_|_ __<>/\ ********** | |_||_\ \ * Mobile Suit * | |_ _| | * GUNDAM * \//_||_\\\\ *Federation VS. Zeon* /_| |_\ ******************* (It's a Zaku) The Zeon Mobile Suits, Arcade and Versus Guide Copyright 2003 by White Ghost (whiteghost) Version 1.00 2/28/03 *Contents* Part One: Things to Know: How the game works, Controls, Terms Part Two: Zeon Mobile Suits Part Three: Other Information <>Legal Warning<>------------------------------------------------------------ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The only site with Permission to use this guide is GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com) ***************************************************************************** Part One: *Things To Know* ============================================================================= [Battle Gauge] In this game, your team (or just you) wins a battle by lowering the enemy's "Battle Gauge" to zero. Likewise, if they get your battle gauge to zero you loose. ======== [Star Level] To give less powerful Mobile Suits a fair chance, in this game each model of Mobile Suite is given a "Star Level" according to how powerful it is over all. The higher a Mobile Suit's star level, the more it's battle gauge is lowered when it is destroyed. For example, a "Ball" would have to be destroyed about SIX times for it's side's battle gauge to reach zero. Meanwhile, a "Gelgoog" only needs to be destroyed twice for it's side to loose. When your suit is destroyed, as long as your side's battle gauge is still above zero you will launch in a new mobile suit. ======== [You can't hit a..... Mobile Suit when it's down] When a Mobile Suit takes enough damage it will fall down (or roll in space), while it's down your target on it will turn yellow. While the target's yellow you can't damage that Mobile Suit. However, you can time a shot (or other attack) to hit the Suit as soon as your target turns back to red. Doing so takes practice, but it's worth it. ======== [Multiple Melee Combos: If you knock an enemy off of land and into water with melee/close range attack and continue trying to attack them with another melee attack as they sink, some times you can get them with a second combo before the target on them becomes yellow. This can "sometimes" work in space and in the air too, but not often. ======== [Hey! Where's my Elmeth/Unlocking Mobile Armors] I could not fit information on the Zeon armors in this guide so I will make another guide for them. The Mobile Armors in this game have to be defeated by your own suit in arcade mode to be playable, and even then THEY'RE ARE ONLY PLAYABLE IN VERSUS MODE. ======== [Not in that Mobile Suit!/Limitations of some Mobile Suits and Armors] Some Mobile Suits and Armors can only be used in certain environments such as "Space", "Land" and "Water", "None" means that the Suit/armor has no limitations. ======== [What's good for the Gundam is good for them all!] When I mention an attack doing an amount of AP damage, I'm talking about the "Armor Points"(Life/energy/HP/You-know) that the attack takes away from the RX-78-2 Gundam. A Mobile Suit is destroyed when it's AP is reduced to zero. ======== [Unlocking the enemy's suits: If you finish/beat the arcade mode with the Federation, then you'll be able to use Zeon suits while playing as the Federation in arcade and versus modes. Finish the arcade mode as the Zeon to use Federation suits on there side too. MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR GAME IN "GAME OPTIONS"!!! ======== [....I 'Said' shoot him!/No Phycommu for you/Basic Controls] Directional Pad or Left Analog Stick: Moves you around, press the same direction twice quickly to do a "Dash". X button: Jump with your boosters! And keep boosting to go higher. Watch the blue meter in bottom middle of the screen to conserve your boost power. You can combine jumping and Dashing and "Dash Through the Air" by dashing while in the air after jumping. _ |_| (Square) button: Fire your main weapon. /_\(Triangle) button: Use you close range weapon. O(circle) button: Press this to change your target to a different enemy. It might not always be the enemy you where thinking of though. R1: Use/fire your "Special Weapon". R2: Jump AND attack with your close range weapon. L1: Change the orders(fighting style) of you Computer controlled allies. L2: Jump AND fire you main weapon. ======== [Because I live in North America/They're speaking English too!] When I list an episode where a Mobile suit first appeared in the original "Mobile Suit Gundam" series, the number of the episode and the title will be from the North American DVD release. Why? Because that's where I live, and I'm writing this guide for/based on the NA-PS2 version of this game. When I refer to some Mobile Suits as if they where a "Proper Noun", it's not because I have bad grammar, it's because that's how the characters in the original "Mobile Suit Gundam" series referred to them. ============================================================================= MSN-02 Zeong|Star Level-2+1/2|Limitations: Space Only|AP-520 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Mega Partical Canon Hand: Zeong's hand fires 5 maga partical cannons at once. Together they do about 130AP damage. Zeong fires with which ever hand (left or right) is closer to the enemy, but both hands shar the same ammo. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button]N/A Head Maga Partical Canon: Zeong can fire a single mega partical cannon from it's head which does about 90AP damage. It can only fire one shot at a time but reloades pretty fast. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks[R1] All Range Attack: Press R1 to send one of Zeong's wire guided hands after a targeted enemy, press R1 again to send the second hand as well. The hands move in close a fire there mega partical cannons at the target, usually from the back or from the side. After fireing the hands return. While only one hand is attacking, you can still shoot with the other one by pressing (X). While using both hands in the all range attack the R1 button will fire Zeong's head maga partical cannon.You can also press R1 to release the hands when you have no enemy targeted and they will go after the next enemy you target. ==== [Strength: The Zeong has enough speed, AP and fire power to out gun other mobile suits. It's all range attack can be used to attack enemies from a safe distance and catch them of gaurd. ==== [Weakness: It has no close range weapons and can valnurable to melee attacks while using it's "All Range Attack". It's high star level means that if you get shot down in the Zeong, your battle gauge takes a big loss. ==== [Strategy: Don't let fast enemies like Gundam get to close or they might be able to out circle you. Make good use of the "All Range Attack", but watch out for other suits trying to sneek up on you while you're doing so. Zeong's head cannon is often not enough to hold of an enemy while waiting for your hands to return. ==== [As an enemy: Make Zeong your main target as soon as it apears in battle. While fighting it don't stop moving any more than you have to or it's all range attack will get you and damage you greatly. ==== [Information: Zeong is a vicious mobile suit built to be used by a "Newtype" pilot. It's "Psycommu" system allows a Newtype pilot to control the Zeong's wire guided "Hand Partical Cannons" phycicaly. Even though it's only 80% complete due to it's missing legs, the Zeong is fully funtional in space. ============================================================================= MS-14S-Char's Gelgoog|Star Level-2+1/2|Limitations: None|AP-480 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Beam Rifle: This beam rifle does about 140AP damage ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Twin Beam Sword: One cut does about 80 AP damage. A multiple cut combo does about 250 AP damage. [R2]-Does a more powerful single cut that does 90 AP damage and knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks: [R1] Spining TwinBeam Sword Yu can spin the double beam sword to shield your self from shots coming towards you and to parry head on melee attacks. ==== [Strength: Char's Gelgoog is one of the best mobile suites. It's fast and all it's weapons are powerful. It's abiltity to spin it's twin beam sword as a shield is very useful. ==== [Weakness: It's only weakness is it's high star level cost. ==== [Strategy: You have to use it's speed and power to it's full ability because of it's high star level. It's a very easy suite to get into though. ==== [As an enemy: Destroying Char's Gelgoog should be one of your first priorities when it appears in battle. ==== [Information: Zeon's answer to the Gundam, the Gelgoog, is a high preformance mobile suit armed with a beam rifle and twin-beam sword. Char's Gelgoog is a prototype model and as usual is painted red. Though the Gelgoog should be a match for the Federation's Gundam, if it can actually beat it or not is another matter. ============================================================================= MS-14 Gelgoog|Star Level-2|Limitations: None|AP-500 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Gelgoog's beam rifle does about 120AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Twin Beam Sword: A single cut does about 85AP damage. A multiple cut combo does about 230AP damage. [R2]-Does a more powerful single cut that does 90 AP damage and knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks: [R1] Spining TwinBeam Sword Yu can spin the double beam sword to shield your self from shots coming towards you and to parry head on melee attacks. ==== [Strength: Like Char's Gelgoog, this Gelgoog is also one of the best suites. It's only a little less powerful than Char's. ==== [Weakness: Though it's still on the high side of star cost, it's well balenced and has no real weakness. ==== [Strategy: It's very easy to use. Aside from doing you best, Gelgoog doesn't need any real strategy to win. ==== [As an enemy: The Gelgoog is more threatening than most suits and it should not be ignored. ==== [Information: Gelgoog was the Zeon's last and strongest mass-produced mobile suit. While it's speed and power surpass the majority of the Federation's weapons, using it to fight the Federations numbers is something only a talented pilot can do. ============================================================================= MS-15 Gyan|Star Level-2|Limitations: None|AP-520 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Missels: The Gyan can fire a burst of small missels from it's shield which together do about 40AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Gyan's beam saber does about 90AP damage with a single cut. A multiple cut combo does about 250AP damage. [R2] Does a rapid thrusting combo with the beam saber that does about 270AP damge all together. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Hide Bombs: By pressing R1 Gyan can scatter a group of small floating mines (hide bombs). The mines explode when a suit toughes them causing 20-about 100AP damage depending on how many mines hit the suite. Sadly the mines explode on thier own after a short time. ==== [Strength: The Gyan is very powerful in close range combat and because it holds it's shield in front of it while firing missles or mines it can block incoming shots more easly than other suites. ==== [Weakness: The Gyan's missles are not as powerful or as easy to use as the projectile weapons of most other suites and this puts it at a disadvantage in a fire fight. It's star cost is also on the high side. ==== [Strategy: Keep your shield facing your enemies and make use of the missels as you close in on them. At close range the Gyan has a melee advantage over other suits. It's hide bombs can only be effectivly used a close range in my experiance. ==== [As an enemy: Don't let Gyan get close to you. Stay out of it melle range and try to strafe behind it to get around it's shield. As long as it doesn't get to close it's not too tough. ==== [Information: The Gyan is an excentric mobile suit, designed more for dualing than for fighting in a large battle. It is strong in close range combat, but due to it's lack of long ranged weapons it was never mass-produced. Captain M'quve did put one prototype Gyan to good use against the Gundam though. M'quve is also the reseon behind Gyan's uniqe design. ============================================================================= MS-09 Dom/MS-09R Rick Dom|Star Level-1+1/2|AP-480 Limitations: Dom: Land Only. Rick Dom: Space Only. ============================================================================= NOTE: Though the Dom and Rick Dom are two diferent suits, because they have the same weapons, AP, controls and basic apearance I'm covering them as one suits [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Bazooka: The Bazooka does about 75AP damage ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Heat Saber: The Dom's heat saber does about 90AP damage in a single cut and about 260AP damage in a full combo. [R2]-Does a spining cut that does about 90AP damage a knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks Scattering Beam gun [R1] At close range the Dom's spray beam dose about 45AP damage and momentarily stuns the enemy. ==== [Information-Dom: The Dom is a heavly armored suit built for land warfare. The Dom has jet engines in it's legs that let it hover on the ground and move at high speeds in comparison to it's weight. ==== [Information-Rick Dom: Rick Dom is space combat mobile suit created by modifying the mormal land Dom for space. The land Dom's jet engines were swaped for rocket boosters to give the Rick Dom higher manuverability in space. ============================================================================= MS-07 Gouf|Star Level-1+1/2|Limitations: Land Only| Ap-480 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] 75mm Machine Guns x5: The Gouf's left hand can fire a burst of bullets. A full burst does about 40AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Heat Saber: The Gouf's heat saber does about90AP damage in a single cut and about 250AP damage with a combo. [R2]-Lets Gouf dash into an enemy with it's shoulder doing about 90AP damage and knocking the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Heat Rod Heat Rod: The Gouf's electricaly charged whip can do up to almost 200AP damage and knock the enemy down, but it can only reach a short distance. [Wide Heat Rod Swing] After pressing R1 to whip the heat rod forward continue pressing Right and R1 or Left and R1 very quickly to wip the heat rod from side to side. This us useful for hiting other enemies or if the one you were aiming for dodged the heat rod. ==== [Information: The Gouf is a land combat suit built to excel in close ranged fighting. It's based on the Zaku II but has stronger armor and better mobility. It's heat sword and heat rod are powerful close ranged weapons. ============================================================================= MSM-10 Zock|Star Level-1+1/2|Limitatons: Land Only|AP-600 ============================================================================= [Dashing in the water] When amphibious suits are in the water, they can boost without lowering thier boosting gauge and after boosting they can dash forward head first. However dashing still lowers thier boosting gauge but it can help them out maneuver non-amphibious suits. ==== [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Mega Partical Cannons Mega Partical Cannons X4: Zock fires 4 blasts at once which usualy results in about 150AP damage. The 4 blast are harder to doge than a singel shot. Also, the Zock can fire 4 blasts from the front or the back, so it can quickly target and fire apon and enemy that moves behind it without needing to turn around. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Claws: The Zock attacks by swinging both it larg claws in a combo that does about 100Ap damage. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] R1 fires the Zock's mega partical cannon that is on the top of it's head. This cannon fires up at an angle so it is only good for shooting enemies in the air directly in front of you or on platform above you. ALSO: When under water, boost and then dash to tilt the Zock's head forward. With it's head forward it can shoot strait at an enemy with it's head cannon. The single cannon does about 100AP damage. ==== [Strength: The Zock has high AP and good fire power so it does well in fire fights at medium-long range. It doesn't have to turn around to target enemies behind it. ==== [Weakness: It's not too fast so suits like the RX-78 Gundam can give it trouble. ==== [Information: The Zock is an amphibious suit with boosters in it's small legs said to give it 3 times the boosting ability of a Zaku II. On land it moves by hovering over the ground or by boosting. The Zock is armed with 9 maga partical cannons and canfir from the front or back. Only a few Zocks were ever made. ============================================================================= MSM-7S Char's Z'Gok|Star Level-2|Limitations: Land Only|AP-440 ============================================================================= [Dashing in the water] When amphibious suits are in the water, they can boost without lowering thier boosting gauge and after boosting they can dash forward head first. However dashing still lowers thier boosting gauge but it can help them out maneuver non-amphibious suits. ==== [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Mega Partical cannons: Char's Z'gok fires a mega partical shot from which ever hand is closer to the enemy. A single shot does about 90AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Claws: A single strike from Char's Z'gok's claw does about 90AP damage. A combo attack does about 200AP damge. [R2]-Does an upper cut that does about 90AP damage and knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Head Rocket Launcher: Char's Z'gok can fire burts of rockets from it's head by pressing R1. A full burst of rockets does about 100AP damage. ==== [Information: Char's Z'gok is an amphibious mobile suit able to excel in both fire fights and melee combat. Like his other personal suits it's pianted red. ============================================================================= MSM-7 Z'Gok|Star Level-1+1/2|Limitations: Land Only|AP-480 ============================================================================= [Dashing in the water] When amphibious suits are in the water, they can boost without lowering thier boosting gauge and after boosting they can dash forward head first. However dashing still lowers thier boosting gauge but it can help them out maneuver non-amphibious suits. ==== [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Mega Partical Cannon: Z'gok fires a mega partical shot from which ever hand is closer to the enemy. A single shot does about 90AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Claws: A hit from the Z'gok's claw does about 75AP damage and a full combo does about 245AP damage. [R2]-Does an uper cut that does about 80AP damge and knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks: [R1] Head Rocket Launcher: Z'gok can fire burts of rockets from it's head by pressing R1. A full burst of rockets does about 100AP damage. ==== [Information: Z'gok is a well balanced amphibious suit. It is capable of fighting at close and long ranges and is more technically advanced then Zeon's other amphibious suits. ============================================================================= MSM-04 Acguy|Star Level-1|Limitatons: Land Only|AP-440 ============================================================================= [Dashing in the water] When amphibious suits are in the water, they can boost without lowering thier boosting gauge and after boosting they can dash forward head first. However dashing still lowers thier boosting gauge but it can help them out maneuver non-amphibious suits. ==== [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Head Vulcans: Acguy fires a burst of bullets from it's head that together do about 65AP damage. Acguy must be facing directly at the enemy to be able to hit them with these. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Claw: A hit from Acguy's claw does about 85AP damage and a combo does about 215Ap damage. [R2]-Does uper cut that does about 80Ap damage and knocks enemy down. [R2 While jumping/Boosting]-Does a jump kick that dose about 70AP damage. [Dash+R2] Double press any direction and press R2 to do a claw-first slide into the enemy's legs doing about 120AP damage and knocking the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] [R1]-Fires Acguy's mega partical cannon which does about 60AP damage. ==== [Information: The Acguy is an amphibious suit built with infiltration and spy missions in mind. It can still hold it's own in combat though. ============================================================================= MSM-03 Gogg|Star Level-1+1/2|Limitations: Land|AP-640 ============================================================================= [Dashing in the water] When amphibious suits are in the water, they can boost without lowering thier boosting gauge and after boosting they can dash forward head first. However dashing still lowers thier boosting gauge but it can help them out maneuver non-amphibious suits. ==== [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] Chest Mega Partical Cannon X2: The Gogg fires a barrage of mega partical cannons from it's chest that can do up to about 80AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Claws: At hit from Gogg's claws does about 120AP damage and a combo does about 200AP damage. Also, the Gogg's two hit combo mant times does NOT knock the enemy down and this can allow it to get in another two hit combo! [Head But] While in the air press any direction twice + Triangle to do a head but attack that does about 120AP damage and knocks the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Torpedo Launchers X2: The Gogg can fire a pair of torpedos that together do about 120AP damage. ==== [Strength: The Gogg has good fire power, high AP and can deal good melee damage! ==== [Weakness: It's slow and a little harder to get used to using than many suits. Fighting fast enemies such as the RX-78 Gundam can be hard. ==== [Information: The Gogg is Zeon's first model of an amphibious suit. It has thick, strong pressure-resistant armor and is the first suit be armed with mega partical cannons! ============================================================================= MS-06s Char's Zaku II|Star Level-1|Limitations-None|AP-400 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] 120mm Machine Gun: This machine gun can do up to about 80AP damage in burst of bullets.(That means if all bullets that can be fired at one time hit enemy) ==== Bazooka: A shot from this bazooka does about 100 AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Heat Hawk: The heat hawk does about 80AP damage it one blow and about 230AP damage with a full melee combo. [R2]-Does a pwerful downward chop with the heat hawk that does about 90AP damage and knocks enemy down. [Turning Cut] Press any direction twice and the Triangle button [Example: Right+Right-Triangle]to do a turning cut with the heat hawk that hit the enemy twice does about 160AP damge and knocks the enemy down. [Jump Kick] While in the air(or space) Press any direction twice and the Triangle button [Example: Right+Right-Triangle]to do a jump kick that does about 100AP damage and knockes the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Grenade: The grenades do about 40AP damage. ==== [Information: Char's Zaku II is an enhanced Zaku II built for comanders and ace pilots. Char's is painted red just for him. ============================================================================= MS-06 Zaku II|Star Level-3/4|Limitations: None|AP-440 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] 120mm Machine Gun: This machine gun can do up to about 80AP damage in burst of bullets.(That means if all bullets that can be fired at one time hit enemy) ==== Bazooka: The Bazooka does about 80AP damage. ==== Megela Top Cannon: This does about 100Ap damage and knocks enemy down. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Heat Hawk: The heat hawk does about 80AP damage it one blow and about 160AP damage from it's combo. [R2]-Jump and slam your shoulder armored plate into enemy doing about 100AP damage and knocking the enemy down. You must be on the ground to do this. In the air R2 does a slash with the heat hawk. [Sweeping Kick]-Press Triangle just as you land from a jump to do a sweeping kich the does about 80AP damage and knockes the enemy down. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Note: Unless you choose "Missle Pod" as yuor weapon, you will have grenades and not missles. ==== Grenade: The grenades do about 40AP damage. ==== Missle Pod: The missles firs in sets of three and do about 130AP damage. ==== [Information: Zaku II is Zeon's most mass produced suit. I can fight in space and on earth as gave the Zeons a great advantage over the Federation at the start of the One Year War. ============================================================================= MS-05 Zaku|Star Level-3/4|Limitations: None|AP-400 ============================================================================= [Main Weapons/Options [Square Button] 120mm Machine Gun: This machine gun can do up to about 50AP damage in burst of bullets.(That means if all bullets that can be fired at one time hit enemy) ==== Bazooka: The Bazooka does about 80AP damage. ==== [Melee Weapon: [Triangle Button] Fists: The Zaku rams and enemy with it's shoulder and then punches it doing about 150AP damage. A single hit does about 80AP damage. [R2]-Does a leg sweep kick that does about 70AP damage. You must be on the ground to do this. Keep pressing R2 to do a combo hit. ==== [Special Weapons/Attacks [R1] Grenade: The grenades do about 40AP damage. ==== [Information: Though the Zaku one had been replaced by the more combat ready Zaku II by the start of the One Year War, the original Zaku is still an effective weapon. ============================================================================= Part Three: Other Information ======== [What about the Zeon mobile armors?: My computer is old and I can't make a guide that big in "notepad", so I'm making a separate guide for the Zeon armors. It'll be done soon. (really, I mean REALLY SOON.) ==== [What about "Campaign Mode": In Campaign Mode you'll use many of the same types of suits with different Star Levels and specific weapons. The higher the Star Level, the higher the over all power of the suit compared to the same model with a lower star level. The information and strategies in this guide hold true in Campaign Mode, but you also need to take each suit's individual star level into account. [END] Important: [All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.]