"Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" Walkthrough/Transcript FAQ Version 2.0 (March 17, 2006) written by Elbryan42 This document Copyright 2006 Elbryan42 ============================================================================== The original concept of this FAQ was to transcribe the fan translated script for the MSX version of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Now, however, as of March 15, 2006 an official translation and North American localization is available in the form of an extra for Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. So, being that the game is finally available on the western shores, this FAQ will now reflect that. There is, however, a new section detailing the differences between the Subsistence version (which was also released for cell phones in Japan) and the original MSX version. So, the script is now here, but it's no longer for the purpose to educate people. :P But, since the original intent was to transcribe, the walkthrough is not only for the game, but to get to each conversation in the game. I found this easier compared to trying to explain where in the game each conversation takes place. Due to getting every conversation, this walkthrough may not be the fastest way to complete the game, but there is a mini-walkthrough at the end for a spoiler free, fast way through the game for those who want to enjoy the game and it's great storyline on their own. This walkthrough DOES NOT detail how to emulate the original MSX game, or where to get the ROM. You're on your own there. Also, I decided not to include the manual (besides the tap codes) as the game relays the storyline, enviornments, and such rather well. I will not provide the Official Soundtrack (distributed by Konami) either, however, I ripped the music from the game myself. The info is in the soundtrack section. Lastly, there's a section called "Stuff You Must Know". It's very important you refer to this section whether you wish to use the walkthrough or not. You may not even be able to play that far into the game without the information in this section. I think I have a reasonable strategy for this game, if you know of better techniques, or if any of my info is incorrect, feel free to email me at: elbryan42@accesscomm.ca ============================================================================== *********************** **00. Version History** *********************** Version 1.0 ----------- -First release, all complete. Version 1.1 ----------- -Fixed some spelling mistakes, removed music rip ftp info because it's against the GameFAQs rules, and my ftp is down. Version 1.2 ----------- -Added (by popular demand) an ASCII map of the swamp maze. See section 12. Version 2.0 ----------- -FAQ is now heavily Subsistence based. -Updated the script with the official translation. -Added a new section "Subsistence vs MSX" -Added a new section "Stuff You Must Know" -Revised certain parts like the Legend, The Metal Gear Series, and the Introduction. ============================================================================== ********************* **TABLE OF CONTENTS** ********************* 01. The Metal Gear Series 02. Subsistence vs MSX 03. Stuff You Must Know 04. Controls and Gameplay 05. Fox Hound and Allies 06. Weapons 07. Items 08. Walkthrough/Transcript 09. Spoiler Free Walkthrough 10. Bosses 11. Tap Codes 12. Soundtrack/Sound Test 13. Swamp Maze Map 14. Special Thanks 15. Legal Crap ============================================================================== ***************************** **01. The Metal Gear Series** ***************************** The Metal Gear series is created by Konami developer Hideo Kojima. The series is dubbed as "Tactical Espionage Action". The games are the first games to have stealth, not action, as the basis of the gameplay. This makes the gameplay quite different, and though it takes some time to get the feel of sneaking around, it's quite addictive. The series is also known for it's ability to weave an story as intriguing as it is exiting. The first game in the series is Metal Gear, released for the MSX Home Computer in 1987. It takes place in the year 1995, where a nation in South Africa called Outer Heaven has claimed to have a mysterious weapon that can launch a nuclear strike from anywhere on the face of the planet. Nothing is known about the terrorists' leader. The Special Forces Unit, Fox Hound has sent in their top agent, Grey Fox to investigate. Grey Fox is captured, however, and they send in their rookie agent, Solid Snake, to rescue Grey Fox and stop the threat before it's too late. Grey Fox is rescued, and the weapon is revealed as Metal Gear, a bipedal walking battle tank. Snake destroys Metal Gear, and faces the true enemy, Big Boss, his commanding officer! In a climactic battle, Snake prevails and Outer Heaven is destroyed. Metal Gear was ported to many systems, the most popular of which is the Nintendo Entertainment System. It also came out for the IBM PC and the Commodore 64. In 1990, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was released. Since this FAQ describes the story, I won't go into detail. The year is 1999. In Central Asia, a new nuclear power emmerges called Zanzibar Land. Not only do they have the most firepower in the world, they have also captured Dr. Kio Marv, the scientist who created "Oilix" an organism that secretes oil. Solid Snake is called out of early retirement to rescue Dr. Marv and save the world. Until 2006, this game only existed in Japan. Also in 1990, a spin off of Metal Gear was released for the NES called Snake's Revenge. It doesn't fit into the Metal Gear timeline, and Hideo Kojima has nothing to do with it. I won't get into the story, as I've barely played it, and it's irrelevant to the series. After a long break, the third game in the series was released in 1997 for the Sony Playstation. It's name is Metal Gear Solid, the first game to adopt the now famous name. The game takes place in Alaska in 2005 where terrorists are demanding the remains of Big Boss, or else they'll launch a nuclear strike. Snake is called upon once again to save the world. This time the Metal Gear is Metal Gear Rex, which now uses a rail gun to deliver the nuclear threat undetected. Along the way, Snake meets comrades like Meryl and Otacon, and now classic enemies like Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot. Metal Gear Solid was also released as Metal Gear Solid: Integral on the PC and in Japan for the Playstation. It featured more VR Missions and extra difficulty modes. The extras were released in North America for the Playstation called Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. In 2000, Konami released Metal Gear: Ghost Babel for the Game Boy Color. It takes place either between Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid or possibly as a VR Mission to train Raiden for Metal Gear Solid 2. It has Snake intruding Galuade, another nation that's a threat to the entire world. The story is just as top notch as the rest of the series, and the gameplay is very similar to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and Metal Gear Solid. When it was released in North America, it was renamed as simply Metal Gear Solid, to sell more copies. In 2001, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty was released for the Playstation 2. It's 2 stories. The first has Snake on a tanker getting evidence of a new Metal Gear created by the Marines. The second part takes place on a waste disposal plant, where you play as Raiden, a new Fox Hound member, to uncover the truth behind the plant's secrets and stop a chemical spill of devastating proportions. Metal Gear Solid 2 was later released for the X-Box, PC, and Playstation 2 as Metal Gear Solid 2: Subsatnce, which includes more VR Missions, more options, more difficulties, and Snake Tales, which are additional missions that allow you to play as Snake in the plant. In late 2003, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes was released for the Nintendo Gamecube. It's a remake of the original MGS, with the extra gameplay mechanics from MGS2. It also had redone music and cutscenes. Not much strategy wise or gameplaywise has changed. The team behind it is Silicon Knights, the designers behind Eternal Darkness. In 2004, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater was released for the Playstation 2. Not really a Metal Gear Solid game, since Solid Snake isn't in the game. It follows a mission as Big Boss, the legendary soldier, in the 1960s. It's the first Metal Gear game to take place in the outdoors. It added such gameplay elements such as stamina, hunting for food, and camouflage. It also honed the already excellent gameplay from MGS2. Finally, in 2006, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. It's an update of MGS3 with more Snake vs Monkey missions, Demo Theatre, Boss Survival, the first ever North American versions of MSX Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (yay!), and the biggest part, an online mode of Metal Gear Solid 3. Sometime in the near future (likely 2007) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be released for the Playstation 3. It will conclude the story set forth by Metal Gear Solid 2. ============================================================================== ************************** **02. Subsistence vs MSX** ************************** This section will detail what's different in Subsistence from the original MSX version: -Character portraits have been changed. -New, official translation. Font for the text is also included to allow lowercase, uppercase, and more punctuation. It also allows for more characters to be viewed, making it easier to read. -Controls feel much smoother. -Crawl is now it's own button as opposed to punch and weapon at the same time. -Transciever frequencies are saved in memory like in MGS games. -Extra modes and features like Easy Mode, Boss Survival, and Infinite Bandana. -Some new graphics for items have changed (ie. Rations now look different). -You can now lay a total 16 landmines on screen instead of 6. -Cigarettes now decrease your health bar slowly. -New character names: -Gustava Heffner instead of Natasha Markova -Drago Petrovich Madnar instead of Petrovich Madnar -Johan Jacobsen instead of Yosef Norden -George Kasler instead of George Kessler -Black Ninja instead of Black Color -Four Horsemen instead of Ultra Box -Jungle Evil instead of Predator -Night Fright instead of Night Sight -Blowable walls now have a question mark appear when you're punching. ============================================================================== *************************** **03. Stuff You Must Know** *************************** First and foremost, this game has a copy protection from way back in the diskette days. Much like Metal Gear Solid's Meryl's codec frequency on the back of the case, these require you to have the game manual to get past certain parts in the game. Two out of the three parts in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake can be solved using the tap codes (see the Tap Codes section), and another requires you to refer to a picture in the manual. Well, I'll tell you what the answers are. Mainly because the now North American localized release of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence) DOES NOT provide you with the manual, although you paid for the game. So, the first point you need to the manual is to decipher the code that someone's tapping on a wall, after you follow a Green Beret through a forest. The frequency is 140.82. The next point you need the manual is when Campbell changes his frequency for the first time, telling you to find it on a picture in the manual. His new frequency is 140.66. Lastly, Campbell changes his frequency one last time, this time telling you to use tap codes. The new frequency is 140.24. So there you go. ============================================================================== ***************************** **04. Controls and Gameplay** ***************************** Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake's controls are as follows: D-Pad: Move Snake Circle: Punch Square: Fire Weapon X: Crouch Start: Pause Select: Transceiver L2: Items Menu R2: Weapons Menu Pausing the game in Subsistence will allow you to save, load, view the instructions (button setup) and quit the game. The original MSX's controls are as follows: Cursor Keys: Move Snake N: Punch Space: Fire Weapon N + Space: Crouch F1: Pause F2: Weapon Menu F3: Items Menu F4: Transceiver F5: Save Menu This is a game of stealth. You must stay out of your enemy's site at all times, if possible. You have a radar, which shows the current screen and the 8 surrounding screens as well. You're the red dot, the enemies the white dots. If you're spotted, you'll go into alert mode, which scrambles your radar. If you stay out of sight long enough, you'll be in caution mode, which has the enemies looking for you. If they don't find you in a certain amount of time, you'll be back in sneaking mode, with full radar. Your surroundings can cause sounds, whether it's a metal floor, squeaking sand, or tiles. This can be used to your advantage to lure enemies, but usually it's best to crouch and crawl, the only way to stay silent. You can knock on walls to lure enemies as well. If you kill an enemy without alerting the guards, they may drop Ammo Packs or Rations. Also, if you have a Ration equipped, when your life meter drops to zero your life will be automatically refilled. On Subsistence, the game now keep track of your frequencies. To access the frequencies you've used, press down, and then circle to call the person you have selected. ============================================================================== **************************** **05. Fox Hound and Allies** **************************** Solid Snake Snake's first mission was to infiltrate Outer Heaven and rescue Grey Fox. He fulfilled his mission and also destroyed Metal Gear, a walking battle tank, defeat Big Boss, and destroy Outer Heaven. His new mission is to penetrate Zanzibar Land and rescue Dr. Kio Marv, the engineer of OILIX. Holly White A worldwide famous journalist, and now an operative for the CIA, Holly penetrated Zanzibar Land under the guise of the journalist. Being there longer than Snake, she provides him with important information about his surroundings and the politics of Zanzibar Land. Dr. Kio Marv Dr. Kio Marv is a Czech scientist and biological genius, responsible for creating OILIX, a bio-organism that secretes oil. His findings would prove useful for the world's oil shortage, but he was kidnapped and taken to Zanzibar Land. Gustava Heffner (Natasha Markova on MSX) Gustava, a Gold Medalist at the Calgary Olympics, joined the STB and was captured in Zanzibarland along with Dr. Kio Marv. Colonel Roy Campbell Colonel Campbell was made Fox Hound's commander after Big Boss lost the job. He's Snake's commanding officer, and provides Snake with mission objectives. McDonnel "Master" Miller Master Miller was responsible for training Fox Hound recruits in boot camp. He's Snake's inspriational and battle tactics contact. Lots of useful information can be obtained from him. George Kasler (George Kessler on MSX) Kasler is Snake's invaluble asset in taking on the dangerous foes he faces in of Zanzibar Land. Johan Jacobsen (Yosef Norden on MSX) The most informative animal expert in the entire world, Jacobsen provides Snake with information on creatures of all kinds. ============================================================================== *************** **06. Weapons** *************** Handgun A semi-automatic pistol used as the standard sidearm in the U.S. military. Can be fitted with a suppressor. Can also be reloaded. Sub Machine Gun A lightweight American SMG. Hold down the [Square] button for full-auto fire. Can be fitted with a suppressor. Can also be reloaded. Grenade A U.S.-made fragmentation grenade. Detonates upon contact with the ground. Drops at targeted point. Stinger Missile Move radar crosshairs using the directional buttons. Press the [Square] button to fire. Can attack enemies offscreen but on radar. RC Missile After firing, use the directional buttons to manually control the direction of the missile, and guide it to the target. Plastic Explosive A lightweight, high performance, moldable explosive. Can be detonated offscreen, if within radar range. Mine Use [Square] button to set. Crawl over to pick up. Mine detector shows mines on radar as white dots. Up to 16 can be set at a time. Camouflage Mat Matches any type of terrain. Press the [Square] button to set. Walk over to pick up. Crawl underneath to hide. Gas Grenade Crowd-suppression grenade. Releases CN gas on detonation. Do not use downwind of target. Mouse A dummy robot used to disable noise mode. Press [Square] button to dispatch. Lighter An ordinary dollar-store lighter. It's use is unknown. ============================================================================== ************* **07. Items** ************* Cigarettes Surgeon General's Warning: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health. Bandana **Subsistence only** Solid Snake's Bandana. (Infinity) symbol is sewn in. Binoculars Allows you to see one screen up, down, left, or right of your present location. Night-Vision Goggles Goggles that make night seem like day. Let you see in even the darkest places. Gas Mask Doubles the length, and slows the depletion of the O2 guage in poison gas areas. Also works against gas grenades. Body Armor The "Silent Partner Special", a bulletproof vest that halves damage recieved by enemies. Only works against bullets. Oxygen Tank Doubles the length and slows the depletion of the O2 guage underwater. Refills itself automatically when you surface. Mine Detector When equipped, mines are displayed on the radar as white dots. Also displays mines you have laid. Hang Glider Completely useless in battle. Its use is unknown. Cardboard Box An ordinary cardboard box. According to the label, it's bound for Zanzibar Land. It's use is unknown. Bucket A metal bucket used for cleaning bathrooms. Looks pretty solid. Its use is unknown. Cold Medicine Contains lysozyme chloride, to help fight nasal congestion. Helps stops sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, and teary eyes. Cassete Tape The cassette tape found in Gustava's locker. Contains a recording of Zanzibar Land's national anthem. Egg An egg taken from the bio lab. Doesn't look edible. It's use is unknown. Egg An egg taken from the bio lab. Doesn't look edible. It's use is unknown. Brooch Gustava's brooch. It's embossed with the seal of Zanzibar Land. Its use is unknown. It smells like Gustava. Card 1 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 2 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 3 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Red Card A master card that replaces cards 1 through 3. Card 4 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 5 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 6 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Blue Card A master card that replaces cards 4 through 6. Card 7 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 8 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Card 9 An IC card of the type used in Zanzibar Land. Green Card A master card that replaces cards 7 through 9. Cartridge The game cartridge left behind by Dr. Marv. The OILIX microfilm is hidden inside. Ration [B1 Unit] Press the [Circle] button to recover life. Contains beef, pork, ham, and eggs, tuna fish, chocolate, and crackers. Ration [B2 Unit] Press the [Circle] button to recover life. Contains beans and meatballs, beans and franks, and beef and potatoes. Ration [B3 Unit] Press the [Circle] button to recover life. Contains sliced ham, chicken and turkey, spaghetti, cheese, and coffee. Spray A laquer spray made from dimethyl ether and LP gas. The can says "Do not use near open flames." Metallic gray in color. ============================================================================== ****************************** **08. Walkthrough/Transcript** ****************************** ---------- | Legend | ---------- Note: There used to be a Legend here with abbreviations for the characters. With the official translation, and the updated game, the conversations now allow for more characters on the screen, so the need for abbreviations in the game isn't needed. Thus, I won't abbreviate either. I will, however, show you the speaking characters and their frequencies (if available): Solid Snake = No Frequency Colonel Roy Campbell = 140.85, 140.66, 140.24 George Kasler = 140.93 McDonnel "Master" Miller = 140.38 Holly White = 140.15, 140.76 Dr. Kio Marv = 140.51 Black Ninja (aka Kyle Schneider) = No Frequency Drago Petrovich Madnar = 140.82 Johan Jacobsen = 140.40 Deepthroat = 140.00 Kid = No Frequency Running Man = No Frequency Red Blaster = No Frequency Gustava Heffner = No Frequency Gray Fox = 140.27 Four Horsemen = No Frequency Jungle Evil = No Frequency Big Boss = No Frequency Pilot (Charlie) = 140.00 Throughout the walkthrough, the items that are picked up are in [brackets] and if there's a door the IC Card that is required will be in (parentheses). Also, if a tranceiver conversation requires you to call a certain freuquency, the instruction will be marked with two asterisks (**). ------------------- | Opening Credits | ------------------- Konami Presents - 1990 Game Programming - Isao Akada Game Programming - Toshinari Oka Demo Programming - Hiroyuki Fukui Character Design - Shuko Iwamoto Character Design - Tae Yabu Character Support - Yoshihiko Ohta Scenario - Hideo Kojima Mechanical Design - Tomohiro Nishio Music Compose - Musahiro Ikariko Sound Effect - Kazuhiko Uehara Game Design - Hideo Kojima --------- | Intro | --------- It is the late 1990s... The world is emabarking on an age of peace and stability. Relations between the Cold War superpowers have thawed. Regional conflicts are being resolved. The thread of nuclear war is now thing of the past. But there is some who do not desire peace... An atmosphere of tension begins to build in the Middle East. A military junta comes to power in Zanzibar Land, a small nation bordering the USSR, China, and the Middle East. Zanzibar Land attacks nuclear weapon disposal sites around the world, seizing those weapons that are still intact, and becomes the world's only nuclear power. It then begins to invade its neighbors at will. After renouncing nukes forever, the world is once again threatened by the specter fo nuclear war. Meanwhile, the world's oil supply, which was to last another 40 years, suddenly and unexpectedly dries up. Without a safe and alternative source of energy, the world faces a severe energy crisis. It is in these dire circumstances that Dr. Kio Marv, a Czech biologist, develops "OILIX" a microbe that can synthesize high-grade petroleum. With this discovery, global tensions are once again on the rise. On his way to attend an American scientific conference, Dr. Marv is kidnapped by agents of Zanzibar Land. With its nuclear weapons and the secret of OILIX, Zanzibar Land plans to achieve global militar domination. A tiny microbe, only a few microns wide, is about to change the world forever. -------------------------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 1: Penetrating the Zanzibar Complex | -------------------------------------------------------- You begin the game with Solid Snake emmerging from the darkness. After you take cover, the transceiever comes up as Snake contacts Colonel Roy Campbell. **140.85** Snake: This is Snake... I've reached the infiltration point. Campbell: Snake... Right on time, as always. Let's get started... Commencing Operation Intrude F014. Let's go over this one more time. Your mission is to infiltrate Zanzibar Land and rescue the kidnapped Czech biologist, Dr. Kio Marv. Snake, we've provited you with a new anti-personnel sensor. Try switching it on. Snake: Roger... OK, it's on. Campbell: The white dots are enemy soliers. The red dot is your current position. The radar is equipped with several other types of sensors as well. They should warn you of any unseen dangers. Snake: What's the radar's effective range? Campbell: Take a look at your radar display. It shows a 9-screen area centered on your position. However, it may not work in small, enclosed spaces. Also, if the enemy spots you won't be able to use the radar. The enemy will use a jammer to scramble it. Snake: Got it. ...Where can I find Dr. Marv? Campbell: Well... Dr. Marv has a transmitter implated in one of his molar teeth. When you get close to him, he'll show up as a red dot on your radar. Snake: So I just have to keep an eye out for the red dot... Campbell: Snake, use frequency 140.85 for all future communications with me. ...Good luck. ...Over and out. **If you contact Campbell, you'll get one of these responses: **140.85** Campbell: Remember that you won't always be able to procure supplies, and plan accordingly...Over and out. Campbell: If you get into trouble, give McDonnell Millar a call. He used to be our survival master. A good man to know. He's also and idea man. Feel free to ask him anything. He'll help you think of a solution. His frequency is 140.38...Over and out. Campbell: If you need to know anything about mercenareies or enemy weapons, ask our mercenary expert George Kasler. He knows everything. He used to work for us as a military adviser. You can trust him. His frequency is 140.93. We'll pick up the tab for the info... just don't ask him about whale cuisine...Over and out. Campbell: Put yourself in the enemy's shoes. Imaging you're the enemy commander., or the game designer, in charge of guarding that area. You might see possibilities you couldn't see before...Over and out. Campbell: Fight when you have to fight. Kill when you have to kill. Those are the rules on the battlefield, in a shooting game...Over and out. Campbell: Your mission is to avoid contact with the enemy, not to eliminate them. Forget everything you've ever seen in action movies... Over and out. Campbell: There are two ways for the enemy to find you. One is by sight, the other is by sound. Sound travels at 340 meters per second at room temperature. If the wind is right, it can travel enormous distances. The key is to operate silently. If you make a noise, get ready for a fight immediately...Over and out. Campbell: Watch out for floors that make noise when you walk. Not even those noise-absorbing boots you're wearing can eliminate footstep noise completely. Crawl to move across those types of floors...Over and out. Head north, take out the guard. Go east, take [Ration B1] from the truck. Go north, answer transceiver call. **140.85** Campbell: Use crawling to sneak through gaps in the fence...Over and out. Crawl through gap in fence. Then south, west, west, north, crawl through fence gap. Go east, crawl through fence gap, go north. Answer transceiever call. **140.85** Campbell: You can't sneak in through the front door. Use the vents...Over and out. Go east, grab the [Handgun] from the truck. Enter the vent to gain entry to the Zanzibar Complex. In the vent, pick up the [Ammo]. Exit the vent in the far northeast to get into the Zanzibar Complex. ---------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 2: Zanzibar Complex | ---------------------------------------- **From this point on, McDonnel Miller will answer your calls, he'll give one of these responses: **140.38** Master Miller: Whatever happens, don't give up. Do whatever it takes to survive! ...Over and out. Master Miller: It's not fear itself that makes the difference between a hero and a coward. It's whether you've got the mental fortitude to overcome that fear and get the job done...Over and out. Master Miller: You can drink your own saliva, but never spit it out. The enemy can tell how tired you are by looking at the saliva on the ground or on plants. They can even estimate how long ago you were there. So don't spit in public. It's a dangerous habit...Over and out. Master Miller: Your ability to survive depends on the limits of your mental strength. In the end, it all comes dow to your will to live...Over and out. Master Miller: You should wait 30 minutes after eating before playing games. The blood flow shfits to your stomach, and your brain doesn't function as quickly. That's when your attention level is at its lowest. So you should wait 30 minutes after eating, before you start playing...Over and out. Master Miller: Adversity only makes the human will stronger...Over and out. Master Miller: When faced with a difficult task, just tell yourself, I can do it, and do it. Imagine how happy you'll be when you succeed. Don't picture the GAME OVER screen, even if you make a mistake. Keep your spirits high, and use the power of positive thinking. ...Over and out. Master Miller: When replenishing your fluids, you shouldn't drink any more than 100 cc's at a time. When it absorb's fluids, your body burns an amount of energy equal to the temperature difference between your body and the fluid. That's because it has to raise the fluid's temperature to match your body's temperature. It also makes your blood thinner, slowing your brain functions. So don't drink too much soda while you're playing...Over and out. Master Miller: Lonliness is something that seeps into the cracks in your heart. Boredom is what causes those cracks to appear...Over and out. Master Miller: When making decisions on the battlefield, there's no single right answer. Just trust your ouwn judgement...Over and out. Head west one screen, answer the transceiver call. **140.15** Holly: I'm Holly, Holly White. I infiltrated Zanzibar Land a month ago, posting as a journalist. So I know pretty much how thing work around here... I'll help you any way I can. My frequency is 140.15. Call me... Later! **If you contact Holly, you'll get one of these responses: **140.15** Holly: There are two elevators in the Zanzibar building. The east elevator stops on floors 1, 2, 3, and 4 while the west elevator stops on floors 2, B1, and B2. The elevators are different from the ones in Outer Heaven. They don't come unless you call them. Got all that? ...See ya. Holly: Zanzibar is full of children, right? That means there must be lots of small places for them to crawl in and hide...See ya. Holly: There's a bathroom on the 4th floor. That's where the soldiers' living quarters are. There's also a sauna, a mess hall, a locker room, and a barracks. ...See ya. Holly: All the doors are controlled by computer. They need a specific IC card to open...See ya. Holly: It's not in the blueprints, but... The kids say the Zanzibar building and the tower building are connected underground...See ya. Holly: The Zanzibar building has 2 underground floors and 4 above-ground floors. The first floor houses the central command, the hangar, and the factory. The second floor is the deck, the third floor is used for R&D, and the fourth floor is living quarters for the soldiers. The armory and powder house are on B1, and the drainage ditch on B2...See ya. Holly: There are lots of children living in Zanzibar Land. They're war orphans, from all over the world... They're just innocent kids, so they won't hurt you...See ya. Holly: The dust chutes on each floor lead to the trash compactor on floor B2. You can use them as an escape route, but watch out for that trash compactor...See ya. Holly: The Zanzibar buidling and the tower building use the same source of water. Maybe that means they'r connected through the drainage ditch! ...See ya. Holly: There's a map in the command room that shows the layout of the entire compound. You should check it out...See ya. Holly: This isn't a good time to talk! Call me later, OK? Head down the stairs, go west, north, west, up the stairs, enter the control room door. Examine the map, take out the guards when they salute. Exit the room, go east, up, west, take elevator to FLOOR 2F. Head east, enter door, pick up [Card 1]. Exit room go north, pick up [Ration B2] and enter door (1) and get the [Binoculars]. There's also [Ammo] in the south-west corner of this floor. Go back to the elevators and take the right one to FLOOR 3F. Go north (1), north, east (1), avoiding the sensor trap, head south. **If you call Miller now he'll give you this response: **140.38** Master Miller: Cigarette smoke allows you to see infrared beams...Over and out. Eqiup Cigarettes, avoid sensors, go south, enter door (1). Equip Cigarettes again, avoid sensors, collect [Gas Mask], exit room (1) . Go north, north, west (1), south, south (1), south (1), kill guard before he can shut the lights off (switch on south west corner of room). Open northern-most door (1), equip Gas Mask, go east, north (avoid the camera), then go through the west door (1). Approach Dr. Kio Marv. Marv: Heh heh heh... Foolish FOXHOUND! Dr. Marv isn't here! Figures that FOXHOUND would use such a cheap transmitter... You guys are really behind the times. Black Ninja: I am Black Ninja, the former member of NASA's extrerrestrial enviornment special forces unit. Now let's see how strong the world's most advanced black ops unit really is! Show me what you've got, FOXHOUND! **If you contact George Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Black Ninja...Nobody ever heard of him until two years ago. His past is a total mystery. Some kind of high-tech ninja from NASA's extraterrestrial enviornment team. He's quick like a throwing star, specializing in lighting-fast attacks. Keep in mind, he's not a seasoned pro like us. He's one of them Right Stuff types - an astronaut. But that actually makes him tough to take down. With a pro, you know pretty much what he's gonna do. But with an amateur, who the hell knows? For now, just wait and see what he can do. That's what you're good at. I'm counting on you cowboy! ...Over and out. BOSS 1: BLACK NINJA ------------------- When you get near Black Ninja, he'll teleport out of the way. Also, every few seconds he throws 3 throwing stars at you. The trick is to stay at the bottom of the screen and he will stay within the central enclosure. Just run back and forth to avoid the throwing stars, and between his shots, shoot at him with the handgun. Just have rations equiped when you fight him and you'll outlast him. Black Ninja: ...Snake... Snake: Who are you? ...How do you know my name? Black Ninja: It's... It's me... Schneider. Kyle Schneider. Remember me? Snake: Schneider? ...You were in the Resistance in Outer Heaven! But... I thought they killed you! Black Ninja: You've still got a lot to learn, Snake. I was almost killed, but not by them. By you, and your country. Snake: What are you saying, Schneider? Black Ninja: ...Snake, after you destroyed Metal Gear, NATO launched a massive bombing campaign against Outer Heaven. All of us Resistance fighters... and the children of Outer Heaven... the didn't care about any of us. There was no escape from the flames... They died like animals in a cage. Snake: I... can't believe this... Black Ninja: Think about it. The children of Outer Heaven were originally war orphans and refugees from all over the world. They were a liability... and NATO didn't want to deal with them... Snake: ...No... Black Ninja: You're no different. They'll forget about you, too... But he wasn't like them... Snake: Who? Black Ninja: He came... and saved us from annihilation. He forgave us for what we'd done. He gave us a new land to call home... A new family... Snake: He did...? You mean... Black Ninja: Snake, you'll understand soon... what a wonderful man he is... Snake... I owe you a debt. There's no hate between us. I'll tell you where Dr. Marv is. It's what he would want me to do... Find the man who's guarding the cell where Dr. Marv is being held. Follow that man... and he sould lead you straight to the cell. You can tell him by his green beret. He should be on the first floor. Got that? A green beret. Follow the man in the green beret! Pick up [Card 2], but don't go out the north door (2), because you'll be blocked by sensors. Instead, exit through the east door (1), then south, west, west (1), north, north (1), east (1), get past the sensor trap, then equip the Cigarettes again. Wait for the camera in the next eastern room to start going down and then go east. This should give you enough time to navigate through the sensors, enter the door (2), then pick up the [Mine Detector] and exit. Go west, then go down the dust chute. This takes you to FLOOR B2. Avoiding the garbage trap, exit south (1), then south, south, west, then north through the door (1). Take the elevator to FLOOR B1, which is the armory. If you go north, the door in the north-east corner (1) has [2 Ammo Packs], but go through the south door (2), go into the left most room (1) to get 2 [Plastic Exolosives], then go east and enter the southernmost room (2) for the [Sub Machine Gun]. Go back to the elevator and go to FLOOR 2F. Go west and go through the door (2) to get the [Suppressor], then go back to the elevator and take the right elevator to FLOOR 1F. Go east, south, west, down the stairs, east, north, north, then through the door (2). Follow the Green Beret out the door. ----------------------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 3: The Forest, Desert, and Swamp | ----------------------------------------------------- Follow the Green Beret through the forest. After every corner or so, he'll stop and turn around, so be careful. If he notices you he'll run off and you'll have to start following him again. When you get to the small building, kill the soldier and enter the building (2). Though the building appears empty, someone's tapping a code on the wall. **If you call Campbell now he'll give you this response: **140.85** Campbell: It's a tap code. They were used to communicate in North Vietamese POW camps. Before that, they were used during the Korean War. Instructions deciphering the code should be written in the software manual. ...Over and out. The game manual had the solution to this. Note that Subsistence's manual doesn't have the answer. Or anywhere in the game, see the Tap Codes section for the solution. **Anyways, the code is 140.82, a transceiver frequency. Call it. **140.82** Snake: This is Solid Snake. Come in... Dr. Madnar: Ah, you figured out my code... Snake: Where's Dr. Marv? Dr. Madnar: It's been a while. Eh, Solid Snake? Snake: Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar? How did you...?! Dr. Madnar: Marv and I knew each other from the Prague academy. We didn't speak each other's language, but were were scientific comrades, after a fashion. I was captured along with Marv while we were in America. Snake: Where is Dr. Marv? Dr. Madnar: He was moved from here to the tower building a few days ago. It's a tall buidling a few kilometers north of here. Snake: Dammit, I'm late again! So Marv's in the tower building? Dr. Madnar: Snake, can you guess why they've left me alive? Snake: They must need you for something... and that means... Dr. Madnar: Yes... Metal Gear. Snake, it is here... In Zanzibar Land. They've already completed a new Metal Gear. The you you destroyed three years ago was only a prototype... The new, improved Metal Gaer is many, many times more powerful. They're also working on a light version for mass production. Snake: Then it was Metal Gear that attacked the nuke disposal sites... Dr. Madnar: Precisely. Metal Gear is a nuclear-equipped walking tank. It's true power is unleashed only when it is armed with nuclear weapons. Zanzibar Land now has the only nukes in the world. And now they have their sights set on OILIX, a miracle energy source. Snake... Now that you know all this, perhaps you can guess who is behind it...? Snake: Big... Boss?! Dr. Madnar: The very same! With Metal Gear and OILIX, he plots to rule the world. We cannot let the secret of OILIX fall into his hands! Science is not meant to be used only for killing. Marv's will is strong, but his heart is weak. We must hurry! I don't know how long he can withstand their torture. Snake: If they use drugs on him, he won't last long... Dr. Madnar: Marv and I were both carrying microtransmitters inside our bodies. They were given to us by a female agent from STB. You could get in touch with her if you knew her frequency. Snake: Madnar, what are you going to do? Dr. Madnar: The wall separating us is made of Chobham armor plate. You can't blast your way through it. Just leave me here and go rescue Marv, Snake. Snake: All right. I'll come back for you later. Dr. Madnar: Snake... My daughter Ellen is a fan of yours. She's not married yet, and I'm afraid I... ...Oh, and I have a zoologist friend, Johan Jacobsen, who lives around here. You can reach him on frequency 140.40. He'll tell you anything you need to know about animals... Snake: Don't worry. I'll make sure you get home in time for your daughter's wedding. Dr. Madnar: Thank you, Snake... **You can re-call him if you'd like: **140.82** Dr. Madnar: Snake, have you found Marv yet? ...I don't know how long he can hold out. You have to hurry! ...Over and out. **You can now contact Johan Jacobsen: **140.40** Jacobsen: Why does FOXHOUND use animals for code names, anyway? Who came up with the idea that animals are so warlike? People, that's who. I just don't get it... Over and out. Leave the building, go south, south, east, east, then north. Answer the call. **140.00** #####: Snake! Watch out! You're in a minefield! Snake: Who are you? #####: I'm your number one fan. Keep up the good work. **If you call Campbell now he'll give you this response: **140.85** Campbell: Use a mine detector in a minefield to display the mines on the radar. You can pick up mines by crawling over them...Over and out. **If you call Holly now and you don't have the Mine Detector, she'll give you this response: **140.15** Holly: There's a mine detector on the 3rd floor of the Zanzibar Building. ...See ya. Equip the Mine Detector. Crawl over the mines to pick them up. Go north, north, and answer the transceiver. **140.15** Holly: That's singing sand. Imported all the way from Okinawa, Japan. It squeaks when you walk on it. The sound will give your position away, so be careful...See ya. Crawl to get past the guards. In the southern truck are [2 Ammo Packs] and the northern truck has a [Ration B1]. Go north, then north again then north one more time to find a Hind-D taking off! Get some cover, and call Kasler. **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Hind D... Just hearing that name makes my knees go all wobbly. Heh heh... Weight capacity 12,000 kg, top speed 250 kph, top altitude 4500 meters. It's armed with missles and a Vulcan cannon, and protected by titanium armor. A real beast of a chopper. You don't sstand a snowball's chance in hell if it starts strafing you from above. They used to say that if you saw a Hind D coming at you, you might as well say your prayers. But stinger missiles evened the odds a little bit. With stingers, you can knock that buzzard out of the sky... Over and out. **If you contact Campbell during the fight, here's his response: **140.85** Campbell: The combat speed of that chopper is roughly 250km an hour, about half the speed of a propeller aircraft, so you can keep it in your sights for a long time. A helicopter is most vulnerable when it's turning. Get into position and shoot it down before its next attack! ...Over and out. **If you call Holly now she'll give you this response: **140.15** Holly: I heard they keep stinger missiles in the armory on the northeast side of the swamp, for the Hind D to use. ...See ya. Leave the battle for now, since you need Stinger missles to fight the Hind-D. Go south until you get to the forest again, then go east. There's a kid at the edge of the swamp. Kid: They told us this is a bottomless swamp, and it's too dangerous to get close... But... I saw a big truck driving through here. You believe me, right? There's a path through the swamp where you won't sink. You just have to test each step before you make it. Once you know where the path is it's easy to remember. NOTE: For a map of the way through the swamp, please refer to section 13. The path takes you south, west, east, north, then east. There's another kid. Kid: Trucks come in and out of here all the time. Step into the swamp again on the north edge of the dry land. The path takes you north to a small building. Kill the guard, enter the door (2). In the building, go through the north door (2). You will then meet Running Man. Running Man: A visitor! What a pleasant surprise! ...And just in time, too. I was about to go for a little run. I am Running Man, the world's fastest mercenary. No man can keep up with me! See for yourself!! ...pant...pant... What do you think? Pretty fast, eh? But I'm just getting warmed up! Hear that sound? That's nerve gas. Defeat me before the gas gets to you, and you might survive. The clock is ticking... Let the race begin! **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Running Man... He was a sprinter at the Barcelona Olympics. Ran the 100-meter dash in 9.69 seconds. Then he got busted for doping and joined up with a terrorist outfit in Europe. There's no way you're gonna catch up to him. It's like a snake trying to catch a cheetah. You're gonna have to set a trap and catch him. Plant a trap in his path and you might have a chance. 'Course, that's if you can do it before the gas gets there. The trick here is to use his speed against him...Over and out. BOSS 2: RUNNING MAN ------------------- Immediately equip the Gas Mask and the Mines. Luckily the Mine Detector isn't needed to see the Mines you place. To defeat Running Man, run around in circles through the 4 screens laying mines. The narrow passage between the two eastern screens is the easiest places to catch Running Man. He'll be finished quickly. Running Man: ...You... you used my speed against me... What's your name? Snake: Snake... Solid Snake. Running Man: ...Snake...? The cheetah has lost to a snake...? How could this happen? Snake: ...Guess you weren't fast enough. Pick up [Card 3], and go south. Before leaving the building, enter the eastern door (3). Talk to the kids there. Kid: I know what that is! It's a stinger missile! They took some to the factory on the west side of the Zanzibar building's 1st floor the other day. Said they were gonna put them on some tanks. Kid: I hate people who use guns! Go back through the swamp, the forest, and to the Zanzibar Complex. Directly south of the entrance is the door you want. Enter the door (3) and go south, then south again. Pick up the ammo, and enter the western door (3). Pick up the [Stinger Missile], exit the room, go north, then north again. Go east, south (2), then east. Enter the door (3), and pick up the [Red Card], which opens up Cards 1, 2, and 3 doors. Go north, east, then down the dust chute. Go to the elevators, and go to Floor B1. Go south (3), east, then north. Go into the southmost door (3), and to get the 2 [RC Missiles]. Go back to the elevators and do to FLOOR 2F, then take the right elevator to FLOOR 1F. Go around to the northern exit, through the jungle, north through the desert, and get ready to fight the Hind-D. BOSS 3: HIND-D -------------- The Hind-D is easy. Stay in the corner that intersects the 4 screens that makes the battle area. When the Hind-D starts attacking, simply change to another screen. Equip the Stingers and shoot at a screen as the Hind-D is about to enter it. You'll hit it every time. The battle is over fast. Go north, then north again and you come to the Tower Building. Go west and enter the vent to pick up the [Ration B2]. Then go east, then east again. Answer your transceiver. **140.85** Campbell: You're good with a cardboard box, right? Why not posing as part of the cargo? I'm changing the frequency for our future communications. The new frequency can be found in a photo in the software manual. ...Over and out. Once again, there's no manual, and no way to find out in Subsistence. The frequency is 140.66 for contacting Campbell from now on. Get the [Cardboard Box] from the truck. Equip the Cardboard Box and get on the conveyor. This takes you inside the tower building. -------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 4: Tower Building | -------------------------------------- You're finally inside the Tower Building. Go north. Answer your transceiver call. **140.15** Holly: Snake! I'm in trouble! They discovered my identity and now I'm a prisoner! Help me! Just when I finally managed to contact Dr. Marv... Snake: Where are you?! Give me your location! Holly: I don't know. I was blindfolded. I think it's somewhere in the tower building... Oh yeah! Snake! ...I hear noises! Off to the left... I hear an elevator! And to the right... I hear a noise like a pump. There's water flowing in front of and behind me. Snake: Water in front and behind... a pump to the right... and an elevator to the left? I think I've got a pretty good picture now. Holly: Snake, I don't think they know about my radio yet. But come quick! I'll be waiting. Crawl into the hole for [Ration B2]. Then go north. Follow the spiral around until you get to the second elevator. Take the elevator to FLOOR B1. Go south, then west. In the first door (Red) are 2 [Ammo] packs and the second door (Red) has 2 [Plastic Explosives]. Go west and talk to the kid. Kid: Are you friends with the blond lady mister? Go north and enter the room (Red) to find another kid. Kid: The one-eyed man told us to tell him if we saw a man wearing green clothes. The blond lady says he isn't here. Exit the room, go east, and enter the door (Red). Punch the eastern wall until you find a hollow spot. Set the Plastic Bomb and blow the wall. Go east, and approach Holly. Holly: Thanks, Snake, you saved me! Snake: ... Holly: What's wrong? Snake: I... didn't think you'd be this pretty. Holly: What, you thought I'd be ugly? Snake: I should have met up with you sooner. Holly: Snake, about Dr. Marv... I'm pretty sure he's OK. Snake: Pretty sure? I thought you said you'd made contact. Holly: Well, I haven't actually met him. He's under armed guard somewhere... But he sent a message by carrier pigeon. It might be some kind of clue. Snake: A pigeon? ...Where is it now? Holly: I found it, but it flew away just as I was about to catch it... I saw it heading up the elevator in the tower building. Snake: Toward the roof?! Holly: The bad guys are looking for it, too. We have to find it before they do. It's our only clue to Dr. Marv's whereabouts. Snake: A pigeon hunt... What are you going to do? Holly: I'd only get in your way. I want to gather a little more info. I'm starting to like this place less and less... And then this happens. Snake: If this keeps up, I'm really gonna let 'em have it! I see you've still got spirit... Just don't do anything crazy. Holly: The enemy migh tbe listening in, so let's change our frequency to 140.76. Ok, Snake? Oh, and I made a copy of my IC card. It's card 4. Here, take it... See you later, Snake... Take care of yourself. Snake: Holly!! Holly: What..? Snake: That's the kind of thing you'd say to your boyfriend when you kiss him goodbye. Holly: ...Then what, Snake? ...What should I say? Snake: Stay alive, and we'll meet again sometime... Holly: ...Deal. Go back to the elevator and go back to the first floor. **If you call Holly you'll get one of these responses: **140.76** Holly: I'm pretty sure there's a spiral staircase between floors 10 and 20. It's kind of a steep climb, but hey, you need the excercise. ...See ya. Holly: The tower building is a military base. It was built so that you can see all of Zanzibar Land from the top...See ya. Holly: There are three elevators in the tower building. The north elevator stops at floors 1 and 10. The central elevator stops at floors B1, 1, and 20. The south elevator stops at floos 1 and 30...See ya. Go back to the first elevator. Take to to FLOOR 10F. There's a kid outside the elevator. Kid: There used to be a veranda south of here, but the passage is buried now. Go east. Knock on the southern until you hear a hollow sound. Bomb the wall. There's a kid on the other side of the wall. Kid: South of here, I found a bunch of things that look like green pineapples. Go west. In the corner is another hollow wall. Bomb it and go south. There is another kid. Kid: South of here, I found a bunch of things that look like green pineapples. Go east, test the wall for a hollow sound, blow the wall. There's a kid on the other side. Kid: The one-eyed man is like our daddy. He doesn't like grown-ups. Enter the room (Red) for a [Ration B2], [Ammo] and a [Plastic Explosive]. Exit the room and go west. Enter the room (4) for 3 [Grenades]. Go back to the elevator and go back to FLOOR 1F. Go to the center of the spiral, enter the hole to get a [Ration B3]. Go to the third elevator and take it to FLOOR 30F. As you exit, you encounter Red Blaster. Snake: Wh... What is this? ...A booby trap? Red Blaster: That's right. A trap clever enough to catch a fox. Or should I say, a FOXHOUND? I am Red Blaster, and you're not going anywhere. My grenades will see to it that your death is slow...and painful. **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Red Blaster... He's an elite assassin who likes to blow things up. He'll set booby traps all around to pin his target down, then use those grenades he always carries to finish the job. Snake, give him a taste of his own medicine! He's bound to be hiding behind a wall or something. But you can flush him out with a grenade of your own! ...Over and out. **If you contact Holly now, without any grenades, here's her response: **140.76** Holly: Grenades? I heard there's some on the south side of the 10th floor of the tower building...See ya. BOSS 4: RED BLASTER ------------------- Simple boss. Red Blaster lobs grenades down at you, and that's pretty much it. Equip your Grenades, and push against the barriers in the first room to get rid of them. All you have to do to beat the boss is to throw grenades at him while circling the wall to avoid his grenades. Go south from the boss area to the stairwell. Simply follow it to get to FLOOR 31F. When you get there, Holly will contact you. **140.76** Holly: The door to the roof is painted shut to prevent trespeassers. But it's jury-rigged, so you can probably blow it up pretty easily with plastic explosives...See ya. Use the Plastic Explosives on the wall to blow it, and get to the rooftop. Once there, contact Jacobsen. **140.40** Jacobsen: That's a wood pigeon, specially trained to act as a carrier pigeon. Did you know there are over 260 species of pigeon in the world? They're 40 centimeters long and are found from Erope all the way to South Asia. Dr. Marv probably brought that one with him. Pigeons are very timid, and very sensitive to noise. If you get too close, they'll sense you and fly away. Yet for all that, they're notorious gluttons. They feed mostly on grain... I got an idea!! If you have some beans or potatoes, you can use them as bait! I just got a large order of fries myself... Oh, right. Tough to find a burger stand on the battlefield, eh? ...Over and out. **If you contact Miller now, here's his response: **140.38** Master Miller: You can find beans, grains and the like inside rations. Take a look inside your B2 unit. It's got beans and meatballs in tomato sauce, beans and franks in tomato sauce, and beef and potato stew. That ought to be enough to attract a pigeon...Over and out. Equip the Ration B2 and get close to the pigeon when it lands. Snake: Huh...? There's a piece of paper tied to the pigeon's leg. HELP! WIS.OhIO KIO MARV... Only H is in lowercase... Some kind of message from Dr. Marv? What could it mean? Call Miller on the transceiver. **140.38** Master Miller: WIS.OhIO... Only the H is lowercase? Hmm... I've got it! It's a digital number. You see what I'm getting at, don't you, Snake? ...Over and out. You can call him again for a better hint. **140.38** Master Miller: WIS.OhIO... Try turning it upside down. They're not letters - they're numbers. It's a clue to Dr. Marv's frequency. But look at it. Only the H was in lowercase. It's not a very clever code. Almost as if someone is telling you to read it upside down... 0140.51M...Over and out. So call 140.51. **140.51** Marv: Tady je Marv. Co mam delat? Chceme jenom mir. Delame pouze svrj ukol. Pevne doufam, ze me zachranite. Mrj puiteli. Drahy puiteli! Snake: ...What's he saying...? I can't understand a word. Better ask Madnar. So call Madnar. **140.82** Dr. Madnar: Marv can only speak Czech and Slovakian. He's also the wary type, and especially so in his current prediciment. Snake: What about you, Madnar? Dr. Madnar: I can only spean Russian and English... Wait I've got it! Gustava can speak to him! Snake: Gustava? ...Is that the STB woman who was protecting you? Dr. Madnar: She'll be able to understand him, and Marv trusts her as well. Snake: Is this Gustava still alive? Dr. Madnar: Not to worry. Gustava is no ordinary woman. She is a seasoned professional. When we were captured, she alone managed to steal an enemy uniform and escape. No doubt she's hiding somewhere in Zanzibar Land, waiting for her chance. Snake: Does she have a radio? Dr. Madnar: No, it was taken away right after we were captured... The only thingI know is that she's wearing an enemy uniform. Snake: There must be some kind of clue I can use... Dr. Madnar: Here's your clue: she's a woman. Don't be fooled by her enemy disguise... The are no woman soldier in this fortress. That's all you need to know. Gustava is a woman. Why not set up an ambush someplace that only a woman would go? Like the ladies' restroom... Over and out. Now you have to go back to the Zanzibar Complex. So, get back to the FLOOR 1F and exit at the bottom of the spiral (4). Go south through the desert, then west through the forest, and south into the Zanzibar Complex. ------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 5: Gustava | ------------------------------- Go to the elevator and take it to FLOOR 3F. From there, go south, then south again. Take the northernmost door (Red), equip the Gas Mask, go east, north, then through the north door (4). Collect the [Gas Grenade] and exit. Go back south, then west. Now take the other door (Red), with the Gas Mask. Go east, then north, and go through the door (4). Turn on the light in the next room, and go through the door (4). In the next room, kill the three guards, and enter the door (Red). Beware of traps and the guard and pick up the [Night-Vision Goggles]. Return to the elevator and take the west door (4). Go into the northeast door (4), then north (Red), east (Red), south (Red), and pick up the [Mouse]. Now go back north, west, south, and south. Now take the northwest door (Red), and north (Red), and pick up another [Mouse]. Go south, then south. Now get enter the room in the middle (4) and grab the [Ration B3]. Exit the room, go south, and enter the room (Red) to pick up the [RC Missile]. Exit the room, go west, enter the room, and pick up the [Mines]. Exit, go north, and enter the room (4). There's a kid in there. Kid: I hate people who use guns! Exit the room and go back to the elevators. Take the elevator to FLOOR 4F. Go west (4), north, north, west (wait for the camera to go up before moving), south, then east into a door (Red). There's a kid inside. Kid: There's only one bathroom here. It's on the southeast side of this floor... But I'm too scared to go there at night... Exit the room, go south, enter another room (Red) with another kid. Kid: If you catch a cold, go to the infirmary and they'll give you some medecine. Go south (4), and equip your Night-Vision Goggles. Crawl through the hole, and talk to the kid. Kid: There's a bunch of soldier mannequins over there. Go south (Red), east (Red) (one hidden real soldier), north (three real soldiers), east (4). In this area, one of the guards is Gustava in disguise, so don't kill anyone. Head east, and enter the door (Red), to get a [Ration B2] and a [Ration B3]. Exit the room, go south, then east. Enter the mens lavatory and pick up the bucket. Exit the lavatory, and hide until one of the guards enters the ladies bathroom. Enter the bathroom to meet Gustava. Snake: Gustava? Gustava: ...Yes, that's me... I am Gustava Heffner of the STB. And you must be Solid Snake... We're after the same thing. Why don't we work together and save Dr. Marv? Snake: ...Have we met somewhere before? Gustava: Hm. Typical western man. Always ready with a pick-up line... Snake: Now I remember! You're Gustava Heffner, the Ice Princess. You took the gold at the Calgary Olympics. Gustava: ...You must be mistaken. Snake: I don't think so. I know I've... Gustava: Enough of this! What about Dr. Marv? Snake: I made contact with him over the radio, but he doesn't speak English. Gustava: Then he's safe...Good. I'm glad he had that surgery to implant the microtransmitter. Snake, lend me your radio... Snake: The frequency is 140.51. **140.51** Gustava: Tady je Gustava. Marv: Marv. Gustava: Pane doktore! Jak se citite? Marv: Dekuji. Citm se dobue. Gustava. Vypadate velmi dobue. Gustava: Kda jste? Pane doktore? Marv: Na severu vezakr je rozedlina. Za ni maji koncentrak. Tam jsem. Gustava: Urcite Vas zachranime. Marv: Jsem vdecny. Dekuji. Gustava: Snake, Dr. Marv is safe... for now. He says there's a large crevice to the north of the tower building. The prison is on the other side. Dr. Marv also expressed concern about Dr. Madnar. Snake: Don't worry. Madnar is safe. Right now, we have to get Marv out of there... Got it? Gustava: I know a shortcut to the crevice. There's an old sewer running under here. We can take that elevator down. Let's go. Snake: Whoa! There's a an elevator there? What do you know... Take the elevator down to FLOOR B3. Avoid the sweepers in this area. Go north. Pick up the [Ammo] in an alcove in the north-west of this room. Go north (avoiding traps), north, west, north, and west. Take the elevator to FLOOR 1F. You will find Dr. Madnar. Dr. Madnar: Oh! ...Gustava! Snake! Gustava: Doctor, you're all right! Snake: ...You've lost some weight, Madnar... Dr. Madnar: And you haven't changed a bit, Snake. Gustava: Snake, we must hurry! Dr. Marv is waiting! Dr. Madnar: You mean Marv is still alive? I though I could escape through the passageway, but the elevator wouldn't open from the inside. Snake: Gustava, you and the doctor get behind me. We're moving out! Dr. Madnar: No, wait! Snake, I have something to give you. I swiped it from a guard... It's card 5. Gustava: Lead the way, Snake. I'll follow you. Now, with [Card 5], go back into the elevator, and back down to FLOOR B3. Go east, east, then north through the door (5). Go north, then north again. Dr. Madnar; Snake, wait! I can't go on... I must rest a little... Gustava: Snake...? Snake: All right... we'll take a short break. Dr. Madnar: Please excuse me, I... have some business to take care of. Gustava: ...How odd... Snake: Give the guy a break. He's an old man. He can't hold it like he used to. Gustava: No, I mean us... A world-renowned scientist, and former Olympic athlete, and an ex-special agent, trudging together through a sewer... Snake: ...Fate can be funny sometimes. Gustava: Fate? Yes... perhaps you're right... You know, when I was a little girl, my mother used to tell me stories. About Poland during World War II, about the Warsaw uprising. My mother spent days in the sewers under the city fleeing from the Nazis. Her skin and clothes were caked black with mud... You could not even see her face... My mother and I are much alike. We are both haunted by war. Snake: ...Gustava, why'd you quit skating and join STB? You'd think an Olympic medalist would get the royal treatment, even in the East. Gustava: ...Not exactly. It was something about the ice... It felt... cold. Snake: The ice...? Gustava: Snake, are you married? Snake: ...No, I don't have a family. You? Gustava: I'm all alone... And it's not because I like being single either. Perhaps I simply never had the chance. Snake: What about a boyfriend? Gustava: ...Once... only once... I though about getting married. It was back when I was still skating. I was deeply, madly in love... It still hurts to think about it. He was a Western man. His name was Frank Hunter. He was handsome, well-mannered, inteligent... But always afraid. I would have thrown it all away for him. My family, skating, everything... I would have followed him anywhere. Snake: You would have defected? Gustava: Yes... But it was not to be. The West rejected my bid for asylum at the last minute. Some sort of politcal reasons... I still don't understand. Snake: They probably just didn't have room for you. It happens all the time. Gustava: Ever since, my family and I have lived a nightmare... We lost our right to compete, were branded as refuseniks... I had no choice but to go into STB. But I have no regrets. When I was on the ice, I knew only the ice. Now I know so much more... I've even killed a man. Snake: What about him? Did you ever...? Gustava: I never saw him again... Our Berlin Wall was too high for either of us to climb. Dr. Madnar: Hello again! Sorry to keep you waiting. Snake: That was some bathroom break. Gustava: ...Let's go, Snake. Go north, then north again. Take the elevator up to FLOOR 1F. Exit the elevator, equip the Mine Detector, and go west, then west again. Be careful of the mines and head north. Snake: A bridge!! Gustava: We can only cross it one at a time. Dr. Madnar: Let me go first. I haven't got long to live anyway. No one will miss me if I fall. It's all right! You can come across! Gustava: OK, I'll go next... See you on the other side. It's safe, Snake! Hurry and cross over! It's all right! Come on! Move toward the bridge. A missile will blow up the bridge, hitting Gustava, and tossing her aside. Snake: Gustava! ...Gu.. Gustava... Gustava: ...Ah... Snake... I knew I couldn't do it... couldn't find my footing off the ice... I was always skating around... I never learned to plant my two feet on the ground and walk... Snake: The ice is starting to thaw between the East and West. Gustava, it's time to start planting your feet on the ground... take control of your life and start living! Gustava... don't give up now... Gustava: It's too late for me... I've seen enough people die already to know... that I'm beyond saving. ...Just my luck. Just when I'd met someone wonderful again... Snake: I would have liked to see you skate again. Gustava: Th... Thank you... Take this... it's card 6. And this... it's my brooch. To use it, you... Snake: How? How do I use it? Gustava: I... can't... hold on... ...Frank... Dr. Madnar: Snake!! SNAKE!! Dr. Madnar is taken away by some guards. Just then some mammoth legs appear... Snake: ...Metal... Gear? Gray Fox: Snake!! It's me. Gray Fox! Snake: Gray... Fox... Gray Fox: This bridge is closed!! I'm taking Madnar with me! Tell you what, Snake. For old times' sake, I'll do you a favor and let you live, IF you get your sorry carcass out of here! ...You hear me? Go home! Now! Think it over, Snake... Ha ha ha ha! Snake: Fox! You won't get rid of me that easily! --------------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 6: Tower Building Escape | --------------------------------------------- Ok, Gustava gave you [Card 6] and the [Brooch]. Go south. Holly will call you on the transceiver. **140.76** Holly: Snake, you remember the veranda in the tower they use for parachute jump training? If you have a hang glider, you can jump from there straight over the crevice. There should be a hang glider on the east side of the 1st floor of the Zanzibar building. I saw it once at Thanksgiving...See ya. Using the Mine Detector to navigate the mines, collect 3 [Mines] from the truck, then go east. Once again being careful of mines, collect the stuff from the trucks. The first truck has a [RC Missile] and a [Gas Grenede], the second truck has 3 [Ammo] packs, the third truck has 2 [Grenades], and the last truck has a [Ration B1] and a [Plastic Explosive]. Go back west and through the door (6). Go south, south, east, then east again. Exit the building (4). Now head back (again) through the desert and forest to the Zanzibar Complex. Ok, from the start of the Zanzibar Complex, go east, south (Red), east, north (Red), west through the door (6), and pick up the [Blue Card], which opens up ID 4, 5 and 6 doors. Go east (Blue), north (Red), east, then down the dust chute again. Now, head back to the elevator, then north (Blue), northwest, there's a kid there. Kid: The water in the ditch is freezing. You'll catch a cold if you stay in too long. Go back west, then southwest along the bottom, then south. There's another kid there. Kid: I heard this ditch is connected to the next building by a jet stream. Go back to the elevator and take it to FLOOR B1. Go south (Red), then go into the eastern room (Blue) for [3 Ammo Packs]. Go east, then into the northern room (Blue) for [2 Grenades]. Go north, and into the northern room (Blue) for a [Stinger Missile] and [2 Ammo Packs]. Go north, then into the door (Blue) to get the [Body Armor]. Go south, south, west, and west (Blue). Pick up the [Ammo] and enter the door (Blue) for [2 Grenades]. Go north, pick up another [Ammo] and enter the door (Blue) for a [Mouse] and an [0xygen Tank]. Go north, enter the west room (Blue) for [2 Gas Grenades] and the east room (Blue) for a [Camouflage Mat]. Head back to the elevator and take it to FLOOR 2F, then take the right elevator to FLOOR 4F. Go west (Blue), north, west, north, then into the door (Blue). There's a kid inside. Kid: Gustava's locker is the one in the upper row, all the way to the right. She always uses it when she comes out of the sauna. Go south, south, then west into a room (Red). There's a kid. Kid: The grown-ups always stand at attention when they hear the national anthem. It's one of their weird rules. Now go east, north, east, east, and into the south door (Blue). There are two kids there. Kid: Wanna know a secret? You know Gustava's brooch? It changes shape when you put it in the sauna or the freezer. Kid: If you catch a cold, go to the infirmary and they'll give you some medicine. Exit this room, go into the north door (Blue). Now go east, then south (beware, the tile floor makes a sound), south, and through the door (Red). In this room, don't turn on the light, it wakes the guards. Equip your Night-Vision Goggles, go north, enter the door (Blue), pick up the [Cold Medicine], go south, south, then enter the south door (Red). You are now in the sauna, and the Brooch will now turn into a key, but it takes time. Hide beneath a bench, a soldier will be coming in right away. After he leaves, go north (Red), west (Red), north, north, then west. Go into the fourth locker on the top (Brooch) and pick up the [Cassette Tape]. Go into the first locker on the bottom, there's a kid inside. Kid: Ah, you found me! ...We're playing hide and seek. Go east and down the dust chute. Go to the elevator, take it to FLOOR 2F, then take the right elevator to FLOOR 1F. Go east, south, west, down the stairs, east, south, east. Open the door (Blue), and equip the Cassette. Run north, north, kill the guard, go through the door (Blue), and pick up the [Hang Glider]. Now exit this building and through the forest, and to the small island in the swamp. Go into the door (Blue), equip the Cardboard Box and get on the conveyor. This will take you directly to the Tower Building. Go to the second elevator, and take it to FLOOR 20F... However, it will only take you up to 19F, at which time, your transceiver will come alive. **140.27** Gray Fox: Snake! Snake! ...It's me, Gray Fox. Snake: Fox! Gray Fox: You should have listened to my warnings, Snake. Now I'm afraid our friendship is at an end. That elevator is going to be your tomb. Snake: What?! Gray Fox: Do you hear that sound? That's a assassination team. They specialize in confined spaces... I'm sure you'll put up a good fight. Snake: The ceiling---!! Gray Fox: It was nice talking to you one last time, Snake... Over and out. Then the next boss appears... Four Horsemen: We are the Four Horsemen, a top-secret assassination squad. We get our orders directly from the President. Consider this an honor... we only fry the big fish! **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: The Four Horsemen... A assassination squad assembled from former SAS, GSG9, and UDT, specializing in enclosed spaces. They're all seasoned vetrans who'll kill a man without blinking an eye. You'd be crazy to try and take 'em all on at once. Best to pick 'em off one by one instead...Over and out. BOSS 5: FOUR HORSEMEN --------------------- The Four Horsemen is a simple to beat boss if you know how. Equip your Body Armor and your Sub Machine Gun. In the elevator, start off below the yellow line, off to the side. Now only the top one and the one to the far side will hop down at once. Concentrate on the one to the side. Then it's one on one. Kill the one on top, then move over. Kill the other side one, then go above the yellow line and kill the last one. Just be sure to keep your eye on your life and refill when needed, but make sure to re-equip your Armor. Beating The Four Horsemen gets you [Card 7], but breaks the elevator. So head to the first elevator, and take it to FLOOR 10F. From there, blow the west wall with a Plastic Explosive and go west, avoid the sensor traps, and open the door (7). Once again, equip the Body Armor and the Sub Machine Gun. As you go through the door, guards will notice you and the race will be on. Keep running up the stairs, shooting guards along the way. On FLOOR 13F there will be some breakable barriers to slow you down. FLOOR 16F has 2 [Ammo] packs, FLOOR 17F has a couple of pit traps, and FLOOR 19F has another [Ammo]. On FLOOR 20F, open the door (7). Enter the room (Red), there's a child inside. Kid: The one-eyed man is like our daddy. He doesn't like grown-ups. Go east, south, then enter the door (Blue). Pick up the [3 Ammo Packs]. Go north, then east, avoiding cameras and guards. Enter the room (Blue). There's another child inside. Kid: That veranda was made for parachute jumps. But if you had a hang glider... I bet you could jump even farther! Exit the room, go north, then west. You'll get a call. **140.00** #####: It's me. Your number one fan. You can only jump from there when the wind's blowing north. It normally blows south, but sometimes it changes, just for an instant. That's your chance. Don't miss it. Keep up the good work. Equip your Gas Mask, and throw a Gas Grenade, and if the arrow points north, you're ready. But Snake won't jump, he's too nervous. Equip your Cigarettes to calm his nerves, then equip the Hang Glider to make the jump. --------------------------------------------- | Walkthrough Part 7: Rescuing Dr. Kio Marv | --------------------------------------------- Now that you're across the crevice, go west, and through the door (7). You'll meet the next boss. Jungle Evil: I've been waiting for you, Snake! I am Jungle Evil, the undisputed master of the jungle ambush. Let's see whether you're a real snake or not! **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Jungle Evil... A former hunter from Rex Command. He's an expert in jungle guerilla combat. In the jungle, he's more beast than man. They say he wiped out two entire companies on his own in Vietnam and Yemen...Over and out. BOSS 6: JUNGLE EVIL ------------------- Jungle Evil's quite easy. Equip your Body Armor and Grenades. Wait for him to appear (it's kinda random) and throw a grenade in his general direction. The splash damage should hit him easily. Repeat until he's dead. There's also a chance that if you stay at the bottom of the screen (right up against the fence), he'll also appear at the bottom of the fence (most of the time not being able to shoot forward!). Either way, keep shooting at him and he'll be dead in no time. Killing Jungle Evil gets you [Card 8]. Go through the door (8) in the northwest corner of the boss area, and enter the building (8). Avoid the cameras by ducking under the tables and go north (8). Go west (Blue) and pick up the [Egg], then go along the north path east, then east, and pick up another [Egg]. Exit west through the door (7), and go south (8), then south again (8). **Once outside the building, contact Jacobsen. **140.40** Jacobsen: From what you're telling me, I can tell it's some kind of egg. Either a reptile egg or a bird egg... Which reminds me. When you're boiling an egg, you've got to time it just right, so that it doesn't burst on you...Over and out. Go south (8), south, south (7), east, east, then east. By now one of the eggs would have hatched. **Contact Jacobsen. **140.40** Jacobsen: That's probably a type of boa. It's nocturnal and has a gentle disposition. But it's a snake, and snakes love to eat. It'll eat just about anything. I bet it'd love to eat your rations. Better get rid of it quick. Use the [Circle] button to let it go. When the snake reaches the egg's shell, let it go...Over and out. So, go into your inventory, and the snake probably is hatched. Before it gets to your Rations and eats them, get rid of it by pressing space when it moves over its eggshell. Now your rations are safe. Collect [4 Ammo Packs] from the first truck and a [Grenade], a [Gas Grenade] and a [Ration B1] from the second truck. Avoiding the sensor traps, go east, then east again. That truck contains 3 soldiers and a [RATION B1]. Go north (into the compound), then west. Enter the shed (8) and talk to the kids inside. Kid: They keep the animals in a room northwest of here. Kid: I hear owls at night... It's so scary. I can't sleep. Kid: Know what? At night, they turn off the power. So all the laser fences get turned off, too. Then we get to play inside, as long as the grown-ups don't catch us. Exit the shed, and go east, east, north, and north. Take the [Rations B1]. Go south, south, and west. **Contact Jacobsen again. **140.40** Jacobsen: That's a Zanzibar wood owl. As I'm sure you know, owls are nocturnal hunters. There are about 120 species found throughout the world. The Zanzibar wood owl is about 20 centimeters long and is found primarily in Central Asia. It lays white eggs every 2 to 7 days. Incubation is carried out exclusively by the female. With genetic modifications, the eggs can hatch in a few days. Because that owl is nocturnal and because it always hoots right after sunset, people in Zanzibar Land use it to tell the time. In fact, they rely on the owl so much that if one of them hoots during the day, people will think it's nighttime...Over and out. Equip the Owl. Soon it will hoot, and the guard will open the laser fence. Kill the guard. **If you contact Holly inside the Detention Camp, here's her response: **140.76** Holly: Not even I can tell you about the prison. Sorry! ...See ya. Go up the eastern stairs, go east. Enter the door (Red), and pick up the [Ammo], [Grenade] and [Plastic Explosive]. Exit the building, go west, down the stairs, east, north, and enter the building there (Blue). There are 2 kids inside. Kid: I want chocolate! Mister, do you have a B1 ration? B1 rations have chocolate in them. Kid: The one-eyed man is like our daddy. He doesn't like grown-ups. Exit the building and go south, west, go up the western stairs, then west again, and into the building (Red). There's a kid inside. Kid: There's lots of rats in jail. They steal all kinds of things and take them back to their nests. The grown-ups put out sulphuric acid to try and get rid of them. Exit the building, go north, north, pick up the [Ration B1] and enter the door (Blue). Once in the building, being careful of the sweeper, go south, around the wall, north, and through the door (Red). Go east, and into the building (8). Take out the guards, and take the elevator to FLOOR B3. As you exit the elevator, you'll get a call. **140.66** #####: It's me... your number one fan. Snake, watch yourself. You've got company - Night Fright, the last surviving member of the Whispers... You know, the legendary guerilla unit. Snake: Night Fright... #####: He's wearing a state-of-the-art camouflage suit that makes him practically invisible. Not only that, he'll attack you with a gun that's completely silent. No one has ever seen his face. You know what you have to do, right?? Snake: Lucky me... I've got a fan club. #####: Use your ears, Snake! ...Over and out. **Seems that Deepthroat hacked into Campbell's frequency. Call Campbell. **140.66** Campbell: I'm changing my frequency. I'm sending the new frequency by tap tap code. You'll have to decipher it...Over and out. Once again, no manual with Subsistence. Campbell's new frequency is 140.24. **If you contact Campbell during the fight, here's his response: **140.24** Campbell: Listen to his foosteps. Use them to figure out where he is. There are four types of floors in there, and four kinds of footstep sounds. When the enemy shoots at you, aim for the muzzle flash. He's bound to bethere...Over and out. **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Night Fright? Snake, did you just say Night Fright?! You have no idea how much trouble you're in. He's the las surviving member of the Whispers, a legendary guerilla unit. In a jungle fight, he even puts the Green Berets to shame. He's got the latest in camo technology. You can't see him at all. In fact, NOBODY's ever seen him. And that includes me! That's why they call hime the Phantom Assassin. Snake, I think your luck might have just run out...Over and out. BOSS 7: NIGHT FRIGHT -------------------- Equip your Body Armor and the Sub Machine Gun. Each of the four screens have different sound-emitting floors so you can hear which screen Night Fright is on. When you see Night Sight shoot, shoot where the shots come from, and keep shooting. If you catch him against a wall, he won't have much places to run and keep shooting. So keep shooting, he'll keep getting stunned and stay in one place. Go into the door (8) in the northeast screen. **Before you touch those puddles of sulpheric acid, contact Miller. **140.38** Master Miller: How to deal with sulphuric acid? Hmm... let's see... You could neutralize it if you had something with caustic soda in it... I got it! ...You got any chocolate on you? That ought to do the trick. Sulphuric acid reacts with the sugar in the chocolate to produce carbon and a rubbery substance, C12H22O11... table sugar. See if you can find some chocolate...Over and out. **If you contact Miller again, he gives this response. **140.38** Master Miller: You know, I'll bet you could find some chocolate in a ration. Take a look inside your B1 unit. It's got chocalate in it. Use it to react with the sulphuric acid. ...Over and out. Equip your Ration B1 before you go over the pools of sulpheric acid. It'll dilute them. Once you get to the door, you'll find none of your ID Cards work, and Night Fright neglected to give you anything, so you'll have to look for it. Exit the room and come back again. You'll should get a call. **140.00** #####: You should be able to get card 9 from Jungle Evil! Snake: Don't you mean card 8? He only had card 8. #####: No, he was in charge of cards 8 AND 9. He must have dropped it somewhere. Check the area he was in! The card should be there. Keep up the good work. Go back to the Jungle Evil boss area and get the [Card 9] hidden behind the crates in the northeast screen. Now go all the way back and enter that door (9). Madnar and Marv are inside. Dr. Madnar: Ah! ...Snake, you're too late. He's alrady past away. His heart couldn't take it anymore. Snake: What... what's that bruise on his neck?! Dr. Madnar: Not to worry, Snake. Marv may be dead, but the plans for OILIX are safe. Marv was a very careful man. He left behind a copy of the plans in case of emergency. He had a reputation as a video game enthusiast. He even used to have then shipped to him from the West every month. A few days ago, he hid some microfilm in the circuit board of one of his game cartridges. It was an MSX cartridge, made by a Japanese company named Konami. Snake: MSX... That's the world's best-selling brand of computer, isn't it? Dr. Madnar: Then, he hid the cartridge inside that locker. Snake: Where's the key? Dr. Madnar: I don't know... I couldn't get it out of him. I mean... He never told me! You will recieve an urgent call from Holly. **140.76** Holly: Snake! You're in danger!! Snake: Holly! What's wrong? Holly: Snake, it's Madnar... I thought there was something strange about him, so I had the Agency check him out. After he was recued from Outer Heaven... apparently things didn't go well for him. His radical theories were rejected in the West. He was dismissed as a madman and shut out from the scientific community. And as time went on... he was forgotten. Madnar wasn't exactly happy with the scientific community either. He must have been searching for some way to get back at them. ...That's when Zanzibar Land talked him into becoming a double agent. He'd use his status as a scientist to feed technological secrets from East and West to Zanzibar Land... Snake: and, Dr. Marv's disappearance...? Holly: Right. The timing is too pefect. Madnar must have given them every detail of Marv's itinerary in the U.S. Madnar was after OILIX all along. That's why he wanted to go to America with Marv. Dr. Madnar: I'm afraid you've got me, Snake. I gave up everything to be a part of your world... Even the country I was born and raised in... But your world had nothing but contempt and abuse for me. I just wanted... to finish Metal Gear! It is the culmination of all my life's work in robotechnology. But your politicians were only interested in nonsense like SDI, NEDW, and brain bombs! I passed on the scientific secrets of the East and the West to Zanzibar Land... And in return, they aided me in my efforts to improve Metal Gear. Snake: Madnar, did you kill Dr. Marv? Dr. Marv: ...Yes! He would not share the secret of OILIX with me! And it was I who caused Gustava's death on the bridg eby contacting Fox from the sewer! Snake: The bathroomo break...! Dr. Madnar: Snake, I know Marv - no, Gustava - game you the key to the locker! Give it to me!! BOSS 8: DR. DRAGO PETROVICH MADNAR ---------------------------------- Easy boss. Equip the RC Missiles, Rations, and keep hitting him from behind. Nuff said. ------------------------------------------ | Walkthrough Part 8: The Final Conflict | ------------------------------------------ You have to head back to the Zanzibar Complex one more time. As you exit the room, you'll get a call from Campbell. **140.24** Campbell: Gustava's brooch seems to be made out of a memory alloy. Try changing the temperature of the brooch...Over and out. Head back to the entrance to Jungle Evil's boss area. Equip the Cardboard Box, and get on the conveyor. You are now at the Tower Building. Exit the building, through the door (Blue) at the bottom of the spiral. Once again, go through the desert and the forest to the Zanzibar Complex. Once inside, go east, south (Red), east, north (Red), and east (9). Inside is the [Green ID Card] which opens up ID 7, 8 and 9 doors. Go west (Green), north (Red), east, and down the dust chute. Go to the elevator, take it to FLOOR 2F, and then take the right elevator to FLOOR 4F. Go west (Blue), north, north, west, south, south, east (Red), south (Blue), south (Red), east (Red), north, east (Blue), east, then east (Red) into the freezer. Wait for the brooch to turn to the key, then exit, go south, east, into the ladies bathroom, and down the elevator to FLOOR B3. Go north (Blue), north, west, north, east, north (Blue), north 5 times, and into the elevator. Take the elevator up to FLOOR 1F, go west, west, west, west, and south (Blue). Back in the Tower Building, go east, east, then north through the door (Green). Equip the Cardboard Box, and hop onto the conveyor. Make your way back to Marv's containment cell, and open the locker with the (Brooch). Inside the locker, crawl into the opening, but don't touch the rodents. Contact Jacobsen. **140.40** Jacobsen: Well, that sounds like the highly poisonous Zanzibar hamster. There are 1,183 different species of mice in the world. Hamsters are rodents, belonging to the mouse family. They grow to be about 25 to 28cm long, and are found across northern Eurasia, and in Iraq. That variety was probably bred to be a house pet. House mice are very cautious creatures. They won't come out of their nests with humans around. Their favorite food is cheese... That's it! Cheese! You can use cheese as bait! Do you have any on you? Too bad you're not here. I just ordered a pizza myself...Over and out. **If you contact Miller now, here's his response: **140.38** Master Miller: Cheese, huh... You probably already know this, but the B3 ration has cheese in it. Just the thing to attract rats, don't you think? By the way, I know a restaurant that serves a killer cheese fondue... I'll have to take you there sometime...Over and out. So equip your Handgun and Ration B3. Shoot the rodents as they come out of the hole. When they're all dead, crawl north, and pick up the [Cartridge]. Crawl back south, then out of the locker. Madnar will talk to you. Dr. Madnar: S... Snake... Snake... he'll never let you get away. He'll use it... he'll use Metal Gear. I have one last gift... for my daughter Ellen... I'll tell you... how to destroy it. Snake: How to destroy the new Metal Gear? Dr. Madnar: Try as I might, I could not reconcile East and West in my heart of hearts. But Ellen is different, Snake... you must do this for Ellen, the daughter I left behind. Snake: How do I destroy Metal Gear? Dr. Madnar: The armor is thinnest on the legs... Use grenades on the legs. It is the only way... Just then a trap door will open up below you. When you land, Fox will speak. Gray Fox: The final delusion of a senile old man. There's no way to destroy this Metal Gear, Snake! Snake: Fox!! ...Where are you? Gray Fox: Come and find out, Snake. Go through the front door! In the east door (Red) are [3 Grenades] and the south door (Red) has 2 [Ammo] packs and a [Ration B2]. Enter the north door (Blue). Gray Fox: Snake...I'm not the same as I used to be. And neither is Metal Gear. I'll show you what fear really is. Prepare to taste defeat! BOSS 9: METAL GEAR D -------------------- Metal Gear D is quite tricky at first, but follows a basic pattern. At all times, stay out of it's way. If you get stomped on, you die instantly. Get into this pattern: If it's moving down, move up along the wall, when it starts shooting the vulcan cannon, move down quickly (as it moves up), throw a grenade at its leg, then retreat to the top corner (either side), just as it shoots its missiles at you, they should hit the wall instead. Then it'll advance again while you're already in the top corner. Repeat until Metal Gear D is destroyed. Gray Fox: The cartridge is mine, Snake! ...Burn in hell! You're on fire! Campbell will call you. **140.24** Campbell: Snake! Your Items are on fire! Throw away all your weapons and equipment! Quickly! Use the [Circle] button! So go through your entire inventory, discarding everything, even if it doesn't look like it's on fire. Go south, then west. Snake: Where am I? Gray Fox: The perfect ring for the final battle. It's been a while, Snake... Here we are, back in the minefield... What say we go at it hand to hand! Snake: A chicken fight? Gray Fox: The two greatest rivals in FOXHOUND... I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Snake: Fox! I'll beat some sense back into you! Gray Fox: Snake! It's time for you to learn why they call me Fox! Kasler will message you. **140.93** Kasler: Gray Fox... Real name, Frank Jaeger. Former member of FOXHOUND. He was the last man to hold the tile of Fox in the Big Boss era. Decorated five times... Snake: Yeah, I know all about how good he is... Better than anyone else. I fought with him. He's a cold-blooded hunter. He never lets his prey escape. Everybody in the unit respected him. Looked up to him. Kasler: That may be, Snake... but do you know about his past? It might help you out... 10 years ago, we in the mercenary trade knew him as Hunter. That's what Jaeger means in German. Back then, he was involved with some woman from the Eastern bloc. He tried to get her to come over the fence, but it all fell through. Apparently the West wasn't interested in taking her. That's when Frank started to hate the politicos. Snake: What was the woman's name?! Kasler: She was an Olympic skater. Name was Gustava Heffner... Real fine woman. Movie-star type. Snake: G... Gustava...Heffner?! Kasler: Snake! If you manage to beat Fox... I'll tell everyone that Solid Snake is the greatest mercenary in the world. ...Over and out. BOSS 10: GRAY FOX ------------------ First of all I have to mention that the room is outlined in mines, so be careful. Everytime Fox attacks, he throws three punches, making him an easy target. The best strategy I found is NOT to play chicken. Stay in one general spot, and when Fox gets close, punch him. If you hit him, he'll retreat and keep running. If he starts punching, just get out of his range and he'll start circling you again. Keep hitting him as he goes by. Gray Fox: Snake... Looks like it's finally time for me to give up the title of "Fox". Snake: Fox...Why? Gray Fox: I'm not like you, Snake... My situation is more... complicated. Big Boss might have been just another CO to you, but he saved my life - twice. This was way before I joined the unit. The first time, I was a half-white living in Vietnam... It was after the war, and half-whites were being sent into forced labor camps. He saved me from that living hell. Just like he saved all the children here... The second time was in Mozambique. I was being tortured as a RENAMO soldier, and he saved me again. They'd cut off my ears and my nose... Snake: And this is your idea of paying him back?! Gray Fox: No, you've got it all wrong. I hate war. Just like all the kids here. But... I need it. War is all we know. We can't make it in the normal world. We need the battlefield to survive. Big Boss gives us a place to fight. Conflict is in our blood. We can't deny it. I was born on the battlefield... And I'll die on the battlefield. All I can do is fight, Snake... all I can do is fight. Making people happy... making a woman happy... is something I could never do. Snake: You mean... Gray Fox: Guess I was always fated to die in action. Snake: Rest easy, Fox. I swear I won't turn out like you. Gray Fox: Won't turn out like me... I'll have to remember that. ...Fight hard, Snake. ...Don't let your fans down. Snake: My fans?! ...It was you, wasn't it? ...You wer ethe voice on the radio! Gray Fox: Call it payback for being so selfish... See you on the other side, Snake. Snake: You won't be alone, Frank. Gustava is waiting for you. Gray Fox: ...Gustava... ...Thank you... Snake... Pick up the [Cartridge]. You hear a voice... ?????: Over here, Snake! The west door opens, go through. ?????: Over here, Snake! The north door opens, go through. You will then see Big Boss! Snake: Big Boss... you're alive?! Big Boss: Snake... Welcome to Zanzibar Land... I knew you'd come back to me. Snake: I came to get rid of the nightmares I've been having for the past three years. Big Boss: The nightmares? They never go away, Snake. Once you've been on the battlefield, tasted the exhilaration, the tension... it all becomes part of you. Once you've awakened the warrior within... it never sleeps again. You crave ever bigger tensions, ever bigger thrills. As a mercenary, I'd think you would have realized that by now. You care nothing for power, or money, or even sex. The only thing that satisfies your cravings... is WAR! All I've done is give you a place for it. I've given you a reason to live. Snake: I would have never made you for such a hypocrite, Big Boss... Big Boss: You saw those children, didn't you? Every one is a victim of a war somewhere in the world. And they'll make fine soldiers in the next war. Start a war, fan its flames, create victims... Then save them, train them... And feed them back onto the battlefield. It's a perfectly logical system. In this world of ours, conflict never ends. And neither does our purpose... our raison d'etre. Snake: So there's plenty of job opportunities... Is that what you're trying to say? Big Boss: On the battlefield, you and I are valuable commodities. But back "home", we're nothing but dead weight. If we're lucky we might get the attention of some two-bit journalist from a chaep tabloid. You and I are doomed to remain here until we die like dogs on the battlefield. Snake: ...I've only got one fight left. To free myself of your grip, to rid myself of these nightmares... Big Boss, I will defeat you! Big Boss; It doesn't matter who wins here. Our fight will continue. The loser will be liberated from the battlefield, and the winner will remain. And the survivor will live out the rest of his days as a soldier. Snake: It doesn't have to be that way. I'm not like you. I love life! Big Boss: Very well, Snake. I'll release you from your sufferibng. As your former commander, I'll do you one last favor... and put you out of your misery. Snake: I don't need any more favors from you! Big Boss: Really?... And just how do you expect to beat me in your condition? With no weapon? Snake: Never give up. Fight until the end. Always believe you will succeed, even when the odds are against you. ...Those are your words. Big Boss: Even I make mistakes from time to time. Snake! This will be our final battle... Let's end this once and for all! **If you contact Kasler during the fight, here's his response: **140.93** Kasler: Big Boss... There's not a mercenary in the world who hasn't heard of him. He's a like a god, a living legend. Snake: I already know all that! I need new information! Kasler: OK, OK... but this is only a rumor, understand? Three years ago, when Outer Heaven fell, Big Boss was seriously wounded. He almost died... He lost both hands, both feet, his right eye, and his right ear. But somehow... he survived. Then an Eastern bloc despot took an interest in him. Probably couldn't resist getting his hands on a soldier of Big Boss's caliber. They decided to use Big Boss as a guinea pig for Madnar's Snatcher project. I don't know the details, but apparently it involved turning him into a cyborg. Now he's half man and half machine. Hard to believe, I know. But if it's true, Snake, you're way out of you're league. None of techniques is going to do so much as put a scratch on him. Snake... give it up... There's no way you can win this time... Over and out. **If you contact Campbell during the fight, here's his response: **140.24** Campbell: Snake! Big Boss is no longer your CO! He's just another madman! Got that? Put aside your personal feelings. Stay focused! You can't afford to lose this battle! There's nothing more we can do for you. The whole world is counting on you, Snake! Good luck! ...Over and out. **If you contact Miller during the fight, here's his response: **140.38** Master Miller: Snake, that guy is a monster. You can't beat him with just your fists. Use your head! Isn't there something you can use as a weapon? BOSS 11: BIG BOSS ----------------- Before you even think about fighting Big Boss you must equip yourself. Pick up the 3 [Rations B1] from the outer perimiter. Enter the second door on the top and grab [Card 6], then the second door on the bottom (6) to grab [Card 1]. Next, the fourth door on the top (1) to grab [Card 2], then the first door on the top (2), which has [Card 3] in the hole. Next, the third door on the bottom (3), for [Card 4], then the fourth door on the bottom (4) for the [Lighter]. Go to the third top door (4) next for [Card 5], then finally the first door on the bottom (5). You have have to use a Ration B1 to dilite the acid and get the [Spray]. To fight Big Boss, equip the Spray and the Lighter to create a flamethrower. Simply avoid his shots and use the flame thrower on him. Use the crates in the northeast corner to avoid his shots and use the attack him through the crates (the flamethrower goes through). He'll be dead before long. Big Boss: Snake!! It's not over yet... It's not... over... yet... It's not... over... yet... Snake... Sn... a... The escape door opens. Go through it, as you walk north, Holly will sneak up behind you. Holly: Freeze! It's OK! It's ME, Snake. Snake: Holly?! Holly: Did I scare you? Snake: Whew... that was a close one. So... what's going on? What are you doing here? Holly: You said it yourself. Stay alive, and we'll meet again sometime. Snake: ...So I did. Holly: Ugh... that uniform is much to tight in the chest... Ahh, I feel much better now. Here, I stole this gun from the enemy. You can have it. Snake: Yeah... I can see how it'd be hard for a woman to use. Thanks. Holly: ...So it's all over now. Right, Snake? Snake: No... I still have one more job to do. Holly: ...You can't be serious... Snake: I'm dead serious, Holly. Holly: Snake... no, you can't... Snake: ...Heh heh heh. ...You want me to call you a cab? Holly: ...Oh my god... That wasn't funny, Snake! **140.00** Snake: This is Snake. Come in, Charlie. Pilot: This is Charlie. Go ahead, Snake... Snake: I've got the cartridge. I'm ready to return to base. Making my way to the rendezvous point now! Pilot: Roger that. I'll meet you there. ...Any passengers? Snake: ...Just one. Blond, with a cute face. Pilot: Sounds like a dream... Over and out. Snake: Holly, we've got to run as fast as we can to the rendezvous point. Think you can keep up? Holly: ...Is that a proposition, Snake? Snake: I'll take that as a yes. Go north 5 times, pick up the [Ration B1], then north, and north again. Take the elevator to FLOOR 1F. Pick up the [Ration B1] and run east, north, north, north, north. Snake will call Charlie. **140.00** Snake: What the hell is taking you so long? We're going to be here till Christmas! Pilot: This is Charlie. I'm 10 kilometers from the rendezvous point. Hold tight a little longer! Over and out... Snake: Hurry!! Keep shooting guards as they come onto the screen. Snake: Damn it!! I'm out of ammo! Holly: Snake!! The soldiers will surround you and Holly. Just at the last minute, gunfire hails down from above, descimating the soldiers. You hear the helicopter approach. Holly: It's the chopper... We're saved! **140.00** Snake: Charlie... you're late! Pilot: Sorry, man. I didn't want to disturb you two lovebirds. Snake: Think we'll be home in time for Christmas? Holly: We'll be home in time for dinner, Snake. Snake: Let's go then... I'm looking forward to Christmas dinner. I'm sick of these rations. The helicopter lifts off, and flies off into the sunset. The ending credits roll. --------- | Staff | --------- ORIGINAL STAFF PORTING STAFF GAME PROGRAMMING ASPECT Isao Akada Toshinari Oka PROGRAM Hiroyuki Fukui Masaki Takeda SCENARIO DESIGN Hideo Kojima Sessyou Kagawa GRAPHIC DESIGN SOUND Shuko Fukui Kojiro Mikusa Tomohiro Hishio Yoshitaka Ju Tae Yaru Yoshihiko Ohta LINE PRODUCER Yukio Sato MECHANICAL DESIGN Tomohiro Hishio KONAMI SOUND EFFECT SOUND Kazuhiko Uehara Kazundri Hideya Ryoji Makimura MUSIC COMPOSE Masahiro Ikariko PROGRAM Mutsuhiko Izumi Masayuki Kobatashi Yuko Kurahashi Konio Takabe Tomoya Kurahashi Yuki Korekada Tomoya Tomita Kazuhiko Uehara DESIGN Yuji Takehouchi Juntaro Saito Tsuyoshi Sekito LOCALIZATION LOGO DESIGN Schedule Management Haoki Satoh Satoshi Hirano MODELING SUPERVISION Tomohiro Hishio Toshikazu Matsuhara ILLUSTRATION PRODUCER Yoshiyuki Takani Hideo Kojima SPECIAL THANKS PRESENTED BY Mr. Wajiki Konami 2006 Mr. Inque Parapin Harada Yumiko Hashioka GAME DESIGN Hideo Kojima PRESENTED BY Konami 1990 ------------ | Epilogue | ------------ Campbell: Good work, Snake. Have you thought about... coming back to the unit? Snake: ...The nightmares have stopped. I'm a free man now. Campbell: I see... that's too bad. By the way, about that cartridge... Is it really the one Dr. Marv hid his plans in? Holly: Why don't we open it and find out? Snake: No need for that. The cartridge I brought back is Dr. Marv's, no question about it. Just put it in the MSX. Campbell: All right... here goes. Holly: ...Huh? ...Nothing's happening. Campbell: What on earth... Of course! Snake was right! There's no doubt about it - this is Dr. Marv's cartridge! Holly: What are you talking about? ...I don't see anything. Snake: Here, look closer... Dr. Marv left his signature on it... Right here. It says "Kio Marv." Holly: I see it now! ...It's written backwards. Campbell: This is going to do the world a lot of good... Snake: Dr. Marv's last performance. Holly: He really loved games, didn't he? From the bottom of his heart. Campbell: Dr. Marv was entangled in a pointless political game... and it cost him his life. Holly: But... the game he left behind will save us all. Right, Snake? Snake? ...Where'd he go? Colonel, Snake's gone! Campbell: ...Snake? ...Where's he off to now? Holly: Snake! SNAKE! ...He promised to take me out to dinner. How low can you get? -------- | Cast | -------- The casting credits will roll. Roy Campbell Holly White George Kasler Drago Petrovich Madnar Johan Jacobsen Master Miller Kio Marv Frank Jaeger - Grey Fox Gustava Heffner Big Boss Hind D Metal Gear D AND Solid Snake ============================================================================== ******************************** **09. Spoiler Free Walkthrough** ******************************** Spoiler Free Part 1: Penetrating the Zanzibar Complex ----------------------------------------------------- -North, east, [Ration B1] from truck, north, crawl through fence, south, west, west, north, crawl through fence, east, crawl through fence, north, east, [Handgun] from truck, crawl north into vent -[Ammo] from vent, northeast Spoiler Free Part 2: Zanzibar Complex ------------------------------------- -East, down stairs, west, north, west, up stairs, east, north, west, take elevator to FLOOR 2F -East, [Card 1] from room, north, [Binoculars] from room (1), [Ration B2], west, south, take elevator to FLOOR 3F -South (1), south, east through top door (1), east, north, west (1) -Fight Boss 1: Black Ninja -[Card 2], north (2), [Gas Mask] from room (1), north, north, east, [Mine Detector] from room (2), west, down dust chute to FLOOR B2 -South (1), south, south, west, north (1), take elevator to FLOOR F2 -West, [Silencer] from room (2), east, take elevator to FLOOR F1 -East, south, west, down stairs, west, north, north, north (2) -Follow Green Beret west, north Spoiler Free Part 3: The Forest, Desert, and Swamp -------------------------------------------------- -Follow Green Beret through the forest to a building, enter building (2), call 140.82 -Exit building (2), south, south, east, east, east (at southern path). -In the swamp, go south, west, east, east (on northern path), onto island, north, north, enter building (2), north (2) -Fight Boss 2: Running Man -[Card 3], back to Zanzibar Complex, south (3), south, [Stingers] from room (3), north, north (3), east, south (2), east, north (3), [Red ID Card], south (Red), west, north (Red), west, north -East, north, east, north, equip Mine Detector, north, north, 2 [Ammo] packs from south truck, [Ration B1] from north truck, north, north, north. -Fight Boss 3: Hind D -North, north, east, [Cardboard Box] from truck, equip Cardboard Box, get on conveyor Spoiler Free Part 4: Tower Building ----------------------------------- -North, [Ration B2] in crawlspace, go around spiral to second elevator, take to FLOOR B1 -South, west, 2 [Ammo] packs from first room (Red), 2 [Plastic Explosives] from second room (Red), west, north, east, enter door (Red), bomb east wall, east. -[Card 4], west, south, east, east, north, take elevator to FLOOR 1F -Take first elevator to FLOOR 10F, east, bomb south wall, bomb southwest corner, south east, bomb wall, [Ration B2] [Ammo] [Plastic Explosive] from room (Red), west, 3 [Grenades] from room (4), east, west, north, east, west, take elevator to FLOOR 1F -Go to center of spiral, [Ration B3] from crawlspace, take third elevator to FLOOR 30F -Fight Boss 4: Red Blaster -East, south, up stairs to FLOOR 31F, bomb north wall, north. equip Ration B2, go to pigeon when it lands -Call 140.51, call 140.82, go back to elevator, take elevator to FLOOR 1F, exit south of building (4) -Back to Zanzibar Complex Spoiler Free Part 5: Gustava ---------------------------- -Go to elevator, take elevator to FLOOR 3F, south (Red), south, east through top door (Red), east, north, north (4), [Gas Grenade], south (4), south, west, west (Red), east through bottom door (Red), east, north, north (4), north (4), north (Red), [Night-Vision Goggles], back to elevator -West (4), northeast door (4), north (Red), east (Red) south (Red), [Mouse], north (Red), west (Red), south (Red), south (Red), northwest door (Red), north (Red), [Mouse], south (Red), south (Red), [Ration B3] from middle room (4), south, [RC Missiles] from room (Red), west, [Mines] from room, back to elevator, take elevator to FLOOR 4F -West (4), north, north, west, south, south, east (Red), south (4), equip Night-Vision Goggles, crawl through hole, south (Red), east (Red), north, east (4), east, [Ration B2] [Ration B3] from room, south, east, wait for soldier to enter ladies bathroom, enter bathroom -Take elevator to FLOOR B3, north, [Ammo], north, north, west, north, west, take elevator to FLOOR 1F -[Card 5], take elevator to FLOOR B3, east, east, north (5), north, north, north, north take elevator to FLOOR 1F, equip mine detector, west, west, north, approach bridge Spoiler Free Part 6: Tower Building Escape ------------------------------------------ -[Card 6] [Brooch], south, [3 Mines] from truck, east, [RC Missile] [Gas Grenade] from first truck, [3 Ammo Packs] from second truck, [2 Grenades] from third truck, [Ration B1] [Plastic Bomb] from fourth truck, west, south (6), south, south, east, east again, south (4). -Back to Zanzibar Complex. -East, south (Red), east, north, (Red), west (6), [Blue Card], east (Blue), north (Red), east, down dust chute to FLOOR B2 -South (Red), south, south, west, north (Red), take elevator to FLOOR B1 -North, 2 [Ammo] packs from northwest room (Red), south, south (Red), 2 [Plastic Explosives] from west room (Blue), 3 [Ammo] packs from east room, east, [Sub Machine Gun] from south room (Red), 2 [Grenades] in north room (Blue), north, 2 [RC Missiles] from south room (Red), [Stingers] 2 [Ammo] packs from north room (Blue), north, [Body Armor] from room -South, south, west, west (Blue), [Ammo], 2 [Grenades] from room (Blue), north, [Ammo], [Mouse] [Oxygen Tank] from room (Blue), north, 2 [Gas Grenades] from west room (Blue), [Camouflage Mat] from east room (Blue), south, south, east, take elevator to FLOOR 4F -West (Blue), north, east, north (Blue), south, south, east (Red), equip IR Goggles, north, [Pills] from room (Blue), south, south (Red), hide under bench, wait for guard to leaves and Brooch to change shape, north (Red), west (Red), north, north, west, [Cassette] in fourth locker on the top (Brooch), east, down dust chute to FLOOR B2 -South (Red), south, south, west, north (Red), take elevator to FLOOR 2F, take right elevator to FLOOR 1F -East, south, west, down stairs, east, south, east, north (Blue), equip Cassette, north, north, kill guard, [Hang Glider] from room (Blue), go to swamp, through swamp to island, south (Blue), equip Cardboard Box, get on conveyor to Tower Building, take second elevator to FLOOR 20F -Fight Boss 5: Four Horsemen -[Card 7], take first elevator to FLOOR 10F, bomb west wall, south (7), equip Body Armor and Sub Machine Gun, go up spiral stairs, 2 [Ammo] packs on FLOOR 16F, [Ammo] on FLOOR 19F, enter FLOOR 20F (7) -East, south, 3 [Ammo] packs from room (Blue), north, east, north, west, equip Gas Mask, throw Gas Grenade, when arrow points north, equip Cigarettes, equip Hang Glider, north Spoiler Free Part 7: Rescuing Dr. Kio Marv ------------------------------------------ -West, north (7) -Fight Boss 6: Jungle Evil -[Card 8], North (8), north (8), north (8), west, [Egg], east, east, [Egg], west (7), south (8), south (8), south (8), south, south (7), east, east, east, kill snake that appears in inventory by pressing space when it moves over the eggshell -4 [Ammo] packs from first truck, [Grenade] [Gas Grenade] [Ration B1] from second truck, east, east, [Ration B3] (and soldiers) from truck, north -East, east, north, north, [Ration B1], south, south, west, equip Owl, up east stairs, east, [Ammo] [Grenade] [Plastic Explosive] from building, west, down stairs, up west stairs, west, north, north, [Ration B1], west (Blue), south, north, north (Red), east, north (8), take elevator to FLOOR B1, call 140.66, call 140.24 -Fight Boss 7: Night Fright -Back to Predator boss area, [Card 9] from northeast screen, back to Night Sight boss area, north (8), equip Ration B1, north (9) -Fight Boss 8: Dr. Drago Petrovich Madnar Spoiler Free Part 8: The Final Conflict --------------------------------------- -Back to before Jungle Evil boss area, equip Cardboard Box, get on conveyor to Tower Building, back to Zanzibar Complex -East, south (Red), east, north (Red), east (9), [Green Card], west (Green), north (Red), east, down dust chute to FLOOR B2 -South (Red), south, south, west, north (Red), take elevator to FLOOR 2F, take right elevator to FLOOR 4F -West (Blue), north, north, west, south, south, east (Red), south (Blue), south (Red), east, north, east (Blue), east, east (Red), wait for Brooch to change shape, east (Red), south, east, into ladies lavatory, take elevator to FLOOR B3 -North (Blue), north, west, north, east, north (Blue), north, north, north, north, north, take elevator to FLOOR F1, go west, west, west, west, south (Blue), east, east, north (Green). Equip Cardboard Box, get on conveyor -Back to Night Sight boss area, north (Green), north (Green), enter locker (Brooch), crawl in and out of hole, equip Ration B3, shoot rodents, enter hole, [Cartridge], exit locker -3 [Grenades] from east room (Red), 2 [Ammo] packs [Ration B2] from south room (Red), north (Blue) -Fight Boss 9: Metal Gear D -Discard all of your inventory and weapons by pressing space over everything, south, west -Fight Boss 10: Gray Fox -[Cartridge], west, north, 3 [Rations B1] from the outer perimiter, [Card 6] from second top door, [Card 1] from second bottom door (6), [Card 2] from fourth top door (1), [Card 3] in hole from first top door (2), [Card 4] from third bottom door (3), [Lighter] from fourth bottom door (4), [Card 5] from third top door (4), [Spray] from first bottom door (5) -Fight Boss 11: Big Boss -Go north, north, north, north, north, north, [Ration B1], north, north, take elevator to FLOOR 1F, [Ration B1], east, north, north, north, north. -Keep killing soldiers until helicopter picks you up. ============================================================================== ************** **10. Bosses** ************** BOSS 1: BLACK NINJA ------------------- HISTORY: Snake's support from the Outer Heaven Revolt, Schneider was in Outer Heaven when NATO decided to nuke the base. Big Boss, surviving as well, gave shelter and life to the survivors, including Schneider. Owing his life and future to Big Boss, Scheider underwent experiments from NASA to create a hi-tech Ninja (a predecessor to the Ninja from Metal Gear Solid). He used his new talents to become a mercenary for Zanzibar Land. Though an amateur in combat, his hi-tech teleportation technology and throwing stars make him a tough adversary. When you get near Black Ninja, he'll teleport out of the way. Also, every few seconds he throws 3 throwing stars at you. The trick is to stay at the bottom of the screen and he will stay within the central enclosure. Just run back and forth to avoid the throwing stars, and between his shots, shoot at him with the handgun. Just have rations equiped when you fight him and you'll outlast him. BOSS 2: RUNNING MAN ------------------- HISTORY: Though his name is unknown, he was a Medalist from the Barcelona Olympics, completing the 100 Meter Run in 9.69 seconds. After the ceremony, he was tested positive for dope and was stripped of his Medal and his dignity. Seeking revenge on the world that shunned him, he joined a group of European terrorists. His speed is unparalelled, and aversion as a means to be the victor in combat, usually using means such as poison gas to eliminate the enemies not fast enough to catch him. The room will fill with poison gas, requiring you to defeat the Running Man before your oxygen runs out. Immediately equip the Gas Mask and the Mines. Luckily the Mine Detector isn't needed to see the Mines you place. To defeat Running Man, run around in circles through the 4 screens laying mines. The narrow passage between the two eastern screens is the easiest places to catch Running Man. He'll be finished quickly. BOSS 3: HIND-D -------------- HISTORY: The Hind-D, a Russian gunship stolen from Russia by Zanzibar Land for the revolt. It can carry 12,000 kilos of fuel, has a max speed is 200 KPH, and has a max altitude of 4500M. It's armament consists of missiles and valcan guns. The Hind-D is easy. First of all, you need Stingers. Contact Holly for their location. Stay in the corner that intersects the 4 screens that makes the battle area. When the Hind-D starts attacking, simply change to another screen. Equip the Stingers and shoot at a screen as the Hind-D is about to enter it. You'll hit it every time. The battle is over fast. BOSS 4: RED BLASTER ------------------- HISTORY: Red Blaster is a bomb and explosion expert, and a pyromaniac to the core. He's part of the assasination elite from USSR Rumumba University. He likes to get his enemies into a corner, and cook them with explosive devices such as grenades. He relishes in the smell of burnt flesh. Simple boss. Red Blaster lobs grenades down at you, and that's pretty much it. Equip your Grenades, and push against the barriers in the first room to get rid of them. All you have to do to beat the boss is to throw grenades at him while circling the wall to avoid his grenades. BOSS 5: FOUR HORSEMEN ---------------------- HISTORY: Not much is known about these assassins. This top-secret squad is recruited by many outfits from around the world such as the SAS, GSG9 and UDT. They are hired to do people's dirty work, and have expertise in close-quarter combat. Four Horsemen is a simple to beat boss if you know how. Equip your Body Armor and your Sub Machine Gun. In the elevator, start off below the yellow line, off to the side. Now only the top one and the one to the far side will hop down at once. Concentrate on the one to the side. Then it's one on one. Kill the one on top, then move over. Kill the other side one, then go above the yellow line and kill the last one. Just be sure to keep your eye on your life and refill when needed, but make sure to re-equip your Armor. BOSS 6: JUNGLE EVIL ------------------- HISTORY: A hunter at heart and instinct. He used to be part of Rex Command. He was in Vietnam, and has since favored guerilla tactics, annihilating at least two army ranks. He prefers striking in secret from the surrounding brush. Jungle Evil's quite easy. Equip your Body Armor and Grenades. Wait for him to appear (it's kinda random) and throw a grenade in his general direction. The splash damage should hit him easily. Repeat until he's dead. There's also a chance that if you stay at the bottom of the screen (right up against the fence), he'll also appear at the bottom of the fence (most of the time not being able to shoot forward!). Either way, keep shooting at him and he'll be dead in no time. BOSS 7: NIGHT FRIGHT -------------------- HISTORY: Used to be part of the legendary guerilla squad Whispers, Night Sight is called the the Unseen Assassin. No one alive has seen him. His prototype stealth camouflage suit not only renders him impossible to the naked eye, but also to radar as well. He attacks with a gun called Wei Sheng Ciang, which makes little noise. Equip your Body Armor and the Sub Machine Gun. Each of the four screens have different sound-emitting floors so you can hear which screen Night Fright is on. When you see Night Sight shoot, shoot where the shots come from, and keep shooting. If you catch him against a wall, he won't have much places to run and keep shooting. So keep shooting, he'll keep getting stunned and stay in one place. BOSS 8: DR. DRAGO PETROVICH MADNAR ---------------------------------- HISTORY: During the Outer Heaven Revolt, Petrovich was forced to create the Metal Gear prototype when Big Boss kidnapped his daughter, Ellen. Snake rescued him and his daughter, and with Petrovich's help, took advantage of Metal Gear's weaknesses and defeated the walking battle tank. After Outer Heaven was destroyed, Petrovich, driven mad by the incident, was employed by Big Boss once again to help in Zanzibarland. Easy boss. Equip the RC Missiles, Rations, and keep hitting him from behind. Nuff said. BOSS 9: METAL GEAR D -------------------- HISTORY: The newest version of Metal Gear, voluntarily created by Dr. Petrovich Madnar. Faster, more heavily armored, and heavier weaponry. It does have one weakness. It's legs aren't that well armored and can be destroyed with an explosive weapon. Metal Gear D is quite tricky at first, but follows a basic pattern. At all times, stay out of it's way. If you get stomped on, you die instantly. Get into this pattern: If it's moving down, move up along the wall, when it starts shooting the vulcan cannon, move down quickly (as it moves up), throw a grenade at its leg, then retreat to the top corner (either side), just as it shoots its missiles at you, they should hit the wall instead. Then it'll advance again while you're already in the top corner. Repeat until Metal Gear D is destroyed. BOSS 10: GRAY FOX ----------------- REAL NAME: Frank Jaeger (Original name), Frank Hunter (American name) HISTORY: Solid Snake's first mission was to rescue Grey Fox, an operative of Fox Hound that was captured in Outer Heaven. After being rescued, Fox played a vital role in destroying Metal Gear and bringing down Outer Heaven. Since then, Snake and Fox became good friends. It was later found out that Fox's real name is Frank Jaeger, or Frank Hunter when he moved to North America. He fell in love with a figure skater named Natasha Markova, but when her request for a green card was refused, Grey Fox turned rogue and joined forces with Big Boss to seek revenge. First of all I have to mention that the room is outlined in mines, so be careful. Everytime Fox attacks, he throws three punches, making him an easy target. The best strategy I found is NOT to play chicken. Stay in one general spot, and when Fox gets close, punch him. If you hit him, he'll retreat and keep running. If he starts punching, just get out of his range and he'll start circling you again. Keep hitting him as he goes by. BOSS 11: BIG BOSS ----------------- HISTORY: Big Boss is the singlemost legendary soldier during the Cold War in the 1960s. He was considered the ultimate soldier. He was taken out of service in the early 1970s after serious injury. By the early 1990s, he created Outer Heaven, using his cover as the leader of Fox Hound, as a way of hiding his intentions from the U.S. Government. Solid Snake, the greenest soldier under is command uncovered Big Boss's plot and defeated him, ensuring the destruction of Outer Heaven. Thought dead, Big Boss took the survivors of Outer Heaven and created a new military land, Zanzibar Land. Due to his injuries after his battle with Snake, his body was reinforced with an indestructible exoskeleton. Now a force to be reconned with, Snake must fight him again. Before you even think about fighting Big Boss you must equip yourself. Pick up the 3 [Rations B1] from the outer perimiter. Enter the second door on the top and grab [Card 6], then the second door on the bottom (6) to grab [Card 1]. Next, the fourth door on the top (1) to grab [Card 2], then the first door on the top (2), which has [Card 3] in the hole. Next, the third door on the bottom (3), for [Card 4], then the fourth door on the bottom (4) for the [Lighter]. Go to the third top door (4) next for [Card 5], then finally the first door on the bottom (5). You have have to use a Ration B1 to dilite the acid and get the [Spray]. To fight Big Boss, equip the Spray and the Lighter to create a flamethrower. Simply avoid his shots and use the flame thrower on him. Use the crates in the northeast corner to avoid his shots and use the attack him through the crates (the flamethrower goes through). He'll be dead before long. ============================================================================== ***************** **11. Tap Codes** ***************** A couple times in the game, a secret code (similar to morse code) is used called tap codes. The walkthrough provides the solutions to these codes, but if you're curious about breaking the codes yourself, here's the chart. Here's how you use the chart. For every character, there's a code. You count the taps between the pauses for a coordinate. Say, if the code is 3, 2. Then you would take the third row, and the second column. The character would be 'M'. --------------------- | A | B | C | D | E | --------------------- | F | G | H | I | J | --------------------- | L | M | N | O | P | --------------------- | Q | R | S | T | U | --------------------- | V | W | X | Y | Z | --------------------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | --------------------- | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | --------------------- ============================================================================== ***************************** **12. Soundtrack/Sound Test** ***************************** To access the sound test, equip the Cigarettes and tune the transceiver to frequency 140.07. Each time you access it, a random track is played. Here's a list of the music in the game, and where it appears. The order of the tracks is according to the official soundtrack. Two additional tracks are listed that's not on the OST, "Lethal Jungle" and "Surprise!". Four tracks were also remixed for Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. These tracks are "Frequency 140.85", "Level 3 Warning", "Imminent", and "Level 1 Warning". 01 - Theme of Solid Snake Opening Credits 02 - Zanzibar Breeze Intro (Story) 03 - A Notice Emmerging from the darkness 04 - First Instruction Initial Transceiver Conversation 05 - Frequency 140.85 Infiltration - Outside Zanzibar Complex 06 - Level 3 Warning Alert Mode 07A - Return to Dust (Part A) Infiltration - Vents 07B - Return to Dust (Part B) Infiltration - Basement 08A - Killers (Part A) Boss Encounter 08B - Killers (Part B) Boss Speech 08C - Killers (Part C) Boss Battle (Main) 09 - Tears Grey Fox's Death 10 - The Frontline Infiltration - Tower Building 11 - Chasing the Green Beret Forest Chase, Gustava Search 12 - Shallow Infiltration - Zanzibar Complex 2F 13 - Battle Against Time Boss Battle (Running Man) 14 - Advance Immediately Infiltration - Zanzibar Complex 1F 15 - Mechanic Boss Battle (Hind D, Metal Gear D) 16 - Imminent Infiltration - Forest, Zanzibar Complex 17 - Night Fall Holly Conversation, Mandar Rescue 18 - Level 1 Warning Infiltration - After Madnar Rescue 19 - An Advance Madnar Conversation, Boss Death Speech 20 - Reprieve of the Doctor Infiltration - Secret Tunnel 21A - Natasha's Death (Part A) Gustava's Death (Encounter) 21B - Natasha's Death (Part B) Gustava's Death (Speech) 22 - Zanzibarland National Anthem Part 1 Gustava's Cassette 23A - Swing Swing Sound Test Bonus Track 1 23B - "A" Jam Blues Sound Test Bonus Track 2 24 - Zanzibarland National Anthem Part 1 Gustava's Cassette (Streched) 25 - Lethal Jungle Boss Battle (Night Fright) **Not on sndtrk 26 - Under the Cloud of Darkness Infiltration - Madnar's Cell, Roof, Bridge 27 - Fight into Enemy Territory Hang Glider Infiltration Demo 28 - Infiltration Infiltration - Gustava Chapter 29 - In Security Holly Capture, Boss Trap 30 - Wavelet Gustava Conversation 31 - Big Boss Infiltration - Metal Gear Bunker 32 - Surprise! Surprise Encounter **not on sndtrk 33 - Spiral Spiral Stairs Battle 34 - Escape Escape to Helicopter 35 - Return Helicopter Rescue 36 - Red Sun Ending Credits 37 - Farewell Cast Roll 38 - Afterimage Player Death 39 - Disposable Life Game Over So you ask, where can I get the soundtrack? It's rather impossible to find. EBay would be your best bet, but it's rare even there. Good luck. Also, be sure to check out J-War's H.Q. He's a music master that's remixing all of the tracks, quite beautifully. They're not done yet, but there's a sample file on the site that has to be heard to be believed. The address is: http://j.war.free.fr/eng/ (Note: Website is currently down) ============================================================================== ********************** **13. Swamp Maze Map** ********************** Getting through the swamp can be tricky. So, due to many requests, I've included an ASCII map of the way through. You start on the lower path (the one without the child). Hope this helps those who are having trouble with this part. LEGEND: . Edge of the screen = Dry Land # Trees - or | Path through the swamp ######==============####.### . =================== ######=====######===####.### . =================## ######=====######===####.==== . =================## ===========######=======.====--------------| . =================## ===========######=======.==== | . =====########### ########################.## | . =====########### ########################.## | . | ########### ...........................................|.............|.............. ########################.## | . | ########### # . | . | ########### # |------| . |---------| . | ########### # | | . | . | # # |----| |----------------| . |----------| # # | . . | # # | . . |------| # # | . |--------------| | # # |-----| . | . | | # # | . | . | | # # |-----------------------------| . |===============# # . . ===============# # . . ===============# ........................................................................ ============================================================================== ********************** **14. Special Thanks** ********************** A few people to thank. First of all, thanks to Konami and Hideo Kojima for making this excellent game, and all the other games in the series. Also, thanks to those who were involved in the translation of this game. If it weren't for you, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake would not be as popular as it is now. Thanks to the staff of the now defunct Metal Gear Edge (http://www.classicgaming.com/metalgear/) for a great site and though it's old and not updated anymore, still is THE place to go for classic Metal Gear goodness. Lastly, thanks to J-War for help with the soundtrack (names, music extraction, etc). ============================================================================== ****************** **15. Legal Crap** ****************** This Walkthrough/FAQ was created and copyrighted by Elbryan42. You can use this for personal use, but please don't distribute this without my permission. No part of this this is to be taken and used as your own work. Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are copyrighted by Konami.