_ ______ ______ ______ | | | ___| / ___\ / __ \ | | | |___ | | | | | | | | | ___| | |___ | | | | | |____ | |___ | |_ | | |__| | |______| |______| \______/ \______/ S T A R W A R S monkeydance994 (Chapel Collins) Version 1.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Table o' Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction-----------------------01 Controls---------------------------02 Foreword---------------------------03 Playing the Game-------------------04 Walkthrough------------------------05 5A--------Episode I 5a1---Negotiations 5a2---Invasion of Naboo 5a3---Escape from Naboo 5a4---Mos Espa Podrace 5a5---Retake Theed Palace 5a6---Darth Maul 5B--------Episode II 5b1---Discovery on Kamino 5b2---Droid Factory 5b3---Jedi Battle 5b4---Gunship Calvary 5b5---Count Dooku 5C--------Episode III 5c1---Battle over Coruscant 5c2---Chancellor in Peril 5c3---General Grievous 5c4---Defense of Kashyyyk 5c5---Ruin of the Jedi 5c6---Darth Vader Minkit-----------------------------06 Superkit---------------------------07 Thanks-----------------------------08 Legal Info-------------------------09 Q&A--------------------------------10 ***NOTE: To find these quickly, press control-f and type in the first three letters of the section name and then the number listed by the section name. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Introduction .:int01:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Howdy, and welcome to my second FAQ for the game LEGO Star Wars. I have been trying to get lots of FAQs written and accepted. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, please post them on the message board under "Chapel Help" I will start the topic and try to keep it close to the front of the topic list, but you never know. I know that this is probably considered a weird way to answer questions, but I don't want my email address on the internet. Sorry! At least I am offering to help at all... I have a Q&A section of questions that some of you may have already, but if not, post a message! Thanks for understanding...if you do.....By the way, Chapel is my name, don't think I just came up with a random word. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Controls .:con02:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If any of you have a text picture like the one at the top of this guide of a GameCube controller and would like to let me use it, I'd appreciate it, giving you credit. Post it on the message boards for this game. A Button= Jump B Button= Attack/ Hold down to block Y Button= Change Character (single player, or other character on screen) X Button= Force/Put away Weapon/Grapple R Button= Change Characters (Free Play) L Button= Change Characters (Free Play) START= Pause Game/ Pause Menu Control Stick= Move C Stick= N/A D Pad= Move Z Button= N/A =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Foreword .:for03:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Before we begin the game, let's talk about it. In the game, you go through the Episodes I-III. You play as key characters from the movie. There is a store, from which you but characters, bonuses, cheats etc. And, did I mention it's all made of LEGO's? There are also hidden objects called "minikits" hidden through each level. If you find all ten in each level you get 50,000 studs, yes, 50,000 studs (which are money) and you get to see the ship you made outside the cantina. There are also Superkits, which you get by obtaining enough studs in each level. The amount varies. Now that that's out of the way, let's get on with the game!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Playing the Game .:pla04:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section will go over key things you need to do to progress in each level. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Actions *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Throughout the game, you will come across several action icons that need to use used to progress in the level. Those are... =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Force Icons =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ These mean you can use the force on something. It will appear as faint circle around an object the color of your lightsaber. Press X button to use. **NOTE: Only available to Jedi =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Grapple Points =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ These will be red circles on the ground. Stand in one with a blaster character and press X button. You will grapple up to the next level. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Droid Panels =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ These will need to be used by droids in order to access certain areas. A picture of the type of droid's head will apear on the panel. (like R2 or C3PO). Press X to use it. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Dark Force Icons =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ These are the same as Force Icons, except the items are always black and can only be Forced by a Sith (ex. Darth Maul, Darth Sideous). You won't need to worry about these in story because you will only play as good guys. Man... *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Fighting *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This is how to kill enemies...duh. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Lightsaber =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ This is the weapon of the Jedi. You will use this most often. Press abd hold B to deflect lasers. There are also a few jump moves, like A + B, and A + A + B, and...actually, that's it. Try them out. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Blaster =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Press B to shoot...that's pretty much it. =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Droid =-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+ Wait...they don't fight. Never mind!! =) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Studs *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* This is the money of the game. You find them laying around, but you also find them by blowing stuff up and using the force. If you collect a certain amount, you get a superkit peice. There is one for each level. If you get all, you get the "?" door unlocked. YAY! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walkthrough .:wal05:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Alrighty then. On with the game!!! _____________________________ Episode I: The Phantom Menace ----------------------------- Mission 1: Negotiations Use the Force on all objects you can first off. Then blow up those containers. Use the force on the door and walk out. Kill the droids and use the force on the objects. (From here on out, just use the force on everything. I'll tell you if it's an important object to force, but the little things just do it. ^_^) Head down the hallway killing the droids. Continue through the hallways until you get to an area with a droid. Press Y near him and use him to open the next two doors. Switch to a Jedi and go to the next room. Force the thing guarding the door. Kill the droids and walk through. Jump down and go to the right. You'll have a cutscne of droidekas coming to get you. Kill them and the other droids. Walk to the forcefield. Force the thing on the wall next to it and jump on them and over. Kill the droids and use your droid on the panel. Walk in the ship. Mission 2: Invasion of Naboo Run through the path until you get to a tree. Use the Force on it and continue. When you reach a big droid invasion thing, either jump over it or use the force on the little thing on the side until it explodes. Continue to get a cutscene where Qui-Gon saves Jar Jar a droid invasion thing. Go up after the cutscene and up the stair - case. Use the force on the wall and jump on and off the platform it makes. Use Jar Jar to jump up on the wall to knock it down. Force the panel it reveals to lower a platform, which you should use to jump to the next platform. Jar Jar the next couple of platforms. Use the force on the little wall surrounding that platform. Use the platform it makes, jump up and continue through the door. Follow this path to the other side. Use Jar Jar to jump up and knock down the platform. Go through the door it exposes. Follow this path to the lake. Walk in to beat the level. Mission 3: Escape from Naboo Start off by annihalating most of the droids in the area. After that run over to the red circle on the ground. This is a grapple point. To use this, grab a blaster and press X. You will grapple up to the next level. Okay, go along this platform and grapple up again. Keep along grappling until you get to an area with lots of droids. Kill them and go through the archway. Go down the stairwell and across the bridge outside. Shoot the target and go through the door. Follow the path until you get to an area where you can hear lightsabers. shoot the cage and drop down. Kill the droids and go to the right. Blow up the explosives on top of the platforms. They'll start to move. Jump on them and shoot the targets. That will open the gate, which you need to go through. Cross the bridge. Kill the droids and jump on top of the domes. Step on the switches. One of them opens a hole to the exit. Mission 4: Mos Espa Podrace Not much to say here. Hit the turbo things and try to beat the area before the time runs out. Mission 5: Retake Theed Palace Run straigh out. Kill the droids. Use the force on the pile of rubble to make a bridge. Run up and use R2 on the panel. Walk in the door. Switch to a jedi and use the force on the hook, panel, and the bridge item. Jump across and head into the next area. Kill the droid hoarde that comes and step on a switch. This will cause your teammates to do the same, opening another door to go through. Head straight and use R2 to open it. Go outside. Follow the path until you reach a courtyard. Run straight and to the right and you'll come to a small alcove with bricks laying on the floor. Force them and jump up. Use the force to make a bridge and walk across. Blow up the flower box and then the cage and use Anakin to go through it (X). Do the same on the other side, step on the switch and come back. Go through the newly opened door. Jump on one of the boxes at the end and use the force with your partner and you will rise up. Jump off quickly and Force the other platform. Jump over and stand on a switch. If you're a blaster, blow up one of the flower boxes and grapple. If you're R2, use the force on an object under the baclony to make an elevator. Ride up and fly across. If you're Anakin, use the vent and get across. Now that the window's open, go through. Head to the staircase and go up. Kill the droidekas and blow up the statue at the front wall. Step on the switch, go down, and through the door on the right. Now you have to save 6 pilots. For the first: Go to the right. Keep going until you see two pilots in front of a starfighter. Kill the droids to save them. 4 left. Go a liitle more to the right and jump on a force box. Lift up and jump to the guards and 2 left. Go all the way to the left and make a ladder out of the boxes (small, big, small) Use this to jump up on the platform. Use the force on the object on the wall. Jump on it and go up and to the left. Kill the droid and save the pilot, 1 left. Drop and go straight down. Make another ladder, jump up, and save the pilot. Go back to the right. Use the new panel and go through the door. Mission 6: Darth Maul Kill the droids. Then he starts throwing stuff at you. Use the force to throw it back. After three times he'll go away, and follow him. Follow him through this area and force the necessary platforms. In the next area, kill the droid commanders and then the droidekas, step on the switch, and follow him to the next area. Use the force\ on the next switches to get through the forcefields. After that, you get a =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T : DARTH MAUL =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- He has ten hearts, so you gotta hit him ten times. Not hard. I preferr to jump twice then press B and block the rest. If he chokes you, switch characters and come at him while he's unguarded. He will also throw things at you. Use the same strategy as you used in the very beginning of this level, except this time there are no droids. YAY! ________________________________ Episode II: Attack of the Clones -------------------------------- Mission 1: Discovery on Kamino Walk up and help the Kaminoan by repairing the power generator with the force. This will extend a bridge. Cross and follow the Kaminoan to a room where there are little switches on the ground. Walk on all of these quickly and you'll have to force an object to trigger a cutscene. Continue following the Kaminoan and you'll get to a room with Jango Fett. He'll run by you and some droids will come in. Kill them and go back out into the hall. Kill the turrets and follow Jango Fett into the room and through the pipe. He has laid mines on the bridge. Walk up carefully and when they start to beep do a back flip. Do this until you reach the end of the minefield. Keep going along the bridge. At the end, which is up, step on the switch and part of a bridge will come out. Switch to R5 and fly across. Do the same to this switch and Obi-Wan will come across. Switch back to him and Force the stuff on the wall to reveal an astrodroid panel (R2 and R5 are astrodroids). Use it and go through the door. This next part can be annoying. Switch to R5 (trust me) and go over to the astrodroid panels on the wall. Use them and the things the droids are coming out of will close. Then kill the remaining droids and Force the rubble. It will move revealing an astrodroid panel. Use it and go outside. You will find a... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : JANGO FETT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jango Fett himself isn't hard, but he's got that dang ship helping him out. Use R5 on the panels and the turrets will shoot at the ship, making it turn away from you. Then focus on Jango. He'll shoot lasers and you need to deflect them back at him. Eventually he will start to shoot rockets. Force them back at him. He'll get away after you win... To Be Continued... Mission 2: Droid Factory Walk straight ahead. Some Geonosians (from here on bugs) will jump out at you. Kill them and go through the door. Drop down to the conveyor belt. There will be some "stompers". As soon as they start to come up, run under them. Repeat this until the end of the belt. You find R2 at the end. Activate the fans toward the top via Force and ride up them. Get off onto the little platform at the end and go through the door. Use Padme to grapple up and shoot the switch. This will raise a barrel of steaming rocks. As dangerous as it may seem, jump on them and then onto the next platform. Grapple to the next platform. Shoot this switch. That will make the barrel start moving. Hitch a ride. It will drop you off at the next platform. Force the object on the ground, which is a switch. Shoot it and the barrels next to you will start to move up and down. Jump on them and jump off onto the platform. Jump on the next barrel and continue along until you get to the area with an R2 panel. Use it and go through. use Anakin to jump on the platform. Use the force on the thing in the middle. C3PO will get on. Continue rotating and get off at the other end. 3PO the door and go on. Some bugs will come at you. Kill 'em all (Metallica anybody?) and continue to the right. Use Padme to grapple up and shoot the thing at the end. Then force it and use R2 to fly across and make the bridge via panel. then use 3PO to open the door. Use R2 to activate the switch on the right conveyor belt. Use the Force on the thing that comes out and shoot it to blow up the force field. Go through, kill the droids, and use the force on the things holding Obi-Wan's limbs, and the level is done. Mission 3: Jedi Battle Not much to this level. You have to rescue your three captured friends. Start with Padme, who is like right there. Kill the guards and use the force on the thing she is standing on. Follow along the edge and do the same to your other partners. After that, some droids will charge out. Kill the specified droids (the ones shown at top of screen) and more will come. Treat them with the same hospitality. And look who's here to crash the party! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S F I G H T : JANGO FETT (AGAIN) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Use the same strategy as before, and force the rockets back at him. And this time, he kicks the bucket for good. Mission 4: Gunship Calvary Another ship level. Ugh. Fly around killing the droid things. Blow up the other weird looking things for studs. Shoot the blue electric things to clear a path. In the next area, shoot the laser things when they are finished shooting. Do this to both on the sides of a blue shield thing and then blow up the power converters. After you do this to all of the power cinverters, the big ship go BOOM! Mission 5: Count Dooku When you start off, go in the base. Kill the droids Dooku sics on you. Then go in where he went. More Dooku pets to kill. After they have pushed up a few daisies, press the switch on the ground. Obi will jump on the next switch. Jump on the one after him and so on. At the top, use the force on a switch and Obi will take the other (assuming you're Anakin, which is optional). After that, go in and you get a... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B O S S B A T T L E : COUNT DOOKU =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Fight him like you would anyone else and then use the Jango Rocket strategy when he throws the objects at you. Stay close to him, or he'll jump and issue an unavoidable attack. After that, Episode II complete! YAY!!! ________________________________ Episode III: Revenge of the Sith -------------------------------- Mission 1: Battle over Coruscant Not much here, fly around, shoot droids, blow up traps, don't die. shoot the red dots on things to blow up a passage. Mission 2: Chancellor in Peril Go straight down the hallway and use the force on the door. Go through. Drop down and kill the droids. Go to the other end and use the force on the things on the wall. Now jump up and force the yellow cages on the wall. Go through. Kill the droids in here and go through. Use R2 to open the door with the little thing inside. Use the force on it and it will blow up after you put it in the other door, making the ceiling fall and giving you a ladder. In the next area, go to the right and use the force on the thing on the wall. Jump up on it. Now force the little orange thing. Use the air current and ride up. Kill the droideka and go through. Fight Dooku and then head up the stairs. Go through the door up here. You will be immediately chased by a big thing that is stirring up a lot of dust. Run through and at the bottom, go through the door. Use the force on the approriate objects to get through this area. Now run through the next. Kill the droids and the bodyguards in here and then use the force on the little things on the computers and the level will end. Mission 3: General Grievous Did anyone notice that Yoda said General Gweevous in the movie? Anywho, pull out your lightsaber immediately. Duke it out with Grievous. Jump and attack for an easy hit. After you hit him twice, he'll jump away (sissy). Switch to Cody (the clone) and shoot the explosive barrel. It'll blow up, damage him, and he'll jump back over. Switch back to Obi and use the above strategy. After that he will jump away again. Use the Force on the rubbel to make a bridge, walk across it and jump up the platforms. Force the stuff on the wall. It will form a platform. Switch to Cody and jump up on it. Jump again and shoot toward Grievous at the top of your jump. It should hit the explosive and knock Grievous back down. Attack with Obi. He'll jump away again. Go back to the previous area. Jump up the stairs that you make with the force. Force the legos on the wall and then the explosive. Now shoot it with Cody. Attack Grievous for the final time with Obi. Watch as Grivous chops up Cody and then Obi shoots him. Mission 4: Defense of Kashyyyk Go along the platforms and use the force on the things next to the bridges to lower them. Keep doing this and you'll come to some who attack you! TRAITORS!!! Unleash your little green furry upon their pathetic LEGO bodies. Continue along the bridges until you find out that the clones have attacked the wookies and captured some of them. Now how did they do that so quickly...hmmm... They are all atop a platform, exept one, who is guarded by two troopers. Save them all and go to the bridge farther along the platforms. Stand on a switch and head over the bridge to the beach. You will encounter many walkers and enemies. For the walkers, just run up and press B FAST. This will block all lasers and you'll attack. Work your way to the other end of the beach and use the Force on hte flowers. One will reveal a grapple point. Grapple up, shoot the switches, and go through the bridge door. Fight your way through this area and go through the exit on the other side. Follow this path until you get to the staircase of death, we shall call it. Kill the walker and Force the flowers to reveal a staircase. Jump up it and go along the boulder paths. Jump into a boulder right as it hits you to not hurt. You have to actually press A though, not just Yoda Hop. Use the Force on the rubble at the end and use it as a staircase to get to the switches you need to stand on to open the door. Follow the path and when you get to an area with little nodes surrounding a patch of grass, use the force on them then destroy them. Your shuttle has arrived, sir. Use the force on it. Mission 5: Ruin of the Jedi Run foward and kill the "Jedi." After that head toward the stairs and Force the objects blocking the door. Go through. In here, head along the catwalk and use the force on the brown lego stack. Jump up the new stairs and head along this platform. Drop down at the end and go right. Move the red LEGO's via force and use the switch underneath with Yoda to proceed. Go straight and in the bigger area go up and to the right. Im here, use the force on the little bridges in the walls. Use them to jump to the switch and activate it. This will let down a forcefield to the other alcove next to you. Go in there and use the very top platform to jump on the switch, then use the switch that was behind the forcefield. This will open the OTHER alcove. Do the same in here. This will open the door we need to go through. Go through it. Kill the clones. Then use the force on the desk thing. Mission 6: Darth Vader Run and jump over holes to get to the next area. Use the fallen lego pillars to raise the clock. Go to the right and move the pillars via force. After that, force the things on the edge of the door and exit this area. Force all the switches and work with your "Partner" to get out of this area. Note that you can switch to Anakin. Jump along these things in the lava. Go up, left, and up again to get through. Jump as high up the big metal thing. Jump to the rock area before the thing you're on sinks. Now duke it out with the other. If you begin the fight as Anakin, you will have ten hearts. Do that. Congrats! You've beaten LEGO: Star Wars! I hope you enjoyed it! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Minikits .:min06:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Minikits are little hidden items that look remotely like a traffic light. They are hidden throughout each level. There are ten for every level. If you manage to find all of these, it will go toward your %Complete: status. You will also get a whopping 50,000 studs if you find all ten in a level. A nice treat for your hard work. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Superkit .:sup07:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Superkits are sort of like minikits. To get a superkit piece, you must find a certain amount of studs in each level. The amount of studs necessary varies with the level. These can be hard and time consuming, so if you have a lot of patience and are good at the game, you will have it easier than some. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks .:tha08:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks go to: My friend Andrew, who lended me his copy of the game so I could write this FAQ. LucasArts for making the game. LEGO for making LEGO's. Nintendo for making the GameCube so I could play this game. GameFAQs, for being so awesome. And lots of others who aren't listed, thanks!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Legal Stuff .:leg09:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted by me, Chapel Collins a.k.a monkeydance994. All trademarks, copyrights, etc. listed somewhere in this FAQ are property of its respective owner. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q & A .:q&a10:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here are some basic questions and answers. Q: Is this game worth buying? A: Yes, definately. It will keep you going trying to find the minikits. Q: What are minikits/superkits? A: See above sections, Minikits and Superkits Q: How do I play as ? A: You either unlock them in the game, or unlock them and have to buy them at the counter in the diner. Q: Is a blaster better than a lightsaber? A: Short Anwer: No Longer Answer: It really depends on your taste and skill. I preferr the lightsaber because you can deflect lasers and with the blaster all you can do is dodge. Q: What is the :?: door? Why can't I go in it? A: To unlock that, you have to get all the superkits. Once you do that, you can go in and out as you wish. For what is inside, I am pretty sure it is just bonus material and a character or two. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___ _________ / | / | __ \ ___ / |/ | | | \ / " \ / __ __ | |__| | <\_-_/> /___/ |/ |_|_____/ O U T | |