+----------------------------------+ | Monster Hunter Item Combinations | | Compiled by | | NecroSen | | AIM: ShockTheory17 | | (THE AIM "NecroSen" IS NOT ME) | | Email: stns1985@gmail.com | +----------------------------------+ | =====> PLEASE READ <===== | +----------------------------------+ | I do not play Monster Hunter | | regularly anymore. Please do not | | email me with questions about | | this game: you won't get any | | answers. Thank you. | +----------------------------------+ - All information is provided solely by the in-game reference accessible through the START menu. - The combinations are ordered the same as they are in said reference. HOW TO USE: - You should know how to make a combination through instructions given to you by both the game manual and the Village Chief in the first solo missions. - Combine the two items listed in the "Material 1" and "Material 2" columns to make the "Combined Item". - Your chance of successfully completing the combination without using the Combo Books is listed in the "%" column. - The number beside a "Material" item, such as "(#3) Nutrients", means that the item was formed from a previous combination. You will find that item's info at the specified index in the "I" column. - "Rare" is a scale of 1 to 5. Any items listed as either Rare-4 or Rare-5 cannot be traded to other players. The game just won't let you try. - Descriptions for each item are listed below this table in the "Descriptions List". =============================================================================== I | % | Combined Item |Rar| Material 1 | Material 2 | =============================================================================== 1 | 95% | Potion | 1 | Herb | Blue Mushroom | 2 | 90% | Mega Potion | 2 | (#1) Potion | Honey | 3 | 90% | Nutrients | 2 | Blue Mushroom | Godbug | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 | 75% | Mega Nutrients | 3 | (#3) Nutrients | Honey | 5 | 95% | Antidote | 1 | Antidote Herb | Blue Mushroom | 6 | 90% | Herbal Medicine | 2 | Cactus Flower | Bitterbug | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 | 65% | Max Potion | 3 | (#4) Mega Nutrients | Dragon Toadstool | 8 | 55% | Ancient Potion | 5 | (#10) Immunizer | Kelbi Horn | 9 | 75% | Catalyst | 2 | Bitterbug | Honey | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 | 75% | Immunizer | 3 | (#9) Catalyst | Dragon Toadstool | 11 | 75% | Power Juice | 2 | (#9) Catalyst | Rare Steak | 12 | 65% | Mega Juice | 3 | Well-Done Steak | Power Extract | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | 65% | Demondrug | 4 | (#9) Catalyst | Power Seed | 14 | 55% | Mega Demondrug | 5 | (#13) Demondrug | Pale Extract | 15 | 65% | Armorskin | 4 | (#9) Catalyst | Armor Seed | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 | 55% | Mega Armorskin | 5 | (#15)Armorskin | Pale Extract | 17 | 90% | Poisoned Meat | 1 | Raw Meat | Toadstool | 18 | 90% | Tainted Meat | 2 | Raw Meat | Stunshroom | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 | 90% | Drugged Meat | 1 | Raw Meat | Sleep Herb | 20 | 95% | Bomb Material | 1 | Sap Plant | Stone | 21 | 75% | Smoke Bomb | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Ivy | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 | 75% | Flash Bomb | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Flashbug | 23 | 75% | Dung Bomb | 2 | (#20) Bomb Material | Dung | 24 | 95% | Paintball | 1 | Sap Plant | Paintberry | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 | 95% | Gunpowder | 2 | Fire Herb | Nitroshroom | 26 | 90% | Sm Barrel-Bomb | 2 | Small Barrel | Fire Herb | 27 | 75% | Lg Barrel-Bomb | 3 | (#25) Gunpowder | Large Barrel | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 | 75% | Sonic Bomb | 2 | (#25) Gunpowder | Screamer | 29 | 90% | Net | 2 | Spiderweb | Ivy | 30 | 65% | Pitfall Trap | 3 | (#29) Net | Trap Tool | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 | 95% | Tuna Bait | 2 | Worm | Yambug | 32 | 95% | Arrowana Bait | 2 | Cricket | Bughopper | 33 | 90% | Goldenfish Bait | 4 | Firefly | Snakebee Larva | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 | 75% | Antiseptic Stone| 3 | Earth Crystal | Bitterbug | 35 | 90% | Lifecrystals | 3 | Godbug | Wyvern Fang | 36 | 65% | Lifepowder | 4 | (#35) Lifecrystals | Wyvern Claw | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 | 65% | Health Flute | 4 | (#36) Lifepowder | Flute | 38 | 65% | Antidote Flute | 4 | Flute | (#34) Antiseptic Stone| 39 | 55% | Demon Flute | 5 | (#14) Mega Demondrug| Med Monster Bone | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 | 55% | Armor Flute | 5 | (#16) Mega Armorskin| Med Monster Bone | 41 | 95% | Normal S Lv2 | 1 | Huskberry | Needleberry | 42 | 95% | Normal S Lv3 | 2 | Huskberry | Rumblefish | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 | 90% | Pierce S Lv1 | 2 | Huskberry | Velociprey Fang | 44 | 75% | Pierce S Lv2 | 2 | Huskberry | Pin Tuna | 45 | 75% | Pierce S Lv3 | 3 | Sm Bone Husk | Pin Tuna | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 | 90% | Pellet S Lv1 | 2 | Huskberry | Scatternut | 47 | 75% | Pellet S Lv2 | 2 | Huskberry | Wyvern Fang | 48 | 75% | Pellet S Lv3 | 3 | Sm Bone Husk | Wyvern Fang | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 | 90% | Crag S Lv1 | 3 | Huskberry | Burst Arrowana | 50 | 90% | Crag S Lv2 | 3 | Sm Bone Husk | Burst Arrowana | 51 | 95% | Crag S Lv3 | 3 | Lg Bone Husk | Bomb Arrowana | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 | 90% | Clust S Lv1 | 2 | Huskberry | Bomberry | 53 | 75% | Clust S Lv2 | 3 | Sm Bone Husk | Wyvern Claw | 54 | 95% | Clust S Lv3 | 3 | Lg Bone Husk | Scatterfish | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 | 75% | Disk S | 2 | Huskberry | Disk Stone | 56 | 90% | Recov S Lv1 | 1 | Herb | Huskberry | 57 | 90% | Recov S Lv2 | 2 | (#1) Potion | Huskberry | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 | 90% | Poison S Lv1 | 2 | Toadstool | Huskberry | 59 | 75% | Poison S Lv2 | 3 | Sm Bone Husk | Ioprey Fang | 60 | 90% | Stun S Lv1 | 3 | Stunshroom | Huskberry | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 | 90% | Stun S Lv2 | 4 | Sm Bone Husk | Genprey Fang | 62 | 90% | Sleep S Lv1 | 3 | Sleep Herb | Huskberry | 63 | 75% | Sleep S Lv2 | 4 | Sleepyfish | Sm Bone Husk | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 | 90% | Paint S | 1 | Paintberry | Huskberry | 65 | 90% | Antidote S | 2 | Antidote Herb | Huskberry | 66 | 75% | Demon S | 3 | Huskberry | Power Seed | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67 | 75% | Armor S | 3 | Huskberry | Armor Seed | 68 | 75% | Dragon S | 5 | Dragon Seed | Lg Bone Husk | 69 | 75% | Dung S | 1 | Dung | Huskberry | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +=============================================================================+ | Descriptions List | | Following are the descriptions of the items in the "Combined Item" column. | | These descriptions are the same as those in the game itself. | | Use the indices from the above table to find the item you want. | +=============================================================================+ 1: Potion Restores a small amount of Health. 2: Mega Potion Restores a moderate amount of Health. 3: Nutrients Increases the maximum Health level slightly. =============================================================================== 4: Mega Nutrients Medicine that increases the maximum Health level by a small amount. 5: Antidote Effectively removes all traces of poison in your system. 6: Herbal Medicine Effectively cures poison, and restores a slight amount of Health. =============================================================================== 7: Max Potion Restores Health to the maximum level, enabling a full recovery. 8: Ancient Potion Restores Health and Stamina to their maximum levels, enabling a full recovery. 9: Catalyst Mixes with other materials to improve their effect. Cannot be used by itself. =============================================================================== 10: Immunizer Medicine that enhances natural recovery ability. 11: Power Juice Allows you to run without becoming fatigued for a period of time. 12: Mega Juice Allows you to run without fatiguing for even longer than Power Juice. =============================================================================== 13: Demondrug Increases Attack power, bestowing the strength of Asura himself on user. 14: Mega Demondrug Increases Attack power even more than Demondrug. 15: Armorskin Increases Defense by hardening your skin to stone-like armor. =============================================================================== 16: Mega Armorskin Increases Defense even more than Armorskin. 17: Poisoned Meat Poisons if consumed. Used as bait in traps. 18: Tainted Meat Paralyzes if consumed. Used as bait in traps. =============================================================================== 19: Drugged Meat Causes sleepiness if consumed. Used as bait in traps. 20: Bomb Material Basic ingredient for making hand-thrown bombs. 21: Smoke Bomb Creates a large cloud of smoke in the area where it lands. =============================================================================== 22: Flash Bomb Bomb that flashes brightly upon impact. Confuses monsters. 23: Dung Bomb Creates a terrible smell upon impact, which certain wyverns dislike. 24: Paintball Can be thrown at a monster to mark it for easy tracking. =============================================================================== 25: Gunpowder A dangerous chemical that explodes when disturbed or heated. 26: Sm Barrel-Bomb A small time-bomb. 27: Lg Barrel-Bomb Powerful bomb triggered by external physical impact. =============================================================================== 28: Sonic Bomb Emits a powerful, high-frequency sound upon detonation. 29: Net Powerful net able to withstand a certain amount of weight. 30: Pitfall Trap Trap for catching certain wyverns. It is tripped by a heavy weight. =============================================================================== 31: Tuna Bait The bait preferred by the tuna family of fish. 32: Arrowana Bait The bait preferred by the arrowana family of fish. 33: Goldenfish Bait The bait preferred by the Goldenfish. =============================================================================== 34: Antiseptic Stone Earth Crystal with enhanced antiseptic qualities. Does not exist naturally. 35: Lifecrystals Mysterious powder long worshipped as a fount of life. 36: Lifepowder Medicine created by combining Lifecrystals. Strong restorative power. =============================================================================== 37: Health Flute Restores the Health of those who hear it. May break when used. 38: Antidote Flute Eliminates poison in the blood of those who hear it. May break when used. 39: Demon Flute Increases the strength of those who hear it. May break when used. =============================================================================== 40: Armor Flute Improves the endurance of those who hear it. May break when used. 41: Normal S Lv2 Normal ammo. Somewhat more powerful than the Lv1 type. 6-shot burst, max 99 shots. 42: Normal S Lv3 Normal ammo. Not powerful, but the rapid 9-shot burst is useful. Max 99 shots. =============================================================================== 43: Pierce S Lv1 Piercing round. Can cause multiple hits. 3-shot burst, max 60 shots. 44: Pierce S Lv2 Piercing round. Can cause more hits than Lv1 ammo. 3-shot burst, max 50 shots. 45: Pierce S Lv3 Piercing round. Causes more hits than Lv1 or Lv2. 3-shot burst, max 40 shots. =============================================================================== 46: Pellet S Lv1 Sprays a wide area and hits multiple times when close. 4-shot burst, max 60 shots. 47: Pellet S Lv2 Sprays a wide area. Causes more hits than Lv1 ammo. 4-shot burst, max 60 shots. 48: Pellet S Lv3 Sprays a wide area. Causes more hits than Lv1 or Lv2. 4-shot burst, max 60 shots. =============================================================================== 49: Crag S Lv1 Penetrates and explodes. Single shot, but powerful. Max 9 shots. 50: Crag S Lv2 Penetrates and explodes. Single shot, but very powerful. Max 9 shots. 51: Crag S Lv3 Penetrates and explodes. Single shot, but incredibly powerful. Max 9 shots. =============================================================================== 52: Clust S Lv1 Splits into 3 bombs upon impact. Beware of the blast. Single shot, max 3 shots. 53: Clust S Lv2 Splits into 4 bombs upon impact. Beware of the blast. Single shot, max 3 shots. 54: Clust S Lv3 Splits into 5 bombs upon impact. Beware of the blast. Single shot, max 3 shots. =============================================================================== 55: Disk S Special disk-shaped ammo. Can richochet for extra hits. 3-shot burst, max 12 shots. 56: Recov S Lv1 Restores a small amount of Health to the target. 3-shot burst, max 12 shots. 57: Recov S Lv2 Restores a moderate amount of Health to the target. 3-shot burst, max 12 shots. =============================================================================== 58: Poison S Lv1 Poisons target. May require several shots. 3-shot burst, max 12 shots. 59: Poison S Lv2 Poisons target (Lv2). May require several shots. Single shot, max 8 shots. 60: Stun S Lv1 Paralyzes target. May require several shots. 3-shot burst, max 12 shots. =============================================================================== 61: Stun S Lv2 Paralyzes target (Lv2). May require several shots. Single shot, max 8 shots. 62: Sleep S Lv1 Puts target to sleep. May require several shots. 3-shout burst, max 12 shots. 63: Sleep S Lv2 Puts target to sleep (Lv2). May require several shots. Single shot, max 8 shots. =============================================================================== 64: Paint S Marks a monster's position on map for a certain time. 2-shot burst, max 99 shots. 65: Antidote S Totally cures the target of any poison effect. 3-shot burst, max 99 shots. 66: Demon S Bestows the strength of Asura himself on target. Single shot, max 5 shots. =============================================================================== 67: Armor S Said to make target's skin as hard as stone. Single shot, max 5 shots. 68: Dragon S Mysterious ammo that can't be used by normal Bowguns. Single shot, max 20 shots. 69: Dung S Foul-smelling ammo disliked by certain wyverns. Single shot, max 10 shots. +=============================================================================+ | Compilation by NecroSentinel (NecroSen) | | with help from the community at The PlayStation Monster Hunter forums: | | | | http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board?board.id=monster_hunter | | | | Please don't steal this. There's no point to it. | +=============================================================================+ Changes log: v1.03: Change to title section, please read v1.02: Some minor format changes