------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter Full FAQ/Walkthrough Playstation 2 nm14 (c) 2003-2004 All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ Table of Contents +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 1.0 Introduction/E-Mail Policy 2.0 Version History 3.0 Controls 4.0 Weapons 5.0 Walkthrough 6.0 Credits 7.0 Legal Information +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 1.0 Introduction +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ Introduction ------------ Hey, and welcome to another edition of nm14's work. I am the one and only famous (or possibly notorious, hehe) writer who is back to help a bunch of struggling people. Yea, and this time it is for Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter. This game became interesting seeing that there was a bounty and I had enough money to buy it. The story looked interesting, so I decided to give it a shot. I hope this helps all you struggling people, as I am sure you have been waiting for a FAQ for quite a while. Well, let's get going. E-Mail Policy ------------- bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com Hey everyone. This is the e-mail policy portion of this FAQ. I am going to list what I believe to be "acceptable" or "unacceptable" e-mails. Of course, it would be very wise of you to correctly e-mail me if you are hoping for a response. Also, if you have made a mistake when e-mailing me, it is very likely I will block you so that you cannot send me any more messages. So, now that you all know what will happen if you incorrectly e-mail me, you have to find out what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Please read below. Do you have information that we have not covered in this FAQ? Well, read below. If you happen to know something in the FAQ please e-mail us. We are always interested in adding information from readers, but there are a few exceptions. If this FAQ is NOT labeled "Final" as its version, your added information may not neccessarily be used. We could possibly already know your information, but have not gotten to that section yet. So, do not guarantee that we will post your comments just because you were nice enough to e-mail us. Now, for a little more about an "acceptable" e-mail, let's talk about the subject of the e-mail. We get a lot of e-mails about other FAQs that we have written, so we can easily miss your e-mail unless you identify it. So, in the subject line, please include the words "Mace Griffin: BH" in your subject line. This makes it a lot easier to sort things out in our e-mail. If you do not refer to what game you are commenting/asking for help on, we will most likely ignore the entire e-mail. The last aspect that we would like to talk about is reading the FAQ. If you are in doubt, check around the entire FAQ before coming to us for direct help. It is likely that information is in other parts of the FAQ, and not neccessarily the part that you are looking at during that very moment. Any comments that are already answered in this FAQ will simply be ignored and blocked, as we have taken a lot of time to write this guide for you, you can do a little something for us as well. If any of the above guidelines are not followed correctly your e-mails will be considered "unacceptable" and I am sure you know what that means. We personally think that it will be simple to follow the guidelines, and you will not have to worry very much about the process. Thanks you, again, for your cooperation. +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 2.0 Version History +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 1.3 - Finished the walkthrough. 1.2 - Finished the walkthrough up to the 9th mission. Added some weapons. 1.1 - Finished the walkthrough up to the 7th mission. 1.0 - First Submission to GameFAQs. +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 3.0 Controls +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ --------------- Normal Controls --------------- Start - Pause X button - Reload Character's gun Circle button - Square button - Character Jump Triangle button - Action R1 - Shoot (Primary) R2 - Switch Weapons L1 - Shoot (Secondary) L2 - Switch Weapons ------------ Air Controls ------------ Start - Pause Triangle button - Leave Ship Mode; Jump R1 - Laser Shot R2 - Switch Weapons L1 - Missile Shot L2 - Switch Weapons +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 4.0 Weapons +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Electro-Cosh ** ------------------ Bullets per Clip: Unlimited Primary Fire: Hand Swing Punches Secondary Fire: Thrust Action -Use to break vents and such -Melee style weapon ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Handgun ** ------------- Bullets per Clip: 12 Primary Fire: Regular Shot Secondary Fire: Automatic Shot -A weak gun -Good for taking out enemies without waisting precious ammo ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Shotgun ** ------------- Bullets per Clip: 8 Primary Fire: Regular Shot Secondary Fire: 4 Bullet Shot -Extremely powerful gun, and should be used to take out heavy duty enemies -Do not use for fast firefights ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Machine Gun ** ----------------- Bullets per Clip: 80 Primary Fire: Rapid Fire Secondary Fire: Grenade Fire -Use to engage in firefights with many men -Good for using grenades in rooms with many men ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Sniper Rifle ** ------------------ Bullets per Clip: 8 Primary Fire: Regular Shot Secondary Fire: Scope On/Off -Extremely good for far range enemies -Good for easily taking out one enemy in one hit -Stealthy type of gun ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Rocket Launcher ** --------------------- Bullets per Clip: 8 Primary Fire: Regular Shot Secondary Fire: Laser Target -Very Poweful ammo -Good for taking out masses of people ------------------------------------------- __ __ ** Remote Grenades ** --------------------- Bullets per Clip: 12 Primary Fire: Throw Grenade Secondary Fire: Detonate Grenade -Good for heavy duty enemies -Very powerful and stealthy ------------------------------------------- +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 5.0 Walkthrough +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 1: Hold Position .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Part 1 ------ Welcome to the beginning of the game. Watch the cutscenes, ah, lovely graphics. Anyway, you will be faced with your first objective: to unlock all the doors by getting to the control room. You are Griffin, as it says in the game. First of all, you have two guns: A Heavy Machine Gun and a Electro-Cosh. You have little ammo for the Machine Gun, but the other is really weak. Make your own decision, but I went with the machine gun. Head through the only path (yeah, expect a linear game). So, head forward past the column in the middle of the room. Head through this next door, and you will enter a walkway. Two men will head into a different room, but you will not be able to make it to where they are because the doors lock. So, head through the door to the left. A radio signal indicated attacks under your friends. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do as of yet. Continue to the large room ahead. In here, there will be a hole in the center, but more importantly, there is a handgun found on the dead man in this room. Obviously, pick it up. Quickly head to the left side and go through the door to the next walkway. Collect the next ammo case near the dead soldier in this room. Then, get ready for a little action. I mean, what did you expect as a reward for getting a new gun? Don't worry, it is just like any other FPS, head in and notice that the soldier kills another man. He then wants to make you his next victory, so quickly dispose of him with the new gun you just got. You can obtain some extra items inside the boxes, and then head into the next room. Here comes a bit more action. This larger room has many enemies, but are still not too tought to defeat. Simply kill them all and dodge their bullets. That is the most crucial part, so don't rush in. Take advantage of your cover. Then, finally, once you take all the men out, head to the next room at the other end of this room. Kill the soldier standing directly in here and then head right. A few more soldiers bombard the room. Quickly dispose of them and then take the right door. In this walkway, collect items at the back of the hallway and at the dead man on the left side. Then, take the side hall right before the end. This area is large with many enemies. It can be difficult if you do not notice all of the enemies in this area. So, notice the many soldiers on the higher level, some on the groundlevel and one to the left behind a blockage. First, concentrate on the higher ones because they will be costly to your health if you do not take them out early. Then, quickly dispose of the ground level men. You can collect items from the dead man, and then you will be faced with a bit of a challenge. You must find an alternate route. Simply head towards the broken portion of the high level. Climb the boxes to get to the second part of the higher level. Here, collect the Grenades under the gate near the corpses. Then take the new pathway. Here, there is a sniper that will hassle around with you. Try to quickly take him out, as it will bring you much luck for the future. Anyway, use the vent, as all the doors are locked here. It is right by the entrance. Head to the end but notice that there are new enemies called Valleakans. They have insane shotguns, so do not even think about getting too close to them. You have too options, either shoot them from high above, or head down and throw a grenade towards them. This will kill them all luckily. They both seem to work. Then head to the next room and take the next enemy out (or take out the two snipers above first, your choice). Then, head right to a new walkway. Head left here. Here, you may be tempted, but do not waist your ammo. There is a enemy right behind glass, and he is setting off an alarm. The glass is unbreakable, so just head to the next room. Collect some items and head through the next door to another walkway. There are two different ways to go, either left (wrong way, but to an ammo room) or right (the correct way). Then head left in this new walkway. Meet a new enemy with headsets. They have powerful shields, so it is best to use your shotgun. Then, head to the upper level and go through the door on the left. Here is a computer area. Don't head straight. Instead, head to the other door and through the hallway. This will lead to the control room. Kill the enemies with a shotgun and then press the red button ahead. This will unlock all the doors! Finally, you must head back to get read for take off. Part 2 ------ Well, good news and bad news. The good news first: well, you completed the majority of the first mission. The bad news is that you have to hurry up and get back to the ship before this entire place blows. Your teammates have not encountered any attacks until now. Head back through the hallway and back to the control room. Kill all the enemies here, and then take the two that come out of the next area. Head into that door that they came from, and then enter the red hallway. Make a left turn here. In this room there are all locked doors but there is a vent like before. Head in there. There are two snipers in this room, opposite of each other. One is above you, and one is opposite you as well so you have to quickly take them out as usual. Then, head to the door on the left side of the room. Enter the next room and take out the various enemies. Then, instead of entering the jammed door with a green light, enter the vent near the rise to the upper level. Head through the hole in the floor and then go through the vent. Collect the items at the end, and then bust open while killing all the enemies in this next room. There are snipers as well that throw grenades, so watch out for those guys. Once everyone is dead, head to the upper level. Then, take out all of the men from the right with a grenade. It is the easiest way. Then, head through the door and then enter a new room with four locked doors, but NO VENT! Well, climb onto the rise to the upper level. Head through the electric walls and hopefully you have high life in case your are hit. Head to the next room and then take the rest of the enemies out from below. Approaching the end... Head through the doors to complete your first mission! :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 2: Back In Business .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: This mission is much shorter than the first. Simply wait for your ship to land and then head out of the ship. Your first objective is to meet Dawson. He is right outside your ship, so just go up and talk to him. He then tells you to go to Moscone's Office to sign up to become a bounty hunter. So, head through the doors and go down the pathway. Once you get into the larger room, head in the middle section. Look for the door labled "Masconie" and enter it. Then you will have to watch some cutscenes. Finally, head back to the ship and then collect the weapons inside. Go to the front and take control of the ship. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 3: Trouble at the Temple .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: So, you start out in your ship. Your main goal right now is to take out all the enemy fighters. So, shoot them one by one. If I was you, I would not get too close to the temple itself because it shoots lasers at you, and the closer you are, the better the accuracy of the lasers. Once you have taken out all the fighters, your new objective is to land. Head as slow as possible when you want to land on your blue target on the temple. Head through the doors to get to a checkpoint. Then, head right to find a sniper rifle among the dead men. Head towards the next door and press the elevator button. Head up. You will be given a new objective to clear the enemies in this room. First, you will notice a large mecha gun with a few snipers across the room. Snipe them down to begin with. Then, take the men out that are near your area. There are a few other snipers on the above platforms, so make sure you take them out with your sniper rifle. Get the items in the room and then head to the newly opened door to the left. Head up the elevator here. Kill the enemy that meets you at the top. Head down and follow the path right. Use usual strategies to defeat the enemies, killing them one by one so you do not lose your shield. Then, look to the right. A handy trick is used here, as you can control the mecha guns to kill all the enemies in that particular room. Notice that the dark computer is the one that you already destroyed. Also note that the enemies will try to destroy the gun as soon as you start firing. Then head to the left and collect the items from the dead men. Follow the path further and make a right. Take out all the enemies in this hallway and then head forward to come to the next room. This is where you used the mecha gun. If you were destroyed before you could kill all enemies, take them out. Once everyone is dead, you will have completed this objective. Now, head into the elevator and then go into the Acolyte fighter. Take control and then take out all the enemy fighters. One neat thing about this new ship is that is has homing missiles. Use them to your advantage. Then repeat your same procedure as before by landing at the desired mark. The problem with your land is that your met with some serious enemy fire. There are tons of enemies and a robot gunner. So, head to the right and get into the turret. Take out all the enemies, but go for the robot first. Then, take out the rest of the enemies whether is be by foot or by turret. It basically depends on if you can see them or not. Head forward to find a small room to the right with a lot of ammo. Use this to your advantage for what is about to happen. Now, use your usual tactics in this large room. Keep your shield full at all times (or at least to the point where it does not run out). Kill one enemy at a time in the hallway as you lure them towards you. Kill them all before you actually explore the room. Kill the new red and green enemies, but watch out because they are rather densely protected. Watch the cutscene of more enemies, and take them out as well. Take out all the snipers on the right hand side and then enter the next door. Turn left and collect the ammo. Then, head back and enter the new door. Take out the mecha gun. Then follow the path left and right. This next area is what I like to call love. Simply throw some grenades in the next room to destroy the enemies and mech guns. Then, use the same procedure as before to take out as many guys as possible. Follow the length path, following the compass rather than the doors neccessarily. Then, take out the enemies and green enemy to complete this objective. There is an alternate route that you learn about. Kill the enemies ahead and then take the elevator. Head forward to find a window with a guy behind it. Break the window, kill the enemy and then jump through the window. Press the button here to open the door and proceed through to the next area. Oddly, the next area has many men, but the usual strategy will not work. They just stand there and wait for you to come in. So, you are going to have to snipe them one by one without bombarding the place. It is the easiest, although you might take a few shots, way, but make sure you never loose all your shield. Head through the next door and then head right in the stairs area. Kill the enemies and then grab the massive amount of ammo. Now, head back to the stairs and head down while killing the enemies. The next room is like hell, so you are going to want to spring passed these guys. It's the only way I have managed to stay alive in this area. So, spring for the door in this room and go through. Find the explosive and then blocked area. Shoot the explosive and then head through the next door. Kill all the enemies beyond the staircase. Then, head right and press the button on the wall. Cross the bridge and take the elevator to a find some enemies. Take them all out. Then head down to the central area to complete the objective. Now, head back up and take the elevator back to the circlular area. Keep moving and killing the enemies. Then, head through the door near the stairs area. Kill all the enemies in the hallway and the far enemies by sniping so you do not have to feel pain. Use the next button. Now, the enemies are back to normal. Simply follow your compass. You will be ordered to take a ship out of here and destroy the hacker ship. Use homing missiles constantly to take the ship out. Then, wait for the jump signal to complete the third mission! :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 4: Sharpshooter .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Your objective here is to stop some terrorists from planting bombs on the generators and activating them. Fly into the destination mark which is clearly in front of you. Then, talk to the mayor the the colony, Tom Baxter. Head in the direction in which he tells you and then turn at the arrow marker. Continue on after the checkpoint and enter the next room where many enemies will encounter you. You will have a little firepower to help you, but certianly not enough. There is one sniper on the upper level to the left, and many soldiers on the bottom. Take the sniper out first preferably, and then take care of the lower level men. Then, head to the opposite end of the room. Head to the right side of the tunnel. Take out the men here using the usual tactics. Open the door with a lot of men inside. A new enemy called the Jaldari are located inside this room. I must say that these guys are the hardest by far, that you have encountered as of so far in this game. To take out all the men, try to get attention and then move back into the hallway. Continue this until all are dead. Then, head forward and take out the sniper in the room. Then, head into the next area. There is a sniper ahead, take him out first. Then head to the right side and enter the hallway. In the next room is a bar with a heck of alot of men. I would recommend using grenades or explosives of some sort. There is also many men on the upper level that you must take care of. You can use the retreat tactics if you want as well. Grab Baxter's pass on the desk. Then, head back to the hallway and turn left. In this room there is a Rocket Launcher and lots of ammo. Then, head down the hallway and take out the next man, grabbing all the ammo. Head to the street area and take out the sniper. Then use the pass to get into the door, but watch out because there are lots of Jaldari that come out. The rocket launcher will be a relief here. Blast all of them away. Then head through to get to a lift. Continue until you get to the machine room full of arachnids. Kill them easily with a few hits. Head through the tunnel and take out the enemies. Then, head through the door and turn left. Snipe the enemies that shoot you. Head through the door back into the tunnels. Take out all enemies and when you get back up on the cliff snipe the enemies that you see. Make your way forward and then ride the elevator up. Make your way forward and snipe the rocket launcher enemy to the left. Head to the end and go through the door. Take out all the enemies in your path and take out the next sniper. At the end is a bunch of enemies and workers. Take out the enemies and the sniper above. Head to the top and jump across the crates until you reach the large pipe. Head through the hole to get a checkpoi- nt. Head through the pipe taking out all enemies. Then land on the roof. Drop to the landing and head into the door. Head through the walkway and take out all enemies then make a left. Head to the minecart and jump into the last one to complete the mission. The rest of the mission is pretty linear. Just make your way and take out the enemies. There will be a lot of snipers, so take them out if you can. It is really not worth telling you where to go if you just go in a straight line. Once you are passed the beach, you will be congratulated and have completed the mission. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 5: The Rustlers .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Defenses are needed to preserve the livestock in New Idaho, and you are the only source of defense. They are unable to put up defenses to protect the livestock, so your next mission is about saving their livestock. Do the same procedure of landing in the area marked, and then talking to the man, McQueen to get your orders. Head to the elevator, and then through the doors to get a checkpoint. You will be hit with a cutscene pointing out Tower 4. This is where you have to go, so head over there. You will be warned that the radar has picked up many enemy ships. You have to snipe the driver to crash the ship in one minute. Kill the rest of the enemies and when a cutscene arrives, head through the door showed in the cutscene. Head through the halls taking out enemies and snipers. Then, you will be stuck in a room after a Load and you will be told by McQueen to turn the generator on. Look for an object, and shoot it near the door in which you used to come in to here. Then, press the revealed switch. Now you must find the slaughter house. Head through the hole and watch out for the electric shocks and head through the last door. Head down the hall and head left and take out the men here. Then, head right and pick up ammo. Finally, head straight, through the door. Take out the enemies and avoid the blades. Then, head through the next door. Head left at the intersection to see a cutscene of the bridge being exploded. You will have to jump across, and if you fall, use the ladder to get back up. Head into the ventilation mechanism. Follow the area while killing the enemies and head left. Climb the ladder and you will get to a Checkpoint. Head through the doors and take out the enemies passed the conveyor belt room. Head to the balcony and press the switch found up there. Head back through the doors and head up the ladder while killing enemies. Then, head to the area full of carriages of meat. Look for that odd object and shoot it to reveal a platform. Then head forward and contorl the temperature. Then head through the ventilation shaft. Use this shaft to go to previously locked rooms full of glorious ammunition and such. Then get out and head straight while taking out the various enemies on the right. The next room contains three deadly men with lots of grenades. One of them is hiding behind a box, so make sure you take him out. Once everything is clear, head forward to the locker room. Collect items in the lockers and head through the door to a walkway which leads to the next door. The funny thing about this room is that there is an abyss. So, head left and take out the enemy. Jump to where that enemy was. Then, head down the ladders for ammo. Head back up and press the control switch which activates the platform. Align the platform with the ventilation area and then jump to the ventilation area. This room is tricky. Tons of rocket launcher enemies and snipers around the room. Try to take out as many as possible before heading forward, because you can easily fall trying to dodge bullets. Remember, this is not the Matrix. Anyway, head to the other side of the room. McQueen will send a message to hurry up if you want to be alive of course. Head to the monitor room and take a right. Head down the hall and take out the enemies. Head towards the abyss with a balcony. Go left and climb the ladder. Then head right and kill the enemies that swarm at you. Continue up to get a checkpoint. Then watch a large fight and snipe some of the enemies for yourself. Take out and survivors and then head through the room collecting ammo and into the next room. Head to the stairs. Upstairs will result in a cutscene, but you might want to grab some items before heading there. Take out the enemies in the final room and McQueen will contact you that he is leaving. Head towards your ship and then fly as fast as possible. If you want to board the carrier, however, you will need to take out all of the enemy fighters. Head to the carrier when your mission is accomplished, and then get ready for a small bit of action before this entire mission is complete. Stay in the doorway and take out the gunners and men that you can see with your sniper rifle. Head around looking for more men, and continue to snipe them from a distance. Once you have killed/destroyed all of the enemies here you will finally have completed this mission! Woohoo! :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 6: Gun for Hire .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: You are being requested to be a bodyguard on the Cloudwatcher ship. Same procedure, land on the blue cross and head forward. Talk to your client on the other side of the pool. He will want you to take out anything out of the ordinary in his presence. Head up the elevator seen in the scene and then head through the door on the right to get to a checkpoint. Armed men will storm the area, take all of them out to complete the short objective. Head through the left door, or you can first pick up ammo that was left from the soldiers. Checkpoint. Attack anyone that gets to your path and then you will see a switch at the top of the area. Press it. Then head to the balcony to receive a timer of 3 mins and 50 secs. Head forward. You will see two doors where several enemies storm out of. Use grenades or some other item to take out all of the enemies. Once they are done, head left to find some more ammo. Then, head forward. Take out the enemies found here and then head for the door that leads towards a bridge. Don't sprint to the middle of the room unless you want to be bombarded with attacks on all sides, so stay near the doorway and pick off each of the enemies. Then, head forward. Press the button near the hologram. Head back and the client will order you back to the pool to protect him. Do so. Don't waist too much time on the snipers that try to attack you, but rather head quickly to the pool area to complete the mission. Head towards the door that you have not gone through yet to get to a new room and a load. Head towards the locker room taking out all the enemies. Find the switches located here to open various doors. Enter the doors to find ammo and other items all around the room. Then head to the next room and then you will encounter those tough enemies from before. Take them out using explosives and then take out all the rest of the enemies. Head through the door by pressing the switch on the side of the door. In the next room there are many enemies. Simply take them out anyway you want. But don't stay for long. There is a spawn point where enemies will contantly come out of. So, just head to the next room and go down the hall to get to a checkpoint. Take out the large enemy here again and then move on. Take the left or right door, doesn't really matter. Head to the steam room. Same thing here, there is a spawn pad where enemies come contantly. Head to the door as fast as possible. Keep moving forward to get to a checkpoint. Kill the enemies that attack you right away. Then, grenade the object in the middle to disable the spawn points. Woohoo! Now, head back to the pool area outside to get back to your client. Now, take out the enemies again save this useless piece of nothing's butt. Then, head back forward and take out the air fighter pilot with a sniper shot. I hope you have a good shot...Anyway, you will save the client again, yea. Now you must fix the gyroscope on the ship and you have a total of thirty minutes. This is going to be long, hard and EXTREMELY frustrating if you cannot do this for a while. Anyway, head forward and you will get to a checkpoint. Now you have to take cover and wait for the dropship to appear. Then head into the ship and take out the enemies. Head up to the cockpit of the ship and take off. Take out all of the enemy fighters before you can actually land, yea, it is the rules of the game. Anyway, take them out. Land at the desired spot and then a checkpoint will occur. The next part is rather long, but very straight forward. Just make your way through the doors and such and take out the enemies, killing all snipers before you begin. At the end you will be in the control room with a switch. Once you press the switch you will automatically have 40 seconds left. I would laught if that is what you actually had. Enter the final door for this objective by sprinting through the area. Head to the broken bridge by going through a few doors. Take out the enemies as well. In the next room, take out the enemies from across the room. Then, head left and jump on the moving platforms. If you fall, get back up using the ladder. Then, head to the door. Head passed the electric floor and head through the level going passed various doors and killing enemies. Yea, linear. Kill the soldier and get to a new checkpoint. Head through a few more areas and you will finally get to the ship that will take you out of here. Cover the ship as you are directed to do, and then take out the enemy fighters. The ship's shield is pretty durable, so do not panic over time. Once you have taken all of them out, hyper jump out of the level to complete the mission. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 7: Clear and Present Ranger .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Head forward in your ship and go towards the landing mark, I really should not have to tell you this, but whatever. Head there and go down the hall to get to a load. Watch the interesting cuscene and then head towards the only door. Once you enter here, you will be told that the senator is in trouble and you need to save him. You will have a total of 10 minutes to get down the area to save the senator. You will also have many people (enemies) in your way. The interesting thing about this level is that the men are up high, at least a few of them are. You can use your sniper rifle to pick those guys off, but it would use your machine gun to take out the ground level guys. Anyway, it is all up to you. There are a few guys above that would be nice to pick off. There are also a few more men around, so take them out. Once you have them all down, head a bit forward and get ready with your Rocket launcher for a few Jaldari enemies that run out of the door. They will be EXTREMELY tough if you do not use heavy gun power, so use the Rocket Launcher. In the next area, you will get some help from guys, which is nice. But, you must help them as well, so take out the snipers, especially, on the roof level. Then take care of the rest, and head down the street to get to a elevator. Head down to find a load. This next part is extremely tough. There is a pack of men that come out and shoot at you. You are told to find an alternative route as well, to get to the next street. So, you must be mobile. Move all around and shoot them, never stand in one place. Try to take out everyone, and you will then approach some Jaldari up ahead. They are too hard to risk machine gunning, so take out a shotgun at the least. Then, take them out. Head to the large street and go through the door on the left. Head up the stairs and take out the men that greet you happily. Head left to find two snipers and take them out. Then, head right to find an enemy. Quickly take him out, and then look ahead to see a few snipers. Take them out so that they do not cause any harm. Head across the rooftops and drop down to meet a few Jaldari. I know you hate these guys, but this game is really frustrating at points. Use your shotgun to take them out. Head through the door and up the area. Take out the men here and then head right to find a small hallway and enter the area ahead. You can take out a few snipers through the window if you want (thanks to Minesweeper). Then head forward and take out the charging army of men. Then head to the balcony. Jump down below and head through the door. Go through here to jump down again and then down to street level. Find the Senator and protect him with the alley fighters. Now, you must protect the Senator for a short firefight. A group of men flood the area, but do not worry too much, because the Senator hides from them. Take the men out anyway you choose. Then, head to where he goes, following him. In the next area, head down the hallway. Take out all the enemies who are tangling with the people. Notice a few snipers above as well. Follow the Senator through the unlocked door. Take out the enemies, and watch out for some Rocket Launcher enemies above. For the next three areas, you will be on the street with loads of snipers on the roof. All you have to do is find some cover and then quickly snipe them. Once you have done it in all the areas, there will be a Load Point. There will be many cars moving around in this area, and many snipers and enemies as well. Yes, this is not too good. Take out the snipers first, because they will poke fun into taking you out while you are ground fighting. Then, take out the easier ground level men. Follow the Senator through the door. The last area of this mission is small, but easy. Take out all the enemies around and then you will have completed the objective. Head onto the Rickshaw to complete the next easy objective. Take out the other enemies or the Rickshaws itself with a Rocket Launcher or something. When you land, take out the three enemies that surround the area and then you will have completed this objective. This next area is a sniper friendly zone. Many snipers will be above, actually I found a total of five. Again, go through the next door as instructed. Take out ALL enemies to complete yet another short mission. Get off your ship and take out enemies to get to a Checkpoint to complete ANOTHER mission. Yes, the end is near, and only a few more short missions. The next area is full of Jaldari and lots of enemies. The Rocket Launcher should take care of each and every one of them. Then, head with the Senate Vessel. Board the ship and take out the enemy fighters in space. Once they are all done, hyper jump back into your Guild to complete your mission. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 8: Genetics Lab .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Your mission? To hack into a computer database in the Genetics Lab. Sounds rather interesting to me. First, follow the drone ship towards the landing spot marked. Once you land, the Senator will tell you to open up the ceiling doors so that you can proceed upwards. Unfortanetly, getting off of your ship will be as easy as we all expected. That is, there are four snipers on each side of your ship, waiting to snipe you down. If you open the door out of your ship, you will notice two snipers ahead. Take them out. Then, head around to the other side of your ship and take out the remaining two snipers. Take out the Drone as well. Then, head to the set of snipers which you took out last. Take out the extra enemies, and then head down the pathway. At the end is a control button (not the one that you are looking for). This creates a bridge across the water. Head towards the bridge and take out all of the Drones, which will be many, on this side of the water. Press the button to disembark the bridge. Then, head down and go through the ventilation shaft. Head through the shaft and time it passed the blade that obstructs your path. Head to the end and look for lots of enemies. Take them all out, but then head for the bluish computer screen. This is another one of those gun control devices. Take out all the men you can and then head into the next room. This is where you were looking at before. Take out all the rest of the guys, and then press the control panel in the middle of the room. Now, head back and go towards the bridge. Watch out for some extra special snipers on the other side of the bridge, and then press the button and go back across. Head for your ship now. Once you take out everyone, get into your ship and then fly it towards the landing spot. Land on the marked spot, and then you will have completed the next mission. You now must get into the mainframe. Take out all the enemies as they land. And, you can use your gun on your ship if you want to take out some enemies very easily. Watch the cutscene displayed, and then head to the door where all the enemies bombarded from. Head down the hall, taking out the enemies and the drone gun. Then, head to the left and take control of a drone gun. Take out anyone that you possibly can. Head through the door to the left and then up the ramp to get to a checkpoint. Head right passed the generators to get to some new moving gun robots. Use explosives to take care of these pesky fiends. Look for a hole in the ground and drop through the hole. This room consists of two doors, both accessible. One is larger and one is smaller, and both lead to exactly the same place, your detination. I went to both of the doors, and the smaller door is actually easier to get through because the larger door leads to a drone gun. Whatever, it is up to you if you like to destroy drone guns, but I sure do not. So, I would recommend taking the smaller door to go through an easy labratory. Then, head to the next room where you can reprogram the robots to be on your side by pressing the control button in the room. Then, take the door right next to the button. Once you get to the intersection of halls, take the left route and take out the enemies in this room. Then, head for the elevators and take the route up to get to a Load. Head down the hallway to approach another drone gun. Take it out just as you would any time you face these, grenades. Then, head into the next room where you will find a lot of enemies and some researchers. There is a balcony above where you should see many enemy snipers. You should be able to take out a few of them before you actually enter the room. This will save you a lot of trouble once you actually need to enter the room and snipe the remaining enemies. Once everyone is dead, head for the upper balcony where the enemies were located and then take the elevator up. Head down this hallway a bit and you will locate some beds. Head to the next area and you will find a few men. Take them out however you want. Head down the hallway for right now. To the left is another door full of men. Use the same strategy is you did before on the last room full of men. I tried doing a variety of things, and it seems as if a grenade is rather helpful in these types of rooms. Then, head down the hallway a bit more. Head left first to get some extra ammo, and then head right to go to the next area. Head through the cavern and find the cart. Open it using the button. Then, hop in and it will take you to the next area. Head towards the door straight ahead. Then, take the elevator up. You will come to a glass area where enemies are hidden below. Take them out and then head forward. Head towards the lab area and an alarm will sound, revealing many enemies. Take them out and take cover. Then, head for the DNA structural holgram. Use the elevator to get to the next level. Here, you will find many more enemies and another drone gun. Take them all out and collect ammo. In the next area you will be talked to by a mysterious man behind glass. He will release many enemies as well, so take them all out. Then head for the elevator near this area. Head towards the glass walkway and collect the new gun that you saw. Then, head for a ventilation shaft and go to the end. Once you get out, head left through the door to get to a Load. Take the elevator up and then head to the right side. Notice the vent and a blade. Go through the broken part and use your Electro Cosh to take care of the fan. Then head forward. Head to the left and then you will be hit with a checkpoint. We are almost done. Notice the blood here. Head through the vent that tracks the blood. At the end you will find some enemies. Take them all out. Head through another vent and then take care of a researcher who is being attacked by an enemy. Then, head forward and go through the next door. Head through the area and take out the enemies. Then find the elevator and head up. Take out all the enemies in the hallway. At the end, head right and up the walkway. Watch the cutscenes of the destruction. Then, head down the ladder and into the vent. Head into the room that was destructed and head towards the button. Click on it to transfer the data. Head outside and jump into the water. Head out of the water using the ladder near some read lights. Get into your ship and take off. Then, head through the area following the tunnels. Finally hyper jump out of here. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 9: Rescue Krugo .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Land in the area marked. You have been here in missoin seven, so do not seem surprised to see the familiarness. Then, head around the bar and talk to the owner. He will give you valuable information if you take out the Jaldari in his bar. So, head down to the area where the Jaldari lie. Use grenades and heavy aritellery to destroy all the Jaldari. Now, head back to your ship. Then hyper jump out of here. Head for the mines and take out any enemies you see with your gun on your ship. Then, head outside and take out the rest of the enemies that you could not get with your ship gun. You will not be ordered to go through the mine while Connor examines controls. Follow your compass to the next area and you will get a load. Make sure you watch out for the enemies in this region. Head onto the ramp on the left side. Head towards the other side of the large canyon. Spring and take out all the enemies, but avoid the snipers. Once you get to the large door on the other side of the area, press the button near the door. Use grenades here, and then head up the stairs. Up here, take out all the enemies and collect any ammo that you might need at this point in the level. Look for the enemies in this area and take them out. Then jump to the platform that they are on. Finally, head down the hallway to get to a new area. Take out all the enemies that charge the room by sniping them with your sniper rifle. Head to the next area up the stairs and use grenades to blow away the pack of enemies that lie in the next room. Your next objective is to find a cable car platform, and this objective is longer than most in this mission. Head throug the area and take out all the enemies, including the snipers above. Then, head for the stairs. Then head for the control area and press the button that you find on your compass. Jump onto the cable cars and watch a brief cutscene. You will have to hide from the snipers that try to shoot you down. You will then be told to jump onto the platform that is right passed the large bridge overhead. It is on the right side. Head forward and take out the snipers to get to a Checkpoint. Head across a large bridge, taking out enemies ahead and to the left with your sniper rifle. Then, head to the cave area where two doors are displayed. Either one is acceptable. Now, head down the area and go through the door to find a switch that needs to be pressed. This opens up a pipe near the water. Head into the water outside of this room and then swim to the pipe. Your compass should guide you there. Take out all of the new enemies in this room. Then, head to the other end and take the elevator up. You now have a new objective from Connor. You now have to locate the main control room. For now, head up the stairs and let the first group of people who are being chased by guards go right by you. Then, head forward and snipe the guards. Head across the bridge now and then get ready to throw a grenade. A group of men charge in and will be easily defeated if you throw a grenade. There should be one more group of men in this area, so take them out as you normally would. Watch out for some rocket launchers though. Finally, head to the elevator at the bottom. Head through the next area by taking out the enemies and then finding the control room and pressing the next button. You will have another objective again. Head back to the top and fight a group of Jaldari. Heavy weapons would be wise here. Then head to the jails. Head to where the guard room is and press the button here to release the prisoners. Now, head back to the bridge area before. There will be a lot of enemies that come back to try to kill you, so make sure you take care of all of them. Once you get back, take out the gun machina. Continue down the long hall to get to a load and then you will have completed this objective when Connor talks to you. Follow Krugo around here to get to the cable car. Start the car and then take out all the enemies to the sides of you. Once the car stops you will get a checkpoint. Continue through the area and take out the Jaldari. Now, head up the stairs and take out all enemies that are hassaling with the prisoners. Then press the control button. Head back down the stairs to get another checkpoint. Take off on your ship and you will be told that Connor is dead! Take down all the enemy fighters and then you will be told to hyper jump to finalize this mission. Nice work. Three more missions to go. :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 10: Whistleblower .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Start the mission as usual, flying towards the marker. Then head out and go to where the compass points you to get a Load. Press a button on the right side of the room and then head down the hallway. Turn left at the end to get to a cave area. All you have to do in this area is take out the enemies and then go to the top of the area to meet up with Barbo. Continue and sniper the enemies that are visible. Continue forward to get to a checkpoint. Take out the enemies on the right and left and then head to the exit on the right. Take out all the snipers ahead, and watch out for the Sonic armed snipers. Then, head through the area to find your gang. Make your way down the path and take out the enemies that are located on the left side. Take out the rest of the enemies in this area, and watch out for the snipers that are located all over the area on the top. Once you take them all out you will have completed this objective. Head through the area and take out the tought enemies. There is one also above that will be hiding. Try to snipe him down. Head outside into the large canyon area. There will be snipers all along the sides of the canyon. Take them out one by one. Barbo will unlock a door just for you to continue. This next area is full of rocket launching enemies. It would be unwise to expose your presence with your gang with you, because you might all die. So, take cover and try to snipe the enemies one by one. Head down the pathway of the cave and then take out the final sniper to complete this objective. You now have to clear the next room of enemies, so take out all the spiders that crawl around. Remember, they are very easy to defeat, but don't let them gang up and cause serious damage to you. Once they are all dead the objective will be complete. Head forward and take the left route because the other route is a locked door. Then, head through the canyon area where the sniper were. Once you reach the bridge watch out because two enemies will come towards you with a Rocket Launcher and a Sonic gun. Cross the bridge once you take them out. Head forward and take out all the enemies that approach you. Try to snipe the enemies that you see through the window. Head through the left door and then take out all of the snipers that you see along the pathway. Head down the stairs and a bit farther to get a checkpoint. Head through the vent here and then press the button in the control room that is at the end of the ventilation shaft. You will then get a call from Krugo. You have to save your team by taking out a fighter's pilot. So, head up the pathway. Now, head through the tunnel and then over to the cliff which the ship periodically heads to. Jump into the ship and then shoot the pilot in the cockpit. Quickly take control of the ship and then you will automatically land the ship. Then, get ready to take out all the enemies that surround your ship. Head down the pathway and take out the enemies. Then, press the switch which lowers the platform. Then jump onto the platform as it moves down. If you wait too long you might lose health from the long jump. Now, head in the red tunnel and then use the hole at the end. Head down the hallway and then slide down to the next area. Head down the hallway. What? A dead end. Just head back and greet some enemies. Take them out with grenades since there is a large mass of them. Head into the next area and take out all of the snipers. The high walkway will collapse and you will have to head into the water. Then swim through, while collecting air, to meet a staircase that leads out of the water. There is also a checkpoint here. Head down the hallway here and take out all the enemies. Then head through the door. Now, go to the blue monitors and take control of the guns. Shoot out all the enemies that you can. Then head in and shoot the rest yourself. Now, you have to do another battle in air. Take out all the enemy fighters and you will basically have completed this mission. Learn a lot about the story. I won't really spoil anything, just see it yourself. Then get ready to the second to last mission! :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 11: Infilitrate the Tannan Corporation .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: Alright, time for a little payback action. Grier has found a sneaky way of getting into the Tanna Corporation, and that is your job. Interestingly, this mission starts out fast. You have twenty seconds to land your ship, so get to the marker fast. Then head up the elevator to meet up with Grier. Head into the locker room and collect ammo. Once the ship docks, head to the elevator and go down. Take you the guards that approach you. Head right and take out the enemies here. Then head through the next door on the left and take out all enemies. Head through the next room to get to a load. Head through this next area and take out the machina gun. Then, head forward and into the ammo room. Get all your supplies that you can. Then look for the blue minitor and control a machina gun. Take out as many soldiers as you can. Now head back and to the left. Take out the next machina gun before it can see you. Then watch out for the massive amounts of robots. Take them all out using a heavy duty gun. Head around and you will get to a lobby. This is where you will be contacted by Grier. Now, watch out. There are plenty of enemies that will take you out. Jaldari are all over the place. Use heavy guns, like the Sonic gun. Some of them have the same gun near the top, so watch out. Once everyone is dead continue onto the next room. Meet up with Barbo being tortured by Danzig. He gives you some useful information, but then asks you to put him to death. So, shoot him in the head. Head back into the glassy area and go down the hall while killing all of the enemies. Head down the stairs to get into the fuel proccessing room. Shoot Danzig and make him fall, but he is still hanging. Press the switch to make him fall. Head through the next door and take the next elevator up. Take out the new enemies that come in your path. Once you get into the robot room, quickly dash for the exit on the other side. Don't worry, the robots are disfunctional right now. Head for the stairs and wait for a bunch of enemies to come down. You can try to time a grenade. Head up the stairs and then take out the drone gun. Now, take out the drone gun in the next room on the right and then snipe the three guards that enter the room right after. Head through the door on the right side of the room to get a checkpoint. Take out the robots here if you have not already with the drone gun. Then, take out the charging men with Sonic guns. Head into the right room to find Grier, but then notice that there are some enemies. Take them out and then she will ask to cover her while she gets into the main database. Protect her for awhile and then you will get a new objective right now. Head down and head through the doors to get a checkpoint. Control the crane here and then jump to the object that leads to the vent. Then, head through here and up the stairs to get to a Load. Head through the next area and take out the enemies. Continue to get to a checkpoint. Head through the next area and take out the Jaldari by shooting some explosives right near them. Then, take the door on the right side. Now take out the guards that you see below you and around you. Then, take the door to the exit. Here comes a load of Jaldari. Lots on the top and other on the bottom. Use a heavy gun to take care of each and every one of them. Then, press the button that your compass leads you to. You now have 5 minutes to stop the corporation from executing your downloading session. Head forward and take the new Jaldari out. Then, take the door that they used to find some ammo on the left. Then, head right to get to the next area. Avoid the doors around the high area because they lead to no where. Head into the door across from the walkway and then head down to get to a Load. You have to take out three scientist guys. They have white, and two of them are below and one is on top. Take out all the enemies here as well. Now you must steal a dropship to get out of here. Continue to where you compass takes you to and take out the new enemies. You should end up at a Load. Now there are a few doors with the black shadowed guys, and they are really tough. Take them out with your best guns to make things a bit easier. You will then get to a load. Now, take out the rest of the enemies in the last room and then head into the newly acquired ship. You will have a new objective. Now, head to where you must go and pick Grier up. Take out the fighters on your way. You will face a big cutscene, but let's get this mission over with. Your main goal is to follow Richter and take out the guards. I would just sprint to your ship, which is your ultimate destination. Once you get to your ship hyper the hell out of here and then you will be done with this mission. One more mission to go! :-=========================================================================-: .. Mission 12: Face Off .. .. .. :-=========================================================================-: The first part of this last mission is the same. Take out fighters and land your ship. But, try to take out the enemies that you can see before you actually start landing. Head through the next door and take out the surviving enemy guys. You will meet a blue robed neutral person. Do not attack them. But take out the red robed enemies. They will attack you as usual. Head through the next area and take out the new enemies. Once they are all dead, head up the stairs to the next area. Head through the balcony and over to the next door after taking out some enemies. You can ignore the enemies below. In the next area you will be able to control another drone gun. Take out as many guys as possible. Then, head to the next area and take out the new guys. Quickly head into the next area and turn right. Head down this hallway to get to a load. Head to the elevator and then take out the new enemies. Head down the elevator. Take out the few enemies on the ground and then look up to take out some higher level troops. Head forward and take out the door to the right. Head to the next room and take out the enemies. Then, head for the door to get to a checkpoint. Take out the enemies above and below you. Then head for the next room through the door ahead. Take out the two red robed enemies. Then, head to the right side and head through the ventilation shaft. Reconfigure your data. Then, head down the next hall and take out the green enemies. Finall you will get to a checkpoint. Head into the next area and you will see Richter. You will meet up with him and then you will have a new task. Once a group of enemies land their blue ship, head into it and take off. Do not waist your time and fight them. Then jump to the hole. Head through the tunnels and then head left. You will meet up with some more of those enemies that came out of the ship. Take them out with a strong gun. Now, you will have to continue through these tunnels and take out all the enemies that you encounter. At the end of the tunnels is a circlular elevator. Head up. Head into the next room and you will have to take out many enemies that come out of objects in the wall. Be careful and watch out for enemies that come in every direction. They can appear anywhere, so never stay still. Head through the next few areas to get to a checkpoint. Continue on through the rooms to get to a rotating cylinder. Make sure you time your jumps. Then, head to the door on the other side and head through. Head through a few more hallways and take out any enemies that lie on your path. You will then be in the control room. Then look for the button to reverse the hole. You will then be ordered to set an explosion to this area because many enemies have appeared and are ready to take out all out. Take out a big ass gun and get ready to kick Richter's butt. Shoot him a few times and then continue once he is dead and you watch the cutscenes. Now take the disc that was left behind by Richter. Head through the area and take the elevator down. This is just going to be fast and easy. Head all the way down and then head to the left into the train. Now, head through the area and into your ship. Head through the area and then land. Press the button to make the hologram turn colors. Head back into your ship and go back all the way so that you can still see the hologram. Then, shoot it out to create the explosion. You have 35 seconds now to get the hell out here and you will be done with this game. Go as fast as possible and once you get out you can see the ending. +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE JUST BEAT MACE GRIFFIN: BOUNTY HUNTER +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 6.0 Credits +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ Thanks to CJayC for posting this FAQ +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ 7.0 Legal Information +=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+-+=+ This document is (c) copyright 2003-2004 to nm14 for use only on the internet at the following sites. Failure to follow the copyright laws will result in a law suit. If you wish to obtain the FAQ on a site/magazine etc. you must consult with me through electronic mail. I must give clear instructions and you must follow those instructions. If permission is given to you, please do not change the content of format of the FAQ. 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