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[FBS] Beam Split [FCS] Collect and Smash/Blast [FCP] Charge Projectile [FFS] Fastball Special [FBB] Billiard Ball [FFT] Flaming Tornado [FHA] Hammer [WLK] WALKTHROUGH [WLKG] General [WLKU] Universal Walkthrough [WLKP] Pro-Registration Walkthrough [WLKA] Anti-Registration Walkthrough [BMS] BONUS MISSIONS [BMGE] General [BMJG] Jean Grey [BMCY] Cyclops [BMGA] Gambit [BMTH] The Thing [BMTR] Thor [BMST] Storm [BMVE] Venom [BMGG] Green Goblin [BMSO] Songbird [BMPE] Penance [BMWA] Wakanda Pillar Defence [BMDW] Defend Wakanda [BMHC] Hack Challenge [CTC] CONTACTING ME [VRS] VERSION INFO [CPR] COPYRIGHT ****************************************************************************** [ATG] ABOUT THIS GUIDE AND GAME [ATGG] General I wrote this guide for a few reasons: 1) I’m a fan of games in the Marvel Universe such as X-Men Legends & Ultimate Alliance 2) No one else had made one 3) I was on extended sick leave and I could do it sitting down There are not a lot of options in this game when it comes to picking routes or finding hidden objects. Therefore, a traditional walkthrough is pretty unnecessary; you just keep going. I won’t duplicate what’s in the game guide. Check there for technical support. [ATGP] Pros -Large cast -Fusion powers -It’s not overly/unnecessarily complicated -The cut scenes look great -The load screens are very graphic, a la Frank Miller, and are a nice change from the some times ‘van art’ style of previous X-Men Legends/ Ultimate Alliance games. Plus little tips are offered during the load screens. -In the non-combat save areas, you can jump. You couldn’t before and I don’t know why. It doesn’t do much for you, but it always irritated me that you couldn’t. [ATGC] Cons -Some voices are annoying, all are repetitive. At the point where you meet Absorbing Man the scientists’ voices are clearly just dorks from the design team. There’s a reason why you hire voice talent, which is so that your characters don’t end up sounding like this -Awkward camera angles, awkward switching of camera angles, etc. -Illogical battles (not to sound like too much of a geek but four super heroes should be able to take down a second-rate loser like Scorpion in two seconds) -Too stripped down to have deep playability -Like all the others, it takes a stupidly long time to get to the actual game after you turn your machine on, and when you do, the load times are too long -In earlier versions you could combine heroes into groups (e.g. all females, the x-men, etc.) for bonuses which I don’t see here -Trying to add points to the other player in multiplayer is ridiculously complicated -You can’t access the cut scenes to rewatch them -In character detail view mode you can’t cycle through your team, you have to back out and then reload another one, except in Multiplayer mode when you CAN cycle through them, LAME -In order to make every character equally playable, the abilities are flattened so that everyone has more or less the same abilities (a close attack, a ranged attack, a radial attack) I miss the days when you had to put a team together with the right mix of abilities. See the Traits section for more on this. -If a fusion attack overlaps dialogue (say, at the end of a boss fight) it gets buggy -Music disappears on occasion -You can assign Powers to buttons ‘on the fly’ but they are just tiny icons with no names so it’s hard to know which is which -No skipping cut scenes or dialogue that you’ve already seen (very annoying when you have to keep replaying a certain area). On the bright side you can often just fly right through sections without fighting if you know where you need to be next. -Past X-Men Legends/ Ultimate Alliance versions had a little indicator on the character to let you know it had leveled up. -Half way through my second time through, I lost all records of my previous work in the Bonus Missions. Still had my unlocked characters though. -While you can jump while in the non-combat save areas, you can only single jump, not double jump. Plus no powers. I know you don’t need them, but hey, I want them. [OPC] OPENING SCREEN Play: Begins the game, duh. Options: Adjusts some of the AV and you can see a map of the controller Profiles: You can choose different group profiles or make your own. It tracks your wins, time spent in-game, etc. Credits: You get to see a graphic (visually speaking) cut scene, the same one that plays at the end of the game, and then the names of the folks responsible for this baby [PXS] PAUSE SCREEN: You get here by pressing Start Hero Details: Your current set of heroes, same thing you get when you press Select Options: Just like in the opening screen Players: To add or remove a player Boosts: See BOOSTS [B S T] Quit Game: Why would you want to do that? [SVA] SAVE AREAS At certain points you will reach Save Areas where you will do no fighting. Here are some things to do whilst there: Talk: Talk to the characters who are standing around. This is sometimes crucial as it launches a new phase of the game. Trivia: Use a trivia machine. It’s fun and gives you bonus points for correct answers Save/Change Team: Use the glowing blue circle to either save your game or switch characters Bonus Missions: Completing bonus missions (see below) is how you unlock characters and earn some extra goodies Use Review Console: Here you can see what you’ve done so far, including your ranking and score for each level. You can also replay missions if you wish. What you can’t do, as far as I can tell, is review the cut scenes. ? Continue: An orange horseshoe with an arrow in it indicates the gateway to the next stage of the game. [PTT] POINTS AND TRAITS [PTS] Points You improve your character by distributing the points that you earn throughout the game. You usually earn points by leveling up. Pretty standard. There are two kinds of super powers you can assign points to, as well as an additional default set: *Powers (these are the main type. They improve individual super powers) *Passive (most characters have two that improve the heroes' overall performance) *Abilities (these are defaulted and do not change. Everyone has Melee Finishers -trip, stun, pop-up- but other possibilities include Telekinesis, Flight, Might, etc.) You can have the computer auto distribute your points, and you can even pick which Powers the computer will focus on, on a scale from 0-3. But I still like to do my own point distributing. When loading up points, I pick the two Powers that I like and focus there. I also assign the Powers to the same buttons for every character (e.g. triangle and circle) so that I never have to remember what I put where. I also up the two passive Powers; they’re great at high levels. I really don’t like the character interface in this version, much more clunky and less intuitive than earlier versions. For one thing, when you see your team all lined up, it doesn’t say what level any of the characters are. For another thing, once you are looking at a specific character, you can’t cycle through your whole team unless you are in multiplayer mode, in which case you can only cycle through certain ones. So annoying. You’ll notice that each Power has a line of stars. When you improve a Power by either assigning it a point or purchasing it with game coins, you get a brighter star in the line of stars and therefore an increase in power. Here are the stars and what they mean (on Normal level): White stars cost 150 coins or 1 point Blue stars cost 300 coins or 2 points Red stars cost 450 coins or 3 points Note that the costs double when you move to Hard. Here’s a tricky bit. When you scroll over your various Powers, a number telling you what you need in order to purchase the next level of that Power will appear in the top left of the chart. However, if, say, you are on something that costs 3 points and you only have 2, it won’t display the 3, but rather it will show you how much coinage you have to spend, be it enough or not enough. You may have points to spend on cheaper Powers but won’t know it! Bad design. It should show you what you have as well as what you need. [TRT] Traits Traits are your heroes' basic capabilities in the following areas: Striking (attack) Body (defense) Focus (powers) Teamwork (fusion) They improve as you proceed and can also be artificially changed by boosts, etc. Affected traits appear yellow. Traits range from a theoretical zero to 150. For instance: At level 8, Psylocke's traits are: Striking 15 Body 12 Focus 12 Teamwork 14 TOTAL: 53 At level 99 her traits are: Striking 101 Body 78 Focus 95 Teamwork 143 TOTAL: 417 There are some funny things going on with traits. First, everyone's traits add up to more or less the same amount, making the heroes pretty much all equal. Second, I'm not sure how much minor differences in traits matter, as other factors have a greater effect. Finally, they don't always make sense, as you'll see below. Check this out, it's the highest ranking characters according to Trait. I took the numbers as of the end of the game, second time through, but I believe it's all relative. Striking - Wolverine (104 - stronger than the Hulk?) Body - The Thing; Luke Cage (79 - again, tougher than the Hulk?) Focus - Jean Grey; Ms. Marvel (119, well, there is that Phoenix thing...) Teamwork - Mr. Fantastic; Nanite Nick Fury (148 - they are born leaders) Now check this out. If you add the characters' trait scores together you get an overall idea of their capabilities. Here are the best: Psylocke (417) Spider-Man (397) Gambit (397) Penance (397) Blade (397) Deadpool (397) Songbird (397) A pretty motley crew, but those are supposed to be the best overall characters in the Marvel Universe. And here are the worst: Human Torch (367) Iceman (367) Storm (368) Invisible Woman (368) Jean Grey (369) Green Goblin (369) Yeah, those are some pretty puny players. After all, what can the Human Torch do besides MAKE HIS BODY AS HOT AS THE SUN? [ATK] ATTACKS, COMBOS, AWARDS You can kick and punch your way through the baddies, but your Powers are where the real action is. See the POINTS section for more on that. Melee Finishers (button combos) do extra damage: Trip: XOX Stun: XOO Pop-Up: XXO Damage Numbers: These float over the heads of the baddies when you wail on them. Normal attacks are white. Critical attacks do double damage and the numbers appear yellow. Resisted attacks are lessened and appear as orange numbers. Apart from fusion attacks, there are also numerous combos that can occur with your teammates. I know it has to do with timing, but when you are playing on your own they seem to happen at random. At the end of each level you get graded on your performance. You also get Awards depending on what you’ve done. I can’t pretend to know what they all mean but some are: -Lonely Fusion (no/not enough fusion combinations?) -Survivor (no deaths?) -Can’t Finish (sexual dysfunction or no melee finishers used?) -Combo Drought (no/not enough combos?) -Fusion Hero (one character was present for all fusions?) when you play multiplayer, one player gets nominated as the MVP. [BST] BOOSTS [BSTG] General This is a new buff feature in the game. It’s a series of award medals that offer benefits to the whole team. They can be earned or appears as drops. At first you can only use one, but you earn the power to equip multiple boosts (up to 4) as time goes on. The categories are Melee, Power, Defense, and Special. Specials are the best as they have multiple effects but the deal is you can only equip one special at a time. When you finish the game you get the Fold Campaign Medal which offers 100% fusion generation, +30 teamwork (which determines fusion damage), and 15 focus. Rad. Check back from time to time to see which Boosts you have, you may be able to upgrade. An (E) appears beside the boosts you've equipped. According to one player, the only Boosts that have to be earned (rather than appear as drops) are as follows: Fold Campaign Medal (when you finish the game the first time) Commandeering Expertise Ribbon (gold in Green Goblin) Distinguished Leadership Medal (gold in Defend Wakanda) Meritorious Training Award (gold in Hack Challenge) Here are all of the boosts I acquired. For you grammar nerds out there, all of those misplace modifiers are theirs, not mine. [BSTM] Melee Ribbon of Precision +14% melee critical damage Ribbon of Skillful Routing +20 bleeding damage to all normal attacks Decisive Victory Medal 5% chance to instantly KO enemies with normal attacks Strategic Striking Medal 3 second(s) stun on melee attacks Medal of Forceful Assault +15 striking Incendiary Master Award 33% chance to set enemies on fire for 40 damage War Veteran's Award +15% melee damage Arctic Service Model 33% chance to chill enemies for 4 seconds Outstanding Blitz Award +25% attack speed Requisition Ribbon 15% health leeched from melee damage [BSTP] Power Artillery Expertise Award +15% power damage Expedient Victory Medal 6% chance to instantly KO enemies with powers Munitions Expertise Award +15% to max energy Meritorious Seizure Medal 15% energy leeched from melee damage Forceful Determent Model 3 second(s) stun on power criticals Service Training Ribbon +15 focus Outstanding Efficiency Award 10% less energy cost Model of Marksmanship +14% critical chance Combat Readiness Ribbon +15% energy regeneration Impressive Surge Award 20 energy gained per enemy KO [BSTD] Defense Ribbon of Immediate Reprisal Reflects 35% of melee damage back Courageous Guard Medal +50% knockback resistance Aegis Cross -25% energy damage taken Adaptive Tactics Award 10% chance to gain energy from damage Victorious Subterfuge Award +10% dodge Ribbon of Stalwart Defense +15 body Ribbon of Active Resiliency 10% chance to to convert damage to health Steadfast Defensive Medal -25% physical damage taken Service Award of Longevity 1% health regeneration American Star -15% damage taken [BSTS] Special Note: only one can be equipped at a time! Fold Campaign Medal +100% fusion generation +15 focus +30 teamwork World War Hulk Service Medal +20 striking 5 sec fear on critical 2% extra knockback Outstanding Combat Unit Medal +25 fusion per KO +30% fusion damage Valorous Unit Ribbon +50 health and energy per fusion KO Superhuman Registration Badge +10% xp gain +10 credit drop Engineering Expertise Award Unlimited energy -35% speed Commandeering Expertise Ribbon Unknown Distinguished Leadership Medal Unknown Meritorious Training Award Unknown Unknown [CXS] CHARACTERS AND TEAMS [CTR] Traits See the traits section for more info on the characters' traits [CTM] Teams It used to be that in order to make a good team you need characters with a variety of skills. I liked that as it made for interesting team building. With this game everyone has powers with more or less the same effects, just with differing looks and levels of impact. It’s more about finding the characters your like than about the right combo. My best picks are Captain America, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, and Thor. There are a few places where you must have someone with Might or with a ranged attack, but they are few and far between. [CNP] NPCs There are many fanboy-pleasing NPCs too, including: Cloak and Dagger, Spiderwoman, Multiple Man, Hercules, Goliath, Starfire, Cable, She-Hulk, Lady Deathstrike, Wonder Man, Hank Pym AKA Yellowjacket AKA Ant-Man AKA Giant-Man, Bullseye, Bishop. Black Widow, Iron Fist, Moonstone, and Diamondback. Some are bosses, some are for conversing with, and others just show up in the cut scenes. Default Characters: [CIW] Invisible Woman: Poor Sue, always so underdeveloped. She should be awesome but she’s not. [CMF] Mister Fantastic: Lame. ‘Nuff said. [CHT] Human Torch: OK. Also ‘nuff said. [CDD] Daredevil: I’m sure someone out there enjoys using Daredevil but despite my lifelong attachment to Ol’ Hornhead I found him to be lacking. And if you think about it, putting DD up against Thor is kind of sad so it would make sense. He’s a street-level guy, not a cosmic power guy. His powers just weren’t doing it for me, and he only has one Ability (Melee Finishers) whereas most have at least two or more. [CCA] Captain America: Every instance of Cap has been great. His shield throw is great for taking out baddies from a distance and his shield bash handles the close ups. [CMM] Ms. Marvel: This was my main character the first time around. ( I used Spiderwoman in Ultimate Alliance 1 and MM is a pretty good sub.) On top of being tough yet sexy, she has ‘Prism’ an amazing offensive capability that I used over and over again to clean out groups of baddies. The only problem I found was that prism is an energy hog and she runs out fast at lower levels. [CBL] Blade: I wasn’t overly impressed by Blade. I tried out his Glaive Strike and Spike of Destruction but felt meh about them both. He does have regeneration though. [CWO] Wolverine: Chances are Wolvie’s on your team, and why not? He’s tough and he regenerates health. I just don’t find him that fun to play. [CHK] Hulk: He’s big. He’s green. He smashes stuff. If that’s your game style than you could do worse than picking up the big guy. I liked his Pulverizing Punch and he has not just two but four passive Powers you can max out. [CIC] Iceman: In X-Men Legends 1 Iceman was so overdeveloped that it was barely even a fair fight. Now it’s more reasonable but I still don’t really play him. I do like the fact that his bright colouration make him easy to spot. [CSM] Spider-Man: I found Spider-Man to be highly annoying to play, despite the fact I love the Webhead! One of his fusion moves is cool though, Collect and Smash. [CLC] Luke Cage (AKA Power Man): I picked him for my main team because I always liked him and I wanted some muscle. He’s pretty straightforward, and one of his focus moves, Pinball, is pretty hilarious and deadly, a winning combination! [CJG] Jean Grey: Ah, sweet, sad Jean Grey. She may fold faster than Superman on laundry day but when she uses her powers, watch out! Her Beam Split Fusion Power is my favorite. [CDP] Deadpool: I never liked Deadpool, and his annoying banter in the game caused me to dump him quick. He does have a fun, if dizzying, teleport attack. [CPS] Psylocke: Sexy, but uninspired. She has an interesting power where psychic butterflies fly around her, waiting for an enemy to come by. When they do, zap! [CIM] Iron Man: The Swiss Army Knife of characters. He won’t disappoint! Unlockable Characters: [CCY] Cyclops: What do you want, he’s Cyclops right? He shoots laser beams from his eyes. [CST] Storm: Storm’s alright but Thor is much more badass. Whatever she can do, he can do better. Sorry, Ororo. [CVE] Venom: In darker areas, his black costume makes him hard to see, but he’s pretty striking in brighter areas. His tendril attack is pretty cool. [CGG] Green Goblin: His banter is annoying but his Pumpkin Bombs and Homing Missiles are fantastic. Plus he’s the only character I know of that gains a vehicle in order to fly. [CTH] Thor: I played Thor in Ultimate Alliance 1 and once again he simply rocks. His lightning attacks are wicked ass bad, his hammer attack gets them coming and going, plus he’s strong, and he flies! [CTT] The Thing: I like playing with The Thing (heh heh). He’s maybe not as tough as the Hulk but he’s faster. [CSB] Songbird: I think she may be the most visually striking character in the game, and I like the fact that her fuchsia wings make her easy to see in battle. I used the Shrieking Slice and Crushing Discord as her main abilities, and they’re pretty good. I have a thing for female characters with this sort of power set though, so I’m biased. [CPE] Penance: I don’t really know too much about this character. His helmet has no eye holes, so how does he see? Anyhoo… I used his ridiculously named Berserker Headbutt and Misery Discharge Powers. Meh. [CGA] Gambit: I like Gambit, his 52 pick up power really clears out a room faster than an SBD. His rapid fire card attack is kinda fun, a lot like Spidey’s. [CNN] Nanite Nick Fury: He’s unlocked after you defeat the game on easy. I tried him out but wasn’t wowed by him. Plus his boring outfit made him easy to lose among crowds. He’s supposed to have a mind control Ability but it never seemed to work for me. [FZN] FUSION POWERS [FGE] General Fusion Powers are created when two heroes combine their Powers. Each pairing of heroes creates one of several Fusion Powers. You need four fusion stars (which curve around the character icons on the in-game screen) to launch your fusion powers. You can collect these stars one at a time by picking up ‘yellow’ (they look green to me) fusion orbs, or you can get them all at once by picking up a fusion charge. These drop in-game. You can spend one star to resuscitate a fallen comrade, (two on hard level) but, when your fusion powers are activated, all fallen comrades are resurrected. Fusions can take out a lot of baddies at once and they give you lots of points, which are crucial in the bonus missions. Wise use of fusions can be a very helpful game tool. You’ll learn to identify a fusion charge drop by the distinctive ‘ch-ching’ sound it makes. Some fusion combos are more common than others. I was on my second time through the game before I discovered a couple of them. I won’t list all of the possible fusion/character combinations, but here are some: [FSS] Skeet Shoot One character raises the other up, the raised one attacks grounded targets. Captain America and Human Torch Ms. Marvel and Blade Invisible Woman and Human Torch Green Goblin and Captain America Green Goblin and Ms. Marvel Green Goblin and Penance Deadpool and Daredevil Deadpool and Storm Daredevil and Human Torch Gambit and Blade Nanite Nick Fury & Penance [FCC] Clothesline The characters hold a band of energy between them. When you run around with it you can destroy your enemies. Iron Man and Human Torch Iron Man and Ms. Marvel Ms. Marvel and Penance Ms. Marvel and Thor Iceman and Human Torch (one readers recommends this pairing) [FAO] Alley Oop! One character raises another up. You control a target that appears on the ground, the raised one smashes into it. Wolverine and Human Torch Wolverine and Captain America Hulk and Blade [FBS] Beam Split One character fires at another and the beam splits apart, taking out baddies. Captain America and Iron Man Captain America and Thor Wolverine and Iron Man Captain America and Ms. Marvel Ms. Marvel and Wolverine Ms. Marvel and Jean Grey (it looks like the Phoenix too, very cool) Storm and Invisible Woman Storm and Jean Grey Storm and Psylocke [FCS] Collect and Smash/Blast One character raises up, gathers a bunch of baddies together below him/her, and then either lands on them (Smash) or fires on them (Blast). Good clean fun! Ms. Marvel and Songbird Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic Jean Grey and Captain America Invisible Woman and Songbird Songbird and Green Goblin Venom and Green Goblin Penance and Venom Songbird and Penance Deadpool and Psylocke Daredevil and Psylocke Human Torch and Psylock Venom and Ice Man Spider-Man and Iceman Spider-Man and Wolverine Spider-Man and Blade Songbird and Blade Songbird and Gambit [FCP] Charge Projectile One person lifts a hunk of the ground, another charges it with energy, and then the first one throws it. Some times there is a target that you control which appears on the ground. Ms. Marvel and Luke Cage Ms. Marvel and Hulk Gambit and Hulk Songbird and Hulk Nanite Nick Fury & Thing Thor and Thing Thing and Penance [FFS] Fastball Special One character picks up another, spins them around and then launches them. A classic. Luke Cage and Wolverine The Thing and Mr. Fantastic Hulk and Wolverine [FBB] Billiard Ball One character surrounds another with a sphere of energy. When you run over baddies with it, they die. It’s kind of silly but fun and quite powerful. Luke Cage and Jean Grey Hulk and Jean Grey Hulk and Songbird [FFT] Flaming Tornado So, you wake up one morning and realize that, while you once thought you had it all, now your life seems completely empty. You stare around yourself in despair. What to do? What’s missing from your life? Worry no longer, for I have the answer: Flaming Tornado. Thor and Green Goblin Deadpool and Storm Human Torch and Storm Nanite Nick Fury & Thor [FHA] Hammer One character charges an object, the other hammers it repeatedly. This seemed cool but kind of buggy, I couldn’t get the targeting to work smoothly. Venom and Songbird Venom and Spiderman Venom and The Thing [WLK] WALKTHROUGH [WLKG] General As I said above, there is no need for an ‘every step of the way’ walkthrough as the game is very straightforward, with little in the way of secrets for you to find. The main thing is that halfway through you must choose to be either pro-registration or anti-registration. This choice also determines which characters you can play (see below). Either way is fun and gives the game some added playability. There are great heroes on both sides. The plot. Following a shady U.S. attack on Latveria (which caused some Latverian retaliation in the U.S.) all U.S. superheroes are asked to register with the government. Some agree to do so and some refuse. The anti-registration rebels go underground, whilst the pro-registration heroes go searching for them. When found, rebel heroes are locked up, along with villains, in the Negative Zone where they are controlled by nano-technology. When the ‘nanites’ get out of control and start manipulating super powered individuals, the heroes and villains team up to take down the collective nanite force, now known as The Fold. [WLKU] Universal Walkthrough This portion of the walkthrough is universal; you don’t split off into a faction for a few levels. For the first few missions you also have no choice in characters. Your options (and you could do worse) are Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, and Wolverine. “Latveria” “Rural Latveria” At this point you are able to access all available characters, except for Iron Man and Captain America, who exited in the previous chapter. “Storm the Castle” “Castle Interior” “The Castle’s Core” – one of the collapsed wall insets has the exit from this level Iron Man and Captain America return here. “NYC Street” “NYC Times Square” Now you have to choose to be pro-reg or anti-reg. If you have any unlocked characters they will stay with you regardless of your choice. If you haven’t, then your options will be more limited for characters to play. See the ‘Pro-Registration Walkthrough’ and ‘Anti-Registration Walkthrough’ below for a list of who is available for which choice. [WLKP] Pro-Registration Walkthrough To start off with, Storm, Captain American, and Luke Cage are unavailable “The Sewer” “Rebel Hideout” “Rebel Bunker” “Defeat Cable” “Chemical Plant Entry” “Ground Goliath” “Chemical Plant Finale” At this point the only unavailable character will be Captain American. “Ryker’s Prison” “Ryker’s Portal” No Captain America or Iron Man here. “Negative Zone Entry” “Absorbing Man” “Villains Unleashed” “Villain Containment” “Villains Survival” “Villains Escape” “Negative Zone Portal” All characters are now available. “Free Wakanda” “Protect the Vibanium” “Nanite Base” “The Fold” “The Tower” “The Final Battle” – save your Fusions for when you need to resuscitate a comrade. “Completed” - Here you can work on any unfinished Bonus Missions. [WLKA] Anti-Registration Walkthrough (No Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Thor, or Ms. Marvel at this point) Cable’s Hideout The Armory Sewer Escape (check side tunnels for hidden areas) Rebel Base II Punish Pym (No Captain America) Chemical Plant Escape – you’ll need a character with Might (No Captain America, No Iron Man) Fury Base “Ryker’s Prison” “Ryker’s Portal” “Negative Zone Entry” “Absorbing Man” “Villains Unleashed” “Villain Containment” “Villains Survival” “Villains Escape” “Negative Zone Portal” All characters are now available. “Free Wakanda” “Protect the Vibanium” “Nanite Base” “The Fold” “The Tower” “The Final Battle” – save your Fusions for when you need to resuscitate a comrade. “Completed” - Here you can work on any unfinished Bonus Missions. [BMS] BONUS MISSIONS [BMGE] General: Check out the actual level requirements for each mission; a silver rating is needed to unlock each character so find out what it takes to get a silver and aim for it. Launch as many fusions as possible to up your scores. I didn’t unlock any of the heroes except for Jean Grey until I finished the game once. Some of the later levels are tough, you’ll probably want to wait until you’ve leveled up anyway. [BMJG] Jean Grey: This one is very tricky. It was the only one I did the first time through. (I wanted to play Jean Grey) Here's the deal. You start in a city intersection. Two sets of enemies will attack you. The first is a Kamikaze Bot. It will run at you, then lunge at you and explode. Use Jean to pick the Bots up with telekinesis (circle button) and shunt them into nearby cars, blowing both up. The next group is sets of armed soldiers. I suggest a radial attack to take them out. That kind of attack will also get rid of any Kamikaze Bots that are attacking. Whenever you are aren't being attacked by soldiers you should be using Kamikaze Bots to blow up cars. The problem is that the Kamikaze Bots only spawn from certain locations. Picture this: when you first start the game, a Kamikaze Bot will appear. Let's say it's north (N) of you. Directly south (S) will be a bonfire. There are spawning spots to the northeast (NE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW), but you have to blow up a van to get to that one. To blow up the cars to the southeast (SE), you must go over to the original spawning spot and then lure a Kamikaze Bot to the location. Then turn to face it, use telekineses, and smash it into the cars. Once that's done, you're up against the Grey Gargoyle. His touch turns you to stone and he has a radial attack so stay out of his way. Here is a breakdown that should get you gold: 1) Use Bots to clear the three center cars (telekinesis) 2) Eliminate the soldiers to the NE (Mind Fry) 3) Clear the car to the NE using the NE spawn spot (telekinesis) 4) Eliminate the soldiers to the SE (Mind Fry) 5) Use the N spawn spot to clear the cars to the SE (telekinesis) 6) Fly to the SW and land in the center of the soldiers (Mind Fry) 7) Use the SW spawn spot to clear the SW cars (telekinesis) 8) Eliminate the soldiers to the W (Mind Fry) 9) Use the SW or N spawn spots to clear out the W cars (telekinesis) 10) Clear out soldiers in the NW (Mind Fry) 11) Use the N spawn spot to clear out the van in the NW (telekinesis) 12) Use the NW spawn spot to repeatedly kill Bots until your score is high enough (25,000). This is crucial. Don't clear the cars or you'll move on to the boss to soon. Don't linger either because you need a minute to finish him off. 13) Use the NW spawn spot to clear the last of the NW cars 14) Go to Grey Gargoyle 15) Fly and use Mental Guardian repeatedly, GG will die in seconds! [BMCY] Cyclops: At first I wasn’t able to get enough points to finish this up properly; you need to be able to take down a lot of baddies quickly and profitably, which means lots and lots of fusions. Maximize your fusions and Cyke should be yours. [BMGA] Gambit: This is tricky because you need to find a lot of data thingies in order to complete the level, but not all of the thingies are easy to find. I used Gambit’s 52 Pick Up Power and trashed everything I could find. Some dead-end tunnel side exits have false walls that aren’t on the map. You never know where one might be. Look in the shack, in the water, under barrels, in rooms, etc. Fight all the bad guys and make for the exit before time runs out. [BMTH] The Thing: This is the now-familiar sewer level. You have to fight your way through SHIELD agents and then defeat the Lizard. My recommendation is to use the Earthclobber attack, stunning the groups that attack you. First give it a quick blast to stun them, then charge it to really give 'em hell. The Thing dishes out hundreds of points at a time, and with his Tough Skin he takes only measly damage. For gold, there are places, like the end of the first long passage, where baddies respawn. Hang out there awhile to build up your damage. Don't wait too long though, or you'll run out of time. Try hanging out in the first passage until the 6 minute mark. [BMTR] Thor: A simple attack and survive scenario. [BMST] Storm: Dark Thor is pretty easy to beat so you don’t have to worry about taking him down early. Instead focus on the area where baddies respawn and get lots of points before taking him down. If you’re wondering where the next stage is, you have to go up and over a truck to the left of the loading dock. [BMVE] Venom: There are three parts to this one, and if you do it right, it shouldn’t be too hard. First, you are in a series of hallways where you just battle, battle, battle. Then you end up locked in a room with a floor grid. Once again, it’s fight, fight, fight until the door opens on the other side. Now you’re in the final hallway. Fight your way to the end but DON’T USE THE EXIT. The enemies at the end of the hall will respawn so you can keep fighting them until you build up enough points to win silver, or even gold. Use the exit before the timer runs out. [BMGG] Green Goblin: I don’t know what the deal was but the first few times I tried this mission the Goblin had no energy and couldn’t absorb any more. He had to fight his way out, and he’s got such tiny hands! Once it started working correctly I got silver on my first try, and was even just a few points shy of gold. I recommend blasting from a distance and through open doorways before placing the bombs. Also, remember that you can shoot the homing missiles from on-board the glider, and also note that no one attacks you while you’re placing the bombs. [BMSO] Songbird: The first time I used her I maxed out her Shrieking Slice and Crushing Discord and earned a silver just by attacking any and all around me. [BMPE] Penance: This level is crawling with baddies so don’t worry about mopping up everyone, there isn’t time. Here was my plan, which won me a gold on my second try, and in just 4.5 minutes. Attack everyone in the first room until you have got your 100 kills. They keep respawning so you just keep attacking until you reach the Silver level number. Then, go as fast as you can, skipping battles as necessary, until you get to Scorpion. He’s stupidly hard to beat, relatively speaking, so give yourself a little time. [BMWA] Wakanda Pillar Defence: Man, those wacky Wakandas sure can take pillars down fast. This level certainly has generated a lot of chatter online, and in my inbox. Here are several scenarios that can give you the gold: My Original Solution: This level is a perfect example of my earlier suggestion to work in lots of well-timed fusions. In fact, it’s crucial. They are they only way you’ll get enough points to earn a reward (There are no point bonuses.) But, you have to be super-duper careful. In the time lag between when you launch a fusion and when it activates, the Wakandans will have gone and knocked down a bunch of pillars. It's good to use a Collect and Blast or Collect and Smash fusion as they prevent baddies from running away. In addition, to stop the Wakandans in their tracks, I plunked myself down right near the top of the hallway and used Thor’s Rage over and over again, which is a real thumb killer, to keep zapping the enemies as they appear. (they respawn constantly) But it isn’t enough just to win the level and save the obligatory five pillars. To get the necessary points, you need to do fusions as well and benefit from their added points. So, once you’ve cleared out one set of baddies, and before the next set even appear, launch your fusions then. If the timing works out there’s not enough time for them to get past you. An alternate strategy I employed was putting Ms. Marvel halfway down the room and having her blast the baddies with her Prism power as they appear. I lost a few pillars but managed to make a fairly effective blockade. Remember: if the baddies get passed your team and out of sight, it’s pretty much game over. The Symbiote Solution: -Use Venom -Use at least two teammates whose Fusion is Collect and Smash/Bash Keep to the front of the room. Use Venom's Symbiote Flail to attack all baddies constantly. Employ as many fusions as possible. When doing so, switch quickly to Iceman or Psylocke and use their Fusion, (which is a collect and smash) then switch back to Venom ASAP and keep fighting. The SMG Chaos Solution: -Nanite Nick Fury -Use at least two teammates whose Fusion is Collect and Smash/Bash Same as above, but use Fury's SMG Chaos attack. Pros: no rapid tap. Your thumbs will thank you. Cons: you have to keep a close eye on Fury to make you sure you don't miss a beat. [BMDW] Defend Wakanda: Latverians are at work in the Wakandan palace. Your job is to find sets of Wakandans and lead them back to the north doors. The direction of the Wakandans is marked with an arrow that turns to an X as you get closer. Once you find them, you’ll have to fight your way through baddies as you lead your Wakandans back to the doors. Once you make it to the doors your current Wakandans disappear and a new arrow will show up. Just keep rescuing them until you’ve got them all. My Wakandans kept getting stuck on top of some urns or something and had to be forcibly pushed off before they would follow me. Fly whenever you can to save on time; both speed and heavy damage are required to pass this level. I recommend using the same team as in the pillar defence. Don't forget the Fusions! Also, one wing of the palace has a bad camera glitch that when you enter it, flips your direction. Watch out for it! [BMHC] Hack Challenge: Without a doubt in my mind, this is the hardest task in the entire game. I enjoyed the other hacking mini-games, but this one… I spent an insane amount of time on this. Is it brutally hard or is something wrong with me? I never finished it. You have to guide a glowing orb (it reminds me of ‘Cursor’ from Automan. Anyone?) through a rotating spiral maze. The challenge lies in the fact that the screen keeps reversing its rotation. Here are some tips: For the first second, until the maze rotation switches direction for the first time, you don’t have to do much, just micro corrections. Try using little taps instead of wailing on the stick, it will give you more control. The ball glows brighter as you strike more and more walls but you can recover if you avoid them long enough. [CTC] CONTACTING ME Before you contact me please consider the following: 1) Are you sure your question isn’t answered by the guide? Try hitting CTRL+F and searching that way. 2) I love to hear POSITIVE feedback and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. In fact, reader feedback has made this guide much better. What I don't need is pointless crap talk. 3) I’m not technical support! I can’t answer your technical problems. Check the manual that came with the game. 4) There’s a good chance that I won’t respond personally to your email. Sorry, but I’m a busy dude. Prepared by Beadaal AKA The Panopticon blurbsoftheprophets @ gmail.com [VRS] VERSION INFO 1.0) Feb 2010 The original version. 2.0) March 2010 Some minor corrections COPYRIGHT section added 3.0) April 2010 ASCII art added! Some minor corrections Updates to BONUS MISSIONS VERSION INFO section added BOOSTS section added Traits info added [CPR] COPYRIGHT This work is the property of me, Douglas Davey AKA Beadaal AKA The Panopticon. April 2010. The only sites that are allowed to use it are: GAMEFAQs SUPER CHEATS. ******************************************************************************