METAL GEAR FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SUBSISTENCE (PS2) by Matthew Floratos Contact: zanzibarbreeze [at] windowslive [dot] com CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Tips and Tricks 3. Walkthrough 3.1. Part One: Infiltrate Outer Heaven, Rescue Gray Fox 3.2. Part Two: Find Dr. Madnar 3.3. Part Three: Find Dr. Madnar continued 3.4. Part Four: Rescue Dr. Madnar’s Daughter, Ellen 3.5. Part Five: Destroy Metal Gear 4. Legal 5. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- This guide is intended for the PlayStation 2 version of Metal Gear; that is the one packaged with Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence. Strictly speaking this doesn't mean it won't be compatible with the original MSX version, as all weapon locations and bosses remain the same. Rather, some of the names of the characters have been changed, and Big Boss talks better English. This is a text-only version of the guide as GameFAQs guidelines do not allow for .PDF files. This guide was originally meant to be read with accompanying maps and diagrams that help to guide the player through more difficult sections of the game. The text is still adequate - the maps just served as a supplement. If you want to see the original maps, you can find them at []. Eventually a .PDF version of the guide as well as a PSP formatted version will be available, making the guide portable. Please enjoy the guide! If you have any comments or corrections for me to make please email me at the address referenced at the start of this guide, or make a comment on the website. 2. TIPS AND TRICKS ------------------ ABOUT GUARDS: You should definitely fear guards. They can move very quickly as soon as they see you. Not only that, but their bullets reach much further than yours do, and above all they can shoot at an angle, meaning they can hit you while remaining out of your range. LINE-OF-SIGHT: Guards suffer from a major problem in Metal Gear: they are restricted to a single, pixel-thin line of sight at right angles. If you stay slightly below this line of sight you can always evade their view, even if you’re exactly parallel to them. ELIMINATING GUARDS: Most guards can easily be eliminated by staying slightly out of their line of sight and punching them. Eliminating a guard in this fashion often results in them dropping ammunition or rations, like in Metal Gear Solid. This occurs more often in lower difficulty levels. GUARD DOGS: Guard dogs are relentless and will not hesitate to follow you across several screens. Eliminate them upon sight using the handgun or sub-machine gun. RANKS: With every five prisoners of war you rescue, your rank will be promoted up one position, or star. If you kill a POW you’ll be demoted one rank. The higher your rank, the more health you have and the more ammunition you can keep, as depicted by the following table: AMMUNITION BOXES: Ammunition pickups give you more ammunition for the handgun, sub-machine gun, grenade launcher and rocket launcher. RESPAWNING: Metal Gear is plagued by an infamous glitch that can be used to your advantage throughout the game. As you may have noticed, any guards respawn whenever you leave the screen and reenter again. This occurs even if you enter rooms or trucks located on the screen. As a haphazard solution to this, the programmers designed the enemy paths so that when the guards respawn they will usually be facing away from you, thus avoiding unpreventable alerts. However, this design also applies to weapons and some equipment, such as ammunition and rations. If you collect a pickup, exit the room or truck, and reenter again you will find that the pickup has reappeared, allowing you to always stock up as much as you can. This guide is written assuming that you don’t use the respawn loophole, so its use is at your discretion. 3.1. PART ONE: Infiltrate Outer Heaven, Rescue Gray Fox ------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING ONE, GROUND FLOOR The game begins with the protagonist and player character, Solid Snake, making his way into Outer Heaven. You’ll receive a call from Snake’s mission controller, Big Boss who describes the mission to you: infiltrate Outer Heaven, rescue Gray Fox and destroy Metal Gear. Metal Gear allows you to save frequencies like the games in the Metal Gear Solid series. You can access frequencies by pressing down on the transceiver screen. It is worth to note, however, that the staff will rarely respond unless you contact them from a specific area. Even so, Big Boss will tell you his frequency is 120.85. When you gain control of Snake you’ll find yourself outside Outer Heaven’s Building One, on the ground floor. Heading inside you’ll immediately get a call from Big Boss – signified by the calling tone (that only you can hear) and the word “CALL” flashing in red at the bottom of the screen. Press the Select button to answer. Big Boss will suggest that you not be discovered during your mission. Press Select again to exit the transmitter screen. Whenever you come back onto the same screen while you’re on a floor where you received a transmission, you’ll get the call signal again – it’s the same transmission, but is just a result of the game code. As such, ignore repeat calls such as this. There are no enemies on this screen. Don’t head to the right just yet, as you’ll have to go there soon. Instead head up a screen. Two guards will be patrolling here, and are harmless as long as you are not in their field of vision. Guards see directly ahead of them or where they are pointing their heads, strictly in a straight line. As such, you can often be facing them or be parallel to them in a corridor but they will not see you because you are not in their “line of sight”. Essentially, they can see across the whole screen, so you should attempt to stay out of that sole line of sight. Sneak through and head through the opening to the right. In this open field lie three trucks. You can enter a truck by entering from the back. The left truck contains Rations. Rations can be used by highlighting them in the items menu (L2) and pressing the confirm button (circle). Equipping them, unlike in the Metal Gear Solid series, will not restore your health if it falls to zero. Exit the left truck but do not enter the second truck. If you wait at the left side of the truck, a guard will eventually come out after approximately eight seconds. He will then patrol around the truck, starting off by heading up the right side. This allows you to enter the truck when he leaves his position and collect the essential Card 1. Because the game requires that the player switches cards very often to open different doors, all cards from here on in will be highlighted in bold. Exit the truck. You’ll find that the guard has disappeared, but will reappear again if you wait as you did before. Head into truck on the right, where you will find a pair of Binoculars – not the most useful item in Metal Gear. Upon collecting the three items, head back left one screen. Before we continue it’s advisable that you backtrack slightly in order to collect the very useful gas mask. Doing so now will avoid a much larger journey back a few minutes into the future. From this position, go down one screen and right one screen. The guards will have their backs turned to you, allowing you to continue scooting straight past them and onto the next screen towards the right. The sole door here requires that you use Card 1. Equip it in the items menu and press up against the door to open it. Inside you’ll find a guard, but don’t worry: he’ll soon fall asleep (albeit for a brief period of time). As soon as he does, approach him and punch him out (circle button). Collect the Gas Mask from the desk, and head back out through the door, left one screen through the two guards and left again to the starting position. It’s now time to proceed further through the building, but before doing so a slight detour will ensure that you collect two very useful weapons. Head up a screen and past the familiar enemies here. There are more guards on this screen, but after following their methodical actions they should not be difficult to pass undetected. Head up a screen again. On this top-most screen you’ll see two guards in dark red gear and an elevator: ignore them and head right one screen. Of interest here are three trucks: you cannot open the two doors yet. Enter the left-most truck which juts out a bit compared to the other two. In here you’ll find a Handgun. Two things prevent you from using it: no ammunition and no suppressor. Without a suppressor the sound of firing the handgun will alert all enemies on the screen, and could even force the whole floor into alert mode depending on your position. As such, until you procure a suppressor do not use the handgun unless you need to defend yourself when already in alert mode. Exit the truck and hide behind it on its left side. Like in the clearing before, a guard will come out of the far-right truck providing you wait patiently (a guard will also pop out of the center truck, but head back inside – do not enter this truck, guards await you within). As soon as he leaves the area you can enter the far-right truck to collect Mines. Three of these can be placed per screen, but they will alert the guards when tripped, and aren’t very useful against patrolling troops – save them for bosses. Exit the truck and head back left one screen. The two guards prevent you from using the elevator straight away. If you wait for a while, they’ll announce that it’s the end of their shift and they’ll shift themselves off to the right, allowing you to head into the elevator. BUILDING ONE, WEST ELEVATOR At this point the real mission begins. Snake’s first objective is to discover the whereabouts and subsequently rescue missing FOXHOUND agent Gray Fox. In the elevator, the first floor is off limits, so head up two floors and exit on the second floor. BUILDING ONE, SECOND FLOOR On the second floor you’re immediately greeted with the sight of two cameras. As soon as you procure the cardboard box cameras will get much easier to sneak past; for now you’ll have to make do with the environment for cover. Ignore the camera that runs across the top wall of the structure in the center – the camera on the left wall is a much greater concern, but is relatively simple to evade by passing under the center structure and hiding on its right side. As soon as you’re in the clear, head down one screen by the right side. Two guards patrol this room. On the right side you can hide behind the crates and take out the guard once he has his back turned to you. The guard patrolling near the open door on the left, where you need to make your way to, can be passed around using the crates in the center of the opening. Head through the open door on the left. In here you’ll find a box of Ammunition. This box rather widely stocks up your handgun, and (when you get them) your sub-machine gun, grenade launcher and rocket launcher. You’ll need to use Card 1 to go unlock the door on the southern wall. A man is tied up in the center of this room: he is one of the many Prisoners of War you’ll encounter throughout the game. It is important that you release all of the POWs you can: not only does your rank increase, thus allowing you to carry more ammunition and have more health, but it is also essential that you have a high rank for events later in the game. To free a POW, just bump into him. Often they’ll give you essential information – if you don’t plan on reading this guide in depth, this can be very useful. Finally, POWs are not invincible: if you punch them or discharge a weapon at them, they will die. This results in a drop in rank, which can be disastrous at later stages in the game. Free the man and open the door on the right, which also requires Card 1. Equip your gas mask before heading through – the next room is filled with gas, which will lower your health at a very quick rate. As long as you have your gas mask equipped you won’t lose health. Big Boss will call you to tell you to equip your gas mask, which you should have already done – don’t answer the call if you don’t want to waste time. Head through the maze of crates. The door at the bottom also requires you equip Card 1; you will lose a little bit of health, but hastiness will naturally curb the damage done. You’ll find yourself in a little alcove in the next screen with a guard fast approaching. The easiest way to deal with him is to punch him out on his approach. On the left side of the screen are two doors, protected by a camera that shifts up and down. With the whole screen to yourself it should be easy to move around undetected. The top door remains unlockable at this stage, so open the bottom door instead with Card 1. You’ll find another Prisoner of War, who’ll inform you that Gray Fox infiltrated Outer Heaven but was captured by the enemy. Exit to the right out of the room. Quick feet here should help you dodge the camera and the regenerated soldier as you head to the right to the next screen. The sole door on this screen will be open for you; head through. In here you’ll meet your first rolling pin. The metallic pin rolls from side to side, and touching it means instant death. This room, unlike others to come, has an alcove for you to the left so you can wait and judge your movements. In the alcove you’ll find Plastic Explosives. Like mines, they really only serve their purpose, which gained infamy from the Metal Gear games – use them only to destroy poorly built walls. Plastic Explosives run on a timer. After approximately one and a half seconds they will automatically detonate, harming anything in their way. Your next goal should be to head through the open door on the right side of the room. Use the doorway from which you entered at the bottom as another safe haven, and time yourself to run through the open doorway as soon as the pin hits the very left side of the screen. Since Snake can only run in right angles, you will definitely find yourself cutting it very fine at times, but hopefully you can make it through uneventfully. The presence of large structures should make it very simple to evade the lone patrolling guard on this screen. Heading right, the two guards on the next screen are much more difficult to deal with. Do not hesitate to hide in the alcoves and spend a minute or so watching their patrol patterns. Both soldiers tend to cover themselves when not in their own personal alcoves – the best way to eliminate them is to dash and hide in the center alcove at the bottom of the screen, then take out the left-most soldier when he is in his little niche, before moving on to the last soldier on the right. When the coast is clear move proceed to the right. Two cameras and one patrolling guard greet you on this screen. Hide behind the row of three crates down the bottom to avoid the top-most camera. Punch out the guard as soon as he approaches your position. The only room you can enter at this point is the bottom door, which is under surveillance by a camera. Use Card 1 to enter through the door when it shifts to the right. Inside you’ll find Card 2, thus making new areas available to you. Upon leaving the room the lone guard will have respawned again; take him out and use your newly acquired Card 2 to enter the room at the top. Pick up the Rations inside and exit the room again. If you avoid the cameras and the new guard again and head up one screen, you’ll find an electrified floor. As soon as you tread on the floor you’ll start losing health. Big Boss will call you to inform you that you need to use a remote-controlled missile to destroy the power box on the opposite wall (something which will be familiar to those that played Metal Gear Solid). The missiles are rather close to your position, so don’t worry about contacting Schneider. To get the remote-controlled missiles you need to backtrack. Card 2 actually allows you to skip the electrified floor entirely, as the doors at the top of the level open with Card 2. You should collect the missiles before making the decision to skip the electrified screen, though, so go down one screen and head back left two screens. When you enter the room with the rolling pin, you’ll have to move immediately as you’ll be out of position. Duck down through the exit and head left one screen here to get back to the area with the two doors, surveillance camera and guard. The RC missiles are through the top door on the left wall. The door opens with Card 2. Once you’re in, collect the Remote-Controlled Missiles. Use them only when necessary – they’re in fairly short supply, and upon detonation they will alert any guards on your screen. Before you exit, you can take one of two possible paths. It is possible to go around the electrified area through the top of the level – however, this puts you out of place with collecting items near the electrified area, meaning you would have to go out of your way to backtrack. This guide will go through the area with the electrified floor for new players. Head out of the room and proceed back five screens to the right to where you were previously. You’ll have to deal with the rolling pin and all the guards again, but by now this should be simply going through the motions. Head up one screen to the electrified floor. Give yourself some room – the remote-controlled missiles are super quick in Metal Gear. Face to the left and fire the missile. With quick movements you should be able to send the missile into the gray and red power switch, disabling the floor. As soon as it stops flashing, it’s safe to tread on the floor. Head up one screen through the crates. The two guards here should pose few problems. As you need to head through the door on the right, you’ll have to take out the guard patrolling around that area. Card 1 will unlock the door here. Enter and rescue the Prisoner of War. He’ll tell you about Diane, a member of resistance that apparently has good knowledge of Outer Heaven and its guards – you can contact her on 120.33. Exit the room and head up one screen. The two guards here will only move if you stick around for a long time, but they’re stationed well behind the concrete structure, so sneaking left one screen is simple. Three guards in red are stationed in this area, and you can stay out of their line of sight by hugging the walls of the large block in the center. You’ll have to take them out while making your way to the door at the top of the screen. The door here requires Card 2, and inside you’ll find the Cardboard Box – a staple of Metal Gear games to come. The cardboard box is actually very useful in Metal Gear, especially so in avoiding cameras, as they cannot detect you if you stay stationary in the box while they shift over. Exit the room and go through the door on the left, which will also open with Card 2. This screen has a large room in the center and two guards that patrol the boundaries of the room, moving up and down. Quickly head down and position yourself near the door. Four guards await you inside – before entering, equip your handgun and make sure you have enough rations. Card 2 allows you inside the room. As soon as you enter the four guards will see you and will start zooming around the room while firing at you. Use your handgun from a distance and punch them when you find them near you. Upon eliminating them you’ll be awarded the suppressor, which you can pick up. This silences your handgun, and as soon as you get it your sub-machine gun: providing you have enough ammunition, use them as much as you’d like now. Use Card 1 on the door on the right and inside you’ll find a Grenade Launcher. This is powerful, but should be saved for bosses. Head left through the door back to the previous room. Before you proceed, it is advisable that you have a minimum of four remote-controlled missiles, although around six or seven would be optimum. You will need to use quite a few of them soon and they will not be readily available where you’ll be positioned. A quick trip through the gas room back to the room with the two doors should take but a minute. As soon as you’re ready to continue, head down through the door out into the open again and right one screen. Head right one more screen here, back to the stationary two guards and the elevator. They have a tendency to watch each other, but if you keep an eye on their heads you should notice the slight window that opens – eliminate the left-most guard first before proceeding to the elevator. BUIDLING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR Your next destination will be the first floor. Take the elevator down to two levels above the basement and exit. BUILDING ONE, FIRST FLOOR Two cameras cover the first screen here. You should proceed south, ignoring the camera moving horizontally at the top of the screen, and hiding from the camera moving vertically by using the crates. They provide very little cover so equipping the cardboard box and remaining stationary (even when behind the crates) would be advised. Proceed down one screen to find a guard patrolling the corridor in the center of the screen. Almost instantly he’ll fall asleep, but it won’t last forever: sneak past him and head down through the crates. While this area may look unguarded, in between the funny looking metal boxes are infrared beams. If you trip them you’ll activate an alert phase. Soon the infrared goggles will become available, but as of yet you’ll have to creep your way through. Head straight down in between the center of the two rows of infrared boxes so you hit the concrete wall. From here, go straight to the right until you hit the side of the screen and head down one screen. The door is where you need to get to, and the infrared beams are slightly more complex here. There are three infrared sensors to your immediate left – head in between the second and the third sensors from the top. Stop as soon as you pass between them and head down until you hit the bottom of the screen. From here head left until the end of the tri-row of infrared sensors, where you should head up to the top of the screen (but don’t cross over into the previous screen). Hug the walls of the structure with the door and use Card 1 to enter. In here you’ll find another Prisoner of War. If you’ve already rescued all of the other POWs as this guide has suggested, your rank should go up. Your rank will increase by one star with every five POWs you rescue. With each promotion you’ll be able to hold more ammunition and rations. Killing a POW will reduce your rank by one star, and will reduce the amount of ammunition and rations Snake carries respectively. Exit the room. You now have to make your way back through the infrared sensors and up two screens to the area with the guard that falls asleep very quickly. When you arrive, eliminate him this time, as you’ll want to take the top left path and exit from the top left side of the screen. The next screen is a little corner; continue to the left. On this screen three guards patrol. The goal is to continue to through the passageway under the wall; the guard that walks vertically up and down the screen is the real danger. If you take him out, the only enemy you need to eliminate is the soldier occupying the lower half of the screen. Once the coast is clear, continue to the left. Here, a camera will pass between the two doorways. It never crosses the center point from either doorway, so to the sides are the safe havens. Upon entering the door on the right you’ll find ammunition. After collecting it, head out. Getting through the doorway on the left is quite simple: wait until the camera is over the left doorway, hide in between the two doors underneath the cardboard box (make sure you remain motionless), and once the camera passes to the right door head through the left doorway. Here you’ll find some more plastic explosives. Exit and use the cardboard box technique to exit right a screen back to the area with the three guards. From here, you’ll need to get back to the elevator: through the screen with the three guards and exiting to the right, continuing through the small corner, eliminating the sleeping guard and exiting through the top-right passageway, sneaking past the camera here using the crates or the cardboard box to hide, and into the elevator. BUIDLING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR Take the elevator down one floor, back to the ground floor of Building One. BUILDING ONE, GROUND FLOOR This is a new area of the Ground Floor, directly opposite from the screens you’d traversed previously. The only enemy you should really worry about here is the one traveling around the right passageway; eliminate him and use the tanks for cover as you head down to the next screen. This is one of the more challenging areas of the early parts of the game. The trick with these three cameras is, as before, to use the cardboard box and slowly inch to the door on the left side of the corridor. It is essential that you keep an eye not only on the two cameras on the left but also on the sole camera on the right; it can be disastrous to forget about its presence. Eventually a large enough window will open up for you to equip Card 2 and head through the door. Inside you’ll find another Prisoner of War, who’ll inform you that Gray Fox has been taken to a secret cell. Exit from the room. Back out in the corridor, equip your cardboard box again and use the bottom box for cover as you continue down to the next screen. The two guards in this area can be surprisingly fast, and they have a clear line of sight to where you are when you emerge on this screen. Stay out of their thin field of vision and eliminate both of them. Use Card 2 to head through the door on the right. Inside you’ll find a Sub-Machine Gun. This gun is very useful as it sprays rounds at different intermittent angles. Its only downfall is its fast rate of fire – you’ll find the ammunition running out rather quickly. Use it best while your health is low, and especially during the alert phases. Exit through the left, back into the corridor and, after eliminating the guards, use Card 1 to head through the door on the left. Here you’ll find another Prisoner of War. He’ll give you the hint that you’ll have to allow yourself to be captured if you want to find the secret cell. Exit from here and head down one screen again. The two guards on this screen provide no challenge for the patient player, especially with the cover. Head left after taking out the guards, where you’ll find yourself suddenly captured. The screen will wipe to black . . . BUILDING ONE, BASEMENT Captured, huh? Big Boss will call you as soon as you gain control of Snake. He’ll tell you to get out of the cell and rescue Gray Fox. Throughout Outer Heaven some of the walls are weaker than others – you can find them by punching the walls. Not only will they make a strange, ‘bounce’-like noise, but a question mark will appear over the weaker walls in question, as opposed to normal walls. The left wall of the cell has a weak section near the top. Punch the center-top of the left wall until you find the weak portion of the wall, and continue punching until the wall breaks completely. Head through the wall to find Gray Fox. 3.2. PART TWO: Find Dr. Madnar ------------------------------ BUILDING ONE, BASEMENT After rescuing Gray Fox, you’ll have to break out of his cell. The weak section of wall here is in the center of the bottom wall – punch it several times to break through. Exit the cell through the new passage. From here you can only head right one screen, and to the first boss of the game. SHOTMAKER Shotmaker uses a shotgun loaded with buckshot ammunition to attack you. There is one safe haven on the screen: hide behind the crates in the lower right corner, and Shotmaker will not be able to hit you. The first matter that needs addressing is recovering your equipment. If you call Big Boss, he’ll tell you that your equipment should be close by – he suggests punching doors to open them. Do so with the closest door to you; the right-most door on the bottom of the screen. Inside you’ll find your Equipment. Leave the room and resume hiding behind the crates. The simplest way to deal with Shotmaker is to fire remote-controlled missles at him: guide them from behind your crates and around to his position. He won’t hide behind his side of the crates, making it easy for you. Approximately four missiles should eliminate him. When the fighting has ended use Card 2 to head through the left door on the bottom wall. In here you’ll find a box of ammunition and Card 3. Now’s a good time to look at your equipment. You’ll see a new icon in your equipment: a red dot-like transmitter. If you leave this in your equipment any enemies on the screen will be immediately alerted to your position. Press circle to dispose of it, and leave the room. Use the new Card 3 on the door on the right wall to leave the confinement area. Immediately next to you when you enter will be a guard dog. Shoot it before it causes any trouble. Head up one screen. On this new screen, punch around the center of the left wall until you find the weak section. Punching won’t destroy the wall here: place some plastic explosive to make a new passage. Inside the new room you’ll find a Uniform: this will be put to good use later on in the game. Head back down one screen and eliminate the dog again. From here, head around the outside of the wall and right one screen. Punch the around the center of the bottom wall here to find the weak section, and plant some plastic explosives. Inside the new room you’ll find some more plastic explosives and more ammunition. You’ll need to use quite a few plastic explosive sets in the upcoming piece. If you run out, restock here. The goal now is to break through several walls and get to a room in the center of this large six-screen area. Go left one screen to where you entered the area. If you punch the right wall just opposite the door, you’ll find another weak section of wall. Place some plastic explosive to blow the wall apart. Proceed right and take the passage that heads right to the next screen. As you’re heading through these tight corridors guard dogs may chase you: just eliminate them as soon as you see them. On this screen, follow the path around and continue up. Keep going up in the next screen. The next screen you’ll travel into will be a dead-end: punch the left wall in the same fashion as you have been doing to find the weak section, and place plastic explosive. Head through the break in the wall and continue down. Follow the path all the way around – through approximately five screens – until you reach a dead end. There’s no weak wall here, so head back one screen. If you punch the bottom wall here you’ll find another weak section. Use more plastic explosives and follow the path around until you reach a door. Use Card 3 to open the door. Inside you’ll find a Bomb Blast Suit, which will only be of use on the roof. Better you find it now than have to backtrack later. Now, head all the way back to the opening of the spiral maze – a journey of eleven screens. From the opening, head up around the outside walls, eliminating any dogs along the way. When you reach the top make the turn right and follow the path until you reach the elevator. Head in. BUILDING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR Take the elevator up two floors to the first floor. BUILDING ONE, FIRST FLOOR Now back to more familiar sights. Avoid the surveillance camera around the crates and head down one screen. The sleepy guard will succumb again, eliminate him and follow the left path up and around to the area with the three guards in red. Take them out and use Card 3 to open the door on the left wall. The small room is empty. Before you continue to the left prepare yourself to dash quickly towards the bottom of the screen: there’s a rolling pin in the next screen, and there are no alcoves. You’ll have to be quick. As you proceed through you’ll come out into an area with a long row of crates and a single guard stationed behind them. It’s very easy to just run past him, as you should, and down to the next screen. The guards here tend to converge but they’re simple to hide behind and eliminate thanks to the many crates around. Continue down to the next screen. The two guards here are also relatively simple to just sneak past; head through the open door on the left. Inside will be three guards surrounding some mines on a desk. Thankfully, they’re all asleep. As long as you don’t touch them they pose no problem. Take them out and pick up the mines before exiting again. Next, use Card 3 to head through the door on the right. The Prisoner of War inside will inform you that the only way to reach the courtyard is by parachute. Exit the room and take out the guards again before heading down to the next screen. Here you’ll see a portion of the room with gray-colored tiles. Near the bottom are a power box and a guard covering a door. If the guard sees you he’ll dash quickly to activate power to the floor, electrifying you if you find yourself standing on the gray tiles. You could use the crates to sneak around the guard and kill him, but it’s much easier to use remote-controlled missiles to take out the guard. If you take out the power box by this method with the guard still around, he’ll go into alert mode and reinforcements will arrive: do not hit the power box, hit the guard. As soon as it’s safe to cross the gray tiles use Card 3 to open the door near the bottom. Inside the room are Infrared Goggles. You can use the goggles to see the infrared traps. Now head back all the way to the fork point with the sleeping guard. You have to traverse the infrared traps again. Along the way, be very wary of the rolling pin – take your time and leave the room and reenter if you have to. A single touch will bring instant death. Take out the sleeping guard after passing the room with the three red guards. Head down one screen to the area with the infrared traps. Use the infrared goggles to see the lasers, and traverse the maze on this screen and the screen south of here. When you get to the open, head one screen left. A lone guard patrols around this massive room. Head through the door here with Card 3 and rescue another Prisoner of War. He’ll tell you about Dr. Madnar’s whereabouts. Exit the room and use Card 3 again on the door to the left, where you’ll encounter the second boss. MACHINE GUN KID Machine Gun Kid is very similar to Shotmaker. This time, however, he’ll spend a lot more time moving around the top part of the level. Take cover from his rapid fire behind one of the concrete structures. Use the remote-controlled missiles to attack him, just as was done with Shotmaker. Just like Shotmaker, approximately four missiles will defeat him. After defeating Machine Gun Kid use Card 1 on the door at the top of the screen. Inside the room you’ll find the Parachute, which you’ll need to get to the courtyard. Your next waypoint is the elevator, which is relatively simple to get to from this position: head right two screens and then proceed up through the infrared traps (use the goggles), the sleeping guard and the surveillance camera. BUILDING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR The next place you need to get to is the roof, which is the top floor. Take the elevator as high up as you can. BUILDING ONE, ROOF As soon as you exit you’ll get a call from Big Boss. He’ll tell you about a wind barrier on the roof that can only be passed by wearing a bomb blast suit. Luckily, you collected one in the basement. Keep it equipped while you’re on the roof. If you’re running short on remote-controlled missiles, you can quickly go down two screens past a few guards. A small room at the bottom of the screen (which requires Card 3) has remote-controlled missiles. You’ll need several soon to destroy another power box. Head left from the elevator screen to a screen similar to that in setup like the area where you just faced Machine Gun Kid. The three guards should remain oblivious to your presence if you stay behind the structures. Proceed left. Two guards here will patrol around several containers. Sneak around them and continue left. Another two guards shouldn’t pose any challenge. Keep running, down this time. Here, an open door leads to a room with some ammunition. Soon you’ll need to use your grenade launcher against a famous boss: make sure you have ammo for it. Continue down to another empty screen. Go around the structure and use Card 2 to open the door on the left. Inside you’ll find another Prisoner of War. Exit and backtrack up two screens and right one screen. Evade the guards and head down through the opening in the railing. A black abyss greets you. You have to cross two screens of swaying bridge. Even though it may seem irrational, the best way to approach both bridges is to move as quickly as possible. Stay in a straight line, but make adjustments if you need to. Stepping off the bridge means instant death. The upcoming segments will be much more challenging. As soon as you clear both bridge screens you’ll come out on the other side of the roof. A new enemy will greet you here – the following guards use jetpacks to keep an eye on the area. Inevitably you’ll be spotted: the alert will track from area to area, so you have to move fast. Use rations if you need to, and don’t spend too much time firing at the troops, as they tend to respawn. Head left one screen and use the remote-controlled missile to destroy the power box on the opposite side of the screen. The jetpack guards tend to career into the missiles, so you might need to use up a few. As soon as it’s safe to walk on the floor use Card 3 to open the door. The jetpack men will inexplicably follow you inside: move quickly to collect the Mine Detector here and exit again. From here it’s relatively simple: keep moving to the right through three screens. When you encounter the third boss, the alert will end. HIND D The Hind D is seemingly a staple of the Metal Gear series making an appearance in three of the canonical games. It’s at its easiest here, as a major flaw allows you to attack it while remaining unharmed. If you stand directly left of where the cockpit is – i.e. hugging the crates – the fire from the Hind D will not hit you. Attack it with grenades using the grenade launcher: put the crosshairs over the black window and fire. After fifteen to twenty shots the Hind will explode, allowing you to pass. Head up after defeating the helicopter. The only place you can go from here is off the balcony to the left. On the tiny screen here, equip your parachute and run off the balcony. An animation of Snake parachuting down several floors will play, and eventually land in Building One’s courtyard. BUILDING ONE, GROUND FLOOR Back on the ground floor again! Three guard dogs lie dormant – eliminate them as quickly as possible and head down one screen. This part of the courtyard is mined. Equip your mine detector and the mines will show up on the screen, allowing for you to navigate slowly through them. The only truck you should enter here is the truck on the right: entering the truck on the left would spell disaster, sending you back outside the courtyard. In the right-hand truck you’ll pick up Card 4. Head up one screen and left one screen. Take care of the dogs here and use Card 4 to open the left-most door, leading into a room. Inside you’ll find another Prisoner of War. He’ll give you more information about Dr. Madnar. Exit and use Card 4 to head through the top door, back into Building One. This very early screen still has some use: if you don’t have a full capacity of mines yet, hide and let the soldier come out of the right-most truck. Go in after him to get some more. Use Card 4 again to head through the door on the right. A screen of six crates and four soldiers greets you. Ignore them and keep heading right to the east elevator screen. Sneak past the guards to the elevator. BUILDING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR Just a quick backtrack here to pick up the useful body armor: head back down to the basement. BUILDING ONE, BSEMENT After exiting the elevator, head around the outside to the right. You’ll encounter two dogs along the way, dispose of them. As soon as you reach the bottom keep heading left. On the same screen where you entered after defeating Shotmaker, you’ll see a door at the bottom right edge of the screen. Use Card 4 to open it. Inside you’ll find the Body Armor. This is will be very useful for upcoming boss battles. Equipping it will reduce any damage taken by half. Make your way back around the outside to the elevator. BUILDING ONE, EAST ELEVATOR Take the elevator back up to the ground floor. BUILDING ONE, GROUND FLOOR From here, head left one screen. You can actually get away without eliminating any of the guards here. If you need to take them out, though, do so, and use Card 4 to head through the door at the top. 3.3. PART THREE: Find Dr. Madnar continued ------------------------------------------ BUILDING ONE/BUILDING TWO PASSAGEWAY: DESERT You’re now out of Building One and heading to Building Two. The desert is mined, however, so equip your mine detector to navigate the minefield. The truck on the right will send you back into Building One so don’t enter it. The truck on the left contains plastic explosives, if you need any. Go up one screen and pass through the last minefield. You’ll be bombed by overhead aircraft on the next two screens: if you’re unlucky enough to be hit you’ll lose a great deal of health. The truck provides some temporary shelter, and inside you’ll find some rations. You’ll need quite a few for the upcoming boss. Continue head up two screens until you reach the tank. TANK The tank is quite an easy battle; it does require patience, however. Equip your mines and ready your rations. If you take cover and watch the movements of the tank, you see that it tends to move back and forth. The best way to defeat it is to place mines in front of its treads and then run back to cover, repeating the process until it explodes. There are two dangers: firstly, the tank’s machine guns tend to drill at you. Make sure you are quick with rations if you’re running low on health. Secondly, if you cross the tank’s turret there is a chance that the tank will fire a shell at you. Should this shell hit its mark it will cause massive damage. If you’re patient and repeat the process with the mines, you’ll eventually be rewarded. Upon defeating the tank you’re free to head up. Keep proceeding north until you reach a screen with several crates and three guards. After the guards converse, Big Boss will call you and tell you that you need an enemy uniform to get into Building Two. Luckily, you already have one from Building One’s basement. He’ll also tell you about a change in his frequency to 120.13. If you equip the uniform, the guards out here naturally won’t attack you. On approach they’ll even open the door for you, allowing you passage into Building Two. BUILDING ONE, GROUND FLOOR Ignore the water in front of you for now and proceed to the left. The two guards here can often be very perceptive: make sure you stay out of their line of vision. Take out the guard on your side of the screen while he is patrolling, and head through the door using Card 4. Inside you’ll find mines and ammunition. Make sure you have at least ten rounds for the grenade launcher. Exit and move quickly to avoid the guard’s view on the opposite side, taking out the same guide again. Head right to the previous screen and move up into the water. Follow the drain to the left until you reach the door in the water. Use Card 4 to open it. Ahead of you is one of the hardest bosses in the game, due solely to the speed at which it will catch and kill you. Ready the grenade launcher and head through the doorway. BULLDOZER As soon as you enter the tight corridor run up slightly and start firing grenades. Eight grenades will do the bulldozer in. If you need to move back because of the approaching vehicle, do so; just make sure your rate of fire continues. If the bulldozer touches you it’s game over: as such, leaving the room if the bulldozer comes too close is better than dying. The path is clear as soon as it’s done in. Head up to the next screen, where you’ll face a different type of infrared sensors: these ones flash on and off and change direction. Equip your infrared goggles to see more clearly. Navigate through them to the top of the screen and enter the elevator. BUILDING TWO, WEST ELEVATOR Take the elevator all the way up to the roof. BUILDING TWO, ROOF The guards will be alerted to your presence as soon as you set foot on the roof, so you’re going to have to deal with it. Make your way down to the door near the bottom left, eliminating any enemies along the way. Use Card 2 to open the door. Inside you’ll find another Prisoner of War, who’ll give you more information about Dr. Madnar. Leave the cell and continue left, eliminating enemies as necessary. Four guards will attack you here, but keep trucking south past, through all the enemies and structures until you reach a screen with a room in the center and more jetpack guards. Use Card 4 to unlock the door in the center. A jetpack enemy awaits you inside. Take him out and collect the ammunition and Card 5. Exit the room and continue to the right. The sole door here unlocks with Card 5. As soon as you enter the elevator here you’ll be safe. BUILDING TWO, EAST ELEVATOR Take this elevator down to the basement. BUILDING TWO, BASEMENT Guard dogs await you upon exiting the elevator. Eliminate them and use Card 5 to exit from the south. Here, several options are given to you. If you need more rations, ammunition or plastic explosive, you can go through the top-right door with Card 3. Use your gas mask in the corridor, and if you go up all the way there’ll be an open door with the three items waiting inside . . . as well as a rolling pin. Back in the main room, the top left door unlocks with Card 5 and leads to a Prisoner of War. Exit there and use Card 5 again to unlock the left door. The following passageway is filled with gas, so equip your gas mask to avoid loss of life. In the gas hallway head up the path until you can’t proceed any further. On the opposite side of the dead end, you should see two paths – one heading up and another heading down. Punch the wall of the path heading up to find the weak section. Just as before, use plastic explosive to blow out the wall and continue. Go up one screen and use Card 1 to unlock the door directly ahead of you. Inside, you’ll find another Prisoner of War. Equip the gas mask before exiting the room. Proceed left one screen. Here, use Card 5 to enter the room. In here you will see a person that appears to be Dr. Madnar. Before you approach him, know that in reality the man is an imposter. As soon as you regain control of Snake the floor will start to open up into a trap, and if you don’t move back fast enough you’ll fall in. Approach “Dr. Madnar”. The man will tell you that the real Dr. Madnar is on the second floor, at which point the floor will begin to open up. After that’s done head through the open door on the left. In this room you’ll find Card 6. Before approaching the next boss, you should collect what ammo and rations you can at this point and destroy the rest of the wall barriers in the basement. Head back to the fake Dr. Madnar’s room and use Card 5 to open the door before equipping the gas mask. Exit and head down. Follow the path around the left, down, and then to the right through several screens until you come to a door that unlocks with Card 5. Inside, you’ll find rations. Exit again and head right. Head down at a small corner until you reach another dead end: punch the center of the left wall until you find the weak point and break through. When you walk through, hug the crates as you walk left and eventually up. There is a trap in the big open space that leaves just enough space for walking around the crates. Through the open door on the left side of the screen you’ll find two ammunition caches. From here, head back to the fake Dr. Madnar’s room. Make sure to hug the crates as you exit to avoid the trap, and follow the path all the way back to the door which, in case you forgot, opens with Card 5. Head left through here back to where you picked up Card 6. Use Card 6 to exit that very room through the bottom door. In the passageway, use Card 6 again to head through the door on the left wall. FIRE TROOPER Fire Trooper is a former GSG 9 operative who makes good use of a flamethrower. The flames are wide reaching, but Fire Trooper suffers from much the same problem as the Hind D: a blind spot that you can utilize. Hug the top wall on the right side of Fire Trooper and approach the corner. From here, the spray of your sub-machine gun can easily reach him, and twelve rounds should be sufficient to eliminate him. If for some inexplicable reason you run out of sub-machine gun ammunition you can use your handgun. The best way to do this is to stick close to him and get in his little alcove if possible. Definitely equip the body armor if this is the case, and use rations if need be. Enter the elevator blocked by Fire Trooper. BUILDING TWO, WEST ELEVATOR Take the elevator back to the ground floor. BUILDING TWO, GROUND FLOOR Upon exiting you’ll be back in an infrared area. As always, use the infrared goggles to see where the interchanging lasers are and time your movements. You want to head to the right to the next screen. This screen is devoid of anything on your side, so continue down a screen. Here you’ll see a guard patrolling the left side of the screen near a door, and a guard patrolling around the bottom of the screen where you would exit. Enter the water and maneuver around the shallow side. The shallow water is a much lighter blue – don’t enter the darker blue yet, because you don’t have an oxygen tank, and entering there means an instant loss of health. Come out around the other side and take out the guard patrolling across the bottom, and then take out the guard on the left. Use Card 2 to enter through the door into the room where you’ll find an Antenna. Upon collecting the antenna, Big Boss will call you and tell you that the transceiver was jamming, but it’s okay now. His absence was not noticed. Exit from this room and take out the guard again. You’ll need to take out the guard across the bottom, because the next place you need to go is to head down a screen. You’ll see that you’re at the front of Building Two. Head left one screen from here. Take out the guard and use Card 6 to enter in before the guard on the opposite side sees you. Inside you’ll find the Flashlight, which can be used to illuminate dark areas (obviously). Exit from the room and head back right one screen and up one screen, taking out guards wherever necessary. You should now be back where the room with the antenna was. Staying on this side of the water, head right one screen and up one screen, taking out guards on your side along the way. The only door here is on the right side. It opens with Card 5, and inside you’ll find another Prisoner of War. He’ll tell you that the drainage system leads to Building Three. You must now make your way back to the elevator (head out the door and around the barrier blocking you from entering the drainage system. As soon as you come back to the opening, cross it and head up and to the left across several screens). Remember to equip the infrared goggles before making your way to the elevator. BUILDING TWO, WEST ELEVATOR Take the elevator up to the first floor. BUILDING TWO, FIRST FLOOR The guards might see you when you exit from the elevator. Proceed down the right side of the screen, heading down to the next screen, eliminating any hostiles as necessary. Head right here to the next screen. On this screen you’ll see two elite guards on the top and the bottom, with crates in between. As long as you stay in between the crates you’ll be safe. The two guards here are the Bloody Brads, who are also mechs created by Dr. Madnar. They’ll only attack you if you pass below or above the crates on their respective sides. You can’t do anything about them now: you’ll need a rocket launcher to destroy them. Head through the center of the crates and use Card 5 to pass through the door on the right side of the screen. Three guards patrol this screen. Hide behind the crates just at the door and take out the guard patrolling in front of the top-left door. Use Card 3 to unlock the door and enter the room. Inside is a Prisoner of War, who’ll tell you about Jennifer. Jennifer’s frequency is 120.48, but the POW says that she’s got quite a high nose and will only talk to you if you’ve got a very high rank. No matter, because you’ve been following this guide and have rescued all the POWs without killing any of them. Exit the room. Take out the guard patrolling in front of you again, and call Jennifer (120.48). She won’t answer if you don’t have a four-star ranking. She’ll tell you that she has a rocket launcher ready for you. Take out all the guards on the screen, and head to the top-right door. Opening it with Card 6, inside you’ll find a Rocket Launcher. Before you can use it on the Bloody Brad mechs, however, you’ll need ammunition. Exit the room and head back left one screen. Back with the two mechs, you need to get to one of the doors that they are guarding. The bottom-left door opens with Card 1. If you’ve got very low health, you better heal up with a ration – undoubtedly you’ll get hit by the Brad. As soon as you’re through take out the guard ahead and continue to the l eft. Four guards patrol the next screen. Luckily you can hide behind cover and watch their methodical movements. Eliminate as many of them as you need to, allowing you to get to the open door, where you’ll find three boxes of ammunition and two guards waiting for you. Collect the munitions and defeat the guards before heading back out and proceeding up one screen. You’re now back on the other side of the first screen. Use Card 6 to open the door and head into the room. 3.4. PART FOUR: Rescue Dr. Madnar’s Daughter, Ellen --------------------------------------------------- BUILDING TWO, FIRST FLOOR Inside you’ll find Dr. Madnar. What you really want is to find out about Metal Gear – but Madnar won’t tell you anything until you rescue his daughter, Ellen. As soon as you regain control of Snake, exit the room and head down one screen. Get through the four guards and head right and back to the room with the two Bloody Brads. Because defeating them gives you Card 7, and since you just got ammunition for the rocket launcher, you might as well defeat them now. BLOODY BRAD(S) The two Bloody Brads never pose any real danger – all you need to do is duck in and out behind the crate cover and fire rockets at them. It’s very likely that they’ll hit you a couple of times. Observing their movements is paramount here: they rush you, but proceed back to the center as soon as you leave. Therefore, change intermittently between attacking the bottom one and the top one. This gives them time to return to the center, allowing you to have the biggest window in attacking them. Each can only stomach approximately four rockets before they keel over. After defeating both of them, Card 7 will appear where the top Bloody Brad was. Now, all the doors are open to you without having to fear attack from the Brads. Head through the top-left door using Card 1. Defeat the enemies across the path as you follow it to the right. You find a single door on your side of the path here. It opens with Card 6. Guards await you inside – eliminate them and collect the Antidote from the desk. It will come in use later. Head back down the path to the room where you fought the two mechs. From here, head through the door on the top-right using Card 2. Eliminate the guard ahead and continue through to the right. On this screen await three guards. Kill them all. You need to get through the door on the top-right, but it’s nothing-doing. Call Jennifer (120.48) and she’ll tell you that she’s unlocked the door. Head in and collect the Compass on the desk. This will, like the antidote, be needed soon. Exit the room, eliminate the guards and head back to the room where you fought the Bloody Brads. The last door you haven’t been through is the bottom-right door. Card 5 lets you in to find more guards. Get rid of them and use Card 5 again to open the door on the left side. Inside you’ll find a Prisoner of War, who’ll tell you about the Scorpion Desert. Exit the room and head right one screen. The sleeping guard here can be easily taken care of. Card 5 opens the door up the top. Through it is another rolling pin, so get ready to exit back through the door once you’ve seen it, so you can time your passage right. There’s also a trap on the right side of the room. Once you’re through, enter the elevator. BUILDING TWO, EAST ELEVATOR Take the elevator down to the basement. BUILDING TWO, BASEMENT Guard dogs await you upon exiting the elevator, like last time. Eliminate them and use Card 5 to exit from the south. You’ll get a call from Schneider to let you know about the gas. Use Card 5 again to open the door on the left side. Equip the gas mask before continuing. You must now follow the path all the way around to the room at the very end. Head up two screens, right and up again, left for three screens, down and to the right again, before heading down. Go through the broken wall that you blew up to the left. Remember to hug the crates as you follow them to the left and then up, as in the center there is a trap. As soon as you’re in the clear head down through the door with Card 6. BUILDING ONE/BUILDING TWO PASSAGEWAY: BASEMENT You’ll notice that the area is dark as soon as you enter. Diane will call you and tell you to watch out for traps. Equip your flashlight to light up the entire screen. This area is the hardest in the game, only because of the sheer unfairness of it all: the traps tend to be quite hectic, and can activate when you think you’re in the clear, leading to death. This first screen is free of traps. Head down the left side to the next screen. On this screen, hug the top crates and follow them right and then down. Do not continue to the right. Go straight down until you hit the crates at the bottom of the screen. Hug the crates around here now, following them to the right, then down slightly and to the left. You’ll activate the trap as you go down, but should clear it in time. Center yourself at the bottom of the screen and continue down to the next area. This screen’s a little tricker. If you step forward a bit you’ll activate the trap in the center. Move back as soon as you see it expanding. There’s another trap that connects to its bottom right corner. Move quickly down the side of the center trap and click back in behind it as soon as you pass it to avoid the trap that will activate. Proceed down to the next screen. Head down until you hit the center of the crates in the middle of the room. Hug the crates and head to the right, and then down. As soon as you start going down, continue until you get down to the next screen. This screen is the last with traps and the hardest to boot. Hug the left side of the crates on the right. You can see the door on the bottom of the screen. There is a very slim passage that connects to the center of the bottom of the right-crate fixture. Hugging the crates on the right, head down and around the right, activating the first trap. As soon as you’re in line with the door, go directly down. The trap on the right will activate, but hopefully you’ll be out of harm’s way. Use Card 1 to unlock the door. BUILDING ONE, BASEMENT You’re now back in Building One. The guard dogs here will wake up and see you, use your weapon to eliminate them. Head down to the next screen where two more guard dogs await. Use Card 6 to open the door to the right and enter. In the room you will occasionally hear a voice say “Help me!” It’s Ellen. Head to the right side, but hug the bottom wall around to the right wall as there is another trap in the center of the room. Punch the center of the right wall to find the weak section, plant plastic explosives, and destroy the wall. Head in to find and free Ellen. 3.5. PART FIVE: Destroy Metal Gear ---------------------------------- BUILDING ONE, BASEMENT Now that you’ve rescued Ellen you have to get back to Dr. Madnar, get information about destroying Metal Gear, then destroy Metal Gear and escape from Outer Heaven. Leave the room and hug the crates again. Card 6 allows you to exit though the door where you came in. Your goal now is to get back through the traps to Dr. Madnar. It is possible, of course, to go all around through Building One, back through the desert and into Building Two, but it’s a bit of a journey. It’s much simpler to go through the traps. Go up through the two screens of dogs and use Card 1 to exit Building One again. You’ll never be back again. BUILDING ONE/BUILDING TWO PASSAGEWAY: BASEMENT Head up through the traps again. It’s much easier this time around – use the diagrams/walkthrough supplied just before to make it through. Don’t forget to equip the flashlight. BUILDING TWO, BASEMENT When you get back to the screen where you first entered the trap area, don’t forget to hug the crates as you leave the room. Equip the gas mask before going through to the passage. Follow it around back to the starting room, then head through the middle door using Card 3 to get back to the elevator. BUILDING TWO, WEST ELEVATOR Take the elevator back up to the first floor. BUILDING TWO, FIRST FLOOR Exit from the elevator. Eliminate any guards along the way here as you head left one screen and up through the top-most door (Card 5). Head left slightly here and use Card 1 to open the bottom-left door. Head through and left one screen, and up two to find yourself back to Dr. Madnar’s cell. Card 6 lets you in. Dr. Madnar will tell you how to destroy Metal Gear. It seems the only way is to plant plastic explosives on its legs in a rather peculiar order. The order he notes is right leg, right leg, left leg, right, left, left, right, left, left, right, right, left, right, left, right . . . but he’s forgotten the last one. The last one is for the right leg. Dr. Madnar will also tell you about destroying the Bloody Brads . . . oops, we’ve already done that. As soon as you regain control, leave Dr. Madnar and make your way back to where you fought the Bloody Brads. From here, leave the room on the left, go up one screen and head into the elevator. BUILDING TWO, WEST ELEVATOR Since the elevator doesn’t seem to be able to go down, head up to the roof: you’ll have to take the west elevator down. BUILDING TWO, ROOF You’ll come under attack here again. That’s okay, though – head right one screen and down two screens. The room here has ammunition if you need it. The door opens with Card 4. Otherwise, head right one more screen and through the door with Card 5. Head into the elevator. BUILDING TWO, EAST ELEVATOR Take the elevator down to the ground floor of Building Two. BUILDING TWO, GROUND FLOOR Two guards will open fire at you as soon as you leave the elevator. Eliminate them and use Card 5 to exit the room. This room is empty but there’s a trap on the right side of the crates in the center. Hug the left and top walls and use Card 5 to exit here. You’ve dealt with the guards here before, do so again and enter the water. Swim around the shallow water to the other side and head right. On this screen, head up until the water gets too deep and step out on dry land. Head down one screen and eliminate the guard on this little corner. Continue around the path killing any further guards until you reach a door. It opens with Card 6 – inside you’ll find plastic explosives. Make sure you’ve got a full repository: you’ll need them against Metal Gear. Go back around the path to where you got onto the land and head up one screen. Head left from here and through the door (Card 7) to the Scorpion Desert. BUILDING TWO/BUILDING THREE PASSAGEWAY: SCORPION DESERT The Scorpion Desert is easy to get through as long as you remember several points. Firstly, keep your compass equipped at all times, as even if you follow the directions Snake will still become “lost”. Equipping the compass makes sure you get to where you need to go. The scorpions will shift towards Snake. If they make contact, they’ll bite and poison you, and you’ll start to lose health: no matter, just use the antidote in the items menu, jus like you use the rations, to cure yourself. You can use the antidote an infinite amount of times. Keep heading north past four screens of scorpions and one blank screen. On the sixth and last desert screen, seven trucks await you and enemies will begin coming out of the trucks to attack you. Big Boss will call you and unhelpfully tell you to enter the truck on the far right – enemies await you if you do. Only two trucks are of any use here: the second truck from the left, which contains ammunition, and the fourth truck from the left which contains two boxes of ammunition. After doing that use Card 7 to head through the door in between the trucks, into Building Three. BUILDING THREE, GROUND FLOOR Inside Building Three four guards will spring and attack you. Shoot them off as Big Boss rings to tell you to enter the door on the left. Don’t do it: it requires Card 1, but has a big pit trap almost as soon as you enter. Head to the top-right corner of the room and then walk a few feet left. Punch the top wall to find the weak section and plant plastic explosives. Head through the gap and hug the right wall as you head up to the next screen. There are several traps here as you head to the elevator. Hug the top crates and head left and up. Stay up in that little corner between the two crates, and don’t move. Wait for the trap south of you to expand fully and then start walking left slowly, just above the trap now behind you. A trap above you should activate. Head straight all the way left so you hit the wall, and hug the wall to go up and around until you reach the elevator. BUILDING THREE, ELEVATOR There’s only one option here: take the elevator all the way down to what is the 100th floor basement. BUILDING THREE, BASEMENT No enemies as soon as you exit here, but there are cameras. Jennifer will call you and tell you about an oxygen tank beyond the wall. Hide behind the structure in the center of the room to avoid the cameras, and punch on the bottom wall just opposite. Plant the plastic explosive and head through to find the Oxygen Tank. This is of no use in rooms with gas, but it will allow you to swim in deep water. Now, do exactly that: head back to Building Two! BUILDING THREE, ELEVATOR Head back up to the ground floor of Building Three. BUILDING THREE, GROUND FLOOR Don’t forget to avoid the traps: go slightly left and hug the walls. The trap next to the elevator should open up as you exit. Use the crates as a guide to head around, and head down one screen through the door (Card 7). BUILDING TWO/BUILDING THREE PASSAGEWAY: SCORPION DESERT Equip your compass to get through the Scorpion Desert, use the antidote if necessary. BUILDING TWO, GROUND FLOOR Head right from here and go into the water. Equip the oxygen tank, and you’ll be able to head into the deep water without losing health. Swim north through four screens, and come back out on land. Avoid the guards here. The next screen has electrified floors with a small platform which you must step on immediately from the previous screen to avoid harm. Stick to the railing immediately from where you exited and head directly up to the next screen. Use the remote-controlled missile to destroy the panel around the corner. Through the door near the panel is ammunition, you can get it if you need it using Card 1, but you will have to destroy the panel again with another remote-controlled missile. Make sure you have at least one more to destroy the floor coming back from where you’re about to go. If you don’t need the ammunition head through the door on the right instead using Card 7. DIRTY DUCK You’ll meet the next boss as soon as you enter. The boss is surrounded by three Prisoners of War. As soon as the fight begins, Jennifer will call you to tell you that Dirty Duck has Card 8. Furthermore, one of the POWs is her brother . . . if you kill him, she won’t help you anymore. Jennifer’s brother is the front-most one, in front of Dirty Duck. That’s okay though, because you have to get behind Dirty Duck. There’s a trap in the center of the room, so hug the left wall and go all around, following the crates until you get behind him. Here, Dirty Duck’s boomerangs will not touch you. Pump ten rounds into him with your handgun: be very careful that you do not hit the POW in front of Dirty Duck. Once he’s dead you’ll get Card 8. Rescue the POWs. Jennifer’s brothers will identify himself. He’ll tell you that when you’re escaping from Outer Heaven that you should climb that ladder on the left. Exit the room. From here, there’s only one last destination before you can finish the game: Card 8 will allow you access to Metal Gear, back in Building Three. However, you will need at least twelve rockets for the rocket launcher and a minimum of eighteen plastic explosives. Having rations would also be a good idea. You now need to get back to the basement of Building Three. If you need directions, look back in the walkthrough to where you crossed earlier. Don’t forget to avoid the traps before the elevator on the ground floor of Building Three. BUILDING THREE, BASEMENT The cameras here won’t alert the guards, they’ll only fire lasers: if you don’t stop moving, they won’t catch you. When you exit head to the right and use Card 8 to open the door. Inside you’ll find the last Prisoner of War. Leave the room again and head to the right. Big Boss will call you and tell you to turn off the PlayStation®2. “Turn the game console off now!” Don’t worry about that, of course, and continue down the corridor. Use Card 8 to open the door after the cameras, and equip the gas mask before heading through. On this screen, don’t head through the door at the top: it leads to a trap. Instead, go to the top-left corner, step a few feet to the right and punch the top wall. Plant plastic explosive and head through. There’s a trap here on the next screen: hug the left wall and go around until you reach the door. Card 1 will open it. This next room is mined, but is still filled with gas. Keep you gas mask on and hug the left wall until you get to the door, which requires Card 1. This next screen’s floor is also electrified, but this time there’s no panel. Jennifer will call you and tell you that you’ll have to run through. Use a ration if your health is not at its maximum and run to the door. METAL GEAR The Metal Gear fight is rather easy considering how much the weapon has been hyped up. Its only defense are cameras that fire lasers. As already stated, you have to plant plastic explosives in a specific order on its legs. In order to avoid the damage from the cameras, run back and forth between the two sides and press the weapon button as you cross the leg which you need to plant explosive on. Don’t forget that you have body armor available to you if you need it. The order is: Right Right Left Right Left Left Right Left Left Right Right Left Right Left Right Right If you get one wrong, the sequence won’t reset: rather, the Metal Gear won’t take any damage – you’ll know this because the bipedal tank won’t flash to signify damage. Execute the sequence and watch the Metal Gear explode. Top your health up if you need to before continuing on to the right. BIG BOSS The countdown has begun. You have to defeat Big Boss and escape Outer Heaven before the timer drops to zero. Diane will call to speak to you. You must defeat Big Boss using your rocket launcher. Just like with the Bloody Brads, pop in and out of cover. Depending on the difficulty level, Big Boss will die with four or up to ten rockets. He’ll fire his handgun at you, but this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. If you equip your cigarettes after the fight you’ll have more time to escape. The door at the top will open for you. Head through and don’t forget to climb the left ladder. As soon as you reach the surface the game will be over. 4. LEGAL -------- This guide is copyright Matthew Floratos 2009. You may save this guide to your computer to print it off. You may not download, save, edit or use this file for the purpose of promoting, advertising, endorsing or implying a connection with you (or any third party). The author (Matthew Floratos) will not be liable for any loss or damage which you may suffer as a result of or connected with this guide/file. All characters, story-lines, plot-lines and other material included in this guide are copyright of thier respective owners. 5. CREDITS ---------- - The latest version of this guide can be always be found at . Large updates will be cross-posted at GameFAQs. - Maps, diagrams and a rich text version of the guide is available at . Also available is this text-only version, a printer-safe version without color, a .PDF version of this file and a PSP formatted version that runs in the internet browser of the PSP. - Thanks to CyberGamba for allowing use of his maps. - I have other guides planned for the future, including ones for Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the NES version of Metal Gear, and of course Snake's Revenge. You can find these guides and related files now and in the future at .