T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N # # ### ### ## ## #### #### ## #### ### ### # ## #### 33333 ## ## ### ### ### ## #### #### ### # # ## ### # ## #### 3 ###### # # ## # ## # ## # # # # #### # # # ## ## # 3 # ## # ### # # # ## # ## #### # # #### # # # # ## ## # 33333 # ## # # # #### ## # ## ## #### # # ## ### # ## ## # 3 # # ### # # # #### #### #### # # # # ## ### ## ## #### 33333 S N A K E E A T E R V E R S I O N 1 . 7 Email: cahowellguide@gmail.com Next update: Early April 2006 Next Email sweep: Whenever I get emails! Next Additions: (Snake Eater) Ponizovje Warehouse-Graniny Gorki Lab section. (Bosses): The Fury-The Sorrow (On Hold) (Items): Various (On Hold) Percent Complete: 51% -------------| /Code: 0001 | ========================================================================== Table of Contents I ========================================================================== ToC I: ========================================================================== || Name || Section # || ========================================================================== || Table of Contents I || 0C10 || || Version History || 0002 || || Walkthough || 0003 || || -Start || 00A3 || ||---------------------------------||-----------------------------------|| || Table of Contents II || 0C20 || || Various Items, etc || 0004-0008 || || Easter Eggs || 0009 || || Frog Locations || 0010 || || Mailbag: Q&A || 00M1 || || Copyright Info || 0011 || ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0002 | ========================================================================== Table of Contents ========================================================================== Version 1.5 (12/17/04): Yeah, it's been awhile. Been away due to work. Now that I have the christmas break off, I can finally work on a few things. -First of all, I topped off the items list with a complete food item list. However, the locations are vague, but they will be changed later -Secondly, I added a second table of contents. Sound odd? Well, it's something new I am doing so sections can be easier to find. -Thanks both to the Brady guide and a second playthrough, I will be able to add a few things. Expect more in the following months -Added more things from the emails I have recieved. Also, I added a schedual at the top, as well as my email, and what I need to do at the bottom. Think of it as something that will keep me on track, and give you a idea when I plan to work on it. Until then, don't hesitate to email me (unless you have stupid questions) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.51 12/17/04: Mailbag day! Read through a good 100 emails that have been sitting in my inbox for weeks, meaning that if your info or question isn't in the guide, it's in my trash. One thing, though: Always try to name yourself at the bottom of your emails so I can give the proper credit. Anyways, here is the updates: -New boss strategies for The Pain, The Fear, and The End. -New Easter Eggs -Minor frog note -New Q&A section -Several new quota's added at the bottom. Remember: Keep sending your info in! This isn't just my guide: This is the peoples guide, meaning all the help I can get will speed up the process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6 3/30/2006: HOLY JESUS GRANDPA A UPDATE! Yes, folks, I finally started to update again. Ever since I started to play Subsistence, I felt a bit guilty about leaving this guide in the most retarted areas of the game. Hopefully, I won't ditch the guide again when I get bored (Which does happen) Sorry to dissapoint, but the only thing I have added is the the areas up o the first Ocelot battle. However, with all the free time (and better writting skills then 1 and a half years ago), I should be able to complete this guide in a fairly swift manner. -Added areas up to the first Ocelot Squad battle. -Changed email (cahowellguide@gmail.com) FOR SUBSISTENCE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.61 3/31/06: OK, my origianal plan for the next update was to update all the way to the area The Pain was in, but I decided to do a smaller update for now. -Added Chyornyj Prud -Added Bolshaya Past South I dare say 2 areas per update should help keep the pace a little eaven. I also decided to put the items/bosses updates on hold until I finish the guide (Which should be in April sometime). Anywho, next update should be up to The Pain battle. Also, I will try to have the PAL/Japanese Version Camos info up soon (The one with all the flags on it, although thats more for Subsistence). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.62 3/31/06: Nothing major, just added another area and some details on the Ocelot battle. -Added Bolshaya Past Base -Added Bolshaya Past Crevice (Ocelot battle) -Cleaned up a few format issues. -Added Tsuchinoko to the food section I would do the cave area, but that area will be a pain in the ass to write for, and will take time. Should be added in the next update. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.7 4/1/06: Whew, added quite a bit to the guide in this update. Few things are a bit vague (mostly item locations), but they are still up. Here is what was added: -Added Chyornaya Peschera Cave Branch -Added Chyornaya Perchera Cave -Added Chyornaya Perchera Cave Entrance -Added Ponizovje South -Added Ponizovje West -Added Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior Fortunatly, the worst parts are over (for now). Hopefully, I will be able to have a fairly big update next time (Although this one did go above what I was planning). Anywho, enjoy. -------------| /Code: 0002 | ========================================================================== Walkthough: ========================================================================== Virtuous Mission (Beginning) 00A3 ========================================================================== When you first begin the game, you will be asked a few things. The first screen you come to asks if you liked MGS1, MGS2, or never played any of the games. Answer "I Like MGS2!" for a extra something later one. Then, select the difficulty to start the opening cutscene with snake. Dremuchij South: ========================================================================== If you choose "I like MGS2!" you will recieve a extra raiden mask that you can use. Since you don't have anything to do, head to the north to continue. You can either crawl under a log (X + forward), or head to the right path and slide down. Once you are at the tree with moss on it, climb up with the Triangle button to reach the branch with the backpack on it. Then, push the triangle button again to enter hanging mode, and reach over to get your backpack. Once you do get your backpack back, you will recieve some camo's, a few field rations, a Tranq. Gun, and (may differ) another tranq. gun called the EZ gun that has unlimited ammo and has a unbreakable silencer, but forces you to reload after every shot. After the codec conversation, you can do a few things in the area to help you get adjusted to the controls. Once you have your backpack, head to the left to find a blocked path with some logs. Use the Triangle button to hop over the top log and get to the hidden area. In truth, there is not much you can do in this area, but you can get a few items. Use your Tranq. Gun to capture the giant snake in front of the tree, and shoot down some of the green fruits in the tree to get a few items. Once that is done, head back to the northern section where you got your backpack, and head to the next area (Exit's to the very north). Dremuchij Swamp Land: ========================================================================== Another fun area to have some fun with. You can get a few animals in the grass (frogs, snakes) as well as a few mushrooms. Once you get to the quicksand area, try to be careful, since staying in the quicksand too long will cause to to sink and die. Also, be aware of the Gators in the area, although it wouldn't be a bad idea to kill a few, since they give 3 slots worth of food (Also, Gator meat does replenish quite a bit of health). Also, it is good to add that the Hornet's nest in the area replenishes almost all your stamina, so if you want to, shoot or cut it down. Although you will also get some ointment, hornets will attack you. Once you are done with that area, head to the northern area to continue. Dremuchij North: ========================================================================== This is where it gets quite serious. Despite the codec convo saying to use stealth, you can use force against these guys. Since you do not have a lethal weapon yet, you will have to use your knife to do most of the dirty work. Best strategy to use is to drop them with a Tranq. Dart and then slash them with your knife when they are alseep, killing them (You can tell that you killed one when the Z's stop coming out of their head). If you want some quick fun, do a small side quest and hug the right wall until you reach a pathway. Continue down that pathway while hugging the south wall until you reach the SVD. While it's not recommended (You will lose it later), you can breeze through the next areas with ease. Fortunatly, the enemies in this area are spread out, and it's almost damn near impossible for them to find any of the dead guards (Unless you go into alert mode), so you don't have to worry about leaving them out in the open. The area is like a upside-down L, so head up and then to the right to find the enterance to the next area. Dolinovodno: ========================================================================== This is a fun area! Basically, there are 3 parts for this area: South, North, and the bridge. There are about 3 soliders to the south (Where you begin), 1 on the bridge, and 2 to the north. Knock the ones in the southern part out first, and then slash them a few times with your knife to kill them. Be careful when crossing the bridge, though. While it won't break, it can cause you to slip and cling to the side (Use the triangle button to lift yourself up). Since there is quite a few guards, here is a few tactics you can use. First thing involves bodies. While unequiped, press the Triangle button to pick up a dead soldier and aim near a cliff or the side of the bridge. The body will fall over, and into the void. Secondly, cut the bridge to make it unstable for the 2+ guards that are on the bridge. Also, for a very short time, you can get the XM16E1 in this area. First, head to the left part of the north section of the bridge, and hug the wall. While hugging the wall (Or hanging), go to the right to find the XM16E1 and some ammo. Once you get to the northern section, head to the left to head to the next section. Rassvet ========================================================================== A small building area that Sokolov is being held in. There are two options: Take down the guards by force or use your camo's to sneak your way to Sokolov. If you do take down the guards, be sure to take them all out, or you will have a hell of a time to bring down the alert. If you want to use stealth, use the Tiger Stripe (Forest area), and Squares (Brick building) to get to Sokolov without bringing up your kill count. Also, you can get the M37 Shotgun in the first building area from the left, but it would be a waste of time in the end. If you want to have fun, go to Sokolov's window on the very right side of the building and play around a little. Doing things like shooting out his window, from throwing items in gets you various responces. While you can throw a grenade into the window, you will get the good ol' Mission Failure screen. Once you are ready to move on, approach the door on the right side of the ruins to proceed (as long as you don't have any alerts still in effect). Also, if you want to get all The Bosses radio calls, do it now. You won't have the options once you approach Sokolov and for the rest of the game. (Cutscene) After the cutscene with Ocelot (heh), you can do a few things. While killing the unconcious or sleeping soldiers won't do anything, killing Ocelot will end the game with a Game Over. However, if you pick up and drop his body, you will get a mousetrap. Continue back south to reach Dolinvodo. Dolinvodo ========================================================================== (Story cutscene with The Boss, the Cobra's, and Volgin) Once the cutscene is over, you will find yourself on the bottom of the bridge and up-stream, with injuries. At this point, you will be introduced to the cure screen. Read the descriptions carefully, and use the right items for the right situations. If you don't hear a beep with the injury you are currently on, it still needs a additional item. Once you do that, you will be treated to the ending of the Virtuous Mission. Also, the first time the R1 button icon shows up, push it and look to the left to find a Skeleton (You will find out about this later). Once this is done, you will start the Snake Eater mission. Operation Snake Eater (Beginning)/Dremuchij East ========================================================================== (Story cutscene with Snake, FOX, and the political leaders) Well, I hope you enjoyed the nearly 30 minute break you had since playing the game. Anywho, Dremuchij East is pretty boring. Nothing really to do besides save, talk to people on the radio (Sigint is now a option, replacing The Boss as your Weapons and Camo advisor). Once that is done, head north to...um...Dremuchij North! Dremuchij North ========================================================================== Nothing too interesting besides food...Err, animals. Anywho, head east for a cutscene involving The Boss (Story cutscene with Snake and The Boss) Once she shoots up the wig, two soldiers will come to investigate, and put you in alert mode. It's also good to note that you are in Evasion mode, so put on your black face paint and camo and try to sneak past them (Best way is to wait in the grass until they go near the wig, the go north afterwards). Look familiar? Your back in the place 1 area away from the bridge you fell off. Nothing really interesting, so go North to Dolinovodno. Dolinovodno ========================================================================== Few things of interest, but all of them are past the bridge. First thing to do is take out the guard on the bridge. His path is set to walk all the way across from the northern part to the southern part, then head to the point right before you enter the bridge from the south point. Unless you are playing the Very Easy version/playing it a second time, you will have to take him out with your knife or knock him out with CQC. Once he is taken care of, go across the bridge. You have another guard to take care of on the western part of the area across the bridge. He goes from the northern part to the southern part of the area, so kill him/knock him out when he is facing away from you. Once that is done, head south on the western part of the area you are in to find a pathway to a few goodies. Lean against the wall (Or fall off and climb across while in hanging mode) to a small area with a Raindrop uniform, Life Medicine, and Smoke Grenade. The Raindrop uniform is pretty useless, but keep it for collection sake. Once you are done, head north to Rassivet Rassivet ========================================================================== No guards in sight! Anywho, time to get a few items. First: If you laid down the mousetrap from shaking down Ocelot from before, it should be at the same place you left it at (Plus, whatever it caught). Head to the area with all the boxes (It's to the left of Sokolov's old room) to find a Cardboard Box (A). After that, head to the very left of the ruins of the building (The one with the giant staircase) to get a AK-47. Next, head to the room below Sokolov's old room for the Mine Detector. Then, enter Sokolov's old room itself and look in the lower left corner for the Thermal Goggles. Exit the room for a cutscene. (Cutscene with EVA, Snake, and several GRU soldiers, then a cutscene with the Ocelot Unit) First enemy rush of the game! Your one and only goal is to take out the members of the Ocelot squad. Few things to note: -Take your new M1911A1 out (or the mk22 if you are going for no kills) from your bag and equip them. That, or the AK-47 (If you got it) -Headshots are a MUST. If you use the mk22, they will instantly be deducted from your enemy count once they pass out. Otherwise, aim for the head, heart, or balls. -The ocelot unit is spread out, for the most part. The first bunch seem to group around Sokolov's old room and try to frag you/shoot your ass until you are dead. One seems to hang out west of the old building, while two seem to hang out around the eastern side. Finally, there is one tricky bastard on the roof that you need to use the ladder on the eastern side of the building to reach. There should be about 9, if I remember correctly. Once they are all dead, head to the fenced area on the upper east side to start a cutscene (Cutscene with Snake, EVA, and Ocelot) Once that is done, it's time for a little more item collection! Head to the Eastern side (near the area the gate was at) for some Bug Spray. From there: Head up, then north of the building (From your perspective, there should be a smally ally near on the left side) to find the Zombie Face paint. Got everything? Good, now head through the previously closed gate to Chyornyj Prud. Chyornyj Prud ========================================================================== QUITE a few items in this area. While there are no guards, there are still a few dangers you have to face. Indian Gavials (Crocodiles) are swimming in the water, and can kill you in one hit if you arn't careful. In truth, it may be a good time to stock up on food. Grenades work well here, although a shot to the head should kill it in one hit. There are also a few important items in this area. AK-47 bullets, WP and Smoke grenades can be found in the lower left part of the map. Some Chaff Grenades and the Ga-Ko uniform are found at the Eastern part of the map (They are a little left of the hump on the eastern side of the map). If you want to get the Croc Cap for later, you'll have to do a little swimming. Head to the Western part of the map intil you see a log blocking a area to what looks like a path. Swim under it, then emerge to find a hidden pathway. On the way, you can collect some Grenades and Mk22 bullets. Once you go North, you should see a path. Unless you are ready to go on to the next section of the game, do NOT use that path yet. Head to the right to find a tree you can climb. Once on the branch of the tree, Press the Triangle button to enter Hanging mode, then climb across the wire until you see a second wire below it. Line yourself up, then press the X button to release, and right when you are about to hit the second wire, press Triangle again to grab onto the secone wire. Shimmy across the wire until you reach a small ledge (Which is straight in the middle of the Northern part of the map). Once you are sure you are over it, press the X button to release to get the Croc Cap. Once you have it, jump down the South side of the ledge you are on to collect some Stun Grenades and M1911A1 bullets. Once you have all the food/items you need in this area, head over to the landmass to the right of the cliff to continue. Few notes before you continue: There is a spike trap that is set off by a rope. Look for the rope, then shoot it from a distance to set off the trap. You should have also recieved a call from EVA by now if you reached this point, so you will be able to call her for a variety of info on future bosses and info on Volgin and Ocelot. Once you are done in this area, head North to the next area (You can also use the west exit to reach Bolshaya Past North) Bolshaya Past South ========================================================================== Whoo boy, this is a annoying area. In the first area with the electric fences, look for a rough dirt path under the fence to crawl through. However, whatever you do, always remain in crawl mode in the next area. Claymore mines are spread throughout, and can be set off if you are standing up and walking. However, crawling will allow you to pick them up and use them against your enemies. Head west of this area to find a climbable tree. Before you do jump down, take care of the guard dog so it won't attack you/set off the alert mode. Usually, a tranq dart from the Mk22 does well, but a headshot will also work well (although it does alert the guard to the East, but you can use that opprotunity to take out the guard as well once he investigates.) Once you position youself over the fence on the branch, jump down. Take knotice the guard to the east of the area you are in now, tranq/kill him and continue. You now have two paths (Western path and eastern path). Western path has less mud to slow you down, but doesn't have anything interesting. The eastern path has quicksand that will kill you instantly if you stand in it too long, but has the Splitter uniform. To get the Splitter uniform, go down the Eastern path (Past the quicksand) until you see a climbable ledge with a item box to the north of it on a seperate ledge. Hug the wall until you reach the second ledge (Make sure you are right over the camo before you let go, or else you will fall and have to do it again). Once that is done, drop down and head to the third part. Next part is a bit tricky. There are 3 guards: Two guarding the enterance to the next area, and one patroling right past the gate. Take out the two at the gate at the same time (AKA: Use headshots with the traq darts or just kill them with a normal gun), then take care of the one patroling before he has time to call backup. Also, there is a second camo for you to collect before you leave: The Choco Chip Camo. To get it, head to the Western part of the area that one guard was patrolling, and look in a tree trunk. While it isn't too useful now, it will in the later parts of the game. You can either take the Western or Eastern path to Bolshaya Past Base. *NOTE: This is a great area to catch the Tsuchinoko. If you have the mouse trap you took from Ocelot, you can use that to easily get one and get the Infinite Face Paint. Before you leave/begin this area, set it down and head to the next area for a little while. After a certain ammmount of time (Anywhere from 5 minutes or less to 40 or so), you will catch a Tsuchinoko (Since there are no other animals in the game). You will need to keep it in your inventory until you get captured, so don't eat it! Bolshaya Past Base ========================================================================== Huge area with lots to do. First things first: The guards. There is one to the West of the building and dirt tunnels, one guarding the entrance to the south door to the building in the center, one patrolling along the the South-Eastern part, right near the dirt tnnels, one near the helecopter to the East, one to the north before the dirt tunnels, and one guard at the Ammunition shed. It's also good to note that there are turrets in this area you (or your enemy) can use, so note the areas they are in (If I remember correctly, the turrets are to the north and south respectively, although I don't remember too well). If you want to bypass most of it, do the Western route (Avoiding the building) and head north to the Ocelot battle. If you want to get the camo/face paint and other items, keep reading. The Snow Face paint can be found in the dirt tunnels around the center building (It's a little to the west), while Mk22 bullets can also be found in the same ditch (to the North, although I don't remember if they were in the ditch or not). The water camo can be found on the roof of the building (The ladder is right next to the southern entrance), so take out the guard and head up the ladder. In the central building, there is a Mousetrap, Mk22 bullets, and a Supressor for the M1911A1 (Under the bed). You can find these items in the eastern part of the Central building (Or the field hospital, if you want to call it that). There are also three supply buildings: A food storage, a medical storage, and ammo storage. The food storage is directly north of the central building (The door to the Food Storage is on the right), and it contains a mousetrap, Rations, and a Calorie Mate. The Medical Storage is at the northerastern part of the map and has Life Medicine, D Medicine, Bandage, and a Antidote. The Ammo storage is directly Northeast of the Medical storage (and has a guard). Inside is Ak-47 bullets, Stun, WP, and Normal Grenades, TNT, and M1911A1 bullets. Once you have everything, head to the pathway to the North to Bolshaya Past Crevice. *Note: You can blow up the Food and Ammo storage areas so the guards will have lest stamina/less ammo, but I am not 100% sure if that will effect anything past the Ocelot battle or not. It would be a great help if someone emails me about this. Thanks. Bolshaya Past Crevice ========================================================================== (Cutscene with Snake, Ocelot, and various members of the Ocelot squad) Before the actual battle, I would like to note that there is Ak-47 bullets, WP and Normal Grenades, and M1911A1 and Mk22 bullets on the battlefield. /-------------\ |Boss: Ocelot | |------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Remember the first boss of MGS? Yeah, it's like that, only different. | |Ocelot now has two revolvers and twice the challenge he has later in the| |series, but you can use that to your advantage. First of all, the battle| |takes place in a canyon, and because he is on the other side of a gap, | |you cannot use your melee attacks. | | | |Now, for the setting. Your area has a snake for stamina, a tree for | |better view, and ammo for your guns. Ocelot's area has rocks and trees | |so that he can cover himself when one of his revolvers runs out of ammo.| |However, do note the bee hives on Ocelots side, since you can use them | |to distract him while you get a hit in. | | | |My best recomendation for this battle is to head to the treetop and take| |him down from there. Since you can see over the rocks, you can get a hit| |in while he is reloading. Once his stamina or health is almost gone | |(about 3/4's down), the battle will end. | \------------------------------------------------------------------------/ *Note: Beating Ocelot via a stamina kill will get you the Animals Camo. Pretty useless, if you ask me, but still do it for your collection. You'll get it when you land in the cave. (Cutscene with Hornets, Ocelot, and Snake) After the cutscene, you will find yourself is Chyornaya Perchera Cave Branch (Wow, thats quite a bit to type!) Chyornaya Perchera Cave Branch ========================================================================== Forgive me if I leave anything out...This place is HUGE. Anywho, there are two options for light: A torch, and Night Vision Goggles. For the Torch: Use your Cigar as a light, then head right until you reach a fork in the pathway. Choose the leftmost fork and crawl under until you reach a bigger cavern with water (Look on your map under the Survival Viewer to see where you are). The torch should be on a small bump on the eastern wall. For the N.V.G: Do the same as for the torch, but when you enter that cavern with water, head to the western wall and crawl until you reach a circular cavern with water below. The N.V.G are on the south of that circular area. *Note: You do not need the following items, but this is here if you want to explore. However, you get plenty of items before The Pain, so you might want to skip them. --------------------BEGIN MISC. ITEMS LOCATIONS--------------------------- There are a few other things to get, if you wish. M1911A1 and AK-47 bullets can be found on the left path from when you first enter the cave, while a battery and more Ak-47 bullets can be found past the sunken path. At the fork in the road to the right of the enterance, you can find Grenades and M1911A1 bullets if you crawl under the rightmost path in the fork in the road. C Medication and some Serum can be found in the room before you find the N.V.G. Serum can also be found in the waterfall room you found the torch in. Ak-47 bullets can be found in a underwater pathway on the left path when you first enter (The enterance to the underwater part is on the right). Finally, Mk22 and MORE Ak-47 bullets can be found on the northern passage from where you got the torch, while bug juice is to the right a little bit above where you found the bullets. -----------------------END MISC. ITEMS LOCATIONS-------------------------- However, in actuality, you can get through the cave with just your Cigar and the Survival Viewer. Quickest way is to head right from when you first dropped into the cave until you reach that fork in the road. Crawl under the leftmost path until you head to the waterfall area. Grab the Torch on the right wall (If you want to, you don't need it after this point) and then crawl under the northern wall until you reach a room with the Ak-47 and Mk22 bullets. Then, crawl again on the northern path until you reach Chyornaya Perchera Cave *Note: I always got through this section really quick, so I don't remember if you crawl or not to get to the next part of the cave. Nevertheless, the path written above is still the correct way to go. Chyornaya Perchera Cave ========================================================================== There are a few important items in this cave, so listen up. Head forward and you will see two paths: Right and Left. Choose the right path to get a few important items. Keep going down the right path to find a room with some Mk22 bullets and the M37 (A powerful shotgun that is extremely useful for taking out bosses and enemies). Once you get those, crawl underneath the northern passage and continue on until you find a break in the path. Go up to find the Snow Camo (Useless now, but extremely useful in the final battle). The left path is fairly boring, just some Ak-47 and M1911A1 bullets. Reguardless of the path, go north to find The Pain. (Cutscene with Snake and The Pain) Note that you can get Ak-47 bullets on the rock you are on, and M1911A1 and Mk22 bullets to the rock on the right. There is also Grenades to the Northwest of where The Pain's rock is. /---------------\ |Boss: The Pain | |------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Your first cobra member, and quite different from any of the previous | |metal gear games. This battle takes place in a cave, where the pain is | |on a unreachable rock while you are in the water surrounding him as well| |as a few rocks. | | | |Attacks: | |-Bullet Bees: The pain will launch these at random (although it's rare).| | If they sting you, they will burrow into your skin. Use | | the cure command and use the knife to take them out. | | | |-Tommy Gun: The Pain will randomly choose this. The tommy gun is | | basically a rapid fire gun. If he chooses this, dive into | | the water to easily evade the gunshots. | | | |-Grenade: The pain will randomly choose this. As the name states, it| | blows up, so dive into the water to avoid. | | | |-Pheromone Attack: A random attack by the pain. He will throw grenade | | like items where you are standing and try to stain | | you with a greenish substance. While harmless, it | | will cause the bees to find you easier. If this | | happends, change uniforms. | | | |-Bee Swarm: A swarm of bee's fly's over to you and covers your limbs, | | making it next to impossible to escape, and taking damage | | at the same time. Try to move the analog stick in any | | direction to get them off. | | | |-Bee Shield: A common defence move for The Pain. He will cover himself | | with bees, making it impossible for you to attack. Either | | throw a grenade or wait a few seconds for the bees to come| | off. | | | |For a quick death, either use the shotgun, grenades, or flamable | |grenades (yeah, not the name, but still...) for quick damage. However, | |if you want the camo, use the EZ gun or tranq. gun to bring his stamina | |down. | | | |*Here's a fan strategy by Mike: | | | |"For The Pain use Smoke Grenades to loose the bee sheild, when using the| |Grenades you must throw them hard at the ceiling of the cave and "bank" | |them off to the floor by Pain's feet. This will allow the bee's to | |disipate and give free shots." | | | |*Later, Mike adds the following: | |"Also, I forgot to send out that The Pain does do another attack. On my | |5th game playing, he teleported his body over to the rock I was there. | |I don't have much details on it, because I never seen it before, but | |one second I was shooting at him at my lonely little rock, then the | |next he was behind me. That was the first time I ever stood on a rock | |for awhile, so my guess is that if you stay on a rock for too long he | |does that attack. Pretty Harry Potter-ish, egh? | \------------------------------------------------------------------------/ *Note: Beating The Pain via a stamina kill will get you the Hornet Stripe Camo. Like Ocelot's, I found The Pain's Camo almost useless. Get it for collection sake, though. However, to reach the Camo, you have to look for a small ledge to the right of the exit of the cave. Hug the wall until you reach a small platform directly above The Pain's rock. Line yourself up, then Roll onto the rock. If you are too slow about it, or didn't line yourself up, you will fall off and have to try again. Once you defeat The Pain, go North until you find the Chyornaya Perchera Cave Entrance (If you are looking for his Camo, read above. Once you go a little to the next point, you won't be able to get it for the rest of the game!) Chyornaya Perchera Cave Entrance ========================================================================== Keep in mind that once you go forward, you won't be able to go back into the cave. Anywho, not much to see here. Keep going forward until you see a small hole in the wall on the left. Be warned that there are Claymores there, so crawl if you want to get the items. In truth, it's nothing special: just M1911A1, Ak-47, and MK22 bullets. Keep going north, while watching for holes in the ground and bottomless pits. At the end should be the pathway to Ponizovje South. Ponizovje South ========================================================================== Ah yes, the section most will remember as the part of the MGS3 Trailer. Anywho, it's pretty much all water for the most part. However, there are two hovercraft guards that patrol and will send you into Alert mode if they spot you. In fact, this is the best (and in truth, ONLY) area you can use the Croc Cap to safely get by. Otherwise, put on some water colored Camo, and try to dodge their searchlights. In terms of items, nothing much besides some fish and Chaff Grenades on the left (Before you head down the right fork). There is also two paths: One to a optional area (only do it if you don't want to fight The End later) and the main path that leads to the cutscene. Since this IS a Guide, i'll do the optional one first. To reach it, stick to the left until you reach a small pathway. Continue down that path to reach Ponizovje West. Otherwise, continue going North until you reach Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior. Ponizovje West (Optional) ========================================================================== Items galore! First, though, you need to take out the two guards. One is walking on the bridge area and goes back and forth, while the other guards the Ammo shed and walks side to side. In terms of items, there is a M1911A1 supressor in the water south of the bridge, M1911A1 and Mk22 bullets in the first boat going from the south of the bridge, a WP Grenade in the boat on the left, and a Stun Grenade on the boat on the left past the WP Grenade. There is a Mk22 suppressor behind the crates to the Northwest. In the shed, there is M37, Mk22 and AK-47 bullets, TNT, Grenades, and a SVD (A Sniper Rifle). If you want, blow the Ammo shed so the guards for the next few areas will run out of ammo quicker. Once you have everything, go back to Ponizovje South, then head North until you reach Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior. Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior ========================================================================== (Cutscene with Sokolov, Ocelot, The Boss, Tanya, Volgin, The End, and several guards. Guest apperance of The Sorrow as well!) This is actually a small area, but there is quite a bit to do. If you got the SVD from earlier, equip it RIGHT after the cutscene ends and quickly shoot The End if you wish to avoid his boss battle (However, you will have to fight the Ocelot unit as a replacement if you do, so beware). There are three guards in this area: One on the docks, one to the west of the docks, and one near the enterance to the Warehouse. The sniper rifle works well here, although No-Kill players may want to be a bit more careful. In terms of items: There are SVD bullets in the water to the Southwest of the dock, Stun Grenades and Mk22 bullets to the left of the docks, M1911A1 and Ak-47 bullets at the docks to the south, M1911A1 supressor and bullets to the right, and some Smoke Grenades near the guard to the left of the docks. Once your item collection is done, go on to the warehouse (The enterance is to the right, not the big metal door). BOSSES (Note: Most, at this point, are out of order from their part of the guide) /---------------\ |Boss: The Fear | |------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |For some odd reason, quite a few people have trouble with this boss, so | |here is a in-depth look at The Fear. Basically, the field you are on was| |the one you were on previously, so you should realise the layout. | | | |In terms of the layout, there are two sections: The floor section and | |the upper tree section. On the floor section is animals to revive your | |energy, traps that can hurt either you or the fear, and a few tree's you| |can climb. The upper section is basically where the battle takes place. | | | |Attacks: | |-Poison Arrow: The most basic attack he uses. As the name states, the | | arrow is coated with poison, so getting hit will, well | | poison you! Go to the cure screen and pull out the arrow | | and treat the poison. Fortunatly, if you in a tree, you | | can easily avoid this attack. | | | |-Flaming Arrow: A somewhat rare attack. Before he uses it, The Fear will| | make a comment about the next one "being on fire". | | As the name states, it will set you on fire, so try to | | duck when he talks about it. If you do get hit, use the | | ointment to cure the burns. | | | |-Arrow Assult: A random attack. Basically, he will fire 3 or so non- | | poisonous arrows in the air, which will then come down | | from above. In actuality, they are easy to avoid, so it's| | best you either take cover, or hide behind a tree. | | | |-Stealth Suit: !!!. Yeah, now we know that the Stealth Suit in the | | Previous MGS's was around during this time. Basically, | | the fear will be in stealth mode as long as his stamina | | is above 50%. The best way to track him is to look for | | ripples in the tree branches and to watch the tree | | branch animations. Once his stamina goes below 50%, he | | will attempt to gain more energy by hunting food on the | | floor section of the battle. | | | |-Melee Attack: A rare attack he uses when he is on the floor section, | | and you get too close to him. Pretty weak overall. | | | |The best way to take the fear is to clim up into a tree and watch the | |movements. Usually, you will see or hear the branches swaying, telling | |you the direction he is coming from. Like I said above, once his stamina| |goes below 50%, he will go out of Stealth mode and go to the bottom | |floor to hunt. When he is down there, it is a good chance for you to | |both get a free shot, and see where he is when he goes back into stealth| |mode. I'm honesly not sure about his camo, since it's a pain in the ass | |to get his stamina down, but I dare say that once either that or his | |health goes down, you will win the battle. | | | |*Update: Here is a fan strategy submitted by Dave: | | | |"Hello! I am writing about your Metal Gear Solid 3 guide on GameFaqs. | |First of all, very good work on the guide! I have some useful | |information for your bossfight walkthrough with The Fear. If players | |have the thermal goggles by that point, they could use them to easily | |spot out The Fear. | | | |I had a very difficult time with this boss until I | |used the goggles, the thing is, however, you have to find the thermal | |goggles earlier in the game(I think they are in the locker in the | |room Sokolov was kept in earlier in the game). I think it would help | |out players alot if you put this information in your walkthrough. | |Thanks for your time!" | | | | | |*Here's another fan strategy by Trent: | | | |"Shoot out some poison mushrooms but don't pick them up. He eats food | |that is readily available which will be the mushrooms. It'll heep him | |still while he reacts to the poison. | | | |*Here's a fan submission from Mike that add's to the one listed above: | | | |"When fighting The Fear one stratagy I use is to put on the Thermal | |Goggles, stand in one place, shoot and shoot! You can get his Camo | |only by knocking his Stamina to Zero. It is quite easy if you use | |Thermals and Shoot quickly. His camo's feature allows the wearer 80% | |or better camoflauge at all times basically.(i have found no other | |function.)" | | | |*Here is a fan strategy by AkanbonOrih | | | |"I was doing the Fear boss battle last night trying to tranq him to | |death so i could get his camo... I spent soooo much time just sitting | |there in a tree shooting away like crazy, but i could never finish him | |off before he got some stamina back. Getting frustrated, I went into | |my Backpack to see if there was anything else I could possibly try. Just| |when I was about to give up, I saw STUN G, or stun grenades. Thinking | |"Why not?" I equipped them, got down on the floor and once the Fear came| |down I threw a grenade at a tree so it wouldn't fly too far, when the | |Fear came near it it went off and not only took out like an 8th of his | |stamina bar, but also put him in a dazed state letting me run over and | |punch the crap out of him for about 3 seconds, if you get this strategy | |down, it makes this battle almost a joke! | \------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------\ |Boss: The End | |------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Yep, it's the old guy from the beginning. If you didn't take care of him| |the last time you saw him (Yes, you could have killed him quite easily | |by shooting at his wheelchair, but still..). Anyways, like EGM said, | |this battle can easily take up to a hour to complete, so it requires | |EXTREME patience. Anyways, here's the strategy I used to beat him: | | | |-Get the Sniper Rifle: There is a small supply room in the area The End | | battle takes place in. The Sniper Rifle should be| | in the supply room, as well as ammo. | | | |-Use the Thermal G/D. Mic: If you only have the D. Mic, then listen for | | The End to fall asleep. If you have the | | Thermal Goggles, use them to find his | | movement and body tempature. | | | |-HAVE LOTS OF FOOD: While the End's Sniper Rifle Darts cannot hurt you | | life wise, they can hurt you stamina wise. Once your| | stamina looks like it will go below 50%, eat | | something. | | | |-Get to a High Point: Tree's are pretty much the best place to snipe, | | but they do leave you wide open for a attack. | | using a good camo and getting to a high point is | | the best way to tacke The End. | | | |-Look for a reflection: What is the reflection? His scope. Look for it | | to shine, then put on your T. Goggles to see if | | that's him. | | | |Now, here's his attacks: | |-Sniper Rifle Dart: The most common and most used of his attacks. The | | End will find a point, lie down, and seek you out. | | Once he finds you, he will shoot a Tranq dart at | | you. While the Tranq. Darts won't damage you, they | | will drop your stamina, and will continue to make it| | drop until you pull it out. Your best bet is to pull| | it out using the CURE menu AS SOON AS YOU GET SHOT | | and eat something. Best way to avoid it is to use a | | good camo, and get to a point where he cannot find | | you easily. | | | |Photosynthesis: The freakiest of his attacks. Basically, it allows | | him to recover a shit load of Stamina back. One | | thing to note: Some people say killing his parrot | | caused him to stop using the move, so that may be | | something to do if you are going for his camo. | | | |Sneak Attack: A really cheap move. Basically, if you just stand | | around in FPV mode and stay in the same spot, The | | End will sneak up behind you and shoot you in the | | back, draining all your stamina and causing him to | | carry you to the lab you were at before The Fear | | boss. Others have also said that if you save while | | looking around in FPV, it can also cause him to | | sneak up on you (Take it with a grain of salt, | | though, it isn't 100% confirmed). Best way to avoid | | this is to stay in the tree's or in hiding at all | | times and change your sniper spot each time you get | | a direct hit on The End. | | | |Stun Grenade: If you get too close, he will use this to blind you | | and get away. Some say he also uses smoke grenades, | | though it still isn't 100% confirmed | | | |Apperantly, his Camo is a major pain in the ass (Although everyone who | |has used it says that it's the best in the game.) If you use the | |strategies above, you should be fine. | | | |*Here is another fan strategy sent in by Mike: | |"While fighting the End you can get the Moss Camo by sneaking up on him| |and holding him up with a large gun(i used shotgun) The Moss Camo allows| |wearer Phtosynth. abilities(you heal if in sunlight) as well as good | |camo. A good stratagy is to get a lot of food and a regular gun(not | |sniper), from the start run to the north west and enter the second | |Northern area, from there you can get behind The End and sneak | |attack him, after hitting him put on your Thermal goggles and watch | |him flee. | | | |You can follow his footprintsand attack again from behind. you may take | |a few straight hits but just pop out the dart eat some food and follow | |quickly. If you get close and he spots you get CQC close and do the | |good ol' punch kick combo to knock hm to the ground, then shoot away. | |Also he will use flashbangs after you sneak up so you need to be quick | |with the foot tracking." | | | |Later, Mike Emails me the following: | |"Also, the best place to sniper him in my own opinion is in West, with | |the water. There is a steam there with a hollowed out log, crawl inside | |the log. Equip your tree bark camo, and wait about 5 minutes. The ol | |man fell asleep which gives you the perfect opportunity to either sniper| |him, or if interested into his camo to walk up to him. Remember, if | |walking close to him, you want to stalk him, don't do full run because | |he will wake up easily, and use a grenade. | | | | | |*Here's a fan strategy..from..??? (Forgot, sorry) | |Here is another fan strategy by ??? (Forgot the name, sorry) | | | |I do have a problem with one thing : (Insert Anti-personnel info) | |Problem is, this item is SO USEFUL in THE END battle... he stays still, | |you get the sensor, you kick his ass. | | | |He also added: | |1) You can grenade him to all hell, as I did, because of all the crap | | this guy put me through to find him the first time I played... took | | 90 minutes of my life away from me. I used regular grenades, but | | experiment with stun grenades... | | | |2) Pull out that shiny M63 and laugh... maniacally. Probably the most | | fun, but don't expect to get his camo... Still, it's DEFINITELY | | worth the evil grin you get when you incapacitate an old guy in a | | wheelchair with a machine gun. | | | |3) Take out the ol' fashioned pea-shooter tranqs and get his camo. | | Boooooring. Pull out that machine gun." | \------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -------------| /Code: 0C20 | ========================================================================== Table of Contents II ========================================================================== ToC II: ========================================================================== || Name || Section # || ========================================================================== || Table of Contents II || 0C20 || || Camoufalge || 0004 || || Face Paint || 0005 || || Health Items || 0006 || || Weapons || 0007 || || Items || 0008 || || Easter Eggs || 0009 || || Frog Locations || 0010 || || Mailbag: Q&A || 00M1 || || Copyright Info || 0011 || ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0004 | ========================================================================== Camouflage ========================================================================== Camouflage: Camouflage, for the most part, is the biggest change in MGS3. When you first start the game, you will recieve a few different Camo's, but you will have various chances throughout the game to get others. Camo's are the basis for the entire camoflage meter, and your first line of stealth. Also, it's good to note that you can download various other camo's online. Camo List 1.1: (As of 11/24/04) ========================================================================== Naked Camo Profile: "Nothing worn on the upper body" Best used for: None Info: Quite possibly the worst type of camo you can use. Basically, it neither helps nor hurts, which makes it useless. Only wear it if you feel bad ass enough. ========================================================================== Olive Drab Profile: "Uncamouflaged normal uniform" Best used for: Grass areas Info: Like the Naked Camo, it's also pretty useless. Although it is best suited for grass areas, the Tiger Stripe works much better. Not recomended. ========================================================================== Tiger Stripe Profile: "Effective in trees, grass, or against soil Best used for: Any woodland area, all around. Info: The best camo to use. Not only is it great for grass, but trees and soil in general. Highly recomended for any time of the day, and for nearly all general situations. ========================================================================== Leaf Profile: "Effective in underbrush" Best used for: Grass areas. Info: Much more effective then the Olive Drab, but not as good as the tiger stripe. Good if you are in some of the grass areas, but pretty useless besides that. ========================================================================== Tree Bark Profile: "Effective when pressed against trees" Best used for: Wooded areas. Info: Almost as useful as the Tiger Stripe. It's best used for wooded areas with a large ammount of trees as well as the different stump cut outs. ========================================================================== Squares Profile: "Effective in brown backrounds" Best used for: Red Brick areas. Info: "I know, lets create a camo that makes you look like a dumbass, and easy to spot!" Meh, useless overall. Only use in the areas with red bricks or buildings. ========================================================================== Black Profile: "Effective in dark areas or against black ground. Best used for: Night time areas, black soil Info: While it may seem useless at first, there are a few night-time areas in the game that this is pretty useful with. ========================================================================== Snow Profile: "Effective against white backrounds" Best used for: White buildings, fields with white in them Info: While it may seem next to useless, the snow camo can come in handy in higher difficulties (AKA: The final battle of the game). ========================================================================== Sneaking Profile: "Advanced combat suit developed by the USSR." Best used for: All around Info: One of the most useful camo's around. Not only will it cut damage in half, but will also decrease your stamina consumption. While not that useful in stealth, it is quite useful with battle and bosses. ========================================================================== Scientist Profile: "The uniform scientist wear" Best used for: Area's where there are scientist Info: Pretty useless overall for sneaking. When you wear it, you cannot equip any type of weapons, so you are defenceless for the most part. Also, if you let the scientist see your face, he will call for security, so be careful. Only useful for getting past guards in areas with scientist in them (Although it won't work if you are in alert mode.) ========================================================================== Officer Profile: "The uniform Major Raikov was wearing" Best used for: Groznyj Grag Weapons Lab area Info: Unlike the scientist uniform, this is required to progress in the game. However, it's good to note that you will need the Raiden Mask to make good use of it. However, be warned that you cannot use weapons while wearing it, however if you have the Raiden Mask on, no one will question you about your idenity (Even in Alert mode). However, if Raikov's body is found, or you get to a certain point in the story, the suit becomes useless. ========================================================================== Spirit Profile: "The Sorrow's camo uniform" Best used for: Sneaking Info: While it may seem useless at first, it is quite useful for getting around, since it eliminates footsteps. Useless in boss battles, but great for sneaking up on soldiers and silently killing them without much attention. ========================================================================== Snake Profile: "Snake pattern camo uniform. Provides the ultimate cover in any enviroment" Best used for: Any Info: The reward for defeating the boss stamina wise. The Snake camo is pretty good in almost all enviroments, but it's not as useful in specific areas. Best use for casual sneaking. ========================================================================== Tuxedo Profile: "Formal dress coat" Best used for: Showing off Info: Useless, for the most part. Although it's useful in dark areas, nothing says "shoot me!", then a formal tuxedo. Anyways, you can't apply face paint while wearing the tux, but you can use weapons, so it's all good. ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0005 | ========================================================================== Face Paint ========================================================================== Face Paint: The second part of a disguise, Face Paint is minor in terms of your Camo Index, but it does help with certain situations (and in some, required). Like camo's, you can find these in certain areas in rectangle boxes. You can also use mask's on the same screen (although there arn't as many as face paint), but are required at one point in the game. Face Paint and Mask List 1.0: (As of 11/24/04) ========================================================================== No Paint Profile: "No face paint applied" Best used for: None Info: Standard for face paint. Neither hurts nor helps you. Best you only use it when you want to look like the classic snake. ========================================================================== Woodland Profile: "For use in forest areas" Best used for: Almost any outside area of the game Info: A decent one overall. Similar to the Splitter Face Paint in many respects. Helps when you are in tall grass, up against a tree, or lying down. ========================================================================== Black Profile: "Black Face Paint" Best used for: Dark areas, segments with nightfall Info: This is more of a "situational" face paint then anything else. When it's daylight, it's crap, but when it's night, it's the best. Also, it's helpful in dark areas and in area's with dark durt. Decent face paint in the right situation. ========================================================================== Desert Profile: "Effective in mountain terrain" Best used for: Brownish areas Info: Very similar to the Woodland paint. Like the name says, it's useful in the mountains/desert areas. Even then, it's still pretty useful. ========================================================================== Splitter Profile: "For indoor-ops" Best used for: Almost all situations Info: While the profile says "for indoor-ops", it's actually the face paint I used the most in the game. In actuality, it's useful in almost every area BESIDES the indoor areas. Ironic, eh? ========================================================================== Oyama Profile: "Kabuki's female role face paint" Best used for: The final battle Info: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! White paint with lipstick, basically. More of a humor face paint then anything. Still, it IS quite useful in the final battle, besides the fact that you would look like a idiot in the first parts of the ending. ========================================================================== Mask (AKA: The Raiden Mask) Profile: Mask used for disguise Best used for: Raikov mission Info: Heh, another funny little bit Kojima threw in. Early in the game, you can use it to "play" as Raiden in a way, but you will need it later to disguise yourself as Raikov. Also, try putting it on once you lose a eye to see what happends. One note, though: the lips do not move, so... ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0006 | ========================================================================== Health Items ========================================================================== Health Items: After the first part of the virtuous mission, you will be introduced with using cure items. One of the new parts of Snake Eater have you curing yourself when you get a gunshot wound, or getting a burn. If you don't cure yourself, certain items will remain inside you (AKA: arrows, etc). Also, when you get a major injury, the life bar will either have a red line on it, or start blinking. If it's a red line, it means that it won't recharge up to that point, and flashing either means your low on health, or poisoned. To cure yourself, press start and go to the cure screen to see what is wrong with your body, and how you should treat it. Cure Items (Surgery) ========================================================================== Survival Knife/Fork Profile: "Useful for removing bullets and arrows. Press the O button to Pull out the object" Best used for: Bullets and Arrows Info: Fortunatly for you, since both have unlimited uses, you don't have to worry about running out of supplies. In actuality, you will be using this the most during boss battles/or if you get into a firefight with any of the soliders. ========================================================================== Suture Kit Profile: "Effective for treating cuts. Press the O button to sew up the wound" Best used for: Knife cuts, Traps Info: While it's somewhat rare that you will get cuts, it still does happen quite a bit. Also used with spike traps. ========================================================================== Bandage Profile: "Effective for treating burns, cuts, gunshot wounds and broken bones. Press the O button to wrap it around the wound" Best used for: Burns, cuts, gunshot wounds, broken bones. Info: One of the main items you will be using the most (and chances are, running out of). Since it's the basis for nearly all medical conditions in the game, it will be easy for you to run out, so make sure you stock up each time you head to a building. ========================================================================== Splint Profile: "Effective for helping broken bones to heal. Press the O button to fix it in place" Best used for: Broken bones Info: So...how do you even get broken bones, you ask? Well, most of the time, it's either falling from a high place, or jumping from a high point thats too high. Then there's the final boss battle, and soldiers. Anyways, you won't be using the sprint too much if you are careful. ========================================================================== Styptic Profile: "Effective for treating cuts and gunshot wounds. Press the O button to apply and stop the bleeding" Best used for: Nearly everything Info: Just a small hint, when it says something about "bleeding", that means to use the Styptic. Like the bandage, you will be using this quite a bit, so make sure you stock up on them if you are running low. ========================================================================== Disinfectant Profile: "Effective for treating cuts and gunshot wounds. Press the O button to apply" Best used for: Nearly everything Info: In essence, it is pretty much the same as the Stypic, seeing as how you will use nearly all three of them when you get a gunshot. Like always, stock up on it when you get to a building. ========================================================================== Ointment Profile: "Effective for burn treatment. Press the O button to apply" Best used for: Burns Info: One of the cure items you will use the least, burns are actually very rare (only time you will ever need it is either late in the game or at The Fury battle). ========================================================================== Cigar Profile: "Used for removing leeches from the body. Press the O Button to press the cigar against the leech" Best used for: Leeches Info: Like the knife/fork, you will never run out of Cigars, so that is good. However, the only time I have ever had leeches is early in the snake eater mission, so it's pretty much the most useless item in the game. ========================================================================== Cure Items (Medicine) ========================================================================== Serum Profile: "Effective for treating venom poisoning. Press the O button to use the Serum" Best used for: Poisonous animals/poison arrows Info: Basically, if you are bitten by a poisonous animal and the health bar starts flashing, treat this ASAP. ========================================================================== D Medicine Profile: "Effective for treating stomach aches. Press the O button to use" Best used for: Stomach Aches Info: I lied, THIS is the most useless item in the game. Basically, if you eat food that you have had for awhile, you will get a stomach ache. However, you will almost NEVER have to use this, so don't worry about it. ========================================================================== C Med Profile: "Effective for treating colds. Press the O button to use" Best used for: Colds Info: Just as useless as the D med. Never got a cold, never used it. Don't even bother. ========================================================================== Antidote Profile: "Effective against food poisoning. Press the O button to use" Best used for: Poisonous animals you eat Info: Never had to use Antidotes either, but if you do, use it ASAP. ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0007 | ========================================================================== Weapons ========================================================================== Weapons: The main point of the game. While you start out with only a few useable weapons, you quickly gain an arsonal of weapons that can help you in nearly any situation. Unlike other Metal Gear games, your arsonal is somewhat different due to the time period. While most weapons no longer have laser points to help you, the game makes up for it by balancing out the advantage with a bigger library of weapons that you would expect from other games. Weapons List 1.0 (As of 11/24/04) ========================================================================== Survival Knife Profile: "A large-bladed knife for field operations. Cane be used to defeat enemies without making a sound." Type: CQC, Short Range Ammo Max: Infinite Info: While the knife might bring back some not so good memories of running out of ammo in Residen Evil/Biohazard, it is quite useful in this game. While the knife does take a few hits to kill someone, it is useful for saving ammo, and slitting someone's throat is MUCH faster and more silent then using a gun. Also, it's very useful for killing animals in one hit. One more thing, it is also used to pull out bullets in cure mode, so the knife is a all around useful weapon. ========================================================================== Fork Profile: "A fork. Used for Eating. Can be used in place of the survival knife. Plants and Animals nabbed using the fork can be eaten on the spot." Type: CQC, Short Range Ammo Max: Infinite Info: Pretty much a weaker form of the knife. But wait! There is one good use for the fork, and that's using it to eat animals in boss battles and during combat without having to navigate through list of items! Still, for combat, use the Survival Knife. ========================================================================== Cigar Gas-Spray Profile: "A sleeping gas pistol shaped like a cigartte. The gas it sprays puts enemies to sleep" Type: CQC, Short Ranged Ammo Max: 50 Info: Feels more like a James Bond weapon then anything else. While it may sound bad-ass, it's pretty useless. Basically, it emits a knock-out spray that makes anyone in that radius fall asleep. Too bad the radius is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Like I said, useless... ========================================================================== Handkerchief Profile: "A handkerchief soaked in anestetic. Can be used to put enemies to sleep after grabbing them with CQC" Type: CQC, close ranged Ammo Max: 120 Info: Similar to the Cigar Gas-spray, but a bit more useful. Basically, it allows snake to put people to sleep if you grab them at close range (or sneak up behind them, which is more effective). However, it's still pretty useless. One odd thing I would like to note is when I was experamenting with this, it put Snake HIMSELF to sleep at one point. Glitch, or a little easter egg? ========================================================================== MK22 Profile: "A modified special ops verson of the Mk22, a supressor-equipped tranquilizer gun being developed by the Navy. Because it uses a slide lock mechanism for added supression capability, it can be fire once before reloading. Open the window and press the O button to attach/detatch a supressor." Type: Handgun, long ranged, 1 round before required to be reloaded Ammo Max: 81 Info: The name says it all. The MK22 is basically the Snake Eater version of MGS2's M9, minus the laser pointer. Since it is a tranq gun, it won't count against your death count to use it on a soldier, as well as the fact that it is helpful in getting bosses to give up their special camo's. However, there is one tranq gun that is better then the Mk22... ========================================================================== M1911A1 Profile: "The M1911A1. A .45 gauge automatic pistol that boasts high reliability and massive stopping power. Magazine size is 7 rounds. Open the window and press the O button to attach a suppressor." Type: Handgun, long ranged, 7 rounds before required to be reloaded Ammo Max: 71 Info: In essence, it is the lethal form of the MK22. Basically the Snake Eater version of the SOCOM/USP minus the laser guiding. Like all guns, shoot guards in the head to kill them instantly (and quickly), we well as being a decent weapon for the bosses. Great weapon overall. ========================================================================== EZ Gun Profile: "The EZ Gun. A supressed tranquilizer gun developed especially for FOX. The supression function is built into the gun itself. Also equipped with a internal laser sight. When equipped, causes stamina to recover faster and keeps the Camo Index high. Also eliminates footstep noise. Type: Handgun, long ranged, 1 round before required to be reloaded. Ammo Max: Infinite Info: H o l a y s h i t. Not only is is a perfect version of the M9 from MGS, but it helps with stamina, footsteps, AND the camo index. Quite possibly the best gun to use on bosses, and in general. Plus, add the Infinite ammo from the start, and you got a kick-ass weapon. ========================================================================== XM16E1 Profile: "The XM16E1. A state-of-the-art assult rifle currently being field-tested by the U.S. Army. Uses small calibur, high muzzle velocity 5.56 X 45 ammunition. Magazine size is 20 rounds. Features several modifications geared toward jungle combat. Open the window and press the O button to attach/detatch a supressor; press the triange button to switch between semi-auto, full-auto, and 3-shot burst fire." Type: Modable assult rifle, long ranged, 20 rounds before required to be reloaded. Ammo Max: 201 Info: A rather wierd weapon. Basically, you can mod it to be like a AK-47 from MGS2 (full-auto mode), a Handgun (semi-auto), or a controlled handgun (3 shot burst). Very useful with different sitations, and eliminating a large wave of enemies very quickly. ========================================================================== AK-47 Profile: "The AK-47. A Soviet-Made assult rifle. Reliable, durable, and highly precise. Uses 7.62 x 39 ammunition. Magazine size is 30 rounds. Equip in First Person View and press the L1 button to aim from the sholdier. Open the window and press the triangle butto to switch between semi-auto and full auto fire." Type: Moddable assult rifle, long ranged, 30 rounds before required to be reloaded. Ammo Max: 301 Info: A somewhat toned down version of the XM16E1 with a higher ammo percentage and longer time before needing to be reloaded. The AK-47 can switch between being a assult rifle (Full auto), and a handgun-like weapon (Semi-auto). Decent, but thr XM16E1 is much better. ========================================================================== M63 Profile: "The M63. An American-made system weapon. Belt-fed light machine gun version. Uses 5.56 x 45 ammunition. Magazine size is 100 rounds." Type: Assult rifle, long ranged, 100 rounds before required to be reloaded Ammo Max: 1001 Info: Holy hell...Although you get this very late in the game, it is quite useful for the time you do use it. Not only can you drop a large ammount of enemies without effort, but you can change the bullet outake by how hard you press the square button. ========================================================================== SVD Profile: "The SVD. A Soviet-Made automatic sniper rifle known for its high precision. Uses 7.62mm x 54 rimmed cartriages. Magazine size is 10 rounds. Press thre L1 button to use the scope. Press the triangle button to change the magnification ratio of the scope Type: Zoom-able sniper rifle, 10 rounds before required to be reloaded Ammo Max: 101 Info: Ah, a old-school sniper rifle. Quite different from the MGS2 model. Anyways, the main changes between the SVD and the PSG1 from MGS2 is that you have a limited zoom (Either basic sight, 3X zoom, or 10X zoom). However, the zoom screen is a bit better then the MGS2 zoom screen, and it has all the power that the PSG1 had. Good for taking out enemies ahead of time. ========================================================================== RPG-7 Profile: "The RPG-7. A state-of-the-art Soviet portable anti-tank rocket launcher. The rocket-propelled grenade warheads are loaded with HEaT, a plastic explosive. Press the L1 button to use the scope" Type: Rocket Launcher, 1 round before required to be reloaded. Ammo Max: 50 Info: Think a HIGHLY toned down stinger launcher where you have to aim it yourself, with no heat-seeking options, and a long-ass reload time. Fortunatly, it does have a zoom feature, and it can pretty much take down anyone/thing in 1/2 hits. ========================================================================== Torch Profile: "A torch made from white birch soaked in turpentine. Press the O button to swing it around as a weapon. Press the square button to light/extinguish it. Type: CQC, close range Ammo Max: Infinity Info: This isn't even really a weapon (although it can be used as one). Basically, it is used to help you in the cave section of the game/ furry boss fight. One thing, though: DO NOT USE IT IN BATTLE. Not only will it make you a target, but it's weak as hell. Only swing it when vampire bats try to attack you. ========================================================================== Grenade Profile: "A Soviet-made blast fragmentation grenade. Deals damage to enemies with both the blast and the ensuing srapnel." Type: Explosive, distanced Ammo Max: 40 Info: If you don't know what this is, I will hit you. Good ol' grenade is the same as it's always been, it blows the shit out of everything within a distance. Not to mention that it's extremely powerful and great with large clusters of enemies. To throw it farther or longer, go into first person and position your sight into the air to make it go further, or down to make it go shorter. However, be careful, as it can damage you as well. ========================================================================== WP Grenade Profile: "A Soviet-made incendiary grenade. The intense flames created by the white phosphorus inside cause all living beings in the area of effect to suffer severe burns." Type: Explosve, Fire based, distanced Ammo Max: 40 Info: Think of it as a rich mans molotov cocktail. Basically, it causes anything within the radius of it's explosion to break out into flames (including you, if you are close enough). Same controls as the grenade. ========================================================================== Chaff Grenade Profile: "A electronics jamming grenade developed by the Soviet Union. upon detonation, scatters a large quatity of metal fragments into the air, jamming radio signals and redering electronic devices inoperative." Type: Explosive, disruption based, distanced Ammo Max: 40 Info: Good ol' chaff. To tell you the truth, I never really used it in the game, but based on how the description makes it sounds, you can use it to make troops radio's jam up (meaning they can't call for back up), plus the Shagohad battle (never tried it, but if it's like the previous metal gears...) ========================================================================== Smoke Grenade Profile: "A Soviet-made smoke grenade. Upon detonation, releases a cloud of white smoke blocking the enemy's field of vision." Type: Explosion, evasion based, distanced Ammo Max: 40 Info: Pretty much, the most useless type of grenade. Sure, it can help you get away from some situations, but thats why we have GUNS THAT MAKE YOUR TARGET GO TO SLEEP! Yeah, useless overall... ========================================================================== Stun Grenade Profile: "A flash-bang type grenade developed by the Soviet Union. Upon detonation, produces an intense flash of light and a loud bang, disorenting and even knocking out human targets in the area of effect." Type: Explosion, Stun, distanced Ammo Max: 40 Info: Reminds me of counter-strike. Anyways, flash bangs are actually very useful, unlike it's younger brother the smoke grenade. Not only can it cause a group of enemies to instantly be knocked unconcious, but can be used in boss battles for a quick win. Solid, overall. ========================================================================== Magazine Profile: "A used ammo magazine. Press the Square button to throw it" Type: Discarted item, distraction Ammo Max: 100 Info: The trash of each gun's ammo consumption. The only real thing you can use it for is to distract guards, but even that sends them into alert mode. Useless, overall... ========================================================================== TNT Profile: "Trinitrotoluene (TNT). A military-grade explosive equipped with a remote-controlled detonator. Press the square button to plant the bomb, then press the O button while equipping the TNT to detonate the planted bomb." Type: Explosive, detonation Ammo Max: 16 Info: Think C4, only more kickass. Quite useful, since you can put it in food supply rooms and armories and blow them up, making the guards have less ammo/more fatigued. ========================================================================== C3 Profile: "A Western-made, military-grade plastic explosive obtained from EVA. Composed of 77% RDX and 23% plasticizer. Type: Explosive, timed Ammo Max: 4 Info: Why did I even bother to write this? Anyways, C3 is pretty much the same as TNT, only difference is C3 is a event item. Also, you won't get any more C3 past the "certain event" so don't even bother. Now, get off my lawn! Damn children and their MGS3... ========================================================================== Claymore Profile: "An american-made anti-personnel directonal mine. Modified by Soviet technicians to automatically detonate when it detects a moving object witghin the trigger areas to its front and rear. Type: Explosive, radius Ammo Max: 16 Info: Same as it was in MGS and MGS2. When you lay it, you will be given the option of the direction where you want to lay it. If something gets in that radius, then it will automatically detonate, damaging anything in the area of explosion. Just make sure you remember where its at... ========================================================================== Book Profile: "A picture book for "gentlemen". Full of stunning photos of young female models." Type: Distaction, PORN! Ammo Max: 20, and PORN! Info: IT'S PORN, ALRIGHTY?!?! Anyways, it can be used to distract guards while they do...stuff...Although it's not that useful, it's fun to see the unfortunatly clothed women on it. Still, it's PORN! ========================================================================== Mousetrap Profile: "A trap equipped with bait to lure small animals and capture them alive. Press the Square button to set the trap. It will automatically capture small animals alive. Crawl over a trap to pick it up Type: Hunting, automatic Ammo Max: 16 Info: Pretty useful if you want to do two things at once. Although it's only useful for smaller animals, it allows you to lure them out without distracting the guards. ========================================================================== Directional Mic Profile: "A high-performance directional microphone. Picks up sound in the direction it is pointed. Can be used to pick up the footsteps of distant enemies and other sounds normally too faint to hear." Type: Espionage, sound Ammo Max: Infinite Info: Just like in MGS2. Although it has no story related elements to it, it's main use is to see if there are any enemies in the area. Also a important items in The End boss battle. ========================================================================== Single Action Army (SAA) Profile: "The Single Action Army. A .45 calibur, six-shot revolver. Equip in First Person View and press the L1 button to aim precisely. Can also use the right analog stick to do tricks" Type: Handgun, long ranged, 6 rounds before needing to be reloaded Ammo Max: 60 Info: Remember the revolver Ocelot likes to use during the MGS series? Yep, you can finally get one. Anyways, the revolver is a extremely strong gun (although it's best that you use it in FPV, since you can't walk around while aiming), and can also have the bullets bounce off walls (like in MGS). ========================================================================== Patriot Profile: "The Patriot. An assult pistol developed for The Boss. Uses 5.56 x 45 ammunition. The feeder mechanism inside the drum magazine forms a "Infinite" shape" Type: Assult rifle, long ranged, infinite rounds, no reload Ammo Max: Infinte Info: Holay shit again...Although you can't unlock it your first the through, you can once you beat the game. Infinite ammo, no reload, fast as hell, can kill someone in a shot or two. It's pretty much the best gun in the game. ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0008 | ========================================================================== Items ========================================================================== Items List 1.0 (As of: 11/25/04) ========================================================================== Life Medicine Profile: "Developed by USSR. Restores LIFE. Press the O Button to use." Max: 20 Info: Pretty much the Snake Eater form of the Ration. You get 5 when you start, and have to search for more after that (Although, to tell you the truth, I never found any others bedies the 5 I had). Still great in certain situations ========================================================================== Fake Death Pill Profile: "Espionage pill developed by the CIA. Can fake death temporarily. Use w/O button in window. Max: 10 Info: Fun fun fun...the fake death pill may seem like something minor, but it's quite helpful. You can use it when large ammounts of enemies are after you to make them think your dead. Also, it can be used to distract some of the bosses as well as get a few responces. You can also use it in The Sorrow boss to end the battle quickly. Just make sure you also take the revival pill as well, or else you will die for real... ========================================================================== Cigar Profile: "Highly addictive and hazardous to your health." Max: Infinite Info: Like in previous MGS's, Cigars will slowly run down your health. However, like MGS, it's quite useful in certain sitiations. For example, you can use it as a light while in the cave section. ========================================================================== Revival Pill Profile: "Espionage pill developed by the CIA. Can wake up from fake death. Use w/O button in window. Max: Infinite Info: Use it right after you take the F.D. Pill to wake yourself up. Also, make sure you take it as soon as you get killed in The Sorrow battle. ========================================================================== Binoculars Profile: "Military binoculars allowing long-distance recognnaissance. Zoom in with the Triangle button, zoom out with the square button" Info: Just like the scope in previous MGS games. You can use it to look ahead, and see if there is any traps/enemies you need to take out. ========================================================================== Thermal Goggles Profile: "Visulizes heat source distributon. Allows one to see in the dark. Consumes battery power while used." Info: VERY useful in this game. While the Thermal Goggles are somewhat useless outside battle, they can be used to find the position of solders, as well as greatly help you out in The Fear, End, Fury, and final boss battle. ========================================================================== Night Vision Goggles Profile: "Electronically amplified weak dim light for visulization. Allows one to see in the dark. Consumes battery power while being used." Info: Not as useful as the thermal goggles, but great in darker areas where you have trouble seeing (Caves, dark buildings, etc). ========================================================================== Camera Profile: "Press the O button to take photos. Zoom in with triangle button zoom out with Square button." Info: As the name says...it's a camera. While never used in the main game, it can be used to save things you have seen or done to your memory card...as long as the M. Card isn't some crappy 3rd party one... ========================================================================== Motion Detector Profile: "Sensor that detects an objects motion. Does not detect stationary objects. Consumes battery power while being used." Info: Pretty much a toned down version of the MGS radar. It's quite useful for finding both the enemy and a quick snack. Too bad that it drains battery power like a bitch. ========================================================================== Active Sonar Profile: "Sensor that detects animnals w/sound waves. Press L3 button to emit waves. Consumes battery power while used. Info: Good for finding stationary animals and bosses, but then again, almost everything in the game moves, so the Motion Detector is the better choice of the two. ========================================================================== Mine Detector Profile: "Makes sounbd upon detection of Claymores on the ground. Equip to use. Consumes battery power while being used." Info: Old fasioned mind detector...Anyways, like the name says, it's for finding claymore minds (how many depends on the difficulty level.) ========================================================================== Anti-Personnel Sensor Profile: "Vibrates when detecting lifeforms. Equip to use. Consumes battery power while used. All other vibrations will be OFF when activated." Info: Meh, pretty vague, and only useful if a female friend wants a sex toy. Seriously though, it's not that useful (and never really has been..). ========================================================================== Cardboard Box (All) Profile: "Equip to wear. Says "::Insert area with description here::" on the side." Info: Good 'ol cardboard box...Anyways, depending on what box and what area you are in, you will have a better chance of not getting detected. Also, if the game's engine is still as it was, I dare say you can use the trucks and corrisponding boxes to get to certain areas quicker. Don't know if that still works, though.. ========================================================================== Key A Profile: "Card key obtained from Granin. Opens red door in the southeast of Ponizovie warehouse. Info: Like the previous MGS games, you don't have to have the key equipped to use it. Anyways, story item, and needed to get to the area with The End in it. ========================================================================== Key B Profile: "Key obtained from EVA. Opens door in the east of Krasogorje mountain top." Info: Story item. Used to progress and to get to The Fury battle. ========================================================================== Key C Profile: "Key obtained from EVA. Opens door to hangar at weapopns lab main wing." Info: Story item. Used to progress and to get to the Volgin battle. ========================================================================== Bug Juice Profile: "A bug repellent. Keeps away hornets & leeches while lasring. Apply w/O button in window. Info: Pretty damn useful for The Pain battle, as well as a few of the water areas with leeches in them. ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0009 | ========================================================================== Food ========================================================================== Food: Plants, Etc. ========================================================================== Russian Oyster Mushroom Letter Name: Mushroom A Normal Location: Stumps and logs Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Ural Luminescent Mushroom Letter Name: Mushroom B Normal Location: Stumps and Logs Stamina Recovery: Food Poisoning ========================================================================== Siberian Ink Cap Letter Name: Mushroom C Normal Location: Stumps and Logs Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Fly Agaric Letter Name: Mushroom D Normal Location: In the ground Stamina Recovery: Food Poisoning ========================================================================== Russian Glowcap Letter Name: Mushroom E Normal Location: Various, normally dark areas Stamina Recovery: Recovers battery power ========================================================================== Spatsa Letter Name: Mushroom F Normal Location: Tree trunks Stamina Recovery: Makes you fall asleep, but recovers health and Stamina ========================================================================== Baikal Scaly Tooth Letter Name: Mushroom G Normal Location: Tree Trunks Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Yabloko Moloko Letter Name: Fruit A Normal Location: Tree branches Stamina Recovery: Minimal ========================================================================== Russian False Mango Letter Name: Fruit B Normal Location: Tree branches Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Golova Letter Name: Fruit C Normal Location: On the ground, and on trees Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Vine Melon Letter Name: Vegtable Normal Location: Tree branches, misc. Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Instant Noodles Letter Name: Noodles Normal Location: Buildings, store rooms Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Russian Ration Letter Name: Ration Normal Location: Buildings, misc areas. Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Calorie Mate Letter Name: Calorie Normal Location: 2x in beginning, also in various store areas and buildings Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Food: Animals ========================================================================== King Cobra Letter Name: Snake A Normal Location: Various. Normally in tall grass and various other areas. Rare. Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Taiwanese Cobra Letter Name: Snake B Normal Location: Various Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Thai Cobra Letter Name: Snake C Normal Location: Various Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Coral Snake Letter Name: Snake D Normal Location: Forest Areas Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Milk Snake Letter Name: Snake E Normal Location: Forest Areas Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Green Tree Python Letter Name: Snake F Normal Location: Various tree branches Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Giant Anaconda Letter Name: Snake G Normal Location: Caves, swamps Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Retuculated Python Letter Name: Snake H Normal Location: Various Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Snake Liquid, Solid, and Solidus Letter Name: I, J, and K (in order) Normal Location: Final battle area Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Otton Frog Letter Name: Frog A Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Tree Frog Letter Name: Frog B Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Poison Dart Frog Letter Name: Frog C Normal Location: (Rare) Forest areas Stamina Recovery: Food Poisoning ========================================================================== Bigeye Trevally Letter Name: Fish A Normal Location: Water areas Stamina Recovery: Food Poisoning ========================================================================== Maroon Shark Letter Name: Fish B Normal Location: Water areas Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Arowanna Letter Name: Fish C Normal Location: Water areas Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Parrot Letter Name: Bird A Normal Location: The End's parrot. If he is still alive, you can hunt it in the Sokovenno South area. Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== White-Rumped Vulture Letter Name: Bird B Normal Location: Mountain areas. Can be seen in the air, but will come down if enemies have been killed and are exposed. Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Red Avadavat Letter Name: Bird C Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Magpie Letter Name: Bird D Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Sunda Whistling-Thrush Letter Name: Bird E Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Cobalt Blue Tarantula Letter Name: Spider Normal Location: Buildings and caves Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Emperor Scorpion Letter Name: Scorpion Normal Location: Mountains Stamina Recovery: Food Poisoning ========================================================================== European Rabbit Letter Name: Rabbit Normal Location: Forest areas Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Hornet's Nest Letter Name: Nest Normal Location: Tree branches, rare Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== Indian Gavial Letter Name: Gavial Normal Location: Swamp areas Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Japanese Flying Squirrel Letter Name: Squirrel Normal Location: Forest areas, in the air Stamina Recovery: Normal ========================================================================== Kenyan Mangrove Crab Letter Name: Crab Normal Location: Water areas, caves Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Markhor Letter Name: Markhor Normal Location: Hills, some forests Stamina Recovery: High ========================================================================== Rat Letter Name: Rat Normal Location: Buildings, caves Stamina Recovery: Fair ========================================================================== Vampire Bat Letter Name: Bat Normal Location: Caves Stamina Recovery: Small ========================================================================== Tsuchinoko Letter name: ??? (I'll update later) Normal Location: Can only be caught via mousetrap, and is very rare unless placed in a area without animals. However, once it is taken away with your other food items before the torture, it will appear near the base of a tree at Tikhogornyj (The area with the waterfall). The tree is a little bit to the east of the waterfall. Stamina Recovery: Very High ========================================================================== -------------| /Code: 0009 | ========================================================================== Easter Eggs ========================================================================== Raiden: -Once you get the uniform from the Raiden look alike, call Major Zero to get a reference to how people reacted to MGS2 Raiden. -Try opening the locker you stuffed him in and look at the side. MGS2 picture galore. -Try saluting to different people (Triangle button). Soldiers will let you pass, while scientist will tremble with fear when they see you. -In the Sorrow battle, you will see raidenwhateverhislastnamewas nude, streaking like Raiden was in MGS2, and with part of him censored. Eva: -Eva is pretty much a combination of Emma and Meryl when it comes to AI. Attack her a few times to get attacked yourself, and so on. -Use the EZ gun to knock her out, and hear some of the responces. While the first few are about food, it gets stranger over time. One minute, she's dreaming naughty thoughts about Snake, then about The Boss (The hell!?!?), and THEN starts dreaming about someone/thing called Fido, a dog maybe? Is Eva a bisexual/has a farm fetish? -Like snake, you can have her throw up by rotating her in the cure screen. Also, give her a few food items, and hear what she says. -Quite possibly one of the biggest references in the game, kill her to hear a speach from Roy Cambell himself! You can also get the same responce with killing Ocelot early in the game, but you don't get as much dialogue as if you would kill Eva. -Fun with medical stuff. Go to her medical record to find out she had brest enlargements. Furthermore, look at her chest area to see, well, you'll see. Also, read her Diet record to see a few interesting items. Snake VS Ape -Throughout the conversation with Roy, you will get several references to many different things. First thing he mentions is Spike and Jimmy, the main characters of Ape Escape 1 and 2, as well as making a reference to Natallie and the Prof (Two supporting characters in both Ape Escapes). Secondly, he makes several MGS references (Figting metal gears, Otacon, etc). Last, but not least is the Sam and Gabe reference (Splinter Cell and Syphon Filter). -Obviously, the monkeys are taken from Ape Escape (AKA: Ape Escape 2 in reality), as well as a few of the sound bites. -The core mechanic of the mini-game is actually very similar to Ape Escape (although it is very watered down). -The sounds snake makes (Got Ya! and so on) are lines taken from the Ape Escape series. Misc.: -Like Mei Ling and Rose, Para-Medic has her own form of Codec save discussions: AKA movies (Obviously). There are a few interesting convo's to have with her. -One of the Save Codec convo's is about a movie with clones. After awhile, snake makes a a few ironic comments about cloning as well as "I wonder if it will eventually happen to me". Wink wink. -Throughout some of the bases, you can find quite a few MGS2/MGS3 related magazines lying around. Some include: Gamepro, tips n tricks, and the MGS:TTS comic. -In the cutscene with that one russian man (Rival of Socolov, makes a reference to metal gear), he will show you a paper with a rather interesting picture on it. It is none other than good ol' Metal Gear Rex! Or so it looks... -When you get captured, the guard who feeds you is none other then Johnny Sasaki's grandfather, or something of that matter. Like the future Johnny's, he will occasionally get Diahrea (and gloat about it, too). Also, wait around and he will give you various food items. -Save right after you get thrown in jail, then load it back up. You will get this wierd mini-game that has you killing these zombies in a classic-urban setting. Oddly enough, it seems that you can win a few food rations for playing it (After I played it, my cell was filled with about 4 random food items). -The Sorrow fight is rather interesting. In all, you will see everyone you have killed as a zombie, including bosses and various other people. Also, the sorrow does appear randomly before and after the boss battle (AKA: Showing you the codec number to get out of your cell, which is 144:75, showing the remaining time before the Volgin battle) -The fake death pill has quite a few uses, along with it being the basis for The Sorrow battle. You can either use it with trying to get out, scaring Eva later on. Also, try using it in the final battle to get a funny responce. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by Joseph Annelli: -In the Room with Granin, there's also a model of Jehuty from Zone of the Enders behind Granin's desk, and a Model of Metal Gear RAY to the right. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by BlackMageWarrior: Hello: A couple of things you can add to your FAQ, if you want to: The Moss camo from The End is one of the best in the game. If you lay in the sun wearing it, you will replentish your stamina over time (remember that The End is photosynthetic). Also it provides up to 100% camo index in the forest areas. You can get it by sneaking up on The End and holding him up 3 times. The Chocolate chip camo is great for the mountain setting. It's on the level where you have to climb the tree to get over the electric fence. The Fly camo is in the Granin lab on the second floor in the bathroom. No practical use, but funny. Some of the important frequencies: Fire Support: 148.56; 147.32 Call off Alert: 149.63; 148.87; 140.01; 141.45 Healing Radio: 148.96; 144.86; 141.85 ~BlackMageSoldier -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by Riku1590 During the end of the game in MGS3, when EVA is working with Snake in the jungle, you can learn several interesting things (make sure you hold her with the knife to her throat for a while, and she'll start talking, don't put the knife down until she repeats). If you take her hostage, you learn: -There is some type of cheat using up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right (Which is the Konami Code -Jason) -She loves instant noodles -She did something when she was 17 -Her measurements (35-24-36 i believe) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by Mike (Not a easter egg, but there's no where to put it right now...) -The Male Kabuki Mask can be found just after Eva gives you your stuff back in the cave. Just go back out to where you came and dive into the water. from the cave it will be on the far right side. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by Wiltewarrior: -Oh yeah, I forgot about one of my favorite easter eggs in the game. you rendevous with Eva after escaping Groznyj Grad without removing the transmitter you'll get what I think is one of the most hillarious scenes in a video game ever. Therell be a couple of guards next to the waterfall sure but its worth it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by Steve Metzger: (Once again, not a easter egg, but there's no where else to put it right now...) If you dress up as Major Raikov (the Raiden lookalike) in the battle with Volgin inside the warehouse (before you *begin* the long escape sequence), Volgin will hesitate, and cry or something. After a while (or after you attack him, I think), he will get wise of your antics and attack you again. You can only use this once. I have yet to try it in the battle against the Shagohod. Strategy: Jungle just before the Lake, fourth to final area. If Eva is running out of stamina and you are out of food, put her to sleep with the Mk22. Make sure all enemies have been dispached and hunt for food in the area until you think you have all of it in that area (use the Thermal Goggles if you haven't yet grasped their sheer wonderness over the last six years). Fill your stamina and drag Eva's body to the exit of the area. Use CQC to kick her and wake her up. Repeat if necessary, especially since it's easier to do than calling her over to you. In the last area before the lake there are plenty recovery items in nature. Use the thermal goggles to get them all, you'll probably need them for The Boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted By Brent I noticed something about EVA after reading your guide on Game-FAQ's! In the Clinical Records you said EVA got breast implants. well look at this too. Cut <- from the branch impalement Gunshot Wound <- from the bike chase Blow Sustained <- Kicked by Volgin Burn Electrical Burn <- Volgin Blow Sustained Electrical Burn Electrical Burn Blow Sustained Blow Sustained Blow Sustained <--- ROUGH SEX Blow Sustained Proctitis <---- in the ass Lower-Back Pain <---from the implants? (theres 2 of these) Electrical Burn Stomachache <--dunno, maybe from food poisoning Finger Sprain Stomachache Food Poisoning Leech ect ect.... thought you might wanna know about the proctitis tho look it up on http://www.dictionary.com -Brent --- *Editor note: I looked up what it meant, and here is the definition: "5 entries found for proctitis. proc·ti·tis Audio pronunciation of "proctitis" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prk-tts) n. Inflammation of the rectum or anus." So yeah, I guess Eva was a whore...Good to know one of the main characters enjoys it in the ass...Anyways ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by choc Hello. Here is my contribution: If you chokehold one of the enemy at map Bolshaya Past Base, interrogate him and he will give you a frequency 147.08. After that, check your radio frequency list and you will find a new menu: "Healing Radio". Snake will heal stamina when you listen to one of the frequencies in there. Note: I have done this in Easy mode and when one of the guards call for help on the radio. I have tranquilized the backup who went in to help his comrades. Therefore, I have interrogated a total of 6 or 7 guards. I just do not know which one will give you the frequency. Also, one of the guards that I mentioned from my previous mail will give you a password for Metal Gead Acid. The password is: "VIPER" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Submitted by ??? (Deleted the email before I forgot the name. Sorry) *Corrected for spelling* Hey I read your faq page on metal gear, and I do not remember if you put the different radio stations for snake. 148.96 is pillow talk/ starry.k and I have come across others but do not know there freqencies. I got this by holding up guards. They also give out stations that can call off guards on alert and fire support. These frequencies change after you use them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------| /Code: 0010 | ========================================================================== Frog Locations *Written by wilhitewarrior ========================================================================== Virtuous Mission ========================================================================== **PLEASE NOTE**: I modified wilhitewarriors most recent update. If you wish to get the frogs in order, please read numbers 56-60 first, so that you know a few of those on the list do NOT come in order. I should update the numbers in a later update -Jason 1. S. Dremuchij: Behind some trees above the cliff in the NE.up at the large hole in the celing. 2. Dremujij Swanplands: In the far North beyon the swamp behind some trees in the East. Look close because its hard to spot. 3. N. Dremuchij: On top of a hollow tree stump in the North East. 4. Dolinovodno: On top of a post at the south end of the bridge. 5. Rassvet: On the wall in the NW section of the building there is a hole in the wall. Look through the hole and you should see it. Snake Eater =========================================================================== 1. E. Dremuchij: Amongst a pile of logs in the West of the middle section 2. N. Dremuchij: Atop the hill in the middle of the northern area. Shoot from the west side 3.Dremuchij Swamplands: On the ground behind a tree on the West side of the swamp. 4. S. Dremuchij: In the far South Western corner atop a high ledge. Climb over the logs to get a shot at it. 5. Dolinovodno: On top of a post on the North side of the bridge. 6. Rassvet: Underneath the stairs on the West side of the building. 7. Chyornyj Prud: Underwater next to a tree in the far northern part of the pond. 8. Bolshaya Past South: In the middle of a group of trees on the South Eastern side of an electrical fence in the North. 9. Bolshaya Past Base: Under the corner table in the baracks (bedroom). 10. Bolshaya Crevice Past: In the area to the South where Ocelot's soldiers are. (Climb the tree and look to the south and you should see it.) 11. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch: From the area where you get the torch go through the path on the left follow it then crawl through the holes in the ground until you finally come to a hole in the ground with water below. DONT JUMP IN! Instead look to the South in first person mode and you should see it. There is also a set of night vision goggles here, so be sure and get them because they can really come in handy here. 12. Chyornaya Peschera Cave: In the area where you fight The Pain (or TP as i call him) look up at the large hole in the ceiling, you should see it right on the edge. 13. Chyornaya Peschera Cave Entrance: In the middle section there is a small area with some ammo and mines planted. Go in and look up above the way you came in and you should see it. 14. S. Ponizovje: At the very beginning of the area look to the North West and you should see it on the land. 15. Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior: There is a red gate in the SouthWest. The frog sits on top of it. 16. Ponizovje Warehouse: High, high up on the ceiling on the rafters above the stairs. Look close because its hard to spot. You'll have to look from the ground in the South because you cant see it from the top of the stairs. 17. Graniny Gorki South: In a tree in the NorthWest corner. Climb one of the trees to the SouthEast of this one and look NorthWest and you should see it. 18. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Outside Walls: In the inside of the electric fence in between some trees in the West. 19. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior: Inside Walls - There is a small building in the East that cannot be entered but has a barred window. Look through this barred window and you should see it. 20. Graniny Gorki Lab 1F: On top of the lockers near the stairs. NOTE: There is not one on the 2nd floor. The 1st &2nd floors count as one area. 21. Graniny Gorki Lab B1 East: In plain sight in the Westernmost cell. 22. Graniny Gorki Lab B1 West: On a table against the West wall in the room with the TV. 23. S. Svyatogornyj: At the very beginning at the top of the wall with the door you entered the area through. 24. W. Svyatogornyj: In the SouthWest area. It is to the West of a crawl through log and a pitfall. 25. S. Sokrovenno: Right outside the building with the sniper rifle against the Northern wall. 26. N. Sokrovenno: On the ground next to a tree at the North end of the upside-down U shaped area in the South. 27. W. Sokrovenno: The far South at the end of the river. 28. Krasnagorje Tunnel: About halfway through the tunnel on the ground. (before climbing the endless ladder.) 29. Krasnagorje Mountain Base: Near the end of the area at the NorthWest end look up. You should see it on the hill. 30. Krasnagorje Mountainside: At the end of t. he area on top of the building with the food inside. 31. Krasnogorje Mountaintop: The SouthEast corner. Stand next to the building with the bullets and stuff to get a good shot. 32. Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins: On a shelf near the entrance. (To Mountaintop.) 33. Krasnogorje Mountaintop: Behind Ruins: On the radio tower at the Southeast of the base about halfway up. This one's hard to spot so look close. 34. Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel: In the area where you fight The Fury on top of a red pipeline. Stand near the Red door and look up and to the South and you should see it. 35. SW. Groznyj Grad: The building in the West, the middle one. Look in the slightly open door to see it. 36. NE. Groznyj Grad: In the crawlspace behind a grate. The entrace to the crawlspace is in the NorthEast just above the food storehouse. 37. SE. Groznyj Grad: On top of the building, SouthEast corner. Climb the stairs to get to where you can see it. 38. NW. Groznyj Grad: On an inaccessible staircase in the SouthWest. Clim the boses to get a shot at it. 39. Groznyj Grad Torture room: Underneath the desk in the room in the NorthWest. 40. Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: East Wing: On top of a bookshelf at the far North end of the 2nd floor locker room. 41. Groznyj Grag Weapons Lab: West Wing Corridor: Look out the window to the South at the large pole with the sirens on it. It will be on top. 42. Tikhogornyj: At the South end of the river under the log. 43. Tikhogornyj: Behind Waterfall: In the room with the ladder it is sitting on top of a pipe in the Southwest. 44. Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab: Main Wing: In between two of the computers in the West. (On the West side of the Shagohod.) 45. Groznyj Grad B1F (Area where you fight Volgin): Next to some boxes in the West up above the platform. (On the 1st floor.) 46. Groznyj Grad: Oh, yeah. These are alot of fun. You have to shoot them while riding on a motorcycle. I strongly suggest saving at the beginning of every one of these levels so that if you miss one you can restart it and go back and get it. With most of these the sniper rifle will give you the best shot. Early in the level when you stop on account of some guards look up at the watchtower on top of the spotlight, it should be there. Note that you'll move soon so shoot quick. 47. Groznyj Grad Runway S.: The first time you stop because of some soldiers there will be a forklift to the left of the soldiers (your left not theirs). The frog will be on the seat. 48. Groznyj Grad Runway: On the second part of the level be looking back and to the left side of the rode. It will be on one of the signs on the side of the road. It's pretty early into the area that youll see it. You'll need your sniper rifle for this. 49. Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge: At the base of the radio tower in the West. At least you're on foot for this one. 50. Groznyj Grad Rail Bridge N.: At the roadblock at the very end of the level. Its in between the left and middle barricades. 51. S. Lazorevo: Near the beginning of the area it will be on the ground in front of a rock just a little to the right (looking ahead). A log will be in front of it and you will pass it by quick so look and shoot fast! 52. N. Lazorevo: On a rock on the left (looking ahead) near the beginning of the area. Whew! Did you get all those? What do you mean no? Then go back and get them! Okay. good news: no more motorcycle! 53. S. Zaozyorje: On the Western path below the log bridge. Stand on the log bridge and look down and to the East. 54. E. Zaozyorje: At the fork where the paths split in the South there is a tree. The frog is in between that tree and the hill. look close because it's a tight space. 55. Rokovoj Bereg: On the highest point of a tree in the South. ***READ HERE FIRST*** 56. W. Ponizovje: This area is very easy to miss. In S. Ponizovje near the end of the level there is a hard to spot path in the canyon on the left. The frog is underwater behind a grate in the North. Also, in the building in this area you can get your sniper rifle early. 57. E. Svyatogornyj: This place is also easy to miss. When you leave West Svyatogornyj make sure to take the exit in the NORTHEAST not northwest. There is a large building in the NorthEast section of this area. The frog is on a shelf in the bedroom. 58. Groznyj Grad Runway (pt. 1): On a sign on the left side of the road after you turn about halfway through the area. 59. Groznyj Grad Runway (pt. 2): It will be on one of the signs on the right side (looking ahead) of the road. It's pretty early into the area that youll see it. You'll need your sniper rifle for this. 60. Groznyj Grad Rail Brigde (Sniping Part): On the arch underneath the bridge on the left side of the bridge. You'll need to stand up to see it. Once you shoot all the frogs, you will get the stealth camo. *Note from AV Anyway, if I'm sending you this email, it isn't to congratulate you (but it should, I'm sure you don't get praised enough for your work), but to warn you of a little mistake : in your frog location FAQ, you mention the same frog two times : the one sitting on a sign to the left, after a crossroad, that you have to shoot while in the motorcycle. Their numbers are 48 and 58. AV --- *Editor Note: Yeah, I know. I will fix that later. Thanks for the warning, though -------------| /Code: 00M1 | ========================================================================== Mailbag: Q&A ========================================================================== Due to the hundreads of emails I get each week, I have decided to put up a Q&A for those questions I am too busy to answer. If you have emailed me, or are looking for something not in the main guide, you may want to look here. As long as they arn't stupid questions, I will answer them. Q. I was wondering if you know anything about the game automatically switching the difficulty of the game up one level after you beat it once and load it for a second go around? Example i beat it on normal and now i am doing it again so is it on hard now or did i just not pay attention to my life level the frist time and now see that it's not all that high? A. In actuality, the game uses the same health system that MGS1 used. In the origional, you got health for doing something big or beating a boss. However, Konami changed it in MGS2 so your health was the same no matter what you did. In other words: you get more health when you beat a boss. Anyways, no, the level of difficulty will always stay on the same level, no matter what. --- Q. The ONLY thing I can't understand is how to get out of the Grosni Grad prison cell. if you could email me back ASAP with an answer, I would greatly appreciate it. A. There are several things you can do to get out. One: You can use the frequency you saw in the torture scene (Sorrow holds it up, press R1 when the game shows the icon to see it). If you forgot the frequency, you can get it by tossing out 3 pieces of food out the cell to trigger a cutscene with Johnny's father (Press R1 when he takes the picture out). Secondly, you can get the fork, go into the CURE screen, and dig out the bullet The Boss shot into your leg. Use the Fake Death Pill that comes out (Although make sure Johnny is nearby), and once he opens the cell, use the Revival Pill and kill him. --- Q. I've beaten the game, but I don't seem to have the patriot. I started a new game on extreme, but I don't see it in my inventory. I loaded my beaten game and i didn't see it their either. A. Every item, even if it is a unlockable, always goes to the backpack first. Once you recover your backpack from the tree in the beginning, look in your backpack section and it should be there. -------------| /Code: 0011 | ========================================================================== Copyright and Credits ========================================================================== This guide is Copyright of Jason Howell. While using it on websites is fine, editing or selling this guide will warrent legal action. All written material has been written by Jason Howell, and not copied from other guides without giving credit. Quotes used in the items secion are borrowed from the Peasant's Quest game, which was produced and hosted by Homestarrunner.com. Please don't be a bad boy, or I may have to have my lawyers spank your money =O If you have any questions, comments, or whatnot, please email me at cahowellguide@gmail.com Also, if you have something to add, please email me at the address above. I will accept alternate boss stratigies, section additions, any items I have not added, and so on. If you can, please give a brief bio on the item if that's what you wish to contribute. You will get full credit on it. Credits: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brady's guide: Helped me with everything else I didn't know about the game. Including items, names, bosses, and so on. --- wilhitewarrior: For his excelent Frog guide, and letting me use it. Thanks! --- Wiltewarrior, Mike, Riku1590, BlackMageSoldier, Joseph Annelli, Dave, Steve, Trent, AkanbonOrih, Brent, choc, AV: All either submitted a fan strategy for a boss, or a easter egg. Thanks guys for your info! --- ??? (2): Random people who sent me info via email. If you see anything you contributed, email me and I will give you credit. Quota: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Walkthrough (25% complete) -Various items (80% complete) -Controls (0% Complete) -Radio Section (0% Complete) -The Fury, The Sorrow, Volgin, Shagohad, The Boss (0% Complete) -Frogs (95% Complete) -Q&A (0% Complete) -Snake V.S. Monkey (0% Complete) -Animal Locations (0% Complete) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT