all over when you die. After your respawn you may be able to collect some of them, but doubtfully all. If you die by falling off a ledge, you will lose 1000 studs. If you die by running out of hearts, you will lose 2000 studs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.E - Collectables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ Lego Studs ~~~~~~~~~~ Studs are the currency of Lego Star Wars. You will use studs to purchase hints, characters and extras from Dexster. Studs can be found lying around (or floating) throughout the various levels of the game. You can also find studs by destroying or using the Force on various objects. You will need a lot of these throughout the game, so collect them where you can. Studs are also needed to attain True Jedi Status (see Section 6). Studs come in three denominations: Silver = 10 Gold = 100 Blue = 1,000 To retain your studs from a level, you must complete the level. Using the start menu to exit back to the diner will cause you to lose all of the studs thus far collected in the level. ~~~~~~ Hearts ~~~~~~ Collecting a heart will replenish one heart on your life bar. You can find hearts by either killing enemies or destroying / using the Force on various objects through the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lego Canisters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each of the 17 main chapters of the game contains 10 hidden canisters. Each canister collected will contribute one piece to a Mini-kit vehicle at the end of the level. Collect all 10 canisters in a level to complete the vehicle and receive a 50,000 stud bonus. As with studs, you must complete the chapter to register any canisters you collect. Note that many canisters cannot be reached in story mode. Instead, you will have to enter the level in free play mode to get them. See section 8 for specific locations of each canister, along with required characters to reach them. You can view the progress of your Mini-kit vehicles in the diner parking lot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.F - Free Play Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing a chapter in story mode, you will have the option of playing that level in free play mode. In free play mode you are allowed to bring any characters into the level. You can also switch characters at will using L1 and R1 (the computer will switch characters as necessary as well). Free play mode is a great way to gain True Jedi Status on a level, and is the only way to reach certain canisters. In addition, free play mode omits most of the cut scenes. Less downtime is a good thing. To enter free play mode, simply walk through the chapter door and select free play. You will then be prompted to select a character (of those you have unlocked/purchased). You will take the chosen character into free play mode along with your current buddy character and the game's selection of a few other characters to round out your team. Essentially, you have control over only two of your team members: the one you choose when you enter the door, and the alternate character following you at that time. Tip: Before entering free play mode, find you desired partner hanging out in the diner and tag him. Then tag a different character and enter the door. This way, you will have selected two of your free play characters instead of just one. For more information on optimal team set ups, see Section 8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.G - Dexster's Diner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dexter's Diner will serve as your base of operations throughout the game. From the main room of the diner, you will be able to access individual rooms for Episodes I, II and III. These rooms each have doors that access the various chapters (levels) of the game. The doors to Episodes II and III will remain locked until you complete the first chapter of Episode I (Negotiations). You may also note a mysterious door simply labeled "?". This door is only unlockable by achieving True Jedi Status on all 17 missions (see section 6). The main room also has the dining counter, where Dexter will be happy to sell you hints, characters and "extra" features. You can also input codes here. As you collect characters they will inhabit the diner, often resulting in some humorous conflicts. In particular, watch for Jedi and Sith to gang up on each other. You can also have some fun running around shooting, slicing and force pushing your unlocked characters. Who doesn't want to spend some time repeatedly using the force to destroy battle droids? Or, even better, slicing Jar Jar apart! From the diner, there are two doors exiting to the parking lot. While initially empty, the parking lot will eventually be filled with the various mini-kits you collect throughout the game (by finding Lego canisters). You can also break open the containers and Force open the vents outside to find stashes of studs, including some blue ones. You can even jump off the parking lot and not lose any studs. The diner has various objects that you can use the Force to manipulate. In particular, using the Force on lights and tables will gain you some silver and gold studs. Note that these studs are never depleted; every time you reenter a room in the diner, the studs will replenish. If you are in desperate need of studs, this is a surefire way to get some, although playing through various levels will certainly gain you studs more quickly. You can also flip chairs, although you won't get any studs for it. In the Episode I room you can groove to the Modal Nodes cantina music. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.H - Hints ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dexster has several hints available at his dining counter. Some will be free to view and others you will have to purchase for a small amount of studs. Since you are reading this walkthrough, you really won't be needed any of his hints (not that you really need them anyway), but you may want to purchase them anyway just for game completion. In any event, here are the thirteen hints. Hint #1 (Free): The more LEGO studs you collect, the more things you will be able to buy here. Hint #2 (Free): Collect all the LEGO canisters in each level to build minikit models. You can view these in the parking lot outside. Hint #3 (Free): Many areas of the levels can only be reached by certain characters. Go back to these levels in freeplay, and try to find all the secrets! Hint #4 (Free): Once you have defeated an enemy character in a level, you will be able to buy it here. Try to collect all the characters! Hint #5 (Free): The Jedi Meter appears at the top of the screen in each level. Fill it up by collecting LEGO studs. Take care - you lose studs if you die! Hint #6 (10 studs): Blaster characters can grapple to other areas. Stand on the red circles and press [circle]. Hint #7 (20 studs): Jar Jar can jump higher than other characters. Press X twice to do his super jump. Hint #8 (30 studs): Astromech droids can use their probe on some electronic panels. Move up to the panel and press [circle]. Hint #9 (40 studs): Astromech droids can hover for a limited time. Press and hold X to activate the boosters. Hint #10 (50 studs): Watch out for black Lego objects. Dark Force characters can use the Force on them. Hint #11 (60 studs): Freeplay mode means you can go back and play a completed level with any character that you have unlocked! Hint #12 (70 studs): To take other characters into levels in Freeplay, simply tag them in the Diner and go through the door of the level you wish to play. Hint #13 (80 studs): Fill up the Jedi Meter in each level to receive a super-kit piece. Collect all 17 to reveal a super-secret bonus! ============================================================================ 4. Basic Story Mode Walkthrough ============================================================================ You begin in Dexter's Diner controlling Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. You can spend some time in the diner familiarizing yourself with the controls and collecting some studs. Dexster even has a few hints and two characters available for you to purchase right off the bat. When you're ready to begin, enter the door marked "I" and then the door marked "1" to begin. As with all the chapters in story mode, select story mode, press start and then enjoy the opening crawl (which you can skip by pressing Start after a short load time). You must play Chapter 1 of Episode 1 before playing any other levels. Completing this level opens chapter 1 of Episodes II and III. Within a given Episode, you must beat a given chapter to unlock the next one. This walkthrough is divided into chapters, each of which is divided into sections. Throughout the level, walking through certain doors will load up a new part of the level. I will refer to these areas as sections. Note: This walkthrough does not contain the locations of the canisters, as most of them are inaccessible on your first trop through. Note: This walkthrough primarily covers how to complete a level. It does not delve into finding all the nooks and crannies where studs are hidden. Note: This walkthrough is for single player. The only real difference for two-player is that a second player would have to do some of the actions that the computer controlled partner does (like simultaneously stepping on switches and such). Note: Throughout this walkthrough, when I use the terms "north", "south", "east" and "west" I am referring to the directions in relation to the current camera position. Hence, north is further away (at the top of the screen) and south is closer (at the bottom of the screen). East is left and west is right. The terms "up" and "down" refer to elevation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.A - Episode I - Chapter 1 - Negotiations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Meter: Approx 22,200 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the opening cut scene, you will be in a conference room aboard the Trade Federation battle ship. You can smash the barrels for some studs. You can also use the force to make the chairs dance. Don't miss a blue stud off to the right side of the room. Use the force to blow open the door and continue into the corridor. In the corridor you will have to dispatch of a few battle droids. There are numerous switches and blocks you can Force for some studs. The first door on the left you will not be able to open without a protocol droid (which you will find in just a second). Down the first right is a room where you can Force some objects for some blue studs. Continue down the hall to the corner. At the corner, you'll see another door restricted by a protocol droid panel. You will also be ambushed by some droids down the side corridor. Dispatch them and continue down the hall pulling switches, breaking canisters and collecting studs. Halfway down the corridor is a door on the left that is restricted by an astromech droid panel. Unfortunately, you are going to have to wait to get this one until free play mode. Further down at the end of the hall is TC-14. While facing the droid, press [triangle] to tag it onto your team. TC-14 is a protocol droid, so he can open some panels. If you wish, you can head back to protocol droid sealed doors that you passed for some goodies. Otherwise, use TC-14 to open the door at the end of the hall (right next to where you found him) by facing the access panel on the left and pressing [circle]. Continue through the door and open the next one again by activating the panel with TC-14. And of course, do not forget to be Forcing switches and stuff to get those precious studs! Through the door there are a few more barrels to destroy. Switch back to one of your Jedi (by facing them and pressing [triangle]) and then use the Force to pull open the grate on the wall. When you open the grate, a few droids will pour through. Dispatch them and head through the hole in the wall to load up the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ You will find yourself on top of a ledge. Jump down and dispose of some battle droids. There are plenty of studs and objects to play with to the left, including some blue studs in the bottom left. There is a door on a ledge on the left of the wall that you won't be able to open this time through. If you want to go back to the first section, you will have to use the Force to stack some blocks and then jump back to the door. When you are ready, continue to the right. You will be treated to a short cut scene of two destroyer droids wheeling out. After regaining control, take out the slew of battle droids and the two droidekas. Tip: Use the double jump lightsaber attack to quickly take out the shields on a destroyer droid. After cleaning out this area, head to the blue force field gate to the north. Use the Force on either side of the gate to form a platform. Jump on to the platform and over the fence. Stand on one of the red switches behind the gate. Your partner will follow you over the fence and will hit the other switch. When both switches are pressed at the same time, the force field will shut down, letting TC-14 through. This will also trigger a handful of battle droids to pop out and attack. Finish them off and switch to TC-14. There is another protocol droid panel in front of the brown landing vehicle. Use TC-14 to activate the panel. Stepping into the landing craft will trigger a cut scene and complete the chapter, although you may want to go back and collect some more studs before finishing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - TC-14 is gained (for free). - Battle Droid (Security) is available from Dexster for 300 studs. - Battle Droid is available from Dexster for 300 studs. - Battle Droid (Commander) is available from Dexster for 1,000 studs. - Droideka is available from Dexster for 10,000 studs. - Episode I - Chapter 2 is available for story mode. - Episode I - Chapter 1 is available for free play mode. - The Episode II room of the diner is unlocked - Episode II - Chapter 1 is available for story mode. - The Episode III room of the diner is unlocked - Episode III - Chapter 1 is available for story mode. You have now unlocked chapter 1 of Episodes II and III (as well as chapter 2 of Episode I of course). You may play the episodes in any order from here, although the walkthrough will play through them in sequential order. Select continue story to play the second chapter of Episode I or return to the diner (from which you can access the next chapter whenever you are ready). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.B - Episode I - Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Meter: Approx 40,600 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the cut scene you are in a clearing in the middle of the Trade Federation invasion. Head down the path dodging Kaadu (they won't hurt you) and killing droids. Note here that the droids will spawn indefinitely, so there is no use trying to kill them all. They will just keeping coming. Tip: Pull up flowers with the Force for studs (and sometimes secrets). There is a path to the right. At the end is a tree with a target on it. Unfortunately, you need a blaster to hit that target and you don't have one this time through. Back on the main path is a fallen tree. Use the Force to move the tree off the path. Continue down the path to a smoking brown landing vehicle. Use the Force a few times on the right side of the vehicle to cause it to explode, opening the way. Continue down the path to trigger a cut scene with our favorite character. After the cut scene, tag Jar Jar and head up the stairs. Collect the studs and head to the right to load the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Walk down the pathway until you come to a big gap and picture of Jar Jar on the wall. Switch to Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon and Force the picture to create a stepping platform in the middle of the gap (don't miss the blue stud where the picture was). Jump across the gap using the newly formed platform and kill a battle droid. Tag Jar Jar and jump up to the platform on the right (there's a trail of studs pointing you to it). When Jar Jar lands on the platform, it will collapse, exposing some gears and allowing the Jedi to follow. Tag one of the Jedi and Force the revealed gears to lower a platform to the right. Jump on to the platform and over to the right onto the ledge (any character should be able to make it). When you land on the ledge, it will collapse. Tag Jar Jar and jump on to the next ledge, which will also collapse, revealing a blue stud behind it. Nab the stud and continue with Jar Jar on to the next ledge. When this ledge collapses, it will reveal a battle droid behind it. Quickly switch to one of the Jedi and dispatch the droid. There will be two more battle droids to the right, so jump that way and take them out. You will again be faced with a big chasm on the right to get across. To the left of the gap up on a ledge are some blocks that you can Force into a platform. An easily accessible canister is also up there once you move the blocks. Switch to Jar Jar to nab it. Jump up onto the platform you created and then up again to the ledge above it, taking out some battle droids. Snag the blue stud and continue through the door to the right. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Walk down the path and use the Force on some blocks obstructing your way. The blocks will form a platform below with another easy to get canister. The tree above should also collapse, creating a way for you to go. Continue down the path and you will notice a small hole in the cliff wall. Only small characters can get through this, so you'll have to explore it in free play mode. Continue to the right to the clearing and take out the battle droids. There is a crashed brown landing craft that you can destroy by using the Force on it a few times. Behind it is a new section with some blue studs and a battle droid. You will have to use some Force teamwork to get them. Back in the main area, continue to the right through some shiny swamps and down into a clearing. Take out the battle droids in the clearing. There is yet another easy to spot canister in a cave behind some beams. Move them with the Force. Switch to Jar Jar and follow the stud trail up and onto a ledge on the right. Continue around the ledge until the end. Step onto the slightly lowered portion of the ledge and it will collapse, revealing an opening. Walk into the opening for the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in an area much like the first section of the chapter. On the left is a broken statue you can play with for another canister. Go down the path. Again, the droids here are limitless. When you reach the end, grab the blue stud and walk into the water to trigger a cut scene and end the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Jar Jar Binks is gained (for free). - Episode I - Chapter 3 is available for story mode. - Episode I - Chapter 2 is available for free play mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.C - Episode I - Chapter 3 - Escape From Naboo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka Jedi Meter: Approx 61,700 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the cut scene you will be in charge of Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka in a rather hostile Theed plaza. Draw your blaster and take out the battle droids on the ground level, making sure to dodge the blaster fire from above. To the north you will free some Naboo guards who will help. There are also some brown doors to the north than can be blown up for lots of studs. Go to the red marker in the upper left and press [circle] to grapple up to the next level. Take out the droids and continue to the right. Along the way you can destroy the fences for studs. To the right you will find another red grapple marker waiting. On the next level there are a few more droids and a blue stud to the north. Head down this walkway to another grapple marker. Along the way you can destroy windows for studs. Grapple to the next level, where three battle droids are waiting for you. The grapple marker up to the next level is right next to where you grappled to on this one. If you go to the left, there will be some more windows to destroy. One even has a statue behind it that can also be destroyed. The next level has a ton of droids waiting. You'll have to be skilled with a blaster to get through this ambush unscathed. This area has plenty of barrels and flower pots that can be destroyed for studs. You may also notice a trail of studs off the south side of the building. You can jump off to nab a blue stud, but you'll end up at the start and will have to trek all the way back up. Continue to the upper right of this plaza where there is an archway leading to the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in a room with stairs going down to the north. Directly south of here is a canister and some studs. At the end of the stairs to the north are two battle droids. Go down the stairs and take them out. When you get close, two more with rush in through the door at the bottom. After killing them, go through the door for the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ It is a bit tough to see here, since you are behind a wall inside a building. Head to the right to enter a larger room. Blast out the windows and head outside, where you'll find some battle droids waiting. Take them out and head across a walkway to the right. Here you will find a closed door with a target to the right of it. Only characters with blasters can shoot these targets. Thankfully, you've got two such characters. Shooting the target will open the door. Head on through. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ Head to the left to find a round area with a green cage housing a blue stud. Shoot the green cage to reveal a hole beneath it. Drop through the hole. Down here are several battle droids along with some friendly Jedi. You can switch into Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan by tagging them like any other character. Continue to the right until you hit a squad of battle droids. Take them out. To the right you should see a big gate. On either side of the gate are a barrel perched on top a small platform. Destroy the barrels and the platforms beneath them will rise up and down. You will notice two targets on the wall behind each rising platform. Switch into a blaster character and hop on one of the platforms. Shoot the targets as you go up and down. Then, get on the other platform and do the same with the targets next to it. Shooting all four targets will raise the gate. Go through to the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ Go to the right across a walkway. You will probably also want to switch back to a Jedi. At the end of the walkway is a large roof with big, round green domes and some battle droids. You may also notice some smaller round green domes in the upper left. Each of the big green domes has a switch on top of it. Stepping on the switch will trigger a cut scene and open up some of the small green domes. Under the small domes are green cages that can be destroyed to reveal various goodies. Continue to the upper right killing droids. Up ahead to the north will be three more small green domes. Hit all three switches to open the six small domes (don't forget to go back and get the three you passed). The leftmost cage on the far side contains a canister. Beneath the canister is a hole. Drop into it to trigger a cut scene and complete the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Queen Amidala is gained (for free). - Captain Panaka is gained (for free). - Royal Guard is available from Dexster for 800 studs. - Padme is available from Dexster for 800 studs. - Episode I - Chapter 4 is available for story mode. - Episode I - Chapter 3 is available for free play mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.D - Episode I - Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: None, you're driving a podracer. Jedi Meter: Approx 25,000 studs. This race consists of three laps. Each lap consists of three sections. To advance to the next section, you need to complete the current one before Sebulba (who is marked onscreen by a green arrow). Each section is preset, so you don't have to worry about the positions of the other racers. Just get to the end of the section before Sebulba. So really, it is more like nine separate mini-games than one big race. Hold X to accelerate. The course is littered with flashing green accelerator pads. Try to aim for these pads, as they will give you the boost needed to beat Sebulba. Hitting walls or being shot will take away a heart of health like in any other level. Run out of hearts and you will explode with a short cut scene. Additionally, running directly head on into things will cause you to explode. Hitting the pits in the first leg also will result in your death. Should you die, you will restart that section of the race fresh. If Sebulba beats you to the end of the section, you will get a cut scene showing your loss. You will then get to try the section again. Studs in this level are earned by running through poles (typically in front of or behind accelerators) and by smashing into rocks in the tunnel of the first part of each lap. You can also find hearts this way. If you die or timeout, you'll lose your normal allotment of 2,000 studs. You have a Jedi Meter here just like any other level, although its unlikely you'll be able to get it on your first try through. In fact, expect it to take a couple while you learn the course. The chapter also has 10 canisters throughout, so keep your eyes pealed. If you die you will retain any canisters, even those you grabbed on the section you just died on. So if you have to kill yourself or slow down to get a canister, don't worry about it. It is also worth noting that this chapter, like all the mini-game chapters, only has a story mode. You can't free play. Of course, you can repeat story mode as many times as you like. You will have to watch the cut scenes every time though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 1 - SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the rather long cut scene, you will be in control of Anakin's podracer. Hold down X and never let go. You have about 40 seconds to beat this section. Hang a left around the first bend and then a right. Around the next left are some accelerator pads you'll want to hit. Bust through the poles after the accelerators to get some studs. Veer to the left where you will find some more accelerators. Veer back to the right and hit the next set of accelerators. Continue veering to the right to yet another set of accelerators. You'll head down a small ledge. On the left will be some pits and on the right some accelerators. You are going to want to aim for the accelerators and not the pits, of course. Beyond the accelerators the right wall will fall back to reveal some pits on this side as well. Make sure to stay to the left of them and head around the rather sharp left turn. On the right side of the turn you will see a familiar fence in front of a ramp. If you crash through the fence you will hit some accelerators. At the very end of the ramp on the left edge is a floating silver object containing a canister. Crash into it to get the canister. If you miss it, you've got two more laps. If you miss the ramp entirely, no fears, just speed past on the left, avoiding some small rock piles on the sides. Hang a left and then a right and you will see a cave in front of you. Head into the cave. Hitting the purple rocks in here will net you coins. Inside the cave you will make a left. After this turn is a canister. After the left, make a right to cross the checkpoint and begin the next section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 1 - SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You knew this was coming. A cut scene shows some Tuskens shooting at the track. In this next section you will have to dodge their fire. Taking a hit will result in a one heart penalty. You should not have to pay too much attention to these guys. It is unlikely that they will hit you four times. You have about 25 seconds to finish this section. Veer to the left and hit an accelerator. There are some accelerators to the right, but there are tough to reach so want to skip them. Continue to the left to another pair of accelerators (with a canister directly after). Continue around left and hit the next accelerators. You should not have to aim for any of the accelerators on the far right this time. Just stay on the ones to the left on the inside. After this long turn, you enter a smaller canyon with some poles that you can hit for studs. In between some of these poles is another canister. Thankfully, the Tuskens are no longer shooting. Continue down the canyon until it opens up revealing two side by side accelerators in front of a small ledge up. On top of the ledge is a small divided rock, so you have to pick left or right accelerator. The left will net you some studs and the right a canister. If you go right, you have to swing back left quickly after the canister to get back on track. You will also probably miss the accelerator, so get this one in an early lap when you have more time to spare. Do one path this lap and the other on one of the next two laps. Beyond the small divider rock, the path will come back together. Hit the accelerator and veer slightly to the right to hit the next one. You will have to jut out to the left to get around a rock (clipping it won't make you explode or damage you). Then quickly move back to the right for another accelerator. After the accelerator you will come to a wide clearing. On the right is a canister. Straight ahead is a slight incline. Head for it. On top is an accelerator and some poles on the left. Go up another incline. Make a right and then a left to the checkpoint. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 1 - SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This time you are in a wide open area. The area is littered with bombs, so watch out. Hit one and you lose a heart. You have 20 seconds to finish this section. Slightly to the right is an accelerator. Hit it and then jut out right to hit another and some poles. Then go left for some poles, a canister and another accelerator. Head to the right a bit for one more. In front of this one are some poles and a canister. Speed around to the left to end your first lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 2 - SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This next section is the same as the first part of lap 1. There are a few surprises though. Ater the first two bends you will find the center path to be open this time. Head down it to trigger a cut scene of Sebulba smashing up a Gran. Head straight to an accelerator with a canister right after it. Ahead you will see a rock formation tumble (the one that a pod just crashed into). There will be a small gap under it, however. Hit the second accelerator and make it underneath before it completely collapses, killing you. If you do not hit both accelerators, you will not make it. The rest of the section plays out exactly as it did in lap 1. You have 30 seconds, not including the cut scene, for this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 2 - SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is exactly the same as in the previous lap, expect this time there will be some boulders falling across the course in the first part (where the Tuskens shoot at you). Stay to the left and jut once or twice to dodge boulders and otherwise do exactly like the last lap. When you get to the side by side accelerators, take the one you did not take last time. You have about 35 seconds for this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 2 - SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This one has a few more bombs on it, but otherwise is exactly the same as in lap 1. You should not have to adjust at all. Just make sure to not hit too many of the bombs. Again, you get 20 seconds for this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 3 - SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This one probably isn't a shocker. After the first two bends you will take the right path this time. Hit the accelerator, veer back to the left and aim for two more accelerators in a narrow opening. Before the dip, you can jut out to the left for an accelerator or to the right for a canister. After the dip, finish it out same as before. You have about 30 seconds for this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 3 - SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the only part of the race that may give you some problems. You have about 30 seconds. Boulders litter the first area and you have to dodge them while still hitting the accelerators. Running into the boulders is almost always instant death. Aim for the accelerator on the right. Go through it and through the one right after it. You will probably smash into a boulder. You need to veer off to the right before you hit the second accelerator. You should be able to clip the accelerator while veering right and get around the boulder. This is the most consistent way I have found (although if you have others, I am open to them). Then head back left to hit the main accelerators and continue the section as before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAP 3 - SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The final section begins with a short cut scene. You are running the exact same third leg, except this time the bombs are placed in inconvenient spots (like on top of accelerators) and you have less time. The bombs should not be too much of an issue. With full health you can hit three and be fine. Just hit those accelerators and you should be able to just barely take Sebulba and finish the race. You hav only got about 15 seconds, so you better haul it! Watch the cut scene and you are done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Episode I - Chapter 5 is available for story mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.E - Episode I - Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jedi Meter: Approx. 59,300 studs. Note: By now you should be getting pretty good at nabbing studs. From here on out I will make little reference to them. Basically, try to destroy or use the Force on everything. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the cut scene you begin in a Theed plaza. You start with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, but Padme, Panaka, boy Anakin and R2 will be around to switch to as necessary. Head to the upper right and you will find yourself in a large open space with lots of droids (battle and destroyer) on the ground and even some on ledges higher up. Take out those on the ground with your Jedi. You can even deflect bolts back at those on the upper levels if you wish. Otherwise, you can tag a grappler and grapple up to the higher levels to take them out. Once the area is clear, the rest of your team will follow you. In this area there is an archway to the north with some crumbled Lego pieces in front of it. Use the Force on those bricks to create a ramp for R2 and Anakin. Follow the trail of silver studs back to a door with an astromech panel to the right of it. Tag R2, face the panel, and press [circle]. The door opens, so go through it. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ This section has a large pit separating your team from the door on the right. You have to get everyone across. On the north wall is a small gray door that you can use the Force on. Forcing it will reveal a hole that Anakin can crawl through (by pressing [circle]). This will get him to the other side. Next to the crawl space is a hook-like object that you can Force. Doing so will lift it up and hook it to a beam. A red grapple marker will appear. Panaka and Padme can use this to cross the gap. Finally, on the north wall next to the gap are some Forcible blocks. Forcing them will create a stepping platform that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon can use to jump the pit. Don't worry about R2, he can fly over. Once you have all three of these paths set up, cross the gap with any character using the appropriate method and the rest of the group will follow automatically. Anakin and the grapplers are easier, since they do not require any jumping skills. After crossing the gap, go through the door on the right to enter a round room with some switches, battle droids and droidekas. You have to be a Jedi to get past the droidekas' shields (blaster bolts deflect off). After you take them out, stand on any switch and your team mates will stand on the remaining switches. This will open the door to the right. Behind the door are some battle droids to eliminate. As you head down the corridor you will be treated to a few more battle droids. You will then be in another round room. To the north is a panel locked door that R2 can open. Tag a Jedi and continue through the door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now on a balcony. Follow the curve and head up the stairs, eliminating the battle droids that appear. You then enter a large plaza with a fountain in the middle. There will be a handful of battle droids to take out on the ground and a few on higher levels. Again, it is best to deflect blaster bolts at them, although you could certainly grapple up and shoot them. Beyond the fountain to the right is a grapple marker. Just to the north of that are some bricks. Force the bricks to form spiral stairs to the right. Head on up. On top, head north through the archway and then left to find a broken bridge. There are some blocks at the edge that you can Force to rebuild the bridge. Head across and continue left taking out a few battle droids as you go. At this point, the rest of the team should be following you. Even R2 should have found a way up (using the platform you can see going up and down to the north). When you get all the way to the left you will trigger a brief cut scene showing the gate you need to open and the switch you need to push to do so. First, notice that across the gap to the north is a large block on the ledge. You need to use the Force to blow up this block. Then to the left of the gate is a flower pot blocking a smaller grate. Smash the pot to reveal a switch beneath it. Step on the switch to open the small grate, revealing a crawlspace for Anakin. Tag the chosen one and use [circle] to crawl through. You will pop out on the north side of the gap at the far left. You need to head right a bit (if you had not blow up the block here, Anakin would not be able to pass). Another crawlspace is onn the second column you pass. Crawl through to go up a level. The switch is now just a step to the left. Step on it to open the gate. You then have to get back with Anakin by going down the crawlspace, heading left on the ledge, and then going through the crawlspace on the left wall. Tag a Jedi and head through the door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ You are in yet another large plaza (aren't these Theed levels thrilling?). Head all the way to the right, clearing out the battle droids. There is a door to the north up on the ledge above. You need to get everyone up there. Switch to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. In the upper right corner will be a platform and some round blocks that you can Force. Doing so will activate the lift just to the south. R2 will use this life to get up to the top. Just to the left of the elevator is a flower pot. Destroy it to reveal a grapple marker. That will get Padme and Panaka up. Head left a bit more and you will see a gray door on the north wall. Force it open and Anakin will use it to slide up to the top level. Continue to head left. You will eventually find two gray blocks side by side next to the north wall. Above each is a vertical trail of studs. Hop on one block and your Jedi partner will automatically hop on the other. Use the Force on the opposite block and your partner will automatically use the Force on yours. Together, you will both raise up. When you get to the top, jump to the platform between the lifts. To the right there will be a gray part of the wall on which you can use the Force. Doing so will create a platform. Double jump across the platform to the right side (where you will see the other end of Anakin's crawlspace). Continue to the right and you should find everyone standing on switches waiting for you. Take your place and your partner will do the same, opening the door to the north. Head in. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in what appears to be a dining room. There are plenty of studs in here to collect. Head north to the stairs and dispatch of five battle droids followed by three more. Head up the stairs and through the archway. There is a droideka here to take out. Notice to the north there is a statue with a switch visible underneath it. Destroy the statue and jump on the switch to reveal a secret passage down to the hanger. Head down the stairs and through the archway to the right. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 6 ~~~~~~~~~ In this final section head south. When you eventually reach the hanger you will get a cut scene showing you the locations of six Naboo pilots, each surrounded by some battle droids. You need to take out the droids around each pilot(s) to free them. Free all six pilots to continue. First, head to the left and destroy the barrels there. Beneath one of them is a grapple marker. Tag a grappler and grapple up. Hop across a gray box to the right and shoot down a battle droid to free your first pilot. Next, head to the southwest corner of the room (southwest from the entry door that is). Here, there will be a big box and two smaller ones. Force the big one first, and then the two smaller ones. They will stack to create a structure you can climb to get to the ledge above. Jump up to the ledge and kill the battle droid to free the second pilot. Head to the right in the room and you will eventually run into some droids and two pilots on ground level (to the north near a fighter). Take out the droids to free pilots three and four. You will also notice a door just to the left of these pilots. When you pass this door, it will open and spew out a droideka and some battle droids to dismantle. The final two pilots are up above this door. Flanking the door are two gray boxes. You are going to use the same double Force trick that you used earlier. Hop on one box an let the other Jedi hop on the other. Force the opposing box and the other Jedi will do the same to yours. When you get to the top, jump up a level to the north and clear out a battle droid to free the final two pilots. You will see a short cut scene showing you an access panel raising into position. Jump down and head all the way to the right. You will eventually come to the large hanger doors. The new access panel is to the left of these doors. Tag R2, hover up the little ledge (hold X) and then activate the panel. Chapter complete, enjoy the cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Padme (Battle) is gained (for free). - R2-D2 is gained (for free). - Anakin Skywalker is gained (for free). - Episode I - Chapter 6 is available for story mode. - Episode I - Chapter 5 is available for free play mode. As an additional note, now that you have R2 and Anakin, you can collect almost all of the canisters in free play mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.F - Episode I - Chapter 6 - Darth Maul ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Meter: Approx. 42,800 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the cut scene you are across a chasm from Darth Maul. He is flanked by four battle droids. His health total (3 hearts) is at the top of the screen. The strategy here is to deflect bolts at all of the battle droids. You can deflect the bolts back by pressing [square] right before the bolt is about to hit you. Sometimes the droids will shoot at your partner instead. Just walk in front of him and the droid will shoot at you instead. When the droids are defeated, Maul will Force throw a few exploding barrels at you. When he does so, target the barrel (by facing it) and use the Force to throw it back at him. Make sure you hold the button down the entire way or it will not reach Maul. If you are having difficulty with this, try taking a step or two back. You need some distance to be able to target the barrel midflight. After a hit, more battle droids will appear. Rinse and repeat until you have deflected three barrels back at Maul. If at any time you need hearts, you can use the Force on the lights or switches by you (the switches will bring forth some battle droids, who can give you more hearts). After three hits, Maul will run away through the door to the north. The suspended sections of the bridge will also drop and become targetable. Force them to reconstruct the bridge. Cross the bridge. The hanger area has plenty of studs and objects to play with. Force a few lights and switches to get any hearts needed to refill your life. When you are ready, follow the trail of studs through the door to the north. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Go north and then right on the walkway. Maul with run away. Jump up a level to get a blue stud. Follow the walkway and jump up to a yellow platform with a gold stud. Jump to the right to a platform with a grapple marker (which you cannot use in story mode). Maul will again run away. Head right and again jump up to the yellow platform. On the wall to the right is a gray ledge that you can Force pull. Doing so will pull out a platform. This platform will eventually recede back into the wall, even if you pull it out all the way. So be timely once you have it out. Double jump onto the platform you just pulled out and then to the right onto another yellow platform. If you fall, just head back and try again. There will be another ledge to pull out to the right. Do so and hop across. Darth Maul with run yet again. Head around to the right and follow Maul across the walkway and into a door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ From the starting platform, double jump to the north, run north along the walkway and then double jump to round platform that Maul is standing on. You will get a full blown cut scene of Maul tailing it out of there. You will also see two yellow battle droid commanders calling battle droids. From the platform you are on, there are walkways jutting to the left and to the right. There is a yellow-striped battle droid at the end of each path. Battle droids will continue to spawn until you destroy both of these yellow commanders. Fight your way to them (in either order) and take them out. You may have noticed by now that the yellow buggers take two hits to kill from regular strength attacks. Clear out the commanders and then finish off the rest of the droids. Another cut scene will ensue. This one will show two platforms raising up to the north. Each has a switch on it as well as a droideka. Maul will also drop a platform leading to the north. The safest way to take out the droidekas is to deflect blaster bolts back at them. After they are defeated, double jump on to one of the platforms and stand on the switch. Your partner will do the same on the other. This will raise the platform to the north that Maul dropped in the cut scene. Double jump to this platform, head north on it and double jump across again. Head towards Maul in the doorway to access the next section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ Ah, the red energy fields that served as a contrived way to split Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. In this game you will take Maul together. Head north and you will notice a switch on each side of the corridor. Force pull the switch and your partner will get the other. Pulling both simultaneously will unlock the red force field. Head north and you will come to another field with switches beside it. Do the exact same thing to open the field. Head north and do it another time for the next field and, continuing north, do it one last time for the final energy field. Head north through the door into the familiar round room with the gaping pit in the middle of it (why are there some many gaping pits in the Star Wars universe?). ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ BOSS FIGHT - DARTH MAUL This is your true battle with Maul, and the first boss battle thus far. The energy field will close behind you, so there is no way out. Maul has ten hearts of life (which compared to your measly 4 isn't really fair). The best way to damage Maul when he is running around and dueling is with jump attacks. Both of the jump attacks seem to bypass most blocking, so they are a good way to register hits. Note that after you hit Maul, there will be a few moments where he is invulnerable. So after you score a hit, back off for a second and then leap in for another blow. Maul will occasionally leap across the pit. It seems he does this after two hits, and then after two more hits. In this case, just follow him around as best you can and score some jump attack hits. After two more hits (six total), Maul will construct a small platform and hop up onto it. On the platform, Maul will force throw objects at you. Unfortunately, he is too high for you to reach. Instead, you can Force push the objects he throws back at him. You can also Force the platform he is on, which will eventually cause him to leap off. Hit him three times by deflecting objects (or pull down his ledges), which for some reason are Lego bikes, to continue the fight. These hits will not deplete his life total. In this last part Maul will Force choke you. When a red aura appears around your character, Maul is beginning a Force attack. A few seconds later your character will become immobilized and lose one heart. To prevent this, when your character is targeted by Maul and the red aura appears, quickly tag your partner. Maul will continue his Force choke, but it will not be on you anymore (aren't you a good friend?). When Maul is choking he is completely vulnerable to attacks, so you will be able to get a hit in with just a regular swing. You are only be able to get a single hit in per choke though. At any other time it appears to be impossible to damage him. Wait for the choke and then tag and strike four times to trigger the cut scene and complete the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Darth Maul is available from Dexster for 15,000 studs. After the level stats you will be treated to a final cut scene and closing credits. You have now completed the Episode I story mode. If you purchase Maul, you will have absolutely everyone you need to find every canister in the game. So start hunting whenever you like from here on out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.G - Episode II - Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) and R4-P17 Jedi Meter: Approx. 46,000 studs. This chapter is fragmented into a lot of small sections. In most of them, you will not do much on this pass through. I will label them all, however, for the sake of the canister walkthrough later in this guide. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ After the cut scene, you will be on a landing platform. Directly north will be a walkway to small round platform. Standing on this platform is a Kaminoan who will be nice enough to lead you through the level. But first, you have to do something for her. Head north following the trail of studs. On the Kaminoan's left will be a pile of blocks that you can use the Force on. Do so and you will get a cut scene of a bridge extending. Follow the Kaminoan south and east across the bridge to the city entrance. Enter the door for a cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ The Kaminoan will run to the right. Follow her around to another door and enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Head north through the corridor to enter a large room with some blue pads on the ground arranged in a diamond shape. Stepping on a pad will light it for a short while. You need to light them all at once. To do so, just run around the diamond. You should have plenty of time. Once they are all lit, a device will raise in the center of the diamond. Use the Force on it to trigger another cut scene. The Kaminoan is now standing near a door on the north wall. Follow the Kaminoan north through the corridor. At the end of the hall, you will have to switch to R4 to open the door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in another hallway. Head north and about hallway down there will be a door on the right that the Kaminoan will open and stand next to. Go in. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ Head south a few steps for a cut scene with Jango Fett, who will unleash some floating droids at you. Take out the droids and head back out into the hallway (section 4). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 (again) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the hallway, a force field will have been erected to the north. There are also two gun turrets on the top of the field on either side. You have to take the turrets to drop the field and continue. To do so, deflect their fire back at them with Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Continue north and Jango will bolt out a door to the right. Follow him. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ Jango will dart out a hole in the wall on the right. Follow him. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 6 ~~~~~~~~~ Now outside, you will see a cut scene of Jango placing an object that looks a lot like a bomb. Not surprisingly, this is indeed a bomb. The walkway you are on is littered with these bombs. When you get close to one, it will explode and knock out part of the floor. Be careful. The general idea is to slowly approach the bomb and when it triggers (signified by an animation change and a high pitched sound), quickly back off and let it explode. Then double jump over the gap. The first two knock out one small section of walkway. The third and fourth bombs will explode together and knock out a much bigger section. There will be a gap and then a part of the walkway to the right that is hanging sloped down. You can make a double jump to it. The next two bombs do the same thing, except this time the sloped part is on your side (the left). Run down to the end of it and make a double jump right and you should be able to get back up to the walkway. The final bomb is just like the first two. Also, as a note, if you are having troubles with the jumping try switching to R4. You can hover across all of the jumps except for the fourth. After the bombs, continue right on the walkway. Eventually you will come to a T-junction. Jango will run north and jet pack across a long gap. He will then disappear through the door to the north. Follow him north along the walkway and at the end step on the red switch off to the right. This will extend a small part of the walkway. You will not be able to jump the gap still, but you can hover over it. Switch to R4 and hover across. On the other side, step on the red switch to the right to fully extend the bridge, allowing Obi-Wan to cross. The door to the north is still locked. Switch back to Obi-Wan. On the left will be some blocks on which you can use the Force. Doing so will reveal an astromech access panel. Use R4 on the panel to open the door, revealing an elevator. Stick with R4 and head in. After a moment, you will go up and trigger a cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 7 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in a round room with a corridor to the north. At the end of that corridor is the door you need to go through. Unfortunately, there is a barrage of droids in between. These droids will continue to respawn until you shut down their respawn tubes. If you are not R4, switch to him. Droids will nott shoot at him, so you don't need to fear taking any damage. Obi-Wan can handle himself for the moment. Head north through the corridor and eventually you will see two astromech access panels on the right. Use R4 on each of them to shut the tubes. Now the droids will not spawn anymore. Switch back to Obi-Wan and clear out any remaining droids. To the left of the door will be a pile of bricks. Obi-Wan can Force them up into the ceiling, revealing another astromech access panel. Make sure you hold the [circle] button the entire way, or you could end up only putting up part of the pile. End result: you cannot target the pile anymore. You can try and see if R4 can reach the access panel. Otherwise you may have to restart the level. Switch back to Obi-Wan and Head out for a cut scene and the confrontation with Jango. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 8 ~~~~~~~~~ BOSS FIGHT - JANGO FETT This section consists of a walkway heading north and large landing platform at the end. You may also notice Jango on the platform shooting at you, as well as Boba piloting the Slave I that, incidentally, will also be shooting at you soon. Run out to the landing pad to cue up Jango's ten heart life total. The battle with Jango is pretty easy if you have a blaster to just shoot him a few times (he does not have a saber to deflect it). Unfortunately, you do not have a blaster right now, so saber it is. At first, Jango will stand in the middle of the platform shooting at you, while Slave I floats around doing nothing. The first three hits can be easily accomplished by deflecting Jango's bolts back at him. Or you can just charge in and swing. Next, Jango will take to the air. Additionally, the Slave I will start shooting at you. The easiest way to avoid Slave I fire is to simply run around the platform in large circles. The blasts should trail behind you. When Jango shoots, hit the [circle] button to pop the blast back at him. Just keep running circles around the Slave I fire and deflect when Jango takes the occasional shot. You could also try to slash him, or even use the astromech access panels to shoot at Slave I. The easiest way is still just to dodge the fire and deflect Jango's bolts. You need to hit him three times in this phase. In the third part of the battle, the Slave I is still firing at you. Jango, however, is not. Instead, he will fly away from you and then occasional shoot a rocket from his jetpack. Swinging at him will be tough, so don't bother. Instead, when he shoots a rocket, Force push it back at him. You still have to run around dodging the Slave I fire. Force three rockets back at him to move on to the final part of the battle. The Slave I stops shooting and Jango drops back down to the ground. He will not fire either. Instead, he just runs away. So take your time, run up to him, and slash away his final heart of life. He is pretty good at running away, so you have to cut him off. Watch the cut scene and you are done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) is gained (for free). - R4-P17 is gained (for free). - Clone is available from Dexster for 2,000 studs. - Episode II - Chapter 2 is available for story mode. - Episode II - Chapter 1 is available for free play mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.H - Episode II - Chapter 2 - Droid Factory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) and Padme (White) Jedi Meter: Approx. 25,000 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ You begin in a long corridor. The exit is all the way to the north. As you head north, Geonosians will pop out and start shooting. Take them all out to open the door. Note that your lightsaber can deflect the green blobs that some of the Geonosians shoot. Head through the door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ You begin this section on a ledge. Walk out of the doorway and the ledge will retract. Drop down on to the conveyor belt. Just like the movie, eh? The conveyor belt will constantly be moving left. You have to go right. You will come to a smasher. One hit from the bottom of it and you are dead. You have to time a run underneath it. To the right is are some interesting retracing platforms (with two battle droids and a blue stud on top). To the right is a droideka behind some sort of transparent yellow wall. He is sitting on top of a non-moving part of the conveyor. Even though it looks like there is a yellow field between you and the droideka, this yellow is merely for show. The droideka will shoot through it and you can walk right through it. Take out the droideka and continue right through another deceiving yellow wall. Continue right on the conveyor belt and you will be faced with two more crushes to run under. At the end of the conveyor belt you will find some battle droids to eliminate and R2-D2. R2 will automatically tag along from here on out. As you continue right, there will be a few gaps and some odd looking circle things on the floor along the north wall. Behind each of these on the wall is a knob and fan you can Force pull. Doing so will lower the fan to the ground, which will create and updraft you can jump on to. The two left fans will give you goodies. The right one will float you up onto a ledge on the right wall. At the end of this ledge is the opening you want to enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Head right and you will come to a grapple marker. Switch to Padme and grapple up. On the north wall is a target to shoot. Doing so will trigger a short cut scene and raise up a smelting pot. Jump back down to the grapple marker with Padme. Use the smelting pot to jump to the right. Here, you will find another grapple marker, with another target on top. This target will trigger another cut scene. The smelting pot will now rise and move to the right, and then return. Hop down to the grapple marker and wait until you can make a jump onto the pot. When it gets all of the way to the right, the bottom will open and deposit you on a platform with lots of studs. On the right will be some barrels. Destroy them to reveal a target sitting on the ground. Use the Force with Anakin to put the target back on the wall. Padme can then shoot it, which will cause the smelting pots to the right to move up and down. You can either jump across them to the right or you can use them to jump to ledge to the north. The ledge has droids on it that will shoot at you either way, so it is best to switch to Anakin and get up on the ledge to eliminate the droids. In any case, go as far right as you can and you will come to yet another gap with smelting pots. This time they move in from the bottom of the screen, lift up and then move out the other side. You have to wait for one to slide in, ride it up and then jump off before it slides out. If you sit on the pot too long it will move out. The blue force field will stop you from going with it. You will fall and die. On the next platform is another grapple marker. You can use it to go to the right. You can also hover with R2 or double jump with Anakin. Whichever you choose, the computer will get your buddies across for you. To the right is a door. To the side of that door, obscured by some barrels (with lots of studs in them), is an astromech access panel. Clear out the barrels and use R2 to open the door. Switch to Anakin and head on in. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ C-3P0 will be waiting for you at the beginning of this section. He cannot jump or hover or anything, so you need to go out of your way to help him get around. To the right will be a platform suspended above the lava. Anakin can double jump to it. Just south of the platform is a pole with a gear on top. Use the Force on the gear to cause the platform you are on to swivel left. Wait for C-3PO to board the platform. Force the gear twice more so that the platform is now to the right. Off to the right you should see another pole and swivel platform. On top the pole is another gear. Move to the right of your platform with Anakin and you should be able to Force the gear. The other platform will now swivel right next to yours. Cross to it, making sure Threepio follows. Force the gear twice more. Now Threepio can just walk on to the right area with the door. You will have to switch to Threepio to use the protocol access panel. Switch back to Anakin and enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in the termite nest. To the south is lava, so be careful. To the north is a wall of termite holes that spew out Geonisians. The Geonisians will take a few hits to kill each. Take all of them out and continue right. Eventually you will pass under an archway. There will be a lava pool to the right. To the north there will be a grapple marker up to a higher ledge. Use Padme to grapple up. Follow the ledge to the right. Destroy the gray structure at the end of the ledge. The pieces will fall into the lava. You will also get a cut scene of a destroyer droid off to the right. Head back down off the ledge and switch to Anakin. Head north and then right, beneath the ledge. At the end, you can target the blocks in the lava (that Padme shot). Use the Force and they will form a stepping platform halfway across the lava. Only R2 will be able to hover far enough to reach the platform. Zip over to it, and then continue to hover right to the area with the droideka. Thankfully, he will not shoot at R2. To the north is an astromech access panel. It will extend a bridge back for the rest of the party. Switch to Threepio and head south past the droidekas. They will not shoot at Threepio either. Just south of them is a protocol droid access panel. Use it to open the door behind the destroy droids. Walk behind them and through the door. You do not even have to take out the droidekas! ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 6 ~~~~~~~~~ As you head right there will be a red force field that you cannot get past. Switch to R2 and head back a bit. On the north wall will be two conveyor belts, with two astromech access panels between them. Use the right panel. The conveyor belt will send out a bomb. Anakin can use the Force to move the bomb next to the red force field. Then, use Padme to shoot the bomb from a safe distance. The explosion will take down the force field. Switch back to Anakin and go right under the archway. Obi-Wan is chained up over to the right. He is flanked by two droidekas a fistful of battle droids and Geonosians. Head right and clear out all of them. Obi-Wan has is being held in place by a force field, which has two emitters on the top and two on the bottom. Use the Force on an emitter to shut it over permanently. Shut off all four and you will get the closing cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) is gained (for free). - Padme (White) is gained (for free). - C-3P0 is gained (for free). - R2-D2 is gained (for free) if you don't already have him. - Geonosian is available from Dexster for 2,000 studs. - Battle Droid (Geonosis) is available from Dexster for 300 studs. - Episode II - Chapter 3 is available for story mode. - Episode II - Chapter 2 is available for free play mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.I - Episode II - Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Mace Windu and R2-D2 Jedi Meter: Approx. 6,000 studs. There is only one section in this level. It is a huge round arena. Run far enough in any direction and you will loop back around. All of the areas of interest are on the outside wall. This makes it pretty easy to find certain features, since you can just run in one direction for awhile and you will eventually come to whatever you are looking for. This chapter's enemies respawn indefinitely. No matter how many battle droids, droidekas or Geonosians you take out, more will show up. So do not even bother kill them. In fact, just stick close to the outside wall and avoid them as much as possible while you do the other tasks in the chapter. Only run into the fray if you need to slice a few enemies for hearts. Be aware that Mace is slow in his lightsaber moves. Throughout the chapter, you will have a handful of tasks to accomplish. Icons in the top center of the screen will indicate these tasks. If it is a picture of a bad guy, go kill it. If it is a good guy, go save him / her. Your first task will be to take out five red-striped battle droids and two destroyer droids. All of them are to the north of where you start, guarding Padme's pole. Ignite you saber and head to it. As you kill them, their respective objective icon will darken. Get them all to move on. The icon is now Padme. She should still be on the screen, assuming the previous fight did not take you too far. Use the Force on her chains to free her. She will now follow you around and help you out. Your next task will begin a couple of seconds later with a short cut scene. You need to take out two droidekas and five super battle droids around Anakin's pole. Head to the right. If you stay at the outside of the arena, you will collect studs and avoid the constantly respawning enemies in the center area. There is a bomb right before you get to the targets. Once it takes two hits, it will activate and then explode. Be careful. The super battle droids really are not all that different from the regular ones, except they will take a few more hits to destroy. Your next objective icon is Anakin. Free him with the Force just like you did Padme. Anakin will then join the team. After a few seconds, you get the task to destroy two super battle droids and five droidekas guarding Obi-Wan's pole. Again head right around the outside of the arena. Watch out for another bomb near the targets. A quick way to level droideka shields is with the double jump attack, although it does leave you somewhat vulnerable to getting shot during its execution. Your new objective shows Obi-Wan. Free him just as you did the other two and earn another helping hand. After a few seconds, you will get a cut scene of a gate opening and six red- striped battle droids running in. You need to take out these six red-striped battle droids. All of the respawning droids will be solid tan, so you need to look in particular for the ones with red stripes. They will be all throughout the arena, so you are going to have to play a bit of "Where's Waldo?" to find them. This always seems to take a bit of time, so just run into the fray and start slicing up enemies. It almost seems like you have to kill some regular enemies just to get them to show up. While you are hunting, watch out for more of those two-hit bombs. After you finish the previous task, you will get another cut scene just like the last. Thankfully, this time you only have to hunt out three red battle droids. You need three super battle droids as well, but they are easy to spot in a crowd. When you get them all, you will get a cut scene that begins the battle with Jango Fett. BOSS BATTLE - JANGO FETT This battle is very similar to the last Jango fight. Except this time there is no Slave I. Instead there are infinite respawn enemies to get in your way. Just focus on Jango and make sure you keep hitting the block button. Jango has ten hearts again. For the first five he will fly around. You can either run up and slash him, or deflect blaster bolts. After that he will fall to the ground. Here, you will have an easier time hitting him with your lightsaber. After four more hits, he will start shooting rockets at you. Force push one back, just like last time. Then enjoy the cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Mace Windu is gained (for free). - Padme (Clawed) is gained (for free). - Super Battle Droid is available from Dexster for 5,000 studs. - Jango Fett is available from Dexster for 65,000 studs. - Boba Fett is available from Dexster for 800 studs. - Luminara is available from Dexster for 20,000 studs. - Ki-Adi Mundi is available from Dexster for 25,000 studs. - Kit Fisto is available from Dexster for 35,000 studs. - Shaak Ti is available from Dexster for 15,000 studs. - Episode II - Chapter 4 is available for story mode. - Episode II - Chapter 3 is available for free play mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.J - Episode II - Chapter 4 - Gunship Cavalry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: None, you are flying a Republic Gunship Jedi Meter: Approx. 20,000 studs. This level consists of two sections. In the first, you are flying the gunship down a long stretch of Geonosis. There are enemy vehicles and lasers to hinder you. The ground and screen will constantly move forward, although you may move your gunship forward and back as well as left to right. When you reach the end, you will load up the second section. In this section you fly in a circle around a large droid control sphere. You will have to blast out its guns and the shielded cones. You have a life total like in the other levels. You can also die by falling off the edge or crashing into a wall in the first part. There are ten canisters in this level, just like all of the other. You only have one shot at getting the ones in the first half. If you miss, you will have to replay the level (or die and restart the section). This level also has a Jedi Meter. You get studs for shooting stuff, so keep mashing [square]! Shooting stuff will also net you hearts. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ Even though you are going toward the upper right, I will refer to direction with left and right (from the ship's perspective). Up means move to the upper left and down to the lower right. From where you start, go forward. A cliff will jut out on the left, with a canister in front of it (it is viewable in the opening cut scene). Head back to the right and avoid a laser beam. The lasers will shoot horizontally across your path. They turn on and off, so just hold back until they are off and then rush forward. Shoot the small towers (with lights around them) for studs. Continuing forward there will be another laser. Then a pair of two with a canister just beyond. Swing to the left and you will be forced to choose a path. Steer clear of the gap between them, as it means death. Choose either. After they come together, there will then be a large rock formation in the middle of the path. Stay to the left of it. Dodge another laser and there will be a canister in front of you. Veer right and you will come to a force field. You need to shoot it out before you run into it. In front of the field are two blue projectors. Shoot both of them and continue through. On the other side you will have to go to the left. There will be a rock formation in the center. You can make it around the right, but it is trickier. You will then be faced with another split in the path. This time, there are three lasers spread out a little bit. Dodge them. Afterwards, swing all the way to the right for a canister. There will be another rock formation in the way. Go around it either way. There will then be a pit with a canister right in front of it. Go around the pit either way and dodge the two lasers. Head to the left and then dodge two more lasers. You will then have to shoot out another force field just as before. Go through the opening for a cut scene and the second section of the level. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Here, you will fly in a circle around a droid control sphere. There are eight lasers around it. You will have to shot each of them. Fire a continuous stream and, when the laser stops, quickly dart in and out of its path (still shooting a continuous stream). When you take out two adjacent lasers, the shield between them will drop. Beneath three cones will raise. Shoot all three out. Shoot the cones out all of the way around to finish the chapter. You have 60 seconds to complete this section. If you die, you will respawn in this section with another 60 seconds. Any cones you destroyed will remain destroyed. All of the guns will respawn, however. There are also five canisters in plain sight around the sphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Episode II - Chapter 5 is available for story mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.K - Episode II - Chapter 5 - Count Dooku ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) Jedi Meter: Approx. 2,000 studs. Just an interesting note, but Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) has a green lightsaber in this level (just like in the movie), even though it is blue normally. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ You begin on a platform jutting out from a cliff wall. Run to the right and Dooku will run away. Enter the hallway, knock out a few droids, and continue to the end of the corridor. Turn left and enter the large room. In a cut scene, Dooku will flee and sic some Geonosians on you. Kill them. Stand on the red switch on the right side of the room (there is also one on the left side, but it leads to a canister that you cannot reach yet). A step with pop out of the wall, with another switch on it. If you get off your switch, it will go back in to the wall. Instead, let your partner jump to the step and stand on the switch. Another higher step will pop out. Jump up onto the first step and then the second and step on the switch. A third step will appear, and your partner will jump up to it. Leap-frog up the steps hitting the switches in this way until you reach the top ledge above the door. There are two wall switches on this ledge. Force pull one and your partner will get the other. A cut scene will show the door below you opening. Drop down and enter to trigger a cut scene and the duel with Dooku. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ BOSS BATTLE - COUNT DOOKU Dooku fights much like Darth Maul. Use the same tactic of jump attacking. He has ten hearts. After you hit him three times, he will leap away and create a force field around himself. You will not be able to get near him. He will Force throw objects at you. As you have done before, just target them in the air and push them at Dooku. Note that these hits will not remove any of his stars. Deflect three times to move on. After a cut scene, Anakin is out and Yoda is in. His controls are a pain with all the hopping, but for this fight all you have to do is kick some behind. Use jump attacks as before. If Yoda is too annoying, switch to Obi-Wan. After three hits, Dooku is back in his Force bubble. From the bubble, Dooku will now shoot Force lighting. You will have to use Yoda for this part, as Obi-Wan is not strong enough. Target the Force lighting and push it back at him with [circle]. This will not take away any of Dooku's life. Hit him three times to get him to come out. Duel him for four more hits to defeat him and complete the chapter. Note: In Free Play Mode, any Force user will be able to deflect the Dooku's Force lighting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Yoda is gained (for free) - Count Dooku is available from Dexster for 45,000 studs. After the level stats you are treated to a final cut scene and closing credits. You have now completed the Episode II story mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.L - Episode III - Chapter 1 - Battle Over Coruscant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: None, you're flying Anakin's Jedi starfighter Jedi Meter: Approx. 20,000 studs. This level is one long flight through the battle over Coruscant. There are various respawn points, so if you die you will not end up back at the beginning. In this level, you will have marginal control over the course of your ship. Basically, you can go left and right and up and down for a little bit, but the game will keep you on the right course. So basically, your entire job is to make sure you do not smash into things and mash the [square] button to fire. There are ten canisters in this level, just like all of the other. You only have one shot at getting them. If you miss, you will have to replay the level to get them (or kill yourself and restart the section). This level also has a Jedi Meter. You get studs for shooting stuff, so keep mashing [square]! Shooting stuff will also net you hearts. At the beginning, you turn and go along a star destroyer. Just keep shooting stuff and stick to the right so as not to crash into the bridge. At the end of the bow, your ship will tilt down. You will pass the first canister, secured in a spinning plus-shaped object. Shoot it to get the canister. You will keep going down for a ways. Eventually you will level out before hitting a capital ship. When you level out, a canister will be on the left right at the edge of the capital ship. You are now heading straight for a capital ship! It has five large red circles in the middle of it. You need to shoot all five before you crash into the ship. To hit the targets, you will need to pull back on your throttle (push the joystick down). The ship will break in half and you will continue through safely. There will now be a large fin of a ship in front of you. Stay left to avoid it. The next canister is also on the left side of the fin. You are now going underneath a destroyer. About three-quarters of the way beneath it will be another canister slightly to the left and hovering close to the bottom of the destroyer. You will then turn right and upward. You will zip right past a canister. You will make a long left turn. At the end of the turn there will be a canister at the bottom of the screen near the edge of a capital ship. You will then go down and to the right. After making the turn, there will be a large blue and red fin directly in your path. At the bottom are two red circles. Hold right on your stick and move down to shoot them. If you do not shoot both red circles before you get to the fin, you will crash into it and die. After the fin is destroyed, you will bank right and head down. You will pass yet another canister and head underneath a capital ship. After you level off, there will be yet another ship in your way. This time, there are only two red circles. They are on the left and right of a docking bay door. Shoot them before you crash into the ship and the door will open. Fly into the docking bay, where there is another canister, and through the ship. Enemies will start coming in heavier now. You will turn right and pass a ship's fin to the left. You will go straight for awhile and eventually come to a canister a bit off to the left underneath the edge of a big ship. You will veer left and then cut a right underneath a capital ship. A canister is off to the left under this capital ship. Head straight shooting everything in your path. Eventually you will come to a ship will a blue force field blocking off its hanger. Shoot the red circles on either side of the door and the force field will come down. Continue in to view a cut scene and end the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Episode III - Chapter 2 is available for story mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.M - Episode III - Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) and Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) Jedi Meter: Approx. 43,500 studs. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ From the hanger, head north down the corridor. You will get a cut scene of Grievous running away and some battle droids showing up. Take out the droids. Use the Force on the door at the end of the hall to blow it up. Head through. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ You are in another corridor. Go south and you will come upon some battle droids. After besting them, hop down at the end of the corridor. Down here are some more droids to destroy (including some super). Continue to the other side of the room, where you will come to a circular shaft. On either side of the walls outside the shaft are blocks that you can use the Force on. Doing so creates platforms in the shaft. Use the two platforms to jump up to the next level, where two battle droids are waiting. On the north wall are two yellow grates. Use the Force to pull either of them off and head into the tunnel behind. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ In this hallway, you want to go north. You have to take out some battle droids and droidekas first. The hallway will open up into a large room with several battle droids. After defeating the battle droids, head right and Artoo will join the group. On the other side of the room is a doorway that leads into a small room that does not go anyway. Back in the main room, there are several doors along the north wall. Use R2 to unlock the one on the far right. Inside is a bomb. Move it with the Force into the small side room. Once in there, stand a safe distance away and use the Force to blow the bomb up. This way cause the ceiling to crash into a ramp that you can take up. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ In this next section, you will have battle droids shooting at you. Hop up and jump to the other platforms to take them out. Stay on the ledges and go right. Jump up on to the vent (it has steam coming out of it). To the right will be some blocks on the wall that you can use the Force on. This will create a platform next to the grate. Use it to jump up and then up again on to a ledge on the right. This ledge has a red switch that you can pull with the Force. After getting the switch, step right and the air shaft will blow you (and the rest of your team) up. At the top, press left to land on the ledge. Take out the droideka and use Artoo to open the door. Switch back to a Jedi and enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ BOSS BATTLE - COUNT DOOKU After a cut scene you will face Count Dooku again. This time he has droid backup. Strategies for hitting Dooku remain the same. The jump attack and double jump attack are your best bets. He will also use the Force grip. When you glow red, quickly tag your partner. During the grip is still an excellent time to hit him. Take out his initial squad of battle droids and hit him twice. This will cause him to jump up to the door by his super battle droid guards. Head up to him and engage. Four more super battle droids will join in. Take them out and head after Dooku. After two more hits, he will jump to Chancellor Palpatine. Two more hits and you will get a cut scene of Dooku's demise. You now have the Chancellor with you. Exit through the center door at the top of the stairs. Continue north through the next room and enter another door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 6 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now in what appears to be a tipped-over elevator shaft ... and the elevator is coming! Run south and follow the trail of studs to help you avoid the pits. Go right, left, center, right, center, left, and center. Pass the astromech access panel and you are safe. Exit through the north door. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 7 ~~~~~~~~~ Go north up the corridor and into the large open room. Be careful, this room does not have a floor! Follow the ledge north and right. You will come to a spot with steam blasting down. Do not cross through it with Anakin, Obi-Wan or the chancellor. Doing so will result in a heart loss. To the left of the steam jets is a switch that you can use the Force on to stop the steam. Continue to the right and you will come to another steam curtain. This time, switch to R2. The steam will not hurt him. Go through the steam and use the astromech access panel just beyond. You may need to hover to cross the divider in the floor. Continue right until you get to an obstruction blocking path. Switch to a Jedi and use the Force on the wall just to the left of it to create a ramp. Go right and then get on the ledge on the right wall. Follow the ledge to an astromech panel, which R2 can open. Switch to a Jedi and go through the door for a cut scene of Grievous, who flees. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 8 ~~~~~~~~~ You will be in a corridor fighting two of Grievous' Magna Guards. They fight essentially like Jedi (except no Force choke to worry about). Use jump and double jump attacks to score hits easily. After three hits, they lose their heads. It still takes one more hit to kill them, though. After defeating the guards, go north to the ship's bridge. Deal with the eight battle droids. In the front of the bridge are two consoles. On the inner side of each console's face is a switch. Force pull one of them. Your partner will snag the other. Pull them both all of the way down at the same time to trigger the end of chapter cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) is gained (for free) - Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) is gained (for free). - Chancellor Palpatine is gained (for free) - R2-D2 is gained (for free) if you do not already have him. - Super Battle Droid is available from Dexster for 5,000 studs. - Count Dooku is available from Dexster for 45,000 studs if he isn't already. - Grievous' Bodyguard is available from Dexster for 30,000 studs. - Episode III - Chapter 3 is available for story mode. - Episode III - Chapter 2 is available for free play mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.N - Episode III - Chapter 3 - General Grievous ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) and Commander Cody Jedi Meter: Approx. 6,800 studs. BOSS BATTLE - GENERAL GRIEVOUS This entire level is a fight with Grievous in one big area (there are some small secret areas as well). You will need to use teamwork and the combined talents of Obi-Wan and Cody to defeat Grievous, although admittedly Obi-Wan will do most of the work. You begin on a large round platform. Grievous will immediately jump in and start attacking. He has four lightsabers, but really fights like any other saber wielder. Use your jump attacks. He often swings in combos, one of which ends in a spinning move. Avoid him during these combos. Wait for him to complete a combo and he will have a short delay before he starts another. This is the time to strike. He may use lightsabers, but Grievous is no Jedi. So there is no Force choke to worry about. He has ten hearts. Hit Grievous once and he will vault off to the left across a gap. He will just stand there, hopping up and down occasionally. You cannot cross the gap to reach him. Fortunately, there are bombs on either side of him. Tag Cody and shoot both of the bombs to inflict another damage upon Grievous. Quickly tag back to Obi-Wan, as Grievous will jump back to your platform and engage. After two more hits, Grievous jumps to a platform to the north that is very high up. On the northwest side of your main platform are some blocks. Use the Force on them to create a bridge. Cross the bridge. Tag Cody and use the grapple marker (you could jump up with Obi-Wan instead). Switch back to Obi-Wan and go right. You will find Grievous up above to the right. At the edge of the ledge Grievous is on are some blocks. Use Obi-Wan to Force the blocks. They will create a small box down on your level. Switch to Cody and hop onto the box. Leap up and take a shot at the bomb behind Grievous. Your blaster fire will angle up and hit the bomb if you face it. Grievous will take a fifth hit and jump back down to the landing pad. Switch to Obi-Wan and head back to the pad the same way you came. Duel with Grievous for two more hits. He then jumps off to the right. Head back across the bridge and up to where you shot him last time. The explosion caused some bricks to fall. Use the Force on them to create some steps. Go up and right. You should now be able to see Grievous. Unfortunately, you cannot shoot him. He will just deflect the bolts. Instead, on the north wall are some bricks that you can destroy. Behind them is a bomb. Use the Force to set it next to Grievous. Cody can then shoot it. Grievous then jumps back the landing pad. Head down the way you came. Duel with him for the last two hits and you win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Commander Cody is gained (for free) - General Grievous is available from Dexster for 200,000 studs. - Episode III - Chapter 4 is available for story mode. - Episode III - Chapter 3 is available for free play mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.O - Episode III - Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Yoda and Chewbacca Jedi Meter: Approx. 60,100 studs. I really do not care for this level. Yoda is such a pain to control. The beach with constant respawn is annoying. Oh well, Wookiees are cool. On to it. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ First, you will want to familiarize yourself with Yoda's controls. In the Dooku battle from Episode II you just had to do some attacking. Here, you will have to travel distances with Yoda, so you had better get used to him. In particular, from his "walking" mode you can jump to enter his "flying" mode. This mode will get you around much faster. You cannot attack, but you can use the Force. When you ignite your saber, you will be in "crazy jumping attack" mode. If you are not fighting, you want to be in flying mode. From the start, there is a retracted bridge to the north. Use the Force on the two blue and tan objects standing on either side of the bridge. This will lower the bridge. Cross and follow the tree around. There is an optional path jutting to the right with some studs and a canister. Once you are on the north side of the tree, follow the trail of studs to a platform with lots of clonetroopers. When you reach the clones, you will see a cut scene of Darth Sidious executing Order 66 and turning the clonetroopers against you. Time to ignite your sword and enter crazy jumping attack mode. After taking them out, you can use [circle] to shut down your saber than [X] to jump back into flying mode. To the north is another retracted bridge. Use the Force on the two piles of bricks in front of it. Then use the Force just as you did before on the objects on either side of the bridge. As you cross the bridge, you will be treated to a cut scene of three captured Wookiees that you have to save. Icons will appear at the top of your screen to track your progress. On the other side of the bridge, cross a platform and ignite up to take out a few more clonetroopers. Just to the north is grapple marker. Switch to Chewie and grapple up. Jump to the left and grapple up, and then up again. On this platform, take out two clonetroopers to free the Wookiee. Note that the clone with the orange band takes two shots to kill. Fear not, for bowcasters have a rapid rate of fire. If you hop back down off the left edge, there are a ton of studs. Head around the tree until you reach the bridge that does not have the grapple marker in front of it. Take that one across to a platform with a few more clones. To the north you should see another Wookiee. Before freeing him, take the path to the right. On this platform, there is a red object to the left of some boxes. Using the Force on it will create a grapple marker. Switch to Chewie (or the Wookiee you freed) and grapple up, where you will face two more clones that you must kill to free a Wookiee. Head back down and to the left. It is time to get that Wookiee to the north. Simply walk up that way and take out the two clones flanking him. From here, head left to find a retracted bridge and five switches. The three Wookiees you saved will be standing on three of them. Stand on one and your partner will take the other. Yoda needs to be on the ground to do this, so press [X] to get him back hobbling around. When all five switches are pressed simultaneously, the bridge will drop. Cross it and head right for a cut scene. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ This section is a beach landing. The clone army will keep coming indefinitely, so go about your business and avoid them as best as possible. Hop down off the log and follow the beach to the left. Avoid the clones and dodge the blaster bolts from the walkers. Also watch out for instant-kill bombs along the way. You will eventually come across a destroyed bridge in the sand. Use the Force to lift it back up. There is a gate directly to the north. Just to the left of it is a rock. Just to the left of the rock are some plants. Force pull the rightmost plant to reveal a grapple marker. Note that you will lose your Force hold on an object if you are hit, even if you are invincible. So if any clones follow you, you will most likely have to clear them out to buy some time to use the Force on these two objects. Switch to a Wookiee and grapple. Run across the bridge and shoot the two targets flanking the gate (you can also snag an easy canister). Hitting both targets opens the gate. Enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Battle droids will keep spawning in this swamp until you take out the two yellow-striped commanders up on ledges. Thankfully, you do not need to do that to pass. Instead, just bolt to the northwest and out the archway. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ Head right and into a big clearing. Take out some clones and droids and follow the path to the left. As you wrap around, there will be more clones to take out. At the very end is a walker. Either dodge and shoot from a distance or run up and start whacking it. At the end of the path there are three flowers to the left (right under where the boulders are smashing into the wall). Force pull all three to create some steps for the Wookiees. You will probably want to switch to a Wookiee for the next part. Jump up the steps and onto the boulder path. Head to the left on the path. When you see a boulder coming, just shoot it. At the end of the path, use the step to get up a level. Trek to the right, shooting boulders as need be. All of the way to the right there will be a gate flanked by two switches. They are too high for the Wookiees, however. Switch to Yoda and use the Force on the pile of bricks in front of the gate on your level. This will create steps. Jump up onto a switch. Your partner will grab the other. When both switches are lit simultaneously the gate will open allowing you to pass. On the other side, there is a walker far to the north shooting at you. Trudge down to it (or, in Yoda's case, jump and spin like crazy down to it) and take it out. When you get near the walker, some droids and clones will show up. Take them out too. Then continue to the left. You will come to a clearing with a circle in the middle. Around the circle are four lanterns. Light each lantern by using the Force. Once a lantern is lit, you can take a swing or shot at it to destroy it. Destroy all four and an escape craft will emerge from the circle. The trick to this of course is that droids and clones are everywhere. If you take them out, they will respawn a short time later. If the enemies are too much of a problem just kill them all. This will buy you a short bit of time to get to work on the lanterns before reinforcements arrive. If they do, you can just take them all out again to buy some time. Repeat until the craft is visible. Now is the tricky part. You need to use the Force on the pod to lift it up and open its door. This takes a single prolonged Force grip on it. If you get shot during the grip, you will let go. If you do so, the pod will begin to sink back into the ground. You can just grab again of course, but you will still lose it if you get shot. Here, you probably will have to buy some time by taking out a wave of enemies. Once the ship is open, walk to the ramp to end the chapter. Thank goodness that is over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Yoda is gained (for free) if you do not already have him. - Clone Trooper (Episode III) is available from Dexster for 600 studs. - Clone Trooper (Episode III, Pilot) is available from Dexster for 700 studs. - Clone Trooper (Episode III, Swamp) is available from Dexster for 800 studs. - Clone Trooper (Episode III, Walker) is available from Dexster for 2,500 studs. - Episode III - Chapter 5 is available for story mode. - Episode III - Chapter 4 is available for free play mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.P - Episode III - Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) Jedi Meter: Approx. 54,000 studs. Well, you've got Yoda again. Thankfully, you have Obi-Wan as well. I would recommend using him throughout the level and letting the computer (or your unfortunate second player) handle Yoda. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ You begin outside of the Jedi Temple. To the right are some cloaked figures. Not Jedi, they are, hmm? When you get close enough, the disguised clones will spin around and attack. After you take them out, continue to the left. Head north to the stairs leading up to the door. Rip the door off with the Force and enter the temple ruins. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Go to the end of the walkway and take out some clones. There is a pillar on the southwest side of the intersection. Use the Force on it to create stairs leading up to a higher level. Use them to go up. Head right and take out some droids. There is a door to the north leading to the Jedi mission briefing room. It has some pizzas and goodies in it, but that's it. Continue right and hop down at the end. To the right you will find a giant stone ball split in half. The stairs south of here lead to the Jedi Council Chamber, which also has some goodies. Continue right to the door. On either side of the door are red cylinders. Use the Force on them to reveal switches underneath. Use the Force to turn one and Yoda will get the other, opening the door to the Jedi computer room. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ As you head north, clones will pop out at you from behind the corners. Sneaky, but not sneaky enough. At the end of the room, a giant metal arm (with a green disc at the end) obstructs the door . Head to the right and enter the short dead end row at the north. You can use the Force to pull platforms out of the walls here. They only stay out for a short amount of time, so be quick. Pull out some on the bottom level. Hop up and quickly pull out some on the top level. Jump to the top level and then to the switch on the wall at the end of the area. You get a short cut scene. Two more to go. Head into the second short row, just to the south of the first. Use the same tactics to get up to the switch. Unfortunately, it is being protected by a force field. There is a switch up above it. There is also another level of platforms you can pull out of the walls. Do this and use the platforms to reach the switch. Stepping on it will drop the shield, allowing you to Force pull the target wall switch. There is another short row to the south. It is just like the first, no force fields or anything. Pull the switch to lift the arm blocking the door. Head back to the door and enter. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ Head north to spring a squad of clones. Kill them. On the right side of the room is a holoprojector. Use the Force to pull the switch. You need to hold for a few seconds. This will trigger a cut scene and end the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Mace Windu (Episode III) is available from Dexster for 30,000 studs. - Disguised Clone is available from Dexster for 2,750 studs. - Episode III - Chapter 6 is available for story mode. - Episode III - Chapter 5 is available for free play mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Q - Episode III - Chapter 6 - Darth Vader ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) and Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) Jedi Meter: Approx. 14,000 studs. This is a bit strange. Technically, Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting, but in this chapter you will help each other out quite a bit. Oh well, it is just a game after all. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 ~~~~~~~~~ The chapter starts with a bang. You are in a corridor with lava beneath. You are running south and the floor is falling out behind you. You had best run fast! If you die, you just lose studs and restart, which is not the worst thing in the world. Go right, left, right, left, right, jump, jump, double jump, and one last double jump. During the jumping parts you can more or less just stay in the middle. The corridor will narrow and you will want to be there anyway. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Still under pressure, you are now in a room that is crumbling. The timer on screen will tell you how long until death. To the right is a door with four fallen beams in front of it. Move all four beams with the Force. On either side of the door are levels you can push with the Force once the beams are gone. Force one of them and you partner will get the other. This will open the door. Use any extra time to find the studs and canisters in the room (or just exit). To extend your timer, rebuild any of the other collapsed beams in the room (using the Force). This will buy you 20 additional seconds for each beam. If you die, you will lose studs and restart this section. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 ~~~~~~~~~ Watch some dueling action Lego style and then you will find yourself outside on a ledge. You need to make it to the right past various obstacles. The catch is that the ground is dropping out. Again, if you die you will lose studs and restart this section. Run to the right and destroy the two yellow barrels to the north (next to the first gap). Your partner will probably take them out first. Underneath are two switches. Stand on both with the help of your partner to lower a platform that will let you bridge the gap to the right. Jump across and you will come to a steam curtain. Force pull the faucet to the left of the steam to suspend it. Your partner will run under and pull a switch to permanently shut it off. You can then run through. Next, there is a round blue and white thing in the wall. On the ground are two red things. Like my technical terms? Anyway, use the Force to put one of the red things back into the wall. Your partner will do the other. This will cause the entire round thing to become targetable. Use the Force on it for a few seconds to raise a walkway to the right. Then, enjoy some more Lego dueling. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 5 ~~~~~~~~~ You are now on some long, horizontal objects. Hop north across a handful of them. Do not dawdle, the ground is sinking. Again, if you die at any point you just restart the section. At the end are a bunch of small platforms floating on the lava. You need to jump across them to the north. Thankfully, the path is laid out for you in the form of studs. Jump north, northwest, northwest, northeast, northeast, north and north. When you make the final jump you will be on a tall tower of sorts. It is fallen over. Jump up its ledges to the top as quickly as you can. It looks steep, but you can stand on its sides. As it falls, the jumps become easier, but you have less time. You will have to make the final jump off of the tower before it sinks. Jump north to the obsidian ground. Take a few steps north to trigger the epic duel between Obi-Wan and Vader. ~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 4 ~~~~~~~~~ BOSS BATTLE - DARTH VADER / ANAKIN SKYWALKER Anakin has ten hearts, like practically every other boss. This time, however, you have ten hearts as well! Anakin does not have any special moves or anything. This is a standard Jedi on Jedi fight. Use jumping attacks for easy hits. Anakin uses the typical two and three swing combos, each of which has a delay afterwards. Wait for his combo to end and then jump in for a hit. You can also knock Anakin into the lava to score a hit. As always in this level, there is catch. The ground is dropping out, so you need to move fast. If you die, you will have to replay the entire section (in other words, restart the duel from ten hearts each). If you are really having a problem, there is a simple trick / glitch to defeat Anakin easily. See section 12: Glitches for more info. Note: When you play this section in Free Play Mode, your partner will magically transform into a saber-wielder for this duel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Darth Sidious is available from Dexster for 150,000 studs. Enjoy the final cutscene. You have completed story mode. There is still much to do, though... ============================================================================ 5. Characters ============================================================================ This section lists all of the playable characters in the game (in the order they appear on the character selection screen). For each character, there is a list of their special abilities, a description of how to unlock the character (without using any codes), and any notes on the character. When listing special abilities, I will use the following term: Force - Can use [circle] to use the Force and move / destroy objects. Dark - Can use the Force on black objects. Hover - Can hover using X. Flying - Can fly a short distance above the ground by pressing X. Shock - Can shock droids. Grapple - Can use red grapple circles. Astro - Can unlock access panels picturing an Astromech. Protocol - Can unlock access panels picturing a protocol droid. Jump - Can jump Double - Can double jump Super - Has extra height on his jump and double jump. Disguise - Will not be attacked by droids. Small - Can climb through small holes. Blocking - Can block weapons and deflect blaster fire. Shield - Impervious to blaster fire. Note: To purchase a character, talk to Dexster at the diner counter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qui-Gon Jinn ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Green) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: You start the game with him. Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Obi-Wan and Anakin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obi-Wan Kenobi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: You start the game with him. Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Qui-Gon and Anakin. Moves are like the other versions of Obi-Wan. ~~~~~ TC-14 ~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Protocol, Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 1 Notes: As far as I know, there is no difference between TC-14 and C-3P0. In free play, you always want a protocol droid with you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jar Jar Binks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Jump, Double, Super How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 2 Notes: Jar Jar is, unfortunately, one of the most essential characters in the game. You will always want him on your team in free play mode to get to heights that no other character can quite reach. It seems like Jar Jar can even jump higher than other super jumpers like Grievous and his Bodyguards. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Queen Amidala ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 3 Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Captain Panaka ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 3 Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Padme (Battle) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 5 Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. ~~~~~ R2-D2 ~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Shock, Astro, Hover, Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 5, Episode II - Chapter 2, or Episode III - Chapter 2 Notes: Appears to be the same as R4-P17. In free play, you will always want one of the two. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anakin Skywalker (Boy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Small, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 5 Notes: Boy Anakin is one of two small characters in the game (the other being Boba Fett), so when you are free playing you will always want one or the other on your team. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 1 Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Qui-Gon and Anakin. Moves are like the other versions of Obi-Wan. ~~~~~~ R4-P17 ~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Hover, Shock, Astro, Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 1 Notes: Appears to be the same as R2-D2. In free play, you will always want one of the two on your team. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 2 Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Moves just like the other versions of Anakin (except Boy). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Padme (White) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 2 Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. For some reason, there are two characters called Padme. I will refer to them by the color of their clothes: white or blue. ~~~~~ C-3P0 ~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Protocol, Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 2 Notes: As far as I know, there is no difference between TC-14 and C-3P0. In free play, you always want a protocol droid with you. ~~~~~~~~~~ Mace Windu ~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Purple) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 Notes: His attacks are slower than other Jedi and he jumps a bit awkwardly. It seems like his attacks are blocked less often, however. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Padme (Clawed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. ~~~~ Yoda ~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Green) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking, Flying How to Get: Complete either Episode II - Chapter 5 or Episode III - Chapter 4 Notes: As cool as Yoda is, he is annoying. He has three "modes". In his walking mode, he moves very slowly with a cane. Jump to put him into his floating mode. Here he moves very quickly and can use the Force. Attacking puts him in attack mode. He is extremely fast in this mode, but he cannot walk. He can only jump and spin. The end result is that he moves just like does in the movies when he is fighting. But it is tough to control. Basically, you will use him on the required story missions and then put him down because he is too darn tough to control. It also looks like he uses the Force a bit faster than other characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 2 Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Qui-Gon and Anakin. Moves just like the other versions of Obi-Wan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Blocking, Jump, Double How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 2 Notes: Standard Jedi similar to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Moves just like the other versions of Anakin (except Boy). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chancellor Palpatine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Jump How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 2 Notes: He does just slightly more than the Gonk Droid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Commander Cody ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 3 Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~ Chewbacca ~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Bowcaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 Notes: Wookiee bowcasters fire faster than blasters. ~~~~~~~ Wookiee ~~~~~~~ Weapon: Bowcaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 Notes: Wookiee bowcasters fire faster than blasters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Red) Abilities: Force, Dark, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode IV - A New Hope Notes: It's Darth Vader, how cool is that? He's essentially just a standard Jedi, except he can move black objects as well. His saber moves use some of Vader's signature one-handed swings. The only down side of Vader is that the breathing sounds seem to come and go as you attack, jump and use the Force. It can actually be quite annoying. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stormtrooper ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode IV - A New Hope Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~ Gonk Droid ~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Disguise How to Get: Available from start to purchase for 250 studs Notes: He is slow and he does not do anything, from what I can tell. ~~~~~~~~ PK Droid ~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Abilities: How to Get: Available from start to purchase for 350 studs Notes: Useless. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Droid (Security) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 1 and purchase for 300 studs. Notes: Standard battle droid with slow rate of fire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Droid ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 1 and purchase for 200 studs Notes: Standard battle droid with slow rate of fire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Droid (Commander) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Attack: Standard blaster fire with slow shooting rate. Abilities: Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 1 and purchase for 1,000 studs Notes: Pressing [circle] will cause him to pull out a walkie-talkie and say "Roger Roger". This does not appear to actually do anything though. Other than that, standard battle droid with slow rate of fire. ~~~~~~~~ Droideka ~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Shield How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 1 and purchase for 10,000 studs Notes: The droideka fires twin guns of two blasts each. These blasts fire in rapid succession. The droideka is unique because it is the only character in the game with a shield. When stationary, blaster fire will simply bounce off. This is a nice feature, although by the time you are free playing, you will probably have invinvibility anyway. He fires quickly, but again invincibility makes that fairly moot. He rolls when he moves, making controlling the Droideka very difficult. Try it out for a change, but you will not want to use him frequently. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Royal Guard ~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 3 and purchase for 800 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Padme (Blue) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 3 and purchase for 800 studs Notes: A standard blaster user, just like the various troopers. For some reason, there are two characters called Padme. I will refer to them by the color of their clothes: white or blue. ~~~~~~~~~~ Darth Maul ~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Dual-bladed Lightsaber (Red) Abilities: Force, Dark, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode I - Chapter 6 and purchase for 15,000 studs Notes: Darth Maul has faster attacks. His dual-saber functions pretty much like a regular one. ~~~~~ Clone ~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 1 and purchase for 2,000 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~ Geonosian ~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Abilities: Flying How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 2 and purchase for 2,000 studs Notes: Nothing special about this guy. He can fly a short height off the ground, but if you try to fly him over unstable (or non-existent) ground, he will die. For your flying needs, you are better served by the astromech hover ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Droid (Geonosis) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Disguise How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 2 and purchase for 300 studs Notes: Standard battle droid with slow rate of fire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Super Battle Droid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: None How to Get: Complete either Episode II - Chapter 3 or Episode III - Chapter 2 and then purchase for 5,000 studs Notes: I do not think this guy has anything special. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jango Fett ~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Dual Blasters Abilities: Flying, Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 5,000 studs Notes: Jango's got dual blasters, so he shoots double the power. He also has grapple. His flying is pretty weak, as he suffers from the same limitations as the Geonosian. Still, his dual blasters make him the best blaster wielding character in the game. He is not strictly necessary, though. ~~~~~~~~~ Boba Fett ~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: None Abilities: Small How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 800 studs Notes: Along with Anakin Skywalker (Boy), one of the only two characters in the game. None of us like Jake Lloyd, so you will probably prefer Boba instead. ~~~~~~~~ Luminara ~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Green) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 20,000 studs Notes: A standard Jedi. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ki-Adi Mundi ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 25,000 studs Notes: Faster on the attack than the average Jedi. ~~~~~~~~~ Kit Fisto ~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Green) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 35,000 studs Notes: A standard Jedi, seems a bit slower though. ~~~~~~~~ Shaak Ti ~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Blue) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode II - Chapter 3 and purchase for 15,000 studs Notes: A standard Jedi. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Count Dooku ~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Red) Abilities: Force, Dark, Jump, Double, Super, Blocking How to Get: Complete either Episode II - Chapter 5 or Episode III - Chapter 2 and then purchase for 45,000 studs Notes: Dooku's saber attacks are a bit slower than normal. He uses a blade down attack pattern. He can jump a bit higher than other Jedi. He is one of my favorite dark Force users, as he does not have any annoying quirks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grievous' Bodyguard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Staff Abilities: Jump, Super, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 2 and purchase for 30,000 studs Notes: The bodyguard is a unique blend of talents. He has a high jump (but not a double jump) and he can block. His staff functions just like a lightsaber, linking into combos, blocking and deflecting. He does not have a double jump, but his single jump attack is the ground pound attack instead of the usual flying lunge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General Grievous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: 4 Lightsabers (2x Green, 2x Blue) Abilities: Jump, Double, Super, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 3 and purchase for 200,000 studs Notes: Grievous is pretty much the best attacking character in the game. His double jump makes him even better. There is a reason that he is so darn expensive. Grievous has some crazy combos, one of which is a spinning move with sabers all around. He also does a lot of back flips very easily. In general he is very agile. He bounces on his jump attacks. His single jump attack in particular can take out two enemies at once fairly easily (if they are space appropriately). The only downside to Grievous is that he cannot use the Force, so you will find yourself frequently switching to other characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone (Episode III) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 and purchase for 600 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone (Episode III, Pilot) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 and purchase for 700 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone (Episode III, Swamp) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 and purchase for 800 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clone (Episode III, Walker) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 4 and purchase for 2,500 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mace Windu (Episode III) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Purple) Abilities: Force, Jump, Double, Block How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 5 and purchase for 30,000 studs Notes: Just like the other Mace Windu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disguised Clone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Grapple, Jump How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 5 and purchase for 2,750 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darth Sidious ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Lightsaber (Red) Abilities: Force, Dark, Jump, Double, Blocking How to Get: Complete Episode III - Chapter 6 and purchase for 150,000 studs. Notes: His lightsaber style involves a lot of spinning, which can be quite annoying. His jump attack is a point first saber dive and his double jump attack is a point first ground pound. In fact, he spins pretty much any time you just jump. As cool as it is to play as the Emperor, this guy is a bit annoying. His saber style takes awhile to get used it. It is really all a question of if the coolness factor is worth the annoyance, but that is true of most of the coolest characters in this game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebel Trooper ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode IV - A New Hope and purchase for 1,000 studs Notes: A standard trooper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Princess Leia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon: Blaster Abilities: Jump, Grapple How to Get: Complete Episode IV - A New Hope and purchase for 50,000 studs Notes: A standard trooper, with buns on her head. ============================================================================ 6. True Jedi Status ============================================================================ You can attain True Jedi Status in a chapter by collecting a certain number of studs in that chapter. Whenever you collect a stud, a Jedi Meter bar will appear on the top of the screen indicating how close you are to True Jedi Status. When you fill the bar, it will flash. Then complete the level to earn a piece of the game's super-kit vehicle: a Rebel Blockade Runner. Gaining True Jedi Status on all 17 chapters will complete the blockade runner and unlock the game's secret level (see Section 7: Secret Level Walkthrough). Also note that you lose studs when you die you. You will lose 1,000 for falling off a ledge and 2,000 for running out of hearts. Tip: If you are having problems with collecting enough studs because of dying, purchase the Invincibility extra. You will not lose any studs then, even if you fall off a ledge! Note: If you fill the Jedi Meter completely (to the point where it is flashing) and then die, you will still retain your True Jedi Status, even if you lose studs. Note: You must complete the chapter after filling the Jedi Meter in order to have it count. The following is the approximate totals needed to achieve True Jedi Status in each chapter. Most levels have more than enough studs, although there are a few chapters that can be difficult. Episode Chapter Studs Required ------- ------- -------------- I 1 Approx 22,200 I 2 Approx 40,600 I 3 Approx 61,700 I 4 Approx 25,000 I 5 Approx 59,300 I 6 Approx 42,800 ------- ------- -------------- II 1 Approx 46,000 II 2 Approx 25,000 II 3 Approx 6,000 II 4 Approx 20,000 II 5 Approx 5,000 ------- ------- -------------- III 1 Approx 20,000 III 2 Approx 43,500 III 3 Approx 6,800 III 4 Approx 60,100 III 5 Approx 54,000 III 6 Approx 14,000 ============================================================================ 7. Secret Level Walkthrough ============================================================================ Characters: Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Stormtrooper To access the secret level, acquire True Jedi Status on all 17 of the main chapters. This will open the "?" door (next to Episode III). Enter the door to begin the secret level: Episode IV - A New Hope. The secret level contains no canisters and has no Jedi Meter (so you cannot achieve True Jedi Status). Basically, you will want to play it for enjoyment, for some easy access to blue studs and to unlock some slick characters. It is short and sweet and is a great for quickly collecting studs. A trip through on free play mode can net anywhere from 70,000 to 120,000 studs, depending on how quickly you blaze through. The level consists of a main section with some corridors that branch in four directions. Three of the directions take you to new sections with puzzles and studs in them. The last direction takes you to Princess Leia and the end of the level. From the start, go through the north door. In the corridor, a few rebel troopers will attack. Destroy the corridor walls with double jump attacks to reveal several easy blue studs. Exit to the room in the north. This room has corridors leading out to the left and right. These corridors are littered with objects to destroy (with a saber or the Force). They will net you lots of blue studs. The door to the north is locked with a protocol access panel. Down the right corridor is a room with a bunch of colored bricks. You need to use the Force on these bricks to spell out LEGO. The yellow are "L", the blue are "E", the green are "G" and the red are "O". Spell LEGO and it will rain tons of blue studs. The left corridor leads to a room with the protocol droid you need (it appears to be Threepio). He is stuck in a glass tube in the middle of the room. Around him are nine switches encased in glass. Break the glass over the switches will some jump attacks. Start on the switch to the protocol droid's left (the middle switch on the northwest side). Run counterclockwise around the switches and you should have no problem lighting them all. You will need to go fast. You want to do it in this order because the switch one spot clockwise of where you start shuts off very quickly. Head back and use Threepio to get you into the next corridor, which is exactly like the very first. Again, you can use double jump attacks to destroy the walls and claim several blue studs. You will have to use Threepio again at the end of the hall to open the door. From this next room, the left corridor leads to another puzzle room. There is a large transparent blue tube in the center. Use the Force on the three piles of bricks and gears around the room to reassemble a device in the center of the room. Use the Force on the completed device to turn on the fans in the four corners of the room. You can then use the fans to float up to some blue studs. The fan shuts off rather quickly, so you will need to restart it for each corner. I generally find this room to take too long. In the time it takes to get the fans going four times you could be halfway through an entire next run of the level. Down the right hallway, you will need to destroy some barrels at the end. Behind them on the left side of the door is a protocol access panel. Open it with Threepio and head in to complete the level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITEMS UNLOCKED ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) is gained (for free). - Stormtrooper is gained (for free). - Rebel Trooper is available from Dexster for 1,000 studs. - Princess Leia is available from Dexster for 50,000 studs. ============================================================================ 8. Lego Canisters ============================================================================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.A - Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten Lego Canisters are hidden throughout each of the 17 main chapters (the secret level has no canisters). Each canister collected will contribute one piece to a Mini-kit vehicle. Collect all 10 canisters in a level to complete the chapter's vehicle and receive a 50,000 stud bonus. You must complete the chapter to register any canisters you collect. This means that in order to get any kit, you will need all of the characters that just get you through the level in additional to any special characters required for canisters. You can view the progress of your Mini-kit vehicles in the diner parking lot. Aside from the stud bonus and being able to view them in the parking lot, you do not get anything from completing the kits, even if you complete them all! Note that many canisters cannot be reached in story mode. Instead, you will have to enter the level in free play mode to get them. This guide assumes you are in free play mode, as the chapters at times change a bit between story and free play. Many canisters are found in areas with infinite respawn enemies or bosses, so invincibility is a very nice thing to have when you are searching for these locations. Below is a complete list of canister locations for all 17 levels. The list also includes any special characters necessary to reach the canister. This is a location guide, and not a walkthrough. As such, each container's location is described from either the start of the level, or from an easily recognizable landmark (like the beginning of a new section). I like this way better, since it makes it easier to find ones you missed on your own (you do not have to trudge all the way through my ordering). Note that I will refer to different "sections" of a chapter. I define a section as a major area of the level. Every time you go through a door and a new area loads up, you are in a new section. If you are not sure to which section I am referring, reference the story mode walkthrough. I will also try to give a brief description of where you are at the beginning of the section to help tip you off to which one I mean. For example, if you are in the Negotiations level and I mention that you start the second section on a ledge by the door, you should be able to find where I am talking about. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.B - Picking Your Team ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In free play mode you will have a team of characters at your disposal. You will be able to manually select two, and the computer will pick the rest. In two player, when you select free play, both players will be prompted to pick a character. In single play mode you will be able to select one character and your current partner character will be the other. Note that you can do some tagging out in the diner to set your partner character if you want to be precise about both your selectable characters. To get all of the canisters, you are going to needs some specific character types on your team. The computer does a pretty good job rounding out your group, but does occasionally miss some necessary characters. In that case, exit the level through the start menu and reenter the level. The following is a list of what types of characters you will need to get all of the canisters (although some chapters do not require all of these types). It also includes some observations on the computers ability to select a character of that type for you if you do not manually bring one in. Not all of these types are available off the bat. You will need to play some levels and do some purchasing to fill out your slate. If you do not feel like reading the list, my suggestions for your two selectable characters are Jar Jar and a grappler. If you do not feel like spending time getting that second character (which is typically unnecessary), then just choose Jar Jar at the select menu when you start the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dark Force User ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have put any amount of playing time into this game, you will know that you cannot get anywhere without some one to manipulate the Force. I have yet to see the computer not supplement my team with a Force user if I need one. In fact, the computer almost always will make sure you have a Dark Force user on your team. So that leads us to... Occasionally you will need to move black objects with the Force. Any Dark Force user will work. Note that any character that satisfies this ability also is a general Force user. So really, just make sure you've got a Sith on the team. If you do not bring one, it seems the computer will always give you one. You will have to buy a Sith at some point from Dexster. My personal picks are Count Dooku for his slightly higher jump and Maul for his slightly faster attacks. ~~~~~~~~~ Astromech ~~~~~~~~~ You will need both the hover and the access panel unlocking of an astromech. Which of the two you pick is irrelevant. It seems that the computer will always supplement you with one of these if you do not bring one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Protocol Droid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will need either TC-14 or C-3P0 to open protocol access panels. Again, it seems the computer will always make sure you have one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Small Character ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few canisters that will require either boy Anakin or Boba Fett to crawl through a small space to get a canister. Either one works. I cannot recall a situation where the computer did not provide one, though I am not sure it always does. ~~~~~~~~ Grappler ~~~~~~~~ Any character with the grappling ability will work. This is any trooper, clone, Wookiee or Padme. Not all characters with blasters have ascension guns though, so do not just grab a battle droid. I have occasionally entered free play and not been given one of these, so I recommend you fill one of your two selectable picks with a grappler. Some canisters require you to shoot at targets. Of course, anyone with a grapple also has a blaster, so as long as you have a grappler you are gold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ High Jumper ~~~~~~~~~~~ Probably the single most important attribute you will need is high jumping. You can probably reach most canisters with Grievous, but I would go with Jar Jar to be safe. I have entered free play mode and not been given Jar Jar, so I would recommend that he be your top choice for selectable character when entering a chapter to search for canisters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.C - Episode I - Chapter 1 - Negotiations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requires: Force User, Astromech, Protocol Droid Small Character, High Jumper Vehicle Unlocked: Republic Cruiser ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Required Force User Go to the first corridor just north of the starting room. Walk past the first junction. Along the corridor are six blue switches on the walls, three on each side. Pull all six switches to cause the canister to appear at the end of the hall. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Protocol Droid Head to the first corridor north of the starting room. At the first junction, turn left to see a locked door. Use a protocol droid to open the door and head through to enter a new section of the level. The canister can be seen behind a force field to the left. Some battle droids surround it. To open it up, step on one of the black switches at the end of the large, black edifice. Your partner will stand on the other. This will open the field. Kill the droids and snag the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Protocol Droid, Small Character, Higher Jumper or Force User Head all the way to end of the first corridor and turn left to find a door with protocol access. Open it and head through. In this next room you will see the canister on a ledge in the upper right. Unfortunately, it is guarded by a force field. On the right wall near the north is a crawlspace. Crawl through and you will end up right next to a switch. Hit it to kill the force fields. You can get up to the ledge on the right by jumping up with a high jumper like Jar Jar. You could also use a Force user to stack the boxes in the room and use them to jump up to the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User Go all the way down the first corridor and turn right. Along this corridor are six purple switches, three on each side. Flip all six and the canister will appear at the end of the hallway. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech, High Jumper Head all the way down the first corridor and take a right. Halfway down this corridor turn left to find an astromech door. Open it and head through to a new section. The canister is floating in the middle of the room in this section. There is a platform on the right wall (below the grate). Get on to the platform and use a high jumper to leap to the canister. It is a long jump, but you can make it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech, Force User, High Jumper Head all the way down the first corridor and take a right. Hallway down the this corridor turn left to find an astromech door. Open it and head through to a new section. This is the same room as the canister #5. In this room, use the force on the damaged droid fighter. This will cause it to fly away through the blue force field. You will notice a grate up on the wall to the right. Use the Force to pull it off. To get up to the opening, use the platform below it and a high jumper. Head through the vent to get to a new section. Drop down and switch to an astromech. Hover across the gap to the right. The droid fighter will be sitting over here. The canister is directly above the fighter. Jump onto the fighter and then use a high jumper to super jump straight up. To get back out, you will have to access the astromech panel on the north end of the right wall. It shuts down the force field. Then just hover back across and walk into the previous room. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User Head down the first hall and hang a right at the end. All the way down at the end this corridor, face right. Use a protocol droid to pass through two sets of doors. This final room of the section has a grate on the wall. Force pull it off the wall and it will form a table. From atop the table, double jump straight up and you should nab the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Double Jumper You start the second section on a ledge. The canister is on the ledge to the left. You can do a double jump to reach the ledge. Jump out from the ledge you are on and then use your second jump to angle back in at the ledge. It is slightly tricky, but possible. Otherwise, there is a big box and two small ones on the ground that can be stacked (big one on the bottom). You can then use a high jumper to reach the ledge and the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force user, Astromech From the start of the second section, go left to find a door up on a ledge on the north wall. There is a large, transparent tank of some sort below the ledge. Force it to move it out a bit. You can then double jump up on to the ledge. Switch to an astromech to open the door. Head through to a new section. In this room is a small puzzle. You can see the canister right in front of you under a glass tube. Stand on the gray switch. Your partner will stand on the red. This will raise you up a bit. You can now double jump into either the left or right tanks. Inside of each tank is a red switch near the front. Walk around inside until you find it. Stepping on the switch will lower the front of the tank, allowing you to walk out. Do this for both tanks. Now, step on one of the switches inside one of the opened tanks. Your partner will step on the other. This lifts the glass around the canister so you can grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force user In the second section, head right from the start. When you go down the ramp you should see a canister hovering above you. There are some blocks to the north. Stack the big one and then the small ones using the Force. There is also a small sparking switch on the wall right next to the blocks. Pulling it will cause a platform above to move back and forth. Climb the stack and jump onto the moving platform. It will take you right to the canister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.D - Episode I - Chapter 2 - Invasion of Naboo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, Blaster, Small Character Vehicle Unlocked: Gungan Bongo ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Blaster, Double Jumper From the start, head north a little and take the first right. At the end of the path is a target on a tree. Shoot the target and a canister will appear above you. You can just jump and shoot midair to hit the target (or you could stack the rocks). Double jump to get it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User From the start, go north to the fallen tree blocking the path. You need to use the Force on the tree to continue. Once the tree is upright, you can destroy it part by part. Completely destroy the tree and a canister will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the first section there is a brown deploy ship that you blow up to continue. The canister is above this ship. After blowing it up, the base of the ship will remain, including a slightly raised part on the left side. Stand on this part and double jump straight up to get a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User After you blow up the brown landing ship in the first section, proceed to chop up what is left. When you completely destroy it, there will be a small hole in the ground. The canister is down below ground level in this hole. Just drop in to get it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper Right before you get to the stairs in the first section, use the Force to pull up the flowers to the left. One of them has a brick under it. Use the Force on the brick and it will fly north to the steps. Hop on to it and do a super jump straight up for a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the second section, after you go right for awhile the path with curve south. Here, you will have to use the Force on some blocks up on a ledge to create a platform needed to cross a pit. After you move the blocks, high jump up to the ledge they were on. There is a canister sitting right there in plain sight. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the third section, run right a little bit from the start and you will have to move some bricks to get a tree to fall and create a ramp. After moving the bricks, they will form a small ledge to the south. Hop down to it for a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Small Character After climbing the tree ramp in the third section, continue right and there will be a crawlspace on the wall. Climb in for a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User Just to the right of the really big, shiny swamp in the third section there is a cave in the north wall blocked by some beams. Use the Force to move the beams and enter the cave for a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the final section there is a broken statue on the left side just outside the cave that you start in. You need to use the Force to assemble the statue correctly. Move the feet, then the arms, then the head. When the status is complete a canister will appear within easy reach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.E - Episode I - Chapter 3 - Escape From Naboo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, High Jumper, Grappler, Small Character Vehicle Unlocked: Royal Starship ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper At the very beginning of the chapter, there is a canister floating in the northwest corner of the plaza (just south of the grapple marker). On the north wall are four pairs of brown doors. You can destroy these doors for studs. In between the doors are three columns. Use the Force on each column and it will become a block in the middle of the plaza. Use the Force on each of the three blocks and they will stack right below the canister. Switch to a high jumper, get on the stack and jump straight up. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Double Jumper Just before the exit of the first section, there are two discolored patches on the wall, one above the other. Use the Force on the bottom patch to form a step. Hop up and use the Force on the upper patch to make another step up and to the right. Use a high jumper to reach it. Then, use an Astromech to hover over to the right. The canister is in the corner in the middle of some green vines. It is also possible to get this canister another way. Below it are two barrels you can break. Instead, hop on to the left one and use it to jump up. You should be able to get the canister with just a double jumper then. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the start of the second section (with the downwards stairs to the north), head directly south to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech, Grappler In the third section, you will walk to the right behind some walls and then bust out through a large semi-circle window. Outside of the window, if you go all of the way to the left you will see a grapple hook on the edge of your level. Hop over the ledge here and fall down to the left. From here, hop down over the left edge again. To the left will be a big gap, with some battle droids on the other side. Hop onto the ledge, switch to an Astromech and hover across the gap. On the other side, grapple up to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third section, you will walk to the right behind some walls and then bust out through a large semi-circle window. Outside of the window, if you go all of the way to the left you will see a grapple hook on the edge of your level. Hop over the ledge here and fall down to the left. From here, hop down over the south edge. Head all of the way to the right on this ledge to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler, Small Character In the fourth section you will hop down a round hole and then head right. Eventually there will be a grapple mark up some stairs along the north wall. Grapple up and there will be a crawlspace to the left. Crawl through and go left up a few steps for a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the fourth section you will hop down a round hole and then head right. Eventually there will be a grapple mark up some stairs along the north wall. Grapple up and head left (past the crawlspace) and down some stairs to find another grapple marker. Use it to cross onto a balcony. The canister is in the alcove on this balcony. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the last section (with the green domes), step on the switch on the middle large green dome. A cut scene will show you the exit opening. However, if you backtrack a bit you will see that this switch also opened the north most of the first set of three small domes. Beneath it is a breakable grate housing a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper In the last section there are four trees forming a square around the middle large green dome. Destroy these trees. Their empty pots will be movable with the Force. They will stack at the center of the middle green dome. After you have stacked all four, jump onto the stack and use a high jumper to leap straight up to reach the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the very end of the level you have to smash a green cage and drop through a hole (which ends the chapter). Above this hole is the last canister. You literally cannot exit the chapter without getting it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.F - Episode I - Chapter 4 - Mos Espa Podrace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: None Vehicle Unlocked: Sebulba's Pod This is one of the few chapters in which you can get all ten canisters in story mode (because there is no free play mode). You do not need any special characters. It is worth noting here that if you die and have to restart a stretch of the race, you will not lose any canisters you have collected. So if you need to slow down to get a canister, do not worry. You may have to redo that part of the race, but you'll still have the canister. The canisters in this chapter are encased in spinning gray objects. Just crash into them to collect the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the first leg of each lap there is a wooden fence on the right at the turn after the pits. Crash through the fence and up head up the ramp behind it. The canister is at the very end of the ramp on the left edge. You can get it on any lap, although you'll have more time to spare on the first. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the first leg, inside the cave you will make a left turn. The canister is on the left side right after that turn. You can get it on any lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second leg, hit the leftmost accelerator. Then, hit the next leftmost accelerator. The canister is right behind this accelerator. Get this on the first lap before you have to deal with boulders. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second leg, after getting out of the wide area with Tuskens shooting, you will come to a narrow area with several poles in a row. The canister is in between these poles. You can get it on any lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second leg you will come to side by side accelerators (after the first wide area and the canyon beyond it). Behind these accelerators is a rock formation that splits the path for a short bit. Take the rightmost accelerator and the rightmost path. The canister is under the archway. You will miss the accelerator when you get this, so do it on the first lap, as you will be more pressed for time on laps 2 and 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the final wide clearing of the second leg (beyond where the path temporarily splits) the canister is on the right side. You can get it on any lap, although it does require jutting out a bit, so you are best to get it on the first lap when you have extra time. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third leg of the race, the third accelerator is off to the left. The canister is right after this accelerator. You can get it on any lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third leg, just beyond the fourth and last accelerator (its off to the right) is a line of poles. In the middle is the canister. You can get it on any lap. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second lap you will take the middle path on the first leg. Right after the cut scene you will hit an accelerator. The canister is right after it. You cannot miss it. You can only get this canister on lap two, but it should not be a problem at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the first leg of the third lap you will take the right path. At the end of the path you will pass through an accelerator in a narrow spot between some rocks. Right after this accelerator, stay right before the dip to hit the canister. You will miss an important accelerator unfortunately, so you may time out getting this one. You will still keep the canister though. This canister is ideally reached on lap 3. You may be able to get it by slowing way down on one of the earlier laps, but then you will certainly time out (although you will keep the canister). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.G - Episode I - Chapter 5 - Retake Theed Palace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Dark Force User, Grappler, High Jumper Vehicle Unlocked: Naboo Starfighter ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the big area with all of the droids just to the right of the start, there is a grapple marker on ground level in the right corner. Grapple up and there will be a canister behind some windows in front of you. Follow the ledge around to the left and then swing a right after hopping the fence. You will be in the room with canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the big area with all of the droids just to the right of the start, there is a grapple marker on ground level in the right corner. Grapple up and head left. Directly over the door there is a round window in the wall. Blast out the window and you can jump into the alcove and grab a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second section, head right and cross the gap. Enter the first round room. On the north side of the room is a statue. Destroy the statue to reveal a switch underneath. Stepping on the switch will open the wall and reveal a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Dark Force User From the first round room of the second section, head northwest and then northeast. You will come to a room with a bunch of red lights. There is also a black object in the middle of the room. Use a Sith to move it. From it, you can jump up to the right (where some battle droids are). You could also just use a high jumper to get up here. Up on top is a large red and black triangle shaped object. Use Dark Force on it and will explode to reveal a canister behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the area with the fountain, you use the Force to make a spiral staircase. At the top of the staircase, go right. There are some brown windows with greenery on them. Break them and you can enter the area behind. There is a canister sitting in here. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the section with the fountain you rebuild a bridge. After crossing the bridge, jump over the railing to the area to the south (there are a bunch of studs on it). On the left side of this area you can hop up to the north. On this ledge there is a gray part of the wall. Use the Force on it to form a step. Use it to jump up to the left. Follow the ledge up a few steps and to the left to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the fifth section, go right. You will come to a place where the south wall takes a bend and turns north. You will see a canister just on the other side of this ledge, down a level. Hop down and grab it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Grappler In the dining room, there are two tables (with chairs) left of the wide stairs (in the back of the room). Use the Force on them and they will stack off to the left. Use the stacked tables to jump up and get behind the pillars above. There is a grapple marker here. Grapple up and follow the ledge left, then south and then left. The canister is at the left end. You can also use a high jumper to get up instead of stacking tables and grappling. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Grappler In the hanger, there is a lone pilot you need to free in the corner opposite the entrance. He is up on a ledge with a battle droid. There is a grapple marker on the ledge. Using it will take you directly to a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper, Force User In the hanger you rescue two pilots who are up in an alcove above a door on the north wall. To get up there, you and your partner both got on blocks and levitated up. From this alcove, leap to the ledge on the upper right with a high jumper. Follow the ledge going right. At the end, leap to the ledge that goes over the main hanger doors. Follow this ledge to the end and you will reach a platform with a canister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.H - Episode I - Chapter 6 - Darth Maul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, High Jumper, Astromech, Grappler Vehicle Unlocked: Sith Infiltrator ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper In the first hanger, there is a broken Naboo fighter to the left. The canister is in the air high above this fighter. Use the Force on its broken engine (laying on the ground). This will repair the fighter, which will begin to hover a distance off the ground. Jump on to the fighter and then use Jar Jar to super jump straight up to the canister. Pulling the two switches behind the fighter will open the hanger door, causing the fighter to fly away. There are lots of studs on the ledge outside, but you will no longer be able to reach the canister. Make sure to grab it before you pull the switches. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the first hanger, there is a Naboo fighter to the right. A canister floats above it. You can either get it with a high jumper or you can use the Force on the fighter, causing it to rise slightly, and then double jump up to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Astromech In the first hanger, there are a pair of yellow platforms flanking the exit door to the north. Hop on one and your partner will switch to a Jedi (or Sith) and hope on the other. Use the Force on his platform and he will then use the Force on yours. The two platforms will rise together. At the top, hop off onto the ledge between them. Switch to astromech and use the access panel on the left wall (which is a bit tricky to line up with properly). This will open the wall behind you. Head through to a new section. In this room you will have to fight lots of droids. They seem like they just keep coming, but they will stop eventually. Once they do, you need to light up the ten switches in the room at the same time. They go out pretty quickly after you step on them. The trick is to start at the end closest to the north wall. Run down one of the columns of switches. After you hit the second switch, the computer will start running your partner down the other column. After you get all five of yours, hit the last switch on the other side as well. When you get them all lit, the canister appears at the north end of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second section (with the circular walkways), stay on the level that you enter the room on (do not jump up at all). Follow the walkway to the grating. Follow the grating all the way to the right. It will circle around the central pillar and you will have to make a few jumps. Eventually you will get off the grating. Continue right and you will reach a canister way at the end hidden in an alcove. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler, High Jumper, Force User In the second section, hop up a level at the beginning of the circular grating. Follow it right and hop up on to the gold grating. From the gold grating, jump across to the grapple marker. Switch to a grappler and grapple up. Switch to a high jumper and leap to the platform above and to the left. From here, jump on top of the central pillar (and collect a ton of studs). Walk all the way around to the right. You will be ambush by a squad of battle droids. After killing them, continue around to a yellow lift with a knob next to it. Use the Force on the knob a few times to raise the lift. Use a high jumper to get up on the left. The canister is straight up, so just jump up and grab it. As a note, if you try to head back around to the left, you will be ambushed by battle droids again. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech At the beginning of the third section, you will be on a semicircle platform. On the left side of the door you just passed through is an astromech access panel. This will cause a small platform off to the side to move back and forth. You can see the canister hovering out there. Jump on to the moving platform and ride it out to the canister, which you will pick up automatically. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech At the beginning of the third section, you will be on a semicircle platform. On the right side of the door you just passed through is an astromech access panel. This will cause a small platform off to the side to move back and forth. You can see the canister hovering out there. Jump on to the moving platform and ride it out to the canister, which you will pick up automatically. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper At various points during the Darth Maul duel in the final room, he will create three platforms and hop up on them. After you've gotten Maul off the first platform (by Forcing an object back at him), use a high jumper to get up on to the platform yourself. The canister is right above the platform. You can reach it by jumping straight up. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper At various points during the Darth Maul duel in the final room, he will create three platforms and hop up on them. After you've gotten Maul off the second platform (by Forcing an object back at him), use a high jumper to get up on to the platform yourself. The canister is right above the platform. You can reach it by jumping straight up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper At various points during the Darth Maul duel in the final room, he will create three platforms and hop up on them. After you've gotten Maul off the third platform (by Forcing an object back at him), use a high jumper to get up on to the platform yourself. The canister is right above the platform. You can reach it by jumping straight up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.I - Episode II - Chapter 1 - Discovery on Kamino ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Dark Force User, High Jumper, Grappler, Protocol, Small Character, Astromech Vehicle Unlocked: Jedi Starfighter ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper From the starting landing pad, follow the left walkway. At the end are some gears on the ground. Use the Force to move them. This will cause the circular area at the end of the platform to rise. Jump up on to it and switch to a high jumper. Vault straight up for the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech From the starting landing pad, go to the northeast walkway. The bridge is out, but you can see the canister on the other side behind glass. Use an astromech to hover across and the glass will open, allowing you to grab the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Protocol, Blaster, Small Character In the third section of the chapter, you will have to step on a bunch of blue pads on the ground to proceed. This will open a path to the northwest and to the northeast. To finish the chapter, you choose the northwest. Instead, take the northeast. At the end is a door locked by a protocol droid access. On the other side of the door is a big empty space with no floor, and a single platform with a switch. Either double jump or hover on to the platform and step on the switch. This will cause another platform to rise parallel to you. Your partner will jump on that on and hit the switch, bringing up the next one to your right. Cross over to it. On the wall to the north is a target. Switch to a character with a blaster and shoot it to extend a bridge. Cross the bridge to the room in the north. In this room are five switches and five crawlspaces. Crawling into one of them will land you inside one of the five tanks. Try the one on the far right for the canister in the middle. Your partner will then step on the switch in front of your tank to let you out. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Protocol In the third section of the chapter, you will have to step on a bunch of blue pads on the ground to proceed. This will open a path to the northwest and to the northeast. To finish the chapter, you choose the northwest. Instead, take the northeast. At the end is a door locked by a protocol droid access. On the other side of the door is a big empty space with no floor, and a single platform with a switch. Either double jump or hover on to the platform and step on the switch. This will cause another platform to rise parallel to you. Your partner will jump on that on and hit the switch, bringing up the next one to your right. Cross over to it and step on the switch. Your partner will do the same. Do this once more and the ledge to the right will lower (once you are both standing on the rightmost two switches). Take a jump over on to it. In the center you will have to use the Force twice to open some flaps over a lift. Hop on the lift and jump up to the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the third section, after you step on all of the blue pads, take the northwest corridor. Along the walls will be some rotating blue switches, three per side. Use the Force on all six (not at the same time of course) and the canister will materialize at the end of the hallway. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In Jango Fett's room, there is a block dispenser on right side of the back wall. Use the Force on it to make it spew out some bricks. Do this a few times and the bricks piled on the floor will become targetable. Use the Force on them to complete Jango's picture to the left. This unlocks the canister in the wall. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the corridor outside of Jango's room, head north and enter the door on the left. Inside is a simple floor pad puzzle. Two pads are lit. Step on both of them (step on one and your partner will get the other) and two more will light. Repeat until all of them are lit to cue up the Star Wars disco. A canister will appear on the north side of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ From the corridor outside of Jango's room, go into the last door on the right (you need to go in here anyway to follow Jango). Inside the room is a canister stuck in the wall. On either side of the canister are a triangle of wall lights. In front of each is a corresponding triangle of floor pads. Step on the pads to match the pattern lit up on the wall (you step on one and your partner will step on the other). Do this for three patterns and the canister is yours. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler, Protocol Late in the level you will end up outside on some walkways triggering Jango's bombs. After this, follow the walkway all of the way to the right to find a grapple marker. On top, there will be a raised lift and a protocol access panel. Use the protocol panel to lower the lift. Behind the lift on the wall are three targets. Switch to a grappler and hop on the lift. As it goes up, shoot the three targets. If you miss any you will have to reuse the access panel to lower the lift and try again. Once you get all three in a row, hop down off the lift and claim the canister in the wall to the north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Dark Force User In the final interior hallway of the level (the one where you have to shut some tubes spewing out floating droids), there is a black door on the left side of the corridor. Target it with a dark Force user (a Jedi will not work) and use the Force on it. It will open, allowing access to a new room. Inside, you will see the canister to the left stuck behind a force field. On either side will be a tube and a round red knob. Use the Force on the knob. Your partner will do the same. This will cause a bunch of droids to pour into the room, but will also unlock the canister. Kill the droids and grab it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.J - Episode II - Chapter 2 - Droid Factory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, Astromech, High Jumper, Grappler Vehicle Unlocked: Droideka ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start of the level, head south (facing the camera). At the end of the corridor is a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper or Small Character You begin the second section (with the conveyor belt) on a ledge. There are some platforms off to the left at the end of the conveyor belt. From the doorway, you can run out and double jump on to the bottom platform. The ledge you start on will contract. If it does so all of the way, you will need to use a high jumper to get back to the doorway and vault across. Once on the lower platform, you can either use a high jumper and some fancy jumping to get to the platform above, or you can just use a small character and the crawlspace. Either way, the canister is sitting on that upper platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Grappler, Astromech In the second section (with the conveyor belt), go all of the way to the far right. Along the north wall will be three round circles on the ground (which become fans if you pull the blades of the wall). There is a walkway extending south from the middle circle. Follow it to the end and you will find a knob to Force pull. This will move it into position. Force it again to rotate part of the walkway. Head right to the grapple marker. Switch to a grappler and zip up. Shoot the target on the wall. Beneath is an astromech panel to open the door. Open and enter. This next room has a simple puzzle. There is a tube on the right holding the canister. You need to unlock it. Along the north wall are four tubes. They are colored red, yellow, blue and black from left to right. The leftmost three have astromech access panels in the front of them. The fourth on has a colored circle on the front of it instead. You need to mix colors to match the colored panel on the four tube. The first color is green, so use your astromech to access the blue and yellow tubes (in any order). After a small animation, the target color becomes orange. That's red and yellow for all of you out there who have yet to pass kindergarten. The third color is, quite predictably, purple. Turn on the red and blue and the canister will unlock. You will need a double jumper to reach it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third section of the level (with the targets and smelting pots), you will activate a smelting pot that travels up and to the right. It is the first one (you activate it but grappling and shooting targets on either side). Hop in the pot and after it goes up and starts moving right, there will be a ledge to the north. The canister is visible on the left side of this ledge. Hop off the pot and on to the ledge. You can also hover over. Yet another way to get it is to use a high jumper. Grapple up on the right side of the pot and stand in front of the right target. A high jumper should be able to leap up and to the right and make the ledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech In the third section of the level (with the targets and smelting pots), you will activate a smelting pot that travels up and to the right. It's the first one (you activate it but grappling and shooting targets on either side). Hop in the pot and after it goes up and starts moving right, there will be a ledge to the north. Hop or hover across to this ledge and continue right. You can also reach the ledge with a high jumper by jumping from in front of the right target up to the ledge. Either way, once you're up there continue to the right. You will reach a door guarded by a droideka. An astromech access panel locks the door. Open and enter. Inside there will be a bunch of moving platforms. The canister is way off to the right. You will have to cross the moving platforms. You can do so with pretty much anyone. I prefer hovering with an astromech, as it is the most forgiving. Cross the five platforms, grab the canister and head back the way you came. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler The fourth section is the one with a large magma pit and some rotating platforms that you used to get Threepio across in story mode. From the entrance, jump to the ledge to the north and follow it right to the grappler marker. Grapple up and the canister will be directly above you. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper In the fifth section with terminate caves, follow the caves to the right. You will eventually come to a hole on the wall covered by Lego brick grating. Destroy the grating (it has three sections, I think you only technically need to destroy the left) and it will leave a pile of bricks off to the left. Use the Force on them to create a step. Hop onto it and use a high jumper to vault up and into a cave directly above. The canister is just sitting in the alcove. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech In the fifth section with terminate caves, follow the caves to the right. You will eventually come to a hole on the wall covered by Lego brick grating. Destroy all three sections of the grating. You can then enter the opening behind. Inside is simple maze puzzle. The room has a bunch of red force fields that you need to shut off in order to get to the canister. From the entrance, go right and use the astromech panel. Go back left and round a corner. Continue all of the way until the wall, where you will hang a left. At the end of this path is another astromech panel to unlock. Next, head through the small gap behind you and follow the path the only way that it goes. You will pass a dead end to the right and a small gap to the left, leading to another astromech panel. Unlock it and you've got just one more. Go right (around the canister) and unlock the panel on the wall. The canister is now unlocked. Head back left to get it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the fifth section (with the termite caves), you will exit on the far right through a door guarded by two droidekas and locked by a protocol panel. From this door, go south and around the corner to the right to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Astromech, High Jumper In the sixth section, near the two conveyor belts (one gives you a bomb to blow open a force field to the right) there is a canister suspend way up in midair. Use an astromech on the left access panel. The left conveyor will give you some gears and bricks. Use the Force on them (there are two piles on the belt) to create a lift and a switch. Hop on the left and your partner will Force the switch. Once you're up in the air, use a high jumper to jump straight up and snag the last canister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.K - Episode II - Chapter 3 - Jedi Battle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, High Jumper, Small Character Vehicle Unlocked: Republic Gunship This is a good example of a level you probably want invincibility on when you go canister hunting. I will use the three characters chained to poles as reference points. You will free these characters throughout the chapter, so I recommend getting the canisters first. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper There is a canister on a very high ledge behind Padme's pole to the right (just to the north of where you start). To get it, super jump to the ledge on the left and then up to the ledge with the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper There is a canister on an even higher ledge behind Padme's pole. When you collect canister #1, you will see the high ledge to the south. Super jump to the ledge on the left and then up to the ledge with canister #1. From the right side of this ledge, leap south to the small ledge with the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User Go right from Padme's pole and you will see a canister behind a gate in the wall. If you have reached Anakin's pole, you have gone to far. Force pull the switches on either side of the gate at the same time. Pull one and your partner will get the other. The gate will open and you can claim the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper or Grappler There is a canister on a high ledge behind Anakin's pole. You can either grapple or high jump to the step on the left, and then grapple or high jump up to the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler or High Jumper There is a canister on an even higher ledge behind Anakin's pole. Get to the platform where canister #4 was. The canister is on the ledge just up and to the left. Jump or grapple to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler or High Jumper There is a canister on a ledge behind Obi-Wan's pole. Grapple or jump to the low ledge on the left. Shoot the target on the wall to raise a lift that will get you up to the canister's ledge. You can also just jump up to it with a high jumper. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper There is a canister on a ledge even higher behind Obi-Wan. Get up to the ledge that had canister #6. From the right side, use a high jumper to leap to the platform up and to the south. It is a somewhat tricky jump. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Small Character Going right from Obi-Wan, you will come to a crawlspace to the left of a gate guarding a canister. You need to use the Force on some blocks in front of the crawlspace to create a ramp for your small character. Then, climb through to get the canister. Step on the switch to get out. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User To the right of Obi-Wan (and canister #8) you will come upon a crumbled column. First, there is a pile of bricks that you need to use the Force on. They will reform into a column piece. Then, you need to build the column (using the Force) in the correct way. Essentially, just make sure the colors match up. Put the solid brown piece (with the tan base beneath it) down first. Next is the piece you rebuilt. Third is the only remaining piece on the left (the one that does not angle in). Once completed, a canister will appear on top. To get the canister, use the Force on the top of the rebuilt column. The top part will come off. Hop onto the piece that you just moved. Use a high jumper to leap to the top of the remaining column and snag the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the right of the broken column (or to the left of Padme) is the arena's main entrance. It is the one that the droids pour out of in the cut scenes. There are two pillars to the right of this door. The left one is squat. The right is tall and skinny. The canister is behind the right pillar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.L - Episode II - Chapter 4 - Gunship Cavalry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: None Vehicle Unlocked: AT-TE Like in the other vehicle chapters, you can get these all on story mode. Five are in the first section and five are in the second. You only have one shot at the ones in the first section. If you miss any, you will have to replay the level to get them. The canisters in this level are in the same spinning objects as will the last vehicle chapter. Shoot them to score the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the start, fly immediately to the left and there will be one in front of a rock outcropping. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start, pass two single lasers. There will then be a double set of lasers. The canister is just beyond them. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After the first pit in the course, there will be a rock formation splitting the path. Stay to the left of it. Right after you pass the formation is a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After the first force field, there will be a pit and three lasers. Stay on the right side of the pit. At the end of the pit is a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After the first force field you will encounter two pits in the path. The canister is right at the near edge of the second pit. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In plain sight in the second part of the level. Just swing around in one direction and you will eventually come across it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In plain sight in the second part of the level. Just swing around in one direction and you will eventually come across it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In plain sight in the second part of the level. Just swing around in one direction and you will eventually come across it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In plain sight in the second part of the level. Just swing around in one direction and you will eventually come across it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In plain sight in the second part of the level. Just swing around in one direction and you will eventually come across it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.M - Episode II - Chapter 5 - Count Dooku ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Astromech, Grappler, Force User High Jumper, Small Character Vehicle Unlocked: Solar Sailer Since you will be getting some of these during the battle with Dooku, invincibility helps out a lot. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech At the start, head left to the end of the platform. You will see a canister hovering out to the left. Use an astromech to hover to it. If you die, it is not a problem since you do not have any studs yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler At the start, when you follow Dooku to the right, there is a grapple marker outside to the right of the door. Grapple up to find a canister. If you die jumping back down, it is not a problem since you do not have any studs yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User At the end of the first interior corridor, there are two barrels. Use the Force to move both of them. Then destroy them both to destroy the off-color part of the wall and reveal a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper In the first big room (with the extensible steps with switches on them), there is a ledge with a canister directly above the second step on the right. To reach it, do a super jump from the third step back to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper In the first big room (with the extensible steps), there is a canister on a ledge off to the left of the north exit door. Use a high jumper to reach it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper In the first big room (with the extensible steps), there are also extensible steps on the left side of the room. Step on the switch underneath a ledge to extend them. Your partner will switch to a double jumper and jump up on the ledge, stepping on another switch. Jump up the two stairs, and then high jump up to the third. The canister is on the fourth step, just one jump away. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Blaster In the room in which you duel Dooku, there are two targets on the south end of the right wall. Between them is a canister encased in a force field. Shoot both targets to open the field and retrieve the canister. If you wait too long, the targets will deactivate. You need to have them both activated at the same time. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Small Character, Grappler In the room in which you duel Dooku, there is a crawlspace in the right wall on the north end. This will take you up to a ledge. Follow the ledge to a grapple marker. Switch to your grappler and grapple directly up onto the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper In the room in which you duel Dooku, there is a toppled column in the back left (the one Yoda holds up as Dooku escapes). It has three sections that you can use the force on. Stack them to form a column of sorts. Jump to the top with a super jumper. The canister is on a ledge just to the north. Jump to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper In the room in which you duel Dooku, there is a toppled column in the back left. It has three sections that you can use the force on. Stack them to form a column of sorts. Jump to the top with a super jumper. There is a ledge to the north (that had canister #9 on it) that you can jump to. From that ledge, there are some cables and brown objects hanging to the right. The canister is in the middle of it. Switch to a blaster character and shoot out the cables and brown things. Then use a high jumper to jump over and snatch it midair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.N - Episode III - Chapter 1 - Battle Over Coruscant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: None Vehicle Unlocked: Drop Ship Like in the other vehicle chapters, you can get these all on story mode. You only have one shot at each of them. If you miss any, you will have to replay the level to get them. The canisters in this level are in the same spinning objects as will the last two vehicle chapters. Shoot them to score the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ At the beginning of the level, you will run along a capital ship and then tilt down beyond the bow. You should pass the canister on this first dive. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After the first dive (where you got canister #1) you will level out above a capital ship. The second canister is off to the left at the edge of the capital ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After shooting apart a capital ship, you will pass a ship's fin (on the left side of it). Canister #3 is to the left of the fin. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After shooting apart a capital ship, you will pass a ship's fin and eventually go underneath a capital ship. The canister is underneath the capital ship, about three quarters of the way through. It is hovering up close to the bottom of the ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After shooting apart a capital ship, you will go underneath another capital ship. You will then turn right and upward. You should fly right into the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After shooting apart a capital ship and going under another, you will eventually make a very long left turn. At the end of the turn there will be a canister at the bottom of the screen near the edge of a capital ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After you destroy a ship's fin, you will bank right and head down. You will pass a canister as you turn. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ You will pass through a ship's docking bay (after shooting a force field open). A canister is inside the ship's docking bay on the left side. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After passing through a ship's docking bay, you will turn right. Then, you will go straight for awhile and eventually pass a canister off to the left underneath the edge of a big ship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ After passing through a ship's docking bay, you will turn right and then head straight for awhile. You will then veer left and cut a right underneath a capital ship. A canister is off to the left under this capital ship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.O - Episode III - Chapter 2 - Chancellor in Peril ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Grappler, Astromech, Protocol, High Jumper, Force User Vehicle Unlocked: Emergency Ship ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the docking bay (in which you begin the chapter), there is a grapple in the northeast corner of the room. Grapple up and head left on the ledge to reach a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the second section, head south. When the corridor opens into a big room (just before you jump down), there will be a grapple marker off to the right. Grappling will launch you up into the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech In the third section there is a room with a bunch of doors along the north wall. This is the room where R2 joins you in story mode. An astromech access panel on its left locks the leftmost door. Open the door to reveal a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Protocol In the third section there is a room with a bunch of doors along the north wall. This is the room where R2 joins you in story mode. A protocol access panel on its left locks the second door from the left. Open the door to reveal a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper You enter the fourth section by heading up a ramping created from blown up ceiling. At the start of this section there is a canister in an alcove directly north of you. It is high up, so use a high jumper to get it. You can also get it by going to the right a ways and using the crawlspace. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ You enter the fourth section by heading up a ramping created from blown up ceiling. From the start of this section follow the ledges around to the left. At the end is a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ After you defeat Dooku, you will head up some stairs and into a room to the north. This room has two doors on the left, and two on the right. There is a canister behind the far door on the right. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In section with the steam curtains, go all of the way to right (past the two curtains). Just before you hop on to the ledge going south, there is a tan object on the north wall. Using the Force on it will cause it to explode (watch out). Behind it there is a canister in an alcove. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the bridge at the very end of the chapter, there is a canister off to the left. It is hovering near the door through which you entered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the bridge at the very end of the chapter, there is a canister off to the right. It is hovering near the door through which you entered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.P - Episode III - Chapter 3 - General Grievous ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Grappler, Force User, High Jumper, Astromech Vehicle Unlocked: Jedi Starfighter (Episode III) Your ability to navigate this level depends on how far along in the Grievous fight you are. To make this easier, fight Grievous down to five hearts. Then the entire level is open and Grievous should not bother you while you hunt. So technically, all of these require a Force User and someone with a blaster and ascension gun, just to get you through the level and register the canisters. So I will not even both listing them individually. Note: This guide assumes you have fought Grievous down to five hearts. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Directly north of the main platform you begin on is a small ledge with a canister. You can double jump to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross the bridge from the main platform (the one you used the Force to build). Jump up on to the ledge on the left. Use the Force on the bricks here to build some ledges on the wall. Jump up to the ledge on the top right. Double Jump straight up to get the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper Cross the bridge from the main platform. Jump up on to the ledge on the left. Use the Force on the bricks here to build some ledges on the wall. Jump up to the ledge on the top right. Super Jump with a high jumper straight up to get the canister. This canister is directly above the previous one. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross the bridge and grapple (or jump) up to the ledge on the right. At the end of the ledge you will have built some steps out of blocks. Go up them to the higher ledge. Jump down off the right side of this ledge. Go to the left and you will see an alcove in the wall with a canister in it. A double jumper should get you to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cross the bridge and grapple (or jump) up to the ledge on the right. At the end of the ledge you will have built some steps out of blocks. Go up them to the higher ledge. Jump down off the right side of this ledge. Go to the right and drop down a short step. Drop down one more step to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper Cross the bridge and grapple (or jump) up to the ledge on the right. At the end of the ledge you will have built some steps out of blocks. Go up them to the higher ledge. Jump down off the right side of this ledge. Go to the right and drop down a short step. Use a high jumper to leap to the right and up on to the high ledge with a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper Cross the bridge and grapple (or jump) up to the ledge on the right. At the end of the ledge you will have built some steps out of blocks. Go up them to the higher ledge. Jump down off the right side of this ledge. Go to the right and drop down a short step. Use a high jumper to leap to the right and up on to the high ledge (with the previous canister on it). Hop up to the ledge to the north and follow it around to the left. There will be a canister waiting around the corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper Cross the bridge and grapple (or jump) up to the ledge on the right. At the end of the ledge you will have built some steps out of blocks. Go up them to the higher ledge. Jump down off the right side of this ledge. Go to the right and drop down a short step. Use a high jumper to leap to the right and up on to the high ledge (with the previous canister on it). Go south and follow a long narrow bridge into a round room with a bunch of bombs (watch out!) and a ton of studs. Inside, there is a pillar in the middle. The pillar has switches on four sides. Use the Force on all four and the column will rise, revealing a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech From the main area, use an astromech to hover to the northwest (left of the bridge). On the other side is a broken bridge that becomes a ledge. At the left end of it the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech From the main area, use an astromech to hover to the northwest (left of the bridge). On the other side is a ledge. Go to the left edge and double jump across to the ledge further left. The canister is on a ledge just have a step up from here. Hop up to get it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.Q - Episode III - Chapter 4 - Defense of Kashyyyk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Dark Force User, Astromech, High Jumper, Grappler Vehicle Unlocked: Wookiee Cat ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User From the start, lower and cross the bridge. At the t-junction, take the right path to a platform with some brown pipes in the middle. You need to destroy all of the pipes around the outside of this structure. Then, use the Force to move the inside cylinder and reveal a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler, Astromech, High Jumper In the first section of this level you grapple up around a tree and free a Wookiee. From the platform with the Wookiee, use an astromech to hover clockwise around the tree to another platform at the same elevation. Hover or super jump to the platform on the left (with a grapple marker on it). Grapple across to another platform. From this platform, use a high jumper to leap to a platform up in the air and to the left. The canister is on this platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the first section, near the end there is a platform with bridges on all four sides. You enter the platform from the south bridge. Ahead across the north bridge there is a Wookiee flanked by two clones (that you have to free). Down the right path you can use the Force to create a hook and grapple up to a Wookiee. Take the left path. At the end is a platform with two grapple markers. The south grapple leads up to the higher of the two platforms, which has a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper, Astromech On the beach, go west from the start. On the first big tree trunk that you pass, there is a platform with some studs. Jump onto it. Use a high jumper to leap up to the platform to the right. Switch to an astromech and hover to the right to reach a platform (sticking out of the tree trunk) with a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper On the beach, you need to pull plants with the Force until you find and completely pull up three carrots. The first is on the far right side. It is right next to the log you begin the section on. The second is to the north between two big tree trunks. The last is all of the way to the left beyond the exit gate. These should not be too tough to find. Just basically keep pulling up plants on the edge of the beach until you get all three. Once you get all three, a cut scene will direct you to the canister. It is off to the right of the beach on a rock. A high jumper can reach it with a few jumps. This is probably the hardest canister in the game to get. Pulling the middle carrot in particular can be a real beast. The enemies keep respawning and every time you get hit you will lose your grip on the plant, causing it to sink back into place. Even with invincibility on you will lose your grip when hit. I find a Wookiee or Yoda to be the best way to quickly clear the vicinity and buy some time to uproot the carrot. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, Grappler At the end of the beach you grapple up to a bridge and shoot two targets. There is a canister on the platform on the right end of the bridge. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper There is an ARC Fighter submerged in the swamp. Use the Force to lift it. This will require a long Force hold, so you probably will have to clear out the droids first. The droids will keep respawning until you take out both of the yellow-striped commander droids. They are up on ledges on either side of the exit door. Once you have lifted the fighter as high as possible, get up onto the cockpit and super jump up for a floating canister. The fighter will eventually sink back down, so try not to take too long. You can just lift it back up, of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Dark Force User, Grappler In the fourth section (with the rolling boulders), follow the main path from the start. On the left side you will come across some black weeds. Use the dark side of the Force on the weed to make it explode, revealing a grapple marker. Grapple up, switch to an astromech and hover to a platform to the northeast. A canister sits on this platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the fourth section you run up some ramps dodging boulders. On the second level (going left to right) you will pass a grapple marker. Grapple up to a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper At the very end of the level you destroy some lights to raise the escape pod. Jump on to the top of the escape pod and use a high jumper to leap straight up to grab a floating canister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.R - Episode III - Chapter 5 - Ruin of the Jedi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Grappler, Force User, High Jumper, Astromech Vehicle Unlocked: Arc Fighter ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ From the start, head north underneath a low ceiling. Along the north wall are a bunch of studs. Off to the right a bit is a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper From the start, go right. Before you reach the stairs you will come to a smoking gap where part of the floor is blow out (along the south edge of the area). Along the edge of this gap are blocks that you can use the Force on. Most of them just shake, but three of them will move and form stairs to the north. From the top of the third step, a high jumper can leap straight up to reach the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Grappler In the first section, there is a canister behind a window above the door. To get to it, go past the door and there will be two barrels you can destroy. The north most barrel (right next to a column) has a grapple marker underneath it. Grapple up to a ledge. On the ledge, follow the trail of studs. Go left and then north. Jump up onto the ledge on the left, and then up once more to a higher level. Continue left and you will pass a window on the north wall. Behind the window is the canister. Break the window and you can hop in and get it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ The canister is hovering above a round projector in the Jedi briefing room. The briefing room can be accessed from the second section of the level (the first interior area). After you go up some stairs that you built with the Force, there will be a door along the north wall. This is the door to the briefing room. Inside, kill some clones and it will be hovering on the north side of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech In the second section, you will come to a large sphere that is split in half. Follow the path south from here and you will come to the door to the Jedi Council chamber. Off to the left of the door a little ways there are some studs and a canister floating just off the edge. Use an Astromech to hover out to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the second section, you will come to a large sphere that is split in half. Follow the path south from here and you will come to the door to the Jedi Council chamber. Instead the chamber, you can use the Force on the red chairs. Do so to stack them all in the center of the room. You can hop up the stack of chairs to find a canister floating above them. You can get the canister (and get up the chairs) with just a double jumper. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper At the end of the third section (the blue "computer" room) is a room where you have to pull some platforms to get to switches that clear the door. The north most path on the right has a canister up above the switch. Force pull the platforms to get to the switch as normal. Use a high jumper to jump to the platform above the switch and claim the canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User, High Jumper At the end of the third section (the blue "computer" room) is a room where you have to pull some platforms to get to switches that clear the door. The third path from the north on the right has a canister up above the switch. Force pull the platforms to get to the switch as normal. Use a high jumper to jump to the platform above the switch and claim the canister. This is just like canister #7, except above a switch two to the south. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper, Protocol At the end of the third section (the blue "computer" area) is a room where you have to pull three switches on the right (at the end of short hallways) to move an arm and clear the path through the door. Off to the left side, there are three paths as well. The three paths are blocked by red force fields. The canister is right behind the north most force field. To get to the canister, you must first use all three switches and open the door (as in story mode). When the door opens, the arm blocking it swings to the right a bit, giving you a platform to jump on. Use a high jumper to get on to the round platform at the end of the arm. Leap to the left up on to a ledge. Follow the ledge left, where you will have to make another super jump across and up. Continuing left you will have to leap over another mechanical arm to continue along the ledge. When you get to the far left, you should see the force field on the left side of the screen. You can super jump from the ledge over the top of the force field and onto the other side. Grab the canister and use the protocol access panel to bring down the field and let you out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: High Jumper, Protocol, Grappler This is a long one. In the computer room, you need to flip three switches on the right to move an arm blocking the door. To get this canister, you need to flip three switches on the left to move an arm (retracted to the left of the door). From the platform at the end of this arm, you can leap up to a canister. The three switches on the left are down three short hallways, just like on the right. The hallways are all blocked off by a force field, which you must shut down using the protocol access panel behind the north most force field. The panel is right next to canister #9, so see above for details on how to get behind the force field and shut it off. Once the force field is shut down, head to the end of the north path. Use the Force to pull the steps from the wall. Quickly switch to a high jumper to get up on to the step and then up to the switch, which you can Force pull. The second switch is done the middle path. At the end is a grapple marker. You can either grapple up, or Force pull the wall steps and use a high jumper. There is yet another force field in front of the wall switch. Use a high jumper to jump up above to a round floor switch, which will open the force field and let you Force pull the wall switch. The last switch is down the third path (the south most one). You will need to do what you did in the first pathway: pull the steps and then high jump up to the switch. One you've got all three switches, a cut scene with show the second arm moving in to position. To get to it, you need to use the first arm to leap back up to the ledge over the door (like you did to get behind the force field in the first place). You could also get up by jumping (with a high jumper) onto the second arm at the point where it attaches to the wall. In either case, continue to the left. Right before you get to the end, you can make a super jump south to the platform at the end of the second arm. Once on the platform, a high jump straight up with get you the canister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.S - Episode III - Chapter 6 - Darth Vader ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required Characters: Force User, Astromech Vehicle Unlocked: V Wing ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the first hallway, after you run down a bit the room will widen out. In this wide space, the canister is on the left of the platform. After running down the hallway, you will need to jump over two gaps of lava to reach this platform. You should see it just running past. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #2 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the second section (the one with the support beams and timer), run straight north all of the way to the back of the room. There are a ton of studs and a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #3 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the northwest corner of the second section there is a small yellow wall/door. Smash it to reveal a canister behind. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #4 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Force User In the northwest corner of the second section there is a small yellow door containing canister #4. Just south of this is a grate with some switches below it. Force pull the switches to bust open the grate. Hop into the alcove behind to find a canister. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #5 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech In the second section there is a door on the left wall locked by an astromech panel. Use an astromech to open the door and inside you will find a canister (and some studs) sitting on a table. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #6 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third section (the one where you run right along a collapsing ledge), there is a canister right next to where you start. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #7 ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the third section, you and your partner will head right, bust some barrels and hop on two switches. This lowers a platform to the right. There is a canister on this platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #8 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Just before you fight Vader, there is a section where you need to jump across small platforms floating on lava. From the first platform, jump northeast and then east. There is a canister on this platform. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #9 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Just before you fight Vader, there is a section where you need to jump across small platforms floating on lava. From the first platform, jump northwest three times. There is a canister on this platform. It is doubtful you will be able to get this and the previous canister on the same attempt (since the platforms sink). ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Canister #10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Requires: Astromech Just before you fight Vader, there is a section where you need to jump across small platforms floating on lava. From the first platform, jump northeast, northeast, north, northwest, northwest. You will see the canister on an island to the north. Switch to an astromech and hover the long distance to the island. After you get the canister, hover left across the lava to reach the final battle. ============================================================================ 9. Extras ============================================================================ You can purchase various extras from Dexster at the dining counter. They are mostly expensive and mostly cosmetic. Only one stands out as having any real use. Still, the rest are amusing. And if you're trying to complete everything in the game then technically you should get them all. To turn on an extra, press start and then select Extras. A menu will appear that allows you to individually turn each extra on and off. Note that they all reset to off whenever you restart the PS2. So if you want something on, you'll have to turn it on each time you play. The following is a list of all of the extras, including their costs and what they do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Invincibility ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 1,000,000 studs This does exactly what you think it does. It makes you impervious to any damage. You will not lose hearts for being shot or sliced. If you jump off a cliff or into lava or crash your podracer you will respawn without losing any studs. Invincibility is the single most expensive thing in the game, and it is well worth it. When you are attempting to achieve True Jedi Status you will not have to worry about losing studs due to death. When you are searching for canisters you will not have to worry about floods of enemies slowing you down. My advice is to save up for this as soon as possible. It is the single first thing you really want in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Silhouettes ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 75,000 studs Turning this on will make all of the characters completely black. That includes your characters, enemy characters and environmental characters (like Dexster). It is purely a cosmetic change, but it does look cool on some of the Sith lords. ~~~~~~ Purple ~~~~~~ Cost: 50,000 studs Switching this on makes all lightsaber blades purple. Purely cosmetic. Personally, I think it is pretty slick on Darth Sidious, but some of the others, like Darth Maul, should only be using their original colors. ~~~~~~~~~~ Moustaches ~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 150,000 studs Turn this on and pretty much every character will sport a ridiculous looking giant moustache. It is pricey, but mildly amusing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Minikit Detector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 750,000 studs This is really expensive, and arguably the only thing aside from invincibility of any real use. With the detector turned on, each canister will have a large white arrow floating above it point to its location. This is very useful when searching for canisters, although some of them you will having a hard time finding even with this (since you have to get them on screen to see the arrow above them). Considering that you are looking at a document containing the locations of every canister, you really only need this if you want to find them on your own or if you are trying to buy everything. ~~~~~~~~ Tea Cups ~~~~~~~~ Cost: 175,000 studs Instead of weapons, all characters have tea cups. The change is cosmetic, as the weapons behave as normal. Troopers and battle droids fire lasers from their cups and Jedi swing them are like sabers. It is kind of fun to beat someone to death with a humming, sparking teacup. ~~~~~~~ Brushes ~~~~~~~ Cost: 200,000 studs All of the lightsabers become brooms instead. The still hum and give off sparks. Purely cosmetic, and even a bit entertaining. Check out Darth Maul's dual-ended broom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big Blasters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 50,000 studs Not surprisingly, your blaster characters will have larger blasters. Purely cosmetic and not even amusing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classic Blasters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 75,000 studs Your troopers (and Wookiees) will have skinny, orange-tipped blasters. Again, purely cosmetic. This one is even less interesting than the last. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Silly Blasters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cost: 100,000 studs Your blasters have humongous light-up green discs at the end of them. Once again, purely cosmetic, but I chuckled at least. ============================================================================ 10. Dark Jedi Objects ============================================================================ Throughout the game there are a number of objects that can only be moved using the dark side of the Force. You will not be able to target them with regular Jedi. You will need to purchase a Sith to move them. These special objects tend to be black and/or red. They typically give a nice allotment of studs. You will be required to move a few to get canisters. These are also very useful when trying to gain True Jedi Status due to the studs. This is by no means a complete list. If anyone has anything to add, please let me know. Dexster's Diner - There is a black pot at the end of the dining counter that yields some blue studs. Episode I - Chapter 3 - Near the exit to the first section there is a flower pot just south of the exit. There are two sets of black flowers in this pot. A Sith can wilt them with the Force to get some studs. - There are two more pots of black flowers near canister #4 (see Section 8.E for the location). Episode I - Chapter 5 - In the second section, you go right across a pit, enter a round room, open a door and then go down the northwest hall. At the end of the hall is a circular room. The northeast passage is flanked by two red lights that only Sith can turn on. At the end of this hall is a room with a bunch more Sith only lights. They don't give you anything when they turn on. - In the same room as the lights, there is a black object on the ground that only the Sith can move. It can be used as a stepping stone to get to the hallway up on the right. - From the room with the lights, hop up to the right to find a large red and black triangle structure. The dark side can blow it up to reveal a canister. Episode II - Chapter 1 - In the final hallway before the Jango fight, there is a door on the left wall that only a Sith can open. A canister is behind it. Episode III - Chapter 4 - In the fourth section (with the rolling boulders) there are some black weeds to the left of the main path. Underneath is a grapple marker that can get you to a canister. See the canisters section for specifics. Episode III - Chapter 5 - In the computer room where you have to pull a punch of switches to unblock the door, there are several off shooting rows that have red areas on their walls. A Sith can pull these red platforms out of the walls for studs. -*- Contributors: datret -*- ============================================================================ 11. Completion Checklist ============================================================================ Trying to complete everything in the game? Here is a checklist of everything you can unlock (characters, canisters, true Jedi status, extras and hints). ~~~~~~~~~~ CHARACTERS ~~~~~~~~~~ [ ] Qui-Gon Jinn [ ] Obi-Wan Kenobi [ ] TC-14 [ ] Jar Jar Binks [ ] Queen Amidala [ ] Captain Panaka [ ] Padme (Battle) [ ] R2-D2 [ ] Anakin Skywalker (Boy) [ ] Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) [ ] R4-P17 [ ] Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) [ ] Padme (White) [ ] C-3P0 [ ] Mace Windu [ ] Padme (Clawed) [ ] Yoda [ ] Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) [ ] Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) [ ] Chancellor Palpatine [ ] Commander Cody [ ] Chewbacca [ ] Wookiee [ ] Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) [ ] Stormtrooper [ ] Gonk Droid - 250 [ ] PK Droid - 350 [ ] Battle Droid (Security) - 300 [ ] Battle Droid - 200 [ ] Battle Droid (Commander) - 1,000 [ ] Droideka - 10,000 [ ] Royal Guard - 800 [ ] Padme (Blue) - 800 [ ] Darth Maul - 15,000 [ ] Clone - 2,000 [ ] Geonosian - 2,000 [ ] Battle Droid (Geonosis) - 300 [ ] Super Battle Droid - 5,000 [ ] Jango Fett - 65,000 [ ] Boba Fett - 800 [ ] Luminara - 20,000 [ ] Ki-Adi Mundi - 25,000 [ ] Kit Fisto - 35,000 [ ] Shaak Ti - 15,000 [ ] Count Dooku - 45,000 [ ] Grievous' Bodyguard - 30,000 [ ] General Grievous - 200,000 [ ] Clone Trooper (Episode III) - 600 [ ] Clone Trooper (Episode III, Pilot) - 700 [ ] Clone Trooper (Episode III, Swamp) - 800 [ ] Clone (Episode III, Walker) - 2,500 [ ] Mace Windu (Episode III) - 30,000 [ ] Disguised Clone 2,750 [ ] Darth Sidious - 150,000 [ ] Rebel Trooper - 1,000 [ ] Princess Leia - 50,000 ~~~~~~~~~~ CONTAINERS ~~~~~~~~~~ Negotiations [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Invasion of Naboo [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Escape From Naboo [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Mos Espa Podrace [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Retake Theed Palace [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Darth Maul [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Discovery on Kamino [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Droid Factory [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Jedi Battle [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Gunship Cavalry [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Count Dooku [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Battle Over Coruscant [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Chancellor in Peril [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] General Grievous [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Defense of Kashyyyk [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Ruin of the Jedi [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Darth Vader [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRUE JEDI STATUS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ] Negotiations [ ] Invasion of Naboo [ ] Escape From Naboo [ ] Mos Espa Podrace [ ] Retake Theed Palace [ ] Darth Maul [ ] Discovery on Kamino [ ] Droid Factory [ ] Jedi Battle [ ] Gunship Cavalry [ ] Count Dooku [ ] Battle Over Coruscant [ ] Chancellor in Peril [ ] General Grievous [ ] Defense of Kashyyyk [ ] Ruin of the Jedi [ ] Darth Vader ~~~~~ HINTS ~~~~~ [ ] Hint 1 - 10 [ ] Hint 2 - 20 [ ] Hint 3 - 30 [ ] Hint 4 - 40 [ ] Hint 5 - 50 [ ] Hint 6 - 60 [ ] Hint 7 - 70 [ } Hint 8 - 80 ~~~~~~ EXTRAS ~~~~~~ [ ] Invincibility - 1,000,000 [ ] Silhouettes - 75,000 [ ] Purple - 50,000 [ ] Moustaches - 150,000 [ ] Minikit Detector - 750,000 [ ] Tea Cups - 175,000 [ ] Brushes - 200,000 [ ] Big Blasters - 50,000 [ ] Classic Blasters - 75,000 [ ] Silly Blasters - 100,000 ============================================================================ 12. Glitches ============================================================================ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.A - Import Character (Single Player) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can import characters into your game once you have them unlocked on another save. Load up the character you want in a game that you've already unlocked them in. From the diner, press start and select quit. Go to load and pick another one of your games. When the game loads, you will still be the character from the other game. You will still have your same partner too. So technically you can bring in two characters. When you go to start a level and select free play, you will be forced to choose a character. You won't be able to select the one you are using if you don't already have him unlocked (and purchased if need be). So pick someone else. In single player, however, you will retain whomever you currently have selected as your partner. This will let you bring them in to the level. You can then tag them and take control. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.B - Import Extra ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Similar to importing characters, load up a game and turn on some extras (through the start menu). Then, from the diner, press start and select quit. Load up a new game and you will retain whatever extras were on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.C - Infinite Studs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few points in the game where it is possible to just keep collecting infinite studs. These will help you get True Jedi Status (which is reasonably tough in the Maul chapter). In addition, the Maul one is a bit amusing, as Maul just runs back and forth for no reason. Kind of funny to see. -*- Credit for discovering these goes to Onikage58 -*- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter I - Episode 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of the chapter, you will have to flip some switches to get through the familiar red force fields. Flipping these switches nets you studs. Flip all the switches, but don't enter the final room with Maul. Instead, head back out to the previous room. Then, reenter the force field area. Maul will be running around like the fields were still up. You can now pull the switches again for studs. Rinse and repeat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter III - Episode 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the first part of the chapter, you run south through a hallway. As you run and jump, you will score a few thousand studs (4,000 seems to be about average for me without really trying). Near the end of the hallway, kill yourself by dropping into the lava. You will lose the 1,000 stud penalty for dying by falling. You will also have to replay the entire hallway, except all of the studs will be back. On each pass you can nab a few thousand studs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.D - Defeat Vader Glitch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -*- This glitch was original discovered by and posted on IGN -*- You can easily defeat Vader at the end of Episode III - Chapter 6 using this trick. Have a second player take control of Anakin (just press start on controller two to join in). The player controlling Anakin can then jump out into the lava. While in midair just about to land in the lava, player 2 can exit the game (by pressing start and dropping out). The computer will take control, Vader will hit the lava and take one damage. Repeat as many times as necessary to beat the punk. ============================================================================ 13. Codes ============================================================================ The following are codes to unlock purchasable characters and extras. You can enter them at Dexster's counter. I have not checked all of them (you really shouldn't be needing codes in this game). Also, note that the codes that unlock characters only make them purchasable. You still have to buy them before you can use them. The extras, however, are immediately usable once you put the code in. -*- Codes from GameFAQ, credit to datret, gamefreak1025, Logan074 -*- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.A - Character Codes (make the given character available for purchase) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Code --------- ------ Gonk Droid U63B2A PK Droid R840JU Battle Droid (Security) KF999A Battle Droid 987UYR Battle Droid (Commander) EN11K5 Droideka DH382U Royal Guard PP43JX Padme 92UJ7D Darth Maul H35TUX Clone F8B4L6 Geonosian 19D7NB Battle Droid (Geonosis) LK42U6 Super Battle Droid XZNR21 Jango Fett PL47NH Boba Fett LA811Y Luminara A725X4 Ki-Adi Mundi DP55MV Kit Fisto CBR954 Shaak Ti EUW862 Count Dooku 14PGMN Grievous' Bodyguard ZTY392 General Grievous SF321Y Clone (Episode III) ER33JN Clone (Episode III Pilot) BHU72T Clone (Episode III Swamp) N3T6P8 Clone (Episode III Walker) RS6E25 Mace Windu (Episode III) MS952L Disguised Clone VR832U Darth Sidious A32CAM Rebel Trooper L54YUK Princess Leia BEQ82H ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.B - Extras Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra Code --------- ------ Invincibility 4PR28U Silhouettes MS999Q Purple YD77GC Moustaches RP924W Minikit Detector LD116B Tea cups PUCEAT Brushes SHRUB1 Big Blasters IG72X4 Classic Blasters L449HD Silly Blasters NR37W1 ============================================================================ 14. Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================ If you have any good questions for the FAQ, email them to me. Q: Should I purchase this game or rent it? A: Good question (and one I see a lot on the various message boards). The game is short. You will beat it in a rental. With some effort, you can even unlock everything in a rental. So the real question becomes replay value. If you can get through it all in one rental for $3-$5, will you play through to justify $40? That's around 10 plays through entirely. One of the great strengths of this game is that you can whip it out for some great two-player with anyone. For that reason alone it might be worth having on your shelf. So my recommendation is to buy it if you're a Star Wars die hard (or a Lego junkie) or if you think you'll get good use out of the coop play. I would predict this game to drop in price pretty fast since it is so short. If you're willing to wait a few weeks/months I bet you'll be able to get it significantly cheaper on ebay. Q: Will I spoil Episode III by playing this game? A: Obviously it will "spoil" certain things. I don't know if it will ruin the movie for you though. The way the game is set up, you can hold off on the Episode III chapters until later if you wish. Obviously if you play through the Episode III part you're going to get some spoilers. I doubt any of it will ruin the movie for you, but if a spoiler is going to bother you then wait to play the Episode III segment of the game. Q: I see a target but I don't have a character to shoot at it. What's up? Q: I can't jump high enough to reach an object. What's up? Q: I don't have an astromech to hover somewhere. What's up? Q: I see a grapple circle, but don't have anyone with a grapple. What's up? A: Not everything is attainable in story mode. In many chapters of story mode you won't have the characters necessary to reach all the secrets. Instead, after you complete the chapter you can go back in free play mode with lots of extra characters to scroll through. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot seem to get to it now, it's probably because you can't. Make a note of it and come back in Free Play to get it. For more on free play mode, see section 3.F. Q: What are the dark Force powers? A: A dark Force user can move all of the same objects that the regular Jedi can. In addition, there are certain black objects throughout the game that can only be moved by the dark side of the Force. See Section 10 for a the locations of some of them. This is all that the dark Force power is. Unfortunately, you can't shoot lightning like Dooku does when you fight him the first time. Q: What are all the lights on the walls for? I can use the Force on them but nothing seems to happen. A: Some lights give you studs when you Force them. Some (like the lantern ones on Kashyyyk) can be destroyed for studs as well. Still others do nothing but give a little bit of illumination. What's the point of the lights that don't do anything but turn on and off? Nothing, other than that you can have a bit of fun turning them on and off. Q: What's the point of the flipping stools in the dining room? A: Nothing. They are just there for amusement. Q: What's up with these dancing Kaminoans everyone is talking about? A: Go collect canister #7 in Episode II - Chapter 1 and see for yourself. Q: Can I unlock any of the other Lego models you see in the cut scenes, such as Boss Nass, Kaminoan, pregnant Padme, etc? A: Not to my knowledge. Q: Who is Shadowmoon and how do I unlock him? A: Shadowmoon was a lie made up by a GameFAQ troll. ============================================================================ 15. Revision History ============================================================================ ----------------------- Version 1.00 (04/09/05) ----------------------- The first version is released. Included are first versions of: - Introduction - Basics - Story-mode Walkthrough - Characters - True Jedi Status numbers - All canister locations - Extras descriptions - Dark Side Objects descriptions - Competition Checklist - Glitches - Codes - FAQ ============================================================================ 16. Acknowledgements ============================================================================ Thanks to everyone who contributed to this FAQ (in alphabetical order): - datret for codes from GameFAQ - datret for info on some Sith lights in 1.5 - gamefreak1025 for codes from GameFAQ - for the defeat Vader glitch - Logan074 for codes from GameFAQ - Onikage58 for the infinite studs on 1.6 and 3.6 - urbansamurai for the combo info