Makai Tensei FAQ / HELP V0.1 Author, Ribsht Email, Date, 15th January 2005 ___________ ABOUT: This FAQ is only available trough, it is not allowed to place this FAQ anywhere else on the internet without my permission, if you found this FAQ somewhere else please report this to my email. This FAQ contains details about the game as far as i found them out. If you found something not written in this FAQ, dont hesitate to write me an email, this is a "open" FAQ, every addition is welcome! There are two different(looking) Releases of Makai Tensei: "Makai Tensei" and "Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol 24: Makai Tensei" Exept for the different cover I THINK that both versions are the same. I have "Makai Tensei", if you find any differences in your version let me know about that. ___________ THE GAME: Makai Tensai by Tamsoft is a "more Action than RPG" game set in 1638 in Japan. It's nice difficult level and easy to understand level up system makes it fun to play. ___________ CONTENTS: ---1--- HOW TO PLAY ---2--- ITEMS ---3--- FAQ ___________ ---1--- HOW TO PLAY ------- . GENERAL GAME STRUCTURE - ________________________ INTRO: watch or skip MENU SCREEN: press Start then choose the Top Symbol to start a new game or the Bottom Symbol to continue from a saved game. FULL INTRO: watch or skip AT THE VILLAGE: Talk to All the people there to gather story informations in Japanese; Talk to the Man next to you and click the top text to continue; kill the two enemies; talk to the blue Girl next to you and click the bottom text to continue STAGE MAP: Choose from the available Stages(red dots), a Stage becomes playable if you made it trough the previous one. STAGE: A Stage consists of several Sub-Stages and the BOSS STAGE. BOSS STAGE: Beat the boss of the stage to finish the stage. SAVE/EXCHANGE POINT: - give unused ITEMS, WEAPONS and CLOTHING to the man (Menu Point 1); - take previous left ITEMS, WEAPONS or CLOTHING back into your inventory (Menu Point 2); - delete left ITEMS, WEAPONS or CLOTHING (Menu Point 3); - Save your game (Menu Point 4); - Exit the current Game (Menu Point 5); - Continue to the MAP (Menu Point 6) . INGAME ONSCREEN DETAILS - _________________________ LEFT ORANGE BAR: Your Life Energy, the most imortant Bar, if it reaches zero you are Dead, you can restart the stage after that, but only with the WEAPON and CLOTHING you had in use as you died. LEFT GREEN BAR: Your Special Attack Energy, Hold L1 and press Attack(CIRCLE) to do a Special Attack; each weapon has a different Special Attack vary in Attack Range and Attack Power. RIGHT VIOLET BAR: Your Skill Level; raises from fights; if it is full you level up One Level and the bar is set to zero; also your Life Energy Bar is filled completelly and its total amount increases by some. As higher your Skill Level is the more damage you do with your weapons and the better becomes your defense. RIGHT BLUE BAR: Your Weapon Energy of the weapon you currently wear; it drops everytime you attack an enemy; if it reaches zero your weapon is wasted and you wont be able to get it back; instead allways use a "Scroll Green with Sword" to recover your weapon energy or switch to a different weapon in your inventory until you will be able to recover that weapon. RIGHT SIX CIRCLE SYMBOL: Your Current Total Skill, ??? im not sure what it shows exactly, however as stronger you become as more red circles will light. RIGHT BLUE PIXEL GRAPHIC: The Game Map; Press SELECT to Show it Fullscreen; Walkable Terrain is Dark Blue, Your Position is the Orange Square, Enemies are Red Squares, Items are Green Squares, Exit Warpstation is a Turquoise Square. . CONTROLS - __________ MOVE: use the Digital or Left Analog Stick to move your character in all eight directions MOVE ONLY DIAGONAL: hold R1 and MOVE limits your moement to Diagonal directions RUN: hold CROSS and MOVE to run CHANGE HEADING: use the Right Analog Stick to change the direction of your character SHOW GRID/YOUR DIRECTION: press R2 to show the game grid and the exact direction your character is heading in ATTACK: press CIRCLE to Attack with your current weapon in the Direction you look SPECIAL ATTACK: hold L1 to view the attack area of the SPECIAL ATTACK; in addition press ATTACK to perform the SPECIAL ATTACK SECONDARY ATTACK: hold L2 to view the attack area of the SECONDARY ATTACK; in addition press ATTACK to perform the SECONDARY ATTACK ENTER GAME MENU: press TRIANGLE to enter the GAME MENU; for details see below "Ingame Game Menu" SHOW FULLSCREEN MAP: press SELECT to view the fullscreen Map . INGAME GAME MENU - __________________ MANAGE ITEMS (Menu Point 1): in this menu you can use or just check all your ITEMS you currently carry; click an ITEM to view it, in this Sub Menu you can - Use this ITEM - Drop this ITEM - Throw this ITEM MANAGE WEAPONS AND CLOTHING (Menu Point 2): in this menu you can use or just ckeck all the WEAPONS and CLOTHING you currently carry, a "+" and a number behind the WEAPON or CLOTHING Name shows the ADDITIONAL POWER POINTS which are automatically gathered by using that WEAPON or CLOTHING for some time; select a WEAPON or CLOTHING by clicking it, in this new Sub Menu you can - Equip this WEAPON or CLOTHING - Drop this WEAPON or CLOTHING - Throw this WEAPON or CLOTHING - ??? GAME SETTINGS (Menu Point 3): in this menu you can change three game setting - ??? - ??? - ??? EXIT CURRENT GAME (Menu Point 4): here you can choose from Save and Exit Game(Top Text) and Exit Game(Bottom Text), click the Top Text again to Exit finally VIEW CHARACTER ABILITIES: at the right side of the Game Menu screen is the Ability Window; it shows from top to bottom - ??? some character skill points - ??? some character skill points - WEAPON ATTACK POWER of your current weapon including ADDITIONAL POWER POINTS - WEAPON ENERGY of your current weapon - CLOTHING ARMOR of your current wearing Clothing incl. ADDITIONAL POWER POINTS - ??? - ??? - ??? . ADDITIONAL THINGS/TIPS - ______________________ ITEM/WEAPON/CLOTHING PICKUP, HANDLING: walk over the ITEM/WEAPON/CLOTHING, a menu pops up, you can choose from - Put the ITEM/WEAPON/CLOTHING into you Inventory - Use/Equip the ITEM/WEAPON/CLOTHING - Dont Pick Up the ITEM/WEAPON/CLOTHING If Your Inventory is full you wont be able to put it into your inventory; the Inventory consists of your ITEM and WEAPON and CLOTHING inventory; for example if you remove or use a ITEM you will be able to carry one more WEAPON and vice versa, dont have to much WEAPONS or CLOTHING into your Inventory you are not using anymore, better just drop them to carry another ITEM which is more important at this situation. ATTACKING AN ENEMY: try to move your character so that the enemy is doing the last move turn before it can attack you, in this way you will attack first which results in a less Life Energy loss on your side DOUBLE WEAPONS: a double weapon is in most situation the better choice compared to a single weapon with the same ATTACK POWER because you do faster damage with it. LONG RANGE WEAPONS: are slow, but you can attack enemies two fields away from you which puts you in a nice defense position because you will be able to attack the enemy two times before it can fight back SECONDARY WEAPONS: At the moment i dont want to make a weapon List, its a big part of the game to explore the different weapons you find, but here is a short SECONDARY WEAPON LIST; SECONDARY WEAPONS have key features to stay alive especially at the first hours of gameplay; here is the list - NINJA STARS the only weapon to attack enemies far from you, takes small damage, usefull at the first stages - SPIKES places spikes at your current position, the next enemy following you will step in and loose some energy - BOMB places a bomb at your current position, the next enemy following you will step in and loose a large amount of energy, also usefull for some later enemies, dont step in by yourself or your energy will go down to 1! - CLAW rotate a claw over your head and puts enemies one field away from you, never found this one useful ------- ---2--- ITEMS: ------- . Meatballs White - Small Energy . Meatballs Orange - Medium Energy . Meatballs Varicolored - Large Energy ------- . Green Herb - Anti "Energy Draining Poison" . Green Herb with Roots - Anti "Energy Draining Poison" and Anti "No Weapon Poison" . Blue/Violet Twinkle Herb - Beam to Random Map Position (usefull if surrounded by enemies) . Blue Herb - Anti Fire . Pink Herb - ??? unsure about this, it does Random things like Power Up and Anti Poison ------- . Scroll Orange - WEAPON or CLOTHING POWER Combiner, 1st choose the ITEM you want to upgrade, 2nd the Item you want to sacrifice, all ADDITIONAL POWER POINTS from Item2 will be added to Item1 . Scroll Red - Shows Full Map . Scroll Intense Red 1 - ??? seem to boost your Abilities for some time but im not sure . Scroll Intense Red 2 - ??? seem to boost your Abilities for some time but im not sure . Scroll Brown, Red Flame - ??? . Scroll Green with Sword - Full Weapon Energy . Scroll Green, Red Dragon - Fire Attack, Drains Energy of all visible Enemies . Scroll Grey - Anti "No Weapon, Clothing change Curse", only use if you cant change your Weapons or Clothing . Scroll Turquoise, 1 Symbol - Full Special Enegy . Scroll Turquoise, 2 Symbol - Kills All Visible Enemies . Scroll Blue - Beam back to SAVE/EXCHANGE POINT . Scroll Dark Blue - ???, looks like a Rain Attack . Scroll Violet - Anti Fight, You and all visible Enemies cant attack each other for a short time, however you will still be able to use a Attacking Scroll . Scroll Violet, Violet Dragon - Full Energy ------- ---3--- FAQ: ------- . Ask and i will answer, see the top for my email.