## ## ##### #### #### #### ##### ###### ### ## ####. #### ##### ##### #### ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## # ## ## ## ## #### ## ## # ## ###### ## #### ## ### ## # ## ### ### ## ## #### ## # ## ## ## ### ## ## ### ## ####, ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ##### ###### ###### ## # #### ## ## #### ## ## +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | b o u n t y h u n t e r | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ by Jeff H. Table of Contents ----------------- 1.00 Introduction 2.00 Getting Started 2.10 Controls & Movement 2.20 Ship Guide 2.30 HUD 2.40 Tips 3.00 Walkthrough 4.00 Miscellaneous 4.10 Weapons 4.20 Glitches & Tricks 4.30 FAQ's 5.00 Guide Information v1.01 - July 28, 2004 : Added controls for the Xbox version thanks to Jason. v1.00 - June 16, 2004 : First release. Walkthrough is complete, as is most of other sections. ATTENTION: This guide was written for the North American NTSC PlayStation 2 version of Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter. Any glaring inaccuracies you see may be due to this, provided that you have the European PAL version, etc. Also, be aware that since I'm from the US spelling may be slightly different than what you're used to -- this here is not the Queen's English. :) Also, the walkthrough should get you through all versions of the game. I played the Xbox version at one point and didn't notice any gameplay differences (only graphics). With that said, any genuine mistakes should be pointed out to me in a friendly e-mail. ############################################################################### 1.00 | INTRODUCTION ############################################################################### Welcome to my Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (MGBH) guide. Here you will find a bunch of miscellaneous stuff about MGBH as well as a full game walkthrough. The game itself is a first-person shooter released on the PS2, Xbox, and PC. In it you play the role of bounty hunter Mace Griffin. You are out for your own form of justice: revenge. You must seek down those who have wronged you while the plot of the game unravels. It's not the greatest game in the world but the story is interesting since it's laid out like a movie and the gameplay, while repetitive, is solid enough to keep you going. You have your action going on as well as plot twists along the way. ############################################################################### 2.00 | GETTING STARTED ############################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.10 | Controls & Movement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SONY PLAYSTATION 2: Ground Controls Flight Controls ............... ............... D-pad - Cycle weapons/zoom D-pad - Move ship in direction L Analog - Move/sidestep L Analog - Thrust/roll R Analog - Look/aim R Analog - Yoke control X - Reload X - Nearest target indicator Square - Jump/swim up Square - Next target Triangle - Use/action Triangle - Yoke mount/dismount, warp jump Circle - N/A R1 - Primary fire (select primary) R1 - Primary fire R2 - Select laser (primary) R2 - Cycle weapon forward L1 - Secondary fire (select secondary) R3 - Crouch down L2 - Select missile (secondary) L1 - Secondary fire L2 - Cycle weapon backward L3 - Target lock toggle MICROSOFT XBOX: Ground Controls Flight Controls ............... ............... D-pad - Cycle weapons/zoom D-pad - Move ship in direction L Analog - Move/sidestep L Analog - Thrust/roll R Analog - Look/aim R Analog - Yoke control A - Reload A - Nearest target indicator B - N/A X - Next target X - Jump/swim up Y - Yoke mount/dismount, warp jump Y - Use/action R Trig. - Primary fire (select primary) R Trig. - Primary fire Black - Select laser (primary) Black - Cycle weapon forward L Trig. - Secondary fire (select secondary) L Trig. - Secondary fire White - Select missile (secondary) White - Cycle weapon backward L-A dn - Target lock toggle [Big thanks to Jason for Xbox controls!] R-A dn - Crouch down [I need default PC controls! - Jeff] I know the controls laid out may be confusing. But when you're working with 79 characters per line it's tough to make it look good while taking space and neatness into consideration. If you rented the game and need the controls or just don't have the booklet, hopefully this listing will help you out. Ascending/Descending Ladders: To go up a ladder simply walk towards it and Mace will automatically attack himself to it. Look up and push your left stick forward. Going down is a bit trickier like with a lot of FPS nowadays. Back off the ladder and Mace will eventually get past a "hump" where he falls down after an arch movement. Now look down and move your left stick forward. Making Long/Running Jumps: My best advice to you, when making a jump repeatedly tap the jump button several times when you're nearing a ledge. Don't just press it once and expect to get it. This game is a little funny that way, so as you come to a ledge tap the jump button two or three times just to be sure. Do this and you will more than likely make the jump. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.20 | Ship Guide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A small chunk of MG:BH puts you at the helms of various air crafts. And if you're like me you had trouble adjusting to using them. So here are some general pointers and strategies to keep in mind while in the skies. It's all arranged in a random order, just as this stuff came to me while playing MGBH. [Note: This guide mainly covers the most-used ship in the game: Ranger Patrol 13 Light Assault Ship (or Ranger Ship for short).] Changing your weapons: It's important to use the right weapons to get the job done. This hold especially true since I think that most people prefer using the weapon they find best. Bring up the change weapon menu, and depending on whether you want to change the missiles or laser it depends. For example, on the PS2 you would press the R2 button if your intent was to change your laser. Press the button and a menu will drop down. Now press it again to cycle the weapons that are available. Once it's highlighted press the fire button (if you're select a laser press the fire laser button, etc). Chasing down enemies: The best way to get the bead on a certain enemy is to fly parallel to them while still staying behind them. For example: (YOU) ----> OR ----> ----> (ENEMY) ----> (YOU) (ENEMY) Stay behind and parallel is good because it allows you keep on them and it allows you to move with them, instead of crossing them and losing sights. If an enemy keeps flying past you wait for a second and let them get their distance, then work your way behind them. Miscellaneous Notes and Tips: A bleep sound is made when auto-pilot is no longer in effect. This is useful to know because on some instances it is necessary to take off the moment you gain or regain control. Not all ships have the same weapons and features. If possible take a few seconds in space to see what's available for your ship. See if it has the target range indicator also. If you're being shot and manage to find a direction that keeps you from getting hit, keep going in that direction until you're shield meter fills back up. It may seem like elementary but it is crucial in succeeding in these stinkin' space mission. Groups of enemies can be a pain. Try to avoid them. Wait for them to break formation or just look for a splinter ship that you can pick on. If you get jumped by several ships you're not going to last long because once the armor is gone it's open season on you. Large objects and crafts can be used as cover, however. It is not advised that you practice this unless you're hurting bad. More times than not you can accidentally smash into the object or craft while circling to find an enemy. So to put it simply, stay away from them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.30 | Heads Up Display (HUD) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | Ground HUD | | Flight HUD | +-----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | --1--- ---3--- /4/5/ | | --1--- ---3-- | | -2- /6/7/ | | -2- -4- | | | | (5) | | | | ^ <--7 (6) | | 8 | | ((8))<--9 | | | | | | | | | | [ 9 ] | | ,--. | | | | /(10)\ | | \ 10 \ | | / \ | '-----------------------------' '----------------------------' KEY: KEY: 1-Mace's shield 1-Ship's shield 2-Mace's health 2-Ship's armor 3-Waypoint Finder 3-Weapon status 4-Primary ammo 4-Missle 5-Primary clip ammo 5-Missle type 6-Secondary ammo 6-Primary weapon 7-Secondary clip ammo 7-Enemy location arrow 8-Targeting reticule 8-Target range indicator (if equipped) 9-Text message window 9-Target lock (when locked) 10-Mace's weapon 10-Ship's radar (NOTE: HUDs can vary from ship-to-ship) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.40 | Tips & Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retreat After Taking Damage: Mace's health is crucial to maintain. The shield allows you to take damage but once it's gone you're a susceptible to damage to your health. Once your health is gone you are dead. So whenever you take damage, take cover and wait for your shield to go back up. Returning Fire While in Retreat: Okay, this is important. When you're hiding behind something while in a standoff, shoot over the object (if possible) opposed to around the object. Normal enemies (non-snipers) won't shoot over a lot of objects believe it or not, so try to get above the object you're hiding behind and shoot over it. Dealing with snipers is trickier, however. Use your sniper, back up slightly, and then shoot once you see their head. Pulling back any further could expose you to their return firing. So remember, when possible, shoot over an object and not around it. Making Long/Running Jumps [repeated]: My best advice to you, when making a jump repeatedly tap the jump button several times when you're nearing a ledge. Don't just press it once and expect to get it. This game is a little funny that way, so as you come to a ledge tap the jump button two or three times just to be sure. Do this and you will more than likely make the jump. Always Search Crates: The wooden crates you see often have energy and other pickups in them. While some clusters of crates may not yield much, you'll still usually get something out of a group of them. And to save time (and ammo) use your electro-cosh's second function to bust them open with one swift hit. Backtracking For Health: In some very rare cases it will be absolutely necessary for you to backtrack for health. For example, if you get a checkpoint just before a difficult spot and don't have enough health to face the enemy. I know it's a pain to load areas again but sometimes you just may have to. Get Pickups Before Leaving Ship: In later missions it is possible to collect pickups that are in a storage room of your ship. Before heading out of the ship on a mission, go into the door on the left as you get at the bottom of the steps. Get whatever you can from off the shelves. ________________________________________________________________________ /.----------------------------------------------------------------------.\ // \\ //___________ WALKTHROUGH \\ // /_____________________________________________________________// \\ 3.00 /,-------------------------------------------------------------` \\_________// '---------' Walkthrough ToC --------------- 3.01 Hold Position 3.02 Back In Business 3.03 Trouble At The Temple 3.04 Sharp Shooter 3.05 The Rustlers 3.06 Gun For Hire 3.07 Clear And Present Ranger 3.08 Genetics Lab 3.09 Rescue Krugo 3.10 Whistleblower 3.11 Infiltrate The Tannan Corp 3.12 Face Off This is a step-by-step walkthrough which I consider to be very detailed. When it comes to walkthroughs I am not one for brevity, so bear with me here. Walkthrough Notes ----------------- o- Walkthrough Format: Levels are displayed with one row of dashes (-) above and below each level's name. Objectives are signified with an arrow (-->). Side tips that relay side information about a particular area or scene are displayed in brackets ([ ]). o- Doors: Unlocked doors usually have a distinctness to them (as do locked doors). For example, on the first level unlocked doors have a yellow square on them. While the locked doors have a red one and make a noise when you go by them. Keep this in mind. o- Enemy References: I refer to the bad guys as following (but not limited to) names: bad guy, enemy, guards, guy, etc. This is to avoid monogamy and not bore you and myself. o- In-level loading: I don't mention the loading parts because I don't know if it differentiates between the three platforms MGBH is on. I want this walkthrough to work with all three with no confusion. o- Jumping: When I say "jump when ready" I'm referring to the action of Mace taking his ship into a new area, which is officially called warp jumping. For example, at the end of certain space missions you are prompted to "jump". On the PS2 you would tap the triangle button and Mace appears to go into a black hole/warp speed and to his destination. o- Objectives: I do not number the objectives in the walkthrough because there are parts in the game where the objective numbers are screwed up. Believe it or not, in some of the later levels the numbers will be out of whack. (Example: in one level an objective is 7 and the very next one is 13!) On with the walkthrough... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.01 + HOLD POSITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Find the control room and re-open the airlock. The first thing you want to do is follow out the door your crew went through on the left. [Tip: Before heading out of this starting room, turn around and activate the green monitors. Doing this will allow you to get a look at some dead crew members and the kind of enemy you will face later on.] When you get into this next room head around the center beam and through the door lit up yellow. You should see your crew straight ahead and the door will shut between you and them. Make a left at this t-junction and through the door. Head through to the next area where you should here some scream in pain. Come in and collect the pickup from the dead body. Head through the left doorway. Come in and shoot the soldier on the right who's harassing the crew worker. Shoot the wooden crates to collect the pickups. You should now proceed into the doorway on the right and into a larger room. This crate room has a bunch of enemies in it. Go right immediately as you come in. Shoot the guys over here and the ones at the bottom after you take the ramp down. Up on the other side are a few more enemies for you to kill. Try shooting the explosive barrels up here to conserve ammo. When they're toast head up to the top and through the doorway up here (there's a guy hiding behind some stuff over here, so be careful). Make a right as you go in and you'll get a brief cutscene when you get to the next area. Shoot these two guards but watch out for the grenades they throw at you. Also, let this be a lesson that enemies will do this when shooting isn't an option. Make a right at the hologram and kill any guys you see over here. Straight ahead should be some shutter doors where on the other side are some dead bodies. Collect the pickups and head through the door just outside this room (where the dead guard is against the wall). You should be in another big cargo room. Kill the soldiers below and across from you. Collect their pickups and head back to the top of the balconies. Your path is blocked on the left side up here, so jump over to the rail and to the stack of crates to your right. Now jump to over the rails ahead and onto the bridge area. Go through the doorway over here. Two enemies are behind a red crate on the left. Shoot the explosive barrel in the middle and this should blow them up. Look up and shoot the guy up on the rails behind you. Now go over by the red crates and enter the vent by crouching down into it. Follow the ducts down and through to the other side. When the vent breaks shoot the two creatures down here. Enter the next area, killing all of the rest in sight. The barrels come in handy for destroying a bunch of them. Make a right at this t-junction and a left at the four-way. After the cutscene plays go through the unlocked door straight ahead. Kill the few enemies around the corner and pass the dead bodies up. Make a left and you can get some extra pickups in the back room. Either way, you still have to take the right path so do so. Just past the guy that was surrendering is an enemy posted behind the wall. Kill it and through unlocked door on the left. Head through and into a third cargo room. There's a bunch of ninja-like creatures in this area. (If you've gotten far enough in Half-Life these guys might remind you of the ninja chicks in that game.) Take them out even though they require a little more bullets. Head to the top and kill the rest, including any human soldiers that appear. Go through the single doorway that's up here. In the small control room, make a right and into a hallway where another body is. Go through the door where the body is and shoot the enemy as you walk into the ship's control bridge. Turn left and shoot the second one hiding in the alcove. Go up to the red panel and activate it to see a cutscene and some in- game dialog. --> Objective: Return to the Ranger ship It's time to head back to where you came from. When you get to the control you saw moments ago, kill the guy hiding behind the wall and in front of the glass. Make a right instead of a left. Shoot the two enemies that rush out of the hall and head into this dark corridor. Make the left at the t-junction and into a room where a human and some enemies are at standoff. Shoot the bad guys that are towards the back, then make a right into a room where blue control panels are in the center. Go into the vent on the air as you walk in. When you get to vent blocking your path turn left and follow up and through. Drop down and head through the only unlocked door. Shoot the two guys no the balcony above and make a left. This cargo room is dangerous as it's full of Valleakans and soldiers gunning for you. Take out the ones on the ramp to the right first and work your way to the floor level. Clear it out and up to the other side. Jump and duck into the vent that's up here and on the left wall. Come out into a red corridor and drop into the hole in the floor at the opposite end. Crouch down and take the vent through. Come up into another cargo room and cap the two guys on the other side. Go up the ramps and jump the gap and blast the enemies in the dark room straight ahead. [Tip: When you jump the gap the piece behind you breaks off. If you manage to fall back into the cargo room use the crates on the left to get back up.] Enter the circular red room to the right. Use the broken platform as a ramp to get to the balcony above. Head to the other side and through the door. Run past the electricity and into a room with a pipe going down. Shoot any enemies below and drop down, through the door. Blast anyone in this room that has a computer in the middle. Head around it and to your starting room where two bad guys await. Kill them and head through the two shutters doors to end the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.02 + BACK IN BUSINESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Meet Dawson Wait for the ship to land. You'll know it's landed when it's stopped and you will feel the ship shake. Exit through the door left of where the creature is standing. Head down the ramp and talk to Dawson who's in the orange jumpsuit for a cutscene. --> Objective: Go to Moscone's Office Now it's simply a matter of following your waypoint finder's guidance. Follow it to Moscone's office for a cutscene. --> Objective: Launch and jump to the Temple station Head back up to where you ship is docked (through hangar door 06). Take the ramp up inside the ship and up the steps. You'll get two weapons in this hallway. Go through the door and to get your first taste of the space missions. [Tip: I highly suggest learning the controls by looking at the instructions booklet that comes with the game. Pay close attention to the HUD of the ship in particular.] You're turned around forced out of the bay. As soon as you clear the craft you get controls of the ship. Take this time learning the controls because the level is almost over and you will have a mission where you must fight other ships next. Once you're ready and your destination is confirmed press the warp jump button (look at the manual). Level complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.03 + TROUBLE AT THE TEMPLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Take out the fighters before landing This a first real taste of what it's like to be in the dog fights. Check the Controls section for movement and control ships. What you have to do is take down all of the crafts on your radar (bottom middle). Use the arrow in the middle to locate their exact location (on PS2 press L3 and an arrow will show up). The key is keep moving or you will be toast in no time. When you get an enemy on-screen fire your lasers at them and if there at a distance wait for the red lock-on shows up. Then fire your rocket at it. Do this until all crafts are gone. [TIP: I noticed that the enemies will go in a straight line, back and forth from the start for a while. Try going against this pattern and shooting at them as they come towards you.] --> Objective: Land in the Temple stations front and hangar bay Now that the space is clear head towards the white triangle that's on your radar. Slow down as you approach the ship. As you near it head to the top and above the white squares. Come down and line your craft up with the squares (narrow way). Slowly fly down through the squares and towards the ship. As you get through the last one the ship takes over and will automatically dock you inside. --> Objective: Find the Enforcers Exit the craft by getting off the controls, going down the steps, and exiting through the red door. Go to the big shutter door in the middle and pick up the sniper rifle off of the body on the right, but have your auto' pistol equipped. Now access the control panel and take the lift up to the Enforcers where a cutscene will play. --> Objective: Clear the balconies and lobby area of hostiles After the cutscene immediately turn and shoot the Acolyte Follower (AF) on the other side of the crates. Head out into the open and dash over to the left. Wait in the doorway next to the Enforcer that is welding the doors open. In the mean time, equip your sniper rifle and pick off any AFs you see. There are some at the top of the ramp and on the balcony across from you. Eventually the door will be opened, so head through and take the lift up. Shoot the guy up here and make sure your machine gun is equipped. Now head around the corner onto the balcony and cap any AFs that you see. Run along this balcony and into a hallway with some computers. First clear out the guys in just this hallway. If you want a grenade go into the door left of where you came into this hallway. Disable all eight (8) computers by walking up to them and hitting the action button. Now use both remote gatlin guns by accessing them on the big computer in the middle. Sweep both areas with these guns, shooting any enemies you see. Once you've done this get off the computers and head further down this hallway. Kill the guys on the balcony to the right. Only go along the balcony path if you want some health and ammo pickups at the other end, near a non-working lift. Either way you need to through the doorway adjacent to the balcony entrance. If you want, shoot the AF that's not hostile towards you. Either way, head through and out to a room you saw on the security camera. You will see two flights of stair cases leading down into the bottom. Clear the balconies and the lower part of this room out. If you've killed every enemy up to this point you will meet up with your squad. --> Objective: Board the Acolyte fighter and pilot it into the topside hangar. Backtrack all the way to the beginning of the level. The lower hallways connected to this meeting room are now open, so you can use them to get back more quickly (look under the steps for the doors). If not just take the upper balconies -- the same way you came. And use your waypoint finder to guide you if you can't remember where to go. Once you get there go behind the ship you came in, and into the smaller Acolyte fighter ship. Drive it out of the bay that opens and into space. --> Objective: Take out the fighters before landing You have many more fighters to deal with this time. No big deal, though. Keep your distance and keep in mind that the fighters don't fly in a pattern for the most part this time. Staying far away allows your lasers to lock onto them better just like it would like Mace's handgun or machine gun would. So fire at them until you get a good lock. It'll eventually start hitting them and before you know it their toast. Use your rockets if you can get a good shot off. Endure all of the enemies and this area will be complete in no time at all. --> Objective: Land in the topside hangar Find the white dot on your radar and go to it. The landing frame is at a titled angle this time so be careful of how you come in. The auto-pilot will take you inside and you will see some enemies outside. You can use your ship's machine gun to destroy some of them (L2 button on PS2). When they're finished (make sure the robot outside is destroyed). Alternatively, you can use the mounted gun in the corner when you get out here to finish them off. --> Objective: Locate the High Priests personal quarters Go through the doorway below the windows and in the corner. When you get to the top approach the door, throw a grenade through inside and over the table if you have one, then back off because they throw grenades of their own. This should clear a few of them out, so destroy the rest with your gunpower. When the AFs are cleared out proceed through the door on the right. There's some pickups in the doorway of this hallway. When you come through the next unlocked door you will see some beams on your left. Wait for the enemies to come from this side. Stand of the left side behind the doorway, using the entrance as cover. Blast the several enemies that spring out from the left. Head through the door and over to this seating area. Duck behind the pews as you shoot at your enemies. When they're cleared out the High Priest and his henchmen step out from the door on the right side of the beams. Be careful because the HP shoots explosives at you, so take care of them wisely by not boxing yourself in and letting them surround you. There's a health pack next to the podium if you need it. Go through the door that they come from (it's on the side of the room with the podium and in the hallway). Come inside this hallway and you'll get a signal for your waypoint finder. Grab the pickups on the left head right, through the door. Quickly shoot the gun on the ceiling and continue through the halls. Around the corner you will see a door in front of you and one on the right. Throw some a grenade or two into the door on the right. Clear this room out and shoot the gun on the ceiling. Go over to the blue computer and to the first monitor. Zoom in down to the other end and shoot the gun then camera next to it. Get on the middle monitor and shoot the camera at the other end. Finally, get on the right monitor and shoot the guy below on the left. Before leaving this room you can check out the green monitors to see what's going on. Leave this room now and make a right. Follow the hallways through until you get to a four-way intersection where two crates on next to each other on your right (there may be an enemy standing in this doorway). Make a left here and down the hallway to the right. As you round it there are two guys at the far end. Take care of them and head straight through the doorway for a brief cutscene. --> Objective: Gain access to the mainframe room and reconfigure the data stream. Exit this room the same way you came in. Make a left at the first intersection where you should kill the AFs you see. Make a left again around the stack of crates. Get on the lift and take it up. Pass up the green monitor and through the door. Turn left and you'll see a AF behind glass. Shoot through it to kill him, jump onto the tipped chair, and crouch through the window. Come out into the hallway and to the left is a bunch of enemies. When you're through with them destroy the computers in this hallway by walking up to them then hitting the action button. Head into this big round room with the laser inside the glass below. Go through the unlocked door on the right. Behind the crates straight ahead is a room with two Acolyte Elite Guards (AEGs). Kill them and collect the goodies in here (shoot the crates for extra health). Step back out and head down the steps. Kill the two AEGs down here and continue down to the next floor. Do the same here as well. When you get to the base level work your way to the other side. I recommend killing the robot on the right and going this way. Run your ass off until you get to the unlocked door over here. Keep going up these steps until you get to the floor that has a barricade of crates and an upright table. Throw a grenade on the other side to blow the table out of the way. Crouch under the table to get through the door. Go around this circle to the other side, killing the enemies as you go. After killing off the group of enemies over here look for the two control panels where the opening is in the glass. Activate both of them and a bridge will extend to the center. Walk across it and hit the switch and you'll start to lower into the core. Duck down while this is happening. As you get to the bottom you will be surrounded by AF scientists. Take them out one-by-one. Step off this platform and find the ladder that goes under the floor. Down here, hit the switch on the other side of the round the round thing. --> Objective: Reconfigure the data stream above the lobby area Climb back up and use the platform to get back up. Work your way back to the stairwell that was barricaded. From this floor take the steps down and get off at the very next floor. Come out into the center and make a left. You should see a newly unlocked door on your left (use your waypoint finder if your having trouble finding it). Follow the hallways that are entrenched with enemies through. You'll get to a ramp, so head up it after blasting the enemies on top. Go through the door that's lit up red, shoot the two guys on the other side, and follow through. Duck under the beam of laser and hit the switch on the panel. --> Objective: Get back to the front end hangar bay Pull your finger off the trigger because you won't need to shoot for a few minutes. Round the corner and you'll see some AFs straight ahead. Don't bother shooting them or the guys further down because they're not going to shoot at you. So just move forward, down, and around to the left where you'll eventually see an unlocked door straight ahead. Go through it and out to the balconies from the beginning of the level. Go to the other side and down the steps. Next, head through either of the doors under the steps. Follow around and work your way back to the beginning using your waypoint. When you get back to your ship you'll meet up with your crew and a cutscene will play. --> Objective: Pursue the hacker and eliminate him Get into the big generic carrier ship and head out. In space, keep your distance to get the lock-on. Once you do (and it may take a while) start firing your homing missiles at it (L2 on PS2). They will seek him out. Keep shooting until the hacker's ship goes down. --> Objective: Return to Guild station Just like the objective says, you need to return to where you came from. The "jump" action will be available soon after the voice is done talking. Jump when prompted (Triangle on PS2). The cutscene will play, ending the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.04 + SHARP SHOOTER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Land in the Refuge hangar Fly towards the rock with the bright orange on it (on your left). Mace requests permission to land and is granted it. Fly down towards the blue icon and into the hole at the bottom of the rock. Fly up and into the white boxes for auto-pilot to take over. Come out of your ship for a cutscene. --> Objective: Head for the settlement Look for the doorway behind the stuff in the northwest corner. Go down the hall to an unlocked door where the arrow points. Crouch down as you go through the door or you might get popped by the enemy on the left with a grenade. Jump over the barrier of crates and over to the right is a large vehicle that you can use for cover. Take out the guy on the ground level near you first. Then go for the one on top of the crate on the left side of the room. Once you get him go for the last one in the back by the door hiding behind some more crates. There is some ammo hidden on the other side of the vehicle with crates stacked against it (it's left of where you first come in). Now out of this room through the door opposite to where you came in at. Use the control panel to open the shutter doors. Go into the tunnels where you should see the right path blocked by crates. So go down and through the left path. As you round the corner left shoot the few guys standing in the open. There's two more hiding behind the crates. Go through the shutter doors on the right for a cutscene. --> Objective: Find the access pass in Baxter's office You appear on the other side of the door (outside) after the cutscene. Immediately take cover by ducking down behind the rocks nearby, to avoid being spotted by the sniper above. First wait for a couple of enemies on the ground level to come to you (this is your first encounter with the Jaldari Settlers). With them finished quickly set focus on the sniper above and in the canyon on the left. Pick him off and keep your sniper rifle equipped. Advance forwards bit and look for the sniper on the balcony of the building. Pick him off and then follow the path towards these buildings. Take out the enemies as you approach this place. With the yellow vehicle in front of you equip your rifle and look over to the lift. Shoot the guy above that's shooting rockets at you. Using the center door, enter the building nearest to the yellow machine. As you go through the second set of doors there's a guy hiding behind the bar who'll shoot at you. Fire a grenade (or even rocket if you picked up an RL) to blow him up. Turn right and head up the steps to blast the three enemies up here. Go back down and collect the pickups (there's some ammo in the door next to the bar). Come back upstairs and through the doors. The first door on the left is a guy hiding behind a counter. Blast him and take the access pass off of the counter. --> Objective: Locate the processing plant Before going back downstairs I suggest making a left as you exit this room where you got the access pass. Go through the door and you'll be in the front area where two storage rooms are (left and right). In the center is a doorway to the balcony. Come out on it and blast the enemies that post up outside. Come downstairs and back outside to finish any remaining enemies you see. Quickly run across the road to the other building. Use the access pass on the doorway on the right, then go inside. Follow the blue and grey hallways around, killing the bad guys, until you get to the barrels. The dark shutter door leads to some pickups. The gold-colored door is where you need to go. Take the lift up that's inside here. Blast the guy at the top then turn around and pick off the sniper across the way. Follow the path up here. Come out to where a train is in front of you. Go right and follow the path over to the left. Shoot the arachnid spiders on the ground. Before going through the door over here you might want to shoot the crates beside the train for some health and ammo pickups. With that, head through this door. Shoot the spiders with your pistol if you want to conserve ammo (use the single shot function). Follow the tunnel down, defeating the lone soldier at the end. Head through the door to come out onto a ledge of the canyon. Take this ledge left, killing the big guy as you go. Come around the back and shoot the enemies here. Follow further around to come behind the guy with an RL. Take him out and the ones across the canyon. Head through the door up here and kill the spiders. Take the tunnels down and into the concrete tunnels as well. Destroy the wooden crates and come out to the balcony. Turn left and shoot the guy up here, then blast the crowd of enemies below. Come down here by either jumping over the balcony or using the ramp in the hallway. Head through the shutter door where they came from. There's a bunch of humans in this tunnel. Clear it out by shooting them and take cover under the big tractor. Work your way to the other end and collect all pickups that you see. There's a door on the right side of this tunnel that you should now go through. At the other end is a lift that you need to take up to the next floor. --> Objective: Enter the transit depot and board one of the carts Follow the halls around, make a left in the tunnels, and go down into the open. Before exiting this tunnel equip your sniper rifle and pick off the guy on balcony (left side). Come out just a bit and you should see a sniper on a platform at the top right of your screen. Get him and get and come of the cave just a bit. Look around at the bottom where the crates are, and see if you can spot any loose enemies walking around. Once you're done looking head down the ramp on the right with your machine gun equipped. Using whatever you can as cover, kill all of the enemies down here. Once they're dead head towards the back where you should see a computer at the top of a ramp and in a hangar. Before going up this ramp look to the left and in the canyon will be a guy with a rocket launcher, so destroy him. Now go up the ramp but instead of bothering with the computer go left and follow the path around to the back. In the unlocked door is some ammo in the back crate. Continue to the left using this same pathway where you will need to shoot some snipers on the ground. Pass the red cargo crates and into the tunnel straight ahead. Follow this tunnel through, sniper and then the spiders along the way. When you emerge at the other end you will see a guy in blue shooting at the bad guys. Don't shoot at him. Just find the ramp on the left side and take it up. Kill the bad guys on your way up, then look down and kill anyone else left in the room below. Up here you need to jump to the center platform with things spinning around it. First jump onto the crates and barrels up here. Then jump and move forward at the *same exact time* across to the center just as one of the things pass by. If timed correctly you will be in the center and the things will be spinning around you. Look for the three blocks connected by pipes below. Jump to the middle one as a spinning thing passes, then immediately jump to the last one that's left of where you jumped. If done correctly you'll be near the red light and won't get hitting by the spinning things. Drop onto the pipe and head through the tunnel with the red light outside of it. Crouch down and work your way through stopping just before you exit. Edge your way out and pick off the sniper above and to your far right. Look to the ground where you should see a few enemies. Take them out and look to the very far right and you should see a guy on the ledge that's towards the wall. Make sure you get him since he has an RL. By now a few more enemies should have come out to the balcony where you shot the first one at. Take care of them and walk across the pipes. Drop to the roof and then to the balcony where you killed these guys. Go into the door and blast the two guys that may or may not be in here depending on the circumstances. Shoot the boxes and collect the pickups. Step back out to the ledge and look across where you should see a sniper. Pick him off and work your way along the conveyer belts up here. There's a door lit up red as you get to the other end. Go through it and down the red hallway. As you come out through the next door you'll see some catwalks over a body of water. Walk forward a bit to see a cutscene of soldiers pouring into the area above. Run up the catwalks, shooting the first two as they come down. Go up and shoot the rest up here. Collect the pickups out of the crates (there's a health pack in the water if you still need it). Walk over to the platform where the computers are by the monorail. Jump over the railing and into the cart. --> Objective: Get into the mine hangar The cart will start moving so duck down before you get decapitated, but stay down even as you progress along. Eventually you'll get into a firefights as you move along the rail. Focus on the guys in the carts and only shoot the snipers if you have a chance to. Otherwise, just make sure there's no one occupying the carts in front of you. When you get to the end your mine cart stops. Hop down to the left where the mound of rocks is. If done correctly you should not take damage from the fall. Stay on top and shoot the spiders while away from harm. If you look up you will see a platform with an enemy walking across every few seconds. Try to pick off as many of them you can from down (you can shoot under the grating because bullets will go through it). This important because there's a bunch of very lethal enemies up there. Get ready for a fight and take the lift that's in the corner up. When you get to the top immediately rush across the bridge, shooting your enemies as you go to the other side. Hopefully you'll get lucky and won't get blown up by the one with an RL. Once this area is cleared head through the doorway. Head through the lit tunnels and when you see the (innocent) guy run towards you advance a bit more and stop just before the turn. Peek out and three snipers will all throw a grenade towards you, so quickly step back and get some distance. Equip your sniper rifle and crouch down. Turn right and strafe left a bit. At this point pick off all three snipers across the way. Walk out and drop off the broken part of the balcony and onto the wall. Stay on this wall by holding your stick towards it, all the while shooting and blowing up the spiders below. Climb the ladder that's down here, walk past the dead snipers, and up a second ladder. Step out into the open for a cutscene (kill the spider as well). Kill the enemies on this ground level. Find the doorway on the other side that leads to a lift. Take the lift up and blast the enemies in the hallway. At the split go left for a storage room of some goodies. Now go right, killing all things that movie. Cross the catwalk and on the other side you'll get a cutscene just after killing the guy over here. There's another storage room so collect whatever you can. Go back to the catwalk and stop in the center. Look through the window and shoot the guy on the right that has an RL. Come back over the catwalk and into this room. Make a left and hide behind the fence. This fence provides good cover as the enemies on the other side of the room are less likely to shoot at you while behind this. So duck behind the fence and pick off the enemies from there. Then use the stack of crates on the left to get on the ledge. Run along it then drop off to the conveyer belts when you can't go any further. Keep going until you get to a ramp. Go up it and make a left where you'll see blue, glowing rocks. Shoot the guys back here and then bust the crates to reveal a ladder. Take it up to the very top where some catwalks are. Shoot the guys up here and advance until where you see a panel on your left. Activate it the game will show a cutscene of a rail moving down. Go to this (a short distance further around the corner) and you will look out to see some big metal "sifters". Walk off and onto the first sifter and the rest will start moving. As you descend to the bottom you will have to shoot the red barrels to blow up the guys shooting at you. Failure to due so could prove fatal since they'll eventually throw grenades into your sifter. It's a long ways down, but when you get to the bottom jump out of the sifter just before the track starts to go back up (there's a rock you need to hit below so you don't die). When down there blast all the guys. Take the ladder up and shoot the ones that rush you on this catwalk. Go through the door that they came from. Follow the tunnels around to see a gruesome cutscene (one that caused a bit of a stir as you might imagine). Cap the guys at the bottom and the snipers across the way. Climb down the ladder on the other end of the catwalk. Head up the ramp where the guy is hanging destroying any opposition along the way. At the top head left but be careful not to fall into the pit in the center. Shoot the two guys in this next are and then pick up the ammo off the shelves. Work your way out to the balcony. Cross it and blast the first three guys you see. Help the guys in blue out by shooting the rest of the bad guys. Come around to a dirt hill with two guys at the top -- they're dangerous for sure. Shoot them but steer clear of their explosive weaponry. BE CAREFUL when climbing this dirt hill because there's a hole in it. Stay on the right side and jump your way to the top to be safe. Follow the path out to another open area. First shoot the two guys with RLs: one above center and the other below left. Step out onto the balcony. --> Objective: Get into the hangar bay control room and lock the hangar bay doors This are is just a matter of clearing out the snipers first and moving to the bottom. So scour the horizon with your rifle and cap anyone you see. Head down the ramp, blast the guys down here, and head up the ramp on the other side of the water. Now you want to head up these steep ramps and up through the tunnels. At top will be an unlocked door, so go through it. From in the doorway shoot the red barrel and the barricade will fall. Pass the guy up and head through the next door. A cutscene will play. --> Objective: Eliminate Cantrell's men before they reach the dropship Equip your sniper rifle and look down to the bridge that crosses the water below. Wait for each guy to get in your sights and then shoot, one-by-one. You get 40 seconds to kill them all. If you fail I guess that you're forced to kill yourself by jumping out the window into the water and/or restart the scene. --> Objective: Pursue and stop Cantrell before he enters hyper space You have two minutes to get to this guy. Do NOT priss around, taking your good ol' time (time is of the essence on this objective). Fall out of the window that you shot through and to a glass platform below (look down to see it -- you may have to shoot the glass below you out). Go into the unlocked door, shoot the two guys in this hall, and make a left at the t-junction. Call the lift activate the switch once it lights up white, then get back off onto the platform. Wait for it to go down a bit then hop on TOP of the lift so that you can jump off before it even stops (this saves a lot of very precious time). Haul ass over the bridge and go around to the other side of your ship (its right side). Go up both ramps to the inside, then make a right and into the cockpit. Jump into the seat on the right and press the action button. Mace should take the controls if you did this right. The auto-pilot takes you out of the bay and into the tunnels. Quickly drive it out before the timer expires. Eventually you'll be able to exit through some shutter doors and into space. --> Objective: Disable but do not destroy Cantrell's ship As fast as you can, locate Cantrell's ship because you're still on the same time. Once you spot him (using the arrow) simultaneously fire lasers and rockets at his ship. Do not let up, keep firing until you complete the objective. If you didn't get enough time consider ways you can save time once the objective comes up where you have to eliminate Cantrell's men. Anyway, now that the objective is complete.... --> Objective: Escort Cantrell back to the mine hangar This objective only requires you to watch a cutscene in which Mace escorts Cantrell as they talk to one another. --> Objective: Sharp-shoot the explosives transmitters on the four solar shield generators Activate the panel in front of you and wait for the door to open (it takes quite some time, around 40 seconds). Come out and hop into the cart and duck down. When it stops snipe the flash transmitter below the orange solar shield generator. Baxton commends you on your work and the cart takes off further down the tracks. Shoot the three guys up ahead on your right. When the cart stops at the door ahead jump off and follow the red tunnel down. Come through the door and shoot all of the spearleg creatures that the miners are shooting (you don't have to shoot them, if you want to save time just avoid them). Keep going through the next door. Follow the red hall around and take the lift up. Take the tunnel across from you down where you'll come out to some ledge area. Walk along the ledge and blow up the spearlegs. Then get by the rocks on the ledge and look down. Snipe the green panel and the shutter door nearby will open. Head through it and proceed downward, not bothering with the pesky enemies as they are waste of time. Pass the guys fighting with the creatures up and through the next tunnel. Eventually you'll get to a third generator. Look across the canyon and shoot the panel. Jump into the water in front of you. Swim through one of the two holes underwater. As you come through turn around and swim up on the shore (it's BEHIND you after coming through the hole). Go into the doorway up here and follow through. In this next area you will see birds (or what looks like birds) and some large orange pipes. Swim to the other side and come up on the right side of the shore. Head into the yellow tunnel and take it up to the final generator. Shoot this last panel and proceed through. Take the tunnel down and jump over the red crates when the time comes. Keep moving forward and work your way back to the beginning of the level. Board your ship and take it out to space when auto-pilot is done. "Jump" when you get out here to show a cutscene, completing the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.05 + THE RUSTLERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Land in the Gado ranch hangar Straight ahead, left of the big orange ball is a spot for you to fly to (the blue frame). Fly through the shutters as they open and down through the white frames. *The game warns you to not kill unarmed civilians* Auto-pilot will take care of the rest, as expected. Step off of your ship and follow your waypoint. The guard will open the gates for you. Proceed through the door for a cutscene. --> Objective: Get to observation tower 4 and protect the Gado from the rustlers Go through the unlocked door on the right side of this room. On the other side of the hall is an elevator. Take it to the bottom and make the first right as you get down here. (If you want to see something cool look over the railing and into the pit in the center of this room) Go through the unlocked door over here and take the hallway to the cafeteria. Head outside using the unlocked door that's in this cafeteria. When you get out here a brief cutscene will play. Cross one of the bridges and climb the ladder on tower number 4. After the cutscene use your sniper rifle to pick off the pilot. His ship is towards the back, towards the horizon. Once he's dead set your sights on the ground where you came from. Take the ladder back down and go back to the cafeteria. When the door unlocks blast the enemies in the hall. Once they're dead turn back outside and head to the opposite side. Shoot the few guys that came out here and through the door they came from, which is now unlocked. Come in and blast the first few guys, and then the next set as your round the corners. --> Objective: Get to the slaughterhouse Come through the rest of the halls, being careful not to shoot the guy by the doors. Shoot the guys on the balconies and climb one of the towers to pick off the rest of the guards in the other towers. Use your waypoint to get to the next door. Come in the hall and jump over the barricade. Follow through the hall and into the next area, which is the generator room, for a cutscene. --> Objective: Activate the slaughterhouse generator This objective is simple. Shoot the red barrel next to door that's in front of you. Use the panel that falls to get over to the left. Hit the switch over hear and the generators will start during the cutscene. --> Objective: Activate the mobile chainsaw and ride it to the far side of the slaughterhouse Back to the center of the room. Jump over the rail, maneuver past the electricity, and jump over the next railing. Proceed through the door and blast any enemies around the corner. Be careful here since there may be a friendly in this same corridor. Enter the big room with the orange/red floor. As you round your way to the other side destroy the enemies. Upon going through the door you are shown a cutscene that shows what the adhesive grenades can do. At this point you want to go left, making sure not to touch the electricity. After the brief cutscene go towards the ledge and jump on top of the first spinning thing by lining yourself up and jumping as the panels aren't blocking your jump. If you fall into the blood use the ladder to get back up. Now jump to the second spinning thing by timing the jump correctly. At this point jump to the square block hanging off the wall, and then to the next one in the corner. Use your electro-cosh (prod) to break the vent away. Come to the other end of the duct and shoot the guy outside. Break the vent and step out. In front of you on your right is a big "chainsaw" hanging in mid- air. Hop onto it via the back and activate the panel. After you get to the other side blast the guys over here. While facing in the direction of the chainsaw, go into the doors on the left. Jump on the barrels and crates, and then climb the ladder to the top. --> Objective: Find a way to the freezer storage area Go through the only doorway up here. Don't shoot the humans that are out here. Turn right and go towards the blades. Work your way past the blades by quickly maneuvering under and through them. Watch out for adhesive grenades in this area. When you get to the other end there will be a cart with a big slab of meat on it. What you want to do is make a left and there will be a room with a ladder in the center. After shooting the guy take it up, walk out onto the balcony and hit the switch. This will get the blade below moving. Climb back down the ladder and through the door into the adjacent room that also has a ladder. Climb it and blast whoever you see. Grab the stuff off the shelve, go out to the balcony and hit this switch also. This will get the blades spinning. Jump over this balcony and pass the two blades. Shoot the guy above and look for the barrel that panel is leaning against. Shoot it and the panel will fall onto the crate. Go on top of this and angle a jump over the stationary blade. Proceed through the next two shutter doors and past some more blades. When you get to the blade that's stopped use the barrel to get over it. Help out the humans in here by shooting the enemies. Climb the ladder that's in the corner. Do it quickly to avoid being blown up by an adhesive grenade. When you get up here the objective is completed, so go into the only door up here. Some friendlies are at a standoff -- shoot the enemies on the other side of the room. Go to the back and up into the booth on the right side of this room. Push the button to get the heat to flow through the ventilation. --> Objective: Find the lift and head for the staff quarters On the left side is an unlocked door to a freezer that you need to go through. Jump up and break the vent. Do a duck-jump to inside the duct [no pun intended]. If you make a left you can access the other three freezers (two of which have health inside). Either way, go to the right end. You'll emerge into a hallway. Blast the two guys from behind and into the unlocked door near you. Shoot the guys in this meat room and head up the steps that lead to a locker room. Past the unlocked door is a hallway. Follow it slowly approach the next door. As it opens look to the left and shoot the guy on the balcony. The elevator panel isn't working so need to find an alternate way. There's a small ledge on the left. Quickly walk onto it while hugging the wall. Turn around and look for the ledge under the lip of the doorway you came from. Fall onto this ledge and then onto the balcony with the ladder. Climb the ladders to the top and kill the guy that's up here. This is where the game gets a tad tricky. The panels up here control the elevator below. First get the feel of how they work by calling the elevator up and down using both panels. Once you've gotten the hang of it, look over the railing and you should see a duct on the left side of the shaft. The idea is to move the elevator so that the top of it meets the bottom of the duct. So do that by moving the elevator, stopping it then checking. Move it again if you have to. Once you have it lined up climb down, get on top of it, and climb into the duct. Come out to the other side and get ready to move fast since you have enemy snipers ready to pick you off below. Being careful not to fall off, walk along the ledge to the right. Stand up and jump the gap to the other duct-work. Take the sniper rifle from the body and move along the duct. Look towards the rafters in the center and leap to them. Now walk over to the ladder and climb it to the top. "The cat is very hungry today, wouldn't you agree?" Ignore the previous sentence since it's for my purpose only. --> Objective: Get to operations to help McQueen Pick up any health you may need off the shelf. Go through the doors clear this room out. There's an unlocked do on the right side of this room, so go through and blast the enemies in the hallway (watching for the fleeing friendlies that run towards you). Go through the door on the right side of this hallway. Using the alcoves as cover, progress through this arched hallway and kill all of the bad guys. Head through the first unlocked door you see on your left. You're in the sleeping quarters where you'll see a bunch of bunk beds. Approach the big shutter door and it will open up. Equip your sniper rifle and pop the pilot of the ship. Alternatively, you could shoot a few rockets at the craft itself. After it crashes use the debris to get across the balcony over to the left. Jump over the railing behind the guy and climb up the ladder attached to the facility. From up here make a left as you get to the top of the ladder. Go in this direction as if you were going back to where you came from. Jump over the numerous blocks, then shoot the guy on the balcony at the other end. Don't drop down here. Instead, look past this balcony and you will see a body lying on the rocks. Jump to the wall and work your way up and past the body. Crouch down and go into the duct that's hidden up here. Come through and into a cafeteria. Shoot the guys that are in front of you from behind. Give your comrades a hand by clearing out this place. Then use the crate to jump over the barrier and step onto the elevator. Take it up to the control bridge area that you were at in the beginning of this level. Shoot the guys directly in front of you, and the ones that rush through the doorway as you head to the other side of this room. Go through these doors. Take the stairwell up to the top. Proceed through and advance past the green computers all the while shooting the enemies that get in your way. At the other end you will meet up with a comrade for a cutscene. --> Objective: Pursue the carrier and eliminate all rustlers on-board A timer of 8:00 appears on your screen (obviously this is the amount of time you have). Turn back around and go down the stairwell. When you get into the bridge room make a left up the steps and through the doors. Run through the gate and board your ship. After auto-pilot is no longer in control fly that bad boy through the tunnel and out to space. Here goes the fun part. I dreaded every last second of this mission. You need to shoot down all of the fighter ships that have green trails of exhaust flames before doing anything else. There's a bunch of them so this is going to take some time. My tips to you is to pick one and stay on it until you've blown it out of the sky with your lasers. Move onto the next one as quickly as possible, and so on. There's a larger ship which your stupid ship will lock onto sometimes. When this happens just switch your lock-on to a fighter ship as you can't damage this larger ship. This part is damn hard. Once you have all of the fighters destroyed you need to dock your ship. Find the white spot on your radar and fly to it. While taking hits from the ship nearby, fly into the white panes. This may take some practice (it did for me) but once you get it your ship will dock onto the larger ship that was shooting at you throughout this whole stinkin' mission. With your ship docked, step off and run down the hall. When you see a red door back up so that the mines don't hurt you when they explode. Now proceed onto the lift where you need to take up. You're on the left side of the room and you want to move along the balconies to get over to the right side. It's not too easy, however. From this doorway snipe as many guys as you can (these ones are hostile). Scan back and forth, making sure you didn't miss anyone. Now move along and shoot the two guns that are on the ceiling along the way. When you go through the door on the other sides (back right corner) a bunch of enemies will be waiting, so be prepared. Take them out and make a right as you come into this next area. Run around and the other side, destroying the gun as you do so. Go into the unlocked door that's over here. Go into the room back and shoot all the guys you see. A cutscene should play, confirming that you completed the overall mission. At this point you need to backtrack to your ship. Board it and jump when you are able to. That was a tough level for sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.06 + GUN FOR HIRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Land in the Utari Cloudwatcher hangar and find the client As always, simply fly to the ship ahead of you and into the white frames, then let auto-pilot take you inside. Once inside the hangar exit the controls and collect ammo from the back room of your ship if you need it. Step off the ship and approach the alien for a cutscene. After the cutscene step on the elevator in front of you and take it down. Go right as you get off. Let your waypoint finder guide you to the other side of the pool. Approach the human that's sitting down at the table where a cutscene will play. --> Objective: Guard the client's rejuve chamber Immediately shoot everyone who has a gun. Make sure they don't shoot the rejuve chamber that your client is in. Once you've killed them all wait for the waypoint to appear onscreen. --> Objective: Get to the Utari bridge and head off the assassins Head to the upper floor via the ramps in this pool area. Shoot the guys up here and proceed through the door on the left side of this deck. Work your way up the stairwells, blasting the guys as you go. When you get to the next deck unlock the door on the other side after freeing the innocents. Take this stairwell up as well. Keep going up until you get to a third deck where a timer will now be activated (3:50). --> Objective: Return the Cloudwatcher to its original course The ship you're on has gone off course and you have 3 minutes and 50 seconds to get it back on track. On this third deck, make a right and blast the guys in the doorway. Pass up the computer in the hall and go straight. You're in the engine room. Go left or right, it does not matter. Blast the guys in the respective hallway that you're in. Work your way through into a room with a beam in the center. Blast all that moves and keep going back (you'll need to hit the switch to open the door). You'll be in the control room. Shoot the guys in here and walk up to the yellow and red hologram to activate the panel in front of it. --> Objective: Guard the clients rejuve chamber For the second time this level you have to guard this thing. Work your back to the deck, go up the ramp straight ahead. Jump over the banister and into the pool way down below (this is the quickest way). Hurry up out of the water. Use your shotgun in order to make fast work of these guys since two of them are packing RLs. They'll be dead before you know it. --> Objective: Locate and destroy the teleporting device The left door on the other side of the pool is now locked. Go through it and shoot the guys in here. There's an unlocked door to the right of the computer. Head through where you see some interior design that's very exotic at this point. Follow the halls around to the shower area where bad guys will flood in. Take care of them and then go through either of the two doors. Keep going to the larger room where there'll be a bunch of guys. When they're toast one more will come through the door on the other side of this room. Note that if the cutscene doesn't play, you need to go back into the other entrance and clear that one out also. Go through it after killing him. Step into the hall -- and if you need ammo break the first white vase you see. Follow this hall through until you get out to larger room with yellow railings. Stay in this hallway, equip your sniper rifle pick the snipers off from in here. With them dead exit to the balcony, and cross the catwalk into the center then take the steps down. (Important note: At the bottom of the steps is one of three enemy respawn devices. It cannot be destroyed with your weapons so the enemies will just keep coming. You will have to deal with this.) At the bottom of the steps, quickly turn around and run for the green lit door on the left. Do not stop at this point. Follow through and when you see the pool in front of you go into either the left or right unlocked doors in the back. Work your way to the steam room in the back. Turn valve handle the handle. Run back to where you came down the big flight of steps are, where the first enemy respawn device is. Across from this is a door that is now unlocked -- head inside. At this point you want to run, run, run your ass off in the direction of your waypoint finder. When you get to the locker room that has the spinning black thing in the middle you know you're in the right spot. If not, keep going back. Throw and adhesive grenade onto it. Get your distance then blow it up. A cutscene will play. Scour the room and make sure you get the plasma machine off the floor before leaving here. At this point you need to just focus on going back. If you ran past the enemies before you may want to deal with them on your way back. Work your way back to the room with the grand staircase in it. --> Objective: Guard the clients rejuve chamber It's the third time you have to do this, can you believe it? Head up the stairs and go all the way back (it's really not that far). When you get to the pool deck blast the two guys outside the door. Clear the rest of the poolside out. Don't stop so that you don't get hit by a rocket. Snipe the guy on the balcony and then the pilot of the ship. A cutscene will play. --> Objective: Restart the gyroscope to stabilise the ship You have exactly 30 minutes (30:00) to get objective done. Don't get caught up in the moments: be quick about doing things and remember the path you've taken up until you died so that you don't have to keep checking this walkthrough. Also, keep running and don't bother to completely kill enemies on the ground. Instead, shoot them once with a shotgun to know them down and move on quickly. Because if you don't you may up regretting it later on. You are warned. First, follow the waypoint through the now unlocked door under the balcony. Use the elevator and you'll come out to a room with a wooden floor and a vase in the center. Take either left or the right path out to the lobby area. Blast the guys in here and go to either path at the bottom, and on the sides. Keep going back till you get to a hallway with bookcases that runs horizontally. Run down to the left side and you'll see a curved hallway straight ahead. Follow it through and shoot the guy holding up the worker. Proceed around the round desk and keep going through. When you get to where you see an aircraft out the window shoot the two guys, call either of the two elevators, and take cover until it comes down. Now take it up to the next area. When you go through the shutter doors up here blast the guy behind the green crates. Go right and do the same as you go around. Then when you get to the end unlock the door by using the switch on the wall. Come down and into the hangar. Blast the two guys down here and look for the control panel to the back left of the ship as you come in (not the first panel on the left, the second one). Activate it to open the hangar doors, then take control of the ship. Auto-pilot will take you out. You have to destroy whole sky full of enemy fighters and it's not going to be easier at first. There's a bunch of ships (I lost count after 10). My best advice is to NOT use the lock on laser (orange), and instead use the dual (white-blue) lasers. For some reason they just seem to work a lot better even though they don't lock onto enemies. Drill each ship with this weapon, firing your basic missiles whenever you get a good bead on them. Go one-by-one and eventually two more smaller fleets of fighters will come (maybe 3-4 per fleet). After you have the skies clear fly to the bigger ship in the sky (the orange one that shows up as a yellow dot on your radar). There should be a docked fighter ship --- blast it and the landing frame should appear. Auto-pilot docks you go the larger ship, but the mission isn't over and the timer is still going! So step out of your ship and follow through the halls until your waypoint finder pops up. Follow the halls through and unlock the door with the panel to the right of the door. Come in and shoot the guy to the left, behind some boxes. From the top of both holes shoot any enemies that you see below. Drop down into either side and blast the enemies that flood into this room. Go through the door they came through and follow the yellow lit hallways to the intersection. Activate the switch to take the lift down. Watch for the guy sniping on the next level. Take the lift down to a second level and get off to the ledge where the unlocked door is. Blast the guy straight ahead and the one around the corner. Head through the door where you'll be in a large room where the thing in the center is spinning. [From this point on, stop for NOTHING. Use your shotgun to only knock the guys down. Other than that do not stop for anything or you'll regret it later on.] You need to work your way to the far back of this room, past the thing in the center, all the while killing the bad guys. Once you do so, take the ramp up. When you get up here duck down to avoid enemy fire. Turn right and cross the bridge to the other side (killing the enemies as you go, naturally). Jump the gap just as the electricity goes away for a brief moment, then jump the second gap. Follow right, turn, and jump yet another gap. Follow around and take the ramp up to a third floor. When you get up here turn and shoot the sniper across the way. Then jump the gap and to the thing where electricity is coming out. As it goes away, go straight and make a left. Walk up on the structure and jump the gap just as you get past the electricity that's coming from the wall. Make a left and jump to the center again. Pass and jump the gap. Make a right and approach the third one. Make a left as you pass this one's electricity, then the bridge will blow up in front of you. Instead of jump across look down and fall directly onto the pipe below. Follow it inside the tunnel and make a left at the split (stay on the pipe!). Take the ladder up and look for a door up here. Go through the yellow hallway until you get to an unlocked door that leads to a catwalk enclosed in glass. Cross it. From this point on follow your waypoint that pops up. Go straight back (not branching left or right) and follow the halls, letting the waypoint take you. Eventually you'll get to an area with a room full of crates. Shoot whoever you see in here and go up the small ramp. Jump over the crates in the back and jump across to the vent. Bust it open, get inside, and come out to the other end where you being shot at. Work your way down to where the spinning things are. Cross the bridge (crouching helps avoid behind hit by them). Proceed forward into the doorway where the objective will be complete. --> Objective: Launch and save Reinhold's shuttle from fighter attack You're not on a timer anymore so take your time going through these halls, killing your enemies. At the end make a right into the door where a ramp is inside. Shoot the two guys and head up the ramp to kill more. Keep going up and up (but watch out for the adhesives). When you get to the top jump over the crate and into another hallway you must clear of men. When you get to the back you receive a message from Reinhold himself. Unlock the door back here using the panel. Look out and cap the two guys on the right side. The bridge is collapsed and you must find an alternative route. Look to the left where the cylinders are going up and down -- drop onto the first one as it goes down past your platform. Work your way across the three and to the other side. If you fall into the water use the ladder to get back up. Follow the halls through. Step through the door and shoot the guy. On the left is a ladder -- take it down. Work your way to the other side of the balconies. Climb the ladder that's over here. Walk around to the left and climb this ladder. When you get up here turn around and work your way to the door on the other side. Hit the switch and proceed through. Carefully run past the electricity. When you see the worker ahead shoot the guy that shoots him straight down. Cross this bridge, go in the hall, and shoot the barrel on the right to blow up the guys behind the crates. Eventually you will get to a lunchroom with four tables in it. Take cover behind something while shooting at the guys in here. Look for the switch hidden behind the crates between the two doors. Go through the one on the left and into the sleeping quarters. Shoot the swarm of enemies. Go up into the hallway they came from. If there's anyone up on the balconies shoot them. Head over to the right and through the doors. Shoot the guy across the way and the one on your immediate left. Walk to the other side and on the left is a door for you to go through. Come down into some more living quarters and blast these guys in black. Head through the doorway on the left side of this room. Now it's a matter of going straight through the halls until you get to the hatch. Get inside your ship and quickly begin your assault on the fighters ahead. The same rules apply as last time: work fast and use the dual lasers for best results. This time try shooting only at the ships that your arrow currently points to. This is important because you could end up shooting down Reinhold's ship, and he dies you fail. When you destroy all of them a cutscene will play. After the conversation jump your ship to complete this God forsaken level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.07 + CLEAR AND PRESENT RANGER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Land in Fort Denver spaceport Fly forward and down through the hatch. Carefully maneuver through the tunnels and through the landing frames at the ending. Autopilot takes over and you are warned to not kill any unarmed civilians. Step off the ship and follow the waypoint through the hangar door to see a guy sitting against the wall. Step on the elevator to the right for a cutscene. Take it down. Make a right as you get off the elevator. Walk out into this community area but don't shoot anyone. Follow your waypoint when it comes on screen. The door behind you will shut and the one in front will open. This area has hostiles in it. Walk forward a bit where a new objective will appear. --> Objective: Locate Senator Schmidt The snipers are above and you have only ten minutes (10:00) to complete this objective. Look for the doorway to the left as you come into this area (it's on the other side of the rail). Shoot the guy inside here and take it to the next floor. Shoot ALL of the snipers up here and go back down to the ground level. When you kill the rest of the enemies down here your waypoint will pop up and some enemies will rush through the door. Blast these guys (keep your distance from them) and when you have them all dead follow the waypoint up the ramp. As come up the second ramp don't shoot at the guys that rush by. Instead, turn right and help them with the bad guys that they attack. After they're dead go to where the green sign is above the hangar. Eventually your waypoint should appear. Use the lift that's no active in the corner. Follow this hallway, making a right after the neon "Sex Show" sign. Come out and you should see a small craft dropping men off. Instead of fighting them quickly rush to the path on the left, just past the boxes, and up into the doorway. When you get to the top of this ramp turn and take the next one further up. When you reach the top turn right and climb the ladder up here. Cross the pipes and shoot anyone you can as you go. Drop off to the left and then onto the terraces below. Head through and look for the path that takes you through (a big neon green sign is left of the doorway you need to head through). Walk through the halls and eventually you should find your way to a bar. Shoot the snipers across the way and a door in this bar will open -- shoot the guys that come inside. Walk through and out to the balcony. Look over the ledge to the left and jump down to the lower terrace. Jump down to where you see a bunch of guys battling it out around some wrecked vehicles. Senator Schmidt is hiding in one of these vehicle. First, shoot all of the enemies you see around this area, then talk to Schmidt. --> Objective: Provide cover for Senator Schmidt Once located, you have to keep him safe from harm. Shoot the bad guys that rush through the doors, then the snipers on the balconies. Once they're toast, a cutscene will play. Schmidt will open the door. --> Objective: Follow Senator Schmidt After he opens the door follow him through the halls for another cutscene. He's now crouching in the hall. Keep going through for you next objective. --> Objective: Clear the route to the Rickshaw station of hostiles //Abridged walkthrough Let's face it: You don't like reading all this BS I have to say, right? This objective is very repetitive, hence the walkthrough being the same. So to save you time just keep this in mind for this objective (instead of reading the whole damn thing): Clear out an area, Mace will call Senator Schmidt who unlocks a door, then follow him through and to the next area. Rinse and repeat. So once you get Senator Schmidt to the Rickshaw skip to the next objective in this level's walkthrough. I like this game but it's repetitive objectives like this one that just piss me off. //Abridged walkthrough Step through the door ahead and clear out the ground level (use the doorway as cover). Then shoot all enemies on the balconies above. Once it's clear Mace will call the Senator to this area. He unlocks the door on the other side. You may want to bust open the crates in this room before moving any further. With that, head through the door that Schmidt unlocks. Pass Schmidt in the hall and proceed to the next area (your waypoint pops up). Creep around the corner and pick off the two guys on the bridge ahead and up. Shoot the guys up on the left bridge. Walk halfway across the bridge, turn around, and shoot the sniper up to the left. Cross the bridge (towards your waypoint) and some enemies will rush down the ramp. Take cover behind the yellow vehicle on the left, then shoot them appropriately. Turn around and shoot the sniper above and to the left. Mace will call the Schmidt once again. Take this opportunity to collect anything you can find on this bridge (there's stuff in the yellow vehicles and crates). Go up the ramp with Schmidt and into the doorway on the right once you get to the top. Following your waypoint, proceed through the halls, passing Schmidt up. As you make the left past him there'll be a guy or two you should see. You need to clear this area out as usual. First shoot the guys you see down the path on the ground. Avoid going down this path because of the snipers above. There's a ramp left of the doorway you came in at. Take this up and clear everyone out. Once you do this Mace will call Schmidt. He runs through the door across from where you enter this area, at the other end on the ground level. Follow him into these halls. When you come out the other end you will be force to go through the narrow pathway right because the three doors are locked. Move forward and shoot the guy in the alcove as the path turns left. Next, kill the guys on the ground level. Then get the ones on the balconies above. Once you've killed them all Mace will call Schmidt and he'll open the door around the path to the right. Come through the now unlocked door. Follow through were you'll see a bridge in front of you (with flying cars far below). First step onto the bridge and quickly back into the doorway. Now let the guys rush over the bridge and towards you, blasting them. Shoot the guys over the balconies who are on the ground (there's a few on each side of the bridge). Now what you have to do is clear out the raining guys (two that are hard to find are on the right side before you cross the bridge). Once you have them dead Mace will call Schmidt, head to the top where the grey ramps are. Follow Schmidt up the grey ramps where Mace will tell him to wait yet again. Argh. At this point you should see three really large crates in the doorway that's ahead of you. Look past these with your sniper rifle and pick off the guys that eventually walk past on the horizon. Take out the sniper on the left balcony by standing in the doorway and on the right side. There's a few guys on the ground level. Take them out deal with the sniper at the top right. With them dead Mace'll call the Senator again. Follow him up the large staircase and to the right where your waypoint will appear. As you turn left you will enter some sort of shower/locker room. Clear the guys out ahead (a grenade works good for the first few) and follow the Senator up the ramp where he'll board the Rickshaw ship. --> Objective: Board the Rickshaw Senator Schmidt will board the Rickshaw. As you follow a ship with men arrives. Blast a few if you must and quickly board the Rickshaw by walking up to the side and stepping onto it. Moments later the Rickshaw takes off through the tunnels. --> Objective: Destroy the pursuing hostiles You have hostiles on your tail. You must shoot them down before the Rickshaw you are in doesn't sustain serious damage (if it does you will crash). Shoot them out them until they blow up. Keep facing towards the back, shooting them with your heavy machine gun. After the couple of waves you will dock at another area. Quickly shoot the guys against the wall and on the walkway above. Now follow Schmidt through the unlocked door, following him into the halls. --> Objective: Eliminate hostiles on the way to the Spaceport Make a left when you see the red, explosive tanks. As you step onto the beige walkway, look over the railing to the right and shoot any snipers hiding across the way. Now look over the rail and snipe anyone you see below. Once you get them all Mace will call the Senator. Go down the path and on the left is a locked door. When Schmidt opens the door the objective will be complete (go through this door also). As you come in the hall your waypoint appears onscreen. Open the door ahead for a new objective. --> Objective: Clear the spaceport of any hostiles Shoot the guys that appear by the doorway and the ones by the boxes, too. --> Objective: Get the Senator to the Senate vessel Simply follow the Senator as he crosses the platform to the ship. Get into the controls and let auto-pilot take you into the tunnels. Fly the rest of the way to outer-space. --> Objective: Engage incoming fighters then proceed to dock with the Senate vessel I wish I could tell you that this flight mission will be different (see: creative, refreshing) but it's not. It's merely yet another boring ol' flight mission (YABOFM). This one is difficult, though. Watch your armor and health and take cover behind the various objects in the center area. Recommended weapons: green lasers and the lock-on missiles. Using these weapons together creates one effective killing assembly line. After the daunting task of destroying all of the fighter ships (it takes a while so get comfortable), dock your ship at the white spot on your radar. Get off the controls and walk down to the door of your ship for a cutscene. Moments after the cutscene... --> Objective: Destroy the torpedoes before they hit the Senate vessel This part is easy believe it or not. What you want to do is use your target- lock function to find the torpedoes in space (there's about 5 total). Keep switching the target-lock until a torpedo icon appears at the lower right side of the center of your screen. Once it does use your lock-on missiles to shoot it down. Now simply find the next rocket and move on, ignoring all fighter ships. --> Objective: Return to Guild station With all torpedoes down the Senate vessel is now safe. Jump when ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.08 + GENETICS LAB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Tail a drone supply ship into the research facility From the start, fly forward until you see the ship on your radar and get a radio transmission instructing you not to fire upon the ship until you get inside the facility. Catch up to the ship (use target-lock to see it better) and follow behind it. Wait for it to enter the tunnel and follow it inside. While waiting for auto-pilot to take your ship in to be docked, head to the back of your ship and collect some ammo and health from the shelves in the room on the left. --> Objective: Find the control room that opens the hangar doors in the ceiling Get into the pilot seat of the ship (again) and use the mounted machine gun to shoot the enemies over to the right, and then ones at the top, far left. Look out the door of the ship and snipe the two guys across the way. Step off the ship and make a right towards the platform that leads to a bunch of crates. Shoot the guys that rush out and the mounted machine gun that's on the ceiling. Turn left and go as if you were going to walk down the ramps to the lower level. Jump over the railing and destroy the two machine guns that are hidden under the walkways. Now go down to the bottom of the walkway and hit the switch to extend the bridge to the other side. Quickly cross it but stop at the other side, not disturbing the enemies on the left and right. Look over the right side of this bridge and you will see an opening. Drop down onto ledge, then pull back and drop into the opening itself. Crouch down and head through the ducts. While staying crouched, edge your way past the fan blades on the left or right sides. Continue through the ducts. Break the vent and clear this computer room out. Activate the computer with the turquoise screen and use this mounted gun to shoot everyone you see in this room. The next room that you go into is this room. Hit the switches on the left and right to reprogram the droids outside (they are now "friendly"). Hit the switch in the middle to open the hangar doors. --> Objective: Get to the internal hangar bay Before going back find the ladder in the back of this second computer room. Climb it and use the turret to shoot the guys near your ship and on the other side of the bridge. Jump over the front rail and slide down the building below. Cross the bridge, take the walkway up to your ship, and kill any remaining enemies nearby. Get in your ship. Auto-pilot will take you up to the area above. Fly through the tunnels and into the landing frames at the other end where you'll be taken to the next area. --> Objective: Gain access to the mainframe room via the research facility Use your ship's machine gun to take out any enemies you can (scan the area good). Step off the ship and head around the back, then to the right side. Kill the guys over by the crates while avoiding sniper fire above. Then shoot whoever you see on the lower walkways, then a cutscene will play showing some men come through a door. Head up the wide ramp and shoot the guys up here. Head through the door and work your way through the halls, destroying all that moves. When you get to the generators turn right into a big storage room. On the left and right are flying robots -- use your rocket launcher on them or shotgun blasts if you have to. Now shoot the guys below. There's two doors in the lower area of this room. Since both are unlocked you can go through either one. Whichever you take you need to go though, killing all bad guys, until you see a computer terminal where you can reprogram the droids to be friendly. Go into the door left of you while facing the computers. You'll come to a 4-way intersection where a scientist is sitting at a desk. Going right will take you back to your ship. Go left and take the elevator up. Pass the computer kiosk with the green screen and head through the winding halls. Use grenades or whatever you can to destroy the hostile droid down the hallway. Afterwards, proceed through the doorway at the end. You'll see a bunch of scientist in what looks like a lab or classroom. The music kicks in and it's time to fight: Pick off the guys on the balconies above. Head through the unlocked door at the top. Follow through, shoot the guy, and hop on the elevator for the second time this level, taking it up. At the top, shoot the guy sitting down at the desk. Go through the door and hang a right into the sleeping area. Pass through the rooms and make a left at the computer kiosk. As you head into this rec room blast the group of guys with a grenade or some explosive. Pass the pool tables and at the other end is another kiosk. Be careful turning left into this room -- there's a bunch of guys in here. Destroy them, head through and make a left through the door. Shoot the guy at the terminal who has a shotgun. As you come into the next area you'll see some red crates in the right corner. Go right and outside. Shoot the arachnid spiders. Look for the damaged section of balcony, jump down, and shoot the guy. Hit the switch and take the gondola across. Come through and shoot the guys in the room on the left. Then go forward and take this third elevator up. Go through the only door (on the right) that's up here and work your way around. As you pass the glass shoot the enemies in the room below. Now go through the door and work your way to a computer area. Walk down the steps to the right and get on the turquoise (center) computer monitor. Use this mounted machine gun to shoot the guard that passes by. Get off the computer and proceed through the door into a room with some creatures encased in glass. To your left are the creatures in the glass. Ahead and to the right is a locked door. What you should do is face this door with your RL equipped (or use the secondary function on your machine gun). Back up slowly and as soon as the door opens blast all of the enemies that attempt to come out. If you don't do it this way you could be in a world of hurt. Now turn around and go through the unlocked door in the corner. Come into this morgue and blast any guys you see. Unlock the door on the other side of this room and take the lift up. You come up into a second morgue. Open up all of the things where the bodies lie and collect the health pack that's on one of them. Go through the door up here and follow the short hall through. Pass the windows up (deja vu?) and go down steps ahead and through the unlocked door on the left. Round the corner and destroy the flying droid down the hall. Pass the two vents up and through the door on the other end. You come into a red lit room with holding cells. Approach the center for a cutscene. Afterwards quickly run forward and take the lift up. Blast the creature up here with your shotgun and do the same for the rest below. While still up here shoot out the glass of the catwalk in the center of this room. Run and jump to it. Pick up the new weapon and head through the unlocked door. Head down the steps into a room with a DNA hologram in the corner. Shoot the creatures crawling around and go through the door. Turn and shoot the two creatures feeding off the dead body. In the room ahead are some creatures and humans fighting. Let them fight it out, and you go in after the fight and pick up the scraps. In the next, larger, room the same thing is going on. So when the smoke clears you bust in and make a house call (i.e. kill the rest). After doing so, go through the door opposite to where you came in. A computer kiosk will be in front of you -- make a right. Head down the hall. [Tip: If you break the vent on the right and go inside you can get some ammo and health at the bottom. You have to jump towards the vent and then duck into it.] Round the corner to the right and go into the unlocked door no the left where you'll see some more creatures encased in the tubes. Through the door and unlock the door at the other end. Take the lift up. Once up here you can go left or right -- go left. Jump across to the platform above the tubes. Knock the loose screen off of the fan cover by shooting it with an explosive rocket or grenade. Jump down into it and run past the fan blades. Follow the duct through and shoot out any of the lower screens. Drop into this room and go through the unlocked door to the left. Round the corner and the waypoint appears. Jump-duck into the vent on the left, where you see a trail of green blood leading into. Follow through and shoot the creatures after exiting the duct. Following your waypoint, break the vent on the other side and enter the duct. As you come out you hear a scream. Turn right and shoot the two creatures, collect the health off the shelf if you need it. Go left of the duct and follow your waypoint to the unlocked door at the end of the hallway. In the room ahead is a bunch of enemies. If you go into the duct before this room you can come up under it and shoot these enemies from down here and through the grates. Once this room is clear head through the door on the right. Work your way through these labs, following the waypoint, until you get to an elevator. Take it up. When you get to the next floor shoot the one guy that's waiting up here, around the corner. Turn the corner right and blast the guy hiding behind the control desk. Make the first left, get the door to open and quickly run back. What will happen is the numerous guys in here will all throw a grenade your way as they see you. Once they've blown, toss a grenade in and back away. Clear the room, pass the knocked over shelves, and through the door to the right. You're on a walkway outside. Take this walkway up and around. As you approach the building a cutscene plays. Pass the large window up to complete this objective. --> Objective: Get into the mainframe room and activate the data transfer A 2-minutes (2:00) timer pops up after your waypoint is displayed. Round the building and climb the ladder down. Walk along the rock and look for the opening in the fan duct. Dash past the fan blades and get to the other end of the duct. Stand up and move Mace towards the wall so that he climbs up and out of the duct. Activate the switch that's on the burning control panel. A ship appears outside the window in front of you. --> Objective: Get off the asteroid before it self-destructs The door to your left unlocks -- head through it. Make a right and dash past the path of the ship that shoots rockets at the complex your were in. Walk onto the walkway and look for the set of red lights going up the wall of the platform your ship is on below. Jump all the way down into the water and climb the ladder and run into your ship. As you start to move with your ship you should have around 60 seconds, otherwise you may not make it. After auto- pilot, fly through the tunnel and into the next area. Look for the other shutters to open. Fly through for a cutscene. --> Objective: Return to Guild station Listen to the radio transmission, then jump when you're ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.09 + RESCUE KRUGO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Go to Fort Denver and find Benny Saff Fly forward and through the hatch ahead. Fly through the tunnels through the frames. Step off your ship when it docks, a this point your waypoint will appear. Move towards your waypoint. When you get to the marketplace make a right at the red pots. Eventually you'll be in a strip club where a cutscene will play. The man tells you where Benny can be found. Ascend the stairwell behind the bar, where at the top you will find Benny for a cutscene. Start to head back downstairs and your next objective will pop up. --> Objective: Eliminate all the hostile Jaldari in Benny's bar You have to meet up with Conner again but you first must take care of the Jaldari down below. Head downstairs. For these Jadaris it's best that you use a strong weapon such as the plasma machine gun (green laser). Stand in the doorway and shoot them as you see them. Once all four are dead stand behind the bar and shoot four more that come from the other doorway. Kill them and head through this door (jump over the bar if you need health). Go in the hall, and kill the two guys around the corner. --> Objective: Link up with Connor in the spaceport Head back to your ship and get inside. --> Objective: Jump to the slave mine on Korath After auto-pilot is finished, take the ship outside. Now all you have to do is jump, then a cutscene will show Mace's ship jumping to Korath. --> Objective: Land the ship in the mine hangar After the radio transmission is done, fly forward and through the landing frame, then let auto-pilot take you in. --> Objective: Clear the hangar of hostiles To save a bit of ammo, use the gun on the front of you ship to shoot any bad guys you can spot. Get out of the ship and clear all of the rest you see on the left side. Once clear, a cutscene will play and Conner will go to the control room. To up there with him, go up the flight of steps also on the left side. Once up a cutscene will play. --> Objective: Enter the mine Go down the ramp opposite to the door in this control room. Make a right at the bottom, through the door, and then turn left to go down the ramp below the hangar floor. In the tunnels, make the first left up the ramp and into a much larger area. Come up and quickly shoot the guys out in the open. Take cover behind the red cargo crates, keeping between them and the wall. Now equip your sniper rifle and pick off the guys with RLs on the ledges above, as well as the sniper in the center across the bridge. Cross the bridge in the center and hit the switch to open the hangar doors. Shoot the guys in here then go through the unlocked door on the right. Follow the tunnels through until you get a radio transmission. Stop and wait for your next objective to show up. --> Objective: Locate Krugo Blast the guys at the top of the steps, collect the picks from the storage, then turn around and go up further. Walk out onto the first balcony you see. Look to the right and down -- you should see a platform with red and white stripes on the front of it. Shoot the guys that come out the door here and then jump over the rail to drop down onto it. Head through this door. As you come through you will see a stairwells to your left, and to your right is a cargo room with a ton of enemies in it. Destroy them as best you can. Take the left stairwell up and hit the switches on the panel up here -- a cutscene will show two guys coming into the cargo room below. Go back down and kill them. Now go through the door they came from (it's on the left side. Follow the tunnels down and when you get to the bottom of the ramp your waypoint will go away. You will get a radio transmission. --> Objective: Find a way of getting to the cable car platform When your waypoint pops up follow it to another cargo room. As the guy comes around the corner from the right shoot the explosive containers at the corner. Follow through, killing all the guys in this L-shaped area. Shoot the snipers up above, then head up the ramp. As you go up blast the guys that show up. As you turn right up here there's more guys. With everyone killed, search around these ramps and walkways for pickups. (There's quite a few, so search good. There's even a sonic shock cannon on the shelf in a back room.) Once you've explored walk up the steps near where you came up the first ramp. Walk up into the control room and hit the switch on the left. Doing so starts to move the cable cars. Go through the path on the left and wait for the cable car to come back around -- once it does jump over the railing and on top of it. When you get through the first set of doors while on the cable car a cutscene will show men storming the area ahead, and waiting for you. After the cutscene get in the middle and between the two things on top of the cable car. Move towards the front (see D1). D1 D2 .-----. .-----. | / \ | <-- Front | / \ | <-- Front | x | <-- Mace (you) | | | | | x | <-- Mace (you) | \ / | <-- Back | \ / | <-- Back '-----' '-----' Whilst ducking down, wait where you see the "x" on the diagram above. Once you're situated into the right spot, do NOT move at all -- sit perfectly still until I tell you to move. You'll pass under the walkway (bridge). After this is a ledge with enemies on it that's connected to an overhang that you go under. When you get under this overhang move to the back of the cart (see D2). You'll then pass some rocks to your right (you could jump on these but I don't use them with this strategy). Eventually your cart will turn right and back the other way. When this happens sidestep to the left side. As you get closer to the platform on the left two guys will rush out -- quickly shoot them with your machine gun's grenade function. As you do this jump onto the left before the cable car passes it. Collect the stuff off of the shelves inside and head through the unlocked door to the right. You come out to a walkway. Advance a bit and shoot the sniper from a distance to your right. Jump over the railing to the platform below, where you should see a ramp in front of you. Turn left, and as the door opens shoot the two enemies. Walk inside to complete the objective. Follow through and out on the catwalk should be a few guys. Kill them, walk out, and shoot the guys across the way to the right. Follow this walkway through, killing anyone you see, until you get to where you can go straight and down, or you can go left. Take the left path and shoot the guy near these stack of crates. Behind the crates is a path leading up to the next walkways. Once up here, shoot the guys straight ahead and then look over the balcony to the left. This is where it gets a bit complicated, so pay attention. Jump over the rail and land into the green water. Come up and swim straight a bit and look for a ladder hidden by the darkness on the right side wall. Once up, make the first left, and then a left into a room with bunk beds in it. Push the button on the panel that's in here. A cutscene will show a hatch on pipe being unlocked. Turn around and jump back into the water. Surface, turn around, and swim under the bridge connected to the platform you were just on. Now swim down into the water where you should see a pipe sticking out of the wall. Come into the pipe and the hatch will open as you approach it -- follow it to the other side. (If the Korattan Snappers - piranhas - bother you shoot them with your hand gun.) As you surface after coming out of the pipe, come to the ledge on your left and shoot the guy. With your back against the gate look up to the left to shoot the guy on the walkway, and then across the water for two others. Climb the ladder on the wall and shoot the guy that's up here. Step onto the lift across from the control panels, and take it up. Step off of lift and work your way right, along the walkway. Kill all guys as you go. Eventually you come into a hallway where some friendlies rush through the door (don't kill them, obviously). --> Objective: Locate the HQ control room. Once located open up the slave pens Make a right at where you see the miners covering in fear. Shoot all of the guys you see on the ground level, under the bridge up ahead. Go left of the crates and get the Jaldari over here. Then look towards the bridge and pick off the two snipers (one on each side). Now step onto the bridge and then back off to take cover behind something. Pick off the guys that rush the other end. Cross the bridge and soon as you do hide in the grey booth on the right. Wait for the guys to come over, and kill them when they do. Sneak around the back of the crates (where the edge of the cliff is) and run up the ramp, then man the turret. With this turret shoot anyone you see. Go in the unlocked door and take this elevator up to the top. As you step off the elevator your waypoint appears on-screen. Go forward out to the balcony, shoot the guys on the left, and the one to your right. Take the unlocked door on the left side. As you open the second door fire an explosive and step back. Now wait for some of them to come to you. Go in and finish the rest off in this room with a bunch of shelves. Take the adjacent steps up and follow the path until you get to the HQ control room. Hit the switch for a cutscene. --> Objective: Release Krugo Go back and down to the ground level again. When you get off the elevator shoot the enemies over to the left. There's a storage room behind the turret (the door is now unlocked). Go under the bunker below the turret (in the front). Cross the platform and go through the door they showed in the previous cutscene. Shoot the first guy and then the barrel to kill the second. Make a left up ahead and through the unlocked door. Cross the walkways by making the first right and then a left. In the hallway, go through the unlocked door. Pass up the prisoners and make a left through the door. Continue around and up into room overseeing the prisoners. Hit the switch to release the prisoners and to meet up with Krugo. Now that Krugo is free it's time to go back outside. Once you get to the walkways again shoot the two guys as you turn right. A cutscene plays, showing Krugo make it across the bridge. Watch it because after the cutscene you will likely attacked afterwards. From this point follow your waypoint to the outside. Follow the path up to the ground level again, surface and destroy the robots out here. You now how to cross back over the bridge (which was damaged during the last cutscene). Get up on the either railing and walk it across to get past the gap in this bridge. Follow your waypoint through the door ahead to complete the objective. Go down the steps where you'll see Krugo -- your waypoint will disappear. Proceed through the door. --> Objective: Get to the cable car platform Follow Krugo along the walkways to the next area (you can kill the ice beast along the way if you'd like). As you come to the second area make a left to grab the pickups off the shelves, then head through the doorway on the right out to some walkways. You'll be over some water and an intersection is in front of you. Shoot any guys you see then retreat towards the steps. Come back up and blast the rest of the guys you see on the left and right paths. Once they're dead, take the center path. As you come through there'll be some guys on the right path -- shoot them and keep moving. Blast the guys on the balcony as you cross, while avoiding fire form the robot on the left. Follow the path through until you come out to the cable car. --> Objective: Get back to the hangar Step inside the cable car and hit the button on the right to get it to move. Equip your rocket launcher or something strong. Turn and look out the right back side. Shoot at the cable cars with the men on them as they approach. Avoid their rockets by moving out of their way as they come and ducking down. Once you have them dead all you can do is wait for your cable car to stop. Once it does stop exit with Krugo as your waypoint appears. As you step off of the cable car there is a room to your immediate left with some pickups. As you come down and out some baddies will rush from the ramp across the way. Retreat back and prepare for their attack. Obviously, you need to blast them. But there so many you have to be extremely careful or you'll wind up dead with the quickness. Take these guys up here out and then the Jaldaris on the lower floor below. Once you do Krugo will come out of hiding and lead the way. When you come into the room he leads you to you see a standoff and receive a new objective. --> Objective: Go to the control room and open up the doors in the lower hangar bay Help your comrades out by blasting all of the bad guys you see. Then head up the steps in the back right corner and hit the switch in the control room. Go back down the steps and down the next flight. Step through the hangar doors to the outside area. There's a bridge in front of you with some friendlies across the way. The bridge starts to give away as soon as you step on it. To avoid plummeting to your death, jump on the railing before the bridge and onto the rafter of the bridge itself. Up here, quickly run across to the other side as the bridge breaks away. Head over to the right and down the ramp. As you go down, make a right and come up into the hangar you need to be in. Help fight off the enemy and then head for your ship. Take it out for your new objective. --> Objective: Destroy the slaver fighters As you come out to space you're immediately being attacked by the fighters ahead. There's a bunch that you have to take out, so make sure you have a little bit of time on your hands. The fighter ships (green exhaust flames) are numerous and can be taken out easily. The single ship (red exhaust flames) requires quite a bit of firepower to take down. The way I did this mission was attack the single fighter first (not destroying, just damaging). Then I set my focus on the dozens of fighters. In between fighting them I would switch my focus back to the single fighter. When all fighters are off the radar you'll receive a transmission. Jump afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10 + WHISTLEBLOWER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Meet up with Senator Schmidt in the hangar Fly forward toward the colony, into the hangar. Exit the ship to meet up with Schmidt for a ctuscene. --> Objective: Locate Barbo Go up the ramp behind Schmidt. Follow your waypoint, going through the shutter door and hitting the button that's on the wall. Cross the bridge that leads to a sand path. Follow the path here until you get to an area with some locked shutter doors. Kill all of the sandgills in the area and then head through the open tunnel northeast of the entrance. When you come through kill the sandgill and carefully walk through the minefield. The mines are easy to spot so keep looking down. Go into the building on the left. Work your way up until you get to Barbo for a cutscene. --> Objective: Eliminate the incoming hostiles and link up with Barbo, Schmidt and Krugo at the bridge You have to go back downstairs and outside. As you do there are going to be some guys you have to kill. After killing the first few guys as you round the corner, look out of the port holes and shoot the snipers by the boulders outside. Turn right and shoot the sniper on the ledge. While downstairs look through the port hole and shoot anyone you may see. Get as many as you can from here and then head outside to finish off the rest. There's some snipers on the ledges (particularly to the right as you exit). When you know you've killed everybody head up the stairwell left of exiting the building, and collect the pickups in the room at the top. Come back down and follow your waypoint back. Deal with the crowd of bad guys in the area. Use your sniper rifle on the humans and the shotgun on any Jaldaris that rush you. Come out and finish off the guys on the ledges above. Follow your waypoint back along the path, killing all you see until. You'll make a left turn at the tankers but don't shoot the guys you see. Approach them for a cutscene. After this cutscene follow the pack into the tunnels. Go down for a new objective. --> Objective: Clear the small cavern Run through the tunnels and shoot the guys in the cavern at the end. The last guy is on the path above the doorway you come in at. Once they're all dead Mace calls Schmidt and company in. Barbo opens the shutter doors. Quickly step outside to the right and shoot the guy in the alcove up to the left. Look out into the canyon and shoot any snipers across the way. Go further down the path and shoot the guys to the right. Mace will call the pack down. Head down the hill and if you need health jump to the right where you see the cactus-looking plant. Run up the steps straight ahead and wait for Barbo to open the door at the top. --> Objective: Clear the canyons As soon as Barbo opens this door run out and hide behind the rock on the left side. Now you have to clear out the canyon from here. Back up and snipe the guy with the RL on the rock bridge. Then turn left and kill the guy on the ledge. Down the canyon will be a guy on foot who rushes you once you step into the open. Hide behind the rock and blast him as he approaches. Go into the center and snipe the guy at the far end. Walk further down the canyon and kill two guys on foot. Shoot the sniper up to the left. Now go further through and shoot the guy up to the left and Mace will call them up. Proceed through to a darker area. --> Objective: Clear the arachnid cave Simply kill all of the spiders around the beam. The best thing to do is lure them out and then shoot them one-by-one. --> Objective: Find a way of opening up the cave door In the next area you should see the locked door off to the right (we'll come back to it later). Take the ramp on the left up, and then through the path. Follow the ledges until they turn and go up. Kill the three guys up here and then cross the earth bridge. Follow the path and you'll come to an archway that is a bridge above. Try to throw a grenade or shoot a rocket into the alcove to the left as you look up, just before the bridge. There's a guy up here with an RL waiting for you as you come up. Continue up, quickly, and around to the building with shutters. Hide inside of this building and shoot the guys by the rocks ahead. Go into the mineshaft on the left just past the boulders. Equip your sniper rifle just as you exit and pick off the sniper across the way. Look down to the left and cap the second guy down there. Drop down to the big platform in the chasm. Toss a grenade into the alcove on the left to kill the guy with the RL. Drop down the next two platform and jump the gap. Follow down to a MUCH needed checkpoint. Jump-duck into the room on the right side down here. Now hit the switch on the panel to unlock the door. With the door now unlocked, take the left doorway through and out the door you just unlocked. At this point it's just a matter of heading back to the hangar. As you pass either side of the column shoot the several guys over here. Don't be impatient -- take your time with them because they're very strong and deadly too. After killing them advance forward past the boulder where you'll receive a radio transmission. --> Objective: Find a way of taking out the pilot and stop the ship from crashing Walk forward through the tunnels to emerge to a canyon where you'll see a craft fly down. The pilot is trying to kill Senator Schmidt and company, so you'll have to stop him. So as you come to this area go straight up the ramp in front of you. Make a right at the top, pass the "O" rock formation, and swing around to the left through the tunnel that's slightly hidden. Keep following the tunnels and pathways up until it looks like you will drop off the ledge. Look to the right and continue along this next path, jumping over the small gap. Make a left out to the ledge with the boulder and as soon as the ship comes near this ledge jump onto the back and inside of it. The next objective must be accomplished very quickly so read it first before reading the next sentence. Go forward into the cockpit and blast the pilot on the left. --> Objective: Grab the yoke! With supernatural speed, after killing the pilot, JUMP INTO the right seat and press the action button will looking down at the yoke (ship's control stick). If you do this correctly Mace will land the ship. --> Objective: Get back to the main hangar Get off of the controls to face the guys you saw in the cutscene. As the cockpit doors open shoot at the two enemies you see. Hide on the side of the doors and wait for them to come in. Once inside blast them with your shotgun. Go outside and lure the other three in front of the ship towards the back. Once they come around blow them up (or shoot them) while hiding inside of the back of the ship. With these guys toast, head towards the front of the ship and through the doors. Pass up the beams and jump on the conveyer belt as you take the corner right. Move along the conveyer belts, shooting all of the spearlegs you see. Hop down and approach the machine with the button on it. Hit this button and take the rock lift down that's behind you. At the bottom, shoot the spearlegs and go into the red tunnel. Make a left and kill the multiple spearlegs in this area. Follow through and grab the pickups in front of the locked door to your left. Now you must carefully descend down the ledges in the area nearby. Drop to the first ledge on the left then door a running jump to the one across. From here you can drop down to the closest ledge you see. When you get to the bottom crawl into the spider hole, kill them, and collect the pickups. The door is locked, so go into the tunnel that's blocked off across from it. As you do, a few men will come through the door. Turn around and shoot them. Go through this door now and kill anyone who may be on the other side of it. Come through and dodge the rocket by hiding behind the boulder to the right. Pick this guy off and the one at the bottom of the steps. Look over to the right and pick the sniper off. As you go forward the walkway is blown away. Drop into the water and quickly swim into the tunnel down here. Follow it all the way through, using the air pockets if you need air, and you'll eventually come to a stairwell. In the room up here is a bunch of spiders on the ceiling and floor. Destroy them one-by-one then move to the next area. As you turn the corner blast the few guys in the next area. Clear out the hallways but before going through the unlocked door in the middle turn around and kill the guys who come from behind. Now go through the unlocked door and the next. There are two monitors on the panel. Get on one of them and use the primary fire to shoot rockets at the guys below. Keep firing (slowly they shoot) until your gun is destroyed. Move onto the second monitor and use it like the first. If there's still guys left walk onto the balcony in front and fire at them with your sniper rifle. Once they're all dead the music will stop playing. With them all dead, take the lift down and collect any pickups you see. Get inside the ship, make a left, and then grab the controls. Take it out to space where you must destroy the fighters, which proves to be relatively simple. Shoot all of them down. A few of them (maybe 4 or 5) are heavily armored. Once you're clear to land go where your waypoint is pointing to, to the airlock next to the big orange dome. Fly inside and into the landing frames. Once you land, walk outside the ship to complete the level and view a cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11 + INFILTRATE THE TANNAN CORP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Dock with and board the Tannan carrier Quickly fly forward and into the white landing frames to dock before the timer expires. You're pulled towards the larger ship. Talk to Grier and follow her to the lift. Activate it to take it up. In the locker room pick up the ammo and look out the window, waiting for the ship to land. --> Objective: Disembark and cause a diversion for Grier Exit this room and take the lift down. While on the lift overlooking the hangar, shoot any enemies you see below. Some will rush through the doors as well. When you're confident enough hit the button and take the lift down. Finish off any enemies down here. Check the doors on to the left and then to the right. Pass the metal detectors and through the unlocked doors. Clear out the computer room by using the doorway as cover and firing at your enemies. Once clear follow the waypoint to the left and shoot the gun on the ceiling as you go through the door. From here go straight and collect the pickups off of the walls. Activate the computer to control the gun. Pull your gun all the way up (while centered) and zoom in straight across the hangar. Shoot the other mounted gun that you should see. Now get off the computer, make a left as you exit this room, and out to the hangar. Make a right once you get out here, destroy the first robot you see straight down. While on the right side of the hangar take out the rest of the robots you see. Once you do this pass the ship in the center and hide behind the crates in front of the ship itself. Wait for the guys to rush out of the door and shoot them as they do. More will come, so just use these crates as cover. After this head into this doorway that they came from Through the next set of doors are some more enemies. Lure them out to the hangar and blast them, then head and back inside and shoot the lone guy on the balcony above. Make a left into the computer room, getting the health off the walls if you need some. Make a right and pick up the stuff off the cart. Then head up center and approach the second set of doors cautiously. --> Objective: Get to the central control office Equip a heavy gun and shoot the Jaldaris that you see. Some men will emerge from the center back, pick them off with your sniper. Make sure the bottom floor area is clear then use both sides of the doorway to check the platforms to the left and right. Enter the room and look on the ledges even more. The room is clear, so shoot the barrels to reveal a vent. Go inside, following the center path out to a hallway. Exit the duct and make a right through the doorways. --> Objective: Put Barbo out of his misery Yes, kill him. --> Objective: Catch up with Danzig in the fuel processing room and eliminate him Go on the other side of the glass where the workers and through the door (there's a health pack on the wall near the door). Shoot the guy that's on the other side of the catwalk. Cross the catwalk and kill all of the guys in this hallway. Head down the steps, go through the door, and make a left through the unlocked door down here. Step inside the fuel processing room where a cutscene will play. Shoot Danzig after it's over and wait for the button on the panel to light up green. Then press it to close the gates, making Danziq fall to his death. Alternatively, you could drop down and shoot him. Either way, you have to finish him off. --> Objective: Rendezvous with Grier Head through the unlocked door nearby (it's to your front right if you back was against the grinder). Hit the switch to start the lift. As you do get ready to shoot the guards at the top. Collect the pickups that are on the cart at the intersection and make a right. There's a bunch of flying droids in this room. The first one shoots at you, so shoot back (preferably destroying it with a grenade or rocket). Just past it is a switch on a panel -- activate it and all of the other droids will malfunction. On the other side of the room go through the unlocked door. When you get to the intersection kill the Jaldari on each side, collect the pickups out of these rooms, go straight, and kill all of the guys in this next room. There's a few on the ground level and some up on the balcony. Be careful since a couple of them wield a rocket launcher. Go up the to the top on the balcony, pass the two unlocked doors, and shoot the gun on the ceiling of the hallways (as you round the corner). Step into the next computer room (a mirror to the previous), turn right to shoot the gun that's in the corner. Stay under the overhang and approach the steps. When the guys come down blast them. Now collect the stuff at the top before exiting this room from the ground level. You come to this next area which is the balcony that you saw previously while at the level below. Pass through the door to your right as you enter and into the balcony area overlooking the flying droids. Working your way to the other side, kill the multiple guards that rush out onto the balcony area. Proceed through till you get to the mainframe room. Kill the two guys and Grier will contact you. --> Objective: Protect Grier until she pinpoints the location of the mainframe Equip a good weapon and shoot the enemies who enter the room. Once you've cleared a few out of your way head up either staircase and look down at them. Shoot them, switching from side-to-side until there are no more. Once they're all dead Grier will hack the mainframe. --> Objective: Find and destroy the power generator control console Exit the room the same way you came in (center doorway downstairs). Make a right, following your waypoint, to a room with a pit of crates in the center. Activate the yellow control panel to move the crane thing over to the left. Walk around the crate and drop off to the crate that the crane is holding. Move towards the duct and press crouch as you do in order to slip inside. Climb the ladder then shoot the vent out, proceeding through to the exit. Head through the unlocked door to your right. Shoot the two Jadaris and collect the ammo off the crate before you head through the unlocked door. Get on the rail car, hit the switch, then crouch down towards the front. As you move along the track be on a lookout for any trailing cars (shoot the enemies in the car you see). Eventually you'll come to a stop on the other side of the track. Step off the car and make a left, passing up the cowering workers. Proceed through the doors and, as you turn the corner right, shoot the Jaldari and kill him. Then a second one is a bit ahead, so fall back and shoot the tanks if you can. Kill the third one by going straight at the intersection. Now take this time to go back and pick up a few things if you want to. Follow your waypoint into a room with a bunch of computers. Shoot all humans that you see in here, including the few waves that come. Head upstairs, following your waypoint once you arrive. When you get into the yellow-lit hallway be prepared for some Jaldaris. Take out the ones off to the sides of the doorway. Then look down over the rails and shoot the few down there. Once this generator room is cleared follow your waypoint to the corner and activate the panel. --> Objective: Stop the technician from closing down the mainframe They're trying to lock Grier out of the mainframe manually you now learn, so you have five minutes to get to where the technician is and kill him. Luckily the spot is on your waypoint finder. Turn right and through the doorway rushes some Jaldaris. Blast them and head this way. (The rest of this walkthrough won't detail your enemies since you don't exactly have to take all of them out because you're pressed for time.) In the big green room, head to the other side and climb the ladder that's in the corner. Go through the doorway on the opposite side of this walkway. When get to the four-way make a right and you'll pass some fans up. Follow a bunch of unlocked doors until you get to the mainframe room itself. Kill the technicians while keeping the enemies off you at the same time. Two technicians are at the bottom level and one at the top. A cutscene showing some more technicians and enemies come in the room will play. Kill these ones as well before the timer runs out. Once you do all this it will objective complete and Grier radios you. --> Objective: Steal a dropship from a nearby hangar bay While downstairs and by the computers some enemies will rush in with some heavy firepower. Take cover and toss a few grenades their way if you have any. Then finish them off. Kill the next few that come out the other side. Now follow your waypoint which should be pointing toward the door up center. Make a left when you see the cart and blast the two guys in here. Back off and throw a grenade (or shoot) at the red tanks to blow open the exhaust vent in the corner. Exit the tunnel but stay where you are. Look to the left and shoot whoever you see. There's two guys to the left and two to the right. The best thing to do is stand still and blast them from over the railings (because they won't shoot at you until they get a good sight on you). Keep switching back and forth until all four cease to live. Go left and once you're through the double doors you'll be in a room with a bunch of crates. Quickly back pace through the doors behind you and wait. If they don't come peak in and kill them this way. Go in and clear this room out once the guys ahead of you are dead. Follow your waypoint to where the yellow thing is. [Tip: Before leaving this room you can get some extra pickups at the top where the balconies are. Jump onto the crates in the center of the room, then jump over to the yellow thing, and up to the balcony. Then walk to the right, shoot then guys, and then pick up the stuff.] As the doors open blast the numerous guys you see. Step back into the crate room and take cover. They'll follow in here so use this to your advantage. With them all dead collect the pickups on the walls of the back room. Make a right at the intersection that these guys were originally in. Get ready as you come through the doors because there will be several enemies posted up ahead. Step to the left side of the doorway and shoot the explosive containers, then finish off what's left of them. Dash across the walkway and some men will rush out the door ahead. Again, shoot the explosive containers to the right and finish what's left. Step through the doors and check this back area for more men. Make a left down the small set of steps to be with dropship. Quickly take out the two robots down here. If you want to stay at the top of the steps and toss grenades or whatever. Once they're both malfunctioned go inside the ship. Collect the pickups off of the floor and grab the controls. --> Objective: Meet Grier in the front hangar bay As you come out to space you're immediately attacked by fighter ships. Once again, for the millionth time, you must destroy them. A few are heavily armored and the rest are relatively weak. The armored ships tend to stay by the big craft in the sky, so be aware of this. Try to deal with them first and then the weaker (purple) fighters that are abundant in this area. Once you destroy all of them you're clear to land. Move towards the yellow spot on your radar -- the landing frames are near the top of the ship. When you land in the hangar exit the ship and approach Grier to see a cutscene. --> Objective: Take off and pursue Richter Shoot the guys that come out across the way. Come over this way and while passing up the parasite/ghost thing, go through the doors. Kill the men to the left and make a right. (This whole area should look familiar to you by the way -- you were here earlier.) Destroy the guys in this computer room and follow through where you'll come to the adjacent hangar where you'll witness Richter's ship taking off. Work your way to the second ship in the center while blasting the enemies as you go. Grab the controls and you'll be taken to space to jump. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12 + FACE OFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> Objective: Eliminate the fighters before landing At this point I'm ready to fall asleep... but I go on because there's some decent music playing for once. :) Destroy all fighters as you see fit. Most of them are lightly armored like the last flight mission. There's a few transport ships like the one you have, whom are armored heavily yet do basically nothing to attack you. It'll take a while like always but once you destroy them all your next objective will come up. --> Objective: Land in the Tombship hangar Fly to where the blue arrow points and through the frames, landing into the hangar. --> Objective: Pursue Richter and retrieve the disk Immediately use your ship's mounted machine gun to shoot as many men you can. Step out the ship and scour the back of it for more enemies. If you want to, use the turret up front to shoot the robot that's walking around. You need to get out of this hangar not, but before doing so collect the pickups in the ship you were in and the ones up front of the ship and in some crates. Now follow your waypoint through the northeast door of this hangar. You pass the glass panels up and into a room with a bunch of beams in it. First go left and clear out the left alcove through the door. More men will come, so finish them off. Next, take out guys above and on the walkways if you can afford to. The path you must go is through the door on the right. Shoot the guys with guns and hide behind the glass, peaking out to shoot the gun that's on the ceiling. Advance down the hall where you'll see a beam pointing to ceiling. Kill the few guys around it, advance forward, and head up the stairwell. At the top cut to the left and collect the stuff from the crates. Use the computer to shoot the gun you see on camera. Head out of this room, making a left and going to the set of double doors. At this point you want to keep advancing forward until you get to another circular balcony that's overlooking a laser beam. When you do kill all the guys you see and don't forget the stuff off to the right before heading down the steps. Okay, kill the guys down by the laser beam. That's obvious. If you wanted to you could have shot explosives at them from the top, it's your decision. You will eventually come to church-like area that's similar to what you saw much earlier in the game. Don't bother moving forward towards the pews. Instead, come out and turn right through the door. As you come through the second set of doors immediately start shooting at the two priests standing by the lift. Now take it down (the floor looks like it's not there, but it's only glass). When you get down here shoot the lone enemy upon coming through the door and then take out the gun on the ceiling. Proceed into the crate room ahead. There's two guys on the ground level and two at the top (left and right usually). Kill the ground level ones first. Then hide behind some crates and try to pick off the top level ones. If you need health there's some in a wooden crate in this same room. Make a right through the doors and into a hallways (if you go through the north door you will be confronted by a bunch of guards, so this isn't recommended). Going along, kill the enemies posing resistance. When you get to the balcony with the glass railing turn right and shoot the sniper. Advance up and bit and shoot a second sniper. Go through the door on the left where you'll finally get a checkpoint. --> Objective: Gain access to the mainframe room and reconfigure the data stream You come through the door and will be out on a balcony. Watch for the guy above with the RL and the obstacles in the doorway across the way. Stand near the door you came from and shoot these guys from afar. Look up and blast the guy above. If you want to, to save time later, look over the balcony that you're on and shoot the guys below. For better results use grenades. Either way, you should now progress through the next door up here (shoot the gun on the ceiling of course). Now all you have to do is kill everything that gets in your way as you advance through these halls. You'll know when you get to the end when you see two locked doors with nowhere to go but back. Look for a floor hatch near the door that's off to the right. Look into the hatch and drop down into the duct. As you exit the duct at the other end you'll see a ladder to your left and a laser thing to your right. Go right and press the button on the panel around the back. --> Objective: Get into the Tombship mainbridge Climb the ladder and head through the door that leads to the hallway you were in before. Make a right, going through the new unlocked door. Kill the two enemies to the left and right, then head through the door ahead. Keep going through these areas, killing everyone as you do so. In the second crate room there should be no resistance if you killed these guys from the balcony above earlier on. If not, take them out. There's an unlocked door at the other end of this room. As you go through, your objective will be complete. Approach the door ahead for a cutscene. --> Objective: Reverse the direction of the Watcher wormhole There's one unlocked door in this control -- it's to the left if you're staring at the guy by the door. As you get to the other end of the halls be prepared to back out. So approach the door -- and as it opens -- backtrack into the hallway. This activates the fighting out there. Wait a few seconds and come out to finish the rest of the baddies off. Over to the right are some friendlies, so don't shoot them. Moments later a huge ship will arrive through the bay and the ghostly creatures appear. Don't bother shooting at them. Instead, head into the beam in the center, just under the ship. You will appear, damaged, inside the ship they rode in. Take the controls and then auto- pilot will take you to space. Okay, first things first. You have a supped-up ship since you jacked it from the ghost guys. It's moves fast and controls like a beauty. The catch: only one (cheap) weapon. For me this was the longest space mission in the entire game. And you thought the last 200 other space missions sucked. :( This is simple enough but takes forever. With your one and only primary fire, shoot all crafts out of the space. This is as basic as it gets so take your time and don't worry about distractions such as mounted cannons or incoming ships. There's not much I can tell you that you should have learned up to this point. Keep plowing through them for what seems like takes forever, and eventually the landing envelope will be activated. Fly towards the yellow spot on your radar and up into the larger craft. When you land, dismount the yoke and exit through the back. [Important tip: Defeating the ghost creatures - The one and only way to destroy these ghostly creatures requires the use weapon fires orange electricity (it's the last weapon in your inventory). What you do is sneak up on them, aim, and hold down the primary fire. A few moments later the electricity will turn blue as long as you have it aimed directly at them. At this point press the secondary fire to shoot a charged blast, destroying them. Note that this is the ONLY way to destroy them, so make sure you have read this carefully.] Go through the round door on this same platform that you're on. Drop into the hole in the center and descend into the tube. Getting to the bottom, making a right through the hatch. Go forward along the pipe until you see get to a locked door. Go left up the black tube instead. As soon as you get to the top, exit and run right. Avoid the ghosts like a plague because they can severely damage you (it is not recommended that you fight them at this point). Keep running past the ghosts, dodging their projectiles. You will get to a room with three red circles and a lift in the middle (it looks like a hole). Take it all the way down. Find the only unlocked hatch down here and run past the ghosts, making your way to an area that stretches around both sides. This stretch of game can be tough if you don't know what you're doing, but as long as you do and you're *not* rushing you'll be just fine. It's five circular pathways connected to each other by doorways (see diagram below). The best path to take is the shortest, so study the diagram because you don't have to go around the full circle in any of the areas. As far as the enemies go, to kill the ghosts use the strategy I gave you earlier in this objective, in the [ ] brackets. As you go around the circles, men will pop out of certain hives attached to the walls. If you look at them closely you will see them in there. So after clearing the ghosts out look at the hives and shoot the ones you see baddies in. This is the path you shall take in this honeycomb-like labyrinth. Note that 1 is the first circle and 5 is the last. (5) | (2)-(3)-(4) | (1) At the end you will be in a winding hallway with more ghosts. Take care of all three (unless you want to just run past them), proceed forward, and take the lift down. When you get to the bottom there will be two hatches that you can go through. One leads to nothing and the other leads to a spinning spindle. The trick to crossing this is angling yourself to the left as you cross it, but not so much that you fall off. When you get towards the center you will be getting pulled further right, so use the holds in the fins to cut back left. Sprint the rest of the way and through the door. There's four ghosts in this next area. Stand back from the doorway to get the first two, going unnoticed. Move up, staying to the left side, and get the third ghost. The fourth is the hardest, but the best way to get it is by standing on the fourth platform to the right and looking over to the left wall. Once you got them all go through the hatch ahead. The next two rooms are pretty much the same thing. So you should know what to do. When you get through the last hatch make a left into narrow tunnel. Collect the pickups you near the bodies, then activate the panel to the right. A cutscene will play. --> Objective: Destroy the Watcher station reactor Exit through the second hatch in this room (make sure you got all the pickups you could). Walk out past the first panel and a cutcene will play. It's that dirtbag Richter, and you have to put a stop to him from good. Immediately after the full scene plays jump to the left and behind the first panel. Stay still and get as far away from his grenades without moving from behind the panel. Now it's time to take him out. He seems tough as hell -- and he is -- but he's actually simple to beat. The key is to use sonic shock cannon on him (second-to-last weapon in your inventory). But not only that, you must aim high or else your efforts are for nothing. I recommend dashing behind the second panel and get him cornered to the right side of the platform that he's on. If you do this he is not likely to move around much (he'll instead hide behind one of the panels on his side). So once you get him cornered to where he's not moving around, quickly step out, aim high, and shoot him. Quickly step back behind your panel. Rinse and repeat until he's finished. The cutscene plays and the reactor is destroyed (oh, how lame). --> Objective: Retrieve the disk A bridge leading to the reactor is now up. Cross it and get the disk that's on the floor. --> Objective: Destroy the Watcher station reactor [resumed] Before going through the second hatch that's in this room, head back and collect the remaining pickups in the room with the control panel. Now head through the second door in here and make a right. Destroy the ghost and take the lift down. Find the unlocked hatch and look through to see a room full of ghosts. First get the two by the door. Go left and get the one up further. Then cross back to the right and get the one in the corner. There's one below for a good luck charm. :) Get on the gondola (cart) that has the hologram in it. Press the action button and the gondola will take off down the tunnel. When you come to a stop exit on the right side of the gondola. Now walk across the *invisible* bridge to feel like you're on some sort of acid trip. Enter the ship and take the controls. This is where the game gets tedious. You have to navigate this ship through some tunnels but must realize that the ship is big ass hell. Go slow when moving through hatches and medium speed elsewhere. After gaining control of it take it down and through the first hatch below. Turn it and drive to the other end of this area, going down a second hatch. (Take note of the greenish-yellow door before going down the second hatch!) Drive through the second hatch. In the tunnel with the two beams, tilt your ship so that it's parallel with each beam as you cross it. Fly through the hatch ahead, slowly, and dock using the landing frames. As you're docking the ship is being pulled into a blue energy field. Exit the ship once it stops and cross another invisible bridge. Walk up to the ball hologram ahead and activate it (it will turn red, letting you know the energy field is down). Get back into the ship and grab the controls. Once auto-pilot lets go, turn your ship around and shoot the spinning spikes in there center (where the energy field used to be). Once it blows up you will complete objective and a countdown will commence. --> Objective: Jump back through the wormhole A 35-second countdown is now in effect. With your ship facing the hatch (that you came through) immediately fly through it, pass the two beams, through the hatch, and then through greenish-yellow hatch to complete the level and even the game. Congrats! ############################################################################### 4.00 | MISCELLANEOUS ############################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.10 | Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electro-Cosh: Your standard melee weapon. You start off with this weapon and it is only useful for a few parts in the game, besides breaking crates. It's primary a melee thrust attack and secondary is a charged shock. Automatic Handgun: This handgun hold 12 shots, which is a given seeing how relatively weak it is. But it has decent accuracy and is great for getting enemies from in between the cracks. The primary is a single shot and secondary is a full clip discharge. Quad-Barreled Shotgun: Like any other shotgun this packs quite a punch from close range. Move close to your enemy and once shot will put most down. Long-range shooting is not recommended. Primary is a single burst of pellets and if you hold secondary it will load up four shots, releasing it to discharge them. Heavy Machine Gun: This game's all-around weapon, this machine proves to be Mace's best and only friend throughout the game. It has all of the high-tech stuff such as anti- jamming and auto-cooling. Primary is automatic bullet spray that will speed up as the clip's end nears, and the secondary is a fast grenade launcher has impact grenades. Sniper Rifle: Silenced for stealth, the sniper rifle is quite a killing tool. Zoom in to a foe -- armored or not -- and shoot. Works great for headshots since the scope is so powerful. Primary shoots while secondary simply toggles the scope mode. Plasma Machine Gun: Truly something from the future this weapon is. Primary is a single shot (by tapping button) that will bounce off of metallic materials, whereas secondary (hold) is a charged plasma shot that will seek in on the enemy. Sonic Shock Cannon: Also referred to as the "Trashman", this weapon has the ability to not only kill enemies but set them up for the kill as well. The primary fire (can be charge for power) will knock enemies down, the secondary can break their bones and puncture them. It's an ingenious weapon. Rocket Launcher: The RL is great for nagging enemies that are at a distance. Especially enemies up high. The primary shoots a single rocket (which isn't that fast). Holding the primary will load up to four shots into the chamber, releasing them as you let go. The secondary will bring up the laser targeting. "Electric Gun": Note the quotation marks -- there is no official name given to this gun that I'm aware of. The primary function is readily available. While trigger is held down, it will send a steady beam of orange-colored electricity to the enemy. This stuns them, causing them to drop to the ground once the beam is moved away from them. You can kill most humans with the primary fire by moving in close and getting a prolonged beam around their head area. Important: the secondary fire can only be used when the electricity turns blue. I only noticed this occurrence towards the end of the game on certain "ghostly" creatures. So to use the secondary, hold down the primary and when it turns blue, press the secondary fire while still holding primary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.20 | Glitches & Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: These were found while playing the PS2 version of MGBH. Odds are that they are in PC & Xbox versions as well. Glitch -- See-Through Rocket Launcher (any level): This is more of a universal glitch. Simply pull out your RL, and if you're in a big enough area you will be able to see through the back end of your RL. An easy way to see this in a big hangar. Pull your gun up slightly. Glitch/Trick -- No Clipping (Genetics Lab, Objective 09): The name says it all, this glitch allows you to have no clipping in later part of this level. It's a shame, really, because not many people will see it simply because it's so far into the level... Anyway, to do this you have to swim through the underwater pipe during the cable car objective 09. After you swim up, surface and kill all the guys you see. Climb the ladder, take the back path to the other side of the water (where the two big Jaldaris were). From here, walk off the platform and into the water. For some strange reason you should now be able to swim up past the water and even through the certain walls. If you go down too far you will do a never-ending fall out of the level, so be careful. Glitch -- Fall Through The Level (Rescue Krugo, Objective 11): This glitch is practically pointless other than to see yourself fall into oblivion. To do it during objective 11 free the prisoners and after the cutscene work your way to the surface where the robots are. Destroy them and head to the right of where you came out. You should see a huge hangar door behind the beams holding up the complex above. Approach this door and it should open. Look to the right side of the doorway where it opens and you should see a dark area. Walk into this and you should fall through the level. You'll have to restart. Lazy Programming -- Crazy-Looking Shaders: Some shaders (transparent/special textures) in the game appear as dark rectangles or squares. One example would be after crossing the bridge at the beginning of Whistleblower. After crossing it and getting to the sand path, look at the shrubs near the tanks at the bend. You'll see dark spots that are supposed to be invisible. Glitch -- Ship Goes Straight Through Rocks: If you've gotten past the Whistleblower level then you've likely seen this occur. It happens during Objective 09 where you have to stop the pilot. When you come through the tunnel and out to the area where the ship is shooting at Schmidt and the gang, you will see the ship come up straight through the rocks ahead of you. I guess the developers didn't expect you to be walking so fast into the area, huh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.30 | FAQs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't get the push button codes to work. What's the problem? A: They're fake. End of story. Q: How do I get Mace to hold the auto handgun with two hands? A: Stop moving and wait a few seconds. Mace will aim with both hands allowing you to shoot like this. Q: What is the hanging and executions I heard about? A: They're executions of (innocent) workers and they can be seen on Sharp Shooter during the sixth objective. Q: Where can I first see a stripper besides in the cutscenes? A: Level 7, Clear and Present Ranger, at the beginning. Or any time you are in Fort Denver. Q: Is it true that Mace Griffin was once described as GTA in space? A: Unfortunately, yes. I know, I know... -_- Q: Was Mace Griffin ever released for the GameCube? A: No. It was originally intended to, but it was cancelled in the US first and then in the UK later on. Q: Where can I find the system specs for the PC version? A: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/macegriffinbountyhunter/techinfo.html Q: Sometimes when I want Mace to jump the game won't allow it, what's gives? A: When you stand on very small objects (rails, crates, etc.) and ledges the game won't let you jump. This is stupid, I know, but maybe it's done for a reason. ############################################################################### 5.00 | GUIDE INFORMATION ############################################################################### CONTACTING ME: Since I got so received SPAM on my old e-mail address, I have decided to use the following method to reach me via e-mail. 1) Go to this page: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/26872.html 2) Copy the URL that you see next to "Web Site". Go to that URL. 3) Look on the page for my e-mail address. It's in image form to prevent unwanted SPAM mail. So just type in what you see in the "To:" feild of your e- mail form. Then send whatever you want to send. THANKS: - Warthog for making such an ambitious game. - Game manual for making HUD/control layouts easier to put into this guide. - Google for allowing me to find info on MGBH. - Jason [fatcow(at)rogers(dot)com] for Xbox controls. LEGAL INFORMATION: All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2003 Jeff H. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or other wise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide may not be placed on any website without the written consent from the author. Only GameFAQs.com has the right to host this. Cheat Code Central is ran by a thief(s) that should be in prison. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the game. =End of file=