Madden NFL 2003 PlayStation 2 (2002) (North America) Online Setup Guide v1.0 [August 26, 2002] written by Anthony Charles Ambrose (ACA) Document ©2002. All Rights Reserved. Full legal notice at end. Check out: < > TimeSplitters 2 Network (GCN, PS2, XBX) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is an alternative, for those people who want to go online with Madden NFL 2003, yet they do not want to pay (or wait) for Sony's adaptor. This will only work with the PlayStation 2 console, so don't go trying it with your GameCube or Xbox. In addition, I am writing this for the NORTH AMERICAN version. If you happen to get a version other than that, this might not work. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Requirements -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Linksys 10/100TX USB Ethernet Adapter - cable modem - ethernet cable - USB cable to connect adapter to PS2 - Sony PS2 Memory Card (400KB Free) - Sony PS2 System - Sony PS2 Madden NFL 2003 Game - USB Keyboard for PS2 (recommended, although not entirely needed) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Diagram: How To Set It Up -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You'll need to hook your ethernet adaptor up to your cable modem with an ethernet cable, before you can do anything. Next, use your USB cable to hook the ethernet adaptor up to your PS2. This is not complicated, as long as your cables are long enough. Make sure the cables you buy can reach sufficiently: you don't want the cables to tear or pull the adaptor or PlayStation 2 apart. Here is a useful diagram: +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ | Cable +--ethernet--+Ethernet| USB | Sony | | Modem | cable |Adaptor +--cable---+ PS2 | +-------+ +--------+ +--------+ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Getting Online -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Turn on Madden NFL 2003 - Select Features, Online - Create a new account - Load, dark blue screen appears - Add new settings - Proceed until it asks to select hardware - Select the Linksis 10/100TX USB Ethernet Adapter - Proceed until it asks for a password - If you need one to connect, select 'yes'--chances are you can just press 'no' - Your next two choices need to be 'auto' - It's all set up, so quit - Now go online, through Features, Online - Make a profile, register it online - Begin a game, making sure all goes well - Those are all the steps you must complete, in order. Do that exactly, and you will have no problems. I take NO RESPONSIBILITY if you screw something up, so work on this at your own risk. - There is a chance that you may not be able to get online, due to any possible reason, including your ISP not being compatible. I will not be held responsible for that, either, so check with your ISP before you go out and spend money on these items. - If you have problems with this, do not e-mail me. If you e-mail me about going online with any question, I will ban you forever. Ask at the message boards for help, but do not e-mail me. - If you are having problems finding the right material, print this document out and bring it to Best Buy, Radio Shack, or another similiar place. They should be able to hook you up with the right components. It might be pricey, but this is the only alternative to getting online with Madden NFL 2003. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright 2002 Anthony Charles Ambrose (ACA) All rights reserved This document was created and maintained by ACA, its author. It is the sole property of its author, whom bears the copyright and reserves all rights. It is protected by "United States Code: Title 17 - Copyrights", the "Berne Convention for the Protection of Literacy and Artistic Works (Paris Text 1971)", any and all copyright and patent laws applicable and International Treaties. This document can only appear in one of two forms: electronic and a personal printed file for private use. The ONLY websites that can post this document are: This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted (the above listed websites are the only sites exempted from this) in any way, shape, form, or medium. You shall contact ACA if you want your site to use this information in anyway. You may not alter, edit, format, remove or add materials to any part of this document. It may not be offered for money and/or compensation (even if profit attempt fails) or offered as a bonus or gift for accessing a web page or purchasing an item. It may not be added to an archive of any type. It must always remain in the English Language. It will not be translated to any language for any reason whatsoever. It will not appear in any publication. This document was in no way intended for commercial, promotional and/or profitable uses. This guide is limited to personal and private use only. Any other uses MUST be approved by the author, ACA. 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