===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com), Gamerhelp (www.gamerhelp.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Manhunt (PS2) FAQ January 06, 2006 Daniel (FecalLord) Engel fecalord [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) The Basics (D) Weapons (E) Walkthrough - (E-01) Born Again - (E-02) Doorway Into Hell - (E-03) Road To Ruin - (E-04) White Trash - (E-05) Fuelled By Hate - (E-06) Grounds For Assault - (E-07) Strapped For Cash - (E-08) View Of Innocence - (E-09) Drunk Driving - (E-10) Graveyard Shift - (E-11) Mouth Of Madness - (E-12) Doing Time - (E-13) Kill The Rabbit - (E-14) Divided They Fall - (E-15) Press Coverage - (E-16) Wrong Side Of The Tracks - (E-17) Trained To Kill - (E-18) Border Patrol - (E-19) Key Personnel - (E-20) Deliverance (F) Bonus Features (G) Questions (H) Thanks (I) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are as follows: Dpad left - Peek left. Dpad right - Peek right. X - Weak/fast attack, fire gun, use lures. Square - Strong/slow attack, reload gun. Circle - Switch weapons, pick up new weapon. Triangle - Action button: press against wall, pick up corpse, use current item. L1 - Target closest enemy. R1 - Run. L2 - Strafe left. R2 - Strafe right. START - Pause game. L2+R2 - 180 degree turn. You can press X when in front of a door to kick it open, this is VERY helpful if you aim [L1] while kicking down the door. You get an instant lock on any enemies on the other side and can shoot them before they know what's happened. If you lean against a wall with triangle, you can strafe to the edge of the wall and press L1 to jump out. When you release L1 you return to using the wall for cover, this move is great for shooting enemies quickly and catching them off guard. It's also VERY helpful in shootouts with multiple enemies at once. ############################################################################### (C) THE BASICS ############################################################################### In Manhunt you are graded on a five star scale in each scene. Your potential rating is dependent on three factors, they are the difficulty, your speed, and your style [number of executions, and level of each execution]. ========== DIFFICULTY ========== If you play on the Fetish difficulty, the maximum rating that you can get for any given scene is 4 stars. If you play on hardcore difficulty, the maximum rating that you can get in a scene is 5 stars. In fact if you play on hardcore difficulty you get a star just for playing on that difficulty. For this reason it is impossible to get anything higher than a four-star rating on fetish difficulty. Other than using the pause menu to save time as you plan your strategies there is another vital strategy for playing the game on Hardcore difficulty. This strategy is leaning, which is performed by pressing left or right on the dpad. Leaning lets you see a lot more of what's to either side of you and it's vital to surviving the Hardcore difficulty because you DON'T get a radar on that difficulty. For example you can tap a location and hide in the shadows around the corner, then by leaning you are able to see [around the corner] when the enemy's back is turned without the use of your radar. ===== SPEED ===== You are only rated out of one star based on speed, so you were either fast enough or you weren't. By knowing the location of the enemies before playing the scene, you know which areas you can safely run through without attracting the attention of the enemies. Therefore you have an easier time getting a star for being fast enough in a scene. To make it even clearer, the run button [R1] is your friend for earning a good speed rating as Cash moves incredibly slow without it. Remember to save your game at the save points, because you can always load your last save if you mess up a section between two save points in a scene. Also know that the game DOES count the time spent in failed attempts during a level. So if you want the lowest time possible, be sure to reload your save manually every time you fail a section. This way your time is reset to whatever it was at the first time you hit that save point. Don't forget to pause the game whenever you are not playing, because pausing the game pauses the timer. So if you are trying to plan how to get through the next area or execute the next enemy you can save in-game time by planning your strategies out while the game is paused. ===== STYLE ===== Your style is graded on a 3-star scale and what it basically boils down to is executions. The more enemies that you execute with stealth rather than beat in a fight, the better style rating you will receive. Also you get a much better style rating for performing higher level executions. For those that are still new an execution is performed when you sneak up behind an enemy. At this point the enemy is yellow on your radar, meaning he has no idea that you are behind him. Once you get close enough to the enemy, Cash will raise his arms and get ready to kill the enemy [don't go too close though or the enemy will notice you and turn around]. Usually [though not always] the Director will yell at you to kill the enemy [something like "TAKE HIM!" is quite common]. Both of these are pretty obvious indicators that you are in position and ready for an execution. Now that you are in position you have to get the execution ready, and perform it. Readying the execution is done by holding down either square or X on the controller. At this point a white cursor will appear on the enemy, and if you wish you can let go of the button [X or square] at this point to perform a hurried or level one execution. This execution is rushed and will not get you a very good style bonus. It is still better than having beaten the enemy in a fight, but it doesn't look that great and won't really impress the Director. If you instead continue holding the X/square button in the situation described above the cursor on the enemy will turn from white to yellow. If you release the button at this point Cash performs a level two execution. As I'm sure you can imagine a level two execution is better than a level one execution, as such the director is more impressed and you get a better style rating. Finally if you have enough time to continue holding the X/square button when the cursor turns yellow it should turn red after a few moments. This is the final type of execution [and the most extreme], level three. Level three executions are what you should try to aim for every time as they get you the very best style rating. However you should not get greedy, it's much better to be safe than sorry. What I mean is while you are following closely behind an enemy and waiting for the level three execution to become available you need to be aware of what is going on around you. Specifically are there any other enemies in the area that might see you, and more importantly is the enemy that you're stalking ABOUT TO TURN AROUND? If you start to see him turn around LET GO OF THE BUTTON! [x or square] It is much better to end up with a level one or two execution, than to have the enemy see you and fight you. If you kill him you'll end up with a worse style rating than if you took a level one or two execution, also the enemy may cripple your health bar or even kill you in the fight. Basically it's not worth the risk, so don't get greedy if possible. Also you'll want to move some of the dead bodies [use triangle] out of sight in some cases, because if an enemy sees one of his dead friends he's not going to be pleased. These pissed-off enemies move and react faster, so they're harder to execute. One final important note regarding executions. You CANNOT execute a hunter with your bare hands, so don't even try unless you're planning to fight them. The stage walkthroughs below assume that you're fairly comfortable with the game. If you are not that comfortable you can walk in any instance where I say to run in order to take the stages at a much more leisurely and cautious pace. That's pretty much it for basics, now it's time for the level specific strategies. ############################################################################### (D) WEAPONS ############################################################################### There are quite a few weapons to choose from in the game, but you cannot carry them all at once. Instead the weapons are sorted into colour-coded groups, and Cash can carry only one weapon from each group at any given time. The groups and the weapons found within them are outlined below. ========================== DISPOSABLE WEAPONS [GREEN] ========================== These weapons are all pretty silent and are gone after you use them once. ----------- Plastic Bag ----------- This cheap, disposable weapon certainly gets the job done with a little imagination. Level 01: Cash bags the enemy over the head and chokes him until he falls to his knees and dies, then Cash pushes him forward onto his face. Level 02: Cash bags the enemy over the head and punches him in the back to get him on the ground, then he knees the hunter in the head until he dies. Level 03: Cash bags the enemy over the head and punches him a bunch of times in the face before breaking his neck. ----------- Glass Shard ----------- If this item is equipped in a fight your punches will do more damage since you're cutting up the hunters pretty good. Usually when you smash a window you can pick up a glass shard if you don't already have one. Level 01: Cash jabs the glass into the hunter's neck as a stream of blood sprays out and the enemy falls down dead. Level 02: Cash repeatedly stabs the enemy in the gut until he goes down for the count. Level 03: Cash slashes the enemy in the back and quickly turns him around before stabbing him messily in the face twice. ---- Wire ---- This sharp weapon is used on a hunter's neck to quickly silence them, it can also be used to remove their head which can be picked up and used as a lure [described below]. Level 01: Cash puts the wire along the enemy's neck and roughly pulls it back and forth until the enemy stops struggling/choking. Level 02: Cash puts the wire along the enemy's neck, then spins him around to twist it around a second time before choking him to death with it. Level 03: Cash puts the wire along the enemy's neck, then plants his knee in his back to apply pressure. Finally he saws back and forth until the enemy's head is removed. [The head can be picked up and used to lure other enemies, see the section below.] ==================== SMALL WEAPONS [BLUE] ==================== --------- Blackjack --------- This small club is the first weapon you find that isn't disposable, it's quick and packs a nice punch. Level 01: Cash clubs the enemy in the torso and then clubs him a few times in the head as he goes down. Level 02: Cash clubs the enemy once in the head as he falls to his knees. Cash then brings the blackjack over the enemy's head horizontally across his neck and pulls back, effectively choking him. Finally cash kicks the enemy in the back to finish the job. Level 03: Cash clubs the enemy twice in the head, then quickly gets them in a headlock before breaking their neck/back. ------- Crowbar ------- This jagged metal weapon makes for some quick painful attacks, plus it can be used to break locks. Level 01: Cash jumps forward and stabs the enemy in the neck/head with the crowbar. Level 02: Cash swings the crowbar at the enemy's head and gets it stuck, then he kicks the enemy forward to pull the crowbar out. Level 03: Cash thrusts the crowbar into the enemy's back and leaves it there a moment before ripping it out. He then swings the crowbar at the enemy's head/neck and rips it out once again. ----- Knife ----- This quick weapon has the exact same executions as the glass shard, hopefully it does more damage in a fight though. Level 01: Cash stabs the enemy hard in the neck before letting them fall and bleed to death. Level 02: Cash stabs the enemy in the gut repeatedly until they go down. Level 03: Cash slashes the enemy in the back, then stabs him in the face a couple of times. ------- Machete ------- This good-sized weapon allows for some brutal hacks and slashes and always takes the enemy's head off. Level 01: Cash hacks the enemy in the back to bring them to their knees, then holds them up by their hair as he hacks and saws at their neck until their head comes off. Level 02: Cash slices the enemy twice in the chest, then hacks at their neck until their head pops off. Level 03: Cash gives the enemy a hard cut to their chest, then hacks at their neck until their head is removed. ------ Sickle ------ This quick, curved weapon allows for some brutal attacks on the hunters. Level 01: Cash gouges the enemy in the head, then slashes him in the back. Level 02: Cash stabs the enemy in the butt/groin with the sickle and rips it out after a moment. Level 03: Cash puts his arm around the enemy's face and pulls back as he sticks the sickle deep in the enemy's gut and scrapes across it. --- Axe --- Much like the sickle, the axe allows for some brutal attacks. Though slightly slower, it is quite a bit stronger. Level 01: Cash taps the enemy on the back and swings the axe at the middle of his face when he turns around. Level 02: Cash swings the axe at the enemy's back as they fall to their knees, then takes another swing at their head. Level 03: Cash swings the axe at the enemy's torso, then forces it all the way through and out the other side from there. ------------ Meat Cleaver ------------ A small weapon that is identical to the machete, despite looking different. Level 01: Cash hacks the enemy in the back to bring them to their knees, then holds them up by their hair as he hacks and saws at their neck until their head comes off. Level 02: Cash slices the enemy twice in the chest, then hacks at their neck until their head pops off. Level 03: Cash gives the enemy a hard cut to their chest, then hacks at their neck until their head is removed. ------ Hammer ------ A small blunt weapon that can deal pretty heavy damage with quick blows. Level 01: Cash grabs the enemy's head and swings the hammer hard at their temple. Level 02: Cash clubs the enemy in the back to bring him to his knees, then he bends his head back and brings the hammer down on his face. Level 03: Cash swings the hammer at the enemy's gut to get him on his knees, then swings it up under his face as his head snaps back. ---------- Nightstick ---------- A small weapon that's identical to the blackjack, despite looking different. Level 01: Cash clubs the enemy in the head about four times until he goes down. Level 02: Cash clubs the enemy once in the head as he falls to his knees. Cash then brings the nightstick over the enemy's head horizontally across his neck and pulls back, effectively choking him. Finally cash kicks the enemy in the back to finish the job. Level 03: Cash clubs the enemy twice in the head, then quickly gets them in a headlock before breaking their neck/back. -------------------- Six Shooter Revolver -------------------- This small gun has no executions since it's pretty loud, but you can certainly use it to kill hunters quickly. -------------- Light Hand Gun -------------- This weapon is weaker than the six shooter revolver, but it can hold 15 shots per clip. -------------- Heavy Hand Gun -------------- This weapon is very similar to the light hand gun, but it can only hold 5 shots per clip. =================== LARGE WEAPONS [RED] =================== ------------ Baseball Bat ------------ This large bat packs a lot more of a punch than the blackjack, but Cash also swings it a little slower as a result. Level 01: Cash clubs the enemy once in the head, then follows it up with a second swing to the neck. Level 02: Cash clubs the enemy in the stomach to wind him, then jumps into the air and does a hard overhead swing on the enemy's head. Level 03: Cash brings the baseball bat over the enemy's head horizontally across his neck and pulls back to choke him. Then once the enemy stops struggling and falls to his knees, Cash takes a step back and takes a mighty swing at the enemy's head. This sends a few chunks flying off the enemy's head [and onto any nearby walls]. ------------------ Tranquilizer Rifle ------------------ This weapon can hold a decent amount of shots and can drop a hunter in one shot if you hit him in the head. They will eventually wake up though, so you should go up and finish the job with another weapon. ------- Shotgun ------- This weapon packs HUGE damage at close to medium range, but isn't very effective at a distance. The sawed-off version can hold 2 shots at a time, while the normal version can hold 8 shots at a time. ------------ Sniper Rifle ------------ This weapon is almost identical to the tranquilizer rifle, except for the fact that once an enemy is hit in the head he's not waking up. ============== LURES [YELLOW] ============== These aren't really weapons so much as items that you can use to distract hunters, with the exception of the bottle they can all be picked up and used repeatedly. ------ Bottle ------ This lure distracts the enemies when it lands like any other lure, but the bottle can not be used over again once it has been smashed. ---- Head ---- Once a hunter's head is removed by using a machete or wire you can pick it up. This head can then be thrown at any time to distract a hunter with the noise that it makes when it lands. Also the head can be picked up again and used to lure another hunter if you choose to do so. ----------- Can / Brick ----------- These two lures are used in the same way as the bottle, but they can be picked up and used again if you choose. ############################################################################### (E) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy You will find the walkthrough for the entire game in the sections below. ############################################################################### (E-01) WALKTHROUGH: BORN AGAIN ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - The Clowns [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Runner" code [R2, R2, L1, R2 ...] Time Goal: 10 Minutes Items: Plastic Bag, Glass Shard Before I even get to the walkthrough for this scene you should notice there are eight enemies in the scene, but you should also know that not all of these enemies can be executed. This is because one of these enemies you are forced to fight, there is no way that you can execute him using stealth. Now I'm going to refresh your mind about the basic strategies. The idea for this scene is to run whenever possible as you reach whatever items and save points you need while getting from one enemy to the next. You don't want to run too close to an enemy though or they will hear you, but that's where the stealth part of the strategy takes over. Running only creates enough sound to fill about half of your radar, but you will learn this limit in time and practice. ======= PART 01 ======= From the start of the scene [after the cutscene] run down the street until you pick up a plastic bag between a bus and a flipped car. Now continue running up the street until you pass a pair of blue garbage bins on your right. STOP RUNNING here and turn right to meet your first enemy, he will not turn to face you unless you either touch him or make a noise that he hears. So walk up to him, perform an easy level three execution and enjoy the results [or recoil in horror if you're watching someone else play the game ;) ]. Once the execution animation is finished run down the stairs ahead of you and pick up the plastic bag beside the dumpster at the bottom. Quickly run right up a pair of staircases, then hide in the shadows to the right of the gate up ahead to start a short cutscene. Wait for the enemy to walk left past you, then follow behind him and perform your second level three execution. Continue running counter-clockwise along the fence until you see a sign with a red arrow pointing left. Pick up the painkillers under it and follow the arrow left onto a basketball court. Run forward until the Director talks to you for a bit and starts a cutscene, then fight the enemy that appears afterwards. I find it works best to use three punches [light or strong], then block one or two of the enemies punches. Repeat that basic combo until the enemy starts to run away, then chase him down and beat him to the ground. Continue to attack him until he dies [red arrow on radar becomes grey dot], then use the nearby save point. ======= PART 02 ======= That enemy that you just fought was the only one in this scene that you absolutely HAD TO FIGHT, there is no way to execute him with stealth. Quickly run and grab the glass shard ahead of you, then walk ahead and check your radar to make sure the enemy's back is towards you. Now hide in the shadows to your right [opposite the stairs] and wait for the enemy to get close. Follow him up the stairs once he starts to walk away and get yourself your third level three execution. Run up the two sets of stairs and turn right at the top, then run to the gate up ahead to trigger a cutscene. Walk slowly into the gate so it doesn't crash into the wall with a loud noise, then grab the plastic bag on the other side and the painkillers near the dumpster to your left. There are two enemies in this area, one is up ahead and to your right and the other is farther away to your left. Take the enemy on your right first since he's closer. Use the vehicles as cover, then tap one of them [press X/square while facing it] to lure the enemy to your location as you hide just around the corner from where you tapped. Wait until the enemy's cursor turns yellow again on the radar, then follow behind him and get another level three execution. Grab the painkillers to your right, then hug the wall as you walk through the shadows opposite the gate and grab a plastic bag to your right. Tap a pillar to attract the other enemy, then use the same hide-follow-kill technique as before to get yet another level three execution. Run and grab more painkillers from behind the white truck ahead, then run through the gate on your right as you reach the next save point. ======= PART 03 ======= Run down the hall and run right for some painkillers, then turn around and run straight down the hall. Run up the stairs nearby to start a cutscene, then enter the room ahead and go to the far right end. Tap the wall in the corner and watch the enemy on the radar. He should enter the room soon and stop there before turning around and heading back to where he came from. Follow him when he turns around, then perform another level three execution. Now there is only one enemy left in the scene, so head through the door ahead to reach an alleyway. Enter the room beyond and run quickly through the next alleyway to another room. Grab the glass shard and tap the wall near the corner to your left, then hide in the shadows and execute the final enemy when he turns around. Finally leave the building and enter the nearby garbage compactor to end the scene. ############################################################################### (E-02) WALKTHROUGH: DOORWAY INTO HELL ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Clown Variants [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Runner" code [... Left, right, left, right] Time Goal: 10 Minutes Items: Plastic Bag, Glass Shard, Blackjack, Crowbar, Baseball Bat. ======= PART 01 ======= After the cutscene that starts the stage you should run forward and grab the plastic bag in front of you. Run ahead to a fork and head right into a light, the start walking as you reach the wooden board on the ground. Take out the enemy while he pisses with a level three execution, then grab his blackjack and turn around. Run through the door ahead of you and grab the painkillers on your left, then run and grab the glass shard behind you. Run towards the nearby stairs to start a short cutscene, then hit the bottom of the stairs to attract an enemy while you hide in the nearby shadows. Follow the enemy when he walks away, then kill him with a level three execution. Run up the stairs and into the dark hole in the wall, then carefully hug the left wall as you walk through the shadows up ahead. Wait for an enemy to walk past you and back left, then follow him and kill him with a level three execution. Run off the nearby ledge and run into the dark room on your left, then grab the painkillers in the hall to your left. Run to the end of the hall and smash the window to reach the save point, then put the save point to good use. ======= PART 02 ======= Run along the passage until you see a short cutscene, then run through the large hole on your right and grab the painkillers in the corner to your right. Run through the doorway by the bloodstain and notice the enemy in the distance left of you by a doorway. Hug the right wall as you run into a small alley, then tap the corner of the building near the enemy that you just saw. Hide in the darkness until the enemy gets close and starts to walk away, then use a level three execution on him. Grab the baseball bat that the enemy drops and return to the corner where you tapped and made the sound originally. Run into the alleyway ahead and stop before the wall on your left ends, then wait for a nearby enemy to get close. Follow him as he walks away, then execute him like usual. Run as you follow the yellow alleyway into a corner, then turn left and hug the wall on your left as you head for the end of it. Wait just before the corner since an enemy is patrolling to your left around the corner. Execute him as he walks away in the usual way, then turn around and enter the door up ahead on your left. Run up the pair of stairs as you hit a save point, then use it before continuing onward. ======= PART 03 ======= Run onward until a short cutscene starts, then run into the next room and turn right as an enemy jumps out and screams at you. If you're fast you can run at him and get the first few hits in for a nice advantage. Grab the crowbar that the enemy drops once you win the battle, then grab the painkillers from the area that he jumped out from. Quickly run through the hole in the wall to land on the street below, then turn left and run around the corner of the building. Quickly hide in the shadowy alcove up ahead on your left, then watch the nearby enemy before following and executing him when he walks away. Continue running down the next alleyway as you head towards the large open area, then head towards the back left corner of the area and tap a wall. Hide in the nearby shadows as an enemy approaches, then execute him as he walks away. Run down the alleyway a bit and approach the gate with the large padlock on your right. Use the crowbar [and triangle] to get the gate open, then run to [and make use of] the save point on the other side. ======= PART 04 ======= Run straight ahead for some painkillers as you equip your baseball bat, then run back to the save point and enter the door by the wooden planks. Run through the building and down some stairs as you enter a large room and start a cutscene, then get ready for a battle. Fight off the enemy as best you can and try to grapple him [press X and square together] if possible for some cheap shots. If he gets you in a grapple be sure to hit X as fast as possible to break free. Once the battle's over run through the door that the enemy came through to end the scene. ############################################################################### (E-03) WALKTHROUGH: ROAD TO RUIN ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - Scarecrow [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Silence" code [R1, L1, R2, L1 ...] Time Goal: 10 Minutes Items: Plastic Bag, Blackjack, ======= PART 01 ======= Grab the plastic bag as you kick the trashcan [press triangle] in front of you and hide in the dark corner to your right. Execute the enemy as he gets close and walks away, then grab his blackjack. Run down the hall into the next area and run through the hole in the wall up ahead on your right. Walk as you drop off the nearby ledge, then walk towards the wall ahead of you in the small bathroom. Turn left and tap the wall here, then hide in the shadows [toilets] on your left and execute the enemy when he walks away from you. Switch your blackjack for his crowbar as you run up the stairs beyond, then run right past the truck and into the alleyway ahead as an enemy jumps out and screams at you. Quickly beat down the enemy, then grab the painkillers in some bushes near the truck that you just passed. Switch to your crowbar and run to the end of the alleyway. Use the crowbar [triangle] to break the lock on the gate, then switch to your baseball bat and run through the dark room into a bright hall. Run down the right path at the fork past a patch of darkness, then continue running down the hall as an enemy jumps out and tries to surprise you. Quickly beat him down like the last sucker that tried, then touch the save point beyond. A cutscene starts, but once it's over you can [and should] save your game. ======= PART 02 ======= Run and grab the brick ahead of you, then run right along the closest wall in the open area as you pass a dumpster. Hug the wall and slow down before you get within earshot of the enemy ahead, then follow him into the nearby building as you execute him. Run through the rooms of the building as you grab some painkillers and end up in an alley, then walk out of the alley and stop at the corner of the building on your right before you reach a staircase on your right [an enemy is down the stairs below]. Look slightly right and wait for an enemy to start walking away from you [you may need to hide in the shadows of the alley if he comes towards you first], then follow him before executing him. Pick up the body and turn around, then walk along the little bridge and drop the body in the darkness beyond. Tap a section of the bridge to lure the enemy below you, then hide in the darkness until you can execute him from behind. Quickly run down the stairs and switch to your crowbar, then pop the lock off the gate and use the save point beyond. ======= PART 03 ======= Run over the large pile and into the nearby door frame, then walk as you follow close behind the nearby enemy and execute him. Hide the body in the shadows, then head outside through the nearby door. Climb the stairs and tap the wall to lure an enemy, then run back indoors and tap a pillar to lure the rest. Quickly hide in the shadows, then wait for the last enemy to walk away and execute him as quickly as possible. Lure the remaining pair of enemies back inside exactly as before, then execute one of them. Finally chase down the remaining enemy and beat him in a fight. Switch to your crowbar and pop open the lock at the top of the stairs, then run onward to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-04) WALKTHROUGH: WHITE TRASH ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Scarecrow - Halloween Variant [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Silence" code [... Right, Left, Left, Left] Time Goal: 15 Minutes Items: Baseball Bat, Knife, Bottle, Wire, Head, Nailgun ======= PART 01 ======= Run around the corner and run up to the enemy to start a fight with him, then beat him down quickly and grab his baseball bat [You COULD have executed this enemy, but it would've taken a lot longer than fighting him]. Take the wire and bottle from the dark passage to your right, then enter the nearby gate to reach the next area. Watch the short cutscene before running along the left side of the large vehicle, then walk behind the enemy up ahead and to your left before executing him. Lurk in the shadows and wait for the nearby enemy to walk past you, then execute him. Now run along the left wall [where you killed the first of these two enemies] for some painkillers, then run along the passage until you get close to a small gate. Walk into the shadows on your right, then enter the open area and quietly open the door to your left. Head left to find a save point, then use if before doing anything else. ======= PART 02 ======= Go right into the building once more and approach the enemy up ahead while waiting behind the wall on either side of him. Wait for the enemy on the ground outside to walk a decent distance away from you, then execute the enemy in front of you. You can grab some painkillers from an empty trailer to your right if you need them, otherwise hide in the shadows up ahead and execute the nearby enemy when the time is right. Run to the large building to your right next and run along the right wall to reach the other side of it, then walk inside and head right into the shadows. Execute the enemy up ahead and take his knife. Now run back to the gate [near the balcony enemy that you killed] to cut the rope, then use the save point beyond. ======= PART 03 ======= Run up the hill and over the wall, then run left towards a trailer as a cutscene starts. Run up to the trailer and smash the window to get the enemy's attention, then hide in some nearby shadows and execute him down when he comes out and walks away. Quickly hide the body in the closest patch of shadow, then run in the trailer and switch your knife for the nailgun. Grab the painkillers and wait as a pair of enemies arrive outside and start to walk away. Execute both enemies [using anything but the nailgun] while hiding in the nearby shadows, then run past the trailer and clockwise along the outer wall until you reach a pair of flaming garbage cans by a passage. Run into the passage and grab the box of nails, then run to the nearby gate to start a short cutscene. Run into the shadows to the right of the gate, then quickly walk through the passage to your right and execute the nearby enemy. Pick up the corpse and hide it in the middle passage near the hanging bodies. Go clockwise around the corner and run towards the area where you found the box of nails, then follow and execute the enemy to your right. Return to the area with the previous dead enemy and hanging bodies, then run to the back wall and run right into some shadows. Hide in the groups of shadows along the left wall in this new area, then execute the guard walking near them. Switch to your nailgun and take out the guard near the switch up ahead, then hit the switch and run back towards the electronic gate. Nailgun the trio of enemies here and run through the nearby gate to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-05) WALKTHROUGH: FUELLED BY HATE ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - The Lost [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Regenerate" code [R2, Right, Circle, R2 ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Baseball Bat, Nailgun, Bottle ======= PART 01 ======= Switch to your baseball bat and run around the corner, then hide in the shadows to your right as you tap a wall to lure an enemy before executing him. Hide the body in the shadows and use the same strategy to execute two more enemies. You may need to tap some other walls to get them to hear you, but once they do you should run to the shadows and wait to execute them. Once all three enemies are dead a short cutscene starts, so run through the gate that just opened and take the painkiller beside the truck to your right if you need them. Otherwise go right past the truck and a pile of crates, then turn left and follow the arrow on your left through a gap in the wall as a cutscene starts. Continue walking through the gap, then turn around and attack the switch by the green light. Quickly turn around and start to run under the stairs as another cutscene starts. Walk under the stairs as the cutscene ends, then wait for the enemy to reach the ground before executing him. Leave the body where it lies and run up the first set of stairs, then ignore the next set to your right as you continue running and reach a crane. After a short cutscene ends you should find and use the save point on the left side of the crane. ======= PART 02 ======= Run along the tire marks until you see a fence running left, hide in the nearby shadows as you tap a wall and lure an enemy to you, then execute him before hiding the body. Tap the wall again to lure another enemy, then execute him as well. Hide the body and enter the next area beyond the large blood stain, turn right and run along the right wall as you pass another large blood stain. Go along the right side of the large vehicle, then tap the closest box to lure a nearby enemy. Execute the enemy like usual, then approach the large building to your left as you find and use the save point there. ======= PART 03 ======= Pick up the gas can [triangle] and turn around, then walk to the left wall on the side of the door. A short cutscene shows of approaching enemies, so quickly drop the gas can once it ends. Run out the building and turn left as you run past the bloodstain in the narrow passage, then run out to the large box with a patch of darkness in the open ahead. Tap the box and hide as an enemy approaches, then execute him and follow the tire tracks right as you pass a bottle. Tap the nose of the plane ahead and hide in the shadows as you execute another enemy, then hide the body in the shadows. Tap one of the large boxes ahead to lure and execute a third enemy, then run up the path between the boxes until you hit the back wall. Turn left to see a large blood stain, then run up to it and tap the left side of the crate stack. Quickly hide behind them as an enemy up ahead approaches, then execute him as he passes you. This is the last enemy in this particular area, so quickly run back to the spot where you left the gas can [it shows up as a green dot on your radar on Fetish difficulty] and use the painkillers in the building if you need them. Bring the gas can back to the where you killed the fourth enemy above, then carry it to the crane up ahead. Use the painkillers if you need them, otherwise walk up the steps and press triangle to fill the crane with fuel. Quickly switch to the nailgun and climb down the steps, then approach the crane [on the ground] and press triangle to get ready for some action. Swing the crane's magnet left towards the fridge and press X to turn the magnet on. At this point some enemies start appearing and it's your job to kill them with the fridge. It's easiest to simply drop and pick up the fridge repeatedly by turning the crane on and off as you move it. By turning the crane on when it's nowhere near the fridge you effectively swing the fridge as it gets pulled towards the magnet, and swinging a 200+ pound fridge into someone is a lot more effective than dropping it on them from above ;) . The two enemies appear separately, one on each side of you, so swing the fridge into them as hard and fast as you can before they fill you full of nails. Shortly after killing them another pair appears, one on each side. Kill these two enemies in exactly the same way, then quickly exit the crane [press triangle] and pick up the nailgun ammo that the enemies dropped. Run left through the hole in the wall where the fridge was standing before you used the magnet, then take the path on your right and grab the painkillers if you need them. Either way switch to your nailgun and reload it, then turn left up ahead and turn left once more as you approach a set of stairs. Shoot the pair of guards that come running up the stairs with the nailgun, then go down the stairs and use the save point at the bottom. ======= PART 04 ======= Run down the passage into the open area, then ignore the enemies on the other side of the fence. Hug the closest wall as you grab the box of nails to your right instead, then reload as you head to the other end of the open area. Grab the painkillers behind the truck if you need them, otherwise run up the first set of stairs. Turn around and run up the stairs above as you shoot the enemy at the top until he dies. Grab his ammo as you reload, then go along the right path as you walk down the ramp nearby. Stop midway down the ramp until an enemy or two spots you, then tap the railing as you go to the top of the ramp and hide behind a pillar. Use the nailgun to kill them one by one, then grab the nails that they drop and head down the ramp to the ground. Grab the painkillers under the ramp if you need them, then head through the gate ahead and enter the crane there. It's time for some more fridge killing, so turn on the magnet and pick up the fridge on your left. Wait with it at the bottom of the stairs, then drop it on the pair of enemies as they jump down. A trio of enemies appears next, one from the left and two from the right. Take out whichever is closest and fight the others off as best as you can. If your health gets below 25% GET OUT OF THE CRANE!!! [press triangle] Now you can finish the battle off with your nailgun while using the crane on your right for cover. There are some painkillers to the right of the crane so run to them if you need them. Grab all the nailgun ammo and run up the stairs after the enemies are dead, then run down the next small set of stairs and through the gap in the wall that you came through earlier. Run out past the fence and use your nailgun on the enemy to your left, then run past him to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-06) GROUNDS FOR ASSAULT ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - Bin Bag [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Regenerate" code [... L2, Down, Circle, Left] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Machete, Head, Glass Shard, Crowbar, Tranquilizer Rifle, Sawed-Off Shotgun In this stage it's very important to remember that enemies will freak out and start hunting you down faster if they discover a head. A head is no different than them discovering one of their friend's bodies. For this reason you need to make sure to hide both the body AND THE HEAD when you kill an enemy. However, if you already have a head in your inventory you won't be able to pick up another without getting rid of the current one first. The best way to do this is to throw your current head into some shadows that aren't within earshot of the enemy, otherwise they'll hear the head land and come after you. Once the first head is safely out of sight you can pick up the one you just got off the enemy. As long as you keep all of this in mind and remember to hide the heads you shouldn't have as much trouble with this stage. There is also a locked door midway through Part 01 in this stage, if you come back to it after you get the crowbar at the end of Part 02 you can open the door. Behind the locked door you'll find a sawn-off shotgun, which should come in handy for the remainder of the stage. ======= PART 01 ======= There are painkillers behind you when you start this stage so remember them if you need them. Otherwise walk straight ahead and follow the enemy in the building in front of you, then enter the door to your right for a wire. Execute the guard on the other side of the door with the wire, then pick up the head and machete as you hide the body in the shadows of the pop machine on your right. Wait behind the last door with it partially open until the nearby enemy starts walking back towards the start of the stage, then execute him from behind. Return to the main [T-shaped] hallway and head right for some painkillers, then go back to the hallway and outside through a nearby opening. Use the machete [and triangle] to cut the ropes on the gate to your right, then tap the back wall of the next room as you hide in one of the bathroom stalls. Execute the enemy when he starts to walk away, then throw away the head as you run down the hallway [you can open the locked door here once you get the crowbar in Part 02 if you want a sawn-off shotgun] and outside through the gate at the end. Walk up the stairs a little, then tap the left wall and hide in the shadows behind you to the left of the stairs. Execute the enemy as you hide his body and pick up his head [this is why you threw away the other head earlier] in the shadows, then tap the wall if needed before hiding and executing another enemy. Run down the stairs and grab the painkillers to your left if you need them, otherwise run up the curving path and use the save point. ======= PART 02 ======= There are five enemies patrolling this area, but the first one is really easy to get rid of. Run ahead until a cutscene starts, then turn right and run to the wooden barrier up ahead on your right [not the one down the stairs]. Simply hide in the shadows by it if the enemy saw you [the music changes and he shows up as red on the radar on fetish]. Otherwise tap the wall before hiding to lure him to you, then execute him as he walks away before hiding his body in the shadows of the barrier that you just hid behind. Throw the enemy's head far over the other barrier that's down some stairs so none of the enemies have a chance of seeing it [also throw the next pair of the heads here as you collect them]. Head back towards the fork a little and tap the wall closest to the barrier [if you tap the other wall you may lure more than one enemy], then hide in the shadows of the barrier once more as you execute a second enemy. Hide the enemy and head in the same shadows that the first pair are in, then go through the nearby gate that's wide open into a rocky area. Tap the rock wall beside the cave to lure an enemy, then quickly run back through the gate and left to the nearest shadows behind the park bench [if you're fast you'll make it without being seen]. Execute the enemy [settle for a level one execution if you can't get anything higher before he steps on the gate] while hiding his body and head in the bench shadows, then tap the left wall [outer wall of cave area to your left] to attract the fourth enemy while you hide in the bench shadows. Execute the enemy while hiding the body and head in the closest shadows, then run up the path towards the bright light and hide in the shadows by the hippo trash can. Tap the wall by the can to lure the fifth enemy, then hide in the shadows before executing him. Run past the trash can as you approach a fence with a picture on it, run through the gap left of the picture and follow the path right as you fight an enemy. If you run low on health you can grab some painkillers at the other end of this path, otherwise kill the enemy and switch your machete for a crowbar in the cave that he was guarding. Run back down the path and through the gap in the fence, then turn left and follow the path to the padlocked gate. Switch to your crowbar and use it to break the padlock, then use the save point beyond after the short cutscene. ======= PART 03 ======= Through this next area you need to MAKE SURE that you don't trade your crowbar for a machete, otherwise you'll need to go and find it again when you need to get through a door. Turn left and quickly run past the door as you cross a gate and reach a hole in the fence by the wall ahead. Quickly hide in the first [or second if you're quick] alcove on your left, then execute the nearby enemy when his back is turned. Hide the body in an alcove and run halfway up the stairs, then tap either wall and quickly run back to the ground as you hide on either side of the stairs [forward a bit so that the enemy can't see you by looking down]. Execute the enemy when his back is turned, then run up the stairs and down the next set. Turn right to spot a short tunnel, then walk through it and tap a wall while quickly hiding in an alcove on your right. Execute the enemy that appears on the scene, then hide the body in an alcove or behind the boxes up ahead to your left. Either way run up the ramp beyond the boxes before turning around and running through a short fenced area. Turn left and run through the tunnel as the sniper comes into view, slow to a walk before the shadow ends, then walk up behind the sniper and execute him while taking his tranquilizer rifle. Switch to your crowbar as you drop off the ledge, then use it [press triangle] to break the padlock on the door in front of you. Enter the building and run through the side door on your left, then switch to your tranquilizer rifle and run towards the wooden sign ahead as a pair of enemies appear to your right. Run left into some shadows instead, then snipe them both in the head [kill them while they're down with another weapon to make sure they stay down], then run past the bodies [right of the sign] and down a set of stairs to the padlocked gate beyond them. Use your crowbar to get the gate open, then run through to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-07) STRAPPED FOR CASH ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - The Jury [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Helium Hunters" code [R1, R1, Triangle, Circle ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Wire, Machete, Head, Revolver, Glass Shard, Tranquilizer Rifle Although you have a tranquilizer rifle in this stage, you may want to avoid tranquilizing every enemy that you see. The tranquilizer rifle doesn't help your style rating nearly as much as using other weapons does so use it sparingly. Also you get your first real gun in this stage, a revolver. When you auto-aim at an enemy you target their chest, but if you're closer you will target their head. At any time you can use the right joystick to aim for the head (or anywhere else) manually, and headshots are often easier to do this way when you're hidden. The first part of this stage is definitely the hardest part, so once you're past that you can relax a little. ======= PART 01 ======= Run through the doorway on your left and three more until you come to a locker room, then tap the left wall just before the lockers start and hide in the nearby shadows. Execute the enemy with your crowbar and leave the body in here, then grab the wire and run outside. Hug the left wall as you run towards the fence up ahead, then tap the pillar or fence to get the attention of a nearby enemy. Hide in the shadows before executing him, then leave his revolver where it is for the moment [but don't forget about it]. Enter the building on your left instead and pick up a glass shard, then use [press triangle] the glass shard on the ropes to free the first of four hostages. Take the painkillers from the corner if you need them, otherwise run out of the building and hug the left wall as you reach a HUGE shadowy corner. Use your crowbar to tap the dumpsters and lure an enemy to you, then hide in the shadows and execute him. Repeat this for three more enemies [tap the fence if you need to], then go back and grab the revolver that you left behind earlier. Take the tranquilizer ammo that one of the enemies dropped, then run through the large open area and past a wooden ramp [grab the nearby painkillers if you need them] at the other end. Head through the open gate ahead and take the left path, then take a breath in a small alcove on your right. walk down the slope on your left and hide in the shadows near the painkillers, then tap the wall to lure an enemy and execute him. Tap the wall once more to lure the next enemy and execute him or shoot him in the face, either way he needs to die without getting away [otherwise he will shoot the next hostage]. Grab his ammo and switch your revolver for a machete, then use the machete to free the hostage down the nearby stairs. Run through the nearby tunnel and use the save point on the other side. ======= PART 02 ======= Run around the right side of the building for some tranquilizer rifle ammo, then run back to the front and use the tranquilizer rifle to shoot the nearby enemy [through the gap in the planks] in the head. Quickly run right through the next door and kill the unconscious enemy with your machete. Use the machete [press triangle] to free the third hostage, then switch that weapon for the enemy's revolver. Punch the glass window nearby and grab the shard, then run through it and along the path to your right as a cutscene starts. Tap the nearby crate to lure an enemy, then hide in the shadows before executing him with the glass shard. Grab the tranquilizer rifle ammo and hide the body in the shadows, then take the left path before hiding in a shadowy alcove on your left. Tap the wall and hide in the shadows, then shoot the enemy in the head with the revolver when he gets close. A second enemy will come to investigate the gunshot and check the body, so shoot him in the head like you just did to his friend. Switch your pistol for a machete, then run along the path and follow the nearby arrow left a little before following a path behind it right. Run until you reach a pair of doors, then tap the wall by the left door before hiding in the shadows to your left. Execute the enemy and take his revolver, then run outside through the opening to your left and grab the glass shard. Free the final hostage with it [press triangle] and quickly run back [before a pair of enemies on the other side of the fence see you] through the building and down the path beyond to the arrow sign. You should see some painkillers up ahead and slightly left of you, run towards them and enter the shadowy cave. Tap the walls to lure an enemy, then shoot him in the face. Do the same thing to get rid of the other enemy [or rush him and shoot him in the head], then run towards the shark's mouth and use the save point beyond it. ======= PART 03 ======= Run right and over the ramp, then walk left through the doorway and into the shadows of the box on your right. Wait for the enemy to pass you before executing him with a glass shard, then grab the tranquilizer rifle ammo and run towards the enemy ahead. Auto aim at him when he sees you and shoot him in the head with the revolver, then grab the machete and run past the nearby boxes to the stock room. Use the switch [press triangle] by the green sign in the corner, then turn around and run into the shadows of the two nearby crates in the main room. A pair of enemies runs out screaming at this point, grab the painkillers in the nearby side room if you need them. Otherwise lure and execute these enemies as best as you can, then run through the fire exit door that they came through to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-08) VIEW OF INNOCENCE ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Camheds [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Helium Hunters" code [... Square, L2, L1, Down] Time Goal: 10 Minutes Items: Brick, Revolver, Sawn Off Shotgun There little stealth in this stage [if any], instead you pretty much use guns for everything. ======= PART 01 ======= Grab the brick straight ahead of you and turn right, then throw it right through the nearby door to get a glass shard and a revolver [there are also painkillers in here, remember them if you need them]. Go back through the door and run down the hall to the shadows of the far wall [by the pop machine], then turn right and run behind the barrier up ahead and quickly press triangle to crouch behind it. By now the pair of enemies should have noticed you and taken up firing positions. Switch to your revolver if you haven't already and get ready for a shootout. Basically the closer you are to an enemy when you fire the more damage you deal to them [so if you can get a closer firing position before a shootout even begins it can help a lot]. It also helps to watch the enemies and wait for them to reload or move to another position to attack them. Either way you should only pop up [hold R1] long enough to fire off a shot, then crouch down [release R1] again. If you're only facing a single enemy though, then you can pop up and fire at him until he dies without any risk of being hit. Another great time to pop up and shoot is directly after an enemy fires, be sure to keep all of the above in mind as it will help a lot. Reload once both enemies are dead before running to the barrier up ahead on your right, then hide behind it as a lone enemy appears. Shoot him to death, then quickly pick up the ammo that the trio of enemies left behind. Turn right and hide behind the barrier on your right before a pair of enemies starts to fire at you, then kill them and take their ammo before running past the escalator and shooting an enemy that comes running from up ahead. Grab the painkillers up ahead where the enemy came from if you need them, otherwise reload and run halfway up the escalator. Kill the pair of enemies that appears at the top, then use the save point around the corner. ======= PART 02 ======= Run past the barrier ahead of you and go right around the corner, then hide behind the nearby barrier and shoot the trio of enemies as they get into firing positions. Try to kill one enemy at a time [switch targets with the right analog stick] to save both your ammo and your health. Pick up the leftover ammo and use the painkillers in the corner if you need them, otherwise continue clockwise around this level of the mall and hide behind the barrier that's in front of the red store. Kill the enemy that shows up and take his ammo, then continue around to the next set of stairs. Hide behind the barrier at the bottom as you kill an enemy above, then grab his ammo and run left and hide behind a small dumpster. Kill the nearby pair of enemies and take their ammo, then run into the room behind them. Grab the brick in front of you and the painkillers in the back right corner if you're low on health, then turn around and grab the tape. Watch the short cutscene that starts, then use the save point that appears. ======= PART 03 ======= Run out of the room and hide behind the dumpster as you kill an enemy, then grab his ammo and hide on the other side of the dumpster to kill another enemy. Collect the ammo and run left to the room in the corner, then grab the painkillers inside if you need them. Shoot the lock off the metal door for a sawn off shotgun, then switch to the shotgun as you run all the way back to the stairs that lead to the second floor. Kill the lone enemy here while you switch to your revolver, then run to the barrier near the red store and hide behind it. Kill the pair of enemies [including the one in the store window] and take their ammo, then run around past the purple store. Enter the doorway of the next store as you kill the enemy to your left, then grab the painkillers near him before using the save point. ======= PART 04 ======= Grab the [broken] video camera in the corner and quickly hide behind the large desk as a pair of enemies appears. Kill the left enemy and leave the desk [on the left side] to kill the right enemy from close range. Run clockwise around this floor [as you kill the enemy shooting at you from the open area] to reach the red store. Run inside and through a narrow passage to the back wall, turn left and run partway down the stairs. Walk the rest of the way down to shoot an enemy from behind, then grab the painkillers if you need them. Use [press triangle] the switch on the wall to turn the power back on, then run up the stairs and turn right. Run forward and kill the enemy that jumps out screaming from the door on your left, then run towards the TV on your left and use it [with triangle] to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-09) DRUNK DRIVING ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Wardogs [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Fully Equipped" code [R1, R2, L1, L2 ...] Time Goal: 20 minutes Items: Knife, Brick, Sickle, Axe, Shotgun, Revolver In this stage you get to lead around a secondary character known as the tramp. You have to lead him [alive] to certain checkpoints otherwise you can't continue. You can make him wait behind in the shadows so that no one attacks him though, just make sure you remember where you left him once an area is clear. This stage can be pretty difficult to get the time star on, so you'll likely have to practice it a few times. ======= PART 01 ======= Run along the right path to grab a brick, then tap the wall and hide in the nearby shadowy corner. Execute the enemy and switch your knife for his sickle, then run through the door he was guarding to meet the tramp and start a short cutscene. Leave the building and run right down the alley [just make sure you don't go too fast or the tramp will stop following], then go to the shadows on your right and tell the tramp to wait [press triangle]. Run around the corner and carefully hide in the shadows of one of the nearby pillars, then execute the nearby enemy when he gets close. Run back to the tramp and tell him to follow you [press triangle], then run past the dead enemy and up some stairs. Run to the gate and get buzzed through [when the tramp arrives], then run to the save point beyond and use it. ======= PART 02 ======= Tell the tramp to stay in the shadows on your left before you do anything here, then run down the stairs and enter the dark building on your right. Tap a wall if none of the three enemies saw you, then execute one of them when they get close. Try your best to execute the other two enemies as fast as possible, this may mean letting one see or hear you execute the other and quickly running to some shadows around a corner. Do whatever it takes because this area can be the biggest drain on your time rating if you're too cautious since it's so open. Run back to the tramp once the three enemies are dead, then get him to follow you right to the flaming barrel that the enemies were originally standing around. Take him through an open door on your right and grab the painkillers on your right if needed, otherwise head left to the second gate. Run through the gate once you're buzzed through, then use the save point on the other side. ======= PART 03 ======= Make the tramp stay in the shadowy corner nearby, then go through the door and hug the left wall as you run straight for the shadowy alcove of the building in front of you. An enemy should have seen you during your run and started to head over to your general area [just wait for another enemy to get close if he didn't see you]. Execute the enemy when the time is right and drag the body into the alley beside your alcove. Switch your sickle for an axe before tapping a wall and returning to your alcove, then execute the next enemy and hide his body with the first one. Repeat the same process for the third enemy in this area, then run back and get the tramp to follow you. Run towards the pair of vehicles right of your alcove and run down the stairs between them, then fight and kill the enemy that jumps out at you. Run right at the fork and right at the next one for some painkillers, then continue down the first path for the next gate and a save point beyond it. ======= PART 04 ======= Make the tramp stay in the alcove up the small set of stairs to your left, then run in the other direction past a street lamp to the back left corner. Tap the wall on your left a couple of times to alert some enemies [and make them get to you faster], then run to the vehicle ahead and tap the back of it to lure the enemies even closer. Hide in the shadows of the vehicle and execute one of the enemies, then hide the body in the shadows and tap the vehicle to lure and kill the other two. Run back to the tramp and get him to follow you as you run past the street lamp and through the passage on your left that leads to the other side of the fence. Run through the holes in the run-down building if you need to as you work your way to the gate in the back right corner, then get buzzed through. Grab the painkillers and run through the door slightly left of you for the next save point. ======= PART 05 ======= Run around a pair of corners, then make the tramp stay in one of the two patches of darkness. Head around the next corner and strafe left along the right wall until an enemy jumps out around the next corner. Quickly run back to the nearest shadows and watch the enemy as he runs towards you. He should stop a moment and then turn around, now you can safely go and execute him. Leave the body as you run past the spot where the enemy jumped out to the wall ahead of you, then turn right and run past the stairs on your left. Tap the wall on your right where the darkness ends, then hide in that patch before executing the enemy that investigates. Take the enemy's shotgun and return to the stairs that you passed earlier, then tap the wall so the nearby enemy takes a couple steps forward. Switch to your shotgun, then auto aim at the enemy as you walk up and shoot him once he turns his back to you. Run back to the tramp and get him to follow you to the gate where you killed your last enemy. Once you get buzzed through be sure to lead the tramp BACK to the closest set of shadows down the stairs, don't take him through the gate yet. Once he's safe you can run through the gate to the wall and hide behind the large tombstone on your right. Tap the large tombstone to lure an enemy, then execute him with whatever weapon you want [just remember that a gun's going to be louder and draw more attention]. Kill the other three enemies in the area by either luring them and using traditional weapons, or shooting them in the head and running to other shadows if you need the space. Run back to the tramp once they're dead and lead him to the final gate in front of the white building, then run through when you get buzzed to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-10) GRAVEYARD SHIFT ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Wardogs Zoo Sniper [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Fully Equipped" code [... Down, Up, Left, Up] Time Goal: 15 Minutes Items: Shotgun, Revolver, Baseball Bat In the first part of this stage you really need to watch and listen to what the enemies are doing. Most of them have shotguns which means two shots before reloading, you want to watch and listen for this moment before attacking them. It's a valuable skill which will also serve you well in a lot of the later stages. ======= PART 01 ======= Run halfway up the stairs ahead of you and walk behind the enemy to your left, then shoot him in the head and take his ammo. Run up to the pile of boxes ahead and lean against them [press triangle], then pop out with L1 and kill the nearby pair of enemies. Once both enemies are dead you can go collect the ammo from their bodies. Run towards the painkillers ahead on your left [but leave them for now] as a cutscene starts, then press the action button [triangle] in the alcove to lean up against it. Press the aim button [L1] to leap out and aim at the rightmost enemy, then release it to jump back into the alcove. Kill the rightmost enemy in this way, then run to the pile of boxes beside the forklift ahead and lean up against them in the same way. Pop out to kill the leftmost of the three remaining enemies, then run for the twin piles of boxes ahead. Lean up against the left pile before popping out on the right side to kill the guardhouse enemy, then pop out of the same side to kill the final enemy. Collect all the ammo that the enemies dropped and the painkillers beside the guardhouse, then use [press triangle] the switch inside the guardhouse for a short cutscene. Grab the painkillers that you left alone earlier, then run for the gate that was in the cutscene for your first save point. ======= PART 02 ======= Walk up the stairs until the music changes, then run down and around them to some painkillers. If the enemy comes close enough you can press against the wall before jumping out and shooting him in the face. Otherwise tap a nearby wall before killing him in the same way, then kill the two other enemies using the same method. Leave the baseball bats as you grab the revolver ammo, then run up the stairs and into the box room. A pair of enemies are on the other side of the boxes on your left, so lean against the boxes if needed as you pop out and shoot the enemies in the head. Run through the door that the enemies were guarding to start a short cutscene, then make a note of the painkillers on your right for when you need them. Lurk by the ramp to the left of the painkillers and fire at any nearby enemies below to kill them and draw some more towards you. There are five enemies in total in the basement, so try to take out as many as you can before heading down the ramp. Once the area's clear you should run to the painkillers at the back wall, then head right and use the switch [press triangle]. Run back up the ramp and turn around, then run for the back right corner of the room. Head for the flashing green light when you see it, then hit the switch [press triangle] to the right of it. Ride the elevator as you shoot an enemy midway up, then use the save point at the top. ======= PART 03 ======= Leave your shotgun equipped as you run along the catwalk and pass some painkillers, then kill an enemy on your left before killing a pair behind you. Grab the ammo and use the painkillers that you passed if you didn't use them earlier, then take the left path where you killed the first enemy and drop through the hole by the boxes. Lean against the left wall by the doorway as you pop out and kill a pair of enemies, then do the same on the door behind you to kill another enemy if he doesn't show up earlier. Grab the painkillers here and run through both doors, then grab the ammo on the way as you reach a switch. Hit the switch [triangle] and ride the next elevator up [wait on the left side], then kill the enemy behind the box at the top before using the last save point. ======= PART 04 ======= Switch to your bare hands as you punch the vent cover in front of you and run to the next one, then ignore it [this allows you to avoid dropping into a room with two enemies inside, also these enemies NEVER bother you for the rest of the stage if you don't enter their room!] as you run right to a third cover. Punch through this cover and drop to the room below, make note of the painkillers if you need them now or later. Switch to your shotgun and shoot the enemy on the other side of the door, then shoot the second enemy behind the barrier to your right. Enter the control room to the left of the barrier and shoot an enemy inside, then return to the main room and switch to your revolver. Head down the stairs as you shoot a pair of enemies [STAY ON THE STAIRS during this shootout], then turn around and walk backwards down the stairs as you kill a third enemy in this room. Switch back to the shotgun as you run back up the stairs, then use the switch on the panel in the control room to unlock the doors below and start a cutscene. Leave the room carefully as you shoot a pair of enemies [use the barrier for cover if needed], then run down the stairs and out the doors on your left to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-11) MOUTH OF MADNESS ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Tramp [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Super Punch" code [L1, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Wire, Meat Cleaver, Bottle, Revolver, Shotgun, Light Handgun ======= PART 01 ======= Turn around at the start and grab the wire up ahead on your right, then turn around once more and use the switch on the wall beside the guy in the electric chair. Hide in the dark room on your left while the enemy notices the poor guy's screams and eventually turns the chair off. Execute the enemy and take his meat cleaver, then run through the door that he was guarding and make note of the painkillers in the room by the bloody mattress should you need them later. Grab the bottle up ahead as you run through the double doors, then carefully walk around the corner on your right. Stalk the closest enemy from the shadows of the pillars [tap if needed] before executing him, then hide the body if you can do it without being seen. Either way you should try and lure the remaining trio of enemies in this area to their death. Once all four enemies are dead you should switch your meat cleaver for one of their revolvers, then run along the light wall on your left towards the door with the green light. Run through that particular door to reach your first save point on the other side. ======= PART 02 ======= Head left a little and tap the wall to lure an enemy, then hide in the shadows and shoot him in the head. Grab the ammo and run to another shadowy area as you pick off the remaining four enemies in this area and collect their ammo. Grab the painkillers in the second broken building, then pick up [triangle] the gas can and take it towards the gate in the far left corner. Put it down before the enemy sees you, then shoot him and bring the gas can through the gate. Follow the passage around a few corners before passing through another gate, then set the gas can down before shooting an enemy amid the boxes on your right. Pick up the gas can after a short cutscene and place it at the bricked-up doorway opposite the gate. Go right of the gas can and back up a bit, then shoot it to break the wall. Shoot the enemy that comes running from inside, then start running up the stairs inside. Run up 5 sets of stairs, then walk up the final set so a nearby enemy doesn't hear you. Use the switch [press triangle] on the wall instead and run all the way back to the ground floor, then run through the open gate and use the save point. ======= PART 03 ======= Run towards the double doors ahead, then open one of them as you shoot an enemy in the face. Shoot two more enemies in the same way before entering the building, then pick up their ammo as you kill two more enemies. Switch your revolver for a light handgun and head left through a door to find some painkillers and some stairs. Climb the stairs and switch to the shotgun, then enter the door to your right and shoot a trio of enemies. Run through the double doors at the end of the room as you grab some painkillers and shoot a pair of enemies, then run through the exit doors to your right and run up the stairs beyond to reach the roof. Run out and shoot both enemies in the head, then grab the painkillers at the bottom of the guard tower ahead if you need them. Otherwise go up the ramp and kill the last enemy of the stage. Pick up his body and bring it back down the ramp and into the guard house just opposite the ramp to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-12) DOING TIME ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Early Innocent Hoodie Designs [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Super Punch" code [... Circle, Circle, Circle, R1] Time Goal: 15 Minutes Items: Brick, Hammer, Baseball Bat, Revolver, Shotgun This is the first stage that FORCES you to perform certain levels of executions. Judging by most of the emails that I've been getting, a lot of you either haven't read the manual, or the start of this FAQ, or really much of anything during the game. Makes me wonder if you'll even read this then eh? ;) Basically a level 2 execution is the same as a violent execution, while a level 3 execution is the same as a gruesome execution. You do a violent execution by holding the attack button down when behind an enemy and continuing to hold it until the cursor changes from white to yellow, then releasing it. A gruesome execution is done in the same way, except you hold the attack button even longer so that the cursor turns red before releasing the button. ======= PART 01 ======= Run left at the fork in front of you and right as you grab the brick, then turn left and run down the hall towards the hammer. Pick up the hammer after the cutscene to start another one, then hide in the shadows as you kill two of the enemies. Make sure you kill one with a level 2 execution and one with a level 3 execution [hold the attack button down until the cursor changes to yellow or red to do either execution] otherwise more enemies will keep appearing until you do. Once you've done both types of executions you should kill any remaining enemies to start another cutscene. Run back to the start of the stage and kill the hunter that has the baseball bat, then switch to the baseball bat. Now you need to get a level 2 execution and a level 3 execution with the baseball bat, otherwise enemies will keep appearing until you do. Just do this in the same way that you did with the hammer, it's no different. Once you've done both executions you should kill any remaining enemies for a cutscene, then run past the spot where you got the hammer and through a gate at the end of the cell block to reach the only save point of the stage. ======= PART 02 ======= Quickly strafe into the shadows on your left as a pair of enemies run down the stairs, then wait for one of them to walk down the cell block before killing the one with the revolver. Take the revolver and hide the body, then tap the wall to lure an enemy from the floor above while you hide in the shadows. Lure and kill about 2-5 enemies this way, then start shooting them in the face before using the painkillers in the small room on your right. Run up the stairs next and use the mattresses and alcoves for cover as you pop out and shoot the remaining four enemies in this immediate section [there are plenty more around the corner]. Use the painkillers in one of the cells on your right if needed, otherwise collect the ammo and lean up against the corner of the left wall. Pop out and shoot the nearby enemy in the head, then use his mattress for cover as you kill another enemy. Run and use that enemy's mattress for cover next as you shoot a pair of enemies with shotguns, then ignore the rest of the ammo as you run all the way to the stairs ahead. Run down the stairs and through the gate at the bottom to reach the shower block and [after a short cutscene] end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-13) KILL THE RABBIT ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Smileys [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Rabbit Skin" code [Left, R1, R1, Triangle ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Brick, Revolver, Shotgun, Bottle, Sniper Rifle ======= PART 01 ======= Run into the next room and grab the auto-shotgun, then hide in the shadows of a pillar and shoot an enemy in the face. Quickly run out and shoot the remaining pair of enemies in the head, then pick up the ammo and [painkillers in the back right corner as you] run back to the previous room. Run through the gate to the shower room and shoot a trio of enemies in the head [lure them back to the previous room if needed], then grab some shotgun shells along the far left wall before returning to the previous room and using [triangle] the lever on the wall. After the short cutscene you should run through the next room and the gate beyond, then head right for another short cutscene. Run into the next room and use the mattress for cover, then make a note of the doors on both sides of you. Enemies pop out of these doors and try to shoot you from close range so MAKE SURE you stay covered if those doors start to move otherwise you can wind up dead in no time. Otherwise just pick off the enemies one at a time, and try to take out those two enemies in the doors as soon as possible. Pick up all the ammo once all the enemies are dead and enter the second room on your right with the "no access" sign for some painkillers. Run back to the hall and follow it until you see a short cutscene. Run into the room as you use the pillars on your right for cover, then tap one of them if the enemy doesn't see you before shooting him in the head. Run up the stairs beyond and use the save point at the top. ======= PART 02 ======= Grab the shotgun shells and painkillers through the door on your left, then run back down the stairs to the ground floor. About 15 enemies start appearing now in groups of about 3 at a time so use the closest pillar for cover as you pop out and blast them. By using this method you shouldn't have any trouble at all and you should take very little damage. Once all enemies are dead you should grab their ammo and some painkillers in the second cell, then return to the stairs and go through the gate opposite them for the next save point. ======= PART 03 ======= Run and grab the shotgun and painkillers ahead, then kill the enemy in the next room and a second enemy up the stairs. Run into the dark area ahead as you kill an enemy, then lean against the next corner as you pop out and shoot another enemy. Enter the room on your right and shoot out the glass for some painkillers, then grab another bottle through the door in the corner if you need them. Otherwise return to the hall and run through a pair of gates before shooting an enemy, then grab the painkillers in the surgery ward on your left if needed. Grab the shotgun shells up ahead and enter the workshop, then use the switch on your right to open the penitentiary armory. Enter that room [opposite the entrance to the workshop] and get any shotgun ammo that you need from there. Otherwise run to the end of the workshop to trigger a cutscene and get ready for a shootout. Hide behind the pillar ahead and pop out as you shoot most of the enemies from here, then move closer to the final enemy or two while using the workbenches and pillars for cover as you kill them. Collect the ammo [and use any painkillers in the previous rooms if needed] and leave a body on the pressure plate by the flashing red light to start a short cutscene, then run through the gate and the passage beyond until you reach a save point. ======= PART 04 ======= In this part of the stage you finally get to fight the Cerberus agents that you've seen many times before in the cutscenes between stages. Run until you meet the rabbit once more and start a short cutscene, then run outside and down the stairs before leaning against the closest pile of boxes on your left and shooting a trio of enemies. use the painkillers behind the tower if you need them, then enter the tower and grab more painkillers under the stairs if needed. Run up five sets of stairs before shooting an enemy and the rabbit at the top, then grab the prison gate key and switch your shotgun for the sniper rifle. After the cutscene you're faced with trying to kill a few enemies that have since entered the area. Basically they try to shoot at you from below as you snipe them from above, but there's also the odd enemy that runs up the tower to shoot you while you're busy with sniping. Just use your pistol to take out any enemies that climb the tower, otherwise snipe anything that moves. Once you've killed about six enemies you can run down the tower to the ground and walk to the doorway to start a short cutscene. Carefully kill any remaining enemies before running to the gate between the trucks, then wait for the gate to open as you run through and end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-14) DIVIDED THEY FALL ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Cerberus Variant Designs [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Rabbit Skin" code [... R1, R1, Square, L1] Time Goal: 25 Minutes Items: Wire, Head, Can, Bottle?, Machete, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle For the majority of this stage you'll be using the lean, pop, shoot technique a lot. It's fast, easy to do and saves both your health and ammo so USE IT! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you basically lean against a wall with triangle, usually at the very edge of the wall. You press L1 next to pop out and aim around that wall, finally you shoot like normal. It's a great way to stay hidden until you're ready to quickly jump out and take an enemy totally by surprise. ======= PART 01 ======= Grab the wire on your right, then tap the wall behind you to lure one of the enemies as you hide in the shadows. Kill the enemy and take his machete, then hide the body if you have time. If not you can run to some shadows while the body is discovered, just make sure you're not seen or you'll die pretty fast. Execute the other two enemies with the machete, but watch out for the rooftop enemy and his sniper rifle if you go down to the ground level. Once all three enemies are dead a short cutscene starts, then hide in the shadows as a trio of enemies appears. Kill one of them for their shotgun, then use it to quickly finish the other two. Enter the blue door by the broken car and lean up against the first corner, then pop out and shoot a pair of enemies before running up a nearby set of stairs and using the first save point. ======= PART 02 ======= Run up the stairs and turn left, then lean up against the corner as you pop out and shoot two enemies. Grab their ammo as you round the next corner, then get some painkillers from the room on your right if you need them. Lean against the next corner as you pop out and shoot an enemy at the top of the stairs, then run up the stairs and lean against the next corner. Pop out to shoot three enemies and grab the painkillers in the room to your left with the creepy hanging bodies if needed. Run down the hall and up the next set of stairs, then lean against the corner before popping out and shooting three enemies. Collect the ammo before getting painkillers from the room on your right, then run up the stairs to start a cutscene. A 150 second [2.5 min] timer starts at this point and you have that long to kill this enemy. Instead of staying on this floor though, run back down the stairs and kill a pair of enemies. Continue chasing your target as you kill enemies two at a time, then run outside while using the car and dumpster for cover as you kill a pair of enemies and shoot your target. Chase down your target as he calls three more enemies to fight you, then shoot them and him before running to the gate on your left and ending the stage. ############################################################################### (E-15) PRESS COVERAGE ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Level Art [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Monkey Skin" code [Square, Square, R2, Down ...] Time Goal: 25 Minutes Items: Crowbar, Brick, Nightstick, Revolver, Heavy Handgun, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Bottle, Can In this stage you need to lead around a reporter, much in the same way as you lead the tramp in the Drunk Driving stage. The difference being that the reporter gets scared if left too far behind, then she runs to catch up with you instead of staying where you told her to wait. ======= PART 01 ======= Run and grab the crowbar ahead of you, then run and get the brick beyond. Run to the shadows of the crane on your right and get the reporter to wait [triangle] there, then make note of the pair of enemies ahead of you. Since they just stand there you can head left to a different set of shadows, then head for the shed on your left and back a bit. Tap the shed and hide inside it, then execute the enemy when he gets close enough. Hide the body in the shed as you switch the crowbar for the nightstick, then wait for the next enemy to check up on his friend before executing him. Swap the nightstick for the revolver [if he drops one, he doesn't always] before telling the reporter [triangle] to follow you once more, then lead her past the cop car and into the dark corner on your right. Leave her there as you hug the wall and tap it near the next patch of darkness, then shoot the enemy in the head when he gets close. More enemies should come running from the sound, so kill all six of them before running back to the reporter if she hasn't started following you yet. Tell the reporter to follow you to the next group of cop cars as you grab the painkillers behind the car on your right, then notice the nearby police van. This van has more painkillers and a heavy handgun inside but it's not worth wasting time [getting the crowbar to get inside] over. The handgun only has nine shots and you should have a lot more than that for the revolver by now. Opposite the van is the door to the reporter's apartment, take her there now so she can open the door. Once the door is unlocked you can run inside and use the first save point. ======= PART 02 ======= Run to the darkness beside the stairs and tell the reporter to wait there, then run up the stairs and shoot the enemy around the next corner. Run and grab his shotgun, then use the wall for cover while popping out and shooting any enemies in the next room. If there aren't any yet you can use the door in that room for cover while shooting a pair of enemies in the room to your left. Run inside for the ammo and some painkillers, then turn around and lean against the wall by the door. Pop out and shoot an enemy or two through the doorway on your left, then lean against the wall near that door to take out another enemy or two by popping out shooting. Rush any remaining enemies and collect the ammo, then go back to the reporter and run back up to the larger room with her to start a cutscene. Run to the ladder ahead of you and climb down before running down the alley to start a cutscene, then use the save point once it ends. ======= PART 03 ======= Enter the shadows on your left and shoot both cops in the head once they get close [lure them if needed], then run out of the alleyway and down the street to start a cutscene. Quickly run behind the truck up ahead to avoid the sniper's shots, then run along the right side of the other trucks as you enter the building beyond. Grab the painkillers and the shotgun shells in the back right alcove, then hug the wall as you head for the nearby enemy. Shoot him in the face to attract his two friends, then do the same thing to them. Collect the ammo and run up both sets of stairs beyond, then walk through both doors and kill the sniper from behind. Switch your shotgun for the sniper rifle as you shoot the enemies below until you're out of ammo, then switch the sniper rifle for the shotgun. Run back through the pair of doors and lean up against the wall as the remaining enemies come running, then pop out and shoot them. Run the rest of the way out the building and pick up the ammo from the sniped enemies, then grab the painkillers behind the right police van. Enter the area near the left police van [on the side of a short wall] and follow it around to more painkillers, then walk up the ramp and onto the dumpster as you drop over the wall. Run up the fire escapes and shoot the sniper on the roof, then switch your shotgun for his sniper rifle and use it to snipe the enemy that's standing by the subway doors. Switch the sniper rifle for your shotgun and wait at the top of the fire escape, but wait behind it so you can shoot the pair of enemies in the head as they run up to you. Run back down the fire escapes and into the subway, then run down the stairs to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-16) WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Piggsy Art [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Monkey Skin" code [... Triangle, Square, Circle, Down] Time Goal: 8 Minutes Items: Revolver, Sub-Machine Gun, Shotgun, Heavy Handgun You get to use a shotgun that has a light attached in this stage. This variation on the classic weapon makes it a lot easier to see where you're aiming, BUT it also means that as soon as you aim at an enemy they will see you [having a blinding light shining on them and all]. So keep that in mind when using this version of the shotgun. ======= PART 01 ======= Run down the stairs [with the shotgun equipped] and kill the closest enemy, then run through the door on your left and shoot the enemy to your left. Shoot the enemy on your left in the next room before taking the painkillers from the previous room, then switch your revolver for the sub-machine gun. Turn around and shoot the lock off the door, then run through it and run left down the tunnel to start a cutscene. As soon as the cutscene ends you should quickly turn around and run back to the door that you just shot the lock off of. Wait by it and shoot the enemy in the face if he comes out, go through the door and shoot him from behind if he doesn't come out. Run down to the end of the hall and follow it counter-clockwise to the first room, then shoot the pair of enemies with your sub-machine gun. Switch to the shotgun next as a trio of enemies from the tunnel should be pretty close to your location by now. Find a wall near them and lean up against it, then tap it before popping out and shooting all three of them. Collect all the ammo [switch your shotgun for one with a light on it] and run back to the tunnels, then take the left tunnel at the first branch. Now follow the left tunnel at the second branch and use the save point up ahead. ======= PART 02 ======= Turn right and grab the painkillers, then run through the door and turn left. Lean against the wall on your left before popping out and shooting the enemies nearby, then tap the wall or show yourself if some won't come any closer. Once you've killed as many as you can you should grab the painkillers past the fallen candy machine. Take the left path next and enter the door to the control room [it even has a convenient sign above it that says "Control Room" of all things], then walk right and shoot the enemy there. Head up the stairs for some painkillers and another enemy to kill [if you didn't kill him earlier], then use the switch [triangle] on the wall by the screens to restore power to the train. Run back to the tunnels and wait in one of the branches before you reach the doors, then shoot the trio of enemies that runs from the starting rooms. Grab their ammo and run back to the train, then ride it to the next area and use the save point there. ======= PART 03 ======= Walk through the door as you shoot a pair of enemies, then shoot a third that comes running down the stairs. Lean against the wall that's left of the stairs and tap until three more enemies come down, then pop out and shoot them. Pick up the ammo as you run up the stairs, then shoot the enemy at the top before running through the turnstiles on your left. Enter the door on your right for some painkillers, then shoot a pair of enemies before using a nearby pillar for cover. Lean against the pillar before popping out and shooting a third enemy, then run up the stairs beyond and shoot another enemy. Grab the ammo if you want, then run up the next set of stairs to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-17) TRAINED TO KILL ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Piggsy & Cash Toy Mockups [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Invisibility" code [Square, Square, Square, Down ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Wire, Bottle, Revolver, Sub-Machine Gun, Shotgun, Crowbar, Sniper Rifle ======= PART 01 ======= Run and grab the wire up ahead, then walk 3/4 of the way up the stairs. Wait for the enemy to your right to walk away from you before using the wire on the closer enemy, then switch to your sub-machine gun and use it on the other enemy. Lean against the wall by the doorway with the "Welcome To Carcer Point Station" sign, then pop out and shoot the enemy inside. By now you should be out of ammo for the sub-machine gun, so switch it for a revolver as you pick up the ammo lying around. Enter the area where you shot the last enemy and head right down some stairs, then lean against the divider before popping out and killing the enemy down the next set of stairs. Grab the ammo and switch to your shotgun, then enter the doorway on your right and shoot an enemy there. Head left to reach the outdoors, then continue left for a crowbar in an alley. Switch your revolver for the crowbar and use it to break the lock near the save point up ahead, then switch the crowbar back for the revolver before using the save point. [You CAN bring the crowbar all the way back to the pair of police vans at the start if you want, but it's not really worth it since they only have a bottle and some painkillers inside.] ======= PART 02 ======= Equip your revolver while waiting in the shadows until an enemy gets really close and stops on your left, then walk out and shoot him in the face. Quickly run to the shadows on your left by a pillar while a group of enemies comes to check out the gunshot. Now lean up against the pillar and pop out shooting to take out the group of enemies. As long as you only take one shot at a time and quickly return to your pillar as cover you should do fine. Collect all the ammo afterwards before running to the fence that's opposite the gate that you came through in the part of the stage. Head right until you see an open train car, then enter it for some painkillers. Continue running along the fence to the end of this section, then turn right and use the pile of boxes for cover. Pop out and shoot a pair of enemies, then get ready for about four more that approach from the left. Pop out and shoot these enemies in the same way, then switch your lighted shotgun for a normal one as you pick up all the ammo. Run up the middle tracks until you see a train with a save point on it, then lean up against it. Pop out and shoot about four enemies on either side of this train, then grab all their ammo and painkillers. Head for the right side of the save point train to find the ladder, then climb up it to reach the save point above. ======= PART 03 ======= Run along the train and jump [Cash does it automatically if you're running] over two gaps, down the gap in the middle of this train is a sniper rifle but it's faster to skip it. Jump over the gap and onto the final train, then run to the end and snipe the closest enemy with your shotgun. Back up a few steps as a few other enemies come running, then hold the aim button (L1) as you take a few steps forward. Take a shot as soon as you get a lock on an enemy, then quickly back up so none of them shoot you. Repeat this until the group is dead, then drop down and switch your revolver for a sub-machine gun while you collect all the ammo. Run all the way to the end of this section and switch your sub-machine gun for a crowbar, then use it to break the lock on the gate to your left. Now quickly run through the gate to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-18) BORDER PATROL ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Enemy Profile - Starkweather [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Invisibility" code [... Square, Down, Circle, Up] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Wire, Bottle, Head, Heavy Handgun, Crowbar, Glass Shard, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle ======= PART 01 ======= Grab the bottles on your right and the wire on your left before using the switch [triangle] in the far right corner, then hug the wall as an enemy runs into the room. Execute him with the wire and take his heavy handgun, then leave the building and turn right before running towards the wall ahead. Start walking once the tree gets closer so the nearby enemy doesn't hear you, then tap the wall and hide in the shadow of the tree. Shoot him in the face when he gets close enough or turns around, then do the same for his two friends that come running while using the wall for some cover. Collect all the ammo as you enter the next area, then run along the left wall and grab a glass shard from the shed. Exit the shed and hug the blue wall on your left as you spot a nearby enemy, then strafe out and shoot him in the head. Grab the shotgun and run back to the first building, then run around the back and switch your handgun for a crowbar. Run back to the second area and use the crowbar [triangle] to break the lock on the gate by the last enemy that you killed. Run back and switch the crowbar to get your handgun back, then run through the gate and around the corners to reach an open area. An enemy is patrolling to your left, so use the shadows of the trees to get closer before stalking him and shooting him in the head. Grab his ammo and run to the shadows of the nearest tree as a second enemy comes running over, then stalk him before shooting him in the head. Run along the left wall in the area to start a cutscene, then use the save point up ahead. ======= PART 02 ======= Take a few steps before going left around the corner, then [equip your handgun] tap one of the walls on the square hedge and hide in the shadows near the archway. An enemy should come pretty close and stop, so shoot him in the head and quickly run back past the save point, then turn around and lean up against the hedge. Now pop out when and enemy gets close and shoot him in the head, then repeat this until the whole group is dead. Switch the shotgun for the assault rifle as you grab all the ammo, then run through the archway and follow it past a strange statue. walk towards the fenced stairway ahead while holding L1, you should target an enemy through the fence without him seeing you. Shoot him in the head and wait for two of his friends to show up, then follow them and kill them once they turn around. Head left when you can and shoot a trio of enemies, sometimes an enemy tries to get you from behind here so listen and watch for him and kill him if he shows up. Otherwise follow the path around until you see some stairs on the right path of a fork, take the left path instead and follow it to a save point at the middle of the hedge maze. ======= PART 03 ======= Run back through the hedge maze to reach the stairs, then run up them and hide in the shadows on your right. Tap the wall if no one saw you, then shoot the enemy in the head when he gets close. If only one enemy comes to investigate you can get away with killing him too, but run back down the stairs if and when you hear lots of enemies coming. Once down there you can lean against the hedge beside them, then pop out [you may need to fire a warning shot to get them over here first] and shoot the rest of the enemies. Collect all the ammo as you run up the stairs again, then use the hedge by the shadows for cover as you pop out and shoot another few enemies. All that's left in this immediate now is a sniper and some ammo, so quickly run into the doorway up ahead to avoid the sniper's shots. Run to the end of the hallway and up the winding staircase, then shoot the sniper at the top [leave his sniper rifle]. Four enemies start climbing the stairs to kill you now, so aim from the top and shoot them from above with your assault rifle to get rid of them quickly. Go out onto the balcony again and hug the left wall as you run across it, then shoot the second sniper up ahead [leave his sniper rifle too] and start running back to the ground floor. If you meet any enemies on the way [anywhere from be 0-3 usually] kill them, otherwise return to the large open area on the ground and run to the far end of it. Continue running until you reach some stairs, then run down them to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-19) KEY PERSONNEL ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Head Shots [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Piggsy Skin" code [Up, Down, Left, Left ...] Time Goal: 20 Minutes Items: Bottle, Sickle, Assault Rifle, Revolver ======= PART 01 ======= Before you do anything in this stage make a note of the fact that there are two painkillers down the stairs from where you start the stage if you ever need any. Walk through the door and use free aiming [right joystick] to shoot the security camera on your right, then run back to the previous room. Go down the stairs and aim at the door, then shoot each enemy as they come through one by one. Grab the ammo once the group is dead and exit the room, then run right down the hall and into a circular room. Shoot any enemies in here or on the balcony above, then Aim at the camera in the next hall and shoot it. Hide in the circular room as you pop out and shoot any enemies that appear, then collect the ammo and enter the next hallway. You can get some painkillers from the large room on your left, otherwise approach the fork ahead and shoot the camera on your left. Kill a group of enemies here if they show up, then grab some painkillers from the room on your right if you need them. Run past the broken camera and approach the double doors ahead, then watch and listen for enemies. Kill any that you find, then run into the next room and use the save point. ======= PART 02 ======= Run through the door at the opposite end of the room [left of the stairs] and two more doors beyond it, then run down the staircase to the basement floor. Watch through the door for an enemy, then walk through and shoot him from behind. Quickly run right at the fork and shoot a pair of enemies, then run left and lean on the wall around the corner. Pop out to shoot a pair of enemies, then follow the passage around until you reach a wooden door. Kick it open [press x] and shoot the enemy inside, then use the save point. ======= PART 03 ======= Sometimes an enemy tries to shoot you from behind here, so kick the door open that you just came through and shoot him if he's there. Run back to the stairs and up them, then shoot a pair of enemies here if there are any. Otherwise head for the hallway and free aim up at the floor above you, then get a lock on the enemy patrolling up there and shoot him. Some of his friends should come running so shoot them from below in the same way, then watch out because sometimes an enemy shows up behind you. Shoot him if he does, then run up to the stairs to the third floor and shoot the security camera there. Enter the hall and head right, then lean against the wall before popping out and shooting three enemies in the large room ahead. Grab the ammo as you run down the stairs, then turn right and walk towards the doorway. Shoot the pair of enemies and grab their ammo, then run back up the stairs and enter the new hallway to your right. Shoot the security camera here and notice the door on your left with the "head of security" plaque. There is a very tough enemy in here and about three other enemies crammed in this room. Your best bet is to aim while kicking the door open, then fire your assault rifle enough to kill one enemy before strafing out of the way. Reload your assault rifle and repeat the process above until the group is dead, then run inside for some ammo, painkillers and the elevator key. Leave the room and head left to the broken security camera, then turn left and shoot another one. Finally run to the elevator doors past the camera and press [triangle] the button left of them, then run inside to end the stage. ############################################################################### (E-20) DELIVERANCE ############################################################################### Bonus Feature(s) 3 Star: Head Shots 2 [See section (F) Bonus Features] 5 Star: Same as above + half of "Piggsy Skin" code [... R1, R2, L1, L1] Time Goal: 15 Minutes Items: Glass Shard, Wooden Spike, Brick, Chainsaw, Assault Rifle ======= PART 01 ======= The map for the first section of this stage is as follows: * = Glass Shard # = Wooden Spike P = Painkillers |--| ------| *|-------- TO ATTIC>| | | | | --| ---| - ----| | # | | | |---| ---| | | | - ----| - ---- |-| | | | |---|--| | | | | |P | ------| | | | --| | ------------ |--------- | |START | | | --------------- | | | * | |------| Run down the hall and turn the corner, then get ready for some fun. Piggsy's starting location is random so until you see him it's hard to say what route is safest. Also whenever you're spotted by him it's best to just run and try to get around as many corners as you can before hiding in a patch of darkness. This is also the strategy that you want to use once you have a weapon to use on him, then you can walk after him when his back is turned and use the weapon on him. Unless you've already found your patch of darkness, then you can tap a nearby wall and hide in the dark. The map above is going to be a lot more helpful to you than any sort of hypothetical walkthrough for this first part of the stage, because Piggsy's location is constantly changing. However I recommend going after the wooden spike or the glass shard in the top left first, this way you can save the one that's near the painkillers for when you really need them. Once you've stabbed Piggsy in the back with all three weapons a short cutscene starts, once it's done you should head for the area on the map that says "TO ATTIC". There's a brick to your right in this next area, so pick it up before walking up the ramp ahead. Piggsy is up ahead on your left, but he won't start moving until he sees or hears you. Walk up and grab the painkillers by the pillar if you need them, otherwise walk along the right side of the pillar and take a breath. Now run down the stairs as Piggsy notices you and starts to chase you, then run up the stairs beyond and over a grate at the top. When Piggsy runs over the grate a short cutscene starts, then he runs back into the attic. Run down the stairs and into the doorway, then throw the brick at the ramp to get Piggsy to chase you once more. Quickly run up the stairs again and over the grate, then when Piggsy runs over the grate once more another cutscene starts. Make sure you know how to turn the chainsaw on or off [square] since it makes noise when it's on, then use the nearby save point. ======= PART 02 ======= Use the chainsaw on the door to start a short cutscene, then turn off the chainsaw as you run down both set of stairs. The group of enemies runs past you into the attic, so head there now and wait above the ramp [but behind it]. Stalk an enemy once he walks up to your level, then hit X to chop him up [no need to turn the chainsaw on first]. Switch your chainsaw for the assault rifle and use it [in short bursts] to kill the other two enemies. Run back to the pillar and tap it a few times to get one of the two enemies to come to you, then pop out and shoot him when he gets close. Run up the stairs next almost to the top, then walk and target the closest enemy. Shoot him through the railing if you can, then run back to your chainsaw and switch the assault rifle for it. Use the painkillers near the pillar if needed, otherwise run back up the stairs and use the chainsaw on the door again. After a short cutscene it's time to have some more fun. This enemy has a gun and he tries to shoot you with it the whole time you're trying to kill him. Turn off the chainsaw and hide behind a wall, then lean to watch where the enemy goes. If he gets close or turns his back to you, run after him and use the chainsaw on him to end the stage and the game. ############################################################################### (F) Bonus Features ############################################################################### These are the bonus features that you can unlock by earning good star ratings in the game. If you get 3 stars in a stage on fetish difficulty you will get the same reward as getting 5 stars on hardcore difficulty. However, the reward on hardcore difficulty has half of a code written on it. Once you have both halves you can type in and use the code. You CANNOT use a code without first unlocking it, so don't waste your time trying! ======== PICTURES ======== [#01 - Enemy Profile - The Clowns] "The Clowns are the final in-hunt pack that the player meets and are as extreme as the hunt allows. Laughing and shouting, they pursue runners mainly for the entertainment. Clowns are the most high-ranked pack within the hunt at present due to the barring of the smileys for gross disobedience. Fierce rivalry exists between the two gangs and although the smileys are regarded as the superior pack, the clowns are not to be laughed at. Sponsor - James W. Gacy - Head of the cities art galleries and museums. Special Ability - Extremely deadly but possessing no special talents beyond the fact that they are expert hunters. The clowns often snort amphetamines and other stimulants during a hunt, whether or not this enhances their performance is debatable. The clowns don't care if this enhances performance or not, they just like the crack of it. Audio - Demented laughter and shouted threats of violence." [#02 - Clown Variants] A collage of nine pictures showing the various ways that The Clowns paint their face. [#03 - Enemy Profile - Scarecrow] "Formerly the head hunter amongst The Smileys, Kenneth Jesperson was stripped of his mask and rank for being responsible for the Piggsy debacle. Now chastised and long past simple derangement, he sleeps rough in the streets of the arenas. Desperately hoping to find and kill Piggsy to redeem himself in the eyes of the commander and his sponsor..... Dressed in rags he resembles any other derelict until he dons the mask and weapon of his scarecrow persona. Weaponry - Jesperson has a crude yet deadly homemade axe, wielding it with savage intensity. Audio - If encountered as a tramp, Jesperson just makes indistinct mumblings and typical drunken rants. However when transformed into the scarecrow his past as a Smiley comes to the fore and he descends into maniacal tittering and sibilant hissing." [#04 - Scarecrow - Halloween Variant] Picture of Scarecrow, only now he's wearing a pumpkin on his head. [#05 - Enemy Profile - The Lost] "Former rulers of the scrap yard. The lost's armour provides excellent camouflage and protection at the cost of being heavy and noisy. Their weaponry is gathered from the assorted shite of their environment. Shards of rusted steel, broken piping, etc." [#06 - Enemy Profile - Bin Bag] "The pack leader for The Lost, Binbag made it to an early model prototype before The Lost gang live up to their name emerging from shadows of the scrap yard, roaring like fucking madmen." [#07 - Enemy Profile - The Jury] "Hockey masks are a classic killer design and although The Jury were dropped as a gang the masks had to be kept and were adapted to the Skinz gang." [#08 - Camheds] Bizarre picture of four guys with TV cameras for heads. [#09 - Wardogs] Group shot of the 8 different Wardogs characters. [#10 - Wardogs Zoo Sniper] Detailed pictures of the zoo sniper. [#11 - Tramp] A few pics of the tramp character who you meet in the Drunk Driving stage. [#12 - Early Innocent Hoodie Designs] Pictures of a hooded Innocent with a gas mask or skull for a face. [#13 - Smileys] Various pictures and designs for the smileys gang members. [#14 - Cerberus Variant Designs] Pictures showing different designs for the Cerberus enemies, including a kind of weird sci-fi samurai one with a fencing mask and nightstick. [#15 - Level Art] Various mockups of one of the stages in the game. [#16 - Piggsy Art] A couple close sketches of Piggsy's face and a smaller pic of his in-game model. [#17 - Piggsy & Cash Toy Mockups] A couple of shots of what the toy designs for Cash and Piggsy look like. To say that Piggsy's toy is disturbing would be a huge understatement. [#18 - Enemy Profile - Starkweather] A large pic of Starkweather and the following info: "The producer controls and edits the filming of the hunts from a control desk in the mansion. Once a wealthy and productive director, he has been disgraced and ostracized by Hollywood's elite. Bitter and angry, his isolation has brought about a swift decline into madness. Reduced to filming underground pornography and snuff films for a selective clientele, particularly the Japanese market. He has begun creating a new deranged genre of snuff movie called MANUNTS. Proving to be extremely lucrative, these films have allowed him to amass enough wealth and power to begin to exact revenge on the producers and money men that engineered his downfall. Over the past year various Hollywood power-players have disappeared mysteriously and all of them have become films for Starkweather private 'directors cut' collection. Throughout the game he constantly rants against the movie industry and the people who have crossed him." [#19 - Head Shots] 35 pics of the various heads that the characters have in the game. [#20 - Head Shots 2] 35 pics of the various heads that the characters have in the game. ===== CODES ===== These codes are written on the pictures that you unlock in the section above, they only appear if you unlock the pictures with 5 stars though. Also you need to unlock a code in order for it to work. All codes are entered at the main menu of the game. #01 - Runner [R2, R2, L1, R2, left, right, left, right.] This code gives you unlimited stamina and basically allows you to run forever if you want to. #02 - Silence [R1, L1, R2, L1, right, left, left, left] This code makes it so that nothing that cash does makes any sound, which means that enemies are only alerted by you if they see you. #03 - Regenerate [R2, right, circle, R2, L2, down, circle, left] This code makes cash's health meter regenerate over time much like his stamina meter. #04 - Helium Hunters [R1, R1, triangle, circle, square, L2, L1, down] This code makes the voices of all the enemies much higher than normal. #05 - Fully equipped [R1, R2, L1, L2, down, up, left, up] This code gives you one weapon from each colour-coded class when you start a stage and give you maximum ammo for each weapon that uses ammo. #06 - Super Punch [L1, triangle, triangle, triangle, circle, circle, circle, R1] This code makes it so that you can kill enemies with one punch. #07 - Rabbit Skin [Left, R1, R1, triangle, R1, R1, square, L1] This code makes Cash look like the rabbit from the Kill The Rabbit stage. #08 - Monkey Skin [Square, square, R2, down, triangle, square, circle, down] This code makes Cash look like a monkey. #09 - Invisibility [Square, square, square, down, square, down, circle, up] This code makes it impossible for the enemies to see Cash, but they can still hear him. #10 - Piggsy Skin [Up, down, left, left, R1, R2, L1, L1] This code makes Cash look like Piggsy. ============================ SUPER SECRET (GOD MODE) CODE ============================ This code was discovered and unlocked by the group efforts of Midoi, Deflux & Mr Witchitty Man. Basically once you beat the game on any difficulty you can hear a hidden message by holding L1, L2, R1 and R2 on the main screen. The message appears to be some cryptic whispering. However if you record the message and play it backwards you hear: "Daddy didn't see what would happen if she left me. Mommy's supposed to care, but she was never there... Triangle, Left 1 (L1), Up, Up, Right 2 (R2), Square, Triangle, Square, Up, Circle, Down, Down" Now because the original message was played backwards you actually have to enter the code backwards. SO THE REAL CODE IS: Down, Down, Circle, Up, Square, Triangle, Square, R2, Up, Up, L1, Triangle. This code is entered at the title screen like all the others, but it ONLY works if you've beaten the game already. Once the code is typed in you won't take any damage from anything in the game. Huge thanks go out to all involved, this is a really cool secret that you all figured out. ============ CHEAP CHEATS ============ Whenever you turn on a cheat that you've earned in the game you can no longer save, this is to keep you from earning other cheats and bonus features too easily and keeping your cheated progress. You can also only use cheats on stages that you've already played, but there is a way around this. If you type in any cheats that you have earned so far and then play through a stage you will find save points during the stage. However these save points won't add "SAVE" to the pause menu like they usually do. Once you're through the stage though you can turn off every cheat that you turned on and play through any stage that you've opened so far. NOW when you go to a save point you can save your game AND keep any bonus features or cheats that you unlocked while you had cheats turned on. Enjoy! ============ BONUS STAGES ============ You unlock one bonus stage for every consecutive group of five bonus features that you unlock. By this I mean that if you get the bonus features unlocked in stages 1 through 5 you get the first bonus stage. If you then get the features from stages 6 through 10 you receive the second bonus stage, and so on until you have unlocked four bonus stages. Every bonus stage is accessed from the Select Scene option from the main menu once unlocked. [Bonus Stage #01 - Hard As Nails] "Kill as many hunters as you can for a top score." In this stage you run through a few rooms filled with propane tanks and gasoline tanks as you kill enemies with nailguns. You can shoot the tanks to help your cause but otherwise that's all there really is to this bonus stage. [Bonus Stage #02 - Brawl Game] "You must survive for as long as you can against the three gangs. The gangs will fight each other as well as you. Good luck!" This stage takes place on the basketball court from the first stage [Born Again], otherwise there's a death counter and it's very much like the Hard As Nails bonus stage above. [Bonus Stage #03 - Monkey See, Monkey Die!] In this stage you have to shoot a whole bunch of monkeys before they kill you, all while trying to escape the zoo alive. [Bonus Stage #04 - Time 2 Die] In this stage you have to kill all the Hoods before a 10 minute timer runs out. ############################################################################### (G) QUESTIONS ############################################################################### Q: Does the pause menu stop the in-game timer? A: Yes if you pause the game, then the timer stops as well. Q: I found some codes at some site, why won't they work? A: They are either fakes, or you haven't unlocked the code in your game yet. Q: Can I use the codes to unlock bonus features and other cheats? A: Not directly no, but if you check the heading Cheap Cheats in the Bonus Features section above you can learn how to unlock cheats much easier. ############################################################################### (H) THANKS ############################################################################### Many thanks to everyone who contributed new information. Caliban Claw7DS Deflux DMC Lord Kensington Midoi Mr Witchitty Man SirSmut Vic Lauer ############################################################################### (I) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address is fecalord (AT) gmail (DOT) com, and the paypal address is listed below. For those that want to contribute, you can use paypal at the following address: fecalord2002 (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan