Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Game Script Version 1.60 completed 02/27/06 By MHamlin - Table of Contents ================= 1. Version History 2. Script - Virtuous Mission 3. Script - Operation Snake Eater 4. Additional Scripts -The Tuxedo -Major Tom on Sneaking Missions -Sokolov Won't Like It -Snake Doesn't Listen -Naked Snake -Snake is Cute -Afternoon Tea -Swamp Traps -Ocelot's Past -The Patriot -Snake vs. James Bond -Inner Peace -It's Obvious -Para-Medic Lies -Life Medicine -Snake the Zombie -Forgetful Snake -Snake is Raikov -Raikov's that Kind of Guy -Sigint's Nightmare -Eva's a Thief -Snake's a Bully -Snake's a Bully 2 -The Mask -Gullible Snake -Croc Cap -Croc Cap 2 -Sneaking Suit -Snake Vs. Monkey -Advising the Enemy -EZ Gun -Tsuchinoko -The Placebo -I Can't Smell -Quack -UMA -The Other Side -Spirit 5. Equipment Scripts -Motion Detector -Active Sonar -Knife -Directional Microphone -M1911A1 -Mk22 -SAA -Stun Grenade -Binoculars -Cigar -Anti-personnel Sensor -Smoke Grenade -Thermal Goggles -Bug Juice -M1911A1 (follow-up) -Magazine -Claymore -Chaff Grenade -Grenade -Mousetrap -White Phosphorous Grenade -TNT -AK-47 -Torch -Night Vision Goggles -M37 -Mine Detector -SVD -Handkerchief -XM16E1 -M63 -Mosin Nagant -RPG-7 -Fork 6. Credits and Copyright Notice ============================================================================== 1. Version History v0.75 - Initial version. Script for Virtuous Mission and Operation Snake Eater complete. Additional Scripts section forthcoming. 01/17/05 v0.79 - Added three scripts to the Additional Scripts section. 01/26/05 v0.85 - Got some corrections from Chris Patti and thagen and added more to the Additional Scripts section. 01/30/05 v0.90 - Added more to Additional Scripts. 02/03/05 v0.95 - There was a small section in the Operation Snake Eater script that I had accidentally left out. It is now added along with some more Additional Scripts. 02/07/05 v1.00 - Added what's left to Additional Scripts. 02/12/05 v1.05 - Added to Additional Scripts, thanks to DracoLord Haven X. 02/23/05 v1.06 - Upon request, the Snake vs. Monkey transcript between Snake and Colonel Campbell has been added. 03/14/05 v1.07 - Added more to Additional Scripts. 06/26/05 v1.08 - I'm finding more interesting stuff to put in the script all the time. Which is good. 08/02/05 v1.09 - Alright, here we have new submission from Jayson619. Hats off to him. 09/04/05 v1.50 - Upon several requests, I have created a new section containing (hopefully) all of Sigint's comments about the equipment in the game. I'm open to submissions if you know of something I didn't cover. 10/02/05 v1.52 - Two new submissions from AuFox80 (Edward Kang). Thanks a million. 01/22/06 v1.60 - Upon request, I added some more to Additional Scripts and fixed a minor error. 02/27/06 ============================================================================== 2. Script - Virtuous Mission This section will cover all of the dialogue and cut scenes for the Virtuous Mission. There are several optional and hidden cut scenes that can be viewed as well; they are all covered in the following. That said, on with the script. ================= "After the end of World War II, the world was split into two - East and West. This marked the beginning of the era called the Cold War." (shot of a large plane flying through the clouds) 5:30 AM August 24, 1964 Pakistani airspace Pilot: Flying over Pakistan, altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. (shot of Jack in a flight suit smoking a cigar in the cargo hold) Pilot: Twenty minutes to dropoff... Commencing internal depressurization. (shot of Major Zero and Para-Medic on the bridge) Pilot: Equipment check... arm main parachute. Zero: All right. You ready to go? Pilot: Drop zone still showing a high pressure mass. CAVOK. (Cloud and Visibility OK) Zero: Good, we've got high visibility. Pilot (to Jack): Put out that cigar. (Jack does not respond) Connecting oxygen hose to interior connector. Put on your mask. (Jack does not respond) Does this pantywaist know what he's doing? (shot of the plane's cockpit) Pilot: Approaching release point... Ten minutes to dropoff. (Jack does not respond) Zero: Hey! Are you deaf? He said put out the cigar and put on your mask. (Jack does so) Pilot: Depressurization complete. Checking oxygen supply. Six minutes to dropoff. Opening rear hatch. (the hatch opens and Jack looks out) Sunrise... External temperature minus 46 degrees Celsius. Two minutes to dropoff. Stand up. (Jack stands up and moves to the open hatch) Zero: You'll be falling at 130 miles per hour. Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill. Pilot: One minute to dropoff. Move to the rear. Activate bailout bottle. Zero: This is one for the history books; the world's first HALO jump. (Jack steps on his cigar as he moves into position) Pilot: Ten seconds to dropoff. Standby... Status OK, all green. Prepare for dropoff... Countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Zero: Spread your wings and fly! God be with you! (Jack jumps out of the hatch and plummets to the ground below) ================= (the scene switches to a short flashback in which Major Zero briefs Jack on the current situation) Zero: Jack, I've got some important news. The head of the CIA has finally given us the green light for the Virtuous mission. Jack: Virtual mission? Zero: No, the Virtuous mission. The future of our FOX unit depends on it. If it succeeds, we'll be officially organized into a unit. Jack: Virtuous mission? Sounds like some kind initiation ritual. Zero: Don't get cocky. This isn't a training a op. Jack: Right. So what exactly is this wonderful mission? Zero: Well... About two years ago, a certain Soviet scientist requested asylum in the West through one of our moles. His name is Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov. He's head of the OKB-754 Design Bureau, one of the Soviet's top-secret weapon research facilities, and the East's foremost expert on weapons development. Jack: Sokolov... isn't he that famous rocket scientist? Zero: The very same. On April 12, 1961, the Soviets achieved the first manned space flight in history. Jack: The Earth was blue, but there was no God. Zero: Well spoken. The rocket that carried Yuri Gagarin into orbit was the A1, known as the Vostok rocket. Sokolov is said to be the man most responsible for the multi-engine cluster used in that rocket. After Gagarin's flight, Sokolov left rocket development to become the head of the newly established Design Bureau. Jack: From a lowly technician to the head of a Design Bureau, that's quite a success story. So why'd he want to defect? Zero: It seems he'd become afraid of his own creations. Jack: Afraid? Zero: Call it a crisis of conscience. Jack: And for that, he left his country and his family behind and went over the fence? Zero: Not exactly. One of his conditions was that his family was also to be taken safely to the West. We used a mole to get the family out first and succeeded in sneaking Sokolov over the Berlin Wall shortly afterwards. I was the one who conducted the operation. Jack: The security on the Eastern side was still full of holes back then. Then what? Zero: We got Sokolov over in one piece but the whole ordeal had left him exhausted, and we checked him into a hospital in West Berlin. It took him two weeks and over 600 miles to get from the research facility in the Soviet Union to Berlin. He was in no condition to say anything coherent. And it was only a week later that we had something much bigger on our hands. Jack: The Cuban Missile Crisis. Zero: October 16, 1962. President Kennedy received word that the Soviets were in the process of deploying intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba. The president demanded that the Soviets dismantle and remove the missiles. At the same time, he announced a naval blockade to prevent further missile shipments from reaching Cuba. But the Soviets didn't back down, instead placing their armed forces on secondary alert. Soviet transport ships carrying missiles continued on course toward Cuba. US and Soviet forces went on alert for an all-out nuclear war. Frantic negotiations were conducted through the UN's Emergency Security Council and unofficial channels to end the hair-trigger standoff. Finally, on October 28, the Soviet Union agreed to remove its missiles from Cuba. And so the world avoided a nuclear holocaust. But in order to get the Soviets to pull their missiles out, we had to make a deal. Jack: You mean the one where the US agreed to remove its IRBMs from Turkey? Zero: No. The Jupiter IRBMs deployed in Turkey were obsolete and we were going to get rid of them anyway. They had no strategic value whatsoever to either the US or the Russians. The Turkey deal was a ruse - a cover story that was fed to the other intelligence agencies around the world. Jack: So what did the Russians really want? Zero: Sokolov. They wanted us to return Sokolov. Jack: You mean the Soviets pulled out of Cuba just to get their hands on Sokolov? Zero: That's right. Jack: What the hell was he working on? Zero: At the time we had no idea. We were running out of time. It was either give up Sokolov or risk full-scale nuclear war. In the end, we had no choice. President Kennedy gave into Khrushchev's demand. The next day, I got Sokolov out of the hospital and handed him over to agents on the eastern side. Sokolov kept on screaming "Save me!" until he disappeared from my sight. Then, a month ago, we received some new information from one of our moles. Jack: About Sokolov? Zero: Yes. He was taken back to the research facility and forced to continue working on the weapon in question under KGB supervision. What's more, it's on the verge of completion. Jack: So? What kind of weapon is it? Something to do with space rockets? Zero: No, missiles. Jack: Same technology. Zero: I guess you're right. We don't know the details but it appears to be a new kind of nuclear device. For a year now the Soviets have been conducting frequent nuclear tests at Semipaiatinsk. Jack: Something to do with the weapon I assume. Zero: We're talking about a secret weapon so big that Khrushchev was ready to pull out of Cuba to get it back. Jack: Is Sokolov still in the facility? Zero: According to our intelligence, he's in Tselinoyarsk, a place in the mountains about 3 miles to the west that's known as the Virgin Cliffs. Jack: The Virgin Cliffs. Nice name for a Virtuous mission. Zero: They moved him there just recently. Jack: Why? Zero: Apparently they're conducting a field test of the weapon. But it's our best chance to get him back. This mission would never have been possible if he were still in the research facility. This is our last chance. Sokolov must have known that, too, when he contacted us. ================= (scene switches back to Jack in his HALO jump) Zero: Listen up, Jack. Your mission is to infiltrate Tselinoyarsk in the Soviet mountains, ensure the safety of Sokolov, and bring him back to the West. If we don't get Sokolov back before that weapon is complete, we'll be facing a major crisis. The clock is ticking. (Jack pulls the cord and the parachute opens up) Zero: Once we've confirmed the rescue of Sokolov, stand by at the recovery point. A recovery balloon will be dropped at that point. Helium will be pumped into the balloon to inflate it. The process takes about 20 minutes. Once it's complete, the gunship's arm will latch onto the balloon and pull it up. Jack: The Fulton Surface-to-Air Recovery System. I'm familiar with the theory. Zero: Take it easy, it has been combat-proven. Jack: Do you think Sokolov's up to it? Zero: The shock will be less than during a parachute jump. And the arm can handle up to 500 pounds. Jack: So you're planning to go over the border in a single Combat Talon? Zero: She's equipped with two 6-barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns. Jack: Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks. Zero: Even with the fuel in the reserve tank, we're facing a 4-hour time limit. If all goes well, it shouldn't take more than a few hours. Jack: Home in time for dinner. Zero: But if anything goes wrong, you'll be eating dinner, breakfast, and all the rest of your meals in the jungle. ================= (Jack falls into the forest canopy. His backpack snags on a branch as he falls to the ground. He releases his parachute just in time to avoid going over the edge of a cliff. Jack then begins to remove some of the equipment from his flight suit. If you chose "I like MGS2" at the beginning of the game, Jack takes off his flight mask to reveal that he looks almost exactly like Raiden from MGS2. If not, we see Jack's real face and he immediately calls Major Zero.) Zero: Do you copy? You're already in enemy territory, and somebody might be listening in. From here on out, we'll be using codenames to refer to each other. Your codename for this mission will be Naked Snake. I'll be referring to you as Snake from now on. You are not to mention your real name. Snake: "Snake"? Zero: You don't like snakes? Snake: What do you mean? Zero: You've eaten on before, haven't you? Snake: In survival training. Zero: I'm glad to hear that. Snake: I don't know if I'd ever order one in a restaurant, but... Zero: Be careful, you might not have a choice. Snake: What about you, Major? What should I call you? Zero: Hmm, let's see... I'll be... I'll be Tom. Call me Major Tom. = (this next section only occurs if you chose "I like MGS2") Tom: Oh, and Snake... Snake: Yeah? Tom: The crew isn't watching anymore. You can take off the disguise now. Snake: Good idea. This isn't right. Time for the snake to shed his skin. (Snake removes a face mask and reveals his real face. He then calls Major Tom) Snake: Can you hear me, Major Tom? This is Snake. Kept you waiting, huh? = Tom: This will be a sneaking mission. You must not be seen by the enemy. You must leave no trace of your presence. Is that clear? This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit's specialty. In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site... that goes for food as well. You're completely naked, just as your name implies. Snake: Great. Now I see why you asked me if I like snakes. I suppose calling me "snake" was your idea of a joke, too? Tom: No, there's a good reason for that. I'll tell you later, when the time is right. Snake: Gotcha. Getting back to the subject, how exactly am I supposed to feed myself? Tom: You've been issued a knife and a tranquilizer gun. Use them to hunt for food. You'll also find some medical supplies in your backpack. Snake: Yeah, about the backpack... I lost it in a tree on the way down. Tom: I see. Well, you'd better go back and get it, then. Do you know where it is? Snake: No problem, I can see it from here. It's stuck on a branch. Tom: To climb a tree, stand in front of a tree that's covered in ivy and press the action button. I'll be monitoring your progress over the radio. We can't risk violating Soviet airspace, but I'll be in the gunship. My frequency is 140.85. I'll give you a CALL if I need to talk to you. If you need to talk to me, use the SEND function. OK, Snake, go get your backpack. ================= (after Snake gets his backpack, Tom calls him) Tom: I see you've retrieved your backpack, Snake. To equip a weapon, it is necessary to take it out of your backpack. In the Survival Viewer, choose "WEAPON" from the "BACKPACK." Your available weapons will be displayed in a window in the upper-left. From that list, choose the weapon you want to equip and press the Enter button. For other equipped items, just do the same thing from "ITEM." Snake: Got it! Use the Survival Viewer, "BACKPACK." Tom: Yep, that's right. Survival is fundamental to this mission. After you've been out in the field for a while, your stamina will start to drop. If your stamina gets too low, it'll affect your performance. You won't be able to shoot accurately, for example, or your wounds won't heal as smoothly. Keep an eye on your stamina so you don't run out. To recover lost stamina, you can hunt for local flora and fauna. You can use either your tranquilizer gun or your knife to hunt. Snake: My only weapon is an Mk22 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun? Tom: That's right. It's been fitted with it's own suppressor. However, the suppressor will deteriorate every time you fire. Once its durability reaches zero, the noise suppression effect will be gone. So don't get too trigger happy with it. The suppressor's durability is shown in the icon. Any weapons and equipment beyond what you're carrying now, you'll have to find as you go. Snake: I have to find my own weapons and equipment? Whose crazy idea was this anyway? Tom: Solo covert actions are standard FOX operating procedure. You can't leave any traces of your presence. No weapons, equipment, footprints, sweat, or bodily fluids - the same goes for bullets and cartridges, too. Your presence in enemy territory is already a violation of international conventions of warfare. There aren't supposed to be any American soldiers in Russia. It could spark an international incident. You can't let the enemy see you. You can't let the enemy know you're there. This is a stealth mission. You're a ghost, Snake, in every sense of the word. There'll be no rescue if you're captured. The military and the US government will deny any involvement in the affair. Snake: Then I'll just have to take care of myself, huh. Tom: I'm afraid so. You've been given a "fake death" pill for that purpose. SIS guidelines stipulate that soldiers on covert ops like this one be issued a potassium cyanide capsule. Tape it to your body so you can take it when you need to. Snake: How generous of you. Tom: Use it if you're taken prisoner by the enemy. It'll send you into a state of false death for a short time. Snake: ...fooling them into thinking I'm really dead. So how do I come back to life again? Tom: Just take the revival pill. Snake: You mean that thing they put in my tooth before the mission? Tom: That's the one. But be careful. If you remain in a state of false death for too long, nothing will be able to bring you back. Remember that. Snake: I'll keep it in mind. You said this was a solo mission, right? Tom: Right. Snake: I guess that means I can't count on any reinforcements. Tom: Correct. The mission rests entirely in your hands. Snake: A real one-man army. Tom: Relax, there's a support team ready to back you up over the radio. Snake: Who? Tom: I'll introduce them to you. This time, survival is of the utmost importance. The first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition - acting a medic, so to speak - as well as recording your mission data. She's a member of FOX as well and she's here on the gunship with me. Snake: "She"? Para-Medic: Hello, Snake. I'm Para-Medic. Nice to meet you. Snake: Para...Medic? Para-Medic: As in a medic who comes in by parachute. Snake: Aren't you going to tell me your real name? Para-Medic: Are you going to tell me yours, Mr. Snake? Snake: My name, huh... It's John Doe. Para-Medic: And they call you Jack for short? You're a regular Captain Nemo. Snake: A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name. What's your name? Para-Medic: Jane Doe. Snake: Very funny. Para-Medic: I wasn't joking but I'll tell you my name only if you manage to make it back alive. My frequency is 145.73. Tom: She's also in charge of recording your mission data. Whenever you want to SAVE, SEND a message over the reserved SAVE frequency, 140.96. Snake: So saving lets me record my mission data? Para-Medic: That's right. It also records your state of health. Snake: Good to know. Tom: There's one more person I want to introduce you to, Snake. Snake: ? Tom: Speaking of snakes, you remember The Boss, don't you? A legendary soldier and your mentor. Actually, it was The Boss that got the DCI's authorization in the first place. She's going to be serving as FOX's mission advisor. Snake: The Boss is? Tom: She also helped me plan this mission. She and I were at SAS together. Boss: Jack, is that you? How many years has it been? Snake: Boss?? Boss: That's right, it's me. Snake: ... Boss: Talk to me. Let me hear your voice. Snake: It's been 5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours. Boss: You've lost weight. Snake: You can tell just by the sound of my voice? Boss: Of course I can. I know all about you. Snake: Really. Well, I don't know anything about you. Boss: What's that supposed to mean? Snake: ...Why'd you disappear on me all of a sudden? Boss: I was on a top-secret mission. Snake: ... Boss: You didn't need me anymore. Snake: But there were still so many things I wanted you to teach me. Boss: No. I taught you everything you needed to know about fighting techniques. I taught you all I could. The rest you needed to learn on your own. Snake: Techniques, sure. But what about how to think like a soldier? Boss: How to think like a soldier? I can't teach you that. A soldier needs to be strong in spirit, body, and technique - and the only thing you can learn from someone else is technique. In fact, technique doesn't even matter. What's most important is spirit. Spirit and body are like two sides of a single coin. They're the same thing. I can't teach you how to think. You'll just have to figure it out for yourself. Listen to me, Jack. Just because soldiers are on the same side right now doesn't mean they always will be. Having personal feelings about your comrades is one the worst sins you can commit. Politics determine who you face on the battlefield. And politics are a living thing. They change along with the times. Yesterday's good might be tomorrow's evil. Snake: Is that why you abandoned me? Boss: No. It had nothing to do with you. I already told you, Jack. I was on a top-secret mission. A soldier has to follow whatever orders he's given. It's not his place to question why. But you're looking for a reason to fight. You're a natural born fighter, but you're not quite a soldier. A solider is a political tool, nothing more. That's doubly true if he's a career soldier. Right and wrong have no place in his mission. He has no enemies and no friends. Only the mission. You follow the orders you're given. That's what being a soldier is all about. Snake: I do whatever I have to do to get the job done. I don't think about politics. Boss: That's not the same thing. Sooner or later, your conscience is going to bother you. In the end, you have to choose whether you're going to live as a soldier, or just another man with a gun. There's a saying in the Orient; "Loyalty to the end." Do you know what it means? Snake: Being... Patriotic? Boss: It means devoting yourself to your country. Snake: I follow the President and the top brass. I'm ready to die for them if necessary. Boss: The President and the top brass won't be there forever. Once their terms are up, others will take their place. Snake: I follow the will of the leader, no matter who's in charge. Boss: People aren't the ones who dictate the missions. Snake: Then who does? Boss: The times. People's values change over time. And so do the leaders of a country. So there's no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms. The enemies we fight are only in relative terms, constantly changing with the times. Snake: ... Boss: As long as we have "loyalty to the end," there's no point in believing in anything... even in those we love. Snake: And that's the way a soldier is supposed to think? Boss: The only thing we can believe in with absolute certainty is the mission, Jack. Snake: All right. But do me a favor. Boss: What is it? Snake: Call me Snake. Boss: Snake? Oh, right, your codename is Snake. It suits you well. Tom: That's right. The legendary unit that The Boss put together during World War II was a snake. The Cobra Unit... a group of heroes that brought the war to an end and saved the world. As long as you've got a legendary hero backing you up, you'll be fine. Isn't that right, Snake? Snake: Yeah, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have with me. Oh, and one more thing, Boss... Boss: Yes? Snake: It's good to hear your voice again. Boss: Same here. After all, who knows if either of us will make it out alive... Snake, you were always best at urban warfare and infiltrating buildings. But this is the jungle. Survival is going to be key. Those CQC techniques I taught you are sure to come in handy. Snake: CQC - close quarters combat, huh. I've been in the Green Berets for the past few years. I'm probably pretty rusty. Boss: Not to worry. I'll be here to help you remember. After all, this is your first actual survival mission. I'll be supporting you over the radio. Snake: Where are you, Boss? Next to the Major? Tom: The Boss is communicating with us by radio from aboard a Permit-class submarine in the Artic Ocean. Boss: My frequency is 141.80. Call me if you need my advice on battle technique. Snake: Gotcha. Tom: Your mission is to retrieve Dr. Sokolov. Dr. Sokolov is being held in an abandoned factory located to the north of your current position. Avoid heavy combat and don't let anyone see you. Don't forget that this is a stealth mission. (Snake stands up and draws his gun and knife) Boss: Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC. Snake: Commencing Virtuous mission... now. ================= (Snake enters Dremuchij North and spots an enemy sentry) Snake: Major, I've spotted two enemy soldiers. Tom: They're probably KGB troops sent to guard Sokolov. Snakes: AK-47's and grenades... (Tom calls Snake on the radio) Tom: Snake, your presence in Soviet territory is already a violation of international law. We can't let the Kremlin find out that the CIA and the American government are involved. Contact with the enemy is strictly prohibited. Don't engage them in battle either. This is a stealth mission. Got that? Boss: The Major is right. The point of this mission is to sneak through the jungle without being seen. The success of the mission depends on how well you use your camouflage. Change your camouflage by selecting "CAMOUFLAGE" from the Survival Viewer. The "UNIFORM" option lets you pick your uniform, while the "FACE" option lets you change your face paint. Choosing camouflage that blends in with your surroundings will help you conceal yourself more effectively. Also, don't forget that anything that moves will stand out in the jungle. If you just stand up and run around like an idiot, you're bound to be spotted. But if you crawl instead, you should be able to sneak by without being noticed. You can see how effective your camouflage is by looking at the Camo Index. The Camo Index shows how well your current camouflage blends in with the surrounding area. The higher the value, the harder you are to spot, and vice versa. The key is to make yourself one with nature. Keep that in mind as you go along, OK? ================= (Snake enters Dolinovodno and spots another soldier, but uses his binoculars to find a hornet's nest hanging directly above the soldier. Snake smiles as he gets the idea to shoot it) ================= (Snake enters Rassvet and surveys the area) Snake: Major, I've reached the abandoned factory where Sokolov is supposedly being held. This place is a dump. I can't see Sokolov from here... The security here is pretty tight. There are sentries posted around the perimeter... I wonder how many are inside. (Tom calls Snake) Tom: Your objective - Sokolov - is inside the factory... they should be holding him in a room in the northeast sector. Snake: The northeast section. Got it. Tom: Be careful. Your mission is to bring Sokolov back alive. He must not be exposed to any kind of danger. Do not approach Sokolov while in the alert phase. Snake: Right. Tom: ...Oh, and one more thing, Snake. Snake: You mean there's more? Tom: No... it's just... when you get to Sokolov, I want you to tell him something from me. Snake: And that is? Tom: "Sorry for being so late." Snake: Is that all? Tom: Yes. Snake: Understood. Beginning my approach to the target. ================= (Snake enters Sokolov's room to find him burning some papers) Snake: You must be Sokolov. Sokolov: Are you one of Volgin's men? (he throws the rest of the papers in the fire) You'll never get it from me! Snake: No. I'm a CIA agent. I've come to escort you back to the other side of the Iron Curtain. Sokolov: You're CIA? Snake: Yeah. I was sent by Major Zero, the man who got you out two years ago. Sokolov: Zero... Snake: I have a message from him. Sokolov: What is it? Snake: He said to tell you "sorry for being so late." Sokolov: Did he now? Snake: What does it mean? Sokolov: It means he's a man of his word. But we've got no time for this. You have to get me out of here before they arrive. Snake: Who's "they?" Sokolov: Colonel Volgin of GRU. You in the West know him as Thunderbolt. Snake: Thunderbolt?... Never heard of him. Sokolov: He's a member of the army's extremist faction. A man who seeks to seize control of the motherland. Ever since the Cuban Missile Crisis two years ago, Khrushchev has been pursuing a policy of peaceful coexistence with the West. Despite resistance and criticism from hawks in the army, and the provincial authorities, Khrushchev has managed to suppress the opposition so far. But the failure of his agricultural policies has put him in a precarious position. And on top of that... the tragedy last November. Snake: President Kennedy's assassination. Sokolov: Precisely. In a sense, Khrushchev has lost his biggest partner, and his power base is rapidly crumbling away. A certain group is plotting to use this opportunity to seize power by rallying the anti-government forces, overthrowing Khrushchev, and installing Brezhnev and Kosygin in his place. The mastermind behind this plot is Colonel Volgin of the GRU. He has control over another secret weapons research facility much like this one - OKB-812, known as the Granin Design Bureau - and is using it to further his plans. But that is not enough to satisfy him. Now he is plotting to seize the secret weapon I have been developing here and use it as leverage in his bid for power. Sokolov: The intelligence says that they are going to make their move during the test. Snake: Then the soldiers outside... Sokolov: Exactly. They wouldn't need that many men just to keep me inside. Their orders were to prevent Colonel Volgin from capturing me. Even if it meant killing me in the process, or so it would seem. Volgin will come, I'm sure of it. You must get me out of here before then. Snake: Leave it to me. Sokolov: By the way, your Russian is superb. Where did you learn to speak it? Snake: From my mentor. Sokolov: Is that so? America is truly a frightening country. Snake: Having second thoughts? Sokolov: No. I have no love for this place. Let's go. (Snake calls Tom) Snake: Major, this is Snake. Sokolov is safe with me. He's doing fine. No injuries. Tom: Good work, Snake. Now hurry up and get Sokolov to the recovery point! We'll rendezvous with you there. Snake: Roger. Tom: What about the sentries? = (Snake's response to this question differs depending on your performance. If you killed the guards:) Snake: I had to kill them... there was no other way. But no one will know we were involved. (If you were in Alert mode:) Snake: I managed to get past them. (If you reached Sokolov undetected:) Snake: No one spotted me. = Tom: I see. Snake: What about The Boss? Tom: We lost contact with The Boss some time ago. Snake: What happened? Tom: It's probably just a weak signal. Just hurry and get Sokolov out of there. (Snake and Sokolov begin to sneak out of the building. However, they are being watched by several enemy soldiers) Soldier: Freeze! (The two are surrounded. Then, a young Major Ocelot walks up, twirling a Makarov pistol in his hand) Ocelot: So this is the legendary Boss? We meet at last. Soldier: You... You're from the Ocelot unit of Spetsnaz! What's a GRU soldier doing here? Ocelot: Soldier? Soldier: He's the Ocelot commander! Ocelot: That's Major Ocelot to you. And don't you forget it. Soldier: Sokolov is ours. Now get out of here. Ocelot: An ocelot never lets his prey escape. Soldier: What!? (Ocelot proceeds to shoot all of the soldiers with some fancy gunplay. One soldier hiding on the roof tries to take cover, but Ocelot fires and ricochets a bullet off a beam to hit the soldier. Ocelot then kills another soldier writhing on the ground and retrieves his beret from underneath the corpse.) Ocelot: I can't say it feels good to kill a comrade, even if it is for the GRU. Snake: Sokolov, take cover. Ocelot: Hmm... You're not The Boss, are you? (Ocelot makes some sort of wild cat noise and several soldiers clad in black arrive and surround Snake. They are part of the Ocelot unit) Sokolov: GRU operatives... Ocelot: What is that stance? That gun? (Ocelot starts laughing and the others join in) Ocelot: If you're not The Boss, then die! (Ocelot tries to shoot Snake but his gun jams. Snake grabs Ocelot and throws him to the ground. Sokolov screams and runs off) GRU Soldier: Major! Ocelot: Leave him! Shoot the other one! (Snake uses his CQC techniques to defeat all of the other soldiers. Ocelot recovers his gun and tries to attack but Snake throws him to the ground again, causing Ocelot to lose his gun. The gun hits the ground and the jammed round is ejected) Ocelot: Impossible... Snake: You ejected the first bullet by hand, didn't you? I see what you were trying to do. But testing a technique you only heard about in the middle of battle wasn't very smart. You were asking to have your gun jam on you. Besides, I don't think you're cut out for an automatic in the first place. You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique. Ocelot: You filthy American dog! (Ocelot draws a knife and attacks but Snake floors him again) Snake: But that was some fancy shooting... you're pretty good. Ocelot: Pretty good... (Ocelot goes unconscious. Snake calls Tom) Snake: Major, do you read me? Tom: I read you. Snake, are you alright? Snake: I've run into a few snags. These guys were after Sokolov, too. Apparently, they were taking orders from a GRU colonel named Volgin. Tom: A GRU colonel? Snake: Part of an internal Soviet power struggle, according to Sokolov. Something between the KGB and the GRU, between Khrushchev's supporters and Volgin's... Tom: Sokolov was being guarded by the KGB and hunted by the GRU? Snake, it sounds like this could be even hotter than Cuba. Snake: I don't like it. Something about this whole thing stinks. Tom: I agree. You'd better hurry. Snake: Sokolov ran off by himself, but I'll catch up to him. Tom: We're counting on you. ================= (Snake enters Dolinovodno and finds Sokolov standing before the bridge) Snake: You OK? Sokolov: Those men were from the Ocelot unit. Snake: Spetsnaz? Sokolov: Yes. The best GRU has to offer. They're coming for me. I'm finished! Snake: Calm down. I'll get you out of here. I promise. And we've got some of the best backup we could ask for. (A cannon shell fires) Sokolov: Look! (Snake looks up to a cliff to see a large tank) Snake: That's what they were making you build? Sokolov: Yes. The Shagohod - "The Treading Behemoth" - a tank capable of launching nuclear IRBMs. Snake: It can launch nuclear missiles from that kind of terrain? Sokolov: Oh yes. And without support from friendly units. Snake: A nuclear-equipped tank capable of operating solo. Is that thing finished? Sokolov: No. This is only the end of Phase 1. It won't be truly finished until we complete Phase 2. Snake: Phase 2? Sokolov: The weapon's true form. If it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it, it will mean the end of the Cold War. Snake: The end of the Cold War? Sokolov: Yes. And then the age of fear will truly begin... Snake: A world war? Sokolov: I had no choice but to cooperate! I didn't want to die. I wanted to see my wife and child again in America... Please, take me to America quickly. They cannot complete it without my help. Snake: Got it. Let's go! (Snake and Sokolov begin to cross the bridge. However, a woman comes from the other side, carrying two large cases) Snake: Boss? (The Boss drops the cases, causing the bridge to go unstable) Boss: Good work, Jack. Snake: What are you doing here? Boss: Sokolov comes with me. (A swarm of hornets then appears) Snake: Hornets!? (In the confusion, The Fear descends down, grabs Sokolov, and pulls him up to a helicopter) Boss: My friends... let us fight together again! Fear: I have waited long for this day. (The Pain, The End, and The Fury are also in the helicopter) Pain: We will fight with you once more. End: Welcome back, Boss. Boss: Now that the five of us are together, it's time we go to the depths of hell itself... (It begins raining) Boss: It's raining blood... (A ghost of The Sorrow walks up behind The Boss) Boss: he crying? (Colonel Volgin walks up and joins The Boss) Volgin: Kuwabara, Kuwabara... Ah... What a joyful scene. Boss: Colonel Volgin... Volgin: Welcome to my country... and to my unit. Snake: Boss? What is this? Boss: I'm defecting to the Soviet Union. Sokolov is a little gift for my new hosts. (Volgin picks up the two cases) Volgin: Recoilless nuclear warheads... these will make a fine gift for me... Snake: This can't be happening! Volgin: Who is he? Another one of your disciples? Are we taking him with us? Boss: No. This is one is still just a child. Too pure for us Cobras. He has not yet found an emotion to carry into battle. Snake: (aiming his gun) What are you talking about!? Boss: Think you can pull the trigger? (The Boss grabs Snake's gun and dismantles it with her bare hands. Snake tries to attack but The Boss grabs him and breaks his arm) Volgin: He's seen my face. We can't let him live. If Khrushchev finds out about this, we're finished. He must die. Boss: Wait. He's my apprentice. I'll take care of him. Jack, you can't come with us. (She holds out her hand. Snake takes it and The Boss rams her elbow into his ribs. Snake grabs hold of her bandana as The Boss throws him off the bridge into the river below) Pain: The new blood has been rejected... Volgin: Are we done here? Boss: Now... on to Sokolov's research facility. Volgin: Shagohod is ours! Boss: Drift away. My place is with them now. ================= (Snake washes up on a riverbank. He receives a call from Tom) Tom: Snake! Can you hear me? Snake: Yeah, just barely... Tom: Snake, listen to me! You need emergency medical treatment. Can you move? You've got to get those wounds treated. Hang in there! All right, let's get you fixed up... Para-Medic? Para-Medic: OK, Snake. Just relax and it'll all be over before you know it. Snake: ... Para-Medic: Stay with me! I've seen people in worse shape before. Think you can handle it? Snake: Major? The Boss... she's defected. Tom: We'll talk about that later. First we've got to get you patched up. Para-Medic: OK, here we go! First, open the Survival Viewer with the START button. If you select "CURE" you can start the treatment. Healing is divided into treatment using the medicine with the Item Window Button and surgical treatment using the Weapon Window Button. Your injuries include a fractured left elbow and rib bone, and lacerations on your upper arms, right elbow, and abdomen. They need to be fixed using surgical treatment. Move the healing cursor with the left analog stick to the affected part of your body. Once you've selected the affected area, hold the Weapon Window Button and use the left analog stick to select the medical item, and then press the Enter button. With this method, you can use items to help your recovery process. To treat a bone fracture, first secure the affected area with a fastener and then wrap it in bandages. That should do it. For lacerations, you'll need disinfectant to clean the wound, sutures to stitch it up, styptic to slow the flow of blood, and bandages to wrap the wound. If you do everything I mentioned, the wound should heal completely. Understood? Snake: Yeah... Para-Medic: Stay with me! Go into the Survival Viewer and treat those wounds! (Snake treats his wounds and snaps his broken bone back into place) Para-Medic: Good job, Snake! Tom: We're coming to get you now. Just stay where you are... we'll drop a recovery balloon. Can you set it up? ================= (Snake is resting against a tree. He looks up and sees several helicopters airlifting the Shagohod. The Boss is on board one of the helicopters as it passes over the riverbank. She holds out her hand and Snake returns the gesture. On another helicopter, we see Volgin, Ocelot, and a young woman. Volgin opens the two cases to reveal a small nuclear missile and what appears to be a cannon) Volgin: Excellent. A great success, thanks to The Boss and her Cobras. I have both Sokolov and the Shagohod. (Ocelot stands up and suspiciously eyes the woman) Ocelot: What are we going to with the girl? Volgin: Who is she? Ocelot: Apparently she's Sokolov's woman. (Volgin approaches and looks into her face) Volgin: She's a nice catch. I'll take her. (The woman beings to reach for something in her pocket. Volgin snatches away what she was trying to get; a tube of lipstick) Volgin: Not so fast, my dear. (he inspects the tube) A Kiss of Death? Ocelot: Are you KGB? Volgin: We might be able to use her. She has spunk. (he gives the lipstick back to her) Ocelot: Shall we take her back to the base? Volgin: Perhaps we should... we have no further use for Sokolov's research facility. (Volgin picks up the cannon, called a Davy Crockett, loaded with a nuclear missile) Volgin: I think it's time I gave this marvelous new toy a try. (he aims the Davy Crockett) Ocelot: Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they're still our countrymen! Volgin: But it won't be me that pulled the trigger. It will be our friend, the American defector. Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians!? Volgin: Remember the Alamo. Ocelot: Colonel!!! (Volgin fires the Davy Crockett and the missile streaks towards the facility. A blinding white light ensues. Back on the riverbank, Snake watches the recovery balloon fall, closely followed by a brilliant light and the familiar mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion) ============================================================================== 3. Script - Operation Snake Eater This section will cover all of the dialogue and cut scenes for Operation Snake Eater. There are several optional and hidden cut scenes that can be viewed as well; they are all covered in the following. (We first see the intro movie accompanied with the Snake Eater theme. Then cut to a shot of a futuristic-looking plane flying through the night sky) One week later: 11:30 PM August 30, 1964 Arctic Ocean airspace Pilot: Currently flying over the Arctic Ocean. Altitude 30,000 feet. Approaching Soviet airspace. Arriving at the designated drone launch point. Drone oil pressure and voltage are nominal. Payload oxygen supply is nominal. Power supply to payload antifreeze system shows no problems. No gusts. All systems go for drone detachment. Zero: Snake, we can't risk a HALO jump this time around. Airspace Security has gotten tighter since we were last here. We can't get as close to the ground as we did during the Virtuous mission. So instead we'll be using one of our newest weapons. Snake, you're being given an honor on par with Alan Shepard. This is our last chance. Show your patriotism. If you fail, you'll be back in a hospital bed again waiting for the firing squad. (The scene switches to a briefing section) Zero: So, how does it feel to be a patient in one of the most advanced ICUs in the world? Snake: Would you do me a favor and tell the suits about visiting hours? I'll never get better with them assaulting me day and night with their questions. Zero: Must be part of the top brass' inquiry. Snake: More like an interrogation. According to them, I'm a traitor and an accomplice to The Boss' defection. Zero: They're just looking for a scapegoat. Snake: Does that mean they're after you too? Zero: Let's just say neither one of us is going to be made a national hero out of this. Snake: Does this mean FOX is going to die? Zero: No. This fox is still one step ahead of the hounds. The reason I came to see you today... Jack, it's time for FOX to clear its name. Snake: What are you talking about? Zero: The situation has changed. We've still got a chance to come out of this one alive. Snake: Yeah? What kind of chance? Zero: Don't get too excited. Here, have a cigar... it's Cuban. This morning I had a meeting with the CIA. Snake: They decided when they're going to execute us? Zero: No. Something even bigger. Yesterday, the White House received an unexpected call. Chairman: President Johnson? Johnson: Yes, I hear you Mr. Chairman. Zero: It was a hotline call from Khrushchev to President Johnson. Snake: From the head of the Soviet Union? Zero: That's right. Khrushchev: A few days ago one of our country's main Design Bureaus, OKB-754, was destroyed in a nuclear explosion. At about the same time our anti-aircraft radar picked up a signature that appeared to come from one of your military aircraft. Does any of this sound familiar to you? In retaliation, I have placed our armed forces on secondary alert. Depending on your response, I may be left with no choice but to order the military to maximum alert and unleash Armageddon. With the help of your predecessor I was able to survive the Cuban incident. But my power is not as great as it once was. If I am to survive this crisis, I must have your full cooperation. Johnson: I should have contacted you myself. Did you know that one of our soldiers defected to your country a week ago? Khrushchev: No. Johnson: So you haven't heard then... The man who arranged the defection was a GRU colonel by the name of Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin. Khrushchev: Volgin? Of the extremist faction? Go on. Who was this soldier? Johnson: Her name is The Boss. She's a living legend. During World War II, she was the one who led us to victory in that war. In Russia, you know her as Voyevoda. Khrushchev: You mean... THE Boss? The mother of your Special Forces? Johnson: Yes, that's the one. And she took two miniature nuclear shells along with her. Khrushchev: The Boss took two miniature nuclear shells? Johnson: I'm afraid so... I believe they were a gift for her new hosts. The "Davy Crockett" Atomic Battle Group Delivery System was completed two years ago. But serious problems were found with the launcher's range and precision. Although they were mass-produced they've never been deployed in battle. Khrushchev: But Sokolov's research facility was completely wiped out! The whole area is polluted! Johnson: I can only offer you my deepest condolences over this terrible tragedy. Khrushchev: So The Boss with Colonel Volgin's help stole two experimental nuclear shells and took them with her as a gift when she defected. Then, shortly thereafter, Sokolov's design lab, a top-secret military research facility, was destroyed by one of these weapons. Am I right so far? Johnson: Yes, that's correct. Khrushchev: And the American government denies any involvement in the affair, is that right as well? Johnson: That's correct. We were not involved in any way. Khrushchev: Then what was a US military aircraft doing on our radar screen? It was clearly in violation of our airspace. And yet you say it was not acting under your orders? Johnson: That's correct. Khrushchev: You expect me to believe that this was all the work of a single soldier? Johnson: I don't know what else to tell you. Khrushchev: The army insists that this is all a ploy on your part. Johnson: I've said it once and I'll say it again. Our government had nothing to do with it. Khrushchev: And I would like dearly to believe you. However, I'm afraid my power over the military has weakened since the Cuban incident. I will need some kind of proof that was not the action of the American government. You have one week. You must catch The Boss yourselves and recover the remaining nuclear device. Then, you must find some way to prove your innocence. Johnson: Prove our innocence? Khrushchev: Yes. Preferably with something... painful. Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks. Johnson: The Boss should be close to Colonel Volgin. How about a little coaction? Khrushchev: I would not expect too much if I were you. The political situation here in unstable. And Colonel Volgin is a member of the Brezhnev faction which seeks to topple my government. One week. You have only one week... and if it is not too much to ask, do something about Volgin as well. Johnson: What is that supposed to mean? Khrushchev: Nothing... it means nothing. Call it a modest gentleman's agreement to ensure our continued relationship. Johnson: What if we can't "prove our innocence?" Khrushchev: Then I will be unable to restrain the military. I will be ousted and they will seek their revenge. Johnson: A nuclear attack on the United States? Khrushchev: I leave the disposal of this situation entirely to your discretion, Mr. President. Johnson: Disposal, huh... Khrushchev: If you fail, it will mean the beginning of a new world war. Zero: To put it simply, in order to avoid a full-scale nuclear conflict, we have to prove that America was not involved in that explosion. Snake: And eliminating The Boss ourselves will prove America's innocence? Zero: Right. The higher-ups have decided that you're the only one capable of pulling this off. You were her last apprentice. Screw this one up, and we'll both be six feet under. There's no choice. (scene returns to the jet plane) Snake: Are the Russians going to be helping us? Zero: The KGB has promised to lend us one of their communications satellites so that you and I can talk to each other. Snake: That's it? Zero: They've also put us in touch with a couple of insiders. Snake: Insiders? Zero: There was a defection in September 1960... do you remember it? Snake: You mean the two NSA code breakers who went over to the Soviet Union? Zero: Precisely. Since then, they've apparently been training with the KGB for exactly this kind of situation. Their code names are ADAM and EVA. I've been told that ADAM has infiltrated Volgin's ranks. (The jet flips upside-down and a delivery pod containing Snake is detached) Zero: We've also arranged for him to provide you with an escape route. You'll need to rendezvous with him when you get there. (The jet shoots off. Two Russian jets detect it) Russian pilot: Control unidentified aircraft detected. Altitude 30,000 feet. It's fast! Estimated air speed exceeding Mach 3. Bearing south... I'm about to lose it. (The jets break off. Snake's pod descends to the ground and beings to slow. Snake is ejected from the pod; it crashes to the ground while Snake falls with a parachute. The parachute detaches and Snake hits the ground, rolling to a stop. He dusts himself off and calls Major Zero) Snake: This is Snake. Do you read? Zero: Loud and clear. Glad to see you landed safely. Snake: I got blown pretty far off target. Zero: Snake, let's go over your mission objectives one more time. Rescue Sokolov. Find out what's happened to the Shagohod - then destroy it. And finally, eliminate The Boss. Snake: Eliminate The Boss... Zero: This mission will be code-named "Operation Snake Eater." Snake: Because I'll be taking on The Boss and her COBRA unit, right? Zero: Don't forget about Colonel Volgin. Snake: I'm not a hired killer. Zero: I know. But that was the Kremlin's demand. Snake: Demand? You mean it wasn't just a request? What's it to us if the Khrushchev regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction? Zero: If supporting the current regime helps avoid a nuclear exchange, then that's what we'll do. Snake: And what are the CIA's demands? Zero: Our priorities are the rescue of Sokolov and the destruction of the Shagohod. Snake: Roger that, Major Tom. Zero: Hold on, Snake. Snake: What now? Zero: I'm changing my code name. It turns out "Tom" wasn't the most auspicious choice. Snake: What do you mean? Zero: Well, the truth is, when I chose my code name... I picked the wrong one. Snake: The wrong one? Zero: Did you ever see the movie "The Great Escape?" It came out last year. Snake: Must have missed that one. Zero: Anyway, it's based on a true story about prisoners who escaped from a POW camp in Nazi Germany. The prisoners dig three tunnels as part of their plan. But the Nazis find two of the tunnels before they're finished. The prisoners succeeded in escaping by using the last remaining tunnel. The names of those three tunnels were Dick, Harry, and Tom. Snake: I get it. You used the name of the tunnel they escaped in as your code name because you thought it would bring you good luck. Zero: Yes, that's exactly right. At least that was the plan... Snake: ...But? Zero: But I got the name wrong. The one they escaped in was Harry. Tom was one of the unlucky tunnels - it was discovered by the Nazis before it was finished. I watched the movie again just to make sure. In fact, I even ordered the actual film from the movie company. Snake: Yeah, it doesn't sound like the greatest name to use. So, what should I call you instead? Zero: Hmm. You know, let's just use Zero, like we've been doing all along. Snake: All right, then, Major Zero it is. We'll start over from square one. Zero: From square zero. My frequency is 140.85. Oh, I almost forgot. Para- Medic is with is again on this mission. Snake: Is this her last chance, too? Zero: If we fail, she'll have her medical license revoked. It's more or less the same kind of fate... Her frequency is the same as during the Virtuous Mission, 145.73. She'll be recording your mission data, as well, just like last time. That frequency is also the same: 140.96. And there's one more person on your support team. His name is Mr. Sigint. He's an expert on the latest in weapons and equipment technology. You'll be going up against some the world's most advanced weaponry when you infiltrate the research facility. If you have any questions, just ask him. His frequency is 148.41. Snake: Mr. Sigint. Got it. Zero: ADAM, your KGB contact, is waiting for you at the abandoned factory up ahead. Snake: The same factory Sokolov was being held in last week? Zero: Yes. Meet up with ADAM first. He's cleared the way for you to rescue Sokolov. Snake: How will I know this ADAM guy when I see him? Zero: You'll know once you reach the factory. The whole area's been polluted by the fallout from that nuclear blast. No one else would dare come close. The password is... "Who are the Patriots?" and "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Snake: "La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo." Gotcha. Zero: You've been equipped with a .45 for this mission. Be careful... it's noisy. Snake: I thought standard FOX procedure was procure on site weapons acquisition. Zero: The circumstances are different this time. You're now on an official mission for the United States government. It will be necessary to make your presence known to a certain extent. To the Khrushchev regime at the very least. But remember - this is still a sneaking mission. Snake, if you fail this mission, it will mean an all-out nuclear war. Keep that in mind and proceed with extreme caution. Snake: Understood. Commencing Operation Snake Eater. ================= (Snake enters Dremujich north and finds a white horse.) Boss: Looks like death wasn't ready for you yet. (The Boss is standing behind Snake wearing a cloak. Snake draws his gun) Snake: Boss? Boss: That arm still hurt? Snake: What are you doing here? (Before Snake can react, The Boss pulls off the cloak, revealing a white battle suit. She dashes forward and disarms Snake before breaking his gun into pieces with her bare hands) Boss: Go home! (Snake tries to attack, but The Boss flips him to the ground) Boss: Go home! GRU and my sons are waiting up ahead. You don't have a prayer of finishing your mission - you're not even armed. (walks away) Snake: Boss!! (Snake tries to attack, but again, he is floored by The Boss' superior CQC technique) Boss: I'm not your boss anymore. There's nothing for you here. Go home. Go back to your boss. (draws Patriot machine gun) There's no need to prove that you are virtuous here. This isn't America. (The Boss fires on the wreckage of Snake's landing pod, causing it to explode) Boss: That should stir things up a bit. You'd better hurry. (it begins to rain) The Border is 60 miles south of here. You ought to be able to run that far. Snake: Why'd you defect? Boss: I didn't. I'm loyal... to the "end." To my purpose. What about you, Jack? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your mentor? Your mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit? Or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later, you'll have to choose. I don't expect you to forgive me. But you can't defeat me, either. You know me too well. Just look at that bandanna. If you can't put the past behind you, you won't survive long. If we meet again, I'll kill you. (the horse rears up and stomps Snake's hand) Boss: Now, go home! (The Boss rides off. Snake calls Zero) Snake: This is Snake. Major Zero? Zero: I read you, Snake. Snake: I was ambushed by The Boss. Zero: You were what!? Snake: The drone's been shot to hell. It's up in flames. Zero: That's not good. Enemy scouts are going to come looking for you. Snake: Yeah, I know. But what was The Boss doing here in the first place? There's got to be a leak somewhere. Zero: No, that's impossible. The man The Boss is working with, Colonel Volgin, isn't exactly on speaking terms with Khrushchev. Snake: I lost my gun... The Boss destroyed it. Zero: Snake, I know how you're feeling. It's hard for me to believe, too - that a legendary hero like The Boss would go over to the Russians, that she'd double cross us like this... But that's how it is, and if you don't accept it, you'll never be able to beat her. Snake: That's not the problem. In terms of sheer technique, I'll never be able to beat her. I know that all too well. Zero: You've got to do it, Snake. She's your enemy and your objective. Snake: Enemy!? We were together for 10 years. And now you tell me she's my enemy? Zero: Enough. Hurry to the factory where ADAM is waiting. Scouts have probably already been sent out to investigate the explosion. You've lost your weapon, right? That means you've got no chance of winning in a battle situation. Whatever you do, don't let them see you. ================= ((After Snake leaves Sokolov's previous holding chamber, he heads out into the complex. A blinding light form a motorcycle issues from his left) Woman: Sorry I'm late. Snake: Cut the engine, they'll hear us. Woman: Are you the agent they sent? Snake: Are you ADAM? I thought you were supposed to be a man. Woman: ADAM couldn't make it. Snake: All right, say the password. Who are the Patriots? (no answer) Who are the Patriots? (no answer) Answer me! (soldiers suddenly appear and surround Snake) Snake: Trapped? Woman: Get down! (The woman pulls out a Chinese Mauser 17 pistol and lets loose, killing all of the soldiers) Woman: There... is your answer. (She gets off the bike, removes her helmet, and approaches Snake, unzipping the front part of her suit) Eva: The name's EVA. (We next see Snake and Eva in Sokolov's room, Snake smoking a cigar) Snake: This wasn't part of the plan. What happened to ADAM? Eva: What's your code name? Snake: It's... Snake. Eva: Snake, huh. Well, I'm EVA... are you here to tempt me? (She sits next to Snake, but he turns away) Snake: What happened to ADAM? Eva: Colonel Volgin is a very suspicious man. He decided ADAM wasn't the right person for this mission. Snake: And you were? Eva: Yes. Snake: Why? Eva: Because I can do things he can't. Snake: I heard you used to be a code breaker for the NSA. Eva: I was. 4 years ago I defected to the Soviet Union with ADAM. Snake: (eyeing Eva's gun) Mauser Military... the "Broomhandle." Eva: It packs quite a punch. Nice to have when you're on a bike. Snake: You held it sideways, and used the muzzle jump to create a horizontal sweep; that was impressive. Eva: Bet you've never seen that technique in the West. Snake: It's imitation, isn't it? Eva: Yeah. It's a Chinese Type 17 pistol. Around here, even that's hard to come by. Don't worry, though. The one I've got for you is American made. (hand Snake a gun) Snake: .45, huh. (stomps out his cigar) Incredible... Eva: Do you like it? Snake: The feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen. The slide's been reinforced. And the interlock with the frame is tightened for added precision. The sight system is original, too. The thumb safety is extended to make it easier on the finger. A long-type trigger with non-slip grooves. A ring hammer... The base of the trigger guard's been filed down for a higher grip. And not only that, nearly every part of this gun has been expertly crafted and customized. Where'd you get something like this? Eva: I grabbed it from a Western munitions armory. It probably used to belong to one of your officers... and there are more where that came from. You had this with you, didn't you? (holds up Snake's Mk22) Better take this, too. (shows Snake the scientist outfit) Snake: What's this? Eva: A disguise to make you look like a scientist. Snake: A disguise? Eva: Yes. You're here to rescue Sokolov, right? Snake: Sokolov's still safe, then. Eva: Yes. He's being forced to continue his work on the Shagohod. Snake: Where? Eva: At the lab. They've got a whole army of scientists there developing new weapons. Security is tight, but if you disguise yourself as a scientist you might be able to sneak in. Snake: Can we get Sokolov out of there? Eva: We'll see, won't we. Snake: Tell how to get to the lab. (begins whittling the grip of his .45 with his knife) Eva: The safest way in is from the rear. First, you'll have to head north through the jungle. You'll come to a heliport used for shipping materials. Pass the heliport and continue north, and there will be a large crevice. Descend into that area and you'll reach a cave. Move through the cave and you will arrive at a mangrove swamp. After the swamp, there'll be a warehouse. Make your way through the warehouse and you'll come out just south of the lab. Snake: Got it. Eva: And just what are you doing there? Snake: In close range combat, a knife can sometimes be more useful than a gun. By doing this, I'll be able to hold a knife at the same time and still keep the gun steady. That way, I can instantly switch between a gun battle and a knife fight. Right. Let's get going. Eva: Wait a minute. Snake: What now? Eva: You must be tired. Why don't you take a little rest? Snake: I'll be fine. (walks away but staggers) Eva: You'll never make it in your condition. It's a jungle out there. There's still an hour before dawn. It's dangerous to be out in the jungle at night without a guide. Snake: What about you? Eva: I have to get back. I can't be gone for too long. They'll start to suspect something. Don't worry, I'll keep you updated over the radio. Snake: That's it? Eva: My orders are to provide you with information. Nothing more... You look disappointed. All right then... I'll do something special for you. I'll stand watch until dawn. Now be a good boy and lie down. (Snake turns away) What's the matter? Snake: I don't know you well enough to trust you. Eva: How well do you have to know me to trust me? Snake: I don't know if I can trust anybody. (his radio beeps) Eva: Gonna get that? (Para-Medic calls Snake) Para-Medic: She's right Snake. You should get some sleep. Although in your condition, you really ought to be back in the ICU... Whenever you save the game and quit, you'll go to sleep. Sleeping allows you to gain back stamina naturally. Depending on how long you sleep, you may also recover naturally from sickness and injury. When you're tired or hurt, the best thing to do is just get some sleep. So do yourself a favor and take a nap. Doctor's orders, OK? Snake: Yeah, OK. (We next see a shot of Eva using a radio in briefcase while Snake is sleeping. An hour passes and dawn arrives. Snake wakes up to Eva dressing right in front of him. He hears a noise) Snake: ! Eva: What's the matter? Snake: We're surrounded. I see... 4 of them. Eva: We've got company. It's the Ocelot unit. Let's get out of here. Hurry! Don't forget your gear. Here, give me a hand. (they move the bed away to reveal a trapdoor) We can use this to get to the basement. (she crawls down and peeks through the grating) Dammit! Ocelot! I'll get past them on my bike. I'll call you later. Snake: Okay, I'll keep them busy. (Eva kisses Snake on the cheek) ! Eva: Don't go dying on me now. (Eva crawls away. Snake closes the trapdoor and then draws his knife and gun) ================= (After defeating the Ocelot unit and heading north, Snake hears several gunshots back at the factory. He goes back to find Ocelot holding Eva hostage on a platform) Ocelot: I've been waiting for this moment... (Ocelot has the ejected bullet from his Makarov hanging from his neck) Ocelot: That's it! That's the stance! (Eva tries to escape) I don't think so! (he fondles her chest) Wha...? A female spy? This bitch is wearing perfume... (to Snake) Stay where you are! I've had enough of your judo! Snake: I see you've got yourself a single action army. Ocelot: That's right. There'll be no accidents this time. Snake: You call that an accident? Well... it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been showing off. Ocelot: What did you say!? Snake: It's a nice gun, I'll give you that. But the engraving gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Unless you were planning to auction it off as a collector's item. And you're forgetting one more very basic thing... You don't have what it takes to kill me. Ocelot: We'll see!! (he pulls the trigger but nothing happens. He is out of ammo) ! (Eva frees herself and roundhouse kicks him, sending him flying off the platform. She jumps off and lands on her motorcycle. Ocelot tries to stop her but Eva does a back flip on her bike, hitting Ocelot squarely in the face and flooring him. Eva catches his knife on its way down) Snake: 6 shots... Ocelot: ? Snake: That thing only carries 6 shots. The Makarov carries 8. You have to get a feel for how many you have left. (Ocelot recovers his gun) This is a high class weapon. It's not meant for shooting people. Ocelot: Damn! This isn't over yet! (he runs off) (Eva tries to shoot him but Snake stops her) Snake: Don't! Eva: Why? Snake: He's still young. Eva: You'll regret stopping me. Dammit! I've got to get back before he does. (Eva revs up her bike and goes up the stairs. She ramps off and flies over the rooftop before landing and riding off through a gate) ================= (while traveling through Chynoryj Prud, Eva calls Snake) Eva: Snake, are you there? Snake: Eva? Eva: Did you miss me? Snake: Did you make it without any trouble? Eva: No one saw me. Snake: So you're back with Volgin? Eva: In a matter of speaking. Snake: What about The Boss? Eva: Yeah, she's here too. Snake: Better be careful. Eva: Thanks, I will. The Boss and I get along pretty well, though. I guess we traitors have a lot in common. Snake: Why would anyone want to defect? Betraying your country like... I... I just don't get it. Eva: Are you talking about The Boss? Snake: Why'd you do it? Weren't you born and raised in America? Eva: Yes, in a small rural town. I never even knew there were other countries, other cultures, other ways of thinking. Until I went to work for the NSA. Then, one day, I'd found I'd lost faith in the things I'd been taking for granted. Snake: What did you see? What was it that made you want to change sides? Eva: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Snake: Try me. Eva: I saw the universe. Snake: The universe? Eva: Not the actual universe. The universe as the intelligence community sees it. I realized that the gravity in this universe was holding me back. That's all. People and their countries are both changed by the environment. And by the times. Snake: That sounds like what The Boss was saying. Eva: There's a world of difference between this country and America. But it's only a difference of position. A difference of perspective. Coming here made me realize something. Half of what I'd been told was a complete and utter lie... the other half was a conveniently constructed lie. Snake: Where's the truth then? Eva: It's hidden in the lies. Snake: Are you lying, too? Eva: Who knows? I've been trained to make even the most severe falsehood sound like the honest truth. Weren't you? Snake: No. I... believe because I have to. Even if it is a lie. That's part of my mission. Eva: I'll have to remember that. If you need to give me a call on the radio, my frequency is 142.52. See ya. ================= (Snake finds the Bolshaya Past Crevice and meets Ocelot) Ocelot: Ah, you're here at last. Looks like The Boss' info was right. (draws gun) Twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat. (Ocelot gives that strange animal call and more Ocelot unit soldiers, as well as regular soldiers, appear behind Snake) Ocelot: I hate to disappoint the Cobras but you're mine now. All of you, leave us! (the others lower their weapons) It's just you and me. No one to get in our way. Ocelots are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone. (he shows off by twirling two revolvers) 12 shots... (twirls some more) This time, I've got 12 shots. Okay... Draw! ================= (Snake and Ocelot hold each other at gunpoint after the battle. Before they can shoot, swarms of hornets appear) Ocelot: Damn! He found us!! (The hornets attack everyone in the area. Ocelot is able to fend them off by twirling his revolvers. The other soldiers are not so lucky; all are stung to death. Ocelot hides behind a tree) Ocelot: You were lucky. We'll meet again! (the same line from MGS1) (Ocelot runs off. Snake cannot hold off the hornets, so he jumps down into the crevice) ================= (Snake enters a cave and a swarm of hornets appear. Snake dives into the water to avoid the hornets and surfaces to find The Pain standing on a small island) Pain: I've caught you at last. We are the sons of The Boss. I am The Pain. I will guide you to a world of anguish beyond your imagination. Let's get started! ================= (after taking down about half of The Pain's life, he pulls off his mask to reveal a horribly scarred face from hornet stings. He begins to shoot his "bullet bees" out of his mouth) ================= (When The Pain dies, he falls to the floor. Hornets begin to swarm around him) The Pain: The pain... the pain... the pain! (he explodes) The pain!! (echoing) ================= (Snake enters the Chonarya Peschera Cave Entrance and sees several soldiers on patrol riding what appears to be flying vehicles) ================= (Snake enters Ponizovje Warehouse Exterior and takes a look with his binoculars. A guard is pushing Sokolov around) Sokolov: Get your hands off me! I'm not going anywhere! (Volgin and the woman from before appear) Volgin: Really now. How many times must I tell you? (Volgin places a hand on the woman's shoulder and gives her an electric shock, sending her tumbling down the stairs( Sokolov: Tanya! Volgin: Each time you resist, your lover will suffer the consequences. Is that clear? Sokolov: Volgin...!! (he tries to move forward but the guard pushes him back) Damn you! (Volgin picks up Tanya and gives her another electric shock. The guard begins to push Sokolov into the warehouse when Ocelot shows up) Ocelot: Hold it right there, traitor. Let's find out just how lucky you are. (Ocelot reveals a bullet for his revolver. He loads the bullet) Ocelot: Watch closely. (takes out three revolvers) Ocelot: One of these three guns has a single bullet in it. I'm going to pull the trigger six times in a row. Are you ready? (Ocelot juggles the three guns. Each time he pulls a trigger, Sokolov winces. The fifth time a trigger is pulled, Sokolov pisses his pants) Ocelot: Looks like your luck hasn't run out yet. (Ocelot is about to pull a trigger the sixth time when The Boss intervenes and grabs the gun. She pulls the trigger and the bullet is fired into the water) Boss: There's no such thing as luck on the battlefield. (Volgin signals to the guard and takes him into the warehouse) Boss: You'd better stay in line from now on. The Cobras will take care of him. (The Boss hands the gun back to Ocelot, but he is surprised to see that The Boss has dismantled it with her bare hands. He angrily stomps off) Volgin: Has the CIA dog been disposed of yet? Boss: The Pain is dead. Volgin: What!? (he punches the wall several times) He may be a child but he's definitely one of yours! (several bullets wedged in between his knuckles fall to the ground) I fear Khrushchev may have a hand in this. We have no time to lose. You must eliminate him before the final test. Boss: Don't worry. They'll be bale to handle it. (An old man in a wheelchair comes out of the warehouse) Boss: I'm leaving him to you, The Fear. (The Fear appears and runs across the water, jumping away from scene) Volgin: The old man is always sleeping. Is he all right? Boss: The End is saving what life he has left in him for battle. Normally, he's dead. But he'll wake up when the time is right. (it begins to rain) And when he does, it will The End for the boy. (Volgin goes to Tanya) Volgin: Sokolov isn't worth your love. You can entertain me until the rain stops. (walking away) Kuwabara... Kuwabara... (Tanya leaves. The Boss looks up into the sky) Boss: The Sorrow? Is that you? (leaves) ================= (Snake enters Granin's office in the Graniny Gorki Lab) Granin: If you're looking for Sokolov, he's not here anymore. Snake: (draws gun) ! Granin: Put that thing away. You'll spoil my drink. So, you're the intruder everyone's talking about. Typical capitalist dog - no manners. (takes a swig form his flask) Snake: And who are you? Granin: You mean you've never heard of me? And you call yourself an agent. Very well, then. Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin. A man of some importance if I do say so myself. I am the foremost weapons scientist in the Soviet Union and the head of the glorious Granin Design Bureau. This is the Order of Lenin. It is an honor of the greatest magnitude given along with the title of "hero of socialism," to only the finest workers. It was awarded to me in recognition of my brilliant contributions to society. Since the Great Patriotic War, I have created countless weapons in the service of our great communist society. It was thanks to me that we were able to stamp out the Nazi scum. It was I who created the basic design for the mobile ballistic system you know and fear as SS-1C. (takes another swig) Snake: You're crocked, aren't you? Granin: I am merely drowning my sorrow. Because of him, I've got nothing to do but sit here and drink this crap. Snake: Him? Granin: Sokolov! It's him you're looking for, isn't it? Because of him, I have been stripped of my authority. My research has come to nothing. Look! (pulls out some schematics and hands them to Snake) It is a revolutionary mobile nuclear missile system, a bipedal tank. Snake: A bipedal tank? Granin: Yes, a walking tank - a robot! Are you familiar with the theory of the missing link between apes and humans? Well, this technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery. A kind of metal gear, if you well. And this magnificent metal gear will make a revolutionary step forward in weapons development. Snake: Metal Gear... Granin: But I won't be used so easily. No, no crying myself to sleep. For you see, I'm going to send these documents to my friend in the United States. (we see a picture of this person who looks a lot like Otacon from MGS1) Snake: What!? Granin: These bastards will live to regret this. And when they themselves become the targets of my creation, they will know my true greatness. Yes! Sokolov's pathetic Shagohod pales in comparison to my work! What are you going to do with a rocket engine on a tank? Snake: About Sokolov... Granin: A tank does not need a rocket! It needs something else. Look at these (motions to his legs). Snake: Nice shoes. Granin: No. Legs!! Legs that allow it to go anywhere!! Just as when humans learned to walk upright! THAT is the real evolution in weaponry! Don't you agree? But... the fools in charge choose Sokolov. Snake: And where is Sokolov? Granin: My project has been terminated. The Philosopher's Legacy has been handed over to him. Snake: What the hell are you talking about? Granin: The Philosopher's Legacy. Haven't you heard of the Philosophers? The colonel has inherited their immense legacy. Volgin's father was in charge of the Philosopher's money laundering activities. In the confusion of the war, he somehow ended up with their treasure. And Volgin inherited that treasure illegally. We never need to worry about the military budget. The development costs at our facility are all paid out of the colonel's deep pockets. The weapons born here will be the genes for creating an entirely new form of warfare! The funding for my research came out of that legacy. CAME out of it. Now, my money, my men - all have been diverted to the Shagohod project. Tomorrow they will be conducting the final test. While Sokolov is making the final preparations in the weapons factory, at Volgin's main base, the great fortress of Groznyj Grad, here I am playing host to an enemy spy and drinking myself into a stupor. Snake: That's where they moved Sokolov? Granin: Yes. Snake: And the Shagohod is there, too? Granin: Of course. (Snake starts to leave) Hey! You're not thinking of going to Groznyj Grad? Are you mad? It's an impenetrable fortress! Snake: I'm sure it is. Granin: You'll be killed! Snake: I'll take my chances. Granin: Wait! Snake: What? Granin: Listen to me, you fool! I want to help you. Snake: Help me? Granin: To thank you for your compliment. Snake: What compliment? Granin: My shoes. Tatyana gave them to me. I wanted to thank you for complimenting me on them. I'll tell you how to get into the fortress. In return, I ask only that you get that idiot out of there and destroy the Shagohod. There is an underground tunnel that runs around the perimeter of the base. You should be able to use it to sneak into the base. Head for the mountains. The entrance to the tunnel is located there. Take this. (hands over a keycard) You passed through a warehouse on your way here, didn't you? Snake: Yeah. Granin: There should have been a locked door inside of it. Do you remember it? Snake: ... Granin: This key... will open that door. Beyond that door lies a vast jungle. You climb up into the mountains from the far end of the jungle. Go back to the warehouse. Use the key to open the locked door and head for the mountains. Got it? Snake: Why are you helping me? Granin: Unlike Sokolov, the thought of defecting has never once crossed my mind. I love... my country. I love this land. I cannot even imagine living anywhere else. I wish to remain a hero... of the great motherland. I cannot bear the thought of being hounded into a corner and left to waste away. It is already dawn. You must hurry. I will remain here and nurse my troubles for a little longer. (Snake starts to leave) To capitalism! (takes another swig) ================= (Snake is walking through Graniny Gorki South but is ambushed by The Fear. A bolt from a crossbow flies down and hits Snake in the leg. He takes cover behind a tree as The Fear, clad is some sort of stealth camouflage uniform, jumps down to the ground) Fear: I am The Fear... That bolt is coated with the venom of the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Soon a most exquisite pain will engulf your entire body. Your limbs will be paralyzed, your lungs cease to draw breath, eventually your heart will stop beating. Ah, but what fun would that be? Not a fitting death at all. The Boss' apprentice... I will give you fear such as you've never experienced before. Come into my web... It is time... (he dislocated his arms) for you to feel the fear! ================= (Snake defeats The Fear. The Fear is suspended in the air by several ropes, like a spider web) Fear: The fear! The fear!! I see it! The fear! (The Fear explodes, sending hundreds of bolts every which way. Snake dives out of the way just in time) ================= (When Snake enters Svyatogornyj South, Eva calls him) Eva: Snake, are you there? Snake: Eva? Where are you? Eva: In the fortress - in Groznyj Grad. Dr. Sokolov is here, too. Snake: Is he all right? Eva: He's fine. Right now he's busy putting the finishing touches on the Shagohod. Snake: Good. That's means they haven't killed him. Eva: Not yet anyway. But you better hurry. They've already finished the Phase 2 tests. Once the final preparations are complete, they'll have no more use for him. The colonel won't have any qualms about killing him if he thinks the CIA is closing in. Snake: Eva, you can't let Sokolov out of your sight. Eva: I know. Snake, do you know where Groznyj Grad is? Snake: Granin told me that I should be able to get there from the mountains to the north through an underground tunnel. Eva: Granin told you? Snake: Yeah. He even gave me the key to the warehouse. Eva: Why? Snake: Because he was drunk, I guess. Eva: You've got to be kidding. Snake: Hell if I know. Eva: Snake, there's one problem with that route. Snake: What problem? Eva: The mountain entrance to the underground tunnel that leads to the fortress is sealed. You need a key to get in. Snake: A key... what about the key Granin gave me? Eva: That key won't work. But don't worry. I'll figure something out. I have an idea. There are some ruins at the top of the mountains. Meet me there. Snake: The top of the mountains. Got it. Eva: Wait. There's something else I've got to tell you. Snake: Now what? Eva: I heard that one of the Cobras is waiting for you in the jungle at the foot of the mountains. He's a legendary sniper call The End. Snake: Yeah, I've seen him before. That ridiculously old guy, right? Eva: Don't underestimate him. He's known as the father of modern sniping. Snake: Is he alone? No spotter? Eva: None. He's all by himself. Apparently he doesn't need a spotter. Snake: You can't be serious. Eva: The entire forest is on his side. Snake: The forest... Eva: Stay alert. Snake: Yeah. I'd hate to have it be the end for me. ================= (Snake enters Sokrovenno South and hears a noise. From far away, The End lies motionless on the ground. His parrot wakes him up) End: I beg of you, grant me the strength to take this final prey. Let me linger in the world just a little longer. I have already slept enough for one lifetime... enough for an eternity. You have my thanks. I have to thank you for waking me. If you hadn't shown up... my sleep... would have been eternal. Do you hear me, Snake? I am The End. I am here to send you to your ultimate fate. You'll make a fine quarry for my final hunt. (Snake takes cover and calls Eva) Snake: Eva, I found that sniper you were talking about. Eva: That's The End. He's a legend, known as the "Father of Sniping." Snake: I've got experience sniping in urban and marine environments. Eva: What about the forest? Snake: Never. Eva: I see... well, that forest is divided into three areas: a river, a plateau, and a clearing. He should be lying in wait for you in one of those places. Snake: Sounds like this may take a while. Eva: It'll be a test of endurance. Be careful, though. From what I've heard, The End has an almost supernatural knack for camouflaging himself. Snake: So whoever moves first, loses... This guys' over a hundred years old, though, so I should have the advantage in terms of stamina. Eva: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Snake: Why's that? Eva: I've heard that his body is photosynthetic, like a plant. Snake: What is he, some kind of monster? Eva: On top of that, he can speak to the forest, too. Snake: So in other words, he knows it inside out? Eva: Uh huh. But he doesn't know you. I'm sure you can beat him. Snake: Don't worry. I intend to. ================= (If you save the game and quit, Snake will go to sleep. After 3-5 days, loading up the game will cause this scene to occur. Snake is resting against a tree. He wakes up but is shot in the head with a tranquilizer dart. The End has outwitted Snake) End: You disappoint me, young Snake... The moment you close your eyes on the battlefield is the moment you never open them again. That's why I don't sleep here... (He carries Snake off to the Graniny Gorki Lab) ================= (If you save, quit, and then load the game up after about a week, another scene will occur. Snake spots The End with his back turned and slowly sneaks up on him) Snake: Drop your weapon. (no response) Drop your weapon! (The End topples forward. He is dead. Snake calls Zero) Snake: Major, I found The End. He's dead. What the hell happened? Para-Medic: Maybe it was from old age. Zero: You mean he kicked the bucket in the middle of a battle? Para-Medic: Maybe. Zero: Well, Snake, the victory is yours. Snake: No, I don't think so. Zero: What do you mean? Snake: It was his dying wish to fight me. But I disappointed him. Zero: Snake, listen to yourself. This is a mission. It's not a game; it's not a sport. You think you're competing for the gold at Tokyo or something? Snake: ...I guess you're right... Zero: Just focus on completing the mission. Snake: Yes, sir... (Snake rings off and walks away at The End's corpse explodes) ================= (Snake wins the battle and The End collapses to the ground) End: Spirits of the forest... I thank you. The Boss would be proud of you. The time has come for a younger generation to rise. I've been wandering for more than a century and now my journey comes to a close. What a splendid way... to end it all. I have no regrets... I can return to the forest at last... (The End's uniform slowly turns brown. His dentures fly up in the air and he explodes, like all the other Cobra unit members) ================= (Snake walks into the ruins at the top of the mountains. He sneaks upstairs to find a half-naked Eva getting dressed) Eva: Well, that was quick. Snake: You look like you could use some rest. Eva: I'll be fine. It's just that playing these two roles hasn't left me much time to sleep. Snake: Where'd you get those cuts? Eva: The colonel. Snake: He found out? Eva: If he knew, I'd be dead already. No, this is his "hobby." He's a sadist. He gets pleasure out of making people suffer. He's scum... (Snake touches the scars on her back) Does it look that strange to you? Snake: No. I'm the same way, scars all over. Eva: Can I see? Snake: No. (indicates the scar on her abdomen) Where'd you get this one? Eva: I got it after defecting to the Soviet Union. Snake: I don't think so. It's older than that. Code breaking is a desk job. Where'd you get this kind of scar? Eva: You really want to know? Well, too bad. Snake: ... Eva: A girl's got to have some secrets, you know. But enough about that. You've got to get going. The Phase 2 trial of the Shagohod is about to start. And it looks like someone might be coming to spoil the party. Snake: Khrushchev? Eva: His forces are on their way here. The colonel is gathering his troops together to meet them. If we don't get a move on the security will be even tighter than it is now. You'll need this key. (hands it to Snake) It unlocks the door to the underground tunnel. Once you're in there, you can follow the tunnel to get inside Groznyj Grad. And take this, too. (pulls out two packages of instant noodles) Snake: What is it? Eva: The food of the future. A well-balanced meal for the space age. It's good to eat some real food once in a while. I'll bet if I kissed you, you'd taste like a wild animal. (we some shots of the Groznyj Grad) Snake: Do you know where exactly in Groznyj Grad Sokolov is located? Eva: He's in the heart of the fortress, the weapons lab. The weapons lab is divided into three wings. There's the east wing which houses the research facilities. Then there's the main wing where the weapons are assembled. That's where the Shagohod is. Finally, there's the west wing which is connected via a passageway to the main building. That's where Sokolov is. To get in, you'll have to enter the main wing from the east wing. Then, go through the passageway on the second floor of the main wing. Snake: The west wing of the weapons lab. Got it. Eva: There's just one problem. Snake: Not again... Eva: The west wing is protected by the highest level of security. You need to be colonel class to get in. Snake: Colonel class? Eva: Here, look at this picture. (The picture is of Volgin and another man) Major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov. Pretend you're him. Snake: How do I do that? (we see Raikov, who looks just like Raiden from MGS2, walking in the east wing) Eva: Steal his clothes. You look similar from behind so they won't know the difference. Your face might be a problem so you'll just have to figure something out. He should be somewhere in the east wing. (the scene returns to Snake and Eva) Snake: All right. But how am I supposed to escape once I get Sokolov out of there? Command said you're supposed to have something ready for me. Eva: And I do. There's a lake 30 miles north of here. I hid a WIG there. Snake: A WIG? Eva: It's a state-of-art ground effect vehicle. Snake: A ground effect vehicle. I can't fly one of those! Eva: That's okay. I happen to be an excellent pilot. Snake: Taking off from a lake is trickier than it looks. It's not like riding a motorcycle. You've got to be delicate. Eva: Of course I will. You've seen how good I am with the bike, right? (Snake looks down and notices some dirt on one of Eva's boots) Snake: Right. You handle the escape, then. I'll head for Groznyj Grad. Eva: Wait a minute. There's something I wanted to ask you. Snake: What? Eva: What's the story between you and The Boss? Snake: She was like a mother... and my master. Eva: And your lover? Snake: It went deeper than that. Eva: Deeper? Snake: Half of me belongs to The Boss. Eva: Do you love her? Snake: No, nothing like that. Eva: Do you hate her? Snake: Does it have to be one or the other - love or hate? Eva: Between a man and a woman. You bet. Snake: For ten years, we lived and died together. You couldn't possibly understand. Eva: And you think you can kill her now? That's your mission, isn't it? Assassinating The Boss. (Snake moves away and lowers his head) Eva: Snake, is there anyone you like? Someone special? Snake: I've never been interested in other people's lives. (These lines are an obvious reference to the same conversation Snake and Meryl had in MGS1) Eva: You were interested in The Boss. Snake: She was different. Eva: Really? How do you feel about me? Snake: I should be asking you the same question. Eva: Me? I can fall in love - if it's part of the mission. (unzips the front part of her suit) Even with you... (she kisses him several times, but he doesn't move) Snake? What's wrong? (Snake turns to leave but they hear a crashing noise. The two head outside to a cliff overlooking Groznyj Grad. Eva gets on her bike) Eva: See you 'round, Snake. Take care of yourself. Snake: What about you? Eva: I've got to hurry back and play my... other part. Snake: Are you going to be OK? Eva: Not sure... they're not stupid and they know there's a spy. There's no way you could have gotten this far all by yourself. (Eva revs up the bike and flies off the cliff. Snake uses his binoculars and watches her go. Then, he focuses inside the base and sees Volgin punching a steel barrel. The barrel begins to leak blood. Volgin delivers a powerful punch and barrel flies into several more barrels. The charred body of Granin is ejected from the barrel.) Ocelot: Colonel, did he talk? Volgin: No. He died before I could get it out of him. Ocelot: He wasn't the spy, then? (Volgin removes the sole of Granin's shoe and pulls out a small electronic device.) Volgin: Look at this. Ocelot: A transmitter? Volgin: Exactly. Planted to keep someone informed of his location. (he sends an electrical current through his hand and destroys the transmitter) Ocelot: But... does this mean Granin was the spy? Volgin: Perhaps he was being used by someone else. Ocelot: Perhaps? This man was our comrade! Volgin: Comrade or not, he is of no use to us now. Ocelot: I don't approve of your methods! Volgin: I don't need your approval. I'm in command here. Ocelot: ...and that nuclear shell. Volgin: Still feeling sore about that, are you? What are you going to do, report it to the authorities? This is war, Major. A Cold War, fought with information and espionage. We must root out spies wherever they hide. It is kill or be killed. Potential threats must be weeded out. Your feelings are a menace to the unity of our organization. Someone is guiding the enemy's hand. A single man can only accomplish so much. Make no mistake, there is a spy among us. Ocelot: But casting suspicion on our own comrades... Volgin: The C3 explosives have been stolen. Ocelot: You think it was the American? Volgin: No. He could not have reached this fortress yet. Ocelot: Then who? Boss: I'd be careful about suspecting your own men. Volgin: Boss? (Tatyana shows up as well) Ocelot: Where have you been? Boss: The Fear and The End have fallen. (throws The Fear's crossbow on the ground. Ocelot picks it up) Volgin: (punching a barrel) Damn it! CIA dog! That leaves only The Fury. How can the legendary Cobras be beaten so easily? Ocelot: He's good... Volgin: Fallen for him? Boss: Don't worry. I'll take care of him. Volgin: What is he after? It must be more than just Sokolov. Boss: America is out to destroy the Shagohod and get its hands on your inheritance... the Philosopher's Legacy. Volgin: Impossible! The Legacy... it... Boss: And they're out to kill me as well. Colonel, tighten the security on this place. He's coming here - I'm sure of it! I'm going to get the Davy Crockett. (She leaves, as does Volgin. Ocelot is about to leave when he smells something) Ocelot: Mm? Perfume? Hmm... (points the crossbow at Tatyana) Nice boots. (they are the same boots Eva was wearing) Make sure you polish them up properly. ================= (Snake walks through the underground tunnel and encounters The Fury) Fury: I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back form space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury! (flies up in the air with jet pack) A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now - you're going to feel the scorching of that terrible blackness! ================= (Snake defeats The Fury) Fury: Boss... this is the end of the Cobras. You've got to live on... you're the only one left. I'm off... to join The Sorrow. (he removes his helmet and begins to suck in all the flames) Behold the flames of fury! The fires of Hell will purge me clean! I can see it! Mission control, do you read me? (fires up jet pack) I'm coming home!! I can see the earth... (He changes into a giant flaming face, flying around the room. Snake dodges some debris and barely manages to make it through a door before the face crashes and explodes) ================= (Snake enters Groznyj Grad. We see several shots of the base and the patrolling guards. Snake takes cover behind some boxes and prepares for the infiltration) ================= (After taking out Raikov, Snake drags his body to the locker room and removes his clothes. Snake stuffs the Major into a locker) ================= (Snake arrives at Sokolov's room and takes off his hat and mask. He is about to enter) Sokolov: Here it is. (hands some film to Tatyana) Tatyana: You can count on me. What about the Philosopher's Legacy? Sokolov: I don't know anything about that. (Tatyana pulls out her tube of lipstick) What are you...! Are you trying to kill me? Tatyana: What's the matter? Sokolov: I know nothing. I swear it! No one but the colonel knows of the Legacy! Tatyana: I see. (holding the tube in his face) Sokolov: No, don't...! (Tatyana reveals that the tube really is just lipstick. She puts some on and leaves, not noticing Snake hiding behind some boxes. Snake enters the room) Sokolov: Who's there? You're the man from the CIA. What are you doing here? Snake: I told you before, didn't I? I'm going to get you out of here. Sokolov: Hmph... a man of honor, just like your commander. But I'm afraid you're too late. Snake: Too late? Don't tell me... the Shagohod's...? Sokolov: Exactly. The final preparations for Phase 2 are complete. Snake: Sokolov, what exactly is Phase 2? Sokolov: To put it in technical terms, it is a composite range extension system for medium-range ballistic missiles. The Shagohod was originally designed as a tank that could launch nuclear missiles from any type of terrain. There was just one problem we couldn't figure out how to solve. ICBMs we have today are simply too big for the Shagohod to carry. But the military would not hear of it. They demanded a weapon that could launch a nuclear missile directly into the American homeland. That is when I came up with the idea for Phase 2. Snake: But there's no way you could load an ICBM onto the Shagohod. So how'd you do it? Sokolov: By accelerating the Shagohod itself. Snake: Accelerating it? Sokolov: In Phase 2, a rocket booster engine is attached to the frame of the Shagohod. The unit incorporates the same technology used in the Vostok rocket that sent Major Gagarin into space. Using this booster, the Shagohod can achieve a land speed of over 300 miles per hour. Snake: That monster can go more than 300 miles per hour? Sokolov: Yes. And from this state of accelerated motion, it launches a nuclear missile. Snake: So the Shagohod acts like the first stage of a rocket. Sokolov: Yes, precisely. The range of the missile launched by the Shagohod thus increases from 2500 miles to 6000 miles. Snake: 6000 miles... that's enough to strike anywhere in the United States. Sokolov: Not only that, with the Shagohod there is no need to construct giant silos like the ones used to house ICBMs. All you need is a runway about 3 miles in length, or its equivalent, and you can launch a thermonuclear strike against any location in the United States from anywhere in the Soviet Union. It cannot be detected by spy planes or satellites. It's a mobile fortress, capable of deploying in secret and launching its payload at any time. Snake: A weapon from hell... Sokolov: A completed prototype now sits in the hangar. At present, it is the only one of its kind. But Volgin is planning to mass-produce them based on that prototype. Snake: And deploy them all over the Soviet Union? Sokolov: Yes. And that's not the end of it. He's going to ship them to Eastern Europe, to Asia... to all the countries of the Eastern bloc. Even worse, he intends to use the Shagohod as bait to foment armed uprisings against dictators, ethnic insurgents, and revolutionary groups throughout the Third World. His funds are nearly limitless. He could start mass production tomorrow if he wanted. The reason that tensions between the East and West have settled into a Cold War is because each side fears the other's power. "Deterrence" - the idea of using threats to keep one's enemy in check - is the perfect word to sum up the state of affairs. But the Shagohod goes far beyond the level of "threat." It will render the concept of "deterrence" utterly meaningless. If such a weapon is unleashed on the world, it will not be long before all nations are engulfed in conflict. The Cold War will end and the entire planet will be consumed by the fires of war. Volgin and the Shagohod will be the center of it all. So you see, it is already too late. Snake: No, it's not too late. Sokolov: What do you mean? Snake: We've still got a chance. All we have to do is destroy the prototype and the whole facility before they can mass-produce it. Sokolov: But... Snake: Just tell me what I need to do to destroy this place. Sokolov: All right. The liquid fuel used in the rocket engine is stored in a tank. If you can blow it up somehow. Some C3 ought to be enough to blow the entire hangar to smithereens. Snake: C3? You mean that cutting-edge plastic explosive? Sokolov: It can be molded into any shape. The bomb of the future. Snake: Where can I get it? Sokolov: There was some in the armory here but now it's gone. It was stolen by a female spy who was here a minute ago. Snake: Eva? Sokolov: No, that's not her name. Her name is Tatyana. She made her way in here by becoming Volgin's lover. Snake: I thought she was your lover. Sokolov: Mine? Oh, no, she is Volgin's lover. This is my lover. (hands over a picture) Snake: Who are they? Sokolov: My wife and daughter. They're in America. Snake: Now I remember. Your family is in the custody of the CIA. How long has Tatyana been here? Sokolov: Only a few weeks. Snake: A few days before the Virtuous Mission, then. Sokolov: She said that Khrushchev sent her. Snake: What did you just give her? Sokolov: All of the experimental data for the Shagohod. Please, it is essential that you destroy the Shagohod. Snake: I will. But first, I've got to get you to safety. Sokolov: No... I'm not going. Snake: My mission is to rescue you! Sokolov: Leave me. Snake: Sokolov! Sokolov: Khrushchev has abandoned me. I cannot return to my country. I would most certainly be sent to the gulags. Snake: What about the US? Sokolov: Yes. I once thought of that. My family is waiting for me there. But even if I fled to the United States, I would once again find myself creating weapons of mass murder. In the end, it doesn't matter where I go. I am still a weapons scientist. To be honest with you, I am tired. Every day, I help create things that should never be used - things that should never have existed in the first place. Every day, without sleep. Without a word of praise from others. And my creations do not even benefit mankind. They are merely the tools of politicians. All I wanted to do was build space rockets. But it was not to be. The space race between America and Russia became the prey the of politicians. The space race and the arms race are one and the same. Missiles, rockets... what's the difference? Scientists are always being used. Please watch over my family. (Snake and Sokolov hear Volgin coming. Snake quickly dons his disguise as Volgin walks in) Volgin: Major, what are you doing here? I've been waiting for you in my room. (Snake does not respond. Volgin suddenly grabs Snake's groin. Snake pushes him away but Volgin does it again. He senses something isn't quite right) Volgin: Who are you!? Don't play dumb with me. If you think you can fool me, you are sorely mistaken. I know the major better than anyone else. I come here looking for Tatyana, and what should I find... but a greasy freebooter! (Volgin pulls a gun and aims it at Snake. He then targets Sokolov and shoots both of his kneecaps. Volgin aims back at Snake, but Snake turns the tables and throws Volgin to the ground with lightning speed. Snake is now aiming Volgin's gun at him but The Boss walks in. Snake and The Boss fight each other but as always, The Boss manages to subdue Snake) Boss: What is this fairy disguise? It's gonna rub off on you. And then you'll lose sight of who you really are. (The Boss pulls off the mask. Volgin recovers his gun and is about to shoot Snake) Boss: Stay out of this! (throws Volgin to the ground) Volgin: I see why they call you The Boss. What was that, some kind of judo? Boss: No, it's called CQC, a basic form of close-quarters combat. He and I developed it together. Volgin: Splendid! I will take it from here. Boss: Are you going to kill him? Volgin: Of course. But first, I will make him pay for hurting Ivan! (The Boss leaves, passing by Ocelot in the corridor. Volgin proceeds to beat the crap out of Snake, who is too weak to fight back. Volgin sends a final punch, which knocks Snake cold) ================= (Snake awakens in the Groznyj Grad torture room. There is a bag over his head, so he cannot see anything. However, he can hear Sokolov undergoing an interrogation) Volgin: Tell me!! Tatyana: Stop it! Volgin: Who have you been talking to!? Tatyana: He doesn't know what you're talking about! Volgin: You'd better start talking!! Tatyana: Please, stop this! Volgin: Who is Khrushchev's lapdog!? Tatyana: How can you do this to him? Volgin: I know you gave the data to someone!! Tatyana: He'd never do a thing like! You monster. (we hear a loud crashing noise) Volgin: ...I guess he's dead. (goes to Snake) Now then... I hope you'll prove more entertaining then he was. But first, let's take a look at your body, shall we? = (Volgin's comments are based on how many serious wounds you've had. If you've had a lot:) Volgin: You're a tough one my friend, a lesser man would be dead by now. (If you've had not quite as many:) Volgin: Hmm... you've certainly seen your share of battles. Consider yourself lucky. I am about to show you what hell is really like. (If you've had very little:) Volgin: What a beautiful body you have, like a newborn baby. But not for long... = Volgin: (he starts hitting Snake while asking questions) Well, then, let's get started. What is your target? Is it the Shagohod!? Or Sokolov!? Or maybe it's the Legacy!? Answer me! Who is helping you!? Who let you in here!? You're a tough one. But even you must have your limits. And I am a patient man. (We see Snake hanging in a torture room. Volgin throws some water on Snake. Ocelot is silently watching) Volgin: This is where the fun really begins! My body carries an electric charge of 10 million volts. Let's see how you like this! (he begins to electrocute Snake) Now, answer me! How much does the CIA know? They're after my Legacy, aren't they? Your real target is the Philosopher's Legacy, isn't it? Yes, yes! Let yourself go! That is what I want to see. (The Boss and Tatyana enter) Boss: It's no use. He's not going to talk. He's been trained not to break. Trained by me. Volgin: Admit it! You're after the location of the Legacy! The secret fund established by the three Great Powers during the two World Wars. That's what you're looking for isn't it? One hundred billion dollars. Divided up and hidden all over the world. And you're looking for a record of where all that money is hidden, right? No matter. The Philosopher's Legacy is safely in my possession, in the underground vault of Groznyj Grad. You will never lay a finger on it! (he punches Snake again and small object falls to the floor) What's this? A transmitter. Who is responsible for this? Boss: I am. I planted it on him to keep track of his movements. (Volgin throws the transmitter away but Ocelot catches it) Volgin: Why? Boss: So the Cobras could ambush him. Volgin: If they knew where he was going to be they wouldn't have gotten themselves slaughtered. It pains me to do this, Boss, but under the circumstances I'm afraid I must ask you to show me some proof. That you and he were not in collusion. Boss: You don't trust me, is that it? Volgin: Not that... But he is your apprentice. Boss: What do you want me to do? Volgin: Let's see... Cut out his eyes! I don't like those blue eyes of his. There is nothing more important to a soldier than his eyes. You made him a soldier... and now you will unmake him! Yes, it will make for a touching display. He's all yours. Do it! Ruin him. Just as he did the Cobras. (The Boss draws a knife and approaches Snake. She removes the bag and is poised to cut out his left eye, when Tatyana intervenes) Tatyana: Stop! Volgin: What is it, Tatyana? Tatyana: He's suffered enough. Ocelot: Well, well... why are you protecting him? (smells something) That smell... Tatyana! You're the spy! Tatyana: What are you talking about? Ocelot: I know that smell. (he grabs her chest) Tatyana: Stop it! (slaps him) Volgin: Taken a fancy to her, eh, Ocelot? Ocelot: No, I have no interest in this woman. I want to test her. (pulls out a revolver and loads it with a single bullet) I'll let this be the judge. Volgin: Do as you like. Ocelot: Here we go. (Ocelot begins to juggle three revolvers, one of them loaded with one bullet. Each time he pulls the trigger, Tatyana winces. However, Snake has kept an eye on which revolver is loaded. When he sees it come down into Ocelot's hand, he backs up and swings into Ocelot. Ocelot's aim is thrown off and the revolver fires, the bullet grazing Snake's right eye. The Boss grabs the revolver from Ocelot and slaps him) Boss: There. Satisfied now? Volgin: Well, that was refreshing. Come... we're going to my room. (Volgin leaves. Ocelot takes the transmitter and jams it into a wound on Snake's right shoulder blade) Ocelot: So you survived the colonel's torture, eh? (he applauds) Watching this has made me realize something... it's really not that bad. It's the ultimate form of expression. (retrieves his revolver) You got lucky this time, Tatyana. (The Boss picks up the third revolver and loads it with a single bullet. She shoots Snake in the leg and then places the revolver in his belt.) Boss: Run! (She leaves. Tatyana, who is really Eva, approaches Snake) Eva: I've prepared an escape route for us. Go out and head west. Pass underneath the connect passageway and go north. You'll find an open manhole there. Snake: You're... Eva: Quiet. (several guards approach) Go through the manhole down into the sewers. The door at the north end of the sewers is unlocked - you can use it to get outside the fortress. I've got your equipment. We'll meet up later. Snake: Eva... Eva: But I can't get too close to your cell. You'll have to figure a way out of there yourself... I'll be in touch. (She leaves. The guards enter the room and drag Snake away to his cell) ================= (While in the cell, a hidden cut scene will be triggered if you throw the food given to you back out of the cell three times) Guard: Hey, you're not such a bad guy after all. I... I guess not all Americans are dogs. Snake: You mean it? Guard: Yeah. You know, before the war started, I used to live in America. I even had a wife and a kid. Snake: You must be pretty lonely. Guard: Yeah. I am pretty lonely... REALLY lonely. Snake: What's your kid's name? Guard: Johnny. Snake: Johnny, nice ring to it. Guard: Really? You like it? Well, if you say so, I'll believe you. Actually, my name is Johnny, too. (This guard is Johnny Sasaki's father. He pulls out a picture) All the first-born sons in my family are called Johnny. My dad's a Johnny, and my son's son will probably be a Johnny, too. (Snake looks on the back side of the photo and sees the frequency to open the door) Snake: A whole clan of Johnnies. Johnny: Why do we have a Cold War anyway...? Our two countries used to be such good friends. Snake: Yeah, I hear ya. Johnny: I just want to see my family again. Snake: Must be rough. Johnny: Yeah... but not as rough as you have it, though. Here. (hands over what he thinks is a pack of cigars. It is really the Cigar-Gas Spray) I filched them from your equipment when the colonel wasn't looking. It's the least I can do. (Snake beckons Johnny closer) ? Snake: Don't suppose you could let me out of here? Johnny: Huh? I can't do that. Hey, don't you go getting any funny ideas. If you try to escape, I'll have to shoot you. I've said too much. I gotta go. (Johnny leaves. Snake snaps his fingers in dismay) ================= (After leaving the cell, Zero calls Snake) Zero: Did you manage to escape? Snake: Yeah, I'm out. Zero: Be careful. In your present state, you're practically naked. You don't have a single decent weapon and you'll never survive in a battle. Take some time and pull yourself together. Eva says she's recovered your equipment, so rendezvous with her as soon as possible to get your gear back. Use the escape route Eva set up for you. Go down into the sewers through the manhole in the northwest section of Groznyj Grad. Start out by exiting the holding cells and heading northwest. ================= (Snake enters the Groznyj Grad sewers and gets a call from Eva) Eva: Snake? You're already in the sewers? Snake: Eva? Yeah, I just got down here. Eva: ... Snake: I'm coming to meet you now. The door at the north end is open, right? Eva: Uh, Snake... Snake: Let me guess - there's a problem. Eva: Yeah. Snake: What is it this time? Eva: The colonel found out you escaped. Snake: He did, huh. Figured as much. Eva: Yeah. And now all of Groznyj Grad is on red alert. Snake: Just my luck. But once I'm out of the fortress... Eva: You can't get out. Snake: I can't? Eva: When the fortress went on red alert, they sealed off the sewers. Snake: You've got to be kidding me. Eva: I'm serious. And that means the escape route I laid out... Snake: sealed off, too. Eva: Right. And they just sent a unit out looking for you. Snake: Down here? Eva: Uh huh. They'll be there any minute. You've got to get out, quick! Snake: But isn't the exit sealed off? Eva: You should be able to get out by heading straight north. Book it Snake! If they find you, you're dead! ================= (Snake is running through the sewers, pursued by several soldiers and hounds. He reaches the end, only to find a waterfall. He is trapped. Ocelot shows up) Ocelot: I've been waiting for this! Nobody interfere! (he takes the bullet from his necklace and loads it into a revolver and spins the chamber) This is where it ends... (Ocelot pulls the trigger but nothing happens; the bullet is in the wrong chamber. Snake takes the opportunity to jump off ledge to the water below. Ocelot tries to fire again, but he gets nothing when he pulls the trigger.) Ocelot: Snake! (Snake is carried away by the current) Ocelot: Don't die on me yet... ================= (Snake is walking through a waist-deep river. The trees around him are ablaze but it begins to rain. A figure emerges from the water) Snake: Are you one of the Cobras? Sorrow: Sad... so sad... a host of sorrows. And you are one of them. I am The Sorrow. Like you, I, too, am filled with sadness. This world is one of sadness. Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living... may not hear them. Their voices... may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake... the dead... are not silent. Now you will know the sorrow of those whose lives you have ended. (he begins to cry blood) ================= (Snake is floating underwater, hearing the voices of The Boss and The Sorrow) Sorrow: Boss, you have to shoot me. Boss: I can't! Sorrow: Shoot me! You want to finish your mission, don't you? Then... you'll have to shoot me. The spirit of the warrior... will always be with you. Don't be sad... we'll meet again someday. (Snake wakes up and realizes he is drowning. He quickly surfaces and climbs out on a riverbank. He calls Major Zero) Zero: Snake, are you all right? That was a close one! Snake: What the hell happened to me? Zero: You were halfway drowned at the bottom of the river. Almost crossed over to the other side... Snake: Other side... so that really was... Zero: Something on your mind, Snake? Snake: Major, was there a man in the Cobra unit called The Sorrow? Zero: Yes, I've heard of him. He was an uncanny soldier who fought alongside The Boss. Snake: What kind of man was he? Zero: The Sorrow was a man with, well... special powers. He had ESP, which was the subject of extensive research in the Soviet Union at the time. He was especially gifted as a medium. Snake: A medium? Zero: Someone who can communicate with the spirit world, and evoke the spirits of the dead. In other words, he could talk to ghosts. They say he could find out what was going on in a battle by talking to dead soldiers. Snake: What about him and The Boss? What was the story between them? Zero: I don't know the details. Why don't we ask Sigint? Sigint: Yo. I finished checking up on this Sorrow guy a while ago. Thought you guys already knew, though. Snake: Knew what? Sigint: That he's dead. He's been dead for two years now. Snake: He died two years ago? Sigint: At Tselinoyarsk... you know, those cliffs you were at. And The Boss was the one who did him in. Snake: The Boss? Sigint: Yup. Two years ago, The Boss was sent by the CIA on a secret mission to Tselinoyarsk. That's when she met The Sorrow, who'd gone back to the Soviet Union after the Cobras broke up at the end of the war. Except this time, they were enemies. Snake: And then what? Sigint: The Boss killed The Sorrow herself and accomplished her mission. At least, that's what the records say. Snake: So he was never there in the first place... he just couldn't let go of The Boss... Sigint: You OK, Snake? Snake: Yeah, I'm fine. It looks like it's not time for me to die yet. Sigint: I sure hope not. Otherwise the whole mission is shot. We're counting on you, pal. Snake: Roger that. (Snake calls Eva) Snake: Eva? Eva: Snake!? You didn't call... I was worried! Are you all right? Snake: Yeah. I took a pretty freaky detour. Eva: What are you talking about? Snake: Nothing, forget it. Let's just say I'm back. Eva: Good. But how did you escape from the sewers? Snake: I jumped into the river. Eva: From all the way up there? You're out of control. Snake: Yeah. I got carried away by the current and almost drowned. Eva: Great! That's perfect! Snake: What do you mean, that's perfect? Eva: I mean, if you ended up in the river, then I know a good spot nearby. Let's meet up there. Snake: Where is it? Eva: Keep going upstream until you get to a waterfall. Snake: A waterfall, huh. Eva: Right. Behind that waterfall there's a cave. We'll meet in there. Snake: The cave behind the waterfall upstream. Got it. Eva: See you there. ================= (Snake enters the cave behind the waterfall and find signs of a camp. Suddenly, he hears gunfire behind him and Eva, on her motorcycle, jumps through the water) Eva: Nice to meet you, Snake. I'm Tatyana. Here's your equipment. Snake: Eva, you could use a towel. Eva: So could you. (Later, a fire is roaring, and Snake is eating some animals. He is now wearing a patch over his right eye. He bites into a snake when he notices Eva watching him) Snake: Want some? Eva: No thanks... Snake: Don't like snakes? Eva: Not for dinner. Snake: Didn't you have to eat them at the KGB? Eva: In my training we always got the good stuff. French, Italian... that kind of thing... Snake: A regular Mata Hari. Eva: The least you could do is call me Cynthia. Snake: Tell me something. How does it feel to spy on your own country? Eva: I can't say it feels good. But it's my job. Snake: Can't even eat a snake during a mission, huh. Eva: I wouldn't mind eating you. (she crawls over to Snake) When this mission is over, you'll have to treat me to a nice dinner. Snake: What do you want to eat? Eva: Let's see... how about sushi? Snake: Sushi? Eva: It's Japanese. I hear it's all the rage now. Supposedly, it's made from raw fish. Snake: Raw fish? Just the place for my survival techniques. (A butterfly is fluttering overhead. Snake tries to catch it but fails) Eva: (puts her arms around Snake) Snake? Thank you, Snake. I'll be your eyes from now on. (kisses him) Thank you, Snake... (Eva kisses him passionately but Snake pushes her away) Snake: Don't worry about it. Eva: Are you all right? Snake: It's not like I can't see. I've still got one good eye, and can still fire a gun. Eva: Really? Good. ================= (This is a hidden scene that only triggers if you didn't remove the transmitter) Eva: Snake, come here for a minute. (inspects his back) There's something in here. It's so hard. (During the scene, we see the shadows of Eva and Snake on the wall engaged in a wrestling match) Snake: When did it get like that? Eva: Hold still. Let me do it. Snake: You know, I've been trained to do this kind of thing myself. Eva: Just relax and lat me handle it. Snake: OK... Eva: I can't believe how small it is. Snake: Yeah, but it gets the job done. Eva: Really? Here, lift up your hips. Snake: Like this? Eva: Yeah. (a sickening crunching noise) How's that? Snake: You're pretty good at that. Eva: Yeah, everybody tells me that. Hold steady. I'm not done yet. There! A transmitter! Snake: Is that how they do it in the KGB? Eva: Sometimes. Would you rather I do it American style? Snake: Mmm... but how did you know there was a transmitter lodged in there? That's some female intuition you've got. (throws the transmitter in the fire) ================= (Snake is now dressed in a battle fatigue and he has all of his equipment) Snake: Eva, didn't you steal some explosives out of the fortress? Eva: (holds up a block of C3) C3, a highly potent explosive from the West. It can be molded into any shape, like clay. With just this much, you could blow up the Shagohod and the lab along with it. Snake: Is that right? Eva: Yeah, but there's a trick to using it. Snake: Tell me about it. (Eva divides the block in half and gives one half to Snake. She molds some of her own into the shape of a heart and gives it to Snake) Eva: Well, what do you think? The Shagohod's booster unit uses liquid fuel. The fuel tanks are in the main wing of the weapons lab, in the hangar housing the Shagohod itself. Snake: So I should blow up the tanks? Eva: That's the basic idea. It should be enough to blow up the entire hangar. There are four fuel tanks. In order to destroy the hangar, you'll have to set explosives on each of those tanks. Snake: All four of them? Eva: It should be no sweat for you. Besides, the scientists have the day off today. Snake: So the hangar's completely deserted? Eva: Not quite. They've still got guards posted there. Snake: Hmm... so what do I do after I set the C3? Eva: The bombs run off a timer. Once the timer has been set the countdown will begin. When the timer reaches zero the bombs will all go off at once. Snake: How long do I have? Eva: 20 minutes. Once the Phase 2 trials are finished I wouldn't be surprised if they kill all the scientists to prevent them from talking. So you've got to act fast! Snake: I'll take care of it. Eva, did you get the data on the Shagohod from Sokolov? Eva: Yeah. That's the mission I was given. Snake: By Khrushchev? Eva: Uh huh. American doesn't have any use for it, does it? But I haven't forgotten my other mission, either. Helping you out. Follow this cave and go up the ladder at the end. You'll come out inside Groznyj Grad, just southwest of the weapons lab. Do you remember when you went to rescue Sokolov? Remember there was a locked door when you entered the main wing from the 2nd floor of the east wing? Snake: Yeah. Eva: That's the entrance to the Shagohod's hangar. Use this key to open that door. (hands over a key) Snake: The door right when I entered the main wing. Got it. What about you? Eva; I'll get things ready for our escape. There's a rail bridge to the north. I'm going to set a bomb there, so I'm taking half of the C3 with me. Snake: Right. I'll set off the weapons lab, then. Try not to be in the neighborhood when it happens. Eva: Gotcha. Snake: And watch out for Ocelot. He suspects you're not who you say you are. Eva: Don't worry. The Colonel still trusts me. And I have my ways. There's not a man alive who can resist my charms. Besides you, of course. Snake: I'm just warning you, Eva, that's all. Eva: I know. OK, let's go. (gets on motorcycle) Snake: You seem like you were born on one of those. Eva: If I don't ride everyday I couldn't go on living. Snake: ? Eva: When I'm riding, the wind hits me so hard that it hurts. That pain keeps my mind off the pain of having to be someone else. It's not easy always fooling myself like this. It's only when I'm on the bike... that I'm free to be the real me. I only get off my bike when I fall in love... or fall dead. Snake: What's your name? Eva: Tatyana. Snake: No, your real name. Eva: What's wrong with Tanya? Snake: OK, Tanya. Don't let anyone see you. (sees something on Eva's shirt) ? Eva: Oh, this? It's a button camera. (snaps a picture of Snake) Snake: What did you do that for? Eva: Insurance. To make sure you don't double cross me. (she prepares to leave) Snake: Hey! Eva: What!? Snake: You're gonna get wet again! (She revs up and blasts out from behind the waterfall) ================= (Snake returns to Groznyj Grad through a manhole. However, he takes cover and a truck drives up and parks with its back wheel covering the manhole. The front gates are also closed. Snake sighs as he realizes he's trapped inside the fortress.) ================= (Snake enters the hangar and receives a call from Major Zero) Zero: Snake, I see you've managed to sneak into the hangar. Snake: Yeah, the Shagohod's in here. Zero: The completed Phase 2 Shagohod represents a grave threat to the West. We can't allow it to be mass-produced. You've got to destroy it. Snake: Eva's got the data on the Shagohod. Do you think that's safe? Zero: I wouldn't exactly say it's safe. But Khrushchev is a shrewd leader. I can't imagine he'd use it for anything other than deterrence. Volgin, however, is a different story. He's planning to use the Shagohod to turn the Cold War into a blazing hot one. We can't let him have it. Snake: Agreed. Zero: That leaves just one more mission for you to carry out... Snake: The Boss...? Zero: Exactly. Snake: ... Zero: For now, just focus on destroying the Shagohod. Snake: ...Yes, sir. Zero: I'll let Sigint fill you in on how to destroy it. Sigint: Yo. Like Eva was saying, if you're looking to blow the whole place sky high, the best way it to take out those fuel tanks with the C3. You know there's four tanks in there, right? You have to put C3 on all four of them. To plant a C3 charge, all you gotta do is equip the C3 and press the weapon button while standing in front of a tank. Snake: Just like TNT. Sigint: But, uh, make sure you don't plant it in the wrong place. You've barely got enough C3 as it is, right? Snake: Good point. I'll make sure not to plant it anywhere else. Sigint: Good man. And be careful, liquid fuel has a nasty habit of going off at the slightest shock. So don't go using any heavy firepower near the tanks unless you're aiming to get yourself barbecued. Snake: I'll keep that in mind. Sigint: The C3 charges all have to go off at once if you want to bring down the hangar in one fell swoop. So if I were you, I'd wait until after you plant the last charge to start the timer mechanism. Snake: All right. I'll make sure I finish planting all 4 charges before I start the timer. Sigint: Once the timer's set, you've got 20 minutes until it explodes, right? So make sure you get your ass out that place by then. I think that's about all I've got. The rest up to you. Good luck, pal. Zero: We're counting on you, Snake. ================= (After planting the second C3 charge, Eva calls Snake) Eva: Snake? Snake: Eva... Eva: I've finished planting the bomb on the rail bridge. If we get rid of the bridge, the enemy won't be able to follow us. That should at least buy us some time. I've also set up the escape route. How are things on your end? Snake: I just finished planting the second charge. Give me a little more time. Eva: OK, I'll be waiting for you at the bridge. ================= (Snake plants the last C3 charge. He takes out the heart-shaped piece of C3 Eva gave him and sculpts it into a butterfly. He tosses it in the air a couple of times before mashing it to the side of the fuel tank) Snake: Gotcha this time. (Snake calls Major Zero) Snake: Major, I've finished planting the C3. I'm on my way out now. Zero: Hurry Snake! Is Eva taking care of the escape route? Snake: Yeah. Zero: Are you sure? Snake: She can handle it. Zero: All right, then. Well, hurry up and get out of there. ================= (Snake is leaving the hangar) Volgin: Snake!! (Snake sees Eva lying on the ground next to Volgin and Ocelot. Out of no where, The Boss shows up and disarms Snake. As usual, Snake is schooled in the art of CQC but he seems to fare better against The Boss this time) Boss: Why'd you come back? (The Boss throws Snake to the ground. He is then brought before Volgin) Volgin: This woman was found snooping around my underground vault. When she was captured, look what we found on her. (takes out some film) The Philosopher's Legacy. This microfilm contains all of the information regarding the Legacy. You might say that this film itself is the Philosopher's Legacy. Ocelot: It was the smell that gave her away. No, not the perfume. It was gasoline... Motorcycle gasoline. She reeked of it. Volgin: To think that lovely Tatyana was a spy. We found this radio along with her, too. (destroys it with an electric shock) Such a fine woman, she was. It almost pains me to have to kill her. Yes, she was an obedient one. My precious little pet. (kicks her) Isn't that right? (Eva says something under her breath) What was that? Do you have something to say to me? (Eva is readying her tube of lipstick behind her back. She swings it forward) Eva: Go to hell!! (Volgin catches her hand and lifts her up) Volgin: You dirty whore! (throws her on the ground) I've had enough kisses from you! (kicks her) I should have known. Sokolov wasn't man enough to have a lover like that. Just like the KGB to send something so beautiful, yet so deadly. Snake: What is the Philosopher's Legacy? Volgin: Very well. I'll explain it before I kill you. During the last Great War, the most powerful men in America, China, and the Soviet Union had a secret pact. The pact was a blueprint for defeating the Axis Powers and creating a new world order. To secure victory in the war, the three countries pooled their resources to conduct the most covert types of operations and research - the atomic bomb, rocket technology, and the Cobra unit... And they amassed an enormous sum of money to fund these projects. Enough to fight the war five times over. That wealth is the Philosopher's Legacy. After the war was won, the three countries were to divide the Philosopher's Legacy amongst themselves. This explains why the United States and the Soviet Union were able to steal away the best scientific minds in Germany as soon as the war ended. But our great Motherland has far surpassed its pathetic rivals. We possess enormous wealth, the most advanced technology, and overwhelming power. Assets fitting of our great country. My father was one of the men in charge of managing the Philosopher's Legacy. In the confusion that ensued after the war ended he devised a series of ingenious plots to ensure that the Soviet Union would have total control over the Legacy. The money was divided up and laundered through banks all over the world - Switzerland, Australia, and Hong Kong... This microfilm contains a record of all those transactions. After my father's death, I learned of this secret and obtained the microfilm. With this money and the support of Brezhnev and his allies I built this fortress of Groznyj Grad and Granin's research facility. But that worthless fool Granin failed to produce results and I was forced to turn to Khrushchev's dog Sokolov and his invention - the Shagohod. My position in GRU made it too troublesome to attack Sokolov's facility directly. But the spy network established by the secret pact still existed. I used it to contact The Boss and suggested she defect. The Boss was conniving enough to see things my way. The world was once one but the conflict between the Philosophers has torn it in two. We will use the Legacy to heal that rift and make the world whole again. To do this, we need strength. An unstoppable trump card with enough power to bring order to the world. That trump card was to be the Shagohod... and the Cobra unit. I have lost the Cobras but I still have the Shagohod and the Legacy. There is nothing America can do to stop us! Boss, take this someplace safe. (hesitantly hands over the microfilm) Take good care of it. Boss: (talking about Snake) He wouldn't have come waltzing back in here unless he had a reason. The C3's been stolen. He must be planning some sort of sabotage. I'll go see if there are any surprises waiting for us. I'll dispose of her as well. (picks up Eva and whispers) Leave everything to me. Fight like a warrior, Volgin. Volgin: But of course. (The Boss and Eva leave. Ocelot trains his gun on Snake) Ocelot: Let me face him. I've been waiting for this moment... time to get even! (twirls revolvers and aims at Snake. Snake goes into a fighting stance) Ah ah ah... No more judo and no more field strips. (twirls revolvers) Volgin: Enough of this! (removes gloves) He's mine! You will stand right there and watch. Got it? Ocelot: Please, Colonel, let me...! Volgin: Silence! (Ocelot pulls out his revolvers and points one at Snake and one at Volgin. Volgin holds a bullet in his hand and uses an electrical charge to fire it. It strikes the ground between Ocelot's feet. He backs off) Volgin: Sorry for the delay. Let's get started, shall we? (sends an electrical charge to a control panel which causes the floor to descend) This is a once- in-a-lifetime battle! Let's make it a good one! (Volgin burns off his uniform and jumps down) It's just you and me now. And I'm going to enjoy this. Ocelot: Snake! (He looks a Volgin and nods. Ocelot tosses Snake his gun and knife) Volgin: You're mine! Son of The Boss! ================= (After losing half of his life or stamina, Volgin begins to visibly weaken. He looks up at Ocelot, who is standing with his arms folded) Volgin: Shoot him! (no response) Do you hear me! I said shoot him!! Ocelot: Sorry Colonel. I'm afraid I can't do that. Volgin: What do you mean, you can't? Ocelot: I made a promise to The Boss. Volgin: Silence! I am your commanding officer! (Ocelot fires at Volgin, but Volgin creates an electromagnetic field, deflecting the bullets) Volgin: Are you questioning my authority? Ocelot: Fight like a man, Volgin. Volgin: Volgin...? Announcer: Emergency! Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. Volgin: Ocelot, find those bombs! Announcer: Repeat. Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately. Volgin: Move it! (Ocelot leaves, giving Snake his signature two hand gesture) Volgin: Ready for some more, Snake!? ================= (Snake defeats Volgin, leaving him behind.) Announcer: All personnel evacuate! Repeat! All personnel evacuate!! (The soldiers are in chaos, trying to get out of the hangar. Amid the confusion, Ocelot sees Snake escaping. Snake gets outside and Eva pulls up, a sidecar attached to her bike) Eva: Hop in! Snake: Step on it! (They ride off as the hangar explodes. Eva stops a safe distance away) Snake: Eva... how did you...? Eva: The Boss let me go. Snake: The Boss...? But why? Eva: I'll tell you later. Right now we've got to get to the lake and escape! Snake: We can't leave yet! I've still got one last job to do... Eva: The Boss is already at the lake. Snake: Huh? Eva: She's at the lake. She's waiting for you there. Snake: Waiting for me? Eva: I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you... I don't want you to fight her. But... I... I've come to realize that there's a special relationship between you two. Something I can't understand... something that goes beyond a man and woman. I envy you. Really, I do. But... I guess I just can't understand it. She asked me to tell you something. I've never seen someone with such clear eyes. There... I said it. Ready to go? Snake: Yeah. (The Shagohod crashes through the roof of the hangar and approaches. Volgin is at the controls) Volgin: Snake! It's not over yet!! There is no escape!! Eva: We failed! Snake: Not good! Eva: Hold on tight! (They ride off with the Shagohod in pursuit) ================= (Snake and Eve are under fire from soldiers in the connecting passageway. The Shagohod begins to break through it) Eva: I can't shake him! Snake: The RPG can't put a dent in that armor. Eva: Let's head for the rail bridge! Snake: The bridge? I thought you rigged it with C3. Eva: I did. We'll lure him onto the bridge... Snake: ...then blow him up along with it. Good plan. Eva: The bridge is on the other side of the runway. We'll have to cut through the middle of the base. You ready? Snake: Step on it!! If he catches up to us, we're done for! (Two shots hit the ground near them. Ocelot is standing nearby, revolver in hand) Eva: OK, here we go! (They take off. Ocelot attaches an aiming module to his revolver. He takes aim and fires but misses. He gets on his own bike and gives chase, jumping over the barriers. He pulls up next to them and rams them. Eva and Ocelot pull out their guns but Eva gets the first shot, knocking Ocelot off balance. Eva takes a tight turn and Ocelot follows. He tries to shoot Snake and Eva from behind but misses. He pulls up again and swings his revolver, knocking Eva's gun from her hands. She turns again and enters the burning hangar. Ocelot follows them in) ================= (In the hangar, Ocelot pulls up to Snake and Eva and swings his revolver again. He misses and Eva pulls off to the left. Ocelot is not watching the road and some debris begins to fall. Snake uses his RPG-7 to blow up the debris before it hits the ground, saving Ocelot form certain death. Snake and Eva manage to ride right past Ocelot as he comes to stop. ================= (On the runway, a helicopter drops several soldiers to the ground, who open fire on Snake and Eva as they pass by. Meanwhile, the Shagohod busts out of the hangar in pursuit) Volgin: Damn it!! (He fires his machine guns, killing the soldiers and destroying the helicopter as more soldiers on motorcycles begin to chase Snake and Eva. Volgin laughs maniacally as he activates the propulsion system on the Shagohod, causing it shoot down the runway) ================= (Snake and Eva drive by a plane getting ready for takeoff. Volgin rams the Shagohod right into it, flipping the plane over. Meanwhile, Ocelot is starting to catch up) Volgin: I've got a surprise for you! You won't be getting away this time! (Ocelot pulls up next to the Shagohod just as Volgin activates a booster rocket. The force of the propulsion knocks Ocelot off balance and he is forced to stop) Ocelot: Son of a BITCH!!! (Volgin begins to catch up to Eva but she turns sharply to the right, aiming for the rail bridge. Volgin flies past them and stops to turn around) Eva: Snake, we've only got one chance. We'll try to lure him over towards the other side. When the Shagohod is on the bridge, shoot the explosives. The bomb is planted on the strut of the bridge. (Volgin has turned around and more soldiers are approaching) Eva: Let's go! (They ride off and cross the bridge. Volgin starts across just as Snake and Eva get into the position. Snake pulls out his SVD sniper rifle and prepares to shoot the explosives) ================= (Snake succeeds in the destroying the bridge. It collapses, sending the soldiers and the Shagohod into the water below. Ocelot reaches the bridge but stops just in time to avoid going over the edge) Eva: We did it! Snake: It's over. Eva: Look! (Somehow, the Shagohod comes shooting up out of the water, landing near Snake and Eva) Volgin: I'm not finished yet! (Snake and Eva hop on the motorcycle and face the Shagohod) Snake: Eva, you take care of the driving. Eva: Yeah? Snake: Yeah, I trust you. On one condition, though. Leave the fighting to me. Eva: You got it. I was getting tired of running away anyway. Snake: Eva... let's do it. Eva: (kisses Snake) For luck! Snake: (pulls out RPG-7) Here goes! (They race towards the Shagohod) ================= (The Shagohod has taken substantial damage and the treads grind to a stop. Eva stops the motorcycle) Eva: Did we beat him? Snake: No. (Snake and Eva watch as Volgin climbs out on top of the Shagohod and punches two holes in the armor. He rips out several cords and cables and uses his own electrical charge to power the Shagohod. It races towards Snake and Eva) Eva: Get off! Snake: What!? Eva: I'm going to lure it back here. Snake: You're going to use yourself as bait? Are you insane!? Eva: I'm used to this guy - I know how to handle him! (Snake jumps off the bike as the Shagohod rolls past) Eva: Come on, you blockhead! (Volgin hears the comment and turns to chase Eva, leaving Snake the opportunity to attack) ================= (Snake has defeated Volgin. Eva pulls up and stands next to Snake) Volgin: Snake!! (It begins to storm) Volgin: Who's afraid of a little thunder? (Before Volgin can act, he is struck by a bolt of lightning. He catches fire as the bullets strapped around his body go off. He finally falls dead) Snake: Fried by a bolt of lightning... a fitting end. It's finally over. (Snake and Eva hug as Volgin's body continues to snap and crackle. However, soldiers on those hovering vehicles show up as well as more soldiers on motorcycles) Eva: No time for this now. The escape craft is just up ahead. Let's get going. (Snake jumps aboard the motorcycle and they take off) ================= (Snake and Eva are riding along a dirt path) Snake: Looks like they finally gave up. Eva: Don't start celebrating yet... We're leaking fuel. Snake: Damn it! The tank's shot up. (Eva checks out the tank. However, she isn't watching road and they ram into a log) Snake: Crap! (They both fly through the air as the motorcycle crashes and explodes. Snake is okay but Eva is no where to be seen) Snake: Eva! Eva: I'm over here... (Snake goes over to Eva, who is sitting against a log. A sharp tree branch has gone right through the side of her abdomen) Eva: Snake... how's it look? Snake: ...Pretty bad. Eva: Not a sensitive bone in your body. Snake: Eva... Eva: What about you, Snake? Snake: I'm fine. Eva: That's good to hear. (Snake looks up and realizes the soldiers are still following them) Snake: We have to get away form here, Eva. Let's go. Eva: Leave me. Snake: Eva! Eva: The Boss is waiting for you. You have to go. Give me a gun... Snake: No! We're getting out of here! Eva: We're still far away from the lake. I'll never make it. Snake: I can't believe this. Eva: Huh? Snake: I never thought I'd see you act this weak. Eva: What do you mean? Snake: Listen to me, Eva. We're doing this together. Eva: No, you... Snake: Eva... I need you. Eva: Say that one more time. Snake: I need you. I can't fly the WIG by myself. Eva: (laughing) All right, then. I guess I'd better help you out. (She stands up, pulling herself off of the branch) You're lucky to have me. (she faints) (Snake calls Para-Medic) Para-Medic: Snake! Can you hear me? Snake: Para-Medic!? Thank God. Eva's been hurt seriously! Para-Medic: So have you! Snake: Luckily, I think her organs are all intact, but... Para-Medic: Calm down, Snake. Snake: Calm down? Para-Medic: You'll both be fine as long as you get proper emergency treatment. But you're the only one who can do this. Understand? So you've got to calm down. Snake: Right. OK... Para-Medic: OK. Now, let's open up the Survival Viewer and treat the injury. Do you have supplies with you? Snake: I'm running kind of short. Para-Medic: Then, by switching the Survival Viewer over to Eva you can treat her wounds, too. Now get to work. Oh, and Snake... I'm pretty sure you know this already but if you don't have enough supplies for the both of you, your wounds come first. Snake: ... Para-Medic: Do you get my meaning, Snake? You've still got a mission to complete. Snake: Yeah, I know what I have to do. Para-Medic: Snake? Like this. (Snake treats Eva's wounds. He helps her to her feet) Snake: Can you walk? Eva: Yeah. I think so... (takes a step and staggers) Snake: (taking out a revolver) Here. It's different from the Mauser. When you're using a two-hand grip, you have to be careful where you put your hands or your fingers will get burned by the exhaust gas from the cylinder gap. (He puts the gun in her holster) ================= (Major Zero calls Snake) Zero: Snake, are you all right? Snake: I've been better. Para-Medic: What about Eva? Snake: I healed her up. She can manage. Para-Medic: Good... Zero: Snake, you'll take the lead break through the enemy's line of defense. Eva will ordinarily be following behind you. If you lie on your belly, she will lie down as well. If you slip and fall off a cliff, she'll follow right behind you. You can call out to Eva by pressing the Action Button. Head to the lake along with Eva. ================= (When you come to cliff that needs to be climbed over, Zero calls Snake) Zero: Snake, the lake is just over that cliff. Eva should be able to climb it if you help her. Keep her close to you. ================= (Snake and Eva enter Rokovoj Bereg. Eva spots the WIG and runs forward) Eva: Come on, Snake! We made it. Over there! (Snake looks away) Eva: It's The Boss, isn't it? I'll go get the WIG ready to take off. Snake: Right. Eva: I'll leave you two alone. But come back in one piece, OK? (she runs off but turns around) Promise me! (Snake heads toward a field of white flowers. Suddenly, a distant nuclear blast goes off) Boss: Life's end... (drops the Davy Crockett) Isn't it beautiful? It's almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I've been waiting, Snake, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today. Snake: Boss, why are you doing this? Boss: Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves and the world was torn apart. The Cobras, my comrades who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. Somehow, I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, and the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along. I didn't raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier's skills aren't meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? Is there such thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel's money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children but I still have a family. Boss: It was November 1st, 1951. I was in the Nevada desert participating in atomic testing. The name "Nevada" is derived from Spanish... "covered in snow"... "white as snow"... And snow is exactly what I saw in the that Nevada desert. It froze my blood white. Snake, you were an atomic test subject, weren't you? On Bikini Atoll. That's part of the reason I was drawn to you. You and I are alike. We're both slowly being eaten away by the karma of others. We'll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age. We have no tomorrow. But we can still have hope for the future. In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik, the first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This came as a huge shock to the United States. In response, America threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn't have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That's why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won't find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared form space. That's when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they're all just arenas for meaningless competition. I'm sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, no West, no Cold War. And the irony of it is, the United States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me. Boss: In 1961, I was sent to Cuba to Bahia de Cochinos. It was part of a CIA- sponsored invasion under the guise of taking Cuban exiles back to their country. But the US government betrayed them. Our weak-kneed President held back their air support. Defenseless, the exiles were annihilated by the Cuban army. All I could do was watch in silence. I was set up by the very country I'd sacrificed so much for, by the very government I'd dedicated my life to defending. I was driven form the surface world and I went underground. Then two years ago, I faced The Sorrow - my old comrade - in battle. He was my friend. But one of us had to die. I was left with no choice. The Sorrow gave his life for me. There is no enmity between us. One must die, and one must live. That was the mission. The ones who gave me that mission were the Philosophers. Early in the twentieth century the true holders of power in the United States, the Republic of China, and the newly-formed Soviet Union, gathered together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wiseman's Committee. The secret pact they formed there marked the beginning of the Philosophers. But the last of the original members died in the 1930's. After that, the organization began to run out of control and the Wiseman's Committee degenerated into a mere shell of its former self. The Philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil. Their influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war. They have become war itself. That's how they operate. The sacrifices of war cause a shift in the times. This shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next war. Like a nuclear chain reaction, each conflict sparks countless others, forming an endless spiral of war that will continue on for eternity. Do you understand what I'm saying, "Snake?" By consuming me and you the Philosophers intend to keep their cycle going forever. It was my father who explained all of this to me. He was one of them. You see, I am the last remaining child of the Philosophers. But after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless, formless organization. And my father isn't the only thing the Philosophers have taken from me. In June of 1944, the Cobras and I took part in the landing at Normandy. We'd been given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V2 rocket installations. I was pregnant at the time. The Sorrow was the father. I gave birth on the field of battle. A beautiful baby boy... but my child was snatched away from me by the Philosophers. (The Boss pulls off her cloak and opens the front part of her suit) Boss: Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother. I gave up my body and my child for my country. There is nothing left inside me now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret. And yet sometimes at night I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me. Slithering through my body like a snake. I've never talked this much about myself before. Thanks... thanks for listening to me. I feel... content. Snake... (pulls out a radio) Commence the operation. (puts radio away) I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take is my life, by your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survives will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. I'll give you 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, MiGs will come and bomb the hell out of this place. If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you'll be able to escape in time. (loads Patriot) Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack. Snake: Boss! Boss: You're a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! (Snake draws his gun and knife) Boss: Face me! ================= (Snake has beaten The Boss. He approaches her and she gives him the microfilm) Boss: Take this... keep it safe. It's our only hope. (hands him the Patriot) Snake: A Patriot... why are you giving me this? Boss: Jack... Or should I say... Snake... You're a wonderful man. Kill me. Kill me now. Do it. There's only room for one Boss... and one Snake... (Snake shoots and kills her. The flowers turn red and The Boss' horse comes by. The scar on The Boss' body turns into a silvery white snake and slithers away. One red petal falls into Snake's hand; he clutches it) ================= (Snake has boarded the WIG) Eva: Ready to go, Snake? (She fires up the engines but Snake does not respond) Eva: Are you OK? Snake? Snake: Yeah... (he opens his hand and the red petal flies away, turning white) (Snake closes the hatch) Eva: I told you, you could trust me. (Snake smiles and removes the belt with his equipment. However, one of the engines is hit by a gunshot. Ocelot flies by in one of the hovering vehicles) Ocelot: Snake! Snake: Ocelot! Ocelot: We're not done yet! (Ocelot pulls up to the side and busts the hatch open. He jumps inside as his vehicle crashes into the ground. Ocelot picks up Snake's belt and throws it out the hatch. Ocelot and Snake fight but Ocelot has learned form his past mistakes; neither of the two are able to get the better of the other) Eva: We're too heavy! (Snake and Ocelot prepare to fight again) Boss: (voice) Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC... (Snake lowers his stance) Eva: Not good! (the WIG is approaching some mountains) (Snake and Ocelot continue fighting. Again, neither can best the other) Ocelot: I've picked up a few new moves! (He pulls out a revolver) Ocelot: It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed man... but I'll get over it. Snake: Eva!! (Eva throws Snake her revolver. Snake and Ocelot aim at each other, pulling their triggers. Neither of them have a loaded revolver. They circle each other. Ocelot pull off his necklace with the single bullet) Ocelot: What do you say to one last showdown? Snake: Yeah... all right. (Snake hands his revolver to Ocelot. Ocelot loads the bullet into one of the revolvers and then mixes them up. He places them on the ground, side-by-side) Ocelot: What's your name? Snake: Snake. Ocelot: No, not that name. You're not a snake and I'm not an ocelot. We're men with names. My name is Adamska. What's yours? Snake: John. Ocelot: Very well, John... Plain name, but I won't forget it. C'mon! (At this point, the player can choose between the left revolver or right. Ocelot and Snake take several paces and then turn and fire. The gun you choose affects the next sequence of events. If you choose the one on the right, you will not have the loaded revolver. Ocelot fires but it turns out to be a blank) Ocelot: (laughing) It was a blank! That was fun. (Snake hands over the revolver but Ocelot lets him keep it. He pats Snake on the shoulder) Ocelot: Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane) = (If you chose the revolver on the left, you will have the loaded gun. However, you don't have to shoot Ocelot. If you don't shoot him:) Ocelot: It looks like your luck has beat mine again. But why didn't you pull the trigger? (no response) ...Ah, well. Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane) = (If you chose the left revolver and you do elect to shoot Ocelot:) (Snake fires and Ocelot is hit. However, Ocelot appears to be unhurt) Ocelot: (laughing) It's a blank. That was fun. (punches Snake lightly on the chest) Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of the plane) = (If you chose the left revolver but fire the shot and miss:) (Snake fires and misses) Ocelot: It looks like my luck has finally changed. Till we meet again... John! (jumps out of plane) = (After Ocelot leaves) Eva: Snake! Give me a hand! (Snake grabs the flight stick) Snake: Pull! Eva: C'mon! Pull up! (WIG grazes the water and then barely manages to clear the mountains. Snake and Eva laugh) Eva: We made it. Snake: Yeah, we sure did. (Snake looks down as they fly over The Boss' final resting place. The radar on board picks up other planes) Eva: Oh no! MiGs! There's no way out! What are we going to do? Snake: We've come too far to let them stop us now. Those things have got to be armed. Eva: It's no use! There's no way we can outmaneuver them! They're going to shoot us down! We were so close... Pilot: Weapons systems on. Locked on target. I got tone. Snake: You were great Eva. Eva: Huh? Snake: Thanks. Control: Volk-19, this is Control. Stand by for a direct order from the Chairman. Volk-19 return to base immediately. Do you read me? This is a direct order from Comrade Khrushchev! Return to base immediately. Volk-19! Do you copy? Pilot: Understood. Aborting mission. RTB. Eva: Look! The MiGs are turning back! (Snake and Eva are about to kiss when Snake's radio goes off. It's Major Zero) Zero: Well done, Snake! Snake: The MiGs disengaged... Zero: Most likely under orders from Khrushchev. Snake: Was this his way of helping us? Zero: Who knows? Maybe he didn't want things to get messier than they already are. Or maybe he just wanted us to owe him one. The important things is, you made it out alive. As long as Khrushchev is with us, I don't think they'll be coming after you. It should be smooth sailing all the way to Alaska. I'm sending someone out to Galena Base to meet you. Snake: To meet me? Zero: The DCI and the President himself are waiting at Langley. Don't keep them waiting. (Zero rings off and the WIG flies off in the distance) ================= (Snake and Eva are drinking wine in a private room. A fire blazes behind them) Snake: So what are you going to do now? Go back to the KGB? Eva: What do you want me to do? Snake: Did you ever think about coming back to America? Eva: I can't go back. I've left America behind me. Snake: But you saved this country. Eva: I didn't do it alone. Snake: And I still owe you a dinner. Eva: Is that part of your mission, too? Or is it an order? Or is it an invitation? Mmm... or a proposal? I don't take orders from anyone now. (Snake won't hear of it. He grabs her and they kiss by the fire. Snake's radio goes off but Eva takes it and throws it in the fire) ================= (Sometime later, Snake wakes up and finds the room deserted. We hear Eva's voice) Eva: Scholars tell us that the first spy in history was the snake in the Book of Genesis. In that story it was Eve who was tempted by the snake in the garden of Eden. But this time around it was I who tempted the snake and got away with the forbidden fruit of knowledge. Forgive me, Snake. (Snake finds the picture Eva took of him in the cave. On the back are the words "Good-bye." Snake finds a reel of magnetic tape and places it in the player. A message from Eva begins) Eva: Good morning, Snake. I hope you slept well. First of all, I have to apologize. I wasn't sent by Khrushchev. I'm not a KGB spy and I never worked for the NSA. I am an agent of the People's Republic of China... For the General HQ Second Department of the People's Liberation Army. It was all a lie. I tricked you... and I'm sorry. (We see Eva getting a motorcycle ready) The Philosophers still exist in China, too. You see, my mission was to find out where Volgin was hiding the Philosopher's Legacy and steal it. So I infiltrated his base as a KGB spy. The two NSA code breakers who defected in 1960 were actually both men. The real ADAM never showed up at the meeting place, saving me the trouble of having to eliminate him. I sneaked in by pretending I was EVA. And you and Sokolov and Volgin... You all believed me. The Philosopher's Legacy was originally held in common between the US, Soviet Union, and China. We couldn't let the Russians and the Americans take it all for themselves. The Chinese government had its eye on the Legacy, too. I got the film containing the Legacy. And also the nuclear missile launch from the Shagohod. Five years ago, the Soviet Union stopped supplying us with nuclear weapons technology. Since then, China's "Liangdan yixing" - hydrogen bomb and space rocket projects - have fallen behind. But with this data, our country will be able to develop its own nukes. We'll create a deterrent force to rival those of the US and Soviet Union. Everything has gone according to plan, thanks to your help. I, too, am one of the Philosophers. I am an agent of the Philosophers, a graduate of one of their "charm schools." I was raised in a joint US-Soviet-Chinese facility to become a sleeper agent. That was before the war. Back then, they were collecting children from all over the world. As a result, I'm indistinguishable from a native-born American. So it didn't surprise me when you and Volgin couldn't tell the difference. But she knew right from the beginning. She knew because before the war she was at one of the Philosopher's schools, too - as an instructor. The Boss was the only one I couldn't fool. She was the only one who knew I was a fake. She told me everything. Why did she open her heart to me like that? At the time, I couldn't understand it. But now I think I do. Snake, she wanted you to know the truth. She chose me to tell you. That's why she saved my life. I've lied to you so many times, but not this time. My orders from the government were to obtain the Legacy and to eliminate everyone who knew the truth about what happened. In other words, I'm supposed to kill you. But I can't do it. Not because we loved each other. And not because you saved my life. But because I made a promise to The Boss... And I intend to keep it. I just wanted you to know. And... you have to live. (Eva rides off and the magnetic tape self-destructs. We next see Snake clad in a formal military uniform on his way to meet the president) Eva: (voice) Snake, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No... far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen. (The doors open and Snake is greeted with applause. Major Zero, Para-Medic, and Sigint are there as well) Eva: Self-sacrifice... because that was her duty. (Snake stands before the president. A woman brings a medal to the president. He picks it up) President: You are above even The Boss. I hereby award you the title of Big Boss. (pins the medal to his shirt) (Snake, or more appropriately, Big Boss, salutes the president) President: You are a true patriot. (The president and Big Boss shake hands. The player can also hold R1 and see Ocelot staring at you through the window. Big Boss turns around and stands with the president for pictures. The CIA director approaches and offers his hand but Big Boss walks right past him) Executive: You know, we could use an infiltration unit like FOX in the army. Someone like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us. A man who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent. Eva: The Boss' defection was a ruse set up by the US government. It was all a big drama staged by Washington so they could get their hands on the Philosopher's Legacy. (Big Boss is greeted by Major Zero, Para-Medic, and Sigint but he coldly walks past them and leaves) Eva: And The Boss was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Volgin inherited... and destroy the Shagohod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like The Boss could have earned Volgin's trust. Finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan. But then something happened that no one could have predicted. Colonel Volgin fired an American- made nuclear warhead at Sokolov's research facility. Khrushchev demanded that the US government provide proof that it wasn't involved. They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy. So the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Washington knew that in order to prove its innocence they'd have to get rid of The Boss... and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about it... not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. The Boss wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple... That was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out. Her death at your hands was duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser woman would have been crushed by such a burden. (Big Boss is walking through a cemetery with a suitcase) Eva: The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her. In America, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor. And in Russia, as a monster who unleashed a nuclear catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal. And no one will ever understand her. That... was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. (Big Boss arrives at The Boss' grave) Eva: But I think she wanted you of all people to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a woman. But she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me. (Big Boss places the Patriot and some flowers on the grave) Eva: Snake, history will never know what she did. No one will ever learn the truth. Her story... her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero. (The Boss' tombstone reads: "In Memory of a Patriot who Saved the World") Eva: She was a true patriot. (Big Boss salutes) ================= October 15, 1964 Khrushchev is ousted from power. Brezhnev becomes the First Secretary of the Communist Party, with Kosygin as Premier. October 16, 1964 China conducts its first successful nuclear test in the Takia Makan desert. 1965 Sigint joins ARPA. He takes part in the development of the ARPAnet, which would go online in 1969. 1966 The US government conducts a study on emergency medical treatment. The Department of Transportation lays the groundwork for the creation of the EMT system. 1968 Eva disappears without a trace in Hanoi. 1970 Para-Medic establishes the nation's first paramedic system in Seattle, Washington. 1970 Major Zero disbands FOX. 1970 The United States accumulates the remainder of the Legacy. The US branch of "Philosophers" changes its name to the "Patriots." 1971 Carrying on the traditions of Major Zero and his FOX unit, Big Boss establishes FOXHOUND. 1972 The "Les Enfants Terribles" project. The Sons of Big Boss are born. ================= (We see the Metal Gear Solid title. Ocelot is speaking to someone on the phone) Ocelot: Yes. Groznyj Grad and the Granin research facility have both been wiped out without a trace. I understand, sir. But they were necessary sacrifices. Yes, the CIA has taken care of The Boss themselves. I believe the White House will be satisfied. Khrushchev is finished. Your time has finally arrived. Yes. The American president is relying on us to keep a lid on the whole affair. We've got him by the balls. It should make a valuable trump card in future negotiations. Yes, Chief Director. Of course. I'll keep the KGB informed. (He hangs up and dials another number) Ocelot: Yes, it's me. The Boss has accomplished her mission. The Philosopher's Legacy is now safely with us... in America's hands. With this money... yes, the Philosophers can finally be revived. The film we handed the Chinese was a fake. Peking must be in an uproar right about now. I'm afraid so. Only half of the money has made it back to the United States. The KGB must still have part of the Legacy. Yes, the weapon has been reduced to ashes. That's right. Groznyj Grad has been obliterated by the Davy Crockett we brought in as well. Yes, that was The Boss' work, too. Speaking of which, I've obtained something from Granin that you might find interesting. It's a revolutionary new nuclear attack system. Perhaps it might just come in handy some day. Yes, we have John - I mean Snake - to thank for that. Khrushchev believed it as well. Yes, they bought our story. I don't think they'll be making a fuss. The secondary alert has been lifted as well. And the Soviets still haven't discovered my true identity. They have no idea that I've been triple-crossing them. I will continue my activities as a contact for the new government. Yes, it appears that no one knew that I was ADAM. Of course. I'm always at the CIA's disposal... ...Mr. Director. ============================================================================== 4. Additional Scripts This section will cover any extra cut scenes or radio conservations that are either optional, hidden, or just plain amusing. For most of them, you will need to do certain actions or call people at certain times and so I've highlighted where and when you can view these conversations. If there are any transcripts of particular events you want to see covered, tell me and I will cover it. Or if you already have a full transcript of an event, send it to me and I will add it (with your name on it, of course). -The Tuxedo (call The Boss while wearing the Tuxedo) Boss: Snake... Snake: What's up, Boss? Boss: Don't you "what's up" me. Just what do you think you're doing? Snake: What do you mean? Boss: "What do I mean"... What is that camouflage you're wearing? Snake: Oh, this. What do you think? Boss: Of all the... Snake: Looks pretty good on me, doesn't it? Boss: Are you out of your mind? You can't wear that in battle! It's like saying to the enemy "Hey! Here I am! Shoot me!" Snake: Well, I'll admit, it is a little on the flashy side... Boss: Then why don't you... Snake: But it does look good on me, doesn't it? Boss: ... Snake: You don't think so? Boss: Listen, wise ass! Camouflage isn't going to do jack if it doesn't help you blend in with your surroundings! Snake: Well, I think it looks good on me... Boss: Fine! Wear whatever you want! Snake: ...I thought you'd like it... === -Major Tom on Sneaking Missions (you receive a call if your health is low) Tom: Snake, do you read!? Snake!! Snake: ...Major... Tom: Snake, are you alright!? Snake: Yeah... I'm okay... Para-Medic: You're far from okay!! Look at your Life Gauge! You're on your last leg! Snake: No. I can still... Para-Medic: See!? Tom: Snake, this is a solo sneaking mission. Do you know what that means? Snake: Yeah. Tom: No you don't. Snake: ? Tom: It means there's no backup. No cavalry. If you're taken out, nobody is there to take your place. Snake: ... Tom: Pull out for now and recuperate. Para-Medic: Find a hiding place and get some rest. Your Life Gauge will gradually recover with time. But the speed of your Life Gauge recovery depends on the level of your Stamina Gauge, so get plenty to eat, then get some rest! You hear me? Snake: ... Para-Medic: Do you hear me? Snake: I hear you... === -Sokolov Won't Like It (try to open Sokolov's door with the Mask on) Tom: Snake, when you meet Sokolov, don't go in wearing that mask. Snake: Why? Tom: He won't like it. Snake: Won't like it? Tom: No. Snake: Why not? Tom: Just trust me. He won't. Snake: ...? Tom: You'll need Sokolov's full cooperation to complete this mission successfully. Don't do anything to make him lose confidence in you. When you go to meet Sokolov, make sure you remove your disguise. Got it? === -Snake Doesn't Listen (try to open Sokolov's door in Alert or Evasion) Snake: Major, I'm in front of Sokolov's cell but... the door won't open. Tom: Hold on, Snake. What's the current condition? Snake: Condition? Tom: Yeah, what phase is it now? Snake: Alert... (or he says "Evasion..." if in Evasion) Tom: Exactly. I already said you can't contact Sokolov during battle. Don't you listen to people when they're talking? Snake: ... Tom: Well, anyway, the reason that door won't open is probably because Sokolov is blocking it himself. He's scared. And no wonder. In order to break Sokolov out of there you'll need his cooperation as well. So stop scaring him! Contact Sokolov later after you've disengaged the enemy. Once things have stabilized, try it again. Got it? === -Naked Snake (call Sigint without a shirt on) Sigint: Snake, what's up? Why are you naked? I know there's a "NAKED" option under "UNIFORM" that lets you take off the upper part of your uniform. But without a shirt on, your camouflage sucks, and your stamina goes down faster. You don't get any advantages whatsoever. Snake: Sure there are. Sigint: Like what? Snake: It feels good. Sigint: ...Man, you do whatever you want. Snake: I will, thanks. Just one question, though. Sigint: What? Snake: Is there a way to take off my pants? Sigint: Say WHAT!? Snake: My pants, can I... Sigint: Ah, hell no! This FOX unit is a nut fest! === -Snake is Cute (call Sigint while wearing GA-KO camouflage) Sigint: Snake, what is that stuff you're wearing? Snake: I dunno. It's called GA-KO camo, whatever that means... Para-Medic: What!? Sigint: Para-Medic...? Para-Medic: You've never heard of GA-KO? Snake: Nope. Sigint: Never. Para-Medic: You must live in a cave or something. Sigint: Well, excuse me. By the way, Snake, that outfit is really killing your Camo Index. Unless you want the enemy to see you, I'd suggest you change your clothes as... Para-Medic: Why? Sigint: Why? Because his Camo Index is... Para-Medic: Camo Index, shmamo Index. Sigint: Hold on now... Para-Medic: He's wearing the GA-KO suit. Sigint: Why? Para-Medic: Because it looks cute. Sigint: Snake, talk some sense into her! Snake: What's wrong with being cute? Sigint: I only normal person around here...? === -Afternoon Tea (call Sigint while wearing Chocolate Chip camo) Sigint: Ah, you're wearing the chocolate chip pattern. Snake: Chocolate chip? You mean this camouflage? Sigint: Yeah. Snake: I've never heard of a camo pattern called that before... Sigint: Yeah, I know. I just thought it up right now. The chocolate chip pattern is probably designed to provide cover in a desert environment. It should work best against a sandy or rocky background. Snake: Makes sense. But why'd you call it chocolate chip? Sigint: 'Cause that's what it reminds me of. Snake: What? Sigint: Those little round cookies the major is always snackin' on. Zero: They're not cookies. They're scones. Sigint: Major! Zero: And it's not a snack. It's afternoon tea. Sigint: Snack, tea, same thing. Zero: No, it's not! Look here, afternoon tea is a fine old English tradition. Sigint: Uh oh. Here we go again. Talk to you later, Snake. Zero: The origins of afternoon tea go back to the Victorian Era. Anna Maria, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, was... === -Swamp Traps (call Eva in Chyornyj Prud after getting hit by a trap) Eva: Snake, be careful. I might not have told you this yet, but that swamp is rigged with traps. Snake: Tell me about it. Eva: So you know already? Snake: Yeah. Eva: Well, then, you're all set. The traps in that area are set to go off when a rope stretched along the ground is disturbed. Keep a close eye on the ground and make sure you don't trip over a rope. I mean, far be it for me to call you an idiot who can't avoid even the simplest of traps. But you know. Snake: Rrgh... Eva: What's the matter? Snake: Nothing... never mind... Eva: ??? === -Ocelot's Past (call Eva after fighting Ocelot) Snake: Eva, I wanted to ask you about Ocelot... Eva: Yeah, I know. He's pretty infatuated with you, isn't he? Snake: That's not what I meant. Aren't the Ocelots an elite unit? Eva: Yeah. Snake: So how'd he get to be their commander? He can't be any older than 18 or 19. I can't believe he's already a major... Eva: I heard from the Colonel that he's been given... special treatment. Snake: Special treatment? Eva: Yeah. He's the son of some legendary hero or something. Snake: No wonder he seems to have the right stuff... So who is this legendary hero anyway? Eva: Beats me. Snake: ... Eva: The Colonel never told me. All I heard was that his mother was supposedly shot in the gut during battle and that he was born right there with bullets whizzing past them. Snake: A pregnant woman in the middle of a battle? Eva: That's what I heard. They say that when they stitched her up, the scar was shaped like a snake. Snake: Well, that's battlefield medicine for you. What about his father, this legendary hero? Eva: He didn't tell me. I don't think Ocelot's ever met his parents. Snake: Are they dead? Eva: Maybe. I don't know. There were a lot of MIA's back then, during the last days of the war. Ocelot probably would have ended up the same way. But he was taken in and raised by GRU and Volgin. Snake: Because he was special? Eva: That's my guess. === -The Patriot (call Sigint with the Patriot equipped) Sigint: Using the Patriot, eh? Snake: Yeah. It's the same one The Boss was using. Sigint: Where'd you get it? Snake: Hmm? Sigint: I said, where'd you get it? Snake: Sigint, don't get worked up over the details. Sigint: ??? Whatever. Anyway, the Patriot is a one-of-a-kind sidearm made especially for The Boss. It's basically an XM16E1 with the barrel cut short and the stock taken off. The idea was to create a large pistol that combined the feel and quick handling of a handgun with the force of a rifle. But with a barrel that short, the recoil is unbelievable. It's tough to aim, but it more than makes up for it in firepower. From the looks of it, it's fitted with a 100-round drum magazine... and it never runs out of ammo? Snake: Never. Sigint: Why's that? Snake: Because the internal feed mechanism is shaped like an infinity symbol. Sigint: Ah, I get it. Yep, that'll give you unlimited ammo. === -Snake vs. James Bond (save in the Chyonara Peschera cave) Para-Medic: Snake, have you ever seen "007: From Russia with Love?" Snake: I don't like those movies. Real spies are nothing like James Bond. It's pure fantasy. Para-Medic: Snake, I don't think the Major's going to like you saying that. Snake: And even though it's fiction, I can't help but comparing myself to Bond. Zero: What exactly don't you like about James Bond? Is it the fantastic gadgets? The cars? The guns? Snake: Major...! Zero: Snake, wouldn't you like to have a gun shaped like a pen? Snake: What good is a pen going to do me in the jungle? I'd look like a fool. Zero: Then what about a snake-shaped gun? You could make it look like you're grappling with a giant snake and then get a shot in on the enemy while they're distracted. Snake: OK, now you're being ridiculous. Zero: We'll make you a snake-shaped gun that folds up and fits into an attache case. Snake: Will you give it rest? Zero: Oh, I get it. You're worried about how to handle the ladies, aren't you? Snake: No... Zero: I knew it. Hmm... to tell you the truth, I don't like the idea of playing hanky-panky with enemy femme fatales, either. But that's part of Bond's appeal. You could learn a thing or two from him. What about this Eva? What are you planning to do with her? Snake: I... I don't even trust her yet. Zero: That's what I mean. You can't let yourself get involved. This is a game of spy versus spy. She's using you just as much as you're using her. Snake: I realize that. Zero: You've got to grab the initiative. And to do that, you've got to get the upper hand in the relationship. That's what a spy is supposed to do. Snake: Get the upper hand... I don't think I'm cut out for that mission. Zero: Maybe if you changed your code name to Double-O-Snake? Snake: Major... Zero: 007 is the biggest thing to come out of England since the Mayflower. I wouldn't be surprised if they made 20 more of those movies. Para-Medic: Didn't you know? The Major is a huge James Bond fan. Don't get him worked up like this. Snake: Worked up? Para-Medic: Maybe you don't realize this, but now that you've got him started talking about Bond, I'm going to have to listen to him lecture for a whole hour after he gets off the radio. Snake: You have my sympathy. Para-Medic: It's too bad you can't enjoy such a great movie, though. Snake: I guess I'm just one of those people who can't enjoy spy flicks. === -Inner Peace (call Sigint with a cardboard box equipped) Sigint: Uh, Snake... What are you doing? Snake: I'm in a box. Sigint: A cardboard box? Why are you...? Snake: I dunno. I was just looking at it and I suddenly got this urge to get inside. No, not just an urge - more than that. It was my destiny to be here; in the box. Sigint: Destiny...? Snake: Yeah. And then when I put it on, I suddenly got this feeling of inner peace. I can't put it into words. I feel... safe. Like this is where I was meant to be. Like I'd found the key to true happiness. Sigint: ... Snake: Does any of that make sense? Sigint: Not even a little. Snake: You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean. Sigint: Man, I don't wanna know what you mean! Between you and Para-Medic, is everyone but me that is hooked up with the Major strange!? Snake: ... Sigint: Yeah, well, anyway, I suppose even that dumbass box might make a decent disguise if you wear it inside a building. === -It's Obvious (get caught in a snare trap and call the Major) Zero: Snake, have you been caught in a snare trap? Snake: Yeah. Zero: If you don't get down from there soon, the enemy might spot you. Snake: I know that. Zero: Then why don't you get yourself down? Snake: How am I supposed to do that? Zero: It should be obvious. If you get caught in a snare trap, press the Action Button. That will allow you to cut the rope. Hurry and free yourself before the enemy comes around. === -Para-Medic Lies (call Para-Medic after getting a Ural Luminescent) Para-Medic: I see you've found some Ural Luminescent mushrooms. The Ural Luminescent mushroom is a mushroom found only in Tselinoyarsk. It looks like a shiitake mushroom, and it's often found growing on the trunks of trees. Snake: If it looks like a shiitake mushroom, then it must be edible, right? Para-Medic: Yep. I can't guarantee that it'll taste like a shiitake mushroom, though. (eat the Ural Luminescent and call Para-Medic) Snake: By the way, Para-Medic... Para-Medic: What? Snake: I tried that Ural Luminescent mushroom you were talking about. Para-Medic: So how did it taste? Snake: It was poisonous. Para-Medic: What? Snake: It was a poison mushroom. Para-Medic: Really? Snake: Yeah. Para-Medic: That's weird... the guide says it's... Snake: Are you sure that guide is reliable? Para-Medic: Don't worry, it's fine. It just happened to be wrong this one time... Snake: ... === -Life Medicine (call Sigint with Life Medicine equipped) Sigint: Got some LIFE Medicine, huh? LIFE Medicine is... Para-Medic: LIFE Medicine is a drug recently developed by the Soviet Union for use in battle. Sigint: The com... Para-Medic: The components are still a mystery, but it seems to activate the body's regenerative process and make injuries heal faster. Sigint: Well, open th... Para-Medic: Open the window and press the Enter Button to instantly replenish your LIFE. Useful, huh? Sigint: ... Para-Medic: Huh? What's wrong, Sigint? Sigint: Nevermind... === -Snake the Zombie (call Sigint with Zombie face paint equipped) Sigint: Snake, your face paint, it's... Snake: I know. It's called zombie. Sigint: Zombie? What does that mean? Snake: Beats me. Para-Medic: Are you serious? Sigint: Hello, Para-Medic... Para-Medic: You mean you've never heard of zombies? Snake: Nope. Sigint: Never. Para-Medic: You guys don't know anything. A zombie is a dead body that's been cursed and brought back to life by a master of black magic. Supposedly, they revive the dead and use them as slaves. It's also seen as a kind of punishment - people who commit terrible crimes can be forced to labor even after they're dead. Snake: Interesting... How do you know all this stuff? Para-Medic: I saw it in movies. Like "White Zombie." Never seen it? Snake: Nope. Sigint: Can't say I have. Para-Medic: How about "Plan 9 from Outer Space?" Snake: No. Sigint: Missed it. Para-Medic: You can't just focus on the things you like all the time. You have to expand your horizons and try new things. You guys need to get out more. Snake: ... Sigint: Yeah, well, anyway, that face paint doesn't look all that useful. Go ahead and wear it if you want but I think you should change to... Para-Medic: You don't need to change anything. Sigint: Why not? Para-Medic: It makes him look awesome. Sigint: ... Para-Medic: Doesn't it? Sigint: Look, arguing isn't going to get us anywhere. Snake, you do whatever you want. Para-Medic: It does make you look cool! === -Forgetful Snake (try to leave the east wing before hiding Raikov's body) Zero: Snake, where are you going? Are you planning to just leave Raikov's corpse there? If anyone discovers his body, you won't be able to disguise yourself as him anymore. You won't be able to get into the west wing either, and your mission will fail. Hurry up and get back to Raikov's body. === -Snake is Raikov (call Zero while disguised as Raikov) Zero: Ah, your Raikov disguise turned out nicely. Snake: Yeah, not even his own mother could tell the difference. Zero: Indeed. You're starting to irritate me already. Snake: Why? This should make me more popular. Zero: I wouldn't bet on it... but, whatever. Now that you're indistinguishable from the real Raikov, you'll be able to get into the west wing, to which only Volgin and Raikov have access. Head for the west wing of the weapons lab. That's where Sokolov is being held. Enter the main wing from the second floor of the east wing. Pass west through the main wing and you'll come to a connecting passageway. The west wing is at the other end of that passageway. Infiltrate the west wing and rescue Sokolov. === -Raikov's that Kind of Guy (call Eva while disguised as Raikov) Eva: OK, your Raikov disguise is complete. Now they won't stop you no matter what you do. Snake: Even if I punch someone in the face? Eva: Right. Snake: Really? Eva: Really. Snake: Why? Eva: Raikov's just that kind of guy. Snake: ... Eva: Once you're disguised as Raikov you can get into the west wing where Sokolov is being held. To get to the entrance of the west wing, pass west through the main wing of the weapons lab and go through the connecting passageway. You can get into the main wing of the weapons lab from the southwest side of the second floor. Head for the main wing. === -Sigint's Nightmare (call Sigint after experiencing Snake's nightmare) Sigint: Snake, you OK? Snake: Yeah. I had a terrible dream. Sigint: No kidding. What happened? Snake: I don't want to think about it. I was being attacked by monsters that looked human. And I'm... not even sure if I was really me. Sigint: At least it was just a dream. It's all over when you wake up. Snake: True. Sigint: When you think about it, the fact that you can imagine a situation worse than the one you're in now means life can't be all that bad. Snake: I sure hope so. Sigint: Well, let me tell you about the absolute worst, most sickening nightmare I ever had. This isn't one for the kids. OK, so there's this big pile of crap, right? It's shaped like a giant tank and it's walking around on two legs, goin' on a rampage and stompin' on people and houses and stuff. And this giant turd is carrying the nastiest missiles you ever saw. Like, whenever it launches one of its turd missiles... whatever it hits - people, trees, buildings - turns into shit. My hometown, my old school, my family, my girlfriend, old man John... Everything in that turd's path turned into shit. Snake: That's pretty sick, man. Sigint: Good thing it was just a dream, huh? Snake: Yes, that's a good thing. Sigint: You feeling better now? Snake: Yeah. Sigint: Good. Then let's get down to business. You see, Snake, people are just sacks of shit and they're full of holes. Fill 'em up with water and it's gotta come out from somewhere... OK, maybe that was a bad example. What I'm trying to say is, no matter what the situation, there's always a way out. Don't throw in the towel yet. Clear your mind. Think it through. Assess the situation. You'll find a way to escape. Snake: Got it. Sigint: Don't let my nightmare come true. Snake: Right. === -Eva's a Thief (call Eva after getting your equipment back) Snake: Eva, about the contents of the backpack you got for me... Eva: Is there something missing? Snake: Yeah, all of my food. Eva: Well, how strange... Snake: You didn't... Eva: It wasn't me! Snake: ... Eva: All those snakes and crocodiles and suspicious-looking mushrooms... I wouldn't eat that stuff even if you paid me! Snake: What about the instant noodles? Eva: ... Snake: Eva... Eva: I was hungry, OK!? Give me a break! It was just a little packet of noodles... Snake: It wasn't just noodles. All those animals I worked so hard to capture... Eva: That wasn't me. Snake: So who was it? Eva: It was Ocelot. Snake: Ocelot? Eva: He said he wanted to eat the same things you did. Snake: Why would he do that? Eva: You haven't figured it out? Snake: No. Eva: You are dense. Snake: ...??? === -Snake's a Bully (attack Eva and call Sigint) Sigint: What the hell, man...!! Para-Medic: I can't believe you!! Zero: Of all the - I can see now I chose the wrong man for this mission...! === -Snake's a Bully 2 (attack Eva and call Zero) Zero: Snake, why are you attacking Eva!? Para-Medic: What were you thinking!? I thought you were better than that! Sigint: I can't believe you, man!! You got a lot of nerve pulling something like that! Zero: Pull yourself together and focus on the enemy! That's an order!! === -The Mask (equip the mask and call Tom, during Virtuous Mission) Tom: Snake, are you wearing that mask again? Snake: Yeah. For some reason is feels kind of... nostalgic. Tom: Yeah well... for some reason I don't like it. Snake: Why not? Tom: Something about that face just rubs me the wrong way. Snake: It looks fine to me... but if you hate it that much, why did you give it to me in the first place? Tom: Well... that mask was originally created for use in another mission. An agent was supposed to disguise himself as a Soviet officer and sneak into an enemy installation. We had it all set to go, but certain circumstances forced us to abort the mission. With the mission cancelled, the mask was going to be thrown away... but the guy at the CIA's tech division who created it pitched a fit... Snake: Why'd he do that? Tom: He said it was too good to throw away. Snake: ... Tom: According to him, that mask is a revolutionary new design that lets the wearer blink, something that wasn't possible up until now. Snake: I'd think you'd want to make the lips move before bothering with the blinking. Tom: Yeah, I thought so too, but for some reason he's obsessed with making it blink... Snake: Whoever he is, he sounds like a crackpot. Tom: Mmm. Well, he does good work. But I spend three days a month just dealing with the complaints we get about him... ah, well, never mind... Anyway, I decided to put this mask we had in storage to good use by hiding your identity from the gunship crew. Snake: I get it... so this mask is based on a model somewhere. Tom: That's right. Snake: What do I do if I meet that guy? Tom: That's not going to be a problem. Snake: Why not? Tom: The man the mask is based on is a GRU officer. You're in the KGB's sphere of influence. Chances are you won't run into him. Snake: If I do? Tom: Beat the crap out of him. === -Gullible Snake (call Para-Medic with the cigar equipped) Para-Medic: Snake! Snake: What? Para-Medic: Are you smoking a cigarette? Snake: Nope. Para-Medic: Yes you are. Snake: It's not a cigarette, it's a cigar. Para-Medic: Same thing. Snake: Not at all. In fact, there's a world of difference. There's nothing quite like the rich smell and mellow flavor of a cigar. And that thick, luxurious smoke is almost sensual when it... Para-Medic: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. You know something? Snake: Probably not, but I don't want to hear it. Para-Medic: Well, you don't have a choice. Snake: ... Para-Medic: Cigarettes are bad for you. Snake: It's not a cigarette, it's a... Para-Medic: Quiet, you! Snake: ... Para-Medic: Smoking is bad for you. In a recent study, scientists found that tobacco smoke is full of carcinogenic substances, like nitrosamines. You know what that means? It means you're going to give yourself lung cancer if you keep on smoking. Snake: But that's just what some scientists think, right? Para-Medic: Oh, give me a break. Snake: I heard it was just a bunch of hu-hah. Para-Medic: Do you really believe that? Snake: Sure. Para-Medic: God, you're gullible. You ought to read this year's report from the Surgeon General. It proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that smoking causes lung cancer. Pretty soon the whole world will know that smoking is bad for you. Better quit now before it's too late. Snake: But... Para-Medic: And don't tell me cigar smoke is harmless because it doesn't go down into your lungs. It just means the cancer shows up in a different place. Snake: ... Para-Medic: Got it? Snake: Yeah, yeah... === -Croc Cap (call Zero with the Croc Cap equipped) Zero: Snake, what in God's name... Snake: How does it look? Para-Medic: It looks cool! Snake: Huh? Para-Medic: It looks cool on you. Snake: It does? Para-Medic: Yeah! Snake: I don't think "cool" is the right word. Para-Medic: Why? What's wrong with it? Snake: What's wrong... Don't you think it looks silly? Doesn't it make you laugh? Aren't you going to ask me what the hell I was thinking? Para-Medic: No. Snake: ... Para-Medic: I think it really does look good. It reminds me of "The Alligator People." Snake: Oh... the what? Para-Medic: "The Alligator People." It's a science fiction movie. You've never heard of it? Snake: No. Para-Medic: Oh... well you should see it sometime. It's about this guy who gets hurt in a car accident and tries to heal his wounds by injecting himself with a crocodile serum, but then his head turns into a crocodile head. You look just like him with that mask on. That's awesome. Snake: Right... Para-Medic: ??? Zero: Ah, never mind. I suppose you might be able to disguise yourself as a crocodile by wearing that cap and sticking your head out of the water. === -Croc Cap 2 (call Sigint with Croc Cap equipped) Sigint: A cap shaped like a crocodile head, you say? Snake: Yeah. What do you think? Sigint: I think it's a great idea! You know, animal disguises are one of the oldest tricks in the book in the intelligence world. I don't know whether it's true or not, but I've heard that during World War II, the OSS used to use cow suits. Supposedly they'd send agents out to hide in herds of real cows so they could spy on enemy units as they passed by. Nowadays, I guess most people wouldn't even give a crocodile-shaped cap a second look. They'd think it was just a gag item. But if you use it the right way, it can be an effective weapon for spying. I gotta hand it to you, Snake, you're one sharp guy. Snake: ... Sigint: You OK, Snake? Snake: Forget it... Sigint: ??? (Thanks to DracoLord Haven X for this script) === -Sneaking Suit (call Sigint with Sneaking Suit equipped) Sigint: Those are some funky clothes you're wearing. Snake: Yeah. It's called a sneaking suit. Sigint: Sneaking Suit? What's that all about? Snake: I'm not sure, but it looks like what The Boss was wearing... Sigint: Huh. Well, whatever it is, it's a fine piece of work. The suit seems to be made of some kind of special bulletproof fiber. Wearing it should reduce all the damage you take by half. The waterproofing and heat and moisture insulation are top-notch. Just having it on will reduce the stamina you burn. It even increases your overall Camo Index. You got yourself a keeper, Snake. Snake: Yeah. Maybe we should make it the official uniform of FOX. (Thanks to DracoLord Haven X for this script) === -Snake Vs. Monkey (start up a new game of Snake Vs. Monkey) Snake: This is Snake. I've made it to the sneaking point. Campbell: You're right on time, Snake. Snake: For being dragged out of the sack at two in the morning, I did my best. Campbell: Rise and shine. Don't you love mornings! Snake: Colonel... Nobody loves being dragged away from their vacation. Campbell: I'm sorry but we needed you. Something big is going down... very big. That's why... Snake: Alright, so what is this important mission? I'll say it once and only once... I'm not taking out any Metal Gears. Campbell: Don't worry. Snake: And no saving some VIP or old man. Campbell: It's nothing like that. Snake: If it's a hot damsel in distress, I'll think about it. Campbell: Well, it's not quite a... hot damsel in distress... but it is a rescue mission. Snake: Rescuing who? Campbell: Apes. Snake: ... Campbell: ... Snake: What!? Campbell: Monkeys! But not just any monkeys. Snake: You said monkeys? Campbell: Just listen. Your mission is to infiltrate the jungle and capture all of the monkeys. Snake: Again, you said monkeys? Campbell: Yes, monkeys. Snake: This isn't really my thing... If you want your monkeys, you better ask Spike or Jimmy. Campbell: Unfortunately, they weren't available. Snake: What about me!? I was on vacation! Campbell: Snake, we need you. If you don't do this, who will? Snake: It's not like someone else couldn't handle a stealth mission. Campbell: Don't say that. This is the genre we turned over every leaf in. Snake: Why don't you make Sam or Gabe do the job? Campbell: Snake... Snake: Isn't this just some monkey catching action? Campbell: Snake, I'm asking you. It's a request from the Professor himself. Snake: THE Professor...? Natalie's grandfather? Campbell: That's the one. Snake: The one who came up with the monkey helmet? Campbell: Well, that was the Professor's classmate. Snake: His classmate? Campbell: From high school. Not only that, but the Professor is a friend of Otacon's. Snake: He's Otacon's friend, too? Campbell: It's because of the Professor that Otacon has been able to come up with some of his inventions. Snake: ...Alright... what are the details? Campbell: So you'll do it, great! Snake: I'm not against some "monkey catching." But I'd rather be collecting pants. Campbell: Snake, the monkeys have fled into the jungle. When you find them, knock them out for capture. Snake: Right. I'm not going to be able to grab them when they are jumping all around the place. Campbell: Right. When you've grabbed all of the monkeys, your mission is complete. Snake: Gotcha. Commencing Operation Ape Snake. Campbell: Snake, when you capture a monkey, yell out the password. With the password, a warp device will activate. Snake: Understood. Campbell: Good. I'm counting on you, Snake. === -Advising the Enemy (call Para-Medic after your first meeting with Ocelot) Para-Medic: By the way, Snake. Snake: What? Para-Medic: What was that little lecture back there? Snake: Lecture? Para-Medic: You were instructing the GRU commander, weren't you? Something about the first round, or his hand. Snake: Yeah... Para-Medic: What was that supposed to mean? Snake: Mmm... Whenever he put a new clip in his gun he'd always load the first round by hand, whether there was a round left in the chamber or not. It's a technique they teach in the Middle East. By making sure there's always a round in the chamber, you eliminate the risk of pulling the trigger with nothing to fire. He must have heard about it from someone, or read it somewhere... in any case, he probably wanted to try it out for himself. And he was obviously motivated by vanity to show off his new technique. That's when you make mistakes. The battlefield is an unforgiving place. The only techniques you can rely on are the ones you've mastered through experience and practice. Para-Medic: Uh huh. And what were you saying about him being more suited to revolver? Snake: When he fired, he was bending his elbow sharply to avoid the recoil. It looked like he wasn't aware he was doing it, but that habit can be either a fatal flaw or a gift. Para-Medic: What do you mean? Snake: Automatic weapons use recoil to operate, so if you don't let the recoil hit you, it interferes with the operating cycle of the gun. Basically, he shouldn't be trying to avoid the impact like that. But with a revolver, there's no need to let the recoil hit you. Just the opposite - avoiding the recoil lets you reduce the strain on your hand and arm. That kid might just be handy with a high-caliber revolver. Para-Medic: Handy...? Are you listening to yourself? Snake: What do you mean? Para-Medic: He's the enemy! Why are you giving him advice? Snake: I... Para-Medic: Snake? Snake: ...I don't know. For some reason, I couldn't help but point it out to him... Snake: ...Snake, are you alright? Snake: ...Yeah... === -EZ Gun (call The Boss with the EZ Gun equipped) Boss: I see you're using the EZ GUN. The EZ GUN is a silenced tranquilizer gun for special-ops use developed for FOX by CIA's technology division. Snake: A silenced tranquilizer gun? I don't see a suppressor on here... Boss: Apparently, the tranquilizer rounds themselves are designed to suppress the sound. Snake: Interesting. In other words, I won't have to worry about the suppressor wearing out on me, right? Boss: That's right. It's also equipped with a laser sight so that you can make accurate shots even at a distance. In addition, merely equipping the EZ GUN should have a positive effect on your Camo Index. I've even heard helps you recover your stamina. Put it to good use. === -Tsuchinoko (Capture a Tsuchinoko and call Para-Medic) Para-Medic: Snake, you've captured a Tsuchinoko. Zero: What?! Really?! Is that true Snake? Snake: ...yeah. Sigint: All right Snake! You really are The Boss' apprentice! Zero: Good work Snake! Now hurry up and finish this mission! Under no circumstances are you to eat it. Understood? Snake: ... (Thanks to Jayson619 for this script) === -The Placebo (eat a Russian Glowcap and call Para-Medic) Para-Medic: I see you've found some Russian glowcaps. The Russian glowcap is kind of luminescent fungus - a mushroom that glows in the dark. Snake: Why would a mushroom glow in the dark? Para-Medic: It's bioluminescent, just like a firefly. It uses the so called luciferin-luciferase reaction. To put it simply, luciferin reacts with luciferase in the presence of magnesium two plus ions, breaking it down into oxyluciferin and carbon dioxide. The carbonyl groups in the oxyluciferin are initially in an electrically excited state. When they return to their base state, they give off light. Did you get all that? Snake: Not really. Para-Medic: Oh. Snake: I ate one and it recharged my batteries! Para-Medic: Huh!? Snake: I thought a mushroom that glows that bright was bound to charge up my batteries if I ate it. And I was right. Para-Medic:'re serious...?? Snake: What's wrong? Para-Medic: N...nothing... Um, Snake, can you excuse me for a second? Snake: Sure. Para-Medic: Did you just hear that? Sigint: Yeah. There's no way eating a bioluminescent mushroom would cause your batteries to recharge. Para-Medic: What do you think it means? Sigint: Beats me... maybe it's all in his mind. Para-Medic: You mean like a placebo effect? Sigint: Why not? You've seen how gullible he is. Para-Medic: I guess there's no harm done. Should we let him keep believing it? Sigint: Sounds good to me. Para-Medic: OK, Snake, I'm back. Yes, the Russian glowcap is a glowing mushroom, so it'll recharge your batteries when you eat it. Snake: ??? === -I Can't Smell (call The Boss during Virtuous Mission) Boss: If you want to survive in the jungle, you're going to need to hone all of your senses. An unnatural movement in the undergrowth, a tiny shadow peeking out through the trees in the distance - always keep an eye out for any signs of the enemy's presence. Your sense of hearing is equally important. Visibility is poor in the jungle, so you've got to learn to pick up the enemy's presence from the sounds you hear around you. Always be listening for that one snap of a twig among the chirping of the birds and the babbling of the brooks. Your sense of smell is also important. Body odor, sweat, gunpowder, food... these faint smells wafting in the wind will tell you where the enemy... Snake: Uh, no. Boss: No? Snake: I can't smell. Boss: You... what now? Snake: I can't smell. Boss: Not at all? Snake: Nope. Boss: Not even a little bit? Snake: Not a thing. Boss: Oh... well, then, you'll just have to trust in your instincts as a gamer. (Thanks to AuFox80 (Edward Kang) for this script) === -Quack (call Para-Medic during Virtuous Mission) Snake: Para-Medic. Para-Medic: What's up? Snake: Are you a medic, or a doctor? Para-Medic: I'm a well-respected physician. Or I was, until I joined the CIA. Snake: How was your reputation? Para-Medic: My what? Snake: Your reputation. Para-Medic: Oh, that. Snake: How was it? Para-Medic: Why? Don't you trust me? Snake: That's not what I meant. Para-Medic: Fine, then. Snake: Mm-hmm... So? Para-Medic: So what? Snake: Your reputation - how was it? Para-Medic: My! You're relentless! Snake: Hey, I'm a snake. So? Para-Medic: My reputation was spotless. I'm highly skilled, patient, and good- looking to boot. Everybody wanted to see me. What else would you expect? Snake: ... Para-Medic: No, seriously. Zero: Incidentally, her nickname back then was "Quack." Para-Medic: Major! Snake: ...Is that true? Para-Medic: Mm? Is what true? Snake: About your nickname. Para-Medic: No! ...Well, maybe a few people did call me that... Snake: So you were a quack? Para-Medic: No! ...Well, yes and no. I mean, in a sense I was, but then again I wasn't... Snake: ??? Zero: Snake, her skills as a doctor are beyond reproach. You have my word on that. Para-Medic: Yes! That's exactly what I was trying to say, Snake. Snake: Then why did they call her "Quack"? Zero: It's because she... Para-Medic: Never mind that! It doesn't matter. We've got a job to do, and we have to stay focused. Besides, my past doesn't have anything to do with the mission and... Snake: Because she never shuts up? Zero: Yes, that's it. Para-Medic: No, that's not it! Snake, tell him that's not true! Snake: ... Para-Medic: Say something! Snake: I'd better get back to the mission. Zero: Yes, you do that. Para-Medic: Just a minute! Snake! Don't you hang up on me! (Thanks to AuFox80 (Edward Kang) for this script) === -UMA (call Para-Medic when you reach Graniny Gorki South) Para-Medic: Snake, there's supposed to be a tsuchinoko in that area. Snake: Tsuchinoko? Para-Medic: You've never heard of it? It's a mysterious snake that's found all over Japan. Snake: If it lives all over Japan, then why is it so mysterious? Para-Medic: Many people have seen them, but no one's ever caught one. If you do manage to catch one, it'll be a major historic discovery. I think you should look for it! Snake: If I have time. So what kind of snake is this "tsuchinoko?" Para-Medic: The body is about as tick as a beer bottle, and the tail tapers off to a point. It doesn't slither around like other snakes, but rather goes in a straight line like an inchworm. Sometimes it even jumps several yards at a time. It's got sinister looking eyes, and it can even blink and move its eyes around. It's also been known to snore, cry, and stand straight up on its tail. Snake: And this is an actual snake? Para-Medic: Of course. Snake: Uh huh. Then how come you seem to know so much about them? Is it in that guide of yours? Para-Medic: No. Snake: Then maybe you saw it in a movie, like "Curse of the 50-Foot Tsuchinoko" or something. Para-Medic: There's no such movie. I heard about it from Sigint. Snake: Sigint? Para-Medic: He's an expert on UMAs. Snake: UMAs? Para-Medic: Unidentified Mysterious Animals, dummy. Snake: Oh, excuse my ignorance... Why does he know so much about them? Para-Medic: Probably because he likes them. At the CIA, he was the vice president of an unofficial group called the "UMA Watcher Club." Snake: The UMA Watcher Club? Para-Medic: Yeah. Just the other day he was working on a newsletter at his desk. Snake: At the office? How does he get away with that...? Para-Medic: Well, the major is the chairman of the club. Snake: ... === -The Other Side (call Zero after defeating The Sorrow) Zero: Snake. Snake: ... Zero: Snake! Snake: Wh-what... oh, Major... What do you want? Zero: What happened? You've been acting strangely ever since you were washed down the river. Snake: I'm fine. Zero: I disagree. Snake: Really? Zero: Yes. Snake: ... Zero: Did something happen to you in that river? Snake: No... Zero: Don't lie, Snake. I'm trying to help you. Snake: ...All right. But you might not believe me when I tell you. Zero: I'll believe you. I trust you. Snake: Okay, then. When I was in that river... Zero: Yes? Snake: I saw... the other side. Zero: The other side? Snake: Yeah. Zero: ...And by the other side, you mean...? Snake: Well, the world of the dead... I guess. Zero: ... Snake: And The Sorrow was there. He was sad... No, more than that. He said that I was a part of his sorrow... Zero: I...see... um, Snake, would you excuse me for a moment? Snake: Huh? Sure... Zero: Para-Medic, what in the hell is wrong with Snake? Para-Medic: Beats me... Maybe he got a nasty bump on the head. Zero: ...You really think that's all? Para-Medic: What are you implying? Snake: Major? Para-Medic: I mean, he's always been a little bit... different... I thought maybe... Zero: Good point... I was just thinking that myself. Snake: MAJOR! Zero: Wh-what is it, Snake? Snake: I can hear you. Zero: !! W... well, in any case, I'm glad you're all right. Para-Medic: Y...yeah. Me, too. It's good to see you're back to ah... normal. Snake: ... === -Spirit (call Sigint while wearing Spirit camo) Sigint: Eh? That's some bizarre camo you've got on, Snake... Snake: It's spirit camo... I think it was a gift from The Sorrow. Sigint: The Sorrow? But he's been... Man, I don't even want to know. Anyway, that camouflage seems to have some kind of special power. While you're wearing it and grab an enemy during CQC, you can drain stamina out of the enemy while choking him. And you won't make a sound when you move around. Snake: Sounds good. Sigint: ...Tell me the truth. Did you really get that from The Sorrow? Snake: Yeah. Sigint: ...Hell, the major says he's been abducted by a UFO, so why not...? Snake: ??? === ============================================================================== 5. Equipment Scripts Following are transcriptions of Sigint's comments about your equipment. To hear any one in particular, equip that piece of equipment and give Sigint a call. It may take a few tries depending on what's going on. If it won't work, try un-equipping everything else. -Motion Detector Sigint: The motion detector will display any moving objects in your vicinity. But the enemy isn't the only thing that's moving around in the jungle. If there are animals nearby, the sensor will pick up those animals, too. And remember, there's a limit to how sensitive is it. Enemies and animals that don't move around very much won't get picked up. === -Active Sonar Sigint: Active sonar sends out a special type of sound wave whenever press the L3 button. It uses the echo from those waves to calculate and display the position of nearby objects. Unlike the motion detector, it'll show you objects that aren't moving. But because you're blasting out sound waves, there's a risk that the noise will alert enemies and animals to your presence. Be careful about when and where you use it. === -Knife Sigint: Ah, you're using the survival knife. Snake: Yeah. This thing provides me with all the bare essentials I need to survive in the field. Sigint: Hey, wait. What'd you do with the knife I made you? That was a work of art. It had matches and fishhooks and thread and stuff in the grip. Snake: Sorry to have to tell you this, but that thing is useless in a fight. Sigint: No way! Really? Snake: Yeah. When the grip is hollowed out like that, there's not as much space to stabilize the blade. So the joint between the blade and the grip is weaker. That makes it easier to break. Sigint: I get it. You're right - with your knife, you don't have to worry about it breaking no matter how much you swing it around. So the important thing is durability... Man, I gotta write this stuff down. Next time, I'll make the it so the matches and fishhooks go in the sheath instead. Snake: ... === -Directional Microphone Sigint: I see you've picked up a directional microphone. The directional microphone is exactly what it looks like - a listening device. When you equip it, you'll go into First Person View and the mike will pick up sounds in whatever direction you point it in. The directional microphone will let you hear a lot of things you couldn't hear otherwise, like really soft noises and the footsteps of faraway enemy soldier. You ought to find it useful when you want to know whether there's an enemy on the other side of the woods or something. Try it out!! === -M1911A1 Sigint: Hey, you've got an M1911A1. Snake: Yeah, a .45. Fifty years since the Army adopted the first model, and they're still using them. It's a real gem of an automatic pistol. Sigint: But aren't you going to need more than just one little handgun? Snake: Not at all. When you're in a tight spot or fighting in close quarters, sometimes a handgun is better than a rifle. And if I equip a knife at the same time, I can instantaneously switch over to hand-to-hand combat. Sigint: I see. === -Mk22 Sigint: The weapon you've got equipped now is a prototype model of the Mk22, a suppressor-equipped pistol currently in development by the Navy. It's been modified to act as a tranquilizer gun. The Mk22 is a heavily modified special ops version of the M39 pistol used as a sidearm by the SEALS. Probably the biggest change from the M39 is that it's got a longer barrel, which allows it to be equipped with a suppressor. And it uses a slide-lock mechanism. That makes it a lot quieter, but is also means you have to load a new round into the chamber by hand every time you fire. It's also fitted with tall adjustable sights, so you can use the front and rear sights to line up your shot even with a suppressor attached. Snake: Looks like they got rid of the magazine safety, too. Sigint: Good eye. That feature wasn't too popular with guys like you who know their guns. The shear release lever's been taken off as well, meaning the hammer won't fall even with the safety on. Snake: So I can just cock and lock? Sigint: That and you get the added bonus of not having any mechanical noise from decocking, even with the safety on. Snake: The perfect pistol for a sneaking mission, huh. === -SAA Sigint: You say you're using a single action army? The single action army was first manufactured in 1873. It's been in production ever since then, except for a short hiatus. People started calling it the "single action army" after the Army adopted it as their official sidearm in 1875. It's also sometimes called the "Peacemaker," owing to the fact that a lot of sheriffs use it to keep law and order in the old West. There are a lot of different models. The one you've got is probably the "Black Powder" model. The single action army uses .45 Long Colt rounds. It's powerful enough to fire a 255-grain bullet at an initial velocity of 800 feet per second. The muzzle energy is almost 10% higher than the .45ACP bullets the M1911A1 uses. You want stopping power, you got it. The only thing is, it takes a while to reload. This is a gun with history. You can do all sorts of tricks with it. Why don't you practice with it for a while? Go into First Person View and use the right analog stick. === -Stun Grenade Sigint: Hmm, I've never seen a grenade like that one before. There are two basic types of grenades: fragmentation grenades, which use shrapnel to kill or maim the target, and explosive grenades, which use the blast from the explosion as the offensive means. But the grenade you've got there isn't either of those. My best guess is that it's meant to knock the enemy out without hurting them. Most likely it's an entirely new kind of weapon developed exclusively at Groznjy Grad. I've heard that the SAS is working on a low-impact grenade for training purposes... but I never thought they'd be used in an actual battle... The flash of light that occurs when the grenade explodes is probably produced by magnesium. It's the same stuff that's used in camera flashes. I'm thinking they cut down on killing power by reducing the amount of explosives and made up for it by making the flash and bang so strong that it overwhelms the enemy's senses. I guess you could call it a "stun grenade." Snake: If I'm going to be stunned, I'd rather it be by a woman. Sigint: Snap out of it. Anyone around when that thing goes off'll be laid out. It ought to come in handy when you're trying to storm a room, or when you don't want to kill the enemy. === -Binoculars Sigint: I see you're using the binoculars. Those are high-performance binoculars made especially for the military. They're completely waterproof and are filled with nitrogen gas to prevent lens fog. The eyepiece, objective lenses, and the prism have been coated to reduce glare. They ought to work plenty well even in dark places. And they're equipped with auto-focus and zoom functions. Won't find a better pair of binoculars than that. Snake: What are you, a binocular salesman? Sigint: Hey, I know a good product when I see one, that's all. Snake: ...? === -Cigar Sigint: Snake, you smoking a cigarette? Snake: It's not a cigarette. It's a cigar. Sigint: Ah, same thing. Snake: It's not the same thing. Sigint: Doesn't matter to me. What I want to know is, why'd you take it with you? Snake: Because I need it. Sigint: For what? Snake: I can't smoke a cigar if I don't have one, can I? Sigint: So you just wanted to smoke it? Snake: Yeah. Sigint: ...Man, you got problems. Do you what you want. Just keep in mind that your LIFE goes down when you're smoking it. === -Anti-personnel Sensor Sigint: Using the anti-personnel sensor, I see. The sensor vibrates when it detects organic reactions from human targets. It's been adjusted to respond only to humans, so unlike other sensors, it'll let you ignore animals and focus only on the enemy. It'll even detect enemies that aren't moving and you won't have to worry about it giving away your position. But on the flip side, it won't tell you the exact location of the target. Keep that in mind when you're using it. Also, remember that when you use it in First Person View, it'll only scan in the direction you're facing. === -Smoke Grenade Sigint: Thinking of using a smoke grenade, huh? As you might expect, smoke grenades can be used to create a smoke screen. The combustion agent is a mixture of zinc oxide, ammonium chloride, aluminum, and some other stuff. When it explodes, it releases a thick cloud of grayish-white smoke that resists dispersion. That should provide some nice cover. The smoke will confuse the enemy by blocking their field of vision. That'll help you out when you're trying to make a quick getaway. It also works the other way around - you can use it as cover to sneak up on an enemy position. The smoke screen should work just as well when you're being chased by dogs, too. === -Thermal Goggles Sigint: Hey... what's that you've got there? Snake: Thermal goggles. From what I can tell, they detect and display sources of heat. Sigint: You're kiddin' me! They actually made a passive infrared night-vision device small enough to carry around with you... Snake: What, is that special or something? Sigint: Is it special? Here in the West, we've just barely got the technology to install it on aircraft. Snake: So that's what the thing is they put on the gunship... But doesn't the Army have something like that for driving vehicles at night? I thought I saw... Sigint: You mean the AN-PAS-5. That's an active infrared night-vision device. It fires infrared beams from an infrared projector, and uses the reflections to build an image. Those goggles you've got there are completely different. Basically, when you've got those equipped, you'll be able to spot enemy soldiers in the jungle with ease, even if they're camouflaged. They might even help you find traps. Ah, but you won't be able to see the terrain as well, so watch your step. === -Bug Juice Sigint: I see you have the bug juice equipped. It's useful for keeping the bugs away. If you open the Item Window and press the Enter Button, you'll be to keep the nasty critters like hornets and leeches at bay for a brief period of time. Use it well! === -M1911A1 (follow-up) Sigint: Hey, you've got an M1911A1. Snake: Yeah, a .45. Fifty years since the Army adopted the first model, and they're still using them. It's a real gem of an automatic pistol. Sigint: But aren't you going to need more than just one little handgun? Snake: Not at all. When you're in a tight spot or fighting in close quarters, sometimes a handgun is better than a rifle. And if I equip a knife at the same time, I can instantaneously switch over to hand-to-hand combat. Sigint: I see. That .45 you've got there is a lot different from the original, though. Looks like someone did some serious work on it. Snake: It's more than a little. First of all, the feeding ramp is polished to a mirror sheen. It's not going to have any feeding problems. The slide's been replaced with a reinforced version. And it meshes perfectly with the frame. The frame itself has been iron-welded and scraped down multiple times for maximum precision. The front strap part of the frame has been checkered to make it dig into the hand. That prevents any slipping. The sight system's original, too. It's a 3-dot type. It's got an enlarged front sight, giving it superior target sighting capability. The regular hammer's been replaced with a ring hammer. That enhances the cocking control and increases the hammer-down speed. They also reworked the grip safety to accommodate the ring hammer. Looks like they eliminated it altogether. This is a tool for pros. The thumb safety and the slide stop are extended to allow for more precise handling. The base of the trigger guard is whittled down, so you can use a high grip. And the trigger itself is a long type for easy finger access. The trigger pull is about 3.5 pounds. That's about a pound and a half lighter than normal. The magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine. The magazine catch button has been cut down low to make it harder to hit by accident. The mainspring housing has been changed to a flat type to increase grip. And it's even been fitted with stepping so that it doesn't slip from the recoil when firing. On top of that, they added cocking serrations to the front part of the slide. That lets you load and eject cartridges faster in an emergency. Whoever did this is a professional. No question - this thing could shoot a one-hole at 25 yards in a machine rest. Sigint: Well, I'll be damned. That's some gun. Snake: Yeah. I've never used a weapon this fine in my life. === -Magazine Sigint: You say you're using an empty magazine? A magazine is what's left when you empty the clip of a gun. But what do you plan to do with it? Snake: I'm going to throw it. Sigint: Throw it? Snake: Yeah. The sound it makes when it hits the ground will distract the enemy's attention. Sigint: Ah... a diversion! Guess state-of-the-art weapons aren't the only things that determine victory or defeat. === -Claymore Sigint: Ah, you got yourself some Claymores. The M18A1 Claymore is a new type of anti-personnel directional mine developed in the US after the Korean War. The gently curved casing is packed with a pound and a half of high-grade explosives. The side facing the enemy is lined with 700 steel ball bearings. So when the mine explodes, the ball bearings simultaneously burst out of the casing. Anyone in the kill zone, be he friend or foe, is instant Swiss cheese. The mine is triggered by an electric detonator. Snake: Apparently, the detonator's got some kind of special motion detector built in. Sigint: Yeah. When the mine is planted, it reacts to anything that comes close and automatically explodes. Just make sure you don't trip your own mine or something stupid like that. Snake: I'll be careful. Sigint: You can pick up a planted Claymore by crawling over it. Mines planted by the enemy can also be picked up in this way, so if you come across a minefield, it's a good idea to crawl through it and pick up the mines. Snake: What are they doing making minefields out of Western mines, anyway? Sigint: They're probably doing field performance evaluations on mines they either captured or stole from the West. The structure of the Claymore isn't actually all that complicated. They must be learning a lot about them. It might not be long before we start seeing "Claymorasky" mines. === -Chaff Grenade Sigint: That's a weird grenade you got there. From what I can tell, it's an anti-electronics weapons that works by scattering a bunch of metal foil in the air to interfere with radio signals. Call it a chaff grenade, if you will. By using chaff, you can disrupt the function of enemy radios and electronic devices for a short period of time. But keep in mind that as long as the chaff is in effect, you won't be able to use your motion detector or active sonar, either. === -Grenade Sigint: Gonna use a grenade, huh? That's an RGD-5, the standard blast- fragmentation grenade of the Soviet army. The grenade itself is composed of two steel-plated casings. Each of those casings has an inner fragment liner that causes it burst into over 300 shards when the grenade explodes. The grenade will deliver heavy damage to any enemies within its blast area. The safety pin is on the opposite side relative to the M26, so be sure to hold the safety lever down with your finger when you grip it. The safety is released when you actually throw the grenade, and it'll explode about three seconds later. Snake: So what you're saying is, it won't explode in my hand while I'm holding it? Sigint: Of course not! Snake: Oh... Sigint: To throw a grenade, press and release the Weapon Button. Remember that how far you throw it depends on how hard it's pressed. Press lightly if you want to drop it close to you, and press harder if you want to lob it away. It'll probably be easier to control your throw if you do it in First Person View. === -Mousetrap Sigint: Hey, you got a mousetrap! That mousetrap is a portable tool for capturing small animals alive. Press the Weapon Button to place it on the ground. Come back a little bit later, and there might be a frog or a snake caught in there. Whether or not you actually catch anything, though, is all a matter of luck. Don't get all down if there's nothing in the trap. Try, try again. Also, don't forget that you need some bait in the trap or nothing's gonna come crawling in there. If you capture an animal with a trap, it won't have any bait left. Just crawl to pick it up. Then put some more bait back in and set it down again. You can use the "MAP" in the Survival Viewer to see where you've placed traps. If you forget where you put a trap, just look at the "MAP." === -White Phosphorous Grenade Sigint: You're thinking of using a white phosphorous grenade? Like the name says, a white phosphorous grenade is one that uses white phosphorous to create an incendiary effect. White phosphorous grenades were used by the US military during World War II. Back then, they were known as "Willy Petes," after the first two letters of "white phosphorous." The one you've got there is probably the exact same thing. White phosphorous is a white, waxy substance that spontaneously combusts when it reacts with oxygen. The combustion temperature is over 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Any human targets within the area of effect when it explodes are going to get seriously burned. Just make sure you don't accidentally set yourself on fire. If your body does catch fire, either plunge into some water or take off the burning clothes and put on new ones. Rolling repeatedly should put the flames out pretty quick, too. === -TNT Sigint: Looks like you've got some TNT. TNT is short for trinitrotoluene, a pale yellow crystalline compound made from a tri-nitrated mix of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. It's used throughout the world as a military explosive. It has a low sensitivity and is chemically stable, making it easy to handle. It's also got a low melting point, and can easily be shaped by boiling or steaming it. But because the sensitivity is so low, you need a booster to actually get it to explode. Snake: No problem. It came with its own remote detonator. Sigint: Good. Then all you have to do is press the Weapon Button to place the TNT and then press the CQC button to set it off. The "MAP" screen in the Survival Viewer will display the locations where you've planted TNT. Take warning, though - the radio signal for the detonator is pretty weak. Don't forget that pressing the CQC button will only set off the TNT that's planted in the same area. === -AK-47 Sigint: Got yourself an AK-47, huh? The AK-47 is the official assault rifle for the Soviet army. The first model was completed in 1946, and in '49 it beat out all its competitors to become the standard assault rifle of the Soviet military. It uses 7.62mm x 39 rounds, developed in 1943, and a 30-round box magazine originally designed for a different assault rifle. You can aim it from the shoulder by equipping it in First Person View and holding down the Aim Button. It's sturdy and extremely reliable, with high power and precision. There's no better assault rifle in the world. === -Torch Sigint: A torch? A little primitive but, a light's a light. From what I can tell, that torch is made of white birch dipped in turpentine. It burns long, so I don't think you'll have a problem with it burnin' out on you. If you equip it and press the CQC Button, you can use it to smack the enemy. You can also swing it around by pressing that button repeatedly. Useful when you need to clear the room of bats and stuff. With the Weapon Button, you can light and extinguish the torch, so make sure that thing is out if an enemy is closing in. Get used to it. The light from the torch is visible from a long way off, though. It probably goes without saying, but marching into battle with a torch in your hand is not the sanest course of action. You should only light a torch when you're someplace like a cave where you can't find your way around without a light. Snake: Yeah, I hear you. === -Night Vision Goggles Sigint: Hey, what's that you're wearing...? Snake: Night-vision goggles. This gadget lets me see in the dark by amplifying light and displaying it as images. Sigint: Amplifying light? Snake: That's what it looks like to me. Sigint: Well, I'll be damned. They're working on something like that here in the States, but so far it's not viable unless it's coupled with an infrared searchlight. And now the Russians have something you can carry with you... Anyway, those goggles should give you decent visual range even in dark places. But don't look at anything too bright, like fire, or it'll get burned into your eyes and you won't be able to see for a while. Be careful. === -M37 Sigint: Ah, I see you got yourself an M37. The M37 is a 12-guage pump-action shotgun. Don't expect any kind of accuracy from a distance, but one blast will send the enemy flying, and it's got some serious firepower, too. Good thing to have with you in close-range combat. It takes a while to reload, though, so plan accordingly. The thing that distinguishes the M37 is that it's light weight. It's about 2 pounds lighter than other shotguns. In fact, it's so light that it's been nicknamed the "Featherlight." Snake: Yeah, and to top it off, this one's had it's barrel and stock sawed off. Sigint: That's probably a modification to make is easier to wield in the jungle. Those Soviet boys know what they're doing. I guess the other distinguishing feature would be the lack of an ejection port on the side of the receiver. Snake: Ambidextrous, huh. Sigint: Exactly. It's been designed so you can use it left-handed or right- handed with equal ease. But that's not all. The low number of apertures means that it won't get jammed up as much with mud and dirt when you use it out in the field. This weapon is made for the jungle. Snake: Good to know. But what are they doing with an American-made shotgun? Sigint: Good question. I guess they could be doing research on Western weapons, but... Did you ever hear about the SAS using shotguns in jungle combat in Malaysia? Snake: Just stories. Sigint: In the jungle, you're always running into the enemy when you least expect it. The SAS found the shotgun to be extremely effective delivering massive firepower in a short period of time. Because of that, lately a lot of point men are starting to use shotguns as their weapon of choice. Volgin's men might be trying that tactic out for themselves. === -Mine Detector Sigint: Using the mine detector, huh? When you equip the mine detector, it lets you know with a sound if there are any Claymore mines nearby. A mine detector is basically a metal detector, so ordinarily it reacts to scrap iron in the same way it reacts to mines. They say that only about one out of every 100 objects it responds to is an actual mine. Not exactly what you'd call reliable. So they're researching other ways to detect mines, like sniffing for molecules given off by explosives and using a kind of underground radar. One of these days, they might actually make something that works. But the one you're using is apparently set up so that it only reacts when it finds a Claymore on the ground. No need to worry about it being fooled by anything other than a mine. === -SVD Sigint: Ah, you've got an SVD. That's the Soviet's top-of-the-line semi- automatic sniper rifle, adopted just last year. SVD stands for the Russian words that mean "Dragunov semi-automatic sniper rifle." For a long time, the standard Russian sniper rifle was the Mosin Nagant. But at the beginning of the 1950's, when Soviet troops started carrying automatic rifles and assault rifles, the need for an automatic sniper rifle increased. The SVD was developed to fulfill that need. It can use the same ammo as the Mosin Nagant, 7.62mm x 54 rimmed cartridges, but they developed a new type of ammo with a tighter firing pattern to go along with it. I heard these new rounds have a steel core and 2.5 times more precise than regular rifle bullets. Nothing can match that thing in terms of precision. Try it out for yourself and see how powerful it is. When you equip a sniper rifle, you'll go straight into First Person View. Once you're in position, press the Aim Button to look through the scope. The trigger is the Weapon Button, as usual. You can change the magnification on the scope by pressing the Action Button. You can fire from a standing position, but your aim will be a heck of a lot steadier if you're lying down. Try it out. === -Handkerchief Sigint: Ah, a handkerchief soaked with a knockout drug, you say? With that thing, I'll bet you could put the enemy asleep just by grabbing them in CQC. You could also press the Weapon Button to wave the hanky around and spread the knockout drug that way. But there's only enough drug for one use, so you'll have to go soak it if you want to use it again. You should be able to find some sort of anesthetic around there. === -XM16E1 Sigint: Snake, you've got a... Snake: I know. It's some kind of new rifle out of the West. It looks kind of like a "black rifle"... Sigint: No, it's not an AR-15. It's an XM16E1, a top-of-the-line rifle that the Army adopted recently on a trial basis. The US military was working on a new concept for a light infantry weapon from the late 40's through the mid 50's. In the end, they decided they wanted a .22-caliber, high muzzle velocity rifle with a full-auto capability. What they came up with was the AR-15, the so-called "black rifle." The one you've got there, the XM16E1, is a modified AR-15 that's been fitted with a bolt forward assist. I heard they're performance evaluations in down in Southeast Asia. Snake: So they captured one in Vietnam and brought it here? Sigint: That's my guess. But that thing looks a lot different from a regular XM16E1. There must have been a gunsmith present at the field tests who made all these modifications on the spot. The fact that it's painted in camouflage colors shows that more and more people these days are starting to realize the importance of camouflage. Snake: They made it so it takes a suppressor, too. Sigint: Yep. That's a nice feature to have for a recon unit on a sneaking mission deep in enemy territory. You can attach and detach the suppressor by opening the Weapon Window and pressing the Enter Button. Oh, and the firing mechanism's been modified to enable three-shot bursts. Snake: Why the hell would they do that? Sigint: These days, a lot of new recruits aren't used to firing in full-auto mode. They have no trigger control and end up emptying a whole clip at once. Maybe they were experimenting with ways to prevent that and came up with the burst mechanism as a possible solution. Snake: Stupid idea if you ask me. Sigint: Hey, give it a chance, it might come in handy. Open the Weapon Window and press the Action Button to switch between semi-auto, full-auto, and 3-shot burst modes. Have fun with that. === -M63 Sigint: I see you got yourself an M63. The M63 is an American-made system weapon. Snake: Yeah, I've heard of it before, but... Sigint: ...But you've never got your hands on one? Doesn't surprise me - it's brand new. They only developed it last year. I'm thinking they probably captured some in Southeast Asia and sent them back for research. The term "system weapon" refers to a design where most of the parts are interchangeable, allowing you to create a lot of different variations from a single original model. Using a basic set of components as the core, you can mix and match parts to create any number of different weapons. It's like a convertible rifle. By switching barrels and magazines around, you can make everything from an assault rifle to a carbine, to a light machine gun and even a belt-feeding medium machine gun. Not only does this save the trouble of having to organize a bunch of different weapons on different lines, but it also has the added benefit of cutting down on the amount of training needed for each soldier. Most of the parts are made by press work and lost-wax casting so they can be manufactured in countries that lack a developed technological base. Snake: Nice touch. Sigint: The variation you've got there is the belt-fed light machine gun. It was originally designed for use in squad support missions. Snake: It's a lot lighter than the M60. Sigint: Yeah. You won't find a lighter-weight light machine gun than that. It ought to be pretty easy to handle in the jungle. Make good use of it. === -Mosin Nagant Sigint: You're using a Mosin Nagant? Snake: Yeah. It's what The End was using. Sigint: I see. The M1891/30 Mosin Nagant is a real beauty of a bolt-action sniper rifle. It's been in use since World War II. Mosin Nagants are created by selecting the best-made weapons out of the regular M1891/30 rifle production line for their high precision and upgrading them to sniper rifles. They add an optical sight, make the trigger pull lighter, bend the charging handle underneath - that kind of stuff. The Mosin Nagant has been known far and wide since the war for its superior capabilities. They were so highly valued that a lot of German snipers on the eastern front preferred to use captured Mosin Nagants instead of their own rifles. It looks like The End took the one he'd been using since the war and modified it to fire tranquilizer rounds. Snake: Yeah. It's also been fitted with a folding stock and pistol grip. Maybe for parachute jumps? Sigint: Well, I dunno why he did it, but that's a tool of a legendary sniper. It's got to be a fine piece of work. But remember - the Mosin Nagant is a bolt-action rifle, so you'll have to load a new tranquilizer round into the chamber by hand every time you fire. That means no repeat firing. One shot, one kill. === -RPG-7 Sigint: You're using an RPG-7, huh? The RPG-7 is a state-of-the-art portable anti-tank weapon developed as a successor to the RPG-2. It first saw active deployment in 1962 the year before last. Actually, maybe portable's not the right. The launcher and grenade together weigh over 20 pounds. It's not something you can use on the move. When you equip it, make sure you use First Person View to aim. Snake: Got it. Sigint: You can fire it as soon as you're in position but if you use the Aim Button to look through the scope, you should be able to get a pretty accurate shot. Then just use the Weapon Button to pull the trigger and the propellant will shoot the grenade out of the launcher. Immediately after that, stabilizer fins will deploy from the back of the grenade. After it travels about 35 feet, the rocket fuel inside the grenade will ignite, accelerating the grenade towards its target. Even if it doesn't hit the target, the safety mechanism will kick in and cause it to self-destruct when it exceeds the target range or after a few seconds of flight. The warhead is made of the plastic explosive HEAT. It's capable of penetrating up to 13 inches of armor. That should be enough to shoot down a heavily-armored attack chopper. Oh, one more thing - the rocket fires when the grenade first starts its descent. So don't try to fire it real close to the ground. Snake: So you can't use it from a lying position? Sigint: Right. Don't forget that. Snake: I won't. === -Scorpion Sigint: I see you're equipped with a Scorpion. The Scorpion is a new type of small submachine gun made in Czechoslovakia. Snake: I've heard of it, but... Sigint: ...But you've never used one, right? Well, they only started making it three years ago, after all. There are a bunch of different models of Scorpion... what kind of rounds does that one take? Snake: .32ACP. Sigint: Then it's gotta be the Vz-61. The Scorpion is different from a lot of other submachine guns in that it operates on a closed bolt system. So you get a high degree of precision even when firing in semi-auto mode. Another special feature on the Scorpion is the rate reducer, a mechanism that also functions as a shock absorber. What it does is lock the bolt in place for a split second when it's in the rearward position. That keeps the firing rate down to a reasonable level, and also helps make the gun easier to control when firing in full-auto mode. The Scorpion's firing rate is 750 rounds per minute. It ought to be a heck of a lot easier to control than the MAC-11, which has a rate of 1200 rounds per minute. You should be able to handle it with one hand no problem in semi-auto mode. In full-auto mode, you could probably manage short bursts. And it looks like that one's fitted with a laser sight, too. The Soviets probably developed this one on their own. You can't use the Aim Button to aim from the shoulder, but with the laser sight accuracy it shouldn't be that big of a problem. === -Fork Sigint: Snake, what do you have in your hand? Snake: A fork. Why? Sigint: A fork? What'd you do with your knife? It ain't dinnertime yet! Snake: Sigint, you have to think bigger than that. A fork's good for more than just eating dinner. Sigint: Oh yeah? Like what? Snake: It's a weapon. Sigint: A weapon? Snake: Yeah. I can use it with the Weapon Button the same way I use the survival knife. Of course, it's not going to be much use for CQC. This mission is all about procuring on site. I have to use whatever limited equipment I can find any way I can to achieve my objective. So, I have to make the most out of every item by adapting them to different situations. Take this fork, for instance. At first glance, it looks useless, but it can be an effective weapon is used the right way. You have to learn to think flexibly and see all the different possibilities. Sigint: Think flexibly, huh... Thanks for the advice, man. Snake: No problem. And the best part is, if I use this to spear a snack, I can eat it right there without having to put it in my backpack first. Sigint: ...I knew it! You ARE using it to eat! === ============================================================================== 6. Credits and Copyright Notice This document is protected by copyright, Mike Hamlin 2005. There is no illegal reproduction or distribution of this document. Ever. You may not tell people you wrote this document because you didn't. Duplicating this document and slapping your name at the top of it will constitute a violation of copyright law. The material covered in this script is the same no matter who writes it but the format in which it is presented is also protected by copyright. So if you think you can get away with it, you're wrong. This document may, in no way, be used to make money. So there. Now on a lighter side, I will have a thanks section here. I'd really appreciate it if you could e-mail me any mistakes or typos in the guide. I'm not asking you to read the entire script but if you spot any mistakes through a casual perusal, please tell me. If you do, I will gladly add your name or alias to the list. You can reach me at Also, if you have a full transcript of an event those goes under the Additional Scripts section, you can send it to me and I will add with your name. Note that I will not check these for accuracy; that is up to you, so please be as accurate as possible. Of course, my biggest thanks goes to for hosting this script in the first place. Others who have contributed to the guide: Chris Patti, thagen, DracoLord Haven X, Jayson619, AuFox80 (Edward Kang) I'd also like to thank myself because this thing was bitch to write. I'm giving myself a pat on the back and hearty handshake. ==EOF==