---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Superstar Mode FAQ Author: MetsRule Contact: MetsRule5@gmail.com Date: 8/15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created By, The legendary GameFAQs user, MetsRule -Table of Contents- I. FAQ Information II. Superstar Mode Overview III. Creating Your Player A. Using Madden B. NFL Street 2 C. NCAA Football 06 IV. Getting Started In Superstar Mode V. Keeping Track Of Your Player A. Your Agent B. Website C. Map of City D. Your Cellphone VI. Training Camp/Practice VII. Improving Your Player's Characteristics A. Exposure B. Visibility C. Appearance D. Marketability E. Popularity F. Expectation G. Player Persona VIII. IQ Test Answers IX. Frequently Asked Questions X. Contact Me XI. Copyright Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section I - FAQ Information MetsRule's Superstar Mode FAQ Version: 1.00 Date: 8/27/2005 If you would like to contact me you can email me at SuperStarFAQ@yahoo.com. You can also post a message on the PS2 Madden NFL 06 message board. As you can see, I have a Frequently Asked Questions section down at the bottom of the page. I will add all of the questions there. Please read that part before you ask me any questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section II - Superstar Mode Overview This year EA Sports has given us a new mode, where we can focus on our created players instead of an NFL team in Franchise Mode. In this new addition to the Madden NFL series you will not be able to control any aspects of your team. Things such as the draft and free agency will be simulated. There is one thing you can change about your team though. You have the ability to edit the depth chart on your player's web page. So if you're upset about not being the starting player, you can make changes here. Superstar Mode is the ideal mode for fans of RPG's (role playing games). You will be able to play in this mode for a maximum of twenty years, although you can retire anytime you want. Superstar Mode is targeted for the more casual football fans. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section III - Creating Your Player In Superstar Mode, there are three ways that you can create your player. You can create your player in Madden, import him from NFL Street 2, or import your player from NCAA 2006. Be careful choosing which way you create your player though, this has an affect on your players overall rating. You should also take note on your appearance. Your appearance is very important because it will affect the movie offers you receive and the endorsements that you are offered. Once you're in Superstar Mode you will receive numerous phone calls telling you to make sure you look good on the field. This means that you should go to the mirror in your apartment and make adjustments to your player's equipment. Adjust the player's equipment as necessary until the bar on the bottom of the screen turns green. A. Using Madden While creating your player in Madden you need to choose a set of parents. The type of parents you should aim for varies on the position you want. Avoid choosing parents with two or more generic faces. This usually means that, sadly, your parents aren't anything to be proud of. It's good to have a father with an NFL icon. When you father has an NFL icon it means that he has football experience, and that can take you a long way. Make sure you take a look at your parent's DNA. Your parent's DNA will affect your player's awareness rating. One thing you should always look out for is a father who has experience in the NFL. This will make your overall much higher. If you're looking for a fast player you should look for a mother that was a sprinter in college, or that runs the track. This is usually easy to find but a mother like this is usually matched up with a father that is bad at sports. The father's usually have hobbies such as chess and magic tricks, which means there awareness will probably be high. This would be an ideal set of parents for a Quarterback. B. NFL Street 2 To import a player from NFL Street 2, you need to complete Own The City mode (in NFL Street 2). Once you complete the mode you will be given an option to export your player to Madden 06. Choose that option and save it to your memory card. Then when you choose Superstar Mode from the game mode's section in Madden 06, there will be an option to import your NFL Street 2 player. If you still have your player saved on your memory card, you have imported your NFL Street 2 player. C. NCAA Football 06 To import a player from NCAA Football 06, you must complete Race For The Heisman Mode (in NCAA Football 06). If you've won the Heisman Award at least one time, you will be give the option to leave college early and export your player to Madden 06. If you didn't win the Heisman Award chances are that you will not be given the option to export your player into Madden. After you have exported your player, you must save it to your memory card. Then go to Superstar Mode in Madden 06 and choose the option to import an NCAA Football 06 legend. If you still have the player saved on your memory card, you have imported your NCAA Football 06 player. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section IV - Getting Started In Superstar Mode When you first start Superstar Mode you will be brought to your apartment. You will only be able to view your schedule until you complete the NFL Draft. On your schedule you will see that there are scheduled interviews for you. These interviews are important. The answers you give during the interviews will be a factor in determining your player's personality. You will also have to take an IQ test beofre the draft. The IQ test is Madden's version of the NFL's wonderlic test. The IQ test is twenty questions long and is timed. You will have two minutes to complete the test. The IQ test will ask you personal questions. Most of the questions will not have a correct answer. Scoring a high rating will give you a high awareness rating and up your draft stock. Scoring low on the IQ test will mean that your player will have a below average awareness rating and his chances are your player will be drafted later than he could have been. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section V - Keeping Track Of Your Player A. Your Agent Your agent is a very important part of Superstar Mode. You can make or break your relationships with fans through your agent, ask T.O, he knows all about that. When you hire an agent you should usually look for someone who has acces to the Performance Institute. If there aren't any agents available with access to the Performance Institute choose the agent with the best negotiation skills. Keep in mind that you can fire your agent at any time. Through your agent you can also guarantee victories and a spot in the playoffs. This may seem like a good idea, but it will bring a lot of attention to you. The fans may begin to think that your disruptive and that can make your popularity go down. Here is a list of every agent in the game: Name Negotiation Influence Interview Endorsements Institute Score PAR Excellent Average Good Average Yes 9 Joshua Culkin Excellent Average Good Good Yes 10 Mike Molinari Good Average Average Average No 5 Larry Carlisle Good Average Average Average No 5 Lamar Peters Good Good Average Average Yes 8 Andrew Michaels Good Excellent Good Good Yes 13 Alexander Keith Good Average Average Average No 5 Danny Castorani Good Average Average Good No 6 Jerry Streussel Good Average Average Good No 6 Jason Morales Average Average Good Average No 5 A.J. Hernandez Average Average Average Good No 5 Dan Baker Average Good Average Average Yes 7 Timmy Cowan Average Good Average Average No 5 Jay Feeney Average Average Good Average No 5 Eli Cummings Average Good Good Average No 6 Erik Rock Average Good Average Average No 5 Aubrey DeLong Average Average Good Average No 5 Billy Bailey Average Average Good Average No 5 Ace Fraizer Average Good Average Average No 5 IMA Inc. Average Average Average Good No 5 Jay Owe Average Good Good Average Yes 8 James KK Wolf Poor Average Average Average Yes 5 Jake Huyck Poor Average Average Average No 3 Graham Cash Poor Average Average Average No 3 Stubbs Northcoate Poor Average Average Average No 3 Sal Toki Poor Average Average Average No 3 Armando Eubanks Poor Average Average Average No 3 Matthew Frederico Poor Average Average Average No 3 Ted Sed Poor Average Average Average No 3 Don Moore Poor Average Average Average No 3 How the scores were calcualted: Excellent = 3 points Good = 2 points Average = 1 points Poor = 0 points Yes = 2 points No = 0 points B. Website On your website you will be able to keep track of the latest news on your player. On your website you will be able to keep track of your player's accomplishments and goals. It is important to reach your player's goals. When you reach your goals the fans will become happy. You can also take a look at other NFL teams on your website. You can look at the rosters of all the teams around the NFL. There is also a link to your Superstar's depth chart. You can make changes to the depth chart to fit your playing styles. If you think your ready for a new agent you can take a look at the agent directory. The agent directory will show you every agent. The agents in red are unavailable to you. If you find an agent you want here just hit "x" and choose him as your agent. Your current agent will be fired. There are usually no hard feelings. You will receive a call from both agents after you fire and hire. During the offseason you will see a lot of endorsements and movie offers come your way. However, you will need to meet certain requirements for these movie offers and endorsements. For some of the offers you need to have a certain visibility rating, appearance rating, and popularity rating. To view your personality type and a biography of your player you need to complete the preseason. Once the regular season starts another link will be added to your web page. This link will be called "home". You will be able to see how well your player is adjusting to the fans here. C. Map Of The City The Map of The City is your way of getting around town. You may not have a car or anything, but this is where you will find ways to make changes to your player. Your Superstar will be able to visit some local places around your home city (the city of the team you play for). Here you will see a tattoo parlor. At the tattoo parlor you can choose through almost fifty tattoos. You are able to put a maximum of one on each arm. Some fans may act differently to tattoos though. Fans might not like to see a player walking around with tattoos all over his arms. On the Map of The City you will also see a barber shop. Here you will be able to change your hairstyle. Don't get to outrageous with your hair though. If you have a Randy Moss-like afro fans might think your a little crazy. This will probably take affect on your popularity rating and appearance rating. The Performance Institute is a great way to improve your player's stats in Superstar Mode. In the Performance Institute you will be able to choose one of the Training Camp drills to participate in. If you earn a gold trophy, you will get five points to use on your player, if you get a silver trophy you will get three points to spend on your player and if you get a bronze trophy you will earn one point to spend on your player. If you fail to earn a trophy you will not get any points. D. Your Cellphone Through your cellphone you will receive many messages from your mentor, Terrell Davis. He will guide you through your career giving you tips on the way. He will give you updates on who is named player of the week and when players win awards. Terrell will also keep you up to date on movie offers and endorsements. You will also receive messages from your agents on your cellphone. You will get a message from your agent when you hire a new agent and fire your old one. Another time you'll get a message from an agent is when you demand a trade. If your player is just a rookie, he'll make fun of you and say that you shouldn't demand a trade. He thinks that you're not worth much to the team. You will also receive messages from your agent when you guarantee a win or spot in the playoffs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VI - Training Camps/Practices During your NFL career you will spend a lot of time in training camp practicing. You will earn points based on the average amount of points you earn per play. Try to average a little more yards per play than what most the NFL teams do during the regular season. It doesn't matter if your Superstar Mode player is the one that makes the play or not. Since you play as a team, you earn your practice points as a team. If you do good in practice you will boost your overall rating. You must complete at least ten plays before the practice has any effect on ratings though. Each play will be given points based on its effectiveness. If your Superstar Mode player plays on the offensive side of the ball you will play offense in practice and if your Superstar Mode player plays on the defensive side of the ball you will play defense in practice. There are ways to get a high average amount of points per play, but that involves cheating. On offense you can choose your play as a Hail Mary and the defenses play as Field Goal Block. You will get a touchdown every time. During the regular season you will have game plan situations. Game plan situations are like practice, except there are certain plays you need to use. This will prepare you for your upcoming game against the opponent. The points you earn in practice will not be permanent. They are used as a stat boost for the upcoming game. The only way to earn permanent stat boosts is from games and training camp. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VII - Improving Your Player's Characteristics This is, what I fell, the hardest part of Superstar Mode. It's very hard to raise all of the characteristics. Keep in mind that an actual rookie NFL player isn't going to be amazing in all of these characteristics. It takes time for a player to earn respect around the league and win over the hearts of the fans. A. Exposure Exposure is a way of seeing how well know your player is. If your parents were big time Hollywood actors your exposure would be higher than it would normally be at the start too. Exposure can be increased by winning a lot of games. If your player performs well on the field and wins awards his exposure will increase. By doing these things your player will attract a lot of attention towards himself. Winning the Madden Bowl can also help. B. Visibility Visibility is a way of knowing how much experience your NFL player has. Visibility is increased as your player moves on in his career. As you see his awareness rating go up, you will see his visibility rating go up. C. Appearance Your appearance is the easiest characteristic to improve. To raise your player's appearance you need to go to the mirror in your player's apartment. Adjust his equipment until the bar on the bottom of the screen becomes green. The more accessories you add to your player usually add appearance. If your appearance is high, you will be rewarded with more movie offers and endorsements. D. Marketability The marketability characteristic shows how good your player is for advertising. A high rating will here will earn you more offers for movies. Winning the Super Bowl or an MVP award would make this category rise. You're not going to be drafted in the first round so your not going to be well known. Not that many people buy jerseys for a late round pick in the draft. E. Popularity Well, this is sort of self explanotory. Popularity is how well liked you are by the fans. To avoid making your popularity score lower, you should avoid running your mouth. Not coming through when you guarantee wins will bring down your popularity. If your player is quiet and his rating is still low you don't need to worry. Only a few rookies drafted late become popular. F. Expectation Expectations are what the fans, media, and the team expects from you. Expectations are higher for those that attend big name colleges, such as USC, Texas, etc. Your expectations are also raised as your years go on and your player begins to progress. Once your player starts to progress he will become a bigger part of the team and more will be expected out of him. G. Player Persona Your player's persona is determined based on the way you answer interviews. If you answer your interviews saying that your the greatest player ever, you're going to be labeled a disruption. Many people are having a problem, wondering why there labeled a disruption. If you gurantee victories and playoff appearances, your going to be pretty disruptive. If your player is labeled disruptive, just stop trying to do to much. After a while the fans will realize that you are a good player. I'm still working very hard on this section. This is like I said before, the hardest part of Superstar Mode. Feel free to contact me if you know something I don't. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section VIII - IQ Test Answers - Do you ever obsess over people?" say YES, because it's talking about studying matchup film - Goalposts are 18 ft, 6 in - Carson Palmer's rating: 77.3 - say NO to the afraid of spiders question - A slipper and a boot are alike because they are both shoes. - 3-6-9-12; Which number is next? 15 - 105-92-79; Which number is next? 66 - 7-14-21;Which number is next?28 - 9-16-25-36;Which number is next?49 - 7-10-13-16;Which number is next?19 - 2-3-4-5;Which number is next? 6 - Joe is 4 and his sister is three times older than him. How old will she be when she is twice her current age? 24 - If Mike runs 1 block in 60 seconds, how long will it take him to run 5 at the same pace? 5 minutes - If Sarah runs 1 block in 90 seconds, how long will it take her to run 4 blocks at the same pace? 6 minutes - Which is the smallest amount; 0.1 -1 or -3? -3 - Which is the smallest amount; 0.1 1 or -1? -1 - Circle is globe as square is to CUBE - Can u hear the sound of one hand clapping? Yes - Which is heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of metal? both equal - How many sides does an octagon have? 8 - If it takes two to tango, how many does it take to mango? 4 - What came first chicken or egg? egg - Who was the best player on your team in college? The RB - Peyton Manning is number 18. - Vick was the number 1 pick in 2001. - How long is the end zone at Lambeau Field? 30 feet - A muffed snap from the center to the QB is a fumble? True - Your glass is always half full - Do you like practical jokes? NO - Do you wish you were more assertive? NO - "Sideways" and "athwart" have SIMILAR meanings. - Which doesn't belong: Arrow - Sword - Bullet, Sword, it's not a projectile. - All end zones are 10 yards or 30 feet or 360 inches The field would be 120 yards 360 feet too many inches to count. - If Rick learns by going to school, and he gets better grades by learning, does Rick get better grades by going to school? Yes - I pay attention to detail.. Choose the one that says, You have two periods at the end of your sentence. - Have you ever lied to give yourself an advantage? No - Irritate = annoy - Wood is unlike copper and aluminum - Fish is to submarine - Reliable and Trustworthy have similar meanings - Mother is to girl as Father is to boy - Whale is unlike Salmon and Tuna - Eagle most unlike Dog and Lion - Artificial = synthetic - Floor most unlike Mat and Rug - Rustic = pastoral - Sea Lion - Whale - Shark, Shark does not belong (not a mammal) - If it takes two to tango, how many does it take to mango? 4 - Circle is to SPHERE as square is to cube. - Have you ever eaten a turnip... YES - Will you take the last piece of pizza YES - Do you avoid exciting rides ... NO - If you fumble, what do you do? Focus on the next play - Curtis Martin led the league in rushing yards in 2004 - 2,3,4,5... The nest number is 6. - What is the penalty for a chop block? 15 yards - What is the penalty for a flagrant roughing the kicker penalty. 15 yards - The hash mark to side line is 70 feet. - The goal post is 18.5 foot and 10 feet off the ground. - The width of a field is 53-1/3 yards wide ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section IX - Frequently Asked Questions 1. What year does Superstar Mode start at? Superstar Mode starts during this past offseason. You will be entered into the draft with players such as Alex Smith and Braylon Edwards. 2. How many years can you play Superstar Mode? Superstar Mode can go as long as twenty years. However, you can retire earlier then that if you want too. You can retire by going to your agent. 3. Can I choose which team I'm drafted by in Superstar Mode? No. You can't choose which team you are drafted by. The draft is done randomly, based on the teams need for a certain position. If you want you can demand a trade but, people will label you as a disruptive player. 4. Should I create a player using Madden or import my player from NCAA or NFL Street 2? Your player WILL be better if you import your player from NCAA 06 or NFL Street 2. You will be drafted earlier in the draft too. 5. I don't want to create a player. Can I use a player that's already in the NFL? No. You need to create or import a player in Superstar Mode. You aren't able to use any veteran players. 6. Can I use more then one player in Superstar Mode? You can only use one player in Superstar Mode. 7. Will Superstar Mode be in the same mode as Franchise Mode? No. These two modes are completeley different. When you go to Game Modes they will be under two different categories. 8. What's the highest you can be drafted? The highest any player will be drafted is round two, pick one. 9. How can I demand a trade? To demand a trade, go to the City map. From there go to your agent's office. Then choose the option to demand a trade. You can only demand a trade during the regular season. You will not be able to demand a trade right after the draft. 10. Which player do I control? Will I control my Superstar Mode player the whole time, or is it like a regular game? Playing games in Superstar Mode is just like any other game. The only difference is that there will be a red circle underneath your player. This helps keep track of where your player is on the field. 11. Can I reject a movie offer? Yes. You can reject a movie offer once it is proposed to you. 12. Can you buy a house or a car? No. As your player progresses through his career his house will automatically be updated though. 13. Can you have a family? No. 14. Are there real agents in the game? No. 15. Will I be able to holdout if I'm drafted to a team that I don't like. No. If you wan't you can demand a trade once the regular season starts. 16. Can I use Owner Mode? You can't use Owner Mode during Superstar Mode. You don't control any of your teams transactions. However, you can use Owner Mode in Franchise Mode. 17. Is there any way I can edit my facial features? Nope. Your stuck with whatever you get when your drafted. 18. Can you use created teams? No. You need to stick with the original NFL teams. 19. Is it possible to go undrafted? Your player will always be drafted. Nice way to try and find a way to choose your team though. 20. Who is J.C? J.C. is the owner of the Performance Institute. 21. How do I view my contract? To view your contract go to your website. Then go to your stats page and click "select." Cycle through until you get to your contract details. It's just like Franchise Mode. 22. I answered all of the questions for my movie script and it says I only got three out of four correct. What gives? Make sure you look for little things in the script. Sometimes the punctuation is different, which could be causing your answers to be incorrect. 23. Can I choose which team I'm traded to? You can't choose which team you're going to be traded to. 24. How do I change my position? You can only change your position when you first start Superstar Mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section X - Contact Me You can contact me by using the GameFAQs message board or the Gridiron- Blitz message board. You need to register before you post on either board, but both of them are free. Here are the message boards I will answer questions at: Gridiron-Blitz: http://www.gridiron-blitz.com/forums/index.php?act=idx GameFAQs: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=927412 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section XI - Copyright Information Copyright 2005 Thomas Barnett This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.