****************************************************************************** Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Game Script Version 1.1 Copyright 2006 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction II. Version History III. Script IV. Credits and Thanks V. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed up the dialogue and story related text that appears in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX/Sony PlayStation 2. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - June 28, 2006 1.1 - July 22, 2006 - Fixed some typos. ****************************************************************************** III. Script ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** It is the late 1990s... The world is embarking on an age of peace and stability. Relations between the Cold War superpowers have thawed. Regional conflicts are being resolved. The threat of nuclear war is now a thing of the past. But there are some who do not desire peace... An atmosphere of tension begins to build in the Middle East. A military junta comes to power in Zanzibar Land, a small nation bordering on the USSR, China, and the Middle East. Zanzibar Land attacks nuclear weapons disposal sites around the world, seizing those weapons that are still intact, and becomes the world's only nuclear power. It then begins to invade its neighbors at will. After renouncing nukes forever, the world is once again threatened by the specter of nuclear war. Meanwhile, the world's oil supply, which was to last another 30 years, suddenly, and unexpectedly dries up. Without a safe alternative source of energy, the world faces a severe energy crisis. It is in these dire circumstances that Dr. Kio Marv, a Czech biologist, develops "OILEX", a microbe that can synthesize high-grade petroleum. With this discovery, global tensions are once again on the rise. On his way to attend an American scientific conference, Dr. Marv is kidnapped by agents of Zanzibar Land. With its nuclear weapons and the secret of OILEX, Zanzibar Land plans to achieve global military domination. A tiny microbe, only a few microns wide, is about to change the world forever. ********************************************** Snake: This is Snake... I've reached the infiltration point. Campbell: Snake... Right on time, as always. Let's get started... Commencing Operation Intrude F014. Let's go over this one more time. Your mission is to infiltrate Zanzibar Land and rescue the kidnapped Czech biologist, Dr. Kio Marv. Snake, we've provided you with a new anti-personnel sensor. Try switching it on. Snake: Roger... OK, it's on. Campbell: The white dots on your radar are enemy soldiers. The red dot is your current position. The radar is equipped with several other types of sensors as well. They should warn you of any unseen dangers. Snake: What's the radar's effective range? Campbell: Take a look at your radar display. It shows a 9-screen area centered on your position. However, it may not work in small, enclosed spaces. Also, if the enemy spots you, you won't be able to use the radar. The enemy will use a jammer to scramble it. Snake: Got it. ...Where can I find Dr. Marv? Campbell: Well. Dr. Marv has a transmitter implanted in one of his molar teeth. When you get close to him, he'll show up as a red dot on your radar. Snake: So I just have to keep an eye out for the red dot... Campbell: Snake, use frequency 140.85 for all future communications with me. ...Good luck. ...Over and out. ********************************************** CALL Campbell: Use crawling to sneak through gaps in the fence... Over and out. ********************************************** CALL Campbell: You can't sneak in through the front door. Use the vents... Over and out. ********************************************** CALL Holy: I'm Holly. Holly White. I infiltrated Zanzibar Land a month ago, posing as a journalist. So I know pretty much how things work around here... I'll help you any way I can. My frequency is 140.15. Call me... Later! ********************************************** *Boss Fight* Marv: Heh heh heh... Foolish FOXHOUND! Dr. Marv isn't here! Figures that FOXHOUND would use such a cheap transmitter... You guys are really behind the times. (Marv removes his disguise) Black Ninja: I am Black Ninja, a former member of NASA's extraterrestrial environment special forces unit. Now let's see just how strong the world's most advanced black ops unit really is! Show me what you got, FOXHOUND! (Snake defeats Black Ninja) Black Ninja: ...Snake... Snake: Who are you? ...How did you know my name? Black Ninja: It's... it's me... Schneider, Kyle Schneider. Remember me? Snake: Schneider? ...You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven! But... I thought they killed you! Black Ninja: You've still got a lot to learn, Snake. I was almost killed, but not by them. By you, and your country. Snake: What are you saying, Schneider? Black Ninja: ...Snake, after you destroyed Metal Gear, NATO launched a massive bombing campaign against Outer Heaven. All of us Resistance fighters...and the children of Outer Heaven...they didn't care about any of us. There was no escape from the flames... They died like animals in a cage. Snake: I... can't believe this... Black Ninja: Think about it. The children of Outer Heaven were originally was orphans and refugees from all over the world. They were a liability... and NATO didn't want to deal with them... Snake: ...No... Black Ninja: You're no different. They'll forget about you, too... But he wasn't like them... Snake: Who....? Black Ninja: He came... and saved us from annihilation. He forgave us for what we'd done. He gave us a new land to call home... A new family... Snake: He did...? You mean... Black Ninja: Snake, you'll understand soon... what a wonderful man he is... Snake... I owe you a debt. There's no hate between us. I'll tell you where Dr. Marv is. It's what he would want me to do... Find the man who's guarding the cell where Dr. Marv is being held. Follow that man...and he should lead you straight to the cell. You can tell him by his green beret. He should be on the first floor. Got that? A green beret. Follow the man in the green beret! (Black Ninja dies) ********************************************** (Snake reaches the cell, which is empty but hears a knocking coming from the wall that turns out to be a radio frequency) Snake: This is Solid Snake... Come in. Dr. Madnar: Ah, I see you figured out my code... Snake: Where's Dr. Marv? Dr. Madnar: It's been a while. Eh, Solid Snake? Snake: Dr. Drago Pettrovich Madnar? How did you...?! Dr. Madnar: Marv and I knew each other from the Prague academy. We didn't speak each other’s language, but were scientific comrades, after a fashion. I was captured along with Marv while we were in America. Snake: Where is Dr. Marv?! Dr. Madnar: He was moved from here to the tower building a few days ago. It's a tall building a few kilometers north of here. Snake: Dammit, I'm late again! So Marv's in the tower building? Dr. Madnar: Snake, can you guess why they've left me alive? Snake: They must need you for something...and that means... Dr. Madnar: Yes... Metal gear. Snake it is here... In Zanzibar Land. They've already completed a new Metal Gear. The one you destroyed three years ago was only a prototype... The new, improved Metal Gear is many, many times more powerful! They're also working on a light version for mass production. Snake: Then it was Metal Gear that attacked the nuke disposal sites... Dr. Madnar: Precisely. Metal Gear is a nuclear-equipped walking tank. Its true power is unleashed only when it is armed with nuclear weapons. Zanzibar Land now has the only nukes in the world. And now they have their sights set on OILIX, a miracle energy source. Snake... Now that you know all this, perhaps you can guess who is behind it...? Snake: Big... Boss?! Dr. Madnar: The very same! With Metal Gear and OILEX, he plots to rule the world. We cannot let the secret of OILEX fall into his hands! Science is not meant to be used only for killing. Marv's will is strong, but his heart is weak. We must hurry! I don't know how long he can withstand their torture. Snake: If they use drugs on him, he won't last long... Dr. Madnar: Marv and I were both carrying microtransmitters inside our bodies. They were given to us by a female agent from STB. You could get in touch with her if you knew her frequency. Snake: Madnar, what are you going to do? Dr. Madnar: The wall separating us is made of Chobham armor plate. You can't blast your way through it. Just leave me here and go rescue Marv, Snake. Snake: All right. I'll come back for you later. Dr. Madnar: Snake... My daughter Ellen is a fan of yours. She's not married yet, and I'm afraid I... ...Oh, and I have a zoologist friend, Johan Jacobsen, who lives around here. You can reach him on frequency 140.40. He'll tell you anything you need to know about animals... Snake: Don't worry. I'll make sure you get home in time for your daughter's wedding. Dr. Madnar: Thank you, Snake... ********************************************** CALL #1 Fan: Snake! Watch out! You're in a minefield! Snake: Who are you? #1 Fan: I'm your number one fan. Keep up the good work. ********************************************** Kid: They told us this is a bottomless swamp, and it's too dangerous to get close... But... I saw a big truck driving through here. You believe me, right? ********************************************** Kid: Trucks come in and out of here all the time. ********************************************** *Boss Fight* Running Man: A visitor! What a pleasant surprise! ...And just in time, too. I was about to go for a little run. I am Running Man, the world's fastest mercenary. No man can keep up with me! See for yourself!! (Running Man runs around) Running Man: ...pant...pant... What do you think? Pretty fast, eh? But I'm just getting warmed up! Hear that sound? That's nerve gas. Defeat me before the gas gets to you, and you might survive. The clock is ticking... Let the race begin! (Snake defeats Running Man) Running Man: ...You... you used my speed against me... What's your name? Snake: Snake... Solid Snake. Running Man: ...Snake....? The cheetah has lost to a snake...? How could this happen? Snake: ...Guess you weren't fast enough. (Running Man dies) ********************************************** Kid: I know what that it! It's a stinger missile! They took some to the factory on the west side of the Zanzibar buildings 1st floor the other day. Said they were gonna put them on some tanks. Kid: I hate people who use guns! ********************************************** CALL Holly: That's signing sand, imported all the way from Okinawa, Japan. It squeaks when you walk on it. The sand will give your position away, so be careful...See ya. ********************************************** CALL Campbell: You're good with a cardboard box, right? Why not try posing as part of the cargo? I'm changing the frequency for our future communications. The new frequency can be found in a photo in the software manual...Over and out. ********************************************** CALL Holly: Snake! I'm in trouble! They discovered my identity and now I'm a prisoner! Help me! Just when I finally managed to contact Dr. Marv... Snake: Where are you?! Give me your location! Holly: ...I don't know. I was blindfolded. I think it's somewhere in the tower building... Oh yeah! Snake! ...I hear noises! Off to the left... I hear an elevator! And to the right... I hear a noise like a pump. There's water flowing in front of me and behind me. Snake: Water in front and behind... a pump to the right... and an elevator to the left? I think I've got a pretty good picture now. Holly: Snake, I don't think they know about my radio yet. But come quick! I'll be waiting. ********************************************** Kid: There used to be a veranda south of here, but the passage is buried now. ********************************************** Kid: The one-eyed man is like our daddy. He doesn't like grown-ups. ********************************************** Kid: Are you friends with the blond lady, mister? ********************************************** Kid: The one-eyed man told us to tell him if we saw a man wearing green clothes. The blond lady says he isn't here. ********************************************** (After finding Holly) Holly: Thanks, Snake, you saved me! Snake: ... Holly: What's wrong? Snake: I... didn't think you'd be this pretty. Holly: What, you thought I'd be ugly? Snake: I should have met up with you sooner. Holly: Snake, about Dr. Marv... I'm pretty sure he's OK. Snake: Pretty sure? I thought you said you'd made contact. Holly: Well, I haven't actually met him. He's under armed guard somewhere... But he sent a message by carrier pigeon. It might be some kind of clue. Snake: A pigeon? ...Where is it now? Holly: I found it, but it flew away just as I was about to catch it... I saw it heading up the elevator in the tower building. Snake: Toward the roof?! Holly: The bad guys are looking for it, too. We have to find it before they do. It's our only clue to Dr. Marv's whereabouts. Snake: A pigeon hunt... What are you going to do? Holly: I'd only get in your way. I want to gather a little more info. I'm starting to like this place less and less... And then this happens. If this keeps up, I'm really gonna let 'em have it! Snake: I see you've still got spirit... Just do anything crazy. Holly: The enemy might be listening in, so let's change our frequency to 140.76. OK, Snake? Oh, and I made a copy of my IC card. It's card 4. Here, take it... See you later, Snake... Take care of yourself. Snake: Holly!! Holly: What..? Snake: That's the kind of thing you would say to your boyfriend when you kiss him goodbye. Holly: ...Then what, Snake? ...What should I say? Snake: Stay alive, and we'll meet again sometime... Holly: Deal. (Holly leaves) ********************************************** Kid: The one-eyed man said we shouldn't go against the current. He said you can see lots of new things, if you just go along with the flow... Do you know what he meant? ********************************************** Kid: The water in the ditch is freezing. You'll catch a cold if you stay in too long. ********************************************** Kid: I heard this ditch is connected to the next building by jet stream. ********************************************** Kid: Did you know? There's an old sewer under the ditch. ********************************************** *Boss Fight* Snake: Wh.. What is this? ...A booby trap? Red Blaster: That's right. A trap clever enough to catch a fox. Or should I say, a FOXHOUND? I am Red Blaster, and you're not going anywhere. My grenades will see to it that your death is slow...and painful. ********************************************** CALL Holly: The door to the roof is painted shut to prevent trespassers. But it's jury-rigged, so you can probably blow it up pretty easily with plastic explosives...See ya. ********************************************** (After catching the Pigeon) Snake: Huh...? There's a piece of paper tied to the pigeon's leg. HELP! WIS. OhIO KIO MARV... Snake: Only the H is in lowercase... Some kind of message from Dr. Marv? What could it mean? (The message is Dr. Marv's Radio frequency upside down) Snake: This is Solid Snake... Come in. Marv: Tady je Marv. Co ma delat? Checeme jenom mir. Delame pouze svjr ukol. Pevne doufam, ze me zachranite. Mrj puiteli. Drahy puiteli! Snake: ...What's he saying...? I can't understand a word. Better ask Madnar. Snake: This is Solid Snake... Come in. Dr. Madnar: Marv can only speak Czech and Slovakian. He's also the wary type, and especially so in his current predicament. Snake: What about you, Madnar? Dr. Madnar: I can only speak Russian and English... Wait, I've got it! Gustava can speak to him! Snake: Gustava? ...Is that the STB woman who was protecting you? Dr. Madnar: She'll be able to understand him, and Marv trusts her well. Snake: Is this Gustava still alive? Dr. Madnar: Not to worry. Gustava is no ordinary woman. She is a seasoned professional. When we were captured, she alone managed to steal an enemy uniform and escape. No doubt she's hiding somewhere inside Zanzibar Land, waiting for her chance. Snake: Does she have a radio? Dr. Madnar: No, it was taken away right after we were captured... The only thing I know is that she's wearing an enemy uniform. Snake: There must be some kind of clue I can use... Dr. Madnar: Here's your clue: She's a woman. Don't be fooled by her enemy disguise... There are no woman soldiers in this fortress. That's all you need to know. Gustava is a woman. Why not set up an ambush someplace that only a woman would go? Like the ladies' restroom... Over and out. ********************************************** Kid: The grown-ups always stand at attention when they hear the national anthem. It's one of their weird rules. ********************************************** Kid: There's only one bathroom here. It's on the southeast side of this floor... But I'm too scared to go there at night... ********************************************** Kid: If you catch a cold, go to the infirmary and they'll give you some medicine. ********************************************** Kid: There's a bunch of soldier mannequins in there. ********************************************** (After finding Gustava in the lady's bathroom) Snake: Gustava? Gustava: ...Yes, that's me... I am Gustava Heffner of STB. And you must be Solid Snake... We're after the same thing. Why don't we work together to save Dr. Marv? Snake: Have we met somewhere before? Gustava: Hm, Typical western man. Always ready with a pick-up line... Snake: Now I remember! You're Gustava Heffner, the Ice Princess. You took the gold at the Calgary Olympics. Gustava: ...You must be mistaken. Snake: I don't think so. I know I've... Gustava: Enough of this! What about Dr. Marv? Snake: I made contact with him over the radio, but he doesn't speak English. Gustava: Then he's safe... Good. I'm glad he had that surgery to implant the microtransmitter. Snake, lend me your radio... Snake: The frequency is 140.51. Gustava: Tady je Gustava. Marv: Marv. Gustava: Pane doktore! Jak se citite? Marv: Dekuji citim se dobue. Gustava, Vypadate velmi dobue. Gustava: Kde jste? Pane doktone? Marv: Ne severu vezakr je rozsedlina. Za ni maji koncentrak. Tam jsem. Gustava: Urcite Vas zachranime. Marv: Jsem vdecny. Dekuji. Gustava: Snake, Dr. Marv is safe, for now. He says there's a large crevice to the north of the tower building. The prison is on the other side. Dr. Marv also expressed concern about Dr. Madnar. Snake: Don't worry. Madnar is safe. Right now, we have to get Marv out of there... Got it? Gustava: I know a shortcut to the crevice. There's an old sewer running under here. We can take that elevator down. Let's go. Snake: Whoa! There's an elevator there? What do you know... ********************************************** (After Snake and Gustava rescue Dr. Madnar) Dr. Madnar: Oh! ...Gustava! Snake! Gustava: Doctor, you're all right! Snake: ...You've lost some weight, Madnar... Dr. Madnar: And you haven't changed a bit, Snake. Gustava: Snake, we must hurry! Dr. Marv is Waiting! Dr. Madnar: You mean Marv is still alive? I thought I could escape through this passageway, but the elevator wouldn't open from the inside. Snake: Gustava, you and the doctor get behind me. We're moving out! Dr. Madnar: No, wait! Snake, I have something to give you. I swiped it from a guard... It's card 5. Gustava: Lead the way, Snake. I'll follow you. ************************************************* Dr. Madnar: Snake, wait! I can't go on... I must rest a little... Gustava: Snake...? Snake: All right... we'll take a short break. Dr. Madnar: Please excuse me. I... have some business to take care of. (Dr. Madnar walks off screen) Gustava: ...How odd... Snake: Give the guy a break. He's an old man. He can't hold it like he used to. Gustava: No, I mean us... A world-renowned scientist, a former Olympic athlete, and an ex-special agent, trudging together through a sewer... Snake: ...Fate can be funny sometimes. Gustava: Fate? Yes... perhaps you're right... You know, when I was a little girl, my mother used to tell me stories. about Poland during World War II... about the Warsaw uprising. My mother spent days in the sewers under the city fleeing from the Nazis. her skin and clothes were caked black with mud... You could not even see her face... My mother and I are much alike. We are both haunted by war. Snake: ...Gustava, why'd you quit skating and join STB! You'd think an Olympic medalist would get the royal treatment, even in the East. Gustava: ...Not exactly. It was something about the ice... It felt... cold. Snake: The ice...? Gustava: Snake, are you married? Snake: ...No, I don't have a family. You? Gustava: I'm all alone... And it's not because I like being single, either. Perhaps I simply never had the chance. Snake: What about a boyfriend? Gustava: ...Once... only once... I thought about getting married. It was back when I was still skating. I was deeply, madly in love... It still hurts to think about it. He was a Western man. His name was Frank Hunter. He was handsome, well-mannered, intelligent... But always afraid. I would have thrown it all away for him. My family, skating, everything... I would have followed him anywhere. Snake: You would have defected? Gustava: Yes... But it was not to be. The west rejected my bid for asylum at the last minute. Some sort of political reasons... I still don't understand. Snake: They probably just didn't have room for you. It happens all the time. Gustava: Ever since, my family and I have lives a nightmare... We lost our right to compete, were branded as refuseniks... I had no choice but to go into STB. But I have no regrets. When I was on the ice, I knew the ice. Now I know so much more... I've even killed a man. Snake: What about him? Did you ever...? Gustava: I never saw him again... our Berlin Wall was too high for either of us to climb. Dr Madnar: Hello again! Sorry to keep you waiting. Snake: That was some bathroom break. Gustava: ...Let's go, Snake. ********************************************** Snake: A bridge!! Gustava: We can only cross it one at a time. Dr. Madnar: Let me go first. I haven't long to live anyway. No one will miss me if I fall. (Dr. Madnar crosses the bridge) Dr. Madnar: It's allright! You can come across! Gustava: OK, I'll go next... See you on the other side, (Gustava stops halfway across the bridge) Gustava: It's safe, Snake! Hurry and cross over! (A bomb comes out of nowhere, destroys the bridge, and sends Gustava flying over to Snake) Snake: Gustava!! ..Gu... Gustava... Gustava: ...Ah... Snake... I knew I couldn't do it... couldn't find my footing off the ice... I was always skating around... I never learned to plant my two feet on the ground and walk... Snake: The ice is starting to thaw between the East and West. Gustava, it's time to start planting your feet on the ground... don't give up now... Gustava: It's too late for me... I've seen enough people die already to know... that I'm beyond saving. ...Just my luck. Just when I'd met someone wonderful again... Snake: I would have liked to see you skate again. Gustava: Th... thank you... Take this... it's card 6. And this... it's my brooch. To use it, you... Snake: How? How do I use it? Gustava: I... can't... hold on... ...Frank... (Gustava dies) Dr. Madnar: Snake!! SNAKE!! (Across the bridge, two guards take away Dr. Madnar, and Metal Gear appears) Snake: ...Metal Gear? Gray Fox: Snake!! It's me. Gray Fox! Snake: Gray... Fox... Gray Fox: This bridge is closed!! I'm taking Madnar with me! Tell you what, Snake. For old times sake, I'll do you a favor and let you live, IF you get your sorry carcass out of here! ...You hear me? Go home! Now! Think it over, Snake... Ha ha ha ha! (Gray Fox leaves) Snake: Fox! You won't get rid of me that easily! CALL Holly: Snake, you remember the veranda in the tower building they use for parachute jump training? If you have a hang glider, you can jump from there straight over the crevice. There should be a hang glider on the east side of the 1st floor of the Zanzibar building. I saw it once at Thanksgiving...See ya. ********************************************** Kid: Gustava's locker is the one in the upper row, all the way to the right. She always uses it when she comes out of the sauna. ********************************************** Kid: Ah, you found me! ...We're playing hide and seek. ********************************************** Kid: Wanna know a secret? You know Gustava's brooch? It changes shape when you put it in the sauna or the freezer. ********************************************** *Boss Fight* CALL Gray Fox: Snake! Snake! ...It's me, Gray Fox. Snake: Fox! Gray Fox: You should have listened to my warnings, Snake. Now I'm afraid our friendship is at an end. That elevator is going to be your tomb. Snake: What?! Gray Fox: Do you hear that sound? That's a assassination team. They specialize in confined spaces... I'm sure you'll put up a good fight. Snake: The ceiling---!! Gray Fox: It was nice talking to you one last time, Snake... Over and out. Four Horsemen: We are the Four Horsemen, a top-secret assassination squad. We get our orders directly from the President. Consider this an honor... we only fry the big fish! ********************************************** Kid: That veranda was made for parachute jumps. But if you had a hang glider... I bet you could jump even further! ********************************************** #1 Fan: It's me. Your number one fan. You can only jump from there when the wind's blowing north. It usually blows south, but sometimes it changes, just for an instant. That's your chance. Don't miss it. Keep up the good work. ************************************************ *Boss Fight* Jungle Evil: I've been waiting for you, Snake! I am Jungle Evil, the undisputed master of the jungle ambush. Let's see whether you're a real snake or not! ********************************************** Kid: Know what? At night, they turn off the power. So all the laser fences get turned off, too. Then we get to play inside, as long as the grown-ups don't catch us. Kid: I hear owls at night... It's so scary. I can't sleep. Kid: They keep the animals in a room northwest of here. ********************************************** Kid: There's lots of rats in the jail. They steal all kinds of things and take them back to their nests. The grown-ups put out sulfuric acid to try and get rid of them. ********************************************** Kid: I want chocolate! Mister, do you have a B1 ration? B1 rations have chocolate in them. ********************************************** *Boss Fight* CALL #1 Fan: It's me... your number one fan. Snake, watch yourself. You've got company - Night Fright, the last surviving member of the Whispers... You know, the legendary guerilla unit. Snake: Night Fright... #1 Fan: He's wearing a state-of-the-art camouflage suit that makes him practically invisible. Not only that, he'll attack you with a gun that's completely silent. No one has ever seen his face. You know what you have to do, right?? Snake: Lucky me... I've got a fan club. #1 Fan: Use your ears, Snake! ...Over and out. ********************************************** CALL #1 Fan: You should be able to get card 9 from Jungle Evil! Snake: Don't you mean card 8? He only had card 8. #1 Fan: No, he was in charge of card 8 AND 9. He must have dropped it somewhere. Check the area he was in! The card should be there. Keep up the good work. ********************************************** (After Snake finds Dr. Madnar and Dr. Marv) Dr. Madnar: Ah! ...Snake, you're too late. He's already passed away. His heart couldn't take it anymore. Snake: Wait... what's that bruise on his neck?! Dr. Madnar: Not to worry, Snake. Marv may be dead, but the plans for OILIX are safe. Marv was a very clever man. He left behind a copy of the plans in case of emergency. He had a reputation as a video game enthusiast. He even used to have them shipped to him from the West every month. A few days ago, he hid some microfilm in the circuit of one of his game cartridges. It was an MSX cartridge, made by a Japanese company called Konami. Snake: MSX... That's the world's best selling brand of computer, isn't it? Dr. Madnar: The he hid the cartridge inside that locker. Snake: Where's the key? Dr. Madnar: I don't know... I could never get it out of him. I mean... He never told me! CALL Holly: Snake! You're in danger!! Snake: Holly! What's wrong! Holly: Snake, it's Madnar... I thought there was something strange about him, so I had the agency check him out. After he was rescued from Outer Heaven... apparently things didn't go well for him. Holly: His radical theories were rejected in the West. He was dismissed as a madman and shut out from the scientific community. And as time went on... he was forgotten. Madnar wasn't exactly happy with the scientific community, either. He must have been searching for some to get back at them. That's when Zanzibar Land talked him into becoming a double agent. He'd use his status as a scientist to feed technological secrets from East and West to Zanzibar Land... Snake: And, Dr. Marv's disappearance...? Holly: Right. The timing is too perfect. Madnar must have given them every detail of Marv's itinerary in the U.S. Snake: Madnar was after OILEX all along. That's why he wanted to go to America with Marv. Dr. Madnar: I'm afraid you've got me, Snake. I gave up everything to be a part of your world... Even the country I was born and raised in... But your world had nothing but contempt and abuse for me. I just wanted... to finish Metal Gear! It is the culmination of all my life's work in robotology. But your politicians were only interested in nonsense like SDI, NEDW, and brain bombs! I passed on the scientific secrets of the East and the West to Zanzibar Land... And in return, they aided me in my efforts to improve Metal Gear. Snake: Madnar, did you kill Dr. Marv? Dr. Madnar: ...Yes! He would not share the secret of OILIX with me! And it was I who caused Gustava's death on the bridge by contacting Fox from the sewer! Snake: The bathroom break...! Dr. Madnar: Snake, I know Marv - no, Gustava - gave you the key to the locker! Give it to me!! (Dr. Madnar jumps on Snake and chokes him) Snake: I.. can't breathe... (Snake defeats Dr. Madnar) **************************************************** (After Snake returns with the key for the locker and retrieves the Cartridge from it) Dr. Madnar: S... Snake... Snake... he'll never let you get away. He'll use it... he'll use Metal Gear. I have one last gift... for my daughter Ellen... I'll tell you how to destroy it. Snake: How to destroy Metal Gear? Dr. Madnar: Try as I might, I could not reconcile East and West in my heart of hearts. But Ellen is different. Snake... you must do this for Ellen, the daughter I left behind. Snake: How do I destroy Metal Gear? Dr. Madnar: The armor is thinnest on the legs... use grenades on the legs. It is the only way... (A hole opens beneath Snake and he falls down it) Gray Fox: The final delusions of a senile old man. There's no way to destroy this Metal Gear, Snake! Snake: Fox!! ...Where are you? Gray Fox: Come and find out, Snake. Go through the front door? ********************************************** *Boss Fight* (Snake goes through the front door and finds Metal Gear piloted by Gray Fox) Gray Fox: Snake... I'm not the same as I used to be. And neither is Metal Gear. I'll show you what fear really is. Prepare to taste defeat! (Snake destroys Metal Gear) Gray Fox: The cartridge is mine, Snake! ...Burn in hell! (Gray Fox runs off) CALL Campbell: Snake! Your items are on fire! Throw away all your weapons and equipment! Quickly! Use the O button! ********************************************** *Boss Fight* (Snake drops all his equipment then runs after Gray Fox) Snake: Where am I? Gray Fox: The perfect ring for our final battle. It's been a while, Snake... Here we are, back in the minefield... What say we go at it hand to hand! Snake: A chicken fight! Gray Fox: The two greatest rivals in FOXHOUND... I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Snake: Fox! I'll beat some sense into you! Gray Fox: Snake! It's time for you to learn why they call me Fox! CALL Kasler: Gray Fox... Real name, Frank Jaeger. Former member of FOXHOUND. He was the last man to hold the title of Fox in the Big Boss era. Decorated fives times... Snake: Yeah, I know all about how good he is... Better than anyone else. I fought with him. He's a cold-blooded hunter. He never let's his prey escape. Everybody in the unit respected him. Looked up to him. Kasler: That may be, Snake... but do you know about his past? It might help you out... 10 years ago, we in the mercenary trade knew him as Hunter. That's what Jaeger means in German. Back then, he was involved with some woman from the Eastern bloc. He tried to get her to come over the fence, but it fell through. Apparently the West wasn't interested in taking her. That's when Frank started to hate the politicos. Snake: What was the woman's name? Kasler: She was an Olympic skater. Name was Gustava Heffner... Real fine woman. Movie-star type. Snake: G... Gustava...Heffner?! Kasler: Snake! If you mange to beat Fox.. I'll tell everyone that Solid Snake is the greatest mercenary in the world. ...Over and out. (Snake defeats Gray Fox) Gray Fox: Snake... Looks like it's finally time for me to give up the title of "Fox". Snake: Fox... why? Gray Fox: I'm not like you, Snake... My situation is more... complicated. Big Boss might have been just another CO to you, but he saved my life - twice. This was way before I joined the unit. The first time, I was half-white living in Vietnam... It was after the war, and half-whites were being sent into forced labor camps. He saved me from that living hell. Just like he saved all the children here... The second time was in Mozambique. I was being tortured as a RENAMO soldier, and he saved me again. They'd cut off my ears and my nose... Snake: And this is your idea of paying him back?! Gray Fox: No, you've got it wrong. I hate war. Just like all the kids here. But... I need it. War is all we know. We can't make it in the normal world. We need the battlefield to survive. Big Boss gives us a place to fight. Conflict is on our blood. We can't deny it. I was born on the battlefield... And I'll die on the battlefield. All I can do is fight, Snake... all I can do is fight. Making people happy... making a woman happy... is something I could never do. Snake: You mean... Gray Fox: Guess I was always fated to die in action. Snake: Rest easy, Fox. I swear I won't turn out like you. Gray Fox: Won't turn out like me... I'll have to remember that. ...Fight hard, Snake. ...Don't let your fans down. Snake: My fans?! ...It was you, wasn't it? ...You were the voice on the radio! Gray Fox: Call it payback for being so selfish... See you on the other side, Snake. Snake: You won't be alone, Frank. Gustava is waiting for you. Gray Fox: ...Gustava... ...Thank you... Snake... (Gray Fox dies and leaves behind the cartridge) ************************************************ *Boss Fight* (Right after the battle with Gray Fox, a voice calls Snake) Over here, Snake! Over here, Snake! (Snake follows the voice) Snake: Big Boss... you're alive?! Big Boss: Snake... Welcome to Zanzibar Land... I knew you'd come back to me. Snake: I came to get rid of the nightmares I've been having for the past three years. Big Boss: The nightmares? They never go away, Snake. Once you've been on the battlefield, tasted the exhilaration, the tension... it all becomes part of you. Once you've awakened the warrior within... it never sleeps again. You crave even bigger tensions, ever bigger thrills. As a mercenary, I'd think you would have realized that by now. You care nothing for power, or money, or even sex. The only thing that satisfies your cravings... is WAR! All I've done is give you a place for it. I've given you a reason to live. Snake: I would never have made you for such a hypocrite, Big Boss... Big Boss: You saw those children, didn't you? Every one is a victim of a war somewhere of the world. And they'll make fine soldiers in the next war. Start a war, for its flames, create victims... Then save them, train them... And feed them back onto the battlefield. It's a perfectly logical system. In this world of ours, conflict never ends. And neither does our purpose... our raison d'etre. Snake: So there's plenty of job opportunities... Is that what you're trying to say? Big Boss: On the battlefield, you and I are valuable commodities. But back "home", we're nothing but dead weight. If we're lucky, we might get the attention of some two-bit journalist from a cheap tabloid. You and I are doomed to remain here until we die like dogs on the battlefield. Snake: ...I've only got one fight left. To free myself from your grip, to rid myself of these nightmares... Big Boss, I will defeat you! Big Boss: It doesn't matter who wins here. Our fight will continue. The loser will be liberated from the battlefield, and the survivor will live out the rest of his days as a soldier. Snake: It doesn't have to be that way. I'm not like you. I love life! Big Boss: Very well, Snake. I'll release you from your suffering. As your former commander, I'll do you one last favor... and put you out of your misery. Snake: I don't need any more favors from you! Big Boss: Really?... And just how do you expect to beat me in your condition? With no weapon? Snake: Never give up. Fight until the end. Always believe you will succeed, even when the odds are against you. ...Those are your words. Big Boss: Even I make mistakes from time to time. Snake! This will be our final battle... Let's end this once and for all! (Snake sets Big Boss on fire using a lighter and a spray can) Big Boss: Snake!! It's not over yet... It's not... over... yet... It's not... over... yet... Snake sn... a... (Big Boss dies) ************************************************ (A Guard comes up from behind Snake) Guard: Freeze! Holly: It's OK! It's ME, Snake. Snake: Holly?! Holly: Did I scare you? Snake: Whew... that was a close one. So... what's going on? What are you doing here? Holly: You said it yourself. Stay alive, and we'll meet again sometime. Snake: ...So I did. Holly: Ugh... that uniform was too tight in the chest... Ahh, I feel much better now. Here, I stole this gun from the enemy. You can have it. Snake: Yeah... I can see how it'd be hard for a woman to use. Thanks. Holly: ...So it's all over now. Right, Snake? Snake: No... I still have one more job to do. Holly: ...You can't be serious... Snake: I'm dead serious, Holly. Holly: Snake... no, you can't... Snake: ...Heh heh heh. ...You want me to call you a cab? Holly: ...Oh my god... That wasn't funny, Snake! Snake: This is Snake. Come in, Charlie. Pilot: This is Charlie. Go ahead, Snake... Snake: I've got the cartridge. I'm ready to return to base. Making my way to the rendezvous point now! Pilot: Roger that. I'll meet you there. ...Any passengers? Snake: ...Just one. Blond, with a cute face. Pilot: Sounds like a dream... Over and out. Snake: Holly, we've got to run as fast as we can to the rendezvous point. Think you can keep up? Holly: ...Is that a proposition, Snake? Snake: I'll take that as a yes. ********************************************** (Snake and Holly reach the rendezvous point) Snake: What the hell is taking you so long? We're going to be here till Christmas? Pilot: This is Charlie. I'm 10 kilometers from the rendezvous point. Hold tight a little bit longer! Over and out... Snake: Hurry!! ********************************************** Snake: Damn it!! I'm out of ammo! Holly: Snake!! (Snake and Holly are surrounded by enemies) (The chopper arrives and shoots all the enemies) Holly: It's the chopper... we're saved! Snake: Charlie... you're late! Pilot: Sorry, man. I didn't want to interrupt you two lovebirds. Snake: Think we'll be home in time for Christmas? Holly: We'll be home in time for dinner, Snake. Snake: Let's go, then... I'm really looking forward to Christmas dinner. I'm sick of these rations. ****************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Thanks ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** V. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2006 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com