****************************************************************************** Malice Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.1.1 Author: MysticWeirdo ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** CONTENTS ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Game Basics 4. Items and Magic 5. Main Walkthrough 6. Beaches of the Dead Walkthrough 7. LEGAL 8. Contact Information 9. Credits ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder. Malice put you in the role of the fallen demigoddess, Malice, who has just failed to save the world from the evil Dog God and have been given another chance to set things right. Malice is available for the Xbox and PS2. I've played the Xbox version but PS2 players may also find this guide helpful. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.1.1 November 19, 2005 Several typos fixed. Version 1.1 October 10, 2005 PS2 controls added Version 1.0 August 28, 2005 Initial Version of this Guide. ****************************************************************************** 3. Game Basics ****************************************************************************** ============= 3.1 Main Menu ============= The main menu contains three items: New Game: Begins a new game Load Game: Continue a previously saved game. You won't be exactly where you where but you have all of the items you'd located. Options: Go to the options menu. ================ 3.2 Options Menu ================ There are three selections in the options menu: Sound: Set Fx and Music Volumes and toggle headphone support. Vibration: Toggle Vibration support. Credits: Watch a listing of the people responsible for making this game. ============== 3.3 Pause Menu ============== There are five options in the pause menu: Return to Game: Resume playing the game. Sound Options: Set Fx and Music Volumes and toggle headphone support. Vibration: Toggle Vibration support. Save and Continue: Save the game. I recommend doing this immediately after entering every new area in case you miss one of the heart containers. Exit Game: Return to the main menu WITHOUT SAVING. NOTE: On the right side of the screen you'll be able to see the number of Crystal Heart Pots you've found out of the total for the area. Other collectable totals, timer counter, and objective enemies remaining may appear here as well but not all such items get displayed. ================= 3.4 Xbox Controls ================= Move: Left Thumbstick Camera: Right Thumbstick 1st/3rd person toggle: Click Right Thumbstick Jump: A Double Jump: Press A Twice Swipe Attack: X Action/Use: Y Quack Attack: B Open/Close Journal: Black Navigate Journal: Left Thumbstick or D-Pad Center camera: Left Trigger Pause: Start (NOTE: Magic spells need to be obtained before you can use them) Glide Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press A while airborne. Cancel with A. Bullet Shield Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press Y Speed Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press X Weapon Boost Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press B Health Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press A twice Damage Shield Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press Y twice Slow Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press X twice Nuke Magic: Hold Right Trigger and Press B twice ================ 3.5 PS2 Controls ================ Thanks to Chris for this listing of PS2 controls: Left analog stick Directional walk/run Right analog stick Rotate camera (both 3rd + 1st person views) R3 button 1sr person view (press down on and off) X button Jump/Double jump (press twice) Square button Swipe attack Triangle button Action / Use Circle button Quake attack R1 Open pocket watch to see journal Left/Right/Up/Down Navigate around the pocket watch journal L2 Pull camera in behind you Start button Pause / Restart Magic Press and hold R2 and press the following: Glide Magic X button once Weapon Boost Magic Circle button once Speed Magic Square button once Bullet Shield Magic Triangle button once Health Magic X button twice Damage Shield Magic Triangle button twice Slow Magic Square button twice Nuke Magic Circle button twice =========== 3.6 The HUD =========== In the top left you see you current heart count (you health). This gets reduced by 1 whenever you take damage. If it reaches 0 you'll be taken to the Beach of Souls. The blue circle around the outside indicates your remaining mana. A small circle will appear inside the circle to indicate active magic spells. On the right side of the screen you'll be able to see the number of Crystal Heart Pots you've found out of the total for the area briefly when you pick one up. Other collectable totals that appear in the pause menu may briefly here as well. Timers and enemy counts will appear here as long as they're in effect. =============== 3.7 The Journal =============== The journal displays your current assigned task, the number of logic keys, crystal heart pots, remaining health, and collected spells. I've listed the assigned task journal entries in the walkthrough, the rest of the entries follow. Logic Keys Journal Entry: Ok now, I have to get 8 of these things so the METAL GUARDIAN can find the DOG GOD. Crystal Heartpot Journal Entry: For every 10 of these I collect, the METAL GUARDIAN can raise my health and make me stronger! Hearts Journal Entry: When something hurts me I lose 1 of these. If I run out of them I'll have to go and see DEATH again. Speed Magic Journal Entry: Like a swoosh I am running water! Can't catch me now! Bullet Shield Magic Journal Entry: My spinning protector will stop those nasty fireballs, and then we'll see who's boss! Boost Magic Journal Entry: You won't like me when I'm angry! And neither will those Crows, because I can do double the damage! Glide Magic Journal Entry: Make me light as a feather! But it doesn't work unless my feet are off the ground. Slow Magic Journal Entry: This one's so swishy that everyone else seem like slow-coaches compared to me! Damage Shield Magic Journal Entry: Bump! Bump! Bump! and I'm nice and safe and no-one can hurt me! Nuke Magic Journal Entry: The most biggest bang ever!! I can rumble and shake and everyone nearby will too! Health Regen Magic Journal Entry: When I'm tired and beat up this whoosh will wake me up and make me strong! ****************************************************************************** 4. Items and Magic ****************************************************************************** =========== 4.1 Pickups =========== Crystal Heart Pots: Collect 10 of these to gain an extra heart for your health. There are a total of 100 of these to be found in the game. Most areas of the game have 5, except for the orrery and boss battles that have none, and the area with the first logic key, which has one. Four others are located in an optional area of the Beach of Souls. Hearts: Heal one heart worth of health. Blue Mana Crystal: Restore about 10% of your max mana. Yellow Mana Crystal: Restore about 50% of your max mana. Logic Keys: Return these to the Metal Guardian to unlock areas and possibly a weapon. Soul Stone: If you get turned into a ghost on the Beach of Souls, you're soul stone will be marked by a pillar of red smoke. Get this within 60 seconds to restore you to life and avoid a game over screen. Other pickups like cogs, coins, and bombs will appear in some areas as part of the current mission. Access cards appear in some areas to allow access to other parts of the levels. =========== 4.2 Weapons =========== The Mace of Clubs is Malice's starting weapon. Crows with melee weapons fall to three hits. Crows with a single gun fall to a single hit. Crows with two guns fall to five hit. The Clockwork Hammer is the second weapon you obtain. It does 1.5 times the damage of the Mace of Clubs, Crows with melee weapons go down with a two hits now, and the ones with two guns go down with three hits. Metal Crows take six hits to defeat. The Quantum Tuning Fork is the final weapon. It does 1.5 times the damage of the Clockwork Hammer, Crows with melee weapons now take a single him, the ones with two guns take two hits, metal Crows take four hits to defeat. ========= 4.3 Armor ========= The Mecha Armor is obtained late in the game to protect you against the final boss. Prior to obtaining this Malice is protected by a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. ========= 4.4 Magic ========= Glide Magic: Glide down slower to reach further ledges and platforms. Uses 10% of you max mana. Bullet Shield Magic: Protect Malice from Projectiles for a few seconds. Uses 20% of you max mana. Speed Magic: Boosts your speed for a few seconds. Uses 20% of you max mana. Weapon Boost Magic: Increase damage from your attacks for a few seconds. Uses 20% of you max mana. Health Magic: Fully heal Malice. Uses 50% of your max mana. Damage Shield Magic: Protect Malice from all damage for a few seconds. Uses 50% of your max mana. Slow Magic: Slow down enemies for a several seconds. Uses 30% of your max mana. Nuke Magic: Cause massive destruction in the immediate vicinity. Uses 70% of your max mana. ****************************************************************************** 5. Main Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** The game starts with a cutscene of Malice fleeing from some Crow soldiers and narrowly escaping being shot, only to get her head chomped of by the Dog God. Cut to Death bemoaning his lot in the order of thing, only to be interrupted by Malice. He turns her aside and sends her back to sort things out. ======================================= 5.1 Introduction (Location: The Orrery) ======================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the scene in which the Metal Guardian assigns you the task of retrieve his Logic Keys, which have be stolen by the Dog God. The Metal Guardian requires the logic keys to locate the Dog God, for you to have a rematch with him to save the universe. The orrery is a fairly small area. The Metal Guardian will be in front of you. He is surrounded by eight locks where the Logic Keys belong. Behind you is a large spinning wheel. The exit portal is directly across wheel from the Metal Guardian. Just step on the wheel and run counterclockwise, the same direction the wheel spins, around the wheel and get off when you reach it the landing on other side. The guardian will tell you to jump onto the pillar, which is in the center of this landing and open the portal. After jumping onto the pillar you'll need to wait for it to rise before you can open the portal, the button to open the port will flash on the screen when you are able to. ========================================================= 5.2 Trip 1 - Fun with Lubricants (Location: Oil Fountain) ========================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 1 -------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Crystal HEART POT -------------------------------------------- Go to the other side of this small room and pick up the Crystal Heart Pot. This is the only mandatory heart pot in the game. The Metal Guardian will warn you to make sure to collect all the heart pots in and area before proceeding because you can't go back to get them if you miss them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Jump onto all FOUR PISTONS to lower the shield around the Logic Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proceed around the room and jump on all of the pistons, there are four of them around the perimeter. The two smaller ones can be jump onto with a single jump, while the two taller ones will require a double jump. The shield around the logic key will drop area you jump onto the last pillar. ------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key ------------------------------------ Go up one of the ramps to get the Logic key from the center of the room. ======================================================= 5.3 Trip 1 - Fun with Lubricants (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= Watch the scene where the Metal Guardian will tell you to collect the keys and put them it place to unlock the paths to the Dog God's minions and finally the Dog God himself. Malice will complain about lacking a weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Take the key to the locks near the Metal Guardian. Press (Y) to insert it in a lock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All you need to do here is go up to any one of the eight locks surrounding the Metal Guardian and use it. The Metal Guardian will reward you with your first weapon, the Mace of Clubs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect the club from the center of the Orrery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the center of the spinning wheel to retrieve the Mace of Clubs. The Metal Guardian will give you some background information on the location of the second key. ======================================================= 5.4 Trip 2 - Fighting the Fungus (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar, wait for it to rise up, and use the portal. ======================================================= 5.5 Trip 2 - Fighting the Fungus (Location: Siren Tree) ======================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Use the club to kill all the butt-mushrooms. ------------------------------------------------------------ After teasing you, the Siren Tree will ask you to kill the butt-mushrooms that are bothering him. NOTE: I recommend saving whenever you start a new area. If you accidentally leave an area without finding all of the heart pots you can revert to the save at the beginning and try again. NOTE: This is the first area where you can get hurt. If you want to get all 100 Crystal Heart Pots, you'll need to die at some point. You can get this out of the way with now by going up to the mushrooms and letting them kill you so that you can proceed to "6. Beach of Souls Walkthrough". You can get there any time, so you can wait until you die at a later point, if deliberately getting killed doesn't appeal to you. You're on top a stump in a small clearing. The siren tree is in front of you and a structure with several cans and pipes is behind you. The are 20 of the butt mushrooms to kill. Attack them by using the swipe attack with the club. A single hit kills them. Three of the mushrooms are right in front of you, in front of the siren tree. Two more are just to your right when you after you kill the first three. Turn right toward the building with the pipes. Three mushroom are beside the stump where you started from and three more mushrooms are just past it by the building. Be careful not to attack the wooden crates in front of the building with the pipes. Fire you need to jump onto the one nears it and double jump onto a pipe jutting out from the building to get the first Crystal Heart Pot in this area. After you get this heart pot you can break the crates be swiping them to get hearts if you need healing. Follow the wall to you left and go past the siren tree. Three mushroom are on this side on the tree. Three more are just past a rock a bit further on which the second crystal heart pot sits on. The third crystal heart pot sit on a rock just past them. Turn right to get the last three mushrooms on the other side of the siren tree. The siren tree will offer you a reward of glide magic. ----------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect a reward from the Siren Tree's knee ------------------------------------------------------------ You'll be beside the stump you started from. Walk up the slopes of the stump where there is a green sphere. Use it to get the Glide Magic spell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Pull and Hold (R) and press (A) once while in the air to glide safely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the siren tree tell you how to use the glide magic and informs you about mana crystal, he'll let out a moan and produce a leaf lift to allow you access to access his interior. Do not use the lift until you've retrieved the two remaining Crystal Heart Pots. One has just appeared in the air between the stump and the tree. Double jump in the direction of the tree and use the glide magic to float to the heart pot. The last crystal heart pot in on the tree. Go to the right side (your right when facing the front of the tree. Go up the small green slope in a narrow gap here. Jump up to the white bordered part to the right. Double jump from there to where the heart pot is. Grab some mana crystal from by the building with the pipes if you need them. Now its safe to use the leaf lift. Go back to the front of the Siren Tree and jump on the Leaf Lift. Use it to go to the next area. ======================================================== 5.6 Trip 2 - Fighting the Fungus (Location: Dark Spirit) ======================================================== Boss Fight: Mushroom Boss ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: In here is the Mushroom Boss - defeat him with your club. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All there is to this area is a path that goes around in a loop. Go around in either direction to until you reach the boss. The mushroom boss isn't very dangerous, you'll only get hurt if you accidentally walk into its body. The mushrooms it lays with its tail are just obstacles that you can destroy with your mace. Hit the tail five times to kill the boss. It will retract when you get to close so you either need to attack it while its planting a mushroom or just as it emerges. The mushroom boss speeds up after taking a lot of damage so the last couple of hits will need to be while its planting. Three hearts will be dropped every time you hit the tail. ------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key ------------------------------------- Walk through the Logic Key that should be near you after being dropped by the mushroom boss to return to the orrery. ======================================================= 5.7 Trip 2 - Fighting the Fungus (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Give the Logic key to the Metal Guardian - walk over to him and use (Y) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to one of the seven remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to put the second logic key in place. ======================================================= 5.8 Trip 3 - Fighting the Fungus (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The metal guardian will brief you on the location of the third key. Head back to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar, wait for it to rise up, and use the portal. ============================================================= 5.9 Trip 3 - She's Hot and She's Fly - (Location: Siren Tree) ============================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Kill all the Crows so the witch will let you into her house. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You're back on the stump in front of the siren tree. Hop down from the stump and attack the four Crows that are armed with clubs that surround the stump by swiping at them. Three attacks will kill them, and they may drop hearts. More Crows will warp in elsewhere on this map. While you're in this area jump up on the pipe in front of the building with the pipes to get the first Crystal Heart Pot. The two wooden crates near the building contain hearts. Follow the wall on your left side and go past the siren tree. There are four more Crows to kill on this side and just past the Siren Tree. Four more will warp in near the witch's hut ahead of you after you kill this batch. Killing the third batch causes the lock on the door to the witch's hut to disappear. Don't go inside yet until you gather the remaining Crystal Heart Pots. One of the heart pots is on a rock to the your left when facing the witch's door. Another heart pot is behind it. The crate to the right on the door contains a heart if you need healing. Go back to where you fought the second group of Crows. Double jump on the green root. Double jump to the path of green leaves clockwise around the tree from here. Double jump up to the ledge above the path of leaves at this end and then again across a gap clockwise around the tree to get the fourth heart pot. Drop back down to the path of leaves and continue clockwise. Double jump to the small cluster of leaves. Double jump from there to the white ledge clockwise around the tree and above you. Walk clockwise along this path and double jump from the end to get to the ledge with the final crystal heart pot. Jump off the ledge and do the double jump when you get close to the ground to avoid damage. Alternative use glide magic to float down and recharge your mana by picking up one of the many mana crystals around the level. Now you can go through the door to the witch's hut to the next area. ================================================================== 5.10 Trip 3 - She's Hot and She's Fly (Location: Witch's Cauldron) ================================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 --------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go and talk to the Witch --------------------------------------- A crystal heart pot floats in the air in front of you. Double jump from the top of the stairs where you start to get to a ledge to it's right. Double jump from the ledge to get it. This will likely get you close enough to the witch to initiate a conversation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Kill all the beetles for the Witch with you club. Use slash to stun them, and quake to kill them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are 15 beetles on the floor surrounding the Witch's Cauldron. All you need to do is use a single quake attack to kill them, but a swipe attack will stun them for a few seconds making them easier to hit with the quake attack. Some of the beetles will drop hearts. While you're killing them get the second crystal heart pot by double jumping onto the bookcase in one of the corner. After killing the beetles the witch will tell to you stand under a tap to become small enough to get to the glow worms. ------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Stand under the TAP to become smaller. ------------------------------------------------------ Now would be a good time to gather the remaining Crystal Heart Pots. One is on top on the door below where the witch was to the side of the cauldron where the fire reflects in some water. Jump on the crate, then a head to a ledge, and then again to the right to get to the heart pot. Double jump to the left from there to get to a ledge with the fourth crystal heart pot. Go back to where the previous heart pot was and jump up the ledges to the right. Walk along the path at the top to the cauldron. Double jump and use glide magic to get to the last crystal heart pot in the distance. Drop down and walk into the glowing red circle by the cauldron to get under the tap. You'll get changed from a teenager to a little girl. -------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Magic -------------------------------- The witch has offered you a "treat". Go back up to the path overlooking the cauldron to the bookstand that has appeared. Use it to get the BOOST MAGIC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: You are now small enough to sneak through the Pipe into the Glow Worm Kingdom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While you can kill the Crows that appeared around the base of the cauldron with normal swipe attacks, you can try out your new boost magic spell to kill them with only two hits instead of three. Once you've killed all four the exit pipe will open up. Make sure to recharge you're mana with the mana crystals around the cauldron and walk into the pipe to the next area. ================================================================== 5.11 Trip 3 - She's Hot and She's Fly (Location: Glow Worm Temple) ================================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Kill the spiders with your club to help the Glow Worms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you enter this area the glow worm priest will call out to you for deliverance from the spiders. You'll be on top of a mushroom. Double jump up the two mushrooms in front of you. Note the yellow mana crystal on them, each would restore 50% of your mana so you'll be at full mana now if you neglected to recharge at the end of the previous area. Double jump from the last mushroom to the top of the round area to your left. There are six spiders here. Each spider takes two swipes to kill, or one if you use the boost magic. All of them drop hearts that will last for a few seconds if you get hurt. Once they're all dead, a mushroom will grow in the distance and you'll see another spell in front of the glow worm priest. ---------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to see the Glow Worm Priest ---------------------------------------------- Double jump to each of five mushrooms going up to the area with the congregation of glow worms. Double jump over to the glow worms to the left of the final mushroom. Walk up to the priest, who will present you with an unworthy offering of Speed Magic. ------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect SPEED MAGIC reward. ------------------------------------------- Use the pedestal in front of the priest to get the speed magic spell. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Pass through to the second cavern to get closer to Bone Henge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The priest will tell you to go through the second cavern to get to where the priest will meet up with you at bone henge. Turn away from the priest and take the path to the left. The crate at the end of it contains a yellow mana crystal. Double jump up across each of four mushroom on the left side of the path. Turn around on the fourth mushroom to see the first Crystal Heart Pot on a mushroom in the distance. Double Jump and use glide magic to get to the heart pot. Drop back down to the path and double jump across the four mushrooms again. This time keep going, double jumping across another mushroom and a gap to an open door. Go through the hallway past the door. A Crow with a club will be in a niche to the left and few steps along. You'll come to a junction where there's a yellow mana crystal in a niche to the right. Some of the floor tiles in the junction and the path to the left will break away when you go over them. You should do so and break the crate in the dead end at the end of this path to get the second crystal heart pot. Go back to the junction, getting the heart in the trench the breakaway floors revealed if you need healing. Take to path to your left when you get back to the junction after double jumping to get out of the trench. Another Crow with a club is around a corner to the right. After you dispose of him turn around the next corner to the left and approach the glow worm, who has lost her babies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Pick-up all 20 of the babies and then return to the Momma Worm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double jump across the gap to the solid square in front of you. Turn left. Go forward across five tiles which alternate between solid and breaking to get the first baby on a breaking tile. Double jump across the gap ahead onto another breaking tile and go ahead two more tiles to get the second baby on the another breaking tile and continue ahead to a solid tile. Break the large crate ahead of you to reveal a yellow mana crystal. Turn right and break the stacked crate to reveal a heart. Go ahead two tiles to get the third baby from a breaking tile and double jump the gap to get the fourth baby on another breaking tile. Go ahead to a solid tile. Double jump onto the large crate and double jump back off it's top to get the third crystal heart pot. Break the crate to reveal a heart. Go onto the tile where it was and turn right. Double jump the crate to get the fifth baby from a breaking tile and go ahead three more tiles to get the sixth baby from a breaking tile stepping to the safety of a tile to the right. Go two more tiles right to get the seventh baby from yet another breaking tile and turn around to return to this one. Note the door past where the sixth baby was from this tile. Double jump to the solid tile to the right and ahead. Go ahead one tile to get the eighth baby on a breaking tile. Double jump the gap to another breaking tile. Go ahead two more tiles to get the ninth baby from another breaking tile. Double jump onto the crate on the next tile. Use a quake attack to reveal the heart inside the crate. Go ahead three more tiles getting the tenth and eleventh babies from two more breaking tiles. Double jump the gap to another breaking tile and go ahead two tiles to get the twelfth baby on yet another breaking tile. Go ahead two more tiles to a solid tile. Break the crate in from of you to reveal the fourth crystal heart pot before turning right on the current tile. The first and fourth tiles on the path in front of you are breaking tiles with the 13th and 14th babies. Go ahead two more tiles to a solid one. Get the 15th baby from the breaking tile to your left and backtrack to this one and face the other way. Go ahead two tiles to get the 16th baby from a breaking tile. Double jump ahead and to the left onto a crate. Use the quake attack to reveal a heart inside. Jump ahead and to the right onto a breaking tile wile the 17th baby. Go ahead two more tiles to the 18th baby on a breaking tile and jump to the solid tile ahead and to the right. Get the 19th baby on a breaking tile two more tiles to the right and backtrack to this one. Jump ahead and to the left to get the final baby. Go ahead three more tiles to get to where you started. Jump across the gap to the right to return the babies to their mother. The door on the other side of the chamber will open. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: The priest awaits beyond the Pit Puzzle to take you to Bone Henge itself. Jump on the switches to raise the pillars to cross the pit puzzle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you'll likely broken all of the breaking tiles you'll need to do some double jumping to get across the chamber again. Jump onto the first tile. Turn left and double jump to the next solid tile. Jump ahead and to the right. Turn right. Double jump to the mushroom. Double jump ahead and to the right to get to a solid tile, there will be a yellow mana crystal here if you didn't get it earlier. Turn left. Double jump ahead and to the right. Double jump ahead and to the left. Double jump ahead and to the right. Turn around and double jump to the open door. Go down the hall and fight the Crow with a club. Past him is the pit puzzle. Drop down into the pit. There are three floor switches and three pillars in this room. Step on the middle switch first, then the furthest, then the closest, all relative to the end you started at. Jump onto the closest pillar as it rises. Jump to the middle pillar, and then to the furthest pillar to get the last crystal heart pot. Jump across the gap to the other side of the pit. There are five heart and a yellow mana crystal here if you need healing or a mana recharge. Approach the priest past the other mana crystal. ============================================================ 5.12 Trip 3 - She's Hot and She's Fly (Location: Bone Henge) ============================================================ Boss Fight: Firefly Queen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: slay the Firefly Queen with your club whilst avoiding her attacks! She can be hit when the ring of fire appears! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run in circles around the level to avoid the firefly's attacks. Speed magic in the best way to avoid the strings of fireballs at the beginning of the run. When it starts stomps and spitting out two arcs of fireballs try double jumping inward to avoid them. When it surrounds itself with a ring of fireballs, use the boost magic and then double jump into the ring and hit it when it tries to stomp. Collect the three hearts that it drops to heal yourself and them collect some of the mana crystals in the center to recharge you mana. Repeat four time to finish it off. The number of fireballs increases as the Firefly Queen takes damage but the strategy remains the same. ------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key ------------------------------------ Fully recharge your mana with the remaining mana crystals. Walk through the logic key to return to the orrery and return to your normal size. ============================================================ 5.13 Trip 3 - She's Hot and She's Fly (Location: The Orrery) ============================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Give the Logic key to the Metal Guardian - walk over to him and use (Y). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to one of the six remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to put the third logic key in place. ===================================================== 5.14 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: The Orrery) ===================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The metal guardian will tell you the next key will allow him to give you a new weapon. Head back to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar, wait for it to rise up, and use the portal. ========================================================= 5.15 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: Moving Gardens) ========================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Press (Y) to use the crank to release a BOT from its booth. Press (Y) to activate the magnetic rods to attract them. Guide them to the metal disc to complete the circuit and unlock the exit door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head around the corner to the right just ahead of you. A Crow with a club will be at the next corner to the left. Go around another corner to the left and a corner to the right to arrive in a larger area. Get the first Crystal Heart Pot which is straight ahead of you, before going to the handcrank to the left, which is glowing blue. Use the handcrank to release a robot. NOTE: The Metal Guardian's explanation seem to be truncated on the Xbox. He tells you to use the attractor rod to get the robot to move towards it, and to use it again to get it to stop. Go to the cone shaped object to the right of the area entrance. Use it and the robot will walk towards it. The robot will walk across a metal plate, opening a door onward. Two Crows with clubs will appear in this area after the door opens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: You will need to lower a bridge before you can get the BOT to complete the next circuit. There is a swipe-switch in the pit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After dealing with the Crows, proceed through the now open door. There's a handcrank to the left on the other side of the door, you can use it now to release the next BOT. Drop into the pit to the right. Swipe attack the switch on the far side to drop a bridge into place across the pit. The are two crates in the pit as well. The one by the stairs contains the second Crystal Heart Pot and will summon a Crow with a club where you break it. The other contains a heart. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Now release a BOT from its booth and use the Rod opposite to draw it across and complete the circuit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump up the stairs to get out of the pit. You should have released the bot already, but if you haven't use the handcrank. Cross the bridge and go past the attractor rod to get the third Crystal Heart Pot. Return to the rod and use it to get the bot to cross the bridge and onto the metal plate. This open the door in the corner of this area furthest from the handcrank. Two more Crows will clubs will warp in when the door open. Dispose of the and go through the door. Turn left on the other side of the door. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Find the handcrank behind the CROWS to progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Go around the corner to the left and jump over the conveyor. There are three Crows with clubs ahead of you in this wider area, and a fourth around a corner to the left. Dispose of them and use the hand crank in the corner behind the fourth Crow. --------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Use the conveyor belt to EXIT --------------------------------------------- Turn around any you'll notice the fourth Crystal Heart Pot has been revealed. Turn right after getting it and dispose of the three Crows with clubs. Jump on the conveyor and get of to the right at the end. There's another Crow with a club here. Turn left and jump through the door onto the conveyer going left but keep facing straight ahead. Jump toward the Crow with a single gun at the end of the conveyor and kill it will a single hit where it pauses after a volley of shots. (Heal yourself with the heart it drops) You'll notice the final crystal heart pot floating in the air in this area. Go back along the conveyor you just rode. Double jump to get the heart pop and use the glide magic to land safely on the other conveyor. Get back on conveyor you jumped from. Go against the direction its moving around a corner to the right and another to the left. You may need to jump to make progress. Double jump to the left near to the end of the conveyor to land on a pipe. Turn right and go through the exit to the next area. ====================================================== 5.16 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: Piston Hell) ====================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Guide the BOT through the circuit by turning the Rods on and off. Beware the crushing pistons! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop down from the ledge your on and turn right. Jump on the locker with diagonal yellow and black stripes in the corner and again to the ledge above it to get the first crystal heart pot. Drop back down and go around the corner to the left. Use the handcrank there to open the door behind it. A Crow with a single gun is just to the left of the door, if you're quick you can kill him before he shoots. Jump onto the rotating shaft ahead of you. Double jump to the left to get to a lift platform. Use the lift platform and walk onto the path beside it after it rises. Walk down the path to the right and use the handcrank to release a bot. Turn around and go to the attractor rod on the other side of a crossing path. Use it and wait for the bot to make it to the crossing path. Use it again to get the bot to stop on the crossing path. Turn left (when facing back towards the hand crank and head towards another attracting rod. Stop before the crushing platform and wait for the crusher to rise from the platform in front of you before proceeding. Turn around at the attracting rod and wait for the crusher to land on the path between you and the bot. Use the attracting rod then and the bot should be able to safely make it to metal plate. Go back the way you came and kill the Crow with a single gun by the first attracting rod. Get the second crystal heart pot behind him. Go back to the second attracting rod and get to the lift to its left. Use the lift and get off in the hall entrance at the top. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Guide the BOT through the circuits using the Rods. Time the BOT's progress through the crushing pistons and moving platforms by turning Rods on and off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hall starts by going right and turn curves to the left. Jump beside an attracting rod to the right at the end of the hall. Turn left and you'll see a hand crank in the distance. Double jump to the corner of the main path ahead. Go up to the handcrank and use it to release another robot. Turn around and go back to the corner. Jump to the attractor rod. Use the attractor rod and wait to for the bot to make it to the corner. Use the attractor rod again to stop it. Jump beside to the bot and turn to the right. Wait for the piston to rise from the path ahead. Go ahead and jump to the attractor rod. Double jump up to the structure ahead of you and deal with the Crow with a club there. Jump to the other structure to the right and go to the gray end. Drop down onto the hopper below and get the third crystal heart pot. Drop into the void taking a heart damage and you should be beside the bot again. Return to the second attractor rod. Use it after the crusher rises between you and the bot. Use it again when the bot reaches the corner. Jump back to the main path and go to the next corner past the bot. Jump to the attractor rod. Use it to get the bot moving, and use it again to get the bot to stop at the corner, you'll want the bot close to this side. Go past the two crushing platforms when it's safe and jump onto the moving platform at the end of the path. Jump to the attracting rod by the crate, which contains a heart. Use the other attracting rod here just after the piston rises from the path beside the bot. Use it again to stop it between the two piston platforms. Wait for the piston to rise from the next platform. Use the attracting rod again to move the bot onto the crushing platform. Use the rod again to stop the bot on crushing platform. Wait for the moving platform to start to cross the bots path and use the rod again to get it to move onto the moving platform. Use this rod one more time to get the bot to stop as soon as its on the platform. Move over to the other attracting rod here. Use it to move the bot off the moving platform and across the metal plate to open the path onward. A Crow with a single gun will appear behind the other attractor here. Use the attractor for cover and kill it during the pauses between its shot volleys. Jump onto the moving platform past where the Crow was and jump off other the platform at the end that the fourth Crystal Heart Pot sits on. Kill the Crow with the single gun on the other platform here before dropping down to the lift below to the right when facing back toward the attracting rods. Kill the Crow with the single gun in the hall entrance beside the lift. Go down the hall and deal with a Crow with a club beside the final Crystal Heart Pot. The hall turns right and then left to the next area. ====================================================== 5.17 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: Memory Maze) ====================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Yellow Cogs to collect: 4 Red Cogs to collect: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Swipe the big switch to start the machinery. ------------------------------------------------------------ You're standing on a large gear. Turn around and get the first Crystal Heart Pot from behind the shaft in the center of the gear. Return to where you started. Go ahead onto a platform shaped like an arrowhead. Go to the left and swipe attack the switch with the exclamation point to activate the Memory Maze --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Watch the patterns of the platforms and step across them in that order. Collect a YELLOW COG, then retrace you steps back to safety and put them in the slot on the big tower. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the arrowhead shaped platform at turn right. Drop down onto another platform shaped like an arrow. Step ahead onto the memory maze. The memory maze is a 3x3 square. There first pattern goes straight across to a platform to the first of four yellow cogs that you need to collect. Take the yellow cog straight ahead a few steps and jump onto the platform a bit to the left. There's a slot for the cog here that can be used to reveal a ledge above you counter clockwise around the shaft with another slot. As you don't have a cog for that slot yet. Drop back to the gear surrounding the shaft. There's a narrow path on the outside of the gear a short distance clockwise that has the second crystal heart pot at the end. Further clockwise are two Crows with clubs. Kill them and continue clockwise, when your almost back to the ledge with the cog slot that will be a small gear to the outside of the gear you're on that you can jump to. Swipe attack the switch with the exclamation mark here to change the memory maze path. Jump to the larger gear and go to the arrowhead platform a short ways clockwise that point back to the memory maze. Go forward onto the maze, and step into the center square. Go left one square, forward one square, and right two squares. Jump to the platform with the second yellow cog. Turn around and jump back onto the memory maze. Go forward two more squares, right one square, back one square, left one square, and walk onto the arrowhead platform. Go ahead and jump up to where you placed the first cog. Double jump up to the next ledge counterclockwise. Use the slot there to place the second cog to reveal another slot. Drop back to the surrounding gear and jump onto the small gear again. Swipe attack the switch again to reset the memory maze. Return to the arrowhead platform. Step onto the maze and go all of the way across. Go right one square and then back one square. Go all the way left and then forward one square. Double jump onto the platform with the third yellow cog from there. Turn back towards the maze and double jump onto it. Go right one square, all of the way forward, left one square, back one square, and them all of the way right. Get off on the arrowhead platform. Go ahead and jump up by the first cog. Double jump up two ledges counterclockwise to get the the third slot. Use it to place the third cog. This reveal another ledge with the fourth slot. Drop down to the surrounding gear and walk around it to retrieve the fourth yellow cog that rolled behind in. Double jump your way back up to the fourth slot and use it the place the final yellow cog. This opens the way to the top of the tower where a new spell awaits. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the spell at the top of the tower, and then find a switch to power up the level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double jump up two more ledges to get to the top of the tower. Use the pedestal in the center of the tower to get the Bullet Shield Magic spell, which will protect you from projectiles. Turn around and you'll notice that two gears will have appeared behind you. Activate your bullet shield magic and cross the gears. Jump up beside the Crow with a single gun and kill him. Go into the small room behind him and swipe attack the switch with the exclamation mark to start the gears moving. Ignore the yellow mana crystal for now as its a bit of waste if you only used a single spell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: You must also find FOUR RED COGS. Use these to unlock the EXIT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn around. Notice the single gun Crow back by the spell stand. Use the bullet shield magic, cross the now moving gears and double jump up beside the Crow. Kill it. Use the bullet shield magic again and go along the path and rotating shaft to the left, killing both of the single gun Crows on the way. Go back across the rotating shaft. The first red cog with be on a spike to your left. You may want to recharge using one of the yellow mana crystals like the one in the small room with the switch, or the one on top of the tower. Go back across the moving shaft. Go to the end of the spike to the left to get the second red cog. Double jump to the right from here when the pendulum swings into range. You'll need to walk around a bit and maybe jump to stay on top of it as it swings around. Get the third Crystal Heart Pot when it reaches its apex. Double jump and glide back to the platform at the end of the rotating shaft. Double jump to another pendulum from here when it swings into range. Again you'll need to walk around a bit and maybe jump to stay on top of it as it swings around. Get the third red cog when it reaches it's apex. Double jump and glide to the large pipe in the distance. The fourth red cog is here. Turn away from the wall and walk down the pipe until you can get onto the ledge to the left. Double jump out to a gear from here to get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot. Double jump back to the ledge. Double jump back onto the big pipe and go up it to a portal. Use it to insert the four red cogs to open it. Use the bullet shield magic and go through the portal. Kill the double gun Crow by hitting him five times with your club. Jump into the acid pit behind him to get the final Crystal Heart Pot. You'll respawn outside on the big pipe. Go back inside. Grab the yellow mana crystals to the sides on the pit and the two heart on the other side of the barrier behind the pit if you need them. Double jump up into the pipe behind the barrier to go to the next area. ====================================================== 5.18 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: Piston Hell) ====================================================== Boss Fight: Metal Lizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Use your Club to defeat the Metal Lizard. Try hitting him after he's attack with fire or spikes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait until one of the longer spokes moves in front off you. Jump on it and go to the inside end of it. Double jump from there to make it to the combat circle. Dodge the lizards fire attack that it will lead off with. Use your boost magic when its flashing blue and hit it with your club. Run around a bit, while it try to chomp you. Dodge another fire attack. Use the boost magic again and hit it will your club. Run around some more to avoid the chomp. This time you'll face a spike attack, double jump over it to avoid damage. Again use the boost magic and hit it with the club. Run around some more to avoid the chomp again, you many want to get some of the mana crystals on the sides by now to recharge. This time you'll need to double jump some spikes and dodge a fire attack. Again use the boost magic and hit it with the club. Run around some more to avoid the chomp again. This time you'll need to double jump some spikes, dodge a fire attack, and double jump over another spike attack. Again use the boost magic and hit it with the club to finish it off. ------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key ------------------------------------- Recharge you mana if there are crystals remaining. Pick up the logic key that the lizard dropped to return to the Orrery. ===================================================== 5.19 Trip 4 - Clockwork Malice (Location: The Orrery) ===================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Give the Logic key to the Metal Guardian - walk over to him and use (Y). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to one of the five remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to put the fourth logic key in place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: collect the CLOCKWORK HAMMER from the center of the Orrery - use Swipe and Quake as before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Metal Guardian will reward you with the Clockwork Hammer. Get it from the center of the spinning wheel. You'll be restored to your teenage form now. ==================================================== 5.20 Trip 5 - Clockwork Malice (Location: The Orrery) ==================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The orrery thinks the fifth key is held by some Juju guy but he's not certain. He'll direct you to go to the Siren Tree. Go back to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar in from of it and wait for the pillar to rise. Use the portal to go to the next area. ======================================================= 5.21 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: Siren Tree) ======================================================= Heart Pots to Collect: 5 Red Cogs to collect: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Locate the FOUR RED COGS to unlock "Pipe 'N Drums" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop down from the stump. There are four Crows with clubs scattered around the clearing between the Siren Tree and the building with the pipes, they take two hits to kill with the more powerful Clockwork Hammer. A Crow with two guns stands near the building with the pipes. You may wan to use bullet shield magic when you approach him, or just side step him volley of fire. These Crows now fall to three swipe attacks. He'll drop the first crystal heart pot when you kill him. Double jump onto the u-shaped pipe beside him to get the first red cog. While on the pipe, turn so that you're facing the five toes that stick out of the ground. Go to the rock just before the toes and double jump from the top of in to the pillbox installation to the left to get the second red cog. NOTE: The pillboxes fires shots at you through the slots. As far as I know there is no way to take them out. Double jump onto the brown pipe in the direction of the siren tree. From there you can double jump to another pillbox to get the second Crystal Heart Pot. Use the bullet shield magic and approach the Crow with two gun in the path along the side of the Siren Tree. Kill him to get the third Crystal Heart Pot. A single gun Crow stands by a rock at the end on the path where it enters the clearing between the back of the siren tree and the witch's hut. Another Crow with two gun's is along the wall on this side of the clearing. He'll drop the fourth Crystal Heart Pot when you kill him. There are two Crows with single guns in front of the witch's hut and three Crows with clubs closer to the siren tree. In the path on the other side of the Siren Tree is another Crow with two guns that will drop the final Crystal Heart Pot when you kill him. Now that all of the Crow are dealt with, go back to the other side of the siren tree where you killed the second Crow with two guns. Jump on the green root near the entrance to the witch's clearing. Double jump over the path of leaves overlooking the witch's clearing. Go up the slope a bit and double jump up to the ledge over this end. Jump across two ledges clockwise are the Siren Tree to get the third red cog. Drop down to the path of leaves and go to the end furthers clockwise. Double jump up to a white ledge, where you'll find the final red cog in a niche. Drop back down to the ground and head to the building with the pipes. Double jump onto the u-shaped pipe you got a red cog from earlier. Double jump over to the top of the barrel to the left (when facing the building). Use the portal on the building from there to insert the red cog. This opens the portal, which you can double jump into to go to the next area. ========================================================== 5.22 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: Pipe 'n Drums) ========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Gold Cogs to collect: 5 Red Cogs to collect: 4 Coins to collect: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect FIVE GOLD COGS. Put them in the machine to activate the swipe switch to lower the bridge across the Gloop Basin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step on of the pipe you're in onto a capped pipe. Jump onto the pipe ahead of your and turn right. Follow the pipe around a bend to the right and double jump across a gap to a brown pipe. Double jump up to the capped end of a pipe. Double jump to the right to get on top of the pipe where you started. You'll find the first gold cog over the opening of the pipe. Drop down to the capped pipe you first stepped to on this level and jump back to the pipe ahead of you. This time double jump to a capped pipe ahead of you. Jump to the right to get to the corner of the lip of the gloop basin. Go right along the lip to the next corner. Drop onto the ledge below in this corner and step onto the barrel beside it. Double jump across four more barrels in the gloop to get to the second gold cog. Backtrack by double jumping the gaps across the previous four barrels. Double jump up to the ledge. Do another double jump to get up to this corner of the lip on the basin. Double jump to the top of the pipe at this corner. You'll notice a u-shaped pipe forming a ledge across from here. Double jump and use glide magic to get to it. You'll need to double jump and glide to two similar ledges to the left, and then to two more to the right to get the first red cog. If you drop down to the floor here (use glide magic so you don't get hurt), you'll encounter two rats with wrenches which take two swipe attacks to kill and a rat with a gun that takes three swipes attacks to kill. Two more rats with wrench will warp in after killing the one with the gun. After dealing with this batch of rats. Jump onto the row of crates in the corner by the basin. Double jump from there to get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Destroy the crates to reveal four blue mana crystals and the third Gold Cog. (If you need to you can jump up the pipes in this area to get back on top of the basin.) Go past the pipes and turn right. There's a roach here that can be killed by a single swipe attack. The machine you will eventual deposit the gold cogs in is against the basin here. Another roach may be in the niche to the left. The two stacks crates can be jumped on to get to the portal where the red cogs will be deposited later. Jump across the gloop trench. Kill the two roaches and two rats with wrenches just ahead. Go left into the corner. The fourth gold cog is in a narrow path to the left. Jump onto the crate in this corner. Double jump to the left to get onto a ledge formed by a u-shaped pipe. Double jump to the right to get to a similar ledge. Double jump to the right and around the corner to get another ledges where the second red cog is. Drop back down to the floor. Continue going around the basin. Kill three more roaches and another rat with a gun. Kill the two rats with wrenches that warp in. Jump on the two crates in the corner by the basin. Double jump from them to get the second Crystal heart pot. Destroy the crates to get the final gold cog and a heart. Backtrack around the basin and jump over the gloop trench. Use the machine at this corner to deposit the gold cogs. This activates the swipe switch on the machine. Use a swipe attack to swing a bridge into place over top of the Gloop Basin revealing a new spell. --------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Get onto the bridge and collect the Magic --------------------------------------------------------- Double jump on the pipes just past the machine. Do four more double jumps up the pipes to get back to the lip of the basin. Go left along the lip a ways and double jump over to the bridge. Cross the bridge and use the spell stand at the other end to get the Health Magic Spell. This spell is useful when you get down to your last heart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect Five Cons. Put them in the coin-meter to open the Gate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double jump from this end on the bridge to get to another section of the basin's lip. Go right and around a corner and get the first coin from the end of the lip. Turn back and go past the bridge. Jump to the pipe to the right just past the bridge. Double jump from there to a valve where you can get the third red cog. Turn left and jump onto the bend in the pipe going up beside the valve. Double jump onto the pipe past it. Double jump up to the end of another pipe from this end. Double jump from the bend in this pipe to get the second coin from what appears to be a doorway which won't be opening. Drop to the floor from here. Kill the rat with the rat and the one with the gun. Kill the two rats with wrenches that warp in after killing the one with the gun. There third coin sits on the floor beside an indestructible crate here. The wooden crate on top of another indestructible crate contains a heat and the one in the opposite corner contains the third Crystal Heart Pot. It you turn so that the basin in to your right, you'll see another rat with a wrench straight ahead. The fourth coin is in a niche just past him. Turn right and go past the pipes. The coin-meter is by the water fall to the left, but we need the last coin so keep going past it. Kill the two beetles, the rat with the wrench, the rat will a gun, and the two rats with wrenches that warp in. Double jump on the stack of two wooden crates to the left and double jump from there to the stack of four indestructible crates to get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back down to the ground. The stack of two crates has a mana crystal. The single crate to the right of the stack of four contains a hear. Further right is another single crates that contains the final coin. Return to the coin-meter by the waterfall and use it to deposit the coins, opening a gate above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect the FOUR RED COGS. Put them into the lock to open the EXIT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you've been following the walkthrough you'll already have three of the cogs. Do four double jumps up the pipes by the meters to get back to the basin's lip. Go left past the bridge and jump onto the pipes to the left. Go up to the waterfall end of the pipe, jump and use glide magic to get into the pipe. Go upstream and get the final red cog. Turn around and go downstream. Jump back to the pipe and the top of the water fall. Go along the pipe and jump onto the basin lip. Double jump to the bridge. Cross the bridge and double jump to the basin's lip on the other end. Drop to the ground below and double jump onto the two indestructible crates below the portal. Use the portal to deposit the red cogs and open the portal. Double jump into the portal and get the fifth Crystal Heart Pot inside before continuing to the next area. ============================================================== 5.23 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: Gloop River Caves) ============================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: A toxic underground river. Explore, but don't fall in! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the end of the pipe you're in. There is a ledge to the right that you can double jump to from the end. Double jump from here to the tallest of three pillar in the stream in front of you. Double jump down to the end of a pipe sticking out of the stream. From there jump into the open end of the large pipe on the other end of the stream. Go up the pipe and kill the five spiders inside with a single swipe attack. Double jump onto the large crate at the end to get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Go back down the pipe and jump back to the end of the pipe stick out of the stream. Double jump to the left to get to the end of another pipe jutting out from the stream. Jump to the platform to the right of this pipe. Use a swipe attack on the switch with the exclamation mark to start releasing barrels into the stream. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Using the barrels, jump and ride them downstream to find the second switch. Remember to search this area for hidden items. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump onto a barrel as it float by. Make sure to face downstream. Jump onto the pipe blocking your path. Jump back on you barrel after it goes under the pipe. When you get to the gloop fall, jump onto the walkway to your right. Kill the rat with a gun here. The two wooden crates contain a heart and the second Crystal Heart Pot. Double jump off the end of the bridge where the rat was to get to a small pillar. Double jump over a platform on the far wall. Use a swipe attack on the switch with the exclamation mark here to start the release of a second batch of barrels into the stream. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: The second run of barrels will allow you to jump and double jump your way upstream to the EXIT pipe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double jump up two ledges to your left (when facing the wall) from the switch. Double jump up to a ledge to the right from this ledge. Double jump and use glide magic to get to the next ledge to the right. Double jump to the right to another ledge, and them again to the pillar. Don't automatic jump to the next pillar, instead pan around to see a third pillar in the area. Double jump to it first to get the third Crystal Heart Pot. Now you can double jump back to the first pillar and then double jump to the next pillar right. Double jump upstream over three ledges. Double jump and use glide magic to get to a pillar with the fourth crystal heart pot. Jump onto one of the barrels floating past. The secret to making your way upstream is to go to the upstream end of the barrel you're on and do a single jump to the next barrel, double jumps will usually land you in the gloop. Continue jumping upstream on the barrels until a pipe blocks your way. Double jump to the right to get to a pillar. Double jump across three more pillars upstream. Jump back onto the barrels and continue jumping over them on your way upstream until you get to the end of the pipe to you're left that juts out of the stream. Double jump onto in. Double jump onto the ledge downstream from the pipe and turn so you're facing a pipe on the other side of the stream. Double jump across the two pillars in the steam and into the pipe. Kill the rat with the gun and get the final Crystal Heart Pot when he drops it. Continue down the pipe to the next area. ====================================================== 5.24 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: Juju Cave) ====================================================== Heart Pots to Collect: 5 Keys to Collect: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: The Juju Man is a coward. He will flee if you defeat the three rats and collect their valuable keys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you've managed to insult the Juju Man, double jump the mushroom in front of the pipe that you're in. Double jump to the path in front of you and kill the spider there. Go left first. When the path turns right at a wall, double jump onto a ledge on the wall. Double jump up to another ledge to the right, and then again to another to the left to get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back down to the path and kill the spider in the corn. Continue down the path along the wall and kill another spider by a thorny vine. Jump onto the pipe past the spider. Jump onto the ledge to the left. Double jump up to another ledge beside a crate. Double jump up to a ledge to the right. Jump into a pipe above there and kill the rat with a gun to get the first key. Go back down. Break the crate to get a heart. When you're back at the pipe go to the path on the other side and kill the spider there. Drop to another path below from the end of this path and go back along the wall to get the second Crystal Heart Pot at the other end of it. Make you way back to where you jumped from the mushroom at the beginning and continue along the path in the opposite direction. When the path turns right, use the bullet shield magic so you can double jump to the mushroom that a rat with a gun is on. Kill him to get the second key. Double Jump back to the path and continue on. Jump into the small stream of water and jump upstream to get the third Crystal Heart Pot. Kill the spider on the other side of the stream. Jump to the ledge at the end of the path and walk along it. Double jump to another ledge when you reach the end of the current one. Kill the two spiders on this ledge. A single jump with get you to the next ledge. Double jump from this ledge to get to the top of this tower. Kill the rat with a gun here to scare off the Juju Man. Apparently the Metal Guardian is under attack, he'll tell you to hurry up and collect the magic from the Juju man's treasure room so he can beam you back to the orrery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry Use the three Skull keys to unlock the Juju Man's treasure room and collect the next Magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collect the key that the third rat has dropped. Double jump over to the ledge where the fourth Crystal Heart Pot is and kill the spider there. Double jump back to the top of the tower. Double jump across three mushrooms, killing spiders on the last two. Double jump to the skull door from the third mushroom. Use the door to open it with the three keys. Go through the door and kill the rat with a wrench. Drop into the treasure room. Before getting the spell, retrieve the final Crystal Heart Pot from behind the spell stand. There are four crate in here to break for two yellow mana crystals and two hearts if you need them. Use the spell stand to get the Damage Shield Magic spell. The Metal Guardian will bring you back to the Orrery to defend him. ======================================================== 5.25 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================== Boss Fight: MechaDog -------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Defeat MechaDog with the giant defence pillars! Try activating the floor switches at the right moment. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle takes place on the big wheel of the orrery. The only magic you should consider using here is the health magic if you get reduced to your last heart. There are three yellow mana crystals by the exit portal and two more by the Metal Guardian if you need to recharge. All you need to do is run about dodging the Mecha Dogs charges, missiles, and homing fire balls. Double jump over the fireballs. When the Mecha Dog retreats to the center of the orrery, wait for the blue arcs to surround him and step on one for the blue footpads around the orrery to trigger the defense pillars which will crush him in the center. After three hits here add a crushing arm to him attacks. You'll likely just need to take your lumps from this. After he's been hit five times by the defence pillars he'll be defeated and will drop the fifth logic key. -------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key. -------------------------------------- If necessary use your healing magic and recharge your mana with the yellow mana crystals. Retrieve the logic key to go... er.. stay at the orrery. ======================================================== 5.26 Trip 5 - Follow that Stench (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Give the Logic key to the Metal Guardian - walk over to him and use (Y). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to one of the four remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to put the fifth logic key in place. ======================================================== 5.27 Trip 6 - Follow that Stench (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Metal Guardian will tell you to seek the help of the Bird Resistance in the Crow stronghold, the Fire Forest, on your quest for the sixth key. Go back to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar in from of it and wait for the pillar to rise. Use the portal to go to the next area. ========================================================== 5.28 Trip 6 - A Murder of Crows (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Keycards: Blue, Orange, Red Note: Keycards don't appear in the pause menu list of collectables. ------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Use keycards to explore more of the fortress. ------------------------------------------------------------- Go up the stairs in front of you. A member of the Bird Resistance will talk to you and the top of the stairs. Pick up the blue keycard beside him and use it to open the blue door here. Turn right in the hallway path the door. Take a few steps and kill the two Crows with clubs that approach a few step in. Go into the large opening to the right and kill another Crow with a club by a pile of crates. Double jump up twice to the top of the pile to get the first crystal heart pot. The four breakable crates here all contain blue mana crystals. Return to the hall and continue down it. A Crow with a single gun and another with a club attack after a couple of steps. Jump onto the block beside where the Crow with a gun was and double jump up to the ledge above it to get the second Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back down and continue down the hall. Two more pairs of Crows with guns and clubs attack after a couple of steps, one of each from each side of the hall. The ledge above the block by the pair on the right has the third crystal heart pot. There's only a mana crystal by the one on the left. Further down the hall are two more Crows with guns and another with a club. Only mana crystals can be found on the ledges over the blocks by these Crows. There's a locked orange door to the right before the stairs at the end of the hall that you currently lack the keycard for. Continue down the stairs. Kill the Crow with the gun in the niche where the path turns to the left. Head past the crates and activate the Bullet Shield Magic to get close the two Crows with two guns so that you can kill them. There are 10 large wooden crates in this area. Break them one at a time. 3 blue mana crystals, 2 yellow mana crystal, 5 metal Crows. The metal Crows take 6 swipe attacks to kill. After killing all five metal Crows the fourth Crystal Heart Pot will appear on the solid block in the center of the area. Continue down the hall and around the corner to the left. Two Crows with single guns await at the end of this stretch. Kill them and turn the corner to the left. Kill the lone Crow with a gun at the end of the narrow passage ahead and turn left. Approach the switch and use it opening the door to your left where there is a Crow with two guns. Several Crow with clubs warp in back the way you came. Activate your bullet shield magic the orange keycard from the block behind him. Recharge on the blue man crystals here and go back the way you came. Kill the six Crows with clubs when you get to them and continue on your way back to the locked door. Open the door and go through it. Kill the three Crows with clubs and the one with two guns that warps in after killing the first three. Pick up the red keycard he drops. Go into each of the four cells with orange door to the left and press the buttons on the wall to release the captive members of the Bird Resistance inside the cells. Open the red door at the end of the hall and go through it to the next area. ========================================================== 5.29 Trip 6 - A Murder of Crows (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Keycards: Blue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Use explosives to detonate all six planes at once. To detonate them, return to the plunger one the explosives are in place and press (Y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listen two the two bird resistant secret agents describes their mission. Two of the Crystal Heart Pots are just to your left. Get them and the six explosives in the corner past the plunger. Step onto the lift on the other side on the birds from the explosives and press the switch to lower the lift. Step off the lift into the hanger. Go into each of the six red squares surrounding the Crow planes and use them to place the explosives. Now you can safely double jump onto the block beside the life to get the third Crystal Heart Pot. Double jump to the stack of two blocks past it to get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot. Double jump to the stack of three blocks to get the final Crystal Heart Pot. Get on the lift and ride it back to the top. Use the plunger in the starting room to destroy the planes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Liberate all the Bird Resistance prisoners and kill all the Crows! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pilot of the planes, six Crows with clubs have appeared in the hanger. Either jump down into the hanger or ride the lift. After killing the six Crows, one with two guns will warp in. Kill it and it will drop a blue key card. Open the blue door in the corner or the hanger furthest from the lift. Enter the gene lab where you'll be ambushed and toss into a cell. ========================================================== 5.30 Trip 6 - A Murder of Crows (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Keycards: Blue, Orange, Red, Green --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: You need your Hammer. Use the vents to get out of your cell and see if you can find a way through - find some KEYCARDS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You've manage to get yourself captured, thus you find yourself unarmed in a small cell. The orange cell door is locked. Jump on your bed and double jump into the vent above it. Walk down the vent towards an intermittently blowing fan. You won't make progress while it's blowing. When you manage to get to it turn the corner to the left. Go through the pipe into another vent. Ignore this vent for now and enter the pipe on the other side when the fan allows you to do so. This pipe leads to yet another vent. There's no point in going left at this time as the fan at the end of the pipe to the right at that end blows constantly. Instead you should go right and turn left into the pipe at that end when the fan allows you to. Get the blue keycard in this pipe. Turn around and backtrack through the pipes to the second vent. Turn right when you get to it and drop into another cell at the end. You can talk to the sleeping prisoner here, who will hind at the keycard that you've already found. He'll also give you the first Crystal Heart Pot. The door to this cell is blue so it can be opened with your keycard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Do not get caught by the guards! You must not run - walk quietly to evade them. Use the SECURITY CAMERA SCREENS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the open doorway, pan left a bit so you can see if there is a guard looking into the room from the door on the other side. If not walk around the corner to the left and hide behind the crate. Use the switch here to turn off a fan somewhere in the vents. This isn't the fan that was impeding your progress at the end of the pipe. Wait for the guard in the door to turn around and wall over to the security screen to the right of the door. You can use it check the end points of the guards rounds. Wait for the guard to come back. When he turns around start following him. Go beside the security screen to the right and behind him at the end of his round, using him to block yourself from the sight of the guard further on. This screen shows two views of this junctions. Wait for the first guard to turn around and walk away. The other guards should have already done so, if not wait for him to turn. Go across the hall a few steps further down outside the two cells. Use the switch here to stop another fan. Open the blue door in this area. The prisoner inside will give you the orange access card. Take it. Leave the cell and open the other door in this area. This is your cell. Now that some fans have been stopped reenter the vents. Make your way to the third vent and turn left. Turn right into the pipe at the end. You can get through now that the fan is stopped. The second and third Crystal Heart Pots have be found at the two end of this vent. Return to your cell once you have them. Open your cell door and use the security camera here. Wait for the first guard to turn around after looking towards this area. Go to the end of the short hall. As soon as the second guard turns around follow him until you can hide in a niche to the left. When for him to go by on his return trip and go across the hall. Open the orange door and enter the safe room. Jump to get the key hanging on the far wall. Use it to open the safe in the room to retrieve you're hammer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: You have your hammer back, now use it to help you escape from the Fortress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There's no more need for stealth. Go back into the hall. Kill the three Crows with clubs in the hall. Open the orange door at the far end to get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot. Go to the other end on the hall and kill the Crow with two guns outside the first prisoners cell. Get the red keycard that he drops. Use it to open the red door behind him. Kill the Crow with a club on the other side. Open another red door. Two more Crows with clubs are in this room. The fifth Crystal Heart Pot can be found in a closet to the right side of this room. Open the red door on the other side of the room and another at the end of a short hall way. Use the spell stand in this room to get the Slow Magic spell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Use the Green keycard to exit the Jail Cells! Keep you eyes open for items you may have missed! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The slow spell is useful against the fast Crows that warp in after getting the spell. These Crows take four swipe attacks to kill and are hard to hit at normal speeds. Get the green keycard that appeared after dispatching the fast Crows. Use it to open the door on the other side of this room. Go through the door to the next area. ========================================================== 5.31 Trip 6 - A Murder of Crows (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Boss Fight: Mutaton ---------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Use the hammer to defeat the Mutaton! ---------------------------------------------------- Dodge the Mutaton's attack's. Swipe attack it when the blue electrical arcs surround it while the attacks are in progress. The Mutaton has a swipe attack in addition to it's two special attacks. The vines it one of the special can be double jumped over to allow you to get close enough to the Mutaton. When it's glowing green you'll need to stand back from it and wait for it to summon in some zombies before going around them to hit the Mutaton. Every four normal strength hits will result in the Mutaton dropping heart and/or mana crystals. It takes about 25 hits to defeat the Mutaton, fewer if you use boost magic on so of the attacks. ------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect the Logic Key ------------------------------------- Use the health spell and collect mana crystals to recharge your mana if necessary. Pick up the logic key that the Mutaton dropped to return to the Orrery. ====================================================== 5.32 Trip 6 - A Murder of Crows (Location: The Orrery) ====================================================== ------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Deposit Logic key in lock by using (Y) ------------------------------------------------------ Go up to one of the three remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to place the sixth key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect the QUANTUM TUNING FORK from the center of the Orrery. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Metal Guardian will reward you with the Quantum Tuning Fork. Go into the center of the spinning wheel to collect it. This is the best weapon Malice will receive. ====================================================== 5.33 Trip 7 - A Murder of Crows (Location: The Orrery) ====================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get to the next area. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Metal Guardian will inform you that the Juju Man definitely hold the seventh key. Return to the exit portal. Jump on the pillar. Wait for the pillar to rise and use the portal to go to the next area. ======================================================= 5.34 Trip 7 - That Juju Voodoo (Location: Earth Forest) ======================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 5 Bomb parts to collect: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Find three bomb parts and return them to the Bird Resistance bomb expert, Exploding Ed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll meet the Bird Resistance secret agents again here. They'll brief you on the mission that they've decided to leave to you, so that they can take the credit for it without getting killed. You'll need to find three bomb parts, take them to Exploding Ed, and use the bomb he makes to destroy a force field. Go along the path you're on. Go past the crate, which contains a blue mana crystal, and kill the Crow with two guns which will fall to two hits from the Quantum Tuning fork. Double jump onto the ledge behind him and kill the two Crows with clubs with a single swipe from the tuning fork. Double jump onto the small platform to the right to get the first bomb part. Drop back down before the incoming fire from the pillbox in the distance reaches you. You can drop into the pit here to dispose of a metal Crow with four hits of the tuning form. There crate it the pit contains a heart. Double jump out of the pit on the ledge below the one you dropped in from and double jump back up to it. Turn left and double jump over to a floating island. Kill the Crow with the club here. Double jump to another flowing island in the distance. There are two Crows with clubs here to dispose of. Ignore the force field and turn right. Double jump to a small crumbling island and quickly double jump to the floating island to the left. Kill the two Crows with clubs here and get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Turn around and double jump to the crumbling island that will have reappeared. Double jump up two more crumbling islands and up to a floating island above. Kill the Crow with a gun and get the second bomb part here. Double jump ahead from here to and area with a Crow with a club and 4 flying insect. You'll need to jump and swipe attack to kill the insect. Keep going ahead past a block an turn left into a cave tunnel where you'll encounter Exploding Ed. You don't have all the bomb pieces so keep moving through the tunnel. Kill the Crow with a club at the end of the tunnel. Turn right at kill the metal Crow near the crate. There's a heart in the crate. Get the second Crystal Heart Pot behind a block to the far right and retreat here. The are boulders rolling down to the left of the area. Double jump up several ledges and get the third Crystal Heart Pot a bit to the right at the top. Keep going right along the path until it bends to the right. Use the Bullet Shield and double jump across the gap to a small ledge. Jump up to the next ledge and deal with the Crow with a gun. Double jump up two move ledges. Double jump around the pillar in front of you to a ledge on the other side. Double jump up to the top of the pillar to get the third bomb part. Look around here until you spot the crypt with the fourth Crystal Heat Pot on top. Double jump towards it and use Glide Magic to get it. Drop down and deal with the two Crows with clubs here. Go ahead taking the narrow path to the left to avoid the falling rocks on the other path. Jump over the block at turn right a bit to reenter Exploding Ed's cave. Give the bomb parts to Exploding Ed, he'll build them into a bomb for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Take the bomb and use it to destroy the Forcefield Generator. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turn around and leave the cave. Return to the crypt where you'll find the forcefield generator on its left side. Use it and clear the area within 5 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Make your way to the deactivated Force Field ------------------------------------------------------------ Some Crows with two guns have warp in around the level. The first will be two your right as you leave the crypt on the path with the falling rocks. After you kill him, two Crows with clubs will warp in. The next Crow with two guns is in the area where the two paths from the crypt meet. Again two Crows with clubs will appear after killing him. Go back through Exploding Ed's cave. A third Crow with two guns will be past the block on the other side. No reinforcements this time. Jump to the crumbling island past where the Crow was and double jump to the floating island past it. Double jump to the crumbling island on the other side and double jump to another floating island beyond it. Turn right and double jump through the fallen force field. Kill the Crow with two gun here and a spell stand will be flown in. Before getting the spell, double jump your way up four small ledged to get the final Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back down to the spell stand. Use it to get the final spell, Nuke Magic. The other force field with be down now. Go through it to the next area. ======================================================= 5.35 Trip 7 - That Juju Voodoo (Location: Earth Forest) ======================================================= Heart Pots to collect: 5 Keycards: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: find two keycards held by Crow Sergeants to activate the bridge to allow Malice to reach the Juju Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk up to the Crow with a club ahead of you and kill it. Double jump up to the ledge above you to the left. Kill two more Crows with clubs here. Head it the direction of the level starting point at double jump up to a small ledge where you'll get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Turn around and jump up to another ledge. Kill the Crow with a club here. Activate a Bullet Shield and double jump over to a small ledge in the distance. Kill the Crow with a gun and the two flying insects here. Double jump over to the next ledge, timing the jump to avoid the falling rocks. Drop down to the path in front of you and kill the Crow with two guns there. If front of you is a string of small floating and crumbling island. Double jump to the floating island in front of you. Double jump to a crumbling island, and from there double jump to another floating island. Before continuing turn right and double jump over to the pillbox. Double jump to get on top of it to get the second Crystal Heart Pot. Drop down in from of the pillbox and double jump back to the floating island. Turn right and continue, double jumping across two crumbling islands, a floating island, another crumbling island, and another floating island, and finally to a path where you'll need to kill a Crow with a club. There's another string of islands to the right. Double jump across four floating islands to get to another ledge. Activate a Bullet Shield and double jump up to the path above and turn right. Double jump across the gap and kill the Crow with two guns there. Continue along this path where you'll find a Metal Crow and another Crow with two guns. Killing the Crow with two guns causes two more to appear behind you as well as several flying insect and another Metal Crow. Both of the two new Crows with two guns will drop Keycards. Get them and the third Crystal Heart Pot that appeared on one of the blocks here. Backtrack and double jump back to the previous ledge. As you walk along this ledge you'll need to kill a Metal Crow and a Crow with a club. Continue up the path and kill another Crow with a club. When you get to the end of the path, ignore the floating islands in front of you and double jump up to the path to your right. Kill the crow with a gun there. Drop down to the path ahead of you. Double jump up a string of three crumbling islands to get to another path. Go along this path and kill a Crow with a club and then a Crow with two guns. Use the switch behind the crow with two gun with the keycard you found to lower one of two bridges into place further on. Turn away from the switch and drop down to the left to where you found the first keycard. Double jump the gap again and go up the path until you get back to the floating islands you ignored earlier. Double jump across the three floating islands and then double jump to a path to the right of the third. Just ignore the two flying insects above the islands, they're not worth the trouble of killing. Turn left along the path and use the switch in a niche to the right to lower the second bridge into place. (Once of the other crows with two guns must have dropped the second key card.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Continue upwards to face the Juju Man. Look out for valuable pick-up on the way ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double jump up the string up five floating installs near the switch to another ledge. Ignore the five flying insect above the islands. Turn left towards the bridges. Double jump and use Glide Magic to make it to the nearest bridge. Double jump through the fourth Crystal Heart Pot to the second bridge. Double jump to the ledge with the yellow man crystal. Drop to the ledge below it. Walk to towards the front of the screen onto the first in another string of crumbling islands. You can just run from one of these seven crumbling island to another, getting the last Crystal Heart Pot from the fourth one. Double jump to a ledge to the left from a the last island. Kill the Crow with a club and the flying insect here. You may want to use the Healing Magic now as there are five blue mana crystals to recharge on as you go up the path to the next area. ======================================================== 5.36 Trip 7 - That Juju Voodoo (Location: Earth Forest) ======================================================== Boss Fight: Juju Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Defeat the Jujuman with your Quantum Tuning Fork and wits! Avoid his constant ghoulish magical attacks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Juju Man starts of fight in a mobile Electric Chair. He has to attacks it this form, a thorn vine attack that he casts along the ground at you that can easily be dodged to one side, and an electrical attack where he's surrounded by electrical attacks. If you can time you're attack just as he's about to use one of his attacks. You can also force you're way through the beginning of the electrical attack taking some damage if necessary. Six normal attacks will destroy his chair. If you used Boost Magic you might get lucky and destroy it with a single hit or it may take three. Once the chair is gone, the Juju Man may summon zombie or use the vine attack. Both are easily dodges. Juju Man is vulnerable when he is flashing blue for a few seconds after using one of his attacks so run up to him and hit him. Get the mana crystal he drops if you're using boost magic. Killing zombie, while not necessary, will yield some hearts. 7 normal or 4 Boost Magic attacks are required to defeat Juju Man after the chair has been destroyed. -------------------------------- Journal Entry: Get the Logic Key -------------------------------- As there are no mana crystals, just get the logic key the Juju Man has left behind to return to the Orrery. ===================================================== 5.37 Trip 7 - That Juju Voodoo (Location: The Orrery) ===================================================== ------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Deposit Logic key in lock by using (Y) ------------------------------------------------------ Go up to one of the two remaining locks around the Metal Guardian and use it to place the seventh key. ====================================================== 5.38 Trip 8 - That Juju Voodoo (Location: The Orrery) ====================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go to the exit portal and press (Y) to get tot he next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Metal Guardian will tell you to collect the pieces of the Mecha Armour on your way to get the final Logic Key. Go back to the exit portal. Jump onto the pillar and wait for it to rise. Use the exit portal to go to the next area. =========================================================== 5.39 Trip 8 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: Pipe N' Drums) =========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Gold Cogs to collect: 10 Armour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Collect 10 GOLD COGS and insert them into the machine to power up the archaic Mecha Armour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After listening to the two rats preparing for your arrival, drop onto the capped pipe end it front of the pipe you start in. Drop to the gray pipe to your left and walk down it, going around a bend to the left. Drop onto the capped pip to the right to get the first gold cog. Double jump back up to the pipe. Go to the bend in the pipe and double jump to the corner of the basin. Go ahead and get the second metal cog. Turn around and go around the corner of the basin all the way to the wall. Double jump up to a brown pipe to the left to get the first Crystal Heart Pot. Drop down to the floor and kill the two roaches, which require a single swipe from the tuning fork, and the Rat with a gun in the corner, which requires two swipes. Jump onto the green drum by the corner of the basin and kill the rat with a gun that warps in there. Go ahead into the next corners and kill the Rat with a wrench and the Rat with a gun there. Killing the Rat with a gun causes six Rats to warp in behind you, four with wrenches and two with guns. Destroy the two wooden crates here to get the third and fourth gold cogs. Continue around the basin and kill three roaches, jump on the pipe ahead and kill the rat with a gun there. Go right from the pipe and kill the roach, getting the fifth gold cog in the niche behind it. There's another roach and the second Crystal Heart Pot in the next niches. The sixth golden cog with be on the pipes to the left. A rat with a wrench and a rat with a gun are in the next corner. Five more rats with wrenches warp in afterwards. Destroy the stack of three wooden crates to get the seventh gold cog. Finish going around the basin and kill the three Roaches and the Rat with a gun. The gearbox behind the rat is where you'll place the cogs once you'll found them all. Turn around and get the eighth gold cog from behind the Mecha Armour with is leaning against the wall. Jump onto the block by the Mecha Armour Double jump from the block to a ledge form by a u-shaped pipe to the left. Double jump left to a similar ledge. Double right twice up two more ledges to get the third crystal heart pot. Jump back to the previous ledge and double jump to the left up to another ledge. Double jump up and around the corner to the next ledge. Double jump up two more ledges left and then up one more to the right. From here, double jump to the brown pipe to the right. Turn right and walk along the pipe to get the ninth gold cog. Double jump and use Glide Magic to get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot from a ledge ahead of you. Double jump and use glide magic to get to the lip of the basin. Go to the middle of the front of the basin. Facing away from the basin, double jump and use glide magic to get the final Crystal Heart Pot on a ledge between two pipes to the right. Drop back to the floor and go back around the basin towards the Mecha Armour. At the corner of the basin nearest the Armour to is a block you can jump onto. From there double jump onto a stack of three blocks, and then again to a stack of four blocks to get the final gold cog. Drop to the floor and go over to the gear box. Use it to deposit the cogs to power up the Mecha Armour. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Collect all the piece of rusted Mecha Armour from the abandoned suit to be teleported to the next section --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mecha Armour falls over into nine pieces after being powered up. Pick up all of the them (one is small and hard to see). All of them are near the gear box. When you've got them all, the Metal Guardian will teleport you to the next area. =========================================================== 5.40 Trip 8 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: The Head Eater) =========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Chip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Kill the crows guarding the handcrank. This handcrank unlocks the chamber containing the CHIP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go ahead and kill the two Fast Crows, which take three hits from the tuning fork, and the three Metal Crows ahead of you. Get the first Crystal Heart Pot in a Guard booth on the other side from the entrance. The crate in this area holds a yellow mana crystal. Incoming fire will come from behind the barricades opposite the entrance. Head left and deal with a Crow with one gun in the corner on the same side as the entrance and another with two guns on the other side by the hand crank. Use the hand crank to open up a door further on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal entry: Use the handcrank at the bottom of the Gloop chamber to power up a way to the Chip. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kill the two Crows with clubs that appear behind you and continue in the direction you were going across some sandbags. Turn left and kill the Crow with two guns beside the door that opens. Get the second Crystal Heart Pot when he drop it. Go through the door to the right and walk out to a square platform. Jump onto a smaller square platform ahead. Jump down two gets to the right. Use bullet shield magic and them double jump and use glide magic to get the platform in the distance where you can kill a Crow with a gun. Get the third Crystal Heart Pot and then use the handcrank here to start the machinery. Wait for the small square platform that was by the one with the handcrank to return and jump on it. Double jump to the lower gear, which is now moving, and the other end of its path. Jump onto the lift here and use it. When it get to the top, double jump onto the gear shaft to the right and double jump over to the entranceway to the right. Walk back onto the larges square platform. Jump onto the small platform when it comes into range. Double jump onto the moving gears at the end of the run. Go left on the gears to get the four Crystal Heart Pot. Turn around and go the other way on the to get the last Crystal Heart Pot from the second last gear. Jump from the last gear to a moving square platform. Jump from the moving platform to a large platform with a flashing circle of spikes with holds the chip. Jump into the circle of spikes to get the Chip, which you need for the Mecha Armour, and to be teleported to the next area. ========================================================== 5.41 Trip 8 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Heart Pots to collect: 5 Keycards: Blue, Orange, Red, Green. Power Source --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: In the FIRE-JET area, there are three timed floor switches. These open the door which will lead you onwards towards obtaining the Power Source. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go ahead down the hall and turn left. You'll see four intermittent electrical barriers and a crow with a gun at the other end. Time your passage through the barriers, you may want to activate the bullet shield after the second barrier, and kill the crow. Note the red footpad to the right of where the crow was. You can use this yet so continue down the hall and turn left at the next corner. You'll arrive at a t-junction. There's another red footpad to the left as well as a yellow mana crystal. Turn right and you'll see some flame jet. Go forward, avoiding the jets as best as you can. Turn right before you get to the burned crow as there other route is closed off at the moment. Turn left at the next corner. You'll come to a t-junction here. Get the first Crystal Heart Pot to the left and turn around to where you'll see a gray foot switch. When you set on it, you'll have 10 seconds to backtrack to the first red footswitch that you saw, which is now gray. Then you will get another 10 seconds to make it back to the second one that you saw. There is just enough time to make it to the first one, but you can use Speed Magic to get there faster. After getting all three switches the door at the end of the flame jet corridor with the burned crow with be opens. Go forward from the last switch in the sequence an turn left at the corner. Go forward to the next corner to the right and kill the two Metal Crows there. Go down this hall, a crate in a niche to the left contains a blue mana crystal. Kill the crow with the club at the next corner to the right. Then kill the crow with a gun that's in a niche on the other side of the hall a few steps down. Jump onto the block in the niche. Double jump onto a ledge above the niche to get the second Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back down to the ground and continue down this hall, Killing a Crow with a club and them another with a gun to the right. Kill another crow with a club at the end of the hall and another crow with two gun by a blue door. This crow drops a Blue Keycard which allows you to use the door to open it. You'll face a lot of crows in the next area. There are three crows with clubs ahead of you as you go through. Kill them and then jump onto the ledges to the right to kill three crows with gun. Killing the first three crows with clubs caused three Metal Crows to appear to the left, kill them after dispatching the trio with the guns. Another batch of crows appears: 3 with clubs and 2 fast crows. After they're dealt with two Crows with two guns appear where the batch of Metal Crow did earlier. An Orange Keycard appears on the ledges where the crows with guns where earlier. Get the Orange Key card from the top ledge. Face away from the wall and double jump up to a vent to the left. Double jump up to another vent which you can follow to the third Crystal Heart Pot. Drop down and head past the ledges to the Orange Door with you can now use to open it. Kill the Metal Crow ahead of you and the Crow with two guns to your left to get the Red Keycard. Don't go through the Red door here just yet. Install get on the lift beside it and use the switch. Kill the Crow with a gun ahead of you at the top of the lift and get the fourth Crystal Heart Pot here. Turn around and jump over the block. Go down the path here to get the final Crystal Heart Pot. Drop back into the room and use the Red Door to open it. Go through it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Kill all the mutant generators to defeat the scientist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are seven mutant generators around the perimeter of the room. Hit each one with a swipe attack to destroy it. Any mutant that get produced can by killed with a single swipe. You'll automatically receive the Green Keycard after destroying the last generator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Use the Scientist's keycard to access the final chamber. This chamber holds the Mecha Armour POWER SOURCE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use the door and leave the room, returning to the previous room. Go forward and turn left towards the green door. Use it to open it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Get the Power Source to allow you to exit this area. This is your last chance to collect everything from this area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill the two crows with a gun and the Crow with two guns in the power source room. If you're short of mana go back through the level and collect crystals to recharge as you'll need to be at full mana (or at least half) for the next boss. Use the four switches around the sides of the room to release the power source, which you need for the Mecha Armour, and to go on to the next area. ========================================================== 5.42 Trip 8 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: Fire Fortress) ========================================================== Boss Fight: Crow Boss ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Defeat the CROW BOSS with your Quantum Tuning Fork and wits! Beware his Tongues of Fire! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully you're at full mana. You'll be holding this in reserve for Healing Magic, a full mana circle will allow you to fully heal yourself twice. Approach the Crow Boss to wake it up. You strategy for the first phase of the battle is to hold your ground and swipe attack the Crow Boss when it fly at you. When it retreats to the center get to the edge of the lighter colored circle in the center of the room. Double jump when the Crow Boss rises and try to land away from the tongues of fire. Run counterclockwise and double jump whenever a tongue is approaching you. The number of tongues increases after five hits and then again after ten. After ten hit the Crow Boss will stop flying at you. Now you'll need to chases after it as it runs from you on foot. Try to approach it from behind or it will spit fireballs at you. The Crow Boss will still retreat to the center after each hit. Do the same as the first phase of the battle. The tongues are now slow enough that you won't be overtaken, but you will need to pause to avoid overtaking them. The number of tongues increase after another five hit. Five more hits defeats the Crow Boss. --------------------------------- Journal Entry: Get the Logic Key --------------------------------- Go into the center of the room and retrieve the final logic key. You'll be returned to the orrery. ======================================================= 5.43 Trip 8 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Deposit Logic key in lock by using (Y) ------------------------------------------------------ Go up to last remaining lock around the Metal Guardian and use it to place the final key. ======================================================= 5.44 Trip 9 - Full Metal Catsuit (Location: The Orrery) ======================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Entry: Go top the Mecha Armour and press (Y) to be taken to the final battle! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Metal Guardian has finished constructing the Mecha Armour now that all of the logic keys are in place. Go into the center of the spinning when and use the Mecha Armour to proceed to the final battle against the Dog God. ======================================================= 5.45 Trip 9 - Hot Diggitty Dog (Location: Earth Forest) ======================================================= Boss Fight: Dog God ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Kill the Dog God with all the magic, moves and skills you have! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This will be a fairly long battle since the Dog God requires a lot of hits to kill. Wait for the Dog God to spit some fireballs at you, dodging them to the side or running away from them. Move towards him as he throws fire balls, running around them. Use a Boost Magic if you have the mana and hit him as he saunter back to the fire pool in the center. Pick up the heart he drops if you've been hurt. Several fire balls with be throw out of the pool when the Dog God's about to charge you. Dodge his charge attack to the side. Try to scoop up as many of the mana crystals (or the heart) that the fireballs deposited as you can before they disappear while the Dog God begins spitting fire balls. The number of spits and throws increase as you damage done to the Dog God, the strategy remains the same throughout the battle. There are two spit and a one throw initial. After 18 normal hits the number increases fours spits and two throws. After 16 more normal hits the number increase to sever spits and three throws. 16 more normal hits finishes the Dog God off. After defeating the Dog God you can watch the final cut scene of Malice restoring the world. ****************************************************************************** 6. Beach of Souls Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** ================================ 6.1 Beach of Souls (Main Island) ================================ Eggs shaped object to collect: 10 Journal Entry: If you are harmed here, you become a Ghost. If you are a ghost for 60 seconds, the game ends. To stop the timer, you must collect your SOULSTONE. Look for the red smoke. The Beach of Souls is an optional area (actually two optional areas) that you're taken to if you get killed. While you're here you have only 1 heart, if you get hurt you'll be turned into a ghost. Thing the can hurt you include the wandering zombies and ghosts, and falling into the deeper ethereal water surrounding this narrow island. If you become a ghosts, quickly look around once you can move when the clock reaches 57 seconds. Look for the pillar of red smoke that marks the location of your Soul Stone. Head for the stone and pick it up before the time runs out to regain your mortal form and avoid getting the "Gave Over" screen. (There isn't any cut scene so there's no point in letting this happen.) When you materialize here you'll be in a random location. The first time you arrive here a scene will pan from where you are to where Death stands at one end of the main island with a crowd of zombies in front of him. The zombie in this crowd can't hurt you. While you can talk to Death to be return to the land of the living, there are ten egg shaped items to collect here to allow passage to the second area of the beach where you can Going clockwise around the island from Death, you'll find one of the "eggs" in the area just behind him. Go by a couple of buried crypt and get the second "egg" from to top of a small crypt in the center of the island. The third "egg" is on the bow of a partial submerged boat a little further along. You'll need to jump to the bow to get the egg, be careful not to land in the water. Jump back to the island and continue clockwise. Jump onto the stone pier you come to. Walk along it an jump over a gap to a stone gazebo where you can get the fourth egg. You can talk to the ghost here, who will complain about the lighthouse not being functional. Jump back across the gap to the stone pier and return to the main island. Continue clockwise around the island. After rounding the bend you'll come to a row of four barrels going out into the water. Double jump across the barrels to get the fifth "egg" from the furthest barrel. Watch them position of the round shadow so you can land on the barrels and try not to run off them. Jump back across the barrels to the main island. Further clockwise you'll come to another stone pier with a row of four barrels on each side of it. The sixth and seventh eggs can be found on the second furthest barrel in each of these rows. Jump across the barrels to get them and then jump back to return to the main island. A decay wooden pier is further clockwise. You'll need to double jump across three small square piece of the pier to get to a round observation point. Double jump onto the round structure in the center to get the eighth "egg" and get the ninth "egg" behind a sign just past it near a spyglass. The final egg is on a ledge above the two partial buried crypts near death. Walk or jump onto the crypt nearest Death, and double jump to the ledge to get the last egg to proceed to the next area. =============================== 6.2 Beach of Souls (Lighthouse) =============================== Heart Pots to collect: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Entry: Jump across the masts and rigging with the FIREFLY chasing you - you have 30 seconds to light up the lighthouse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After collecting the ten egg shaped objects in first Beach of Souls area you'll be brought to this area. SAVE THE GAME NOW. This will be a save guard against getting a game over when you inevitably become a ghost in this level, although if you get hurt here you should be respawned near to the soul stone so there shouldn't be any trouble getting to it in time. You'll be at the end on a stone pier. Walk up it. There are two wooden piers at the top. The one going forward lead to another ghost you can talk to hear him complain about the lighthouse. Talk the pier to the right instead and double jump across a gap to square piece of the piece. (NOTE: This is when you're soulstone will usually appear in the area if you get turned into a ghost. Double jump across the next gap and walk across a larger square section on the pier that is made of stone. The firefly is on the other side of this section, go up to it and wait for it to start chasing you. You now have 30 seconds to complete a series of jumps across the rigging and make it to the light house door. Double jump to the platform to the right of the stone square. Turn left and double jump to the platform there. Jump around the mast on its left side to the platform on the other side. Jump up to the platform to the right. Double jump up to the platform on the other side on the mast here going around the right side on the mast. Jump onto the square platform past here. Turn right and double jump to the platform there. Jump down to the next platform to the left of the mast here. Continue jumping down to another platform to the left and then a stone pier and run to the end of the pier by the lighthouse to your left. Quickly jump up to the lighthouse door which is just to the right of the end of the pier. If you didn't make it in time, jump into the water of the end of the pier in front of the light house door, collect your soulstone and try again. After getting the firefly to the door of the lighthouse within the time limit, you'll automatically pick up the four crystal hot pots in this area just before you are return to the first Beach of Souls area. ========================================== 6.3 Beach of Souls (Main Island Revisited) ========================================== After clearing the second area of the Beach of Souls you be brought back to the first area. All that remains to be done here is to go up to Death and talk to him to return to the land of the living. You will be brought back here if you die again, as there is nothing else of interest just talk to Death. ****************************************************************************** 7. LEGAL ****************************************************************************** This document is Copyright 2005 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission to host this document is given to the following: GameFAQs IGN Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will: fuska.nu cheats.de CheatCC.com cheatindex.com supercheats.de This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission, except GameFaqs and IGN. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** 10. Contact Information ****************************************************************************** For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email: mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com The most recent version of this guide will be on www.gamefaqs.com. Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections. Please include Malice FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** 11. Credits ****************************************************************************** Thanks go to the following: Argonaut Studios, Mud Duck Productions, and ZeniMax Media In.for making this game. The following sites for hosting this FAQ: GameFAQs IGN Thanks to Chris for this listing of PS2 controls ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************