Tactical Espionage Action METAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater FAQ/Strategy Guide Copyright 2005 by Ack oof ouch 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 89 ============================================================================ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================ TABLE OF CONTENTS Want to jump straight to something in the guide? Well, no problem! All you need to do is use the FIND function on your computer (ctrl + F) and type in the number/name of the section you want to jump to. 0.1: Version History 0.2: Intro 0.3: Contact Info ============= I: The Basics ============= 1.1: Basic Controls 1.2: Advanced Controls 1.3: Basic Gameplay 1.4: Advanced Gameplay 1.5: Weapons/Items =============== II: Walkthrough =============== 2.0: How To Use This Guide 2.1: Virtuous Mission 2.2: Operation Snake Eater: Part One 2.3: Operation Snake Eater: Part Two 2.4: Operation Snake Eater: Part Three 2.5: Operation Snake Eater: Part Four 2.6: Operation Snake Eater: Part Five 2.7: Operation Snake Eater: Part Six 2.8: Operation Snake Eater: Part Seven 2.9: Operation Snake Eater: Part Eight ============== III: Fun Stuff ============== 3.1: Fun Stuff 3.2: Secrets ======= IV: End ======= 4.1: Credits 4.2: End ============================================================================ ----------------------------------PART ZERO--------------------------------- ============================================================================ ==================== 0.1: Version History ==================== Most recent versions will appear on top. Version 0.8- Finished the guide. The only section left is fun stuff. Sent in to GameFAQs, hopefully for posting. ========== 0.2: Intro ========== I’m not one for introductions, so I’ll just get to the point. I love Metal Gear Solid 3. I have played the game to death. I have a whole lot of free time on my hands. I visit GameFAQs. Naturally, I would think of writing a guide. I took a lot of time on it, and I hope you enjoy it, but before you read, be warned. I enjoy doing things completely and fully. Therefore, this guide will NOT leave anything out. That is to say, there will be spoilers. Thousands of them. This isn’t a spoiler-free guide. I assume that you either don’t care about spoilers or are only reading to get past a current point in the game. Also, this guide is based on the NORMAL difficulty, which is the standard level of difficulty. If you’re playing on Hard or Extreme, this may help you a little, but not that much, I’d expect. And... Well, um, that’s it. Yeah, I’m out of things to say. I told you I wasn’t good at intros. I doubt anyone reads these things anyway. Just read on, will ya? ================= 0.3: Contact Info ================= Got a comment? Found a mistake in the guide? Have a hot tip? Well, this is the section where you find out how to contact me by E-mail. If you’re doing so, be sure to include the words METAL GEAR SOLID 3 or MGS3 in the subject line. If not, the chances of me actually reading the mail decrease drastically. Before I give you the address, here are the Do’s and Don’ts of sending me mail! DO’S -Be on topic. If you’re mailing me, it should be about the game or the guide, and nothing else. -Type in readable English. -Keep the language clean. -Tell me about a mistake in the guide. -Give me any alternate strategies for any game section. -Give a comment on the guide. -Ask any questions you may have... about the game or guide. DON’TS -Ask me anything BEFORE LOOKING IN THE GUIDE. -Don’t send me mail about anything other than the game or the guide. -Send spam. -Send me anything else you wouldn’t want to receive. -Send me anything else your mother wouldn’t want to receive. Have you read them yet? Really? You sure? Okay, then. Here’s the e-mail: odworth1524@gmail.com As a reminder, MAKE SURE your e-mail has Metal Gear Solid 3 or MGS3 in the subject line. And if you didn’t... READ THOSE DO’S AND DON’TS. ============================================================================ ----------------------------PART ONE: THE BASICS--------------------------- ============================================================================ You’ve gotta learn these first if you even want to think about surviving out there. /\--------------------------------------/\ ==--------1.1: Basic Controls-----------== \/--------------------------------------\/ If you didn’t know, PlayStation 2 DualShock Analog controller is pressure sensitive. That means that in general, the harder/softer you press the buttons, the harder/softer or the faster/slower you will perform the action. Keep this in mind as you go through this section. Also, since you play the role of Naked Snake in this game, I will be referring to you, the player, as Snake. =========================== Move/Aim: Left Analog Stick =========================== This is the most basic of basic controls. No matter where you are, or what you’re doing, press the left analog stick to move. Depending on how hard you press the button, Snake will either slow to a crawl or break into a run. The faster you go, the more noise you make. You can also move while crawling or hanging. It’s common sense, really. While in first person/intrusion view (meaning the game camera is from Snake’s eyes), press this to move Snake’s head and look around. Move into a wall/tree and hold the stick in that position to press up against that object. While pressed up, tilt the stick left or right to move while still pressing up. Seriously, if you can’t figure out how to move, you’re beyond my help. ============ Stalk: D-pad ============ See those arrows on the controller? Use them when you want to move very quietly. When stalking, Snake proceeds extremely slowly, and his footsteps cannot be heard. You can stalk while crawling or standing. Stalking consumes high amounts of stamina. ============= Radio: Select ============= Press select to pause the game and bring up a screen where you can call your contacts for whatever reason you wish. Also, when you see call appear on the screen; press this button to receive the call. Your contacts are: Major Zero, Para-Medic, The Boss (temporary), Sigint, and later, Eva. ====================== Survival Viewer: Start ====================== Press this button to pause the game and bring up the survival viewer. From here, you can eat food, change your camouflage, check your map, access your backpack, and cure your injuries. ========================== Camera: Right Analog Stick ========================== Press this in any direction to shift the camera in that direction. Very useful when the camera is at a bad angle, which it often is. ================ Action: Triangle ================ Ah, the action button. This covers everything from climbing ladders to manning anti-aircraft guns. Basically, if you need to perform any action, stand next to the object, face it, and press this button. Sometimes, you may need to move towards the object. ============== Weapon: Square ============== Press square to use a weapon that Snake has equipped. If possible, hold down square, and Snake will hold out the weapon. Here, you can run with the weapon, flip into First Person View and aim, or just plain shoot. If you have a weapon out, release the button SLOWLY and snake will put it down without firing. Very useful. =========== CQC: Circle =========== Press and hold this button to use CQC, which will be explained later in this section. Or, sneak/run up to a guard, and press it (don’t hold it) once to punch. It can be pressed up to three times for a punch-punch-kick combo. The kick can knock guards down... and wake them up, too, if they’re already asleep. When pressed against walls, you can also press this to knock on them. =============== Crouch/Stand: X =============== Press X once to crouch, while in a standing position. From here, if you move, you’ll automatically crawl. When crawling, press X LIGHTLY to go back to crouching, or just press it to stand up. When crouching, press X once again to stand up. =========================== First Person View (FPV): R1 =========================== One of the most important buttons in the game. First Person View, now referred to as FPV, is when the game is seen from Snake’s eyes. Your perspective will switch to his once you press this button. Note that you actually have to HOLD R1 to stay in FPV. Once in FPV, you can do a variety of things. You can look around by pressing the left stick (while still holding R1, remember)? You can take out a weapon by pressing square. Once this weapon is out, you can aim it by pressing the left stick. But don’t let go of square until you want to fire. ========== Aiming: L1 ========== When not in FPV and firing at enemies press and hold this button to lock on to their body. When in FPV and equipped with certain weapons, press L1 to make your shooting much more accurate, either by aiming from the shoulder or zooming in on a scope. ============================ Equip Weapon/Corner View: R2 ============================ Whenever you want to equip a weapon, press and hold this button. Your inventory will come up, and the game will pause. Press up or down while still holding the button to choose a weapon, and release to equip the weapon. While you have a weapon, press this button really quick to UN-equip it. And without a weapon, press this quick to re-quip the LAST WEAPON YOU HAD. While pressed up against a wall, press and hold this button to move towards the right corner. When you’re at that corner, keep holding the button to peek around the edge and shift the camera that way. While in First person view, press and hold this to sidestep left. ========================== Equip Item/Corner View: L2 ========================== Whenever you want to equip an item, press and hold this button. Your inventory will come up, and the game will pause. Press up or down while still holding the button to choose an item, and release to equip the item. While you have an item, press this button really quick to UN-equip it. And without an item, press this quick to re-quip the LAST ITEM YOU HAD. While pressed up against a wall, press and hold this button to move towards the left corner. When you’re at that corner, keep holding the button to peek around the edge and shift the camera that way. While in First Person View, press and hold this to sidestep right. /\---------------------------------------/\ ==-------1.2: Advanced Controls----------== \/---------------------------------------\/ =============== Lock Camera: R3 =============== After moving the right analog stick to adjust the camera, press R3 (click the right stick in) to lock the camera in this position. Very useful for when you want a specific camera angle. ==================== Advanced CQC: Circle ==================== To perform advanced CQC, you have to first get within close proximity to a guard with a one-handed weapon or with bare hands. This is best done by stalking up behind him, but it’s possible to confront guards from the front and CQC them. Once you’re close to a guard, you can: 1- Slam them. Press O and the analog stick in a direction at the same time. The guard will be stunned. 2- Grab them. Press O with LIGHT PRESSURE. Keep the O button held (with light pressure) and you will continue to hold them. Once you’ve grabbed a guard, keep holding circle. Now you can: 1- Move with them. Just move the analog stick.2- Throttle them. Repeatedly press O and Snake will throttle the guard. Doing so for a while will stun them. Keep doing it and you’ll snap their neck. 3- Aim a gun. While holding O, press square to get your gun out, that is, if you have one equipped. 4- Shove them. Press O and a direction to shove the guard to the ground. 5- Threaten them. Click in the L3 button (the left analog stick) to bring your knife to their throat. 6- Slit their throat. Press O HARD and hold it to slit the guard’s throat. ========================= Pull-up/Tip-toes: L2 + R2 ========================= Once you are hanging off a ledge, press L2 and R2 to pull Snake’s head up to the end of the ledge. It’s kind of useless, but... And whenever you’re in First Person View or Intrusion View, press L2 + R2 to make Snake stand on his tiptoes. It’s extremely useful in tall grass. ================================== Hanging Shot: Square While Hanging ================================== While hanging and equipped with a handgun, go into First Person view and hold square. Snake will take out his gun. However, aiming is difficult in this mode. ============ Dive Roll: X ============ While running, press X to execute a dive roll. Not only is it cool, it gets you up/down stairs and down ledges fast. It also knocks a guard over, and can kill some animals. A word of warning: don’t try it on goats. As you’re rolling, press and hold X to end the roll in the crouching position. /\---------------------------------------/\ ==-------1.3: Basic Gameplay-------------== \/---------------------------------------\/ =============== Survival Viewer =============== Press START to access the survival viewer. This screen is one of the most important ones in the game. The survival viewer is the only way you will be able to change your camo to blend in with your surroundings, or cure your injuries, or even eat! Just go to the section you need once you’ve accessed the Survival Viewer. ========== Life Meter ========== This meter indicates the amount of... well, life you have left in you. Doing things to hurt yourself will decrease it. If it decreases too much, you will die. Life restores automatically as time goes on. If you’ve just escaped a tight spot, just sit down and let the life come back... slowly. If you’ve been injured, a part of the life meter will turn red. This is not good. Use the Cure screen to cure your injuries. If not, your maximum life and life recharge rate will be decreased. Bosses also have a life meter. Decrease it by doing lethal things to them, like shooting them. Once their life meter is at zero, they die. ============= Stamina Meter ============= This shows the amount of Stamina Snake has. Stamina plays an important factor in things such as Snake’s life recovery rate, the amount of oxygen he has underwater, how long he can hang off things, and most importantly, how well he can aim. Try aiming a sniper rifle with no Stamina. It’s not pretty. Almost action you take decreases stamina, including sitting down and doing nothing. It constantly decreases. However, some actions will decrease Stamina more than others. Take heed of the actions that will decrease stamina quicker than normal. Actions that will decrease Stamina quicker than normal: -Going around Naked. -Running. -Stalking (yes, stalking). -Carrying heavy weapons. -Climbing long ladders. -Hanging/pull ups. -Swimming. -Having leeches attached to your body. -Getting poisoned. -Getting shot with Tranq darts. -Being in extremely high mountain areas. Stamina is divided into four bars. At two bars and below, the effects of low Stamina really start to show. When Snake’s stomach starts growling, that’s a bad sign. Bosses also have Stamina meters. Decrease it by Tranqing or punching them. Once their stamina meter gets to zero, the battle ends. There are a few ways to restore your Stamina. One, save the game and come back later... much later. Or two, eat food, which is the best way to restore Stamina. This brings us to our next section... ==== Food ==== Everyone’s gotta eat, and Snake is no exception. Just about every single living thing you see (besides humans, of course) can be eaten. Snakes, mushrooms, goats, crocodiles, everything. Food is plentiful in the game. The catch is that you have to capture it first. Capturing food is not as hard as it sounds. Just shoot it and it will turn into an item (you get used to it). Run over this item and the food will go in the food section of your viewer. Tranqing food will make it go into the cage. You can only hold three caged animals. Caged animals never spoil. Just killing it will cause it to go into the backpack as normal. These animals will spoil eventually, making you sick if you try to eat it. Note that very large animals like crocodiles and vultures cannot be captured alive. They’re just too big. If you are having trouble finding food, here are a few hints. -Use the thermal goggles. Just about anything on the ground that comes up as orange or red just might be an animal/plant. -Use the Active Sonar... as long as there aren’t any guards around. Head towards one of those dots. It’s food. -Consider stocking up on food in a place where animals are everywhere (caves, rivers, etc). However, just in case of food spoiling, make sure your cage is full before you go killing animals. There are also two foods that don’t have to be captured: Calorie Mate and Instant Noodles. They are just like regular items in the first place. Eating food refills Snake’s Stamina bar. How much of it? Well, that depends on the food. You see, every food has a different taste. If it tastes good to Snake, it will refill a large portion, possibly all of the stamina bar. If it tastes bad, it may not even fill a quarter of it. After Snake has eaten a food once, he will remember the taste. When you select this particular food again, the taste will appear. It is very possible to eat multiple bad-tasting foods to simulate the effect of a good tasting one. Snake’s never full until his stamina reaches four bars. ========== Camouflage ========== Camouflage... one of the most important aspects of the game. Your camo determines how well you blend in with your surroundings. This is displayed in a form that you can see on the top right corner of your screen. That is called the Camo index. These numbers go from -100 to 100%. If your camo index is high, say, 95%, guards can walk right up to you and not see you. If it’s really, really, low, like, -75%, guards will be able to see your from across the entire area. Increase your camo index by choosing the best camo and face paint from your survival viewer. Don’t worry, the survival viewer will automatically show you how well you’ll be camouflaged with each and every camo. The best camo is determined by what kind of surface you are currently on. Leaf camo and woodland face paint works best in grass, for example, and black camo and black face paint works best in... Really black areas. While standing, your camo index is at a set amount, depending on your camo and face paint. For example... 40%. If you bend down and crouch, it goes up. Let’s say... 75%. If you bend down again and crawl, it will go up yet again. Let’s say to 95%. What do you think would be the best thing to do? Stand up and have a 40% camo index or crawl and have a 95% one? That’s right, crawl. Crawling is ALWAYS better than crouching, which is ALWAYS better than standing. Note that actions will decrease your index, too. If you’re at 40% while standing, you may be at 25% while walking, and a mere 15% while running. Equipping such items as a torch may decrease your camo index so much that it’s not even funny. Here’s a rough idea as to how visible you are at different camo index levels. 90 to 100%: Visible? You are practically invisible. Guards can walk right up to you and not see you. The only way you’ll get caught is if you do something stupid... like bump into a guard, or make some sound. 70 to 85%: You’re very well camouflaged. Guards won’t be able to see you unless they walk right up to you. You can feel comfortable going around without worrying about being seen. Just don’t get super close. 55 to 65%: You’re still camouflaged well, but be wary. Guards who happen to be looking directly at you at a humble distance might notice that patch of ground doesn’t perfectly blend in with the rest of the ground. Stay some yards away from them and you’re fine. 40 to 50%: A word of advice: Be careful. Guards will be able to see you from medium distances. This is where you should start utilizing hiding spaces and avoid guards instead of relying on your camouflage to sneak right in front of their eyes. 20 to 35%: Guards can now see you from medium to long distances. You shouldn’t even be thinking about your camo now, just think about staying out of their line of sight. 0 to 15%: You really shouldn’t be at this level. Guards can see you from long distances. Don’t get in their line of sight. -5 to -20% A word of advice: Don’t be surprised if you hear the [!] sound from nowhere. Guards will be able to see you even if they’re far, far away. Your camouflage is actually making you STAND OUT instead of blend in. -25% and below: WOW. You are crazy, going around in enemy territory like this! You’re basically a flashing sign screaming, LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT THE POORLY CAMOUFLAGED IDIOT! Guards can see you from a different area code, I’d expect. ==== Cure ==== Whenever you have an injury, it would be smart to cure it. Not only does curing injuries INCREASE your maximum health by a bit (seriously), but it makes it so your life can restore itself, eventually. The cure screen looks complicated at first, but it’s really not. For most common injuries, such as cuts and broken bones, you will be using the R2 side of the menu. Each cure item, such as bandages, has a description for what it can cure. By reading the descriptions for each item, you can easily figure out what you have to do to cure a particular injury. Usually, you’ll have to utilize more than one item. The L2 side of the menu is much simpler. This is used for things like poisoning or indigestion. There are very few medicines to choose from. You usually need only one medicine, so use whatever you need. /\---------------------------------------/\ ==-------1.4: Advanced Gameplay----------== \/---------------------------------------\/ ===================== Advancing in the game ===================== As a general rule of the thumb, Snake will always have to go north to proceed. Unless you’re looking for a specific room or something, heading north is always your best bet. You may not be able to head directly north, but as long as that’s where you’ll end up, you’re good. Major Zero on your radio will tell Snake the exact direction he has to head in, usually. He uses the directions of the compass, so if you didn’t know, I’ll teach you really quick. North is always up. South is always down. East is always to your right. West is always to your left. Northeast is between North and east... do I have to go this far? If you’re STILL confused, check your map. Sometimes, it shows a little X which stands for your destination. ======== Sleeping ======== If you save and leave for a long period of time, Snake will “sleep.” His stamina and health will refill, and some injuries will actually cure themselves. Sleeping is good! =============== General stealth =============== While Metal Gear Solid 3 does have its fair share of action, it is primarily a stealth game. This means that you have to move through enemy territory without being seen, and accomplish your objective without anyone knowing. If you are seen, you will have to fight your way through hordes of attack guards, as well as regular guards. Your chance of survival decreases a lot if you are engaged in a full-fledged firefight with five or six guards at the same time. If you don’t want your life to be constantly in danger, avoid confrontation all together. No matter where you are, you should ALWAYS choose the best camouflage. ALWAYS. It doesn’t matter if you *think* no enemies are around, it’s better to be safe than to be fired at on all sides. Also, unless you have some reason not to, you should ALWAYS crawl. It gives the best camo index out of all positions. It doesn’t matter if it looks ridiculous to crawl down an open pathway or across a bridge, just do it. When approaching a guard, you have three options. They are presented in order of priority (meaning that you should only move onto a below course of action if the above ones are impossible). These options are: 1- Avoid the guard altogether. Sneak past him and don’t alert him to your presence. 2- Tranq the guard. He will fall asleep for some time, making it much easier to get past him. However, he will wake up after a reasonable amount of time, about 15-20 minutes. Watch the Z’s on his head. When they all disappear, he awakens. If an enemy discovers him, he will wake up and the enemy will get suspicious. 3- Kill the guard. He will fall to the ground, dead, and you don’t have to worry about him anymore. If an enemy discovers him, he will cast the entire area into suspicion. As you can see, avoiding guards is the best thing to do. Nobody gets suspicious at all. However, if you are lucky enough to be able to take out every guard in the area with minimal risk, then the options switch. With every guard in an area taken out, you are basically free. There is literally no way for you to get discovered, even if you blow up a freaking storehouse. But you should only take guards out when you’re SURE that you won’t miss and that anyone who may discover them is also taken out, or far, far away. ============ Alert phases ============ You’ve just been seen by a guard. You heard the trumpeted blast and saw the exclamation point over his head. Oh ****. The game now enters its alert phases. When any alert phase is on screen, there will be a timer that counts down from 99.99 seconds. This, however, doesn’t mean that the phase actually lasts for 100 seconds, since the numbers may go down fast or slow. Once it reaches zero, the game moves into the alert phase that is one lower than its current one. ALERT PHASES: -Alert The guard’s just seen you, and has raised the alarm. Most likely, he will start shooting at you or radio for backup. Backup teams will come running in and guards will start moving towards your position. One word: RUN. Unless you’re SUPER close to a guard and can take him out before he says a word, you’ll just be hurting yourself staying here. If you see the alert numbers start counting down, you know that you’re getting away. But if they reset to 99.99, you’ve been seen again. You may have to take out some guards to escape. -Evasion In this phase, you have escaped the enemy. But they’re still looking for you. Now the word is: HIDE. Choose a GOOD hiding place, like under a low bed or in a patch of grass with your camo index at 90%. In this phase, under special circumstances, enemies might perform maneuvers which are called clearings. If you’re hiding in a small room, they will look behind crates and open lockers. They may throw stun grenades to disable you if you’re out in the open. Just pray that you’ve found a good enough hiding spot. -Caution This happens when you’ve successfully hidden from the enemy or did something in the normal phase, like fire a shot that whizzed right past a guard’s ears, to make the enemies suspicious. This also happens if a guard discovers a comrade’s dead body. Extra backup guards will come in, and guards are much more alert. It’s not smart to try and sneak through an entire area in this phase. -Normal Everything is normal. Guards don’t know you’re even here, or they’re convinced you’ve escaped. There are no attack teams, and guards are their normal selves. ALTERING ALERT PHASE TIMES It is possible to make an alert phase last much shorter than normal, or even get rid of the phase together. This is most commonly done by taking out guards. In alert mode, if you take out the guard that sighted you quick enough, you will move from alert to evasion, caution, and then normal in about three seconds. In caution mode, if you take out one of the patrolling guards, the caution mode timer may jump down about 20 or 30 seconds or so. And in every phase, taking out every guard makes the game go back to normal. It is also possible to make an alert phase LONGER than normal. If you are seen while trying to escape in alert mode, it resets to 99.99. If you do something to raise suspicion in caution mode, it resets to 99.99. If you repeatedly raise the caution mode, the timer may start ticking down slower each time. =============== Shooting guards =============== There’s a rule in the action of shooting guards: ALWAYS GO FOR A HEADSHOT. Headshots only take ONE bullet/dart. When Tranqing a guard, a headshot will have him fall asleep instantly. When shooting him, a headshot will kill him instantly. A shot to the crotch will, too, but... that’s just wrong. Guards’ bodies are actually very complex. Depending on where you shoot them, it will have different effects. Learn them to prevent disaster. Generally, when Tranqing a guard, the closer to the head that you hit, the quicker the guard will fall asleep. Also, the more darts you pump into his body, the quicker he falls asleep. Shooting a guard in the chest will have him fall asleep in around, say, 10 seconds. Shoot him in the foot, and the guy just won’t fall until LONG after. However, putting 5 darts into the legs means a quick knockout. When shooting a guard with a deadly weapon, you have to think about weapon power as well as where you hit him. A shotgun at point blank range = instant death. Sniper bullets to take about three shots, no matter where you hit... besides the head, of course. Handguns are different. You can literally shoot a guard in the leg about 10 times and they won’t die. A few body shots might kill them, though. Shooting out limbs of guards has its effects. Shoot out their right arm and their assault rifle loses its use, since they can’t fire it. They’ll have to switch to their much less efficient pistol. Shoot out their leg and watch them hobble around slowly, enabling you to run away. You can also shoot out the radios of guards, so they can’t call for backup. However, you have to be REALLY accurate. Aim for the bottom of the radio. When you see the sparks, you’re successful. ========== Firefights ========== If you can’t escape, you’ll have to resort to confrontation. However, it’s more than just shooting wildly in the general direction of guards. Do this, and you’ll be dead quickly. You have to take a more tactical approach to it. The first thing you’ll want to do in a firefight is run for cover. Most likely, the guards have closed in on you already. Put some distance between you and them and then run behind cover. Anything can be cover, a tree, some crates, or a locker door. This reduces the chance you’ll get shot to death. If you don’t have any cover, staying a long way from the enemy works, too. Now, don’t think you’re safe. The enemies will start to come at you. They may throw a grenade to flush you out; listen for them to shout it out. They may stop once they get too close, but be careful. If you’re fighting one or two enemies, I’d recommend a handgun for accuracy. Three or more, use an assault rifle, if possible. Start shooting. Try to go for headshots if possible, but if you have an assault rifle just make sure you’re hitting the enemy. Remember, you’re not necessarily fighting until every single enemy is gone, if it’s possible to run and hide after clearing out a group, do so. It saves you life. Attack team guards are difficult, because of their riot shields. These shields can be broken, but it wastes a lot of ammo. When faced with attack guards, go for the legs first. They’ll bend over when you shoot them, and lower their shields, exposing their body. If you’re in a really tight jam, don’t forget about your grenades. They are one of the MOST useful items in a really heated firefight. However, be warned, enemies may take cover from a regular or stun grenade. Try throwing smoke grenades and then taking out the confused enemies through the smog by flipping on your thermal goggles. The best thing is, enemies can’t escape the effect of this unless they run away, which puts you in a win-win situation. And last, use the environment to your advantage. Don’t hesitate if you see some explosive barrels behind that group of guards... ============== Shaking Guards ============== When a guard has fallen, press square to pick him up, and release it to drop him. An item will fall out! If you’ve killed him, only one will fall out. If he’s asleep, you’ll get two. Be warned, dropping a guard excessively causes them to wake up if they’re asleep! ======== Hold-Ups ======== If you manage to sneak up on a guard, and you’re in close proximity to him, take out one of your handguns and aim it by holding square. Snake will shout out FREEZE, and the guard will put his hands up. Congratulations, you’ve just held up a guard! You could just shoot him right then and there, but that wouldn’t be fun, would it? Keep square held and move around to the front of the guard. Go into first person view and aim at his head or crotch. The guard will beg for his life and shake out up to four items as a bribe, as long as you keep threatening him over and over. If you want to be fair, Tranq him and collect your goods. If not, kill him and collect the items anyway. It is also possible to hold up guards on the ground. Once they’re down, QUICKLY aim at their body before they get up. Get them to give you items the same way as above. Note that some guards are evil and will try to attack you if you leave them held up for too long. Some rare ones will even try to attack you even after you aim! Make sure to never let your guard down. If you must, shoot one of the guard’s limbs to put fear into their hearts and end any thought of rebellion. ====================== Destroying Storehouses ====================== Every so often in the game, you’ll come across a small shack with a lot of crates that either has a load of weapons and ammo inside, or a lot of food items like Calorie Mates. These are weapon/food storehouses. Not only are they extremely helpful to you, they can be extremely hurtful to guards. You see, if you set a TNT charge inside one of these shacks (make sure to collect everything first) and detonate it from a distance, you will actually WEAKEN the guards in that and the surrounding areas. Blowing up a weapons storehouse limits the guards to one magazine of ammo for their guns. Basically, they don’t have a lot of ammo... at all. They’ll easily run out of AK-47 ammo, and then have to switch to their pistol. Once their pistol runs out... they’re helpless. You can beat them easily. Blowing up a food storehouse makes guards hungry. Every five seconds, guards will moan about not eating in so long, making it really easy to determine their positions. They will easily be swayed by food. Just throw it out and watch them rush towards it. Lastly, they’ll be extremely weak. I believe that ONE punch-punch-kick combo will knock them out, instead of two. Before you go blowing up storehouses, make sure every guard in the area is out of the picture, or they’ll go into caution or alert mode. Also, the effects of your blowing up the houses don’t take effect until you leave the immediate area. =========== Patrol Dogs =========== Gah. These mutts are really, REALLY annoying. There aren’t many instances in the game where you have to deal with them, but when you do, it’s a pain. Why? Well, you see, while they’re really weak (they only take about two body shots to die), they have acute senses of smell and hearing. If you’re across the entire area and you fire a loud weapon, and the guards don’t hear you, the dogs will. They’ll even track you to your very position. Also, they’re not heavy sleepers... at all. If you pump a Tranq dart into their brain they’ll still wake up if you get too close to them. I suggest tip-toeing past these animals really, really slowly... When they die, they emit a loud yelp, which guards will notice. However, they also disappear off the face of the earth... meaning you can’t eat them for food. What a rip off. Dogs are easily swayed by food. Keep this in mind whenever you have to sneak past them. /\---------------------------------------/\ ==-------1.5: Weapons/Items--------------== \/---------------------------------------\/ ======================== General Weapons Strategy ======================== -------- Capacity -------- You can only keep eight weapons in your weapons menu at one time, so only take the ones you need most out of your backpack. Usually, you should carry at all times one handgun, one Tranq gun, one assault rifle, one sniper rifle, and one type of grenade. You can fill the last three slots with weapons as the need for them arises. ------ Aiming ------ If you don’t know how to aim a gun, you won’t get far in this game. There are various types of aiming, most which take a bit of getting used to. But first, some general tips: -Use the First Person View to aim. It’s extremely hard to aim in the third person view. Plus, you can’t target body parts. -Keep your stamina meter high when you’re doing some serious aiming. If not, your hand will shake so much it’s not even funny. -Aiming while crouching is always move accurate than standing. Aiming while prone is always more accurate than crouching. - When aiming at guards, always go for headshots. -If you’re aiming to Tranq a guard, you may be able to live with hitting his shoulder when you were going for his head, but DON’T miss and hit the wall two feet behind him. It’s an instant caution mode. -If you’re aiming to kill a guard, don’t miss, period. If you shoot his arm, he won’t forget about it. He’ll run for cover and radio HQ. -As a general rule, the center of the screen will ALWAYS be where your shot goes. When aiming some of the assault rifles, remember this tip. -Some guns have an easier aiming option. Press and hold L1 while aiming, and Snake will do something to make it easier to aim. Here are the types of aiming: Barrel Sights- Aim in first person view with a handgun. Look at the top of your gun. Align the center of the top of your gun with your target. Fire. Aiming from the hip- I don’t know if that’s the exact term, but this is the default aim for most automatic rifles and the Single-Action-Army. Here, you stick the gun out at an angle. You have to judge where the bullets will go. They’ll always travel to the center of the screen, so keep that in mind. Aiming from the shoulder- Usually, when you aim from the shoulder, there is a ring at the top of your gun that makes aiming much easier. Get your target in the ring. Scope- Sniper rifles and rocket launchers have a scope. The center of your scope has a marker. This is where your bullet will go. Fire. Lazer Sighting- Just put the lazer on your target. Fire. The bullet will go where the lazer is. --------- Reloading --------- After a certain number of shots, Snake will have to reload his gun. This reload action takes time, and can be deadly when Snake needs to fire off shots, and fast. To decrease reload time, use the tactical reload technique. This is when you quickly UN-equip and equip your weapon. Press R2 twice, and quickly. Snake’s weapon will still have the same ammo, but the number of bullets left in his magazine will refill. Confusing? Well, let me make it simpler... If you have six shots in your magazine, and use four of them, you would have two shots left before you have to reload, right? Well, if you use tactical reload, you will have six shots before you have to reload again, and your ammo will still stay the same. Here it is in diagram form: You do nothing. Ammo- 18 Bullets in magazine- 6 You fire four shots. Ammo- 14 Bullets in magazine- 2 You use tactical reload. Ammo- 14 Bullets in magazine- 6 ------------- Scope Sniping ------------- Scope sniping is a tricky, but immensely useful technique. It’s kind of a glitch, but it’s not cheap enough to be a TRUE one. It enables Snake to snipe an enemy... with binoculars and a handgun. It’s useful if you don’t want your incredibly loud sniper rifle to be heard. Practice this with random objects, because it takes a few tries to get the hang of it. What you do is this: 1- Take out your binoculars. 2- Zoom in on your target. Align the center of your binoculars with the target. 3- Equip your handgun if it’s not equipped already. 4- Here’s the hard part. QUICKLY UN-equip your scope and, right afterwards, as fast as humanly possible, go into first-person-view and hold square to whip out your gun. Don’t try to do both steps at the same time, but as close to each other as possible. 5- If done right, your handgun should be aiming DIRECTLY at what your scope zoomed on into. Don’t move it. Shoot. ======= WEAPONS ======= Here is how the weapons are displayed: ------------------ Name- Weapon name. ------------------ Ammo- The max ammo of the weapon. Magazine- The amount of shots that can be fired before a reload. CQC- Can you perform CQC with this weapon? Suppressor- Can you attach a suppressor to this weapon? Description- A short description of how the weapon and how it can be used. MELEE WEAPONS -------------- Survival Knife -------------- Ammo- N/A Magazine- N/A CQC- Yes Suppressor- No Description- Your everyday, average, serrated hunter’s knife. Press square once to cut, multiple times for a combo and press square hard for a deadly slash. ---- Fork ---- Ammo- N/A Magazine- N/A CQC- Yes Suppressor- No Description- It’s... a fork. You can... um... stab enemies with it, but to kill them, you’ll have to stab them a whole lot. It can be used to eat food without having to store it in your backpack. --------- Cig Spray --------- Ammo- N/A Magazine- N/A CQC- Yes Suppressor- No Description- It’s a gun... disguised as a cigarette. When used, it emits a powerful sleeping gas that knocks out a foe instantly. It’s very useful in places where you can’t carry weapons because they raise suspicion. ---------------------- Knock-out Handkerchief ---------------------- Ammo- 60 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- A handkerchief soaked in anesthetic. Press square to wave the handkerchief around, which spreads the knockout drug around in the air. You can put enemies to sleep just by grabbing them. However, if you wave it too much, Snake gets knocked out himself. ----- Torch ----- Ammo- N/A Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- A torch, useful for lighting really dark areas. Press the square button to light it when it’s out. Press O to wave it around like a club. It decreases the camo index by a whole lot. HANDGUNS ---- MK22 ---- Ammo- 41 Magazine- 9 CQC- Yes Suppressor- Yes Description- Your standard tranquilizer gun. Once you hit a guard, the tranquilizer gets injected into the enemy’s body. Soon enough, they’ll fall asleep. Headshots put the guard to sleep instantly. ------- M1911A1 ------- Ammo- 36 Magazine- 7 CQC- Yes Suppressor- Yes Description- Your standard handgun. While a headshot/crotch-shot will kill a guard instantly, you’ll need quite a few shots to the body. In fact, going for anything other than one-kill shots isn’t smart, because guards will be alerted to your presence rather quickly. ------------------ Single Action Army ------------------ Ammo- 30 Magazine- 6 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- In my opinion, the coolest gun in the game. It’s not a gun for most practical purposes, but it can do some awesome stuff. For one, its bullets will bounce. If there are guards in the area, they will lock onto them if you ricochet them in their general direction. You can also perform tricks with the gun in First Person View. Twirl the Right analog stick and Snake will twirl the gun. AUTOMATIC RIFLES -------- Scorpion -------- Ammo- 101 Magazine- 30 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- An automatic rifle with a lazer sighting. Useful in firefights where you need to be accurate. ------ XM16E1 ------ Ammo- 101 Magazine- 21 CQC- No Suppressor- Yes Description- An automatic rifle that can be attached with a suppressor. Sweet. Consider using its shoulder aim for medium-range shooting if you want to stay quiet. ----- AK-47 ----- Ammo- 151 Magazine- 30 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- Your standard automatic rifle. It’s the same weapons that the guards use. Supposedly the best assault rifle in the world, but not much that makes it stand out in this game. --- M63 --- Ammo- 501 Magazine- 502 CQC- No Suppressor- **** no! Description- A huge machine gun that can continuously fire for a long time. When shooting with it, Snake lets out a primal scream. Use this in full- fledged firefights. HEAVY WEAPONS --- M37 --- Ammo- 21 Magazine- 4 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- This is your basic sawed-off shotgun. It’s immensely powerful at close range. It will blow enemies 10 feet back with just one shot. At far range, it takes about three shots to kill an enemy. --- SVD --- Ammo- 51 Magazine- 9 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- Your standard sniper rifle. It can go to three and 10 times zoom. It’s extremely powerful. If you’re firing at an enemy and you’re not sure that you can get a headshot, then fire three quick body shots. The guard will go down. ----- RPG-7 ----- Ammo- 20 Magazine- 1 CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- Yes... it’s a rocket launcher. Useful for taking out heavy artillery, like helicopters and huge tanks that are out to crush you. SPECIAL ------- Patriot ------- Ammo- Unlimited Magazine- Unlimited CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- No, you don’t get it in the normal game. Beat the game once and you’ll get this awesome gun. It has unlimited ammo, and never needs to reload, so you can basically fire a never-ending stream of bullets... forever. ------ EZ Gun ------ Ammo- Unlimited Magazine- 1 CQC- Yes Suppressor- Yes Description- You get this on Very Easy and when you’ve captured all plants and animals in the game. It has unlimited ammo. It’s reload time is basically nonexistent. It has lazer sighting. It can also zoom in. Equipping it keeps your camo index up to 80%, always. It also decreases stamina loss. This gun makes the game so much easier. ------- Grenade ------- Ammo- 20 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- It’s... a grenade. Hold square to pull the pin, and release it to throw. Depending on how hard you press square, Snake will throw it farther. Like all grenades, it will explode after a few seconds. Any enemy captured in the blast will die instantly. --- WPG --- Ammo-20 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- It’s a grenade that causes a very fiery explosion. Any vegetation in the immediate area will be burned, and any guards will catch fire and eventually die. It’s actually kind of useless unless you like to inflict torture, which nobody likes, right? ------------ Stun Grenade ------------ Ammo- 20 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- It’s a grenade that stuns rather than kills. Once thrown, it emits a bright light and a loud bang that can even affect you. If you’re caught in it, your screen will go white and all sound will go mute for a few seconds. To prevent this, simply turn away from the blast. You’ll be fine. ------------- Chaff Grenade ------------- Ammo- 20 Magazine- N/ACQC- No Suppressor- No Description- It’s a grenade that disrupts all radio signals and electronic devices in the immediate area. Useful in a few situations. ------------- Smoke Grenade ------------- Ammo- 20 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- It’s a grenade that emits a thick cloud of smoke when thrown. Use it to confuse Snake’s enemies and get away, or attack them without fear of retaliation. --- TNT --- Ammo- 16 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- This is, basically, a bomb with a detonator. Press square to set it on a surface it can be set on. Move some distance away, and, with TNT equipped, press O to detonate it. -- C3 -- Ammo- 4 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- This can only be used at one point in the game. Back up against the generators and press square to set it. Afterwards, it becomes useless. -------- Claymore -------- Ammo- 16 Magazine- N/A CQC- No Suppressor- No Description- These are landmines. They can be picked up when they’re set by crawling over them. Walking over then sets them off. ============= Misc. Weapons ============= ---- Book ---- Ammo- 10 Description- A book filled with adult-oriented material and pictures. When laid on the ground, if a guard sights it, he immediately gets down and starts reading. Use this opportunity to sneak by him. -------- Magazine -------- Ammo- 100 Description- An empty gun magazine. Throw it like a grenade. Use it for when you want to make noise. ---------------------- Directional Microphone ---------------------- Ammo- N/A Description- It’s a microphone that’s extremely sensitive to sound. Use it to hear animals/guards’ footsteps from a long distance. ===== Items ===== ------------ Active Sonar ------------ Capacity- 1 With this equipped, you will see a circle at the top of your screen. This represents your surroundings. Press L3 to emit sonar waves, which then detect the presence of life-forms directly around you. Immensely useful, but it makes noise. --------- AP Sensor --------- Capacity- 1 Whenever you’re near a life-form, your controller will begin to vibrate, if this was equipped. ---------- Binoculars ---------- Capacity- 1 Use these when you want to see things a long distance from you. --------- Bug Juice --------- Capacity- 25 It’s bug repellent. Keeps away hornets and leeches. ------------------------- Cardboard Box A, B, and C ------------------------- Capacity-1 These three cardboard boxes are some of the most useful indoor items in the game. Equip one and stay still to fool the enemy into thinking you’re just a box. If you’re not in their direct patrol route, they just might be fooled. To almost ensure safety, hide next to boxes of the same type. If enemies see you moving under a box, or if the box is in a very un-boxlike place, they will investigate. At this point, be prepared to run, as they’ll lift your box up and get a free shot in at you. ------ Camera ------ Capacity- 1 Say cheese! Take pictures and save them to your memory card. What fun! ----- Cigar ----- Capacity-1 Not really much use for this... it kills you slowly as it’s equipped, but it emits a small amount of light. The moral is: don’t smoke. -------- Croc Cap -------- Capacity- 1 It’s a cap that resembles the head of an Indian Gavial! Slowly wade through water and guards will be convinced Snake is just another animal. Just don’t do anything a crocodile wouldn’t do. --------------- Fake Death Pill --------------- Capacity- 5 Take this to enter a state of Fake Death, with game over screen and all. Guards just might walk away, leaving you to escape. Use the Revival Pill to exit the Fake Death state. ---------------- Keys A, B, and C ---------------- Capacity- 1 Keys given to you at various points of the game. You don’t even need to equip them to open the doors. ------------- Life Medicine ------------- Capacity- 10 These have taken the place of the Rations. Use this to regain a small amount of life. Equip it, and Snake will regain life when he receives a fatal blow. ------------- Mine Detector ------------- Capacity- 1 This beeps whenever you approach claymore mines. The quicker it beeps, the closer you are. --------------- Motion Detector --------------- Capacity- 1 This is a sensor that detects the motion of life-forms. If the dots are very bright, then the thing is moving fast. If they’re dull, then it’s moving slow or not moving at all. -------------------- Night Vision Goggles -------------------- Capacity- 1 Useful in pitch-black areas. It makes it so you can see in the dark. However, they can draw unwanted attention towards you in light areas. ------------ Revival Pill ------------ Capacity- N/A Use this to awaken from a state of Fake Death. --------------- Thermal Goggles --------------- Capacity- 1 These allow you to view the world in heat rather than light. Hot things appear red or white, while cold things appear blue or black. Use this when you are having difficulty seeing guards/animals that sort of blend in with their surroundings. Also use these to make guards at a long distance stand out more. ============================================================================ ----------------------------PART TWO: WALKTHROUGH-------------------------- ============================================================================ /\-----------------------------------------------/\ ==-----------2.0: How To Use This Guide----------== \/-----------------------------------------------\/ This strategy guide covers the NORMAL level of difficulty, which is the standard level of difficulty. It can be used for the Very Easy and Easy difficulties, but for Hard and Extreme, some of the strategies may not work. The Walkthrough is divided into different sections. In each section, a walkthrough of every area and strategies for boss battles are provided. Here’s an example of the layout for an area: ========= Area Name ========= Preliminary Stuff goes here. Any random information that you may need for the area. Items- Items found in the area. Weapons- Weapons found in the area. Enemies- The number of enemies in the area, whether they be guards or dogs. Strategy- Strategy for the area. Things to Try- Random, fun things to try. --- Note that while I may tell you WHEN to get rid of enemies, very rarely I will recommend HOW. That is up to you. Personally, I used non-lethal ways, unless it’s specifically noted. However, you may do whatever you wish. I also usually won’t tell you when to capture/eat food. It depends on the type of player you are, really, and how fast you consume stamina. It’s not that hard to eat when you see that your stamina is low. All right? Have you got it? Is everything set? All right, now that’s covered, let us begin... with the Walkthrough! /\-----------------------------------------------/\ ==-----------2.1: Virtuous Mission---------------== \/-----------------------------------------------\/ ================= Preliminary Stuff ================= Select NEW GAME from the title screen. Note that CIRCLE is the selection button, not X. When it asks you what series you liked, pick whatever you want. The MGS2 option gives you an extra cutscene at the beginning of the game. When it asks you to choose your difficulty, choose whatever you want. Here’s the breakdown on difficulties: Very Easy- Choose this if you’ve never played the series and/or any games that share any similarities to this genre whatsoever. Why? Because this mode will be too ****ing easy if you have. Guards are practically blind. BLIND. Not to mention deaf. There are very few of them in each area. You have a huge life bar. You deal out tremendous amounts of damage, and very little gets dealt out to you. Not only that, but you have the EZ gun, which is so cheap that it’s almost funny. Easy- Choose this if you’re a newbie to the series... really. It’s basically normal, but with a few modifications to make it easier. Guards can see farther, and they can actually hear you. It can actually be somewhat of a challenge to a newbie. Of course, if you’re really confident, you may try... Normal- The standard difficulty level, of which this guide is based on. Choose this if you’ve played MGS2, or if you’re confident. Guards see and hear the standard distances. Bosses typically have life bars that are much longer than yours. They are also a whole lot smarter than the other difficulties. They’ll actually (gasp) throw grenades and take cover! Hard- Just like it says... hard. The main difference here is that guards are smarter, more accurate, and can see longer. Choose this if you’ve beaten MGS2 on Normal, because you should be able to handle it. Extreme- Available after beating the game once. Just like the title says... extreme. Think three shots and you’re dead. Think ONE-HIT boss kills (yes, one-hit). IT’S EXTREME! After all that’s settled, sit down and watch the opening cutscenes! =============== Dremuchij South =============== After the enthralling HALO jump, you find yourself smack dab in the middle of the jungle. Your first objective: retrieve your backpack. You’ll need it if you want to even think about proceeding. Items- MK22 ammo Life Medicine Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- From your starting point, head northeast and hook around the small pathway. You should be right in front of a slope that leads to the center of the area. Before sliding down to the center of the area, grab the Life Medicine sitting near the edge of the drop. Slide down. See that climbable tree? The one with vines on it? Run up to it and press the action button (triangle). Snake will climb up the tree. Slowly walk out on the tree limb, and collect your backpack by pressing triangle once again to hang off of the tree. Snake will drop down, and a lengthy radio conversation will start. Afterwards, equip your MK22 that was retrieved from your backpack. Head north to the next area. Things to Try- Now that you’ve gotten your Tranq gun, try capturing your first food in this area. There are a few snakes and birds here, as well as some mushrooms. Or you could just use the knife at the start and kill the food instead. =================== Dremuchij Swampland =================== Now that your backpack has been retrieved, you can move on to your real objective: Rescue Sokolov. He’s being held in a complex to the north. So... head north! Items- Bug Juice MK22 Ammo MK22 Suppressor Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Head north through patches of grass, and consider changing your camouflage to match your surroundings. There are no enemies here, but there will be some in the next area. When you approach what appears to be a muddy swamp, stop. It will suck you in like quicksand. Head east along the narrow strip of land in front of the quicksand, tranquilizing the two crocodiles if they start bothering you. Look for a pack of grenades and some bug juice. Now, take out our survival knife, and slice the Crocodile’s heads up. Watch out if they wake up. Once they die, you’ll score some serious crocodile meat... which SHOULD last you until the end of the current mission. Now, look north to the central island. You should see two more crocodiles. Tranq them from a distance, and then trudge directly through the mud towards this island. Hurry up before the quicksand sucks you in. Once you’ve arrived on the island, look northwest. There should be one more island. Trudge towards it, and avoid/Tranq the crocodile. Behind the croc is an MK22 suppressor... even though you don’t really need it. Afterwards, head north to where the mud ends and the pathway continues. Head right out of the area. Things to Try- Ever try throwing a grenade into a Crocodile’s mouth? They get confused for a second, complete with a question mark symbol over their heads. Eventually, it explodes... inside its body. =============== Dremuchij North =============== Oh no, your first enemies! Don’t worry; this area’s still a breeze. Items- Bug Juice MK22 Ammo Thermal Goggles Weapons- Grenades Stun Grenades SVD Enemies- 5 Strategy- From the start, equip your best camo and hide in the patch of grass directly in front of you. Crawl to the very edge of it, but make sure your camo index is still at 90% or so, which it should be when you’re in the grass with the correct camo. Look up in First Person View. You should eventually see a guard approach. Wait until he gets close enough for you to shoot him in the head. Try not to miss. After he falls, crawl north. There is some bug juice in the log right in front of you. Before proceeding, go southeast down the first side-path you see. At the end of this path is an SVD, a sniper rifle! Put it in your weapons menu. Now, go back onto the main path and crawl north. The guard you just shot should have fallen in or around a patch of grass. Leave him alone or shake him for items. Crawl forward into the next patch of grass. There is a guard that patrols directly to your north, if you can’t see him, push yourself up while in FPV with L2 + R2. When you have a chance, shoot him. Crawl northwest into a dark corner, changing your camo as needed. From here, look directly east. There is another guard patrolling in the east, wait until you can see him, and then shoot him when you have the chance. Once he’s down, don’t wait around or get any more items; you shouldn’t need them at all at this point. Head directly out of the area by running along the northern wall, then finally going north when the path branches off. Things to Try- Remember that first guard that you felled? If you drag him down the southern path towards the Sniper Rifle, far from other guards, you can have a bit of fun with him. Try slicing him on the ground while he sleeps if you’re evil. Or, if you’re brave, kick him (use the CQC melee combo right above his head) over and over until he wakes up, and then hold him up from the back. He just might give you extra items. =========== Dolinovodno =========== Items- Pentazemin MK22 Ammo Weapons- XM16E1 Enemies- 4 Strategy- From the start, bend down in the grass and crawl north a bit, until you can see the area a few feet below you clearly. The positioning of the guards in this immediate area depends on... something I don’t know. There will either be two guards below you and one on the bridge, or one below you and two on the bridge. In the first situation, Tranq the first guard when the other’s back is turned, and then Tranq the second. In the second situation, simply Tranq the guard right below you. Slide down the slope and hide in a patch of grass directly south of the bridge. Now look towards the bridge. If there is one guard there, just Tranq him, and if there is two, you’ll have to Tranq both of them in the head in quick succession, so one doesn’t raise the alarm. Afterwards, move towards the bridge, but don’t cross yet. Get out your SVD, the one you should have gotten in the previous area. There is one more guard patrolling all the way across the bridge. Wait until he comes into your sights and then headshot him so he dies without a fuss. If you don’t have the sniper rifle for some reason, you’ll have to cross the bridge (put on good camo and crawl) and take him out from close range. I don’t recommend this, but... meh. Before you head north out of the area, you’ll want to collect a few items. Once you’re on the land past the bridge, head north for a bit, and then trek down the seemingly useless southeast path. It circles around below the bridge. Back up against the wall when the path gets too thin. Once the path widens out again, collect the items, including a new machinegun! Then, head north, out of the area. Things to Try- The bridge’s ropes are easily severed with your knife or some bullets. If you cut enough ropes, the bridge becomes so unstable that it’s practically impossible to walk on without slipping. If Snake slips, he grabs on for dear life... the same cannot be said for guards. Try dropping them off of the bridge while they’re sleeping and watch them fall down, down, down... ======= Rassvet ======= Here it is, the complex that Sokolov’s being held in! It’s surprisingly tightly guarded for an area so early in the game. DO NOT underestimate the security in this area. Items- XM16E1 Ammo XM16E1 Suppressor Life Medicine Mousetrap Weapons- M37 Enemies- 6 Strategy- All right, from the start, get down onto the ground. Position yourself so your body is FACING in between both of the brick walls, but make sure you’re a reasonable distance from the actual walls, so the guards don’t notice you. You should see a guard patrolling directly in front of you. Tranq him before he gets too close, and then wait a bit. Another guard should eventually notice him sprawled out on the ground. When you hear the “what’s wrong,” you’ll know he’s noticed him. Be ready for him. When he comes into view, Tranq him in the head. If you wish, drag these guards’ bodies back behind the brick walls, out of sight. It would be smart to get them out of the picture, now, so they don’t wake up. Now, crawl northeast a bit from your starting position, into a patch of grass alongside a fence. See those two brown barrels next to a tree? Press your back up against these barrels, and crouch down. The camera should shift back a bit. Look to see if you can see another guard patrolling inside the complex through one of the gaps in the southern wall directly north of you. Move your camera upwards with the right stick if you must. Once you see him, stand up, but get as far back as you can. Flip into first person view, and try to shoot the guard inside the complex through a large gap in the wall. It’s a tough shot, so you may have to risk crawling in front of the black barrels to get him. Once he’s down, get down on the ground. Crawl northwest a bit into the patch of grass that’s directly below the right-most huge gap in the southern wall of the complex. Face the gap and push yourself up in FPV as high as you can. You should eventually see a guard come into view briefly. If you don’t, move back a little. You will have to shoot quickly and accurately if you want to hit him. If he raises the alarm, crawl directly into the hole in front of you and wait out the caution mode. Make a mad dash for Sokolov once this guard is down. Check your map, and then RUN. An automatic cutscene will start once you are outside his door. After the awesome cutscene, you find yourself in control again. Your objective just went south, so go follow him out of the area! Things to Try- If you are outside of Sokolov’s room, you can shoot through the windows or throw snakes inside to make him scared. Through in a grenade and he’ll die. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’VE CREATED A TIME PARADOX! After the cutscenes, you can do anything you like to Ocelot’s guards. However, leave Ocelot alone. Kill him, and you’ve just created yourself another TIME PARADOX! ==================== Dolinvodno Riverbank ==================== After being totally owned by The Boss, you find yourself on riverbank miles away from the bridge. You’re barely alive, and you have to cure yourself, quick. Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- You’re badly injured, so you’ll need to cure yourself, and fast. If you didn’t listen to Para-Medic before, call her again. Open the survival viewer and select CURE. Look at the symptoms for each wound, and treat them accordingly. Cuts require Disinfectant, Styptic, Suture Kit, and finally, a Bandage, while broken bones require a Bandage and a Splint. After you’ve cured everything, some new cutscene eventually start, and your current mission ends. Things to Try- During the cutscene, you get one of those “R1” sequences, where you have to press R1 to view the world through Snake’s eyes. During this sequence, look through Snake’s eyes and move the camera all the way to the left. Is that... a... *gasp*! /\--------------------------------------------/\ ==---2.2: Operation Snake Eater: Part One-----== \/--------------------------------------------\/ This section goes from the beginning to the Ocelot Battle. ============== Dremuchij East ============== You’re back, healed, and ready to go. It’s nighttime, so the same camouflage most likely won’t work in the same areas. Try black; it works wonders in some areas. Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Just head north. =============== Dremuchij North =============== Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- 2 Strategy- Head Northwest. Eventually, a cutscene, consisting of you getting owned, will ensue. Your gun has been taken from you, and two enemies are now coming to investigate. There are two ways you can handle this. One, you could hide in that patch of grass that’s a short distance east from you, and lob a stun grenade directly into the approaching guards from the north’s paths. If they see the crash pod, they’ll raise the alarm and caution mode will start, complete with more guards. Or two, you could quickly head south to Dremuchij swampland. When you come back, the guards won’t have noticed you, and will be patrolling apart. I believe one might even leave. The lone guard is patrolling to the Northwest of the area, so you may avoid him or sneak up on him to take him out. Things to Try- Nothing interesting to do, really. ========== Dolinvodno ========== Items- Raindrop Camouflage Weapons- Smoke Grenades Enemies- 2 Strategy- From the start, bend down in the grass and survey the guard below you. He will be pausing where he is for a second, and then he’ll start walking up the bridge. This is your chance. Slide down your slope and either risk stalking out to the bridge and grabbing him in CQC, or hide in the grass to the side of the bridge. Wait until he comes past you, then get up, stalk right behind him, and dispose of him from there. Afterwards, cross the bridge, but stay low. There is one more guard patrolling the side path you went to earlier to get the XM16E1. It’s very easy to run past him while he’s moving south, or you can stalk behind him and dispose of him while he’s moving south. If you choose to, get the items, including a raindrop camouflage, underneath the bridge by moving along the narrow pathway again. Finally, run north out of the area. Things to Try- Ever try cutting a rope on the bridge while a Guard’s still on it? They’ll notice and wonder what’s happening. ======= Rassvet ======= Items- Thermal Goggles Mine Detector Bug Juice Cardboard Box A Zombie Face-paint Weapons- Smoke Grenades AK-47 Enemies- None Strategy- No enemies? In Rassvet? Amazing! Before you move to where Sokolov was held previously, scour the entire area for free items. Don’t forget the AK- 47 that’s up the stairs. Now, bang into Sokolov’s room in the Northwest. No one’s there! Before you leave, open the locker in the southwest corner of the room to get Thermal Goggles, which help incredibly throughout the game. Leave the room, and an automatic cut-scene starts. After the cut-scenes, you find yourself faced with a full-fledged attack team... from the Ocelot unit, no less. So much for no guards. ----------------- BOSS- OCELOT UNIT ----------------- The Ocelot Unit consists of eight members, all spread throughout Rassavet. Luckily, you now have your gun, AND an AK-47. From the start, QUICKLY stand on the bed and look through the window right beside it. There is a guard outside. Stand on your tip-toes if you can’t see him. Headshot him with your gun if you have the chance. You could also just Tranq him and wait for him to fall. Now, as quick as possible, get down and crawl under the bed. Four members are coming straight for your room. They will eventually shoot down the door and throw a stun grenade in. Turn away from the blast so it doesn’t affect you, and then lob a stun or real grenade of your own right back at them from under the bed. Try to make it land directly in between the group. If you’re lucky, the blast should take out ALL FOUR members at the same time. If not, wait a bit for the surviving members to come towards your room. Throw another grenade. It should take out the remaining members. This shouldn’t happen, but if there are STILL members left and they’re not coming towards your room, either throw another grenade towards the back of the room, or get up from under your bed and use your gun to fight them head-on, which is dangerous. You shouldn’t leave the room until there are four enemies remaining... three if you hit the guard on the outside. Now, get up. Do you see that window over the bed? Run at it, and perform a dive-roll THROUGH it. You should land right where the first guard you saw through the window was standing. There are three guards left, one to the south of you, one to the west, all the way on the other side of the complex, and one sniper on the roof. If you’re lucky, you can get the sniper now. Go really close to the wall and adjust your camera upwards. Move along the wall. If you see the sniper directly above you, throw a stun grenade up onto the roof, if you still have them. The blast should take him out. If you can’t see him, don’t worry about him for now. If you haven’t done it yet, adjust your camouflage. Look directly south. There is a guard patrolling in the south. If you can’t see him, move closer. Kill/Tranq him from a distance. There is another guard that patrols west of where you just got rid of that guard. He’s on the western side of the entire area, though. Make your way west along the outer fence, and eventually, you should see him. Get him from a distance. If you haven’t taken out the sniper yet, now’s the time to do so. Climb up the stairs of the complex and look to the roof over your starting building, slightly to your northeast. He should be there, walking along the roof. If you can’t see him, get out your thermal goggles. If you’re having trouble shooting him, get off the stairs and try moving directly under the roof’s broken edge. Stand just under it, and look upwards. He sometimes pauses over this area; use that chance to shoot him. When you’re all done, head northeast. There’s a newly opened gate, and you can proceed! Things to Try- Ever try getting through the Ocelot Unit with no alerts? It’s not that hard, if you know what to do. ============= Chyornyj Prud ============= Items- AK-47 Ammo MK22 Ammo Croc Cap M1911A1 Ammo GA-KO camouflage Weapons- WPG Smoke Grenades Grenades Stun Grenades Chaff Grenades Enemies- None Strategy- All right, this area is basically a huge pond, so it should be easy to simply swim across it... oh, wait, there are crocodiles. DO NOT let one touch you in the middle of the water. If you cannot see them well, use the thermal goggles to make sure none of them get close. Be sure to kill one or two to score some serious croc meat. It should hold you for a while. To get through this area quickly, simply swim towards the northeast corner of the area. Once you’re on land, head out of the area... but watch out for that rope strung between two trees. Use thermal goggles to see it. Once it’s seen, you can either crawl under it or dive-roll over it. However, there is a kind of useful and mostly fun item that’s also in this area: the croc cap! Swim northwest, avoiding crocodiles along the way, until you cannot go any farther. There are two pathways in the western part of this northeast area, but they are blocked off. The bottom pathway can be accessed, just swim under the log to get to shore. You should see a climbable tree near the edge of the water. Scale it, and shimmy out on the limb until you’re positioned directly above a rope. Here’s the hard part. Let go of the tree with X and then grab onto the below rope as you fall with triangle. Shimmy along the rope towards a small island. The croc cap is located here. With it equipped, while you’re trudging through water, enemies will be convinced you’re just another crocodile! It’s an excellent camouflage for a later area. Now, make your way to the northeast exit. You can find the GA-KO camouflage just south of the northeast corner. Things to Try- Here’s something NOT to try- don’t get bitten by crocodiles in deep water. Oh, and did you try setting off the trap, getting hit, and then listening to the call from Eva? Funny stuff! =================== Bolshaya Past South =================== Items- Claymores Splitter Camo Choco Chip Camo Weapons- None Enemies- 4 guards, 1 dog Strategy- Enter from the east. From the start, get down on the ground. There are claymores planted in the first section of this area, and getting hit with them... hurts. Crawling over them allows you to pick them up with no damage. You are faced with an electric fence as your first problem. There’s no way to get past it... except for that nice, low pathway that goes right under it. It’s a brown pathway, and crawling along it allows you to pass through with no harm. Now come the claymores. If you’re crawling, you have nothing to worry about. Crawl west along the electric fence, but stay back a bit, because there’s an attack dog just beyond the fence. Look for it. If you can’t see it, use thermal goggles. Once you have it in your sights, kill it through the fence with a headshot from your gun, so it disappears forever. However, a guard will hear its cry and come to inspect. He will approach from the east, but he takes a while. Wait until you see him, and then take him down from behind the fence. Now you have to get past this next fence. I believe that there’s a climbable tree which you can use to take you over, or you can just use thermal goggles to see the gaping hole in the bottom of the fence. Get past the fence. You can either head east or west from your position. Head west first. There is yet another electrical fence blocking this western section. However, don’t worry about that just yet. Look towards the center of the area beyond the electrical fence. You should see two guards standing really close to each other; if you can’t, use thermal goggles (dang, these things are useful). Shoot one when the other’s not looking, but DO NOT MISS. If you must, use scope-sniping. Once they’re both down, look for the last guard, who is patrolling on a high ledge that’s behind both guards. Take him out. If you’re having trouble getting these guards, you may have to move in closer. Do you see that hole that’s about midway through the electrical fence? Use thermal goggles if you can’t see it. Back up, and then execute a diving roll with perfect timing to dive right through the opening. Once all three are eliminated, head back from the fence to the unexplored eastern path. There are two quicksand pools here, avoid them and climb up onto the nearby ledge. Press up against the rock and sidestep all the way to the north end of the ledge, where the Splitter camo is located. Once that’s done, proceed past the electrical fence. Equip thermal goggles to see the traps and exit through the northeast. Things to Try- Try getting electrocuted by the fence. You won’t die, but OUUUUCH! Did you try throwing guards INTO the fence? Its evil, but it can be done. Try it with the guard who came to inspect the yelp of the dog. ================== Bolshaya Past Base ================== Items- M1911A1 Ammo M1911A1 Suppressor MK22 Ammo Mousetraps Snow Face Paint Water Camouflage Russian Ration Calorie Mate Bandages Digestive Medicine Life Medicine Antidote AK-47 Ammo Weapons- WPG TNT Grenades Stun Grenades Enemies- 6 Strategy- This area isn’t as hard as it would seem at first. Enter from the east, and drop down. There is a guard patrolling directly in front of you. Take him out. Move forward and you will see another guard heading towards the guard who you just took down. Take him down before he gets too close. You’re free to stand up now. Approach the huge machine gun. Shift your camera upwards in third-person-view, and equip thermal goggles. You should see a guard at the top of your screen, all the way across the area. Taking him out from where you stand is tough, but possible. If you flip into First- Person-View and look directly in his direction, a brick wall seemingly blocks your view of him. However, if you use the scope, it’s possible to zoom into him through the gap in the brick wall. This means that it’s also possible to scope-snipe him through the gap in the brick wall. If you’re not up to the challenge, just proceed. Get on your belly and crawl towards the center of the area. You may stop at the buildings to your left to collect items, if you wish, but be very quiet. If you haven’t, kill the northern guard when you approach him. Crawl north until you reach the exit. Run out through the exit. Things to Try- If you found some TNT, it is possible to blow up the food and munitions storehouses! Remember those buildings that contained lots of weapons ammo or food packages? Set TNT inside them. Run towards the exit, but don’t actually leave yet. Detonate every TNT charge you set, and then make a run for it before the enemies notice. ===================== Bolshaya Past Crevice ===================== ------------ Boss- Ocelot ------------ This area seems to be built for battle, with sufficient cover on both sides and a large ditch separating the two of you. Even though you can use whatever weapon you wish, I STRONGLY recommend that you beat Ocelot by Tranqing him. You’ll earn a camo that’s extremely helpful in a later area. From the start, run straight behind the L-shaped rock for cover. Ocelot will most likely dash for his own cover, or attempt to fire shots at you. Throughout the battle, keep this in mind: If you’re behind cover on the left side, and he’s on your right, or if you’re on the right and he’s on your left, he can hit you, and vice-versa. If you’re both on the same side, you’re basically safe... until later. This is the main strategy of the battle: Wait out Ocelot’s bullets, and whenever you see him running across the field for new cover, run out yourself. Aim your gun and shoot him. You DO NOT have to go into first person view, because Snake usually locks on to his body anyway. Going into first person view is slower unless you’re an extremely quick aimer and shooter. As soon as you shoot him, run behind cover again. Any time Ocelot’s behind cover and not looking out to shoot you, you may want to risk moving out from behind your cover and trying to get an angle to shoot him. If you’re lucky, he’ll still think you’re behind your original cover, and he’ll keep shooting at empty space. Note that Ocelot’s guns have six shots each, which makes for 12 shots in all. Whenever he is out, he will reload. If you’re lucky, the fool will reload right in the open, giving you a free shot on him. Make it a headshot. Even if he doesn’t reload in the open, if you can catch sight of him, try to shoot him. After you’ve damaged Ocelot enough, his comrades in the woods will start shooting at you. They’re really bad shots. Ocelot will call them off, giving you a free shot at him. Later in the battle, Ocelot will begin bouncing bullets, which means he can always hit you, even from behind cover. That doesn’t mean he will. If you’re behind cover and he starts bouncing bullets, try running around in circles behind your cover to throw off his aim. Ocelot isn’t that big on cheating, so if you use anything other than your MK22 or M1911A1, he will get mad, and his comrades will shoot at you. That doesn’t mean you have to play fair. Throwing a stun grenade and watching him go blind is actually kind of fun. Keep hacking away at Ocelot’s Stamina (or health, if you don’t want the helpful camo) until he falls. Afterwards, some cutscenes start, and you fall into a cave. Things to Try- Try shooting off Ocelot’s hat. Useless? Yes. Fun? Oh yes. Also, try shooting down the hornet’s nest on Ocelots side. However, for payback, he may shoot down the hornet’s nest on your side. Lastly, try walking up to the center of the Crevice without firing anything. He may see you and challenge you to a duel! Once you gain control, shoot him as quick as possible. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-----------2.3: Operation Snake Eater: Part Two---------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section goes from the end of the Ocelot battle to The Pain. ============================== Chyornaya Peschera Cave Branch ============================== You’re in a cave... a really dark one. There are no enemies; you just have to find a way out. Items- Serum Cold Medicine AK-47 Ammo Night Vision Goggles M1911A1 Ammo Russian Ration Battery MK22 Ammo Bug Juice Weapons- WPG Torch Grenades Enemies- None Strategy- All right, don’t panic. It’s really dark in here, but you do have a few ways to light up your surroundings. The simplest way is to wait. Snake’s eyes eventually get accustomed to the dark, which help a little. However, this takes a long time, and is actually kind of boring. You can also equip your cigar, which provides a really small amount of light, but that will have to do for now. Or, if you want to be cheap, adjust the brightness on your TV. Cheater. Anyway, from your starting point, collect the Animal Camo that’s on a rock right next to you (use thermal goggles so you don’t miss it). It should be there, since I told you to beat Ocelot by Tranqing him. But if you didn’t listen to me, you can just proceed to the east. After walking east for a really short time, you should come to a clearing with three possible pathways. Go to the left one. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you come across two waterfalls. In between these waterfalls, lies a WPG and the Torch. Finally, some decent light! If you’re having trouble getting to the torch, from your starting point, run straight into the wall in front of you, and then hug the wall as you move east. The wall should loop around and eventually bring you to the area with the waterfalls. Once you have the torch, you can do all the exploring you want. I recommend stocking up on cave animals. When you want to leave, return to the opening with three possible paths, and take the middle one, which is a hole that you have to crawl through. Keep crawling and you’ll eventually emerge on a pathway above the waterfalls. Keep going forward and you’ll exit. Things to Try- Try getting through the cave with the Thermal Goggles equipped. You’ll need to know the whole thing like the back of your hand to succeed. ======================= Chyornaya Peschera Cave ======================= Items- Snow Camouflage MK22 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Weapons- M37 Enemies- None Strategy- Take the right fork as you enter the area. You will find an M37 (yes!) and some MK22 bullets. Now, crawl north under the crawlspace. Eventually, you will come across a Snow Camo. As soon as you get the Snow Camo, backtrack and take the left fork, which only contained M1911A1 bullets and AK-47 bullets. Head forwards and approach your next boss battle. -------------- Boss- The Pain -------------- The Pain is the first true boss of the game. He is a crazy soldier that controls hornets and uses them to attack you. However, he is not as hard as he looks. The first thing you should know is that The Pain is invincible when his bees cover him. They will absorb each and every one of your attacks... except for ones launched by your M37. The shotgun can effectively blast the bees off of the pain 80% of the time, exposing him to attack. If you don’t have the shotgun, you’ll have to wait until the bees come off themselves. From the start, blast the Pain with your shotgun or assault rifle until he takes damage. He will most likely retaliate with a standard hornet attack, where he sends them after you to damage you. Dive off of your platform into the water and start moving around. No matter what attack he chooses, this method will aid you in avoiding almost every single one. The Pain has a few attacks- Regular Hornet Swarm- The Pain will simply send bees out to sting you. Dive underwater or move around to avoid them. Tracking Hornet Swarm- The Pain will send out bees that emit a yellow mist. If you get hit with this mist, the Hornets will then converge on you and attempt to sting you to death. Avoid this by not getting hit with the mist. Tommy Gun- The Pain’s bees will give him a machine gun. He will fire at you. Avoid this by moving around. Grenade- The Pain will give his bees a grenade. The bees will form a sphere around it, and then drop it above you. You can shoot the grenade in midair. Double- If The Pain can’t hit you for a while, he will eventually form a double of himself to try and fool you. Use your thermal goggles to find out the real one. Shoot it in the head. Bullet Bees- After Pain’s Health/Stamina has been reduced halfway, he will release bullet bees that will lodge themselves in your body if they hit you. Think of these as regular bullets, but with wings. This battle basically consists of you moving around constantly and shooting The Pain with your shotgun or AK whenever his bees are not protecting him. You can either force the bees off with your shotgun or wait for them to come off during one of his attacks. When shooting The Pain, make sure to shoot until he’s down or until his bees come back. If you’re using a heavy weapon, you’ll have to climb onto an island to shoot him; be prepared to dive right back into the water. As long as you keep moving around constantly, you should not die at all. When the battle’s done, head towards the exit that’s North. Things to Try- After the battle, you can get onto the Pain’s platform! From the exit shore, back up against the wall and follow a small side-ledge that circles around to the cave. You’ll make your way onto a raised platform overlooking the water. Dive roll off of the end of this platform to reach The Pain’s platform! /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.4: Operation Snake Eater: Part Three-----------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section goes from the end of The Pain battle to The Fear. ================================ Chyornaya Peschera Cave Entrance ================================ Congratulations, you’ve beaten your first Cobra! Now it’s time to continue with the mission. Items- Claymores AK-47 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo MK22 Ammo Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Head north. In a small cave you’ll find some ammo, but watch out for the claymores. Crawl to pick them and the items up. Head north, and carefully walk down the ledges. Finally, you’ll exit the cave. =============== Ponizovje South =============== Items- Chaff Grenades Weapons- None Enemies- 2 Strategy- With the Croc cap, this area is a whole lot easier. Equip it and wade slowly upstream. When a hovercraft guard approaches, lay down in the water. He’ll think you’re just another crocodile. Swim upstream if you wish, but keep your O2 gauge high by keeping your stamina high. Before exiting north, make sure to go to the western side-path farther upstream that you would have most likely missed. Without the Croc Cap, this area is a bit more difficult. Don’t move much from your starting position, and crouch. Look in the Northeast. You should see a hovercraft guard. Aim and fire a knockout dart at him. Don’t hit his hovercraft. He will eventually fall asleep, causing his hovercraft to lose control and explode. This sets the area into caution mode. The last guard will either be patrolling over where his comrade fell or simply sitting to the north, blocking your exit. Move up to him as close as possible. You will see his yellow hovercraft lights. It is hard to see his body, as it’s hidden by leaves, but attempt to shoot him through the leaves, using the binoculars to help you find where his body is. Once he is asleep/dead, his hovercraft will explode. You’re free now. Head to the almost unseen northwestern path. Things to Try- Try throwing a grenade into the water. BOOM. Watch as the food pops up EVERYWHERE. ============== Ponizovje West ============== Items- M1911A1 Suppressor MK22 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo MK22 Suppressor MK22 Ammo M37 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Weapons- WPG Stun Grenades SVD TNT Grenades Enemies- 2 Strategy- All right, the first thing you should know is that if you get caught, you will most likely be in serious trouble. The reinforcements for this area are hovercraft guards. Anyway, from the start, go into FPV. You may see a guard right in your line of vision, keep moving west if you can’t see him. He will eventually walk into your sights. Take him out with a silenced weapon. Keep moving forward until you move past the huge rock beside you. There’s another guard to the north. He shouldn’t be able to see you, so turn and fire. Afterwards, raid the area. Don’t forget the Sniper Rifle that’s in the munitions department to the north. Take it out of your backpack and put it directly into your weapons; it’s useful. In the building that you got the Sniper Rifle, set a TNT charge. Run out of the building. Detonate the charge. BOOM. You’ve now just weakened the enemy forces. They will actually run out of ammo when shooting at you! Exit from where you entered and head north to start a cut-scene. Things to Try- Try dropping the guards into the water when they’re asleep. That is, if you’re evil. ============================= Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior ============================= Items- SVD Ammo M1911A1 Ammo M1911A1 Suppressor MK22 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Weapons- Stun Grenades Smoke Grenades Enemies- 4 at first, then 3 Strategy- All right, in this area, if you choose to, you can accomplish something totally awesome, and actually alter the game’s events. If you got the Sniper Rifle in Poinzovje West, it is possible to kill The End (yes, the boss, the 100-year-old sniper) early. From your starting position, DO NOT MOVE. Just get out your sniper rifle and look through its scope. You should see The End getting wheeled away by a guard through a space in some boxes. Aim through that space, and shoot the guard to death first. Now, put about 3 or four REALLY QUICK shots into The End’s head before he can escape. The End will mumble “end...” and explode. His wheelchair will fly towards your position. Move out of its way. Of course, if you don’t want to kill him, wait a bit for him to be wheeled out. The very best way to take out the guards in this area is by Sniper Fire. There are three guards patrolling the docks. Find them all through your Sniper Scope. Kill one with a headshot, and if another one notices, kill that one, too. Then kill the last one. If anyone radios in for help, kill them first, then aim your Sniper Rifle at the warehouse entrance and kill the backup. If you don’t move out too far, you should be in almost no danger in this entire area. After everyone’s dead, move forward and climb onto the docks. Collect the items and enter the warehouse from the Northeast. Things to Try- Have you tried shooting explosive barrels to take out guards/attack team members? Mass destruction! =================== Ponizovje Warehouse =================== The warehouse is an indoor area (duh), and your best camouflage here most likely won’t be as good as your best camouflage outdoors. Be careful. Items- Serum Antidote Bandage Desert Face Paint Styptic Disinfectant MK22 Suppressor Mousetrap Calorie Mate Instant Noodles Weapons- None Enemies- 3 Strategy- Walk up the stairs and lie prone on the floor. In this area, there are two enemies that patrol the floor level, and one on the top level above you. Crawl alongside the very low wall over the stairs, keeping behind it so the guards on the lower level can’t see you. Shift your camera to the left, and observe the guards that patrol the lower level. Once you’re sure that both of them are facing away from you, stand up and take them out. The only one you really have to worry about is the bottom one, since he’s closest to you. Take him out first and then take out the other one. Head down the stairs, and move into the southwestern back room. Collect the desert face paint, and then climb onto the boxes. Lie prone, and take out your Sniper rifle. Look north to the very top level. There’s a guard patrolling up there, adjust your view as necessary and wait until he comes into your sights. Shoot him. Then, collect your items, head up to the top level, and exit north. Things to Try- Blow up the food storehouse. It never gets old. =================== Graniny Gorki South =================== Items- Life Medicine Instant noodles Book Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- There are no enemies here, but a whole lot of traps. Use your thermal goggles to avoid the traps. Climb up onto the ledge on the eastern side of the area to get the Life medicine. Afterwards, head north, and climb the ledge to exit. Things to try- Did you see that spike log in the western portion of the area? A scientist is still attached to it. Um... ======================================== Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Wall ======================================== You’re finally outside the lab! But you actually have to get in, now... Items- MK22 Suppressor M1911A1 Suppressor Weapons- None Enemies- 2 guards, one dog Strategy- As you enter the area, get down and crawl. There is an electric fence blocking your way, but first, move east into the corner and collect the MK22 suppressor. Move west towards the center portion of the fence, hiding in the grass as necessary. Look for an attack dog patrolling the center portion inside the fence. Kill it with a headshot. A guard from the east or west should come to inspect. When the guard comes to inspect, kill or Tranq him through the fence. Make sure not to miss. With the guard and the dog out of the picture, you can get the last guard. Look east or west, and get them. I recommend the Sniper Rifle, since nobody’s there to hear it. Enter the fence through the hole in the west. Watch out for the snake slithering by this hole. Crawl through it. Collect the M1911A1 suppressor in the northwest, and then run east along the length of the field. At the northeastern end, there is a door. Press up against this door and knock on it. A guard will come from inside; run and hide in the grass to the north. When he comes out, run inside while the door’s still open. ======================================== Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls ======================================== Items- MK22 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo Oyama Face Paint SVD Ammo M37 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Weapons- Claymore Smoke Grenades XM16E1 TNT Enemies- 3 Strategy- Enter from the east. Get down on the ground and crawl south to that patch of grass below you. Look north a bit to see if you can see a guard. Turn and crawl northwest to that patch of grass in the center of the field, by some trees. If you couldn’t see that guard, look now. It should be easy to take him out from your position. The remaining guards are all the way to the west, so don’t worry about them at all. First, move north into the munitions department. There, you will find an AWESOME assault rifle, some TNT, and some ammo. Collect them before heading into the lab. To get into the lab, move to the eastern side-door of the main building and put on your scientist disguise with no face paint. Open the door and walk inside. Things to Try- Try getting caught with the scientist disguise and no paint on. ==================== Graniny Gorki Lab 1F ==================== As long as you keep your scientist disguise with no paint on, you will be safe. You can walk right in front of a guard and they’ll just think you’re a scientist. Just a few things to remember- -Don’t do anything other than walk or run and open doors. Rolling, crawling, punching, backing up against walls, anything like that will raise suspicion. -Don’t bump into guards. Yes, even if you just bump into them, they get suspicious. -If you can’t see what’s directly ahead of you, go into first person view. Make sure hallways are clear before walking down them. You don’t want to bump into guards unknowingly. -Before opening doors, make sure there’s no one that’s coming through them. Use the motion detector (yes, you CAN use it). -STAY AWAY FROM SCIENTISTS. They’ll see through your pathetic disguise. -The action button makes Snake push up his glasses. If you DO happen to get attention- -If it’s a guard, STAY STILL. He will walk up to you and stare at you. Press the action button to push up your glasses and convince him you’re a scientist. When he walks away or tells you to get back to work, leave. If he punches you, just get back up and stay still. -If it’s a scientist, turn your head away and stay still. If they see your face, they will raise the alarm. Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- ? Strategy- Walk into the main room and then head north. There is a door in the north. Head through that door, head east through the large room, and then head down the stairs to the basement. Things to Try- Not much here... just don’t get discovered. ========================= Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West ========================= Items- Battery XM15E1 Suppressor Weapons- Cig Spray Knockout Handkerchief Enemies- 5 Head down the stairs and through the hallway. There is a single guard in this hallway that patrols in and out of a small room. Inside this room is a VERY useful item: the Cig Spray. The Cig Spray can be equipped at any time, causes no suspicion, and it instantly knocks out anyone who comes near. Test it out on the guard when he comes into the room. Move through the door opposite the small room. There is a single scientist in here. It’s kind of hard to avoid him, but if he notices you, either turn away or use the cig spray on him. Inside the locker is a knockout handkerchief. Move forward into the next room. This room is kind of difficult. Three scientists patrol here. If all of them aren’t looking, RUN to the northwest exit. If you can’t do that, try making one notice you with your back turned and then go back to his seat. Move on to the next one after the previous one leaves. There is an XM16E1 suppressor in here (along with a battery), so if you can risk it, go and get it. It is also a very useful item. It allows you to use the XM16E1 as a pseudo sniper rifle (if you use shoulder aim). If you can’t get it now, you can return for it after the cutscene. After the cutscene, return the way you came. However, it is difficult not to get discovered by the scientists. BURST through the door to the scientist lab instead of slowly opening it, because a scientist may discover you in the time it takes Snake to open the door. Use Cig-spray on the first scientist if no one’s looking, and then slowly walk through the room, turning away form scientists as needed. Backtrack your steps. If you want, you can explore the rest of the building. When you’re done, exit through the way you entered. Things to Try- If you have an alert, don’t hide in Granin’s room. He will drunkenly laugh and shout “someone’s in here...” ======================================== Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls ======================================== Items- Same as before Weapons- Same as before Enemies- 3 Strategy- As soon as you exit, get down and change your camo. It’s daytime now. There’s a guard directly in front of you. Shoot him before he can see you. Exit the area through the northeastern exit. ======================================== Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Wall ======================================== Items- Same as before Weapons- Same as before Enemies- Two guards, one dog Strategy- As you exit, crawl south alongside the building wall until you enter a patch of grass. Slowly make your way forward towards the very corner of the building. There is a guard just beyond that corner, patrolling the main path, if you can’t see him, back up against the wall. When his back is turned, run into the patch of grass near the electrical fence in the very southeastern corner of this path. Get down in the grass, face west, and take out your SVD. First, headshot the guard that’s patrolling closest. The dog should hear and run straight towards you. Headshot it. The last guard is all the way across the pathway. Headshot him. You’re safe now, so crawl through the southwestern hole in the fence and exit south... towards your next boss battle! Things to try- If you don’t have the SVD or if you want to test out your XM16E1, take it out and try sniping the guards with its shoulder aim. =================== Graniny Gorki South =================== -------------- Boss- The Fear -------------- If you don’t have thermal goggles, this battle is going to be a lot tougher, but by no means impossible. The Fear has stealth camo on, but it drains his stamina very quickly. I’ll include a way to beat him without thermal goggles a bit later. First things first, you’ll want to cure yourself. Enter the cure menu and get that arrow out. Cure the wound and then get back to the game. The Fear is sitting on a tree directly above you. If you have them, equip thermal goggles and look upwards in FPV. I recommend blasting him with a shotgun, since it’s an easy shot. The Fear will begin jumping around trees. You DO NOT have to move much during this entire battle, and I don’t recommend it, since there are still traps in this area. Flip into FPV and try to follow his progress. Try to anticipate where he will jump next. He almost always jumps in a circle around you. When you get the chance, blast him with an automatic rifle. To conserve ammo, blast him in bursts. If he pauses and pulls his crossbow out, forget the automatic rifle and use the M37 to deal some serious damage. The Fear’s attacks are extremely easy to avoid. Almost all of them consist of firing a type of crossbow at you. Just run around in circles if he ever gets the chance to attack you. He will usually say something announcing his attack. The Fear’s stamina will constantly deplete during the battle. Whenever it gets below two bars, he may eat. You’ll know when he’s going to eat whenever he says “so hungry...” or something like that. If you can spot him on the ground while he’s eating, it’s basically a free shot with the M37. The Fear MAY jump out of the trees for a close-quarter attack. If you’re quick, it’s basically a free shot. Once you see him jump down or hear the quick patting of his feet, get out of FPV and equip your M37. When you see him approach, QUICKLY hold square and L1 to make Snake aim at him, and fire off a shot. He will be repelled. Repeat everything until The Fear is finally dead. If you don’t have thermal goggles, you can still win this. The Fear is not totally invisible; you can spot a disturbance in the background scenery which tells you where he is. However, it’s going to be hard to beat The Fear with his stealth on. So here’s what you do: Take all rotten food out of your backpack. Throw it on the ground. If you have no rotten food, shoot down all poison mushrooms that you see by the trees. Now, avoid The Fear’s attacks until he needs to eat. Most likely, he will go for your rotten food first. When he eats it, he starts vomiting and his stealth camo starts messing up. You can see him now. Attack him while he’s vomiting. If you’re lucky, his stealth won’t even work while he’s jumping in the trees! Defeat him in this manner. Once you’re done, head SOUTH, not north. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.5: Operation Snake Eater: Part Four------------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section goes from the end of The Fear battle to the battle with The End. =================== Ponizovje Warehouse =================== Items- Same as before Weapons- Same as before Enemies- 3 Strategy- If you blew up the food storehouse like I told you to, you should head the guards moaning about their hunger. The two guards on the bottom level aren’t so much of a problem as the one guard that patrols the small platform exactly one stair level below you. Put on good camouflage and move along the top level until you’re directly above the guard. Try and see him, if you can’t use the D-Microphone to hear his footsteps. When he’s facing south, QUICKLY run down one set of stairs and shoot him. It’s also possible to shoot him from the top level, move all the way west and crouch. Snipe the lower-level guards from the upper levels. Once you’re done, head through the red door near the entrance that you couldn’t access before. Things to Try- Try throwing out food at the hungry guards. Better yet, try throwing out rotten food. ================= Svyatogrnyj South ================= Items- Book Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- No enemies here. Just proceed north. Things to try- Some plants can be shot down for medical supplies. ================ Svyatogrnyj West ================ The visibility is usually poor in this area. Use thermal goggles to make sure you don’t come across a guard that you didn’t see. Items- XM16E1 Ammo Weapons- None Enemies- 4 Strategy- From the start, follow the western wall. You will eventually come across a climbable tree and a log. Crawl through the log, and observe the path below you. A guard patrols this path. Wait until he comes close enough for you to shoot him. Continue north. When you come to a slope that goes east, head up it. There is a guard patrolling at the top of the slope area, crawl into nearby grass and take him out. Continue north. You will crawl through a winding path that eventually leads to another wide clearing. There is a guard patrolling in this wide clearing; take him out when he comes into view. With all three guards taken out, you’re free to snipe the last one. He patrols north from the third guard. Take out your sniper rifle and wait a while to see if he eventually comes into view. If you can’t see him, keep going north and you’ll eventually come across him. Take him out. Before exiting north, exit northeast for some nice supplies and a new weapon. After you return, I suggest that you SAVE before heading north. Trust me. ================= Svyatogornyj East ================= Items- Calorie Mate Russian Ration M37 Ammo SVD Ammo XM16E1 Ammo MK22 Ammo XM16E1 Suppressor M1911A1 Ammo Book Weapons- M63 TNT Enemies- 5 Strategy- At the start, head east, and then hide behind a tree. Two guards will approach; I suggest using the tree bark camouflage. If you stay still and aren’t in their path, they won’t see you. Wait until the two guards have turned away from you before you attack them (yes, I suggest you take them out, since they patrol your exit route). After they’re both down, head north. Go past the first eastern side path and drop down and crawl down the second. You should spot a warehouse. Three guards patrol this warehouse, and taking them out without getting noticed isn’t that easy. I suggest using the suppressed XM16E1 from a distance with L1 aiming to snipe them. First, take out the guard that patrols the right side of the warehouse (from your view). Make sure he’s a far distance away from the guard that patrols left of him. After he’s down, take out the second guard. The last guard is inside the actual warehouse. If he notices the second guard die, he may come out to the front. Use your normal sniper rifle to kill him if he does. If he doesn’t come out, you’ll have to move in. Use the motion detector or look through the windows to determine where that last guard is. He briefly steps outside of the warehouse through a back exit, when he does, attack him. Now you’re free to raid the warehouse. Make sure to get the M63, which is an awesome assault rifle. Don’t forget the small shack in the northwest of the area, which contains food. Now, exit where you came in from, and then exit north in the previous area. If you haven’t, save BEFORE you exit north. Things to Try- Blow up the food shack. The entire thing nearly falls apart. Excellent! =============== Sokroveno South =============== Items- SVD Ammo MK22 Ammo XM16E1 Ammo M37 Ammo TNT Weapons- SVD (if you didn’t get it before) Enemies- None (Many if you killed The End early) ------------- Boss- The End ------------- You will either think this is the worst boss battle in the world or love it to death. This boss battle is truly unique, most likely because it’s not as full of action and fast paced as most boss battles. It is long, drawn out, and you’ll have to do things slowly if you want to survive. However, there ARE easy ways out, so if you simply can’t stand it, or if you don’t have the patience to get past it, you can stop worrying now. This entire battle takes place over three HUGE areas. You are battling a hundred-year-old sniper, one who will utilize camouflage to take you out from a distance without you even knowing where he is. Or so he hopes. If you utilize camouflage yourself, along with your high-tech equipment, you will be able to find out where he’s hiding without him finding you first. First things first. This is meant to be a sniper battle. Personally, I think sniping is the easiest way to win. You can either take the sniper approach, or the second approach, which is to sneak up on the guy and attack him from close. If you did not find the Sniper Rifle before, it’s in a shack in the northwest of the first area. The End fires Tranq darts through his Sniper rifle. If you’re hit, your stamina will start decreasing fast. CURE IT IMMEDIATELY. Make sure to stock up on food, just in case you get hit. If your stamina reaches zero, The End will throw you in jail... ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE LAB. You do NOT want to make your way back here the slow way. What you have to do first is find The End. Press Start and look at your map. See all of those circles? Those are Sniping Locations. As you move through the area, new ones appear. The End can be at any one of them. The most dangerous but easiest way to find the guy is to get shot. Equip your torch and run around like a total idiot. When you get shot, check your map. The End’s actual position will be in red, no matter where he is. But this method puts you in danger. The second method does not involve getting shot. Take out your Sniper’s Scope and look towards each of those locations in turn. Equip thermal goggles to aid you. You may see The End. If you’re not sure if it’s him or not, take off thermal goggles and see if you see a flashing light. That’s the reflection of The End’s sniper scope. If you don’t see The End, move throughout the area, and check new sniping spots that come up. Whenever you move, ALWAYS CRAWL. If you’re standing, he’s always more likely to see you. Crawl, always staying in patches of grass if you can. When new sniper locations appear on the map, look at each one of them in turn. Note that The End moves to change his sniping spot sometimes, so he may be in one that was previously empty. Note that The End may notice the reflection of your Sniper’s scope in the sun. If he gets an exclamation point over his head, shoot him quickly and then retreat. If you can’t find The End by looking through your scope, try listening. Take out your Directional Microphone and do a quick sweep of the immediate area. Listen for sounds of heavy breathing. If you hear something, look at the Sniper spot in that general direction. If you can’t find him, keep moving towards the sound and looking. Once you shoot The End, he typically moves to a different area. Try and follow his movements. If you find out where The End is, instead of sniping him, you can sneak up behind him. To make sure he doesn’t see you, don’t move directly in front of his line of vision. Try circling around towards his Sniping spot. Once you’re behind him, stalk up to him. Take out your M37 and unload on his head. Major damage. He will throw a stun grenade and run away. As soon as you can, equip thermal goggles and see if he left any footprints. Follow these prints and see if you can end up behind him yet again. Make sure to hunt for food regularly during the battle. Your stamina is your life in this battle. If your stamina falls to zero, you lose. Therefore, if your stamina is full, you have a full life. If the battle draws on too long, The End will have to eat. You may be able to draw him towards you by throwing out food, but this is very dangerous. If The End eats, it will replenish his stamina... and some of his health! Don’t let the battle draw on too long. And now, for some annoying stuff that you have to avoid- -Most likely, the most annoying thing in this battle is the fact that you have to save sparingly. If you save and turn off the game, be sure to come back before about 24-48 hours pass. If you don’t, The End will have captured you while you were away. He will get you and throw you in jail... ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE LAB. -Avoid looking for The End in FPV for too long. No sitting at a high point and surveying an entire area with the scope for 20 minutes. Why? Because if The End manages to stalk behind you without you noticing (and the only way he’ll do this is if you sit there in First Person View), and if he holds you up and gives you a bullet to the brain, you’ll lose. You’ll go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE LAB. Of course, there are alternate ways to beat this guy. -If you killed The End early at the docks, before the Warehouse, a whole lot of Ocelot Unit members will be in each area. Don’t underestimate them, because not only are they hiding in genius places, there are about 20-30 of them in all. -And of course there’s the cheap way. Save. Switch your PS2 clock 8 days ahead, or just wait for the time to pass. When you start up, you will get a cutscene consisting of Snake sneaking up on The End, and finding out that the old guy kicked the bucket in the middle of battle. It’s actually kind of embarrassing, for both of you. After you’re done, you’re free to go. Head north to the previously blocked- off exit. Things to Try- Try finding and killing The End’s green parrot. He’s by the shack where you found the ammo. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.6: Operation Snake Eater: Part Five------------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section covers from the end of The End battle to The Fury. ================== Krasnogorje Tunnel ================== Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- 1 impossibly long monster of a ladder Strategy- You thought you were out of immediate danger? You were WRONG! At the end of this tunnel lies your toughest enemy yet: The ladder! I suggest you save before approaching it. Now, here’s what you do. Walk right up to it. DO NOT turn your back on it; look it straight in the eyes- er, rungs. As soon as you get close to it, HAMMER THE ACTION BUTTON AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. Snake should hang onto it for dear life. Jam your analog stick upwards and Snake should scale the ladder. Once you’re climbing upwards, DO NOT turn back for any reason at all. Keep climbing. Do not panic when you hear the music. Keep climbing. And climbing. And climbing. And climbing. Now here’s the hard part. Once you’ve finally reached the top, do not, and I repeat, do NOT hang off the railing and let go. I assure you, while it looks fun, you will not appreciate having to scale the ****ing thing all over again. Exit through the north. Things to Try- Try scaling the ladder completely naked. You will burn stamina like never before. ========================= Krasnogorje Mountain Base ========================= Items- Serum SVD Ammo MK22 Ammo Weapons- Smoke Grenades Grenades Chaff Grenades Enemies- 5 Strategy- Remember when I told you to beat Ocelot by Tranqing him? This is the area where his camo works wonders. Animal camo and desert face paint give you a whopping NINETY-FIVE percent camo index while crawling in all of the mountain areas. See why you should listen to me? Collect the items in the corner as soon as you enter. Move west. As soon as you slide down the slope, crawl. Watch out for that snake that lies near. It blends in well. There are five enemies here. The first one that can be taken out from your position is standing still and is far to the north. He is standing along the eastern wall of the cliff, and is holding an RPG-7 (!). As soon as you slide down the slope and head west a bit past the cliff so it doesn’t block your view, you should be able to see him. If not, don’t worry. Just start crawling north. The main area consists of many sections of ground that slope upwards and downwards. Don’t crawl directly along the slopes in the main area, crawl in between them. There are four guards who patrol in between the slopes. However, they are hard to see at first because the slopes are high on each end, and dip down in the middle. Don’t make the mistake of crawling into a slope that a guard is patrolling. The only way you’ll be able to take these guards out is from an angle. If possible, crawl onto a slope parallel to them and take them out from there. Don’t forget to take out the guard with the RPG-7 who stands still. After everybody is gone, exit northeast. Things to Try- Try killing a guard and watching what eventually happens to its body. ======================== Krasnogorje Mountainside ======================== Items- SVD Ammo M37 Ammo Antidote M1911A1 Ammo Ak-47 Ammo XM16E1 Ammo Styptic Bandage Russian Ration Calorie Mate Splint Serum Disinfectant Weapons- Stun Grenades WPG RPG-7 TNT Enemies- 5 Strategy- You can easily spot a guard that’s not too far away from you from the start. Aim at him when he’s the closest to you, and shoot him. Continue up the mountain. Note that, in this area, there is a helicopter that may spot Snake if he stands out to much. With the right camo, you shouldn’t have to worry... at all. The helicopter passes by eventually, and then comes back, and then goes away again... and so on. Anyways, there is another guard a few levels above you. Move forward and upwards slowly, using the right stick to angle your camera upwards and possibly catch a glimpse of him. Once you come across him, shoot him. Keep going up areas until you come across an area with boxes and shacks... and three guards. The exit will be to your camera’s north. Take out the guard who moves down to the low level first, and then move on upwards to the guard that patrols in front of a building. After you take him out, move on to the last guard, who stands still in front of the area exit. Move as close to the anti-aircraft gun that’s south of him as possible and shoot him. Now, raid the area. There is an RPG-7 that is in one of the buildings. Pick it up, and then set a TNT charge in the building. Set another one in the building that had food packages in it. Exit the building and then head towards the exit. When you see the black lines on your screen before your exit, stop. Detonate the two charges. RUN. You should escape without any problem. Things to Try- Got the RPG-7? Try taking out a helicopter. Be warned, this almost always means a full alert. ======================= Krasnogorje Mountaintop ======================= Items- M37 Ammo SVD Ammo RPG-7 Ammo M63 Ammo Bandage Ointment Suture Kit Weapons- Grenades Smoke Grenades TNT Claymore Enemies- 5 Strategy- Don’t worry about the helicopter in this area. It cannot see you. First, take out the guard that is walking down the lowest slope, just behind you. When that’s done, get up on the boxes in front of you and take out your sniper rifle. You should be aiming to take out three guards, one that’s in the north, another to the northeast, and one last one a bit in between them. They all pass by anti-aircraft guns; look for them if you can’t find the guards. Wait until you hear the helicopter approaching. Right as you hear it at its loudest, fire at a guard. No one should hear the sound, and the guard should fall. After you’ve killed the three high-level guards, only one should remain. He patrols in the trench. Drop in and crawl along the trench. You should eventually meet the guard. Use the Directional Microphone to listen for his footsteps, or the motion detector to track his motion. If he’s hungry, just listen for his voice. Don’t make the mistake of crawling around a corner into his line of view. When you’re sure he’s turned around, jump out and get him. Afterwards, you’re safe. Check your map for your destination, and then proceed. You can raid the area if you want to for ammo, small weapons, and medical supplies. Things to Try- Try using anti-aircraft guns to shoot guards after they’ve already fallen down. It’s kind of evil... but also kind of fun. ===================================== Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins ===================================== Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Don’t go forwards. You are not EVA. You will die. Go south. Things to Try- Try taking out guards (yes, you can see guards that patrol all the way down there) with the sniper rifle. However, a helicopter will head towards your position. Run. ============================= Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins ============================= Items- Instant noodles XM16E1 Ammo SVD Ammo M1911A1 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Weapons- Claymore Enemies- None Strategy- Go south through the door back to the mountaintop. Things to Try- Um... it’s a small room, not much you can do. ======================= Krasnogorje Mountaintop ======================= Items- Same as before Weapons- Same as before Enemies- 5 Strategy- New types of guards patrol this area... flamethrower guards! However, since they carry very heavy equipment, you can hear them pretty easily without the Directional Microphone. Head south down the slope that led to your meeting place with Eva. There is a guard that climbs up the ledge with the anti- aircraft gun directly south of this pathway. Take him out after he climbs up the ledge. Climb up the ledge yourself, and check your map. Your objective is very near, but underneath you. Drop down a level. There should be only one guard left that you have to take out. Take him out, drop down one more level, and bust through the red door. Things to Try- Shoot a flamethrower guard in the fuel tank. Laugh. Run. =============================== Grozynj Grad Underground Tunnel =============================== Items- M37 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo XM16E1 Ammo Bandage Ointment MK22 Ammo AK-47 Ammo Battery Weapons- Grenades Enemies- None Strategy- Head down the stairs. Collect the items, especially the M37 ammo and the bandages and ointments. Afterwards, either climb down the ladder at the end to the lower level or drop down for the next boss battle. -------------- Boss- The Fury -------------- The Fury is a flamethrower-wielding ex-astronaut in a very large spacesuit. Along with his flamethrower, he is equipped with a jetpack. The battle takes place in a large room with many large columns placed throughout, dividing the room into many corridors. The main challenge of the battle is finding where the Fury is, but don’t worry, it’s not nearly as involved or as hard as finding The End. All you have to do is find what corridor he’s walking down. At the start, equip your M37. It’s the best weapon for this fight. Basically, you should stay at the southern edge of the room. DO NOT go too far south, because there’s a never-ending drop just waiting for you. Run back and forth along the bottom corridor of the room. Shift your camera upwards. You’re looking to find which corridor The Fury is currently walking down. When you find him, head straight down the corridor. If The Fury’s back is turned to you, stalk up to him, if not, simply charge in, but be quick. Your objective is to empty a round of M37 into The Fury. You don’t have to go into first person view, as Snake will most likely lock on if you hold square and L1. Once the Fury is down, he will most likely fill the corridor with flames. HOWEVER, it is possible to shoot him again once he gets up. And it may be possible to shoot him YET AGAIN, if you’re lucky. The most I’ve ever gotten was three shots in a row. If you decide to risk it and try to shoot him when he gets up, watch out for the flames. Once The Fury finishes looking down a corridor, he will jetpack to another one. He is invincible while jet-packing, so don’t do anything dumb. If The Fury manages to find you without you finding him, he will empty his flamethrower onto your body. This not only hurts, but flips Snake a few feet back. If done at the right angle, The Fury will send Snake flipping off the southern edge. DO NOT let this happen. Be wary of the edge. Throughout the battle, the entire area starts to get filled with fire. Do not run through the fire, as it burns (duh). Cure all burns with a bandage and ointment as soon as possible. The good thing about this is you can see everything a lot easier. Keep running back and forth along the Southern edge, attacking The Fury when you find him. Equip life medicines if you find your health getting low. If you happen to see the guy near some barrels, go for the barrels first. They deal more damage than you ever could. Now sit back and watch the awesome cutscene. It brought a tear to my eye. Things to Try- Try shooting those nice-looking pipes in the room. Water to douse the fires The Fury creates! =============================== Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel =============================== Items- Disinfectant MK22 Ammo Bandage Ointment Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Head north up the ladder. Things to Try- Notice the dust that’s still in the area? I don’t know... that’s kind of cool. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.7: Operation Snake Eater: Part Six-------------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section covers from the end of The Fury battle to The Sorrow. ====================== Groznyj Grad Southwest ====================== Well... you’re finally here, at the dreaded city, Groznyj Grad. Isn’t that first cutscene just intimidating? Yeah... scared me too. Items- XM16E1 Ammo M1911A1 Ammo MK22 Ammo SVD Ammo Styptic Disinfectant Bandage M1911A1 Suppressor Weapons- Smoke Grenades Grenades Chaff Grenades Enemies- 4 Strategy- From the start, you should see a guard coming right towards you. Equip your best camouflage and head under the stairs to hide. When the guard turns and moves east, that’s when you should attack. Crawl north under the boxlike structures in the east until you reach the northern wall. Move west against this wall until you reach a narrow alleyway. There’s another guard patrolling this alleyway, who stops directly at the corner of your northern wall. Equip the motion detector so you don’t accidentally step into his sight line. Watch out for him, and attack when his back is turned. Go up this narrow alleyway. It turns west, and leads directly to a door that leads to Groznyj Grad Northeast. Go through it. Things to Try- These guards are really serious. Alert not only brings an attack team, but an air raid siren along with it. Also note that they have the same patrols that they did all the way up on the mountain, where you used to scope to attempt to look at Groznyj Grad. ====================== Groznyj Grad Northeast ====================== Items- MK22 Ammo Calorie Mate Russian Ration Weapons- Stun Grenades Grenades Chaff Grenades Smoke Grenades WPG Enemies- 6 Strategy- Enter from Groznyj Grad Southwest. There should be some black boxes in front of you. Press up against them and adjust your camera upwards. There will be a guard in front of you who eventually stops by the boxes and turns away. Shoot him when he’s not looking. Crawl north, avoiding the light. It has a set route, and it won’t come looking for you. There are two more guards who patrol in the middle of the area. Make sure you can’t be seen, and take out the back one first, so the front guy has a less chance of noticing. Afterwards, take out the front one. You’re safe now... almost. The entrance is a little side door just to the left of a huge, garage-like red one. Crawl north past the fallen guards. The last guard that you have to worry about is posted just to the east of the small door. Before going in, look for him and shoot him. If you don’t want to go in yet, you may check the back of the trucks for items. When you’re ready, move up to the door, put your scientist disguise with no paint on, and enter. Things to Try- If you want to take the risk, there is a food storehouse in the very northeast corner of the area. There is a guard who patrols right by it, so watch out for him. There is also an alternate way in, but it involves infiltrating the northwest. In the northwest, there is a truck that is all the way in the north, by the munitions department. =================================== Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing =================================== Items- Suture Kit Ointment Antidote Bandage Book M63 Ammo M37 Ammo XM16E1 Ammo MK22 Suppressor Russian Ration XM16E1 Suppressor Cig Spray Ammo Weapons- Scorpion Enemies- Many Strategy- Make sure you’re disguised. Your objective is Major Raikov, who looks exactly like other guards except that he has long, blonde hair and a boyish face. You have to knock him out or kill him, and then get him to the locker room that is upstairs. There is an easy way to get him without being discovered. Wait by your starting point until you see Raikov walk by. Don’t get in front of him, or else he may destroy dignity like no one else. Stalk behind him. If he goes into a room with scientists, wait for him to come out. You are basically WAITING for him to walk to the locker room. Once he scales the northern stairs, you’ll know that you’ve got him. The locker room is usually empty and free of guards. Use the cig spray on him from the back when he goes into that small room just beyond the northern stairs, and then drag him to the locker room. His clothes will be in his backpack. Now equip your Raid- um, I mean, Raikov mask that’s in your face-paint section. You are now disguised. You could head west beyond the locker room, straight to your objective, but that just wouldn’t be fun, now would it? Head down the stairs and explore the rooms that were previously locked to you. In one, lies a Scorpion, an awesome machine gun. With the Raikov disguise on, you can now do ANYTHING and the guards won’t get suspicious. You can walk, crawl, and punch them in the groin, anything. Of course, if a guard salutes you, hold triangle for one second to salute them back. You can literally go through the whole fortress of Groznyj Grad and punch out every single guard. But don’t forget to Salute them before you torture them. When you’re done, head upstairs to the locker room and through the southwestern door. Things to Try- DON’T try to fool guard dogs. If you do something weird, they’ll immediately track onto Snake’s scent and realize he’s not Raikov. Guards will notice this and start to fire at you. ========================= Groznyj Grad Torture Room ========================= You’re naked... and you can’t see a thing. Did you think the last scene was brutal? You haven’t seen anything yet! Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Just listen to the conversation. When Volgin starts beating on you, and you start feeling the punches, hold L2. Don’t release it until the whole thing is done, or all the damage will come back to you. Things to Try- When you see the R1 prompt... make sure to press it. It contains an important frequency. ======================== Groznyj Grad Prison Cell ======================== Items- Camera Weapons- Fork Single Action Army (acquired) Enemies- 1 Strategy- The most direct way is to enter the frequency that you found in the last cutscene (144.75) to open the cell door. Fork Johnny, the guard, to death and run away. A less dangerous way is to take the food that Johnny throws in and throw it back at him. Do this three times and it will start an automatic cutscene. After this, you’ll find that you’ve acquired the Cig Spray again... that is, if you got it already all the way back in the lab. Spray Johnny through the bars and beat it out of there. If you don’t have the cig spray, you could also wait until Johnny gets diarrhea after eating some of your food to open the cell door and run. You can also draw Johnny into your cell by using the Fake Death Pill. Fork it out of your body in the cure screen and then do whatever you want with the guy, Explore the prison rooms before leaving. In one of them, you’ll find a camera. Leave through an exit in the western part of the building. Oh, and don’t forget to take out the transmitter in the cure screen. It makes a later area 100% easier. Things to Try- Spin Snake around in view mode of the Survival Viewer. Do this for about a minute. Make sure Johnny is by you when you unpause the game. ====================== Groznyj Grad Southeast ====================== Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- 1 Strategy- You are naked, with about a 20% camo index. Guards will be able to spot you easily. STAY AWAY FROM THEM. Don’t even think about moving if they’re looking in your direction. With no decent weapons, you can’t afford an alert. As you exit the prison room, you should emerge in the eastern part of the Southeast area. There is a single guard patrolling around a low structure a bit north of you, in the middle of the area. Crawl south, as far away from him as you can, but not too far as to block your view of him. You should be out of his line of vision, so look north towards him. Wait until he’s turned away to dash west. Hide behind some barrels in the west to reduce the chance of you being seen. You don’t want to exit through a door. There is a small hole in the wall of the area you’re hiding in. The hole is just small enough for you to crawl under. It takes you to Groznyj Grad Northeast. Things to Try- If you’re crazy, you may try forking the guard to death. He just might drop some SAA ammo, giving you a useful weapon. But it almost always results in an alert. ====================== Groznyj Grad Northeast ====================== Items- SAA Ammo Weapons- None Enemies- 6 Strategy- Enter from the small crawlspace in the last area. The guards are in the same positions as before... almost. There is one that patrols down and up the small alleyway to the east of your entry point. Ignore him. Move west, slowly. Hide behind the black boxes, and wait for the guard who patrols by them to turn away. Dash west, towards a large garage. There is a door behind this garage. Go through it. It leads to Groznyj Grad Northwest. ====================== Groznyj Grad Northwest ====================== Items- ? Weapons- None Enemies- 3 guards, 1 dog Strategy- This is the part that will most likely be the hardest. It is possible, however, to escape with the alarm hooting and the dogs at your heels. But you’ll most likely take a lot of damage if you do so. Check your map. Your objective is in the northeast. What you have to do is run. Just run. If you don’t stop, guards have less of a chance of seeing you, since there are no decent hiding places en route to your destination. Run north, along the east wall, towards your destination, and don’t stop. That is, until you reach the patrol dog. When you reach him, you’ll notice that he’s sleeping. Stalk past him without making a sound. Don’t come nearer to him than you have to. Behind the guard dog is an open doorway. Enter it and head north. Crawl under the pipes to reach the sewer entrance. Snake automatically enters the sewers. Things to Try- Remember, once you get to the sewers, you’re home free. Even if the attack team is 5 inches from your sorry butt, you’ll escape without a scratch once you enter the sewers. =================== Groznyj Grad Sewers =================== Items- Life Medicine SAA Ammo Russian Ration Styptic Instant Noodles Weapons- None Enemies- 3 Dogs Strategy- Don’t worry; no attack team is after you. Head down the stairs, collecting the items along the way, and head north. When you’re blocked by a sewer gate, crawl onto the western ledge, and crawl underneath a hole there. Move forward and crawl under a hole in the eastern wall. You’ll emerge back on the main passageway. Keep heading north. An attack dog will eventually run up to you once you get far enough. Be ready for it, and kill it either with the SAA or two rolls. The next hole you’ll want to crawl through is the northernmost hole on the east. Crawl through it. Two attack dogs should attack you here, kill them both. Crawl through the hole on the western side. Head towards the light. You’ve made it; you’ve escaped Groznyj Grad! Things to Try- See that small door off to the side near the exit? Well, that was apparently your escape route... hmm... = ? = ---------------- Boss- The Sorrow ---------------- This is truly and odd fight. For one, you have access to your entire backpack. If that’s not enough, you cannot escape dying in this fight. Really. Dying is good. In fact, the boss is apparently already dead. The Sorrow floats in front of you, taunting you as you trudge down his river. He sends the ghosts of every single person you’ve killed in the game. Yes, every one. So if this game has been a bloodbath for you, then you’ll have quite a long walk to do. Eventually, the ghosts of the bosses will come, whether you’ve killed them or not. These are sort of the checkpoints. The Pain appears at the 1/4 mark of the river, the Fear at the halfway mark, The End at the 3/4 mark, and the Fury when you’re done. The ghosts are easy to avoid. Just walk around, or sometimes through them. The Sorrow only has one real attack. He shoots some weird tentacle thing that will cause a picture to flash and flip you over when it hits you. Simply walk away from it, and it should miss you. Once you’re done with this walk, you’ll reach the end of the river... with The Sorrow’s skeleton itself! The Sorrow will rush you and kill you, no matter what. So... what are you supposed to do!? Use the revival pill, that’s what. Of course, if you don’t want to walk through the whole river, you can simply drown yourself or get hit until you die. Then take the revival pill. However, you won’t get The Sorrow’s Spirit Camo, which appears automatically in your backpack if you beat him the hard way. Things to Try- Notice how some guards are going through different kinds of pain than others? If you’ve sliced necks then their necks will be half-off, or if you shot out their crotch they’ll be shouting “I’M USELESS NOW!” Funny stuff. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.8: Operation Snake Eater: Part Seven-----------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section covers from the end of the Sorrow battle to Volgin. =========== Tikhogornyj =========== Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None if you removed transmitter Strategy- If you removed the transmitter (like I TOLD you to) then this area shouldn’t be a problem at all. Just climb onto the land on the east of the stream and make your way north. Nobody will stop you from going behind the waterfall. Of course, if you kept it in, the Ocelot Unit will be here, just waiting for you. They have quite a few soldiers grouped around the waterfall. I suggest hiding behind a tree or something and taking them out one by one from afar with the SAA. Take out that transmitter, too, or they’ll keep coming. Then dash behind the waterfall. Things to Try- Try making it behind the waterfall with the transmitter. You get treated to an extra, hilarious cutscene. ============================= Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall ============================= Items- Disinfectant M1911A1 Suppressor M1911A1 Ammo Styptic Bandage MK22 Suppressor MK22 Ammo Cardboard Box B Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- Finally, your gear is back! Equip your best weapons, along with the C3. Collect the items and head north. Go into the western side-door, and climb up the ladder to get back into Groznyj Grad! Things to Try- If you beat The Sorrow the normal way, which is to walk down his river to the end, his camo should be in your backpack. ====================== Groznyj Grad Northwest ====================== Items- Same as before Weapons- None Enemies- 6 guards, 2 dogs Strategy- First things first. Take out that dog directly north of you with a suppressed pistol. With him out of the way, you can move on to those three guards patrolling in between the tanks. Get your best camouflage on and crawl south, to the southern wall. Turn north and adjust yourself so you can see the guards. You SHOULD be out of their line of vision, but be careful. There should be either two or three guards visible. Wait until one of the guards leave. Take the other two out. The third should say, “What’s wrong?” He should then come into view. Take him out. Now move on to those two guards patrolling high in the spotlight towers. Resist the urge to snipe them with the SVD. The attack dog in the north will hear. Take them out with a suppressed XM16E1. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to hope they don’t see you. Your exit is to Groznyj Grad Northeast. There are two exits in the southwest portion of the area, one a bit northeast of the other. Take the top one to Groznyj Grad northeast. Things to Try- Try firing a loud weapon and watch BOTH patrol dogs immediately track your very position. ====================== Groznyj Grad Northeast ====================== Items- Same as before Weapons- None Enemies- 7 Strategy- Three of the enemies in this area are performing some grueling exercises, with one watching, and they won’t notice you unless you do something to bring attention to yourself. Resist the temptation to kill them in mid-exercise and make your way to the weapons lab again. The entrance is still in the same place; take out the patrols in front of it from afar. Enter, and put on your scientist disguise with no paint. Things to Try- Feel like giving the soldiers some relief? Take out the slave driver who is shouting “move!” But the soldiers don’t thank you. Figures. =================================== Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing =================================== Items- Same as before Sneaking Camo Maintenance Camo Weapons- None Enemies- Many Strategy- Head up to the locker room. Before proceeding into the main hallway, open all of the lockers. In the locker where you stashed Raikov, you’ll find a Sneaking Camouflage. In the opposite row of lockers, you’ll find a Maintenance uniform. It’s very useful when you want to blow up the Shagohod. It makes you pose as a maintenance worker. Now head to the area where you went to rescue Sokolov... again. Things to Try- Notice the poster on the inside of Raikov’s locker? Heh... ============================================ Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor ============================================ Items- Life Medicine M1911A1 Suppressor XM16E1 Suppressor Weapons- None Strategy- Before entering the door, collect the items in the corridor. =================================== Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing =================================== Items- SAA Ammo Russian Ration MK22 Ammo Life Medicine Instant Noodles Weapons- None Enemies- 8 Strategy- There are two ways to do this. One way is to equip the maintenance camouflage and casually place the C3 on the fuel tanks. The maintenance disguise is like the scientist disguise. Other workers will notice you, turn away to avoid suspicion. Guards won’t notice unless you do something strange. DO NOT let anyone see you place a bomb. The other, more direct way is to get on the catwalk that’s high above the room and snipe everyone with your SVD. Personally, I think that this is easier, since reinforcements who notice you will be forced to climb up two flights of stairs, leaving you with plenty of time to pick them off. If you do decide to do this, when you’re done sniping everyone, put on the maintenance uniform and seek out the fuel tanks. It’s much easier now. Watch out for people at the very back of the room that you didn’t see who may not have heard your incredibly loud gun. The C3 tanks are not hard to find at all. There are two on the eastern side of the room and two on the western side. Place C3 on them by backing up against them and pressing square. Again, DO NOT let anyone see you. After you’re done, an automatic cutscene will start. ------------ Boss- Volgin ------------ You have five minutes to beat this electrical sadist. Fortunately, it’s not that hard at all if you know what to do. If you have a whole lot of assault rifle ammo, you may try the direct, easy approach. Simply unload your machine guns into Volgin nonstop. Don’t worry about running out of ammo... trust me. He will eventually form a shield... which will break down in about 3 seconds. Repeat as the halfway mark ends. Of course, if you aren’t fortunate enough to have full ammo in your four rifles, and Volgin isn’t dead by the time you fire your last bullet, you’ll have to do it the “a bit less easy way.” Equip one of your big guns, like the M37. He will use an electrical attack. As soon as it starts, put away your weapon and run around to his back. Re-equip your weapon and blast him from behind. Run away, but fast. If Volgin fires a stream of bullets, run around to dodge them all. Some are harder to dodge than others, so equip the Sneaking Camouflage to reduce the damage that you take. Rinse, repeat, and you should be done with him. Things to Try- Need a few free hits? Equip your Raiden... um, Raikov mask or use the fake death pill. Blast him with the shotgun. Cheap, but it helps. /\--------------------------------------------------------/\ ==-------2.9: Operation Snake Eater: Part Eight-----------== \/--------------------------------------------------------\/ This section goes from the end of the battle with Volgin to the end of the game. =============== Chase Sequences =============== You have unlimited ammo (!) for these sequences, so don’t worry at all. Fire away. You have on Eva’s motorcycle, and while she drives, you shoot. You can shoot from the “camera’s” view or FPV. Do whatever you wish. But most of all... enjoy this opportunity! Items- None Weapons- RPG-7 in backpack (if not acquired) Enemies- Many Strategy- Equip either the M63 or the Scorpion (for accuracy). Flip into FPV and blast everyone in sight. You’re not in any real chance of dying until much later. LEARN TO USE TACTICAL RELOAD. It cuts down reload time a whole lot, so it helps. If Eva ever stops and is not moving, then you have to take out all the guards before she moves. Watch out for guards high as well as low. On the runway with the motorcycle guards, go for the drivers. If they die, the passenger falls off too. When the Shagohod starts getting close, equip the RPG-7 and blast the drill- like treads. When it fires missiles, immediately equip a machine gun and blast them out of the sky. Soon enough, you should cross a bridge and enter the next sequence. Your next objective is to shoot the bombs Eva planted on the bridge. Their positions are signaled by red lights. Align the center of your screen with the bomb that’s farthest out, first. Go into L1 aiming mode and shoot it out as soon as possible. You have to wait until the Shagohod gets on the bridge to shoot out the next charge. Center your screen with it and aim directly at it, but don’t shoot. A swinging piece of metal swings in front of it and back, over and over. When Eva says so, shoot it. -------------- Boss- Shagohod -------------- Wtf!? The Shagohod’s not down yet!? DANG IT! It looks like you’ll have to beat it from close up! This battle is not hard at all. Equip the RPG-7 and fire at its treads when you get the chance. TACTICAL RELOAD. There should be a slight electrical burst. Destroy the second tread if possible. Eva then drives to the front of it. The front is slightly battered. Fire at the front while the Shagohod is disabled to do damage to it. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over again. --------------- Volgin/Shagohod --------------- First Volgin wouldn’t die, and then the Shagohod wouldn’t die; now both of them are back TOGETHER!? YAAAAAAAAARRRRGH! While the Shagohod is chasing Eva, equip the RPG-7 and blow out its treads. When it’s still, equip the Sniper rifle and fire a direct headshot. This does MAAAAAAAJOR damage. Volgin then turns his attention onto you. Just run around and dodge all his attacks. It’s not hard... at all. If Volgin says “I’ll grind you into dust!” and then drives the Shagohod straight at you, run DIRECTLY at him. The gap in the center of the Shagohod is just big enough for you to pass through. Eventually, Eva will get his attention again. Fire the RPG-7 at the treads and equip the sniper rifle to fire a headshot. If you hit him directly in the head on your first try, this one should kill him (seriously, 2 hits). But if your aim wasn’t good enough, you may have to repeat the whole dodging bit again. ====================== Chase Sequence, Part 2 ====================== It’s the same as before, except it’s really dark. Equip the thermal goggles. The cross thing across their screen is very helpful; this is what you should use to aim. Periodically get out of FPV to orient yourself. Keep shooting the guards. Some hovercraft guards may appear. Wait until you get a good enough angle to shoot them. When Eva mentions something about a log, look directly forward and shoot. Eventually, Eva will mention a jump. At this point, put away the thermal goggles and get out of FPV, unless your life in dangerously low. You don’t want to miss this. =============== Zaozyorje South =============== Eva’s hurt bad... and there are packs of guards chasing you both. This is most definitely one of the harder parts of the game. Items- MK22 Ammo XM16E1 Ammo Russian Ration AK-47 Ammo SVD Ammo M1911A1 Ammo Weapons- Smoke Grenade Grenade Stun Grenade Claymore Enemies- They keep coming Strategy- Eva’s stamina decreases constantly, and fast. Think “leeches.” Leeches that are constantly attached to her body and that can’t be burned off. First things first. Cure Eva. Enter the CURE screen while standing close to her and cure her injuries. Then, collect your items. Then, move south, pressing TRIANGLE to call Eva and make her follow you. When the cutscene ends, you’ll have to move, and fast. An attack team’s coming, and they won’t stop. First of all, set a few claymores along the path to slow the team down. Then, move. There are two ways to go about this sequence. The first way is to move a bit, stop, and press triangle to call Eva. As she’s walking towards your position, move forwards slowly, and she’ll follow. However, you’ll have to feed Eva... a whole lot. If you’re low on food, you’re sure in trouble. The second way is to simply knock her out and drag her. I like this method... mostly because her stamina won’t fall AT ALL. It’s a bit slower, but it works just fine. Make sure to cure her when you want her to wake up. Move south, and when you come to the fork, move west. Keep going, and watch out for that bottomless drop in the middle of the pathway. There’s a log that you have to walk across to avoid it. Keep going towards your destination. Periodically set claymores to slow down the attack team if you think that they’re getting close. If worst comes to worse, fight them off by throwing a grenade and possibly shooting them. Once they’re ALL gone, continue. When you reach your destination, if Eva is asleep, wake her up. An automatic cutscene will start. Things to Try- You can do a whole lot with Eva before the attack team starts chasing you. It’s like Emma all over again! Try interrogating her and waiting... or try crawling over her. Those two things are, in my opinion, the funniest. =============== Zaozyorje North =============== You’re almost there! But don’t let up yet. This area is still one of the harder ones to get through. But you’ve went through worse, that’s for sure. Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- 8 Strategy- At the start, knock out Eva and leave her in her position. You’ll want to eliminate the entire area of enemies before you proceed, and you don’t want to waste time returning to Eva to feed her. There are two sections of this area. Each section has four guards. Crawl forward, adjusting your camouflage as needed. Hide in patches of grass if possible. Put on your thermal goggles and locate four guards. Three of them are patrolling along the back of the area, and one is standing a bit closer to you. Snipe them all. If you prefer to be quiet, use the MK22. BE ACCURATE. Once you’ve taken down four guards, head north. When you come to a fork, take the low eastern road instead of the high one. You can drag Eva towards the fork and leave her behind some trees if desired. There are four guards in this next section of the forest, and they’re all hiding from you, just waiting. Use the thermal goggles and enter from the lower, eastern path. You may be able to easily spot two, standing opposite of each other in the middle of the area. One more is between these two in the center of the area, lying down in the grass, very well camouflaged. The last is off to the east, also lying down. Take them all out once you find them. You’re safe now. Drag Eva towards the destination and wake her up. Oh, and make sure you’re in your best possible condition, too. The final boss is only a climbable ledge away. Things to Try- Notice Eva’s odd mumblings when she’s knocked out? Fido!? Ack! ============= Rokovoj Bereg ============= Items- None Weapons- None Enemies- None Strategy- -------------- Boss- The Boss -------------- You have ten minutes to beat The Boss, so throughout the battle, do things as rapidly as possible. The Boss can put up a fight, but she’s actually quite manageable once you know what to do. In fact, I didn’t die once during my first fight with her. First of all, it would be advisable to put on your best camouflage (besides the scientists disguise). In this battle, camouflage actually works. Also, equip life medicines whenever possible. The battle starts with The Boss rushing at Snake. Don’t try to fire weapons. She will dodge them. She will rush in for a close CQC attack. If you’ve been watching the cutscenes, you’ll understand how good she is at this stuff. It is possible to counter her CQC. You heard me. Snake can do what he was unable to during every encounter with her. But you have to have very good timing. As soon as Snake grunts and then the screen zooms in a bit, press O. You’ll know that you’re successful if Snake doesn’t get thrown onto the ground. If you failed, The Boss will steal your weapon and all of its ammo, and spread it all over the field. If you don’t want this, put away your weapons. If you succeeded, immediately retaliate for a significant upper- hand on the battle. There are two ways to go about this fight. The first way is the up-front CQC way, and the second way is the camouflage and long-range shooting way. Personally, I prefer the CQC way. This way takes some practice and getting used to, but once you know it, it is much more dependable than the second way. If you must, spend a few lives perfecting this. What you want to do is to basically make The Boss see you and draw her into a CQC attack. When she rushes at you and says something like “brace yourself,” you’ll know she’s coming for one. When she approaches you, you’ll want to counter her attack. Timing is everything in the counter. Aim to press O in the time that Snake grunts and the screen zooms in. Don’t press too early or too late. If you can’t get the timing down, rapidly press O and hope that you get it. Once you’ve countered her, knock her down with the punch-punch-kick combo. Equip your M37 and blast her in the head on the ground. This does good damage. Once she’s blasted, RUN. Hide behind a tree or something. She’ll run to hide elsewhere, too. If you mess up the timing and she hits you, see if you can quickly get up, avoid her Patriot blasts, and attack her anyway. If she constantly blasts you, retreat. That patriot can do some damage. After you’re both hiding, get out in the open and draw her back to you. She’ll start the CQC thing all over again. Repeat this until she’s dead. However, hurry up so you can beat the time limit. The second way is to get your best camouflage out and hide from The Boss behind the trees in the field. She will run around looking for you. Stay far from her or crouch down in the flowers, and she won’t see you. Once you’re hidden, look for The Boss. Equip thermal goggles if you can’t see her, or look for the flowers that she kicks up. When you find her, get out your sniper rifle. Shoot her multiple times until she falls down. If you can, get in one headshot and make the rest body shots. As she falls, RUN. Get to a new hiding spot. She will look for you, but if you’re far enough from your first hiding spot, she won’t find you. Repeat this method of sniping her until you win. This method is slightly quickly than the CQC method... that is, if your aim is good. --- After you win, you’ll get treated to a brief cutscene. Then, The Boss hands you her Patriot, the weapon she used against you. It may be hard, and you may not want to do it... so wait a minute, if you must. Finally, when you’re ready, press Square to complete your mission with a bullet right to her head. Things to Try- Try waiting the ten minutes without beating The Boss. The whole area gets the **** bombed out of it. Ouch. ============ Wig Interior ============ WHAT!? You thought you were done!? Well, you are... this next sequence is for fun. Items- None Weapons- SAA Enemies- None Strategy- Pick the gun on the right. When you gain control again, just keep pressing square to fire. Either you shoot Ocelot, and he reveals that it was a blank... or he shoots you, and reveals that it was a blank, again. Meh. Things to Try- Wait a bit without picking a gun. Ocelot gets very impatient. ========== Conclusion ========== Watch the cutscenes. At the end, after you get your stats, you’ll find that you’ve unlocked a few items for subsequent games depending on your performance (no alerts, stealth camo, that sort of stuff). If you picked the gun on the right, you also get a Single Action Army. And... That’s it. Well done. You’ve just beaten Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater! ============================================================================ ----------------------------PART THREE: FUN STUFF-------------------------- ============================================================================ This section is still under construction. It will be up soon. ============================================================================ ----------------------------PART FOUR: END--------------------------------- ============================================================================ /\-------------------------------/\ ==-------4.1: Credits -----------== \/-------------------------------\/ Send in info useful to the guide or whatever and you’ll go here. One, I’d like to credit the guys who made the BradyGames guide... it helped me a lot in locating the items that I had missed on my play-through. I’d also like to credit mister Hideo Kojima. Why? Because every MGS guide needs to have his name somewhere. And last, I’d like to credit the users who have helped me in some way with this guide: -No one yet. (Sad face). /\---------------------------/\ ==-------4.2: End -----------== \/---------------------------\/ Wow. I can hardly believe that I wrote all of that. But I would go through three times as much if I was certain that what I wrote would help at least one person... Okay, I sound really corny now, don’t I? Let’s just end this. ~END OF GUIDE