********************************* Document: Enemy Item Drop Guide Authored: Shotgunnova / Bebedora ********************************* -------- UPDATES: -------- 06-27-06 - - - -+Enemy Drop Guide put up; Very Easy/Easy covered. 06-30-06 - - - -+Normal Mode Covered (to Graniny Gorki: I. Walls) 07-03-06 - - - -+Normal Mode Finished 08-14-06 - - - -+Updated to Rassvet (Operation: Snake Eater) on Extreme difficulty. --------- LEGALITY: --------- This guide cannot be reproduced, hosted, edited, distributed as a free item or insert, nor can anyone profit from this guide. If one wants permission to host, drop me an e-mail and I'll probably grant it. Disregarding the legal status of this document is violative of federal copyright law. The following sites can use this document: GameFAQs SuperCheats --------------- GUIDE NOTATION: --------------- [OR]..................Indicates a permutation of a drop based on a storyline choice made by the player. Mostly means if you kill one of the Cobras at the Ponizovje Warehouse or not, as subsequent drops will be changed. I have to give both, though. [SE/_]................Indicates a permutation of a drop based on version of the game. Both drop templates for MGS3: Subsistence and MGS3: Snake Eater are shown, and will be separated if they differ. Such permutations are: [SE/V]................Snake Eater, Very Easy [SE/E]................Snake Eater, Easy Mode [SE/N]................Snake Eater, Normal [SE/H]................Snake Eater, Hard Mode [SE/E]................Snake Eater, Extreme Extreme and European Extreme mode should have the same drops. [N+]..................Only shows up on Normal difficulty or higher. ----------------- HOW THIS'LL WORK: ----------------- I (Shotgunnova) have displayed the drops (4 max) like so: [*] TEXT [*] TEXT [*] TEXT [*] TEXT The drops go from one to four in descending order, meaning: [*] First Drop [*] Second Drop [*] Third Drop [*] Fourth Drop The first two drops can be obtained from an unconscious guard or from interrogation; the last two can only be obtained via a hold up. Also, if you kill the guard and loot him, you'll only get the item in the first slot. If you see an example of this: [*] First Drop [*] Second Drop [*] Third Drop [SE] Third Drop [N+] Third Drop [*] Fourth Drop ...the "[SE]" or "[N+]" means the third drop can change based on which version of the game you're currently playing or which difficulty setting you're on. Just so we're clear on those bases. ----------------------------- OTHER THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: ----------------------------- 1) Guide was composed with MGS3: Subsistence and MGS3: Snake Eater games. 2) The difficulty chosen does not seem to have a great impact on what items you get, only how much of that item you get. 3) For the most part, the guide is written as if you'd get a new weapon last so that all the drops are evenly found. Sometimes, when a weapon can be found without having to pass through enemies, as in Dremuchij North (w/ SVD rifle), it will have been obtained before the area was scoured. --------- MINI-FAQ: --------- [Q] - Does the guide cover all the ammo drops and permutations? [A] - Not yet, but that's the eventual aim. It's halfway through Normal mode on both Subsistence and Snake Eater right now, and it's going fast on one end and slow on the other. The part about permutations will come last, though -- I want to complete all the difficulty-oriented drops first before I tackle how those drops change when you have forgotten to get certain weapons. [Q] - So, how do you hold an enemy up to get the last two items? [A] - The easiest way is to knock an enemy unconscious and kick them awake. As they stand up, stand in back of them (safest) as close as you can and point your gun at the back of their body as they get up. Snake should say 'Freeze!' and they'll drop their weapon. If you're not close enough, the enemy may find you or may walk away unwittingly, which wastes time. Also note that support units will resist when you hold them up, so you'll need to fire a warning shot beside them to make them give up their items. [Q] - Sometimes I get three or four more guards than what you list, and they're not backup soldiers! [A] - Those soldiers come from the other areas, and will rush to help on Normal-plus levels if you haven't killed them. [Q] - Your notation makes reading harder! [A] - My apologies. Once all the difficulties are covered, I plan to crunch the size down before any permutations get covered. Think of it as a tentative phase. [Q] - I found an error! [A] - Drop me a line and I'll look into it if I can. Some drops can differ from what I get due to a few reasons. You can either get a weapon before I did and get different drops; you can forget a weapon I didn't and get different drops; or, you could have found a discrepancy due to the Snake Eater/Subsistence version that I'm trying to remedy, and it's a legit one. If you describe the cir- -cumstances (weapon inventory, which guard, what mode you're on) I might be able to change something with your help. [Q] - So these drops should work for all modes of difficulty? [A] - They should, with European Extreme excluded -- it's basically a No Alerts game on Extreme mode, with the added twist of getting an automatic game over if you're spotted. This will make the support unit drops impossible or next to impossible, but I'll do 'em if I can. [Q] - You should number your sections better. [A] - On the last playthrough, I didn't have the Sokrovenno portions, so I didn't number them right. After the next playthroughs get put up in whole, I'll number 'em, don't you worry. [Q] - Can we get on with this? [A] - By all means. ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS: ------------------ VIRTUOUS MISSION 01) Dremuchij North 02) Dolinovodno 03) Rassvet 04) Rassvet, after Ocelot Scenes OPERATION SNAKE EATER 05) Dremuchij North 06) Dolinovodno 07) Rassvet 08) Bolshaya Past South 09) Bolshaya Past Base 10) Ponizovje West 11) Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior 12) Ponizovje Warehouse 13) Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls 14) Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls 15) Graniny Gorki Lab 1F 16) Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East 17) Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West 18) Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls 19) Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls 20) Ponizovje Warehouse 21) Svyatogornyj West 22) Svyatogornyj East 23) Sokrovenno South 24) Sokrovenno North 25) Sokrovenno West 26) Krasnogorje Mountain Base 27) Krasnogorje Mountainside 28) Krasnogorje Mountaintop 29) Krasnogorje Mountainop, after meeting EVA 30) Groznyj Grad Southwest 31) Groznyj Grad Northwest 32) Groznyj Grad Northeast 33) Groznyj Grad Southeast 34) Groznyj Grad Torture Room 35) Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing 36) Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing 37) Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor 38) Groznyj Grad Torture Room 39) Groznyj Grad Southeast 40) Groznyj Grad Northeast 41) Groznyj Grad Southwest 42) Groznyj Grad Northwest 43) Tikhogornyj 44) Groznyj Grad Northwest 45) Groznyj Grad Southwest 46) Groznyj Grad Northeast 47) Groznyj Grad Southeast 48) Groznyj Grad Torture Room 49) Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing 50) Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing 51) Zaozyorje West 52) Zaozyorje East _________________ ___________________________/ Dremuchij North \______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) First Patrolman X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets EX+ /---[*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade SWITCH \---[*] Chaff Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book 2) Patrolman by the Vert. Log X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullet [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Bug Juice [*] Bug Juice [*] Book [*] LIFE Medicine 3) Patrolman by the Hrzntl. Log X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Book [*] Mk22 Suppressor 4) Patrolman by Path to Dolinovodno [*] Smoke Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine _____________ ______________________________/ Dolinovodno \_______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman Under Hornets' Nest X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book 2) Patrolman on Bridge, Back X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine [*] SVD Bullets [*] Book [*] LIFE Medicine 3) Patrolman on Bridge, Front [*] Stun Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [SE/E] Styptic [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Patrolman by Cliffside [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor _________ ________________________________/ Rassvet \_________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Guard by Road Intersection X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Bug Juice [*] Bug Juice [*] LIFE Medicine [SE/E] Digestive Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Guard Leaving Building, By Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [*] Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Mk22 Bullets [SE/E] Antidote [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Book 3) Guard Patrolling Interior, by Crates X) Support Unit Soldier ________||__________ [*] Mk22 Bullets | NOTE: | [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade | Enemy not found in | [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets | EX+ difficulties. | [*] Grenade [*] Book |____________________| [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Guard Near/In Shelf Room<-----. X) Support Unit Soldier [EX+] | [*] SVD Bullets | [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade | [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade | [*] SVD Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine | [*] LIFE Medicine | 5) Guard in Shelf Room [N+] | | [*] Grenade | [EX+] Mk22 Bullets |-----> DROP INVENTORIES SWITCH ON EX+ [*] Mk22 Bullets | DIFFICULTY [EX+] XM16E1 Bullets | [*] SVD Bullets | [EX+] XM16E1 Bullets | [*] LIFE Medicine | [EX+] Book | | 6) Guard by Locked Gate [N+]<----' [*] SVD Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] XM16E1 Suppressor 7) Guard on Stairtop Outlook [EX+] [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine 8) House Exterior Patrolman, Gate-side [EX+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Book ______________________________ ______________________/ Rassvet, After Ocelot Scenes \______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Major Ocelot [*] Mousetrap _________________ ____________________________/ Dremuchij North \_____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Enemy Who Runs to Crash Site X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Stun Grenade 2) Other Enemy Who Runs to Crash Site X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] White Phosphorous Grenade<---Switches [*] Grenade [*] Grenade <--' On N+ [*] Smoke Grenade 3) Patrolman by Climbable Tree [EX+] X) Support Unit Soldier [EX+] [*] Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] White Phosphorous Grenade _____________ ______________________________/ Dolinovodno \_______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Enemy Patrolling End of Bridge X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Russian Ration [N+] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Grenade [N+] Stun Grenade X) Support Unit Soldier 2) Enemy Patrolling Far End of Bridge [N+] [*] Chaff Grenade [EX+] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [EX+] Smoke Grenade 3) Enemy by Bridge's End - Near [EX+] [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Stun Grenade _________ ________________________________/ Rassvet \_________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: You can't hold up the Ocelot soldiers. 1) Ocelot Soldier 6) Ocelot Soldier [*] Styptic [*] Suture Kit [*] Instant Noodles [*] Battery 2) Ocelot Soldier 7) Ocelot Sniper [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] AK-47 Bullets [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Bandage [*] Claymore 8) Ocelot Sniper [N+] 3) Ocelot Soldier [*] Cold Medicine [*] Russian Ration [*] Russian Ration [*] White Phosphorous Grenade 9) Ocelot Soldier [EX+] 4) Ocelot Soldier [*] Russian Ration [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [EX+] Mk22 Suppressor 10) Ocelot Soldier [EX+] [*] Pentazemin [*] Ointment 5) Ocelot Soldier [*] TNT [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Battery _____________________ ____________________________/ Bolshaya Past South \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: On Extreme-plus modes, more guard dogs also show up here. 1) Patrolman By 3nd Elec. Fence X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Stun Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Claymore [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman Behind 3rd Elec. Fence X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Antidote [*] Suture Kit [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Cold Medicine 3) Patrolman Behind 3rd Elec. Fence [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Disinfectant [*] Book 4) Soldier by 2nd Elec. Fence [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Book ____________________ ____________________________/ Bolshaya Past Base \__________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier by 1st Machine Gun Nest X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Chaff Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Cold Medicine [*] Russian Ration [*] Book [*] Ointment N [*] Mk22 Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier R [*] AK-47 Bullets M [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Mk22 Bullets L [*] Antidote [*] Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets 2) Soldier Standing by Base Door [*] Mk22 Suppressor [SE/E] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Grenade X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Bandage [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Russian Ration [*] Cold Medicine 3) Soldier Patrolling Long Elec. Fence [*] Bandage [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Antidote N [*] AK-47 Bullets R [*] Mk22 Suppressor M [*] Splint L [*] Book 4) Soldier Patrolling Helipad [*] Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] Antidote [*] LIFE Medicine N [*] Smoke Grenade R [*] AK-47 Bullets M [*] Ointment L [*] M1911A1 Suppressor 5) Soldier by 2nd Machine Gun Nest [*] AK-47 Bullet [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Splint [*] Book N [*] Grenade R [*] Russian Ration M [*] Antidote L [*] LIFE Medicine 6) Armory Patrolman [N+] [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Book ________________ _____________________________/ Ponizovje West \_____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: No support unit is sent out here. 1) Patrolman by Boats [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Bullets [N+] Mk22 Bullets [*] Splint [*] Book 2) Patrolman by Armory [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Battery [*] Antidote _______________________________ _____________________/ Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior \______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by the Boats X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] SVD Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit [*] SVD Bullets 2) Patrolman by the Long Dock X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Stun Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Disinfectant [*] SVD Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book 3) Patrolman by Warehouse Entrance [N+] [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Styptic [*] Book _____________________ __________________________/ Ponizovje Warehouse \___________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman Nearest Far Stairwell (1F) X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] Antidote [*] Bug Juice [*] Book [*] Book N [*] Mk22 Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] R [*] M1911A1 Bullets M [*] Ointment [*] Grenade L [*] Book [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Cold Medicine 2) Patrolman Highest Up [*] Cold Medicine [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] LIFE Medicine N [*] M1911A1 Bullets R [*] M1911A1 Suppressor M [*] Stun Grenade L [*] Styptic 3) Patrolman by 1st Stairwell [N+] [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Antidote [*] Book ___________________________________________ ________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls \_______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman Behind Elec. Fence, By Dog X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M37 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] SVD Bullets [*] Bug Juice [*] Suture Kit [*] Book 2) Patrolman Behind Elec. Fence X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] AK-37 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] Cold Medicine [*] Styptic [*] Cold Medicine 3) Guard Behind Door (Appears if you knock) [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Battery [*] Stun Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine __________________________________________ ________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls \________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If you get these items, you can re-get them after meeting with Granin, even if you kill them. 1) Soldier by Armory X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] SVD Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] LIFE Medicine [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Stun Grenade [*] Book 2) Soldier by Trucks X) Support Unit Soldier [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Cold Medicine [*] Stun Grenade [*] Suture Kit 3) Soldier Patrolling Lab Perimeter [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] SVD Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor ______________________ __________________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab 1F \__________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Scientists cannot be held up. NOTE: If you get these items, you can re-get them after meeting with Granin, even if you kill them. 1) Soldier by Receptionist Desk X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M37 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Styptic [*] Disinfectant [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier by Library X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book 3) Soldier In Balcony Lobby [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Soldier Patrolling Rooms (2F) [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Bug Juice [*] Book 5) Scientist in Library [*] Ointment [*] Russian Ration 6) Soldier in 1F Hallway [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Book 7) Soldier on 2F Balcony [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor ___________________________ _______________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East \________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If you get these items, you can re-get them after meeting with Granin, even if you kill them. 1) Patrolman by Jail Cells X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Bandage [*] Stun Grenade [*] Book [*] Suture Kit 2) Patrolman in Office [N+] X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Disinfectant [*] Russian Ration [*] Battery [*] Book ___________________________ _______________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West \________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: If you get these items first thing, you can re-get them after meeting with Granin, even if you kill them. 1) Patrolman in First Room X) Support Team Backup Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Cig Spray Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Cold Medicine [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Battery [*] LIFE Medicine N [*] M37 Bullets X) Support Team Backup Soldier R [*] Smoke Grenade M [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade L [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] Bandage 2) Scientist in Lounge [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [*] Cold Medicine 3) Scientist in Work Room [*] Ointment [*] Battery 4) Scientist in Work Room [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Russian Ration __________________________________________ ________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls \________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier by Armory X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] SVD Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book 2) Soldier by Trucks X) Support Unit Soldier [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Cold Medicine [*] Stun Grenade [*] Suture Kit 3) Soldier Patrolling Lab Perimeter [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] SVD Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor ___________________________________________ ________________/ Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls \_______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman Behind Elec. Fence, By Dog X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M37 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] SVD Bullets [*] Bug Juice [*] Suture Kit [*] Book 2) Patrolman Behind Elec. Fence X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Stun Grenade [*] Cold Medicine [*] Styptic [*] Cold Medicine _____________________ __________________________/ Ponizovje Warehouse \___________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman on Ground Floor X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [*] Stun Grenade [*] Bug Juice [*] Styptic [*] Book 2) Patrolman on Ground Floor X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Cold Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Cold Medicine 3) 2F Patrolman [N+] [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Antidote [*] Book ___________________ ___________________________/ Svyatogornyj West \____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman By First Knoll X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [SE/E] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Bandage [N+] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Digestive Medicine [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Book 2) Patrolman By First Knoll X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Cig Spray Bullets [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Disinfectant [*] Pentazemin [*] Suture Kit 3) Patrolman by Second Knoll X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Disinfectant [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Russian Ration [*] Book 4) Patrolman by Second Knoll [N+] [*] M37 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] White Phosphorous Grenade ___________________ ___________________________/ Svyatogornyj East \____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier on House Walkway X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] Bandage [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [SE/E] Mk22 Suppressor [SE/E] Mk22 Suppressor [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor 2) Soldier Who Enters House X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] SVD Bullets [SE/E] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Digestive Medicine [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Book [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Disinfectant 3) Soldier Standing Guard on H. Walkway [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] XM16E1 Suppressor 4) Soldier Patrolling Forest by House [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Battery 5) Soldier Patrolling Forest by House [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Styptic __________________ ____________________________/ Sokrovenno South \____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Ocelot Soldiers only appear if you've killed The End at Ponizovje Warehouse. Obviously, The End won't appear here, then. NOTE: Ocelot Soldiers cannot be held up. 1) The End [*] Moss Camouflage [*] Calorie Mate/SAA Bullet x 32/LIFE Medicine <---- DROP ONLY HAPPENS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE MOSS 2) Ocelot Soldier CAMO ON A NEW GAME PLUS (SUBSISTENCE) [*] SVD Bullets [*] M63 Bullets 3) Ocelot Soldier [*] M63 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Ocelot Soldier [*] Instant Noodles [*] Styptic 5) Ocelot Soldier [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Suture Kit 6) Ocelot Sniper [*] SVD Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor __________________ ____________________________/ Sokrovenno North \____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Ocelot Soldiers only appear if The End was killed at Ponizovnje Warehouse. 1) Ocelot Soldier [*] SVD Bullets [*] Pentazemin 2) Ocelot Soldier [*] Grenade [*] Styptic 3) Ocelot Soldier (by Forest Exit) [*] Instant Noodles [*] Styptic 4) Ocelot Soldier (by Forest Exit) [*] M63 Bullets [*] Grenade 5) Ocelot Sniper [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Suppressor _________________ ____________________________/ Sokrovenno West \_____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Ocelot Soldiers only appear if you killed The End at Ponizovje Warehouse. 1) Ocelot Sniper (Bluff by River Mouth) [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] M63 Bullets 2) Ocelot Sniper (by River Mouth) [*] Instant Noodles [*] M1911A1 Suppressor 3) Ocelot Soldier [*] Suture Kit [*] Chaff Grenade 4) Ocelot Soldier [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine __________________________ _______________________/ Krasnogorje Mountain Base \________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier by 1st Crawlspace X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Chaff Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Ointment [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier with an RPG X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Chaff Grenade [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Splint [SE/E] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Book [N+] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets 3) Soldier by Rock Pile (Front) [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Book [*] Smoke Grenade [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Book 4) Soldier by Rock Pile (Back) [*] Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Bug Juice [*] LIFE Medicine 5) Soldier by Rock Pile (Back) [N+] [*] M37 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Battery __________________________ ________________________/ Krasnogorje Mountainside \________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by First Ledge X) Support Unit Soldier [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] Grenade [*] SVD Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Bug Juice [*] Ointment [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman by AA Emplacement X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Russian Ration [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Smoke Grenade [SE/E] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Cold Medicine [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] XM16E1 Bullets N [*] M37 Bullets [*] Book R [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets M [*] XM16E1 Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier L [*] Book [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets 3) Patrolman on Top Ledge [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Book [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Book [*] Russian Ration N [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets R [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets M [*] Bug Juice [OR] M1911A1 Bullets L [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Patrolman by Provisions Storehouse [*] Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullet [*] Bug Juice [*] Pentazemin N [*] Russian Ration R [*] Mk22 Bullets M [*] Smoke Grenade L [*] Cold Medicine 5) Patrolman Behind Prov. Storehouse [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] Styptic [*] LIFE Medicine 6) Patrolman by Last 2 AA Emplacements [N+] [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Splint [*] Book _________________________ _________________________/ Krasnogorje Mountaintop \________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: No reinforcements are dispatched to this area, probably because of all the helicopters flying overhead. 1) Soldier On First Incline [*] Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier In The Trenches [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit [*] Styptic 3) Patrolman by the Med Shack [*] Grenade [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Bandage 4) Patrolman by Top AA Emplacement [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor 5) Soldier in the Trenches [N+] [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Ointment [*] LIFE Medicine ____________________________________________ _______________/ Krasnogorje Mountaintop, after meeting EVA \_______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) First Flamethrower Soldier X) Support Flamethrower Unit [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Battery [SE/E] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Book [*] M37 Bullets [*] Bandage X) Support Flamethrower Unit 2) Soldier by Med Shack [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Battery [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Battery [*] Book [*] Ointment [*] Bandage X) Support Unit Soldier 3) Second Flamethrower Soldier [*] Pentazemin [*] SVD Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Bug Juice [SE] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] LIFE Medicine [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] M63 Bullets [*] Suture Kit [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Soldier Patrolling Above Locked Door [*] Battery [*] Book [*] Bandage [*] XM16E1 Bullets 5) Soldier By Med Shack AA Gun [N+] [*] Pentazemin [*] Mousetrap [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by Large Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Grenade [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] Bug Juice [*] Disinfectant [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman by Door to Grozynj Grad NE X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M37 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Battery [*] Book 3) Patrolman Walking the Street [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Cold Medicine [*] Ointment 4) Patrolman by Warehouses [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M63 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman Between Tanks X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Russian Ration [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] SVD Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Suture Kit [*] Battery [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolmen Under Walkway X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Antidote [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Suture Kit 3) Patrolman Between Tanks [N+] [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Splint [*] Ointment ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by Warehouse X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullet x 150 [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Smoke Grenade [SE/E] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Chaff Grenade [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Bug Juice [*] LIFE Medicine X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] 2) Patrolman by Warehouse--- [*] XM16E1 Bullets | [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration | [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets | [*] Book [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets |---CARRIE [OR] M1911A1 Bullets | NOTHING [*] Cold Medicine | IN SNAKE --- EATER 3) Patrolman by Vehicles (ORIGINAL) [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Splint [*] Battery 4) Patrolman by Provisions Warehouse --- | [*] Mk22 Bullets | [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets |--- CARRIES NOTHING IN SNAKE EATER? [N+] XM16E1 Suppressor | [*] Russian Ration | (ORIGINAL) [*] Pentazemin | --- 5) Patrolman by Vehicles [N+] [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Ointment [*] Pentazemin 6) Patrolman by Li'l Warehouse [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier Patrolling Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Suture Kit [*] Book [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier by Vehicle X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M37 Bullets [*] M37 Bullet x 20 [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Pentazemin [*] Pentazemin [*] Book 3) Soldier Patrolling Back Alley [N+] [*] Russian Ration [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Cold Medicine [*] Book 4) Soldier Patrolling by Roof Stair [N+] [*] M63 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Book ___________________________ ________________________/ Groznyj Grad Torture Room \_______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by Office X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Styptic [*] Styptic [*] Bandage [*] Ointment [*] Cold Medicine [*] Russian Ration 2) Patrolman by Cells [N+] X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Bandage [*] Grenade [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Disinfectant [*] Antidote [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Styptic X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Bandage [*] Styptic [*] Russian Ration _____________________________________ ___________________/ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing \__________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Soldier Patrolling Hallway X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M63 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Suture Kit [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier Patrolling Back Hallway X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M37 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Antidote [*] Suture Kit [*] LIFE Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 3) Soldier on Upper Balcony By Workshop [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] Ointment [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [N+] Mk22 Suppressor 4) Scientist in Library [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit 5) Scientist in Laboratory [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit 6) Scientist in Laboratory [*] Bandage [*] Ointment 7) Scientist in Laboratory [*] Antidote [*] Bandage 8) Scientist in Laboratory [*] Suture Kit [*] Antidote 9) Scientist by Laboratory [*] Suture Kit [*] Antidote _____________________________________ ___________________/ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing \__________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Scorpion Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] Chaff Grenade [*] LIFE Medicine ______________________________________________ ______________/ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor \______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Door Guard (L) X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Grenade [*] Antidote [*] Pentazemin [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Book 2) Door Guard (R) X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Bandage [*] Styptic [*] LIFE Medicine ___________________________ ________________________/ Groznyj Grad Torture Room \_______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Johnny [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Instant Noodles ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur during escape from jail. 1) Patrolman by Vehicle--- X) Support Unit Soldier | [*] Grenade |---DOES NOT [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Ointment | APPEAR ON [*] SAA Bullets [*] Pentazemin | NORMAL+ [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine --- DIFFICULTY? [*] Ointment 2) Patrolman by Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Bandage [*] Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Bandage [*] Suture Kit [*] Suture Kit [*] Bandage [N+] LIFE Medicine 3) Watchman on Roof [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Disinfectant [*] Digestive Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Patrolman in Alley [N+] [*] Grenade [*] Bandage [*] SAA Bullets [*] Ointment ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur when escaping from jail. 1) Patrolman by Provisions Storehouse X) Support Unit Soldier [*] SAA Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Styptic [*] Grenade [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Bandage [*] Disinfectant [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman by Vehicles X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] SAA Bullets [*] Disinfectant [*] Pentazemin [*] Russian Ration [*] Disinfectant 3) Patrolman by Warehouse [*] Bandage [*] Disinfectant [*] Pentazemin [*] Styptic 4) Patrolman by Li'l Warehouse [N+] [*] Grenade [*] Styptic [*] SAA Bullets [*] Disinfectant 5) Patrolman by Warehouse [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit [*] LIFE Medicine 6) Patrolman by Weapons Lab Entr. [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Digestive Medicine [*] Ointment ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur when escaping from jail. 1) Patrolman Walking Street X) Support Unit Soldier [*] SAA Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Disinfectant [*] Grenade [*] Styptic [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Styptic 2) Patrolman by Warehouses X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Cig Spray Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] Bandage [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Pentazemin [*] Styptic 3) Patrolman by Large Crates [N+] [*] Russian Ration [*] Bandage [*] Cold Medicine [*] Ointment ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur when escaping from jail. 1) Patrolman by Vehicle/Tanks X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Russian Ration [*] SAA Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Pentazemin [*] Bandage [*] Ointment [*] Smoke Grenade 2) Patrolman by Armory X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] Grenade [*] Grenade [*] Disinfectant [*] SAA Bullets [*] SAA Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 3) Patrolman Between Tanks [N+] [*] Russian Ration [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Cold Medicine [*] Styptic 4) St. Patrolmen Under Walkway [N+] [*] Smoke Grenade [*] SAA Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Ointment SAA/Disinfect/Suture/Ointment _____________ ______________________________/ Tikhogornyj \_______________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Enemies only appear here if you didn't take out the transmitter. NOTE: Ocelot Soldiers cannot be held up. 1) First Ocelot Soldier [*] Grenade [*] SAA Bullets 2) Second Ocelot Soldier [*] Disinfectant [*] Grenade 3) Ocelot Soldier by Waterfall [*] Russian Ration [*] SAA Bullets 4) Ocelot Soldier by Waterfall [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] Bandage ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur after visiting Tikhogornyj. 1) Soldier Between Tanks X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M63 Bullets [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] M37 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] Bug Juice [*] Pentazemin [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Soldier Between Tanks X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] M37 Bullets [*] [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] [OR] SAA Bullets [*] [*] Bug Juice [*] [*] Book 3) Soldier Between Tanks [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Splint [*] Ointment 4) Soldier Between Tanks [N+] [*] Russian Ration [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Cold Medicine [*] Cold Medicine ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southwest \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops occur after visiting Tikhogornyj. 1) Soldier Patrolling the Street X) Support Unit Soldier [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Cold Medicine [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Book 2) Soldier Patrolling Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Grenade [*] White Phosphorous Grenade [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Disinfectant [N+] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Pentazemin [*] Disinfectant [*] LIFE Medicine 3) Soldier Patrolling by Vehicle [*] M37 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [OR] SAA Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Book N [*] Mk22 Bullets R [*] AK-47 Bullets M [*] Pentazemin L [*] Book 4) Soldier by Warehouse [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit 5) Soldier in Alley, Crate-side [N+] [*] M37 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Book ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Northeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Drops take place after Tikhogornyj. 1) Patrolman by Warehouse X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Bug Juice [*] LIFE Medicine [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman Training Soldier--- | [*] Grenade | [*] M37 Bullets | [*] Suture Kit | [*] Pentazemin | |--- DO NOT APPEAR AT ALL IN SNAKE EATER 3) Soldier Doing Sprints | (ORIGINAL) | [*] XM16E1 Bullets | [*] XM16E1 Suppressor | [N+] Mk22 Suppressor | [*] Russian Ration | [*] Suture Kit --- 4) Soldier By Vehicles [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Splint [*] Battery 5) Soldier by Li'l Warehouse [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit 6) Soldier by Weapons Lab Entr. [N+] [*] Grenade [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Pentazemin 7) Soldier Doing Sprints [N+] [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Splint [*] Book 8) Soldier Doing Sprints [N+] [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Book ________________________ _________________________/ Groznyj Grad Southeast \_________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman by Vehicle--- X) Support Unit Soldier | [*] Smoke Grenade | [*] M63 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets |--DOES NOT [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Mk22 Suppressor | APPEAR IN [*] Suture Kit [*] Pentazemin --- NORMAL MODE [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Patrolman by Crates X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] SAA Bullets [*] SAA Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Pentazemin [*] Pentazemin [*] Book [*] Battery 3) Patrolman in Back Alley [N+] [*] Russian Ration [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Cold Medicine [*] Book 4) Patrolman by Crates [N+] [*] Grenade [*] M63 Bullets [*] SAA Bullets [*] LIFE Medicine ___________________________ ________________________/ Groznyj Grad Torture Room \_______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Jail Guard X) Support Unit Soldier [*] SAA Bullets [*] Grenade [*] Styptic [*] Disinfectant [*] Bandage [*] Bandage [*] Cold Medicine [*] Styptic 2) Backup Guard (Comes with Support Unit) X) Support Unit Soldier [N+] [*] SAA Bullets [*] SAA Bullets [*] Styptic [*] Bandage [*] Ointment [*] Styptic [*] Russian Ration [*] Russian Ration 3) Cell Patrolman [N+] [*] Bandage [*] SAA Bullets [*] Antidote [*] LIFE Medicine _____________________________________ ___________________/ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing \__________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Patrolman in Back Hallway X) Support Unit Soldier [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M63 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [*] Suture Kit [SE/E] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] LIFE Medicine [*] Bandage [*] LIFE Medicine 2) Balcony Patrolman X) Support Unit Soldier [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Smoke Grenade [*] Mk22 Bullets [SE/E] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [*] Suture Kit [*] LIFE Medicine 3) 1F Storage Patrolman [*] M37 Bullets [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [*] Antidote [*] LIFE Medicine 4) Library Scientist [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit 5) 2F Workshop Scientist [*] Suture Kit [*] Antidote 6) 2F Workshop Scientist [*] Ointment [*] Suture Kit 7) 2F Workshop Scientist [*] Bandage [*] Ointment 8) 2F Workshop Scientist [*] Suture Kit [*] Antidote 9) 2F Workshop Scientist [*] Antidote [*] Bandage _____________________________________ ___________________/ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing \__________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Shagohod Patrolman (L) X) Support Unit Soldier [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Scorpion Bullet x 150 [*] M63 Bullets [*] SVD Bullet x 50 [*] Pentazemin [*] Chaff Grenade [*] Book [*] LIFE Medicine N [*] M1911A1 Bullets X) Support Unit Soldier R [*] Grenade M [*] Bandage [*] XM16E1 Bullets L [*] Ointment [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets 2) Shagohod Patrolman (R) [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [OR] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit N [*] Mk22 Bullets R [*] M63 Bullets M [*] Pentazemin L [*] Book 3) Shagohod Patrolman (Aft) [*] Grenade [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] Ointment [*] Pentazemin 4) Highest Maintenance Man [*] Russian Ration [*] Battery 5) Shagohod Maintenance Man (L) [*] Bandage [*] Styptic 6) Shagohod Maintenance Man (R) [*] Styptic [*] Russian Ration 7) Shagohod Maintenance Man (F) [*] Battery [*] Bandage 8) Shagohod Patrolman (Aft) [N+] [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [*] Russian Ration [*] Suture Kit ________________ _____________________________/ Zaozyorje West \_____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Patrolmen cannot be held up. NOTE: Subsequent patrols will not have differing drops. 1) Patrolman [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Scorpion Bullets 2) Patrolman [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] Mk22 Suppressor [SE/E] M1911A1 Suppressor 3) Patrolman [*] M63 Bullets [*] XM16E1 Suppressor [SE/E] Mk22 Suppressor [N+] M1911A1 Suppressor 4) Patrolman [*] SVD Bullets [*] AK-47 Bullets ________________ _____________________________/ Zaozyorje East \_____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Patrolmen cannot be held up. 1) Patrolman in First Area [*] Smoke Grenade [*] M1911A1 Suppressor [N+] XM16E1 Suppressor 2) Patrolman in First Area [*] Mk22 Bullets [*] M37 Bullets 3) Patrolman in First Area [*] Scorpion Bullets [*] SVD Bullets 4) Patrolman in First Area [*] AK-47 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets [OR] M1911A1 Bullets 5) Patrolman in Second Area [*] Grenade [*] Chaff Grenade 6) Patrolman in Second Area [*] M1911A1 Bullets [*] Mk22 Bullets 7) Patrolman in Second Area [*] M37 Bullets [*] Mosin Nagant Bullets 8) Patrolman in Second Area [*] XM16E1 Bullets [*] SVD Bullets =============================================================================== THINGS TO DO IN THE FUTURE / THINGS I CAN USE HELP WITH / UPCOMING ADDITIONS =============================================================================== Contribution credit for anyone who can aid with the following: 1) Adding extra support unit drops as they appear on higher difficulties 2) Fixing any discrepancies between MGS3: Subsistence and MGS3: Snake Eater 3) Fixing any other mistakes or gaps, such as enemies with only two detailed drops. Help me out, bro! 4) Completing this ammo drop listing (amount), which anyone can help me with: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPON V. EASY EASY NORMAL HARD EXTREME E. EXTREME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Easy Gun Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Patriot Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Unlmtd Mosin Nagant 25 25 20 Cig Spray 25 25 05 SAA 28 28 18 M1911A1 28 28 21 Mk22 32 32 24 08 SVD 50 50 40 20 XM16E1 100 100 80 40 Scorpion 150 150 120 AK-47 150 150 120 M63 1000 1000 400 Good night, and good luck --SGN