=============================================================================== Manhunt PlayStation2 Developed By: Rockstar North Published By: Rockstar Games FAQ By: TheEternalVenomX =============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Controls 4. Weapons 4.1. One-Time Use 4.2. Small Weapons 4.3. Large Weapons 4.4. Lures 4.5. Firearms 5. Tips & Tricks 6. Walkthrough 6.1. Born Again 6.2. Doorway into Hell 6.3. Road to Ruin 6.4. White Trash 6.5. Fuelled By Hate 6.6. Grounds For Assault 6.7. Strapped for Cash 6.8. View of Innocence 6.9. Drunk Driving 6.10. Graveyard Shift 6.11. Mouth of Madness 6.12. Doing Time 6.13. Kill the Rabbit 6.14. Divided They Fall 6.15. Press Coverage 6.16. Wrong Side of the Tracks 6.17. Trained to Kill 7. Star Rankings 8. Final Thoughts 9. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah Rockstar North, what won't you do? Manhunt is a little side-project they did between GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas. They even learned new things and put them in San Andreas (such as the lock-on system). Manhunt is a gritty, violent, disturbing and graphic look into snuff-films and film-noirish societies. The game is pretty damn dark, even if you are a veteran of violence I'm sure this game will find some way to make your squirm. I know I did. Follow James Earl Cash as he wakes up from his execution only to play a "game" for a sick, sadistic Director who calls the shots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 1, 2005 Version 0.05 --------------- Just the basic skeleton right now, nothing much done. October 2, 2005 Version 0.15 --------------- Doorway Into Hell and the first half of Road to Ruin are finished, this guide is going smooth. October 3, 2005 Version 0.20 --------------- White Trash is done, I'm going to fill in the other sections tomorrow then get onto Fuelled By Hate. October 4, 2005 Version 0.25 --------------- Fuelled by Hate is complete, moving ahead. October 5, 2005 Version 0.30 --------------- Strapped for Cash has been finished, going to do a level a day. October 6, 2005 Version. 0.35 --------------- Three more levels and I'm submitting this as Version 0.50 October 7, 2005 Version 0.45 --------------- Got Strapped for Cash and View of Innocence done in one swoop. October 8, 2005 Version 0.50 --------------- Halfway through the game, going to submit this at the end of the week as I'm too busy for FAQ writing now. October 9, 2005 Version: 0.51 --------------- I'm just going to play through the whole game, beat all the levels then replay them to make walkthroughs. Sounds simple enough. October 11, 2005 Version 0.60 ---------------- Gah, I've had a splitting headache for the last few days. It's either the stress this week has or a caffeine overload. Mouth of Madness and Doing Time were finished due to the relative ease of them. October 13, 2005 Version 0.65 ---------------- Kill the Rabbit is done, touched up the rest of the sections a bit. October 14, 2005 Version 0.70 ---------------- After much swearing, Divided They Fall is finally finished. October 15, 2005 Version 0.71 ---------------- Submitting this one tomorrow when updates start back up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D-Pad Left - Peek Left D-Pad Right - Peek Right Left Analog Stick - Move Cash Right Analog Stick - First Person View L2 - Strafe Left R2 - Strafe Right L1 - Target Closest Enemy R1 - Run L2+R2 - 180 degree turn Triangle - Flip Switches/Hide Behind Walls or Objects Circle - Switch Weapons X - Weak Melee Attack/Fire Gun/Execute Square - Strong Melee Attack/Reload Gun Start - Pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To perform an Execution, hold the X button until the cursor changes into the color of execution you want. The colour code is like so. Tame - White Violent - Yellow Gruesome - Red =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 4.1. One-Time Use =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Plastic Bag ----------- Cash places it over the Hunter's head and suffocates them. Cash places it over the Hunter's head, turns him around and knees him a few times. Cash not only places it over the Hunters head, he turns then around. Punches them square in the face and breaks their neck. Glass Shard ----------- Cash stabs them in the neck from behind. Cash turns them around and stabs them multiple times in the chest with fierce uppercuts. Cash places them in a headlock and drives the Shard into their skull Wire ---- Cash places the wire around their neck, turns them around and strangles them from the front. Cash throws the Wire around the Hunters neck, gets them into a bent-over position and pulls up on the wire. Cash strangles the person so fierce he actually decapitates them (you also get a Head lure) =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 4.2. Small Weapons =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Axe --- Cash taps the Hunter's back, then whacks their face with the Axe. (REST COMING SOON) Blackjack/Nightstick -------------------- (REST COMING SOON) Cash whacks them over the head a few times, then does an underhanded choke with the weapon to snap their neck. Crowbar ------- Cash strikes the Hunter's neck with the sharp end of it. Cash slashes the throat of the Hunter and waits for him to fall. Cash stabs the back of the Hunter then vertically strikes the top of their head with the sharp end. Hammer ------ Cash turns him around, and stabs their neck with the hammer. Cash stabs their back with the sharp end, then strikes the top of their head. Cash turns the Hunter around, strikes their chest then smashes their chin with a strong uppercut strike. Machete/Meat Cleaver -------------------- Cash strikes their back, then holds their head while he hacks their head off with horizontal slashes Cash strikes their back, then slashes the front of their neck until their head flies off. Cash pulls them around, strikes the gut and does guillotine strikes to the back of their neck. Sickle ------ Cash slashes the Hunter's throat with the knife from behind Cash performs an uppercut strike to the Hunter's crotch (!) and slashes away. Cash grabs the Hunter and slashes their chest with the Sickle blade =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 4.3. Large Weapons =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Baseball Bat ------------ Cash strikes the Hunter twice in the head with the bat. Cash turns them around, smacks them in the chest with the bat then brings a crushing blow to the back of their neck Cash chokes the Hunter with the bat and brings them to their knees, then literally whacks their head off with a single swing. =*=*=*=*=* 4.4. Lures =*=*=*=*=* Brick - Can be used multiple times Bottle - Can only be used once due to breaking after a throw Can - Found in vending machines when you strike them Head - Found after performing a decapitation execution (as marked above) =*=*=*=*=*=*= 4.5. Firearms =*=*=*=*=*=*= Nail Gun Type: Small Weapon Uses: Box of Nails Tranquilizer Rifle Type: Large Weapon Uses: Tranquilizer Ammo Revolver Six Shooter Type: Small Weapon Uses: Bullets Sawn-Off Shotgun Type: Large Weapon Uses: Shotgun Shells Light Handgun Type: Small Weapon Uses: Handgun Ammo Heavy Handgun Automatic Gun Sniper Rifle Type: Large Weapon Uses: Rifle Ammo Shotgun Type: Large Weapon Uses: Shotgun Shells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Tips & Tricks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It's "hide, lure, execute" that is key to a stealth kill. Hide in some shadows, make noise by hitting something and waiting until the lured Hunter has his back turned before going for the kill. It's simple and you'll find it's second nature by the half-way point -Melee Kills and Firearm Kills will ruin your chances at a Star Rating, only use them if you don't care for one -DO NOT use melee attacks when two or more Hunters are attacking because you WILL be overwhelmed -DO NOT use melee attacks on any Hunters that have projectile weapons (such as Nail Guns or Pistols). These Hunters are very light on their feet and can whittle down your health very quickly with their weapons. -You don't always have to kill, sometimes avoiding and running away to the next objective will do. It cuts down on the time needed for Hardcore Star Rankings. -If you make too much noise to attract a Hunter, he'll stay alert (orange on the radar) for much longer. -If the Hunter sees the Lure aflying, he will see you. Only throw these when his back is turned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.1. Born Again =*=*=*=*=*=*=*= This is primarily a tutorial level, though I will assist you are you go along. When you first begin the game, head straight down the street. Grab the Plastic Bag beside the flipped-over bus. At the end you'll see a Hunter on the right with his back turned to you. Sneak up behind him and execute him with the Plastic Bag. Head down the stairs, grab the Plastic Bag and move down until you are told to hide in the shadows. Do so and wait until the second Hunter moves past you. Walk out and execute him then head down the way he came. Grab the Painkillers at the end and drop down into the tennis court. Melee attack the Hunter as described and exit the court. *SAVE POINT* Turn right and you'll see a Glass Shard pick-up. Take it and hide in the shadow alcove. Wait until the Hunter appears and only head out to execute him when his back is turned. Then head up the stairs and turn right. You are now faced with a multiple Hunter situation. I'll try to guide you as best I can. But if you get spotted, it could throw the whole thing out the window. Pick up the Glass Shard pick-up and go to the ambulance ahead. Then go right and hide in the shadow of the truck. Keep going ahead until you are now in the shadow of the cab. Wait until the Hunter backtracks and passes you here: then execute him and quickly hide the body so his friend doesn't find out. Any shadow will do here, then head to the pillar directly across from the truck cab when the second Hunter is facing away. Then head on and turn right to see an alcove with a Plastic Bag pick-up. Go back to that pillar you previously hide behind and tap it. The Hunter's attention will be directed to that spot, quickly head back to the alcove with the Plastic Bag pick-up. Wait until the Hunter loses interest and execute him when his back is turned. Head through the gate that opens afterwards. *SAVE POINT* Go around the corner and up the stairs, grab the Glass Shard and the top and head into the door straight ahead. Once inside, turn left and head into the shadows by the cash register (by the Plastic Bag pickup). Make some noise to attract both Hunters. They will both lose interest shortly after entering the structure. Wait until one leave, then execute the second when his back is turned. Hide the body in some shadows and repeat for the second Hunter. Execute him with the Plastic Bag when his back is turned. Then head out the door they entered from, turn left and go into the "Mall Exit Disposal Chute". =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.2. Doorway Into Hell =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Go down the alleyway and pick up the Plastic Bag. A Hunter will run out of the building ahead and take a leak away from you. Sneak behind him, be quick as he will "finish" and turn around and execute him. Take his Blackjack as well, now you can use this weapon more than once. Head into the building he was in and position yourself in the shadows beside the staircase. Make some noise to bring down the upstairs Hunter. After he investigates, he'll walk towards the entryway you came in from. Sneak up and finish him off. Go up the stairs and through the gravel passageway. Make some noise to attract the Hunter while hiding in the left shadows. ONLY follow him when you are not on any gravel as he will hear the "crunch" sound under your shoes. After executing him, drop down from the opening at the end. Head into the building straight ahead and into the hallway. Smash the glass, pick up the Glass Shard and pick up the Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* Head on and you'll be told to find something for breaking the padlock here open. Keep going on down the alley ahead, outside is a big open area with a Hunter patrolling the entryway to a building. Hide around the corner, out of site and make noise to attract him. Hide in the shadows, when he loses interest and turns around...kill him. The building he was guarding is not your interest, the alley on the right is. Hide in the shadows and make noise to attract a Hunter. Kill him the usual way, pick up the Plastic Bag behind the dumpster on the right. Head straight and turn left. You'll see a shadowy corner alcove on the building ahead (on the right side as you face down this alley). Hide in it and make noise to attract another nearby Hunter. Take him out and head down the way he came. Turn right at the corner and at the very end, on the left is a doorway you need to enter. Go up the stairs and grab the Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* You'll see a short camera feed of a Hunter hiding in first-person view. Just head through the rooms and when he charges out: melee kill him. Grab his Crowbar to open the padlock and for another weapon to use ;), Then grab the Painkillers on the far left room and drop down the opening in the wall back out into the open. Go into the opening in the building dead ahead and make noise to attract a Hunter that was hiding around the left corner. Then take him out however you please. Backtrack to the padlock but when you get to that big opening, there is a Hunter guarding that padlock in the distance. Lure him over to you and execute him. Then head to the padlock and break it with the Crowbar. *SAVE POINT* Now, turn left immediately after entering through the gate and into the building on the left. Go through the hallways and down the stairs. Through the door is a large room where you learn to grapple enemies. Kill this Hunter with melee attacks and go through the door to end this section. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.3. Road to Ruin =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Kick a trashcan to lure a Hunter and hide in the shadows. Execute him and then move on down the corridor. Turn right and into the room, then exit through the opening on the far right. Drop down into the bathroom at the end and make some noise to attract a hunter. Hide in a stall, then execute him when his back is turned. Head out the exit and go up the stairs. Go past the truck and into the alley, a Hunter will run out screaming. Now, you can either melee him or run away. The former will kill him right away but you risk losing health. If you choose the latter, run back to that staircase you took up and hide in one of the alcoves on either side. Once in the shadows, the Hunter will lose you at the bottom of the steps. Follow him up when he walks away and execute him. Be careful of the gate on the ground at the top of the stairs because it's rattling as you walk over it will give you away. Head past the truck again and down down the alley until you reach a padlocked gate. Use the Crowbar to open it (if you traded it for the Blackjack by accident, you'll have to find where you exchanged it to get it back). Head into the doorway on the left and follow the corridors. At the end, near the steps another Hunter will leap out and attempt to attack you. Run back to the gate and hide in the shadows to lose him. Execute him when he goes to walk away. Then head back into the corridor and up the steps at the end. *SAVE POINT* Grab the brick, and throw it against one of the walls beside you to lure one Hunter. When he turns to leave after investigating, execute him quickly and hide the body. The best building to do it is this one: go left after leaving this alley. On the left is a doorway into a building. Hide in the shadows in the corner beside the door. Make noise to attract the second Hunter and finish him. The cellar door is straight ahead from this doorway on the right side, break the padlock to open it. Once inside, you'll be in a large room with a gravel pile in the middle. Hide in the shadow corner and make noise to attract a Hunter. Execute him and hide the body in this corner. Make more noise from this corner and execute the second one that shows (DO NOT walk over any gravel while stalking otherwise your cover is blown). Head through the exit and through the room with the swinging bodies, grab the Bottle if you don't have the Brick. Go up the stairs and hit the corner here to make noise, then run back into the previous room and hide in the shadows. When the Hunters are within range, make noise to direct them into this room. When they go to leave, execute the last one to do so (be careful, there is gravel under the doorway here). Repeat this for the second one as well. At the end of the alley is a gate, with a third Hunter on patrol. Lure him away from the gate by making noise and hiding in the shadows of this alley. When he turns away to head back, execute him. Then go to the gate and break the padlock to end this section =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.4. White Trash =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* You are striped of all your weapons before starting this section, you'll have to find new ones. Turn right and you'll see a Hunter walking down the alley away from you. Walk down and turn right around the corner. There's an opening on the right, it leads to a corridor with Brick and Wire pick-ups. Take both and hide in some shadows, lure the Hunter in and kill him. Head through the gate and turn left. You see a vehicle in the middle here, approach from the left side and hide in the shadows underneath. Eventually a Hunter will come patrolling past here. Follow him back to the gate (so as to get away from the second Hunter) and execute him. Go back under the vehicle and lure the second Hunter here, kill him. Now, move on and take the left path. Some Painkillers are here if you need them. Face away from the corner with the Painkillers and you'll see a chain link fence. Run to it and turn right. Go down and an opening to a large open area is visible. Do not go into this area, but into the door on the left side as you face it. Go up the stairs and you'll see a Hunter looking out a door. Execute him and hide the body in the shadows. A second Hunter patrols the opening, lure him into the room and execute him. Now, from where the doorway leads out into the opening head straight. There's a hangar on the far end on the right, go inside and Hunter will attack. Melee kill him and take his knife. Head to the dark blue blip on the radar and cut the rope on the gate with the Knife. *SAVE POINT* Head up the ramp ahead and jump down. Turn left and you'll see a trailer on the left side. A cinematic will play showing off the Nail Gun inside. You need to lure the Hunter out, smash the window on the side of the trailer to get his attention. Hide in the shadows and wait until the moment is right to kill him. Then head into the trailer and grab the Nail Gun. Two more Hunters will arrive. Near the door of the trailer is a shadowy corner, hide in it and make noise to attract the Hunters. When one leaves and the other remains, kill the one inside quickly. Hide the body and repeat to dispose of the second Hunter. Go out of the trailer, turn left and around the corner. Turn right again, the right shadowy alcove has some Painkillers. After that, move on until you get to an entryway flanked by burning barrels. Go through and approach the gate, you'll be told to find the release switch. Head ahead and go straight into the shadows ahead. Make noise to attract a patrolling Hunter and take him out. Hide the body and repeat again to slay the second Hunter patrol. To your right you will see a chain-link fence. Go through the passage left of it and you'll see an archway beside the gate. Hide in the shadows and make noise to attract this third Hunter. Then move into shadows ahead, out of sight of the Hunter guard, and throw a Lure to bring him away from his post. When he turns and walks back, quietly approach him from behind and slay him. Then go into the building he was guarding and flip the switch. Now, don't go back to the now-open gate yet because three Hunters now guard it. Remember that little archway beside the chainlink fence? Go back to it and make noise to attract a Hunter. Lure him out of sight of the second and execute him (this part is really tricky, I'm trying to guide you as best I can but improvising is also key in this game). Do the same with the second Hunter which should be much easier now that the first one is gone. The guy guarding the gate has a Nail Gun...do not engage him in melee attacks because he is fast and those Nails do heavy damage. What you need to do is hide in some shadows so you are facing the alleyway leading to the gate. Make noise to lure the Nail Gun Hunter from his post. When he turns around to head back, sneak up behind him and execute him (Nail Gun to the head seems to do the trick). Head through the gate to finish this section. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.5. Fuelled By Hate =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Go around the corner and hide in one of the shadows on the immediate right. Just before the train cars here are the shadows. Make noise to bring two Hunters, one after another, to you. Execute them and hide the bodies. Then move up to the side of a train car, find some shadows to hide in and make noise to attract the third Hunter. Execute him and head through the gate that opens. Now, turn left and go into the chainlink fence opening on the left. Watch the camera feed and smash the fusebox on the right. When the Hunter comes down to inspect it: kill him. Move up the stairs, through the gate and keep going on straight. Go across the walkway and drop down: watch the camera feed. Grab the Save Tape here. *SAVE POINT* Go on and take the first left path, hide in some shadows on the side. Make noise to attract a Hunter then execute him. Hide the body and do it again to attract the second Hunter. When they are both dead, go down the path and turn right at the end. You will see a large, green tank-like vehicle perched up. Approach it from the left and hide in the shadows underneath it. Make noise to attract a Hunter and execute him. Then head down the way he came, make a left into the narrow pathway. You will see a hangar immediately ahead, enter it to find a Save Tape and the gas can. *SAVE POINT* This part is a bit tricky, you have to bring the gas can back to the Crane while being careful of the Hunters. From the hangar heading out, go to the shadows on the right with the gas can. Now, if you want to get a star rank you must stealth kill these guys. If you don't care about that, fire a Nail Gun shot to bring all three to you and shoot nails at all of them. But, if you want to be stealth then hide the gas tank in some shadows and follow the following strategy. Make some noise in the shadows to bring one Hunter and execute him. Then grab the gas can and go through the chainlink fence opening and into the shadows on the right. Make more noise to lure the second Hunter and execute him. Move on, past the wrecked truck cab and into the shadows on the far right side. Make more noise to attract the third Hunter and execute him. Then move back to the Crane, there's a Painkiller pick-up inside a wrecked gas tank. The path to them is beside the path back to the crane to the left as you head towards it. Once you reach the chainlink fence that leads back to the Crane, make noise by the wooden crates here to attract a Hunter. Run through the chainlink fence and hide in the shadows on the right. Execute the Hunter and run back to the Crane. Go up the steps and put gas in the Crane by pressing Triangle. Then go back down and press Triangle by the crane to enter it. Now, this part gets really tricky because you are a sitting duck in the Crane. Two Hunters with Nail Guns will rush you at this point and you are an easy target. Quickly move the Crane right and press X to pick up the fridge blocking the way. Quickly drop it and exit the Crane, pull out the Nail Gun and shoot both of these Hunters dead. If you want to stealth kill them then you'll have to run away and hide in some shadows, then lure them out and execute them. Personally, at this point I really don't like doing that, but if you want to then improvise because that's how a lot of this game is based. Afterwards, go through the now-unblocked path and keep going straight until the end. There is a Box of Nails in the large open area here. Turn around from here and go back but into the middle compartment. Two Hunters will run up the steps leading down here and run to you. Do not Melee them as you are outnumbered, either Nail Gun them down or do the "hide in shadows, lure and execute" strategy that's so familiar by this point in time. Head down the stairs they came up to move on. *SAVE POINT* Go through the corridor and turn right as you leave, a Box of Nails is behind some crates here. Go the opposite way and up the stairs. Do not go all the way up yet, a Hunter patrol will come out of the control booth ahead and look out. Spy on him, then when he turns around walk behind him and kill him. From the stairs, turn right and go on until you reach a gravel chute going down. Go down it, now the following section is incredibly tricky and is open to all kinds of failure as FOUR Hunters patrol here. Even more frustrating is the Hunters love to walk through the shadows you are hiding in which makes you vulnerable to detection. I'll try to guide you as best I can: but if you get spotted (and I'm sure you will) then just go ahead and Nail Gun them to death because reloading the save game make it more tedious. Again, if you are a stickler for Star Rankings then feel free to reload the save. OK, first off from the chute turn left and go straight a bit and duck into the pathway between two sets of boxes with shadows. Make noise to lure a Hunter to you and execute him. Now you only have three to deal with, the problem I had was that making noise from here attracts all three which you do NOT want as you have to separate them all over again. Head back to the chute and go down the path with the Brick Lure pick-up. Go straight on and turn left and you'll be in a pathway with Painkillers. Go into the shadows on the left side as you go down. Make noise to attract a Hunter and execute him (always hide the bodies if you didn't pick up the hint). Make more noise from this shadowy alcove to attract the third Hunter. Execute him then move straight and then slightly right into the next shadows. Make noise and execute the fourth and final Hunter to open the gates. Go through and into the Crane, quickly move the crane right and move the fridge out of the way. Exit and whip out the Nail Gun to take out the half-dozen Hunters that show up (stealth killing will take way too long, just finish them off). Head up the stairs, through the control room and down the steps. Take a left and move on until you see a gate (this area should look familiar) with a Hunter. Lure him away and stealth kill him then go through the gate to finish this section. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.6. Grounds For Assault =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From where you start, head up the steps and into the building ahead. Go into the door on the right and hide in the shadowy doorway after picking up the Wire pick-up. Make noise to attract a Hunter that's guarding the doorway ahead. When he comes, execute him. There's another Hunter in this area, repeat the same tactic and execute him too. Now, back into the first area of this building you came in. The door on the opposite end of the hallway has a Wire pick-up. Exit this room, turn right and cut the rope on the gate with the Machete you got from a dead Hunter. Go through, hide in the shadowy stalls on the left and make noise to attract a Hunter. When he loses interest kill him and move on. Once back in the open, go up the ramp and into the shadows on the left. Two Hunters patrol here, lure one by making noise and quickly executing him. Run back into the shadows as the noise of the kill should have attracted his friend. Once his friend walks away, execute him and move on. On the left should be some Painkillers while the right path has a Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* There's an elephant statue head: note it. But for now turn right and duck into the shadows on the right side of this path. Make noise to attract a Hunter patrolling ahead and execute him. Go to the opposite wall of the path and make noise to attract a second. Kill him and hide both bodies in the shadow. Then head to the elephant statue and go up the stairs beside it. Go down the path and hide in the shadows on the left. Bang on the fence on the opposite side of the path far enough so the Hunters will hear it. Wait until one arrives, and execute him. Do the same for a second Hunter. There are two left here, go down the path and go left into the Grizzly Bear pen (remember this location). Bang on the wall directly ahead, then hide in the shadows to your left. There's a Hunter in this pen with you, he'll come to investigate so execute him when he does. The last Hunter is a bit furthur down the path, towards the gate. Make some noise outside of the cage, within his range, and run back to the shadows. Execute him when he turns around to leave (watch out for the metal gate on the ground as this makes noise when walked upon). Go to the blue dot on the radar, just ahead, and you are told to find the Crowbar. Go back to the Grizzly Bear cage, turn right and follow until you reach a cave. Get the Crowbar in here and head back to the door and break the padlock with the Crowbar. Head through to find a Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* Go right and walk through the bushes until you get to the far staircase. Hide in the shadows by a shrubery near the stairs. Make noise to attract a Hunter who will walk down the stairs. Execute him and run up. Turn left at the end, past the Brick Lure and into the corridor. Hide in a shadowy alcove and make noise, execute the Hunter that comes to investigate. Move on, turn left and up the stairs. Make another hard left and go up the ramp. Once at the top, go right and you'll be on a pathway leading to the guarding Hunter (who has a Tranquilizer Rifle). Execute him and grab the rifle. Break the padlock of the door he was guarding with the Crowbar (it's the blue dot). Once inside go on through the door on the right and move on. Some Hunters will jump you so quickly run back into that shack and hide in the shadows in the corner. Wait until they lose interest, then equip the Tranquilizer Rifle and follow them from behind. Quickly fire a dart into both of them then run past. At the end is a gate, break the padlock to open it and finish this section. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.7. Strapped for Cash =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* From the start, immediately turn left and go into the doorway. Head into the second room and hide in the shadows on the left. Make noise to attract a Hunter and execute him. Then move on, picking up the Wire pick-up along the way. Exit through the door past the Wire and turn left. You'll see a chainlink fence. Hide in the shadows to the left and wait a few seconds for a Hunter to come in range. Make noise to attract him and execute him (he carries a Revolver and will execute a family member if alerted so make it quick). Make sure you have a Machete (the first Hunter had one) and continue past the fence and into the room on the left. Cut the rope of the captive family member. Leave the room, head straight into the shadows and make noise to attract a Hunter from the pen beside you. There are three Hunters in this pen, here's what you do. Go into the pen itself and immediately into the shadows on the left. Make noise and execute another Hunter. Then move ahead and go left into the cave. Hide in the shadows and make noise to bring another Hunter to you, kill him. Repeat this one last time in this cave to finish off that last Hunter. Afterwards, leave the cave and turn left to see an opening to leave from. Once out, turn right and head down the pathway here. Hide in the shadows on the right before the stairs. Make noise to attract the Revolver-toting Hunter and execute him. Go down the stairs half-way and make noise to attract another Hunter. Hide in the same shadows and execute him. Go and free the family member the two were guarding by cutting the rope with the Machete. Then left through the tunnel (where the orange arrow is pointing) and continue on until you pass through a gate. A Save Tape is in the doorway of the building ahead. *SAVE POINT* Outside, to the right of the doorway is an alley leading around the corner of this building. A Tranquilizer Gun is at the end (if you need ammo). Otherwise, head into the building itself and turn right. Go down the hallway and hide in the shadows here. Make noise to attract the Hunter and execute him then free the third family member he was guarding. In the room where he was held, break the window that has the ramp leading up to it. Grab the Glass Shard and pass through. Turn right here. Go around the corner of the building and you'll find a square garden-like thing with shadows on the side. Past it is a pen with structures inside, go in and hide in the shadows directly ahead. Make noise to attract and kill each of the three Hunters in here. Then leave out the way you came, turn right and go around the corner of the pen. You'll see a cardboard sign with an orange arrow pointing left. Go behind this sign and go RIGHT behind it following the path. You'll eventually come up to a blue door that leads into the cage housing the final family member. Hide in the shadows beside the door and make noise to lure the guarding Hunter out. Then go inside and free the final one to open the path through the shark's mouth entrance. QUICKLY run back into the previous room and hide in the shadows, there are three Hunters to kill. Two will return to the area you are in while one guards the shark's mouth entrance. Quietly execute those two Hunters by either stealth kills or Tranq shots that will stun them (allowing easier kills). When you leave through that blue door follow the path out. But when you come up to the right turn that leads to the shark: don't take it. Go straight and on the right will be a shadowy corridor that leads to the same area. Tranq the Hunter here and run up to execute him. Head through the mouth afterwards. *SAVE POINT* Go right, walk up the ramp and drop down. The noise may have attracted a Hunter: hide in the shadows if your radar says so. Otherwise, go left through the doorway and immediately into the shadows ahead. Attract the Hunter with the Tranquilizer Rifle to you and execute him (be careful, he likes to walk through the shadows). Hide the body and go into the shadows furthur down: attract the second Hunter and execute him. Then move all the way through the path until you reach the room at the end. Press the switch in this room to open the fire exit door. Head to it and two Hunters will lunge out and run after you. Run all the way back to the start, whip out the Tranquilizer Rifle and shoot both of them. Then execute them and move through the fire exit to finish this level. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.8. View of Innocence =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* When you start, go pick up the Brick ahead. To the right is a shop, throw the Brick through the glass door. Pick up the Revolver Six Shooter, Glass Shard and Brick from here. Then turn around and head down the pathway opposite. Good news is that this is where the game ditches the stealth and moves towards gunplay. Problem is, you have to hide and shoot because those bullets do massive damage. Go around the corner and quietly approach the garden structure ahead (there's two Hunters at the far end). Hide behind the structure and pop out to shoot these two Hunters dead. They will take cover as well, just press Triangle to press against the structure and press L1 to pop up and X to fire. When they are dead, head straight but keep your firearm ready because another Hunter will run out the door ahead of you. Head shot him (pull right analog stick down to target his head) and grab all three Hunters' guns. Inside that door is a Painkiller pick-up, only pick these up if your health is less than half. To your right you will see two Hunters patrolling the area head. Duck into the door where that third Hunter popped out of and wait here until one of the Hunters walks into the shop. Then quietly move ahead towards them, but hide behind a structure. Shoot the Hunter here quickly and hide. When he friend runs out, you have an easy head shot. Afterwards, turn right and approach the structure and immediately hide. Another Hunter will run up to you, just pop out and head shot him. The area he walked from has a Painkiller pickup. Otherwise, head up the escalator behind you. Two Hunters will run down from the top, head shot them. Go around the corner and you'll find a Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* Head around the corner then hide behind the corner edge so you are being protected from the Hunters ahead. Pop out and kill all three with Revolver shots then run and pick up their guns. Go on, around the corner and hide behind the structure while a Hunter walks around ahead. Fire a shot to lure him towards you. When he gets close, pop out and head shot him. Just ahead you'll see two Hunters run out of the tape shop: hide behind a structure and again pop out to shoot them. Run inside, grab the Painkillers if you need and the tape is on the left side behind the counter. Grab the Save Tape as you leave. *SAVE POINT* Head outside and hide behind the structure on the right, pop out and headshot the Hunter as he walks past. Hide on the opposite end as a second Hunter will run up the opposite way. Shoot him then take the escalator back down a floor: stealth kill the Hunter guarding the bottom. Continue down, when you get to some shadows literally in the middle of the path: shoot the gun to attract a Hunter. Head shot him when he gets close and move on. There will be a red bar on the right side with a Hunter watching through the window. Sneak up and head shot him quickly, then move on. Shoot another Hunter down here and eventually you'll come up to a shop on this floor, on the right side with a lone Hunter guarding. Quickly run in and shoot him, then grab the Painkillers, Save Tape and Video Camera. *SAVE POINT* Shoot the two Hunters out here and turn left. Be aware, on the right is a Hunter standing on scaffolding in the open area in the middle: shoot him. Then head back to the bar illuminated in red lighting. Inside, shoot the Hunter and head down the corridor inside. Turn left at the end and go down the stairs to the bar basement. Pull the switch to return power and head back upstairs. Beware, a Hunter leaps out of a door in this corridor so act fast. Then head to the TV in the bar, turn it on to finish this scene. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.9. Drunk Driving =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* This is an scene that has you escorting a bum through the streets. Thankfully Rockstar North made it so much more bearable than it otherwise could have been. Stay put where you start and make noise to attract a Hunter. Execute him then head straight out of the shadowy hole and turn left. Go around the corner to the right and open the door to find the bum you have to escort. Leave the building and turn right. Head all the way down to the end of the street and tell the bum to hide in the shadows on the right. When you see his icon on the radar turn pale blue: he's hidden, press Triangle to tell him to stay at that point. Hide in the shadows with him and make noise to attract a Hunter. Execute him then tell the bum to follow you, continue down the path the Hunter came from until you reach a gate. Once Starkweather buzzes you through, grab the Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* Head out onto the street and immediately turn left. Go all the way to the end and tell the bum to wait in the shadows. Then, turn right and you'll see a structure on the opposite side from where you started. Go straight and past the ruins, on the right you'll see a Brick pickup. Ahead you see an opening into a building. Go in, turn right and hide in the shadows. Make noise and a Hunter will run to you, he'll stop in the doorway and then turn around. Execute him and hide the body. Go through the doorway he entered from and turn left. Go to the end and hide in the shadows on the left. Make noise and execute the second Hunter that shows up. Then head straight out of the shadows and run to the other side of the street. Turn right and run to the first set of shadows you can find. Hide here, make noise and attract the third Hunter that was guarding the midsection of the road. Kill him then run ahead and get the bum. Have him follow you to the end of the street from here, turn right into the doorway at the end. Go through the gate to find another Save Tape. *SAVE POINT* When you face out onto the street, hide the tramp in the shadows on the left just at the end of the alley. Then make noise to attract your first Hunter and execute. Then, head straight ahead to the opposite side and you'll see an alleywall. Go through, hide in some shadows near the end and make noise to attract the second Hunter. Once he's gone, head into the open area with the big truck and into the shadows on the right. Make noise and kill the third Hunter that goes to investigate. Behind the ruined bus here is some steps leading down, those are where you have to bring the bum. Do so and QUICKLY hide in the shadows on the immediate left with him as another Hunter comes running up. Once he is executed, move through the tunnels until you reach the end. *SAVE POINT* This part is a bit tricky, you need to guide the tramp through a ruin site. Problem is, there's three Hunters in there who can hear quite well. Doesn't help that the site is littered with noisy gravel. So, what you have to do is lure them out. Go straight ahead from where you start, to the right of the CCPD Van is a shadowy corner. Hide the tramp in here, then make noise to attract the Hunters in the ruin site. The trick is to wait until all three arrive, two will lose interest and walk away. The third lingers around for a while longer, then too loses interest and walks away. The trick is to kill the straggler quickly and hide the body in the shadows. Then lure the remaining two and repeat again, killing the straggler. Once that's done, simply lure the last guy out and simply stealth kill him. Once they are all dead, head into the area they ran from. It's up a ramp on the left side as you run down. Once in the site, turn right and go to the end. There's a gate on the far right side. Then turn left and go through the door on the right end. *SAVE POINT* Turn right and go around the corner, around to corner left again hide the tramp in the shadows. Move around another corner left, now just around the corner to the right a Hunter will lunge out. Run away and hide in the shadows with the tramp. Execute the Hunter when he goes to walk away. Now, retrieve the tramp and continue on around the corner where the Hunter came out of. Keep going straight and hide the tramp in some shadows. Move all the way to the end and turn right around the corner. On the left you will see some steps leading up to an area with a Sawn-Off Shotgun-wielding Hunter. Make noise while behind the wall at the top of the steps, he won't come to investigate so don't worry about that. When he loses interest and turns around, sneak up and execute him. Retrieve the bum and return to this area. There's a gate here, approach it with the tramp and it'll open. Hide the tramp in the shadows of a gravestone. Then whip out the Sawn-Off Shotgun and shoot all five Hunters in this area (there's to many to do quick, effective stealth kills). Then retrieve the tramp and approach the gated tomb on the far end. The gate will open and you can proceed through. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.10. Graveyard Shift =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= When you start, make noise by the bottom of the staircase to lure a Hunter down. Then shoot him dead, repeat to draw the other two Hunters down. Then head up the staircase, onto the street and turn right. A short video feed will commense, you must reach the guard hut to open the gate. What I find works is to hide in the shadowy doorway past the Painkiller. Then lean out and pick off the first Hunter. Then run to the first pile of wood, hide and pop out to pick off the second Hunter. Repeat this to take out the last two, moving to furthur wood piles if you need better vantage. Then flip the switch in the hut and backtrack to the gate. *SAVE POINT* Go to the bottom of the steps, take out a Revolver Six Shooter and shoot the Hunter that runs out of the door at the top. Shoot the other two Hunters that will do this, get some distance as they will attempt Melee attacks. Then head into the room, press against the boxes to your immediate left. Shimmey down to the end, pop out and shoot the Hunter. Move to the next panel of the box and repeat to take out the other. Then head through the door they were guarding. Once inside this large room, go to the right and down the staircase. Press against the wall at the bottom and peak out to shoot one of the Hunters. Now move to the left and press against the wall, shoot the Hunters that run to your previous position. This part is incredibly random as Hunters will either stay puy, walk/run to you or attack in groups. What I find helps is to keep moving, furthur down are some shadows which has perfect range of the Hunters that stayed put. Once they are all dead, move to the far right end and flip the circuit breaker. Get back up on ground level and go to the far right end to find the elevator. Flip the switch, get on and ride it to the top. Shoot the Hunter on the platform half-way up. *SAVE POINT* This part is pretty tricky as there are no hiding spaces on the catwalks so you'll be doing a lot of long-range shooting. Move ahead and fire a single bullet to get the attention of Hunters. On the left, just below your current position a Hunter will run out. Shoot him when he does. Some more Hunters should be walking to your position. See those large steel pipes in the middle of the area? Position Cash so the pipe is between him and an approaching Hunter and peak out to fire shots. Two should have been killed here, move on and some more Hunters are ahead on a catwalk leading down. Kill them from afar. Then turn left (do not go to where they are) and eventually you'll be on the roof of a hut. Drop down, to your right is a ledge with ammo. On the left is a pathway with Hunters. Hide and popout to shoot them from the doorway to this platform. Then head to where they were, turn left and press the elevator switch. Ride it up, take out the Hunter on this ledge. *SAVE POINT* Smash the air grate, go through and smash the one on the opposite end. This is another tricky section, run ahead and through the door on the right. Quickly kill the Hunter in the middle and kill the one by the bar when he goes to reload. Leave this room, turn right and kill the Hunter in the middle of the hall and quickly duck into the room on the right. Ignore the Painkillers if your health is above half. Leave this room, turn right and run to the Hunter to kill him. Go into the room on the left, kill the Hunter in here and press the switch on the control box. The foyer door opens and two Hunters run up. Try to lure them into this room, if they don't come then peak out the door and kill them. Then head out and take the stairs down. RUN around to the left, shoot the Hunter here and hide in the shadowy alcove on your left side. Press against the wall, peak out to take out the Hunter in the middle of the room. Then run out, to the Hunter on the far end and kill him. Head through the double doors afterwards. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.11. Mouth of Madness =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Turn around and pick up the Wire. You'll see a cell with a guy strapped to an electric chair, pull the switch beside the door. Hide in the shadows and kill the Hunter when he goes to investigate. Then leave through the door he came in from. In this next room, hide in the shadows and make noise to attract a Hunter from outside. Once he is dead, move through the double doors outside. Turn right and go around the corner. Hide in the shadows and lure the two Hunters here, individually, and execute them. Go to the far end of the yard and move along the wall to the stairs at the far end. Lure the Hunter (who is armed with a Revolver) down to the bottom of the stairs while you hide in the shadows beneath. When he walks back up, follow him and execute. Make sure to pick up his Revolver. Then go through the door on ground level that he was guarding that has the blinking green light. *SAVE POINT* Once through, turn right and press against the greenhouse wall. Make noise and headshot the Hunter that investigates. His friends will join him, hide and pop-out to shoot them. Then go towards the far end straight ahead. Follow the wall to the side and approach the Hunter guard from the side, headshot him. Then go to the green blip, pick up the gas can and go through the gate he was guarding. Go through the passage, drop the gas can and shoot the Hunter in the outside area here. Starkweather will point out a brick wall section to you, place the gas can by here and shoot it to blow a passageway. Go into the tower, head up the stairs and shoot the Hunter halfway up the stairs. Flip the switch at the top, by the locked door (don't worry about the Hunter the radar shows you past it). Then go back down to the bottom and through the gate. *SAVE POINT* On the right is the door, nudge it open slowly and fire upon a Hunter inside then RUN inside and turn to the right. Hide in this room and shoot the Hunter that runs through the door opposite. Press against the wall facing the room you came in from. Shoot the remaining Hunters then head through that opposite door. Go up the stairs and face the door at the top. Sneak through and shoot the Hunter patrolling beside it. Press against the wall ahead, pop out and shoot the remaining Hunter. The room on the far end has two Hunters in it, slowly move the door open by moving Cash into it and shoot the Hunters inside. Go in, turn right and through the door. Go up the stairs to the roof and shoot the Cleaver-wielding Hunters on top. Go to the opposite end around the left corner. Go up the ramp to the guard tower and shoot the dress-wearing Hunter. Carry his body back down the ramp to the Guard House ahead to finish this scene. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.12. Doing Time =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* In this scene, at least for the first part, you'll have to get some real execution objectives done. From where you start, head out into the cellblock and turn left. Grab the Hammer at the corner and some Hunters will drop down to join you. Hide in the shadows, and when the opportunity arrives (usually when a Hunter is alone) get a Violent (yellow) kill with the Hammer. Then get a Gruesome kill when you can. The next part involves you retrieving the Baseball Bat from an arriving Hunter. Just Tame kill him and grab the Bat. Then get a Violent and Gruesome kill with it. I know I'm being a bit vague, but the thing is so many things can go wrong and so many variations to the Hunters' pattern can arrive. All you can really do is separate them by making noise or using Lures then get a kill him. If you are caught, literally run to the other end of the cellblock (it's one long corridor) and run into a dark cell when the Hunters aren't in radar range. Once you are done, the door to the rest of the cellblock opens. *SAVE POINT* Two Hunters will walk down from the steps ahead, hide in the shadows on the left. Go for the one with the Revolver and execute him. Then shoot his partner before he can charge you. Make noise and shoot any Hunters that come down. Head up the steps and you'll engage in some run-and-gun action. Hide behind the beds and shoot any Hunters in range by popping up and shooting them. Wait until they fire a shot, then pop up and fire one of your own to get a good advantage. At the corner, hide against the corner itself and shoot all the Hunters from this vantage point. Then hide behind a bed here and shoot the Hunters with Sawn-Off Shotguns. Head to the end and down the stairs to finish this brief scene. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.13. Kill the Rabbit =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Go into the cellblock ahead and pick up the Shotgun on the far end. The cells will then open, back up against the gate facing into the room. Head shot the Hunters as they run up to you. Then head back into the room you started off, lure the Hunters out of the opposite room and head shot them. Then flip the switch in here to open the gate. Head through and through the corridor into another cellblock. Hide behind the bed, make noise and shoot the two Hunters that pop out of the cells. Shoot the third Hunter that comes running, then quickly run out and into the cell on the right (where one Hunter came out of). Turn left and go up the stairs, hide behind the wall up here and pop out to shoot the pursuing Hunters as they take the stairs. Head on, through the corridor until you see another Hunter at the end. Shoot him, turn right down this corridor and move on. Head through the gate at the end, through the doorway on the left into the next room. Hide behind a pillar on the right, make noise to attract the Hunter. Pop out and head shot him to move on, go through into the next room and take the stairs on the left. *SAVE POINT* Go into the Cell, get the Shotgun shells but leave the Painkillers. Hide behind the pillar in between the bars for cover. Over a dozen Hunters will come up the steps, pop out to the right and shoot them as they do. When it's all over, Starkweather will tell you to move on. Do so, head back down the steps and head through the gate ahead. *SAVE POINT* Head through the gates until you get to some steps, go to the left of them and shoot the Hunter. Hide beneath them, in the shadows and lure the Hunter down. After killing him, head up and hide in the shadows. Make noise to lure two Hunters to you and shoot them. Keep moving on. When you get to the two sets of doors, a Hunter will run to you so quickly shoot him. Keep moving through the corridors until you are in a large room. Quickly hide behind the pillar on the left. Pop out and shoot the Hunters you can reach. If there are some out of range, carefully move and hide behind one of the tables. Once they are all dead, pick up a body and drop it on the security platform on the left of the large gate. Head through this gate afterwards. *SAVE POINT* Head on down, through the gate and into the doorway. The Rabbit will run away so follow him down the corridor and down the ramp. Hide behind the crates to your immediate left. Pop out and shoot the three cops that will investigate after you make noise. Then run into the tower the Rabbit ran up, at the top you'll see him and a sniper rifle guard. Quickly run up and shoot both. Then grab the Sniper Rifle and Prison Gate Key. Pick up the ammo along the outside ledge of the tower. Focus the rifle on the prison gate itself. There are two big trucks on either side, every moment or so a guard will run out and take cover behind some crates. Only shoot him when he stops at the crates to get a perfect head shot. Continue doing this until no more guards are near the gate. Then run down and towards the gate, stand in front of it and it'll open. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.14. Divided They Fall =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Go pick up the Wire straight ahead, knock on the wall and backpedal to the shadows. The investigating Hunter will come, and walk past you, follow him down the steps behind you and execute him. Then take the body, walk down the steps and go to the end. Hide the body in the shadows on the right. Make some noise to lure the two other Hunters to this area and execute them. Just leave their bodies in this alcove area. Afterwards, three armed Hunters will arrive. From the alcove here (with the Painkillers, if you need to know where it is) there are some steps on the left leading up as you face out into the main area. Go up and through the hallway, duck into the dark doorway on the right. Make noise, attract a Hunter and execute him. Take his Shotgun, no need for stealth now. Lure the two remaining Hunters to you and shoot them. Then head out and move to the other end (in the large open area with the wrecked cars). On the left is a door (the radar tells you there are two Hunters past it). Go through, press against the wall and shimmey Cash over to the corner. Pop out and head shot the Hunter, then repeatedly pop out to shoot the other one on the opposite end. Then run down the hallway. *SAVE POINT* This is a VERY frustrating section in the game, thankfully practice does make perfect. Press against the wall on the left, shimmey to the corner. Make noise to attract the Hunter out of his room then quickly shoot him. For the Hunter across the hall, pop out and shoot him again and again to kill him. Run around the corner and press against the left wall again. Shimmey down and you will see a staircase around the corner, pop out and shoot the Hunter at the top then head up. Go up the stairs and keep going on around the corner. The Hunter ahead only has a Machete, head shot him when he charges. The sound will alert two more Hunters, they too have Machetes. Just stand still and blast them when they round the corner. Go up another floor, press against the left wall. Shoot the Hunter that's around the corner when he's close (you may have to tap the wall to bring him to you). Quickly run into a shadow on the left. Press against the wall, wait until two more Hunters walk down the hallway and whip out to blast them. Head up a floor and you'll see Ramirez heading downstairs. Now you have to backtrack, this is where the game gets really hard so be patient. Turn around, head down the stairs and blast the Hunter in the doorway ahead (Painkillers in here if you need). Turn right and blast the two Shotgun Hunters quickly. Head down a floor, blast the Shotgun Hunter and pause before you reach the steps. Two Machete Hunters will run up, get some distance and head shot them. Head downstairs and take out the two Hunters that run up (one has a Machete, the other a Shotgun). Once on ground level, you need to head back outside. When you do: run STRAIGHT and hide behind the wall by the staircase. You should have Ramirez ahead with you able to pop out and fire upon him. Only pop out when he finishes firing a shot to avoid damage. When he is dead, you are told to head to a gate to finish. Head to the blue blip on the radar to finish this scene. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.15. Press Coverage =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* This is yet another escort mission, where you have to guide the reporter through the streets. The "Hunters" here are cops now, they are either armed with Nightsticks or Light Handguns. Once you do get a firearm, you can pretty much run-and-gun through this sections. Guide the reporter to the shadows on the right by the pile beside the Crowbar pick-up. Get said pick-up and move ahead, hide in the large container on the left. Make noise to attract a cop, execute him and hide the body. Lure his partner here and execute him as well. Pick up the Nightstick if you want that instead of a Crowbar. Go and retrieve the Reporter and move on, when you get onto the streets hide in the shadows on the right. Make noise to attract a cop, then execute him. Grab his Revolver Six Shooter and move ahead a bit, then duck into the shadowy corner on the right. Keep making noise to attract the cops ahead, and head shot them when they get close. Afterwards, retrieve the reporter and move on. Her apartment door in on the left at the end. *SAVE POINT* Hide the Reporter in some shadows, make noise to lure a cop down. Shoot him and his two partners that run down. Go upstairs and follow the hallway. There are two doors here, go into the left and quickly fire Shotgun shots at the two cops (make sure to pick up a Shotgun from the first few cops). Then exit out the glass door on the right onto a balcony. Take it to the next room to take the two guarding cops off-guard. Then retrieve the reporter and bring her back into this room. Once the triggered camera feed ends, take the fire escape ladder down. Go to the end of the alley. *SAVE POINT* Go around the corner and quickly into the shadows on the left. The cops at the end will walk towards you. Hide behind a wall and shoot them at point blank range. Then head out onto the streets, head to the far sidewalk. Turn left and go straight. Make sure to run behind the vans at the end to avoid being spotted. Head into the building ahead through the glass doors. There's a cop in here walking away on the left side. Sneak towards him and execute with a Glass Shard. Burst through the door ahead and shoot the cop inside, then his friend who runs down the stairs. Run up said stairs and head straight on. You'll reach the balcony with the sniper, kill him and pick up his Sniper Rifle. Shoot four cops on the street level with it, then head back into the dark hallway that connected the balcony with the inside. Lure the three cops into here and shoot them with a Shotgun blast. Or you can retreat back to the entrance, taking cover and shooting as you move on. Once back outside, turn right and around the street corner. On the left side you will see some staircases leading up. Take them until you reach a rooftop with a Sniper. Kill him and snipe the cops guarding the subway entrance ahead. Afterwards, head back down and into the door they were guarding. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 6.16. Wrong Side of the Tracks =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Warning: The Light Shotgun has a flashlight on it which can alert cops to your presense when used. Head down the stairs, quickly shoot the cop straight ahead as the other one will go running. Turn left and through the door is that retreating cop: shoot him after nudging the door open. The hallway ahead has another cop so quickly round the corner and shoot him while his back is turned. Shoot the lock on the door on the right (it's hard to see: but it's on the middle right side). Turn left and head down the subway tunnel. After a short camera feed, take the right tunnel but DO NOT RUN when you enter it as the approaching cops will hear you. Hide in the shadowy gap on the left and make noise. Shoot all six cops that come to investigate and then move on down that right tunnel. Near the end you'll see a gap with a door on the opposite end. Head inside and quietly head through (if you alert any cops, just shoot them). On the first right corridor is a door that leads down into another room. *SAVE POINT* Head down the tunnel and you'll see a door on the right, shoot the lock and head inside. Take the door marked "Control Room" and turn right. Head around the corner and you'll see a power switch on the wall. Pull the switch to restore power. Now you have to backtrack all the way to the start of this scene. When you head back into the subway tunnels themselves: three cops will rush in. Hide in some shadows and take them out then head back to the start. Get on the subway train afterwards. Once you arrive at your destination, go into the hallway and turn left. Some Painkillers are on the right if you need them. *SAVE POINT* Head through the door and shoot the two cops here. Another one will run down the stairs, press against the wall and pop out to shoot him. Lure the three cops upstairs down here and Shotgun blast them. Head up, with gun prepared, and shoot the cop behind the desk. Go through the gate on the left, duck into the dark room on the immediate right. When the two cops turn their backs, head out and shoot them. Take cover behind a pillar and blast the Shotgun cop behind the overturned table. Move on, up the stairs and blast the cop behind the cart up here. Go up some more stairs to finish this scene. =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 6.17. Trained to Kill =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Grab the Wire ahead, slowly go up the stairs and execute the cop at the top. Bring his body back down and drop it at the foot of the stairs. Make noise to attract two cops from above and shoot them. Then head up, press against the left wall and slide over to the opening. Pop out and shoot the cop behind the bench. Go in, turn right and down the steps. Shoot the cop around the corner and go into the opening on the right. Shoot the cop patrolling here and go left from the entrance. On the right you will see a Save Tape behind a gate, open it. *SAVE POINT* (REST COMING SOON!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Star Rankings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everytime you play a scene in Manhunt, you are scored at the end with a Star Ranking system. It goes up to five stars and judges you on difficulty played, quality of executions and time spent on that scene. It's a simple system and heres how it's organized. You get 1 Star for playing on Hardcore difficulty, this is guarenteed when playing at that level. You don't have to do anything special other than finish the scene on that difficulty. Secondly, you get 1 Star for beating the scene on a set time limit. The times are different for each scene and are organized like so Born Again: 10 Minutes Doorway Into Hell: 10 Minutes White Trash: 15 Minutes Thirdly is the Quality of Executions which you will get 1-to-3 Stars for. This is a bit tricky because you need to juggle time with executions (Level 3 Executions take time to build up and eat time). What I find is best to do is to use variety to get the 3 Stars. For example, pick a weapon and use all three Levels of executions. Then switch weapons and do the same (if it's a Disposable Weapon then use it once then switch). So, it simply breaks up like this. * - Hardcore Difficulty * - Time Spent *** - Quality of Executions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Final Thoughts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manhunt is really a game for those that like sick and twisted material. People who need stress relieved can play this and feel better. It's a pretty linear game with not a whole lot of variety (it's still "kill everything" all the way through). But it's a decent budget title and will keep you entertained for a while. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manhunt is a trademark of Rockstar Games, this guide is intended to assist gamers through their experience playing Manhunt, the author is not making a profit off it. This guide copyright 2005 TheEternalVenomX. This guide may not be copied, altered, distributed or sold without the author's consent and permission. Right now, I only give permission for GameFAQs to host this FAQ. I mean no offense to any other sites, but I just feel most comfortable with what I have going on right here.