METAL GEAR SOLID - FAQ/WALKTHROUGH ********************************** __________________________________ | Created by Wayalla (Aaron Baker) | | Email me at| | Version 1.0 of document, 6/7/03 | | Game: Metal Gear Solid System: PS| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Complete Walkthrough 1. Controls 2. Tips and Tactics 3. Weapons 4. Items 5. Enemies 6. Walkthrough 7. Boss Guide 8. Ascii Maps 9. Special 10. Secrets 11. Vr Missions 12. Rankings 13. Ending ======================================================================= =============================== CONTROLS ============================== ======================================================================= X - Sneak - Crouch SQAURE - Strange enemy - Shoot weapon - Toss enemy CIRCLE - Action - Punch and kick TRIANLGE - First persom view R1 - Quick equip weapon L1 - Quick Equip Item R2 - Equip Weapon L2 - Equip Item SELECT - Codec START - Pause ======================================================================== ======================== TIPS AND TACTICS ============================ ======================================================================= I have put this all the way up here because I think that it is more important than things like enemies, weapons and items. This section will tell you how to saty alive a fight, how to use stealth, and any other thing that can help you along the way in the game. Here are some tips and tactics. If you have anymore, please fell free to contact me. KILLING THE ENEMY There are plenty of ways that you can kill an enemy. If you have no weapon, the easiest is to go up behind the enemy and continuously press the square button to strange them. STEALTH To not be seen, just run around and stay out of the sights of the enemy. Use the radar to see where the enemy is, and then sneak easily past. CAMERAS If camera's see you, there will be an Alert mode, so you don't want them to see you. Move past a cmaera when it isn't looking at you. Also directly below a camera is a blind spot. SILENT KILL When killing, kill silently. You don't want to be seen by anyone, so use the silencer on the socom to kill and not be heard by anyone, so you crate no fuss. AMMO SAVING Save some ammo. Like, when you get the Stinger missile, don't waste them all firing up in the communications tower, you might need the ammo for something else. OFF ALERT If you are seen by an enemy and are close to another level or part where the game has to load, then go through it and when you come out the guards wont be alerted anymore. ALERT MODE When an enemy does see you, we, he will call for backup. Either hide, or shoot the enemy. The best thing to do is to run and hide. Do that and wait for the alert to go down to 0. HUMAN SHIELDS You can use human shields. To take a himan shiel, go up to the back of an enemy, and press the sqaure button to get your hands around his kneck. Then, drag him away. COMBAT ATTACKS Pressing the circle button will do a two punch, one kick combo. Running into the enemy while pressing square will throw the enemy over your shoulder, and behind the enemy presing square will strage the enemy. KNOCKING You can knock against a wall to create a diversion. Press against a wall then press the circle button to knock on it. This canbe used to lead enemies into traps and stuff. ======================================================================== ======================== WEAPONS ===================================== ======================================================================= NAME: What the name of the weapon is (Eg, Chaff, PSG1) WEAPON TYPE: A Grenade, Sniper, Missile, or normal Shooting MAXIMUM AMMO: What is the Max amount of ammo you can have FIRST LOCATED: Where you can first get this weapon FACTS/TIPS Any interesting facts about the weapon How to use the the weapon effectively - - - NAME: Socom WEAPON TYPE: A nomral shooting weapon, a Pistol MAXIMUM AMMO: 217 FIRST LOCATED: In the Helipad area, there is a truck near a guard, jump in the truck and in the truck will be the Socom. FACTS/TIPS • The first part of Socom stands for Special Operations Command Pistol. • It can come with a silencer, which is good for stealth. Get it from next to the room that opens near the canyon in the Tank hangar. • Make sure that you always have a full clip when battling enemies, because if you have to reload after you shoot an enemy two times, they will see you. - - - NAME: Chaff WEAPON TYPE: Grenade MAXIMUM AMMO: 27 FIRST LOCATED: When you are at the Helipad, move through when the searchlights are not on you and in the middle is the Chaff grenades. FACTS/TIPS: • The Chaff can disable any eletonics so that they don't work. • When you see a camera and don't want to be seen, then use this, wait to it explodes then run through unseen. • The Chaff grenade is a very useful weapon, and you will need it for afew boss battles. - - - NAME: Grenade WEAPON TYPE: Grenade, Duh MAXIMUM AMMO: 36 FIRST LOCATED: In the Armoury, you only need to get the Level 1 keycard from the Darpa chief, and you can unlock the grenade room with the grenades inside. FACTS/TIPS: • The grenade is a famous weapon throughout the world, used in just about every single shooting or action game. • If you see a whole bunch of enemies (like 4 or something) then throw a grenade in amoungst them. Wait for it to explode and all of them will die. • The grenade isn't really used much throughout the game, only for one boss battle is all you will really need it for. • If you are looking to use stealth, then using a grenade isn't the way to go. Once the grenade explodes, then it will come up with alert, but if you are hiding and no guarda are around, you wont be caught. - - - NAME: Stun Grenade WEAPON TYPE: Pretty Obvious, Grenade MAXIMUM AMMO: 27 FIRST LOCATED: You can find this in the room with the security camera in the Helipad. Throw a chaff in the room then run in and grab it. FACTS/TIPS: • The Stun Grenade is not designed to kill people, it will only stun people. • only use this weapon when you don't have any grenades yet, which will be in the tank hagar/helipad, or you run out of grenades. • Once the grenade explodes, you wont be able to see for awhile, because of the flash. • Snake is not affected by the explosion of the stun greande, so your fine. - - - NAME: Famas WEAPON TYPE: Normal Shooting, Machinegun MAXIMUM AMMO: 451 FIRST LOCATED: You will get a level 2 card from Baker, run out back into the armoury and go to the bottom right room and open the door. Crawl under the lasers and grab the Famas. FACTS/TIPS: • The Famas is the best shooting weapon in the game, it sure beats the PSG1 and the Socom. • Because of the rapid fire, it can kill an enemy really quick, which also makes it really easy for killing alot of enemies very quickly. • Save all of your ammo for the Communications Tower accent, you will need all the bullets you can get for that accent, so save them. • The last 5 or so bullets from the famas are laser like bullets. They look really cool. - - - NAME: Nikita WEAPON TYPE: Missile Launcher MAXIMUM AMMO: Unsure FIRST LOCATED: You need this to disable the power grid. Get it from the B1 floor in the Nuke Building. Open the door and inisde will be other rooms. Check around these rooms and open them to get the Nikita Missile Launcher. FACTS/TIPS: • The Nikita missile launcher can be controlled by you. Thats pretty cool. Fire a bullet, then use the directional button to move it around. • You can go into first person view from the missile. To do this, hold down the triangle button. This can be used for better aiming. • The missile can be destroyed by camera, so watch out for that. • Sometimes the nikita missile will not make it too far. You can make it go farther by getting a speed up. To get a speed up, don't touch the aiming for afew seconds and it will speed up until you adjust the aiming again. • Unequipping the Nikita while you have a missile out will destroy the missile. use this to your advantage by exploding it in the middle of a pack, instead of hitting the enemy full on. - - - NAME: PSG1 WEAPON TYPE: Sniper Rifle MAXIMUM AMMO: 36 FIRST LOCATED: After Meryl gets hit, you need to go all the way back to the Armoury in B2. Once in the armoury, go to the Sniper Rifle room and crawl under the lasers. FACTS/TIPS: • As soon as you equip the sniper rifle, you will automatically be put on the ground, so you don't need to duck yourself to use it. It can only be used while on the ground. • The PSG1 is an automatic Sniper Rifle, so you can fire 5 shots as quick as a mchinegun, but then you have to reload. So, you don't have to reload after every bullet. • When you have the Sniper Rifle equipped, you will shake alot. To stop this shaking, you eiher need to take a Diazepam, or get your Cgarettes out. If you don't have any of the Dizepam, then use the cigarettes. - - - NAME: Stinger WEAPON TYPE: Missile Launcher MAXIMUM AMMO: 35 FIRST LOCATED: After you go down the wall, kill the guards at the end then run into the building while you are being chased by the helecopter and in there will be the Stinger Missile Launcher. FACTS/TIPS: • You cannot move while you have the Sintger Missile Launcher out. If you want to move, then unequip it, and get into another position then equip it. • The Missile you shoot does not explode if you unequip the Launcher when the missile is out. It will still stay locked on to the target, and hit. This is good if you need to hide, and can't wait for the missile to hit it's target. • Always get a lock on to your target before you decide to shoot. If you shoot with no lockon, then it will just be a waste of ammo. - - - NAME: C4 WEAPON TYPE: Esplosive MAXIMUM AMMO: 16 FIRST LOCATED: Grab the Level 1 Keycard from the Darpa chief, then go to the Armoury, open the door to the C4 and collect it. FACTS/TIPS: • C4 can blow up walls that are pretty weak. Well, only about 5 walls in the hole game can be blown up by C4, all in the armoury. • You can place a lot of C4's on the ground, like 5 or something, then you can set them off all at the one time, so you can kill many enemies at once. Cool. • You can place the C4 actually on enemy backs or on the wall. Just press up againt it, and place it. Then you can explode it at any time. Fun to watch. ======================================================================== ======================= ITEMS ======================================== ======================================================================= LEVEL CARD These things open doors for you. You would be nowhere without it. If you want a door to open, then approach the door with this equipped to you, and the door will open. If it doesn't open, chance are that you need a higher up keycard. Come back to the door when you have got it. These are gotten from all over the place, all from set places in the storyline, mostly from bosses or people near bosses. You will need this to progress through the game. MINESWEEPER Mines, mines, mines. If you thinkt hat there are mines around, use this to detect them. If you were right, you can see the mines in your radar and tell which way they are pointing. Don't touch those mines. If your radar isn't working because it's jammed or you don't have it on because you are playing in hard or Extreme mode, then you will not be able to use the Minesweeper. CIGARETTES These actually have quite afew uses apart from Snake using them to reduce his health. One thing you can use these for is to see if there is any lasers around. The smake from the Cigarettes will blow over to the lasers so that you can see them, and crawl under them. The next use is that you can actually use them to calm your nevers down when using the PSG1. SCOPE Yeah, this is used to see things in first person view that are far away. You can zoom in on the scope by pressing the circle button to zoom in and the X button to zoom back out to the normal position. You cna use this to look at things very up close, or see if there are any enemies up farther. CARDBOARD BOXES Use them for two things. The first is all about stealth. What you can do is hide in a cardboard box, and walk around. When an enemy is coming, stay still and the enemy will just see a box and think nothing of it. The next thing you can use these for is transportation. Equip the box that says where you want to go, then stay in the truck and a guard will transport you to that area. Pretty nifty. NIGHT VISION GOGGLES Sometimes things are very hard to see, especially when it is dark. These are used so that you can see what is going on around you all in light. These things look really bright when you use them in the light, but when in the dark, it will look just fine. Use them to create some light in the dark. THERMAL GOGGLES These things are abit like the Night Vision Goggles above. They once again show some more light if you are in the dark. A nifty feature about the Thermal Goggles in that all enemies and including yourself are in Thermal Imaging, and you can also see mines on the ground, so if you don't have a minesweeper, use this. Also it can see things like lasers. GAS MASK Gas, all around. When you are on the B2 level of the Nuke Building, there is gas all around this section. Put the gas mask on and the gas mask will reduce you breathing in any gas. Some will still get through, but only a tiny little bit. It stops about 3/4 of gas getting through. Very nifty for places with gas. BODY ARMOUR Ahh, Snakes hit. When you have the Body Armour on, it will reduce the damage that snake takes. It is like a bulletproff vest, but not exactly bulletproof. You can last for ages with this thing on. Very useful indeed, and you should wear it for all battles, especially the ending ones. CAMERA Snakes no Photgrapher, but he does like to keep shots of the work he has done. Using the camera, you can take picutres of things and save them to your memory card. You can take a picture of just about anything in the game if you want to. You get the camera from the Armoury after the torture. You can also zoom in and out on the cmaera, and once you take the pitcure you can give it a name, edit the colour and things like that. RATION Another thing that you will defently need. Ration is a food and it is known to give your health back. Hold the menu open, and press the circle button to use. Your healthw ill usually be reduced to the fullest that it can be. Rations can be found everywhere in the game, so collect them all. Some even reappear as well. DIAZEPAM Stomps the Trembling. It actualyy a pill. To take it, hold open the menu and then press the circle button to use it. The only time that you will need to use this is when using the Sniper Rifle. The pill kicks into affect straight away. If you for some reason run out of these Pills, then use the cigarettes. KETCHUP Food, yum. Now, this is no something like a ration, it does not increase your health. The only time you get this is from Otacon when you are in the cell. While int eh Cell, Otacon will approach the door and he will give you this. You must use this to escape. Lay on the ground and use it, and it looks like blood. HANKEY This actually does not cure that cold that you have. Instead, this is really a secret item. The only thing that it will be used for it to get past the wolfs. Because Sniper Wolf loves her animals, the Hankey has her scent on it, so they think that you are Sniper Wofl, so they do not maul you. You give it back to her after a battle anyway. ======================================================================== ====================== ENEMIES ======================================= ======================================================================= GUARDS ****** These are those stupid Genome Coldiers. They walk around normally, and carry what look like a Famas. They can be killed any way you like. Shoot them, strangle them, do whatever to kill them. Experiment with killing them also, for example, try snipering an enemy's head clean off or something. These guys are easy to kill. BOSSES ****** They are like super guards. They all are special people from FoxHound that you have to beat. Some bosses include Sniper Wolf, Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot. All have a special way that you can kill them. Check the boss guide for more information. CAMERA ****** Cameras spot you. These are those normal camera, they don't shoot, so they don't really attack. Camera's spot you, then tell everyone your location. To get past a camer, you have to move when it isn't looking at you. Also, directly below a cmaera is a blind spot. GUN CAMERA ********** These things can be annoying. They shoot at you when they see you instead of aleeting other guard, which I guess can be good. Avoid them if you can, because those bullets will take down your health. ======================================================================== ===================== WALKTHROUGH ==================================== ======================================================================= DOCK ==== Lets finally start playing Metal Gear Solid after all of the movies before the game. So once you are ready for some action, skip the movies, or watch them and then you will be put on the docks. Watch as Liquid snake goes up the elevator and tells his men to watch out for you, as you will definitely be coming through here. As the game starts, run backwards and go down the steps. Move to the left while in the water and go behind the barrel. Behind the barrel will be a ration that you will need. Explore around in the water some more if you want, but watch out that you oxygen gauge doesn't reach empty, otherwise you will start to lose health. Run back up to the stairs where you come into the water. When you are up, head to your left and press the cross button to crawl. Crawl under the pipe here. Using your radar, you will be able to see two enemies. One is up from you, and the other is to the right. Head to the right, avoid the puddles, so don't go over them. Run up behind the back of the enemy. Make sure he doesn't turn around. Stop still then press the square button and rapidly press it to strangle the enemy. Do the same choking technique to the next enemy. Instead of heading forward, it will be best if you go backwards (according to the screen) and go near the water and collect another ration. That will make 2 out of 2 rations. Then run up to where the elevator is, and you will get a codec call. The codec call will just be about how you have to wait for the elevator to come down before you can ride it up, so you will need to hide somewhere. Just hide anywhere, well actually try and explore the dock, even though there really isn't anything really here, you need to do something while you are waiting for the elevator to come down. When it does come down, you will notice that is has an enemy on board. Wait until this enemy isn't looking your way, and then choke the guard to death. If you are seen, do not try and hide. Instead, kill the enemy because he is the only enemy left in the dock area. You cannot ride the elevator if you are seen, you will have to wait until all of the guards are back to there positions before you can go up in the elevator. Once in the elevator, it will take you up and you have completed the first level. Cool. A Cut-scene kicks in, showing snake getting rid of his swimming equipment and going up the elevator. HELIPAD ======= The movie to open this level is pretty huge. Lets just take you through the basics of it. Liquid goes up in a Hind D because of what happened with the diversion. Because of the distraction from the Hind D, you can sneak unnoticed. You will then be shown how to use your radar, and where the entrances to the Tank hangar are. Listen to the bit about the radar if you want to, then finally we can get on with playing the actual level. Run around the crate, and you will see searchlights on the helipad, making it impossible to go through the helipad section without being seen by those searchlights. Instead, go to the right, to where the snow is. Now, on your left will then be an opening to the helipad. You can actually make it across here between the two searchlights if you are really lucky, so do that, grab the chaff grenades while you are in the middle, and continue running across to the other side. If you want, you can grab some stun grenades. What you do is keep going over to the left, and into a room. Snake will then spot a surveillance camera. What you should do here if you want to get the stun grenades is to throw a chaff grenade in the room with the camera in it. Once it explodes, run and quickly get the stun grenades then get out of there. Run up forward and you will see a truck. First of all, kill the guard who is roaming around the outside of the truck. Strange the back of his neck, and continue doing that and he will die. Run towards the truck and snake will automatically get in the truck. No, he cannot drive it, but he does get in the back. Run in, and grab the socom pistol from in there. You now have a weapon, but don't use it yet. It doesn't have a silencer, and you will be seen if you use it just now. So, use the strange move. Hop out of the truck. There are plenty of ways that you can get into the tank hangar. But, I will teach you an easy way, only involving one guard and one camera. Run to the left, and go into first person view. If you haven't been seen here, the guard will be sleeping and the camera will be looking around. What you should attempt to do is distract that guard away from his position, or just avoid him altogether. Once you are in the little vent, then you don't have to even worry about getting shot, in fact, once you get into the vents, the alert will go away. If you want to distract the guard, then knock on a crate, then run to a next crate or wall and knock on it. Then, while he is at the second crate, away from his position, you can then sneak in and to the vents. Easy. TANK HANGAR =========== While in the vents, crawl around the corner near where the mice are. You will get a codec call from Miller. Listen to it, or skip it, whatever. Crawl down into the water. Snakes oxygen gauge will once again come up. Don't worry about it. Keep on moving forward past the water. Follow the mice around the next two corners and come out where the hole in the vent is. When you are out of the vent, you will then see two guards walking around the tanks. They do come where you are, so go to the bottom out of the way. You can strange and kill these guards if you want, or you can leave them. They will come back if you go into a different level. Head to the left at the bottom section, then stick to the wall. Run up the stairs, and stick to the wall and watch out for the camera. Make sure you only head on the walkway when the camera is pointing a different direction. Walk around and into the open room. Wait to the camera is pointing in the corner, then go underneath it. Wait here, and when the camera isn't looking, grab the Thermal Goggles and run back out. Run back down the stairs to the bottom, and kill the two guars. You will most likely now have to kill these guards now; otherwise they will see you getting in the elevator. So, press the button then wait for the elevator to come. Once in it, press the button that says "B1", which stands for Basement 1. This is where the Darpa Chief is. Wait for the elevator to go down there. B1 CELL ======= This is where you get to Rescue the Darpa chief, and have your first real fight. This room is more accessed late on in the game, so for now not much here is open. Head down, and to the right at the corner. Go to the ladder, and press the circle button to climb up the ladder. You are now in the vents. Head to the left then go forward and turn left at the end also. If you look down the first hole, you will see Meryl. Continue up, and down the second hold will be the Darpa chief. You will go down into the cell, and the Chief will tell you all he knows about Metal gear, and all that other sort of crap that goes along with the movies. But, at the end, it suddenly takes a big twist. The Darpa Chief then has what looks like a "Heart Attack" and suddenly dies on you, and you can't get any more information. No one really knows what happened. After that happens, you will be stuck in your cell for a while. You can peek through the slit in the door and see what is going on outside if you want, but there is only a guard trying to ambush you and a naked guard because someone stole their clothes. Finally, the cell will open, and you can get out. As soon as you get out of the cell, you will see a naked guard on the floor, and another guard will ambush you from behind and yell, "Freeze." She thinks that you killed the Darpa Chief, which of course you really didn't do. Guards storm in on the place, and you must fight all of these guards off with the help of the "Rookie" guard who is too terrified to even shoot a gun. Here comes the battle. You must fight off this first lot of enemies, because the guard is too scared. Just keep on shooting them with your socom bullets. Keep firing. Ammo and rations will be found next to the door that the guards will drop when you shoot them. Get them, and then quickly run back. If you think you are running low on health and you have used all of your rations, then hide behind Meryl (yeah, now you are scare) and let her get shot, because she really can't die, well, she can resist alot of damage. When the grenades come in, head forward near the door, and the explosion will only affect the guard. The combination between her and you shooting will get rid of the enemies, and you will be free, for now. Another Cut-Scene will then show the guard running away, then, in a turn of events (just what this game has about 1 million of them) Meryl will then start shooting at you. Also, Liquid and the team will be in a room. You wont understand what happens here until later in the game. Psycho Mantis then appears, and goes away after saying a few words. Once out, you can equip your level 2 card then go back into those rooms and there are a few goodies hidden in the cells and next to the desk. Also there is kind of a secret cell on the right with some socom bullets. Once you have explored the places (one door wont be opened until later in the game) then return to the elevator and press the button. Go in the elevator and press the "B2" button. B2 ARMOURY ========== There is alot of rooms in the armoury, but only a few of these rooms are actually open to you at the start, when you have only got the level 1 key card. So, go around and look on the door to see if the room you want to open supports your level 1 key card. If it does, you can go in the room and grab some supplies. Here is a picture of the armoury to the left. The E stands for elevator. Top left: Level 5 key card, PSG1 ______E______ Top Middle: C4, Key card 1 GET IT | _ _ _ | Top Right: Level 3 Key card, Nikita | |_| |_| |_| | Bottom left: Grenades, Key card 1 GET IT | _ _ _ | Bottom middle: Bullets, open already | |_| |_| |_| | Bottom right: Famas, Key card level 2 | ____________| So what you will need to do is grab yourself all of ¯ the supplies that are found throughout the armoury. Equip your stuff to the fullest. What you now have to do is get the C4. In the bottom left hand corner of the map, the wall will be a different colour. With your C4, run to the wall and place a C4 explosive on the wall. Stand back and then press the circle button to detonate it. Make sure you are out of the way, so you don't get the aftermath of the explosion. Go through the blown apart wall, and blow up the next wall. The radar will then jam, and you can't see what is going on around here. Don't worry; there aren't any human enemies, only a few shooting cameras here. When you blow up the next wall to the north of you, you will see Baker and Ocelot will then Appear. Now, here comes the boss battle. Here comes the battle. Revolver will move around alot in this level. This can be quite a hard boss battle. What you need to do is to avoid his bullets, and shoot him with your bullets. That sounds pretty easy really. But, there is a few more catches. If you go through the centre of the room, then C4 will blow up along with Revolver Ocelot, Baker (<- Hey, that guy has the same last name as me) and yourself, so you don't want to touch that trip wire at all. So, trip wire = bad. Also, Baker has health. He is being tortured, and you cannot let his health get down to nothing. Run around with your gun out pointing, and press and hold the cross button to run with it. When you see Revolver, shoot him. Sometimes you can get him when he is across the room, but other times it either hits baker or it completely misses him because he is too fast. You also need to be fast to dodge his bullets, so you have to keep on moving also. Run around, shoot, collect ammo. Use the lock on targeting and you can get a good shot on ocelot. When he is hit, he will become invincible for a second, and will usually fire back at you. The main time you will attack him is when he is reloading. So, when he has wasted all 6 bullets that you can see in the top left hand corner, then shoot him and run away and doge his bullet. Just continue to fire bullets at him, dodge his, and collect the ammo around the outside. When you get his health down to pretty much nothing, then the boss battle is over. Baker can actually handle alot of damage, but be sure not to shoot him. Watch the cool movie seen afterwards, which will show the Ninja chopping off Revolver Ocelot's arm. Pretty cool. Ocelot then runs away, along with the Skeleton guy. Ocelot yells, "We'll meet again." Baker will tell snake everything. He says that Psycho Mantis didn't read his mind because of the surgical implants. The Darpa chief has those implants, but Mantis got his code my "Reading his mind." This is really a mystery, but it will be revealed later on in the game, so you will wait and find out how Mantis really got the code. At the end of the movie, he forgets Meryl's code. Now, he says that it is on the back of the CD case. Watch the rest of the movie, and you will see that Baker will die at the end of it. Wow, weird, it will show that he died of a "Heart Attack" once again, but is that really true. Codec conversations again, listen to it or skip it. Oh wow, some more health. Run out of the room and to the right if you want some more supplies. You might still have some C4 left, if you do, then blow up that wall and collect those supplies, then return to the armoury. All the items will be replenished and there are now guards. Go around collecting more stuff, fill right up on weapons, and get the Famas and head back to the elevator. Be sure to crawl under the lasers when getting thr Famas, and strange the guards if you really want to and need to. Press the button on the elevator, get it in and take it to the top floor. Because this is a repeated area, it will have a "Dash" underline instead of the "Double Dash (Equal)" sign, just to show that it is a repeated area. Look around more in the B2 basement for hidden walls to get some Chaff Grenades that you will definitely need, and some normal grenades also. TANK HANGAR (2) ============== First, you will need to call Meryl. Find a pretty safe spot somewhere on the floor. Upstairs in a room, wherever. The Codec number that you have to ring (just in case you don't have the back cover, because you lost it or it is an *cough*illegalcopy*cough*. The Codec number you have to ring is 140.15. Ring that number, and the guard will come up that helped you to escape from the cell and ambushed you when you were in the cell with the Darpa Chief. So that guard was the Colonel's Daughter, but she didn't know that it was you. This Codec conversation is way long, you can sit there for about 15 minutes and listen to it all, or you can skip it and take about 1 minute, or more because of the long conversation. She will yack on like all women do. At the end, she will tell you that she is going to open a gate that will lead out into a canyon so that you can find Hal Emmerich to find out about metal gear. While you are waiting, go and explore all around the hangar. There are alot of things that can be obtained here, including a silencer, some more bullets and a cardboard box. Cool. Use the Level 2 card to open the doors. The room with the suppressor sometimes has a guard sleeping. If he is, strangle him. If he is awake, then use the socom. Another thing you may notice that is strange about the hangar is that there is a tank missing. You will find out why soon enough. Make sure that you grab the mine detector from the top also, and after awhile, Meryl will open up the gate with the lasers. Equip those thermal Goggles and go avoid the lasers and go to the end gate. Run through and into the canyon, which is the next level. If you touch a laser, gas will fill the room, and there is no way that you can escape, so you will probably die and need to restart. Remember to have those Thermal Goggles or the smokes out to see the lasers. CANYON ====== There is claymore on the grounds here. When you are out in the canyon, you will get a Codec call from someone named "Deepthroat." He will say that there are claymore mines around, which we of course already now that there is. Use your Thermal Goggles or the Mine Detector and crawl over the mines or avoid them. It is best to crawl over the mines, because then you get rid of them by picking them up. Go through the middle and you will hear the sound of a tank. Vulcan Raven controls it, and it is the tank that was in the Tank Hagar, but Vulcan Raven took it out to use against snake. Once that cut-scene is over, the health on the tank wont have appeared yet. Run and stick to the right to make it appear. The reason for going to the right is that you wont get shot with the big missile if you go this way. Now, move back quickly. What you need to do is to disable the guns primary fire, which is that big turret that fires out a bazooka. To disable it, throw a stun grenade. This will disable it for some times. While it is disabled, throw a grenade at where the gunners are. If you get it in the right spot, you will hurt the gunner. Repeat this a few times. If you run out of grenades or something, then there are some in the upper right corner, but you will most likely be shot. Watch out not to be shot by the bazooka, and avoid the machinegun fire. You can be run over also, but you shouldn't get that close to it. See the explosion, and a guard will fall out. Talking will go on, and you then get to play again. If you go back, there are mines, so be careful. NUKE BUILDING 1 =============== Ya, pretty cool, you get your equipment once again updated and you get all of your life back. Yes, what a great start. You are now in the Nuclear Warhead Storage building. First of all, head to the left and go along the walkway and grab a ration from there. Then run back down and to the gate. Crawl under it, and you will get a Codec call. It turns out that you cannot use any weapons in this next section, because if you do, you could accidentally hit the Nuclear Warheads that are being stored inside, and if you hit one, well, you get the idea. You are programmed in not to use them also. When you try to select a weapon, it comes up with "No Use." You can only use your Chaff grenades in here, but really for nothing. The main thing that you will want to use is the Cardboard box. You can hide in it and the enemy will just see a box and will walk past. Run all the way to the left using the cardboard box when an enemy is around to stay still. When an enemy isn't around, then quickly unequip the box and run to the left and run up the stairs. Quickly hit the button on the elevator and run in before the guard sees you. If he does notice you, or you think he is going to notice you, then quickly equip your cardboard box and stay still, make sure you are not in his way. Once you are in the elevator, press the "B1" button to take you to that floor. NUKE BUILDING B1 ================ This is where you first of all have to go in order to do what is required of you in B2. Look around using your Level 3 card and grab all of the gear that you can there are lots of stuff here that you can get, including what you need, which is the Nikita Stinger launcher. That is the main thing you want. Also kill a few guards and all that that you can see. Search around and get all of the goodies. Also, you can go in the men's restroom and shoot the guard taking a piss. Once you are ready, go back in the elevator and press "B2". NUKE BUILDING B2 ================ Use your Level 3 card to open the first door, and the next. A little cut-scene will then kick in. What it will show is the floor is electrified, and there is gas filling the room. The gas isn't really what you need to worry about, it is the floor. Look at the cut-scene and it will show you where the power to the floor is. It is all the way in another room. This is why you got the Nikita Missile Launcher from Nuke building B1. Use the Nikita Missile launcher and fire a bullet. Use the First person aiming system by holding down the triangle button and then aiming it. This is better than the stupid overhead camera view that you can only see where it is going to go about less than a metre in front of you. Shoot it down, then around the corner. Avoid the cameras and go through the doors. Get it to speed up by not moving it for a while, and at the end, hit what is controlling the power to the floor. After every shot you have with the Nikita, head back out to replenish the Oxygen supply; otherwise you will die if your not careful. Once you blow it up, there will be a big explosion and you can then walk on the floor. Just watch out for the cameras and the gas. Walk down, and into the first few rooms on your right. Get rhe gas mask also, you will need it. Then equip it, but be sure to quickly swap back to the Level 3 card when you need to. Also remember to go back for some constant oxygen so that you won't die. Go to where you blew up the machine and there is some more supplies there. When you have got all supplies, return to the start to get some oxygen and listen to my instructions. Now, keep heading down, and when you come to a T section, take the right of screen way. Avoid the camera and open the door. Once you are in here you are safe from any gas. You will hear a guard being slaughtered. Open the next door and then the next and a cut-scene will kick in. There will be dead guards everywhere. Snake will say that he thinks a blade cut them. Is snake next? Walk forward past all of the blood and around the corner will come another guard, and he will die thinking it is a ghost. Collect the bullets, and another cut-scene will kick in. A guard will be held above the ninjas head and die. He will then go in a room. Follow him around the corner, and into that room and it is a boss battle. LABS ==== In the room will be the ninja, wearing camoflague. Hal Emmerich will be they're wetting his pants. Snake comes in on the ninja and then they fight. To start off with, there is only one way you can fight the ninja. This is with your bare hands. When he first approaches you, press the circle button three times to perform a combo on him. This will take his health down abit. He will then talk to you. Always get the first hit on him, otherwise it can be leathful. Once you do two combos on him, he then puts his sword away, so you don't need to worry about that. If you use your weapon, he will then use his, but his will work, and yours wont. So, continue using the punch and kick combo. Find him, and then be the first to get the combo on him to take his health down. Once you hit him, he will become invincible for a few seconds, just like most bosses. In this time, run away, because when he is invincible, he can attack. Run and get some supplies or something. Once again, find him and hit him, as simple as that. Continue doing that for a while and he will then once again change his tactics. Watch out for his leg attacks also, they can hurt. He will then want you to try and find him, just like hide and seek. Go to a place where you can see a faint outline and punch and kick at that spot to take his health down. Another cut-scene will kick in saying that he has been waiting for this pain after you hit him about 5 times. He then gets abit tougher. He has a better reflex. When you approach him, press the circle button once. He will then go over your head, behind you. Quickly turn around then unleash a full combo on him. If you do a full combo when you first meet him, he will get behind you, and swipe you and hurt you, which you don't want. Do this for a while. After a few punches, he will then explode, almost. Run away from him at that stage when you think he is going to do it. He will be in a sonic bubble type thing. When he is in this bubble, you can then shoot him. So, do that, and he will move. Shoot him 4 times, and the battle is over, and once again it is a cut-scene showing that the Ninja is really Grey Fox, someone that was killed in Zanzibar. The Ninja then loses his mind due to the medicine then runs off. A big cut-scene will then kick in, watch it if you want, or not, just do whatever. Now, you get a health Refill and your total health increases. For fun, can you find the playstation in the Lab room, where you are? When you are done, and have the key card, walk back out of this area. NUKE BUILDING B2 (2) ==================== The two in brackets means that you have been here before, so this is the second time you are entering it. Okay, now explore around the place again because there were some doors that had Level 4 written on them when you had a level 3 card. Go to those level 4 rooms and get the supplies that lie within them. Once you have got all of the supplies that you need from around in this area, then head all the way back to the elevator. While you are in the elevator, then press the "B1" button and you will be taken to that level, where you can now continue on with the game. NIKE BUILDING B1 (2) ==================== Okay, what you are doing in here is trying to find Meryl. She is somewhere around this level. You must try and contact her when she is alone. There is only one place where you can be sure that she will be alone, and that is in the Women's Toilets. But she needs to recognise you first before she goes there. If you get the wrong person, then you are pretty much stuffed. Go into the big room across from the elevator. There are two guards in here, one is Meryl, the other is an enemy guard. Before hurting any guard, first go around the outside and open up the rooms using your Level 4 card. There are some goodies that are in rooms that are only accessed using the level 4 or higher card. So collect them first. Here is the way to see if the guard is Meryl. Punch the guard in the back. If you hear a women's scream, don't punch any longer. Run to where she goes, which is the Women's Toilets. Then you will get the cut- scene. If it is a male guard voice you hear, then continue to do the combo and knock him out. The cut-scene will show Meryl sneaking up on Snake, and then they talk about War, and how Meryl wanted to be a soldier, and the music sounds sad. Run out of the Women's Toilets and follow Meryl. Doesn't it sound strange? There is no music. That's pretty weird. Follow Meryl, and run to the left of screen then up into another little room where the music comes back. Meryl has health, so don't kill her, or the game is over. The music still sounds weird. Continue up into the next room, and Meryl will complain that her head hurts. Psycho Mantis is controlling her. He voice will change also. COMMANDER ROOM ============== This is a boss battle. When you first come into the room, if you hold down the triangle button, you can see through Psycho Mantis's eyes. Pretty cool huh. Walk around the room for a while, and a little cut- scene will then kick in. She will then act all weird all of a sudden and turn on you trying to kill you. You cannot kill her, remember, because she is innocent because Psycho Mantis is controlling her. That tune is his Mind Control music. When she tries to shoot you, use the punch and kick combo to knock her out, or throw her over your shoulder, which wont hurt her too much. While you are attacking her, you can see Psycho Mantis around her. You cannot attack him yet. Once she is unconscious, you get to fight Psycho Mantis now. He will first read your mind: This is what he reads: • He can read what you do on the controller • How careless you are • Skilled Warrior • Cautiousness • Weather you have saved alot or not • He then shakes your controller The firs one is the one that you need to overcome. He can read what you are doing on the controller, which I guess is kind of reading your mind. So, if you decide to shoot at him, or punch him, he can move out of the way so he doesn't get hit, because he knows what you are doing. There is a way to do this though. When the black Hideo screen comes up, then quickly plug your controller into controller port 2. Then start battling. I wonder what would happen if you had two controllers and battled with them both, hehe, that would be funny. Anyway, once that is done, he cannot read your controller anymore. Watch out for the camo ball he throws at you first of all. Use your thermal goggle to find him, and then shoot him. He will then get chairs and stuff and throw them around. Wait at the top and shoot him. He will then get these things off the wall to hit you over the head. Either crawl or get into your box to get rid of them. Continue to hit him in between attacks. Pictures will move from the top to the bottom. Stick to the left and right and you can dodge these pictures. Remember to continually shoot him. When he uses camo again, use your thermal goggle to see where he is, then shoot him before he gets you. After awhile, he will say "Why couldn't I read your mind" then go over to Meryl. Follow him over there, and shoot mantis and punch out Meryl. Once she is unconscious, another cut-scene will kick in, and Mantis will tell Meryl to blow her brains out. Quickly run up to her and punch her out again. Once this happens, Psycho mantis will no longer control Meryl. Use your Thermal Goggles for this next part, and when he is shown, shoot him. The rest of the attacks are the same ones as before. Just dodge them like you did before. Here comes a Big, long, cut-scene. You will ring up Campbell and speak abit. Then, you talk to Mantis about how you used the second controller, than he then tells you the secret exit, and takes his mask off and then dies. Now, your total health with then increase again, and you get your health back, but Meryl doesn't get hers back either, but her total health goes up. You will then be asked to plug the controller back into the first controller port, so do that before you do anything. Run through the secret passage; collect the ration and ammo supply by the stairs and head out the door. Use the key card to open it. CAVE ==== This place consists of alot of wolfs. They can be annoying, because you get mauled by them alot, and finding the way out of this place is actually quite hard. You will talk about dogs here, and Meryl will run off. First of all, head to the right and grab yourself some ammo for your socom and also get the ration there. There is a hole in the wall here, and you can see Meryl through it, but you cannot get through this hole, so don't even bother trying. If you try to use C4 to blow it open, then it will just be a waste of ammo. Something I didn't know when I first played through the games was that you could actually kill the wolfs. Crawl under the rock by the snow, and you will come out in an area with a few wolves walking around the place, looking for some fresh meat. Shoot three bullets into it and it will die. I know you may think it is mean to kill an animal, but I beat you would think the opposite if it was going to chew you into bits and pieces and you were going to be it's dinner. Head around the corner and shoot the next 2 dogs. Run around and when you come to a dead end, press the cross button to crawl. Then head to the right. You will find a hidden passage that will take you out by Meryl. Follow her through the door that she is by into the next room. Here comes another big twist in the storyline. WIND TUNNEL =========== Okay, here, there are mines placed on the ground. But since you can't use your mine detector to find them, Meryl and Snake think that there is no way across. Meryl then makes a path that at first looks like a boot. She goes around the mines and is not blown up. What happened is that when Psycho Mantis controlled her, she knew where the mines were placed. But, Meryl is stupid. There is two ways that you can avoid the mines without even Meryl doing that walking around thing. • First you can equip your Thermal Goggles. Once you have them on, you will be able to see the mines that are placed on the ground. Here, you can make your won path going around, because you can see where the mines are. • The second way is to just crawl over them. As you will probably know, you can pick up Claymore if you crawl over it, so do that. Just get into a crouching position and crawl over the mines, and also, you can now use the Claymore. Bonus. If you want to, you can use Meryl trail, but near the end, there is one mine near the path that you will hit. Walk around, using her footsteps and hurry, because they will disappear because of the wind if you don't quickly follow them. The path isn't that right either, the path she takes is a pretty crappy one. Anyway, once you are over, a very big thing happens in the game, you don't want to miss this. Sniper Wolf spots Meryl and Snake. The aimer goes to snake, but then goes to Meryl and Meryl is shot, and snake hides. She is then shot again, and tries to reach for her gun, but is finally shot one more time. An emotional cut-scene this is. The trick is that Meryl is bait. He will try to save her, and Sniper Wolf will pick him off as well. Well, my question is why didn't Sniper Wolf just shoot Snake in the first place? Stupid Sniper. Awww, isn't that sad. The colonel then rings you up and has a panic attack. You cannot save her just yet. No matter what you do, you cannot save her at this point. If you try to run up to her, you will be shot instantly, you wont even hear the bullet. It's kind of like a force field, so that you can't get her. Run back out the way you came. You now need to go all the way back to the Armoury in the Basement of the Tank Hangar, which is about half the game ago. Yes, that is a really long way, but that is where you have to go. This is a very long way to go. Some things are different on the way back to what they were on the way there. Here are a few differences, and also a few tips to get past the places: CAVE: Crawl under the rock and shoot the wolf. Head to the door where the battle against Psycho Mantis took place. COMMANDERS ROOM Just keep running out to the next door. NUKE BUILDING B1 Head to the elevator and go to the main Floor, which is the one that you can't use any weapons on. NUKE BUILDING Use the cardboard box and strange any enemy that you can see, if you want to. Also, if you want to, you can use the box and jump in the truck to be taken to the Helipad, but it really isn't worth it at all. CANYON This is the hard bit. There are cameras and mines. Crawl along the ground and collect the claymore. TANK HANGAR There is no more lasers. you do not have to worry about being hit by them and smoke coming in and killing you. B2 ARMOURY Get the PSG1 and any other equipment. You can unlock all of the rooms here, so grab everything, but what you really need is the PSG1. Equip your Thermal Goggles and look at where the lasers are. Crawl past and grab the Sniper Rifle. Once you have got the PSG1, you will then get a call from the Colonel telling you that you can now go and save Meryl. So, now, run all the way back to where Meryl got shot. When you are at this place, it is time for another battle. First, learn to use how to work the sniper rifle. If you found a Diazepam from one of the storage rooms, then you will need to use it along with your sniper rifle. What does this do, you say? Well, it helps you stay steady when attempting to fire, which is what you will definitely need for shooting Sniper Wolf. On the way back to where the battle is, shoot some of her friends with the sniper rifle to get a good feel for it. Don't waste too much ammo though, as you will need to save it. Once you get in the battle room, then lie down (once you equip the Sniper Rifle it will automatically lay you down) and find sniper wolf. When she appears from behind a post or wherever she is hiding, shoot her once. Follow her, keeping her in your sights then when she pops out again, get the first shot on her. If you get shot, you will be put out of line, and most likely be shot again when she finds her new position. Always be the first to get the shot on. Just keep shooting her until her health is down to none, and you will win the battle. You hear a scream, but there is no Meryl. Did she really die? Meryl or Wolf? Only time will tell. You are safe for the rest of the wind tunnel. There is no more mines, snipers or anything else. Go to where Sniper wolf was and collect some supplies like the Ration and some ammo. Then go to the door that leads out of here. it actually doesn't take that long to defeat her, because each bullet takes off alot of health. Once you beat her, health increases, and you get what you lost back. Once you come to the door, guards will approach you, and you will be asked to place your weapon on the floor. She then hits you and you are taken to the Cell. TORTURE CHAMBER =============== Torture, yes, this is what you have to go through. To get back your health, rapidly press the circle button, but do not hold it down, because you wont gain health back. Just keep on rapidly pressing it, and keep on pressing it even after the torture stops. You will gain some more health back. Depending on what difficulty, there are different amounts of torture. If you want to give up straight away, press the select button. If you don't, battle through them all. When you survive the first one, if you didn't submit to the torture, then you will have to go again, and the guard will say "It's show time" to Snake. If you submitted to the torture, then you can escape. There are three ways to escape. 1) This is the main way that you will escape. Otacon will come. You will ask him to take out the guards, but he is too scare to try and do it. So, he doesn't do it and leaves you in jail. What he does leave you with if Sauce and Sniper Wolf's Hanky. These might seem like things that you can't escape with, but if you lie on the ground then use the sauce, it will look as if you are dead, so the guard will come in. Then get up off the ground and strange him to death using square. 2) Hiding under the bed. If you accidentally or purposely don't get out on the above technique, then you can try this technique. When the guard goes to the toilet, you can go under the bed, then come out when he is in the room looking for you. Strange him once again, and kill him. 3) The Ninja will rescue you. Yep, that's right, the same guy who just tried to kill you will now be trying to get you out of the cell. He opens up the cell door for you, but does not kill the guard for you. He could at least do that. Then, you must strange the guard, because there is no other way that you can do it. Use one of the above techniques to get out of the cell. Once you are out, go to where you were tortured. Go around the outside and your gear is there. Collect it and your good to go. That's pretty stupid putting one guard to guard the legendary Solid Snake, that's just plain stupid, really. Also in the room was the Darpa chief who looks like he has been dead for days. Well, I will tell you why that is right now if you want me to, but if you don't want to know, read past the spoilers section. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS It wasn't the real Darpa Chief that you rescued near the beginning of the game. He was Decoy Octopus, and the real Darpa Chief is dead in the cell, where you were. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Once you have your gear, you can then go out of this room. There are all of these cameras surrounding the elevator. First of all you should explore all of this here, because it will be the last time that you will see it in the game again. So, take a good look around, collect some more ammo and stuff. If you didn't submit to the torture, then there will be a bomb in your goods. Select the items and then press the circle button and you will throw it away. Because you have the level 6 card, everything is now open. Yay. THE PASSAGE BACK ================ Now we need to get all the way from here back to the Wind Tunnel and then to the communications centre. Stop by just about every room there is, because there are lot and lots of goods on the way. This card can open all of the rooms in the Tank Hangar building and the Nuclear Warhead building. Wow. Open up rooms and grab supplies. Make your way back to the Wind Tunnel. The main place you want to stop by is the armoury, and grab the camera by blowing up the walls near where the Ocelot battle was. Now you can take pictures with the cameras and save them to your memory card, but they take up two damn slots on it, so it really isn't worth doing, but if you have one of those memory cards that holds alot of space, then you should try taking some pictures and saving it. Also, you can take pictures of special ghosts, but the degree and angle of all those things can be too hard. So anyway, on with the level. Remember to use the Thermal Goggles when going over the mines in the Canyon, and explore the whole of B1 in the Nuclear Warhead Storage building, because that contains a lot of items that you will need. Try and see if you can get all of your ammo to the max that it can be. Just really do the same techniques in the part where you have to go back from the Sniper Wolf battle when you needed to get the Sniper Rifle. There is another big change, as well. When you go into the cave section with the wolf, use Sniper Wolf's hanky that you obtained from Otacon (what the hell was he doing with it) and the wolf will think that you are Sniper Wolf because of your scent, and they don't attack her. If you got too close to the guard in the bathroom, you will catch a col. Try to stay far away from enemies with this cold, or when you sneeze it will alert the enemy that you are there, and they will see you and kill you. When you get back to the wind tunnel, snake has a flashback. It shows Meryl being shot, and all that she said. Then you get a codec message and then Colonel and Snake talk about it. Master and Mei Ling then Naomi butt in and say things. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER A ====================== You finally get to proceed farther in the game. All the rest of the stuff you have been there before, so It was just repeating itself. When you think about it, you went through that wolf section 4 times. Once with Meryl, once going back to get the PSG1, again when you had the PSG1 and went to fight wolf, then again when you came out of the torture section and went back to the Wind Tunnel. That's 4 times. Okay, open up the door that leads into it, and it seems abit dark here. It will be best if you use your Thermal Goggles for this part, this way you can see the enemy and what is around you also. Equip your Famas for the big descent up. The reason for this is that there is alot of enemies, and it is easier to shoot and run with the Famas than it is with the socom, and the Nikita and PSG1 are definitely not suited for this situation. Okay, lets start the big descent now that we are pretty much equipped. That wind tunnel must hate snake. Meryl being shot and nearly killed and himself being nearly killed and tortured. Back to the Communications tower. At the first corner, you will notice that there is some ammo for you there. Hmm, interesting. Continue up, and through the next door. You will need to switch back to your Level 6 card, and then go back to the Thermal Goggles. When you go through the door, the camera will see you, no matter what you do. You could throw a chaff grenade and it wont do anything. This is one of those preset parts in the game that you must get seen at. Grab the rope and run up the tower. Hold down the cross button all the way and shoot when you need to. This way you can shoot and run at the same time, which is what the Famas is made for. You have plenty of bullets, so I wouldn't worry about running out of them. If you see something that moves, shoot it. Make sure you have full rations also, pull back and get some if you don't, because you are probably going to need at least one used on getting to the top because enemies will still shoot you. If an enemy is behind you, then ignore him. It's no use turning around and attempting to shoot him. Just keep on running and only focus on the enemies in front of you. The tower goes up and up and up to the top. Follow it all the way to the top. Because you keep on changing directions on the way up, the enemies wont have enough time to shoot at you from behind, because they on having to change directions. You will most definitely lose alot of your bullets on the way up also, but some of them can be replenished when you get near the top. Wow, I started off with 301 bullets in the Famas, and now I'm down to 45. Gotta go replenish some. Use the ladder and climb up outside. PASSAGEWAY BETWEEN TOWERS ========================= The start of this level is where you use the ladder to get up to the door and then you go outside. Use the Level 6 card to get out there. When you walk outside, snake will look around at the satellite dish and all. Run upwards according to the screen. When you are on the steps, the Hind D with Liquid in it will destroy the satellite and the passageway between the communications centre. Liquid will then pop up, and snake will look over the edge. Remember that rope you got from when you first started the ascent? Well, you need to use that now. Get it out, and snake will put it over the railing. You are currently trying to run away from the Hind D with liquid in it, because you don't have anything just yet that is capable of shooting down a Hind D helicopter. Use the rope and listen to the directions given to descend down the side of the tower. TOWER WALL A ============ When you get the rope equipped, snake will put it around the railing and then jump down, just like an action movie, something like Die Hard that happens on. Anyway, snake will fire missiles and it will shoot down the crates and stuff on top of the tower. press the cross button to propel yourself off the wall and press the direction buttons with it to move in that direction. Hold the circle button and press direction buttons to move across the wall. It doesn't really matter if you lose health, just keep on pressing X whenever you hit the wall and get to the bottom without dying. It is pretty easy enough, so just keep on pressing the cross button plus either the down directional button or down on the analog stick to get down to the bottom, where you will be safe. Because you are propelling away from the wall quickly, the Hind D fire will most likely not hit you. There may be a case or two where it does hit you, but the machinegun bullets don't do that much damage to you anyway. See, look what a good old rope can do. PASSAGEWAY BETWEEN TOWERS (2) ============================= This here is ju7st quite a small level, with nothing much to it. First of all run to the right and collect some C4, which you probably wont use anyway, and also a ration on the left. Pull out your Nikita missile launcher. Aim it at the path that you will be going down, which is forward on screen. Fire a nikita missile bullet down here and go into first person view. You will see that there are a few enemies here. Plow the bullet into them, hopefully killing them. If you don't kill them all, then try again with another bullet, and just keep on firing until you keep them all fully. If you decide to walk up to where those enemies are when they are still alive, you will be shot to bits. You can also use your PSG1 bullets and shoot the guys in the head if you really want to, but you need to save those bullets for another time, later in the game if you want to. Once they are all gotten rid of, then run up to where they were. Sometimes they are not dead and pop around the corner, you can check this by running up and using your radar, or going around there with a nikita missile. Whichever is good. When you run up, the Hind D will pop up. During that "Cut-scene", you can still move. So run around the corner, stick to the bottom of the screen and grab the ration. Then keep on running and take out your Level 6 card, and open the door. Inside will be a Stinger Missile Launcher and some ammo for it. This is what you are going to use to defeat the Hind D that Liquid is in, but not just yet. Go through the next door. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER B ====================== You find yourself in another communications tower. To get past this one is a breeze compared to the other communications tower. If you attempt to press the elevator, it will beep at you. Turns out that it isn't working. You have to try and find a way to make it work, but not for now. If you try going upstairs, it wont let you. There are barricades stopping you from doing that, and snake can't move them or jump over them just yet. The only thing left to do now is to go downstairs. So, go all the way downstairs. Be sure to equip your thermal goggles, and you don't need a gun out or anything, there aren't any enemies while you are going downstairs. So, you can easily go down there without any harm. When you are all the way at the bottom, you will see that the staircase has collapsed, meaning you can't go down. So, you can't go in the elevator, you can't go upstairs, and you can't go downstairs. By going downstairs, when you go upstairs again, you will trigger another cut- scene. So, head back up there, not worrying about any enemies or anything like that. Once you are at the top, you will hear strange noises coming from near the elevator. It will be Otacon and has climbed the tower also, using his stealth camo. He then decides to fix the elevator. Turns out it was working, but for some reason it now isn't. It gets all teary when Otacon says that Snake is some kind of a hero and then Snake replies with "No, you're wrong. The hero always saves the girl." Then it goes into sad mode and music and they take about taking care of people and he couldn't protect Meryl. Otacon then decides to fix the elevator and that's the end of the cut-scene. One stack of crates is now removes, so now you can finally go upstairs and battle it out with Liquid in the Hind D. So now you are going to "Swat a noisy fly." Upstairs there are afew obstacles though. Well, really only gun cameras. You won't need to use your chaff grenades too much throughout the game past here, so you can use most of them to disable the cameras. There is one section when you will need to though, but that is too far away to worry about, and there is plenty of ammo there for the Chaff grenades as well. If you do decide to use your Chaff grenades, you will need to use 4, because there are four sets of cameras. One for each set. Once you are at the top, there is a whole bunch of goodies for you, like Stinger ammo, Famas ammo and a Ration. Then take the ladder up to the roof, and it's showtime. ROOF OF COMMUNICATIONS TOWER ============================ It's time for a boss battle. This seriously is an easy battle, even though this guy (Liquid) is the main boss of the game. The Hind D will come up, and they will talk for a while. Liquid calls Solid his brother, and then the fight will begin. You can see where the Hind D is on the radar, so that will be what you are using to find out where the Hind D is. It will first be below you, so that you can't shoot it. Get a lock on the helicopter, and shoot the stinger missile. As soon as you shoot it, press the R1 button to unequip it and run back behind the boxes. Don't worry, the missile will still hit and cause the same amount of damage. The only reason that you unequiped it was because you need to hide again quickly before the Hind D shoots you with the machinegun bullets. Use your radar to once again see where it is, and then shoot it went you can see it. Avoid the fire by hiding behind the crate. Hide so that when the Hind D does fire the machinegun bullets, it will hit the crate, not you. Just keep on getting a lock on the Hind D and shoot a missile at it. It will then hit it and take off health. Repeat. After awhile he will drop down below so that you can't hit him, then pop up and shoot. Be the first to get shot. So, shoot a missile at him then avoid his attacks. After a few more shots, Liquid will say, "Eat this!" and fire a missile. Just hide behind the crate, and you will be fine. You always have to get it when it comes up. So, use your radar and keep your line of view on it and shoot it, then run and hide and repeat. Don't be tempted to fire when it is just below, because it will only result in you wasting bullets. When the Hind D's health is low, it will start to look like it's on fire. A few more bullets, and you're done. At the end, it will fire another one of those missile things at you. Easily just stand behind the crates and avoid it. The Hind D then crashes, along with Liquid and then there is a big explosion. After the battle, you get your health back, and your total health increases. Take out your level 6 card. Otacon will then contact you by codec. The elevator is working. Open the door and go downstairs to where the elevator is. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER B (2) ========================== Just head downstairs to the elevator. You will once again meet those 4 sets of cameras. You can either use a Chaff grenade on them, or you can just ignore them altogether. Sometimes you can sneak past without losing any health. So, just run or use Chaff, do whatever you want. When you get to the elevator, press the button on it. Before entering the elevator, make sure that you have your Famas equipped. The reason for this is what lies in the elevator. Once you are on, it will beep. Press the button that says "1". Turns out, there are stealth camo guys in the elevator with you. You find out this because Otacon told you that there was some missing from his lab, these guys where the ones who took them. They are also like super guards as well. They take alot of bullets to kill. When they are first down, they will get up a second time, and sometimes even a third time. After that they should die, though. So, just keep on running around the elevator. There is no doubt that you will lose some health, though. Run and shoot. Once they are dead, you get some goodies, well really three sets of Famas bullets, which you will definitely need, and also one ration, which should compensate for the amount of health that you lost in the elevator. Collect the equipment from the bottom, and run into the next room and throw a Chaff. Once it explodes, run and grab the equipment and run into the long hallway. If the camera is shooting at you, then you can hide behind the little wall before the doorway to block the bullets, then slide along the wall. At the end are once again some cameras. Trow a Chaff grenade here, because there are alot of cameras. Throw it, let it explode then run and collect the supplies around and run out into the snowfield. SNOWFIELD ========= Okay, this is a boss battle, and a pretty easy one as well. In this battle you get to fight Sniper Wolf. There are two (one easier than the other) to defeat Sniper Wolf. First of all, run forward. Snake will either be shot or step on a mine (I'm not sure what) and then will call up Otacon. You then speak to him and Sniper Wolf them interrupts. Once that is over, it's proper battle time. This is for real, once you get her this time, she will die. Run to the right and conceal yourself behind the little ledge of snow. These are the two ways: • Sniper her off. This is the hard way, because she is also a sniper and you will probably get hit before she does. If you want to, you can do this. Just sit next to the door and use some diazepam and shoot at her when you see her. Dodge the bullets that are also flying at you. Always get the first shot on when she peeps out from behind the trees. When she runs, it is pretty impossible to hit her, and if you try to, you will end up wasting alot of bullets just to get her once, which can be easily done when she is hiding behind the trees. So just wait, and be patient, that is what a sniper is all about. If you run out of the diazepam, you can use your Cigarettes to calm you down, but it takes away your health. Only try to sniper her off if the below tactic doesn't work. • Nikita missile launcher. From the door where you came into the Snowfield, head to your right. There will be a little spot where you will be safe from any of the Sniper's bullets. Shoot one out, and then hold down the triangle button and guide it to sniper wolf. Sometimes it won't make it the full distance, if you find it doesn't once, then the trick is not to touch the movement of the nikita missile for awhile and it will speed up. This means it gets to sniper wolf quicker, with less time used. So hit her. Just keep shooting the Nikita bullets and aim them at her. She will end up dying. This is better than the sniping tactic, so use it. This way you wont be hit. At the end of the battle, you get your life back, and your total health also increases abit. Once you are free, continue up farther and you will then see Sniper Wolf on the ground, dead, full of bullet holes all riddled through her. Even though if you used method two, which is using the nikita missiles, then she still has these sniper bullets in her, even though you didn't sniper her. Snake and Wolf will talk for a while and the sad music will once again kick in. After awhile, Otacon will see Wolf dead, and he will cry. She says that Meryl wasn't a target, and that she doesn't kill for sport. She was a killer waiting to be killed. She then asks Snake to finish her, so he does after she has her Sniper Rifle with her for her death. Snake then goes to the underground base. All around the place here will be some goodies. Go around and grab them Watch out for mines and also the gun cameras. Throw Chaff grenades in the rooms, and get the good that are in there. Remember to do a minesweep also. Go around collecting everything that there is, this will give you al good supplies for the next part of the game. The room to your left from where you start after you kill Wolf is the room that leads underground, so do a sweep to the right, then you will come back to this room. There is one room with a "7" on it. You need the Level 7 key card to open it, but don't worry; there isn't anything special inside, only a few stinger bullets, which you can find more in the other rooms anyway. Throw a Chaff grenade into the underground room; go around the outside and down the stairs. That's the end of disc 1. Now, insert disc 2. BLAST FURNACE ============= Okay, this is the start of the second disc. To start off, equip a good weapon, something like the socom because it has a silencer. Also, under items select your Level 6 card. Stay with it. There is one guard in this very first section. Experiment with how you kill him. I like to see if I can sniper his head clean off. Whichever way you want to do it is good. Try to throw him into the lava or something. Nearly everyone runs out of Stinger bullets here. Run up to where that enemy was walking and grab some stun grenades. Then return to the path that is near the crane. Shoot a stinger bullet at the crane if you want to. If you don't, then slide against the wall. When the crane comes near you, press the cross button to crouch. Make sure you are still pressed against the wall otherwise you will die. When it goes over you, move up and get off at the other side. Run down the stairs and kill any guard that you think needs killing. Run down the next set of stairs, and instead of heading up, head down and into a little secret room. Collect some ammo at the end, and at the last corner, crawl under and get the supplies out by the fire. Throw a Chaff grenade to disable the cameras then grab the Body Armour and any other supplies that are lying around. Run back out of the room and head up. Open up the next door. CARGO ELEVATOR ============== Because of what you did, your rations will most likely be frozen. Hold them close to your body and they will unfreeze. Equip your Famas for this next part, as you will see why in a minute. Collect the supplies around here and then jump on the elevator. While going down, enemies will jump on. These are those super enemy guys who take alot of bullets to kill. Use your Famas and run and shoot them. Keep on shooting and after awhile, they will die and leave a few things for you. They take a massive slew of bullets to kill. Even if you want to, try nocking the guys over the edge, they will plunge to their death, no doubt, but you wont be able to collect what they have afterwards. I really think this wont bother you, though. Once you are at the bottom, equip your Thermal Goggles for your item, and chaff for your weapon. Throw a chaff. Run around the camera, and either collect the claymore or leave it. Collect the items around it. Go onto the next elevator once you have collected all of the stuff, and press the button on it and it will take you down. Nothing happens on this elevator. Miller will contact you, and will tell you about he was in the FBI, and he thinks that Naomi isn't the real Naomi Hunter, and she was telling lies. Could she be a spy? Listen to his evidence. They also think that she might be working with the terrorists and is behind all the weird things that are happening. Once you get off the elevator, run to the door above, which is a boss battle. Behind the crates is also a ration. WAREHOUSE ========= The Ravens will then attack Snake, and he will be frozen. There will be Raven, talking again. He has a big machinegun on his back. Snake then pays him out, saying that he is fat, it must of been a tight fit in the tank. They will then talk for a while, but of course we don't want to hear all of this, we want to battle. Battle it is. He walks around (well, I think it is ment to be a run, but because he is fat, he can't that fast.) To do this battle, you will need some Stinger missiles. Move up to near where Raven is, then shoot a Stinger Missile at him. When he walks past the column where you are, shoot a stinger missile at him. This will hurt him. Keep doing it when he walks past and watch out for him firing. Also you can try to get behind him, and shoot him in the back with the stinger missile. Keep hitting him with all of the missiles you have got. Watch out for his machinegun, and you can do this battle pretty easily. At one point, he will start knocking the crates down. These are not ment to harm you, they are just ment for you to get some items that were on them, and they fall to block the path. Once you battle him and reduce his health to nothing, then he is dead. He also gives you a clue about what happened to the Darpa chief and all. See if you can put together the pieces. It will all be revealed near the end of the game anyway. Raven will also give you a security card, which is level 7. That is the highest number card that you can get. It was actually Decoy Octopus that was the Darpa chief, but why did he go to so much trouble to impersonate the Darpa Chief? Well, I've said too much. Work it out. The little ravens then eat Raven. Okay, now you get a Codec call from Master. He tells you more about Naomi, and the Colonel hears. Then Master tells them about what is really going on. This mission takes alot of weird twists and turns, but that is why it is so great. Okay, walk through the next door. Collect ammo to your left, then sprint up forward and go over the trap door, do not fall down or you will die. There is a whole bunch of cameras here. The best way to get past without dying is to throw a Chaff grenade. This will disable those gun Cameras. Do that, then run and into the next room. UNDERGROUND BASE ================ Wow, we are finally there. No, it isn't the end of the game just yet; there is still alot more to go. I only started playing the game again today, and as well as writing this walkthrough up to here in one day, I also have gotten up to seeing Metal Gear from the beginning to here in one day. Wow. As you move up, the camera will change to show Metal Gear. That's a pretty big thing. There are alot of platforms, ladders and walkways around it also. Head to the left first and go up the ladder. Doesn't it seem weird that there isn't any guard patrolling? Hmm, anyway, climb the ladder. Just before that Otacon will contact you by Codec, saying that he is hacking into Baker's files to see what the trick to the keys is. When you are at the top, head to the right and grab some Chaff grenades. Then head left to the next ladder. Otacon then contacts you again. He has passed some level security. Go up the ladder, and to the top. You have pretty much explored all of the game now. The rest of the game just involves going backwards and forward, and a few final bosses. To think I did this (the game up to here, and the walkthrough up to here) in just one day. You will see another ladder. Go up it then go down the next side. Run around the corner and there will be one guard patrolling around here. Otacon will then contact you; he has gotten into Baker's files, and found out where the nuclear weapon is going to be fired from the rail gun. This conversation is a very long one, so listen or skip; it's your choice. Use the Sniper Rifle to take out the one guard that is patrolling around the office section. Run up to where he was, and Otacon will then contact you by Codec again. Listen to what he has to say then run up to the room, which has Ocelot and Liquid in it. They talk about a new target, and all sorts of other things. They also talk about "Fox die." Otacon then tells you about the PAL key, and how it is inserted. Turns out that the key is made of shape memory alloy. There are three slots, one is for normal room temperature, the next is for a frozen key, and the last is for a hot key. But, the only problem is that Liquid (Who survived the Hind D crash) and Ocelot are in there. Suddenly, Ocelot finds Snake and attempts to shoot him. He kind of succeeds by shooting near Snake's hand, which causes the PAL key card to fall out of his hand, and into the sewer. Argh, you just lost the key, you have to find it again. As soon as you start playing again, equip your socom, and run back to where you came from when reaching this office section. Run all the way back over metal gear, and the warning system will be no more. If there is a guard you see, kill it, and the Alert mode will not go away, so, just run. Go down to the bottom, near the base of metal gear rex and equip your minesweeper. This is the only way that you can see the PAL Key card. Look on the radar, and jump in the sewer and grab the Key card. One of them is a bomb; so if you get that, quickly throw it away before you die. Grab the Key card and get back out of the sewer ands climb up the ladder to that office section again. There will once again be one guard patrolling around the outside. Kill him and go to the office. Once in there, go to the first station, which is the Normal Room temperature key. Put it in, and you have two more to go. PUTTING IN THE KEYS =================== There is one frozen key that you need to put in, and another one is a hot key. For the first one, you need to go back to where you battled with Raven, which really isn't that far away. Watch out when in the warehouse though, there are now some guards. Kill them if you want to. You will know when it is frozen because the Colonel will tell you. Once it is frozen, then run all the way back to the office, Liquid and Ocelot will once again not be there. Run into it, and go to the middle command panel. Put in the frozen key. Now, all you need is the hot key. Go all the way back to the blast furnace. Yup, that is a very long way indeed. Just go past the warehouse, kill the enemies and all on your way. Take the elevators up and get back to the blast furnace. Once again you will know when the card is hot because the Colonel will once again ring you up saying that it is hot and will tell you to get back to the office to input the Key card. But, you also must hurry. On the elevator, another twist will happen. Naomi will be arrested, and on the way back, she will tell you about why she did it. Aww, que the sad music. Anyway, get back to that office and put in the key card. Once again, ti takes another dramatic twist. Here is the story, don't read if you really don't want to know: SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS The terrorist's never had the ability to launch a nuclear weapon. They made Snake think that they got the Darpa chief's code, but they really didn't, they had to make it look like to snake that they got the code, so he would think that they did have the ability to launch a nuke, so he would input the key card, which he thinks is to Disable the launch, but it actually Enables the launch. Nice one, Snake. Miller then rings up and tells Snake all about it, and it turns out that Miller was actually liquid. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS METAL GEAR REX BATTLE (1) ======================== You follow Liquid around the corner, and it turns out that those two are brothers and all that crap. But, suddenly, Liquid jumps into Metal gear Rex. Stupid Snake, why didn't you kill him when you had the chance. Anyway, this is a boss battle, as you have probably already worked out by now. You have to shoot those things on his arms. So, first fire a Stinger missile at it. This will take his health down by alot. Throw a Chaff grenade to Disable it's electronics, and then fire another Stinger at other arms. If your Chaff runs out of power, throw another one, then continue to pound his arms and avoid his attacks. Just get his health down to pretty much nothing, and you win the first part of the battle. You think it is over, but really it isn't just yet. It looks like Rex was defeated (along with liquid) but it really wasn't. It was just damaged, but not fully defeated. Then, out of the shadows jumps the Ninja. Turns out that this guy is Grey Fox, which is Naomi's brother. Grey was really sent there to kill Snake, after he killed Big Boss and Grey. Damn, this guy has about 4 different names: Grey Fox (His real name) Ninja (What he really is) Deepthroat (what he is called in the Codec conversation) and finally Exoskeleton (Baker calls him that in the Armoury.) Anyway, the Ninja then gets squished by Metal gear rex. The Ninja once again dies, because he gets his arm shot off and then gets stomped on and put against the wall. He want's you to finish him off, but Snake can't. Once he is dead, it's time for another battle. METAL GEAR REX BATTLE (2) ========================= Okay, this is the second part of the battle, which comes after the above boss battle. The Ninja is dead, and it is now up to you to try and stop Metal Gear. Can you do it? Always run between Metal Gear Rex's legs. What you have to try and attempt to do is to get between his legs, avoid the ray, and shoot where Liquid is. Always try and stay under lis legs, and he will eventually have no idea where you are. This is when you shoot a Stinger Missile at where Liquid is. You will need to be behind Rex to even attempt to try and hit where Liquid is. Just keep on getting him confused, go under his legs, avoid the big ray and shoot the sitting compartment with the Stinger. This will bring his health down alot, so keep on doing it. Also, watch out that he doesn't attempt to stomp on you. If he does, it will either take away half of your health, or fully kill you. So, avoid the feet if possible. SSOLID VS LIQUID ================ This is another boss battle. There is a huge movie beforehand that you cannot skip. All you can do is look around at Liquid, while he is talking. This will go on for a while. You have been stripped of all your weapons, because you went down after the last boss battle against Rex, and you were like Unconscious. When you wake up, this is when Liquid will be talking. When the battle starts, there will be a timer and Meryl will be there too. You must win the boss battle in the 3 minutes, otherwise you cannot save Meryl. But, since you have no weapons at all, you need to fight with your Hands and Feet. When the battle starts, Liquid will waste up 30 seconds telling you about the rules and stuff. This you cannot skip, and it also wastes time, so you are left with 2:30 to do the battle in, which is way more than enough tie anyway. First, go up to liquid, and use a three punch combo on him. Wait to he becomes hittable again, then use a three punch combo on him again. There is actually a way to never use the third part of the combo, so he will never become invincible after the attack. What you need to do is hit him once, then after about half a second, do another hit. This way you will only do the first punch in the combo for a few seconds. This can take his health down alot, because he won't go invincible and you can just keep on hitting him using the first punch. After awhile, Liquid will attempt to come at you with his head. Easily press the cross button to crouch, and you wont lose any health, then you can go up to him and hit him again. Once his health is down to nothing, you win the boss battle, and then there is a movie scene. Depending on you did in Torture, Meryl will either die (Submitted to Torture) or Meryl will live (Didn't give in to the torture.) ESCAPE TUNNEL ============= Either Otacon or Meryl will then appear, and you have to now escape from the Base. Some guy si now going to blanket the whole of Shadow Mozes Island, so it is kind of like a cover up. You need to escape from here before the bombs start flying in. You have a time limit of 9 minutes, which I am sure will be enough time to do this anyway. Run to the left of screen and grab a ration as well as another one in the next room. No matter what you will get seen by the Security Camera. Otacon or Meryl will then check the Vehicles for keys. Finally, they find one that has them in, and they can finally escape. A bunch of guard will come in. You need to grab one, and use it as a human shield just to waste some time, or you can run around the jeep and you will eventually get in and leave the other enemies behind. You will now be mounting the machinegun while Otacon or Meryl drives. You will come to a checkpoint where there are gates and enemies. Do a sweep and kill them all using the machinegun bullets. Just hold down the square button, because you cannot run out of ammo for it. You will once again reach another checkpoint where you will once again be asked to shoot all of the enemies. Do that, and then continue on. You will pass the checkpoint for now, but one more thing happens. Liquid appears in a jeep behind you, turns out he didn't die, again. He has a Famas and once again shoots you. This is what most of your health should be saved for. Just keep on shooting back at where Liquid is, and you will hit him. You cannot even kill Liquid yet; he will not die just from the machinegun bullets. So, you just have to try and stay alive for now. Keep on shooting him, and he will shoot back. When your health gets pretty low, use a ration, because this is the end of the game, there is nowhere else you can use your rations, so you can't really save them. When you can see light at the end, you two will crash. Then another movie kicks in. Solid is trapped under the car with Otacon/Meryl (Depending on what ending). Then liquid finally dies of FoxDie, and tats the end of the game. CONGRSTULATIONS! YOU HAVE JUST COMPOLETED METAL GEAR SOLID! Watch the credits then get back on with your normal life. Hole walkthrough completed in one day and 1 hour. ======================================================================== ========================= BOSS GUIDE ================================= ======================================================================= REVOLVER OCELOT =============== Here comes the battle. Revolver will move around alot in this level. This can be quite a hard boss battle. What you need to do is to avoid his bullets, and shoot him with your bullets. That sounds pretty easy really. But, there is a few more catches. If you go through the centre of the room, then C4 will blow up along with Revolver Ocelot, Baker (<- Hey, that guy has the same last name as me) and yourself, so you don't want to touch that trip wire at all. So, trip wire = bad. Also, Baker has health. He is being tortured, and you cannot let his health get down to nothing. Run around with your gun out pointing, and press and hold the cross button to run with it. When you see Revolver, shoot him. Sometimes you can get him when he is across the room, but other times it either hits baker or it completely misses him because he is too fast. You also need to be fast to dodge his bullets, so you have to keep on moving also. Run around, shoot, collect ammo. Use the lock on targeting and you can get a good shot on ocelot. When he is hit, he will become invincible for a second, and will usually fire back at you. The main time you will attack him is when he is reloading. So, when he has wasted all 6 bullets that you can see in the top left hand corner, then shoot him and run away and doge his bullet. Just continue to fire bullets at him, dodge his, and collect the ammo around the outside. When you get his health down to pretty much nothing, then the boss battle is over. Baker can actually handle alot of damage, but be sure not to shoot him. RAVEN ===== There is claymore on the grounds here. When you are out in the canyon, you will get a Codec call from someone named "Deepthroat." He will say that there are claymore mines around, which we of course already now that there is. Use your Thermal Goggles or the Mine Detector and crawl over the mines or avoid them. It is best to crawl over the mines, because then you get rid of them by picking them up. Go through the middle and you will hear the sound of a tank. Vulcan Raven controls it, and it is the tank that was in the Tank Hagar, but Vulcan Raven took it out to use against snake. Once that cut-scene is over, the health on the tank wont have appeared yet. Run and stick to the right to make it appear. The reason for going to the right is that you wont get shot with the big missile if you go this way. Now, move back quickly. What you need to do is to disable the guns primary fire, which is that big turret that fires out a bazooka. To disable it, throw a stun grenade. This will disable it for some times. While it is disabled, throw a grenade at where the gunners are. If you get it in the right spot, you will hurt the gunner. Repeat this a few times. If you run out of grenades or something, then there are some in the upper right corner, but you will most likely be shot. Watch out not to be shot by the bazooka, and avoid the machinegun fire. You can be run over also, but you shouldn't get that close to it. See the explosion, and a guard will fall out. Talking will go on, and you then get to play again. If you go back, there are mines, so be careful. NINJA ===== In the room will be the ninja, wearing camoflague. Hal Emmerich will be they're wetting his pants. Snake comes in on the ninja and then they fight. To start off with, there is only one way you can fight the ninja. This is with your bare hands. When he first approaches you, press the circle button three times to perform a combo on him. This will take his health down abit. He will then talk to you. Always get the first hit on him, otherwise it can be leathful. Once you do two combos on him, he then puts his sword away, so you don't need to worry about that. If you use your weapon, he will then use his, but his will work, and yours wont. So, continue using the punch and kick combo. Find him, and then be the first to get the combo on him to take his health down. Once you hit him, he will become invincible for a few seconds, just like most bosses. In this time, run away, because when he is invincible, he can attack. Run and get some supplies or something. Once again, find him and hit him, as simple as that. Continue doing that for a while and he will then once again change his tactics. Watch out for his leg attacks also, they can hurt. He will then want you to try and find him, just like hide and seek. Go to a place where you can see a faint outline and punch and kick at that spot to take his health down. Another cut-scene will kick in saying that he has been waiting for this pain after you hit him about 5 times. He then gets abit tougher. He has a better reflex. When you approach him, press the circle button once. He will then go over your head, behind you. Quickly turn around then unleash a full combo on him. If you do a full combo when you first meet him, he will get behind you, and swipe you and hurt you, which you don't want. Do this for a while. After a few punches, he will then explode, almost. Run away from him at that stage when you think he is going to do it. He will be in a sonic bubble type thing. When he is in this bubble, you can then shoot him. So, do that, and he will move. Shoot him 4 times, and the battle is over, and once again it is a cut-scene showing that the Ninja is really Grey Fox, someone that was killed in Zanzibar. The Ninja then loses his mind due to the medicine then runs off. A big cut-scene will then kick in, watch it if you want, or not, just do whatever. Now, you get a health Refill and your total health increases. For fun, can you find the playstation in the Lab room, where you are? When you are done, and have the key card, walk back out of this area. PSYCHO MANTIS ============= This is a boss battle. When you first come into the room, if you hold down the triangle button, you can see through Psycho Mantis's eyes. Pretty cool huh. Walk around the room for a while, and a little cut- scene will then kick in. She will then act all weird all of a sudden and turn on you trying to kill you. You cannot kill her, remember, because she is innocent because Psycho Mantis is controlling her. That tune is his Mind Control music. When she tries to shoot you, use the punch and kick combo to knock her out, or throw her over your shoulder, which wont hurt her too much. While you are attacking her, you can see Psycho Mantis around her. You cannot attack him yet. Once she is unconscious, you get to fight Psycho Mantis now. He will first read your mind: This is what he reads: • He can read what you do on the controller • How careless you are • Skilled Warrior • Cautiousness • Weather you have saved alot or not • He then shakes your controller The firs one is the one that you need to overcome. He can read what you are doing on the controller, which I guess is kind of reading your mind. So, if you decide to shoot at him, or punch him, he can move out of the way so he doesn't get hit, because he knows what you are doing. There is a way to do this though. When the black Hideo screen comes up, then quickly plug your controller into controller port 2. Then start battling. I wonder what would happen if you had two controllers and battled with them both, hehe, that would be funny. Anyway, once that is done, he cannot read your controller anymore. Watch out for the camo ball he throws at you first of all. Use your thermal goggle to find him, and then shoot him. He will then get chairs and stuff and throw them around. Wait at the top and shoot him. He will then get these things off the wall to hit you over the head. Either crawl or get into your box to get rid of them. Continue to hit him in between attacks. Pictures will move from the top to the bottom. Stick to the left and right and you can dodge these pictures. Remember to continually shoot him. When he uses camo again, use your thermal goggle to see where he is, then shoot him before he gets you. After awhile, he will say "Why couldn't I read your mind" then go over to Meryl. Follow him over there, and shoot mantis and punch out Meryl. Once she is unconscious, another cut-scene will kick in, and Mantis will tell Meryl to blow her brains out. Quickly run up to her and punch her out again. Once this happens, Psycho mantis will no longer control Meryl. Use your Thermal Goggles for this next part, and when he is shown, shoot him. The rest of the attacks are the same ones as before. Just dodge them like you did before. Here comes a Big, long, cut-scene. You will ring up Campbell and speak abit. Then, you talk to Mantis about how you used the second controller, than he then tells you the secret exit, and takes his mask off and then dies. Now, your total health with then increase again, and you get your health back, but Meryl doesn't get hers back either, but her total health goes up. You will then be asked to plug the controller back into the first controller port, so do that before you do anything. Run through the secret passage; collect the ration and ammo supply by the stairs and head out the door. Use the key card to open it. SNIPER WOLF =========== First, learn to use how to work the sniper rifle. If you found a Diazepam from one of the storage rooms, then you will need to use it along with your sniper rifle. What does this do, you say? Well, it helps you stay steady when attempting to fire, which is what you will definitely need for shooting Sniper Wolf. On the way back to where the battle is, shoot some of her friends with the sniper rifle to get a good feel for it. Don't waste too much ammo though, as you will need to save it. Once you get in the battle room, then lie down (once you equip the Sniper Rifle it will automatically lay you down) and find sniper wolf. When she appears from behind a post or wherever she is hiding, shoot her once. Follow her, keeping her in your sights then when she pops out again, get the first shot on her. If you get shot, you will be put out of line, and most likely be shot again when she finds her new position. Always be the first to get the shot on. Just keep shooting her until her health is down to none, and you will win the battle. You hear a scream, but there is no Meryl. Did she really die? Meryl or Wolf? Only time will tell. You are safe for the rest of the wind tunnel. There is no more mines, snipers or anything else. Go to where Sniper wolf was and collect some supplies like the Ration and some ammo. Then go to the door that leads out of here. it actually doesn't take that long to defeat her, because each bullet takes off alot of health. Once you beat her, health increases, and you get what you lost back. Once you come to the door, guards will approach you, and you will be asked to place your weapon on the floor. She then hits you and you are taken to the Cell. LIQUID (HIND D) =============== It's time for a boss battle. This seriously is an easy battle, even though this guy (Liquid) is the main boss of the game. The Hind D will come up, and they will talk for a while. Liquid calls Solid his brother, and then the fight will begin. You can see where the Hind D is on the radar, so that will be what you are using to find out where the Hind D is. It will first be below you, so that you can't shoot it. Get a lock on the helicopter, and shoot the stinger missile. As soon as you shoot it, press the R1 button to unequip it and run back behind the boxes. Don't worry, the missile will still hit and cause the same amount of damage. The only reason that you unequiped it was because you need to hide again quickly before the Hind D shoots you with the machinegun bullets. Use your radar to once again see where it is, and then shoot it went you can see it. Avoid the fire by hiding behind the crate. Hide so that when the Hind D does fire the machinegun bullets, it will hit the crate, not you. Just keep on getting a lock on the Hind D and shoot a missile at it. It will then hit it and take off health. Repeat. After awhile he will drop down below so that you can't hit him, then pop up and shoot. Be the first to get shot. So, shoot a missile at him then avoid his attacks. After a few more shots, Liquid will say, "Eat this!" and fire a missile. Just hide behind the crate, and you will be fine. You always have to get it when it comes up. So, use your radar and keep your line of view on it and shoot it, then run and hide and repeat. Don't be tempted to fire when it is just below, because it will only result in you wasting bullets. When the Hind D's health is low, it will start to look like it's on fire. A few more bullets, and you're done. At the end, it will fire another one of those missile things at you. Easily just stand behind the crates and avoid it. The Hind D then crashes, along with Liquid and then there is a big explosion. After the battle, you get your health back, and your total health increases. Take out your level 6 card. Otacon will then contact you by codec. The elevator is working. Open the door and go downstairs to where the elevator is. SNIPER WOLF AGAIN ================= Okay, this is a boss battle, and a pretty easy one as well. In this battle you get to fight Sniper Wolf. There are two (one easier than the other) to defeat Sniper Wolf. First of all, run forward. Snake will either be shot or step on a mine (I'm not sure what) and then will call up Otacon. You then speak to him and Sniper Wolf them interrupts. Once that is over, it's proper battle time. This is for real, once you get her this time, she will die. Run to the right and conceal yourself behind the little ledge of snow. These are the two ways: • Sniper her off. This is the hard way, because she is also a sniper and you will probably get hit before she does. If you want to, you can do this. Just sit next to the door and use some diazepam and shoot at her when you see her. Dodge the bullets that are also flying at you. Always get the first shot on when she peeps out from behind the trees. When she runs, it is pretty impossible to hit her, and if you try to, you will end up wasting alot of bullets just to get her once, which can be easily done when she is hiding behind the trees. So just wait, and be patient, that is what a sniper is all about. If you run out of the diazepam, you can use your Cigarettes to calm you down, but it takes away your health. Only try to sniper her off if the below tactic doesn't work. • Nikita missile launcher. From the door where you came into the Snowfield, head to your right. There will be a little spot where you will be safe from any of the Sniper's bullets. Shoot one out, and then hold down the triangle button and guide it to sniper wolf. Sometimes it won't make it the full distance, if you find it doesn't once, then the trick is not to touch the movement of the nikita missile for awhile and it will speed up. This means it gets to sniper wolf quicker, with less time used. So hit her. Just keep shooting the Nikita bullets and aim them at her. She will end up dying. This is better than the sniping tactic, so use it. This way you wont be hit. At the end of the battle, you get your life back, and your total health also increases abit. Once you are free, continue up farther and you will then see Sniper Wolf on the ground, dead, full of bullet holes all riddled through her. Even though if you used method two, which is using the nikita missiles, then she still has these sniper bullets in her, even though you didn't sniper her. Snake and Wolf will talk for a while and the sad music will once again kick in. After awhile, Otacon will see Wolf dead, and he will cry. She says that Meryl wasn't a target, and that she doesn't kill for sport. She was a killer waiting to be killed. She then asks Snake to finish her, so he does after she has her Sniper Rifle with her for her death. Snake then goes to the underground base. RAVEN (AGAIN) ============= The Ravens will then attack Snake, and he will be frozen. There will be Raven, talking again. He has a big machinegun on his back. Snake then pays him out, saying that he is fat, it must of been a tight fit in the tank. They will then talk for a while, but of course we don't want to hear all of this, we want to battle. Battle it is. He walks around (well, I think it is ment to be a run, but because he is fat, he can't that fast.) To do this battle, you will need some Stinger missiles. Move up to near where Raven is, then shoot a Stinger Missile at him. When he walks past the column where you are, shoot a stinger missile at him. This will hurt him. Keep doing it when he walks past and watch out for him firing. Also you can try to get behind him, and shoot him in the back with the stinger missile. Keep hitting him with all of the missiles you have got. Watch out for his machinegun, and you can do this battle pretty easily. At one point, he will start knocking the crates down. These are not ment to harm you, they are just ment for you to get some items that were on them, and they fall to block the path. Once you battle him and reduce his health to nothing, then he is dead. He also gives you a clue about what happened to the Darpa chief and all. See if you can put together the pieces. It will all be revealed near the end of the game anyway. Raven will also give you a security card, which is level 7. That is the highest number card that you can get. It was actually Decoy Octopus that was the Darpa chief, but why did he go to so much trouble to impersonate the Darpa Chief? Well, I've said too much. Work it out. The little ravens then eat Raven. Okay, now you get a Codec call from Master. He tells you more about Naomi, and the Colonel hears. Then Master tells them about what is really going on. This mission takes alot of weird twists and turns, but that is why it is so great. Okay, walk through the next door. Collect ammo to your left, then sprint up forward and go over the trap door, do not fall down or you will die. There is a whole bunch of cameras here. The best way to get past without dying is to throw a Chaff grenade. This will disable those gun Cameras. Do that, then run and into the next room. METAL GEAR REX 1 ================ You follow Liquid around the corner, and it turns out that those two are brothers and all that crap. But, suddenly, Liquid jumps into Metal gear Rex. Stupid Snake, why didn't you kill him when you had the chance. Anyway, this is a boss battle, as you have probably already worked out by now. You have to shoot those things on his arms. So, first fire a Stinger missile at it. This will take his health down by alot. Throw a Chaff grenade to Disable it's electronics, and then fire another Stinger at other arms. If your Chaff runs out of power, throw another one, then continue to pound his arms and avoid his attacks. Just get his health down to pretty much nothing, and you win the first part of the battle. You think it is over, but really it isn't just yet. It looks like Rex was defeated (along with liquid) but it really wasn't. It was just damaged, but not fully defeated. Then, out of the shadows jumps the Ninja. Turns out that this guy is Grey Fox, which is Naomi's brother. Grey was really sent there to kill Snake, after he killed Big Boss and Grey. Damn, this guy has about 4 different names: Grey Fox (His real name) Ninja (What he really is) Deepthroat (what he is called in the Codec conversation) and finally Exoskeleton (Baker calls him that in the Armoury.) Anyway, the Ninja then gets squished by Metal gear rex. The Ninja once again dies, because he gets his arm shot off and then gets stomped on and put against the wall. He want's you to finish him off, but Snake can't. Once he is dead, it's time for another battle. METAL GEAR REX 2 ================ Okay, this is the second part of the battle, which comes after the above boss battle. The Ninja is dead, and it is now up to you to try and stop Metal Gear. Can you do it? Always run between Metal Gear Rex's legs. What you have to try and attempt to do is to get between his legs, avoid the ray, and shoot where Liquid is. Always try and stay under lis legs, and he will eventually have no idea where you are. This is when you shoot a Stinger Missile at where Liquid is. You will need to be behind Rex to even attempt to try and hit where Liquid is. Just keep on getting him confused, go under his legs, avoid the big ray and shoot the sitting compartment with the Stinger. This will bring his health down alot, so keep on doing it. Also, watch out that he doesn't attempt to stomp on you. If he does, it will either take away half of your health, or fully kill you. So, avoid the feet if possible. LIQUID AGAIN ============ This is another boss battle. There is a huge movie beforehand that you cannot skip. All you can do is look around at Liquid, while he is talking. This will go on for a while. You have been stripped of all your weapons, because you went down after the last boss battle against Rex, and you were like Unconscious. When you wake up, this is when Liquid will be talking. When the battle starts, there will be a timer and Meryl will be there too. You must win the boss battle in the 3 minutes, otherwise you cannot save Meryl. But, since you have no weapons at all, you need to fight with your Hands and Feet. When the battle starts, Liquid will waste up 30 seconds telling you about the rules and stuff. This you cannot skip, and it also wastes time, so you are left with 2:30 to do the battle in, which is way more than enough tie anyway. First, go up to liquid, and use a three punch combo on him. Wait to he becomes hittable again, then use a three punch combo on him again. There is actually a way to never use the third part of the combo, so he will never become invincible after the attack. What you need to do is hit him once, then after about half a second, do another hit. This way you will only do the first punch in the combo for a few seconds. This can take his health down alot, because he won't go invincible and you can just keep on hitting him using the first punch. After awhile, Liquid will attempt to come at you with his head. Easily press the cross button to crouch, and you wont lose any health, then you can go up to him and hit him again. Once his health is down to nothing, you win the boss battle, and then there is a movie scene. Depending on you did in Torture, Meryl will either die (Submitted to Torture) or Meryl will live (Didn't give in to the torture.) LUIQUID ONCE MORE ================= Liquid appears in a jeep behind you, turns out he didn't die, again. He has a Famas and once again shoots you. This is what most of your health should be saved for. Just keep on shooting back at where Liquid is, and you will hit him. You cannot even kill Liquid yet; he will not die just from the machinegun bullets. So, you just have to try and stay alive for now. Keep on shooting him, and he will shoot back. When your health gets pretty low, use a ration, because this is the end of the game, there is nowhere else you can use your rations, so you can't really save them. When you can see light at the end, you two will crash. Then another movie kicks in. Solid is trapped under the car with Otacon/Meryl (Depending on what ending). Then liquid finally dies of FoxDie, and tats the end of the game. ======================================================================== =========================== ASCII MAPS =============================== ======================================================================= WAYALLA'S (CRAP) MAP TO METAL GEAR SOLID Guard positions are marked on there roughly. DOCK ==== ___ _____| E |____ | | | __ __ | | | | | | | | |__| |__| | | __ __ | | | | | | | | |__| |__| | | | | __________| | | | |____ | S| |________| There is two guards patrolling here and one comes down on the elevator. HELIPAD ======= _ V____________________V___________________ |C G |________G______ | | | ____| | | T | | ________________ |______ | | | | |_________ | | | | C |_ | | H _ <- G| |__________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |___ ___________| | | | | | |___________________ ___ _______________| | | |___| S Go around the crate, and to the arrow. Cross when the ligts are not in the middle. Strnagle the guard and go in the first vent by the C. TANK HANGAR ____ =========== | E | | | ___________________| |____________| |____________ |C | |V C| | |---| ___ ____ |_______ | _| |---| | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | _/ | | | | | | | | | |___| |____| V->| | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________/ | | | |______________________________________________________________/ | |_| |_| |_| |_| | | | | | |______________________________________________________________| Run to the elevator, but kill the guards on the way and go down to B1. TANK HANGAR BASEMENT ==================== | E |_____________ | | D | | | |__ __|__ __|____ | | | | | | |____| | ______ ____|---| | | |---| | |______________| ^ | | | |________________________| Crawl into the vents, and go to where the darpa chief is. Battle it out with the guards. TANK HANGAR BASEMENT 2 ====================== _C4 ______| E |________|C4 |_ | | | ______ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______| |_____| |_____| | | ______ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______| |_____| |_____| | | | | C4 _________________________| | | |C C| | | | OCELOT | | | | | | ____| | | | C| | | |____________ | | | | | | | _______________ ____| | | | | | | |___C| |___| CANYON ====== __________________GATE_____________________ | | | | | T _____| | | | \ | \ | ___ \ | | | \ | |___| \ | \ | _______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | / | | |______/ |____/ | | | |______________ GATE _______________| Move up, tank comes. Hide behind rocks, throw chaff, run and throw grenade in Gunner Turret. NUKE BUILDING ============= ________________ ___ |G ____________ | | E | | | | | ______| |_____| | |-| | _______________| G |-| | | | | | | | | ___ ___ | |--| | | | | C| |--| |___| |___| | |--| | | G | |________________ ___________| |R | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B1 BASEMENT =========== | | _______| | _______ | G | | | | | | | ____ | | | | | | | | | |___ _| |___| E |__| |_____ | | |_______________ _________________| | | | | | ___ ___ | |________| | | |_________| | | | _ | | | | |_| | |________| | | |_________| | | |___ ___| | | | | |________|_______________|_________| B2 BASEMENT =========== _______ | | _____________| |_______________ | P | | | | _______________| | | | |___| |____| | | C C| | |_________ |___| | | | | | | | | ___|____| |_________| | C| | | | | | | | |________| |_________| | | | | | | | | |C |________| |_________| | ->C |_______________________________ Use nikita to blow up power, go to the C. Lab is nothing, so I wont do a map for it. CAVE ==== ______________________ __ | | | M | | W W | | __________| |______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | W | | | | |_________ ___| | | | \----\ |------- ____| | | | | __________| |_________________| | | | | _________________________________| Crawl under, shoot wolfs, go around and crawl out to Meryl. _______________________ |__________W____________ | | | |________ ___________| | | __| |__ |__ __| | | __| |__ |__ __| | | __| |__ |__ __| | | ____| |____ | | | MINES | |_____ _______| Watch Meryl get shot, get Sniper Rifle, get rid of Wolf, get captured, do torture, return here, go to comm tower A. COMMUNICATIONS TOWER A ====================== _________________ ___________ |-----------------| ____________| |-----------------| | SATELITE |---|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|---| | ____________ |---|_________|---|_________| | |--------------===| R| |--------------===|_____________________| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Run up to the top. Use rope over edge. __________________ | | | _________ | | | | | ____| |___ | | |-------------| | | |-|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|-| | | |-| |-| | | |-|___E_____|-| | | |_____________| | | __________| |_____________ | R | |_______ __________| | | _________|^| SNOWFIELD | __ __ | ========= | |__ __| | |_____ | _______________________| |_______________ _____| | | | |_______ | | | | | | |_____| | | | _____| | | | | |_______| | | | | | | |_____| | | | | T | | | |_______| | | | | |______ ________________ ____________| | | | | | | | | | | |_______________| ======================================================================== ============================== SPECIAL =============================== ======================================================================= PREVIOUS OPERATIONS =================== Shows some story stuff ALBUM ===== If you take a picture, you can adjust it here DEMO THEATRE ============ Watch all the movies in the game ======================================================================== =============================== SECRETS ============================== ======================================================================= Metal gear solid has alot of secrets. They are everywhere. Here they are: STELATH Ever wanted not to be seen at all? Ever wanted to go in front of an enemy and put a C4 on his face? Well, here is your chance. To get the stelath suit, what you have to do is beat the game using the bad ending. The bad ending is the one where you Submit to the torture so that means that Meryl dies. At the end, Otacon will then give you a Stealth Suit that you can now use in your game. BANDANA Do the same as above, but when you get to the torture room, instead of submitting to the torture, you have to not give up and survive it. By not submitting, you will save Meryl. At the end of the game, she will give you this Bandana, it has unlimited ammunition, so you can fire away and not even lose any ammo. Cool. MERYL IN HER UNDERPANTS When you are in the B1 room and you need to find Meryl, find her then follow her quickly into the Womens restroom. Get there really, really quickly and head to the top stool and go in it. Meryl wont have enough time to properly change, and you see her in her Underpants. SHY MERYL Sometime during the game, find meryl and look at her in first person view. Continue to do so, and after a while, she will become all shy and say "What is it." MERYL EXCERSIZING When you are in the B1 basement of the Tank hangar, climb up the ladder and go into the vents. Look down at the vent that has Meryl in it, and she will doing exercises. Go back out the vent and then go back in. Each time she will be doing something differnet, until you do is about 5 times. TUXEDO SNAKE Complete the game 2 times, and when you start from the beginning Dock, Snake will now be in a Tuxedo. RED NINJA Just like the same above. Complete the game twice, and on the third time around when you are in the labs, the Ninja will now be red. WOLF TRICK Use the Hankey from Sniper Wolf to get by, or let the dog piss on your cardboard box by slapping Meryl then getting into it. You can now travel in the box and they wont attack you, because you spell like one of them. FULL AMMO Do the torture, but do not submit at any time to Ocelot. Keep on pressing circle and do not submit. After you do the torure every single time, all of your ammo will be full when you finally escape from the cell. RETURNED AMMO This is done best in the armoury. When you leave a room, go back to it and the supplies in there will be back. Do this in the Armoury. Blow up the wall and go to near where the Ocelot battle is, and go back into the main section of the Armoury, and there the ammo will be. ======================================================================== ============================== VR MISSIONS =========================== ======================================================================= NOTE: Done for pratcise mode, because most of them are the same. Complete with maps. LEVEL 1 ======= ################# ################# ####...G.......E. ####............. ####.........#### ####............# ####.........#### ####.........#### ####.........#### #............#### ####.........#### .............#### .S...........#### ################# ################# This level is pretty easy, but of course it has to be. Run up and toss or do whatever to the guard. Then run and grab the goal. Too easy. Do not be seen either. Make sure you get up to him quick. LEVEL 2 ======= ..........G.......E. .................... ....####....####.... ....####....####.... .................... .................... ....####....####.... ....####....####.... .................... S.................G. Eaily run up from the start, all the way. Then head to the right, avoid the one guard and go straight for the goal. LEVEL 3 ======= ..............####..E. ..............####.... ....##|_|#....####.... ....######....]##[.... ....]#####....####.... ....######....####.... ....##|¯|#....####.... .........#............ .........#............ Crawl through the crawl space to the end. Run around the corner and go through the next crawl sapce and come out the other side. There is the goal. LEVEL 4 ======= ............................. ............................. ....#########....##########.. ....#########....##########.. ....###.................###.. ....###........G........###.. ....###...###########...###.. ........S.###########..E..... ..........###########........ ....####################..... ....########.....#######..... ............................. ...................G......... Run to the left, then up and around the corner. Go all the way around and get to the goal. LEVEL 5 ======= *Rest coming soon* ======================================================================= ============================== RANKINGS =============================== ======================================================================= Rankings are what you get once you complete the game. RANK EASY NORMAL HARD EXTREME 1 Hound Doberman Fox Big Boss 2 Pigeon Falcon Hawk Eagle 3 Piranha Shark Jaws Orca 4 Pig Elephant Mammoth Whale 5 Cat Deer Zebra Hippopotamus 6 Koala Capibara Sloth Giant Panda 7 Chicken Mouse Rabbit Ostrich 8 Puma Leopard Panther Jaguar 9 Komodo Dragon Iguana Crocodile 10 Mongoose Hyena Jackal Tasmanian Devil 11 Spider Tarantula Centipede Scorpion 12 Squirrel Bat Flying Fox Night Fox ======================================================================== ==================== ENDING ========================================== ======================================================================= COPYRIGHT ========= This document is Copyright Aaron Baker (Wayalla) 2003 The only two websites I will allow this document to be on are: -and- This document cannot be put in a Magazine, placed on a website where people have to poay to see the document, and just generally sold. Do not pretend this document is your own, that is plagirism. Please contact me before putting this FAQ on your site. EMAIL ===== Feel free to contact me about anything to do with Metal Gear. From Questions, to Contributions. My email: