################################################### # # # ~ Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ~ # # Secrets And Easter Eggs FAQ # # # # ver. 2.0 # # # # by Joe40001, copyright 2008 # # # ################################################### Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Character Secrets A. Sokolov B. Ocelot C. The Pain D. Granin E. The End F. The Fury G. Raikov H. The Sorrow I. Volgin J. Eva K. The Boss 4. Cutscene Secrets 5. Title screen and intro movie extras 6. Hidden Radio Frequencies A. Radio Frequencies B. Fire Support Frequencies C. Frequencies to Call Off Alert 7. Secret Tips and Tricks A. Anywhere Secrets B. Location Specific Secrets C. Armory/Resource Sheds 8. Glitches/Goofs/Errors 9. Secret Items 10. Easter Eggs/References 11. Special Radio Conversations 12. Things people keep insisting are secrets, but really aren't 13. Conclusion and Thanks 14. Copyrights, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is a guide to any and all Secrets and Easter Eggs in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. All the secrets provided in this guide were posted in ***The Secrets and Easter Eggs Topic*** in the Metal Gear Solid 3 forum. If you have any secrets that you'd like to add to this FAQ just post them in that topic. Currently all posts before 12/13/2004 7:07:05 PM have been seen and added to the FAQ. So, if you would like to submit something to this FAQ try to make sure that it hasn't already been posted either in this FAQ, or in that topic after the said post. Unfortunately, I do have a life (albeit a pathetic one) outside of GameFaqs, so I can not add all secrets or updates instantly. I will try to be quick. Also, throughout this FAQ I have ?*? this is to help me and those helping me find the parts of the FAQ that are missing information. As long as there are secrets in MGS3 undiscovered, this FAQ wont be done. That said, this FAQ already has a great deal of useful secrets. It is also worth noting that since these secrets are drawn from ***The Secrets and Easter Eggs Topic*** they may have a more conversational tone to them. I will try fix that by version 1.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-20 Billion Years Ago- The universe is created 7-6 Million years ago- The first ancestors of humanity are believed to have lived 1450 AD- Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press October 12, 1492- Columbus discovers America July 20, 1969- Neil Armstrong lands on the moon December 9, 2004- Version 0.5 of this FAQ is completed It has the 1st 100 posts in ***The Secrets and Easter Eggs Topic*** December 11, 2004- Version 0.5 of this FAQ is rejected by GameFaqs for incompleteness December 13, 2004- Version 0.9 of this FAQ is completed It has all posts up until 12/13/2004 7:07:05 PM included. It still admittedly could use a little cleaning up. But for the most part it is pretty good. December 14, 2004- I slip into a coma from which I wont awaken for years. July 28, 2008- Version 2.0 of this FAQ is completed --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Character Secrets --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 3-A Sokolov Secrets -------------------- - In Virtuous Mission, shoot some bullets in the window of Sololov's room will make him cry out "STOP" - Then, I tried to throw a grenade in it and it kills him and gives me game over. - Then I throw a snake in the room and he shouts "Get off me" ------------------- 3-B Ocelot Secrets ------------------- - After the cut scene where you knock out revolver ocelot in the beginning of the game, if you shoot and kill him the game ends and Colonel Campbell says you've created a time paradox. - When Ocelot passed out in the Virtuous Mission, carry his body and put him down. A mousetrap will pop out...get it ? Ocelot and a Mousetrap. - When fighting Ocelot, when his men are just watching you 2 fight, if you dangle off the cliff , ocelots men will all start laughing at you!!! - If you shoot the beehives above Ocelot, he will spin his guns to swat at them. FREE SHOT! Be careful, because he will do the same, and his men will laugh at you then as well. - During the ocelot duel at the crevice, wait until he's hiding behind the big tree in the center, then walk yourself right up to the ledge in the center and stand still, without aiming your gun. Ocelot should see you do this, then he'll walk up as well and challenge you to a quick-draw duel. - If you twirl your SAA during the fight with Ocelot, he will be impressed and start juggling his own. - You can shoot Ocelot's hat off during the Ocelot and Volgin fights. - Equip the Crocodile Cap during the Ocelot fight and his men laugh at you. - Tranquilize the King cobra on the right side and throw it on Ocelot's side. It will try to attack him. - Shoot the goat in the background. When you look in first person view, it will be on the left in the background. - These are four outcomes of you duel with Ocelot on the WiG... Gun on the left: 1. Snake shoots Ocelot and misses. Ocelot talks about how his luck has finally changed. 2. Snake shoots Ocelot. Ocelot clutches his stomach in pain then reveals that is was only a blank. 3. Snake doesn't fire at Ocelot. Ocelot talks about his bad luck and asks Snake why he didn't shoot him. Gun on the right: 4. Ocelot shoots Snake. Snake winces then Ocelot reveals that it was only a blank. --------------------- 3-C The Pain Secrets --------------------- - In the pain fight, it makes it A LOT easier to beat him if you use the shotgun and shoot him while he has the bee armor on. The armor will disappear in 2 shots. It is much easier than using grenades. - If you throw a hive at around near the pain, it absorbs some of the hornets and it becomes tastier. Wait until the boss' hornets enter it. The "upgraded" hive is called "HIVE OF PAIN HORNETS" in the menu. It's "P.H.HIVE" (with the "R." prefix) in the field. The hive restores four bars of stamina (max). ------------------- 3-D Granin Secrets ------------------- - Just before entering Granin's room, stay for awhile and try to make noise (like shooting two lamps) and Granin will shout "QUIET" - Equip the Raidenovich mask outside of Sokolov's room. Try to enter the room. You can also call Major Tom at this point for some extra dialogue. - After talking to Granin, if you hang around outside his door he'll start saying weird drunken stuff. If you knock on his door a lot he'll get mad. -------------------- 3-E The End Secrets -------------------- - After traveling down the aqueduct, you see a cutscene where The End is wheeled out in a wheel chair. Immediately after the scene you can quickly switch to the SVD and snipe him. You see his chair explode (one of the wheels will fly at you), and you don't have to fight him later. (An ocelot unit will be in his place) - Use the fake death pill when The End is near you. He'll get out from his hiding place and check on you. He'll presume you are dead. Use the revival pill and try to get a free shot at him before he gets a shock and throws a stun grenade at you. This can only be done the once in every The End fight. - If you save & quit during the fight with The End, when you reload you will get a cutscene of The End sneaking up on Snake and knocking him out. - Also, if you do the same as above but wait over a week before reloading, you will see a cutscene of Snake sneaking up on The End only to find that he has died. Snake's backup support will call him up and make fun of him. - When you use the Konami code during the fight with The End, it shows you his place on the Survivor Map. I believe it only works while on the map screen. --------------------- 3-F The Fury Secrets --------------------- - You can use the combo punch on the Fury to make him fall from the ledge. (He flies back up) ------------------- 3-G Raikov Secrets ------------------- - In the building where you have steal the general's clothing, I put on the scientist's outfit (and mask) and went to the room with the lockers, I then proceeded to start knocking the doors off the lockers, I was almost finished when General Raikov came into the room, (the alarm didn't sound) he said "What are you doing?". I stopped and looked at him. He then came right up to me and looked at my face and said "How beautiful!", a few seconds later the alarm sounded. - Second, when wearing the general's uniform and mask, you can punch the guards and scientists, do it in first person view it's pretty entertaining. Each time you hit the guards they'll apologize, or even say "thank you", which I thought was odd. If you hit the scientists, they'll just shake. - Also when wearing that uniform you can enter the box right in front of people, if they are guards they'll look at it, lift up the box, see that it's the general and apologize. If they are scientists they will simply look at the box forever, very fascinated by it. - If you get in a fight with him he will do Raiden's punch and kick combo to you instead of knifing you like the regular guards do. - if you look at Raikov after you stuff him in the locker you can see a battery pack attached to his butt. - If you kill Raikov (don't let the guards see you or you'll get a game over), you will see Naked Raiden running down the Sorrow's river. - When dressed as Raikov, you can literally run out of the building and into the over all base of Grozny Grad to get all the ammo you want (and you can hit the guards too). - Also interrogate major Raikov and he will say some weird stuff, but also give some helpful hints about beating volgin - An interesting note about running around Grozny Grad in the Raikov outfit. While none of the guards will be able to tell the difference, the dogs apparently know Raikov's scent and attack Snake if you get too close. ----------------------- 3-H The Sorrow Secrets ----------------------- - In the scene where Snake is patching himself up before the nuke, you get an R1 prompt, press R1 and look all the way at the left, you'll see The Sorrow's skeleton. - If you have shot and eaten a vulture that has eaten a dead soldier's body before this fight, the soldier will be either being attacked by a vulture or saying something like "you ate me" when you encounter them during the Sorrow fight. - When you're traveling through the river during your 'fight' with The Sorrow, take pictures of the bosses as they come at you with your camera. When you load them up you'll see the faces of the games developers. Here's which pictures show what: The Pain: ?*? The Fear: ?*? The End: ?*? The Fury: ?*? The Sorrow's dead body: Hideo Kojima Note: During this "fight" you will have your backpack, and all of your items. So you will have the camera. ------------------- 3-I Volgin Secrets ------------------- - After Snake is captured by Volgin, the sequence begins with him seeing only black and hearing Volgin torturing Sokolov. He then turns his attention towards Snake and says "but let's have a look at your body first." How many serious injuries you've had to treat determines his response. Possible responses are: -You're a tough one my friend, a lesser man would be dead by now. -What a Beautiful Body you have, Like a newborn child (Maybe others) - When you are getting tortured by Volgin (and you still have the bag over your head), you can hold down L2 to open up the equipment menu. As long as you hold down L2 you will take no damage at all. But if you let go of L2 before the scene changes you will take all of the damage that you have "prevented" so keep holding it down until the next scene starts. - If you equip the Raikov gear in the fight with Volgin he will get confused at first and think you are him before getting pissed off. - If you threaten the Raikov, he will tell you that Volgin hates the Russian glowcap mushrooms. And sure enough, if you through a Russian glow cap on the ground during your boss fight with Volgin all his electric attacks will be drawn towards the glowcap, basically, as long as that glowcap is on the ground, most of his attacks don't work at all. (The glowcap does go away, after a little bit) - When in the Volgin fight, throw a tree frog( must be alive) and he will yell "a tree frog?!" - If you interrogate Raikov he will tell you the general hates water. Later when you fight Volgin on the bridge above you there are some pipes you can shoot to make water pour out. ---------------- 3-J Eva Secrets ---------------- - Looking at Eva's med record while heading to the lake shows she has breast implants among other humorous things. - EVA's food history is pretty funny too. - Puke in front of Eva or throw a snake at her and allow her to see the snake. She'll say "Ewww!" or "What are you doing?" - Use the tranquilizer on Eva and listen to her while she's sleeping. Funny stuff. If her stamina is low she will mention food that she would like to eat. - Hide from her in a box or put on the monkey mask in front of her. She'll say Eva: "Do you know what you're doing," "Are you stupid or something,"...etc. - Rotate her character model to make her puke. - Lay on the ground. Eva will lay down as well. Try to crawl on top of Eva. She'll say: Eva: "Don't touch me!" "Do you have a Death Wish?" - Motion for Eva to come toward you and then hide from her. She will yell out your name when you step out into the open. - Punch Eva or shoot her and she will roundhouse you. - Use CQC on Eva. And she'll say "I can't breathe." - Stare at Eva for a few seconds. She'll say: "What are you looking at?" "Keep your eyes to yourself." - Lay down books in front of Eva. (I could only get a response one out of every four times with her, but it does work.) She'll say: "What's this?" - Use the Fake Death Pill and then use the Revival Pill in front of Eva. She'll think your dead. But then go "You... You're alive!?" - for the part where Snake and Eva are on their way to the Wig to meet The boss and must pass through a forest crawling with guards that you have to battle when they catch up to you. To prevent Eva from losing stamina and thereby conserving food, CQC her until she gets knocked out. You can drag her all through out this part. You can stash Eva someplace safe while you battle the guards, Eva also does not lose stamina while knocked out so Snake can hog all the food (greedy bastard!), when she awakes just knock her out again. DON'T USE THE TRANQ TO KNOCK HER OUT AS HER...UH... MOANING WILL ALERT NEARBY GUARDS. She doesn't moan when you CQC her. - Look at Eva in the Cure window and hit the R2 button to view her. You will see her nipples. (I'd like to point out that anybody who is turned on by an X-ray of a video game character's nipples, should probably get a real girlfriend.) - And if that isn't enough, if you look at Eva in the viewer in the beginning of Zaozyorje East, she is only wearing her panties and bra. Also, she no longer has that wound. (I guess Kojima thought tree branch wounds would be a turn off) - When EVA first shows up and unzips her jumpsuit, you get an R1 prompt. Press R1 to see exactly where Snake's attention is. You can also do this when Snake wakes up (you'll hear the sounds of her getting dressed) and during the cutscene immediately before you fight the Ocelot unit (while she's looking out the window). *Note: Several of these are more likely to work if Eva's stamina bar is above 2 bars. --------------------- 3-K The Boss Secrets --------------------- - Using the fake death pill during the boss fight will make her say something about knowing it's a fake before she does a flippy thingy and kicks you awake. - When fighting the boss, if you put on the monkey mask (from snake vs monkey). She will say something like "What the hell are you doing?" and stun for a while. Free hit :) - If you shoot the kerotan frog when fighting the boss, shoot it when she is next to the tree the frog is on. She will be distracted by the noise and you can get a free hit for a few seconds. - The petals change color during The Boss fight when either of you get hurt. - Throw Smoke Grenades at her. She'll say: "What's this for?" "A smoke screen?" and "I can't see!" - Hide in the flowers with the Snow camo and throw clips near her. She will yell out "Found you!" and shoot at the clips. I got her to yell out "Damn" after doing this for a while. - Knock her down and continuously throw clips at her. For some reason, she will not get up. You can actually hit her with every clip you have...lol. - During the fight with The Boss, use CQC counter by pushing analog stick and press & hold Circle button at the same time to counter when she grab snake. Right after the counter, she will just stand there for seconds. Go near to The Boss and use push analog stick and press Circle button at the same time to create a blow by grabbing and throw her to the ground. Her stamina gauge will drop. By doing this until her stamina end, you will get snake uniform. - The Snake Eater song starts to play during the last 5 minutes of of the final battle with the boss. - during the fight with The Boss, you can find three types of snakes on the ground: Snake Solid, Snake Liquid, and Solidus Snake. They're white, and eating them gives you a full stamina recharge. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Cutscene Secrets --------------------------------------------------------------------- - This is pretty obvious. but during the cut scenes you can push triangle and camera will zoom in and then use the R stick to move the camera around. - You can use the R1 (secret) view trick on the opening movie too, more precisely, when you are (halo) jumping from the airplane. - When The Boss throws you off the bridge. When you first use the Cure, and you see the cutscene. When you get the chance to use the R1 viewer, look to the left and you will see The Sorrow's dead corpse. - After the virtuous mission while being briefed by Zero: Press R1 when you see snake in the cockpit, you can look around the cockpit from snakes perspective. (Look up for a hochie poster!) - During the cutscene where you are talking to Granin there is one of those Zone of the Enders robots (apparently named JEHUTY). In addition to that there are metal gear REX and RAY robots. - If you save & quit during the fight with The End, when you reload you will get a cutscene of The End sneaking up on Snake and knocking him out. - Also, if you do the same as above but wait over a week before reloading, you will see a cutscene of Snake sneaking up on The End only to find that he has died. - During the torture scene...as ocelot is leaving you with the boss, hold R1 and you can see the boss give him the little hand movement that ocelot always does. - During the torture cutscene when the boss gets in your face, hold R1 to see The Sorrow holding a sign that says "144.75" which, when used in the cell unlocks the door (don't use it while the guard is standing there) - When you are in jail, if you throw the food back to the guard through the little hole he will eat it, then after three times there is a cutscene and another chance to see the door opening frequency. - When you get out of the water after you beat the sorrow, press R1 during the cutscene and move all the way to the upper right to see The Sorrow. - If you don't remove the transmitter after the torture scene, you get a bonus funny cutscene with Eva in the cave. - After the Shagohod battle (after the lightning bolt) hold R1 and you'll see the Sorrow, I think we are supposed to assume he brought the storm. - Press R1 after beating the Boss to see her standing there with the Sorrow. - Press R1 while the president puts out his hand in the final scene, look to the left and Ocelot is outside the window! - Also Press R1 when Big Boss is saluting The Boss's grave, his vison becomes blurry just like when you tear up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Title Screen and Intro Movie Extras --------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square, triangle at the first konami title thing you hear a sound like it's confirming a code [most likely just a nod at the old code, not unlocking anything] - When both of the Konami logos pop up at the beginning, insert the Konami code (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle). Now watch the intro credits before the menu. Instead of showing the game staff, it shows the credit staff (people who worked on the interactive credits). - Don't know if this was mentioned or not, but on the PS2 memory card browser screen the save for Snake's nightmare has the red flowers instead of white. - In the intro music thing (when you first turn on the game, while it is playing the "Snake eater" song) Press R1 to hear someone whisper "Snake Eater" Press the L3 button to have designs fall in front of the scene (planes, peace signs, etc.), Move the L3 button around to change the direction they fall in, and press the L3 button again to change the shape. - Don't know if this has been posted already, but if you've beaten the game, Big Boss will wear eyepatch on the title screen. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Hidden Radio frequencies --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three types of special frequencies: A. Radio frequencies, B. Fire Support frequencies C. Frequencies to Call Off Alert Note: At the moment we are uncertain whether you have to obtain these frequencies yourself before you use them. --------------------- 6-A Radio Frequencies --------------------- What it is: Music that heals your stamina when you listen to it the first time Frequencies: (See another FAQ) ----------------------------- 6-B Fire Support Frequencies ----------------------------- What it is: A barrage of 4 or 5 grenade time things fall from the sky. (One time use only) Frequencies: 146.14 148.17 143.20 148.98 140.22 147.82 144.28 145.80 (May have others) ------------------------------ Frequencies to Call Off Alert ------------------------------ What it is: It calls off the Alert mode (One time use) Frequencies: 143.72 145.31 147.79 (May have others) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Secret Tips, Tricks, and Random Fun --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Can Be Done Anytime -------------------- - Some soldiers will say "There are more of us up ahead" when you interrogate them, if you keep interrogating them (after the 3rd time I think) then they'll eventually reveal other soldier's locations on your survival viewer map. (This has been confirmed, but is fairly rare) - Sometimes when you interrogate gaurds they will give you passwords for Metal Gear ACID. - Equip the Handkerchief while in a normal camo (one that allows you to use CQC). Grab a guard with the circle button and Snake will use the handkerchief to knock him out while he is holding him. This does not take away from the ammo gauge for the handkerchief. - Equip the crocodile hat and peek your head out from around a corner while in crawling position, they get scared and run off. - You can plant TNT on the guard's back - You can press triangle when wearing the Scientist uniform and Snake will adjust his glasses. You can also press triangle when wearing the Major's uniform and he will salute. - You can light a guard on fire using the torch. This is difficult but possible. Use a Fake Death Pill, or Steath camo. All you have to do is crawl with the torch, and if someone touches it for a few seconds, they catch fire. - If you use the Knockout Handkerchief 3 times in a row, you'll knock yourself out. - Grab a soldier in a CQC hold and drag them until you're near an electric fence. Position the soldier in front of the fence and push him towards it (Analog + O). Watch him fry. - Take out a pistol and then your binoculars, focus in on a guard's head no matter how far away they are now quickly press L2 and R1. If you did it correctly your pistol will be pointing at the guard's head ready to kill them. This helps when you don't want to waste AK or X1 bullets on faraway guards. - Grab a soldier in a CQC hold and drag them into a quicksand. While you sink slowly, the soldier sinks like a rock! - Put soldiers to sleep and toss them into water. Watch as air bubbles comes out of their mouth and they drown in their sleep. - Sometimes when you are in a radio call you can scroll to the right while you are viewing pics and you can get the personal info about a character that you are talking AS WELL as the real name of the voice actor and some other info. - Equip the Fly camo and get close to guards to see them try to run from you. If you keep close enough, they won't even try to attack. - When you look at Snake in the X-ray viewer sometimes he'll do an animation that depends on how healthy he is at the moment. (For example: if you view the X-ray when Snake is heavily damaged, you'll see him fall, then an endless animation of him failing to get up.) - Press R1 in survival view and rotate the analog sticks for a while after that exit and Snake will puke. - You can actually punch guards, scientists, etc. in the crotch. Instant stun. - Knock a guard on the ground and point your gun at him, snake will say freeze and the guard wont get back up, he will just lay there. - Do not remove bullets or arrows using CURE and let them stay. They will stay there for the rest of the game. (You can bandage the wounds and they will heal quicker, despite the fact they still have the projectile in them) - Throwing poisonous snakes, or spiders, scorpions etc at guards, is a great "silent" way to kill them and save ammo! you can also go and get the food that you get when the guards kill the snakes! (which almost always happens). but I have noticed that while throwing a spider or scorpion at them, they cant see where the damage came from, leaving you free to capture the critter again. - There is a PSM, OPM, and TIPS AND TRICKS magazine in the game, and if you shoot them, you can see inside and it will look like whatever article the magazine did on mgs3 or mgs2. - If you blast a enemy with a automatic gun or something similar from point blank range in 1st person mode, you will get blood all over your eyes. - This is probably common knowledge too but if you're in a dark area and need stamina equip moss camo and the torch to re-up it. - Throw something yummy at the dogs and they'll eat it then fall asleep, giving you the chance to sneak right past them. - A soldier says that dogs are afraid of alligators. If you wear the gator mask, dogs will bark (barking alarms guards), but they won't attack at all! If there's one dog he'll only bark. If there are two or three of them, they will bark and follow you. ------------------ Location Specific ------------------ - During the swamp area after the warehouse ("Snake Eater" mission) where all the crocodiles are, you can throw any type of grenade inside a crocodile who has its mouth open. You can also throw food; even spoiled food. To do this more accurately just equip any thrown item and look at a crocodile in first person view. Be sure that it has its mouth open and look straight at it. Snake will automatically throw the object inside the crocodile's mouth. - After the shootout with the Ocelots and passing through the swamp full of crocodiles, you'll reach the area with the electric fences and claymore mines. I went to the path on the right (the one with the quicksand) and interrogated the guard patrolling that area. He said: "On an island in the Southern swamp... a bizarre crocodile" (This is simply referring to the crocodile cap) - In the compounds with helipads, If you destroy the Hinds parked there your trip up the mountain will be not be hampered by them. Flying platforms will take their places. (The is one on the helibase) - While moving through the forested area with all of the traps (I think it's Grainy Gorki South), look for a spiked log hanging from a tree near the northern exit. You should see a dead scientist who got impaled by the spikes, presumably trying to escape. - In either of the areas where you must dress up as a scientist, while dressed up as a scientist, equip the Crocodile Cap. The soldiers will stop you and remove it. - Put on the scientist's uniform before entering the Granin research facility, on the inside walls. Now, get spotted by a guard. They will think you are trying to escape and take you inside to the cells in the basement - In the library in the Research Lab (Not In Grozny Grad , the first building), there are two silent hill 3 paintings. - If you kill a guard in the Mountain area a Vulture will come down and start eating him. Later during The Sorrow fight you'll see a guard being hassled by a vulture. - On the mountain if you simply shoot the pilot of the helicopters (probably with a sniper) they will blow up. - When you are behind the ruins at the mountaintop and you can see the base down below you can shoot guards, and explode barrels in the base if you use the SVD; you can even trigger ALERT and get heli's coming after you. - I don't know how I did it but when I jumped off the cliff that looks down on grosny grad(sp) otacon yelled for the gameover. (?*? not confirmed) - Also, when you come across the flame thrower soldiers, shoot at the lower part of there pack for some fun. BOOM! - In the East Wing of Grozny Grad, where Raikov is there is a planter by the entrance. The plants in the planter may look familiar. Shoot them to get styptics, C.Med, and Disinfectant. - There's a Metal Gear Solid 2 poster with a picture of Raiden on the inside of the door of the locker that Raikov is put in. - The cell release frequency is also located in that cutscene with Sokolov before Volgin comes in. When it shows the chalkboard with the Metal Gear schematics, look in the top right-hand corner and 144.75 will be boxed in - Equip the Raikov mask after snake loses his eye. the right eye on the Raikov mask will be shut. - If you save while you're in the jail cell and start over, Snake will have a nightmare about vampires and you will play some sort of vampire slaying minigame. - If you puke while in the prison cell, the guard will open the door for you. - After escaping from the prison cell, in the room across the hall from the bathroom the bed has an issue of EGM with MGS3 on the cover. - When Johnny Sasaki (the prison guard) is in the bathroom, escape and go to the room at the bottom right of the hallway. It's locked. Knock on it, and Johnny will announce his presence with a "someone's in here!" - When you come to the top of the waterfalls inside the cave, the first rock you see looks like one of those head statues. - After the scene with EVA at the waterfall, if you go back outside, The End's parrot is sitting on a branch in the tree closest to the waterfall on the east side. I captured the end's parrot during the sniping battle, so this might have had something to do with it I haven't played through again to verify. Vaguely amusing conversation with Para-medic about it after you capture it. - When returning to the weapons lab to destroy the Shagohod, there is a truck in the northeast section. Climb into the back of it and equip box B. A guard will walk up and take you right to the main hanger with the Shagohod in it. - I'm back in Grazny Grad and I'm about to go back into the main hanger where the Shagohod is. In front of the main hangar some of the guards are ordering the others to "sprint" - do exercises I guess. I can hear them saying "Sprint!" And "Bastard!" And their shooting at the soldiers. Not to kill but to make them run. I guess out of punishment or something. - During the motorcycle chase scene if you wear the COLD WAR camo Snake and potentially another voice can be heard repeatedly saying "Damn it". ---------------------- Armory/Resource Sheds ---------------------- Throughout the game there are Armories and Resource Sheds. If you find one and blow it up with TNT, in will affect the guards in surrounding areas. - What the Armory/Resource Sheds look like: Basically they are a small room, and when you enter them there will be several boxes inside. - How to destroy them: Go inside (I always put my back against a box) and set some TNT. Get out of there, and blow it up! - What they do: Blowing up Armory: Guards sometimes run out of ammo Blowing up Resource Shed: Guards will be complaining about being hungry. (They are easily baited by food) - You can also destroy Communications rooms with TNT too and the guards will have trouble reporting "Alert!". This way while on Alert, Evasion and Caution you'll have to face less guards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Glitches/Goofs/Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you kill yourself with the F. Death Pill at the warehouse area where you can snipe The End and don't move from that spot you started out from, sometimes your body collapses in a way where Snake's legs stick out of the water. - During the fight with The Sorrow, call EVA and there was a conversation. She, for some reason, wants to know what a Calorie Mate tastes like! I can't figure out how this conversation slipped into the "Game Over" screams, but it was pretty funny. I would consider this a glitch because Snake actually talks back to her saying, "Geishas in Japan use Calorie Mates for dieting all the time!", etc. - After your battle with the Shagohod, Snake takes down the RPG scope from his EYEPATCHED eye. (It's worth noting that there is no other way to hold the rocket launcher) - I was playing the demo, I was at the bridge area and eliminated every soldier but one, and that one I was torturing. There is a part of the bridge where there is land on three sides and water on the Northeastern-ish side. I threw the soldier over that part of the bridge, and his upper area landed on the ground, and his legs were hanging off of the cliff. Instead of being knocked out, he was dead! My theory is the game thought he fell into the river... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Secret Items --------------------------------------------------------------------- Item: Monkey Mask How to get it: Beat all of the missions on Snake vs Ape Item: Banana Suit How to get it: Beat the best time on all of the missions on Snake vs Ape --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Easter Eggs and References --------------------------------------------------------------------- - When Snake says in the beginning "Can you hear me, Major Tom?" it's one of the lyrics from David Bowie "Space oddity" - Ocelot says "I've been waiting for this!" in the cutscene in the sewers kinda like Liquid in SoL..... just without the cool accent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Special Radio Conversations --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Call Paramedic to get biographies of your animals and they usually are very funny. - Every time you save the game and keep playing, Para-Medic will say something about a movie. One of them is about this giant plant-like thing that clones humans. BB will act all surprised when Para-Medic explains to him what clones are, and that someday the genes of soldiers like BB will be a hot commodity. BB dismisses it as a silly idea, and Para-Medic tells him that it's very possible with technology. Obviously a connection to his sons. - In a save conversation with Para-medic, she will start talking about a movie with a giant ant. She says something about radioactivity to snake and how if he was huge, he would have no hiding places. Snake says "Just like a Gurgulon(sp?)" A reference to Substance. (?*? not clear on what this is) - Call SIGNT about the Life medicine. - If you choose "I like MGS2" at the beginning, after the whole Jack thing, put the Raidenovich mask back on and call Major Tom. - After you beat the game equip the Tux you get and radio the boss. She will get pissed and say that you need to change your cloths. While Snake just says "I look good don't I?" - Call SIGNT with the patriot equipped, you get some pretty amusing dialogue. - After you contact Sokolov (VM), Snake will call the Major, and the Major will ask about the sentries. There are 3 answers I have seen: - "No one saw me" if no one sees you - "I got past them" I think this happens if they notice you - "I had to kill them, there was no other choice" when you kill some of them. - Equip the crocodile cap and call Major Zero. - Call SIGNT with Zombie paint on, he and Paramedic will argue about the face paint. - Call Para-Medic while in the Raidenovich Mask and General Camo. She won't recognize Snake at first, and they have a mildly amusing conversation. (?*? Might not be true) - Collect a Spatsa mushroom and call Para-Medic. After the conversation, eat the Spatsa mushroom (it causes you to fall asleep). After you wake up, call Para-Medic back. - Collect a Ural luminescent mushroom. There are plenty around Svyatogornyi West. Anyway, collect one then call Para-Medic. She will mention that they should taste good. Eat the mushroom and Snake will yell out "Dammit Para-Medic! It's poisonous!" Call Para-Medic back and Snake will get mad at her. - Capture a coral snake alive, and call Para-Medic. When she is telling Snake about the coral snake he will start to nod his head and gradually fall asleep. - After catching a Tsuchinoko (it's in the area where you fought The Fear) call Para-Medic. The whole team will congratulate Snake and tell him not to eat it. - Collect a Russian Glowcap, and call Para-Medic. Eat the Russian Glowcap and call Para-Medic again. It's similar to the Pentazimine conversation between Otacon and Snake on the tanker in MGS2. - Put on a cardboard box and call SIGNT. BEST CALL EVER! - Call SIGNT with ANY of the wacky or not normal stuff (AKA boss camos, GA-KO camo, naked, etc.) You will get humorous responses - The animal, fly, mummy and banana camos are all from a contest that Konami made sometime ago. SIGNT won't comment about those. - Call anybody (particularly SIGNT) after snake's nightmare, and you will get humorous responses. - Call your friends on the radio during the Sorrow's "boss fight." They will all respond as if you were already dead. - Call Eva heaps after the Ocelot fight for an interesting background story on Ocelot and his relationship with the boss. - Shoot EVA, and call anybody and they'll give you a hard time. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Things people keep insisting are secrets, but really aren't --------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you let you stamina drop below half you will hear Snake's stomach growl. - like all of the older mgs shoot the exclamation mark over a guard's head will stun them. - When in a tree, press triangle to hang from the branch, you can now shoot a handgun in style. - If you push on the right analog stick while using first person mode with the SAA equipped you will twirl it around on your finger. - Use a book and a soldier will immediately be attracted to it. From there on you can basically walk right in front of him and he will do nothing. Also look at his movements. - There are lots of Asian woman posters on the walls through the game. - When you have Snake and Eva in the x-ray view screen, L1 will cause the x-ray to close in from top and bottom, and L2 will cause it to open back up. - If you press X when going into deep water, you will dive in, instead of just jumping in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Conclusion and Thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to thank everybody on the ***Secrets and Easter Eggs Topic***, and not just the people who submitted Secrets and Easter Eggs, but also the hard working people who kept that topic bumped long after everybody else had given up on it, you are true Patriots! Special thanks to those who contributed secrets: aford70, alan1234. AlliterationMan, alter ego715, Anubis14, Berserker93, Blacker Omegalon, Bleeeh, Cepebpo, Cerealracerzx, ChaiThai, ChronoCulex, chronoszero, cparker1980 (gs), cubsfan04, cupanther, dancingspaz, Danfu (gs), Dark Zero, dc0079, DieHardGame Fan, DoctorChrono, Drakulakun, eolsunder, EvilDeadite, false 0 martyr, fat879, FFTRamza, flight33, Fosson, Fox Hound, gabberknight, gavinwys (gs), GeneraI Shadow, Goldsickle, gunner406 (gs), Hardyz001, hudznotthugzkidz, icecreamphoenix, IXI Jacques IXI, James Mason, Japoshi, JustAnOrdinaryPanda, Keyblade Master, King, KrazieKobold, KujaBeoulve, labouts, lastfirstborn, liquidmoebius, liquidsnake_28, Lookinsouth5, Lord Helcaraxe, lord mobby, Lord Omega Yagami, M3551aH, MadClock, Magusman, MalayGamer, Marstead, Master Solid Snake, Matt88256, Maximum Overdrive, Me (Joe40001), METALGEARSOLIDFAN, metalhawk18 (gs), MGSandREfan, Mickey2000, mikeburnfire, millerz3rd, mithrildragn, Mr Bogard, Nando The RPS King, napalm monkey, Ninja Kinshu, nitemare74, OmegaFlare18, PaleUmbra (gs), Phat Matt, Poi_159 (gs), putnamehere3145, r 0 n, RE4penguin, Redlimit, RedShadow120, reverence26, Revolver Ocelot X, Ryu Cloud, SeaMen, sergetrigger, Shinba, ShockleyHaynes, Silent Ice, Slade Griffins, slasher laser, SlavetotheMedia, sleeplessdreamer, snake_5036, SolidilosSnake, SolidSnake753, SonOfPissboy, SSJ3Brian, SteveyDM07 supernothing, The_Precursor, thegagak, theguyfrommars, thico_, tri sapphire, Twelve Motion, Typhlosion2002, Ultimacy Gamer Une_Calestetta, Vadek, valkyre13, Vdg X, vegeta2015, vurt23 (gs) wArSoLdIeR, WeSKeR04, XCrusaderX,YouHaveNoPoint (gs), zerovirus0077, zimman78, zkilla, Zombie Kruncher Also thanks to Berserker93, for helping me with ideas for categorys for this FAQ. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Copyrights, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide belongs to Joe40001 (alias), Copyright 2004. Metal Gear Solid 3 and all affiliated characters and material belong to Konami, copyright 2004. If you would like to use this FAQ on your site, please contact me at: Joe40001@hotmail.com If you would like to complement me on how badass of a FAQ I made contact me at: Joe40001_Makes_Badass_FAQS@hotmail.com (Doesn't actually exist)