Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy Walkthrough Written by Brian Nathanson ============================================================================== -----------------------------[TABLE OF CONTENTS]------------------------------ ============================================================================== I. General Comments, Tips & Tricks II. Walkthrough Raze Chapter 1: Phase 1 [RCH01PH01] Term 1 Week 1 [RT1W1] Term 1 Week 2 [RT1W2] Term 1 Week 3 [RT1W3] Chapter 2: Phase 2 [RCH02PH02] Term 1 Week 4 [RT1W4] Term 1 Week 5 [RT1W5] Term 1 Week 6 [RT1W6] Term 1 Week 7 [RT1W7] Term 1 Week 8 [RT1W8] Term 1 Week 9 [RT1W9] Chapter 3: Phase 3 [RCH03PH03] Summer Break Week 1 [RSBW1] Summer Break Week 2 [RSBW2] Summer Break Week 3 [RSBW3] Summer Break Week 4 [RSBW4] Summer Break Week 5 [RSBW5] Chapter 4: Phase 4 [RCH04PH04] Term 2 Week 1 [RT2W1] Term 2 Week 2 [RT2W2] Term 2 Week 3 [RT2W3] Term 2 Week 4 [RT2W4] Term 2 Week 5 [RT2W5] Term 2 Week 6 [RT2W6] Term 2 Week 7 [RT2W7] Chapter 5: Phase 5 [RCH05PH05] Term 2 Week 8 [RT2W8] Term 2 Week 9 [RT2W9] Term 2 Week 10 [RT2W10] Term 2 Week 11 [RT2W11] Term 2 Week 12 [RT2W12] Term 2 Week 13 [RT2W13] Term 2 Week 14 [RT2W14] Chapter 6: Phase 6 [RCH06PH06] Winter Break Week 1 [RWBW1] Winter Break Week 2 [RWBW2] Winter Break Week 3 [RWBW3] Winter Break Week 4 [RWBW4] Winter Break Week 5 [RWBW5] Chapter 7: Phase 7 [RCH07PH07] Term 3 Week 1 [RT3W1] Term 3 Week 2 [RT3W2] Term 3 Week 3 [RT3W3] Term 3 Week 4 [RT3W4] Term 3 Week 5 [RT3W5] Term 3 Week 6 [RT3W6] Term 3 Week 7 [RT3W7] Chapter 8: Phase 8 [RCH08PH08] Term 3 Week 8 [RT3W8] Term 3 Week 9 [RT3W9] Term 3 Week 10 [RT3W10] Term 3 Week 11 [RT3W11] Term 3 Week 12 [RT3W12] Term 3 Week 13 [RT3W13] Term 3 Week 14 [RT3W14] Chapter 9: Phase 9 [RCH09PH09] After Final Exam [RAFTERFINAL] Before Graduation [RBEFOREGRAD] Ulrika Chapter 1: Phase 1 [UCH01PH01] Term 1 Week 1 [UT1W1] Term 1 Week 2 [UT1W2] Term 1 Week 3 [UT1W3] Chapter 2: Phase 2 [UCH02PH02] Term 1 Week 4 [UT1W4] Term 1 Week 5 [UT1W5] Term 1 Week 6 [UT1W6] Term 1 Week 7 [UT1W7] Term 1 Week 8 [UT1W8] Term 1 Week 9 [UT1W9] Chapter 3: Phase 3 [UCH03PH03] Summer Break Week 1 [USBW1] Summer Break Week 2 [USBW2] Summer Break Week 3 [USBW3] Summer Break Week 4 [USBW4] Summer Break Week 5 [USBW5] Chapter 4: Phase 4 [UCH04PH04] Term 2 Week 1 [UT2W1] Term 2 Week 2 [UT2W2] Term 2 Week 3 [UT2W3] Term 2 Week 4 [UT2W4] Term 2 Week 5 [UT2W5] Term 2 Week 6 [UT2W6] Term 2 Week 7 [UT2W7] Chapter 5: Phase 5 [UCH05PH05] Term 2 Week 8 [UT2W8] Term 2 Week 9 [UT2W9] Term 2 Week 10 [UT2W10] Term 2 Week 11 [UT2W11] Term 2 Week 12 [UT2W12] Term 2 Week 13 [UT2W13] Term 2 Week 14 [UT2W14] Chapter 6: Phase 6 [UCH06PH06] Winter Break Week 1 [UWBW1] Winter Break Week 2 [UWBW2] Winter Break Week 3 [UWBW3] Winter Break Week 4 [UWBW4] Winter Break Week 5 [UWBW5] Chapter 7: Phase 7 [UCH07PH07] Term 3 Week 1 [UT3W1] Term 3 Week 2 [UT3W2] Term 3 Week 3 [UT3W3] Term 3 Week 4 [UT3W4] Term 3 Week 5 [UT3W5] Term 3 Week 6 [UT3W6] Term 3 Week 7 [UT3W7] Chapter 8: Phase 8 [UCH08PH08] Term 3 Week 8 [UT3W8] Term 3 Week 9 [UT3W9] Term 3 Week 10 [UT3W10] Term 3 Week 11 [UT3W11] Term 3 Week 12 [UT3W12] Term 3 Week 13 [UT3W13] Term 3 Week 14 [UT3W14] Chapter 9: Phase 9 [UCH09PH09] After Final Exam [UAFTERFINAL] Before Graduation [UBEFOREGRAD] Extra [EXTRA] III. Credits IV. Copyright ============================================================================== -------------------[I. GENERAL COMMENTS, TIPS & TRICKS]----------------------- ============================================================================== This section is also known as "How to Use This Walkthrough". COMPASS Because of the 3/4 camera angle used for most of the game, giving navigational directions can be a little odd. This compass (similar to the one devised by GameCoder/Black Genesis; see credits) will help you orient to what my directions (N, S, E, W) mean. N / W _ _ / _ _ / _ _ / O - - / - - / -- E / / S BATTLE TIPS Aside from a few comments for certain bosses, I don't provide specific strategies for how to battle in the game. Frankly, it shouldn't be necessary because most battles in MK2 are very easy; in fact, you may get through the first few chapters without needing to heal your party AT ALL. With that said, here are a few general tips that I followed when playing: 1) Analyze everything once - using Raze's Analyze or Chloe's World of Book. This alerts you to any potential weaknesses or resistances the enemies may have. Luckily, once you analyze an enemy once, it's information becomes visible for the rest of the game. 2) Abuse time skills like they're going out of style - Raze (Falling Leaves), Et, and Enna all have time skills that fill up the time gauge and essentially multiply the attacks your party gets at a very reasonable SP cost. Not only is the extra damage nice, but it also increases the chances of entering Unite Mode (once that option is available) more quickly. One caution: Certain skills, like the aforementioned Falling Leaves, also have an elemental association, so be careful using them if fighting an enemy that is strong against that particular element. 3) Puniyo's Taro's Sternness skill is a game changer - You won't have a chance to get it until late in Raze's game, but this skill allows Puniyo to cast any Common Skill (that is, skill you get from equipping an accessory) twice in a row without interruption or additional SP cost. When teamed with powerful Common Skills like Choke or Heaven's Rebel, Puniyo can take out whole parties of high level enemies in one stroke. Just enhance her speed using items of SPD Fruit so she doesn't go last in line. 4) Make good use of the Support line - Last, but certainly not least - While the Support effects you get from switching people in and out are nice, especially in Unite Mode, the real big benefit (to me, anyway) of the Support line is that characters there regenerate SP for every sphere that comes off the meter. This can come in handy when schleping through those longer areas fighting lots of enemies. Be sure to rotate SP consuming characters in and out as needed. TREASURE CHESTS I've listed the contents of what I found in each treasure chest throughout the game. It is possible, however, that the contents of certain chests (but not all) are randomized somewhat. I am fairly certain that certain chests always contain the same items (such as recipes or the Beginning Seed at the end of the Deep Sea Ruins), but if anyone determines the pattern, let me know and I may add it to this document (with appropriate credit to you, of course) if I get the time. SYNTHESIS Two areas of note regarding synthesis: Ingredients and Support 1) Ingredients - MK2 is VERY generous when it comes to making sure you have enough ingredients to conduct the syntheses you need when you need them. Virtually every enemy will drop something and random item bags usually hold 2 or 3 things each (and regenerate whenever you re-enter an area). In my case, I fought every enemy group on my way through an area when I needed to go through the area for the storyline. I also gathered at every gathering spot whenever I passed by. In following these two simple practices, I can only remember two times in the 100 hours I played where I needed to go retrieve items specifically because I ran out. (Keep in mind that the stores also begin stocking certain items for sale at certain points.) Also keep in mind that ingredients, like other items, carry over into the other character's game (if you elect to do so) at the end, so even if it seems like overkill, you'll be grateful later when the other side has access to high level ingredients long before they normally would. 2) Support - Since I wasn't able to find a good list of the various synthesis support skills anywhere in game other than during synthesis, I now provide that list to you here. Keep in mind that some skills are available right away while later skills are added in later chapters as you complete Character Quests and/or see various scenes. Lily ---- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Element Bonus - +7 change to WATER ingredients Ether Level Unity - +5 if ingredients have the same E-Level Active Skills (press square to invoke) Turning Water Ring - Makes wheel all water Liquid Manager - Multiplies LIQUID ingredients x1.5 Perfect Confidence - Nulls decreasing effects Repulsed Action - Reduces difference between current E-Level and E-Level of ingredient Et -- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Speed Bonus - +5 if selected during first spin of wheel High & Low - 1st E-Level > 2nd E-Level then +, 1st E-Level < 2nd E-Level then - Active Skills (press square to invoke) Food Battler - Multiplies FOOD ingredients x1.5 Cyclone Girl - Multiplies WIND ingredient x1.5 if next ingredient Dessert Ogre - Multiples SWEETS ingredients x2 Feeling Synthesis - Et automatically does everything (i.e. random) Yun --- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Element Bonus - +7 change to FIRE ingredients Chain Element - +10 if previous ingredient was same element Active Skills (press square to invoke) Flame Dance - Makes wheel all fire Melting Metal - Multiplies INGOT ingredients x1.5 Increase Fire Power - Adds increase from previous ingredient to next ingredient Burning Support - Multiplies FIRE ingredient x2 if next ingredient Puniyo ------ Passive Skills (occur automatically) Roulette Control - Halve wheel speed, E-Level rate decreases Reversed - Initial E-Level is 0, but 0 and 100 are "connected" (allows wrap around) Active Skills (press square to invoke) Kichi's Estimation - Multiples BOTANICAL ingredients x2 Positive Thinking - Half change reflected, even if choosing something other than same or opposite (Forgot to Note) - Undo last added ingredient Puniyo's Estimation - Multiples MATERIAL ingredients x2 Chloe ----- Passive Skills (occur automatically) High & Low - 1st E-Level > 2nd E-Level then +, 1st E-Level < 2nd E-Level then - Minus Bonus - Multiplies rate x1.5 if E-Level rate is - (Ch 7) Active Skills (press square to invoke) Mysterious Ingredients Research - Multiplies MYSTERIOUS ingredients x1.5 Magic Stone Research - Multiplies RELIC ingredients x1.5 Incantations for Success - Adds increase from previous ingredient to next ingredient Reverse Result - Switch + and - effect of E-Level rate for next ingredient Pepperoni --------- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Element Bonus - +7 change to EARTH ingredients Element Unity - E-Level rate increases if all ingredients are same element Active Skills (press square to invoke) Small Helper - Makes wheel all earth Hidden Trick - Nulls decreasing effects Gift from the Earth - Multiplies EARTH ingredient x2 if next ingredient Count on Pepperoni - Pepperoni automatically does everything (i.e. random) Enna ---- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Element Bonus - +7 change to WIND ingredients Reverse + - - Switch + and - of ingredient's E-Level rate Active Skills (press square to invoke) Mechanical Knowledge - Multiplies MECHANICAL ingredients x1.5 Eternal Wind - Makes wheel all wind Suggested Technique - Adds increase from previous ingredient to next ingredient Engineer's Synthesis - Bigger difference between current E-Level and ingredient E-Level, the greater increase in the E-Level rate Goto ---- Passive Skills (occur automatically) Roulette Control - Increase wheel speed, E-Level rate increases Speed Bonus - +5 if selected during first spin of wheel Active Skills (press square to invoke) Goto Pride - Half change reflected, even if choosing something other than same or opposite Gentleman's Legend - Multiplies MONSTER ingredients x1.5 Goto Cancel - Undo last added ingredient Gamblestar - Randomly change E-Level for Ether Effect Two final synthesis notes: (1) Except for a few storyline or job-specific cases, I don't generally tell you how to specifically complete a synthesis (especially to achieve a certain ether level or effect) since there are many different ways to complete most of them. Use the list of effects above to plan a synthesis if you're trying to achieve a specific effect. (2) With that said, if what you're trying to do is get to ether level 100 so you can open up Grow Book slots, then the best active skills to use are Yun's Increase Fire Power and Enna's Suggested Technique. Both allow you to add a previous ingredients ether rate effect to the next ingredient. This can very quickly get you up to 100. ENDINGS The game has 11 endings all together - 1 for each character and 1 true ending at the end of the Extra Mode that opens up after you've completed both Raze's and Ulrika's quests on the same save file. If you're aiming to get the 100% Ending Gathering Rate in the Options menu on the title screen, you will need to store each character ending in a separate save file (unless you play through the entire game 10 times; good luck with that) EXCEPT for the one you intend to use for your "playthrough" (i.e. carry over from Raze to Ulrika to the Extra Mode). That file will obviously have 2 endings plus the true ending stored. Just be careful not to overwrite anyof your previous ending saves and you can get to 100%. Note that you don't get anything special other than the satisfaction of having done it, so you can decide if that alone is worth the trouble. ============================================================================== -----------------------------[II. WALKTHROUGH]-------------------------------- ============================================================================== Before beginning you have the option to choose the main character: Raze or Ulrika. This walkthrough will assume you select Raze first (simply because he's on the left and I read left to right). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1: Phase 1 [RCH01PH01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________ ORIENTATION \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. For Mana Khemia 1 fans, there is no opportunity to explore during the orientation this time around. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [RT1W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Alchemy I Basics - Synthesize and bring a Heal Jar. Grade Req. - Collect Water, Taun, and Unknown Root. Supplies: Heal Jar x 3, Wings of Icarus +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= When you can finally control Raze, you'll be on the campus map. Feel free to explore, but no cut scenes will play and no shops are open. When you're ready to move on, go to the Workshop Building from the campus map. (It doesn't matter which option you select after the Workshop Building; you'll end up in the Workshop Hallway.) ---------------- WORKSHOP HALLWAY ---------------- Watch the scene. You'll end up in... --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- Watch the scene. You'll now have access to a Save point. When you exit the Workshop, you'll open up access to the Learning Bridge. Head there now. --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Random Items: Wild Meat, Tuft, Old Screw, Beast Fang, Blue Petal, Brownie Mask Gathering (Water): Water Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape, Night-in-Grape (nt) Gathering (Farm): Taun, Pumpotatokin, Eicheloa, Huffin, Eiche, Unknown Root, Magical Dirt, Fiery Red Dirt, Uni, Bee Hive, Goat Milk (nt) Treasure Chests: Basic Weapons Enemies: Gespenst, Lizard, Slicing Fish, Shrlp, Twin Head Enemy Spoils: Eiche, Eicheloa, Beast Fang, Collected Air, Tuft Watch the scene. You will now have access to the Simple Map function. Head N through the area until you trigger a scene and your first battle. (I've noted this as a "boss" battle because it is involuntary.) ****************************************************************************** BOSS: MANDRAGORA x2 Tutorial battle. Just use regular attacks to defeat them. ****************************************************************************** You will receive after the battle. Continue N to the next screen. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FIGHTING BATTLES You can avoid random battles by simply avoiding the monster icons on-screen. I generally fight all of the battles on a given screen to insure that I get at least some items and AP, but I don't "grind" unless necesary. Feel free to battle or not as you prefer. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Continue N until you see the Save point. You'll trigger a scene. You will receive . You can use the Water gathering point again to receive another . Continue N to the Fruit gathering point to likely get a . Continue N to the next screen. Watch the scene. Continue N to the intersection. Take the W path for a chest containing the recipe which allows you to synthesize Hand Dagger, Hunter's Knife, Maid Torque, Spiked Collar, Battle Hoop, and Shuriken. Return to the intersection and continue N up the steps until you see the farm gathering point. Enter for a scene. Play the gathering mini-game to get and . Watch another scene. After the scene, return N to the farm gathering point -- which will have been reset so we can gather again. Gather as much as possible, then use the Wings of Icarus to return to the Academy. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- Watch the scene. You'll obtain the receipe , which allows you to synthesize Heal Jar, Polishing Powder, Nicro Cloth, and Zettel. A tutorial will then walk you through synthesis of a Heal Jar. [Heal Jar] - Unknown Root - Water - Taun Watch the scene. You can now access the Grow Book. We'll get to that in a minute. First, head out of the Workshop and you can now access the Faculty Rooms. Head to VP Flay's Room inside the Faculty Building. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [RT1W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Administration Building, stores at the Campus Grounds, and the Student Store in the Administration Building. Before advancing the story, let's take care of a few things. First, check out the stores. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Bee Hive 10 cole Huffin 10 cole Beast Fang 10 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Mom's Cooking 100 cole Uni 20 cole Goat Milk 20 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Grain Powder, Goat Cheese, and Blank Stew. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Hand Dagger 50 cole Maid Torque 70 cole Battle Hoop 50 cole Male Uniform 70 cole Female Uniform 110 cole Legien Steel 20 cole Glacier Stone 20 cole --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Heal Jar 50 cole Time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Blank Stew} - Wild Meat - Goat Milk - Pumpotatokin Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Green Soup] recipe. [Green Soup] - Unknown Root - Water - Taun [Grain Powder] - Unknown Root - Pumpotatokin [Polish Powder] - Legien Steel - Uni [Nicro Cloth] - Tuft - Water - Taun [Zettel] - Unknown Root - Water - Eiche [Hand Dagger] - Polish Powder - Legien Steel [Hunter's Knife] - Beast Fang - Eiche Have Et support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for [Perfect Knife] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Maid Torque] - Tuft - Nicro Cloth [Spiked Collar] - Beast Fang - Eiche - Legien Steel [Battle Hoop] - Beast Fang - Old Screw - Eiche [Shuriken] - Polish Powder - Legien Steel - Zettel Once completed with all of this synthesis, let's begin working on the Grow Books. Each character should have three cards unlocked. {Raze} Hunter's Knife, Heal Jar, Nicro Cloth {Lily} Maid Torque, Spiked Collar, Green Soup {Et} Battle Hoop, Shuriken, Blank Stew Spend AP points on whichever options you like. If you did enough random battles, you should have enough AP points to open all currently available options. Finally, equip your newly synthesized weapons on your party. They are all improvements over the default weapons. Now head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Searching I Basics - Go to the Gathering points in the Learning Bridge. Grade Req. - Go to all Gathering points Supplies: Heal Jar x 3, Uni x 5 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Head to the Learning Bridge. Watch the scene. --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Nothing has really changed here. Head N collecting from the Gathering spots as you go. There are 4 in total. Don't miss the farm spot just to the right of the Fruit spot; it wasn't there the first time you passed this way. When you first gather from the farm spot at the end, you will receive Assignment Complete. Finish gathering if you wish and use the Wings of Icarus to return to the Academy. Head to Mr. Basshum's Room. ------------------ MR. BASSHUM'S ROOM ------------------ Speak to him. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [RT1W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you will now be able to access the Living Water Forest. There's nothing else special to do, so when you're ready to go, head there. ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Random Items: Collected Air, Tuft, Soul Blood, Stone Heart, Old Screw, Wild Meat, Blue Petal, Ghost Hat Gathering (Water): Water Gathering (Farm): Pumpotatokin, Taun, Collected Air, Huffin, Unknown Root, Magical Dirt, Water Tree Fruit Gathering (Fish): Swirly Shell, Steel Lobster, Little Sword Fish Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape Treasure Chests: Metal Gauntlet, Feather Charm Enemies: Mandragora, Clione, Kobold Fighter, Kobold Mage, Plant Spirit, Mini Drake Enemy Spoils: Taun, Eiche, Bee Hive, Tuft, Beast Fang Watch the scene. Head N to the next screen. Continue N to the next screen, battling enemies and collecting items as you go. On this screen, go N past the Water spot, until you reach a ladder guarded by a large enemy. Climb the ladder and jump to the left platform for a chest containing a . Jump across two platforms to the right for a farm gathering point. Once done, hop down to the right and head NE to the next screen. Continue heading N until you reach the intersection. Go N as far as you can then E as far as you can to find a Fishing spot. Once completed, go back W to the first intersection, then head continue heading S to the next screen. Head S then W then S again until you reach the Save point. If it is night, you can choose to Camp to move time forward until morning to make the enemies easier. Continue S past the save point to the Fruit gathering point then head E, N, and NE to the next screen. Go NE then N up the platforms. There will be a ladder on your left when you reach the top. Climb it and the next ladder to reach a chest containing a . Drop back down to the right and head E then N to the next Save point, then continue to the next screen. Continue N past a farm gathering point to the next screen. Continue N until to reach an intersection. Head N then W to a Fruit gathering point, then return E past the first intersection to the second where you can head N again. Keep going until you trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Target Chloe first so she doesn't multiply her party's attacks. Have Et use Swallow Chakram and Heal Jars, while Raze uses Analyze and Lily uses Ice Axel. Once Chloe is down, target Pepperoni next, with Ulrika last. If you've been following this walkthrough to this point and filled out your Grow Book, this fight shouldn't be too difficult. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Don't head back without first using the farm gathering point on top of the platform at the very end. There you will receive the . Now return to the Academy and head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [FSW (Fairy Spiritual Water)] - Will be synthesized automatically - Water Tree Fruit - Bitter Grape - Water Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Living Water Forest again. It's the only available option. Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 2: Phase 2 [RCH02PH02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Raze gets a serious power up during this battle. Just use Analyze twice and the battle will end. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. You will get a new member and open up the Positions menu. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 4 \ [RT1W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Physical Test - The teacher will measure your physical offense and defense level. Grade Req. - Physical Offense Level, Physical Defense Level Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Et - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (This means to enter/re-enter the workshop twice) - Faculty Hallway for a scene with Yun The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Night-in-Grape 50 cole Tuft 20 cole Clearwater 20 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money System Theory I 200 cole Tasty Preservation 220 cole Bitter Grape 20 cole Water Tree Fruit 10 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Le Merou Cog, Magic Ink, and Bomb Ice. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Preservative, Knowledge Soup, Salt, and 120% Fruit. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Al-Revis Dress Code 320 cole Staple Accessories 430 cole Flame Claw 70 cole Canone Rock 10 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Cloth Coat, Male Uniform, Female Uniform, Athletic Uniform, Flame Ring, and Puppy Paw Gloves. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Wind Ring, Metal Gauntlet, Rock Shield, Feather Charm, and Drama Prince. --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Cure Jar 80 cole Nectar 100 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Knowledge Soup] - Clearwater (sub for Clear Stream Moss) - Water Tree Fruit - Huffin [Bomb Ice] - Clearwater - Glacier Stone/Collected Air - Grain Powder [120% Fruit] - Night-in-Grape - Water Tree Fruit [Salt] - Water - Steel Lobster - Canone Rock [Cloth Coat] - Nicro Cloth - Zettel [Male Uniform] - Tuft - Nicro Cloth Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Altered Uniform M] recipe. [Altered Uniform M] - Old Screw - Nicro Cloth - Zettel [Female Uniform] - Huffin - Nicro Cloth - Zettel Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Altered Uniform F] recipe. [Altered Uniform F} - Blue Petal - Nicro Cloth - Taun/Huffin [Athletic Uniform] - Tuft - Nicro Cloth Select as the first ingredient in the Flame Ring recipe to open up the [Ice Ring] recipe. (We can't make the Flame Ring yet, so it's not listed here.) [Ice Ring] - Bomb Ice - Glacier Stone - Polish Powder [Puppy Paw Gloves] - Bitter Grape/Night-in-Grape - Tuft - Nicro Cloth Once completed with all of this synthesis, let's begin working on the Grow Books. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Male Uniform {Lily} Female Uniform, Ice Ring, FSW, Bomb Ice {Et} Cloth Coat, Salt {Yun} Altered Uniform M, Zettel Spend AP points on whichever options you like. If you did enough random battles, you should have enough AP points to open all currently available options. Finally, equip your newly synthesized items on your party. Raze should get an Altered Uniform M, Lily should get the Ice Ring, and Et should get Puppy Paw Gloves. When finished with everything, head to VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak with him. Answer "Yes" when prompted. Watch the scene. If you have been upgrading your Grow Book as mentioned, you will get an "A". _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 5 \ [RT1W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Alchemy II Combat - Defeat the target monster with Unite Mode. Grade Req. - Defeat the target monster Supplies: Nectar x3, Flame x3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Head back to the Workshop and use one of your new Flames to synthesize a Flame Ring. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Flame Ring] - Polish Powder - Flame - Canone Rock Once completed with this synthesis, Yun will have a new Grow Book card. Head out to the Living Water Forest. ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Watch a scene as you enter. Nothing has really changed here. Follow the path fighting monsters and gathering from the Gathering spots as you go. When you reach the second Save point, you have almost reached your destination. Head N for the boss fight. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KODAMA, KODACHI, & KOHAKU Target Kodama with Fire skills or Flame items and Kodachi with Ice skills or Bomb Ice items. Doing so will drive up the Unite gauge. Once filled, use any multiple hit skills you have to record higher levels of damage. ****************************************************************************** You will receive after the battle which will allow you to synthesize the Wood Plate, Leather Cuirass, Eastern Uniform, Armor Cloak, and Raven Cape. Before turning in the assignment, head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Wood Plate] - Eiche - Nicro Cloth - Unknown Root Select as the first ingredient in the Wood Plate recipe to open up the [Rock Scale] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). Once completed with this synthesis, Et will have a new Grow Book card. Head for Principal Zeppel's Room ----------------------- PRINCIPAL ZEPPEL'S ROOM ----------------------- Speak with him. Watch the scene. (Note that I do not believe it is possible to get an "A" in this course so that you MUST take a class in Week 6.) _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 6 \ [RT1W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Pharmacy I Ether - Create a Flame with Ether Level 100 Grade Req. - Make the Ether Level 100 Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Head to the Student Store. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Alchemy Technology 150 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Magic Clay, Ingot, Hexametal, Pleather Cloth, and Flame. Now head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- Watch the scenes. Synthesis time! [Magic Clay] - Magical Dirt - Clearwater [Ingot] - Legien Steel - Canone Rock - Water [Hexametal} - Ingot - Flame - Canone Rock [Pleather Cloth] - Unknown Root - Clearwater/FSW Select as the first ingredient in the Battle Hoop recipe to open up the [Razor Hoop] recipe. [Razor Hoop] - Hexametal - Little Sword Fish - Ingot [Leather Cuirass] - Pleather Cloth - Tuft - Zettel Select as the first ingredient in the Wood Plate recipe to open up the [Iron Plate] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). [Metal Gauntlet} - Ingot - Polish Powder - Eiche [Rock Shield] - Magic Clay - Rocky Oak Chip - Ingot [Flame] - Canone Rock - Nicro Cloth/Zettel - Bee Hive/Grain Powder In order to make a Flame with 100 Ether Level, use Nicro Cloth and Bee Hive for the second and third ingredients. Have Et support you and match the wheel as quickly as possible. This should easily score you 100. Once you succeed, watch the scene. You will find yourself back on the campus map. Before turning in our assignment, let's check the Grow Book. {Et} Razor Hoop, Rock Shield, Hexametal {Yun} Leather Cuirass, Metal Gauntlet, Flame (+ 3rd), Ingot, Pleather Cloth You may be starting to reach a point where you don't have enough AP to cover all the new options. Don't worry; you'll eventually get enough AP to fill every slot and then some. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: GROW BOOK 3RD SLOTS Yun's Flame card has its 3rd slot open. In order to unlock the 3rd slot, you must synthesize the item at 100 Ether level. This generally requires the right type of ingredients, so it's much easier to do this later in the game when you have a variety of them from which to choose. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Head now to the Infirmary. --------- INFIRMARY --------- Speak with Zokka. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 7 \ [RT1W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. Watch the scene. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FREE TIME, JOBS, & CHARACTER QUESTS Since Jobs do not advance the week but do disappear after a certain point, it makes sense to do them all first. You can then engage in a Character Quest to wrap up the week. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- Watch the scene. Head to the bulletin board to find the jobs for this chapter. There are 3 of them. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 051 Mushroom Dish Creation - Bring Eicheloa x4 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 300 cole How to Complete - If you've been gathering from all of the farm spots as you've played, you should have PLENTY of Eicheloa by now. So simply head to the Cafeteria and deliver them to Shizuka to make a quick 300 cole. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 052 Hit Maker - Bring FSW x4 with Refreshing ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 700 cole How to Complete [FSW (Fairy Spiritual Water)] - Water Tree Fruit - Bitter Grape/Night-in-Grape - Water/Clearwater - The tricky part here is getting the Refreshing effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 55-70. If you follow the standard recipe (1st choices), have Lily support you and hit the targets, you should end up in the desired range. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 053 Bounty Head No. 001 - Defeat Koalaria Troop in the Living Water Forest Reward - 500 cole How to Complete - The target can be found about a third of the way in to the Forest (where the coin appears on the map). This is a "chain battle", where you essentially fight multiple parties of enemies in a row. In this case, 3 rounds of Koalaria type enemies with a Mountkolaria in the group at the end. None of these enemies should give you a hard time. If you're looking for style points, all but the Mountkolaria are weak to fire while the boss is weak against ice. If you still feel you need more AP, feel free to fight some more in the Forest before returning to Student Affairs to claim your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Now that we've completed "working", let's do a Character Quest (CQ). You can choose from Lily, Et, or Yun. I'll just take them from top to bottom, so Lily first. ----------------------------- LILY CQ1 - OUT WITH MISS LILY ----------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Living Water Forest. Watch the scene. Head N through the forest for a couple of screens (there won't be any enemies; feel free to gather/collect items along the way). Watch the scene. Continue S, E, and N through the forest through two more screens. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KOBOLD MAGE, KOBOLD FIGHTER Just use normal attacks. The only difference between this and the usual is that you only have Raze. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [RT1W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. Watch the scene. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------- ET CQ1 - HANGING OUT WITH ENNA! ------------------------------- Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to the Workshop Hallway. Watch the scenes. Head to the Learning Bridge. Watch the scene. Head N for 3 screens. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [RT1W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the scene. Head to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scenes. Back to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the scene. You can now access the Library. Head there now. ------- LIBRARY ------- Random Items: Thunder Stone, Carbon Boulder, Rusted Gear, Freeze Drop, Joro Spider Web, Piece of Glass, Gear, Gravity Stone Treasure Chests: Instant Battle, Refuel Ankh, Living with Animals, Flonne's Charm, Drama Prince, Maid Costume Enemies: Ariel, Magical Brownie, Living Bomb, Birdhorse Rider, Flame Shield, Flame Blade, Jewel Gem, Jewel Sprite, Blaze Mana Enemy Spoils: Brownie Hammer, Gear, Audora's Egg, Rocky Oak Chip, Canone Rock, Fiery Red Dirt, Piece of Glass, Chrome Crystal Watch the scene. Head slightly N and collect from the chest behind the desk. This will allow you to synthesize Parrying Dagger, Table Napkin, Flame Claw, Jagged Hoop, and Fiery Fighting Suit. Continue N then E to the next screen. Continue E, N, and E deeper into the Library. When you can't go any further E, head S and jump through the opening to the W to grab a chest containing a on the counter. Continue S, W, and S to the next screen. Continue W, S and E until you trigger a scene. When you regain control, you will be on the next screen. Continue E until you see two ladders. Take the ladder up and walk E until you find a chest containing , which will let you synthesize the Ragged Collar, Beast Fang, and Wild Ring. Return to the walkway via the first ladder (not the one closest to the chest) and take the other ladder down from the walkway. Continue down the next ladder until you find a chest holding a . Walk E allow this lowest level until you reach the chest at the other end containing a . Go back up two levels to the main walkway (you can use any of the ladders for this) and head E to the end, then N to the next screen. Continue N until you reach a very welcome save point. Head W down the hall from the save point to find a chest containing a . Head N to the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER & EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x3 This is the first really challenging fight of the game (i.e. it was the first one during which I had to heal) because all 4 puni thugs have a considerable amount of HP and hit reasonably hard. Have Et use Lock-On Arrow on the Puni Leader for repeated damage while Lily uses Ice Axel on the center puni in the back to hit all 3 underlings together. Raze should use Analyze while Yun uses Fiery Fist. Remember you can rotate a character into the Support row to recover SP if necessary. Don't hesitate to use Heal Jars or Healing if HP runs low. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. You will get your final new member for Raze's story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 3: Phase 3 [RCH03PH03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 1 \ [RSBW1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. You can now access the Old Quarry area. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Puniyo The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Mandora Root 20 cole Joro Spider Web 30 cole Ice Sugar 10 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Mechanical Book 710 cole The Battle Cook 1140 cole Piece of Glass 20 cole Brown Groundwater 60 cole Puniball 20 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Gearbox, Long Shaft, Detect Loupe, and Full Custom. Purchase recipe to be able to synthesize Cure Jar, Cheese Cake, Grape Sorbet, Veggie Fiber, and Megingjorz. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money A Bomb and I 940 cole Centenary Academy 1280 cole Talisman 80 cole Cyprus Copper 20 cole Rocky Oak Chip 20 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Black Powder, Lightning Rod, Uni Bomb, and Black Liquid. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Long Uniform, Hard Leather, Kitty Ears, Flonne's Charm, Siren Boots, and Jar of Genuk. --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Knowledge Soup 120 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Cure Jar] - Clearwater - Blue Petal - Huffin [Lightning Rod] - Old Screw - Thunder Stone - Beast Fang Select as the first ingredient in the Cheese Cake recipe to open up the [Pumpotatokin Pie] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). [Grape Sorbet] - Bitter Grape/Night-in-Grape - Clearwater - Bomb Ice [Detect Loupe] - Piece of Glass - Old Screw - Eiche [Black Powder] - Carbon Boulder - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt Select as the first ingredient in the Ingot recipe to open up the [Black Steel] recipe. [Black Steel] - Carbon Boulder - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt/Magic Clay - Water/Clearwater/Brown Groundwater Select as the first ingredient in the Ingot recipe to open up the [Red Steel] recipe. [Red Steel] - Cyprus Copper - Clearwater - Fiery Red Dirt Select as the first ingredient in the Hexametal recipe to open up the [Metal Glass Sheet] recipe. [Metal Glass Sheet] - Piece of Glass - Canone Rock/Audora's Egg/Flame - Polish Powder [Black Liquid] - Goat Milk - Joro Spider Web - Carbon Boulder/Black Powder [Preservative] - Puniball - Clearwater/Brown Groundwater/Nectar - Taun [Le Merou Cog] - Old Screw - Gear - Rusted Gear [Gearbox] - Gear/Le Merou Cog - Old Screw - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip [Magic Ink] - Carbon Boulder/Black Powder - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt - Water/Brown Groundwater [Long Shaft] - Piece of Glass/Metal Glass Sheet - Ingot/Legien Steel/Cyprus Copper - Polish Powder [Goat Cheese] - Goat Milk - Collected Air - Preservative [Cheese Cake] - Goat Cheese - Grain Powder - Ice Sugar [Parrying Dagger] - Legien Steel/Cyprus Copper - Ingot - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip [Perfect Knife] - Black Steel - Piece of Glass/Metal Glass Sheet - Polish Powder [Table Napkin] - Huffin - Zettel Have Lily support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for [Wet Scarf] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Jagged Hoop] - Gear/Le Merou Cog - Joro Spider Web - Polish Powder [Flame Claw] - Canone Rock/Flame - Legien Steel/Ingot - Polish Powder [Beast Fang] - Beast Fang - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip - Nicro Cloth/Pleather Cloth [Iron Plate] - Leather Cuirass - Ingot - Mandora Root Select as the first ingredient in the Iron Plate recipe to open up the [Bronze Plate] recipe (which you can make in a moment). Select as the first ingredient in the Cloth Coat recipe to open up the [Steel Coat] recipe (which you can also make in a moment). [Hard Leather] - Leather Cuirass - Preservative - Old Screw/Long Shaft [Eastern Uniform] - Joro Spider Web - Nicro Cloth/Pleather Cloth - Magic Ink [Drama Prince] - Altered Uniform M - Piece of Glass/Chrome Crystal - Nicro Cloth Select as the first ingredient in the Female Uniform recipe to open up the [SC Uniform F] recipe. [SC Uniform F] - Feather Charm - Female Uniform - Zettel [Long Uniform] - Pleather Cloth - Tuft - Zettel [Armor Cloak] - Ingot - Joro Spider Web - Nicro Cloth [Fiery Fighting Suit] - Magic Ink - Nicro Cloth - Canone Rock [Raven Cape] - Magic Ink - Nicro Cloth - Taun/Night-in-Grape Select as the first ingredient in the Raven Cape recipe to open up the [Arabesque Stole] recipe. [Arabesque Stole] - Hard Leather - Clearwater/Brown Groundwater - Mandora Root [Bronze Plate] - Red Steel - Hard Leather - Joro Spider Web [Steel Coat] - Red Steel - Armor Cloak - Steel Lobster/Hexametal [Wind Ring] - Lightning Rod/Long Shaft - Thunder Stone - Polish Powder Select as the first ingredient in the Wind Ring recipe to open up the [Soil Ring] recipe. [Soil Ring] - Long Shaft - Hexametal - Carbon Boulder [Megingjorz] - Pleather Cloth - Joro Spider Web - Mandora Root/Taun [Kitty Ears] - Tuft/Brownie Mask - Joro Spider Web/Nicro Cloth - Long Shaft [Jar of Genuk} - Audora's Egg - Steel Lobster - FSW [Wild Ring] - Beast Fang - Wild Meat - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip Select as the first ingredient in the Siren Boots recipe (which you can't make yet) to open up the [Follower's Shoes] recipe (which you also can't make yet). Whew! Time to hit the Grow Books. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Parrying Dagger, Perfect Knife, Iron Plate, Eastern Uniform, Bronze Plate, Wild Ring, Soil Ring, Black Steel, Red Steel, Long Shaft {Lily} Table Napkin, SC Uniform F, Armor Cloak, Jar of Genuk, Preservative, Grape Sorbet, Black Liquid {Et} Jagged Hoop, Hard Leather, Steel Coat, Wind Ring, Megingjorz, Le Merou Cog, Gearbox, Lightning Rod, Metal Glass Sheet {Yun} Flame Claw, Beast Fang, Fiery Fighting Suit, Drama Prince, Magic Ink, Black Powder {Puniyo} Altered Uniform F, Athletic Uniform, Raven Cape, Arabesaue Stole, Long Uniform, Puppy Paw Gloves, Kitty Ears, Grain Powder, Polish Powder, Magic Clay, Knowledge Soup, Goat Cheese, 120% Fruit, Cure Jar, Cheese Cake *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: COOL SWEETS & MONSTER CANDIES If you filled in the first slot on Lily's Table Napkin card, then she has now learned the Cold Sweets skill, which allows you to turn most enemies into various forms of candy, some of which are used in synthesis. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ For the areas we have already explored, here are the candies available. --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Enemy Candies: Dry Dessert, Gelatin Cake, Snowy Cracker, Freeze Drop ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Enemy Candies: Gelatin Cake, Ice Sugar, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch ------- LIBRARY ------- Treasure Chests: Gargol Plate Enemy Candies: Vanilla Syrup, Snowy Cracker, Ice Sugar, Freeze Drop If you return to the room in which you fought the boss from the last chapter, you can pick up a chest containing a . If you head back to the Library for the Vanilla Syrup, you can make another item. [Pumpotatokin Pie] - Pumpotatokin - Grain Powder - Vanilla Syrup Once completed with this synthesis, Puniyo will have a new Grow Book card. Let's go explore our newly opened area. Head to the Old Quarry. ---------- OLD QUARRY ---------- Random Items: Stone Heart, Ivory Horn, Old Screw, Fiery Red Dirt, Phoenix Feather, Gear Gathering (Farm): Blood Rose, Mandora Root, Rocky Oak Chip Gathering (Mine): Legien Steel, Cyprus Copper, Canone Rock, Glacier Stone Treasure Chests: Arabesque Stole, Megingjorz, Aroma Bottle Enemies: Ruby Eye, Dig Spirit, Stone Beast, Stone Demon, Stonecannon Soldier, Clay Puppet, Stone Soldier, Trap Box, Crag Mana Enemy Spoils: Magical Dirt, Legien Steel, Old Screw, Soul Blood, Joro Spider Web, Rusted Gear, Canone Rock Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake Head W until you reach the intersection. Head N from the intersection and continue E and N until you see a chest. You can't reach it yet so this is as far as we go for now. Return to the intersection. Go W from the intersection until you reach the next screen. There is a save point here. Go SW to reach the next screen. Go W to reach the next screen. Go W and push the mine cart, which will move. When it stops, jump off of it onto the higher track to your W. Head S along the track until the intersection. Head W, S, and E until you reach a chest holding an . Return to the intersection and head E then N to another chest with a . Return to the mine cart and jump down to the E. Continue E until you reach the next screen. Head NE, then N near the mine cart to reach a Mining gathering point. Return to the mine cart and push it. Jump off the cart to the N to reach a save point and the next screen. Head NE, N, E, S, E, and NE to reach the next screen. When you arrive here, inspect the rocks to discover that you can't go any further without the right tool. Head back the way you came all the way to the first mine cart. Now jump off the cart to the S and head back along the tracks until you can no longer go S, then turn SW until you reach the next screen. Head S and jump down the rocks. When you can jump down to the E, do so. Follow the rock steps all the way down to a chest containing an . Head back up the way you came until you reach the point you turned E, then head S and W up the tracks. Jump down the tracks where they cross and head S then W then N up the rocks to the Mining gathering point. When done, head S to the next screen. Here you will find a farm gathering point. Nowhere else to go, so feel free to exit. Back to the Workshop for some more synthesis. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- Collecting the Blood Rose at the gathering point at the end of the mine opens up another item. [Veggie Fiber] - Black Liquid - Blood Rose - Mandora Root If you happened to pick up an Ivory Horn in one of the random drop bags, you can synthesize another item. [Flonne's Charm] - Magic Ink - Ivory Horn - Zettel If you happened to pick up a Phoenix Feather in one of the random drop bags, you can synthesize yet another item. [Feather Charm] - Long Shaft - Phoenix Feather - Joro Spider Web Select as the first ingredient in the Feather Charm recipe to open up the [Nano Feather] recipe (which you can't make yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Male Uniform recipe to open up the [SC Uniform M] recipe. [SC Uniform M] - Phoenix Feather - Eastern Uniform - Zettel Once you have completed these syntheses, the following Grow Book cards will have been added: {Raze} Flonne's Charm, SC Uniform M {Lily} Veggie Fiber {Puniyo} Feather Charm Now that all of that is out of the way, we can begin our Free Time activities. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 056 Courage Test - Bring Bitter Grape x10 to Keith on the Roof Top (Classroom Building) Reward - 900 cole How to Complete - If you've been gathering from all of the fruit spots as you've played, you should have just enough Bitter Grapes by now. So simply head to the Roof Top and deliver them to Keith to make a quick 900 cole. If, for some reason you are short of 10, you can buy them at the Student Store. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 057 Food Preserving Danger - Bring Preservative x4 with Refreshing ether effect to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 1500 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Refreshing effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 60-70. If you follow the standard recipe (1st choices), have Et support you and hit the targets, you should end up in the desired range. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 058 Puzzle Super Challenge - Bring Le Merou Cog x4 with Cool ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 1700 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Cool effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 20-40. Have Et support you and hit the targets and you should end up in the desired range. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 059 Bounty Head No. 003 - Defeat Human Arm at the Old Quarry Reward - 1000 cole - Accessory Crafting = synthesis of Talisman, Viny Glove, and Pretty Neck Tie How to Complete - You'll find the target deep (5 screens) inside the quarry. Head W until you reach the screen with the mine cart, then S to the next screen, then S as far as you can go and W to find the target. Load up on time attacks, such as Lily's Ice Rain and Yun's Flare Rain, and other special attacks like Et's Lock-On Arrow to pile on the damage. The Human Arm powers himself up and unleashes a torrent of time attacks when its HP gets low, so don't hesitate when finishing him off. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 060 Bounty Head No. 004 - Defeat 1-Inch Brownie at the Library Reward - 1000 cole - Life of Rommel = synthesis of Philosopher's Hand, Maid Costume, and Grand Hoop How to Complete - The target is one screen deep. Head N then E until the screen changes, then E and N again and you'll find him. Beat him down with time attacks, such as Lily's Ice Rain and Yun's Flare Rain, and other special attacks like Et's Lock-On Arrow. Don't let the battle drag on as he hits pretty hard. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis!?! Back to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Pretty Neck Tie] - Pleather Cloth - Feather Charm - 120% Fruit Select as the first ingredient in the Grand Hoop recipe (which you can't make yet) to open up the [Blink Circle] recipe. [Blink Circle] - Metal Glass Sheet - Veggie Fiber - Ingot [Viny Glove] - Red Steel - Blood Rose - Uni [Talisman] - Piece of Glass/Metal Glass Sheet - Ingot [Maid Costume] - Joro Spider Web - Maid Torque - Zettel [Philosopher's Hand] - Magic Clay - Puniball - Beast Fang Once you have completed these syntheses, the following Grow Book cards will have been added: {Lily} Pretty Neck Tie, Maid Costume, Philosopher's Hand {Et} Blink Circle {Yun} Viny Glove {Puniyo} Talisman All set? Now that we've completed "working", let's do a Character Quest (CQ). You can choose from Yun or Puniyo. I'll just take them from top to bottom, so Yun first. ------------------------ YUN CQ1 - SERVANT BATTLE ------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head N through the forest along the path. Even if you already have a Taun, you'll need to go to the farm gathering spot anyway. When you reach the next screen, watch the scene. Head N, climb the ladder, and jump E to the farm gathering spot to get the Taun. Watch the scenes. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 2 \ [RSBW2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. You can now set up a Bazaar at the Student Store. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: BAZAARS The main purpose of a Bazaar is to cause synthesized items of your choice to show up in the various shops around campus. For every item you sell, 10 of that item will be added to one of the shops' inventories each week. This can save you a lot of trouble synthesizing basic components of a more complex synthesis. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Since setting up a Bazaar consumes a week of Free Time, we'll wait until next week. We still have one more CQ to go. ----------------------- PUNIYO CQ1 - ----------------------- Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x2 Only Raze, Et, and Puniyo for this fight, but still ridiculously easy. Just attack normally. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER & EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x3 Don't be fooled. This battle is easy. Just use Et's Lock-On Arrow, Lily's Ice Axel, and normal attacks to finish them off in one round. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 3 \ [RSBW3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More Free Time. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: NOTHING ELSE TO DO? SKIP AHEAD If you would prefer not to sell items, then you can go to Raze's Room at the Dormitory and choose to sleep as an alternate way to end any Free Time week. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 4 \ [RSBW4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yet more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 5 \ [RSBW5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you exit to the Campus Map, you will be able to access the Training Sea. There's nothing else special to do, so when you're ready to go, head there. ------------ TRAINING SEA ------------ Random Items: Bee Stinger, Rusted Gear, Lizard Tail, Worn Weapon, Worn Armor Gathering (Fish): King Crab, Balloon Fish, Plasma Jelly, Little Sword Fish Gathering (Farm): Gel Rubber Sap, Audora's Egg, Worn Weapon, Bee Stinger, Worn Armor Gathering (Mine): Canone Rock, Carbon Boulder, Gravity Stone Treasure Chests: Strange Weapon Book, Gargol Plate x2, 900 cole x2 Enemies: Red Puni, Refuel Puni, Kobold Priest, Kobold Soldier, Lizard Warrior, Lizard Shaman, Thunder Blade, Thunder Shield, Gold Leo, Guardian Enemy Spoils: Monster Bone, Gel Rubber Sap, Tuft, Bee Stinger, Lizard Tail, Audora's Egg, Blood Rose Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch Watch the scene. Head W to the next screen for a scene. Kill all of the monsters on this screen to progress the story. Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head W to the next screen again. The monsters should not have respawned, so you can continue W until you can't go any further. Turn N and slightly E to find a chest containing the which will allow you to synthesize the Whirlwind Knife, Blade Knuckle, and Metal Sphere. Continue E to find a "medal". After the battle, head back W to the next screen. Continue W to the intersection. Head NW first to the farm gathering point. Climb the rocks behind the gathering point to reach a chest holding a . Head back the intersection and go SW (stay on the reefs, not on the docks) toward the rocks. Climb the ladder and jump toward the NE to land on the platform with the ladder leading up to the chest. Open it for 900 cole. Head back to the intersection and go S to the Fish gathering spot, then head W to the next "medal". After the battle, head S to the next screen. There's a save point on this screen. Head S to the next screen. On this screen, there are two paths. The S path can only be accessed in the morning and the SW path can only be accessed at night. Regardless of which path you take, you can find the third medal that will progress the story. If you wish to explore the map completely before that, then use the Camp option at the save point on the previous screen to manipulate time so you can access them as you wish. Take the S path (daytime) first. You will pass a Mine gathering point and a "medal" on your way to the next screen. On this screen, head S until you see a Fish gathering point, then head SW until you see a second Fish gathering point. From there head W to the next screen (we'll come back for the chest in a second). Continue W around the circle until you reach an intersection. Take the path N to find a save point and a Farm gathering spot. Go E past the gathering spot and behind the rocks to find a chest with a inside. Use the save point to set the time to night and return to the previous screen. Head E then NE across the reefs to reach the chest containing 900 cole. Return to the save point to change the time so you can get back across the docks to the previous save point. Use that save point to change the time to night. Now go to the next screen and take the SW path (night) across the reefs to the next screen. Follow the docks SW through around the figure 8 for a Fish gathering point and a Water gathering point. Do NOT pick up the medal until you're done gathering and ready to advance the story. When you're ready, pick up the medal. Watch the scenes. You will get a guest party member. All right. Back we go. If you don't leave the area, the monsters won't respawn and you'll have a clear path. Head toward the save point near the day (S) vs. night (SW) path split. When you enter the screen with the save point, you will trigger a scene. Head S during the day to the next screen. Head S to the next screen. Head S, then SW, then W to the next screen. Continue W past the circle until you reach the 4-way intersection again. Head W all the way to the end. Watch the quick scene. Retrace your steps back two screens. Watch the scenes. Now return once more to the dead end past the 4-way intersection. Be sure to save at the save point to the N of the intersection before going W. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: LEGENDARY GIANTFISH & GUARDIAN If you let the battle go on too long, the fish might getcha. Yun can almost single-handedly take out the Guardian in a couple of turns. Use Et's Lock-On Arrow on the Giantfish right away, then follow that up with Swallow Chakram. Rotate Enna into the mix with his Missile skill and have everyone that has a Lightning-based skill abuse it. If you don't hold back and use all of your skills, you shouldn't have to heal, but don't hesitate to do so if necessary. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 4: Phase 4 [RCH04PH04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [RT2W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. You can now access the Broken Plank Bridge. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily - Roof Top for a scene with Yun The stores are now stocking some new items. (Note that if you conducted a Bazaar in the last chapter, those items will now/still be listed in the stores.) -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Gear 20 cole Balloon Fish 40 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Tiger's Roll 2090 cole Theory on Crystals 890 cole Home Style Alchemy 2110 cole Blood Rose 30 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Extreme Cu Hook, Nectar, Repeating Pick, and Magic Incense. Purchase recipe to be able to synthesize Blue Steel, Canone Crystal, Blood Clay, and Plant Stimulant. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Silky Cloth, Elumeluchiruchiru, Ceramic Plate, Toad Mouth, and In Hell Spice. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Equipment Guide 1900 cole Trendy Accessory 2200 cole Fiery Red Dirt 10 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Bone Mail, Crystal Mail, Fiber Skin, Black Belt, and Gnardi Ring. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Fairy Doll, Gargol Plate, Refuel Ankh, Aroma Bottle, and Scaly Gauntlet. Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Nectar] - Lizard Tail - Puniball/Audora's Egg - FSW/Gelatin Cake [Uni Bomb] - Uni - Grain Powder - Balloon Fish [Ceramic Plate] - Brown Groundwater - Magic Clay - Flame [Plant Stimulant] - Brown Groundwater - FSW/Preservative - Taun [Repeating Pick] - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip - Ingot - Legien Steel/Stone Heart [Extreme Cu Hook] - Feather Charm - Joro Spider Web - Beast Fang/Ivory Horn [Blood Clay] - Fiery Red Dirt - Soul Blood [Silky Cloth] - Joro Spider Web - Brown Groundwater - Huffin Select as the first ingredient in the Canone Crystal recipe (which you can't make yet) to open up the [Glacier Crystal] recipe. [Glacier Crystal] - Glacier Stone/Ice Sugar - FSW/Preservative - Brown Groundwater Select as the first ingredient in the Canone Crystal recipe (which you can't make yet) to open up the [Thunder Crystal] recipe. [Thunder Crystal] - Thunder Stone - FSW/Preservative - Plasma Jelly/Lightning Rod Select as the first ingredient in the Hand Dagger recipe to open up the [Soul Cutter] recipe. [Soul Cutter] - Blood Clay - Phoenix Feather - Soul Blood [Whirlwind Knife] - Bee Stinger - Red Steel/Gravity Stone - Little Sword Fish Select as the first ingredient in the Maid Torque recipe to open up the [Lacy Collar] recipe. [Lacy Collar] - Silky Cloth - FSW/Preservative - Blue Petal [Ragged Collar] - Water/Brown Groundwater - Gel Rubber Sap - Cyprus Copper/Carbon Boulder/Red Steel [Wet Scarf] - Clearwater/Brown Groundwater - Gel Rubber Sap - Collected Air [Grand Hoop] - Bee Stinger - Rocky Oak Chip - Old Screw [Blade Knuckle] - Worn Weapon - Little Sword Fish - Ingot/Gravity Stone Select as the first ingredient in the Blade Knuckle recipe to open up the [Metal Cutting Claw] recipe. [Metal Cutting Claw] - Metal Glass Sheet - Chrome Crystal - Polish Powder [Metal Sphere] - Red Steel - Hexametal - Carbon Boulder/Chrome Crystal Have Puniyo support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for [White Sphere]. [White Sphere] - Black Liquid - Ivory Horn/Stone Heart - Polish Powder [Bone Mail] - Monster Bone - Leather Cuirass - Soul Blood Select as the first ingredient in the Eastern Uniform recipe to open up the [Eastern White] recipe. [Eastern White] - Silky Cloth - Feather Charm - Blood Rose Select as the first ingredient in the Long Uniform recipe to open up the [Bad Girl] recipe. [Bad Girl] - Silky Cloth - Blood Rose - Long Shaft Have Yun support the synthesis of a Fiery Fighting Suit in order to open up the recipe for the [Running Shadow Vest]. [Running Shadow Vest] - Black Liquid - Silky Cloth - Black Powder [Fiber Skin] - Veggie Fiber - Silky Cloth - Mandora Root Have Lily support the synthesis of a Maid Costume in order to open up the recipe for the [Cat Ear Maid Dress] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Fairy Doll] - Joro Spider Web - Puniball - Nicro Cloth Select as the first ingredient in the Fairy Doll recipe to open up the [Puni Suit] recipe. [Puni Suit] - Silky Cloth - Gel Rubber Sap - Puniball Have Puniyo support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Kobold Suit]. [Kobold Suit] - Silky Cloth - Mandora Root/Veggie Fiber - Tuft Select as the first ingredient in the Rock Shield recipe to open up the [Ore Shield] recipe. [Ore Shield] - Blood Clay - Chrome Crystal - Black Steel [Gargol Plate] - Metal Glass Sheet - Clearwater - Polish Powder [Toad Mouth] - Chrome Crystal - Nicro Cloth/Pleather Cloth - Brownie Mask/Ivory Horn/Ghost Hat Have Et support the synthesis of Kitty Ears in order to open up the recipe for [Bunny Ears] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Refuel Ankh] - Chrome Crystal - Polish Powder - Heal Jar [Aroma Bottle] - Blood Rose - Wild Meat - Huffin [Gnardi Ring] - Monster Bone - Long Shaft - Ingot [Siren Boots] - Gel Rubber Sap - Preservative - Eiche [Follower's Shoes] - Nectar - Silky Cloth - Joro Spider Web Select as the first ingredient in the Long Uniform recipe to open up the [Maiden] recipe. [Maiden] - Follower's Shoes - Long Uniform - Joro Spider Web/Veggie Fiber Whew! Time to hit the Grow Books. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Whirlwind Knife, Soul Cutter, Bone Mail, Eastern White, Ore Shield, Gnardi Ring {Lily} Ragged Collar, Lacy Collar, Wet Scarf, Maiden, Aroma Bottle, Glacier Crystal {Et} Grand Hoop, Bad Girl, Gargol Plate, Thunder Crystal {Yun} Blade Knuckle, Metal Cutting Claw, Fiber Skin, Running Shadow Vest, Siren Boots, Ore Shield, Toad Mouth, Uni Bomb, Blood Clay, Ceramic Plate {Puniyo} Metal Sphere, White Sphere, Fairy Doll, Kobold Suit, Puni Suit, Refuel Ankh, Silky Cloth, Nectar Let's go explore our newly opened area. Head to the Broken Plank Bridge. ------------------- BROKEN PLANK BRIDGE ------------------- Random Items: Phoenix Feather, Soul Blood, Puniball, Ghost Hat, Ivory Horn Gathering (Farm): Radish, Clear Stream Moss, Rocky Oak Chip, Blood Rose Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape Gathering (Fish): Swirly Shell, Little Sword Fish, Steel Lobster Gathering (Water): Clearwater x10 Treasure Chests: Bone Mail, Black Belt, Heal Jar x5, Nectar x3, Fairy Doll, Knowledge Soup, Toad Mouth Enemies: Baby Puni, Puni, Kobold Priest, Kobold Soldier, Grand Blade, Grand Shield, Mountkolaria, Mountkolaria Bungee, Harpy, Giraphant, Shrip, Razor Fin Enemy Spoils: Puniball, Tuft, Bee Stinger, Gel Rubber Sap, Rocky Oak Chip, Carbon Boulder, Phoenix Feather, Ivory Horn, Collected Air, Clear Stream Moss Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake, Snowy Cracker, Vanilla Syrup, Freeze Drop Head N through the area until you reach the a 4-way intersection. Head W to collect from a chest containing . There are item bags to the E if you would like to get them, then continue N along the only path until you hit the next screen. Once again, head N along the only path until you reach an 3-way intersection. Head E first for a chest holding a , then head all the way W, S, and W first to find a Fruit gathering spot. Return E and N for the Farm gathering spot, then take the first narrow path N for the ladder down to the lower level. Once on the lower level, follow the path generally E and N until you reach the next screen. (There's nothing down the S path but enemies; feel free to fight them if you'd like.) Continue generally N along the path until you're forced to head W. Do so all the way until you pick up a practically hidden chest on the far W containing . Climb the ladder to the N to get over the rock wall, then take the next ladder down to the E to find a Fish gathering point. Climb back up the ladder and head N then E then N again to the next screen. On this new screen, you'll first enter a relatively open area strewn with rock formations. Maneuver around the enemies and formations to collect a chest to the S containing , then work your way E to a Water gathering spot and the bridge heading further in. Go E across the bridge until you see a chest holding a , then go slightly S to a Fish gathering point. Once finished, continue S then E to the next screen. The first thing on this screen as you head E is the save point. Head N up the ladder, then E to the intersection. Go S to find a chest containing , then return to the intersection and head N, E and N to another intersection. Go E to find a chest with a , then go back to the intersection and head N, E, and N to the next screen. Head N past the intersection (there's nothing to the E) and climb the ladders up two levels. Continue N to the Farm gathering spot. That's all she wrote. Let's return to the academy. Believe it or not, there's nothing more to synthesize, so head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Combat I Chain - Use a Special Skill to defeat the target monster. Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster. - The number of Co-op Skills and Special Skills Supplies: Cure Jar x3, Lightning Rod x3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Head to the Broken Plank Bridge. ------------------- BROKEN PLANK BRIDGE ------------------- Watch a scene as you enter. Nothing has really changed here. Follow the path fighting monsters and gathering from the Gathering spots as you go. When you reach the save point, the boss is on the next screen. Head there for the fight. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: GIANTWING DRAGON The game sets you up nicely by giving you a full Unite and Finishing gauge at the start of the battle. Follow the tutorial in order to execute an Intimate Move and a Finishing Move at the very beginning. If Yun is NOT the character to execute either (the boss is strong against Fire), then you will take off more than half of the boss' health with just those two moves. After that, use your most powerful attacks to finish him off. You receive 50 grading points for finishing in 60 spheres with an additional grading point for each sphere less than 60. You also receive 30 points for executing the Finishing Stike and 10 points for each Intimate Skill you use. You need 90 points for an "A" grade. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Return to the academy. Go to VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak with him. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [RT2W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow, no scenes or synthesis. Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: MULTIPLE CLASSES You finally have the chance to choose between classes. For any given chapter in which you take classes, you need 10 units to enter Free Time. An "A" gives you 5 units and a "B" gives you 3 units, which means that you can generally take as few as 2 and as many as 4 classes. (It IS possible to actually fail a course by giving up on the assignment (an option only available if you talk to the teacher before even trying a synthesis, for example), but you would have to do it on purpose.) I'll list all of the potential classes and how to get through them. I'll also note which classes I recommend if you're looking to get to Free Time as fast as possible. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Right now, there are three possible class options. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I ***RECOMMENDED*** Synthesis II Bomb - Synthesize Lightning Rod with a good Ether Effect Grade Req. - Ether Level of the Lightning Rod - Added Ether Effect Supplies: None The fastest way to an easy "A". To get it, have Et support you. Use the following ingredients: Long Shaft, Plasma Jelly, and Monster Bone. Activate Et's Cyclone Battler skill and select Water, Earth, and Wind as quickly as you can. This should drive the Ether level down to less than 15, which will add the "Power Stealing" effect to the item. This effect will give you 130 points, far more than the 90 points required for an "A". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Searching II Drop - Collect Drop Items at the Old Quarry Grade Req. - Number of collected items - Search time Supplies: None I believe you receive 3 points for every drop item (including in item bags) plus 10 points for finishing the assignment under the 9 hour time limit (i.e. by 7:00p). Whenever you defeat all of the enemies at the Old Quarry, the assignment will end regardless of how much time is remaining in the 9 hour limit. To get the 90 points required for an "A", you should gather at least 27 items. All of the blue enemies icons can be dispatched in one hit for an item and no time penalty, so just be sure to use Lily's Cool Sweets skill in the battles connected to the large red enemy icons to guarantee drop items. If you find the Synthesis II Bomb course too difficult to complete, this is a good alternative. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT III ***RECOMMENDED*** Synthesis IV Equipment - Make the Ether Level of Hard Leather close to 0 Grade Req. - Ether Level of the Hard Leather Supplies: None Also pretty easy. Use Et in support of a mix of Leather Cuirass, Preservative, and Old Screw. Match the Earth and Fire elements as quickly as possible for the first two ingredients, then invoke Et's Cyclone Girl active support skill before matching Wind on the third element. This should result in a 0 level. Your grade is 100 less whatever the remaining Ether level of the item is. You need 90 points for an "A", so you need to synthesize a Hard Leather with an Ether Level of 10 or less to achieve it. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [RT2W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you got an "A" in both of the first two weeks of classes, then this will be Free Time. For this walkthrough, I am assuming that this is the case. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FINISHING ALL OF THE CHARACTER QUESTS Each of your permanent party members has 5 CQs for a total of 20. You will, therefore, need at least 20 weeks of Free Time in order to complete them all. (If you've been following this walkthrough, we have completed 4 CQs, leaving 16 remaining.) In addition, you generally cannot trigger a particular quest until a specific chapter. This means that having Free Time weeks earlier in the game (such as the extra weeks we had in the last chapter) may not count toward retiring this number. If completing all of the CQs is one of your goals, then it's best to aim for getting all "A"s to maximize your Free Time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Watch the scene. The Role Sharing system is now available. (Note that if you are still taking classes, then the Role Sharing system becomes available in your first Free Time week in this chapter.) *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: ROLE SHARING Between the Role Sharing and Bazaar options, you should find keeping up on your synthesis ingredients much easier. While Bazaar allows you to make synthesized items available in stores, Role Sharing allows you to have a party member either: (1) search for monster drop items in various areas (and gain AP while at it) (2) synthesize particular items you choose without using up ingredients (but you must have already synthesized the item once) (3) gather items in various areas from the gather points The advantage of #2 over the Bazaar is that the items your party members synthesize are free while you still have to pay to get the items from the stores. Once you have enough cole, however, you may find it more useful to have your characters search for monster drop items to build up AP. Note that not every character is equally skilled at all tasks. Here are the relative strengths and weaknesses of each: Raze - Gathering & Searching Lily - Synthesizing Almost Anything, Can Search for Sweets Et - Gathering & Searching Yun - Synthesizing Items, Accessories & Certain Materials Puniyo - Synthesizing Materials & Accessories There is no penalty for having your characters engage in Role Sharing, so be sure to start them on some task or another right away (even if just searching to get the AP). *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (Ice Axel --> Blizzard Axel) (You must have a Gel Rubber Sap in your inventory to trigger this scene.) - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (Rainy Spear --> Rainy Mega Spear) (You must have a Vanilla Syrup in your inventory to trigger this scene.) - Broken Plank Bridge for a scene with Et With that out of the way, let's get started with our Free Time. As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: MERCENARY MANA If you've completed 20% of Yun's Grow Book and changed his class to Mercenary Mana, then you will receive a 30% bonus on all rewards for Jobs during Free Time. I will note this beside the standard reward. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 065 I Wanna Win! - Bring Freeze Drop x6 to Yuka in the Student Store Reward - 4000 cole (5200 cole) How to Complete - Freeze Drops can be gathered from item bags in the Library or obtained from various monsters using Lily's Cold Sweets skill. Collect 6 of them and head to Yuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 066 Fire Shortage - Bring Black Powder x4 with Dry ether effect to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 3400 cole (4420 cole) How to Complete - The Dry ether effect appears for ether levels between 20-35. Have Et support the synthesis and use a Carbon Boulder and Fiery Red Dirt as the ingredients. Match the wheel quickly to Earth and Wind and the ether level should drop to 20. Mass produce the rest and turn them in to Shizuka. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 067 String Cleaner - Bring Veggie Fiber x4 with Thin ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 3500 cole (4550 cole) How to Complete - The Thin ether effect appears for ether levels between 65-80. Have Puniyo support the synthesis using the standard recipe. Match the wheel to Water, Wind, and Water to raise the ether level right to 65. Mass produce the rest and turn them in to Mimisuke. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 068 Bounty Head No. 007 - Defeat the Koboldny at the Broken Plank Bridge Reward - 2000 cole (2600 cole) How to Complete - The target is on the second screen of the area. When you reach the second screen, continue N on the walkway until you reach the ladder near the Farm gathering point. Take the ladder down, then proceed N and E until you reach the intersection. Head S (if you went this way before, there was nothing but normal enemies down here) until you see the target at the end. Use Lily's Blizzard Axel to make short work of the bodyguards, then use your most powerful attacks to take out the boss. He doesn't hit very hard, so you shouldn't have any problems. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 069 Bounty Head No. 008 - Defeat the Zweis Blade at the Training Sea Reward - 2000 cole (2600 cole) How to Complete - The target is along the SW (night) path past the day/night split after the second save point. Set the time to night using that save point, head into the next screen and follow the path to the SW to the following screen. As you proceed in, you'll find the target. The boss is entirely resistant to physical damage, so you'll want to break out your strongest magic attacks. Have Lily wear a Wind Ring so she can use Thunder Rain while Puniyo brings out whichever spells she has available. Between the ladies' magic and the use of Intimate Strikes, you should wear down the enemies before they have a chance to do some real damage. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Now that we've completed "working", it's CQ time. All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Lily first. ----------------------------------- LILY CQ2 - MISS LILY AND PUNI KICHI ----------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Cafeteria. Watch the scene. Head to the Broken Plank Bridge. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: RAZOR FIN Just use normal attacks. No Lily, but still no problem. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 4 \ [RT2W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------ ET CQ2 - PUNIYO'S OUTING ------------------------ Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to the General Studies Classroom. Watch the scene. Return to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scenes. Head to the Cafeteria. Watch the scenes. Now head to the Campus Grounds. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 5 \ [RT2W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------- YUN CQ2 - YUN'S SECRET ---------------------- Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scene. Head to the Living Water Forest. Watch the scene. Head through the forest all the way N then E to the Fish gathering spot. Fish until you get a Steel Lobster. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 6 \ [RT2W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. --------------------------------- PUNIYO CQ2 - ATTACK, AND AFTER... --------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER & EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x3 Use Lily's Blizzard Axel twice to finish them off easily. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scene. Head to the Dormitory Entrance. Move toward the Girl's Dorm to trigger some scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: PUNI x2, RED PUNI, REFUEL PUNI Puniyo and the Puni Bros can handle themselves. Just use the Attack skill and Puniyo's magic to finish them off. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER & EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x3 This is starting to get boring. Use Lily's Blizzard Axel or Icicle Cannon to finish them off easily. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 7 \ [RT2W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Chairwoman's Room. Watch the scenes. Head to the Auditorium from the Campus Map. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED) x2, MALE STUDENT (BLUE) They're tougher than you would think. Use your best skills to take down their HP one at a time. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. If you don't have them already, collect a Radish and Balloon Fish and/or synthesize a Flame. Head to Raze's Workshop and speak with Lily. Watch the scenes. Head to the Auditorium again. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: FEMALE STUDENT x2, MALE STUDENT (BLUE) They're tougher than you would think, and no Et either. Oh, well. Use your best skills to take down their HP one at a time. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. You can now access the Underground Sewer. Head there now. ------------------------------ UNDERGROUND SEWER (FIRST TIME) ------------------------------ Random Items: Rotten Meat, Shiny Screw, Little Gear, Bat Wing, Black Oil, Chrome Crystal Gathering (Farm): Little Gear, Black Oil, Monster Bone, Poison Shroom, Rune Amber, Chrome Crystal Gathering (Water): Brown Groundwater x10 Treasure Chests: Synthesis for Kids, Warrior's Craft Enemies: Zombie Puni, Sword Sprite, Steelarmor Soldier, Shade, Fakereature, Steelcannon Soldier, Blade Spirit Enemy Spoils: Monster Bone, Worn Weapon, Stone Heart, Rotten Meat, Bat Wing, Shiny Screw Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Gelatin Cake Watch the quick scene as you enter. When you regain control, head S along the path, zigzagging W and E as necessary. After a little ways, you'll find a chest containing the recipe, which will allow you to make the Puni Cutter, Wooden Accessory, and Candy Hula. Continue S until you reach the next screen. On this screen, head S for a farm gathering point, then continue S to an intersection of sorts. Head E down the stairs for a Water gathering point. Return W to the intersection and continue W until you reach the next screen. Continue W up the staircases and head N after the second staircase for a chest holding the recipe that allows you to make the Stinger, Cyan Crystal, Mech Dagger, and Pumpkin Mail. Head back S then W to the next screen. Head W until you reach the save point. Head S down the stairs to trigger some scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: The poor guy goes first all by himself. You don't want to waste too much time taking him down since he can hit somewhat hard. Efficiently use your skills to whittle down his HP quickly. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Take down Chloe first before she has a chance to replicate her team's attacks, followed by Enna to eliminate his time attacks. Once they're gone, Ulrika should fall quickly. If you've been powering up as you go, this should not be too difficult a battle. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 5: Phase 5 [RCH05PH05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [RT2W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Cruise Ship of Time. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Et & Puniyo - General Studies Classroom for a scene with Et & Puniyo The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Chrome Crystal 60 cole Monster Bone 60 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Black Application 4900 cole Fishing Alchemist 4700 cole Black Oil 60 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Cursed Paper, Gold Shaft, Poison Vase, X Heal, and Reflect Whistle. Purchase to be able to synthesize Alchemy Steel, Plosion, Extreme Ag Hook, Long Bomb Ice, Flying Fish Boots, and Fish Boat. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Unlucky Inventor 3100 cole Shiny Screw 60 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Divine Shield, Van Guard, Stone Charm, Rune Stone, and Power Pick. Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [X Heal] - Heal Jar - Clearwater - Mandora Root [Extreme Ag Hook] - Phoenix Feather/Bat Wing - Veggie Fiber - Monster Bone [Blue Steel] - Gravity Stone - Black Oil - Fiery Red Dirt/Magic Clay [Alchemy Steel] - Ingot - Metal Glass Sheet - Brown Groundwater/Black Oil Select as the first ingredient to open up the [White Steel] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). [Plosion] - Black Oil - Canone Crystal - Black Powder [Cursed Paper] - Mandora Root - Rocky Oak Chip - Black Oil [Canone Crystal] - Canone Rock/Bee Hive/Black Powder - FSW/Preservative - Black Oil [Elumeluchiruchiru] - Rotten Meat - Black Oil/Brown Groundwater - Poison Shroom/Balloon Fish [Poison Vase] - Poison Shroom - Balloon Fish - Joro Spider Web [Divine Shield] - Alchemy Steel - Rune Amber - Metal Glass Sheet [Power Pick] - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip/Long Shaft - Blue Steel - Blood Clay Select as the first ingredient in the Magic Ink recipe to open up the [Blood Ink] recipe. [Blood Ink] - Poison Vase - Blood Clay - Soul Blood/Black Oil [Puni Cutter] - Blue Steel - Puniball - Salt Have Puniyo support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Lucky Knife] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Mech Dagger] - Alchemy Steel - Le Merou Cog/Gear/Rusted Gear - Old Screw/Shiny Screw/Gearbox Have Lily support the synthesis of a Spiked Collar in order to open up the recipe for the [Blood Spike] (which you can't synthesize yet). Have Et support the synthesis of a Jagged Hoop in order to open up the recipe for the [Shark Hoop] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Candy Hula] - Canone Crystal - Freeze Drop - Clearwater/Goat Milk/120% Fruit [Stinger] - Blue Steel - Bee Stinger - Long Shaft Have Yun support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Poison Needle]. [Poison Needle] - Poison Vase - Stinger - FSW/Preservative [Wooden Accessory] - Veggie Fiber - Rocky Oak Chip - Mandora Root [Cyan Crystal] - Blue Steel - Chrome Crystal - Clearwater/Brown Groundwater/Black Liquid [Van Guard] - Steel Coat - Iron Plate [Rock Scale] - Rocky Oak Chip - Blue Steel - Stone Heart/King Crab [Pumpkin Mail] - Pumpotatokin - Joro Spider Web/Veggie Fiber - Preservative [Full Custom] - Shiny Screw - Le Merou Cog/Little Gear - Altered Uniform M [Crystal Mail] - Blue Steel - Chrome Crystal/Cyan Crystal - Hard Leather Select as the first ingredient in the Raven Cape recipe to open up the [La Matador] recipe. [La Matador] - Blood Ink - Silky Cloth - Blood Rose/Bitter Grape [Stone Charm] - Monster Bone - Rune Amber - Long Shaft [Black Belt] - Black Oil - Veggie Fiber - Carbon Boulder [Reflect Whistle] - Flonne's Charm - Collected Air - Swirly Shell [Rune Stone] - Black Liquid - Rune Amber - Cyprus Copper Select as the first ingredient in the Ragged Collar recipe to open up the [Runed Collar] recipe. [Runed Collar] - Rune Stone - Monster Bone - Magic Clay Select as the first ingredient in the White Sphere recipe to open up the [Glass Charm] recipe. [Glass Charm] - Rune Stone - Metal Glass Sheet - Veggie Fiber Time to hit the Grow Books. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Puni Cutter, Mech Dagger, Van Guard, Blue Steel, Elumeluchiruchiru, Alchemy Steel, Cursed Paper {Lily} Runed Collar, Crystal Mail, Reflect Whistle, Poison Vase, Divine Shield {Et} Candy Hula, Pumpkin Mail, Rock Scale, Black Belt, Blood Ink {Yun} Stinger, Poison Needle, Full Custom, Canone Crystal, Plosion {Puniyo} Wooden Accessory, Cyan Crystal, Glass Charm, La Matador, Stone Charm, Rune Stone, X Heal The Power Pick that you synthesized opens up the previously unaccessible portion of the Old Quarry. Let's head there first. --------------------------- OLD QUARRY (CLOSED SECTION) --------------------------- Random Items: Stone Heart, Ivory Horn, Old Screw, Fiery Red Dirt, Phoenix Feather, Gear Gathering (Mine): Elemia Silver, Mysterious Gem, Chrome Crystal, Cyprus Copper Treasure Chests: Soil Ring, Quick Shifter [To reach the Closed section, head W to the fourth screen in (with the first mine cart). Either ride the cart or head W then N at the intersection. When you reach the end, turn E along the path and continue until you reach the next screen. Cross this screen to the E and N until you reach the second save point. Go NE to the next screen and follow the empty path (no enemies, no items) to the screen after that. This is the screen with the rocks blocking the path.] Now that you have the Power Pick, examine the two tower-like rocks. This will clear them away, allowing you to continue along the path. Hop up the rocks headed NW and go E along the track when you reach the top. At the intersection, head N first for a chest containing a . Return to the intersection and head E. At the end of the track, you will find a Mining gathering spot. When done, head S and follow the path until you reach the next screen. Head S through this short area to the next screen. Here's the treasure chest that you could see from the beginning of the area but couldn't reach. BE CAREFUL when jumping onto the ledge with the chest lest you fall off and have to go all the way back around again. Open the chest for a . That's it for the Old Quarry. Back to the academy. Now let's quickly finish exploring the area from the previous week. Head to the Underground Sewer. ------------------------------ UNDERGROUND SEWER (LAST PIECE) ------------------------------ Random Items: Rotten Meat, Shiny Screw, Little Gear, Bat Wing, Black Oil, Chrome Crystal Gathering (Farm): Little Gear, Black Oil, Monster Bone, Poison Shroom, Rune Amber, Chrome Crystal Treasure Chests: Pure Eye Enemies: Zombie Puni, Sword Sprite, Steelarmor Soldier, Shade, Fakereature, Steelcannon Soldier, Blade Spirit Enemy Spoils: Monster Bone, Worn Weapon, Stone Heart, Rotten Meat, Bat Wing, Shiny Screw Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Gelatin Cake (See the previous chapter for the route/chests up until the first save point.) Once down the stairs S of the first save point (where you triggered the scenes that ended the last chapter), continue W then N to an intersection with an alleyway (a little tough to see to the W). Go W to the hideout and collect a chest from the far end that contains a . Return to the main path and head N for a farm gathering spot. That's all, folks. Return to the academy. Finally, let's head to the newly opened area. Select the Cruise Ship of Time from the World Map. ------------------- CRUISE SHIP OF TIME ------------------- Random Items: Beautiful Scale, Dragon Wing, Scream of the Dead, Monster Bone, Heart Starch Gathering (Fish): Sword Fish, Sharkgill, Queen Tuna, King Tuna, Danger Balloon Gathering (Farm): Golden Herb, Glowing White Sand, Kittynip, Monster Bone Gathering (Mining): Carbon Boulder, Chrome Crystal, Gravity Stone, Rune Amber Gathering (Water): Clearwater x10 Treasure Chests: Storm Bracelet, Quick Feet Shoes, Embellishments, Snow Storm Bracelet, Morning Lamp, Ancient Accessories Enemies: Kamikaze Doll, Gram Raider, Lizard Dragon, Sapphire Eye, Invincible, Shadow Girl, Rockville, Dragon Girl, Knochen Man, Shrip, Crimson Shrip Enemy Spoils: Brownie Mask, Worn Armor, Dragon Wing, Glowing White Sand, Scream of the Dead, Bat Wing, Ivory Horn, Collected Air, Beautiful Scale Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Gelatin Cake, Snow Animal, Heart Starch Head N up the dock until you see a ladder. Climb the ladder onto the ship. Head N on the ship until you see another ladder up the mast. Climb the ladder and head W along the plank to a net "bridge". Head S along the net to another plank. Go E along this plank to a chest containing a . Drop back down to the ship deck. Go N past the ladder this time to the bow of the ship for another chest holding . Climb down the ladder on this end of the ship to another dock and head N to the next screen. Continue N along the path until you find a water gathering spot, then head E to a fishing spot. Continue N, W, N, and W again to another fishing spot, then head N to the ladder and climb up to the next screen. On the ship, start by hopping up onto the side of the ship so you can head W past the supplies loaded on deck to a ladder up the mast. Climb up and head E along the plank to a chest containing a . Drop back to the deck and return to the entrance ladder. This time, head NW to the plank across to the other ship. On this side, head W until you see the ladder up the mast. Climb up and go E along the plank to a chest holding , which allows you to synthesize the Glowing Amulet, Rising Claw, and Flare Jacket. Drop back to the deck and head W until the next screen. Head W until the ladder up to the ship deck. Climb up and head W along the deck until you see the ladder up the mast. Climb up and head W along the plank to find a mother lode of gathering spots (farm and mining) guarded by a large enemy icon. Once done gathering, head back E, drop down to the deck, and head N. Along the W side of the ship almost directly across from the entrance ladder, you'll find a chest containing a . Continue N along the deck and up the bow until you reach the next screen. On this screen, head N along the path. When you reach the open area among the rocks, look for a mostly hidden chest in the NE corner of the area that holds a . Head toward the NW then N along the path to reach a save point. Continue slightly E, then S, and E to a narrow ship, then cut across it to the SE to find a fishing spot. Head E from there along the dock to the next screen. Continue E along the dock to find yourself on a plank across a ship's sail. Be careful not to fall off and continue E to another dock, then another ship's sail plank. (If you do fall off on the first ship, simply climb up the ladder on the mast; there's nothing down there of value other than a few enemies.) From here, jump down S onto the elevated platform with the large barrel and logs, then hop up onto the other sail plank on the other side of the platform. (Again, if you fall to the deck, move around to the E side of the platform to find the ladder to climb back up; there's nothing on the deck other than enemies and item bags.) Once on the plank S of the platform, move E along it until you reach a short ladder down to the sail plank of a third smaller ship. Drop down to the deck here and move N to find a chest holding , which allows you to synthesize the Phantom Orb, Ancient Coin, and Dancing Water Cape. There's nothing else of interest further in (not even enemies or item bags), so return to the academy now. Back to the Workshop for some more synthesis. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Fish Boat] - Queen Tuna - King Tuna/Sharkgill - Radish [In Hell Spice] - Golden Herb - Radish - Mandora Root Select as the first ingredient in the Alchemy Steel recipe to open up the [Altena Ingot] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). [Gold Shaft] - Alchemy Steel - Glowing White Sand - Black Liquid Select as the first ingredient in the 120% Fruit recipe to open up the [Dragon Breath] recipe. [Dragon Breath] - In Hell Spice - Monster Bone - Radish/Blood Ink Select as the first ingredient in the Whirlwind Knife recipe to open up the [Bandit Dagger] recipe. [Bandit Dagger] - Beautiful Scale - Sword Fish - Poison Shroom/Danger Balloon/Poison Vase [Glowing Amulet] - Cyan Crystal - Refuel Ankh - Long Shaft [Ancient Coin] - Blood Ink - Magic Clay - Polishing Powder/Glowing White Sand [Shark Hoop] - Gold Shaft - Sharkgill - Monster Bone [Rising Claw] - Alchemy Steel - Sword Fish/Metal Glass Sheet - Veggie Fiber [Phantom Orb] - Scream of the Dead - Piece of Glass/Rune Amber - Stone Heart/Stone Charm [Dancing Water Cape] - Fiber Skin - Gel Rubber Sap - Clear Stream Moss/Collected Air [Scaly Gauntlet] - Beautiful Scale - Metal Gauntlet - Little Sword Fish/Sword Fish/Queen Tuna [Nano Feather] - Feather Charm - Elumeluchiruchiru - Glowing White Sand [Bunny Ears] - Tuft - Kittynip - Long Shaft [Flying Fish Boots] - Beautiful Scale - Gel Rubber Sap - Pleather Cloth [Magic Incense] - Kittynip - Magic Clay - Rocky Oak Chip Select as the first ingredient in the Magic Incense recipe to open up the [Morning Lamp] recipe. [Morning Lamp] - Fish Boat - Golden Herb - FSW Select as the first ingredient in the Armor Cloak recipe to open up the [Feather Flow] recipe. [Feather Flow] - Nano Feather - Steel Coat - Phoenix Feather [Cat Ear Maid Dress] - Feather Flow - Kitty Ears - Puppy Paw Gloves Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Bandit Dagger, Magic Incense, Gold Shaft {Lily} Glowing Amulet, Cat Ear Maid Dress, Dancing Water Cape {Et} Ancient Coin, Shark Hoop, Feather Flow, Nano Feather, Flying Fish Boots, In Hell Spice {Yun} Rising Claw, Scaly Gauntlet, Morning Lamp, Dragon Breath {Puniyo} Phantom Orb, Bunny Ears, Fish Boat Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there are three possible class options. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Searching V Gather Apps - Gather as much as you can at the Training Sea Grade Req. - Number of gathered items Supplies: None Pretty straightforward. You get to make one run through the Training Sea (no time limit, but you can't leave and come back) and gather as many items as you can from the gathering spots. The scoring is simple: 1 item = 1 point. You need 90 points in order to get an "A". In order to have a chance at that, you'll need to have synthesized the Extreme Cu Hook as described in class. This item increases the damage you do to fish when trying to catch them, which allows you catch more fish each time out (note that just having the item in your inventory is sufficient; you don't have to actively use it). If you've also synthesized the Extreme Ag Hook by now (which you should have if you're following this walkthrough), then it should be pretty straightforward to get 90 items. The assignment will end automatically when you have gathered at every point in the area. Head to Mr. Basshum's room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Combat II Abnormal Status - Defeat the target monster while in Seal state Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: X Heal x3, Knowledge Soup x3 The target is found on the fourth screen in the Cruise Ship of Time. You will start the battle with all of your characters (including the Support row) with the Seal status, which means they cannot use skills. The easiest way to deal with this is to bring Cure Jars to heal the status effect, then battle as normal with your strongest skills. The time component of the grade is the number of spheres more than 10 that it takes you in battle subtracted from 100 (in my case, it took me 29 spheres, so that means 29-10=19, 100-19=81). The damage component is based on your biggest hit or chain x 2 divided by 100 (in my case, my biggest hit was 911 x 2 = 1822/100 = 18). Add the two together to get your grade. More than 90 points will net you an "A". Head to Ms. Miranda's room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT III ***RECOMMENDED*** Combat III Common Skills - Defeat the target monster using only Common Skills Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: None This assignment is recommended out of the three because it is still easy to get an "A" and takes the least amount of time. The target is found on the third screen in the Underground Sewer. Be sure that you have at least one if not two accessories that grant a Common Skill on each of your characters. Otherwise, they will be useless during the battle. The boss likes to use time skills to slow everything down, but otherwise he's not much of a threat. The time component of the grade is the number of spheres more than 10 that it takes you in battle subtracted from 100 (in my case, it took me 23 spheres, so that means 23-10=13, 100-13=87). The damage component is based on your biggest hit or chain x 5 divided by 100 (in my case, my biggest hit was 544 x 5 = 2720/100 = 27). Add the two together to get your grade up to 100. More than 90 points will net you an "A". Head to Mr. Tony's room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _______________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [RT2W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. There's nothing else new, so head to the Cruise Ship of Time. ------------------- CRUISE SHIP OF TIME ------------------- Answer "Yes" when prompted to begin the course. Watch the scenes. The key to the Marathon is to move through the area as quickly as possible (it IS a race after all). You're already on the other side of the first ship in the area, so head N as soon as your are able to the next screen. Watch the scene. If you're having trouble, the answers are "115", "369" and "5000". Once completed, follow the path swiftly through this screen and the next one. (Luckily, the enemies have been cleared out for this course.) Watch the scene. This one is simple; the answer is "Alchemist". Once done, again follow the path quickly through this area. Watch the scene. This one is impossible to know up front; the answer is "Chameleon". Run through the area to the next screen. Watch the scenes. If you finished around noon (which is easily doable if you answer all of the questions correctly), you'll win the event and get an automatic "A". You'll also be given . ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 10 \ [RT2W10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you got an "A" in both of the first two weeks of classes, then this will be Free Time. For this walkthrough, I am assuming that this is the case. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (Cold Sweets --> Freeze Sweets) (You must have a Black Oil in your inventory to trigger this scene.) - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (Icicle Cannon --> Frozen Cannon) (You must have a Blood Ink in your inventory to trigger this scene.) With that out of the way, let's get started with our Free Time. As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 074 New Mushroom Dish - Bring Poison Shroom x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 5400 cole (7020 cole) How to Complete - Poison Shrooms can be gathered from farm gathering points in the Underground Sewer. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 075 Spicy Courage Test - Bring In Hell Spice x1 with Rough ether effect to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 3100 cole (4030 cole) How to Complete - The Rough ether effect appears for ether levels between 20-30. Have Lily support the synthesis. Match the wheel to Earth, Fire, and Null and the ether level should drop to 23. Take it to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 076 That Softness - Bring Silky Cloth x1 with Top-Class ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 6300 cole (8190 cole) How to Complete - The Top-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 70-100. Have Et support the synthesis. Match the wheel quickly to Water and Earth, then invoke Et's Cyclone Girl active support ability and hit Wind. The ether level should be 94. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 077 Bounty Head No. 011 - Defeat the Beast Arm at the Old Quarry Reward - 2500 cole (3250 cole) How to Complete - The target is found just after the first mine cart in the Old Quarry on the fourth screen in. He likes to call for help if you take away his minions, but otherwise he shouldn't present too much of a challenge if you use your strongest skills. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 078 Bounty Head No. 012 - Defeat the Gail Empress at the Cruise Ship of Time Reward - 2500 cole (3250 cole) How to Complete - Oh boy! A chain battle. Haven't had one of these for a while. There will be 3 rounds of enemies, each successively tougher than the last. If you rotate your characters in and out to manage their SP, however, this should be pretty simple. I only needed to heal my party once throughout and that's because I was pretty lazy about setting up Intimate Strikes. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Now that we've completed "working", it's CQ time. All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Lily first. ---------------------------- LILY CQ3 - MISS LILY'S ORDER ---------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, go to the Cruise Ship of Time. Proceed through the area until you reach the fifth screen where there will be a new farm gathering spot. Dig there for the Plane Grass. Watch the scene. Head to Ulrika's Workshop. Watch the scenes. Go to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 11 \ [RT2W11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. --------------------------- ET CQ3 - GATHERING FOR ENNA --------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you will be at the Old Quarry. Proceed through the area until you reach the intersection past the first mine cart. From there, go N then E toward the second save point. Stop to mine at the Mining spot on the way. From the second save point, continue NE into the closed section until you reach the Mining spot there. Finish mining at that spot to trigger a scene. Go to Raze's Workshop. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 12 \ [RT2W12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------------------- YUN CQ3 - LET'S PICK SOME FLOWERS! ---------------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Broken Plank Bridge. Watch the scene. Despite what Yun says about things being "right ahead", you're actually going to go ALL the way to the end of the bridge again. Make your way through as quickly as you can. When you reach the field with the gathering point at the end, watch the scene. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 13 \ [RT2W13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. --------------------------- PUNIYO CQ3 - FIND PUNI TARO --------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Campus Grounds. Talk to all of your classmates to trigger some scenes. Head to the Training Sea for more scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER & EVIL PUNI UNDERLINGS x3 Again??! Seriously??! Well, if it makes you feel any better, they've gotten some buffing of their HP, but you can still take down the underlings before they attack even once with the right skills. The leader goes down quickly after that. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 14 \ [RT2W14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. Go to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the scene. Head to the Dormitory Entrance. Watch the scenes. When you finally regain control, you must select your partner by speaking with them. Watch the scenes. There are 8 active locations: Combat Dept. Class Alchemy Dept. Class General Studies Class Ulrika's Workshop VP Flay's Room Cafeteria Campus Grounds Auditorium You must visit all of these locations and fight 10 battles with just your chosen partner to move things along. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FIGHTING THE BATTLE ROYALE Use time attacks such as Falling Leaves as much as possible to multiply your turns and you should breeze through the battles without too much effort. Do take some care in the Dormitory Entrance fight as Pepperoni can knock out a character with a single lucky hit. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ------------------ COMBAT DEPT. CLASS ------------------ BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED) & MALE STUDENT (BLUE) ------------------- ALCHEMY DEPT. CLASS ------------------- BOSS: FEMALE STUDENT (PURPLE) & FEMALE STUDENT (GREEN) After 2 battles, watch the scene. The Dormitory Entrance is added as a location. --------------------- GENERAL STUDIES CLASS --------------------- BOSS: ENNA & PUNIYO [OR] ENNA & ET ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- BOSS: CHLOE -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- You can choose to fight or not. Watch the scene. (Regardless of whether you choose to fight, this counts toward your quota.) After 5 battles, watch the scenes. BOSS: ULRIKA Watch the scenes. ------------------ DORMITORY ENTRANCE ------------------ BOSS: PEPPERONI, YUN & GOTO --------- CAFETERIA --------- BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED), MALE STUDENT (BLUE) & MALE STUDENT (GREEN) -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- BOSS: LILY [OR] PUNIYO ---------- AUDITORIUM ---------- Fight any one of the enemies here. That's 10. Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 6: Phase 6 [RCH06PH06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 1 \ [RWBW1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No scenes to trigger, but the stores have new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Scream of the Dead 80 cole Beautiful Scale 90 cole Knot 130 cole ("Knot" may only appear if one of your classmates has found one during a search, which happened for me. So if you don't have this option yet, that's probably the reason.) ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Energy Conservation 8000 cole Kittynip 90 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Eternal Turnkey, Coolster, Voidspark Pipe, Thunder Rod, and Auto Igniter. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Tale of Fairy Polu 7700 cole Unknown Revelations 7800 cole Rune Amber 60 cole Glowing White Sand 90 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Treasure Cape, Animal Fur, Fur Vest, Willpower Headband, and Recycle Gear. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Mysterious Ring, Eye of Truth, Heaven's Silk, Pure Eye, and Altena Ingot. Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- Select as the first ingredient in the Nicro Cloth recipe to open up the [Sasha Fabric] recipe. [Sasha Fabric] - Knot - Brown Groundwater/Black Oil - Phoenix Feather/Feather Charm Have Lily support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Warm Knit] (which you can't synthesize just yet). [Animal Fur] - Tuft/Knot - Pleather Cloth - Goat Milk/Brown Groundwater/Magic Ink [Eternal Turnkey] - Shiny Screw/Long Shaft/Gold Shaft - Gearbox - Le Merou Cog [Mysterious Ring] - Long Shaft/Gold Shaft - Blue Steel/Alchemy Steel - Glowing White Sand/Metal Glass Sheet [Coolster] - Eternal Turnkey - Glacier Crystal - Collected Air/Clear Stream Moss/Reflect Whistle [Voidspark Pipe] - Metal Glass Sheet - Thunder Crystal - Chrome Crystal/Cyan Crystal [Eye of Truth] - Glowing White Sand - Piece of Glass/Metal Glass Sheet - Chrome Crystal/Mysterious Gem [Long Bomb Ice] - Coolster - Glacier Crystal - Salt [Thunder Rod] - Voidspark Pipe - Shiny Screw/Gold Shaft - Thunder Crystal Select as the first ingredient in the Soul Cutter recipe to open up the [Element Sword] recipe. [Element Sword] - Eye of Truth - Plosion - Rune Amber [Blood Spike] - Mysterious Ring - Blood Clay - Spiked Collar Have Yun support the synthesis of a Flame Claw in order to open up the recipe for the [Fiery Fist] (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Beast Fang recipe to open up the [Primal Claw] recipe. [Primal Claw] - Animal Fur - Rune Stone - Monster Bone Select as the first ingredient in the Hard Leather recipe to open up the [Gorgeous Leather] recipe. [Gorgeous Leather] - Animal Fur - Tuft/Knot - Chrome Crystal/Mysterious Gem [Heaven's Silk] - Veggie Fiber - Nano Feather - Silky Cloth Select as the first ingredient in the SC Uniform F recipe to open up the [Legendary Chairman] recipe. [Legendary Chairman] - Eye of Truth - Silky Cloth - Long Uniform [Fur Vest] - Brown Groundwater - Joro Spider Web - Animal Fur [Flare Jacket] - Sasha Fabric - Gel Rubber Sap - Hexametal/Metal Glass Sheet Have Yun support the synthesis of a Flame Ring in order to open up the recipe for the [Scorching Bracelet] (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Puppy Paw Gloves recipe to open up the [Wild Gloves] recipe. [Wild Gloves] - Animal Fur - Kittynip - Beast Fang/Monster Bone/Wild Ring Select as the first ingredient in the Flying Fish Boots recipe to open up the [Quick Feet Shoes] recipe. [Quick Feet Shoes] - Mysterious Ring - Nano Feather - Silky Cloth [Willpower Headband] - Blood Ink - Nectar - Silky Cloth [Warm Knit] - Brownie Mask/Knot - Sasha Fabric - Animal Fur Select as the first ingredient in the Rune Stone recipe to open up the [Gravi Stone] recipe. [Gravi Stone] - Eye of Truth - Brown Groundwater/Black Liquid - Gravity Stone [Pure Eye] - Mysterious Ring - Eye of Truth - Gold Shaft Select as the first ingredient in the Talisman recipe to open up the [Silmaril] recipe. [Silmaril] - Gravi Stone - Metal Glass Sheet - Polish Powder/Glowing White Sand Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Element Sword, Gravi Stone, Willpower Headband, Mysterious Ring, Coolster {Lily} Blood Spike, Legendary Chairman, Fur Vest, Warm Knit, Long Bomb Ice {Et} Gorgeous Leather, Quick Feet Shoes, Eternal Turnkey, Voidspark Pipe, Thunder Rod {Yun} Primal Claw, Flare Jacket, Wild Gloves, Animal Fur, Eye of Truth {Puniyo} Silmaril, Heaven's Silk, Pure Eye, Sasha Fabric With all that out of the way, let's get started with our Free Time. As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 083 New Fish Menu! - Bring Queen Tuna x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 9600 cole (12480 cole) How to Complete - Queen Tuna can be gathered from Fishing points in the Cruise Ship of Time. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 084 Gold Stick - Bring Gold Shaft x1 with Cool ether effect to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 5200 cole (6760 cole) How to Complete - The Cool ether effect appears for ether levels between 75-100. Take it to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 085 Cursing Kit - Bring Cursed Paper x4 with Worthless ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 10500 cole (13650 cole) How to Complete - The Worthless ether effect appears for ether levels between 0-25. Use Puniyo in support since she'll start the ether level at 0. Mass produce the rest and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 086 Bounty Head No. 015 - Defeat the Almighty Sword at the Library Reward - 4000 cole (5200 cole) How to Complete - The target is found at the very end of the Library. There are actually two of them that you fight together. They exclusively use elemental attacks that hit the entire party multiple times and they both have a LOT of HP. Be prepared to hit hard and fast. If you're quick enough, you won't have to heal, but don't hesitate to do so if necessary. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 087 Bounty Head No. 016 - Defeat the Great Fairy Trio at the Living Water Forest Reward - 4000 cole (5200 cole) - Ice Kingdom Travels = synthesis of Frozen Gem, Forbidden Claw, Silver Egg, and Snow Storm Bracelet How to Complete - The target is found near the first farm gathering point in the Forest, up the ladder in the third area. As the name suggests, there are three enemies in the party. One is weak to fire, another resists magic, etc. They also have a healing time skill to drag things out. Use your strongest time skills (especially Et's) and Intimate Strikes to whittle them down. One advantage is that they don't hit too hard, so even though it took me 79 spheres to take them out, I didn't have to heal even once. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis. Back to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Frozen Gem] - Long Bomb Ice - Freeze Drop - Water Tree Fruit [Forbidden Claw] - Mysterious Ring - Cursed Paper - Soul Cutter [Silver Egg] - Elemia Silver - Black Liquid - Audora's Egg [Snow Storm Bracelet] - Long Bomb Ice - Glacier Crystal/Glacier Stone - Long Shaft Grow Books time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Lily} Snow Storm Bracelet, Frozen Gem {Yun} Forbidden Claw {Puniyo} Silver Egg OK. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: NOTHING ELSE TO DO? SKIP AHEAD As previously noted, if you would prefer not to sell items, then you can go to Raze's Room at the Dormitory and choose to sleep as an alternate way to end any Free Time week. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 2 \ [RWBW2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More Free Time. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 3 \ [RWBW3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. You'll receive Dragon's Scale x2 and Pendelook x1. Yet more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 4 \ [RWBW4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yet even more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 5 \ [RWBW5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you are in the new Eternal Frozen Peak area near a save point. ------------------- ETERNAL FROZEN PEAK ------------------- Random Items: Unyu, Knot, Never Freeze, Elemia Silver, Wonder Radish Gathering (Farm): Snow Bug Silk, Blonde Root, Wonder Radish, Frozen Fruit, Unyu, Steel Cedar Bark Treasure Chests: 3600 cole Enemies: Ice Blade, Ice Shield, Scar Breath, Scar Child, Azuresteel Demon, Azurecannon Soldier Enemy Spoils: Beautiful Scale, Snow Bug Silk, Elemia Silver, Grand Gear Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Vanilla Syrup, Heart Starch, Icicle Chocolate Head S to the next screen. Watch the short scene. Continue S down the hill for another scene. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: SITUATIONAL AWARENESS The Wings of Icarus have been taken. You will be unable to return to the academy automatically, which means you can't return to synthesize new items. Be sure to take that into account when fighting. Also, Volf will return to the save point area and serve as a shop that sells a few critical items (like X Heal) if you find yourself in need. Finally, Enna has once again been brought along for the ride and fights as a guest character. Be sure to take advantage of his skills. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Jump onto the nearby ledge for a farm gathering point, then head E to the next screen. Continue E until you trigger a scene. When you regain control, you will be at an intersection. Head E until you reach the next screen. On this screen, carefully head E so that you don't fall to the lower level just yet. Jump across the first gap and continue E until you reach the edge. Make a blind leap E and slightly S to reach a ledge with a couple of farm gathering points (the jump may take a couple of tries). Once gathering is complete, drop to the lower level and go E then N to find a treasure chest containing <3600 cole>. Return S and W until you see a ladder leading up to the upper level. Go back W to the intersection on the previous screen. Head S from the intersection to the next screen. Continue S along the path, zigzagging as necessary, until you reach a ledge with a ladder. Jump (or climb) down and continue S to the next screen. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: BUFFACOW 9TH The toughest battle in the game so far. He has a ton of HP and single attacks do single digit damage. To give you some idea, this battle took me 115 spheres; I think my longest previous battle was around 80. The key here is to leverage Finishing Attacks and Intimate Strikes as much as possible. Yun's Beast Slayer skill is also helpful as it targets the boss' only weakness. The one saving grace is that the boss doesn't hit too hard, but he does have some time skills that can whittle you down (especially the annoying Buffacow Satellite that has *infinite* repeats...yes, you read that correctly). Be prepared to heal as the battle wears on and you'll eventually take him down. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 7: Phase 7 [RCH07PH07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [RT3W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Dumpster from the Campus Map and the Eternal Frozen Peak from the World Map. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Et & Puniyo - Cafeteria for a scene with Lily & Et *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: LAST (FIRST) SCREEN ON ETERNAL FROZEN PEAK As you might remember, the boss fight occurred immediately after the scenes when you entered the final screen of the Eternal Frozen Peak (which, by the way, is now the FIRST screen when you choose to go there from the World Map). You are now free to go back there, but there is nothing special other than a few monsters and a couple of farm gathering points with the same items as the previous ones. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ As usual, the stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Snow Bug Silk 130 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Budget Alchemy 6500 cole Convenient Living 7500 cole Never Freeze 190 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Silver Threads, Silver Thread, Royal Stone, and Extreme Au Hook. Purchase to be able to synthesize Galilean Scope, Micro Loupe, Unique Pick, Wheel of Time, and Air Drop. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money A Saint's Invention 8300 cole Witch Hendle's Book 9200 cole Delinquent's Essay 7100 cole Elemia Silver 180 cole Purchase recipe to be able to synthesize White Steel, Archangel Wings, Prism Light, and Holy Guard. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Tera Flame, Misty Curtain, Gothic Dress, and Twilight Morion. Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Twist Ring, Gangster, and Sweetsland. Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Sweetsland] - Dry Dessert - Frozen Gem - Pumpotatokin Pie [Silver Thread] - Elemia Silver - Joro Spider Web/Veggie Fiber - Polish Powder/Glowing White Sand Select as the first ingredient in the Zettel recipe to open up the [Holy Crest Paper] recipe. [Holy Crest Paper] - Blonde Root - Kittynip - Clearwater/Never Freeze/FSW [Royal Stone] - Mysterious Gem - Brown Groundwater/FSW - Polish Powder/Glowing White Sand [Misty Curtain] - Holy Crest Paper - Sasha Fabric - Magic Ink [White Steel] - Mysterious Gem/Rune Amber - Brown Groundwater/Never Freeze - Holy Crest Paper [Altena Ingot] - Elemia Silver - White Steel - Elumeluchiruchiru Select as the first ingredient in the Silky Cloth recipe to open up the [Silver Cotton] recipe. [Silver Cotton] - Silver Thread - Never Freeze/Goat Milk - Snow Bug Silk [Unique Pick] - Steel Cedar Bark/Gold Shaft - White Steel - Sasha Fabric/Silver Cotton Select as the first ingredient in the Blink Circle recipe to open up the [Phantom Gear] recipe. [Phantom Gear] - Silver Thread - Eternal Turnkey - Le Merou Cog/Grand Gear/Little Gear [Twist Ring] - Mysterious Ring - Alchemy Steel - Worn Weapon Select as the first ingredient in the Leather Cuirass recipe to open up the [Silver Cuirass] recipe (which you can't synthesize just yet). [Gangster] - Knot/Animal Fur - Black Belt - Eastern Uniform Select as the first ingredient in the Feather Flow recipe to open up the [Jewel Armor] recipe. [Jewel Armor] - Silver Thread - Royal Stone - Worn Armor/Leather Cuirass [Silver Threads] - Silver Thread - Nicro Cloth/Silver Cotton - Tuft/Knot [Gothic Dress] - Silver Cotton - Rune Stone - Magic Ink [Holy Guard] - Altena Ingot - Steel Cedar Bark - Gold Shaft [Archangel Wings] - Nano Feather/Phoenix Feather - Knot/Blonde Root/Silver Cotton - Holy Crest Paper Select as the first ingredient in the Scaly Gauntlet recipe to open up the [Dragon Glove] recipe. [Dragon Glove] - Dragon Scale - Wild Gloves - Hexametal Have Et support the synthesis of Bunny Ears in order to open up the recipe for the [Tiger Ears] (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Aroma Bottle recipe to open up the [Cure Bottle] recipe. [Cure Bottle] - Never Freeze - Poison Shroom - Cure Jar [Wheel of Time] - Eternal Turnkey - Gearbox - Rusted Gear/Grand Gear/Little Gear [Lucky Knife] - Elemia Silver - Eternal Turnkey/Gearbox - Holy Guard [Silver Cuirass] - Holy Crest Paper - Altena Ingot - Holy Guard Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Lucky Knife, Gangster, White Steel, Altena Ingot {Lily} Jewel Armor, Gothic Dress, Archangel Wings, Silver Cotton, Holy Crest Paper, Misty Curtain {Et} Twist Ring, Phantom Gear, Silver Threads, Wheel of Time {Yun} Silver Cuirass, Dragon Glove {Puniyo} Holy Guard, Cure Bottle, Silver Thread, Royal Stone, Sweetsland Let's head to the newly opened area. Select the Dumpster from the Campus Map. -------- DUMPSTER -------- Random Items: Junk, Kaleidostone, Grand Gear, Cracked Fossil, Little Gear, Black Feather Gathering (Farm): Ancient Pond, Cursed Bone, Cracked Fossil, Industrial Waste, Grand Gear, Junk Treasure Chests: Crown of Thorns, Brave Symbol, Forgotten Poem, Night Lamp Enemies: Sludge Puni, Gold Puni, Mad Brownie, Alchemic Soldier, Alchemic Beast, Alchemic Demon, Toy Ghost, Jewel Keeper, Alchemicannon Solder Enemy Spoils: Industrial Waste, Unyu, Brownie Mask, Junk, Elemia Silver, Steel Cedar Bark, Worn Armor, Kaleidostone Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Icicle Chocolate, Vanilla Syrup, Heart Starch, Gelatin Cake Head E then N, gathering item bags as you go. Once you've turned N, look for a chest along the W side containing a . Once you've picked that up, continue N to the next screen. Follow the path N then E around the curve. As you continue E, look for a chest slightly hidden along the N side of the path. Open it for a . Finish going E, S, and E to the next screen. Head E until you reach the next screen, stopping at the farm gathering spot to the N along the way. You'll find a save point to the S as you enter the screen. A little past that to the N is a chest holding a which will allow you to synthesize Shadow End, Blizzard Lace, Glass Blade, Promised Ring, and Jade CrysKnife. Continue E then N then the open area until you reach the next screen. Head N until you see a small path leading W. Follow it to find a chest with a inside. Return to the main path and continue N, NE, and N until you reach a trove of item bags at the end. That's it. Return to the academy and Raze's Workshop for -- you guessed it -- more synthesis. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Extreme Au Hook] - Black Feather - White Steel - King Tuna/Queen Tuna [Micro Loupe] - Kaleidostone - Shiny Screw/Gold Shaft - Metal Glass Sheet [Treasure Cape] - Kaleidostone - Silky Cloth - Joro Spider Web [Galilean Scope] - Never Freeze - Ancient Pond - Metal Glass Sheet [Recycle Gear] - Junk/Industrial Waste - Rusted Gear/Eternal Turnkey - Old Screw/Shiny Screw/Coolster Select as the first ingredient in the X Heal recipe to open up the [Heal All] recipe. [Heal All] - Recycle Gear - Dragon Wing - X Heal [Auto Igniter] - Recycle Gear - Canone Crystal - Gearbox [Tera Flame] - Auto Igniter - Plosion - Gearbox [Shadow End] - Cursed Bone - Pendelook - Worn Weapon [Blizzard Lace] - Sasha Fabric - Veggie Fiber - Glacier Crystal/Glacier Stone [Glass Blade] - White Steel - Beautiful Scale - Metal Glass Sheet [Fiery Fist] - Auto Igniter - Dragon Glove - Plosion Select as the first ingredient in the Van Guard recipe to open up the [Crown Breast] recipe. [Crown Breast] - Brave Symbol - White Steel - Bronze Plate Select as the first ingredient in the Bone Mail recipe to open up the [Undead Uniform] recipe. [Undead Uniform] - Cursed Bone - Scream of the Dead - Bone Mail Select as the first ingredient in the Drama Prince recipe to open up the [King Style] recipe. [King Style] - Crown of Thorns - Royal Stone - Eastern White [Scorching Bracelet] - Auto Igniter - Canone Crystal/Canone Rock - Long Shaft Select as the first ingredient in the Archangel Wings recipe to open up the [Fallen Wing] recipe. [Fallen Wing] - Black Feather - Cursed Paper - Soul Blood/Scream of the Dead/Blood Ink [Prism Light] - Kaleidostone - Metal Glass Sheet - Polish Powder/Glowing White Sand Select as the first ingredient in the Prism Light recipe to open up the [Wake Crystal] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Wild Ring recipe to open up the [Cursed Ring] recipe. [Cursed Ring] - Cursed Bone - Gold Shaft - Soul Blood/Blood Clay [Promised Ring] - Royal Stone - Gold Shaft - Heart Starch To the Grow Books! Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Shadow End, Undead Uniform, Crown Breast, Promised Ring, Cursed Ring {Lily} Blizzard Lace, Fallen Wing, {Et} Glass Blade, Prism Light, Auto Igniter, Recycle Gear {Yun} Fiery Fist, King Style, Scorching Bracelet, Galilean Scope, Tera Flame {Puniyo} Heal All Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there is only one possible class option. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Combat IV Chain Defense - Defeat the target monster using Chain Defense Grade Req. - Number of Chain Defenses - Amount of damage Supplies: Heal All x3 & Nectar x5 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Head for the Dumpster to find the target. -------- DUMPSTER -------- Nothing has changed since we were just here. Of course, the monster is found near the end of the level, so make your way through collecting as many items and battling as many monsters as you see fit. When you reach the last screen, watch the quick scene then approach the monster for the battle. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KIMAL RIDER Remember that the grading criteria call for using Intimate Guard AND take as little damage as possible, so even if you normally wouldn't support guard for characters (if you're like me, you prefer support attacks), you'll want to make good use of it here. The Kimal Rider has an absolute TON of HP, and the longer it stays alive, the more damage you'll take, get the picture. Use your strongest attacks to get rid of it as fast as possible. ****************************************************************************** Return to the academy and head for VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. Watch the scene. The grading rubric is pretty easy: You receive 20 points for each Intimate Guard you pull off during the battle and you receive 100 points if you take no damage at all. If you take damage, you lose 1 point for every 10 HP you lose. In my case, I lost a total of 450 HP during the battle, so my damage score was 55. I also did 3 Intimate Guards, so I got 60 points on those for a potential score of 115. The grading score is capped at 100, so I received 100. You only need 90 points for an "A". _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [RT3W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. Head for the Eternal Frozen Peak for a bit of deja vu. ------------------- ETERNAL FROZEN PEAK ------------------- Nothing has changed here. Watch the scene as you enter. Continue N until you cross the bridge. Watch the scene. 1 down, 4 to go. Continue N to the next screen. Head N and climb the ladder to the top ledge. Take a few more steps N to trigger a scene. 2 down, 3 to go. Continue N to the next screen. Head N for a little while to trigger another scene. 3 down, 2 to go. Head W first to the next screen. Continue W guessed trigger another scene. 4 down, 1 to go. Return E to the previous screen. Go E across this screen past the intersection to the next screen. Head E across the top of the ledges, then fall to the far E and head N. After a few steps, you will trigger the scene. That's all 5 students. You will automatically return to the academy. (Note that, if it reaches 7:00p, you will return to the academy automatically whether you have found all the students or not.) Head for VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. You receive an "A" for rescuing all 5 students, a "B" for rescuing 4 students, and so on. (Note that it IS possible to fail by not rescuing any students and returning to the academy.) _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [RT3W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you've been following this walkthrough, then you should have received "A"s in both of the first two weeks, which means this will be Free Time. If not, then you may have the opportunity to take additional classes this week. For the sake of completeness, I have included information about those classes here; there are two of them. If you are following my recommendations, then you'll never see these courses. Simply skip down to below the assignments to pick up where we left off. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: GOOD GRADES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL CHARACTER QUESTS In order to have enough Free Time to complete everyone's Character Quests in one playthrough, you MUST get all "A"s on your assignments in this chapter (and the next), otherwise you just won't have enough time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Searching VI General - Conduct Gathering at the Eternal Frozen Peak. Grade Req. - The number gathered - Search time Supplies: None You only get 6 hours for the search (which means finish by 4:00p) and the clock keeps ticking while you are gathering (i.e. while the tumblers are rolling) so keep that in mind. The assignment will also finish automatically when you have cleared out all of the gathering points. You receive 1 point for each item that you gather plus 4 points for each hour of the 6 that you have left. You need 90 points for an "A". If you're having trouble getting enough items, you can either "cheat" by using items or match up the tumblers perfectly to get an extra 3 items per spot. Head to Mr. Basshum's room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Combat V Chain Battle - Defeat the monsters in the Chain Battles at the Cruise Ship of Time. Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: Heal All x3, Knowledge Soup x5 Of course the target is found at the very end of the map (would you expect any less?). The chain battle is pretty easy and if you use your most powerful time attacks, you should be able to rack up an insane maximum damage score. You receive 2 points per 1000 points of maximum damage you do, and you lose 1 point from 100 for every sphere it takes. You need 90 points for an "A". Head to the Infirmary in the Student Administration building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Free Time. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 092 Valentine's Day - Bring Icicle Chocolate x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 12000 cole (15600 cole) How to Complete - Icicle Chocolate can be gathered by using Lily's Cold/Frozen Sweets skill on the Mad Brownie, Toy Ghost, and Alchemicannon Soldier monsters found in the Dumpster. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 093 Revenge for a Lie - Bring Eye of Truth x1 with Top-Class ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 7700 cole (10010 cole) How to Complete - The Top-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 80-100. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 094 Recycle Boom! - Bring Recycle Gear x1 with Cool ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 12600 cole (16380 cole) How to Complete - The Cool ether effect appears for ether levels between 80-90. Take it to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 095 Bounty Head No. 019 - Defeat the Demon Arm at the Dumpster Reward - 5000 cole (6500 cole) - The Great Alchemy = synthesis of Magic Stone Collar, Anti-Evil Qatura, and Alchemy Robe How to Complete - The target is found halfway through the Dumpster near the grouping of three farm gathering points on the screen before the save point. The fight can be rather challening as the boss has three skills that can be nasty used in sequence: Emergency Signal, which brings in two accomplices; Chain Command, which allows all three enemies to attack one after another without a break or a chance to use a support action; and Hellfire which is a group attack that can hit your party members for 40-80 points of damage each. If the boss uses all three in a row (which can happen), be prepared to heal up. Otherwise, standard boss tactics apply: Powerful time attacks to fill the gauge and Intimate/Finishing Stikes when you get the chance. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 096 Bounty Head No. 020 - Defeat the Super Leader at the Underground Sewer Reward - 5000 cole (6500 cole) How to Complete - The target is found in the third area to the N past the two sets of stairs. The key here is to not hold anything back. The Super Leader gets faster as the battle wears on -- to the point where he will get another attack after each one of your characters(!). Use your most powerful time attacks to fill the gauge, then unleash your Intimate Strike fury on him to finish him off quickly. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis. Back to the Workshop. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Magic Stone Collar] - Stone Charm - White Steel - Sasha Fabric [Anti-Evil Qatura] - Silver Thread - White Steel - Holy Crest Paper [Alchemy Robe] - Silver Thread - Mysterious Ring - Raven Cape Grow Book time. The following characters should have a new card unlocked. {Lily} Magic Stone Collar {Yun} Anti-Evil Qatura {Puniyo} Alchemy Robe OK, work done. It's CQ time! All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Lily first. ----------------------------- LILY CQ4 - VISITING MISS LILY ----------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, go to the Dormitory Entrance. Head toward the Girl's Dormitory. Watch the scenes. Head for the Living Water Forest. The Evil Apple can be found at the second fruit gathering spot, which is almost at the end of the forest. When you enter the screen, you'll trigger a scene and automatically be taken back to the World Map. Head for Ulrika's Workshop and speak with Chloe. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 4 \ [RT3W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------- ET CQ4 - LADY-LIKE ET? ---------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, speak to each of your party members in turn and watch the scenes. After the scenes, you will be asked to choose which advice to take. Selecting Lily and Puniyo will lead to the same short off-screen scene, while selecting Yun will lead to an entirely different (and funny) scene in the hallway. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 5 \ [RT3W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------- YUN CQ4 - YUN'S DAUGHTER? ------------------------- Watch the scene. Go to Student Affairs. Watch the scene. Head for the Workshop Hallway. Watch the scene. Go to the Faculty Hallway. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 6 \ [RT3W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. When you have control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Yun No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ----------------------------- PUNIYO CQ4 - FIX PUNI ILLNESS ----------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Old Quarry. Watch the scene as you enter, then head W two screens. Watch the scene. Continue W and take the mine cart around the corner, then head back E to the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI LEADER Not only are we fighting him for the trillionth time, but he's by himself. Normal attacks will take him down quickly enough to get a Fast Kill. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Go to the Infirmary. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 7 \ [RT3W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. (I think Flay completely and totally lost whatever little sanity he had in the first MK game.) When you regain control, you can now access Calm Snow Mountain. Head there now. ------------------ CALM SNOW MOUNTAIN ------------------ Random Items: Steel Cedar Bark, Blonde Root, Pendelook, Dragon Scale Gathering (Farm): Steel Cedar Bark, Snow Bug Silk, Wonder Radish, Blonde Root, Frozen Fruit, Unyu Gathering (Water): Never Freeze x10 Gathering (Fish): Steel Lobster, King Crab, King Tuna, Queen Tuna Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Elemia Silver, Mysterious Gem, Kaleidostone Treasure Chests: Dragon Tales, Forest Shoes, Dark Symbol, 4900 cole Enemies: Yakuto Bear, Mini Yakuto, Ice Blade, Ice Shield, Basalt Wyrm, Scar Breath, Scar Child, Azuresteel Demon, Zelius, Floater, Jewel Keeper, Frost Mana, Azurecannon Soldier, Crimson Shrip Enemy Spoils: Knot, Tuft, Beautiful Scale, Dragon Scale, Snow Bug Silk, Elemia Silver, Black Feather, Pendelook, Kaleidostone, Grand Gear Enemy Candies: Freeze Drop, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Gelatin Cake, Icicle Chocolate Watch the quick scene. Begin zigzagging W up the path until you reach a pair of farm gathering points, then continue W to the next screen. Head W until the bend, then SE, then SW to the next screen. Cross the bridge and make use of the water and fish gathering points to the S. Once done there, continue the trek uphill to the W and enter the cave to reach the next screen. Whoa! Ice. You will slip and slide as you walk through the cave, which is a big open area. Start by heading for the SE corner to find a chest containing , which will allow you to synthesize the Fang Stylet, Alectoria, Dragon BDU, and Dragon Twister, then slide your way to the center of the N wall for another chest with a inside. Go directly W from this chest to find another chest just past the mining gathering point holding a . Head S then NW to maneuver past the icicles and out of the cave onto the next screen. Back to the ascent. Continue W and climb the ladder. Head N at the top for a chest containing <4900 cole> on the ledge, then head W to find a much-needed save point. Past that to the W you'll find a pair of mining points, then hike on to the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS You can't win this battle. Just survive for a few rounds. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. You will get to choose one character from Ulrika's party to join you as a guest. Feel free to select whomever you like. You can now head back W toward the mountain peak to find a pair of farm gathering points off a path to the S, but there's nothing else up here and our target has moved all the way back to the beginning, so when you're ready, either schlep your way back down to the first screen (which should be easy if you've been battling on your way up since the monsters don't respawn) or use the Wings of Icarus and re-enter the Calm Snow Mountain from the World Map. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS II You still can't win this battle, but this time you have to get his HP down to 0 only to have him run off again. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Exit the mountain and go to the School Entrance from the Campus Map. --------------- SCHOOL ENTRANCE --------------- Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS III Finally, the real deal. He has the same devastating Hellfire and Tri-Fang attacks, so break out the best time and light-based attacks you have to fill up the gauge quickly, then Intimate Strike him into oblivion. This is the first battle in the game where you will almost certainly have to heal your party, so make sure you know which skills/characters can do so. ****************************************************************************** After the battle, you'll receive the recipe, which allows you to synthesize Elixir, Super Pure Water, Time Stone Plate, Gold, Shining Grail, Super Nectar, and Dark Water. Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 8: Phase 8 [RCH08PH08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [RT3W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No new scenes, so we enter our usual routine. First, the stores. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Cursed Bone 130 cole Black Feather 130 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Ancient Civ 14000 cole Ancient Pond 120 cole Blonde Root 180 cole Purchase the recipe to be able to synthesize Platinum Cloth, Clear Fiber, Star Crystal, Master's Ceramic, Original Dirt, Blue Crystal, and Liquid Metal. ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Hero's Record 13000 cole Steel Cedar Bark 180 cole Kaleidostone 130 cole Purchase recipe to be able to synthesize Master Loupe, Quick Shifter, Crown of Thorns, Brave Symbol, Beast Leather, and Mana-eurism Core. Next, synthesis. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Liquid Metal] - White Steel - Never Freeze/Ancient Pond - Black Liquid [Clear Fiber] - Kittynip - Chrome Crystal/Kaleidostone - Elumeluchiruchiru [Super Pure Water] - Never Freeze - Glowing White Sand - Clear Stream Moss [Air Drop] - Super Pure Water - Collected Air - Ice Sugar [Platinum Cloth] - Clear Fiber - Super Pure Water - Blonde Root [Fang Stylet] - Dragon Scale - Gold Shaft/Rocky Oak Chip/Steel Cedar Bark - Chrome Crystal/Mysterious Gem [Jade CrysKnife] - Clear Fiber - Royal Stone - Sharkgill Select as the first ingredient in the Wet Scarf recipe to open up the [Scarf of Darkness] recipe. [Scarf of Darkness] - Platinum Cloth - Industrial Waste - Cursed Paper Select as the first ingredient in the Phantom Orb recipe to open up the [Millenium Orb] recipe (which you can't synthesize just yet). [Alectoria] - Dragon Scale - Royal Stone - Mysterious Ring Have Puniyo support the synthesis of a Pumpkin Mail in order to open up the recipe for the [Pumpking Armor] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Dragon BDU] - Dragon Scale/Beautiful Scale - Worn Armor/Gorgeous Leather - Armor Cloak Have Yun support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Sun BDU] (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Dragon BDU recipe to open up the [Sea BDU] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). Select as the first ingredient in the Silver Threads recipe to open up the [Resist Clothes] recipe. [Resist Clothes] - Clear Fiber - Holy Crest Paper - Rune Stone Select as the first ingredient in the Fiber Skin recipe to open up the [Opti Cloak] recipe. [Opti Cloak] - Platinum Cloth - Blonde Root/Gel Rubber Sap/Liquid Metal - Prism Light Select as the first ingredient in the La Matador recipe to open up the [Aurora Curtain] recipe. [Aurora Curtain] - Liquid Metal - Misty Curtain - Nano Feather Select as the first ingredient in the Dancing Water Cape recipe to open up the [Eternal Cape] recipe (which you can't synthesize yet). Have Puniyo support the synthesis of a Philosopher's Hand in order to open up the recipe for the [Alchemist's Hand] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Quick Shifter] - Super Pure Water - Platinum Cloth - Archangel Wings [Crown of Thorns] - Blonde Root - Preservative/Super Pure Water - Blood Rose [Wake Crystal] - Prism Light - Clear Fiber - Scream of the Dead [Brave Symbol] - Wake Crystal - Glowing White Sand - Stone Heart Have Et support the synthesis of a Wheel of Time in order to open up the recipe for the [Running Wheel] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Dragon Twister] - Brave Symbol - Dragon Scale - Gold Shaft [Millenium Orb] - Platinum Cloth - Wake Crystal - Pendelook [Twilight Morion] - Wake Crystal - Poison Vase - Blood Clay +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL CHECK In case you haven't been trying, you should definitely start getting Ether Level 100 for your items by now to unlock the 3rd slots for your Grow Book cards. At this point, you should have unlocked 3rd slots on at least 75% of the Grow Cards. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Fang Stylet, Jade CrysKnife, Brave Symbol, Platinum Cloth, Liquid Metal {Lily} Scarf of Darkness, Resist Clothes, Wake Crystal, Crown of Thorns, Glacier Crystal, Super Pure Water {Et} Opti Cloak, Quick Shifter {Yun} Dragon Twister, Dragon BDU, Clear Fiber {Puniyo} Alectoria, Millennium Orb, Aurora Curtain, Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there is only one possible class option. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Combat VI Runaway - Defeat as many monsters as they're running away Grade Req. - The number of target monsters defeated Supplies: Cheese Cake x3, Ceramic Plate x3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= You can now access the Deep Sea Ruins from the World Map. -------------- DEEP SEA RUINS -------------- Random Items: Cursed Bone, Fallen Sword, Pearl Ball Treasure Chests: ATK Fruit, Heaven Archive, Running Wheel, Dunkelhite, Key To The Chaos, RES Fruit, Beginning Seed Enemies: Raging Koalaria II Enemy Spoils: Beast Skin *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: BEING UNDERWATER HAS ITS ADVANTAGES, BUT THIS IS STILL A CLASS You can now jump/swim as high as you like by continuously pressing the jump button. Keep this in mind as you explore. With that said, keep in mind that this first trip is still a class assignment, so it will automatically end if you try to return to the academy. Don't earn yourself a poor grade accidentally. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: THEY MAY RUN AWAY, BUT SO CAN YOU A large part of your success in defeating the skittish enemies for this assignment hinges on having your entire party go BEFORE the enemy moves (and has a chance to retreat). Just remember that if THEY run away, your chance to defeat them is lost, but if YOU run away, the enemy icon will still be there. If, for some reason, you get unlucky and only 1 of your characters moves before the enemy, choose to run yourself, then reengage the enemy again for another chance at moving before them. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Watch the short scene. Begin swimming to the NE, battling the 2 enemies on this screen. Remember that the goal is to defeat them before they run away. Just before the exit to the next screen, head NW to find a chest holding an . Now continue on to the next screen. Head N then E around the corner, battling another 2 enemies on the way. Continue E to the next screen. Swim NE, taking out another 2 enemies along the path. On top of the columns just S of the exit is a chest holding the recipe, which allows you to synthesize Seele Necklace, Rainbow Gem, and Prisma Disc. Head N to the next screen. Head N along the long corridor with yet another 2 enemies. As you reach the end of the columns just before the steps to the exit, search along the sea floor for a chest holding a . Swim up the steps N to the next screen. Head N along the sea floor -- while eliminating this screen's 1 enemy - until you see a chest in a small alcove containing . From there, swim slightly E and straight up to a chest on top of a column containing the , which allows synthesis of Twilight Blade, Anti-Darkness Sun, Chimera Skin, and Dragon Band. Continue NE to the next screen. Follow the path NE then N to the end of the ruins. On the sea floor at the end, there is a chest with a inside. Swim to the top of the ruins at the end for another chest holding a . Once you've defeated the final monster, the assignment will end. You can then go back for anything you might have missed. Once completed, return to the academy. Head for VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. If you kept track of the total number, you know that there were 10 total enemies to defeat. As you might guess, you receive 10 points per enemy, so you need 9 to receive the 90 points necessary for an "A". _______________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [RT3W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Graduation Ceremony - Defeat 3 graduates Grade Req. - The number of graduates defeated Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Before heading off on the assignment, let's catch up on our synthesis. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Shining Grail] - Super Pure Water - Beginning Seed (Note that if you use this ingredient here, you won't be able to synthesize Elixir, which is asked for in one of Ulrika's classes.) - Altena Ingot [Master Loupe] - Pearl Ball - Prism Light - Pure Eye [Seele Necklace] - Brave Symbol - Gold Shaft - Nectar [Anti-Darkness Sun] - Liquid Metal - Holy Crest Paper - Blood Ink [Beast Leather] - Beast Skin - Dragon Bone - Animal Fur [Chimera Skin] - Beast Skin - Fallen Wing - Wild Meat [Tiger Ears] - Beast Skin - Gold Shaft - Magic Ink Grow Books time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Lily} Seele Necklace, Shining Grail {Et} Anti-Darkness Sun, Chimera Skin, Beast Leather {Puniyo} Tiger Ears OK. First of all, in case you were wondering, the Deep Sea Ruins normally has a much wider variety of monsters than during the assignment. In fact, you would not normally find the Raging Koalaria there. Here is the breakdown of enemies found there usually. -------------- DEEP SEA RUINS -------------- Enemies: Night Walker, D Brown, Golden Pig, Blood Sword, Funny Lich, Black Wing, Living Waterbomb, Necromancer, Spin Shrip Enemy Spoils: Beast Skin, Golden Meat, Fallen Sword, Ghost Hat, Black Feather, Tear of Light, Cursed Bone, Pearl Ball Enemy Candies: Freeze Drop, Icicle Chocolate, Dry Dessert, Long Ice Cream, Gelatin Cake If you happened to get Tears of Light from defeating Living Waterbombs, you can synthesize another set of items. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Star Crystal] - Tear of Light - Kaleidostone/Prism Light - Metal Glass Sheet [Prisma Disc] - Super Pure Water - Star Crystal - Kaleidostone/Prism Light Select as the first ingredient in the Forbidden Claw recipe to open up the [Demon's Hand] recipe. [Demon's Hand] - Star Crystal - Liquid Metal - Cursed Bone/Cursed Ring [Sun BDU] - Star Crystal - Platinum Cloth - Jewel Armor [Eternal Cape] - Super Pure Water - Star Crystal - Liquid Metal Synthesizing these items opens up Grow Cards for the following characters. {Et} Prisma Disc, Star Crystal {Yun} Demon's Hand, Sun BDU {Puniyo} Eternal Cape Now head to the Underground Sewer. ----------------- UNDERGROUND SEWER ----------------- Speak to Flay to begin the assignment. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: GRADUATE Not too hard (although watch out for his Grandsword Counter delayed attack; it can take off 150 HP from a single character). Use your most powerful skills to beat him. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** BOSS: VALEDICTORIAN I found him easier than the first guy only because his special attack isn't as powerful. Same strategy of using the most powerful time attack skills applies. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** BOSS: GRADUATE LEGEND I found her easier than the first guy also because her special attack isn't as powerful. Same strategy of using the most powerful time attack skills applies. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. You receive an "A" for defeating all three, a "B" for two, a "C" for one, and an "F" for losing in the first battle. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 10 \ [RT3W10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. If you've been following this walkthrough, then you should have received "A"s in both of the first two weeks, which means this will be Free Time. If not, then you may have the opportunity to take additional classes this week. For the sake of completeness, I have included information about those classes here; there are two of them. If you are following my recommendations, then you'll never see these courses. Simply skip down to below the assignments to pick up where we left off. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: GOOD GRADES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL CHARACTER QUESTS In order to have enough Free Time to complete everyone's Character Quests in one playthrough, you MUST get all "A"s on your assignments in this chapter, otherwise you just won't have enough time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Combat VII Adversity - Defeat the monster while in an abnormal state. Grade Req. - Battle time - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: Misty Curtain x3 The target is on the second screen of Calm Snow Mountain. You should be able to take down his minions in one or two rounds, then focus on whittling down his HP using your strongest skills and Intimate Strikes. In case you were wondering, the abnormal state mentioned is the Curse status, which prevents healing. You can't cure it, so the only way through is to beat him before he beats you. The grading is simple: You receive a point for every 100 maximum damage and lose 1 point from 80 for every sphere over 30 it takes you. In my case, I did 7496 maximum damage = 74 points and it took me 49 spheres = 80 - 19 = 61 points. The score is capped at 100, so that was a 100. You need the usual 90 for an "A". Head to Ms. Miranda's Room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Combat VIII Defense - Survive the attacks from the target monster Grade Req. - Amount of damage - Number of Chain Defenses Supplies: Divine Shield x3 Once again, the target is placed at the far end of the area. Hike your way to the end of the Dumpster. This battle is definitely unique. In order to minimize damage, you'll want to defend as much as possible. In order to build up the gauge so that you can do Chain Defense, however, you'll need to use time attacks. The best balance is to launch a few of those, then defend until the gauge fills. Don't bother healing. Eventually, the enemies will run away of their own accord. The grading works as follows: 80 points are assigned to damage and you lose 1 point for every 100 damage done to your party. You then get a 20 point bonus for every Intimate Guard you execute. You need 90 points for an "A", so you MUST execute at least one Intimate Guard to have a chance. Head to Principal Zeppel's Room in the Faculty Building to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Free Time. When you regain control, go to: - Raze's Workshop for a scene with Lily (Glacier --> Glacieration) (You must have a Super Pure Water in your inventory to trigger this scene.) Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 5 jobs in this chapter. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 101 Portable Weapon - Bring Unyu x10 to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 15500 cole (20150 cole) How to Complete - Unyu can be found at farm gathering points on Eternal Frozen Peak and Calm Snow Mountain. Gather 10 and take them to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 102 Summertime Must Haves! - Bring Coolster x2 with Precise ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 10700 cole (13910 cole) How to Complete - The Precise ether effect appears for ether levels between 85-95. Mass produce the second one and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 103 Protection for Journey - Bring Mysterious Ring x1 with Artistic ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 14000 cole (18200 cole) How to Complete - The Artistic ether effect appears for ether levels between 0-15. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 104 Bounty Head No. 023 - Defeat the Hell Basalt Wyrm in the Deep Sea Ruins Reward - 7500 cole (9750 cole) - Nature Note = synthesis of Forest Soup, Fruit Gem, Forest Shoes, and Sea Roar Armor How to Complete - The target is found 2/3 of the way into the area along the long aqueduct corridor headed N. This might be the toughest fight of the game so far for two reasons: (1) The enemy uses the Impulse attack you've seen before that can delay your party's turns and (2) he also has an attack called Absolute Zero that reduces the currently active party's HP to...0. As in all three die. Seriously. I only had three deaths in my party during the entire game up until this point (mainly due to laziness and/or carelessness) and I had more than that in this one battle. Aside from those wrinkles, you beat him the same way as any other boss -- use your most powerful skills and fill up the gauge with time attacks. Oh, and pack a few Nectars this time. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 105 Bounty Head No. 024 - Defeat the Snow Maiden at the Calm Snow Mountain Reward - 7500 cole (9750 cole) How to Complete - The target is a little more than halfway into the level in the ice cave just past the mining gathering point to the N. This CAN be an easy battle, but there's a catch: If you don't press your attacks hard and give her too many turns, she'll call in a twin...with the same HP as the original and same skills as well. And each one will continue to do this anytime their HP gets too low. So don't hesitate. Take her down fast. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Work done. It's CQ time! These are the final 4 character quests. As usual, from top to bottom. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: NEW CHARACTER CLASSES REVEALED When you finish all 5 character quests for a given character, you will unlock a new Class in their Grow Book. It won't show up until the next time you go to that character's Grow Book entry, however, so be sure to do so if you want to see what skill the new Class can provide. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ----------------- LILY CQ5 - FIRED? ----------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, go to the Workshop. Watch the scenes. Next stop: Training Sea. Head two screens in. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: GUARDIAN Raze goes one-on-one. Use Drive Caliber to end the battle in one move. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 11 \ [RT3W11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. -------------------- ET CQ5 - LOVE ESCAPE -------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head for the Library. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Raze and Et go two-on-one. Use Drive Caliber to end the battle in one move. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Off to the School Entrance. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Cat fight! Use Et Circle Rondo to have this end in two "turns". ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 12 \ [RT3W12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------------ YUN CQ5 - YUN'S DAUGHTER CHAOS CONT. ------------------------------------ Watch the scene. Go to the Chairwoman's Room. Watch the scene. Head for the Cafeteria. Watch the scene. Go to the Campus Grounds. Watch the scenes. Walk over to the Girls Dormitory and speak to the girl in front. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 13 \ [RT3W13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------------ PUNIYO CQ5 - PUNI DECLARATION LETTER ------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. Go to the Cruise Ship of Time. Watch the scene as you enter, then head N two screens and W one screen. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: EVIL PUNI First up, Raze (as a Puni) once again one-on-one. Analyze twice or Drive Caliber once to end it. Next, Taro one-on-one. It takes 7 attacks to beat the enemy down. Third, Jiro one-on-one. It takes 9 attacks to beat the enemy down. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. Continue N one screen and E one screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: PUNI x5 (4 ROUNDS) Easy enough. Just keep attacking. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: PUNI x5 (4 ROUNDS) Deja vu (albeit with one less party member). Still easy enough. Just keep attacking. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: SERIOUS EVIL LEADER Wow. For a puni, he hits pretty hard. That being said, it still won't take more than 2 turns for you to win this one. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 14 \ [RT3W14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head out of the Workshop. You can now access the Millennium Forest. Head there now. ----------------- MILLENNIUM FOREST ----------------- Random Items: Big Puniball, Twilight Berry, Fairy Dust, Shiny Moustache, Sweet Apple, Forest Dew Gathering (Farm): Sutakusu Weed, Forest Dew, Adamant Pillar, Dunkelhite Gathering (Fruit): Sweet Apple Gathering (Mining): Kaleidostone, Mysterious Gem, Carbon Boulder, Rune Amber Treasure Chests: Original Charm, 6400 cole, Dragon Band Enemies: Dark Puni, Puni Assassin, Kobold Saber, Kobold Wizard, Moon Flower, Dryad, Dunkleheit, Chimera Beast Enemy Spoils: Tear of Light, Cursed Bone, Knot, Dunkelhite, Fairy Dust, Sutakusu Weed, Beast Skin Enemy Candies: Snow Animal, Freeze Drop, Long Ice Cream, Gelatin Cake, Snow Animal, Icicle Chocolate Watch the quick scene. Head N across the bridge and climb the ladder. Go a little further N and climb another ladder to a chest with an inside. Head E across the bridge and continue E to the next screen. Head E across the bridges until you can't go any further. Head N to a find a chest containing <6400 cole>, then head S down the ladder. Continue S then E past the intersection to a farm gathering point. Return to the intersection and head N across the bridge. A chest slightly to the W holds a . Continue N to the next screen. Keep heading N until you reach a ladder and a mining gathering point. Head up the ladder and continue N until you reach another ladder down to the E. Hop the long way down to the lower level and head N to the next screen. Hike N until you reach an intersection. There are only item bags down the ladder to the E, so collect them if you like, then return here and head N across the bridge. Continue until can't go any further, then turn E to reach another intersection. Go N from here to find a fruit gathering spot, then return and head E, S, and E to reach the next screen. Follow the only path, collecting items along the way, until you trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: ANCIENT TREE FAIRY & DUNKELHEIT x3 This is waaaaay too easy for this point in the game. If Puniyo has the Taro's Sternness skill and is armed with Tera Flame, you can score an immediate Unite Mode and almost 13000 HP of damage collectively with a single move. After that, just use any of your best skills to mop up what's left. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 9: Phase 9 [RCH09PH09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _____________________ AFTER THE FINAL EXAM \ [RAFTERFINAL] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You begin in a new area - the Windy Field. ----------- WINDY FIELD ----------- Random Items: Shiny Moustache, Tear of Light, Fairy Dust Gathering (Farm): Night Queen, Holy Branch, Unyu, Sunny Rose Gathering (Fruit): Morning Berry, Night Berry Gathering (Fish): Steel Lobster, King Crab, King Tuna, Queen Tuna Treasure Chests: Gold Belt Enemies: Lizard Lord, Emerald Eye, Watcher Enemy Spoils: Lizard Tail, Mysterious Gem, Industrial Waste Enemy Candies: Heart Starch, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert When you regain control, you are near a save point. Open the chest for a . *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN Raze cannot return to the academy until you progress the story. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Head N until you reach a square platform. You can jump off the platform from the far NE corner, then head E to find a fish gathering point. From there, head N, then NE to the next screen. Watch the scene. Follow the path until you reach a trio of farm gathering spots, then head S around the hairpin turn down the hill to the next screen. Watch the scenes. Ulrika joins as a guest character. When you regain control, you are near another save point. Head S and follow the only path until you reach the next screen. Continue following the only path in a generally N direction until you reach the next screen. Again, continue N along the path until you reach the next screen. Go N until you reach a field with a pair of farm gathering points and a pair of fruit gathering points. From there, head N across the bridge to trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: It'll become quickly obvious that you can't win this battle, so don't bother trying. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. __________________ BEFORE GRADUATION \ [RBEFOREGRAD] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. Before moving on with the story, let's catch up on a few things. First, the stores are stocking new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Dunkelhite 250 cole Sutakusu Weed 240 cole Fairy Dust 230 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Forest Dew 250 cole Sunny Rose 240 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Adamant Pillar 250 cole Holy Branch 240 cole Next, we have some synthesis to do. --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Super Nectar] - Sunny Rose - In Hell Spice - Nectar/Snowy Cracker/Snow Animal [Forest Soup] - Forest Dew - Sutakusu Weed/Golden Herb - Eicheloa [Dark Water] - Night Queen - Ancient Pond/Industrial Waste - Poison Vase Select or as the first ingredient in the 120% Fruit recipe to open up the [Heavenly Juice] recipe. [Heavenly Juice] - Sweet Apple/Morning Berry - Frozen Fruit - Never Freeze/Forest Dew [Fruit Gem] - Sweet Apple - Liquid Metal - Frozen Fruit/Frozen Gem [Rainbow Gem] - Fairy Dust - Prism Light - Altena Ingot [Forest Shoes] - Adamant Pillar - Dunkelhite - Blonde Root Synthesizing these items opens up Grow Cards for the following characters. {Raze} Forest Soup {Et} Heavenly Juice {Yun} Forest Shoes {Puniyo} Rainbow Gem, Fruit Gem, Super Nectar +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL CHECK #2 OK. We're in Raze's end game, so it's probably better to look at what we DON'T have done. Raze = 7 cards not opened Lily = 6 cards not opened Et = 5 cards not opened Yun = 6 cards not opened Puniyo = 6 cards not opened, 1 card without 3rd slot (Grain Powder) -- 30 remaining (14 known recipes, 16 unknown) There are 302 total cards, so this represents about 10% remaining. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Head to the Infirmary. Watch the scenes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING!!! POINT OF NO RETURN FOR CHARACTER ENDINGS!!! SAVE YOUR GAME!!! When you regain control, you now have an opportunity to speak with your party. The FIRST character to whom you speak for which you have completed all of his/her character quests (which is all of them if you've been following this walkthrough) will be the ending you receive after the final battle. It is also possible to leave without talking to anyone, which will get you yet another ending for a total of 5. If you would like to view all of the different endings without having to replay the story again, then save your game here and DON'T OVERWRITE IT! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you're ready to go, head for the Windy Field. ----------- WINDY FIELD ----------- Random Items: Shiny Moustache, Tear of Light, Fairy Dust Gathering (Farm): Night Queen, Holy Branch, Unyu, Sunny Rose Gathering (Fruit): Morning Berry, Night Berry Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Rune Amber, Kaleidostone, Mysterious Gem Gathering (Fish): Steel Lobster, King Crab, King Tuna, Queen Tuna Treasure Chests: Phantom Ring Enemies: Lizard Lord, Lizard Wizard, Dragoneer, Amnes, Emerald Eye, Watcher, Harpula, Kiln People, Griphant Enemy Spoils: Lizard Tail, Dragon Horn, Pendelook, Mysterious Gem, Industrial Waste, Rainbow Feather, Golden Meat, Fairy Dust Enemy Candies: Heart Starch, Snow Animal, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert, Long Ice Cream Watch the scene. You can now access the Dragon Graveyard. You can either reenter the Windy Field to explore the additional screen or two you haven't seen already and take advantage of some additional mining gathering points or continue on with the story. If you choose to explore, head all the way to the end of the area to find a chest containing a . Whenever you're ready, head for the new area. ---------------- DRAGON GRAVEYARD ---------------- Random Items: Dragon Horn, Great Dragon Wing, Ancient Tablet, Broken Sword, Golden Meat, Dragon Bone, Beast Skin Gathering (Farm): Dragon Black Dirt, Broken Sword, Ancient Tablet, Dragon Bone, Emerald 'Tatokin Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Mysterious Gem, Kaleidostone, Ancient Meteorite Treasure Chests: Dragons and Gods, Fleece Anecdote, RES Fruit, ATK Fruit Enemies: Puni Dandy, Dragonewt, Blade Sprite, Adamantine Soldier, Necrohydra, Mutarion, Flare Drake, Greed Gate, Wing Maiden Enemy Spoils: Big Puniball, Dragon Horn, Broken Sword, Ancient Meteorite, Dragon Black Dirt, Dragon Bone, Rainbow Feather Enemy Candies: Snow Animal, Heart Starch, Long Ice Cream, Icicle Chocolate, Watch the scenes. Head W until you reach an intersection. Head S first for a chest containing , which allows you to synthesize Dragon Wing Cloth, Godly Chain Robe, and Saint's Garb. Return to the intersection and head slightly W then N then W until you reach a second intersection. The only thing on the N path is an item bag. Continue generally W along the path until you reach the next screen. Head W, then S, then make a U-turn hopping up the rocks to head N. Zig zag E, N, E, and N to reach the next screen. Follow the only path generally N, hopping up and down the bones as necessary. About halfway up the screen, you'll find a chest on a bone to the W of the path. Hop up to it for the , which allows you to synthesize the Hero's Stone, Gold Belt, and Original Charm. Continue to zig zag your way N to the next screen. Head N as far you can go then E until you reach an intersection. Head up the steps to the N to find a mining gathering point. Return to the intersection and descend to the E. Continue on E until you reach the next screen. Go E down the ladder, then S and E to an intersection. Go S for a save point and a chest with a inside. Continue slightly E and climb the ladder for a group of farm gathering spots. At this point, we have the ingredients to synthesize a host of new items, so return to the academy and head to the Workshop. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: ONLY FOR YOUR "FINAL" PLAYTHROUGH You only have to return to the academy to do the following synthesis if you intend to use this save as the basis for beginning the second playthrough as Ulrika (assuming you followed the order I chose). If you're simply playing through to see one of the endings, feel free to skip down to the rest of the Dragon Graveyard walkthrough since you'll lose all of this progress when you reset anyway. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- [Time Stone Plate] - Ancient Tablet - Pendelook - Chrome Crystal [Original Dirt] - Dragon Black Dirt - Forest Dew - Twilight Berry [Master's Ceramic] - Dragon Black Dirt - Original Dirt - Sasha Fabric [Twilight Blade] - Broken Sword - Original Dirt - Twilight Berry [Sea Roar Armor] - Ancient Meteorite - Adamant Pillar/Gravity Stone - Clear Fiber Have Lily support the synthesis to open up the recipe for the [Primal Mail]. [Primal Mail] - Original Dirt - Rune Armor/Cracked Fossil - Worn Armor/Cloth Coat [Pumpking Armor] - Emerald 'Tatokin - Platinum Cloth - Clear Fiber [Dragon Wing Cloth] - Dragon Band - Dragon BDU - Dragon Wing/Great Dragon Wing [Sea BDU] - Pearl Ball/Beautiful Scale - Ancient Meteorite - King Crab/King Tuna [Original Charm] - Ancient Meteorite - Original Dirt - Cracked Fossil/Ivory Horn [Dragon Band] - Dragon Bone - Dragon Horn - Dragon Scale Select as the first ingredient in the Brave Symbol recipe to open up the [Holy Symbol] recipe. [Holy Symbol] - Ancient Meteorite - Holy Branch/Clear Fiber - Magic Clay [Running Wheel] - Pearl Ball - Time Stone Plate - Voidspark Pipe Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Raze} Twilight Blade, Sea Roar Armor, Primal Mail {Lily} Original Charm {Et} Pumpking Armor, Running Wheel {Yun} Sea BDU, Dragon Wing Cloth, Dragon Band, Master's Ceramic {Puniyo} Holy Symbol, Original Dirt +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL CHECK #3 Raze = 4 cards not opened Lily = 5 cards not opened Et = 3 cards not opened Yun = 2 cards not opened Puniyo = 4 cards not opened -- 18 remaining (9 known recipes, 9 unknown) There are 302 total cards, so this represents about 6% remaining. This is about as good as it gets until the Extra Mode (i.e. after you've beaten the game with both characters). At that point, you'll have access to the special endgame area where you can pick up the ingredients and recipes you don't currently have. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Once you've finished up, head back to the save point in the Dragon Graveyard. ---------------- DRAGON GRAVEYARD ---------------- Head E from the save point until you reach the lower level path heading N just past the ladder. Go N up the path until you reach an intersection, where you can go E for a chest containing an . Return to the intersection and head N to the next screen. Continue N until you trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: The battle starts off with the boss behind an impenetrable shield. Just keep attacking him until the alternate gauge below his name depletes. Watch the scene. Now the battle begins in earnest. As you might expect, he has a slew of powerful attacks at his disposal as well as a few attacks that invoke some unique status effects: one will randomly cancel your turns while another will hide the time wheel so you can't see what turns are next. Oh, and he'll whip out that same shield a second time when you get him down to around 25% of his HP. Regardless of all this, the same tried-and-true strategy we've used up until now works here as well. Use your most powerful time attacks to fill up the gauge and register multiple hits, then fire off Intimate or Finishing Strikes when you get the chance. Don't hesitate to heal and quickly revive characters that fall to win. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. Congratulations! You've completed Raze's story. Be sure to save your Clear Data after the credits roll and your selected ending finishes. The game will immediately proceed to begin Ulrika's story and give you the chance to carry over your recipes, encyclopedia, and items. There's no reason not to (unless you just want the challenge), so go ahead and say "Yes". Ready or not, round 2 begins... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1: Phase 1 [UCH01PH01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____________ ORIENTATION \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. For Mana Khemia 1 fans, there is no opportunity to explore during the orientation this time around. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [UT1W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Alchemy I Basics - Synthesize and bring a Heal Jar. Grade Req. - Collect Water, Taun, and Unknown Root. Supplies: Heal Jar x 3, Wings of Icarus +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= When you can finally control Ulrika, you'll be on the campus map. Feel free to explore, but no cut scenes will play and no shops are open. When you're ready to move on, go to the Workshop Building from the campus map. (It doesn't matter which option you select after the Workshop Building; you'll end up in the Workshop Hallway.) ---------------- WORKSHOP HALLWAY ---------------- Watch the scene. You'll end up in... ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Watch the scene. You'll now have access to a Save point. When you exit the Workshop, watch the scene. When you regain control, you'll have access to the Learning Bridge. Head there now. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: TAKING ADVANTAGE OF RAZE'S HARD WORK, PART I If you elected to carry everything over when given the option, then you can take advantage of the items you had in your inventory at the time you defeated the final boss. Unfortunately, the weapons don't help because each character in the game has their own, but the armor and accessories do. Feel free to equip Ulrika and Chloe with high-end armor and watch the enemies in the first few chapters barely scratch you. (Note that plowing through the enemies with high-end magic isn't going to happen because neither character has enough SP yet, but it really won't be necessary.) Also, note that while Chloe has the same ability as Raze to analyze enemies, you won't need it as much because all of the analysis carries over as well. Her analyze skill does ADD some information about the enemies' vulnerability to status effects, however, so feel free to reanalyze if you like. Finally, the Role Sharing and Bazaar functions are available from the beginning, so be sure to send your characters out on some kind of mission as soon as possible and feel free to open Bazaars on Free Time weeks if you choose. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Random Items: Wild Meat, Tuft, Old Screw, Beast Fang, Blue Petal, Brownie Mask Gathering (Water): Water Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape, Night-in-Grape (nt) Gathering (Farm): Taun, Pumpotatokin, Eicheloa, Huffin, Eiche, Unknown Root, Magical Dirt, Fiery Red Dirt, Uni, Bee Hive, Goat Milk (nt) Treasure Chests: Magic for Beginners Enemies: Gespenst, Lizard, Slicing Fish, Shrlp, Twin Head Enemy Spoils: Eiche, Eicheloa, Beast Fang, Collected Air, Tuft Watch the scenes. You will now have access to the Simple Map function. Head N through the area until you trigger a scene and your first battle. (I've noted this as a "boss" battle because it is involuntary.) ****************************************************************************** BOSS: MANDRAGORA x2 Tutorial battle. Just use regular attacks to defeat them. ****************************************************************************** You will receive after the battle. Continue N to the next screen. Continue N until you see the Save point. You'll trigger a scene. You will receive . You can use the Water gathering point again to receive another . Head W past the save point to open the chest for the recipe which allows you to synthesize Magic Cord, Basic Spellcasting, and Book of Evil Ways. Continue N to the Fruit gathering point to likely get a . Continue N to the next screen. Continue N to the intersection. The W path has a couple of item bags, then return to the intersection and continue N up the steps until you see the farm gathering point. Enter for some scenes. Play the gathering mini-game to get and for the assignment, then continue gathering as much as possible. When finished, use the Wings of Icarus to return to the Academy. Upon your return, you will be able to access the Faculty Rooms. Head for Mr. Tony's Room. --------------- MR. TONY'S ROOM --------------- Watch the scene. You'll obtain the receipe , which allows you to synthesize Heal Jar, Polishing Powder, Nicro Cloth, and Zettel. --------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP --------------- Watch the scene. A tutorial will then walk you through synthesis of a Heal Jar. [Heal Jar] - Unknown Root - Water - Taun Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [UT1W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Grow Book as well as the Administration Building, stores at the Campus Grounds, and the Student Store in the Administration Building. Before advancing the story, let's take care of a few things. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: TAKING ADVANTAGE OF RAZE'S HARD WORK, PART II Your second big bonus occurs when you go into the Grow Book for the first time. All of the cards shared between Raze's and Ulrika's game that were unlocked in your first runthrough will now be unlocked here. You'll still need to build up the AP to take advantage of it, however. In my case, I had the following left: Ulrika = 22 cards not opened Chloe = 22 cards not opened -- 44 remaining There are currently 121 total cards, so about 2/3 of the cards were opened as a result of the first playthrough. Nice! *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ First, check out the stores. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Bee Hive 10 cole Huffin 10 cole Beast Fang 10 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Uni 20 cole Goat Milk 20 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Magic Cord 70 cole Basic Spellcasting 60 cole Fairy Hammer 30 cole Male Uniform 70 cole Female Uniform 110 cole Legien Steel 20 cole Glacier Stone 20 cole --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Heal Jar 50 cole Time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: TAKING ADVANTAGE OF RAZE'S HARD WORK, PART III As the Grow Book bonus might imply, you have already received "credit" for synthesizing anything that was done in the first runthrough. As a result, you will only "need" to synthesize the items unique to Ulrika's story -- mainly weapons. Those are the items that will be listed in this part of the walkthrough. (If you need help with any of the items from Raze's game, do a Ctrl-F Find to track down the recipe.) *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ [Magic Cord] - Nicro Cloth - Taun/Kittynip/Sutakusu Weed Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Power String] recipe. [Power String] - Unknown Root/Lizard Tail/Blonde Root - Magic Cord - Tuft/Knot/Shiny Moustache Select as the first ingredient in the Magic Cord recipe to open up the [Velvet Cord] recipe. [Velvet Cord] - Pleather Cloth - Joro Spider Web/Veggie Fiber - Rocky Oak Chip/Steel Cedar Bark/Holy Branch Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Slinky Strap] recipe. [Slinky Strap] - Willpower Headband - Veggie Fiber - Gel Rubber Sap/Liquid Metal [Basic Spellcasting] - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt/Magic Clay - Zettel Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Int. Spellcasting] recipe. [Int. Spellcasting] - Salt - Zettel/Cursed Paper - Mandora Root [Book of Evil Ways] - Tuft/Unknown Root/Knot - Zettel Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Necronomicon] recipe. [Necronomicon] - Magic Ink - Nicro Cloth/Pleather Cloth - Blood Rose/Night Queen/Lively Bouquet Once completed with all of this synthesis, let's begin working on the Grow Books. Each character should have four cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Magic Cord, Power String, Velvet Cord, Slinky Strap {Chloe} Basic Spellcasting, Book of Evil Ways, Int. Spellcasting, Necronomicon Spend AP points on whichever options you like. Finally, equip your newly synthesized weapons on your party. They are all improvements over the default weapons. Now head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Searching I Basics - Go to the Gathering points in the Learning Bridge. Grade Req. - Go to all Gathering points Supplies: Heal Jar x 3, Uni x 5 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Head to the Learning Bridge. Watch the scene. --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Nothing has really changed here. Head N collecting from the Gathering spots as you go. There are 4 in total. Don't miss the farm spot just to the right of the Fruit spot; it wasn't there the first time you passed this way. When you first gather from the farm spot at the end, you will receive Assignment Complete. Finish gathering if you wish and use the Wings of Icarus to return to the Academy. Head to Mr. Basshum's Room. ------------------ MR. BASSHUM'S ROOM ------------------ Speak to him. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 1 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [UT1W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to Mr. Tony's Room. --------------- MR. TONY'S ROOM --------------- Watch the scenes. You will now be able to access the Fairy's Tree. There's nothing else special to do, so when you're ready to go, head there. ------------ FAIRY'S TREE ------------ Random Items: Wild Meat, Blue Petal, Tuft, Fairy's Parasol, Beast Fang, Old Screw, Brownie Mask Gathering (Farm): Fairy's Parasol, Uni, Beast Fang, Bee Hive, Fiery Red Dirt, Mandora Root, Magical Dirt, Taun, Huffin, Pumpotatokin Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape Treasure Chests: Fairy History, Armor Cloak, Leather Cuirass Enemies: Leaf Sprite, Brownie, Koalaria, Koalaria Bungee Enemy Spoils: Blue Petal, Beast Fang, Wild Meat, Eiche Watch the scene. Head W until you find a ladder. Take it up to a chest with the recipe inside which allows you to synthesize Fairy Hammer, Wild Club, Little Fairy Wear, and Lively Bouquet. Continue W to the next screen. Continue W until you reach the trampoline. Press X when you jump on top of it to be catapulted to a fruit gathering point. (If, at any point, you don't press X at the right time when jumping from trampoline to trampoline, you'll be sent flying to a spot where a batch of enemies await.) Once done there, make 4 more consecutive trampoline jumps to reach a chest holding an . Drop down to the lower level and head S then SW to the next screen. Watch the scenes. You will get a new member. When you regain control, you will be back on the World Map and have access to the the Living Water Forest. Before heading there, however, let's return to the Fairy's Tree for the area we didn't cover. Head for the screen past the one with the trampolines. Head W until you see a chest on a ledge containing a . Hike further W from there for a pair of farm gathering spots, then go SW and W up the ledges to reach the next screen. Follow the only path until you reach a save point. Hop down the ladder and head S to the next screen. That's it; you've completed the map. There's nothing of interest here, so use the Wings of Icarus to return to the Academy. Before heading out to complete the assignment, let's take care of a little more synthesis. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Watch the scene. [Fairy Hammer] - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt/Magic Clay - Uni/Unyu/Flame - Fairy's Parasol/Eicheloa/Brownie Hammer Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Exploding Hammer] recipe. [Exploding Hammer] - Blood Clay - Red Steel - Long Shaft/Brownie Hammer [Wild Club] - Tuft/Unknown Root/Mandora Root - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip/Steel Cedar Bark Select as the first ingredient in the Exploding Hammer recipe to open up the [Crystal Hammer] recipe. [Crystal Hammer] - Silver Thread - Royal Stone - Gold Shaft/Brownie Hammer [Little Fairy Wear] - Eicheloa/Fairy's Parasol - Tuft/Snow Bug Silk/Zettel - Nicro Cloth Grow Book time. Pepperoni should have five cards unlocked. {Pepperoni} Fairy Hammer, Wild Club, Exploding Hammer, Crystal Hammer, Little Fairy Wear Time to get moving on the assignment. Head for the Living Water Forest. ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Random Items: Collected Air, Tuft, Soul Blood, Stone Heart, Old Screw, Wild Meat, Blue Petal, Ghost Hat, Brownie Mask Gathering (Water): Water Gathering (Farm): Pumpotatokin, Taun, Collected Air, Huffin, Unknown Root, Magical Dirt, Water Tree Fruit, Eicheloa, Fiery Red Dirt, Uni, Eiche, Bee Hive, Beast Fang Gathering (Fish): Swirly Shell, Steel Lobster, Little Sword Fish Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape, Night-in-Grape Treasure Chests: Metal Gauntlet, Feather Charm Enemies: Mandragora, Clione, Kobold Fighter, Kobold Mage, Plant Spirit, Mini Drake Enemy Spoils: Taun, Eiche, Bee Hive, Tuft, Beast Fang Watch the scene. Head N to the next screen. Continue N to the next screen, battling enemies and collecting items as you go. On this screen, go N past the Water spot, until you reach a ladder guarded by a large enemy. Climb the ladder and jump to the left platform for a chest containing a . Jump across two platforms to the right for a farm gathering point. Once done, hop down to the right and head NE to the next screen. Continue heading N until you reach the intersection. Go N as far as you can then E as far as you can to find a Fishing spot. Once completed, go back W to the first intersection, then head continue heading S to the next screen. Head S then W then S again until you reach the Save point. If it is night, you can choose to Camp to move time forward until morning to make the enemies easier. Continue S past the save point to the Fruit gathering point then head E, N, and NE to the next screen. Go NE then N up the platforms. There will be a ladder on your left when you reach the top. Climb it and the next ladder to reach a chest containing a . Drop back down to the right and head E then N to the next Save point, then continue to the next screen. Continue N past a farm gathering point to the next screen. Continue N until to reach an intersection. Head N then W to a Fruit gathering point, then return E past the first intersection to the second where you can head N again. Keep going until you trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: As interesting as it is to fight the same battle from the other side, the battle itself is dull as dirt. Each opponent will fall after two hits from your side. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Don't head back without first using the farm gathering point on top of the platform at the very end. There you will receive the . Now return to the Academy and head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 2: Phase 2 [UCH02PH02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 4 \ [UT1W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Physical Test - The teacher will measure your Magic Levels. Grade Req. - Magic Offense Level, Magic Defense Level Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. When you regain control, go to: - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Pepperoni The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Night-in-Grape 50 cole Tuft 20 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Bitter Grape 20 cole Water Tree Fruit 10 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Gauntlet 40 cole Canone Rock 10 cole --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Cure Jar 80 cole Nectar 100 cole For once, we're all caught up on our synthesis. There's nothing else going on, so head for Mr. Tony's Room to get your grade. --------------- MR. TONY'S ROOM --------------- Speak with him. Answer "Yes" when prompted. Watch the scene. Given that we're using waaaay overpowered equipment, you will almost definitely get an "A". _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 5 \ [UT1W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. You will get a new member and open up the Positions menu. Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Alchemy II Combat - Defeat the target monster with Unite Mode. Grade Req. - Defeat the target monster Supplies: Nectar x3, Flame x3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Head out to the Living Water Forest. ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Watch a scene as you enter. Nothing has really changed here. Follow the path fighting monsters and gathering from the Gathering spots as you go. When you reach the second Save point, you have almost reached your destination. Head N for the boss fight. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KODAMA, KODACHI, & KOHAKU Target Kodama with Fire skills or Flame items and Kodachi with Ice skills or Bomb Ice items. Doing so will drive up the Unite gauge. Once filled, use any multiple hit skills you have to record higher levels of damage. ****************************************************************************** You will receive after the battle which will allow you to synthesize the Wood Plate, Leather Cuirass, Eastern Uniform, Armor Cloak, and Raven Cape. (This is a duplicate from Raze's story.) Before turning in the assignment, head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Lively Bouquet] - Huffin/Sunny Rose/Dunkelhite - Unknown Root/Blonde Root - Water/Clearwater/Forest Dew (Note that you could have synthesized this sooner. I just missed it.) Once completed with this synthesis, Enna will have a new Grow Book card. Head for Principal Zeppel's Room ----------------------- PRINCIPAL ZEPPEL'S ROOM ----------------------- Speak with him. Watch the scene. (Note that I do not believe it is possible to get an "A" in this course so that you MUST take a class in Week 6.) _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 6 \ [UT1W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Pharmacy I Ether - Create a Flame with Ether Level 100 Grade Req. - Make the Ether Level 100 Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. We already have the recipe, so head for the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Watch the scenes. Synthesis time! Have Pepperoni support the synthesis of Little Fairy Wear in order to open up the recipe for [Black Fairy Wear]. [Black Fairy Wear] - Black Powder - Magic Ink - Pleather Cloth Once completed with this synthesis, Pepperoni will have a new Grow Book card. Now, even though you probably already have a Flame with 100 Ether Level, you must still synthesize (not mass produce) one in order to finish the assignment. [Flame] - Canone Rock/Black Oil/Canone Crystal - Nicro Cloth/Zettel - Bee Hive/Grain Powder Making a Flame with 100 Ether Level should be a snap by now. Once you succeed, watch the scene. You will find yourself back on the campus map. Head now to the Infirmary. --------- INFIRMARY --------- Speak with Zokka. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 7 \ [UT1W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- Head to the bulletin board to find the jobs for this chapter. There are 5 of them -- 3 of them the same as the first runthrough and 2 new ones added for the second cycle. The second one, however, does not appear until you finish one of the others. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 051 Mushroom Dish Creation - Bring Eicheloa x4 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 300 cole How to Complete - If you've been gathering from all of the farm spots as you've played, you should have PLENTY of Eicheloa by now. So simply head to the Cafeteria and deliver them to Shizuka to make a quick 300 cole. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 052 Hit Maker - Bring FSW x4 with Refreshing ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 700 cole How to Complete - The tricky part here is getting the Refreshing effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 55-70. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 053 Bounty Head No. 001 - Defeat Koalaria Troop in the Living Water Forest Reward - 500 cole How to Complete - The target can be found about a third of the way in to the Forest (where the coin appears on the map). This is a "chain battle", where you essentially fight multiple parties of enemies in a row. In this case, 3 rounds of Koalaria type enemies with a Mountkolaria in the group at the end. None of these enemies should give you a hard time. If you're looking for style points, all but the Mountkolaria are weak to fire while the boss is weak against ice. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 054 (NEW!!!) -- Doesn't appear until completing #052 Dragon Slayer - Bring FSW x4 with Dragon Killing ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 1500 cole How to Complete - Ignore the translation (Bane vs. Killing). The tricky part here is getting the Dragon Killing effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 0-10. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 055 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 002 - Defeat Space Ship at the Learning Bridge Reward - 1000 cole - Practical Toys = synthesis of Spike Chain, The Little Mage, Ogre Club, Gauntlet, Iron Glove, and Wake Potpourri How to Complete - The target is found all the way at the end of the area in the farm gathering point. He is not too difficult, but there are rumors of a game glitch that can occur during the fight. I didn't experience it personally, but be sure to save just in case. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= New recipes mean more synthesis. Back to the workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Spike Chain] - Beast Fang/Monster Bone/Ivory Horn - Unknown Root/Mandora Root/Blonde Root - Legien Steel/Cyprus Copper/Black Steel [The Little Mage] - Beast Fang/Rotten Meat/Dragon Bone - Unknown Root/Mandora Root/Blonde Root - Nicro Cloth [Ogre Club] - Ingot/Brownie Hammer - Polish Powder - Legien Steel/Cyprus Copper/Elemia Silver Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Golden Left Fist] recipe. [Golden Left Fist] - Shiny Screw - Ogre Club - Steel Lobster/King Crab/Alchemy Steel [Gauntlet] - Legien Steel/Black Steel - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip/Recycle Gear Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Aura Guard] recipe. [Aura Guard] - Gravi Stone - Scaly Gauntlet - Blue Steel [Iron Glove] - Ingot - Tuft/Knot - Old Screw/Shiny Screw/Gearbox [Wake Potpourri] - Blood Rose/Sunny Rose - FSW - Huffin/Morning Berry/Night Berry Grow Book time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Spike Chain, Wake Potpourri {Chloe} The Little Mage [Pepperoni} Ogre Club, Golden Left Fist {Enna} Gauntlet, Iron Glove, Aura Guard Now that we've completed "working", let's do a Character Quest (CQ). You can choose from Chloe, Pepperoni, or Enna. I'll just take them from top to bottom, so Chloe first. ----------------------------- CHLOE CQ1 - LUCKY INCANTATION ----------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Learning Bridge. Watch the scene. Fight enemies until you earn 500 cole, which should be about 7 battles. (Keep in mind that you don't earn any cole for auto-defeating blue enemies; you have to let them fight you.) Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [UT1W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. Watch the scenes. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------- PEPPERONI CQ1 - GIFT FOR MASTER ------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you'll be at the workshop. The "alcohol" in question is the Fairy's Spiritual Water, or FSW, which you should already have plenty of. Head back to the Master's house at the end of the Fairy's Tree. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 1 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [UT1W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the extended scenes. When you finally regain control, head to the General Studies Classroom. Watch the scenes. (One of the best lines in the game, IMHO, occurs during the last scene.) You can now access the Old Quarry. Head there now. ----------------------- OLD QUARRY (FIRST PART) ----------------------- Random Items: Stone Heart, Ivory Horn, Old Screw, Fiery Red Dirt, Phoenix Feather, Gear Gathering (Farm): Blood Rose, Mandora Root, Rocky Oak Chip Gathering (Mine): Legien Steel, Cyprus Copper, Canone Rock, Glacier Stone Treasure Chests: Arabesque Stole, Megingjorz, 400 cole Enemies: Ruby Eye, Dig Spirit, Stone Beast, Stone Demon, Stonecannon Soldier, Clay Puppet, Stone Soldier, Trap Box, Crag Mana Enemy Spoils: Magical Dirt, Legien Steel, Old Screw, Soul Blood, Joro Spider Web, Rusted Gear, Canone Rock Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake Watch the scene. Head W until you reach the intersection. Head N from the intersection and continue E and N until you see a chest. You can't reach it from this direction so this is as far as we go here. Return to the intersection. Go W from the intersection until you reach the next screen. There is a save point here. Go SW to reach the next screen. Go W to reach the next screen. Go W and push the mine cart, which will move. When it stops, jump off of it onto the higher track to your W. Head S along the track until the intersection. Head W, S, and E until you reach a chest holding an . Return to the intersection and head E then N to another chest with a . Return to the mine cart and jump down to the S. Head back along the tracks until you can no longer go S, then turn SW until you reach the next screen. Head S and jump down the rocks. When you can jump down to the E, do so. Follow the rock steps all the way down to a chest containing an <400 cole>. Head back up the way you came until you reach the point you turned E, then head S and W up the tracks. Jump down the tracks where they cross and head S then W then N up the rocks to the Mining gathering point. When done, head S to the next screen. Here you will find a farm gathering point. Nowhere else to go, so head back the way you came all the way to the first mine cart. This time, jump off of the cart to the E. Continue E until you reach the next screen. Head NE, then N near the mine cart to reach a Mining gathering point. Return to the mine cart and push it. Jump off the cart to the N to reach a save point and the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: This isn't a real battle. He's also the first enemy you'll fight that can actually do some damage -- although still not a threat. Survive for one round. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: This time it's a real battle. While he can do some damage, it still won't be a challenge. Use medium attacks to finish him off in about 20 spheres. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. You will get your final party member for Ulrika's story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 3: Phase 3 [UCH03PH03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 1 \ [USBW1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. You can now access the Library. When you regain control, go to: - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Enna - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Chloe - Campus Grounds for a scene with Goto The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Mandora Root 20 cole Joro Spider Web 30 cole Ice Sugar 10 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Piece of Glass 20 cole Brown Groundwater 60 cole Puniball 20 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Commercial Ball 90 cole Cyprus Copper 20 cole Rocky Oak Chip 20 cole --------- INFIRMARY --------- Items Money Knowledge Soup 120 cole To the Workshop for some synthesis. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Have Enna support the synthesis of Spike Chain in order to open up the recipe for [Living Chain]. [Living Chain] - Silky Cloth - Puniball/Big Puniball - Spike Chain Have Chloe support the synthesis of Basic Spellcasting in order to open up the recipe for [Advanced Spell Casting]. [Adv. Spellcasting] - Monster Bone/Cursed Ring - Bat Wing/Black Feather/Fallen Wing - Silky Cloth [Commercial Ball] - Puniball/Big Puniball - Water/Never Freeze/Galilean Scope - Zettel Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Large Ball] recipe. [Large Ball] - Nicro Cloth - Puniball/Big Puniball/Gel Rubber Sap - Phoenix Feather/Black Feather/Rainbow Feather [Fluffy Ball] - Pleather Cloth - Joro Spider Web/Veggie Fiber - Tuft/Knot/Blonde Root [Hand Crafted Suit] - Pleather Cloth - Unknown Root/Mandora Root/Knot - Zettel Grow Book time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Living Chain {Chloe} Adv. Spellcasting {Goto} Commercial Ball, Large Ball, Fluffy Ball, Hand Crafted Suit +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #2 (94/303 remaining) Here are the Grow Book cards I have remaining: Ulrika = 17 cards not opened, 1 without 3rd slot (Power String) Chloe = 18 cards not opened, 1 without 3rd slot (Book of Evil Ways) Pepperoni = 21 cards not opened, 1 without 3rd slot (Wild Club) Enna = 18 cards not opened Goto = 20 cards not opened +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Let's quickly finish exploring the area from the previous week. Head to the Old Quarry. (Be sure to either have a Power Pick from Raze's playthrough or synthesize one now.) ----------------------- OLD QUARRY (CONCLUSION) ----------------------- Random Items: Stone Heart, Ivory Horn, Old Screw, Fiery Red Dirt, Phoenix Feather, Gear Gathering (Mine): Elemia Silver, Mysterious Gem, Chrome Crystal, Cyprus Copper Treasure Chests: Soil Ring, Quick Shifter Head through the area until you reach the screen past the second save point where you fought the boss battle. Follow the now empty path (no enemies, no items) to the next screen. As long as you have a Power Pick, examine the two tower-like rocks. This will clear them away, allowing you to continue along the path. Hop up the rocks headed NW and go E along the track when you reach the top. At the intersection, head N first for a chest containing a . Return to the intersection and head E. At the end of the track, you will find a Mining gathering spot. When done, head S and follow the path until you reach the next screen. Head S through this short area to the next screen. Here's the treasure chest that you could see from the beginning of the area but couldn't reach. BE CAREFUL when jumping onto the ledge with the chest lest you fall off and have to go all the way back around again. Open the chest for a . That's it for the Old Quarry. Back to the academy. Now let's explore the newly opened area. Head for the Library. ------- LIBRARY ------- Random Items: Thunder Stone, Carbon Boulder, Rusted Gear, Freeze Drop, Joro Spider Web, Piece of Glass, Gear, Gravity Stone Treasure Chests: Refuel Ankh, Dangerous Weapons, Black Belt, Gargol Plate, Toad Mouth, Gargol Plate Enemies: Ariel, Magical Brownie, Living Bomb, Birdhorse Rider, Flame Shield, Flame Blade, Jewel Gem, Jewel Sprite, Blaze Mana Enemy Spoils: Brownie Hammer, Gear, Audora's Egg, Rocky Oak Chip, Canone Rock, Fiery Red Dirt, Piece of Glass, Chrome Crystal Head N then E to the next screen. Continue E, N, and E deeper into the Library. When you can't go any further E, head S and jump through the opening to the W to grab a chest containing a on the counter. You will also find the special second cycle store here. ----------------------- MIMISUKE'S SPECIAL SHOP ----------------------- Items AP ATK Fruit 5000 AP MGK Fruit 5000 AP DEF Fruit 5000 AP RES Fruit 5000 AP SPD Fruit 8000 AP Youthful Apple 10000 AP Eternal Peach 10000 AP As you can see, Mimisuke will sell you stat-raising items here in exchange for your excess AP. It's really only useful after you've 100% completed your Grow Book (since you get more bang for your AP buck filling out the Grow Book slots), but keep its location in mind for the Extra Mode. Back to the Library... Continue S, W, and S to the next screen. Follow the only path until you reach the next screen. Continue E until you see two ladders. Take the ladder up and walk E until you find a chest containing , which will let you synthesize the Danger Bat and Decadent Puncher. Return to the walkway via the first ladder (not the one closest to the chest) and take the other ladder down from the walkway. Continue down the next ladder until you find a chest holding a . Walk E allow this lowest level until you reach the chest at the other end containing a . Go back up two levels to the main walkway (you can use any of the ladders for this) and head E to the end, then N to the next screen. Continue N until you reach the save point. Head W down the hall from the save point to find a chest containing a . Head N to the next screen. Go all the way N to find a chest containing another . That's it for the Library. Return to the academy. Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Danger Bat] - Red Steel - Piece of Glass/Bee Stinger/Metal Glass Sheet - Old Screw/Shiny Screw/Eternal Turnkey [Decadent Puncher] - Ingot - Blood Rose/Sunny Rose - Beast Fang/Monster Bone/Wild Ring Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Black Spike] recipe. [Black Spike] - Shiny Screw - Uni Bomb - Black Steel Pepperoni and Enna should have new cards unlocked. {Pepperoni} Danger Bat {Enna} Decadent Puncher, Black Spike Now that all of that is out of the way, we can begin our Free Time activities. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 9 jobs in this chapter, including 4 new ones for the second cycle. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 056 Courage Test - Bring Bitter Grape x10 to Keith on the Roof Top (Classroom Building) Reward - 900 cole How to Complete - If you've been gathering from all of the fruit spots as you've played, you should have plenty of Bitter Grapes by now. So simply head to the Roof Top and deliver them to Keith to make a quick 900 cole. If, for some reason you are short of 10, you can buy them at the Student Store. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 057 Food Preserving Danger - Bring Preservative x4 with Refreshing ether effect to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 1500 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Refreshing effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 60-70. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 058 Puzzle Super Challenge - Bring Le Merou Cog x4 with Cool ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 1700 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Cool effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 20-40. Mass produce the other 3 and turn them in for the reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 059 Bounty Head No. 003 - Defeat Human Arm at the Old Quarry Reward - 1000 cole - The Giant Kingdom = synthesis of Living Rope, Giant Gauntlet, Moon Quiche, and Rock Smashing Club How to Complete - You'll find the target deep (5 screens) inside the quarry. Head W until you reach the screen with the mine cart, then S to the next screen, then S as far as you can go and W to find the target. The Human Arm powers himself up and unleashes a torrent of time attacks when its HP gets low, so don't hesitate when finishing him off. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 060 Bounty Head No. 004 - Defeat 1-Inch Brownie at the Library Reward - 1000 cole - Dangerous Weapons = synthesis of Danger Bat and Decadent Puncher (duplicate) How to Complete - The target is one screen deep. Head N then E until the screen changes, then E and N again and you'll find him. Beat him down with time attacks, such as Lily's Ice Rain and Yun's Flare Rain, and other special attacks like Et's Lock-On Arrow. Don't let the battle drag on as he hits pretty hard. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 061 (NEW!!!) For Someone Special - Bring Magic Ink x1 with Royal ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 1500 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Royal effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 81-89. Take it to Yuka for your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 062 (NEW!!!) Hobby Material - Bring Magic Clay x1 with Hard ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - Again, the tricky part here is getting the Hard effect, which shows up for ether ranges between 7-15. Take it to Yuri for your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 063 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 005 - Defeat Fairy Trio in the Living Water Forest Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - The Fairy Trio from Job #87 returns (although this job is technically first, so I guess it's a prequel). The target is found almost all the way at the end of the area past the second save point. This time, however, you fight the trio one at a time in a series of chain battles first, then take on the whole group in the final round. It's still nothing that difficult. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 064 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 006 - Defeat Master Shooter in the Old Quarry Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - The target is found at the mining gathering point near the second mine car. Very easy. The only annoyance is that he starts by launching a time attack that will hit you a few times for small damage before he goes down. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis. Back to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Moon Quiche] - Audora's Egg - Goat Cheese - Grain Powder [Living Rope] - Puniball/Big Puniball/Veggie Fiber - Mandora Root/Blonde Root - Taun/Blood Rose/Sunny Rose Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Fiber Rod] recipe. [Fiber Rod] - Veggie Fiber - Joro Spider Web - Tuft/Knot/Shiny Moustache [Rock Smashing Club] - Gear/Rusted Gear/Le Merou Cog - Eiche/Rocky Oak Chip/Steel Cedar Bark - Beast Fang/Monster Bone/Ivory Horn [Giant Gauntlet] - Cyprus Copper/Elemia Silver - Gearbox/Recycle Gear - Nicro Cloth Once you have completed these syntheses, the following Grow Book cards will have been added: {Ulrika} Living Rope, Fiber Rod {Pepperoni} Rock Smashing Club {Enna} Giant Gauntlet {Goto} Moon Quiche All set? Now that we've completed "working", let's do a Character Quest (CQ). You can choose from Enna or Goto. I'll just take them from top to bottom, so Enna first. ------------------------------- ENNA CQ1 - ET AND ENNA'S BATTLE ------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Auditorium. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Hit her three times and the "battle" will end. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: If you know anything about her, you'll go down VERY quickly. One of her hits strikes for over 2000(!) HP. If you even get a turn, it's pure luck. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 2 \ [USBW2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------------- GOTO CQ1 - GOTO'S DOUBTFUL ATTRACTION ------------------------------------- Watch the scenes. Head to the Workshop. Watch the scenes. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 3 \ [USBW3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. More Free Time. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: NOTHING ELSE TO DO? SKIP AHEAD If you would prefer not to sell items, then you can go to Ulrika's Room at the Dormitory and choose to sleep as an alternate way to end any Free Time week. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 4 \ [USBW4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yet more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ SUMMER BREAK WEEK 5 \ [USBW5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head first to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the scenes. Puniyo will join as a guest. Go to the Workshop Hallway. Watch the scene. Head to Principal Zeppel's Room. Watch the scenes. Go to Mr. Tony's Room. Watch the scenes. You can now access the Broken Plank Bridge. There's nothing else special to do, so when you're ready to go, head there. ------------------- BROKEN PLANK BRIDGE ------------------- Random Items: Phoenix Feather, Soul Blood, Puniball, Ghost Hat, Ivory Horn Gathering (Farm): Radish, Clear Stream Moss, Rocky Oak Chip, Blood Rose, Fiery Red Dirt Gathering (Fruit): Bitter Grape Gathering (Fish): Swirly Shell, Little Sword Fish, Steel Lobster Gathering (Water): Clearwater x10 Treasure Chests: 900 cole, Gnardi Ring, Nectar x3, Heal Jar x5, Jar of Genuk, Aroma Bottle, Follower's Shoes Enemies: Baby Puni, Puni, Kobold Priest, Kobold Soldier, Grand Blade, Grand Shield, Mountkolaria, Mountkolaria Bungee, Harpy, Giraphant, Shrip, Razor Fin Enemy Spoils: Puniball, Tuft, Bee Stinger, Gel Rubber Sap, Rocky Oak Chip, Carbon Boulder, Phoenix Feather, Ivory Horn, Collected Air, Clear Stream Moss Watch the scene. Head N through the area until you reach the a 4-way intersection. Head W to collect from a chest containing <900 cole>. There are item bags to the E if you would like to get them, then continue N along the only path until you hit the next screen. Once again, head N along the only path until you reach an 3-way intersection. Head E first for a chest holding a , then head all the way W for a scene. When you regain control, you will be by a fruit gathering spot. Go E and N for the Farm gathering spot, then take the first narrow path N for the ladder down to the lower level. Once on the lower level, follow the path generally E and N until you reach the next screen. (There's nothing down the S path but enemies; feel free to fight them if you'd like.) Continue generally N along the path until you're forced to head W. Do so all the way until you pick up a practically hidden chest on the far W containing . Climb the ladder to the N to get over the rock wall, then take the next ladder down to the E to find a Fish gathering point. Climb back up the ladder and head N then E then N again to the next screen. Watch the scenes. On this new screen, you'll be in a relatively open area strewn with rock formations. Maneuver around the formations to collect a chest to the S containing , then work your way E to a Water gathering spot and the bridge heading further in. Go E across the bridge until you see a chest holding a , then go slightly S to a Fish gathering point. Once finished, continue S then E to the next screen. The first thing on this screen as you head E is the save point. Head N up the ladder, then E to the intersection. Go S to find a chest containing , then return to the intersection and head N, E and N to another intersection. Go E to find a chest with a , then go back to the intersection and head N, E, and N to the next screen. Head N past the intersection (there's nothing to the E) and climb the ladders up two levels. Continue N to the Farm gathering spot. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: She's the toughest enemy so far. Her Diagonal Shot fills up the time gauge and when she gets below half HP, she boosts herself and takes a few turns in a row -- which may endanger any characters that aren't close to full life. Play it safe and switch healthy characters in using Support moves to keep things going and you should be fine without having to heal. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 4: Phase 4 [UCH04PH04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [UT2W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Training Sea. No new scenes, but the stores are now stocking some new items as usual. (Note that if you conducted a Bazaar in the last chapter, those items will now/still be listed in the stores.) -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Gear 20 cole Balloon Fish 40 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Blood Rose 30 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Fiery Red Dirt 10 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Have Pepperoni support the synthesis of Steel Coat in order to open up the recipe for [Steel Tights]. [Steel Tights] - Joro Spider Web/Black Liquid - Red Steel - Hexametal/Steel Lobster Once completed with this synthesis, Pepperoni will have a new Grow Book card. Let's go explore our newly opened area. Head to the Training Sea. ------------ TRAINING SEA ------------ Random Items: Bee Stinger, Rusted Gear, Lizard Tail, Worn Weapon, Worn Armor Gathering (Fish): King Crab, Balloon Fish, Plasma Jelly, Little Sword Fish Gathering (Farm): Gel Rubber Sap, Audora's Egg, Worn Weapon, Bee Stinger, Worn Armor Gathering (Mine): Canone Rock, Carbon Boulder, Gravity Stone Treasure Chests: Flying Fish Boots, Scaly Gauntlet, Bunny Ears, Reflect Whistle, Rune Stone Enemies: Red Puni, Refuel Puni, Kobold Priest, Kobold Soldier, Lizard Warrior, Lizard Shaman, Thunder Blade, Thunder Shield, Gold Leo, Guardian Enemy Spoils: Monster Bone, Gel Rubber Sap, Tuft, Bee Stinger, Lizard Tail, Audora's Egg, Blood Rose Head W to the next screen. Continue W until you can't go any further. Turn N and slightly E to find a chest containing the . Head W to the next screen. Continue W to the intersection. Head NW first to the farm gathering point. Climb the rocks behind the gathering point to reach a chest holding a . Head back the intersection and go SW (stay on the reefs, not on the docks) toward the rocks. Climb the ladder and jump toward the NE to land on the platform with the ladder leading up to the chest. Open it for . Head back to the intersection and go S to the Fish gathering spot, then head W and S to the next screen. There's a save point on this screen. Head S to the next screen. On this screen, there are two paths. The S path can only be accessed in the morning and the SW path can only be accessed at night. Take the S path (daytime) first. You will pass a Mine gathering point on your way to the next screen. On this screen, head S until you see a Fish gathering point, then head SW until you see a second Fish gathering point. From there head W to the next screen (we'll come back for the chest in a second). Continue W around the circle until you reach an intersection. Take the path N to find a save point and a Farm gathering spot. Go E past the gathering spot and behind the rocks to find a chest with a inside. Use the save point to set the time to night and return to the previous screen. Head E then NE across the reefs to reach the chest containing a . Return to the save point to change the time so you can get back across the docks to the previous save point. Use that save point to change the time to night. Now go to the next screen and take the SW path (night) across the reefs to the next screen. Follow the docks SW through around the figure 8 for a Fish gathering point and a Water gathering point. That's it, so when you're ready, return to the academy. Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Combat I Chain - Use a Special Skill to defeat the target monster. Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster. - The number of Co-op Skills and Special Skills Supplies: Cure Jar x3, Lightning Rod x3 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Head to the Broken Plank Bridge. ------------------- BROKEN PLANK BRIDGE ------------------- Watch a scene as you enter. Nothing has really changed here. Follow the path fighting monsters and gathering from the Gathering spots as you go. When you reach the save point, the boss is on the next screen. Head there for the fight. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: GIANTWING DRAGON The game sets you up nicely by giving you a full Unite and Finishing gauge at the start of the battle if you engage in the tutorial. If Pepperoni is the character to execute the Finishing Strike, then it's entirely possible you will kill the boss in one shot. You receive 50 grading points for finishing in 60 spheres with an additional grading point for each sphere less than 60. You also receive 30 points for executing the Finishing Stike and 10 points for each Intimate Skill you use. You need 90 points for an "A" grade. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Return to the academy. Go to VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak with him. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [UT2W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wow, no scenes or synthesis. Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: MULTIPLE CLASSES You finally have the chance to choose between classes. For any given chapter in which you take classes, you need 10 units to enter Free Time. An "A" gives you 5 units and a "B" gives you 3 units, which means that you can generally take as few as 2 and as many as 4 classes. (It IS possible to actually fail a course by giving up on the assignment (an option only available if you talk to the teacher before even trying a synthesis, for example), but you would have to do it on purpose.) I'll list all of the potential classes and how to get through them. I'll also note which classes I recommend if you're looking to get to Free Time as fast as possible. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Right now, there are three possible class options. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Alchemy III History - Go to the Library and find the answer in a book Grade Req. - The rate of correct answers Supplies: Heal Jar x3 A pretty easy "A". The book you need is in the stacks on the 4th screen in (the one with all the ladders) at the Library. Take the ladders down until you reach the bottom and you'll see a balloon with a star inside. That is the indicator of the correct bookshelf to search. Carefully memorize the lessons, then return to the academy and head to Principal Zeppel's Room to take the quiz. The correct answers are: "Patience", "Work hard", and "Forging and glass work". You receive an "A" for getting all 3 answers, a "B" for 2 answers, and a "C" for 1 answer. You get an "F" for failing to answer any questions correctly. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II ***RECOMMENDED*** Synthesis III Creation - Make a different item using a Cloth Coat Grade Req. - Presented item Supplies: None This is, without a doubt, the fastest road to an "A" in the entire game. We've already created the item you need -- the Steel Tights. It represents the derived item from the Steel Coat, which itself was derived from the Cloth Coat. Just take it to Tony in his room for the easiest "A" ever. By the way, if you turn in the Steel Coat, you'll get a "B". A Cloth Coat will net you a "C", while giving up will score you a big, fat "F". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT III Searching III Mining - Gather as much as you can at the Old Quarry Grade Req. - Number of Gathered items Supplies: None Simple enough, but the other assignments are faster or more interesting. Be sure to synthesize the Repeating Pick if you haven't already done so. You receive 1 point for every item gathered. You need 90 points for an "A". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [UT2W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you got an "A" in both of the first two weeks of classes, then this will be Free Time. For this walkthrough, I am assuming that this is the case. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FINISHING ALL OF THE CHARACTER QUESTS Each of your permanent party members has 5 CQs for a total of 20. You will, therefore, need at least 20 weeks of Free Time in order to complete them all. (If you've been following this walkthrough, we have completed 4 CQs, leaving 16 remaining.) In addition, you generally cannot trigger a particular quest until a specific chapter. This means that having Free Time weeks earlier in the game (such as the extra weeks we had in the last chapter) may not count toward retiring this number. If completing all of the CQs is one of your goals, then it's best to aim for getting all "A"s to maximize your Free Time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 9 jobs in this chapter -- 4 of which are new in the second cycle (and 2 of these don't show up until you complete two of the others). +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 065 I Wanna Win! - Bring Freeze Drop x6 to Yuka in the Student Store Reward - 4000 cole How to Complete - Freeze Drops can be gathered from item bags in the Library. Collect 6 of them and head to Yuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 066 Fire Shortage - Bring Black Powder x4 with Dry ether effect to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 3400 cole How to Complete - The Dry ether effect appears for ether levels between 20-35. Mass produce the rest and turn them in to Shizuka. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 067 String Cleaner - Bring Veggie Fiber x4 with Thin ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 3500 cole How to Complete - The Thin ether effect appears for ether levels between 65-80. Mass produce the rest and turn them in to Mimisuke. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 068 Bounty Head No. 007 - Defeat the Koboldny at the Broken Plank Bridge Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - The target is on the second screen of the area. When you reach the second screen, continue N on the walkway until you reach the ladder near the Farm gathering point. Take the ladder down, then proceed N and E until you reach the intersection. Head S (if you went this way before, there was nothing but normal enemies down here) until you see the target at the end. Use Ulrika's Cannon Ball to make short work of the bodyguards, then use your most powerful attacks to take out the boss. He doesn't hit very hard, so you shouldn't have any problems. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 069 Bounty Head No. 008 - Defeat the Zweis Blade at the Training Sea Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - The target is along the SW (night) path past the day/night split after the second save point. Set the time to night using that save point, head into the next screen and follow the path to the SW to the following screen. As you proceed in, you'll find the target. The boss is entirely resistant to physical damage, so you'll want to break out your strongest magic attacks. Have Chloe and Ulrika bring out whichever spells they have available. Between the ladies' magic and the use of Intimate Strikes, you should wear down the enemies before they have a chance to do some real damage. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 070 (NEW!!!) Sculpting Material - Bring Gearbox x1 with Precise ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 1700 cole How to Complete - The Precise ether effect appears for ether levels between 82-88, which can be tricky since it's such a small range. Take it to Yuri for your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 071 (NEW!!!) Secret Request - Bring Black Liquid x1 with Sludgy ether effect to Zokka at the Infirmary Reward - 2700 cole How to Complete - The Sludgy ether effect appears for ether levels between 0-6, which isn't too bad since you can't drop below 0. Take it to Zokka for your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 072 (NEW!!!) -- Doesn't appear until completing #68 Bounty Head No. 009 - Defeat the Kobold Couple at the Training Sea Reward - 2500 cole How to Complete - The target is on the third screen of the area just before you turn S toward the second save point (before the day/night split). Kobolene can summon Azurefire Manas, so be sure to take her out ASAP. If you're lucky, you may be able to Seal her skills before she can summon anyone. If so, this battle will be over much more quickly. Either way, it's not too tough, but you might need to heal if they get ahead of you because they are both very fast. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 073 (NEW!!!) -- Doesn't appear until completing #069 Bounty Head No. 010 - Defeat the Zweis Couple at the Broken Plank Bridge Reward - 2500 cole How to Complete - The target is rather conveniently located right next to the save point five screens into the area. As you might expect, the Zweis Blade is resistant to physical attacks, while the Zweis Rod is resistant to magical attacks. Pair up your party members with the appropriate enemy and let them have it. The battle should not be too difficult. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Now that we've completed "working", it's CQ time. All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Chloe first. ---------------------------------- CHLOE CQ2 - ATTRACTIVE INCANTATION ---------------------------------- Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: FEMALE STUDENT (GREEN) Just attack once and it'll be over. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Head back to the Workshop. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Just regular attacks will work fine. They may not even attack once. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 4 \ [UT2W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------------ PEPPERONI CQ2 - PEPPERONI'S TRAINING ------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, begin walking through the area, gathering items as you go if you want; it really doesn't matter. After 6 hours have passed, a scene will trigger. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: BEAR Just attack once and it'll be over. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 5 \ [UT2W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------------------ ENNA CQ2 - CHECK OUT THE MECH SWORD! ------------------------------------ Watch the scene. When you regain control, head to VP Flay's Room. Watch the scene. You'll receive Flay's Secret Memo (which is called Flint's Secret Memo in the Encyclopedia -- was Flay originally going to be called Flint???), which will allow you to synthesize the Blade Motor. Watch the scene. Head to the Workshop. Time to synthesize. [Blade Motor] - Gearbox - Long Shaft/Eternal Turnkey - Gear/Little Gear/Grand Gear Watch the scene. Return to VP Flay's Room. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 6 \ [UT2W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. --------------------------- GOTO CQ2 - A MAN AFTER GOTO --------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to Student Affairs. Watch the scene. Head to the Broken Plank Bridge. Watch the scene. Once again, we're heading through this area. Make your way to the screen just past the save point. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 1ST HALF WEEK 7 \ [UT2W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Combat Dept. Classroom, then the Alchemy Dept. Classroom, then finally the General Studies Classroom for a scene in each. Watch some more scenes. Head for the Auditorium. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED), MALE STUDENT (BLUE) x2 They're tougher than you would think. Use your best skills to take down their HP one at a time. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED), MALE STUDENT (BLUE), FEMALE STUDENT They're tougher than you would think. Use your best skills to take down their HP one at a time. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Et joins as a guest. Head to the Cafeteria. Watch the scene. Back to the Auditorium. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: FEMALE STUDENT x2, MALE STUDENT (BLUE) They're tougher than you would think. Oh, well. Use your best skills to take down their HP one at a time. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Back again to the Cafeteria (don't you just LOVE going in circles?). Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: He's not that tough. Just keep using powerful skills and you'll take him down in time to earn a Fast Kill (i.e. within 15 spheres). ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. You can now access the Underground Sewer. Head there now. ----------------- UNDERGROUND SEWER ----------------- Random Items: Rotten Meat, Shiny Screw, Little Gear, Bat Wing, Black Oil, Chrome Crystal Gathering (Farm): Little Gear, Black Oil, Monster Bone, Poison Shroom, Rune Amber, Chrome Crystal Gathering (Water): Brown Groundwater x10 Treasure Chests: Southern Technology, Health Newsletter Enemies: Zombie Puni, Sword Sprite, Steelarmor Soldier, Shade, Fakereature, Steelcannon Soldier, Blade Spirit Enemy Spoils: Monster Bone, Worn Weapon, Stone Heart, Rotten Meat, Bat Wing, Shiny Screw Watch the quick scene as you enter. When you regain control, head S along the path, zigzagging W and E as necessary. After a little ways, you'll find a chest containing the recipe, which will allow you to make the Southern Magic, Glove of Tomorrow, and Uni Ball. Continue S until you reach the next screen. On this screen, head S for a farm gathering point, then continue S to an intersection of sorts. Head E down the stairs for a Water gathering point. Return W to the intersection and continue W until you reach the next screen. Continue W up the staircases and head N after the second staircase for a chest holding the recipe that allows you to make the Mega Hammer, Balance Ball, and Floral Coat. Head back S then W to the next screen. Head W until you reach the save point. Head S down the stairs, then continue W and N to an intersection with an alleyway (a little tough to see to the W). Head N first for a farm gathering spot, then return to the alleyway and go W to the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: This is definitely the easier of the two battles. Take him out first since he represents all the firepower. If you time it right, you'll enter Unite Mode just before entering the second battle. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** BOSS: This battle is a little more difficult, but not by much. Just focus on your most powerful attacks and you should take them down quickly. Remember that not having two support characters in the party makes Intimate Strikes unavailable. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 5: Phase 5 [UCH05PH05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [UT2W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Cruise Ship of Time. When you regain control, go to: - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Pepperoni - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Enna - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Chloe The stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Chrome Crystal 60 cole Monster Bone 60 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Black Oil 60 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Shiny Screw 60 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Have Pepperoni support the synthesis of a Grape Sorbet in order to open up the recipe for the [Muscat Ice] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Southern Magic] - Zettel - Blood Clay/Night Queen/Poison Vase - Brownie Mask/Ghost Hat Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Forbidden Magic] recipe. [Forbidden Magic] - Cursed Paper - Poison Vase - Rotten Meat/Scream of the Dead/Dark Water Have Pepperoni support the synthesis of a Danger Bat in order to open up the recipe for the [Mixed-Up Weapon]. [Mixed-Up Weapon] - Power Pick - Sharkgill - Danger Bat [Mega Hammer] - Alchemy Steel - Black Liquid - Brownie Hammer [Glove of Tomorrow] - Veggie Fiber - FSW/Preservative - Nicro Cloth/Pleather Cloth [Balance Ball] - Silky Cloth - FSW/Preservative - Collected Air Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Plasma Ball] recipe. [Plasma Ball] - Rune Stone - Thunder Crystal - Plasma Jelly/Thunder Rod Have Goto support the synthesis of a Fluffy Ball in order to open up the recipe for the [Fluffy Fuzzy Ball]. [Fluffy Fuzzy Ball] - Knot - Animal Fur - Tuft [Uni Ball] - Rocky Oak Chip - Ingot - Uni/Unyu/Uni Bomb [Floral Coat] - Aroma Bottle - Huffin/Blood Rose/Lively Bouquet - Cloth Coat Have Pepperoni support the synthesis of Steel Tights in order to open up the recipe for the [Rubber Suit]. [Rubber Suit] - Gold Shaft - Metal Glass Sheet - Gel Rubber Sap Time to hit the Grow Books. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Floral Coat {Chloe} Southern Magic, Forbidden Magic {Pepperoni} Mega Hammer, Mixed-Up Weapon, Rubber Suit {Enna} Glove of Tomorrow {Goto} Uni Ball, Balance Ball, Plasma Ball, Fluffy Fuzzy Ball +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #3 (73/303 remaining) Here are the Grow Book cards I have remaining: Ulrika = 13 cards not opened Chloe = 16 cards not opened Pepperoni = 15 cards not opened Enna = 14 cards not opened Goto = 15 cards not opened +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- If you return to the hideout in the Underground Sewer, you can pick up a chest containing a . Now let's head to the newly opened area. Select the Cruise Ship of Time from the World Map. ------------------- CRUISE SHIP OF TIME ------------------- Random Items: Beautiful Scale, Dragon Wing, Scream of the Dead, Monster Bone, Heart Starch Gathering (Fish): Sword Fish, Sharkgill, Queen Tuna, King Tuna, Danger Balloon Gathering (Farm): Golden Herb, Glowing White Sand, Kittynip, Monster Bone Gathering (Mining): Carbon Boulder, Chrome Crystal, Gravity Stone, Rune Amber Gathering (Water): Clearwater x10 Treasure Chests: Storm Bracelet, Quick Feet Shoes, The Rose Knight, Snow Storm Bracelet, Morning Lamp, Evil Settings Enemies: Kamikaze Doll, Gram Raider, Lizard Dragon, Sapphire Eye, Invincible, Shadow Girl, Rockville, Dragon Girl, Knochen Man, Shrip, Crimson Shrip Enemy Spoils: Brownie Mask, Worn Armor, Dragon Wing, Glowing White Sand, Scream of the Dead, Bat Wing, Ivory Horn, Collected Air, Beautiful Scale Head N up the dock until you see a ladder. Climb the ladder onto the ship. Head N on the ship until you see another ladder up the mast. Climb the ladder and head W along the plank to a net "bridge". Head S along the net to another plank. Go E along this plank to a chest containing a . Drop back down to the ship deck. Go N past the ladder this time to the bow of the ship for another chest holding . Climb down the ladder on this end of the ship to another dock and head N to the next screen. Continue N along the path until you find a water gathering spot, then head E to a fishing spot. Continue N, W, N, and W again to another fishing spot, then head N to the ladder and climb up to the next screen. On the ship, start by hopping up onto the side of the ship so you can head W past the supplies loaded on deck to a ladder up the mast. Climb up and head E along the plank to a chest containing a . Drop back to the deck and return to the entrance ladder. This time, head NW to the plank across to the other ship. On this side, head W until you see the ladder up the mast. Climb up and go E along the plank to a chest holding , which allows you to synthesize the Iron Rose, Night Glove, and Storm Bracelet. Drop back to the deck and head W until the next screen. Head W until the ladder up to the ship deck. Climb up and head W along the deck until you see the ladder up the mast. Climb up and head W along the plank to find a mother lode of gathering spots (farm and mining) guarded by a large enemy icon. Once done gathering, head back E, drop down to the deck, and head N. Along the W side of the ship almost directly across from the entrance ladder, you'll find a chest containing a . Continue N along the deck and up the bow until you reach the next screen. On this screen, head N along the path. When you reach the open area among the rocks, look for a mostly hidden chest in the NE corner of the area that holds a . Head toward the NW then N along the path to reach a save point. Continue slightly E, then S, and E to a narrow ship, then cut across it to the SE to find a fishing spot. Head E from there along the dock to the next screen. Continue E along the dock to find yourself on a plank across a ship's sail. Be careful not to fall off and continue E to another dock, then another ship's sail plank. (If you do fall off on the first ship, simply climb up the ladder on the mast; there's nothing down there of value other than a few enemies.) From here, jump down S onto the elevated platform with the large barrel and logs, then hop up onto the other sail plank on the other side of the platform. (Again, if you fall to the deck, move around to the E side of the platform to find the ladder to climb back up; there's nothing on the deck other than enemies and item bags.) Once on the plank S of the platform, move E along it until you reach a short ladder down to the sail plank of a third smaller ship. Drop down to the deck here and move N to find a chest holding , which allows you to synthesize the Demon's Gate, Destruct-O-Bat, and Night Fever. There's nothing else of interest further in (not even enemies or item bags), so return to the academy now. Back to the Workshop for some more synthesis. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Iron Rose] - Alchemy Steel - Veggie Fiber - Blood Rose/Sunny Rose [Demon's Gate] - Blood Ink - Rune Amber/Cracked Fossil/Dark Symbol - Blood Clay Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Devil Book] recipe. [Devil Book] - Stone Charm - Animal Fur - Scream of the Dead/Ghost Hat [Destruct-O-Bat] - Plosion - Metal Glass Sheet - Le Merou Cog [Night Glove] - Alchemy Steel - Ore Shield - Rocky Oak Chip/Steel Cedar Bark/Rock Smashing Club [Night Fever] - Alchemy Steel - Metal Glass Sheet - Gearbox/Junk [Storm Bracelet] - Mysterious Ring - Thunder Crystal/Thunder Stone - Gnardi Ring Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Iron Rose {Chloe} Demon's Gate, Devil Book {Pepperoni} Destruct-O-Bat {Enna} Night Glove, Storm Bracelet {Goto} Night Fever Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there are three possible class options. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Searching IV Maps - Complete the map of the Training Sea Grade Req. - Completion level of the map - Times Gathered at Gathering points Supplies: None Pretty easy but time-consuming and thus not recommended. If you get both the day and night paths and search at most of the gathering points, you'll get an "A" (1 point is added per search). If you miss one of the paths, but still search at all of the gathering points you find, you'll get a "B". Lower grades are available as well, but you'd have to be actively trying. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II ***RECOMMENDED*** Synthesis V Accessories - Add a Common Skill to Refuel Ankh Grade Req. - Ether Level of the created Accessory - Ether Effect of the item Supplies: None Easy, fast, and therefore recommended. To get an "A", make the item at level 0 to add two Common Skills. Having level 100 will get you a "B". Other grades are available, but, once again, you'd have to be actively trying. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT III Pharmacy II Ether Apps - Synthesize a Nectar with a 0 Ether Level Grade Req. - Ether Level of the created Accessory Supplies: None Like the class just above, also easy and fast. It's really a toss up between the two, but I recommend the other one because a Refuel Ankh at level 0 is more useful than a Nectar at level 0 thanks to the two healing skills you get. The grading starts at 100 points and you lose 1 point for every point above 0 for your item. You need 90 points for an "A", so you should aim for a level below 10 (although by now you should be a pro at getting whatever level you want). +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _______________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [UT2W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. There's nothing else new, so head to the Cruise Ship of Time. ------------------- CRUISE SHIP OF TIME ------------------- Answer "Yes" when prompted to begin the course. Watch the scenes. The key to the Marathon is to move through the area as quickly as possible (it IS a race after all). You're already on the other side of the first ship in the area, so head N as soon as your are able to the next screen. Watch the scene. If you're having trouble, the answers are "115", "369" and "5000". Once completed, follow the path swiftly through this screen and the next one. (Luckily, the enemies have been cleared out for this course.) Watch the scene. This one is simple; the answer is "Al-Revis Academy". Once done, again follow the path quickly through this area. Watch the scene. This one is impossible to know up front; the answer is "Scissors". Run through the area to the next screen. Watch the scenes. If you finished around noon (which is easily doable if you answer all of the questions correctly), you'll win the event and get an automatic "A". You'll also be given . ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 10 \ [UT2W10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you got an "A" in both of the first two weeks of classes, then this will be Free Time. For this walkthrough, I am assuming that this is the case. Watch the scene. Let's get started with our Free Time. As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 9 jobs in this chapter -- 4 of which are new for the second cycle. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 074 New Mushroom Dish - Bring Poison Shroom x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 5400 cole How to Complete - Poison Shrooms can be gathered from farm gathering points in the Underground Sewer. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 075 Spicy Courage Test - Bring In Hell Spice x1 with Rough ether effect to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 3100 cole How to Complete - The Rough ether effect appears for ether levels between 20-30. Take it to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 076 That Softness - Bring Silky Cloth x1 with Top-Class ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 6300 cole How to Complete - The Top-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 70-100. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 077 Bounty Head No. 011 - Defeat the Beast Arm at the Old Quarry Reward - 2500 cole How to Complete - The target is found just after the first mine cart in the Old Quarry on the fourth screen in. He likes to call for help if you take away his minions, but otherwise he shouldn't present too much of a challenge if you use your strongest skills. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 078 Bounty Head No. 012 - Defeat the Gail Empress at the Cruise Ship of Time Reward - 2500 cole How to Complete - The target is at the end of the area (did you expect any less?). Oh boy! A chain battle. Haven't had one of these for a while. There will be 3 rounds of enemies, each successively tougher than the last. If you rotate your characters in and out to manage their SP, however, this should be pretty simple. I only needed to heal my party once throughout and that's because I was pretty lazy about setting up Intimate Strikes. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 079 (NEW!!!) Important Warmth? - Bring Blood Clay x1 with Top-Class ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 1000 cole How to Complete - The Top-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 73-78. Take it to Yuri for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 080 (NEW!!!) Dragon Slayer Series - Bring Elumeluchiruchiru x4 with Dragon Killing ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 5000 cole How to Complete - The Dragon Killing ether effect appears for ether levels between 10-15. Mass produce the rest and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 081 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 013 - Defeat the Diamond Eye at the Cruise Ship of Time Reward - 4000 cole How to Complete - The target is found at the beginning of the second screen in the area. (Note that if you unlock both this job and Job 78 at the same time, then you will run across this target on your way to the other one.) The trick to this guy is that he will both completely resist AND reflect any magic attack. Switch out any magic users for your physical attackers and you shouldn't have any difficulties. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 082 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 014 - Defeat the Grand Goddess at the Underground Sewer Reward - 4000 cole How to Complete - Yet another target at the end of an area. Also a chain battle with 3 rounds of foes. Nothing terribly difficult here at all. Make good use of strong area attacks and you should prevail quickly. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Now that we've completed "working", it's CQ time. All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Chloe first. ---------------------------------- CHLOE CQ3 - ENERGIZING INCANTATION ---------------------------------- Watch the scene. When you regain control, go to the Classroom Hallway. Watch the quick scene. Head for the Faculty Hallway. Watch the scenes. Go to the Campus Grounds. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Just use regular attacks and he'll fall in 3 or 4 hits. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 11 \ [UT2W11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------------------- PEPPERONI CQ3 - PEPPERONI VS. GOTO ---------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you will be at the Fairy Tree. Speak to the Master to begin the training. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Since he won't attack, just use regular attacks and the battle will end in about 5 rounds. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Just attack him a few times and the battle will be interrupted. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Second verse, same as the first. Just attack him a few times and the battle will be interrupted again. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: OK, there are actually two alternate endings to this quest. If you take the hint and have a Flame in your inventory, you know what to do. Use it on him. This will trigger one ending. If you don't have a Flame in your inventory (I'm not sure if other attack items will serve the purpose or not), just keep attacking. After 5 rounds or so, the battle will "end" -- and you'll get the other ending. Both are pretty funny. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 12 \ [UT2W12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------------------- ENNA CQ3 - ENNA'S EXTREME TRAINING ---------------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Workshop. Watch the scene. Head for the Training Sea. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 13 \ [UT2W13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. -------------------------- GOTO CQ3 - GOTO'S IDENTITY -------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Dormitory Entrance. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 2 2ND HALF WEEK 14 \ [UT2W14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. Go to the Roof Top. Watch the scene. Head to the Faculty Hallway. Watch the scene. Go to the Campus Grounds. Watch the scenes. When you finally regain control, you must select your partner (either Chloe or Enna) by speaking with them. Watch the scenes. There are 8 active locations: Ulrika's Workshop (if you picked Enna) Combat Dept. Class Alchemy Dept. Class General Studies Class Raze's Workshop VP Flay's Room Cafeteria Campus Grounds (if you picked Chloe) Auditorium You must visit all of these locations and fight 10 battles with just your chosen partner to move things along. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FIGHTING THE BATTLE ROYALE Use time attacks (if you have them) as much as possible to multiply your turns and you should breeze through the battles without too much effort. Do take some care in the Dormitory Entrance fight as Pepperoni can knock out a character with a single lucky hit. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ------------------ COMBAT DEPT. CLASS ------------------ BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED) & MALE STUDENT (BLUE) ------------------- ALCHEMY DEPT. CLASS ------------------- BOSS: FEMALE STUDENT (PURPLE) & FEMALE STUDENT (GREEN) After 2 battles, watch the scene. The Dormitory Entrance is added as a location. --------------------- GENERAL STUDIES CLASS --------------------- BOSS: ET & PUNIYO [OR] ET & ENNA --------------- RAZE'S WORKSHOP --------------- BOSS: LILY -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- You can choose to fight or not. Watch the scene. (Regardless of whether you choose to fight, this counts toward your quota.) After 5 battles, watch the scenes. BOSS: RAZE Watch the scene. BOSS: (Note that this fight does NOT count toward your quota since she's not a student.) Watch the scene. ------------------ DORMITORY ENTRANCE ------------------ BOSS: PEPPERONI, YUN & GOTO --------- CAFETERIA --------- BOSS: MALE STUDENT (RED), MALE STUDENT (BLUE) & MALE STUDENT (GREEN) ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP (if you picked Enna) ----------------- BOSS: CHLOE -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS (if you picked Chloe) -------------- BOSS: PUNIYO ---------- AUDITORIUM ---------- Fight any one of the enemies here. That's 10. Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 6: Phase 6 [UCH06PH06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 1 \ [UWBW1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. When you regain control, go to: - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Enna - Roof Top for a scene with Goto - Fairy's Tree for a scene with Pepperoni The stores have some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Scream of the Dead 80 cole Beautiful Scale 90 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Kittynip 90 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Rune Amber 60 cole Glowing White Sand 90 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- Have Goto support the synthesis of a Living Rope in order to open up the recipe for the [Happy Rope]. [Happy Rope] - Holy Crest Paper - Living Rope - FSW Have Chloe support the synthesis of Forbidden Magic in order to open up the recipe for the [World's Magic]. [World's Magic] - Holy Crest Paper - Demon's Gate - Necronomicon Have Enna support the synthesis of the Glove of Tomorrow in order to open up the recipe for the [Deadly Glove]. [Deadly Glove] - Silver Thread - Sasha Fabric - Blood Ink Have Goto support the synthesis of a Long Uniform in order to open up the recipe for the [Retro-Cute Sailor]. [Retro-Cute Sailor] - Sasha Fabric/Silver Cotton - Long Uniform - Sunny Rose/Wake Potpourri Have Enna support the synthesis of a Fairy Doll in order to open up the recipe for the [Scapegoat Doll]. [Scapegoat Doll] - Cursed Bone - Cursed Paper - Mandora Root Grow Books time. The following characters have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Happy Rope, Retro-Cute Sailor {Chloe} World's Magic, Scapegoat Doll {Enna} Deadly Glove +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #4 (62/303 remaining) Here are the Grow Book cards I have remaining: Ulrika = 11 cards not opened Chloe = 12 cards not opened Pepperoni = 14 cards not opened Enna = 11 cards not opened Goto = 14 cards not opened +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- With all that out of the way, let's get started with our Free Time. As usual, Jobs come first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 9 jobs in this chapter -- including 4 new ones for the second cycle. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 083 New Fish Menu! - Bring Queen Tuna x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 9600 cole How to Complete - Queen Tuna can be gathered from Fishing points in the Cruise Ship of Time. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 084 Gold Stick - Bring Gold Shaft x1 with Cool ether effect to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 5200 cole How to Complete - The Cool ether effect appears for ether levels between 75-100. Take it to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 085 Cursing Kit - Bring Cursed Paper x4 with Worthless ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 10500 cole How to Complete - The Worthless ether effect appears for ether levels between 0-25. Mass produce the rest and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 086 Bounty Head No. 015 - Defeat the Almighty Sword at the Library Reward - 4000 cole How to Complete - The target is found at the very end of the Library. Unlike during the first cycle, there is only one of them this time. It exclusively uses elemental attacks and has a reasonable amount of HP. At this point, you should not have any trouble. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 087 Bounty Head No. 016 - Defeat the Great Fairy Trio at the Living Water Forest Reward - 4000 cole - Spirit Document = synthesis of Hand of Glory, Element Coat, Gibate Ankh, and Earth Bracelet How to Complete - The target is found near the first farm gathering point in the Forest, up the ladder in the third area. As the name suggests, there are three enemies in the party. One is weak to fire, another resists magic, etc. They also have a healing time skill to drag things out. Use your strongest time skills (especially Enna's) and Intimate Strikes to whittle them down. One advantage is that they don't hit too hard, so even though it took me 54 spheres to take them out, I didn't have to heal even once. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 088 (NEW!!!) Sculpture Weapons - Bring Plosion x1 with Extravagant ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 2000 cole How to Complete - The Extravagant ether effect appears for ether levels between 72-76. Take it to Yuri for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 089 (NEW!!!) Class Material - Bring Poison Vase x1 with Extra Pure ether effect to Miranda in her room in the Faculty Building Reward - 1800 cole How to Complete - The Extra Pure ether effect appears for ether levels between 90-94. Take it to Miranda for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 090 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 017 - Defeat the Almighty Sword and Shield at the Library Reward - 5000 cole How to Complete - If you accepted this job and #86 at the same time, you might have found this battle instead of the original target if you took the wrong turn at the save point. The target is found at the very end of the Library, down the alley near the save point. This is a tough battle because there are actually two Almighty Swords in addition to the Almighty Shield. They exclusively use elemental attacks that hit the entire party multiple times and they all have a LOT of HP. Take out the Almighty Shield first since it has the least HP of the 3 and it casts buffs on the others -- but be warned that it almost entirely resists magic, so line up your strongest physical attacks. Be prepared to hit hard and fast. If you're quick enough, you won't have to heal, but don't hesitate to do so if necessary. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 091 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 018 - Defeat the Druken Barrel at the Learning Bridge Reward - 5000 cole How to Complete - Yes, the target is at the Learning Bridge, NOT the Living Water Forest despite what the posting in Student Affairs says. (Note that the area IS correctly identified when you look in your Student Handbook after noting the job down.) The target is found on the third screen in, right next to the save point. Figuring out where to find him is the toughest part because this battle is extremely easy. I only lost 12 HP during the entire thing. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis. Back to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Hand of Glory] - Eye of Truth - Shiny Screw/Blade Motor - Gearbox/Junk [Earth Bracelet] - Elemia Silver - Gravi Stone - Metal Glass Sheet [Gibate Ankh] - Elemia Silver - Glowing White Sand/Ivory Horn - Black Liquid [Element Coat] - Never Freeze - Sasha Fabric - Gibate Ankh Grow Books time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Pepperoni} Earth Bracelet, Gibate Ankh {Enna} Hand of Glory, Element Coat OK. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: NOTHING ELSE TO DO? SKIP AHEAD As previously noted, if you would prefer not to sell items, then you can go to Ulrika's Room at the Dormitory and choose to sleep as an alternate way to end any Free Time week. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 2 \ [UWBW2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More Free Time. Since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar, so pick 10 items that you would like sold in stores. Make sure you have at least 1 of each and head to the Student Store. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 3 \ [UWBW3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yet more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 4 \ [UWBW4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yet even more Free Time. Again, since there are no more CQ right now, the only thing to do is open a Bazaar. ____________________ WINTER BREAK WEEK 5 \ [UWBW5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. Yun will join as a guest. When you regain control, exit the Workshop. You can now access Fruitful Hill from the World Map. Head there now. ------------- FRUITFUL HILL ------------- Random Items: Dried Yubana, Knot, Glowing Petal Gathering (Farm): Knot, Glowing Petal, Fiery Red Dirt, Yubana Water Gathering (Fruit): Muscat, Yubana Flower Treasure Chests: 3600 cole, Earth Bracelet, Promised Ring Enemies: Kobold Guard, Kobold Knight, Trumpet Lily, Obsidian Soldier, Obsidian Demon, Alraune, Fieldkolaria, Fieldkolaria Bungee, Obsidiancannon Soldier Enemy Spoils: Knot, Glowing Petal, Shiny Screw, Stone Heart, Rune Amber, Kittynip, Yubana Flower, Dried Yubana, Little Gear Watch the scene. Head NE, then N up the left side of the hill to the next screen. Continue N up the hill, then turn NE around the loop. On the other side, there is a split between going N up the hill or E around the tree. Go E first to find a chest containing <3600 cole>. Jump up the nearby steps to end up at the top of the hill. Continue NE to the next screen. Head NE until you reach a farm gathering spot. Continue on to the NE until you reach the next screen. Watch the scene. Continue generally NE across the screen (it doesn't matter whether you go up the steps to the N or stay on the level ground) until you reach an intersection with choices to go N or E. Go N first to find a pair of fruit gathering points, then return to the intersection and head E then NE to the next screen. Head E down the hill. When you see it, walk N on the arching vine into the background to find a chest holding an . Continue a little further along the path to find another arching vine to the S that takes you to a fruit gathering point. Head N then NE from there to find a save point. Move a step down to the SE from the save point to find a chest with a inside. Continue E, S, and E to the next screen. Continue E down the steps and past the intersection to the dead end to find a treasure chest containing the recipe, which allows you to synthesize the Wild Steak, Snake Whip, Man Ball, and Natural Hammer. Return to the intersection and hop up the steps to the N, then follow the only path until you reach a clearing with a pair of farm gathering spots. Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: Boy, did she receive a massive HP boost or what? It took me almost 50 spheres to take her down just because of her HP count. Otherwise, she doesn't hit that hard or that often, so just keep at it with your most powerful skills. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 7: Phase 7 [UCH07PH07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 1 \ [UT3W1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can now access the Dumpster from the Campus Map and the Eternal Frozen Peak from the World Map. When you regain control, go to: - Ulrika's Workshop for a scene with Goto - Campus Grounds for a scene with Chloe *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: LAST SCREEN AT FRUITFUL HILL As you might remember, the boss fight occurred immediately after the scenes when you entered the clearing at the end of Fruitful Hill. You are now free to go back there, but there is nothing special other than a couple of farm gathering points with the same items as the previous ones. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ As usual, the stores are now stocking some new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Snow Bug Silk 130 cole Knot 130 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Never Freeze 190 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Elemia Silver 180 cole Once again, time to synthesize. Head to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Wild Steak] - Wild Meat/Rotten Meat - In Hell Spice - Salt Have Enna support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Broiled Fish]. [Broiled Fish] - Sword Fish/King Tuna - Radish/Golden Herb/Wonder Radish - Salt [Muscat Ice] - Muscat - Coolster - Goat Milk/Vanilla Syrup/Long Ice Cream [Snake Whip] - Beautiful Scale - Living Rope - Lizard Tail/Dragon Wing/Great Dragon Wing [Natural Hammer] - Steel Cedar Bark/Adamant Pillar - Unyu/Uni Bomb - Blood Rose/Sunny Rose Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Great Fairy Staff] recipe. [Great Fairy Staff] - Holy Branch - Sunny Rose - Night Queen [Man Ball] - Eternal Turnkey - Black Oil/Junk/Elumeluchiruchiru - Hexametal Have Goto support the synthesis in order to open up the recipe for the [Man Uniform]. [Man Uniform] - Man Ball - Willpower Headband - Eastern Uniform Have Chloe support the synthesis of a Floral Coat in order to open up the recipe for the [Poisonous Coat]. [Poisonous Coat] - Night Queen - Poison Vase/Balloon Fish/Danger Balloon - Armor Cloak Have Chloe support the synthesis of a Pure Eye in order to open up the recipe for the [Un-Glass]. [Un-Glass] - Dark Symbol (You should have one of these from your last playthrough; if not, you'll be able to synthesize them later.) - Ancient Pond - Monster Bone Grow Books time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Snake Whip {Chloe} Poisonous Coat, Un-Glass {Pepperoni} Natural Hammer, Great Fairy Staff, Man Uniform, Wild Steak, Muscat Ice {Goto} Man Ball, Broiled Fish *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: FORTUNE LOVER & MONSTER CANDIES If you filled in the first slot on Goto's Man Ball card, then he has now learned the Fortune Lover skill, which allows you to steal candy as well as items from the enemies. Thus, I will begin listing the enemy candies again. Note that Goto's skill is much easier to use than Lily's because it doesn't require his attack to be the finishing blow (i.e. stealing rather than transforming). You can also get both the monster's item AND the candy in most cases. Just be aware that it isn't always successful. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ For the areas we have already explored, here are the candies available. --------------- LEARNING BRIDGE --------------- Enemy Candies: Dry Dessert, Gelatin Cake, Snowy Cracker, Freeze Drop ------------ FAIRY'S TREE ------------ Enemy Candies: Vanilla Syrup, Snowy Cracker, Ice Sugar ------------------- LIVING WATER FOREST ------------------- Enemy Candies: Gelatin Cake, Ice Sugar, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch ---------- OLD QUARRY ---------- Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake ------- LIBRARY ------- Enemy Candies: Vanilla Syrup, Snowy Cracker, Ice Sugar, Freeze Drop ------------------- BROKEN PLANK BRIDGE ------------------- Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake, Snowy Cracker, Vanilla Syrup, Freeze Drop ------------ TRAINING SEA ------------ Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch ----------------- UNDERGROUND SEWER ----------------- Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Gelatin Cake ------------------- CRUISE SHIP OF TIME ------------------- Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Dry Dessert, Freeze Drop, Gelatin Cake, Snow Animal, Heart Starch ------------- FRUITFUL HILL ------------- Enemy Candies: Gelatin Cake, Freeze Drop, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Snowy Cracker Let's head to the first newly opened area. Select the Dumpster from the Campus Map. -------- DUMPSTER -------- Random Items: Junk, Kaleidostone, Grand Gear, Cracked Fossil, Little Gear, Black Feather Gathering (Farm): Ancient Pond, Cursed Bone, Cracked Fossil, Industrial Waste, Grand Gear, Junk Treasure Chests: Quick Shifter, Brave Symbol, The Black Market, Incantlopedia Enemies: Sludge Puni, Gold Puni, Mad Brownie, Alchemic Soldier, Alchemic Beast, Alchemic Demon, Toy Ghost, Jewel Keeper, Alchemicannon Solder Enemy Spoils: Industrial Waste, Unyu, Brownie Mask, Junk, Elemia Silver, Steel Cedar Bark, Worn Armor, Kaleidostone Enemy Candies: Ice Sugar, Icicle Chocolate, Vanilla Syrup, Heart Starch, Gelatin Cake Head E then N, gathering item bags as you go. Once you've turned N, look for a chest along the W side containing a . Once you've picked that up, continue N to the next screen. Follow the path N then E around the curve. As you continue E, look for a chest slightly hidden along the N side of the path. Open it for a . Finish going E, S, and E to the next screen. Head E until you reach the next screen, stopping at the farm gathering spot to the N along the way. You'll find a save point to the S as you enter the screen. A little past that to the N is a chest holding a which will allow you to synthesize Expensive Ball, Best Costume, and Cold Heaven. Continue E then N then the open area until you reach the next screen. Head N until you see a small path leading W. Follow it to find a chest with a inside, which will allow you to synthesize the Bi-polar Diary and Blessed Robe. Return to the main path and continue N, NE, and N until you reach a trove of item bags at the end. That's it. Return to the academy. Now let's check out the other newly opened area. Select the Eternal Frozen Peak from the World Map. ------------------- ETERNAL FROZEN PEAK ------------------- Random Items: Unyu, Knot, Never Freeze, Elemia Silver, Wonder Radish Gathering (Farm): Snow Bug Silk, Blonde Root, Wonder Radish, Frozen Fruit, Unyu, Steel Cedar Bark Treasure Chests: Marine Plate Enemies: Ice Blade, Ice Shield, Scar Breath, Scar Child, Azuresteel Demon, Azurecannon Soldier Enemy Spoils: Beautiful Scale, Snow Bug Silk, Elemia Silver, Grand Gear Enemy Candies: Snowy Cracker, Vanilla Syrup, Heart Starch, Icicle Chocolate Head N through the open space up the hill. Off to the W about 90% of the way up will be a pair of farm gathering points. Continue N up the hill to the next screen. Head N until you reach a ladder. Climb up the ladder and continue N along the path, zigzagging as necessary, until you reach the next screen. Head N until you reach an intersection. Head W from the intersection until you reach the next screen. Continue W as far as you can go. Jump onto the nearby ledge for a farm gathering point, then head N to the next screen. There is a save point here. Now return to the intersection. Head E from the intersection past a farm gathering point until you reach the next screen. On this screen, carefully head E so that you don't fall to the lower level just yet. Jump across the first gap and continue E until you reach the edge. Make a blind leap E and slightly S to reach a ledge with a couple of farm gathering points (the jump may take a couple of tries). Once gathering is complete, drop to the lower level and go E then N to find a treasure chest containing a . That's it for this area. Return to the academy. You guessed it. Time for more ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Cold Heaven] - Snow Animal - Frozen Fruit/Snowy Cracker/Long Ice Cream - Muscat Ice [Bi-polar Diary] - Cursed Bone - Scapegoat Doll - Silver Cotton [Expensive Ball] - Sasha Fabric/Silver Cotton - Veggie Fiber - Gel Rubber Sap [Blessed Robe] - Happy Rope - Blonde Root/Dried Yubana/Sutakusu Weed - Sasha Fabric/Silver Cotton Have Chloe support the synthesis to open up the recipe for the [Bloody Magic Robe]. [Bloody Magic Robe] - Platinum Cloth - Cursed Bone - Blood Ink/Soul Blood [Best Costume] - Snow Bug Silk - Blonde Root/Knot/Shiny Moustache - Silver Cotton To the Grow Books! The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Chloe} Bi-polar Diary, Blessed Robe, Bloody Magic Robe {Goto} Expensive Ball, Best Costume, Cold Heaven +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #5 (42/303 remaining) Here are the Grow Book cards I have remaining: Ulrika = 10 cards not opened Chloe = 7 cards not opened Pepperoni = 7 cards not opened Enna = 9 cards not opened Goto = 9 cards not opened +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there is only one possible class option. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Combat IV Chain Defense - Defeat the target monster using Chain Defense Grade Req. - Number of Chain Defenses - Amount of damage Supplies: Heal All x3 & Nectar x5 +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Head for the Dumpster to find the target. -------- DUMPSTER -------- Nothing has changed since we were just here. Of course, the monster is found near the end of the level, so watch the scene as you enter then make your way through collecting as many items and battling as many monsters as you see fit. When you reach the last screen, watch the quick scene then approach the monster for the battle. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KIMAL RIDER Remember that the grading criteria call for using Intimate Guard AND take as little damage as possible, so even if you normally wouldn't support guard for characters (if you're like me, you prefer support attacks), you'll want to make good use of it here. The Kimal Rider has an absolute TON of HP, and the longer it stays alive, the more damage you'll take, get the picture. Use your strongest attacks to get rid of it as fast as possible. ****************************************************************************** Return to the academy and head for VP Flay's Room. -------------- VP FLAY'S ROOM -------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. Watch the scene. The grading rubric is pretty easy: You receive 40 points for each Intimate Guard you pull off during the battle and you receive 100 points if you take no damage at all. If you take damage, you lose 1 point for every 10 HP you lose. In my case, I lost a total of 350 HP during the battle, so my damage score was 65. I also did 2 Intimate Guards, so I got 80 points on those for a potential score of 145. The grading score is capped at 100, so I received 100. You only need 90 points for an "A". _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 2 \ [UT3W2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. Head for the Eternal Frozen Peak. ------------------- ETERNAL FROZEN PEAK ------------------- Nothing has changed here. Watch the scene as you enter. Continue N until you cross the bridge. Watch the scene. 1 down, 4 to go. Continue N to the next screen. Head N and climb the ladder to the top ledge. Take a few more steps N to trigger a scene. 2 down, 3 to go. Continue N to the next screen. Head N for a little while to trigger another scene. 3 down, 2 to go. Head W first to the next screen. Continue W guessed trigger another scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: BASALT WYRM, FLOATER x2 The Basalt Wyrm is weak against Fire and the Floaters are weak against Light. Use this to your advantage and take them down quickly. ****************************************************************************** 4 down, 1 to go. Return E to the previous screen. Go E across this screen past the intersection to the next screen. Watch the scene. That's all 5 students. You will automatically return to the academy. (Note that, if it reaches 7:00p, you will return to the academy automatically whether you have found all the students or not.) Head for Mr. Tony's Room. --------------- MR. TONY'S ROOM --------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. You receive an "A" for rescuing all 5 students, a "B" for rescuing 4 students, and so on. (Note that it IS possible to fail by not rescuing any students and returning to the academy.) _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 3 \ [UT3W3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you've been following this walkthrough, then you should have received "A"s in both of the first two weeks, which means this will be Free Time. If not, then you may have the opportunity to take additional classes this week. For the sake of completeness, I have included information about those classes here; there are two of them. If you are following my recommendations, then you'll never see these courses. Simply skip down to below the assignments to pick up where we left off. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: GOOD GRADES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL CHARACTER QUESTS In order to have enough Free Time to complete everyone's Character Quests in one playthrough, you MUST get all "A"s on your assignments in this chapter (and the next), otherwise you just won't have enough time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I Pharmacy III Taste - Make a Wild Steak with a favored taste. Grade Req. - Taste favored by the teacher Supplies: None To find out what kind of steak to make, speak to the other faculty members in their rooms in the Faculty Building. Contrary to the listed grading requirements, you will be graded not only on the Taste of Steak but also the Ether Level. Rather than try to explain the exact grading, which is a little weird, I'll just phrase it this way: If you make a Medium steak (lvl 60-69), you'll get an "A". If you make a steak with no ether effects (lvl 50-59), you'll get a "B". Anything else will get you a "C". Speak to Zokka in the Infirmary to get your grade. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Synthesis VI Element - Exploit the weakness and defeat the target monster Grade Req. - Number of attacks against weakness - Battle time with the target monster Supplies: Flame x3, Bomb Ice x5 Of course the target is found at the very end of the map (would you expect any less?). The target is actually three monsters: That's Hot (weak against Flame), That's Cold (weak against Ice), and Get Shocked (weak against Wind). You receive 5 points per time you exploit an enemy weakness, 2 points per item you use, and get 80 points if you use no spheres (with 1 point lost for every sphere it takes). Total it all up to get your final score. 90 points needed for an "A". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Free Time. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- As usual, there are 9 jobs in this chapter -- 4 of which are unique to the second cycle. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 092 Valentine's Day - Bring Icicle Chocolate x10 to Shizuka in the Cafeteria Reward - 12000 cole How to Complete - Icicle Chocolate can be gathered by using Goto's Fortune Lover skill on the Mad Brownie, Toy Ghost, and Alchemicannon Soldier monsters found in the Dumpster. Collect 10 of them and head to Shizuka to collect your reward. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 093 Revenge for a Lie - Bring Eye of Truth x1 with Top-Class ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 7700 cole How to Complete - The Top-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 80-100. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 094 Recycle Boom! - Bring Recycle Gear x1 with Cool ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 12600 cole How to Complete - The Cool ether effect appears for ether levels between 80-90. Take it to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 095 Bounty Head No. 019 - Defeat the Demon Arm at the Dumpster Reward - 5000 cole - Jewel Craft = synthesis of Rocket Glove, Rainbow Chain Mail, and Night Lamp How to Complete - The target is found halfway through the Dumpster near the grouping of three farm gathering points on the screen before the save point. The fight can be rather challening as the boss has three skills that can be nasty used in sequence: Emergency Signal, which brings in two accomplices; Chain Command, which allows all three enemies to attack one after another without a break or a chance to use a support action; and Hellfire which is a group attack that can hit your party members for 40-80 points of damage each. If the boss uses all three in a row (which can happen), be prepared to heal up. Otherwise, standard boss tactics apply: Powerful time attacks to fill the gauge and Intimate/Finishing Stikes when you get the chance. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 096 Bounty Head No. 020 - Defeat the Super Leader at the Underground Sewer Reward - 5000 cole How to Complete - The target is found in the third area to the N past the two sets of stairs. The key here is to not hold anything back. The Super Leader gets faster as the battle wears on -- to the point where he will get another attack after each one of your characters(!). Use your most powerful time attacks to fill the gauge, then unleash your Intimate Strike fury on him to finish him off quickly. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 097 (NEW!!!) It's Too Much Work - Bring Auto Igniter x1 with Cool ether effect to Zokka at the Infirmary Reward - 5000 cole How to Complete - The Cool ether effect appears for ether levels between 87-90. Take it to Zokka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 098 (NEW!!!) Eternal Machine - Bring Eternal Turnkey x1 with Precise ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 8000 cole How to Complete - The Precise ether effect appears for ether levels between 74-77. Take it to Yuri for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 099 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 021 - Defeat the Force Mana at the Dumpster Reward - 6000 cole How to Complete - The target is found past the save point to the N in the open area. It is weak to Dark and strong against Light, so you'll want to go heavy on Chloe and light on Pepperoni for this battle. Sprinkle in a few of Enna's time attacks and you shouldn't have any issues. Do watch out for his one group attack, however, as it can hit for over 100 HP per party member. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 100 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 022 - Defeat the Dunkle Knight at the Old Quarry Reward - 6000 cole How to Complete - The target is found in the middle of the closed section of the quarry past the rock columns. Go N at the track intersection to find it. There are actually three Dunkle Knights that you fight at the same time and they all have the same tricks up their sleeve: First, they will attempt to put your party to sleep and/or poison them relentlessly. Second, unless you slap the curse status on them with Ulrika's Cannon Ball, they will regain about 400 HP each time their turn comes around. As usual, be aggressive and take them out one at a time with your best time and/or Fire-based attacks. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= More synthesis. Back to the Workshop. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Rocket Glove] - White Steel - Recycle Gear - Eternal Turnkey Select as the first ingredient to open up the [Prometheus Fist] recipe. [Prometheus Fist] - Platinum Cloth - Auto Igniter - Tera Flame [Rainbow Chain Mail] - Silver Thread - Kaleidostone/Prism Light - Living Chain [Night Lamp] - Night Queen - Black Feather/Raven Cape - Royal Stone Grow Book time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Enna} Rocket Glove, Prometheus Fist, Rainbow Chain Mail {Goto} Night Lamp OK, work done. It's CQ time! All 4 characters have them, so again I'll just take them from top to bottom. Chloe first. -------------------------- CHLOE CQ4 - FOR THE MASCOT -------------------------- Watch the scene. When you regain control, you need to collect Kittynip and Soul Blood. You should already have both in your inventory, but if not, you can buy the first from the Student Store and collect the second from item bags in the Living Water Forest. Speak to Chloe when you have them both. Watch the scenes. If you don't already have Salt in your inventory, synthesize some then speak to Chloe at the Workshop. Watch the scene. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 4 \ [UT3W4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ----------------------------------- PEPPERONI CQ4 - PEPPERONI'S MISTAKE ----------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head to the Workshop. Watch the scene. Go to the Living Water Forest. Watch the quick scene, then hike almost all the way through the forest to the screen past the second save point. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 5 \ [UT3W5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. --------------------------- ENNA CQ4 - APOLOGIZE TO ET! --------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Workshop. Watch the scene. Head to the Library and follow the path until you reach the book stacks (with all the ladders). Climb down one level and go all the way to the E to find a star icon. Search there to trigger a scene. You will obtain the recipe , which allows you to synthesize the Laughing Bag. Return to the Academy and head to the Workshop. Time to synthesize! [Laughing Bag] - Nicro Cloth - Reflect Whistle - Puniball Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 6 \ [UT3W6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ----------------------------- GOTO CQ4 - CHAIRWOMAN'S RUMOR ----------------------------- Watch the scenes. Go to the Classroom Hallway, Dormitory Entrance, and Campus Grounds to watch the respective scenes. Watch the scenes. Head for the Campus Grounds again. Watch the scenes. Go to the Library. Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 1ST HALF WEEK 7 \ [UT3W7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. (I think Flay completely and totally lost whatever little sanity he had in the first MK game.) When you regain control, you can now access Calm Snow Mountain. Head there now. ------------------ CALM SNOW MOUNTAIN ------------------ Random Items: Steel Cedar Bark, Blonde Root, Pendelook, Dragon Scale Gathering (Farm): Steel Cedar Bark, Snow Bug Silk, Wonder Radish, Blonde Root, Frozen Fruit, Unyu Gathering (Water): Never Freeze x10 Gathering (Fish): Steel Lobster, King Crab, King Tuna, Queen Tuna Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Elemia Silver, Mysterious Gem, Kaleidostone Treasure Chests: 4900 cole, Forest Shoes, Dark Symbol, Laws of the World Enemies: Yakuto Bear, Mini Yakuto, Ice Blade, Ice Shield, Basalt Wyrm, Scar Breath, Scar Child, Azuresteel Demon, Zelius, Floater, Jewel Keeper, Frost Mana, Azurecannon Soldier, Crimson Shrip Enemy Spoils: Knot, Tuft, Beautiful Scale, Dragon Scale, Snow Bug Silk, Elemia Silver, Black Feather, Pendelook, Kaleidostone, Grand Gear Enemy Candies: Freeze Drop, Snowy Cracker, Heart Starch, Vanilla Syrup, Dry Dessert, Gelatin Cake, Icicle Chocolate Watch the quick scene. Begin zigzagging W up the path until you reach a pair of farm gathering points, then continue W to the next screen. Head W until the bend, then SE, then SW to the next screen. Cross the bridge and make use of the water and fish gathering points to the S. Once done there, continue the trek uphill to the W and enter the cave to reach the next screen. Whoa! Ice. You will slip and slide as you walk through the cave, which is a big open area. Start by heading for the SE corner to find a chest containing <4900 cole>, then slide your way to the center of the N wall for another chest with a inside. Go directly W from this chest to find another chest just past the mining gathering point holding a . Head S then NW to maneuver past the icicles and out of the cave onto the next screen. Back to the ascent. Continue W and climb the ladder. Head N at the top for a chest containing the on the ledge, which allows you to synthesize Seven Grimoire, Global Sphere, and Symbol of Uroborus, then head W to find a much-needed save point. Past that to the W you'll find a pair of mining points, then hike on to the next screen. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS You can't win this battle. Just survive until you take off half of his HP. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. You will get to choose one character from Raze's party to join you as a guest. Feel free to select whomever you like. You can now head back W toward the mountain peak to find a pair of farm gathering points off a path to the S, but there's nothing else up here and our target has moved all the way back to the beginning, so when you're ready, either schlep your way back down to the first screen (which should be easy if you've been battling on your way up since the monsters don't respawn) or use the Wings of Icarus and re-enter the Calm Snow Mountain from the World Map. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS II You still can't win this battle, but this time you have to get his HP down to 0 only to have him run off again. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. Exit the mountain and go to the School Entrance from the Campus Map. --------------- SCHOOL ENTRANCE --------------- Watch the scenes. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: KYOBOS III Finally, the real deal. He has the same devastating Hellfire and Tri-Fang attacks, so break out the best time and light-based attacks you have to fill up the gauge quickly, then Intimate Strike him into oblivion. This is the first battle in the game where you will almost certainly have to heal your party, so make sure you know which skills/characters can do so. ****************************************************************************** After the battle, you'll receive the recipe, which allows you to synthesize Elixir, Super Pure Water, Time Stone Plate, Gold, Shining Grail, Super Nectar, and Dark Water. (This is a duplicate from Raze's story.) Watch the scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 8: Phase 8 [UCH08PH08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _______________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 8 \ [UT3W8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No new scenes, so we enter our usual routine. First, the stores. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Cursed Bone 130 cole Black Feather 130 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Ancient Pond 120 cole Blonde Root 180 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Steel Cedar Bark 180 cole Kaleidostone 130 cole Next, synthesis. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Seven Grimoire] - Tear of Light - Pendelook/Lizard Tail - Cursed Paper [Global Sphere] - Steel Cedar Bark/Adamant Pillar/Wood Plate - Magic Ink - Zettel Have Enna support the synthesis to open up the recipe for the [Globe]. [Globe] - Steel Cedar Bark/Holy Branch/Adamant Pillar - Global Sphere - Zettel Have Goto support the synthesis of Rainbow Chain Mail in order to open up the recipe for the [Holy Chain] (which you can't synthesize yet). [Symbol of Uroborus] - Dragon Scale - Ancient Pond - Magical Dirt/Fiery Red Dirt/Original Dirt Grow Books time. The following characters should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Symbol of Uroborus, Globe {Chloe} Seven Grimoire {Goto} Global Sphere Now, before we go enroll in our next class, we can open up another area via synthesis. Even if you've already done so before, synthesize (don't mass produce) an Air Drop. [Air Drop] - Super Pure Water - Collected Air - Ice Sugar Watch the scene. Exit the Workshop to the Campus Map. You can now access the Deep Sea Ruins from the World Map. (Note that it may be possible to do this before this point, but this is the point at which Raze's team entered this area, so it's as good a time as any.) Let's head there now. -------------- DEEP SEA RUINS -------------- Random Items: Cursed Bone, Fallen Sword, Pearl Ball Treasure Chests: Space Conspiracy, Real Cos, Running Wheel, Dunkelhite, Good and Evil, Beginning Seed, RES Fruit Enemies: Night Walker, D Brown, Golden Pig, Blood Sword, Funny Lich, Black Wing, Living Waterbomb, Necromancer, Spin Shrip Enemy Spoils: Beast Skin, Golden Meat, Fallen Sword, Ghost Hat, Black Feather, Tear of Light, Cursed Bone, Pearl Ball Enemy Candies: Freeze Drop, Icicle Chocolate, Dry Dessert, Long Ice Cream, Gelatin Cake Swim to the NE. Just before the exit to the next screen, head NW to find a chest holding the recipe, which allows you to synthesize the Starry Chain, Aurora Whip, Cosmo Drive, and Meteorite Tights. Now swim on to the next screen. Head N then E around the corner. Continue E to the next screen. Swim NE. On top of the columns just S of the exit is a chest holding the recipe, which allows you to synthesize the Ogre Gauntlet, Marine Plate, and Platinum Glove. Head N to the next screen. Head N along the long corridor. As you reach the end of the columns just before the steps to the exit, search along the sea floor for a chest holding a . Swim up the steps N to the next screen. Head N along the sea floor until you see a chest in a small alcove containing . From there, swim slightly E and straight up to a chest on top of a column containing the , which allows synthesis of the God Fist, Angel Cloth, Dark Symbol, and Little Earth. Continue NE to the next screen. Follow the path NE then N to the end of the ruins. On the sea floor at the end, there is a chest with a inside. Swim to the top of the ruins at the end for another chest holding a . That's it. Let's return to the academy. More synthesis, of course. To the Workshop! ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Elixir] - Beginning Seed (Note that if you chose to make the Elixir in Raze's game, then you can -- and should -- make either the Shining Grail or Goto's Little Earth here instead.) - Dunkelhite - Snow Bug Silk [Starry Chain] - Star Crystal - White Steel - Gold Shaft [Aurora Whip] - Rainbow Feather - Clear Fiber - Kaleidostone/Prism Light [God Fist] - Deadly Glove - Star Crystal - Tear of Light [Ogre Gauntlet] - Fallen Wing - Cursed Bone/Dark Symbol - Alchemy Steel [Cosmo Drive] - Liquid Metal - Galilean Scope - Plosion [Marine Plate] - Liquid Metal - Beautiful Scale/Queen Tuna - Armor Cloak [Holy Chain] - Holy Symbol - Starry Chain - Holy Crest Paper [Angel Cloth] - Archangel Wings - Altena Ingot - Feather Flow [Godly Chain Robe] - Holy Chain - Blessed Robe - Dragon Wing/Great Dragon Wing/Quick Shifter [Meteorite Tights] - Ancient Meteorite - Liquid Metal - Clear Fiber [Dark Symbol] - Cursed Bone - Scream of the Dead - Blood Clay Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Starry Chain, Aurora Whip, Angel Cloth, Elixir {Chloe} Dark Symbol {Pepperoni} God Fist, Meteorite Tights {Enna} Ogre Gauntlet, Holy Chain {Goto} Cosmo Drive, Marine Plate +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #6 (23/303 remaining) Here are the Grow Book cards I have remaining: Ulrika = 4 cards not opened Chloe = 5 cards not opened Pepperoni = 5 cards not opened Enna = 4 cards not opened Goto = 5 cards not opened +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Head to Student Affairs to enroll in your next class. Right now, there are three possible class options. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT I ***RECOMMENDED*** Synthesis VII General - Synthesize Elixir Grade Req. - Can you synthesize an Elixir? Supplies: None OK, now this is either the easiest assignment ever OR impossible to do. At this point, you will have obtained 2 Beginning Seeds -- one during Raze's game and one during Ulrika's game. If you used either of those Seeds to synthesize an Elixir (AND have not used the Elixir itself yet), then just go visit the instructor for your automatic "A". (The Ether Level does not matter.) On the other hand, if you do not have any Beginning Seeds and/or you do not have an Elixir in inventory, then you are out of luck and will be getting an "F". No, really. Either an "A" if you have it or an "F" if you don't. That's it. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT II Pharmacy IV General - Defeat the target monster at Fruitful Hill Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: Unyu x5, Heal All x5 If, for some reason, you have not (and cannot) synthesize an Elixir, then this is the recommended assignment because the target is found on the second screen of Fruitful Hill, so you don't have to go too far. The best way to take it down is to poison and curse it using items such as Dark Water. Just be aware that you MUST use status ailments; otherwise it'll just take too long since normal attacks don't damage him much. The grading works as follows: 100 points less the number of spheres it took to beat him and 1 point per 20 HP of maximum damage you cause. In my case, I took 15 spheres and caused 196 HP of maximum damage, so I received 85 + 9 for 94 points. You need 90 points for an "A". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT III Alchemy IV General - Defeat the monster by only using items Grade Req. - Battle time with the target monster - Maximum damage during the battle Supplies: Tera Flame x3, Heal All x5 If you're having trouble with the second assignment, this can be a good alternative. The only trouble is that the target is found all the way at the end of the area (Calm Snow Mountain). The monster itself is super easy; if you use the Tera Flames you were given and a couple of other decent items (like Master Ceramics), you'll take it down before it even attacks once. The grading works as follows: 70 points for taking it down in less than 15 spheres plus 1 point for every 20 HP in maximum damage you cause. In my case, I took 7 spheres and caused 630 HP in maximum damage, so I received 70 + 31 for 101 points (capped at 100). You need 90 points for an "A". +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= _______________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 9 \ [UT3W9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= ASSIGNMENT Graduation Memento - Give 3 teachers something that they want Grade Req. - Is the request granted? Supplies: None +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Watch the scene. Take Chloe's advice and begin by asking the teachers about their preferences. You should interview Zokka, Basshum, and Miranda. Zokka - Flavorful Pumpotatokin Pie Basshum - Small Ceramic Plate Miranda - Masterful Globe Now, if you've been doing all of the Bring Me jobs along the way, then you know how this works. You need to synthesize each of these three items with the designated ether effect. First, the Pumpotatokin Pie is Flavorful at ether levels 80-100. (If you've been synthesizing everything at level 100 to open up your Grow Book, then you probably already have this one.) Next, the Ceramic Plate is Small at ether levels 0-30. Use Enna's Reverse skill to easily drop the ether level down to the necessary point. Finally, the Globe is Masterful at ether levels 90-100. (Again, if you've been synthesizing everything at level 100 to open up your Grow Book, then you probably already have this one.) When you've got all three items, it's time to play Santa Claus and deliver the gifts. Once done, head for Mr. Tony's Room. --------------- MR. TONY'S ROOM --------------- Speak to him to begin the grading. You receive an "A" for getting all 3 gifts right, a "B" for getting 2 gifts right, and so on. (Note that it IS possible to fail by not getting any gifts right at all.) ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 10 \ [UT3W10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you've been following this walkthrough, then you should have received "A"s in both of the first two weeks, which means this will be Free Time. If not, then you may have to take another of the classes that were outlined in the first week of this term (Week 8). *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: GOOD GRADES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ALL CHARACTER QUESTS In order to have enough Free Time to complete everyone's Character Quests in one playthrough, you MUST get all "A"s on your assignments in this chapter, otherwise you just won't have enough time. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Free Time. Jobs first. Head to Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 9 jobs in this chapter -- 4 of which are unique to the second cycle. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 101 Portable Weapon - Bring Unyu x10 to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 15500 cole How to Complete - Unyu can be found at farm gathering points on Eternal Frozen Peak and Calm Snow Mountain. Gather 10 and take them to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 102 Summertime Must Haves! - Bring Coolster x2 with Precise ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 10700 cole How to Complete - The Precise ether effect appears for ether levels between 85-95. Mass produce the second one and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 103 Protection for Journey - Bring Mysterious Ring x1 with Artistic ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 14000 cole How to Complete - The Artistic ether effect appears for ether levels between 0-15. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 104 Bounty Head No. 023 - Defeat the Hell Basalt Wyrm in the Deep Sea Ruins Reward - 7500 cole - The Nature's Law = synthesis of Nature Vine, Great Fairy Staff, and Forest Spirit Armor How to Complete - The target is found 2/3 of the way into the area along the long aqueduct corridor headed N. This might be the toughest fight of the game so far for two reasons: (1) The enemy uses the Impulse attack you've seen before that can delay your party's turns and (2) he also has an attack called Absolute Zero that can reduce the currently active party's HP to...0. As in all three die. Seriously. I only had three deaths in my party during the entire game up until this point (mainly due to laziness and/or carelessness) and I had more than that in this one battle. Aside from those wrinkles, you beat him the same way as any other boss -- use your most powerful skills and fill up the gauge with time attacks. Also, make good use of Ulrika's Elemental Barrier and Enna's Advanced Interceptor skills. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 105 Bounty Head No. 024 - Defeat the Snow Maiden at the Calm Snow Mountain Reward - 7500 cole How to Complete - The target is a little more than halfway into the level in the ice cave just past the mining gathering point to the N. This CAN be an easy battle, but there's a catch: If you don't press your attacks hard and give her too many turns, she'll call in a twin...with the same HP as the original and same skills as well. And each one will continue to do this anytime their HP gets too low. So don't hesitate. Take her down fast. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 106 (NEW!!!) Cafeteria Thermometer - Bring Galilean Scope x1 with Low-Class ether effect to Shizuka at the Cafeteria Reward - 10000 cole How to Complete - The Low-Class ether effect appears for ether levels between 28-30. Since this is a royal pain, here's how I did it: Use Never Freeze, Ancient Pond, and Metal Glass Sheet (at ether level 100) as the ingredients. Have Pepperoni assist the synthesis. Match the wheel to Fire first, then activate Pepperoni's Gift from the Earth skill, then match the wheel to the Null symbol. This should get you to a 48 ether level. Finally, match the wheel to Earth again to get the level down to 28. Take it to Shizuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 107 (NEW!!!) Class Material? - Bring White Steel x2 with Incomparable ether effect to Miranda in her room at the Faculty Building Reward - 24000 cole How to Complete - The Incomparable ether effect appears for ether levels between 90-92. Again, since this is a royal pain, here's how I did it: Use Rune Amber, Never Freeze, and Holy Crest Paper (at ether level 100) as the ingredients. Have Pepperoni assist the synthesis. Match the wheel to Earth, Water, and Null to get the level to 92. Mass produce the second one and take them to Miranda for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 108 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 025 - Defeat the New Leader in the Dumpster Reward - 14000 cole How to Complete - The target is found on the second screen of the area as you come around the curve. This is a rough battle. You actually face off against three enemies: The New Leader, Super Leader, and a Delinquent. If you'll recall, the Super Leader was a job of his own a while back, so it's like facing two bosses at the same time. They all have multi-hit skills and love to load the gauge with time attacks. Make good use of Enna's Interceptor ability to neutralize that tactic, then use your most powerful attacks to take them down one at a time. Don't be afraid to use Ulrika's Healing Echo if needed. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 109 (NEW!!!) Bounty Head No. 026 - Defeat the Flame Vargo at the Cruise Ship of Time Reward - 14000 cole How to Complete - The target is on the third screen in at the bow of the first ship you cross after climbing the ladder. Like the Snow Maiden, she'll call on twins if you give her the chance, so don't let her. Use your most powerful skills to keep the pressure on. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= A little more synthesis, if you please. ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Nature Vine] - Sunny Rose/Dunkelhite - Holy Branch/Adamant Pillar - Blonde Root Ulrika will have a new Grow Book card unlocked when you synthesize this. [Forest Spirit Armor] - Holy Branch/Adamant Pillar - Forest Dew - Beast Leather Pepperoni will have a new Grow Book card unlocked when you synthesize this. Work done. It's CQ time! These are the final 4 character quests. As usual, from top to bottom. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: REMINDER - NEW CHARACTER CLASSES REVEALED When you finish all 5 character quests for a given character, you will unlock a new Class in their Grow Book. It won't show up until the next time you go to that character's Grow Book entry, however, so be sure to do so if you want to see what skill the new Class can provide. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ------------------------------- CHLOE CQ5 - UNLUCKY INCANTATION ------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, exit the Workshop. Watch the scene. Next stop: Broken Plank Bridge. Watch the scene. OK, we're headed all the way in. When you reach the last screen of the area, go all the way N to the clearing. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 11 \ [UT3W11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scene. More Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------------------- PEPPERONI CQ5 - PEPPERONI'S STRIKE ---------------------------------- Watch the scenes. When you regain control, head for the Workshop. Watch the scene. Go to the Fairy's Tree and head for the Master's house. Watch the scenes. Head back through the area three screens. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: You can take him out using skills before he even takes a turn. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 12 \ [UT3W12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ---------------------------- ENNA CQ5 - BRAINWASHED? ENNA ---------------------------- Watch the scene. Go to VP Flay's Room. Watch the scenes. When you regain control, speak to Enna with an Eternal Turnkey in your inventory. Watch the scenes. Head to the Auditorium. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: TONY CLONE You can take him out using just one round of the Voltage Shot skill. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 13 \ [UT3W13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Time. No new jobs in subsequent Free Time weeks, so another CQ is in order. ------------------------ GOTO CQ5 - PROTECT GOTO! ------------------------ Watch the scenes. Go to the Workshop. Watch the scene. Head to the Dumpster and go to the second screen. There will be a new farm gathering point just before the next screen. Gather there for the Antidotal Shrooms. Return to the academy, head back to the Workshop, and speak to Chloe. Watch the scene. Now go to the Faculty Hallway. Watch the scene. Finally, go to the Campus Grounds. Watch the scenes. Quickly speak to the three soldiers. Watch the scenes. ________________________ TERM 3 2ND HALF WEEK 14 \ [UT3W14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. You can now access the Windy Field. Head there now. ------------------------ WINDY FIELD (FIRST HALF) ------------------------ Random Items: Shiny Moustache, Tear of Light, Fairy Dust Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Rune Amber, Kaleidostone, Mysterious Gem Gathering (Fish): Steel Lobster, King Crab, King Tuna, Queen Tuna Treasure Chests: 6400 cole Enemies: Lizard Lord, Lizard Wizard, Dragoneer, Amnes, Emerald Eye, Watcher, Harpula, Kiln People, Griphant Enemy Spoils: Lizard Tail, Dragon Horn, Pendelook, Mysterious Gem, Industrial Waste, Rainbow Feather, Golden Meat, Fairy Dust Enemy Candies: Heart Starch, Snow Animal, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert, Long Ice Cream Follow the only path generally NE until you reach the next screen. Continue NE until you reach a ladder heading down to a pair of mining gathering spots, then climb back up and turn N until you reach the next screen. There is a save point as soon as you enter. Open the nearby chest for <6400 cole>. Head N until you reach a square platform. You can jump off the platform from the far NE corner, then head E to find a fish gathering point. From there, head N, then NE to the next screen. Follow the path until you reach a clearing. Watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: She is by FAR the toughest enemy you've faced yet. She has a number of tricks up her sleeve. First, she has two forms: Falling Leaves and Swordedge. The first is entirely resistant to magic while the latter is resistant to physical attacks. She will alternate back and forth between the two throughout the battle. Next, she will sprout groups of 3 minions to help her. As long as 2 of the 3 are alive, you will be unable to use support actions (but you can still switch characters in on a party member's turn if you like). Finally, she has the same Falling Leaves time attack that Raze has, so break out Enna's Interceptor ability. As long as you pay close attention to her current weakness, you should eventually whittle down her HP. Thank goodness she doesn't heal herself. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 9: Phase 9 [CH09PH09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. _____________________ AFTER THE FINAL EXAM \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You begin a little further into the Windy Field. ------------------------- WINDY FIELD (SECOND PART) ------------------------- Random Items: Shiny Moustache, Tear of Light, Fairy Dust Gathering (Mining): Chrome Crystal, Rune Amber, Kaleidostone, Mysterious Gem Gathering (Farm): Night Queen, Holy Branch, Unyu, Sunny Rose Gathering (Fruit): Morning Berry, Night Berry Enemies: Lizard Lord, Emerald Eye, Watcher Enemy Spoils: Lizard Tail, Mysterious Gem, Industrial Waste Enemy Candies: Heart Starch, Gelatin Cake, Dry Dessert Continue S down the hill, then SW past the mining gathering points to the next screen. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN Ulrika cannot return to the academy until you progress the story. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Watch the scenes. Raze joins as a guest character. When you regain control, you are near another save point. Head S and follow the only path until you reach the next screen. Continue following the only path in a generally N direction until you reach the next screen. Watch the scene. Again, continue N along the path until you reach the next screen. Go N until you reach a field with a pair of farm gathering points and a pair of fruit gathering points. From there, head N across the bridge to trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: It'll become quickly obvious that you can't win this battle, so don't bother trying. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. __________________ BEFORE GRADUATION \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING!!! POINT OF NO RETURN FOR CHARACTER ENDINGS!!! SAVE YOUR GAME!!! When you regain control, you now have an opportunity to speak with your party. The FIRST character to whom you speak for which you have completed all of his/her character quests (which is all of them if you've been following this walkthrough) will be the ending you receive after the final battle. It is also possible to leave without talking to anyone, which will get you yet another ending for a total of 5. If you would like to view all of the different endings without having to replay the story again, then save your game here and DON'T OVERWRITE IT! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once you've made your decision, exit the Workshop. You can now access the Deep Ruins. Before moving on with the story, let's catch up on a few things. First, the stores are stocking new items. -------------- CAMPUS GROUNDS -------------- Items Money Dunkelhite 250 cole Sutakusu Weed 240 cole Fairy Dust 230 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YUKA ------------- Items Money Forest Dew 250 cole Sunny Rose 240 cole ------------- STUDENT STORE - YURI ------------- Items Money Adamant Pillar 250 cole Holy Branch 240 cole Next, we can pick up one last item at the Windy Field. Head all the way to the end of the area past where you fought Reicher to find a chest containing a . Now, whenever you're ready, head for the new area. ---------- DEEP RUINS ---------- Random Items: Alraune Root, Rainbow Feather, Mysterious Piece Gathering (Water): Eternal Water x10 Gathering (Fish): Swirly Shell, Plasma Jelly, Sword Fish, Ancient Shark Gathering (Farm): Cursed Bone, Beginning Seed, Ancient Pond, Alraune Root Treasure Chests: MGK Fruit, DEF Fruit, Other Golden Fleece, Document of Truth, ATK Fruit, RES Fruit Enemies: Horned Puni, Puni Warrior, Kobold Ninja, Kobold Kuncichi, Orb, Death Sprite, Orb Gem, Stone Puppet, Lich, Spin Shrip, Razor Fin Enemy Spoils: Tear of Light, Shiny Moustache, Big Puniball, Mana Stone, Mysterious Piece, Mysterious Gem, Cracked Fossil, Cursed Bone, Pearl Ball, Clear Stream Moss Enemy Candies: Snow Animal, Long Ice Cream, Vanilla Syrup, Heart Starch, Dry Dessert, Icicle Chocolate, Ice Sugar Watch the scene. Follow the path generally N until you see a chest just off to the E. Open it for a . Head N to the next screen. Continue N until you reach an intersection. Take the SE path first for a chest containing a . Return to the intersection and head N for a water gathering point just after you jump down the ledge. Go N, W, and N along the railing, then turn E to find another water gathering point and past that a fish gathering point. Return to the main path and head N to another intersection. Hop up the path to the W for a chest containing the recipe, which allows you to synthesize Ocean Stew, Mana-eurism Coat, Mana-eurism Ring, and Phantom Ring. Return to the main path and head N to the next screen. Follow the path NE around the loop, then take the E side branch for a chest holding the recipe, which allows you to synthesize the Aroma Material and Jade Tablet. Return to the main path and continue N then W around the other side of the second loop. Take the W side branch here for a chest containing an . Return to the main path and go clockwise around the loop until you see a path branching to the N. Take the path for a pair of farm gathering points. Return again to the main path and continue a little further clockwise until you reach the path headed E. Take it to the next screen. Continue E until you reach an intersection. Head N around the loop until you reach a pair of fish gathering points. Now circle your way counterclockwise around until you reach the path headed E. Take it to the next screen. Head E until you reach a save point and yet another intersection. Take the path directly E (there's only a few item bags on the S loop) past the next intersection until you reach a chest holding a . At this point, we have the ingredients to synthesize a host of new items, so return to the academy and head to the Workshop. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ NOTE: ONLY FOR YOUR "FINAL" PLAYTHROUGH You only have to return to the academy to do the following synthesis if you intend to use this save as the basis for playing in Extra mode. If you're simply playing through to see one of the endings, feel free to skip down to the rest of the Deep Ruins walkthrough since you'll lose all of this progress when you reset anyway. *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ ----------------- ULRIKA'S WORKSHOP ----------------- [Ocean Stew] - Eternal Water - Ancient Shark/Sharkgill - King Crab/Fish Boat [Blue Crystal] - Eternal Water - Tear of Light - Mysterious Gem/Royal Stone [Mana-eurism Core] - Mysterious Piece - Mana Stone - Super Pure Water [Platinum Glove] - Mana Stone - Platinum Cloth - Clear Fiber [Little Earth] - Beginning Seed - Original Dirt - Soul Blood/Twilight Berry [Mana-eurism Coat] - Mysterious Piece/Blue Crystal/Original Dirt - Mana-eurism Core - Opti Cloak [Saint's Garb] - Eternal Water - Holy Symbol - Silky Cloth/Platinum Cloth [Aroma Material] - Original Dirt - Cursed Bone - Salt [Alchemist's Hand] - Eternal Water - Original Dirt - Alraune Root [Mana-eurism Ring] - Mana-eurism Core - Alchemy Steel - Black Liquid [Phantom Ring] - Beginning Seed - Star Crystal - Gnardi Ring [Jade Tablet] - Ancient Tablet - Aroma Material - Royal Stone [Hero's Stone] - Jade Tablet - Aroma Material - Symbol of Uroborus [Gold] - Original Dirt - Hero's Stone [Gold Belt] - Gold - Super Pure Water - Clear Fiber Select as the first ingredient in the Bone Mail recipe to open up the [Gold Mail] recipe. [Gold Mail] - Gold - Clear Fiber - Gorgeous Leather Grow Books time. Each character should have new cards unlocked. {Ulrika} Mana-eurism Coat {Chloe} Jade Tablet, Phantom Ring, Aroma Material {Pepperoni} Gold Mail, Ocean Stew {Enna} Platinum Glove, Mana-eurism Ring {Goto} Little Earth, Blue Crystal, Mana-eurism Core +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ETHER LEVEL & CARD CHECK #7 (10/302 remaining) Ulrika = 2 cards not opened Chloe = 2 cards not opened Pepperoni = 2 cards not opened Enna = 2 cards not opened Goto = 2 cards not opened -- 10 remaining Yay! All that remains is each character's ultimate weapon and armor. Everything else should be filled in. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Once you've finished up, head back to the save point in the Deep Ruins. ---------- DEEP RUINS ---------- Head E from the save point until you reach the next intersection then turn N for the path to the next screen. Continue N until you trigger a scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: All right. As you might expect, he's a tough little guy. Here's his bag of tricks: First, he will summon a Gate that will cause 100 HP of damage to each party member whenever its turn comes up. Then, he will shift his elemental shield so that a particular element heals him (Barrier Shift). Finally, he has attacks that cause both status ailments as well as SP loss. This is just at the beginning. When you get his HP down to around a third, he will summon a boatload of Gates that each have the same power as above. That's your cue to unload everything you've got because your party will not survive into the next round. If you load up the gauge properly and use your Intimate and/or Finishing Strikes, you should emerge victorious. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes. Congratulations! You've completed Ulrika's story. Be sure to save your Clear Data after the credits roll and your selected ending finishes. The game will immediately proceed to begin the Extra mode. You will be able to use any combination of 6 characters and have all of your items and recipes available. You can also use the Bazaar at any time to facilitate your synthesis. For more on the story in Extra mode, keep reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extra Mode [EXTRA] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________ OPENING \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. ________________ NEAR GRADUATION \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you will be inside the Mana Sanctuary. Before exploring any further, however, head back S to the school. There is some preparation required. First, pull Raze's team back into the party and update their Grow Books. You should have all but their ultimate weapons and armor filled in. Thus, there are 20 total cards remaining -- 2 per character. These recipes can be found in the Mana Sanctuary. Once done, you can select the 6 characters that you'd like to take into the new area. Next, synthesize or buy any items you think you might want to help you in this new area. You will have carried over anything you had at the end of Ulrika's game, but if there is anything else you feel would be helpful to get you through some tough battles, pick it up now. (Most importantly, pick up the maximum load of Knowledge Soup. You'll want full SP at the start of every battle.) Note that you can open a Bazaar at any time during the Extra mode if you need extra cole, but it will not predictably affect the stores' inventories (i.e. the inventories will eventually get updated, but not right after the Bazaar closes). Also, the treasure chests in every area have been reset, so feel free to go back and collect them if you're so inclined. Most of them contain 10000 cole or stat-increasing fruits. Finally, be sure to adjust your characters' equipment. Raze's party has had all of its accessories removed, so you'll want to at least add them back. All set? Then on with!? Yes. Before heading into the new area, let's take a look at the job board at Student Affairs. --------------- STUDENT AFFAIRS --------------- There are 10 brand new jobs awaiting you -- all of which are exclusive to Extra Mode. (Remember that now that Yun is back in the party, you can receive a 30% bonus if you use his Mercenary Mana class.) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 110 Graduation Meal - Bring Golden Meat x4 to Shizuka at the Cafeteria Reward - 20000 cole (26000 cole) How to Complete - Golden Meat can be found by defeating Golden Pigs in the Deep Sea Ruins or Griphants in the Windy Field. It can also be found in item bags in the Dragon Graveyard. Gather 4 and take them to Shizuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 111 Bounty Head No. 027 - Defeat the Hell Fran Pfeil at the Dragon Graveyard Reward - 10000 cole (13000 cole) How to Complete - Guess where you'll find the target? If you said, "all the way at the end", you win. He's not that complicated, but he does hit REALLY hard, so be prepared to revive your characters. Luckily, he's also REALLY slow, so you should get plenty of moves for your party in between his moves. Make good use of time attacks and Ulrika's healing skill. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 112 Bounty Head No. 028 - Defeat the Alraune in the Deep Sea Ruins Reward - 10000 cole (13000 cole) How to Complete - Guess where you'll find the target yet again? If you said, "all the way at the end", you win yet again. He's pretty easy since he doesn't move that fast and is vulnerable to Seal and Fire attacks. He does hit somewhat hard and inflicts the Poison status, so be prepared to cure and/or equip accessories that offer immunity to Poision. Finally, he is entirely resistant to Earth attacks, so leave Pepperoni on the sidelines. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 113 Bounty Head No. 029 - Defeat the Almighty Knight at the Windy Field Reward - 10000 cole (13000 cole) How to Complete - I don't even need to tell you where you'll find the target because you already know. Here's the catch, however: This guy is entirely resistant to both physical AND magical attacks. How then are you supposed to take him down? Items, and not just any items either. Only Tera Flames, Long Bomb Ices, and Thunder Rods do any significant damage. Just those three. Not Globes or Ceramic Plates or anything else. Don't ask me why. So here's the best way to take him down given the situation: Load up on Thunder Rods (about 20 or so should do) because they give you the best bang for your buck and make sure that Puniyo has her Trickster Class equipped in her Grow Book. Carry a few Tera Flames and Long Bomb Ices for everyone else to get involved, but Puniyo is the primary attacker here. Have her throw the Thunder Rods at the enemy for two reasons: (1) Her Quick ability will invoke often, so she'll get another chance to throw quickly and (2) her Trickster Class means that about half the time when she uses an item it doesn't deplete your inventory. Pretty sweet. Have everyone else keep her healed and maybe take a shot with some other item now and then, but Puniyo could theoretically take him out all by herself. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 114 Soul Status - Bring Blue Crystal x1 with Useful ether effect to Miranda in her room at the Faculty Building Reward - 15000 cole (19500 cole) How to Complete - The Useful ether effect appears for ether levels between 90-100. Take it to Miranda for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 115 Incantation Tool - Bring Star Crystal x1 with Artistic ether effect to Yuka at the Student Store Reward - 18000 cole (23400 cole) How to Complete - The Artistic ether effect appears for ether levels between 10-20. Take it to Yuka for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 116 Luxurious Trend! - Bring Platinum Cloth x2 with Royal ether effect to Mimisuke at the Campus Grounds Reward - 20000 cole (26000 cole) How to Complete - The Royal ether effect appears for ether levels between 81-91. Mass produce the second one and take them to Mimisuke for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 117 Principal's Challenge - Bring Gold x1 with Expensive ether effect to Zeppel in his room at the Faculty Building Reward - 35000 cole (45500 cole) How to Complete - The Expensive ether effect appears for ether levels 84 & 85. Since this range is ridiculous, here's how I did it: First, have Puniyo assist in the synthesis of Original Dirt using Dragon Black Dirt, Forest Dew, and Beginning Seed as ingredients. Stop the wheel on Earth each time to set the ether level to 41. Now have Puniyo assist again on the Gold synthesis. Select Water on the wheel, then invoke Puniyo's Positive Thinking active support. Select Water on the wheel again. This sould set the level to 84. Take it to Zeppel for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 118 The Last Courage Test - Bring Super Pure Water x1 with Ultimate Taste ether effect to Keith on the Roof Top Reward - 18000 cole (23400 cole) How to Complete - The Ultimate Taste ether effect appears for ether levels 92 & 93. Since this range is ridiculous, here's how I did it: Have Puniyo assist. Use Never Freeze, Glowing White Sand, and Clear Stream Moss as the ingredients. Select Fire, Null, and Water on the wheel. This should set the level to 92. Take it to Keith for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= JOB NO. 119 Life to the Sculpture - Bring Original Dirt x1 with Hard ether effect to Yuri at the Student Store Reward - 25000 cole (32500 cole) How to Complete - The Hard ether effect appears for ether levels 22 & 23. Since this range is ridiculous, here's how I did it: Have Puniyo assist. Use Dragon Black Dirt, Forest Dew, and Beginning Seed as ingredients. Invoke Puniyo's Positive Thinking active support and select Null, then Earth, then Null. This should set the level to 22. Take it to Yuri for your payment. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= OK, with everything else completed, all that's left is the final area. Head for those double doors in Flay's office. -------------- MANA SANCTUARY -------------- Treasure Chests: Master's Ceramic x5, Night Berry x5, Snow Animal x5, Cold Heaven x5, Heal All x5, Sunny Rose x3, Night Queen x5, Tear of Light x5, Heal All x5, Morning Berry x5, Star Crystal x5, Forest Soup x5, Ancient Meteorite x5, Elixir x5, Shining Grail x5, Globe x5, Super Nectar x5 Enemies: Puni General, Kill Puni, Kobold Ninja, Kobold Kuncichi, Sand Puppet, Abyss Searcher, Adamantine Soldier, Fran Pfeil, Necrohydra, Hellion, Evil Gaze, Apple Shooter, Barrel Barrel, Giant Horn, Scarlet Lady, Lich, Sword Hunter, Nine Blaze Enemy Spoils: Big Puniball, Shiny Moustache, Ancient Tablet, Fallen Sword, Ancient Meteorite, Great Dragon Wing, Dragon Horn, Beast Skin, Tear of Light, Ghost Hat, Broken Sword, Twilight Berry, Beginning Seed, Cursed Bone, Mysterious Piece Enemy Candies: Long Ice Cream, Heart Starch, Icicle Chocolate, Snow Animal, Dry Dessert, Vanilla Syrup Start by heading generally N along the path. When you come to the platform with the first enemy icons on it, turn W and hop up the steps to find a chest containing . Continue N until you reach the next screen. Watch the scene. Head N up the path until you reach an intersection with a save point. Take the W path first along the narrow railing until you reach the next screen. Watch the scene. Follow the winding path W and S until you see a flashing light. This is the first of the dungeon mini-bosses. When you're ready to go, touch it. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: PUNI LARGE, KILL PUNI x2 This can be rough. He likes to call on additional Kill Puni buddies, who all can use the devastating Puni Strike attack, which can put your entire party to sleep. The main boss is weak to Earth, so hopefully you have Pepperoni in the gang. If not, this could take a while, as he is entirely resistant to Light & Dark attacks. Puniyo double-dealing Choke is a nice alternative if she's in your party. ****************************************************************************** You will receive the recipe after your victory, which allows you to synthesize the Moon Trench, Peacock Dress, Fiery Martial Suit, Puni King Crown, and Parade Star. These are Raze's party's ultimate armors. Watch the scene. That chest is elsewhere in the dungeon. Don't worry; we'll get there. First, back to the academy for some synthesis. Select either Workshop. -------- WORKSHOP -------- [Moon Trench] - Mana-eurism Coat - Aroma Material - Twilight Berry/Yubana Fruit [Peacock Dress] - Rainbow Feather - Platinum Cloth - Velvet Cord [Fiery Martial Suit] - Plosion - Black Oil - Fiery Fighting Suit [Puni King Crown] - Original Dirt - Gold - Adamant Pillar [Parade Star] - Fairy Dust - Feather Flow - Nano Feather Each of Raze's party members will have a new Grow Book card. Head back to where you fought the boss. It's time to journey onward. From the boss fight point, head N up the steps along the path, then turn E when you get to the top. When you reach the intersection, continue E, but be careful not to jump off to the lower level where you started. Instead, when you can't go any further E on the upper level, jump down to the N where you can see a chest. Open it for . Now jump down to the E and retrace your steps back to the intersection. This time, hop up the steps to the N and follow the path until you reach the next screen. Head NE until you see some more steps. While it looks like there's a choice of path, there really isn't because you can't jump up to the chest on the right. Hop up the blocks to the W and follow the narrow path around until you reach the N side where the paths overlap on the map. At this point, drop down from the narrow path to the S. You can then head back W to the chest you saw for . Go back E and keep going E until reach the next screen. Watch the scene. Follow the path E, N, and E until you see a series of block steps heading up on the N side of the path. Climb up those steps to the second level walkway. Head slightly N along the walkway until you see a narrow path to the W. Hop onto this narrow path and follow it to the end for a chest holding . Hop off the path to the S and head SW along the platform to the next screen. Continue along the path, hopping down the steps until you reach an intersection. You should see the save point from before to your W. This time head E along the lower path, going down the steps to the next screen. On this screen, you need to keep changing levels to be able to get to the chests you can see. Start by heading E as far as you can, then hop on the curved block to your N. Continue N up the path until you reach the top, then immediately jump up to your W. Head back S along this upper platform, then walk off the right center of the S end to find a chest holding . Jump off to the E and head up the curved path again. This time turn E when you reach the top and follow the narrow rail. You should see a chest slightly off the path to the N. Open it for . Now head down the steps to the S, but stay to the left. Follow this path all the way to its end for two chests -- one with and one with . Return to the base of the steps and take the right path this time until you reach the next screen. Follow the path N under the bridge and up the steps, then curve around to the E and S until you reach the intersection. Heading S will take you back to a previously visited screen, so head E/NE to the next screen. Watch the scene. Follow the only path up the steps and along the narrow rail to an open plaza with a chest containing . Now head S and E from the plaza down the stone steps to the lower level. Go W along the lower level for a chest with inside. Return now the way you came to the previous screen. From the intersection, head S then W to go back to the previously visited screen I mentioned. From where you enter, hop up the blocks to the N to the next level, then head N/NE to the next screen. Watch the scene. Continue N for the next flashing light. This is the second mini-boss. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: SOJU This isn't too bad as long as you're properly prepared. The main boss is resistant to magic, so have some physical attackers like Raze or Et in your party. With that said, the minions she summons are resistant to physical attacks AND, like one of our previous jobs, they can lock you from doing support moves (which keeps you from doing Intimate or Finishing Strikes. As a result, you'll want Puniyo or some other strong magic user around to wipe them out whenever they show up. Other than that, she doesn't hit terribly hard or often, so pile on the physical damage and she'll fall in less than 50 spheres. ****************************************************************************** You will receive the recipe after your victory, which allows you to synthesize the Stardust Guardia, Holy Witch Cloak, R Fairy Costume, Full Metal Plate, and Wild Style. These are Ulrika's party's ultimate armors. Watch the scene. Another path opens. Now, back to the academy for some synthesis. Select either Workshop. -------- WORKSHOP -------- [Stardust Guardia] - Star Crystal - Tear of Light - Gothic Dress [Holy Witch Cloak] - Holy Symbol - Bloody Magic Robe - Ghost Hat [R Fairy Costume] - Meteorite Tights - Dunkelhite - Prism Light [Full Metal Plate] - Ancient Meteorite - Dragon Wing Cloth - Rune Amber [Wild Style] - Beast Skin - Shiny Moustache - Fluffy Ball Each of Ulrika's party members will have a new Grow Book card. Now all that remains is everyone's ultimate weapons. Head back to the save point in the Mana Sanctuary. From the save point, take the W path first along the narrow railing until you reach the next screen. Follow the winding path W and S until you reach the point where you fought the first boss. Head N up the steps along the path, then turn E when you get to the top. When you reach the intersection, hop up the steps to the N and follow the path until you reach the next screen. Head NE until you see some more steps. While it looks like there's a choice of path, there really isn't because you can't jump up to the chest on the right. Hop up the blocks to the W and follow the narrow path. This time, you want to stay on the upper level, not drop down to any of the lower paths. When you reach the point where the narrow railing path runs between two blocks, jump up onto the S block and follow it E as it zigzags slightly. At the E end, you can drop onto another narrow path to the S. Follow it E to a set of steps up to the N. Hop up the steps to the top where yet another narrow path awaits. Follow this path around a square in clockwise fashion until you head NE to the next screen. Watch the scene. Continue NE then E down the ramp. When another diagonal ramp crosses the one you're on, jump down to the S and continue to the bottom to find a chest containing . Return up to the intersection and head E again down the ramp. Continue down the right, taking the right side of the fork (the left leads to a dead end), then turn N when you reach the bottom. When you can't go any further N, hop up the steps to the W until the path wraps around to take you to the NE, then head that way until you reach the next screen. Follow the path up and then down again until you reach an intersection. Keep going down to the E until you reach a platform with a chest containing . Climb back up to the intersection, then head N. Follow the path over the eaves clockwise around the square until you reach another NE facing platform. There is a set of steps set into the platform to the S. Go down the steps to the bottom to find a chest containing . Go back up the steps, then head NE to the next screen. Watch the scene. Follow the path NE and N up the steps. For easier future reference, we are going to call this Point A. As soon as you reach about halfway up Point A, turn immediately S and follow the narrow railing path as it zigzags all the way S to the next screen. Hop down the steps to another flashing light. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: SYNTHETIC BEAST This is one of the more annoying fights simply because he has EXTREMELY high defense values. I had Puniyo with a 999 magic attack stat and her dual magic attacks would only take off 1000 HP. Everyone else would hit for less than 100 HP per hit. Needless to say, this takes a while. He also hits pretty hard with his Snort Attack. Luckily, you get a trillion attacks in between, especially if you load up the gauge with time attacks. Do so, and you'll eventually whittle him down. ****************************************************************************** You will receive the recipe after your victory, which allows you to synthesize the Scorch Blazer, Diabolos, Anger-Rage, Lightning-Viper, and Circle-Love Circle. These are Ulrika's party's ultimate weapons. Watch the scene. Yet another path opens. Now, back to the academy for some synthesis. Select either Workshop. -------- WORKSHOP -------- [Scorch Blazer] - Mana-eurism Core - Shiny Moustache - Platinum Cloth [Diabolos] - Dark Symbol - Holy Crest Paper - Symbol of Uroborus [Anger-Rage] - Ancient Meteorite - Adamant Pillar - Tera Flame [Lightning-Viper] - Aroma Material - Voidspark Pipe - Storm Bracelet [Circle-Love Circle] - Mysterious Piece - Blue Crystal - Heart Starch Each of Ulrika's party members will open their final Grow Book card and should receive their final Class title. Now all that remains is Raze's party's ultimate weapons. Head back to Point A (now you know why I made a point of it to begin with) in the Mana Sanctuary. From Point A, continue N up the steps this time. When you reach the top, head E then N all the way to a platform with a chest holding inside. Go back to the S then take the narrow path heading E to another platform with a chest containing . Return all the way to the W. As you approach the next screen, you'll trigger a scene. Watch the scenes. When you regain control, you'll be on the next screen. Head W until you see a blue ring on the ground. It's teleporter time! Step into the first (A) teleporter (you can't reach the second one anyway). Follow the only path and step into the next (B) teleporter. Head W and you'll find two teleporters (C & D) to the N and S. Take the S teleporter (D). Follow the only path to the next (E) teleporter. You'll find the fourth and final flashing light on this platform. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: ANCIENT DRAGON He is BY FAR the easiest of the four mini-bosses, if only because Puniyo's dual-wielded Choke spell does full normal damage. She can take him down by herself in 4 or 5 turns. Just watch up for how many times he loads up the Heaven's Gate time attack onto the gauge; it hits pretty hard. ****************************************************************************** You will receive the recipe after your victory, which allows you to synthesize the Hell Moonlight, Southern Cross, Calm-Tranquil, Tie-Families, and Dance-Linde Londe. These are Raze's party's ultimate weapons and also the final recipes in the game. Watch the scene. Yet another path opens. Now, back to the academy for the final syntheses (yay!). Select either Workshop. -------- WORKSHOP -------- [Hell Moonlight] - Ancient Meteorite - Gold - Brave Symbol [Southern Cross] - Pearl Ball/Star Crystal - Original Charm - Long Bomb Ice [Dance Linde-Londe] - Running Wheel - Gold Belt - Clear Fiber [Calm-Tranquil] - Ancient Meteorite - Mysterious Piece - Forest Dew [Tie-Families] - Big Puniball - Gold Belt - Puniball Each of Raze's party members will open their final Grow Book card and should receive their final Class title. Congratulations!! You have achieved a 100% Item Gathering Rate. Now the absolute last thing left is to take down the Light Mana. Return now to the teleporter room. Enter the first (A) teleporter and continue through the next (B) teleporter until you reach the platform with two (C & D) teleporters on it. This time, take the N teleporter (C). Follow the path, ignoring the teleporter to the N (it returns you to the beginning of the teleporter room), until you reach the next screen. Follow the only path until you reach a chest holding . Continue following the path until you reach a save point. Head W to the next screen. Watch the scene. Head W up the path and around the square. Continue W up the steps until you reach a path branching off to the S. Take it to find a chest holding . Head back N past the first platform to the W to the second. Hop W onto the platform and up the steps. Continue W to a teleporter. Take the teleporter to the next screen. Finally! Head N along the straight path. When you get to the end, watch the scene. ****************************************************************************** BOSS: OK. For the big bad last boss, he's not as difficult as he could be, but that doesn't mean he's a pushover. First of all, if you have Puniyo double-dealing magic, you'll be able to take down his health pretty quickly. He does have Uryu's ability to change his weakness, however -- both in terms of elements that heal him AND whether he is stronger against physical or magical attacks. About halfway through the fight, he'll begin filling up the time gauge with time attacks, so use either Enna's Interceptor or Ulrika's Intent to Destroy skill to nullify those attacks. Other than that, just watch out for which resistances he has at the moment and you should emerge victorious. ****************************************************************************** Watch the scenes and enjoy the true ending. You've earned it. Note that if you saved a different character ending to each save file (except for the playthrough that you used for the Extra mode, which has two endings, of course), then you should have a 100% Ending Gathering Rate. Well, that's all, folks! Until next time... ============================================================================== ----------------------------------[III. CREDITS]------------------------------ ============================================================================== Following the first rule of FAQ writing, credit is due to the following folks: - GameCoder/Black Genesis, for his excellent walkthrough for the original Mana Khemia. The format of this walkthrough is similar to his with a few minor modifications, but the content is my own. I hope it is of similar high quality. - DoubleJump Books, for publishing a beautiful but very flawed strategy guide for this game. In fact, there were so many omissions (I mean, no maps at all???) that I decided I needed to write my first ever FAQ for a game. With that said, there are a few things in the written guide that did prove helpful, such as the item lists and a comment that helped me figure out how to open up the Deep Sea Ruins in Ulrika's game. - CJayC and GameFAQs for providing such a great forum for comprehensive FAQ content. I hope this contribution is worthy of being added to that august collection. - And, of course, GUST and NIS America for developing and localizing the game. ============================================================================== ---------------------------------[IV. COPYRIGHT]------------------------------ ============================================================================== Copyright 2010 Brian Nathanson. For hosting on GameFAQs only. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.