^^_________________________^^ -=| Lemmings (PS2) Walkthrough |=- By: soMEguy_povo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Version History [LPS-VHS] - List of controls [LPS-CTR] - List of skills [LPS-SKL] - Basic Techniques [LPS-BTC] - Advanced Techniques [LPS-ADT] - Glossary [LPS-GLS] ** WALKTHROUGH ** - Fun [WLK-FUN] - Tricky [WLK-TKY] - Taxing [WLK-TXG] - Mayhem [WLK-MHM] - Special [WLK-SPL] - Contact Me [LPS-CTM] - Legal [LPS-LGL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version History [LPS-VHS] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.5: 20/3/08 (March 20th) - Added Taxing levels 13 - 15 - Fixed capitalisation errors from Version 2.4 Version 2.4: 13/3/08 (March 13th) - Done the levels from Taxing 8 to Taxing 12 - Added Taxing 16 walkthrough by request - Deleted unnecessary space between Taxing 6 and Taxing 7 - Added a space between Tricky 2 and Tricky 3 - Changed the first 17 Fun levels from "Total Lemmings" to "Number of lemmings" Version 2.2: 24/1/08 (January 24th) - A massive break due to unforseen circumstances - Added walkthrough for Taxing 7 - Added Special 35 walkthrough by request - Added some ugly looking CRTL+F codes - Typed out a whole bunch more hyphens Version 2.1: 25/9/07 (September 25th) - Took a huge break, mostly due to a flood of new games to play - Completed up to Taxing level 6 - Minor edits to Taxing level 2 Version 2.05: 21/8/07 (August 21st) - Took a bit of a break before starting the Taxing levels - First 2 Taxing levels done - More minor edits (the layout of this guide sucks... need to change it) - Put in a table of contents at the top (might add CTRL+F codes later) Version 2.0: 30/7/07 (July 30th) - FINALLY done with all the Tricky levels - Forgot to make an edit promised in Version 1.9. Fixed now - Further edits to Tricky level 21 - Considering changing the Walkthrough title... it looks lame as is Version 1.9: 27/7/07 (July 27th) - No, you're not missing version 1.8 don't worry - Been a bit side tracked with Harry Potter 7 lately - Added Tricky levels 22 - 25 - Updated the "Legal Whatnots" section - Corrected an error in Tricky level 16 (replaced "the" with "then") - Minor edits to Version 1.7 overview - Added a sentence to Tricky level 21 for clarification - A few minor edits (most of them were forgotten spaces between words) Version 1.7: 13/7/07 (July, Friday 13th) - It's Friday the 13th, which can only mean good things - Added Tricky levels 16 - 21 (couldn't resist doing the 666 level early) - Forgot to put the Version 1.65 update last time... corrected now - Minor edits to Fun level 6 (made one long sentence into 2 smaller ones) - Corrected an error in Fun level 19 (replaced "you" with "out") - Edited the first paragraph of Tricky level 11 (sounds better to me) - Corrected an error in Tricky level 14 (replaced "seems" with "seem") - Added a sentence to last paragraph of Tricky level 14 so it makes more sense - Removed excess spaces from between version updates for consistency Version 1.65: 11/7/07 (July 11th) - Minor update for Tricky levels 11 - 15 Version 1.6: 27/6/07 (June 27th) - Added a quick note in the overview of Version 1.5 regarding the “missing” versions - Added a glossary term: BPR / BPL - Added details of BPRs / BPLs in the Blocker Prison section under Basic Techniques - Added Advanced Technique: "Pit Steps" - Started the “Tricky” section. First 10 levels done, more to follow Version 1.5: 25/6/07 (June 25th) - I know what you’re thinking... “Where’s Versions 1.1 through to 1.4?” Well they don’t exist, so get over it. I have my own specific numbering system. - Been busy playing Pokemon, so haven’t done much - Added a website permission section - Added a Skills Explanation section Version 1.0: 13/6/07 (June 13th) Started first draft. - Included Glossary, Basic and Advanced Techniques, Contact Me and copyright sections - Wrote down list of controls. - Finished walkthrough for the "Fun" levels - Added sections for Tricky, Taxing, Mayhem and Special levels - Reformatted to 80 characters per line ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls [LPS-CTR] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: these controls DO NOT cover "create a level" mode. Please refer to your manual for the controls in this mode. * Directional buttons Move the cursor in the direction you pressed * Left analogue stick Same as directional buttons... maybe a little bit faster *Start Pauses and unpauses the game. NOTE: While paused, you can raise and lower the release rate, and even assign skills. Just be aware that only the LAST skill you assign in pause mode will take effect, and only when you unpause *Select Accesses the menu, where you can restart or quit a level * X Use this to assign lemmings with the selected skill * O Hold down circle to put the game in fast forward. You can still assign skills in fast forward, but it's often better to do so in "real time" * Square Hold down square to activate the motion tracker. This keeps a certain lemming selected until you release square, which is useful for doing actions that need to be a specific direction. * Triangle Triangle zooms in on the action slightly. Pressing it again zooms back out to normal size. * L1 / R1 Used to scroll through the skills in the skill bar left and right respectively. You can also select the release rate increaser / decreaser from the skill bar. NOTE: This is the ONLY way to change and select skills, you CANNOT select them with your cursor, as in previous versions. *L2 / R2 Scrolls the screen left or right. Much faster then just moving the cursor to the edge of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills Explanation [LPS-SKL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Note: explanations are based on the official Lemmings game manual, and although a lot of it has been changed, it is essentially their writings, I merely added some flavour. CLIMBER A permanent ability allowing a single lemming to climb up any solid, vertical surface, and also makes said lemming wear a little orange helmet to easily identify them in a crowd. Climbers tend to climb vertically at about half the speed they can walk horizontally. Also, a climber cannot be assigned any other skills while it is climbing, with the exception of “floater”. FLOATER The second permanent ability in the game, a floater will survive any drop which would otherwise be fatal. This is achieved by using an umbrella to slow down their fall (and just so you know, this DOES NOT work in real life, so don’t even think about trying it). Floaters will always carry their umbrellas around, even when not in use, so you can find them more easily in a crowd. BOMBER A lemming assigned this skill will have a countdown appear over their head, lasting approximately 5 seconds. Once the 5 seconds (or so) are up, BOOM! The poor little lemming is rather graphically dismembered, and a medium-sized hole is punched in the floor and any surrounding materials (eg: a wall). A bomber WILL NOT blow a hole through metal. Where possible, it’s a good idea to combine this skill with the “blocker” skill, as it ensures that your bomber does not wander off and blow a hole somewhere you don’t want. BLOCKER Blockers are like the bouncers of lemming society, in that they won’t allow any lemmings past (well, most of the time). Once assigned, a blocker stops walking, and any lemmings who walk up to him/her/it are deflected back in the direction they came from. Blockers can be bypassed by digging/mining/bashing under them, building over them, or turning them into bombers. A blocker will only stop blocking if it is exploded, or if the ground is removed from beneath its feet. BUILDER Builders, like most skills, are pretty obvious to figure out; they build little bridges at an angle in order to cross pits and hazards. I haven’t measured the exact angle at which a builder will build, but it appears to be something around 30 degrees. Each builder will lay exactly 12 little “bricks”, and then stop, at which point, you must assign your lemming as a builder again for it to continue. For the last 3 bricks, you’ll hear and see a semi-racist sound (you’ll see what I mean) to tell you that you’re almost out of bricks. BASHER Bashers are one of the more often used skills in the game. Quite simply, a basher will cut a horizontal tunnel trough any obstacle (not metal) so that your other lemmings can pass through. Bashers move a bit slower than regular lemmings (which is understandable, really) and can be assigned any other skill while still bashing. Some of these skills, such as a blocker or miner will cause your basher to stop bashing, so it can use its new skill instead, but others, such as climber, floater and bomber will not interrupt him/her/it. This is also true for the digger and miner skills. DIGGER Diggers... well... they dig, obviously. As opposed to bashers, however, they go straight vertically down, and at a slightly slower pace to boot. A lemming who walks into a digger’s pit will often be trapped, but at faster release rates, a lemming might be able to walk straight across with barely a pause. If you’re digging a particularly deep tunnel, be careful that other lemmings entering the pit don’t fall so far that they splatter. This can be achieved by alternating between digging and bashing/mining so that small steps form in the pit, allowing a safe descent. A digger cannot dig through metal, but a glitch exists to allow diggers to dig on the edge of a piece of metal, which has its uses. MINER The last skill, miners are sort of a compromise between bashers and diggers, as their tunnels are diagonal. In terms of speed, it’s a slight bit slower then a basher, but about as fast, if not slightly quicker than a digger. The angle of a miner’s mine shaft is roughly equal to the angle of a builder’s bridge. As with bashers and builders, a miner will stop if he hits metal, and if you start on top of metal, he won’t even try. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Techniques [LPS-BTC] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Blocker Prison One of the most basic techniques needed to succeed in Lemmings. A Blocker Prison is essentially 2 blockers which contain the bulk of the lemmings in the level, keeping them safe and out of the way. A Blocker Prison can also be a single blocker and an obstacle (eg: a tree) which keeps the lemmings contained. A natural pit or set of obstacles which keep lemmings contained is NOT a Blocker Prison, as no blockers are necessary. Once a Blocker Prison is set up, it is generally assumed that you increase the release rate to 99, so the lemmings can be out on the field of play, just in case time is an issue. Starting from the Tricky levels, I'll start to use the abbreviations BPL and BPR (standing for blocker prison - left and - right respectively). The directions left and right indicate which direction you want your hero(es) to walk [to summarise: BPR= hero(es) walk right. BPL= hero(es) walk left] I REALLY hope that makes sense... * Bridge Cut Another basic technique. This refers to having one lemming build a bridge, and a second lemming using a "destructive" skill to break the bridge, so that no other lemmings may pass. The "destructive" skills are: basher, miner, digger and bomber. Generally, and where space allows, you'll want to wait until your first lemming has made 1 complete bridge (ie: used all the bricks), and started on a second before you do a Bridge Cut. This ensures that when the time comes to patching the bridge up, it's much easier to see and select individual lemmings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Techniques [LPS-ADT] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bridge Cancel Simply put, this technique allows you to stop building a bridge before all the bricks are placed. To do this, use a "destructive" skill (such as a digger or miner) to cut the bridge off early. As an added bonus in this version, you can use the basher skill to do a bridge cancel, and it won't use up your basher, so where possible, try to use a basher. This is useful for levels where you need to build over to a tiny piece of land, and you don't want to overshoot. * Bridge Extend Normally, when you build a bridge, you assign your builder another builder skill just as he's finishing placing his last brick. With the bridge extend technique, you let your builder run out of bricks, and then take a step forward before re-assigning him, leaving a small flat section in your bridge. This is useful for very long bridges, where a few small steps can save you a whole builder skill later on. It's also useful in a few levels where you want to make your bridge slightly lower than what it would normally be if you had built regularly. * Bridge Stall Nothing really special, just a technique which uses surplus builders to slow down any lemmings behind your hero, so the hero has more time to proceed. This can potentially save the lives of everyone who does a Bridge Stall, so don't be afraid to use up extra builders. * Pit Steps A pit step is basically a small ridge or land which you create inside a deep pit, so that other lemmings won't fall too far and die (in other words, it breaks their fall). To create a pit step, dig for a few seconds, then either bash or mine, and then quickly go back to digging. You should notice that your pit no longer goes straight down, but that it's now shifted slightly to one side, leaving a small step at the edge of a tunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glossary [LPS-GLS] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Athlete Lemming who has been assigned both the "climber" and "floater" permanent skills * BPR / BPL Stands for "blocker prison right" and "blocker prison left". Refer to the Blocker Prison section in Basic Techniques for more details. * Hero The lemming which performs most of the actions / skills. In some levels, there can be 2 or even 3 heroes. * Hot Spot Used to describe where on the level you should use an action (eg: a builder or miner) for best results. #=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====# WALKTHROUGH #=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====#=====# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun [WLK-FUN] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: The fun levels are all extremely easy, and I highly doubt anyone even needs a walkthrough for these levels... but here it is anyway. The first few levels serve as a tutorial for moving around and assigning skills, and if you can't do these on your own, then you're in for a good time on the Mayhem levels... I've ignored a few "common sense" steps, such as increasing the release rate at the end of a level so lemmings that haven't come out yet do so faster, and a lot of the time, that's not really an issue. In levels where time is a factor, I'll be sure to put a note about raising the release rate. Anyway, here we go... LEVEL 1: Just dig! Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth You can either assign one lemming to be your digger, or you can give each lemming his own skill, either way, just dig through the layer of dirt, and you're through... or you can be mean and have them dig again at the bottom and fall to their deaths... LEVEL 2: Only floaters can survive this Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 8 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Egyptian Again, it's very simple. Give each lemming the floater skill, and hold down fast forward (O). Yawn. Again, if you want to be evil, you can always just "forget" to give them umbrellas. LEVEL 3: Tailor made for blockers Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 5 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Egyptian Still quite easy. What you need to do is assign a blocker on each platform to turn your lemmings around. Make sure you let your potential blockers take a few steps first, because if you make them block DIRECTLY under where they fell of the last platform, the other lemmings will just walk straight past them, so be careful of that. For all you sadists out there, just let your poor defenceless victims keep walking, and they'll all fall to their doom. LEVEL 4: Now use miners and climbers Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Roman Make your first lemming out into a miner. Once he cuts through the platform you start on, make everyone climbers... bet you would've never guessed that, huh? I don't think there's any way you could possibly fail this level short of going to the menu and quitting... Unless you deliberately go as far lest as you can, and then mine to the left... that MIGHT just allow your lemmings to walk over the edge of the level... I wouldn't know, I've never tried it, and I don't expect you to either, you meanie! LEVEL 5: You need bashers this time Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 5 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Crystal Simply bash through each obstacle as you get to it. Once you get to the mesh area around the goal, assign a basher skill to pretty much every lemming as soon as they touch a wire, and you should get through all of them. Evil people should note that nothing is stopping them from continuing to bash through the pillar / pipe at the far right of the level... LEVEL 6: A task for blockers and bombers Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell The name gives it away. Make the first lemming out into a bomber (no need to make him block... seriously, he's not going anywhere...) and he should walk a bit and explode, creating a nice hole. Now, for the second bomber, let a lemming walk all the way to the right until he's next to the wall, and make him a blocker. Turn your blocker into a bomber, and he should blow a hole through to the exit. Evil people have a few options for this level. You could try having a blocker / bomber directly under the entrance, so the lemmings splatter from falling too far, or you could try setting up blockers and bombers until they blow a hole into the lava below. LEVEL 7: Builders will help you here Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 25 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Roman This will be your first time using builders, so if you feel like it, you can try out a few of the advanced techniques, so you can get a feel for what they do exactly, and how the execute them. It'll also give you an idea of what the angle of the bridges are, so you can estimate bridge distance vs. height by yourself (although on some of the harder levels, I will try to vaguely describe where you should be building anyway). Long story short, just build up to the first big step, then build over the gap. In the highly likely event that some lemmings fall into the pit, just use extra builders to get them out. If you're feeling particularly mean, you could always build a tall bridge at the start of the level, and watch the poor lemmings splatter. LEVEL 8: Not as complicated as it looks Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 95 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 88 Theme: Egyptian Let your first lemming out walk a few steps, then make him a blocker. Easy. If, however, you want 100% of the little guys, have your first lemming mine as soon as he lands. Let him go until there's a definite "wall" to his right, then make him a builder. This will deflect the other lemmings into the goal. However, some lemmings will have already walked past your mine shaft, so just make them into miners too, and do the same thing (wait for a "wall" to form, build, and turn around. For 0%, just have the first 5 or 6 lemmings be diggers. LEVEL 9: As long as you try your best Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 90 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Roman Have your first lemming bash through the column to the right. 10 Lemmings will turn around and be minced, but that still leaves you with the necessary 90 lemmings for the win. If you want to save them all, try having the 10 lemmings behind the hero do a Bridge Stall (see the "Advanced Techniques" section), which should slow them down enough so they can walk straight through once your hero's finished bashing. Just be aware though that I've experience some abnormalities with this, and a few of the builders tended to turn around by themselves... which ended rather messy. Evil people, your course of action should be obvious. LEVEL 10: Smile if you love lemmings Number of Lemmings: 20 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Egyptian First of all, you have 20 floater skills, and 20 lemmings. Hopefully, it should be obvious what you have to do. The problem (if you can call THAT a problem) is that you lemmings are going right, but need to go left. A blocker will do this no problem. For 100%, have your first lemming become a digger. 1 other lemming will walk over the top of the pit, so let him walk to the edge of the platform you start on, and make him into a builder. While he's building, make him a floater (in fact, everyone should be assigned as a floater ASAP. Once your digger has dug a nice, deep-ish pit, make him a builder to stop him digging. When he turns around, make him bash or mine left. This will turn all your lemmings left, without using a blocker. As for the other guy that got away, he should have turned himself around by using the platform on the right... as long as you didn't make him a climber or anything. Evil people just don't assign them as floaters... or don't put a blocker, your choice. LEVEL 11: Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming. Number of Lemmings: 60 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Roman Make your first 2 lemmings into athletes (ie: floaters AND climbers) and have them climb over the big block. Once on the other side, make the leading lemming into a blocker, to turn the other one around. Explode your blocker once he's done his job, so you don't have to do it later. The remaining athlete should bash through the block, and let the others through to safety. For 100%, send 1 athlete over, and make him build a big bridge over the goal. Hitting the wall turns him around, which will allow you to proceed as normal. Don't forget to cut through the bridge on your way back, so everyone can get out. Evil people simply need to bash left at the start of the level. LEVEL 12: Patience Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 40 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Egyptian I haven't done any official tests, but it seems to me that if you don't put a blocker to stop your lemmings falling off the left edge of the map, you would still have enough to finish the level. To be safe though, assign your first lemming as a blocker ASAP. If done right, all the lemmings behind him should walk past without turning right. If done wrong (accidentally or deliberately) you're in for a very short level... Anyway, once that's set up, have your hero (the lemming now leading the pack) bash through the obstacle. Many lemmings will turn back, but hopefully, none will perish. Once you break through, you'll land in a pit. Have your lemmings build to the right (you won't get high enough with one bridge), then build left at the top of that bridge, and then right again. LEVEL 13: We all fall down Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 4:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Hell This is, without a doubt, one of the easiest and most boring levels in the game. The worst part is, you'll have to play this exact same level 2 or 3 times more in the course of the classic levels, only with more lemmings each time. That said, I'm going to write ONE walkthrough for all the "We all fall down"s, and it will apply to all of them. Although you really shouldn't need help, refer back here for the later levels. As soon as the level starts, pause the game, and up the release rate to something which isn't pathetic... say 80 or 85 (possibly 70 - 75, I've had a few problems with really high speeds). Start the level, and scroll all the way to the right, where the platform ends. Fast forward until your lemming get close to the edge, and assign each of them a digger skill. Once they've all dug through, let them all walk into the goal... or make them dig again to meet a fiery demise... In later levels, many lemmings will mean space is limited, so try to make your diggers be as close as possible if you can. LEVEL 14: Origins and Lemmings Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 8:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Egyptian Start by letting your hero go through, then setting up a blocker prison (see "basic techniques" if you don't know what that is), making sure to use the block to the left to save a blocker. Anyway, once your hero reaches the first wall, have him mine. Once through, let him walk about halfway into this massive pit, and make him a builder. Let him hit the wall, and turn around. When he comes back, have him bash through into the next gigantic pit (with any luck. If you walked too far before building, you'll bash through to a bottomless pit...). Repeat the process you used in the last pit, bash though, and you should be at the exit. To save your blocker, have a lemming walking right turn into a miner when he's about 3 steps away from the blocker. With any luck, you should remove the ground from underneath your blocker, freeing him. Have your miner build so he can stop mining and everyone else can escape. Evil people need only bash left at the start. LEVEL 15: Don't let your eyes deceive you Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 80 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 40 Theme: Egyptian Start off by letting your hero walk to the right, then set up a blocker prison at the ground floor (again taking advantage of the obstacles to save a blocker). Let your hero walk up the first set of stairs, and make him a basher when he gets to the column. Repeat this to pass all 3 columns, and then proceed on to the big gap in the floor. Let your hero walk down the slope a little bit, and then make him into a builder. Build a bridge long enough to span the gap, and then fall down. The fall shouldn't be fatal, but if it is, start the level over, and try doing a few bridge extends to keep the height down. Anyway, have your hero climb the next set of stairs, and once he gets to the block at the top, let him walk almost to the edge, and then build. Now you can go back and free your other lemmings, and they'll walk all the way though to the exit. Just make sure you check up on your hero too, because it's possible that you'll need 2 bridges, and you don't want to be falling to your death so close to the exit now, do you? Evil players have GOT to try out the trap. Simply bash through the last set of stairs and watch the carnage. LEVEL 16: Don't do anything too hasty Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Hell Start by assigning the first lemming as a blocker as soon as he lands. Let one lemming past, and then turn the third one into a blocker once he takes a few steps to the right of your first blocker. With your free lemming, walk all the way to the edge of the platform, and then build. Don't stop building until you reach the goal. Once this is done, free the others. LEVEL 17: Easy when you know how Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Roman I've compiled no less than 3 ways to beat this level, and a 4th, untested way which I won't put here... yet. 1. Concentrate on the left-most trap door. Let a lemming walk to the right and turn around. As he goes down the "stairs" to the left, wait for him to step on the biggest one, and make him a blocker at the edge of it. With any luck, the other lemmings will be trapped in a very tiny space. Have the lemmings from the other trapdoors bash out the columns (except the one furthest to the right), and let them all walk into your extremely tiny prison. Explode the blocker, and let the mass of lemmings walk right, under the "main" platform. With any luck, only 4 of them will be squished, leaving you with more than enough for the win. 2. Wait for a lemming from the left-most trapdoor walk to the left of the platform, and make him a blocker BEFORE he starts going down the stairs. Now go to the right-most group. Make all the lemmings there into floaters, and then bash out the right-most column. Use the motion tracker on the last floater, and when he reaches the second stair from the top, have him build to turn him around. When he turns, make him build again, until he connects to the metal on the side of the "main" platform. Have the other groups bash through the other columns, and they should all file into the goal. 3. With the left-most group, have 1 lemming go down the stairs, and assign the second lemming as a blocker (It doesn't matter if they're allowed to walk around, as in strategy 2, or trapped, as in strategy 1). When the free lemming (hero) walks under the main platform, take note of the metal above him. You should notice that there's a line of metal, and 3 pieces above that line spread out thought the whole platform. These metal pieces indicate the presence of crusher traps (also, you might notice them moving ever so slightly out of the bottom of the platform). When your guy is about to walk under a crusher, make him a builder. This will make him avoid the area of ground affected by the trap. Do this for all 3 pieces of metal, and again where the platform becomes a large metal square, and you should survive... if not, then at least now you know for sure where the crushers are. Have the other groups bash through the columns, and explode your blocker. LEVEL 18: Let's block and blow Number of Lemmings: 70 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 80 Theme: Hell The concept here is the same as level 6. You use blockers to explode holes in the floor, allowing your lemmings to pass. You should notice a safe path, one with no fires, but as long as I'm here, I might as well help out as much as possible. First of all, on the top level, walk past the first room (the one with fire), and past the wall which divides the 2 rooms on the lower level. Once you're clear, make a blocker and explode him. Now, you should be in a room with a wall at the bottom, dividing 2 rooms. Walk to the right of this wall, assign a blocker, and explode him. Repeat this for the next room, except your should be on the LEFT side of the dividing wall underneath the room you're in. Do it once more for the right-side room, and on the last level, walk all the way right, and detonate a blocker right next to the brick wall on the right. LEVEL 19: Take good care of my Lemmings Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 70 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Roman Start by letting the first 5 lemmings drop out of the trapdoor at the starting release rate of 20. Once 5 guys are out, you may pause and increase the rate to 99. While you're paused, scout out the level, because it's time for the very first "hot spot"s (check the glossary if you need a definition) of this walkthrough. You should notice that the ground resembles a bunch of hills. Go to the far right, and count to the second last hill before the gap. At the peak of the hill, there should be a block with a flower on it. This is your first hot spot. Fast forward until your lemmings approach the hill. When the first lemming hits your hot spot, make him dig. One lemming will continue on, and the rest will be trapped. Make a shallow pit, and build to the right, so that you stop digging, and all the lemmings are trapped. Now pause again. Go to the last hill, and point you cursor at the peak. Notice how the ground is made up of small blocks? Move your cursor to the SECOND block to the right of the flower block, and you've got your next hot spot. Wait for your free lemming to hit your hot spot, and make him build. He should build up to the goal with no problems, and free himself. Now go back to your pit 'o lemmings. Use your motion tracker to grab a lemming, and make him bash when he starts walking to the right. You should bash through to the side of the hill, and be freed. If you bashed left, quickly build to stop, and try again. Eventually, every last lemming should be home free. LEVEL 20: We are now at LEMCON ONE Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 30 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 10 Theme: Roman Start by having your first lemming walk to the edge of the small platform you start on, and building a bridge. Use the second and third lemmings to set up a lemming prison on the small platform. With your hero, bash through all the little obstacles, and then build up to the goal when you get through the last one. Free your lemmings, from their prison (increase the release rate if you haven't already), and they'll all walk into the goal. LEVEL 21: You Live and Lem Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 150 Theme: Earth Let your lemmings walk for a while. Once they walk past the steep hill, they won't go back to the left again, so just set up as usual (have 1 free "hero" lemming, and use a blocker to trap the others). Make sure you don't set your blocker on the thin piece of platform though, as detonating him there could be a problem. Anyway, have your hero bash through the mound of dirt to the right. Make sure you start bashing nice and high, if for no other reason than because it's slightly faster. Once you're through, walk to the edge of the platform you're on, and build across to the other side. Bash once more to pass through the wall, and then detonate your blocker. It's not over yet though, there's still one more thing to take care of. If you look a bit further, you should see a trap up ahead. Simply have your hero build over it, and you'll be fine (don't worry, the main pack's way too far behind to get caught before you finish building). LEVEL 22: A Beast of a level Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 80 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth Aww... they totally screwed up this level. It used to look so awesome on the SEGA genesis. They even got rid of its special music! Anyway, start by placing a blocker as soon as the first lemming lands (so they can go past him, remember?). Have your leader bash through all the trees (6 in total), but stop when you reach the dirt. When you get past the last tree, have your basher build up to the mound of dirt. It won't be nearly high enough, so you'll have to let him turn around, and then build left up to the tree. Once he hits the tree, let him come back down a little bit, then build right again. This time, you should be high enough to make it to the goal. Speed everything up, and you should win. LEVEL 23: I've lost that Lemming feeling Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Have your first lemming walk a few steps, and then make him a blocker. The next lemming should turn around, and walk towards the wall. Make the third lemming into a blocker just to the left of the trapdoor... that's right, it's your standard blocker prison... Have your hero walk into the dent in the wall, as high as he can go, and then start bashing. You'll definitely want to put it on fast forward here, because bashing takes a long time. Also, your basher will hit a gap about halfway thorough, so when he does, let him walk left as high as he can, and start bashing again. Now, before too long, you'll approach a large chasm. Let your hero bash into it, and as soon as he hits open space, turn him into a builder. You have to be pretty fast with it, otherwise you'll die, and have to do all that bashing AGAIN!. Let your hero build far enough so that he'll land on a brick on the left side of the chasm. Chances are he'll turn around anyway, if this happens, wait until he's in his little tunnel he bashed out, and make him build again. Bash through the left wall of the chasm, and then to the goal. Free your main mass of lemmings, watch them walk for like 3 minutes, and you're done. LEVEL 24: Konbanwa Lemming san Number of Lemmings: 30 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Roman The key to this level is just doing each action about 3 times, because it's pretty much guaranteed that at this speed, AT LEAST 1 lemming is not going to want to fall into your pits with everyone else. Start by walking along the top platform. You should notice that there's a smaller platform just below, but a bit to the right. Walk until you're above the platform, and mine. As I said, you might need 2 or 3 miners to get every lemming, and you've got plenty of them, so don't be shy. Once you hit the platform below you, mine again. You should now be on the ground floor, as it were. Walk right, under a large area, and once you're out from underneath the large area, mine again. Basically, you want to land on the platform with the goal, slightly to the left of it. Once you've done that, you're all set. Just be warned though, if you feel like going for a bit of a walk to the right, there's a crusher trap in that column to the right, and you'll end up losing a few lemmings. While I haven't tested this, I think you'll still have enough lemmings to pass, but just try not to, ok? LEVEL 25: Lemmings Lemmings everywhere Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Crystal There are tons of different ways to do this level, the guide that follows is for the most common path I take, but feel free to seek alternates. Let your group of guys walk all the way through the wire / net area, until you get to a large blue web. When you walk onto the first strand of web, have your guys mine through it. Repeat this for the strand directly below that one. Now, walk a bit, and bash through the vertical-ish strand to the right, and once more to have your lemmings fall into a deep pit. Have a lemming turn around and walk left, until he is clear of where the other lemmings are falling onto, and mine left through the diagonal strand of web. Bash through the next one to the left, and then dig through the last 2 above the goal. If any lemmings have become trapped in other parts of the web, you've got plenty of spare tools and time to free them. LEVEL 26: Nightmare on Lem street Number of Lemmings: 2 Lemmings to Save: 2 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 30 Theme: Egyptian You only get 2 lemmings here, so it shouldn't really be any problem at all... right? Start by upping the release rate by 5-10 points. Once the second lemming appears, make him a builder to stall him. By this time, the first lemming should be almost to the edge of the platform, so make him a builder too. Once lemming 2 is done with his pointless bridge, let him walk off... then build another one. Meanwhile, have lemming 1 walk to the edge of the net platform, and build again. This time, he should hit the wall to the right. Have him bash through the wall once he places his last brick (or whichever brick he's on when he connects to the wall). By this time, lemming 2 should be through with his second bridge, so let him walk through. By the time he gets to lemming 1, the tunnel should be almost complete. Have lemming 2 help out by being a basher too (both of them should, for some reason, start bashing in synchronisation, which means neither of them stop). Once that's done, both of them should be at the goal. LEVEL 27: Let's be careful out there Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 25 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Roman Start by setting up a blocker prison, and letting your hero escape to the left... you should know how to do that by now. Have your hero build a bridge over the first gap he comes across, and then continue on. Once he gets up the first slope, there should be a small set of stairs that leads over to the left. We don't want to climb these, so have him bash into them when he gets there. Once he’s about halfway through, make him build to stop him, and turn him right. Go back down the slope, and when he gets to the "pointy" bit, have him build to the right. Be careful not to build right at the edge of the pointy bit though, because that could prevent the other lemmings from passing. Once you're at the right, walk all the way around the top, and off to the side. Once you land on the rock, have your hero mine a bit, and once a wall forms to his right, make him build to stop. Finally, bridge the gap to the goal. You may now let your trapped lemmings free to the left. After they all finish their nice long walk, they should be free, unless you messed up by making the mine shaft too shallow. LEVEL 28: If only they could fly. Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 80 Theme: Hell Start off by digging through each of the floors in the "prison" like structure you start in. Make sure you don't make one big hole by digging directly underneath the last hole, that's just not smart... Once you're through to the floor, a few lemmings will inevitably want to go right. Make the leader of these guys a blocker once he walks onto the metal block. As for the rest of the lemmings, let them walk underneath a chunk of land. Once they're almost past the chunk of land, make the second lemming a blocker, and also, go back about 10 lemmings, and make another blocker, trapping about 7 or 8 between the 2 blockers, and keeping the bulk of the lemmings separate. Have the first free lemming walk towards the group of platforms that almost resemble a staircase, and have him build towards the lowest one. When he reaches it, let him walk to the end, and turn him into a blocker. Now, go back to your group of 7 or 8 captured lemmings. Explode the blocker to their left, releasing them, but keeping the others safe. Get the leader, and when he walks up the first bridge, onto the lowest platform, have him walk towards the blocker, and then, a step or 2 away, start building. The blocker will turn the builder around, and make him build towards the next platform up. Once there, have the lead lemming walk to the edge and block. Again, have another lemming walk to the blocker, and start building just in front of him, thus creating a sort of spiral staircase. Repeat this process until you're at the platform with the goal, then you can release all the other lemmings. LEVEL 29: Worra Iorra Lemmings Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 90 Theme: Egyptian The first thing you should do is... you guessed it; put a blocker to the right to stop the other lemmings from drowning. Make the second lemming your hero by making him a climber. Once your hero is over the first obstacle, let him walk to the next one, and bash through it. Do this to the next obstacle as well, DO NOT climb up it. If you do accidentally climb over an obstacle though, it's not the end of the world, you just have to have your main mass of lemmings do the dirty work. Anyway, once you're past the column, you should come to a staircase. Climb up it, and then down the other side. On the left staircase, wait until your hero drops past the gap in the stairs, walks to the left edge of the top stair, then have him build. This should ensure that he just makes it up to the wood platform to the left. Now walk over another set of stairs, and when you get to the side of the pyramid, bash through. This should ensure that you get to a pit, with the goal at the top, to the left. You should hopefully by now know how to build up a pit, so do that now. Once you're at the top, you may have to build again over to the goal, but otherwise, go back to your main group. Motion track a lemming walking left, and have him bash though the small block trapping them. Hold down the fast forward, and watch them go. LEVEL 30: Lock up your Lemmings Number of Lemmings: 60 Lemmings to Save: 40 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 10 Theme: Hell An incredibly simple level to cap things off for fun. Basically what you want to do is bash 3 times. The first time, you'll want to go left, then right, then left again. If you screw up and accidentally go right when you wanted to go left, it' no big deal, just make a blocker and turn all your lemming back the right way. If you go left when you want to go right, then simply dig or mine to allow your guys to access the goal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tricky [WLK-TKY] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: Much the same as the Fun levels, Tricky isn’t much harder for the most part. However, there are a few exceptions, where levels tend to require more precise timing, and expect to see a few re-used levels as well, but just tweaked slightly to be more of a challenge. Might I also add that the walkthroughs for each level are going to get longer and longer, but that’s to be expected. LEVEL 1: This should be a doddle! Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth Tricky kicks things off with a nice easy level. Have your first lemming walk onwards, and make the second lemming take a few steps, then become a blocker, just like old times... Once you've got the bulk of your lemmings safely trapped between your blocker and the left wall, you may increase the release rate up to 99. Have your hero walk towards the little pool of water, and then build over it. Once over, he'll then need to bash through a lump of dirt, and your path to the goal should be open. Go back to your main mass of lemmings, and detonate your blocker. Or, if you're feeling humane, have a lemming walking right become a miner when he's a few steps away from the blocker. Remove the ground from underneath your blocker's feet, and he'll become a regular lemming once more. Make sure you have your miner build to stop from mining all the way through the bottom of the level, and your lemmings should be free. LEVEL 2: We all fall down Number of Lemmings: 15 Lemmings to Save: 15 Time: 4:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Hell Hardly worth the time and effort. Refer to the walkthrough for the Fun level of the same name, it's exactly the same strategy, only with a few more lemmings to save. LEVEL 3: A ladder would be handy Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 5:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth Levels like this are really frustrating to write a guide for, because they're very simple, but end up taking up a lot of room. Personal gripes aside, start off this level by creating a BPR (refer to the glossary, and Basic Techniques if you don't know what this is). Let your hero walk right for a bit, until he's at approximately to top of the chunk of land you start on. Make him a digger, and let him go for a few seconds, making a nice, deep tunnel. You don't want it to be too deep though, so after a few seconds of digging, make him a basher briefly, then continue digging. (This technique will be hereafter referred to as "making pit steps", and is explained in more detail in the Advanced Techniques section). Continue digging for a bit, getting nice and close to the log platforms in the middle of the level. Bash or mine through once you're safely low enough, and then start building the instant you touch the log platform. Your goal is to build a very long a high bridge, so you can get up to the platform the goal is on. Chances are, however, that you'll end up being just too low... but of course, there's an obvious solution. If your bridge is too low, turn your builder into a climber, and he should be able to reach the top of the platform. Once on top, have him walk almost all the way to the goal, but before he does, make him a miner. Wait until an obstructing wall forms, and then build into it to turn him around. Have him walk back out of his mine shaft and then mine once more, but to the left this time. Once you've mined deep enough to match the height of your bridge, bash across to complete the connection (you may need to build again to ensure that it's all connected. Once that's done, the only thing left is to release the rest of the lemmings. Explode the right blocker, and let them walk to the goal. If you needed to dig a mine shaft, make sure that your lead lemming builds over it, so that no lemmings are turned around, and can get to the exit. LEVEL 4: Here's one I prepared earlier Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 55 Theme: Earth Make your first lemming out into an athlete, and let everyone walk towards the big one-way obstacle up ahead. There's no need to put any blockers, as the terrain will keep them all imprisoned. Your athlete should climb up the side of the obstacle, and fall down the other side. When your athlete gets close to the little stone in his path, build up towards it (this will be important later on). Once you're past the stone, your athlete should fall onto a large rock poking out of the water. Let him walk a few steps, and then dig into the rock. Make a nice, deep-ish pit (not so deep that the poor guy drowns), and then bash through to the right. Once through, make your athlete a builder to cross over to the next rock. Once there, walk towards the edge and built to the next one. Keep island-hopping until you get to the bigger island with the exit. Now to free the rest of the lemmings. Get your motion tracker, and find one walking left to turn into an athlete. Let your new athlete walk up to the first bridge (the one over the small stone on the main metal platform) and bash through it. This should make him turn around and walk back towards the one-way obstacle. bash through it, but make sure you keep him motion tracked. If you want to save him, have him bash though the left landmass a small way, and then build, turning him around once more. Lastly, have a lemming re-build the bridge which your second athlete just cut through so they can all get to safety. Or you can bash through, your call. LEVEL 5: Careless clicking costs lives Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Crystal Start the level by pausing, and increasing the release rate to 50. Unpause, and have your first guy walk through the mesh area, and onto the large pipe. Once you get to the peak of the hill, make your lead lemming dig. If you followed my advice and raised the release rate to 50, then 1 lemming will walk past the pit being dug, and continue on, but the rest will be trapped. Dig for a little bit, and then build (hopefully your pit is deep enough that this bridge doesn't just free all your lemmings early...) Anyway, back to the hero. He should be at the first of 4 round... things... or more specifically, the little wires above them. Have him bash through the first one, and then build over the small gap in between the round thingies. As soon as your bridge connects to the next wire, bash through, then fall down and build across the next pit like the first. Do this for all 4 wires, and have your hero walk over to the right-most edge of the mesh. Once there, start building towards the goal. I'm pretty sure you can just build straight towards it, but if you want to play it safe, build until you're past the first little "lump" on the tallest crystal, and then fall off. Walk to the tip of the crystal, and continue building. To release the rest of the lemmings, motion track one of them until they start walking right, and make him a basher. He should cut through the pipe, and hence set all his little buddies on the pat to freedom. LEVEL 6: Lemmingology Number of Lemmings: 5 Lemmings to Save: 4 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Turn your first lemming into an athlete, and have him make his way to the second platform (there are 4 in total, but you really should know that already). As soon as he climbs onto the brick on the right side of platform 2, make him into a builder. Build over to platform 3, and wait for the little guy to go all the way down to platform 4. Then build another bridge once he gets close to the very edge of the right brick, reaching the goal platform. All you need to do now is make your other 4 lemmings into athletes too, but make sure they're walking right when you do so, as the left side leads to death. LEVEL 7: Been there, seen it, done it Number of Lemmings: 75 Lemmings to Save: 55 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Egyptian Hopefully you should know what I mean when I tell you to set up a BPL... if not, then I REALLY hope that this is one of the first things you've read in this guide. Consult the glossary if you need a definition, otherwise, have your hero build up to the next column. And just a bit of advice, try to set the left blocker as far away from your hero's bridge as possible, you don't want to be accidentally destroying it later on. In any case, the point of this level is to build up to each column until you get to the end. Due to the design of each column, it's a bit hard to definitively tell where all the hot spots are, but as a general rule, I tend to start building about 1 cursor-width away from the left edge of each column at it's thinnest point (in other words, go down the column until you're under the part where it get wider at the top, and get the left-most point of the cursor to touch the edge of the column). Once you've figured out where to build, you should make it up to the 6th and final column, hopefully without having your hero turn around at any time, wasting precious seconds. On the last column, have your hero walk until he's just right of the halfway point, and start digging. Make sure you include 1 or 2 "pit steps" (see Advanced Techniques) to ensure everyone survives the drop. When you're about level with the platform at the bottom, bash through and build across the gap. Once this is done, you may set your lemmings free, and hopefully, they should survive long enough to get to the goal. LEVEL 8: Lemming sanctuary in sight Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 40 Theme: Hell Yet another simple level to execute, but requiring a lengthy explanation... Have your first guy turn left, and walk towards the lava pit. Before he gets there, however, don't forget to put a blocker to trap the other lemmings. One of the best places to do so would be the very centre of the first metal block you (almost) walk on top of. Have your hero build over the lava pit, which should only take 1 builder, but just to be on the safe side, you might as well use 2. Have your hero walk over to the left wall, and turn around. After he takes about 5 steps, make him a builder, hopefully ensuring that you reach the next platform up. I like to think of them as separate "levels", like in a multi-storey car park... but that's just me. Once you're on level 2, pause and scroll over to the right a little bit. Just underneath the platform is the trapdoor. Get your cursor at about the halfway point on the trapdoor, and unpause. Have your hero walk into your cursor, and as soon as he does, make him build. The best case scenario is that he builds right up to the wall, and turns around. You might need 2 builders if your cursor was even a little bit off, and that's really annoying, because you're basically wasting a whole builder skill just for 1 or 2 bricks. In any case, once he turns back to the left, immediately make him a builder again. About 2 building skills later, and you should be on level 3. Now for the next hotspot. Pause again, and go up to the goals. Notice how there's a sort of darkened doorway? Gt your cursor, and line it up with the right edge of the "doorway". Move it back down in line with the platform, and there's your hot spot. Once your hero hits it, start building. Have him hit the wall and turn back. After a few steps, have him build again, and you should get up to level 4 with no major problems. Once there, walk all the way back to the right, and go as far as you can before getting to a tiny gap. Build across it, and turn around. Take about 10-12 steps, and build to the left. You'll probably only need 2 builders, but you've got plenty, so use as many as you feel comfortable with. Now go back down to your main group. Since you have no bombers for this level, your only option is to build over the top of your blocker. If you followed my advice, then I can give you an exact hot spot, otherwise, you're on your own. The hotspot for freeing the lemmings is about a half-step left of the very left edge of the trapdoor, and obviously, you need a guy going left for it to be useful at all. After a very long walk, which I highly recommend fast forward for, you should be all clear. LEVEL 9: They just keep coming Number of Lemmings: 75 Lemmings to Save: 70 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth These levels are eventually going to get a bit difficult, aren't they? Make your first guy a climber, and let the others walk into the big metal pit up ahead. Your climber will escape, and eventually fall off the edge of the metal platform, and land on a rock. Have your climber continue for a few steps, until he's just left of the base of the "pointy bit", and have him dig. Make a nice, deep pit, and then build to stop him. As soon as he does that, quickly have him either mine or bash to the left, and then dig again. Continue digging for a bit, leaving at least one pit step, and bash through to the left once you're about lined up with the dirt platform to the left. Build across to the platform, and walk left for a while. Build once more to cross the final pit, and you're all set. To free the remaining lemmings, get your motion tracker, and find one walking left. That's right, I said left... Wait for him to walk until he's just underneath the lowest point of the one-way block above him, and make him build. Keep tracking him, because you want him to build again to the right once he turns around. If you got the positioning right, you should not only be able to build without hitting your guy's head in the one-way block, and you should get all the way up to the highest block of metal to boot. If not, you can always just have a few other lemmings build on top of each other to raise the bridge slightly, but once it's all set, your guys should be on the path to freedom. LEVEL 10: There's a lot of them about Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 94 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 60 Theme: Hell Possibly one of the more difficult levels in Tricky... well not so much difficult as it is frantic, and requiring a lot of pausing and unpausing. To start with, you should be under a trapdoor. Have a lemming come out, and immediately make him a blocker. Pause, and scroll over to the right side. There's probably a lemming already in play on this side, but if not, let one come out, and walk all the way to the very edge of the platform before making him a blocker. Pause and go back to the left. Lemming 2 should be out on the left. Have him walk towards the rocks in your way, and bash through them. Wait for another lemming to appear on the left, and have him take a few steps away from your existing blocker before making him a blocker also. Pause, and back to the right with you. By now, there should be about 3 lemmings in play on the right. Wait for your third lemming to walk past the trapdoor, and then make him a blocker, ensuring that 1 lemming is trapped between him and the rocks, and everyone else on that side is between the 2 blockers. Have your separated lemming bash through to the left. Now, back to the left side. Your first hero should be almost through the rocks. You should notice that on the platform ahead of him, there's a bunch of other rocks on the floor, specifically, towards the edge, there's a medium-sized one, and then a few really small ones. Have your lemming walk until he's on top of the last medium-sized rock, and make him a builder. Go back to the right side, and take not of the rocks here too. There should be 3 medium-sized ones right at the left edge, and you might notice something of a "dent" where the second and third stones connect. When your right-side hero gets to the top of the 3rd rock from the edge, and just before he goes into the dent, have him build. Now, you have to keep an eye on both builders at once. Keep them building until they reach their first respective pillars, and have them drop off. When they get to the centre of the pillars, have them build again, up towards the pillar with the goal on it. Of course, this won't all be happening simultaneously, as your left hero has a bit of a lead. Anyway, once you're on the final pillar, you can release the lemmings of each side. For the left side, detonate the right blocker, and for the right side, blow up the left one. Also, make sure your 2 heroes' bridges haven't somehow connected to each other, and if they have, just have your lead lemmings for both sides bash through. LEVEL 11: Lemmings in the attic Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 42 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Roman Just a quick note: Don't you love how "Lemmings" lines up directly underneath itself? Pretty pointless, but cool nonetheless (NOTE: results may vary depending on website). Now back to the level. Start by focusing on the second lemming released. If you want to spare him from death, wait until he starts walking left, and make him bridge stall. Now go back to the lead lemming, who should be getting close to the small pit at the left edge of the level. Once he gets there, have him build over to the left wall, making sure that no lemmings perish. Now to assign a hot spot. See how at the very bottom of the level, there appear to be large bricks? If you look closely, you'll see that the 3rd brick from the left is coloured white, instead of the regular yellow-brown colour. The line marking the left edge of this white brick is your hot spot. Have the lead lemming walk there and start building. Once your builder has laid down one full bridge, re-assign him, and have a follower bash through the bridge to prevent other lemmings climbing up prematurely, and falling to their deaths. After a while (fast forwards HIGHLY recommended), your builder will connect to the wall at the right, and he should be high enough to bash into the gap area. Do so, and then bash through the next wall to the right to open up the exit. To get the rest of your guys up there, simply have a lemming patch up the huge bridge you bashed through earlier. Increase the release rate if you haven't already to move on. LEVEL 12: Bitter Lemming Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 40 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Roman Ok, start by selecting your floater tool and start assigning them to lemmings as the fall out of the trapdoor. If you're not confident, you might want to consider pausing as each lemming comes out and assigning them in pause mode. If, however, you're a stud, like me, you'll want to boost the release rate to at least 80 or 85. Remember, you can lose up to 10 of the little buggers, so don't go to pieces if you miss one. Once the flood of lemmings stops, change over to the climber tool, and if your last floater hasn't hit the ground yet, make him into an athlete. If all of them are already on the ground, just motion track one of the ones walking right, and assign the skill. Wait for your athlete to climb up onto the giant slab, and then proceed to walk all the way over to the edge. Once he gets there, make him build, but here's the thing, I'm pretty sure that a complete bridge will be too long and overshoot the exit. Build until your bridge is long enough so that your lemmings will just land on the edge of the platform supporting the goal... build 1 or 2 more bricks, just to be sure, and then do a "bridge cancel". Once your athlete is free, go pack to the pit, and hand out the remaining climber skills. However, you have to be sure NO-ONE is walking left when they become a climber, you want them all to be going right. The motion tracker will make it hard to screw up, but if you do, just assign your misguided lemming as a blocker once her gets to the top of the wall to the left. Free at least 40 of them, and it's on to the next level. Level 13: Lemming Drops Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 70 Time: 11:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Egyptian This used to be one of my least favourite levels back in the day, because there used to be so many things which could go wrong. Thankfully, in this version, things seem to be resized in such as way as to make it much easier. Anyway, enough of this, on with the walkthrough. Have the first lemming walk as far right as he can, and then make him block. In typical fashion, the next guy's going to be your hero for the level, so let him be deflected to the left, and when he gets to the very edge of the metal square, have him start building. Shortly after you start building, a third lemming appears. Let him take a step to the right, and make him a blocker. Basically, you want this blocker to complete your blocker prison to the right, but to be as far away as possible from the bridge you're building. Once he's in place, up the release rate to a meaty 99. Speaking of that bridge, go back and check on it. You want to cancel it once it's just long enough to reach the next little block of metal. Do so, and have your hero walk to the left. At the very left edge of the metal block, build to the left. Keep your cursor on him too, because he'll hit the wooden barrier and turn around. The very moment he turns around, you want to have him building again. If done correctly, you should now be building right, and towards the rapid "stream" of lemmings. Continue building, and soon, you should connect to the next metal block (hopefully without needing to turn back). Before you ask, yes it is normal for the bridge to be BEHIND the trapdoor... and hopefully you were high enough to not catch any falling lemmings. If you have, restart and try again. Anyway, once you're on the next metal platform, walk to the right edge and start building once more. The gap to the next metal block requires 2 builders, but if you build too high, you'll hit the triangular block in the ceiling and turn around. Not good. This is where our good friend, the "bridge extend" comes in handy (so I hope you've been practicing). Once you're across the gap, let your hero walk off the edge, eventually landing on a long wooden platform. Walk the length of the platform, and build at the end to get over to the goal. You should know how to go about freeing the rest of your lemmings by now. LEVEL 14: MENACING!! Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 70 Time: 8:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Blasphemy! This is nothing like the most awesome level ever created. You'd think that the PS2, with its superior graphics would make it look much better than it used to be, but instead we get THIS abomination? Unbelievable... Anyway, start off by making a BPR (and make sure that your right blocker takes about 8 or so steps before assigning him, that way when you detonate him later, your lemmings won't fall through the thin platform and die). Have your hero bash his way through the "new and definitely not improved" obstacles, eventually making it to a very large pit. Start building as close to the edge as possible, and use a few bridge extends to help keep the bridge nice and low. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally used to just build one massive bridge from the edge of the pit all the way up to the goal platform, but that doesn't seem possible in this version, so stop building once you're past the pit (that means the actual floor, not that little rock poking out from the side). Once you're past the very large pit, you should notice that there are exactly 3 floor tiles (the third being bent upward slightly) on the next platform, and I highly recommend using the joint between the second and third tiles as your next hot spot. Build all the way up past the skeletal claws and get to the exit platform. Once that's done, release the rest of the furry little guys from their blocker prison so they can take the long walk to freedom. LEVEL 15: Ozone friendly Lemmings Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 6 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth An incredibly simple mission this, and you should recognise the map from the Fun levels too. Basically, to win this level, assign the first 4 lemmings as bombers the second they hit the ground. This should result in a vertical hole being created, hopefully breaking through to the bottom of the level. Remember, you have to save 6 lemmings, so avoid the temptation to use the 5th bomber. LEVEL 16: Luvly Jubly Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 40 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 76 Theme: Crystal The concept here is simple, but almost impossible to give precise instructions to, due to the randomness of where the lemmings are going to be in any given playing of this level. Despite this, I can give general instructions, and that should be enough to see you through. Start off by having your first lemming walk up to the vertical pipe blocking your way, and make him into a miner. Wait for him to make about 3 hits with his cute little pick-axe and make him into a basher. This ensures that you're deep enough to bash all the way through to the mesh area. Now here's where it gets a bit random. See how the mesh is made up of diagonal strands (left and right, obviously)? Well, focus on the right-most edge of the mesh, and count how many left diagonal strands there are which connect to it (there are 10, by the way, including the one which makes up the "downside" of the first hill). Move your cursor to about the 5th one, and ready the bombs. When your lead lemming hits the cursor, assign him a bomber skill. Wait until he walks for a bit and detonates, and then move your cursor a bit higher, to where to next left strand is. Assign the next lemming to touch your cursor as a bomber. This is essentially the process to follow for the whole level. Every time a lemming explodes, move to the next strand up (or down once you inevitably reach the top of the hill) and assign the next bomber from there. For the times that I've played this level, I've had to use anywhere between 7 and 9 bombers, so I can't tell you how many exactly you'll need (waits for the smart-asses to say "8"). Just remember that you can use all 10 bombers and still pass. If you can't quite get the bombers in the right positions, just keep trying at it, and feel free to experiment with timings. Once you finally break through to the ground floor, you can kiss this level goodbye. LEVEL 17: Diet Lemmingaid Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 48 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Exactly the same as level 6 from "Fun", only this time, you don't have the luxury of using blockers for precise bombing. Nevertheless, this level remains simple enough, if you know when to assign bombers. The first one doesn't matter, because he's not going anywhere, so just make him into a bomber as soon as he hits the ground. The second bomber is slightly more tricky, and requires a hot spot. You see how there's the "ground floor", and then there's a large block suspended above it? Move your cursor to where the large block ends, and then move it left by about the width of a standard blocker. If that's too confusing, then you can find the same spot by lining up with the line in the floor just beneath the large block's edge, and move back about the same distance. Again, since it's pretty hard to explain clearly in text form, you might have to do a bit of experimenting... but eventually, you'll get a bomber who walks right up to the small bit of wood blocking the path, and exploding it away. Once this is done, the rest are free to go. LEVEL 18: It's Lemmingentry Watson Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 9 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Egyptian Ugh... again with the sucky puns... This level, although stupidly titled, is again very easy. Have the first lemming out walk all the way to the 3rd column and pause once he gets to halfway (unless you already went ahead and read what to do next, in which case, just go ahead and do it). Notice how the columns have a straight edge pretty much all the way up, and then have a wider section at the top? Well go down a bit to the thinner section, and line up the cursor with the edge. Move it to the very top, and then move slightly to the left to get your next hot spot. Unpause and have your lead lemming walk until he's just inside the cursor, and then make him a digger. Now if you've done all that correctly, your guy will start digging, and when he gets down into the lower, thin section, there should be a very thin wall to the right. The second lemming will walk past the pit, so give him an umbrella to keep him alive while all the others get trapped in the gradually deepening pit. Wait for your digger to hit the red line in the column's design, and then make him a bomber. Hopefully, you were able to get close enough to the right edge so that the explosion frees all the other lemmings. If your lemmings are still trapped, restart and try walking a step more to the right before starting to dig. Otherwise, it's on to the next level. LEVEL 19: Postcard from Lemmingland Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Roman Another level which is annoying to explain, due once more to everything needing to be very precise in order to pass. Start off by making your first lemming into an athlete. Have him climb up the steps, through the pit, and towards the goal... just before he climbs in though, quickly make him into a digger. Watch closely, and you should see your digger throw out 4 little puffs of smoke/dirt. Once he trows out the 4th puff thingy, make him into a builder, causing him to turn around. As soon as you do this, pause. Now for a hot spot. You see how the ground is made up of a white layer on top, and then 2 layers of "bricks" below? Move down to the 2nd and lower layer of bricks, and you should notice that just to the left of where your digger is, there's a very thin brick. Line your cursor up with the line which separates this thin brick with it's neighbour to the right, and move straight back up to the top of the platform. Wait for your athlete to walk into the centre of the hot spot you just found, and turn him into a miner. You'll know you found the right place if your athlete mines into the very bottom of the larger pit to the left, and your lemming walks off instead of continuing to mine thorough. Once you're in the pit, have your athlete walk to the left wall, and then bash all the way through to the trapped lemmings. If you're too slow, and your athlete has already climbed back over the pit, just scroll over to the main mass of lemmings and have one of them bash through to the right. If you did everything right, your guys will be able to walk up the mine shaft your athlete dug out, and into the goal... but more than likely, you'll have to start all over again to help "fine tune" the positions of your miner. Once you finish up here (speed up to get your athlete through as well), you can move on. LEVEL 20: One way digging to freedom Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 95 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 60 Theme: Hell Have the first guy become a blocker as soon as he lands, otherwise you'll have pretty much all your lemmings walking over the edge later on. Let the second guy out walk up to the first obstacle, and bash through it. Once you're through, make the leading lemming into an athlete, who should proceed to climb up and over the big one-way block. When your athlete lands let him walk about 3 or 4 steps, and then turn him into a digger (don't worry about digging right through the floor, you won't need to go that deep). Use the same trick from the previous level (counting 4 puffs of smoke, and then building) to turn around, and bash through the one-way block. Now your lemmings should be free, unless you made your little pit just a bit too deep. If that happens, just have a lemming build up to the right, and you should be fine. LEVEL 21: All the 6's Number of Lemmings: 66 Lemmings to Save: 44 Time: 8:00 Release Rate: 66 Theme: Hell Well here's good news, they decided to keep the classic "666" level, and it looks much cooler to boot. It doesn't quite make up for them destroying the rest of the "special" levels, but it's something. Start by letting your first guy walk to the right. Make the second guy a blocker after a few steps to separate to main mass of lemmings off to the left. Now go back to your hero and watch him walk up the right wall a few times, observing exactly how high he can go before turning around. When he gets up as high as he can, have him bash right, and make sure you turn him into a builder the second he hits open air, or he'll fall into the lava and die... and you might want to consider resetting. Or I suppose you could try and separate off another hero from the main mass, seeing as you can afford to waste 22 of the little guys in this level... it could be possible. In any case, make sure your builder connects to the wall of the next number 6, because even a slight gap in the bridge could be fatal. Bash into the next 6 when your hero gets there, and then you basically have to repeat the above paragraph (sans blocker, obviously) to get over to the 3rd and final number 6. Once you've cut through all the 6's, detonate your blocker, and unleash the flood of lemmings. LEVEL 22: Turn around young lemmings! Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 90 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 60 Theme: Egyptian This is an incredibly easy level. Simply make the first 2 lemmings into bombers as soon as they touch the floor to create a small pit. 9 times out of 10, you'll need to just build over to the left to set the lemmings free, but I've seen some rare instances where the lemmings were able to free themselves, most likely due to incredible timing. Still, be on the safe side, and use one of your builders to be certain. LEVEL 23: From The Boundary Line Number of lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 60 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Egyptian It's virtually the same as the Fun level "Patience", except you don't have access to a blocker... so expect heavy casualties. Start off by making your first lemming into an athlete, and walk towards the wall just up ahead. When you get there, wait for your leader to start climbing up, and then have the second lemming start bashing through. If done right, you should still have your athlete proceeding upwards while the tunnel below is being bashed out. If this isn't happening, then you'll have to improvise a little later on... or reset, either way. Wait for your basher to get all the way through the block, and then when he falls to the floor, IMMEDIATELY make him a builder. You have to be very precise with this, otherwise you won't be able to reach the wall to the right with enough height to get to the goal. Now here's where your athlete comes back into the action (unless you screwed up earlier, in which case, make another one now). Some time during the building of your bridge, your athlete should start climbing out of the pit to the right. Wait for him to get to the top, and then immediately start digging. Dig for just under a second, and then bash, leaving a small dent in the corner of the platform. Hopefully you'll have dug deep enough to allow the other lemmings to reach the goal... but be careful, because a lot of the time, you dig a bit too far, and your athlete just continues to bash all the way across. If this happens, just try to get your other lemmings up there as fast as possible, before you bash past the goal and die... Long story short, this level is pretty simple, as long as you avoid the numerous things that can go wrong. LEVEL 24: Tightrope City Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 75 Time: 3:00 Release Rate: 85 Theme: Roman I never did like this level much. Start off by letting your first lemming walk across the "tightrope" (which is really a long, badly assembled plank platform... looked much thinner on the old Genesis), and turn your second lemming into a blocker the second he hits the ground. Now concentrate on the lemming that's a bit behind the leader. Later on, it will be necessary to build over the top of this blocker-to-be, so if you don't feel like figuring out bridge distances and all that, just take my advice and turn him into a blocker as soon as he walks on top of the 3rd vertical piece of wood underneath the "tightrope". Now back to the hero. Wait for him to walk almost to the end of the platform, and assign him one of your builder skills. If you want an approximate hot spot, look at the platform, and you should notice that every few steps, there's a vertical line to indicate a new plank. Go to the very last plank making up the platform, and line your cursor up with the vertical line representing the left edge. This is where you need to start building, and as soon as you do so, move back over to your main group of lemmings. To get past the blocker on the right, first motion track a lemming that's near the left blocker, and wait for him to walk left. Now you should notice that there's another vertical support beam below the platform which isn't too far away from your blocker. As soon as your tracked lemming walks onto where this support connects to the top platform, start building to the right. This of course assumes that you followed my advice, and placed the second blocker exactly where I told you. If you didn't, then just use the distance between the second and third support beams as a measure for where to start building in your unique circumstance. Now go back to the hero, who should almost be done building. Just make sure you keep him building again instead of falling to his death, because it's easy enough to lose track of what he's doing while you were busy freeing the main group of lemmings. If you build again, you should be all set for victory. LEVEL 25: Cascade Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 10 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Egyptian When your first lemming appears, make him into a floater, and then sit on fast forward for a little while. After a long drop and a bit of a walk, your floater should be nearing the edge of a column. Once he gets to the edge, make him build, and then quickly pause. Go back to the start of the level, and find the very last lemming. While still pause, make him into a blocker and then you have to press start twice very quickly. This should un-pause, and the re-pause the game, not only ensuring that your lemming actually becomes a floater, but hopefully wasting as little time as possible. Repeat the process for the second last lemming; assign the skill and press start twice quickly. Keep doing this until all of the 9 lemmings at the rear of the pack have umbrellas, and then go back to your hero, who should be just about finished building. When your hero connects up to the next column, make him bash through it, and then start building again once you're on the other side. By now, the other 9 floaters should be right on your heels, but you'd (hopefully) already be over the goal platform, and all 10 lemmings will be freed. If you miss even a single one, you'll have to do it all over again. LEVEL 26: I have a cunning plan Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 100 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Roman I found this level next to impossible in my youth... but now it's much easier. Basically, to get through this level with the required 0 casualties, you'll need to employ the "bridge stall" technique... quite a lot actually. Have your leader go free, but just go completely nuts with the builder tool to keep the rest of your lemmings occupied. Once your hero gets to the wall, start bashing, and keep using up builders if any lemmings look likely to catch up to your leader before he's done bashing. Once he's through, you can relax your building frenzy, and let the masses through... and hopefully, you won't encounter any abnormalities like lemmings randomly deciding to turn left (this happened to me on 4 separate occasions, and my only theory is that they're somehow deflected by being sandwiched between bridges). In most cases, you should be fine. LEVEL 27: The Island of the Wicker people Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 90 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 60 Theme: Earth This level is an absolute nightmare to do a walkthrough for, simply because of the length of the level, and also because (at least the way I did it) it's really repetitive and often hard to explain... nevertheless... Also, I should add that at any time, if you waste a builder, restart the level immediately. You need all 5 of them to be spot-on, unfortunately. Start by setting up your standard BPR... but make sure your hero doesn't wander too far to the right. Make your hero a digger, preferably before he reaches the tiny hill to the right (start him digging before assigning the second blocker, if necessary). Dig about halfway through the floating pile of dirt, and then change to a miner... the annoying part being that if anything's going to cause you to fail, it's the height of this mineshaft, so just hope that you can get it low enough to ensure that the drop is survivable. Now, once you're hero's on the ground (hopefully not splattered either), make him into a climber, and hold down fast forward until he's past all of the one-way obstacles. Once you're past here, keep walking until you come up to a giant skull half-buried in the dirt. Before you climb up onto the skull, there should be a steep dirt hill. When you get to the foot of this small hill, make your hero build, thereby turning him back to the left. Walk once more to the one-way obstacles, and bash through once you reach the one furthest to the right (it's a long tunnel, so once again, I recommend fast forwarding). Once you get through the one-way obstacles, and are out in open air, have your hero mine into the ground for a few seconds. Once there's a definite "wall" of dirt to your left, build into it to turn him around. Now, walk all the way back to the giant skull, only this time, you want to get on top of it. If you look closely, you'll notice that the skull dents inwards a bit at the top. When your hero gets to this dent, have him mine for a bit, and once again, use a bridge to turn around. At this point, you can go back to the main mass of lemmings and make the right blocker into a bomber, freeing them, like so many times before. Now back to the hero. By now, he should be walking left along the top of the skull. You should notice that inside the skull, towards the left edge is a small hole. Wait for your hero to walk until he's directly over the centre of this hole, and have him build up to the goal platform (which should take up both remaining builder skills). Now hopefully, you won't be hearing a continuous stream of splattering sounds... that would be a very bad thing, and you'd have to do this stupid level ALL OVER AGAIN! But like I said earlier, if your lemmings can survive that first drop (and you can understand all the pointlessly complicated actions I used), the rest of the level, while long, should be relatively simple. Get your guys to the exit, and it's on to the next, more interesting level. LEVEL 28: Lost something? Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 90 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 70 Theme: Earth Start with your standard "seen-it-a-thousand-times-before" BPR, and follow the hero over to the right, who should walk up a diagonal log, hit a mound of dirt, and turn around. When he turns around, let him walk a short way back down the log, and then turn him into a builder. It might take 2 or even 3 builders to get over to the next mound of dirt, but you've got enough time and resources to not have to worry too much about it. Once you're connected to the mound, bash into it for a second or 2, until you're directly above the metal blocks at the bottom. Make your hero into a digger, and you should stop when you hit metal. Select the basher skill again, wait for your hero to turn left, and continue to bash into the mound. After a little while, you should stumble across the goal, causing your basher to stop bashing and exit the stage. Go back to your trapped lemmings, and destroy the blocker on the right, allowing them to walk along the path to the goal. Yawn. LEVEL 29: Rainbow Island Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 99 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 70 Theme: Roman Another level which is damn easy to play, but frustratingly hard to explain... For the purposes of this level, I'll be using the word "wall" to refer to the most vertical part of a hill, which connects to a block with a flower on it at the bottom. Start by focusing on the top-most trapdoor. Wait for the first lemming to appear from this trapdoor, and have him bash through the first wall to the right once he walks up to it. Once he gets through, there should be another lemming right up behind him. Walk for a few steps after your leader finishes bashing, and then make him a digger. Now the important thing here is to NOT dig all the way through the floor, because this pit is ONLY to trap the other lemmings, so make your digger into a builder once he gets deep enough (which should be almost all the way through... so be careful). If you're having problems getting this pit the correct depth, you could always try digging it a bit further out, where the blocks are thicker (but it's vitally important that you dig your pit on the first half of this room, where the floor is curving downwards...) Anyway, once that's sorted, go back to your new leader, who should be up to the next wall. Bash through, and then walk to the lowest part of this next "room". Once you're just past the little pit in the centre of the room, make your hero (as he now is) mine through to the right. Now, this next room has one of those... spinny... slicey... trap things in the middle. Have your hero walk a step or 2 towards it, and then start digging, dropping into the room below. Once in there, walk the short distance to the wall up ahead, and bash through. While this is going on, go back to your pit of lemmings, and get one with your motion tracker. When he starts going right, make him a basher, who should (with any luck) set all your lemmings on the path to freedom. To finish things off, go back to your hero, and simply bash right thorough the final wall when you get to it. Just so you know, the walk to the goal takes about 2 minutes, so you should have enough time to get everyone through. LEVEL 30: The Crankshaft Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 90 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Egyptian Ha! I laugh at this so called "final level" (which, by definition, is supposed to be the hardest one). As usual, it's pretty simple to do, but takes a while to properly explain... Make the first 4 lemmings into athletes, and then crank up the release rate to 99 once you've done so. Now, follow your 4 athletes (preferably on fast forward) over the first 2 columns, and onto the second "high" platform. Let your first 2 athletes continue on their way, and focus on the third one. When he walks up to the column to the right, make him into a miner. The fourth athlete should follow, but be forced to turn around. Let him walk back onto the platform, and once he passes the halfway point (indicated by a line between 2 bricks in the floor), turn him into a miner as well, but he should be mining left. Now go back to the first 2 athletes, and wait for them to reach the next "high" platform. Have them repeat what you did not too long ago (first one mines right, second one mines left), and then go back up to your main group back at the start of the level. Motion track any random lemming walking to the right, and make him into a miner when he gets to the column (or close enough, which should be fine as well), and then depending on how well you placed your left miners, there are several outcomes: BEST CASE SCENARIO: The miners have cut through very close to the ground, and then stopped mining, leaving their mine shafts instantly accessible to the other lemmings (just like you had to do for level 19: Postcard from Lemmingland... remember?). SECOND BEST SCENARIO: The miners have continued to mine straight through the ground, and to their untimely deaths. However, the mineshafts are still instantly accessible, so it doesn't really matter. MODERATE SCENARIO: The miners have mined straight through, and the mineshaft is not directly accessible. To remedy this, just have a lemming mine to the right when you're right next to the column. You should be able to access the mine shaft well enough and survive, but in some extreme cases, you might have to build up to the column to gain extra height (and therefore, distance). SECOND WORST SCENARIO: The miners have mined far too late, and the entrance to their mine shafts are some distance higher on the column than desired. To remedy this, you can build up towards it, and connect to the bottom of the shaft for access. This is only worse than the moderate scenario because it might be hard to guess where you need to start building from, thus requiring multiple tries, and using up precious seconds. WORST CASE SCENARIO: Your miners have failed to mine AT ALL. If this happens, I highly recommend just restarting, but if you want to try and fix it, you'll need to send up a climber (or athlete), make him turn around at the top, and then mine through. I doubt that even if you do manage to sort this mess out, you'll have near enough time to get all your lemmings to the exit... Once you've won, take a moment to enjoy your new trophy. You've earned it (well, technically, I've earned it for you if you had to use the guide... but I can get my own trophy whenever I fell like it, you can keep this one). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taxing [WLK-TXG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: Here's where it starts really picking up in terms of difficulty. Once again, expect to see some re-used levels with a twist, and be prepared to have to do some levels more than once. For most of the levels here, a walkthrough isn't going to be terribly useful, due to the limitations of communicating in a text only form, and the fact that a fair few levels require either insane amounts of luck and/or excellent timing. Still, any assistance I can give will be given. Onwards! LEVEL 1: If at first you don't succeed... Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 99 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 40 Theme: Egyptian Alright, this level isn't so bad. One of the first things you should notice though is the fact that you've got 3 columns to get past, but you're only given 2 bashers. Thankfully though, there's a very simple solution. Start off by having your lemmings fall down to the bottom floor of the level. As you've done many, MANY times before, let one lemmings walk on, and turn the second one into a blocker (making sure to take a few steps to the right first, so that your main mass of lemmings are trapped between the wall to the left, and your blocker to the right). Raise the release rate to 99, because it's very possible to run out of time, and you'll want everyone out ASAP. Now, back to your hero. Let the little dude walk towards the first set of stairs... but before he starts climbing them, make him into a miner and cut into the floor. Watch for a puff of dust, and then another, then make your hero into a basher. If done correctly, your hero will be bashing through the floor to the right, thus passing by all 3 columns with only a single basher... and a miner, I suppose. Hold down the fast forward button, because bashing all the way through does take some time. Once you're past the last set of stairs (the ones to the right of the last column), make your guy into a builder to stop him from bashing. Once he's built a few bricks, and at least as high up as the top of the platform, do a bridge cancel to stop building (thus saving a bit of time). From here, the way to the exit should be painfully obvious (first of all, it's exactly the same as Fun level 15 from here on, and secondly, you're doing the Taxing levels, surely you must have learned something from Fun and Tricky...). But for those of you too lazy to scroll upwards, here's what to do next: Build a large bridge across the pit (should take about 4 builders, although it might be just possible to do it in 3 if you use bridge extends). Once your hero is over, you can free your main mass of lemmings (it'll take them a while to walk across the whole level). Have the hero walk to the top of the broken set of stairs up ahead, and build once he gets to the edge of the wooden block at the top. Simple, yes? You should still have plenty of time to get everyone to the exit safely. LEVEL 2: Watch out, there's traps about Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 80 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 70 Theme: Earth Scroll over to the left trapdoor first, select the blocker tool, and turn the first lemming into one as soon as he lands. Quickly go over to the right trapdoor, and do the same before scrolling back over to the left. Now you need to wait for 2 more lemmings to enter on this side. Leave the first (well technically, he's the second... or third) lemming to walk towards the water and focus on the guy behind him. You need to wait until this lemming is a step or two to the right of your first blocker, then turn him into a blocker too, making a thin blocker prison for the left trapdoor. Jump back over to the right side, and you should now have a lemming walking to the right of your blocker. Turn him into a digger as soon as the next lemming appears on this side. As for the new lemming, make him a blocker just like you did on the left side. Once this is done, you might want to quickly pause and go back over to the left side. By now, the free lemming on the left should be close to the edge of the metal block at the edge of the pool of water. Let him walk to the edge, and then start building. As soon as you do this, go back to your digger on the right and turn him into a miner. This should ensure that you get a nice low tunnel which opens up to the left of the set of bones on the "ground floor" (If it looks like your guy is going to mine to far to the right, just have him dig again a little later on to help lower the tunnel) Back to your builder. Re-assign him a builder skill once he runs out of bricks, and with this second set, he should connect up to that thin little root thing poking out of the ceiling. Wait for that to happen, and then have him bash through (remembering to build again directly afterwards so he doesn't fall). This should be enough to completely pass over the pool of water and effectively connect the 2 sides. Once your builder walks on to the dirt, make him into a digger. Dig nice and deep (but not too deep, it has to be a survivable fall) and then bash to the right, hopefully avoiding any contact with the blocker prison directly above while still connecting to your existing mine shaft to the right. Now go back to your miner, who should now be through to the ground floor (or at least getting close). Once he's trough, he should walk over to the bones and turn left. Have him bash through the cactus and the rock blocking your way, and then be on the lookout for a small, black trap, which is semi-obscured by the ground. It's just to the left of the rock you bashed through, and it's a bit hard to miss. When your lemming gets close to it, make him into a builder to avoid the aforementioned trap. After you've passed the trap, all that's left is to connect up to the goal platform, and free your main mass(es)of lemmings. Usually, I have my lead lemming (by now, the one from the left side has pretty much caught up, so it could be either one) walk until he's just past the bone buried in the floor before I turn him into a builder... but feel free to your own judgement though. Once this is done, go and detonate the rightmost blockers of both prisons. And just so we're clear, that DOES NOT meant you detonate both of the blockers under the right trapdoor, that means you detonate the right one under the left trapdoor, and... well... I guess either one is fine for the right trapdoor, but the one on the right is faster. LEVEL 3: Heaven can wait (we hope!) Number of Lemmings: 80 Lemmings to Save: 80 Time: 3:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Hell Pretty simple, but with a deliberately tight time limit for added fun... Anyway, start off by pausing as soon as you can, and then raise the release rate to a less wussy number. Somewhere around 30 should be good enough (but make sure it's not too fast or you'll end up losing a lemming, making the level impossible. From memory, the upper limit is around 50). Now to actually play on. Have the first lemming walk about a step and then start digging. The following lemming should walk into the pit but then straight out the other side. Once this happens, pump your release rate all the way up to 99. Keep a close eye on your lemming pit though, because you want it to be nice and shallow while still able to trap lemmings effectively. I find that making your digger into a builder once he goes just below the top layer of tiles works well enough. Complex sentences aside, go back to your hero, who should be nearing the edge of the platform. Once he does get to the edge, you'll need to start building a huge bridge up to the goal... which takes at least 1 full minute and about 6 builder skills. Once this is done, it's back to the pit. To get your remaining lemmings out, use the motion tracker on one of the ones walking left, and as soon as he turns to the right, make him into a builder. With any luck, this should be enough to get the lemmings up high enough to escape the pit (although if it doesn't, just repeat the last step). Also, you shouldn't be running out of time, but if you do, try to be a bit more efficient with your lemmings to get a few more precious seconds. LEVEL 4: Lend a helping hand... Number of Lemmings: 40 Lemmings to Save: 25 Time: 10:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Egyptian And so it's on to level 4... another of my least favourites from back in the day. But this isn't about me, so on with the walktrhough. Focus on the right side entrance to start off, and wait for a lemming to fall out. If the massive death trap just to the right hasn't already tipped you off, you're going to need a blocker. Have your lemming walk a few steps to the right, and then you know what to do. Now for the left. Use your motion tracker to follow the first lemming for this side, and wait for him to turn to the left. As soon as your selected lemming walks under the entrance, DIRECTLY under where all the lemmings on this side are falling, turn him into a builder. Make sure you have a following lemming bash through the bottom of the bridge to stop others from climbing it. Build all the way up to the column to the left, and provided you followed my advice, you should connect to the column just below a suspiciously moving... thing... on the wall. If you started building early (making your bridge higher), then you'd find out that it's a deadly spike trap. Avoid. Anyway, once you've built up to the wall and not been killed, have your hero build again as soon as he turns around. Repeat this for when you connect to the right wall, but not for the next bridge, otherwise you'll get skewered. For the next bridge (should be building to the right again), you'll need to walk down the previous bridge about halfway before starting to build again. This should ensure that you're too low for the spike trap to get you. If you survive, continue building upwards as normal (ie: building as soon as you turn around). Once the bridge is complete, and you've gotten up to the goal platform, it's time to go back and unite the 2 groups of lemmings. Select a lemming on the left side, and wait for him to walk to the right, past the bridge. As soon as you're on solid ground to the right of the bridge, make your lemming dig. Wait for about 3 puffs of smoke to appear from your digger, and then turn him into a miner (this just helps to get under the metal blocks without stopping. Once your guy is low enough, make him into a basher (hopefully you won't get stopped by the metal, otherwise you'll have to restart). Once you're clear underneath the right side, make your basher into a builder to stop him. Now all you need to do is have a lemming from the right dig into the tunnel that was just bashed out, and hopefully, all your lemmings (minus the blocker) should be on the left side. After patching up the main bridge, everyone should get safely to the goal. LEVEL 5: The Prison! Number of Lemmings: 60 Lemmings to Save: 45 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Have your first lemming walk all the way up to the edge of the platform you start on, and then turn him into a blocker. Wait for the next lemming to turn around, and walk to the left of the entrance. As soon as he's out of the way, wait for another lemming to drop into play, and turn him into a blocker the moment he lands. With any luck you should have a free lemming to the left, and the rest contained in your blocker prison. Raise the release rate to 99 once this is done... I can wait... Moving on. Have your hero turn back to the right, and get ready with the builder tool. What you want to do is walk towards the blocker on the left, but start building when you're 5 or so steps away from him. If done correctly, your hero will build right, but then be deflected to the left because of the blocker. Build up to the column to the left, and then back to the right once you turn around. During the building of this bridge, you'll most likely end up going behind the trapdoor, and if there are still lemmings entering the level, then they can be "caught" by your bridge. It's not really a big deal, but bashing through the bridge is usually enough to correct the problem (although you'll need to patch it back up later). Eventually though, your hero will reach some bars on top of a metal plate. As usual, bash through the obstacle in your way... however, due to the gaps between the bars, your hero will eventually fall through, making the task just that little bit more frustrating. Also, once this happens, make sure you bash through to the left, because it's possible for the hero to skip over a gap, even though the rest of your lemmings won't be so lucky. Taking this extra little step now will ensure that everyone can get through later on, so you might as well (just don't forget to build once you're past the bars to turn your guy around, otherwise he'll fall into the lava below. Once you're through to the right, let your hero walk over the edge of the metal block, past the 2 flamethrowers (don't worry, they won't burn you) and onto the little "steps" below. Walk down to the bottom step, and then build over to the right. You'll need to bash through some more annoying bars, but that should be simple enough. Once the path is open, go back to your blocker prison. From here, I recommend that instead of the traditional "explode the blocker" approach, that you simply build to the right, over the top of the blocker's head. This way, you don't run the risk of destroying the bottom part of the bridge your hero so kindly built for you (even though it's a simple thing to fix anyway), and you still get to escape to the exit... assuming that all the bars are out of the way. LEVEL 6: Compression Method 1 Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 30 Time: 4:00 Release Rate: 99 Theme: Roman Just follow my instructions for Fun level 17, it's exactly the same thing. For those of you too lazy to scroll upwards (or turn pages if you actually printed this thing out), I'll copy and paste it here: Concentrate on the left-most trap door. Let a lemming walk to the right and turn around. As he goes down the "stairs" to the left, wait for him to step on the biggest one, and make him a blocker at the edge of it. With any luck, the other lemmings will be trapped in a very tiny space. Have the lemmings from the other trapdoors bash out the columns (except the one furthest to the right), and let them all walk into your extremely tiny prison. Explode the blocker, and let the mass of lemmings walk right, under the "main" platform. With any luck, only 4 of them will be squished, leaving you with more than enough for the win. LEVEL 7: Every Lemming for himself! Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 98 Time: 4:00 Release Rate: 55 Theme: Earth A very simple level, made slightly hard due to a limited number of resources. Start out by assigning your first lemming the climber skill, and then let your entire mass of lemmings climb over the first hill. Don't bother blocking here, they should trap themselves between the hill and the one-way dirt mound to the right, except of course for your climber, who should have no trouble climbing over the obstacle. Have your climber walk a bit to the right, but whatever you do, DO NOT let him walk on top of the small rock to the right. You need to turn him back to the left, which can be done by turning him into a builder once he's right up next to said rock. Once he's turned back, have him bash through the one-way dirt mound. Now the next bit is a little tricky, because what you need to do is let only 2 lemmings through to the right while keeping your climber alive. Wait until Mr. Climber has bashed all the way through, and what appears to be a single lemming will pass by. As soon as this happens, turn your climber into a blocker. The "1" lemming which went past to the right is actually 2 lemmings which occupy the same space, but there's not a lot you can do about that. Let your "twins" walk over the edge of the metal area and once you get to the rightmost edge of the first rock, make one of them into a builder (and feel free to laugh as the other one falls into the water). Continue building all to the next rock (which should take up 2 builder tools), and repeat the process to reach the 3rd rock (another 2 builders) and finally the main goal island (with the final builder tool). As soon as you've started building the last bridge, it should be safe to detonate your blocker and set your lemming free. With any luck, there's another level in the bag. LEVEL 8: The Art Gallery Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 100 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 20 Theme: Crystal The recycled levels just keep on coming... I could easily just copy and paste the solution to the earlier version of this level, but that wouldn't be fair now would it? Start by letting your first lemming go on his merry way, and focus your attention on the next lemming on the scene. Basically, you need a way to trap your main group of lemmings, but without killing any of them. This comes in the form of that large pipe up ahead. Let lemming 2 walk a few steps up said pipe, and then bash into it for a second or 3. Once you've made a nice little dent, make your guy a builder to stop him... you don't want to go all the way through just yet. Now back to your hero, who with any luck should be over the pipe and still walking to the right. If for some reason he's turned around, then you'll need to reset (or I suppose you could bash into the pipe and build to turn like your other guys, but then you risk death on the last part of the level. I wouldn't recommend it...). If this happens to you 2 or 3 times, then you might need to raise the release rate just a tad before starting the level the next time. Give yourself a few seconds to play around with. But I digress... your hero lemming should walk up onto the first circular and bash through the rope connecting it to the ceiling. Once you're through, build across to the next circle (you should hit the rope before you finish building) and bash through. Repeat until you're past the circles. Now all that's left is the final bridge up to the goal. Start at the rightmost point in the "mesh" type floor and don't stop until you're over the goal island. Or, you can use my previous advice and stop briefly when you're over the lumpy bit of the crystal, walk to the edge, and then continue building. As usual, you'll need to free the rest of the lemmings... usually, you just have to bash through to the right, but if you want to be fancy and have a spare builder, you can bridge the gap... Either way, it's on to the next level. LEVEL 9: Perseverance Number or Lemmings: 20 Lemmings to Save: 20 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Egyptian Seen this before... you know what to do. For anyone who missed it the first time around, here's a walkthrough: Let your first lemming walk a few steps to the right, and then make him dig. Once your second lemming appears, wait for him to land, and then give him your only floater tool. Thanks to the release rate, he won't take much notice of the pit you're digging, and continue onwards. At the edge of the block, make your floater into a builder, and once you're fairly sure that he's above the little backwards L-block to the right, you can bridge cancel (glossary, remember?). If done right, your floater will float gently onto the lower half of said L-block, hit the wall to the right, and eventually find his way to the exit. Now for your main group. By now, your pit should be about halfway through the second brick (vertically). All 19 remaining lemmings should now be in the pit, but if for some reason you've got more coming, then you need to stop digging, otherwise they'll splatter. Make your digger a builder to stop. From here, use the motion tracker to get a lemming walking to the left, and make him a miner. That's pretty much it, everything should go smoothly from here, but if you want to be completely sure, make your miner bash to the left when you get right down to the bottom of the block you're in (but not through it yet, obviously). LEVEL 10: Izzie Wizzie lemmings get busy Number of Lemmings: 5 Lemmings to Save: 5 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell Start off by making your first lemming build the second he touches the floor. This should be enough to get everyone over the block and onto the next little "island". Let the first 4 lemmings fall into the pit, but when your last guy gets to the edge of the pit, make him build over it. Build again once you get to the other block (preferably somewhere towards the middle) to reach the third "island". If you built too soon, you'll need to use another builder tool, and if too early, you'll need to bash through the block as soon as you touch it. (whatever you don't, don't let your guy turn around now, otherwise you'll need to restart. Yeah, I love 100% levels too... not.) On the third island, walk into the pit, and then bash through the stone on the right. When you get about halfway (or just past it), turn into a miner. This ensures that everyone can survive the drop onto the last island. Build over the pit just like you did for the second island, and then over to the goal platform. To free your other 4 guys, track one that's walking to the left, and wait for him to hit the brick and turn around. Once he does, make him build, and it should be more than enough to get them on the road to freedom. LEVEL 11: The ascending pillar scenario Number of Lemmings: 50 Lemmings to Save: 50 Time: 6:00 Release Rate: 10 Theme: Egyptian Yet another re-used level... and fortunately for me, there doesn't seem to be anything really different in terms of skills given or method used... which means I can leave this one up to Captain Copypaste! Hopefully you should know what I mean when I tell you to set up a BPL... if not, then I REALLY hope that this is one of the first things you've read in this guide. Consult the glossary if you need a definition, otherwise, have your hero build up to the next column. And just a bit of advice, try to set the left blocker as far away from your hero's bridge as possible, you don't want to be accidentally destroying it later on. In any case, the point of this level is to build up to each column until you get to the end. Due to the design of each column, it's a bit hard to definitively tell where all the hot spots are, but as a general rule, I tend to start building about 1 cursor-width away from the left edge of each column at it's thinnest point (in other words, go down the column until you're under the part where it get wider at the top, and get the left-most point of the cursor to touch the edge of the column). Once you've figured out where to build, you should make it up to the 6th and final column, hopefully without having your hero turn around at any time, wasting precious seconds. On the last column, have your hero walk until he's just right of the halfway point, and start digging. Make sure you include 1 or 2 "pit steps" (see Advanced Techniques) to ensure everyone survives the drop. When you're about level with the platform at the bottom, bash through and build across the gap. Once this is done, you may set your lemmings free, and hopefully, they should survive long enough to get to the goal. LEVEL 12: Livin' On The Edge Number of Lemmings: 10 Lemmings to Save: 8 Time: 7:00 Release Rate: 1 Theme: Hell ...really, that's it? No offence, but I've seen harder levels in "Fun". (note: if for some reason you actually need help for this level, please be aware that I am in fact laughing at you very, VERY loudly.) Ok, enough jokes... I'm sure someone out there really does need help with this level, and is now for some reason really offended. You know I was just fooling around, right? Ok, start off by having your first lemming walk as close to the edge of the platform as possible, then make him a builder. Eventually, a second lemming appears. Let this guy take a step or 2 to the right and then turn him into a blocker. The third lemming out completes the prison by turning around and blocking a few steps to the left of blocker 1. By now, your hero should have long since finished his bridge. Wait for him to walk right up to the wall and then bash through it. As soon as he stops bashing, make him build again, lest he fall into the lava below and cause you to fail the level. Anyway, once he gets over to the next little pillar, you'll need to walk right up to the edge and build again. And that's it... as long as you get right up to the edge before building, you should keep making it up the pillars and eventually the goal (wow, a thinly veiled hint right in the level name... who'd have thunk it?). Free the rest of your lemmings by detonating the blocker on the left. ...you heard me correctly. (note 2: if you did actually detonate the blocker on the left instead of the right one and your lemmings are all now dead, please be aware that I'm literally laughing so hard that breathing and bladder function are now well beyond my control). LEVEL 13: Upsidedown World Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 99 Time: 8:00 Release Rate: 40 Theme: Earth You first step here should be painfully obvious... if you don't place a blocker at the right of the entrance, your lemmings are toast. Do so now (just make sure you let the blocker take a step or 2 before making him block... as I've explained at least once before, lemmings can walk past a blocker if he's too close to where they're dropping from). Your second guy gets to play hero with your one and only climber tool. Once he's all set up, you can kick up the release rate to a healthy 99. Back to your hero. Wait for him to climb over the one-way obstacle, and then walk into the little log pit. When your guy reaches the top of the left log, make him bash through underneath the rock. Continue walking and before long, you'll happen upon a pretty obvious trap (I mean come on... the stupid thing is dancing and jumping around). Walk to about 3 or 4 steps away from the trap, and start mining. Now the important thing here is to ensure you only mine into the ground 2 times... any further and you'll mess up the whole level. Come to think of it, 1 hit might still be safe, but 2 is proven to work (...almost). In any case, after exactly 2 hits, make your hero into a basher. If you've done it all correctly, you don't get horribly decapitated by the trap, and you should continue bashing until you're past the brown-ish rock and into a small "dent" in the platform. With any luck, your hero stops here, and continues walking... otherwise, you might need to waste a builder to get him to stop. Of course then there's the problem of hitting the one-way obstacle up ahead, and turning around... if that happens, you're screwed, reset. If it does come down to using a builder tool to stop, just go for a few seconds, then do a cancel. Now your hero should be on his way up the big wall to the right. Hold down the fast forward until he's coming down the left side. Now, the goal is just up ahead, but the last thing you want right now is for your hero to escape. Just to the right, there should be a really tiny rock poking up through the ground. Walk up to this rock, and then build towards it... the best case scenario is your hero turning around, but be aware that this is very easy to get wrong, and at this point, doing the whole level over again is a massive pain, so try to get it right the first time. Once you've turned the hero around, he'll walk back to the one-way obstacle. Just before he starts climbing again (ie: right next to the wall), start mining again. This takes you back to that dent thingy, and the tunnel you cut into it earlier. Walk all the way back to through the level until you get to the diagonal logs. To finish everything up, all you need to do is use your last basher to get through the one-way rock between you and the rest of your group. Then it's a simple case of holding down the fast forward while all your lemmings (hopefully) file into the goal... except your blocker, he has to die. LEVEL 14: Hunt the Nessy Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 95 Time: 13:00 Release Rate: 30 Theme: Earth Well... this has got to be one of the longest levels in the entire game. Start this monstrosity off with your standard BPR. Follow your hero to the edge of the first platform, and at the edge of the flat part build over to the right, eventually landing on the rock. This should take 2 builder tools, but if you started building early, you might need a third. This is actually a pretty good level to get some practice with "bridge cancels"... I mean, while you're here. That's basically all there is to this level. Build to next platform, walk to edge of said platform, build... the only exception is the exceptionally tall island representing our good friend, the Loch Ness Monster (hence the level name). Including the first little island, this should be the 6th platform. When you set foot on the 5th platform (should be an island, not a rock), you need to make a choice. Would you prefer to build a giant bridge to get to the top of the Monster, or perhaps you'd like to build a shorter bridge at the edge of this platform and cut through the "neck"? "HEAD" OPTION Probably the slower option, and quite a bit riskier... but how can you resist the chance to build a gigantic bridge? How often is that option going to come around, eh? Anyway, the hot spot you're looking for is about the halfway point of the platform you're on. There should be a small slope around there, and if you start building just before going down the slope, you should be alright. Once your massive bridge is done, you should be at the very top of the level. If not, you've built a bit too late, but no matter, you can just bash through the "head" and still be fine. Anyway, on top of the "head" is a flat section, then another small slope, and then what looks like a snout. Walk past the small slope, and as soon as you set foot on the snout area, start mining immediately. If you've had to bash through the "head" just go a little bit further than where the snout starts, and mine from there. With any luck, your mineshaft will end up right above the peak of the small rock underneath you... the good news being that the drop should be easy enough for everyone to survive. Of course, this is where the risk comes in. If you messed up the bridge too badly, or you mined too late, your lemmings WILL die, and you just wasted like 6 minutes on all that work. That's a pretty big investment in a failed plan... fortunately, there's always the... "NECK" OPTION By far the safer of the 2 options, but it's still not foolproof. Basically, it's the same thing you've been doing so far, walk to the edge of the platform and build to the right. Only this time, there's a big old rock in your way. First of all, I recommend you use a few "bridge extends" to keep as low as possible. The lower you are at this point, the easier the next step is... but as always, if you feel a bit uncomfortable doing extends, you don't HAVE to. Once you're connected to the "neck", I recommend using one of your bashers for a second or 2 to cut into the rock before you start mining. This way, you don't inadvertently slice the end off your bridge, causing the other lemmings to fall off and drown (or even worse, you might cause your hero to die... that's a lot of wasted time right there). Before too long, your hero should break through the rock. Make sure you build here to make sure you don't end up dead. Once you're across to the rock, continue with the level. END OF ALTERNATE PATHS Wow, that took an unnecessarily large amount of space... Anyway, time to finish off this level. Walk to the edge of the rock and build to the right to reach the goal island. At this point, you can detonate your right blocker and set your lemmings on the very long path to the goal. There's just one small obstacle blocking the way. Zoom back over to your hero, who (with any luck) is still building (or just about to finish up). When he gets onto the last island, have him walk to about the halfway point of the diagonal log (maybe a bit lower), and then build again. Keep building until your hero has passed over the small cactus, and now your lemmings should have no trouble getting to the goal... it just takes a really long time. LEVEL 15: What and AWESOME level Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 80 Time: 8:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Earth They've done it again! What used to be a damn cool level has been reduced to this crappy knock-off. LAAAAAAAAAAAME!! Outrage aside, this level is incredibly simple (seeing as the REAL version was meant to be like a bonus level which actually lived up to the name). Start off with a BPR, and have your hero walk all the way over to the right. When you get to the rock wall, bash through. After a little while, you'll come to a small gap which will need bridging. Do so, and if your guy turns around, just build again inside the small tunnel you bashed out. Walk all the way along this platform, and once you get to the edge, you guessed it... build. You might need to cram a few bridge extends in there to stop from hitting the ceiling, thus stopping and turning around. Eventually, you come to a big arch made out of rock, and if everything's gone correctly, you should be on the very top. Continue walking to the right until you get to a small bump in the terrain, causing your hero to fall a very short distance. After this little fall, you should be on a relatively flat part of terrain. Walk to the edge of this flat bit, and then build over to the right... again. That's pretty much it. Once you've built for a bit, you should be nicely connected to the little goal area. Go back and free your troops by exploding the right blocker (and you might as well blow up the left blocker after your lemmings are all clear). LEVEL 16: Mary Pop land Number of Lemmings: 100 Lemmings to Save: 97 Time: 5:00 Release Rate: 50 Theme: Hell And what an appropriate theme they picked for this level... Back in the old days, I got stuck on this level for literally YEARS. But enough about all that, on with the walkthrough and such. Start off by giving your first 3 lemmings a floater skill. When the fourth guy appears, have him walk to the edge of the platform, and then make him a blocker. Now focus on your floaters. The first 2 should be left to walk up the steep slope with no trouble, but you're going to need floater 3 for a little job. At about a third of the way up the slope, make your last floater into a builder, thus turning him around. As soon as he turns around, make him build again. Now here's where it gets a bit messy... you need to keep your builder going for a while longer, but you also need to keep an eye on your other 2 guys. If you keep listening for the distinctive (and slightly racist) noise your builder makes when nearly out of bricks, you should be able to pause and re-assign him with minimum fuss. Focus now on your lead lemming. When he walks directly underneath a section of vertical hanging chain, make him a blocker. Once the other lemming turns back to the left, you can detonate this new blocker, he's served his purpose. Now wait for your lemming to walk back to the top of the little stone steps, and then start him building (if you've gone down to the wooden bridge or further, you messed up and have to restart). Now all you need to do is keep switching between your 2 builders, and make sure they keep building. Eventually, you'll have 2 rather long bridges and probably not too much time left on the clock. The whole point of the bridges is to break the fall for all your remaining lemmings, so detonate your last blocker and see if you were successful. Hopefully, your lemmings survive (and so they should, unless you were a bit slow with the reaction times, or your bridges have a bit of a gap in them... and that can happen). If you haven't done so a long time ago, boost your release rate now, and your lemmings should be able to make it to the goal. (MORE LEVELS COMING... ERR... EVENTUALLY!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayhem [WLK-MHM] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (COMING AT ONE POINT OR ANOTHER!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special levels [WLK-SPL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL 35: No justice for the hero Number of Lemmings: 20 Lemmings to Save: 19 Time: 8:20 Release Rate: 95 Theme: Crystal Start the level by letting all the lemmings out. Wait for the last guy to appear, and then start tracking him. Have him walk up to the right to turn around, and once he's done that, make him a digger. Once your hero has dug through, he should walk to the left, where there's a gap in the pipes. Look closely at the design of the pipes, and you should see small dots in a line at roughly the middle of the pipe. Once your hero walks on the leftmost dot, make him into a builder. With the right placement, you should be able to not only connect both pipes, but your hero should be free to continue to the left. If for some reason, your bridge doesn't connect to the left pipe (leaving any gap at all), or your hero turns back to the right, restart the level immediately. Now, continue following your hero past all his buddies, down a level, and then back to the right. You should notice a large brick of what appears to be ice at the end of this pipe. Ready your miner tool, because once your hero takes about 2 steps onto the "ice", you'll need to mine out a tunnel. The best result here would be a tunnel which comes right down to the top of the lower level pipe and stops, but chances are your guy will just keep on going. Don't worry if this happens, because as long as the rest of the lemmings have access to the mineshaft it's mission complete. Your hero is doomed to die anyway (hence the title of this level), and the rest of the lemmings will be able to clear the gap in the floor. Now there's just one more level to go... (MORE LEVELS COMING... ERR... EVENTUALLY!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Me [LPS-CTM] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- soMEguy_classic[AT]hotmail[DOT]com Please remember to put "Lemmings" somewhere in the subject line so I don't ignore it. Also note, I may not check my email for a few days, so please be patient. If however, I have not gotten back to you in a week, feel free to re-send your message, as there is a chance my email filters blocked it, or I have been unable to check my email for some reason. And of course, you DO know to replace the [AT] and [DOT] with the actual symbols, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Whatnots [LPS-LGL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Websites who currently have permission to host this guide: www.gamefaqs.com www.supercheats.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcc.com www.cheathappens.com