__ __ ____ ____ | \/ / ___| / ___| __ _ __ _ __ _ | |\/| \___ \ \___ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` | | | | |___) | ___) | (_| | (_| | (_| | |_| |_|____/ |____/ \__,_|\__, |\__,_| |___/ MS Saga: A New Dawn Walkthru Version 1.87 Created by Michael Cox (dragen@aol.com) DISCLAIMER: All copyrights and trademarks contained in this document are property of their respective copyright and trademark holders. This FAQ/Walkthru is written with the knowledge gained by playing the game. Any errors contained in it are due to my mistake in assuming how I did something. I welcome email helping to correct a mistake but will delete mail flaming me for making an error. This is done for fans of the game by another fan. If something doesn't work for you, I might not be able to explain why. As noted in almost all FAQs created during the last several years, the work contained in this document is owned and copyrighted by it's creator, Michael Cox, and is not to be used without permission. This FAQ was written specifically for the visitors to www.gamefaqs.com which is the only site I will be sending updates to. Please note that this FAQ is a work in progress for the English version and will have mistakes such as incorrect names for people and/or items until my initial play-through of the English version is complete. History: V 1.00 - (2-18-06) Starting with my completed FAQ for the import game, I've removed all the Japanese and modified the names according to how they appear in this English language version. This will be an ongoing process as I play through this version of the game. V 1.11 - (2-20-06) Added the preliminary Weapons section, though how they're displayed might be changed upon further review. Replaced all instances of FIG with MEL, SHT with RNG, and DEF with AMR as seen on advanced copy images from Gamespot. I haven't renamed the God Gundam and Devil Gundam to their likely US titles of Burning Gundam and Dark Gundam yet, though I've seen an English pic of the God Guard arm shields called Burning Guard... so it's only a matter of time. V 1.13 - (2-21-06) Filled in the missing units from the Enemy List, aside from those fought deeper within the G System 78 optional dungeon. Added a new section as Chapter IX. to keep track of move patterns for particular bosses. V 1.18 - (2-22-06) English language version released and bought. Modified the very beginning of the Walkthru section to properly fit the changes. Reformatted the initial listings for G System 01, Marie's place, Angelia, and Moon Ark. V 1.30 - (2-23-06) Reformatted intial listings for Fort Verde, Eisengrad, G System 02, Port Marley, Fort Arid, Fort Berg, Pirates Base, and El Dar Samnia. Adjusted more MS and item names for the English version. Added some configure suggestions. V 1.35 - (2-24-06) Reformatted initial listings for Mining Base, Fortress Eisengrad, secondary Eisengrad town area, and Black Market / Sky Pirate Base. Fixed a major numbering typo in the enemy list starting from #034. V 1.60 - (2-25-06 thru 3-4-06) Reformatted more than I could list. Finished all the way up to the four forts, along with the first optional areas accessible via the Gaw. Added many new boss patterns to Chapter IX. V 1.62 - (3-5-06) Added in some enemies to regions I'd left blank earlier and finished the reformat for the Neo Zarth Secret Base. V 1.68 - (3-6-06) Reformatted the Unicorn Headquarters, Lost City (North Entrance), and Hory Forest sections, along with more of the optional areas. V 1.71 - (3-7-06) Reformatted the Giant G System information, moving most of it's walkthru before the Moon Base Alpha and Beta sections. Created the 14th MS Configuration to help folks blow through nearly all the final encounters within the Giant G System. V 1.79 - (3-8 & 3-9-06) Covers everything to the end of the game. V 1.81 - (3-10-06) Added Another G System, the dungeon that opens after beating the game, along with most of the enemies fightable there. Worked down to the Hell D Gundam so far. V 1.87 - (3-13-06) Defeated Hell D Gundam, the duo of Hell Sazabi and Hell Nu Gundam, and the final battle with the duo team of Ultimate Gundam and Omega Gundam. Added some Q and A pieces, the information on the Master Gundam upgraded stats, stats for characters at level 50, and checked that all enemy #s were listed. Corrected some typos among the boss #s. Glossary: Chapter I. - Introduction Chapter II. - Controls & Menus Chapter III. - Walkthru Chapter IV. - Characters Chapter V. - Mobile Suits Chapter VI. - Items Chapter VII. - Weapons Chapter VIII. - Enemy List Chapter IX. - Boss Patterns Chapter X. - FAQs Chapter XI. - Credits/Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MS Saga: A New Dawn is the first Gundam RPG to be released in English. Though previously created SRPGs by Bandai such as the G Generation series have proven popular in Japan, none of them were ever brought over, possibly due to the heavy amount of backstory involved in them. This game, though using the designs of popular mobile suits from many different Gundam series such as Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta Gundam, G Gundam, and Gundam Wing, is it's own original story and not based on anything previously released. The Japanese version of the game was released on June 30, 2005. The North American version was released on Feburary 22nd, 2006. Aside from voice acting, it remains to be seen what additions/changes have been made for the NA release. Gameplay is the classic console RPG style made popular during the 80s and 90s with some of the features that have been sadly lacking from recent RPGs, such as the use of a World Map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Controls & Menus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nothing really tricky with the control setup, so here's what you can do: Directional pad - Moves Cursor/Walk Slowly Circle - Confirm/Talk/Open Box X - Cancel Square - Remove Selected Weapon/Can be set for Defend, Charge, or Change in Battle Triangle - Opens Menu Start - Skip Scene/Auto-build MS/Auto-assign Weapons Select - Opens Map L1 - Scroll between Menus/Can be set for Defend, Charge, or Change in Battle L2 - Unused R1 - Scroll between Menus/Can be set for Defend, Charge, or Change in Battle R2 - Unused Left Analog - Moves Cursor/Varied Walk Speeds Right Analog - Unused Soft Reset - Pressing L1, L2, R1, R2, Select & Start at the same time. --Status Menu (Accessible via Triangle outside of Combat) Item Pressing Triangle will allow you to autosort Items in 9 different ways. Technique Only usable Techniques will be selectable. Equip Triangle to open menu of weaponry to place manually. Start to select from auto-placement for Melee or Shooting. Circle when on a weapon to pick it up for re-arranging. Square when on a weapon to remove it. Status Circle to scroll through the 4 Status Menus: Pilot Stats/MS/Techniques/Boosts Switch Config Message speed: Slow / Normal / Fast Defend Button: None / Square Button / L1 Button / R1 Button Charge Button: None / Square Button / L1 Button / R1 Button Switch Button: None / Square Button / L1 Button / R1 Button Cursor Memory: None / Memory Guide Map: None / Display Sound: Stereo / Mono Reset Settings OK Enemy Data [After given (Database Disc) in Angelia] Right Analog Stick rotates the enemy left or right. Triangle will display just the enemy. --Combat Menu Menu 1 > Fight Boost Technique Item Menu 2 > Defend Charge Switch Retreat --Unicorn Base Menu Upgrade MS: Upgrade a Mobile Suit. Set Parts: Change parts for a Mobile Suit. Change Color: Change Mobile Suit color. Change Name: Change Mobile Suit name. Switch MS: Assign pilot to a different Mobile Suit. Cancel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Walkthru ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Prologue ~ It is the world of the far future. In a technological revolution, the ultimate machine was created. The "G System". This device allowed for the basic concept of fusion and tranformation of energy and materials so that anyone who had the blueprints could create anything they desired. Those who used it would eventually become gods or demons... The men who controlled the system wanted to create a new world. But what the "G System" produced was merely a nightmare that drove the world to ruin. People called this "The Great Fall". The small portion of humanity that survived, in order to reconstruct, had no choice but to use the abominable "G System." Learning from the mistakes of the past, humanity put the "G System" to stricly practical use, and gradually restored a stable society... One day, a mysterious black Mobile Suit destroyed an orphanage. Only two survived, a young boy named Tristan and his lifelong friend Fritz. These two unlucky survivors swore to take revenge for their teacher and friends. In order to gain the power to accomplish this, Tristan and Fritz must find their own "Mobile Suits," and travel to find the forbidden "G Sytem." A grand and dangerous adventure begins... ~ End Prologue ~ Select New Game. (No need to watch the opening movie beforehand since you'll be shown it anyway.) Select the name of your main character. The default is Tristan. You have 12 spaces to input your name of choice. Watch the Opening Movie. (Hitting Start cancels) Text Scene: This is where our fight begins... We'll never get back what we lost... But I've made up my mind. No matter what it takes, that black Mobile Suit will pay. - G System 01: Core - Scene with Tristan and Fritz after they've successfully created a GM. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #01 - G System 01 Enemies : #001, #B205 Groups : Type 61 Tank x2 Items : [ ] 01. Repair Kit x3 [ ] 02. Regeneration Kit x1 [ ] 03. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 3 (3 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 1 (recommend gaining to 2 before leaving) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* First Boss, Zaku I, appears. Tristan boards the GM to fight the Zaku I. Fritz explains how to move the Mobile Suit. (If you open the Status Menu via Triangle, only 3 of the 6 options are selectable at this time. Items, Status, and Config. You begin the game with 5 Repair Kits and 3 Healing Meds.) Head South. Set Encounter Red ~ (These icons on the map come in yellow and red. Red will mean a stronger fight then the yellow ones. These encounters must usually be cleared before you can continue.) After Tristan refuses to give up his GM to the soldier, the fight begins. Boss Fight: Zaku I (50 HP) Dropped: Zaku Machine Gun x1, Iron Axe x1 (Of the 8 normal combat menu options, only 4 are usable at this time: Fight, Item, Guard, and Charge. Since you have no items, boosts, or techniques, just select to Fight until the Zaku I is destroyed. Melee attacks, such as the GM's Knuckle, will be counter-attacked, so use the Head Vulcan's. After 3 Head Vulcan attacks, you should be able to finish it off with a Knuckle.) Tristan and Fritz decide to go to see Marie. *You recieved a Mobile Suit: !* Fritz will join your team to pilot it and he reminds Tristan to equip the new weapons. (The 6 Status Menu options are now available.) Equip the Iron Axe on Tristan's GM and the Zaku Machine Gun on Fritz's Zaku I. (You can use Fritz's Repair technique on the GM, but it isn't necessary with a save point that fully repairs units right outside this room. Note, save points do NOT restore TP, though much later in the game there is a way to restore TP via the save points [when you can change out your characters.]) Head South to exit the room. Use the Save Point then head West. Item: Repair Kit x3 Item: Regeneration Kit x1 Continue West to the next map section. Follow the curving pathway South. Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Continue South to exit G System 01. As you exit the G System, Tristan and Fritz talk about why they're doing this and decide to head to Marie's after all. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #01 - Western Europe (Near Marie's place and Angelia) Enemies : #001, #002 Groups : Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Type 61 Tank Kai x2 Type 61 Tank x2, Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Type 61 Tank x2 Type 61 Tank x3 Level : 2 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Go to Marie's place. (North of G System 01) After a brief talk between Fritz and Marie, you enter the 'town'. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #01 - Marie's place Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink x1 (eastern box) [ ] 02. Regeneration Kit x1 (northeastern box) [ ] 03. GPS System x1 (behind MS, NW box) [ ] 04. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 (Hidden due west of NW box) Chests : 4 (4 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 2 Features: Free Inn, MS Upgrade/Change (much later in the game) People : Marie Books : Recovering from the Great Fall *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Collect the 4 items then head up the hill to the house and speak with Marie. She tells Tristan and Fritz about the increase in Mobile Suit activity and recommends they contact Unicorn. *You recieved !* Southeastern Room: Bed to restore TP and save. Restore TP Free You can repair your units using TP first, then restore TP and save at max HP and TP. When resting, you're asked if you want to save or not. Exit Marie's place. Fritz asks Tristan to stop by the old orphanage on the way to Angelia. Head East and Northeast over to the ruins of a town. Tristan will have a flashback when you reach it. Continue East towards Angelia after the flashback is over. Text scene: Miss Natalie... I know I promised not fight, and I'm sorry for breaking that promise. But this fight isn't for me. It's to avenge you and the others. It's a fight to rid the world of all this pain and suffering. I won't ask you to forgive me, but I hope you'll understand. Good bye, Miss Natalie... Tristan is confronted by a gruff man before he reaches the city. He and Fritz will have to enter the town on foot. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #02 - Angelia Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. 150Ct [ ] 02. Regen Kit x1 [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 04. Recovery System II x1 (*LP*) Chests : 4 (3 cleared, 1 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 2 Features: Inn, Item Shop People : Gossipy Woman, Chatty Woman, Girl, Old Man, Old Woman, Young Man, Man, Young Man2, Maid, Gould's Son, Professor Gould, Mrs. Gould, Well-informed Man, Constable Ox Books : What are Mobile Suits?, Mystery of the Lost Era, Scars of the Great Fall, G System Studies (1), The Founding of the Unicorns Notes : This is the first area that requires the Lockpick to access an item. Such items will be marked with the *LP* notation. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Item Shop: Repair Kit 30 Regeneration Kit 200 Healing Med 10 Unicorn Base: Lodging and repair 24 Rest 8 Records Collect items first. Item: 150Ct (Behind Western house) Head North up the hill. Item: Regen Kit x1 (To the Eastern side of Eastern House) Return South and then head Northeast towards the Mansion. Enter the Mansion and head upstaits to talk to Professor Gould. *You recieved a !* Enter the bedroom behind the Professor. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (In the corner) Exit the Mansion and return to the main part of Angelia. Enter the Unicorn base. Enter the Southeastern door inside the Unicorn base to find Constable Ox. *Handed over * Ox sends Tristan on to the Moon Ark. Exit Angelia and head Southeast to find it. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #02 - Moon Ark Enemies : #001, #002, #003, #004, #005, #006, #B206 Groups : Magella Attack x2 Type 61 Tank x2, Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Items : [ ] 01. Machine Gun x1 [ ] 02. Metal Shield x1 [ ] 03. Locked Box: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 04. Zaku II Special Data x30 [ ] 05. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 06. Gundam Sandrock Data x50 [ ] 07. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 08. 10,000 Credits [ ] 09. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Drill Claw R x1 [ ] 11. Locked Box: Beam Knife x1 [ ] 12. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 13. EN Charger x1 [ ] 14. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 15. Locked Box: Active Cannon x1 Chests : 15 (2 cleared, 13 remain) Hacks : None needed yet Level : 2-3 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Fritz gets an energy reading as you enter the Moon Ark. Prepare for more interesting battles. Head North. Head North again, past the Save Point. Item: Machine Gun x1 Return South after getting, and equipping, the gun. Head East and turn the white panel to ON to unlock a door. As you head East, you'll run into your first yellow Set Encounter. SE #1 ~ Type 61 Tank Kai x1, Magella Attack x2 Continue East after the battle. Head North at the circular room. SE #2 ~ Magella Attack x2, Magella II x1 Dropped: Magella Top Cannon x1 (I recommend taking out the Magella Attacks first by concentrating both Tristan's Iron Axe and Fritz's Machinegun attacks at them, then using Tristan's Boost Attack on the Magella II during the third turn after you've taken out the minor annoyances.) Continue to head North after equipping Flitz with the Magella Top Cannon. (Note that it's EN cost is 3, so Flitz will only be able to use this every other turn if he's using an EN 1 cost gun.) Item: Metal Shield x1 (Whether you choose to give the shield to Tristan or Fritz is up to you. You can increase the already defensive GM to make it more of a tank or you can give it to the Zaku to make them more equal in defense.) Return South twice. Head East. (Set Encounter before door) SE #3 ~ Type 61 Tank x2, Prototype Zaku x1 (If badly damaged after this fight, remember you get auto-repaired at the Save Point.) Pass through the door and head East towards the yellow set encounter. SE #4 ~ Magella Attack x2, Zaku I x1 Dropped: Zaku Armor R x1, SOS Signal Flare (This shoulder piece is what Fritz's Zaku I is missing, but you can't add it out in the field. You'll have to wait for later to deal with this.) Continue East to another circular room. Item: Locked Chest: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 (Requires Hacking Tool) Head North and use the Save Point along the way. SER #1 ~ Boss fight: Zaku II x1 (HP: 220) Dropped: Heat Hawk x1, Regeneration Kit x1 (So long as you healed up at the Save Point prior to this fight, this shouldn't be that hard. Fritz can attack with the Machine Gun one round then the Magella Top Cannon on the second round. Tristan should stick to using the Zaku Machine Gun until the 4th turn, when you should have the Zaku II damaged enough from your counterattacks to slam him with a Boost Attack and 2nd Magella Top Cannon attack for the kill.) Tristan and Fritz bring the mysterious girl they found within the Moon Ark to Marie's place. Go into the NE door to speak to her. After speaking with Aeon, head back to Angelia. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #02 - Angelia *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Speak to Ox at his office inside the Unicorn building and Accept his request. Exit Angelia and head East to Fort Verde. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #03 - Fort Verde Enemies : #005, #007, #008, #B207 Groups : No random battles Items : [ ] 01. Repair Kit x3 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. Metal Guard [ ] 04. Regeneration Kit x1 [ ] 05. Zaku Shield L x1 Chests : 5 (4 cleared, 1 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 4-5 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Fritz's energy readings confirm the attack on the Fort just after you enter and take a step to the East. Head East past the Save Point. SE #1 (SW) ~ Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku II x1 Item: Repair Kit x3 (Behind them) SE #2 (NW) ~ Zaku Tank x2, Zaku II x2 Item: Hacking Tool x1 (Behind them) SE #3 (Just E of SE #2) ~ Zaku Tank x2, Prototype Zaku x2 Item: Metal Guard (NE corner of Fort) SE #4 (East of entrance) ~ Zaku II x3 Item: Regeneration Kit x1 (Behind SE #5, can be reached via looping around the side before the fight) SE #5 (SE) ~ Zaku Tank x2, Zaku II x1 (I recommend taking out the Zaku II and one of the tanks, then using Fritz's Repair technique before finishing this battle since you'll be unable to save or repair between this fight and the boss fight) Fritz counts his eggs too soon after this fight. With the nearby gate opening to reveal a Gouf, the boys are in trouble. Add to that another gate opening behind them to reveal a Gelgoog and it's Game Over... or is it? Captain Hal Vizardt introduces himself and joins your party to help you fight the Gouf. *Hal joins your party!* Boss fight: Gouf (HP: 900) Dropped: Heat Sword x1, Gouf Spikes R x1 (Listen to Hal for this fight. This boss would annhilate Tristan and Fritz on their own. Now's a good time to try out Fritz's Grenade technique if you haven't already. Remember that it's safe to Melee attack when the enemy is doing an ETC move.) After the fight, it doesn't seem to matter which choice you make. *Hal leaves your party!* (though there is no message for this) Return West. Head West again, exiting Fort Verde. Return to Angelia. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #02 - Angelia *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Speak to Constable Ox for your reward. *You recieved <1000 credits>!* Exit Angelia and head East towards Fort Verde. (The same event happens if you head West, so might as well head the direction you'll need to go.) *Aeon joins your party!* *You recieved a Mobile Suit: !* Return to Fort Verde. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #03 - Fort Verde Enemies : #005, #007, #008, #B207 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Repair Kit x3 [x] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 03. Metal Guard [x] 04. Regeneration Kit x1 [ ] 05. Zaku Shield L x1 Chests : 5 (5 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 4-5 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East into the main Fort. Head East again to exit the main Fort. Item: Zaku Shield L x1 Exit East to Eastern Europe. (Say that 5 times fast!) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #02 - Eastern Europe (Between Fort Verde and Eisengrad) Enemies : #005, #007, #008, #009 Groups : Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku II x1 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku II x2 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku Tank x2 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku Cannon x1 Zaku II x2 Zaku II x3 Zaku Tank x2, Zaku II x2 Zaku Cannon x2 Level : 5-6 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East to Eisengrad. (I recommend a lil time spent leveling up to 6 in the forest between Fort Verde and Eisengrad, then restore your HP and save your game once inside Eisengrad.) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #03 - Eisengrad Enemies : #B208 Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. 1000 Credits [ ] 04. Repair Kit DX x1 [ ] 05. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 06. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 07. Restorative Drink x2 [ ] 08. GM Sniper Data x10 [ ] 09. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 10. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 11. EN Pack x1 [ ] 12. Hizack Data x10 [ ] 13. Kaempfer Data x5 [ ] 14. 3000 Credits [ ] 15. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 16. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 17. ECAP (L) x1 Chests : 17 (2 cleared, 15 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 6 Features: Weapon Shop, Mini G System, Item Shop, Black Market, MS Upgrader, Inn People : Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper2, Soldier, Soldier2, Helpful Young Man, Boy, Young Man, Soldier3, Robot Crazy Kid, Boy2, Gourmet Lady, Well- informed Man, Man, Military Weapons Expert, Weapon Merchant's Wife, Soldier On Break, Girl, Boy3, Mother, Boy4, Boy5, Fritz's Buddy, Old Lady, Boy6, Girl Who Loves Her Grandfather, Grandfather, Black Marketeer, Hal Books : Synthetic Food, Exploring Eisengrad on Foot Notes : This is the first place that you can play around with the MS customizing feature. You can upgrade, change parts, recolor, rename, and reassign your Mobile Suits. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Weapon Shop: Metal Shield 90 Arm Machine Gun 200 Machinegun 50 Bazooka 100 Beam Pick 350 Heat Hawk 75 Small Cannon 400 Mini G System: HP Parts 1 Sensor Plus II 3 Power Device II 5 Enhanced Wing 8 HP Parts III 10 Enhanced Propellant 15 Large Type Propellant 20 Item Shop: Repair Kit 30 Regeneration Kit 200 Cleansing Fluid 10 Coolant 15 Fuse 20 Healing Med 10 SOS Signal Flare 50 GPS System 60 Stealth System 80 Acid Guard 200 Street Vendor: (Need Black Ticket) GM Sniper Data 80 Gelgoog Data 110 Gyan Data 105 Hizack Data 140 MS Corp HQ: Lodging and repair 30 Rest 10 Records There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Select the first option when Fritz asks about entering the city. Head East after saving to the SE. Boss fight: Guardian x2 (HP: 130) Proceed North through the gate, deeper into Eisengrad. Move directly East into the Green Set Encounter. After the scene with Hal, the party splits up to explore different parts of the city. Head North into the residental district. Head North then East at the first intersection. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (Far East corner, behind jeeps) Head back West. Continue heading West, through the intersection and into the next zone. As you approach Flitz, you'll enter a scene. I choose the first option. Continue West again. Item: Hacking Tool x1 (far SW corner, rusted plank to rooftop where a boy stands then take the 2nd rusted plank to crane/tower) Return to the central area of Eisengrade by going East twice. Enter the MS Corps HQ. Enter the Northern door and head up the stairs, past the first door and on to the second, which leads to Captain Hal's office. Tristan told Hal the whole story. About the destruction of the orphange, and how he and Fritz escaped and left on their journey. He also told him about the mysterious Vladi Zarth, who they heard about from the pilot they fought. (Now that you have access to the MS Upgrade options, I'm going to make some recommendations, which will be the upgrades I'm doing to my own units. You're free to do your own designs and setups, but this FAQ will be written with a similiar setup to mine in mind.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #1 Step 1: Max out the GM's Attack bar. This is more important than new weaponry since it increases the damage of all weapons used. If you have money left over, begin maxxing out Aeon's Zaku II. Step 2: Remove the Zaku Spikes L from the Zaku II and put it on the GM. Aeon is horrible at melee so MEL + MS parts are wasted on her. Along with that part, you should add the Gouf Spikes R to the GM for even more MEL power. Flitz's Zaku I got the Zaku Armor R we found, and I replaced Aeon's taken L-SLD with the Zaku Shield L found at Fort Verde. Step 3: That's really all for now, since you can't remove the Arms or Legs of a piloted MS. For a nice color scheme for our new Melee GM, I went with the default Torso color, White Shoulder colors for the new parts, and Normal Red for the GM arms and legs, to match up with the red of the default Torso color. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exit Eisengrad. Quick detour North to G System 02. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #04 - G System 02 Enemies : #011, #012, #13 Groups : Acid GM x2, Zaku Sniper x2 Acid GM x5 Shield Zaku x2, Acid GM x3 Shield Zaku x2, Zaku Sniper x2 Shield Zaku x4 Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: HP Parts II x1 [ ] 02. Extra Propellant x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 6-8 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North past the Save Point for 2 boxes. Item: Locked Box: HP Parts II x1 Item: Extra Propellant x1 Exit G System 02 once these items are gained. (Good place to level at for now if you've maxed your GM's melee. I ran back and forth until Tristan, Fritz, and Aeon were level 8 and I had gained a Zaku Shield Kai L and Zaku Shield Kai R for Aeon's Zaku II.) Head Southeast towards Port Marley. Detour West to Fort Arid. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #05 - Fort Arid Enemies : None yet. Groups : No random battles Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 04. Sniper Arm L x1 [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 06. Dom Data x8 [ ] 07. Back Charge x1 Chests : 7 (1 cleared, 6 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 8 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West to find the locked box. Item: Locked Box: Hacking Tool x2 Exit back East. Head back towards Port Marley then past it Southeast, further SE past the destroyed village. Enter Fort Berg. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #06 - Fort Berg Enemies : None yet. Groups : No random battles Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Extra Wing x1 [ ] 02. Locked Box: Short Barrier x1 Chests : 2 (1 cleared, 1 remain) Hacks : 1 needed, for now Level : 8 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East to find the locked box. Item: Locked Box: Extra Wing x1 Exit Fort Berg and now finally visit Port Marley. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #03 - Middle East (South of Eisengard, between it and Port Marley) Enemies : #007, #008, #009, #010 Groups : Boost Gouf x1 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku Cannon x1 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku II Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku II x2 Prototype Zaku x2, Zaku Tank x2 Zaku Cannon x1, Zaku Tank x3 Zaku II x2 Zaku II x3 Zaku Tank x2, Zaku II x2 Level : 7-8 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Not wanting to be a trouble maker, I choose the 2nd answer to Fritz's question. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #04 - Port Marley Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. General Purpose Med x1 [ ] 03. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 04. 200 Credits [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 06. 3000 Credits (*LP*) [ ] 07. Sensor Plus II x1 (*LP*) [ ] 08. Power Device II x1 (*LP*) Chests : 8 (5 cleared, 3 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 8 Features: Weapon Shop, Item Shop, Mini G System, Data Merchant, Parts Merchant, MS Upgrader, Inn People : Soldier, Woman, Unicorn Engineer, Young Woman, Bratty Boy, Mother, Older Woman, Maid, Gentleman, Lady, Unicorn Officer, Constable, Kid, Soldier2, Kid2, Traveling Man, Soldier3, Young Man, Woman, Young Fisherman Books : Mobile Suits Compendium (Zaku), Mobile Suits Compendium (GM), G System Studies (2) Notes : The Data and Parts Merchants aren't available until after the Pirate Base has been cleared. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Weapon Shop: Medium Shield 400 Beam Spray Gun 360 Guncannon 600 Beam Pick 350 Tomahawk 500 Item Shop: Repair Kit 30 Regeneration Kit 200 Cleansing Fluid 10 Healing Med 10 Acid Guard 200 HP Parts 500 Mini G System: HP Parts 1 Sensor Plus II 3 Power Device II 5 Enhanced Wing 8 HP Parts III 10 Enhanced Propellant 15 Zakrello Sickle R 20 Data Merchant: GM Data 25 Zaku I Data 15 Zaku II Data 20 Zaku II Special Data 40 (There will be two different areas coming ahead that you'll find 30 and then 20 of the Zaku II Special Datas at, so you should wait until then and buy the rest you'll need for 99 total before making this unit.) Parts Merchant: Vulcan Arm R 560 Vulcan Arm L 560 Z'Gok Claw L 800 Zaku Shield R 320 Zaku Shield L 320 Gouf Spikes R 480 Gouf Spikes L 480 Extra Propellant 600 Sensor Plus 800 Unicorn Base: Lodging and repair 36 Rest 12 Records There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Enter the first house to the West. (blue door) Go upstairs. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Exit the house and go to the next one to the West. (green door) Item: General Purpose Med x1 Exit the house and head North to zone. Talk to Fritz then grab the chest North of him. Item: Hacking Tool x1 Head North. After the scene with Aeon, head West to collect 2 items. Item: 200 Credits (NW, by boat) Item: Hacking Tool x1 (on boat, by mast) Return South 2 zones to visit the Unicorn base now. Talk to the Constable and pick the first choice. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #2 Step 1: Add the HP Parts II to your Melee GM since it'll be counterattacked some and you want it to be able to withstand some damage. For that same reason, I bought and equipped a Medium Shield to go with the Beam Pick it uses. Step 2: Having bought and equipped a Guncannon for Aeon's Zaku II, I gave it the Extra Propellant so it could fire on the first turn and then to offset the loss of speed, gave it the Extra Wing as well. I also equipped it with the Zaku Shield Kai R and L I found while leveling at G System 02. Step 3: If you hadn't already when Fritz gained the Double Shield Boost, you should make sure Fritz has 2 shields equipped, such as the Metal Shield and Metal Guard. Buying him and Aeon each a Beam Spray Gun will help also. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exit Port Marley. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #04 - India (Southeast of Port Marley, near the Pirate Base) Enemies : #008, #010, #013, #015 Groups : Acid GM x2, Zaku II x2 Acid GM x4 Boost Gouf x1 Zaku Marine Type x1, Acid GM x2 Zaku Marine Type x1, Zaku II x2 Zaku Marine Type x3 Level : 8-9 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Once you get near the Pirate Base, a scene will occur and you'll automatically enter the 'dungeon'. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #07 - Pirate Base Enemies : #013, #015, #016, #017, #B209, #B210 Groups : Acguy x2 Acguy x1, Acid GM x2 Acid GM x3 Acid GM x4 Acid GM x2, Acguy x2 Zaku Marine Type x4 Zaku Marine Type x1, Acguy x2 Zaku Marine Type x2, Acguy x2 Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Acid Barrier x1 [ ] 02. Dom Legs x1 [ ] 03. Metal Guard II x1 [ ] 04. SOS Signal Flare x1 [ ] 05. Small Cannon x1 [ ] 06. Repair Kit x3 [ ] 07. Regeneration Kit x1 [ ] 08. Bazooka x1 [ ] 09. Iron Spear x1 Chests : 9 (9 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 9-10 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head Northeast, but veer to the left at the fork. Head Northwest. SE #1 ~ Gogg Continue Northwest. Item: Locked Box: Acid Barrier x1 Item: Dom Legs x1 Head back to the fork and go NE, or return to Port Marley to equip the Dom Legs, it's your choice. (Tristan's Escape and Auto-Drive can get you back there in a matter of seconds. Dom legs rule! ) Once back at Pirate Base, head NE. Continue along the path, zoning North. Head east, noting the Save Point, then head NW. SE #2 ~ Acguy x2, Gogg Item: Metal Guard II x1 (small opening by NW exit) Continue Northeast. Head West to the branching paths then head Northeast. SE #3 ~ Gogg x2 Continue Northeast. Head North and curve Northwest with the path. Item: SOS Signal Flare x1 (end of path) Item: Small Cannon x1 (end of path) Return Southeast. Head Southwest. SER #1 ~ Boss fight: Z'Gok (HP: 450) Dropped: Z'Gok Claw R x1, ECAP (S) x1 Continue West after Tristan is finished talking with Fritz and Aeon. Head West to the Save Point. Item: Repair Kit x3 (End of West path) Head North from the Save Point. SE #4 ~ Acguy x2, Gogg x2 Continue North. After the scene with Tristan, Aeon, and Fritz, stick to the left and head West. Item: Regeneration Kit x1 (End of the dock, NW side) Item: Bazooka x1 (End of the dock, NW side) Circle around East for a boss fight. Boss fight: Zock (Doesn't counter melee) ~ (HP: 1000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, Energy Capacitor x1 After the scene is over, head Northeast to the end of the pier. Item: Iron Spear x1 Return to Port Marley. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #04 - Port Marley *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Talk to the Constable in the Unicorn base. *You received <2000 credits>!* Return to Eisengrad *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #03 - Eisengrad *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head to the MS Corp HQ to talk to Hal. *You received Gouf Data x50 and an ECAP (L)!* *You received a Card Key (L1)!* Exit Eisengrad. Autodrive to Angelia then return to the Moon Ark. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #02 - Moon Ark Enemies : #001, #002, #003, #004, #005, #006, #B206 Groups : Magella Attack x2 Type 61 Tank x2, Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Items : [x] 01. Machine Gun x1 [x] 02. Metal Shield x1 [ ] 03. Locked Box: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 04. Zaku II Special Data x30 [ ] 05. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 06. Gundam Sandrock Data x50 [ ] 07. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 08. 10,000 Credits [ ] 09. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Drill Claw R x1 [ ] 11. Locked Box: Beam Knife x1 [ ] 12. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 13. EN Charger x1 [ ] 14. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 15. Locked Box: Active Cannon x1 Chests : 15 (4 cleared, 11 remain) Hacks : None needed yet. Level : 10 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head East. Continue East through the circular room. Head East again down the hallway. Continue East, unlocking the door with the Card Key (L1). Item: Zaku II Special Data x30 Item: ECAP (L) x1 Escape and Autodrive back to Eisengrad to put you near G System 02. Head North to G System 02. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #04 - G System 02 Enemies : #011, #012, #13 Groups : Acid GM x2, Zaku Sniper x2 Acid GM x5 Shield Zaku x2, Acid GM x3 Shield Zaku x2, Zaku Sniper x2 Shield Zaku x4 Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: HP Parts II x1 [x] 02. Extra Propellant x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 10 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. (Hello empty boxes!) Continue North after the scene with Tristan and Aeon is over. Unlock the door with Card Key(L1) and pass through. Continue North and switch white panel to ON. After the scene with the Dom's creation is over, head North. After the long scene meeting Gavenger and talking with Aeon and Fritz, you're free to make your first Mobile Suit. (Note: For each additional 10 Data, at 60, 70, 80, 90, and 99, you gain a set of upgrades for the MS, being +3, +6, +9, +12, and +15 respectively. Buying the necessary Datas to reach 99 has always seemed more cost productive. Because of this, I recommend leaving without making a new Mobile Suit just yet. The math is as follows: 49 extra Gouf Datas, at 40 credits each, would be 1,960 credits and give you 5 upgrades each to Durability, Attack, and Mobility. Those same 5 upgrades would cost a total of 2,415 credits. In this instance, you save 455 credits. The increase in savings will get higher with more expensive Mobile Suits.) Exit G System 02. Autodrive to Port Marley then head West to Fort Arid. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #05 - Fort Arid Enemies : #B211 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 04. Sniper Arm L x1 [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 06. Dom Data x8 [ ] 07. Back Charge x1 Chests : 7 (7 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 10 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West past the Locked Box. Boss Fight ~ GM Command (HP: 600) *Tremmie joins your party!* Continue West. Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 (To the immediate South) Head North. SE #1 ~ Desert Zaku x1, Repair GM x2 Item: ECAP (S) x1 (Behind SE #1) Head towards the bridge between areas. SE #2 ~ Boost Gouf x2 Cross the bridge and head North. SE #3 ~ Zaku Cannon x4, Desert Zaku x1 Item: GM Sniper Arm L (Behind SE #3) Item: Hacking Tool (Slightly North of SE #3) Head South and West. SE #4 ~ Boost Gouf, Zaku Cannon x3 Item: Dom Data x8 (Between SE #4 and SE #5) SE #5 ~ Repair GM, Desert Zaku x3 Exit West. Item: Back Charge x1 Exit Fort Arid to the West. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #05 - Africa Enemies : #010, #018, #019, #020, #021, #022, #023, #024, #025 Groups : Boost Gouf x2, Counter Zaku x1 Counter Zaku x1, Light Armor x3 Counter Zaku x2, Repair GM x2 Gouf Tank x3 Gouf Tank x2, Desert Zaku x2 Grenade Zaku x1, Light Armor x2 Grenade Zaku x1, Light Armor x3 Grenade Zaku x2, Speed Cannon x2 Light Armor x1, Desert Zaku x2 Light Armor x2, Desert Zaku x2 Light Armor x2, Counter Zaku x1 Light Armor x2, Counter Zaku x2 Repair GM x2, Spear Gouf x1 Spear Gouf x1 Speed Cannon x2, Grenade Zaku x1 Zaku Cannon x4 Zaku Cannon x1, Desert Zaku x2 Level : 10-13 Notes : Northwest Africa, near El Dar Samnia, is a great place to 'farm' for ECAP (S), especially later in the game when you can one-hit-kill any of these enemies. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West/Southwest to El Dar Samnia. (West 3 mini-map squares, South 1 1/2) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #05 - El Dar Samnia Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Guncannon Data x10 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. Restorative Drink DX x1 [ ] 04. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 05. Heat Barrier x1 [ ] 06. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 07. Gelgoog Data x20 [ ] 08. Gyan Data x20 [ ] 09. Zaku II Special Data x30 [ ] 10. ECAP (S) x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 10 Features: Item Shop, Weapon Shop, Mini G System, Black Marketeer, Inn, MS Upgrader People : Woman, Boy, Boy2, Unicorn Engineer, Explorer, Woman2, Old Lady, Elder, Stubborn Old Man, Mother, Girl, Unicorn Constable Books : None? O.o Notes : Lots of hidden pathways to take here but you can get all these chests if you follow the directions below. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Item Shop: Repair Kit 30 Regeneration Kit 200 Cleansing Fluid 10 Coolant 15 Fuse 20 Healing Med 10 Sedative Med 10 Heat Guard 300 HP Parts 500 GPS System 60 Armor Kit 150 Speed Kit 100 Weapon Shop: Titanium Shield 900 Double Cannon 1500 Beam Gun 600 Giant Bazooka 970 Heat Saber 950 Heat Hawk Kai 1300 Mini G System: HP Parts 1 Sensor Plus II 3 Power Device II 5 Enhanced Wing 8 HP Parts III 10 Enhanced Propellant 15 Large Type Wing 20 Black Marketeer: (Alleyway behind Elder's house) GM Command Data 50 Guncannon Data 85 Gouf Data 40 Dom Data 60 (You'll earn a total of 70 Guncannon Data's after completing the next area, so you should wait until you have those and can buy 29 more to make the Guncannon, if you're so inclined.) Unicorn Base Restore TP & MS HP 90 Rest 30 Records There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Behold Tremmie's low, low cut pants as you all enter the city. Head North. After speaking with Olivia, head Northwest (Not North, but the alley beside the Unicorn base) Continue down the alley way until you see an opening on your right. You'll hear the door opening sound as you pass through it. Item: Guncannon Data x10 Item: Hacking Tool x1 Return to the alley and continue to it's end Item: HP Parts x1 (behind some boxes at the end of the alley) Return to main part of El Dar Samnia and now go North. Go past Fritz and through the arch. Continue down the alleyway, past the Weapon shop, the next door, and the laundry hanging up to go through another arch. Enter the house directly in front of you. This is the Elder's house. Item: Restorative Drink DX x1 Item: Hacking Tool x1 *The Elder shows you the location of the Mining Base on your map!* Exit the Elder's house and head to your left, looping around behind the house. If you've waited to make the Gouf, buy as many Gouf Data as it takes to get to 99. Contiue down the Alley and around the boxes at the end Item: Heat Barrier x1 Item: Hacking Tool x1 West from the items for yet more alleyway. Item: Gelgoog Data x20 Item: Gyan Data x20 Return to first part of city. Head Southwest from the well. Head South towards the girls for a scene. Take the alley west between the two houses. South then East to enter another hidden area. Item: Zaku II Special Data x30 Item: ECAP (S) x1 Exit El Dar Samnia. If you waited until now to build new MS as recommended, you can purchase the Gouf Data here and the Zaku II Special Data back at Port Marley then revist G System 02 and make both units. If you're working on getting at least 1 of each MS in the game, you'll need to make both of these and then later make the Guncannon. Having made them for myself, I returned to El Dar Samnia for... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #3 Step 1: Switch Tristan into the Gouf, Aeon into the Zaku II Special, and Fritz into the GM. Step 2: Put all the regular GM parts on the GM. Now add the Dom Legs to the Gouf and the Gouf Legs to the GM. Add the GM Sniper Arm L to the Zaku II Special, the Zaku Arm Kai L to the GM Command, the GM Command Arm L to the Gouf, the newly-freed Handgun Arm L to the GM Command, and finally the Zaku Arm Kai L to the GM. I didn't make any R-ARM changes. Step 3: I hadn't made or bought any extra OPT parts yet, so I stuck the HP Parts II, HP Parts, Heat Barrier, and Acid Barrier on my Gouf. Aeon's Zaku II Special got the Extra Propellant again, but didn't need the Extra Wing to offset them anymore, so those went to Tremmie's GM Command. The Zaku II Special also received the Acid and Heat Guards, and the lonely GM got the Back Charge. Step 4: Cap out the Attack on the Gouf, Zaku II Special, and GM Command MSs then increase their Durability and Mobility levels with whatever credits you have left. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Head towards the Mining Base to the South, moving directly South along the western edge of Africa until through the forests to loop around the southern edge of the mountains blocking the mines from Northern access. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #08 - Mining Base Enemies : #022, #024, #025, #026, #027, #028, #029, #030, #031, #032, #033, #B212 Groups : Counter Zaku x1, MP Guntank x3 Counter Zaku x3 Speed Cannon x2, Grenade Zaku x2 Speed Cannon x2, Counter Zaku x2 Speed Cannon x3 Speed Cannon x4 Grenade Zaku x2, Counter Zaku x1 Grenade Zaku x2, Counter Zaku x2 Grenade Zaku x1, MP Guntank x3 Metal Zaku x1 Items : [ ] 01. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 02. Locked Box: Heavy Lance x1 [ ] 03. Beam Spray Gun x1 [ ] 04. Stealth System x3 [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 07. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 08. Guncannon Data x15 [ ] 09. Knuckle Guard x1 Chests : 9 (9 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 13-14 Note : Metal Zaku requires the use of Fritz's Grenade TEC or Tristan's Power Charge BST to destroy. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head along the Northeast branch and to the East. SE #1 ~ Mega Cannon x1 Dropped: Guncannon Data x5 Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Item: Locked Box: Heavy Lance x1 Return to the first room with then Save Point then head West. SE #2 ~ Counter Zaku x2, Boost Gouf x1 Take the West branch. Head West and North as the path curves. SE #3 ~ Grenade Zaku x2, MP Guntank x3 Go North. Item: Beam Spray Gun x1 Item: Stealth System x3 Item: Hacking Tool x1 Return to the room with the Save Point and head North. SE #4 ~ Boost Gouf x2, Heavy Gouf x1 Dropped: Heavy Handgun Arm R x1 Dropped: Extra Armor x1 Head East towards the next encounter. SE #5 ~ Speed Cannon x2, MP Guntank x3 Take a quick detour West down the deadend. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Now head East. Head East to the Save Point, saving at it, then move Southeast. Head South into the area. *Gavenger joins your party!* When ready, charge the cowards! SE #8 ~ Zaku Charge x2, Counter Zaku x3 SE #9 ~ Zaku Charge x2, Spear Gouf x2 SE #10 ~ MP Guntank x5 SER #1 ~ Speed Cannon x2, Mega Cannon x2 Dropped: Guncannon Data x5, GM Arm L x1 SER #2 ~ Counter Zaku x4, Guntank x1 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, Missle Arm L x1 Exit West for a scene. After the scene, head West then turn North at the Save Point. Head North. SE #6 ~ MP Guntank x4 Head West. SE #7 ~ Spear Gouf x2, Mirror Gouf x1 Follow the loop around for the items. Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: Guncannon Data x15 Item: Knuckle Guard x1 Exit East. Head North now. SER #3 ~ Zaku Charge x2, Mega Cannon x2 Dropped: Guncannon Data x5 Continue North. Move North to the elevator on the floor. Boss Fight ~ Dark Guard x2 (HP: 470), Xamel (HP: 2700) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, Xamel Cannon x1 (If you use Fritz's Chaff Field Boost Attack during the Xamel's Boost Attacks, it will nullify all damage and allow your other 2 characters to pummel this boss without much fear of losing.) Escape out of the Mining Base and Auto-Drive to El Dar Samnia. Go to the Town Elder who gave you the Mining Base's location. *You received Guncannon Data x30* Swing around behind the Elder's house to buy 29 Guncannon Data from the Black Marketeer so you'll have 99 total now. Detour to G System 02 to make the Guncannon and over to Port Marley to upgrade it if you so desire. Enter Eisengrad. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #09 - Fortress Eisengrad Enemies : #033, #034, #035, #036, #037 Groups : Dark Shooter x1, Dark Bomber x2 Dark Shooter x1, Dark Soldier x2 Dark Shooter x2, Dark Soldier x2 Dark Soldier x3 Items : [ ] 01. Regeneration Kit x2 [ ] 02. Repair Kit DX x1 [ ] 03. High Power Kit x1 [ ] 04. Restorative Drink x2 [ ] 05. Repair Kit x5 [ ] 06. Repair Kit SP x1 Chests : 6 (6 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 15-16 Note : Beware the enemies' abilities that hit all 3 MS. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Pick the top choice when speaking with Rezner. *Rezner joins your party!* Head North. SE #1 ~ Dark Shooter x2, Dark Soldier x2 (Just South of entrance) SE #2 ~ Dark Soldier x2, Dark Bomber x2 (Directly North of SE #1) SE #3 ~ Dark Soldier x2, Dark Leader x1 (To the East, guarding the gate) Reach the gate and you'll pass through it automatically after the scene. SE #4 ~ Dark Soldier x5 (Directly East of gate) Item: Regeneration Kit x2 (North of SE #4) SE #5 ~ Dark Bomber x2, Dark Soldier x2 (East of Regeneration Kit Items) Item: Repair Kit DX x1 (Behind SE #5) SE #6 ~ Dark Soldier x2, Dark Leader x2 (South of SE #5, guarding the gate) SE #7 ~ Dark Guard x1, Dark Bomber x3 (South of SE #6) Item: High Power Kit x1 (Behind SE #7) Head to the gate to the East. As before, you'll pass through automatically once the scene is over. Ignore the Green SE for now and get the items first. Item: Restorative Drink x2 (North, just past gate) Item: Repair Kit x5 (East of Restorative Drink) Item: Repair Kit SP x1 (South, just past gate) Move to the Green SE and prepare for some fun. SE #8 ~ Dark Soldier x4, Dark Leader x1 (Behind you) SE #9 ~ Dark Bomber x2, Dark Soldier x2 (NW) SE #10 ~ Dark Leader x1, Dark Soldier x3 (North of SE #9) SE #11 ~ Dark Guard x2, Dark Soldier x2 (East of #10) SE #12 ~ Dark Guard x2, Dark Bomber x3 (South of #11) SE #13 ~ Dark Leader x2, Dark Soldier x3 (South of #12) (Note: If you want to save before a cool scene, exit Fortress Eisengrad via Escape and use the Save Point just inside to save your game before you fight the last Set Encounter here.) SE #14 ~ Dark Guard x2, Dark Soldier x3 (Northwest of #13) The white Mobile Suit Hal brought back, The legendary Gundam, made short work of the enemies. The Eisengrad Army triumphed. The brave soldiers earned themselves a graet victory. *Rezner leaves your party.* And so the Dark Alliance was driven off. Still, their leader, Vladi Zarth, remains shrouded in mystery. The struggle against the Dark Alliance is far from over. The road ahead will be difficult, for these intrepid youngsters may have won their battle... but the war has just begun. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #03 - Eisengrad Enemies : None Items : [x] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. 1000 Credits [ ] 04. Repair Kit DX x1 [ ] 05. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 06. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 07. Restorative Drink x2 [ ] 08. GM Sniper Data x10 [ ] 09. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 10. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 11. EN Pack x1 [ ] 12. Hizack Data x10 [ ] 13. Kaempfer Data x5 [ ] 14. 3000 Credits [ ] 15. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 16. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 17. ECAP (L) x1 Chests : 17 (17 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 16 Features: Weapon Shop, Mini G System, Item Shop, Black Market, MS Upgrader, Inn People : Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper2, Soldier, Soldier2, Helpful Young Man, Boy, Young Man, Soldier3, Robot Crazy Kid, Boy2, Gourmet Lady, Well- informed Man, Man, Military Weapons Expert, Weapon Merchant's Wife, Soldier On Break, Girl, Boy3, Mother, Boy4, Boy5, Fritz's Buddy, Old Lady, Boy6, Girl Who Loves Her Grandfather, Grandfather, Black Marketeer, Hal, Soldier4, Soldier5, Soldier6, Beautiful Woman, Elite Officer, Soldier7, Girl2, Wife, Soldier8, Maid, Officer, Wife2, Soldier9, Soldier10, Soldier11, Soldier12, Soldier13, Soldier14, Elite Officer2, Officer2, Soldier15, Soldier16, Soldier17, Soldier18, Officer3, Officer4, Officer5, Officer6, Officer7, Soldier19, Soldier20, Soldier21, Soldier22, Soldier23, Soldier24, Rezner's Adjutant, Rezner's Adjutant2, Rezner, Soldier25, Soldier26, Akter's Adjutant, Akter's Adjutant2, Colonel Akter, Commander Dustov, General Sosei, Guardsman, Guardsman2, Guardsman3, Guardsman4, Soldier27, Soldier28 Books : Synthetic Food, Exploring Eisengrad on Foot, The History of Eisen- grad(1), Mobile Suit Squad Tactics(1), Mobile Suit Squad Tactics(2), MS Research Report (1), MS Research Report (2), Mobile Suit Studies (Gouf), Mobile Suit Studies (Dom), Mobile Suit Studies (Gyan), Mobile Suit Studies (Gelgoog), Mobile Suit Studies (Guncannon), Mobile Suit Studies (Gundam), Types of Melee Weapons, Boost Attack Report, The Zarth Legacy, Dark Alliance Intelligence Report, The History of Eisengrad (2), The History of Eisengrad (3) Notes : Put on your exploring hat, because it's time to find some items! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Exit the room. Exit the building and you can now visit the Northern areas of Eisengrad where there are a *lot* of hidden paths to items. Just before the guards, you can move up a ramp to the southwest hidden by the brown obstacle. Once on that roof, there is a half-hidden ramp up to a set of pipes. Go up the pipes and head Northeast higher up the pipes first. You'll see a ramp down to your right. Item: 1000 Credits Return to the pipes and head east instead of back down to the first rooftop. You'll need to swith to heading west as Tristan runs towards the camera and past it to the left. Heading Northeast at the pipe branch is a box. Item: Repair Kit DX x1 Back to the pipes, continue Northwest and down two ramps to a rooftop. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Return to the main road the guards are on. Just past them is another rooftop obstruction to the south. Move along the wall as you walk past it and you'll move south onto the rooftop. Turn East and out onto the roof. Up the ramp is another box. Item: Hacking Tool x1 Head down the road branch near the two guards to go up some stairs past a single guard. Follow the path and enter the first house you come to. Item: Restorative Drink x2 (Upstairs room, by bed) Exit the house and continue down to the next house. Item: GM Sniper Data x10 (Upstairs room, behind the piano.) Now exit the house and run all the way back to the first 2 soldiers who use to block the path and head further up the road. As you head to the east, you'll notice two sets of boxes once the camera shifts around behind you. Both are blocking hidden ramps from view. Head to the right to pop onto a rooftop with an easy to spot chest to the South. Item: Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 Back to the road and boxes, you should sneak up behind the next set then begin running atop the wall back towards the guards. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Once you hit the grate blocking further wall-running, head down a short ramp then waaaay up the next Northeast of your position. Atop that roof is the last of these hidden boxes. Item: EN Pack x1 Follow the road up to the General HQ. North again to enter the HQ, meeting with Rezner inside. Once the scene is finished, it's time to grab more items in time-honored RPG kleptomaniac style. Head up the stairs to the right and back towards the camera to find an arched hallway to the northeast. Go through the door at the end of that hallway. Item: Hizack Data x10 Item: Kaempfer Data x5 Back to the main room, run across to another arched hallway, at the end of which is another room. Item: 3000 Credits Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Item: ECAP (L) x1 Back to the main room again to head through the central doors. The eastern arched hallway leads down to Major Rezner's office and the western arched hallways leads to Colonel Akter's office. The doors directly to the north lead to an empty conference room. Go up either set of stairs and then up the next set to enter a scene with Fritz's meeting with Eisengrad's leader, Commander Dustov. *You received !* *You received <10000 credits>!* Make your way back out of the mansion and you'll be stopped at the door by Dart Akter. Ominious music begins as this fat M. Bison-wannabe threatens Tristan. Go ahead and leave after he's done and you'll get a message that Hal wants to see Tristan. Save your game at the MS Corps HQ before you talk to Hal so you can decide between the options he gives you. Enter Hal's office for a scene. Hal talks to Tristan about Vargas and the Black Market, an area to the far Northwest of Eisengrad. You're then given the aforementioned choice: Option #1: Gelgoog Data x50 Option #2: Gyan Data x50 *You received !* (You can see which I went for) Exit Eisengrad. Good ole Autodrive will take you instantly to Marie's place. Enter the house for a long scene. (Gavenger seems to know Marie's full name: Marie Orijin Neikeshuneku Tokita? Wow, I came pretty close with translating that name from hell in the Japanese version after all :D) *You received a !* Note: With the Black Ticket in hand, you can now access the street vendor in Eisengrad's slum sector. Since you should have 70 Datas for either the Gyan or the Gelgoog, buying the other 29 to get the bonus upgrades will save you over 1000 credits. Head towards the Black Market. (North from Eisengrad then West along the coast) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #06 - Near the Black Market Enemies : #001, #009, #008, #011, #012, #013 Groups : Acid GM x2, Shield Zaku x1 Acid GM x4 Shield Zaku x1, Acid GM x3 Shield Zaku x2, Zaku Sniper x1 Shield Zaku x3 Type 61 Tank x3 Zaku II x2, Shield Zaku x1 Zaku II x2, Zaku Cannon x1 Level : 16 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #06 - Black Market / Sky Pirate Base Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. General Purpose Med x1 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. Medical System x1 [ ] 04. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 05. Lockpick x1 Chests : 5 (5 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 16 Features: Weapon Shop Vendors x2, Item Shop Vendor, MS Upgrader, Inn, MS Parts Vendor People : Sky Pirate, Sky Pirate2, Sky Pirate3, Sky Pirate4, Sky Pirate Apprentice, Sky Pirate Lieutenant, Sky Pirate Lieutenant2, Sky Pirate Adjutant, Sky Pirate Communications Officer, Vargas Books : None Notes : Hope you brought along alot of credits! Check out all the vendors before you begin to buy stuff since you might want a few of the cheaper items instead of just one of the high priced items. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Street Vendor #1 (By Fritz) Prototype Shield 8700 Knuckle Guard 4200 Arm Launcher 9000 Missile Launcher 6300 Sniper Rifle 5400 Acid Sword 1200 House #1: (By Fritz) Street Vendor #2 Missle Arm R 1600 Gatling Arm R 4000 Heavy Handgun Arm R 1440 Heavy Handgun Arm L 1440 Extra Wing 800 Recovery System 1000 Maintenance System 1500 Medical System 1500 Shock Absorber 200 House #2: (Western Barracks) Lodging and repair 150 Rest 50 Records House #3: There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Street Vendor #3: (Wearing backpack, by House #3) Repair Kit 30 Regeneration Kit 200 Cleansing Fluid 10 Coolant 15 Fuse 20 Healing Med 10 Sedative Med 10 Stealth System 80 HP Parts 500 GPS System 60 Power Kit 200 Armor Kit 150 Speed Kit 100 Street Vendor #4: (Beside #3) Small Shield 1600 Battle Shield 2100 Metal Guard 500 Arm Beam Gun 1700 Beam Cannon 2900 Railgun 2000 Beam Saber 2400 Head North up the path. Follow the tire tracks up the hill past Tremmie. Item: General Purpose Med x1 (Eastern side of building) Enter the building. Doesn't matter which choice you pick. Try to use the elevator then run around a lil. Enter the elevator and go to the (R)oof level. Item: Hacking Tool x1 Item: Medical System x1 Item: ECAP (S) x1 Item: Lockpick x1 *Note: Now that you have the Lockpick, you can return to Angelia and Port Marley to open the doors that were locked to you previously. All future locked doors will still be marked, but don't require any extra keys, unlike the Hacking Tool-required locked chest. Enter the elevator and go to 2F now. After all that, head to 1F and out of the building. Head down the hill past Tremmie and out of the Sky Pirate's Base. Now head to Angelia and Port Marley to collect the items in the locked houses. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #02 - Angelia Enemies : None Items : [x] 01. 150Ct [x] 02. Regen Kit x1 [x] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 04. Recovery System II x1 (*LP*) Chests : 4 (4 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 16 Features: Inn, Item Shop People : Gossipy Woman, Chatty Woman, Girl, Old Man, Old Woman, Young Man, Man, Young Man2, Maid, Gould's Son, Professor Gould, Mrs. Gould, Well-informed Man, Constable Ox Books : What are Mobile Suits?, Mystery of the Lost Era, Scars of the Great Fall, G System Studies (1), The Founding of the Unicorns Notes : You won't need to return here unless it's to see if folks are saying new things. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head Northwest up the hill. On your left is the locked house. Item: Recovery System II x1 Exit Angelia and head to Port Marley. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #04 - Port Marley Enemies : None Items : [x] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 02. General Purpose Med x1 [x] 03. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 04. 200 Credits [x] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 06. 3000 Credits (*LP*) [ ] 07. Sensor Plus II x1 (*LP*) [ ] 08. Power Device II x1 (*LP*) Chests : 8 (8 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 16 Features: Weapon Shop, Item Shop, Mini G System, Data Merchant, Parts Merchant, MS Upgrader, Inn People : Soldier, Woman, Unicorn Engineer, Young Woman, Bratty Boy, Mother, Older Woman, Maid, Gentleman, Lady, Unicorn Officer, Constable, Kid, Soldier2, Kid2, Traveling Man, Soldier3, Young Man, Woman, Young Fisherman Books : Mobile Suits Compendium (Zaku), Mobile Suits Compendium (GM), G System Studies (2) Notes : You won't need to return here unless it's to see if folks are saying new things. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. The second house on the right, with the green door, is the locked one. Proceed to the back of the house and exit through a door hidden from view by a china cabinet. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #4 (With the increasing amount of varied items and MS parts, I'm just going to list my builds here now. I haven't spent any of my ECAP (S) since those are best saved for much later in the game when you reach Diggins Rock. Remaining ECAP (L) at 2 and ECAP (S) at 23 at this time.) Tristan: BODY : Gouf - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : HP Parts II, HP Parts II, Power Device II, Extra Armor R-SLD: Gouf Spikes R L-SLD: Gouf Spikes L R-ARM: Dom Arm R L-ARM: Dom Arm L LEGS : Dom Legs *`` `** ``` ``` Heavy Lance *`` ``` `** ``` Machine Gun Kai *`` ``` `** ``` Knuckle Guard *`` ``` ``` `** Battle Shield *`` ``` ``` `** *`` ``` ``` `** Tremmie: BODY : Gelgoog - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 5 OPT : Extra Wing, HP Parts, Sensor Plus II R-SLD: Guncannon Armor R L-SLD: Guncannon Armor L R-ARM: Gelgoog Arm R L-ARM: GM Sniper Arm L LEGS : Guncannon Legs **** ```` ```` ```` ```` Railgun ``** ```` ```` ```` ```` Beam Gun ```` ***` ```` ```` ```* Arm Missile ```` ```` ***` ```` ```* Arm Missile ```` ```` ```` ***` ```* Beam Saber Aeon: BODY : Guncannon - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Extra Propellant, Extra Wing R-SLD: Gelgoog Armor R L-SLD: Gelgoog Armor L R-ARM: Guncannon Arm R L-ARM: Missile Arm L LEGS : Gelgoog Legs ****``` ``````` ``````` ````*** Guncannon ``**``` **````` ``````` ````*** Light Beam Gun ``````` `*````` ``***`` `````** Metal Guard II, Heat Hawk Kai Gavenger: BODY : GM Command - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 3 OPT : Acid Barrier, Heat Barrier, Medical System R-SLD: Zaku Shield Kai R L-SLD: Zaku Shield Kai L R-ARM: Zaku Arm Kai R L-ARM: Gelgoog Arm L LEGS : Zaku Legs Kai **`` ```` ```` ``** ```` Light Beam Gun `*`` *``` ```` ```` ``** Heat Saber ```` *``` ```` ```` ```` Giant Bazooka ```` *``` `*** ```` ```` Metal Guard x2 ```` *``` `*** ```` ```` Fritz BODY : Zaku II Special - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 7 OPT : Back Charge, Recovery System II, Recovery System, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: Dom Armor R L-SLD: Dom Armor L R-ARM: GM Command Arm R L-ARM: Guncannon Arm L LEGS : Dom Legs `**** ````` ````` ````` ````` Guncannon ```** `**`` ````` ````` ````` Light Beam Gun ````` ``*`` ```** ````` ````` Metal Guard ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```** Giant Bazooka ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```** Small Shield +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Return to the Sky Pirate Base and up to the 2nd floor of the HQ when ready. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #06 - Black Market / Sky Pirate Base *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Speak to Vargas and select the first choice. *Vargas joins your party!* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #07 - England Enemies : #011, #012, #025, #038 Groups : GM Sniper x1, Speed Cannon x2 GM Sniper x1, Speed Cannon x3 GM Sniper x1, Zaku Sniper x2 Zaku Sniper x2, Shield Zaku x2 Zaku Sniper x2, Speed Cannon x2 Level : 16 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head the short distance North to G System 03. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #10 - G System 03 Enemies : #011, #012, #025, #038, #039, #B213 Groups : GM Sniper x1, Speed Cannon x2 GM Sniper x1, Speed Cannon x3 GM Sniper x1, Zaku Sniper x2 Zaku Sniper x2, Shield Zaku x2 Zaku Sniper x2, Speed Cannon x2 Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 16-17 Note : This is basically a one-time dungeon. Once you've attained a flying ship, you can return, but that's not for quite a while. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Continue North past the Save Point. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Item: Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 Continue North, switch the white keypad to ON to unlock the door. Time to lock and load and rock and roll! SE #1 ~ Death Army x5 Dropped: Death Army Data x1 (Concentrate your fire on a single DA at a time since they're tougher then they look and will regenerate 100 HP each turn if left alive.) SE #2 ~ Death Army x5 Dropped: Death Army Data x1 SE #3 ~ Death Army x5 Dropped: Death Army Data x1, Sedative Med x1 Move forward a few steps. SER #1 ~ Boss Fight: Death Army x4, (HP: 290) Death Army SP x1 (HP: 740) Dropped: Death Army Data x1, ECAP (S) x1, Rod Type Beam Rifle x1 Head forward into the core. Move to the exit once the room begins to shake. Head South twice to exit the G System. Once you're in control again, exit the building and go down the hill. Enter the NW building and select the 1st option to rest. Exit the building. *You recieved !* (Note: This is your last chance to do stuff in this part of the world for a little bit. Me, I made myself the Gyan and Hizack MS so I'd have one of each of the MS available so far. That'll be noticable in the next MS Config section.) Return to Vargas' office up on the 2nd floor of the Sky Pirates HQ building and select the first option. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #08 - Southeast Asia Enemies : #024, #027, #038, #040, #041, #044 Groups : GM Sniper x1, Grenade Zaku x2 GM Sniper x1, Grenade Zaku x3 GM Sniper x1, Leo x3 Golden GM x1 Grenade Zaku x2, Leo x2 Leo x2, GM Sniper x1 Leo x3 Zaku Charge x2, Shield Dom x1 Level : 17 Notes : Golden GM requires the use of Tristan's Power Charge BST to destroy. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Detour west to Fort Berg, there is a Save Point there. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #06 - Fort Berg Enemies : #B214 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Extra Wing x1 [ ] 02. Locked Box: Short Barrier x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 17 Notes : If you don't do this battle now, you'll miss the chance to fight this boss and never be able to get all 270 Enemy Data. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Item: Locked Box: Short Barrier x1 Head West into the Fort. Head West towards the gate to see a SER. SER #1 ~ Boss Fight: Black Assassin x1 (1800 HP) Dropped: Ninja Sword x1, Kaempfer Spikes R x1 Exit Fort Berg back to the East. Head East towards Tohai. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #09 - Tohai area and Northern China Enemies : #027, #028, #038, #040, #041, #042, #043, #044 Groups : Buster Zaku x2 GM Sniper x1, Grenade Zaku x2 GM Sniper x1, Leo x3 Golden GM x1 Grenade Zaku x2, Leo x2 Gyan x1 Leo x2, Grenade Zaku x1 Leo x2, GM Sniper x1 Leo x3 Mirror Gouf x2, Buster Zaku x1 Mirror Gouf x2, Shield Dom x2 Zaku Charge x2, Shield Dom x1 Zaku Charge x2, Buster Zaku x1 Level : 17-18 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Enter the town. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #07 - Tohai Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. 1000 Credits [ ] 04. 3000 Credits (*LP*) [ ] 05. Smoke Bomb x1 Chests : 5 (5 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 17 Features: Mini G System, Inn, MS Upgrade, Item Shop, Weapon Shop x2, Parts Merchant, Street Vendor People : Lady, Girl, Laborer, Young Guy, Traveler, Constable, Laborer2, Laborer3, Woman, Old Lady, Laid-off Man, K Trading Company Henchman, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter2, Weapon Merchant Clerk, Man, Man2, Woman2, Woman3, Youth, man, Man2, Laborer4, Little Girl, Boy, Boy2, Little Girl2, Old Lady2, Boy3 Books : The Missing Zarth Family, The Three Laws of G Systems, Hosho-Ken: The Mystic Martial Art, All About Ranged Weapons (1), All About Ranged Weapons (2) Notes : If you can afford it, I highly recommend a set of Dowadge Thruster for each of your MS, aside from possibly Tristan, if you want to keep him as Melee decked out as possible. You will use these for a long, long time. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Mini G System: HP Parts 1 Sensor Plus II 3 Power Device II 5 Enhanced Wing 8 HP Parts III 10 Enhanced Propellant 15 Power Booster 20 Unicorn Base: Lodging and repair 180 Rest 60 Records There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Item Shop: Repair Kit 30 Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Cleansing Fluid 10 Coolant 15 Fuse 20 Stealth System 80 Heat Guard 300 Short Guard 400 HP Parts 500 Armor Kit 150 Speed Kit 100 Melee Weapon Shop: Small Shield 1600 Gelgoog Shield 3200 Metal Guard II 900 Arm Guard 2500 Beam Saber 2400 Heat Hawk Kai 1300 Large-size Heat Hawk 4500 Beam Javelin 2800 Wandering Street Vendor: General Purpose Med 250 Ranged Weapon Shop: Gatling Shield 2800 Arm Gatling 3200 Beam Cannon 2900 Long Cannon 4300 Bullpup Machine Gun 1500 Railgun 2000 Long Rifle Gun 3500 Beam Rifle 2500 Parts Merchant: Guncannon Armor R 800 Guncannon Armor L 800 Dowadge Thruster L 2400 Dowadge Thruster R 2400 Guncannon Arm R 1200 Guncannon Arm L 1200 Gyan Arm R 1560 Gyan Arm L 1560 Extra Wing 800 Power Device 1000 Sensor Plus 800 Recovery System 1000 As usual when we enter a new city, it's time to scrounge up some items. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (Directly to your right after entering, near the Hangar) Head North. Approach Aeon. Head West. Head West towards Vargas. Use the Lockpick on the door to the North, just past Vargas. Item: 3000 Credits Exit the house and head further West. Enter the nearest door just to your South, East of the three people. Item: Smoke Bomb x1 Exit the house. Head South then East to meet up with Tremmie for a scene. Return to the area past Vargas, where Aeon is, and go North up the stairs. Head down the stairs and exit the building. Head down more stairs. Item: Hacking Tool x1 (Behind the right statue) Item: 1000 Credits (Behind the left statue) Head South. Head back to where Tremmie was and past her. Enter the house the old lady in green is sitting in front of. Speak to the child inside, choosing the first choice. *The child shows you the location of the Wyvern Ravine on your map!* Exit Tohai. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #5 (Remaining ECAP (L) at 0 and ECAP (S) at 29 at this time.) Tristan: BODY : Gyan - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : HP Parts II, HP Parts II, Power Device II, Power Device R-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes R L-SLD: Hizack Spikes L R-ARM: Gyan Arm R L-ARM: Gyan Arm L LEGS : Gyan Legs `*` ``` Large Heat Hawk *** ``` Battle Shield **` ``` `*` ``` ``` **` ``` **` ``` **` Tremmie: BODY : Gelgoog - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Acid Barrier, Heat Barrier, Short Barrier, HP Parts R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Gelgoog Arm R L-ARM: Gelgoog Arm L LEGS : GM Sniper Legs **** ```` ```` ```` ```` Beam Rifle ```` **** ```` ```` ```` Sniper Rifle ```` ```` ***` ```` ```* Arm Launcher ```` ```` ***` ```` ```* Arm Missile ```` ```` ```` ***` ```* Aeon: BODY : Hizack - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Extra Propellant, Sensor Plus II, Sensor Plus R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Guncannon Arm R L-ARM: Missile Arm L LEGS : Gelgoog Legs ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` Beam Cannon ```*` ````` ````* ````` ***`` Beam Rifle ````` ````` ````* ***`` ````` Beam Saber ````` ****` ````* ````` ````` Metal Guard II x2 Gavenger: BODY : Zaku II Special - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Acid Barrier, Heat Barrier, Medical System R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Zaku Arm Kai R L-ARM: Gelgoog Arm L LEGS : Zaku Legs Kai `*``` ````` ```** ````` Large Heat Hawk ***`` ````` ```** ````` Long Rifle **``` ````` ````` ```** Arm Gatling `*``` ``*** ````` ````` Bullpup Machine Gun ````` ***** ````` ````` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Head to Wyvern Ravine which is Northwest of Tohai. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #11 - Wyvern Ravine Enemies : #028, #038, #041, #042, #043, #045, #046, #047, #048, #049, #B215, #B216, #B217 Groups : Buster Zaku x2, Mirror Gouf x2 GM Slasher x2, Leo x2 GM Sniper x1, GM Slasher x2 GM Sniper x1, Buster Zaku x1 Gyan x1 Leo x2, Shield Dom x2 Leo x4 Shield Dom x1, GM Slasher x2 Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Flame Launcher x1 [ ] 02. Kaempfer Data x10 [ ] 03. Double Cannon x1 [ ] 04. Repair Kit x5 [ ] 05. SOS Signal Flare x1 [ ] 06. Locked Box: Missle Shield x1 [ ] 07. EN Pack x1 [ ] 08. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 09. Locked Box: Impact Lance x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Improved Z'Gok Claw R x1 Chests : 10 (8 cleared, 2 remain) Hacks : 2 needed for now Level : 18-19 Note : The final 2 chests aren't obtainable until you return here. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head to the Save Point and save before going past it. Boss Fight: Guncannon x1 (HP 1200) *Li Fang joins your party!* Take the Eastern path. Follow it around to the North. Go North past the SE. Follow the path. SER #1 ~ GM Slasher x2, Dom Knuckle x1 Dropped: Hizack Spikes R x1 Item: Locked Box: Flame Launcher x1 Item: Kaempfer Data x10 Return South. SE #1 ~ Leo x5 Dropped: Drum Machinegun x1 Head East. Item: Double Cannon x1 Return Southwest. Go West. Now North. Take the Southern branch. Item: Repair Kit x5 Return to the branch and now take the Northern one. SE #2 ~ Mirror Gouf x2, Mirror Cannon x1 Head West, ignoring the SE for now. Continue along the path. SE #3 ~ GM Slasher x2, Leo x3 Head North. SER #2 ~ Gyan x2, Gyan Launcher x1 Dropped: Spray Launcher x1, ECAP (S) x1 Item: SOS Signal Flare x1 Item: Locked Box: Missle Shield x1 Item: EN Pack x1 Head South. South again. Head East to the SE guarding the North branch. SE #4 ~ Gyan x2 Head North. Head North. Follow the loop around to the North. SE #5 ~ Shield Dom x3 Take the left branch for the SE and item. SE #6 ~ Buster Zaku x2, Barrier Dom x1 Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Now head along the right branch. SER #3 ~ Boss fight: Gyan x2, Gelgoog x1 (HP 930) Head North for the main boss fight. Boss Fight: Apsalus x1 (HP 4500) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, Enhanced Propellant x1 *Li Fang leaves your party!* Back at the Sky Pirates' Base, I choose the first option. *Vargas leaves your party!* * You received a Mobile Suit: ! Enter the elevator and go down to the first floor to exit the building. Leave the Black Market and Autodrive back to Tohai before returning to Eisengrad. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #07 - Tohai *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Go to the boy who gave you the Wyvern Ravine spot on the map. *You received !* Now exit Tohai and go to the Wyvern Ravine. You have two boxes to open if you want to. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #11 - Wyvern Ravine Enemies : ##028, #038, #041, #042, #043, #045, #046, #047, #048, #049, #B215, #B216, #B217 Groups : Buster Zaku x2, Mirror Gouf x2 GM Slasher x2, Leo x2 GM Sniper x1, GM Slasher x2 GM Sniper x1, Buster Zaku x1 Gyan x1 Leo x2, Shield Dom x2 Leo x4 Shield Dom x1, GM Slasher x2 Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Flame Launcher x1 [x] 02. Kaempfer Data x10 [x] 03. Double Cannon x1 [x] 04. Repair Kit x5 [x] 05. SOS Signal Flare x1 [x] 06. Locked Box: Missle Shield x1 [x] 07. EN Pack x1 [x] 08. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 09. Locked Box: Impact Lance x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Improved Z'Gok Claw R x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 2 needed Level : 18-19 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head up to where the boss fight was. Item: Locked Box: Impact Lance x1 Item: Locked Box: Improved Z'Gok Claw R x1 Use Tristan's Escape ability then Auto-Drive over to Eisengrad. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #03 - Eisengrad *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head up the ramp as usual. Head to the MS Corps HS and upstairs to talk to Hal. Downstairs, you need to talk to the Receptionist and pick the first option to advance the story. Exit the MS Corps HQ and enter the Mobile Suit Hangar nearby. *You received a Mobile Suit: Gundam!* (Tristan will be automatically switched into the Gundam, which will be equipped with the Gundam Saber, Gundam Rifle, and Gundam Shield.) Exit Eisengrad. *Hal joins your party!* Head towards Russia, taking a slight detour Southeast under the lake then due East, veering just slightly North as you go. You'll pass a destroyed city if you're going the right way. Once you've reached the snow, you're close by. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #10 - China (Near Japan) Enemies : #024, #029, #040, #041, #050, #051 Groups : Dom Tank x2 Dom Tank x2, Shield Dom x2 Mirror Gouf x2, Shield Dom x2 Gouf Hammer x1 Grenade Zaku x2, Leo x2 Leo x4 Shield Dom x2, Dom Tank x2 Level : 19 Note : Be very careful when near Japan. There seems to be a bug where some of the random battles you fight when roaming Japan later in the game can be fought in China. These fights are very, very deadly at this level though they can prove very profitable in credits, experience, and items should you win. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #11 - Russia (Snowy area) Enemies : #044, #052, #053, #055, #065 Groups : Arctic Zaku x3 Arctic Zaku x4 Cold Climate GM x4 Cold GM Kai x3 Golden GM x1 Speed Armor x1, Cold Climate GM x2 Speed Armor x3 Level : 19-21 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #12 - Fort Taiga Enemies : None Groups : No random battles Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Long Range Rifle x1 [ ] 02. EN Max x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 19 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East Item: Locked Box: Long Range Rifle x1 Head East through the next gate. (No encounters or items here.) Item: EN Max x1 Exit the Fort. Head North. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #08 - Falldust Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Charge Plus x1 *LP* [ ] 02. ECAP (L) x1 *LP* [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 04. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 05. Marasai Data x10 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 07. Internal Propellant x1 [ ] 08. Bawoo Data x10 Chests : 8 (6 cleared, 2 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 21 Features: Inn, Engineer x2, MS Upgrader People : Soldier, Soldier2, Soldier3, Engineer, Soldier4, Soldier5, Soldier6, Soldier7, Soldier8, Soldier9, Engineer2, Soldier10, Soldier11, Officer Books : Mobile Suit Studies (Kaempfer) Notes : Once you fight the boss in the next area, the vendors here will be gone forever. This is the only place and time to buy the Kaempfer Data. You will have to return here later in the game to get the other 2 chests. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Engineer: Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Maintenance Kit 180 Sedative Med 10 Healing Med 10 Mind Guard 600 HP Parts II 1200 Kaempfer Data 140 (I strongly advise buying up to 99 Kaempfer Datas and making this unit. Stat-wise, it's more powerful then the Gundam and has an extra column for weapons as well. You'll save nearly 4000 credits by buying the 49 extra infos beyond 50 too. Upgrading to that point would cost 10,350 credits while buying the extra 49 Kaempfer info costs only 6,860 credits.) Engineer2: Titanium Shield Kai 4000 Arm Machine Gun Kai 3800 Double Beam Cannon 4700 Hyper Bazooka 3600 Beam Rifle 2500 Beam Saber 2400 Middle barracks of the 3 Western set: Lodging and repair Free Rest Free Records Head up towards the main building and then West. Head to the furthest barracks to use the Lockpick on it. Item: Charge Plus x1 Item: ECAP (L) x1 Exit the barracks once you've procured the goodies. Head East. East again. Take a right past the guard at the opening between the fences. Head South. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (between tanks) Head North to go around the tank and East over to the two chests. Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Item: Marasai Data x10 Return North. Head North through the next opening in the fences. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (East, behind large boxes) Return South. Head West. Enter the temporary command HQ to the North. There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Head upstairs and into the room. Your group attends a meeting with Rezner and Sosei. Choose the first option. Rezner will rejoin your team in her Gyan. Exit the Base. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #6 (Remaining ECAP (L) at 1 and ECAP (S) at 31 at this time. I made a slight compromise since I really wanted Tristan to be piloting the Gundam. From a Melee stand point, he'd be better staying in the Gyan body so he could equip the Impact Lance found in Wyvern Ravine.) Tristan: BODY : Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Device II, Power Device, Power Device, Power Device R-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes R L-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes L R-ARM: Gyan Arm R L-ARM: Gyan Arm L LEGS : Gyan Legs ````` ````` ````` ``*** ````` Gundam Saber *```` ````` ````` ``*** ````` Battle Shield *```` `**`` ````` ````` ```** Knuckle Guard *```` `**`` ```** ````` ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle *```` `**`` ```** ````` ````` Bullpup Machine Gun Tremmie: BODY : Gelgoog - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : HP Parts II, HP Parts II, Short Barrier, Heat Barrier R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Gundam Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs **** ```` ```` ```` ```` ```` Beam Rifle ```` **** ```` ```` ```` ```` Beam Rifle ```` ```` ```` ```` `*** *``` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```` ```` `**` ```` ```* *``` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```` ```` ```` `**` ```` *``` Small Cannon Beam Saber Aeon: BODY : Kaempfer - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Sensor Plus II, Charge Plus, HP Parts II, HP Parts II R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Kaempfer Arm R L-ARM: Kaempfer Arm L LEGS : GM Sniper Legs ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` Double Beam Cannon ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` Beam Saber ````` *```` `**** ````` ````` ````` Gundam Rifle ````` *```` ````` `**`` ```** ````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ````` *```` ````` ````` ````` ``*** Arm Machine Gun Kai ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` ***** Long Rifle Gavenger: BODY : GM Sniper - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Back Charge, Extra Armor, HP Parts II, HP Parts II R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Gelgoog Arm R L-ARM: Gelgoog Arm L LEGS : Kaempfer Legs *****` `````` `````` `````` `````* Beam Cannon ```*`` **```` `````` `````` `````* Gundam Shield `````` **```` ``***` `````` `````* Arm Guard `````` **```` `````` ``**** `````` Beam Rifle Beam Saber +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So began the Eisengrad Army's attack on the Dark Alliance Base. The Alliance may be on the defensive, but it remains powerful nonetheless Can the Eisengrad Army hope to win? Either way, the war nears conclusion... Head East. As you approach the Dark Alliance Base, the ground shakes. Continue East. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #13 - Dark Alliance Base Enemies : #023, #034, #036, #043, #046, #047, #053, #054, #055, #056, #057, #058, #059, #060, #061, #062, #063, #064, #B216, #B218 Groups : Arctic Zaku x2, Dark Bomber x2 Arctic Zaku x2, Dark Bomber x3 Barrier Dom x2, Defender x2 Barrier Dom x2, Mirror Cannon x1 Dark Bomber x4 Defender x3 Gouf Custom x2, Arctic Zaku x2 Gyan x1, Gouf Custom x2 Gyan x2 Mirror Cannon x1, Defender x3 Mirror Cannon x1, Plasma Dom x2 Plasma Dom x1, Speed Armor x2 Plasma Dom x1, Dark Bomber x3 Spear Gouf x2, Gouf Custom x1 Spear Gouf x2 Speed Armor x3 Items : [ ] 01. Nemo Data x10 [ ] 02. Arm Missile Kai x1 [ ] 03. Energy Capacitor x1 [ ] 04. Locked Box: Enhanced Wing x1 [ ] 05. Rick Dias Data x7 [ ] 06. Kaempfer Thruster L x1 [ ] 07. EN Pack x1 [ ] 08. Repair Kit DX x1 [ ] 09. Repair Unit x3 Chests : 9 (9 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 21-22 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North to the Save Point and turn East. Continue up the path. SE #1 ~ Spear Gouf x4, Gouf Custom x1 Dropped: Arm Gatling x1 Head to the East path. SE #2 ~ Gyan x3 Dropped: Gyan Data x5 Continue East. Head North. Item: Nemo Data x10 Item: Arm Missile Kai x1 Item: Energy Capacitor x1 Return South. Head West. Take the North path. SER #1 ~ Mirror Cannon x2, Barrier Gelgoog x1 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, Gelgoog Legs x1 Item: Locked Box: Enhanced Wing x1 Return to the Southwest. Head South. Head West. Follow the winding path West. Head West. SE #3 ~ Gouf Custom x2, Arctic Leader x2 Continue West. SE #4 ~ Arctic Leader x5 Continue along... SE #5 ~ Barrier Dom x2. Dark Leader x3 Dropped: Dom Arm R x1 And another... SE #6 ~ Gouf Custom x5 You know the drill. SE #7 ~ Gyan x3 Just a bit more East to finish this map section. Head Northeast to the Yellow SE. SE #8 ~ Dark Leader x2, Gouf Custom x2 Continue along. SE #9 ~ Gyan x2, Shot Killer x1 Dropped: Gyan Data x5 Item: Rick Dias Data x7 (Behind SE #9) Item: Kaempfer Thruster L x1 Return to the split and head Northwest. SER #2 ~ Gyan x2, Gyan Lancer x1 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1 Enter the building. Head Northeast. SE #10 ~ Defender x5 Continue along. Item: EN Pack x1 SER #3 ~ Defender x4, Full Armor Dom x1 Dropped: Extra Armor II x1 Continue forward. Head North. SE #11 ~ Gelgoog x2, Gelgoog Cannon x1 Dropped: Gelgoog Special Data x5, Beam Naginata x1 Head to the Save Point. Item: Repair Kit DX x1 Item: Repair Unit x3 SER #4 ~ Gyan Lancer x2, Kaempfer x1 (HP: 1825) Dropped: ECAP (S) x2, Shotgun x1 (Note: Once you fight the next boss, you will not be able to return to any of the cities or dungeons you've previously visited until several new areas have been cleared. You will also be reduced in party strength to 2 units for a brief amount of time.) Head North. Head East. Boss Fight: Big Zam x1 (HP 7000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, EN Charger x1 Head North after Rezner leaves you. Head North after Gavenger leaves you. passing a Save Point. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #12 - NE Russia (Near Underground Passage) Enemies : #054, #065, #066, #067 Groups : Arctic Leader x2 Arctic Leader x3 Cold GM Kai x3 Cold GM Kai x4 GM Sniper II x1 GM Sniper II x1, Cold GM Kai x2 Guncannon II, Arctic Leader x2 Guncannon II, Cold GM Kai x2 Level : 23 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Begin to head East. Head South down the inlet. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #09 - Abandoned Village Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink x3 [ ] 02. Repair Kit DX x3 [ ] 03. Regeneration Kit x3 [ ] 04. ECAP (S) x1 Chests : 4 (4 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 23 Features: Inn People : Helmsworth Notes : Nothing here really. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Aeon's room: Lodging and repair Free Tristan brought Helmsworth up to date on the events of the journey. He spoke of how he met Tremmie, of his battles with the Dark Alliance, and also of the loss of their friends. Item: Restorative Drink x3 (NE corner, by the bear) The young heroes lost everything to the flames of war. Their dear friends... A trusted ally... And their hope for a better tomorrow. Yet destiny will not let them rest. As dawn breaks over the land, a new struggle is about to begin. After having rested, exit the room. *You received a Card Key (L2)!* *Tremmie leaves your party.* Exit the house. Item: Repair Kit DX x3 (To the immediate East) Item: Regeneration Kit x3 (SE corner of SE graveyard) Head South and exit the village. *Tremmie joins your party!* R-enter the village. Go back to the house and to Tremmie's room. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Exit the village again and head Northeast towards Alaska. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #14 - Underground Tunnel Enemies : #054, #065, #066, #067 Groups : Arctic Leader x2 Cold GM Kai x2 Cold GM Kai x3 GM Sniper II x1 Guncannon II, Arctic Leader x2 Items : [ ] 01. Repair Unit x3 [ ] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 03. Locked Box: ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 04. Locked Box: Large Type Propellant x1 [ ] 05. Locked Box: Psycommu x1 [ ] 06. Locked Box: ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 08. Locked Box: Gelgoog Shield Kai x1 [ ] 09. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 10. Z'Gok Claw Kai L x1 Chests : 10 (7 cleared, 3 remain) Hacks : 6 needed Level : 23 Note : After attaining the Hacking Tool here, I only had 3 in my inventory, so I had to leave 3 of the 6 boxes unopened for now. I recommend the ECAP (L), ECAP (S), and the Large Type Propellant. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East and unlock the door. Take the elevator to B1F. Exit to the East. Head East down the cooridor. Continue heading East. East again. Item: Repair Unit x3 Item: Hacking Tool x1 East some more. Keep heading East. Start to head East and you'll stop for a moment. *Bazuli joins your party!* Just to the South is a hidden room. (Note: You probably won't have enough Hacking Tools to open all these chests, so pick from the ones I've listed below to get.) Item: Locked Box: ECAP (L) x1 (Eastern wall) Item: Locked Box: Large Type Propellant x1 (Southeastern corner) Item: Locked Box: Psycommu x1 (Middle of room) Item: Locked Box: ECAP (S) x3 (Western wall) Item: Locked Box: Bawoo Data x10 (Southwestern corner) Item: Locked Box: Gelgoog Shield Kai x1 (Southern wall) Return to the cooridor. Head East. East some more. East to the Items. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Item: Z'Gok Claw Kai L x1 East again. It's a long walk to Alaska, so East again. Take the elevator to 1F. Exit to the East. Exit the Passage for a scene with everyone. Head East then South, staying along the coast as you head through Canada and down into the United States towards the Unicorn HQ in California. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #13 - Western United States Enemies : #060, #068, #069, #070 Groups : High Repair GM x1, Nemo x2 High Repair GM x1, Hizack x2 Hizack x2 Hizack x3 Hizack x1, Nemo x2 Nemo x2 Shot Killer x1, Nemo x2 Shot Killer x2 Level : 23 Note : Don't drift into Eastern Canada or you may be exterminated. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Detour time! Before hitting the Unicorn HQ, detour to the East, turning North when you reach Florida to head to the town up around New York. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #11 - Diggins Rock Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Hacking Tool x1 *LP* [ ] 02. Bawoo Data x10 *LP* [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x1 *LP* [ ] 04. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 05. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 06. Marasai Data x8 [ ] 07. Restorative Drink x2 *LP* [ ] 08. Mind Barrier x1 *LP* [ ] 09. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 *LP* [ ] 10. High Speed Kit x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 23 Features: Inn, Vendor, Mini G System, Weapon Shop, MS Upgrader People : Teenage Engineer, Girl Engineer, Young Engineer, Teenage Engineer2, Woman Engineer, Girl Engineer2, Girl Engineer3, Young Engineer2, Teenage Engineer3, Lyra, Astona, Young Engineer3, Young Engineer4, Girl Enginner4, Teenage Engineer4, Teenage Engineer5 Notes : I had 42 ECAP (S) after obtaining the 2 found here, which was 2 more than required to make the Double Booster. This is a great OPT that I can't recommend highly enough. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Eastern Room, lower level: Lodging and repair 240 Rest 80 Records Vendor: (Beside escalator) Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Maintenance Kit 180 General Purpose Med 250 Mind Guard 600 Gelgoog Special Data 140 Nemo Data 150 Marasai Data 165 Rick Dias Data 180 Mini G System: HP Parts III 10 Sensor Plus III 15 Recovery System III 20 Defender Unit 25 High Power Propellant 30 Double Booster 40 Perfect Guard 90 Weapon Shop: Light Shield 4900 Gundam Shield II 6000 Mega Cannon Shield 7200 Double Beam Gun 7500 Gatling Cannon 10500 Enhanced Machine Gun 5300 Giant Bazooka Kai 5900 Beam Cannon 8100 Gundam Rifle II 5500 Gundam Saber II 6000 High Heat Hawk 9700 Heat Naginata 7100 Head North. Take the escalator up. Head up the stairs and to the right door, unlocking it with the Lockpick. Item: Hacking Tool x1 Item: Bawoo Data x10 Item: ECAP (S) x1 Exit the room. Head Back down the stairs and follow the catwalk to the West. Take the stairs down to a box. Item: Hacking Tool x2 Return East and go through the door to the North. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (Behind cylinder near stairs) Head North towards the escalator. Item: Marasai Data x8 (Behind middle console) Take the escalator down. Head West, down and up the short stairs. Head North. Open the door with the Lockpick. Item: Restorative Drink x2 Item: Mind Barrier x1 Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Exit the room and Head South. Item: High Speed Kit x1 (Behind junk, just past kid in overalls) That's all the items, so if you're done shopping, it's time to head to the Unicorn HQ. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #14 - Eastern United States (Near Diggins Rock) Enemies : #060, #078 Groups : Shot Killer x2, Gelgoog Gunner x1 Shot Killer x2 Shot Killer x3 Shot Killer x4 Level : 23 Note : Make sure you have some strong Melee fighters. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Tremmie will stop you if you try and go down to South America, so you have no choice but to go to the Unicorn HQ. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #10 - Unicorn Headquarters Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. 3000 Credits [ ] 03. Hacking Tool x1 *LP* [ ] 04. Restorative Drink SP x1 *LP* [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 06. GPS System x1 [ ] 07. 2000 Credits [ ] 08. Bawoo Data x10 Chests : 8 (0 cleared, 8 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 23 Features: Inn, Mini G System, Item Shop, *Vendor, *Data Merchant, *Weapon Shop People : Boy, Unicorn Officer, Unicorn Officer2, Unicorn Officer3, Item Merchant's Wife, Olivia, Unicorn Officer4, Unicorn Officer5, Unicorn Engineer, Boy2, Girl, Girl2, Indecisive Boy, Woman, Woman2, Constable Ox's Wife, Beautiful Woman, Unicorn Officer6, Unicorn Engineer2, Manager, Worker, Work2, Fisherman, Fisherman2, Woman3, Young Man, Man, Lazy Engineer, Vendor, Vendor2, Unicorn Engineer3, Unicorn Engineer4, Unicorn Officer7, Unicorn Reception, Unicorn Officer8, Unicorn Officer9, Unicorn Officer10, Operator, Central Administrator, Operator2, Unicorn Officer11, Director Shelbourne Books : Machina Sapiens Notes : The shops marked with a * won't be accessible until later in the game. Likewise, all the items to be found in this city can not be found until later in the game. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Unicorn Base: Lodging and repair 150 Rest 50 Records There is a MS Config/Upgrade guy here. Mini G System: HP Parts III 10 Sensor Plus III 15 Recovery System III 20 Defender Unit 25 High Power Propellant 30 Double Booster 40 Hyper Cannon 50 Item Shop: Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Maintenance Kit 180 Sedative Med 10 Healing Med 10 HP Parts II 1200 Gelgoog Special Data 140 Nemo Data 150 Marasai Data 165 Rick Dias Data 180 *Vendor: Hacking Tool 5000 Repair Unit 2500 Restorative Drink 1500 Regeneration Kit DX 5000 Maintenance Nanotech 4000 Medical Nanotech 4000 Launcher Arm R 37500 Launcher Arm L 37500 Drill Claw R 40000 Drill Claw L 40000 *Data Merchant: Zaku III Data 320 Dreissen Data 290 R-Jarja Data 360 Bawoo Data 800 *Weapon Shop: Large Missle Shield 12000 Tallgeese Shield 10000 Large Double Beam Gun 11000 High Output Beam Rifle 9900 Double Beam Rifle 13000 Grand Cannon 22000 High Power Machinegun 7300 Hyper Bazooka II 9500 Beam Machine Gun 6500 High Output Beam Saber 10000 Beam Tomahawk 14000 Heat Lance 11000 *You received Gundam Mark II Data x 50!* *You received an ECAP (L)!* Exit the office and go downstairs. If you try to head further into the city (to the North), you'll be stopped. That area is currently off-limits to you. Now you can head towards G System 04 down in South America, which is just North of the large lake/sea you see in the middle of the continent. (Or you can head NE to the Lost City for a bit of leveling and money making.) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #15 - Northern portion of South America Enemies : #060, #070, #075 Groups : Hyper Z'Gok x2 Nemo x1, Hyper Z'Gok x2 Nemo x3 Shot Killer x2 Level : 23-24 Note : Make sure you have some strong Melee fighters. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Continue Southeast past the open spot of land you see to the North in Central America. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #15 - G System 04 Enemies : #069, #070, #071, #072, #073, #074, #B219 Groups : Nemo x2, Hizack x2 Nemo x3 Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink x2 [ ] 02. Large Type Wing x1 [ ] 03. HP Parts III x1 [ ] 04. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 4 (4 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 24 Note : Since I like having one of each MS, I used my last 3 ECAP (L)s to make a Gelgoog Special, Nemo, and Rick Dias after making the Gundam Mark II. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East. Head East again. Item: Restorative Drink x2 Item: Large Type Wing x1 Head South from the Save Point. Head Northeast. Item: HP Parts III x1 Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Head North. Head North and switch the white console to ON to unlock the gate. Head North and create the Gundam Mark II. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #7 (Though I'd equipped some of the weaponry I bought from Diggins Rock, along with the Double Booster I'd made, I waited until now to do some changes. Since the Gundam Mark II comes upgrade-less and I didn't want to use my upgrade items just yet, I gave it to Bazuli and turned it into a tank. AMR is the only stat that is never upgraded anyway, so putting all my AMR items on it made up for it's lack of HP and attack power.) Tristan: BODY : Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Device II, HP Parts III, Large Type Wing R-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes R L-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes L R-ARM: Gyan Arm R L-ARM: Gyan Arm L LEGS : Gyan Legs ````` **``` ````` ```** Gundam Saber II `**`` *```` ````` ```** Enhanced Machine Gun `**`` ````` ```** ````` Battle Shield `**`` ````` ```** ````` Knuckle Guard `**`` ````` ```** ````` Tremmie: BODY : Rick Dias - DUR 5, ATK 5, MOB 5 (Made with 99 Rick Dias Data) OPT : Sensor Plus II, HP Parts II, HP Parts II, HP Parts II R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Gundam Arm II R L-ARM: Gundam Arm II L LEGS : Gundam II Legs `````` **```` ``**** `````` `````` Gundam Saber II **```` `````` ```*`* ````*` `````` Arm Machine Gun Kai **```` `````` `````` ``**** `````` Giant Bazooka Kai **```` `````` `````` `````` ``**** Gundam Rifle II **```` `````` `````` `````` ``**** Double Beam Gun Aeon: BODY : Kaempfer - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Sensor Plus II, Charge Plus, HP Parts II, HP Parts II R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Rick Dias Arm R L-ARM: Rick Dias Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` Double Beam Cannon ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` Arm Missile Kai ````` `***` ````` ````` ````* Giant Bazooka Kai ````` ````` ****` ````` ````* Gundam Rifle II ````` ````` `*`*` ``*`` ````* Gundam Saber ````` ````` ````` ****` ````* Bazuli: BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 0, ATK 0, MOB 0 OPT : Large Type Wing, Back Charge, Extra Armor II R-SLD: Gundam Armor II R L-SLD: Gundam Armor II L R-ARM: Kaempfer Arm R L-ARM: Kaempfer Arm L LEGS : Nemo Legs ****** `````` `````` `````` Gatling Cannon ****** `````` `````` `````` Gundam Shield II ``***` **```` `````` `````` Gundam Rifle `````` **```` ``**** `````` Double Beam Gun `````` **```` `````` ``**** `````` **```` `````` ``**** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (Note: Tristan's Escape technique is disabled... you know what that means. It's set encounter fighting time on your way out!) Exit to the South. Head South. Begin heading South and you'll be stopped as you approach the opened boxes. Continue Southwest. SE #1 ~ Hizack x3 Continue Southwest. SE #2 ~ Asshimar x1 Move into the next. SE #3 ~ Marasai x2 Keep going. SE #4 ~ Hizack x2, Marasai x1 Zone to the West. Head North. SE #5 ~ Marasai x2, Asshimar x1 Head North and make use of the Save Point is you wish before hitting the next set of encounter. SE #6 ~ Marasai x2, Hizack x2 Continue Northwest. SE #7 ~ Marasai x2, Hizack Kai x1 Zone West. Head West through the next four encounters. SE #8 ~ Hizack x2, Asshimar x1 SE #9 ~ Marasai x4 SE #10 ~ Asshimar x2 SE #11 ~ Marasai x2, Asshimar x2 Exit West to leave G System 04. *Fritz joins your party!* Boss Fight: Psychic Zaku x2, (HP 570) Qubeley x1 (HP 4500) Dropped: EN Pack x1, Funnel Pod x1 Head Northwest to that empty spot we saw in Central America earlier. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #12 - Crash Point Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink DX x1 [ ] 02. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 03. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 04. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 4 (4 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 25 Features: Inn, Black Marketeer x2 People : Black Marketeer, Black Marketeer2, Innkeeper, Sky Pirate Notes : This is a one-time town, so be sure to find the items and purchase anything you want while you're here. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Black Marketeer: (West of Vargas) Light Shield 4900 Double Beam Gun 7500 Large-sized Beam Cannon 8800 Enhanced Machine Gun 5300 Giant Bazooka Kai 5900 Gundam Saber II 6000 High Heat Hawk 9700 Innkeeper: (East of Aeon) Lodging and repair 60 Rest 20 Records Black Marketeer2: (North of Vargas, wearing brown) Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Maintenance Kit 180 Sedative Med 10 Healing Med 10 Power Kit 200 Armor Kit 150 Speed Kit 100 Tristan told the others what had happened. The circumstances of Gavenger's death... and why he died for them. *Vargas joins your party!* Item: Restorative Drink DX x1 (Near Innkeeper) Item: ECAP (S) x1 (North of Black Marketeer2, behind the Western boxes) Item: Hacking Tool x1 (Northeast, viewable) Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 (SE of Hacking Tool) Exit and head to the Unicorn HQ. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #10 - Unicorn Headquarters *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Well, it looks like you'll have to head to Diggins Rock instead. Luckily you can just Auto-Drive there. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #11 - Diggins Rock *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North then up the escalator and to the North. Head Northeast, up the stairs, and to the room you couldn't go into before. Lyra will stop you, but if you choose the first choice, she'll allow you through. *You received a Card Key (L3)!* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #8 (Finally, I can put together my Random/Set Encounter Slaughter party. This build is set around being able to do 2 quick 'hit all' attacks on turn 1. With my current equipment, I have Bazuli doing Shot Burst and Fritz doing Shoot All. It cleared all the random and set encounters in Lost City, save for those darn Shot Killer MS. I tried a build with Tremmie's Sonic Storm, but it just wasn't as powerful as Bazuli's Shot Burst.) Tristan: BODY : Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Device II, HP Parts III, Large Type Wing (Melee God) R-SLD: Marasai Spikes R L-SLD: Marasai Spikes L R-ARM: Gundam Arm II R L-ARM: Gundam Arm II L LEGS : Kaempfer Legs ````` **``` ````` ```** Gundam Saber II `**`` *```` ````` ```** Enhanced Machine Gun `**`` ````` ```** ````` Battle Shield `**`` ````` ```** ````` Knuckle Guard `**`` ````` ```** ````` Bazuli: (Note: I could equip with a Beam Pick, but he has Fist Boost Attacks) BODY : Full Armor Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor (7 EN to start battles with) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Rick Dias Arm R L-ARM: Rick Dias Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs `````** ``````` `****`` ``````` Large Beam Cannon `****** ``````` ``````` ``````` Double Beam Gun ````*** ****``` ``````` ``````` Gundam Rifle ``````` ****``` ``````` ````*** Arm Missile Kai Fritz: BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Propellant, Charge Plus, Sensor Plus II (5 EN to start) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai R L-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai L LEGS : Nemo Legs *****` `````* `````` `````` `````` `````` Beam Cannon *****` `````* `````` `````` `````` `````` Beam Pick `````` `````` ****`` ````** `````` `````` Double Beam Gun `````` `````` ****`` `````` ````** `````` Bullpup Machine Gun `````` `````` `````` `````` ****** `````` Large Beam Cannon `````` `````` `````` `````` ```*** `**``` Arm Machine Gun Kai Aeon: BODY : Rick Dias - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Funnel Pod, Enhanced Wing (For using Funnel on annoying Shot Killers) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Nemo Arm R L-ARM: Nemo Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs II ****`` `````` ````** `````` `````` Giant Bazooka Kai `*`*`` ``*``` `````` ````** `````` Gundam Rifle II `````` ****`` `````` `````` ````** Arm Machine Gun Kai `````` `````` `````` `````` ****** Arm Machine Gun Kai `````` `````` `````` `````` ```*** Large Beam Cannon Tremmie: BODY : Kaempfer - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : HP Parts III x3, Back Charge (Buffer and 2nd Melee slammer) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Nemo Arm R L-ARM: Nemo Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs II ``*** **``` ````` High Heat Hawk ``*** **``` ````` Gundam Shield II ``*** **``` ````` Double Beam Gun ```** **``` ````` ````` ````` `**** ````` ````` `**** Vargas: BODY : Nemo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Extra Armor II, Extra Armor (Tank, Double the AMR) R-SLD: Gundam Armor II R L-SLD: Gundam Armor II L R-ARM: Kaempfer Arm R L-ARM: Kaempfer Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs Kai ````* ``**` **``` ````` ````` Beam Naginata ````* ``**` *```` ````` ````` Gundam Shield II ````* ``**` ````` ````` ````` Enhanced Machine Gun ````* ``**` ````` **``` ````` Enhanced Machine Gun ````* ````` ````` *```` `***` Arm Guard +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leave the city and head to the Lost City to the NE. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #16 - Lost City Enemies : #060, #072, #077, #078, #079, #080, #081, #082, #083, #084 Groups : Death Hizack x2, Death Marasai x1 Death Hizack x3 Full Guard Zaku x1, Death Hizack x2 Full Guard Zaku x1, Death Hizack x3 Gelgoog Gunner x1, Full Guard Zaku x2 Gelgoog Gunner x1, Shot Killer x2 Shot Killer x2, Death Hizack x2 Items : [ ] 01. Item: Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 02. Locked Box: Sniper Rifle II x1 [ ] 03. Hyaku Shiki Data x1 [ ] 04. EN Max x1 [ ] 05. Locked Box: Heat Shotel x1 [ ] 06. Locked Box: Large Double Beam Gun x1 Chests : 6 (6 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 3 needed Level : 25-26 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head North. Begin to head North and you're stopped. Head West. SE #1 ~ Death Hizack x5 Go through the gate. Head West. SE #2 ~ Death Marasai x3 Go through the gate. Item: Hacking Tool x1 (See that locked box to the NW? You'll want to come back for that later in the game.) Head back East twice. Head North. SE #3 ~ Death Marasai x2, Death Hizack x2 Go through the gate to the Northwest. Head West. Head to the intersection. SER #1 ~ Death Hizack x2, FA Death Army x1 Dropped: Death Army Data x6 Item: Locked Box: Sniper Rifle II x1 The gate to the South is locked, so head North. SE #4 ~ Death Dias x1, Death Marasai x3 This gate requires the Card Key (L3) to open. Head North then West. Walk along the catwalk to the West. SE #5 ~ Death Marasai x5 Head Down the Ramp. The Western door on the lower floor is locked. Item: Restorative Drink x1 (NE corner of lower floor) Exit this area through the South door. Head South and East. Head Northeast in the Cavern. SER #1 ~ Death Dias x2, Dark Mark II x1 Dropped: Death Army Data x10 Go through the door to the North. Circle North around an obstacle to go along the Western wall and activate the white console. Item: Hyaku Shiki Data x1 (middle of room) (You can leave now if you want, or continue to get the items found here.) Item: EN Max x1 (NW corner) Go through the East door. Head East. Head East and North. Head North and East. And East and North. North and Up. At the parking lot, head West along the Southern branch. Head West. SER #2 ~ Hizack Kai x2, Zaku Shotel x1 Dropped: EN Pack x1, ECAP (S) x1 Item: Locked Box: Heat Shotel x1 Return East. Back through the door to the Southeast. Head South. South and West. West and South. South and West. West and up. South. Southwest through the cavern. West and North. Up the ramp and through the West door. Head West and South. Head South. SE #6 ~ Death Dias x2, Death Marasai x3 Head South through the intersection. Item: Locked Box: Large Double Beam Gun x1 With this item attained, you can now leave via Tristan's Escape technique. Return to Diggins Rock. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #11 - Diggins Rock *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. *Lyra grabs your Hyaku Shiki Data!* Head to Astona's office and talk to him. *You received a Mobile Suit: Hyaku Shiki!* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #9 (Just a couple tweaks to improve the attack power of Bazuli and Fritz, which in turn gives Tristan some more Melee power. Marked changes to MS with a @. The only weaponry changes were to Tristan, Bazuli, and Fritz.) Tristan: @BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : High Power Wing, Power Device II, HP Parts III R-SLD: Marasai Spikes R L-SLD: Marasai Spikes L R-ARM: Gundam Arm II R @L-ARM: Improved Z'Gok Claw L @LEGS : Gundam Legs II `````* `````` `````` ***``` `````` Heat Shotel ````** `````` `````` ***``` `````` Battle Shield ````*` **```` ``**`` `````` `````` Knuckle Shield ````** **```` ``**`` `````` `````` Rod Type Beam Rifle `````* **```` `````` `````` ``***` Rod Type Beam Rifle `````` `````` `````` `````` ``***` Bazuli: BODY : Full Armor Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L @R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R @L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs ``````` ```*``` ``````` `**```` ````*** Large Beam Cannon `````** `****`` ``````` ``````` ``````` Gundam Rifle II `****** ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` Gundam Rifle ````*** ``````` ****``` ``````` ``````` Arm Machine Gun Kai Arm Missile Kai Fritz: @BODY : Hyaku Shiki - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Propellant, Charge Plus, Sensor Plus II R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L @R-ARM: Rick Dias Arm R @L-ARM: Rick Dias Arm L @LEGS : Hyaku Shiki Legs *****``` ```````` ```````` `````**` ```````` Large Double Beam Gun *****``` ``````** ```````` `````*`` ```````` Large Beam Cannon ```````` ``****** ```````` ```````` **`````` Sniper Rifle II ```````` `````*** *****``` ```````` ```````` Enhanced Machine Gun Arm Machine Gun Kai Aeon: BODY : Rick Dias - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Funnel Pod, Enhanced Wing R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Nemo Arm R L-ARM: Nemo Arm L @LEGS : Nemo Legs Tremmie: BODY : Kaempfer - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : HP Parts III x3, Back Charge R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L @R-ARM: Kaempfer Arm R @L-ARM: Kaempfer Arm L @LEGS : Kaempfer Legs Vargas: BODY : Nemo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Extra Armor II, Extra Armor R-SLD: Gundam Armor II R L-SLD: Gundam Armor II L R-ARM: Kaempfer Arm R L-ARM: Kaempfer Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs Kai +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Exit Diggins Rock. Board the Gaw. Head up to the house. Speak to Marie. Exit Marie's place. Pick the second option to get control of the Gaw, followed by the first option once Vargas is done explaining how to pilot it. Now that you have the Gaw, there are several places you can visit. If you wish to go directly to the story stuff and skip these optional quests and areas, jump down to the part of the walkthru marked with the *%* symbols using your browser's search function. (Usually Ctrl-F). The closest is the Moon Ark. Fly over there to get access to the next room using the Card Key (L3). *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #02 - Moon Ark Enemies : #001, #002, #003, #004, #005, #006, #B206 Groups : Magella Attack x2 Type 61 Tank x2, Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Items : [x] 01. Machine Gun x1 [x] 02. Metal Shield x1 [ ] 03. Locked Box: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [x] 04. Zaku II Special Data x30 [x] 05. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 06. Gundam Sandrock Data x50 [ ] 07. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 08. 10,000 Credits [ ] 09. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Drill Claw R x1 [ ] 11. Locked Box: Beam Knife x1 [ ] 12. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 13. EN Charger x1 [ ] 14. Repair Unit SP [ ] 15. Locked Box: Active Cannon x1 Chests : 15 (7 cleared, 8 remain) Hacks : 1 needed. Level : 26 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head East 3 times. Item: Locked Box: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 Go ahead and grab these now. Head East twice more. Item: Gundam Sandrock Data x50 Item: ECAP (L) x1 (The last door will require the Card Key (L5) item to open). Exit the Moon Ark Board the Gaw and head Southeast to India. There is a small island nearby. Land there and run around to get a random encounter. This is the best spot to fight a GM Tank (#014) at, which is a necessary enemy for a 100% enemy list. Once you've fought one, board the Gaw and it's off to Australia! Land near the Mobile Coliseum. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #13 - Mobile Coliseum Enemies : #187, #188, #189, #190, #191, #192, #193, #194, #195, #196, #197, #198, #199, #200, #201, #202, #203, #204 Items : [ ] 01. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 02. Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 03. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 04. 10,000 Credits [ ] 05. EN Charger x1 [ ] 06. ECAP (L) x1 Chests : 6 (6 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 26 Features: Vendor, Vendor2, Inn People : Young Fan, Bounty Hunter, Vendor, Explorer, Old Bounty Hunter, Vendor2, Female Fan, Die-Hard Fan, Rich Man, Old Man, Intese Fighter, Shady Man, Former Eisengrad Soldier, Ruffian, Man in Black, Woman Fighter, Organizer, Coliseum Staff Notes : I've listen all the fights though you won't be able to complete them at the level you first come here. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Vendor: (Wearing a backpack) Battle Shield Kai 4500 Knuckle Guard Kai 3800 Shining Vulcan 5200 Giant Bazooka Kai 5900 Beam Rifle Hyaku Shiki 7000 Long Beam Rifle 12000 Gundam Saber II 6000 High Heat Hawk 9700 Street Vendor #2: (Wearing a backpack) Repair Kit DX 150 Regeneration Kit 200 Maintenance Kit 180 Power Kit 200 Armor Kit 150 Speed Kit 100 HP Parts II 1200 Acid Guard 200 Heat Guard 300 Short Guard 400 Shock Absorber 200 Arena Service Counter: Lodging and repair 300 Rest 100 Records Head North. Circle around behind the colloseum to find a secret room behind it. Item: Hacking Tool x2 Item: Bawoo Data x10 Item: ECAP (S) x3 Item: 10,000 Credits Item: EN Charger x1 Item: ECAP (L) x1 I did the Rookie League when I arrived, using Configure #9, Tristan at lvl 26. I did the Master League, using Configure #11, Tristan at level 35. I did the Champion League, using Configure #13a, Tristan at level 38. I did the "secret champion" fight, using Configure #13b, Tristan at level 38. Rookie League First Fight: Zaku x2 (HP: 700), Gouf x1 (HP: 1000) Second Fight: Dom x3 (HP: 900, 1300, 900) Third Fight: Dom x4 (HP: 1000), Gyan x1 (HP: 2500) Final Fight: Gelgoog S x1 (HP: 7000) *You received a Front Charge!* Master League First Fight: Hizack x3 (HP: 2000, 2500, 2000) Second Fight: Asshimar x3 (HP: 3500) Third Fight: Gaplant x2 (HP: 4500), Messala (x1) (HP: 6000) Final Fight: Qubeley x1 (HP: 10,000) *You received a Hyper Mega Launcher!* Champion League First Fight: Zaku Cancer x3 (HP 5400) Second Fight: Zaku Kanone x3 (HP: 7000) Third Fight: Zaku Monster x3 (HP: 9000) Final Fight: Nu Zaku x1 (HP: 18,000) *You receive a Hyper Beam Saber!* Secret Champion Final Fight: Burning Gundam x1 (HP 45,000) *You received a Burning Gundam Mobile Suit!* Exit the Colloseum. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #16 - Australia Enemies : #071, #072, #073, #077, #130 Groups : Full Guard Zaku x1, Hizack Kai x2 Full Guard Zaku x1, Marasai x2 Full Guard Zaku x1, Marasai x3 Hizack Kai x2, Marasai x2 Hizack Kai x3 Marasai x2, Asshimar x2 Marasai x4 Metal Hizack x1 Level : 26, 31-32 Note : The Metal Hizack is worth 20,000xp and can be killed with a Turn 1 Tristan's Power Charge if he has 5 EN to start with. See Configure #11 for a working build for Tristan. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Fly up to Russia to visit Falldust and claim the two chests that were blocked before. Upon reaching it, there will be a long talking scene between your party members. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #08 - Falldust Enemies : None Items : [x] 01. Charge Plus x1 *LP* [x] 02. ECAP (L) x1 *LP* [x] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 04. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 [x] 05. Marasai Data x10 [x] 06. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 07. Internal Propellant x1 [ ] 08. Bawoo Data x10 Chests : 8 (8 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 26 Books : Mobile Suit Studies (Kaempfer) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Item: Internal Propellant x1 Item: Bawoo Data x10 You should have enough Hacking Tools to open the boxes you couldn't before inside the secret room in the Underground Passage, so head there next. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #14 - Underground Tunnel Enemies : #054, #065, #066, #067 Groups : Arctic Leader x2 Cold GM Kai x2 Cold GM Kai x3 GM Sniper II x1 Guncannon II, Arctic Leader x2 Items : [x] 01. Repair Unit x3 [x] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 03. Locked Box: ECAP (L) x1 [x] 04. Locked Box: Large Type Propellant x1 [ ] 05. Locked Box: Psycommu x1 [x] 06. Locked Box: ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 08. Locked Box: Gelgoog Shield Kai x1 [x] 09. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 10. Z'Gok Claw Kai L x1 Chests : 10 (8 cleared, 2 remain) Hacks : 6 needed total Level : 26 Note : You should have exactly 3 Hacking Tools right now. Aside from these 3 boxes, you'll have 5 more to open with only 1 more Hacking Tool obtained during that time. For that reason, I only recommend getting the Bawoo Data x10 and only that *if* you're going to make the Bawoo. If you're not, don't worry about coming back here yet. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Item: Locked Box: ECAP (L) x1 (Eastern wall) Item: Locked Box: Large Type Propellant x1 (Southeastern corner) Item: Locked Box: ECAP (S) x3 (Western wall) Item: Locked Box: Psycommu x1 (Middle of room) Item: Locked Box: Bawoo Data x10 (Southwestern corner) Item: Locked Box: Gelgoog Shield Kai x1 (Southern wall) If you're strong enough, you can fly to the lower part of South America and land. Walk Northeast to a mountain among the forest. When you reach it, Tremmie will speak as you enter it. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #17 - Bottom half of South America Enemies : #069, #070, #075, #076, #077 Groups : Blue Gogg x2 Full Guard Zaku x1, Hyper Z'Gok x2 Full Guard Zaku x1, Nemo x2 Hyper Z'Gok x1, Blue Gogg x2 Hyper Z'Gok x1, Nemo x3 Hyper Z'Gok x2 Hyper Z'Gok x3 Nemo x1, Hizack x2 Nemo x4 Level : 26 Note : Be ready to use damaging techniques like Funnel and Mega-Bomber to damage the Full Guard Zaku groups. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #17 - Mt. Trial Enemies : #099, #104, #172, #173, #174, #175 Groups : Barrier Marasai x3 Barrier Marasai x4 Gaplant x1, Barrier Marasai x3 Gaplant x2, Barrier Marasai x2 Items : [ ] 01. Item: Gundam Heavyarms Data x50 [ ] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 03. 10,000 Credits [ ] 04. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 05. Altron Gundam Data x50 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Mobility Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 08. EN Max x1 [ ] 09. 20,000 Credits [ ] 10. EN Charger x1 [ ] 11. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 12. Deathscythe Data x50 [ ] 13. ECAP (S) x3 Chests : 13 (1 cleared, 12 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 26 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North, past the Save Point. SER #1 ~ Zock Kai x2 (HP 4500) Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, EN Max x1 SER #2 ~ Xamel Kai x2 (HP 7200) Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, High Armor Kit x1 SER #3 ~ Apsalus Kai x2 (HP 9000) Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, High Speed Kit x1 SER #4 ~ Big Zam Kai x2 (HP 9000) Dropped: ECAP (S) x1, EN Max x1 Item: Gundam Heavyarms Data x50 To get the 41-50th Bawoo Data, land in Northwest Canada. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #18 - Eastern Canada Enemies : #101, #105, #112, #113, #118 Groups : All Repairer x1, Blue Cannon x2 All Repairer x1, Blue Cannon x3 Mesalla x1, Shot Killer II x2 Mesalla x2 Psychic Zaku II x1, Blue Cannon x2 Pyschic Zaku II x1, Shot Killer II x2 Shot Killer II x2 Shot Killer II x2, Blue Cannon x2 Level : 26 Note : The Mesalla are very fast and can do Shock All, so be prepared. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Walk all the way through the forest Southeast to the dungeon just north of Diggins Rock. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #18 - Lost City (North Entrance) Enemies : #101, #104, #105, #109, #112, #113, #114, #116, #118, #119, #120, #121 Groups : All-Repairer x1, Dowadge Kai x2 All-Repairer x1, Dowadge Kai x3 Dowadge Kai x1, Shot Killer II x2 Dowadge Kai x3 Gaplant x1, Blue Cannon x2 Messala x1, Shot Killer II x2 Messala x1, Dowadge Kai x2 Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink DX x1 [ ] 02. Spaceship Data x10 [ ] 03. Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 04. Double Arm Guard x1 [ ] 05. Spaceship Data x20 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Spaceship Data x30 [ ] 08. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 09. Spaceship Data x9 [ ] 10. Spaceship Data x30 [ ] 11. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 12. Locked Box: Beam Scythe x1 Chests : 12 (4 cleared, 8 remain) Hacks : None needed at this time. Level : 26 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West and curve South. SE #1 ~ Gaplant x3 Continue South. Head South then take the branch East towards and past the save point. Head East as the road curves to the South. SE #2 ~ Blue Cannon x2, Shot Killer II x2 Dropped: Nemo Data x1, Double Beam Cannon x1 Continue South. Head South. Item: Restorative Drink DX x1 Item: Spaceship Data x10 Item: Bawoo Data x10 Since you've already gone this direction, continue South. SE #3 ~ Dark Qubeley x2, Psychic Zaku II x1 Head South. Loop East. SE #4 ~ All-Repairer x1, Serpent x2 Dropped: Repair Unit DX x1 Item: Double Arm Guard x1 Feel free to use Tristan's Escape technique now. Having attained the Gundam Sandrock, Bawoo, and possibly the Gundam Heavyarms, you can try your hand at some of the set battles on the world map. For now, I only recommend the easy 3. Fly to the isle Northeast of the Black Market and land near the Yellow SE. SE #1 ~ Perfect Zeong x1 (HP 7000) (#185) Dropped: Charge Plus x1 Now fly to the isle Southeast of Africa for another Yellow SE. SE #2 ~ Drill Lancer x2 (HP 7000) (#182) Dropped: Drill Lance x1 Fly to the island Southeast of Australia and land near the Yellow SE. SE #3 ~ Guard Lancer x2, (HP 1350); Big Cannon x1 (HP 5500) (#131 & #181) Dropped: Hyper Cannon x1 With all the optional stuff possible now done, it's time to return to the story stuff. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #19 - Large desert "island" West of India Enemies : #073, #124, #126, #129, #131 Groups : Asshimar x2, Zaku Shotel II x1 Asshimar x3 Burst Tank x1, Guard Lancer x2 Burst Tank x2, Asshimar x2 Burst Tank x3 Gold Command x1 Zaku Shotel II x1, Burst Tank x3 Level : 26-30 Note : This is the only area to fight the Gold Command, an easy-if-you-know- how Mobile Suit to defeat that drops 5000 credits. Just Terror it on Turn 1 then take your time Boosting Tristan to Power Charge it to death. The Zaku Shotel II drops the Large Heat Shotel, which is what I was trying for, but 4 levels worth of random fights and I hadn't got the drop. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #20 - East Africa (Near Neo Zarth Secret Base) Enemies : #078, #124, #125, #131 Groups : Gelgoog Gunner x1, Guard Lancer x2 Gelgoog Gunner x1, Marasai Custom x2 Gelgoog Gunner x1, Marasai Custom x3 Guard Lancer x3 Marasai Custom x2, Burst Tank x2 Level : 30 Note : Another good leveling spot. Only place to find the Marasai Custom. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *%* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #10 (Somewhat major overhaul though I'm shortly due to get the Shining and Zeta Gundams. This build lets me go through all random and most set encounters without taking any damage by killing all MS on the first turn.) Tremmie: BODY : Full Armor Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Enhanced Propellant, Energy Capacitor x2 (EN 7 for Sonic Storm) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Rick Dias Arm R L-ARM: Rick Dias Arm L LEGS : Hyaku Shiki Legs **````` ```**`` `````** ``````` Gundam Saber II **````` ```**`` `````** ``````` Battle Shield Kai **````` ```**`` ``````` `````** Knuckle Guard Kai **````` ``````` ``````` ``***** Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle Bazuli: BODY : Bawoo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Internal Propellant (EN 7 for Shot Burst) R-SLD: Heavyarms Armor R L-SLD: Heavyarms Armor L R-ARM: Heavyarms Arm R L-ARM: Heavyarms Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs *****`` `````** ``````` ``````` ``````` Beam Cannon *****`` ``````` `````** ``````` ``````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ``````` ``````` `****** ``````` ``````` Large Beam Cannon ``````` ``````` ````*** ****``` ``````` Double Beam Gun ``````` ``````` ``````` ****``` ````**` Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` `*****` Fritz: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Propellant, Sensor Plus II, Front Charge (EN 5 for Shoot All) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs **`````` ``*****` ```````` ```````* ```````` ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```````` *******` ```````` ```````* ```````` ```````` Hyper Cannon ```````` `````*`` *****``` ```````* ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam ```````` ```````` *****``` ```````* `````**` ```````` Gundam Saber \ Gun ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ``****** ```````` Long Beam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `````**` *****``` Sniper Rifle II Tristan: BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Power Device II, HP Parts III R-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes R L-SLD: Kaempfer Spikes L R-ARM: Gundam Arm II R L-ARM: Improved Z'Gok Claw L LEGS : Gundam Legs II `````* `````` `````` ***``` `````` `````` Heat Shotel ````** `````` `````` ***``` `````` `````` Battle Shield ````*` **```` ``**`` `````` `````` `````` Knuckle Shield ````** **```` ``**`` `````` `````` `````` Rod Type Beam Rifle `````* **```` `````` `````` ``***` `````` Rod Type Beam Rifle `````` `````` `````` `````` ``***` **```` Shining Vulcan Aeon: BODY : Hyaku Shiki - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Charge Plus R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Power Missile Arm R L-ARM: Power Missile Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs *``````` ````**`` ```````` ```````` Heat Saber *``````` `*****`` ``````** ```````` Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle *``````` ```````` ``****** ```````` Large Beam Cannon *``````` ```````` `````*** `****``` Gundam Rifle Vargas: BODY : Rick Dias - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Extra Armor II, Extra Armor R-SLD: Gundam Armor II R L-SLD: Gundam Armor II L R-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai R L-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai L LEGS : Gundam Legs Kai *````` `***`` `````` `````` ````** `````` Beam Naginata *````` `````` `````` `````` ````** `````` Shotgun *````` `````` `**``` `````` ````** `````` Shining Vulcan *````` `````` `````` `**``` ````** `````` Enhanced Machine Gun *````` `````` `````` `*```` `````` ``**** Gundam Shield II Double Armor Guard +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Land the Gaw to the East of Fort Verde. Enter the Fort. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #03 - Fort Verde Enemies : #085, #086, #B220 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Repair Kit x3 [x] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 03. Metal Guard [x] 04. Regeneration Kit x1 [x] 05. Zaku Shield L x1 Chests : 5 (5 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 30 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East and Aeon will react. Tristan calms her down and you can continue East. Once you're back in control of your MS, head East. SE #1 ~ Death Knuckle x4, Death Counter x1 Head East. SE #2 ~ Death Counter x1, Death Knuckle x3 Head East. SE #3 ~ Death Knuckle x4 Head Northeast. SE #4 ~ Death Knuckle x2, Death Counter x1 Head East. SE #5 ~ Death Knuckle x2 After the 5th battle, you go right into the next battle. Boss Fight: Master Army x1 (HP 5000) Dropped: ECAP (S) x1 Head East through the gate. Head East out of the fort. *Vargas leaves your party!* (Though the formal declaration isn't made) Auto-Drive to El Dar Samnia and head Northeast to Fort Arid. Reach the Fort. *Li Fang joins your party!* Enter the Fort. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #05 - Fort Arid Enemies : #090, #091, #092, #093, #094, #B222 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Hacking Tool x2 [x] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [x] 03. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 04. Sniper Arm L x1 [x] 05. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 06. Dom Data x8 [x] 07. Back Charge x1 Chests : 7 (7 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 30-31 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East. After entering, you automatically move further East. You stop as 6 yellow Set Encounters appear surrounding you. Head backwards, West/Southwest. SE #1 ~ Death Vulcan x4, Death Drill x1 Head West. SE #2 ~ Death Vulcan x2, Death Claw x1 Head Northwest. SE #3 ~ Death Sickle x1, Death Claw x2 Head East. SE #4 ~ Death Claw x2, Death Rocket x2 Head North. SE #5 ~ Death Sickle x2, Death Vulcan x2 Head Southeast. SE #6 ~ Death Drill x2, Death Rocket x3 Head back West and save if necessary. Head East past where SE #6 was. Boss Fight: Walter Gundam x1 (HP 10,000) Dropped: Sensor Plus III x1, Attack Upgrade Kit x1 And so Tristan and his friends rescued Major Rezner. However, the Major was unconscious, her life graudally slipping away. With nothing to sustain them but hope, Tristan and his friends rushed back to Marie's cabin. Exit Marie's place. Auto-Drive to Falldust and head to Fort Taiga. You'll be stopped as you get there. Tristan and his friends returned to Marie's Cabin, where he obtained the Zeta Gundam. It was just as Gavenger had wanted it... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #11 (Some major changes, some left alone.) Tristan: BODY : Shining Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Internal Propellant (5 EN for Power Charge) R-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Grenade Arm R (Same Melee bonus, but saved SG Arm R for Li Fang) L-ARM: Shining Gundam Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs II ```` ***` ```` ```` ```` Heat Shotel ```* ***` ```` ```` ```` Rod Type Beam Rifle ``** ```` **`` ```` ```` Battle Shield Kai ``*` ```` **`` ```` ```` Knuckle Guard Kai ``** ```` **`` ```` ```` Shining Vulcan ```* ```` ```` **`` ```` ```` ```` ```` **`` ``** Bazuli: BODY : Bawoo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor (EN 7 for Shot Burst) R-SLD: Heavyarms Armor R L-SLD: Heavyarms Armor L R-ARM: Heavyarms Arm R L-ARM: Heavyarms Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs *****`` `````** ``````` ``````` ``````` Beam Cannon *****`` ``````` `````** ``````` ``````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ``````` ``````` `****** ``````` ``````` Large Beam Cannon ``````` ``````` ````*** ****``` ``````` Double Beam Gun ``````` ``````` ``````` ****``` ````**` Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` `*****` Fritz: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Propellant, Sensor Plus II, Front Charge (EN 5 for Shoot All) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs **`````` ``*****` ```````` ```````* ```````` ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```````` *******` ```````` ```````* ```````` ```````` Hyper Cannon ```````` `````*`` *****``` ```````* ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam ```````` ```````` *****``` ```````* `````**` ```````` Gundam Saber \ Gun ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ``****** ```````` Long Beam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `````**` *****``` Sniper Rifle II Tremmie: BODY : Zeta Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Bio-Sensor, Back Charge R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Rick Dias Arm R L-ARM: Grenade Arm L LEGS : Zeta Gundam Legs ``````` ````**` ``````` ``````` ``````` Zeta Gundam Saber *`````` `****** ``````` ``````` ``````` Long Beam Rifle *`````` ````**` ```*``` ``````` ``````` Gundam Rifle II *`````` ``````` `****`` `````** ``````` Large Beam Cannon *`````` ``````` ``````` `****** ``````` Arm Missile Kai *`````` ``````` ``````` ````*** `***``` Aeon: BODY : Hyaku Shiki - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Zeta Booster, Charge Plus (4 EN to start) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Power Missile Arm R L-ARM: Power Missile Arm L LEGS : Rick Dias Legs ```````` ```````` ``````** ******`` Beam Pick *``````` ```````` ``****** ```````` Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle *``````` ```**``` `````*** ```````` Large Beam Cannon ```````` *****``` ```````` ```````` Zeta Gundam Rifle Vargas: BODY : Rick Dias - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Wing, Extra Armor II, Extra Armor R-SLD: Gundam Armor II R L-SLD: Gundam Armor II L R-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai R L-ARM: Gundam Arm Kai L LEGS : Gundam Legs Kai *````` `***`` `````` `````` ````** `````` Beam Naginata *````` `````` `````` `````` ````** `````` Shotgun *````` `````` `**``` `````` ````** `````` Shining Vulcan *````` `````` `````` `**``` ````** `````` Enhanced Machine Gun *````` `````` `````` `*```` `````` ``**** Gundam Shield II Double Armor Guard Li Fang: BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : High Power Wing, Power Device II, Charge Plus R-SLD: Marasai Spikes R L-SLD: Marasai Spikes L R-ARM: Shining Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Improved Z'Gok Claw L LEGS : Shining Gundam Legs `````` `````` ***``` ```*** `````` Shining Guard `````` `````` ***``` ```*** `````` Shining Guard `````` `````` `*```` `````` ``**** Spray Launcher **```` ``**`` `````` `````` `````` Rod Type Beam Rifle **```` ``**`` `````` `````` `````` Sniper Rifle **```` ``**`` `````` `````` `````` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fly back over to Fort Taiga and land to the East of it to enter from that side. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #12 - Fort Taiga Enemies : #087, #088, #089, #B221 Groups : No random battles. Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Long Range Rifle x1 [x] 02. EN Max x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 31 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West towards the gate until stopped. Continue West into the Fort. West into the nearest SE. SE #1 ~ Death Shield x1, Death Gatling x2 Dropped: Death Army Data x7 Head West. SE #2 ~ Death Gatling x2, Death Cannon x2 Dropped: Death Army Data x2 Head West/Northwest. SE #3 ~ Death Shield x1, Death Cannon x5 Dropped: Death Army Data x2 Head Northwest. SE #4 ~ Death Cannon x2, Death Shield x2 Dropped: Death Army Data x7 Head South. SE #5 ~ Death Shield x1, Death Gatling x3 Dropped: Death Army Data x2 (Go back East and save after this fight if you wish.) Head West. SE #6 ~ Death Shield x1, Death Gatling x4 Dropped: Death Army Data x2 After defeating the 6th SE, head back to the East gate. Boss Fight: Grand Gundam x1 (HP 10,000) Dropped: Extra Armor III x1, Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Akter complains after his defeat until his Grand Gundam explodes. Tristan and Fritz talk about it for a while. Head East through the gate. Exit to the East to return to your Gaw. Fly over to Fort Berg and land on the Eastern side of it. Enter Fort Berg. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #06 - Fort Berg Enemies : #080, #083, #081, #095, #B223 Groups : No random battles Items : [x] 01. Locked Box: Extra Wing x1 [x] 02. Locked Box: Short Barrier x1 Chests : 2 (2 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 31 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West. You will be stopped just past the Save Point. Head West. SE #1 ~ Death Marasai x2, Dark Mark II x1 Dropped: Death Army Data x10 Head West. SE #2 ~ Death Dias x2, Death Wing x2 Dropped: Death Army Data x6 Head West through the gate. Continue West to the middle of the fort. Boss Fight: Raven Gundam x1 (HP 11,000) Dropped: Power Device III x1, Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 Head East. Head East and exit the fort. With all 4 fort bosses defeated, you can now go to Eisengrad. Fly to and enter Eisengrad. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #09 - Fortress Eisengrad Enemies : #072, #073, #074, #096, #097, #098, #099, #100, #101, #102, #103, #104, #105, #106, #107, #108, #B224, #B225, #B226 Groups : Barrier Marasai x1, Death Guardian x2 Barrier Marasai x2, Giga Tank x2 Death Guardian x2 Death Guardian x3 Death Guardian x4 Death Knight x1, Asshimar x2 Death Knight x1, Giga Tank x3 Giga Tank x2, Death Guardian x2 Giga Tank x4 Hizack Kai x2, Death Guardian x2 Kamikaze Raven x1 Psychic Zaku x2, Asshimar x1 Items : [x] 01. Regeneration Kit x2 [x] 02. Repair Kit DX x1 [x] 03. High Power Kit x1 [x] 04. Restorative Drink x2 [x] 05. Repair Kit x5 [x] 06. Repair Kit SP x1 [ ] 07. Restorative Drink x3 [ ] 08. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 09. Small-sized Beam Rifle x1 [ ] 10. Regeneration Kit DX x1 [ ] 11. Restorative Drink DX x1 [ ] 12. High Armor Kit x1 [ ] 13. Locked Box: Beam Lance x1 [ ] 14. Recovery Kit SP x1 [ ] 15. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 16. Recovery Kit x2 [ ] 17. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 18. Recovery Unit DX x1 [ ] 19. Locked Box: Titans Shield x1 [ ] 20. Zaku III Data x8 [ ] 21. Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 22. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 23. Regeneration Kit DX x1 [ ] 24. EN Max x1 [ ] 25. Beam Pistol x1 [ ] 26. Locked Box: R-Jarja Data x50 Chests : 26 (26 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 3 required Level : 34-35 Notes : Though fast, the Kamikaze Raven only has 1 hp. So attack them with all your guys to kill it with whoever it doesn't kill. If you have +EN items equipped on Tremmie, Rezner, or Vargas, they can use their Quick/Speed boosts to kill the KS before it can act. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head East into the Fortress. Head East through the gate. Head East. SE #1 ~ Gundam Head x3 Head East. *Major Rezner joins your party!* Head East. SE #2 ~ Gundam Head x5 Head East to the gate. Boss Fight: Gundam Head x4, (HP 940) Devil Gundam x1 (HP 15,000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, Recovery System II x1 Atop the platform, head South down the ramp and through the door to the East. Head down and North through the door. Head North. SER #1 ~ Asshimar x2, Zarth Guard x1 Dropped: EN Pack x1 Item: Restorative Drink x3 (SW section of room) Exit through the door on the Eastern wall. Head East and South. Head West up the ramp then straight South. (There's a Save Point to your East.) SE #3 ~ Hizack Kai x4, Gaplant x1 Item: Hacking Tool x1 Item: Small-sized Beam Rifle x1 Item: Regeneration Kit DX x1 Head back down the ramp and to the Southeast corner of the room. Run up that ramp and head North. Head North and West. Head West, past the door to the North. SE #4 ~ Barrier Marasai x1, Death Knight x2 Head South down the Ramp and to the Southeast section of the map. Item: Restorative Drink DX x1 Item: High Armor Kit x1 Head Southwest. SE #5 ~ Psychic Zaku x2, Gaplant x1 Exit South. Head South and up. Item: Locked Box: Beam Lance x1 Return North. Head down and North. Go to the Northeast section of the room. Item: Recovery Kit SP x1 Head up the ramp and through the Western door. Head West and South. Head South. SER #2 ~ Barrier Marasai x2, Zarth Guard x1 Head down the ramp to the East. Go through the door to the North. Head North and East. You unlock the door from this side. Turn right around and return to the hallway you just came from. Head West and South. Head up the ramp to the East then head straight South. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Item: Recovery Kit x2 Head North and through the Eastern door. Head East and unlock this door also. You're now back in the room with the Save Point from before. Go back West through the door you just unlocked. Head West. Head down the ramp to the Northwest and up the ramp to the Southwest. Go through the door to the South. Head South and East. Head South down the ramp and through the Western door. Head West and South. Head up the ramp to the West. SE #6 ~ Death Knight x1, Death Guardian x4 Head South, past the door. Item: ECAP (S) x1 Item: Recovery Unit DX x1 Head North and through the Western door. Head West and South. SE #7 ~ Psychic Zaku x2, Dark Qubeley x2 Item: Locked Box: Titans Shield x1 Return North and East. Head down the ramp to the Northeast and to the Southeast of the room. Head up the ramp to the East and straight North. SE #8 ~ Messala x1, Asshimar 4 Item: Zaku III Data x8 Item: Bawoo Data x10 Return South and down the ramp to the West. Head North through the door. Head North and East. Head North up the ramp and East to unlock the door. Turn around and go back through the door you unlocked. Head West and down the ramp to the South. Head to the Northeast corner of the room under the walkway. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Head directly South. Item: Regeneration Kit DX x1 Head Northwest to the middle of the room. SE #9 ~ Barrier Marasai x3 Head through the door to the South. Head South and East. Head East and North. SER #3 ~ Dark Qubeley x2, Zarth Guard II x1 Dropped: EN Max x1 Head North. Head North and loop around West to the SE. SE #10 ~ Death Knight x2, Death Guardian x2 Head South. Item: EN Max x1 Item: Beam Pistol x1 Head North and through the Eastern door. Head East. Head East and North. SE #11 ~ Barrier Marasai x1, Death Guardian x4 Head North through the door. Head North. SE #12 ~ Death Knight x3 Continue North. SER #4 ~ Death Knight x2, Dreissen x1 Dropped: Dreissen Arm R x1, Dreissen Arm L x1 Continue North through the door. Head North. SE #13 ~ Shot Killer II x1, Barrier Marasai x3 Continue North through the door. Head North. As you turn West, you're stopped. Boss Fight: Altron Gundam x1 (HP 8000) (Boost Aeon, Fritz, and Bazuli on turn 1. Aeon System Hacks, Fritz and Bazuli Gatling Fire on turn 2 and it's dead. This is with Configure #11.) Head West through the door. Head West. SE #14 ~ Death Knight x3 Dropped: Death Army Data x1 Continue West. SE #15 ~ Gaplant x2, Messala x1 Make sure you're prepared before you go past this save point, as there will be changes after the boss fight. I recommend doing all the optional stuff listed above if you haven't already. Head West through the door. Boss Fight: Black Zaku x1 (HP 17,000) Dropped: Large-sized Beam Sword x1 Don't leave this dungeon just yet, but instead, return to the room where you fought the Black Zaku. (You can't just head back North because you'll find the second door 'barred'. Note: You can add a 6th member back to your team at one of the save points.) Once back in the room, you'll find a chest on the upper ramp just past the exit door. Item: Locked Box: R-Jarja Data x50 With these in your inventory, exit South through the door and out of the fortress. Thus ended another battle, but the war is far from over. The real enemy has been revealed. Can our heroes overcome this new threat? Can they manage to find Aeon again? Fiercely determined to see her again, Tristan sets off for his final battle. *You received ZZ Gundam Data x 50!* Exit Marie's place. *You received Dreissen Data x 50!* *You received an ECAP (L)!* *You received map data for the Neo Zarth Secret Base!* *Fritz, Tremmie, Rezner, Vargas, Li Fang, and Bazuli rejoin your party!* I recommend heading over to the G System above Eisengrad and making the ZZ Gundam. If your other mobile suits are strong enough, you can wait to make the R-Jarja and Dreissen until you can buy 49 more parts for both to save money on upgrading them. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #12 (Lots of major changes as I tweak Bazuli and Fritz and prepare Tremie, Rezner, and Vargas for special duties.) Tristan: BODY : R-Jarja - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Device III, Zeta Booster R-SLD: R-Jarja Shield R L-SLD: R-Jarja Shield L R-ARM: R-Jarja Arm R L-ARM: R-Jarja Arm L LEGS : R-Jarja Legs **``` ````` ``*** ````` ````` Shining Guard **``` ````` ``*** ````` ````` Shining Guard **``` ````` ````` ````` ```** Rod Type Beam Rifle ````` **``` ````` ````` ```** Rod Type Beam Rifle ````` **``` ````` ````` ```** Large Beam Sword ````` **``` ````` ````` ```** ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```** ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```** Fritz: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Internal Propellant (EN 7 for Shot Burst) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm R L-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm L LEGS : Bawoo Legs *``````` ````**`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Naginata *``````` `******` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Long Beam Rifle *``````` ````**`` ``**```` ``````** ```````` ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai *``````` ```````` ```````` ``****** ```````` ```````` Large Beam Cannon *``````` ```````` ```````` `````*** `****``` ```````` Double Beam Gun *``````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `****``` `````*** Small Beam Rifle Bazuli: BODY : ZZ Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor (EN 7 for Shot Burst) R-SLD: Heavyarms Armor R L-SLD: Heavyarms Armor L R-ARM: Heavyarms Arm R L-ARM: Heavyarms Arm L LEGS : ZZ Gundam Legs ```***** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Cannon `******* ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Zeta Gundam Rifle ``````*` ******`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Mega Launcher ```````` ```````` `******* ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam Gun ```````` ```````` `````*`` *****``` ```````` Arm Missile Kai ```````` ```````` ```````` *****``` `````*** Tremmie: BODY : Zeta Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Bio-Sensor, Power Booster (EN 4 for Speed Lancer) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Power Missile Arm R L-ARM: Power Missile Arm L LEGS : Zeta Gundam Legs ``````` ````**` ``````` ``````` Zeta Gundam Saber *`````` `****** ``````` ``````` Long Beam Rifle *`````` ````**` ```*``` ``````` Gundam Rifle II *`````` ``````` `****`` `````** Large Beam Cannon *`````` ``````` ``````` `****** *`````` ``````` ``````` ````*** Rezner: BODY : Shining Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Large Type Propellant, Large Type Wing (EN 5 for Power Charge) R-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Shining Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Shining Gundam Arm L LEGS : Shining Gundam Legs **`` ```` ```` Impact Lance **`` ```` ```` Knuckle Guard Kai **`` ``** ```` Battle Shield Kai **`` ``** ```` **`` ```` ``** **`` ```` ``** **`` ```` ``** Vargas: BODY : Bawoo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 (EN 5 for Quick Shot and Snipe Assist) OPT : Enhanced Propellant, Sensor Plus III, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs *`````` `*****` ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` Heat Saber *`````` ``````` `****`` ``````` ``````` ``````` Sniper Rifle II *`````` ``````` `****`` `````** ``````` ``````` Double Beam Gun *`````` ``````` ``````` `****** ``````` ``````` Large Beam Cannon ``````` ``````` ``````` ````*** ****``` ``````` Double Beam Gun ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` ****``` ````*** Shotgun Li Fang: (My new tank.) BODY : Gundam Mark II - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Extra Armor III, Large Type Wing, Extra Armor II R-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor R L-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Marasai Arm R L-ARM: Marasai Arm L LEGS : Gundam Legs Kai **```` `````` ````** Zeta Gundam Shield **```` `````` ````** Double Armor Guard **```` `````` ````** Beam Lance **```` `````` ````** **```` `````` ````** `````` ****`` ````** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Land just North of the Secret Base and enter it. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #19 - Neo Zarth Secret Base Enemies : #099, #101, #102, #103, #104, #109, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #117, #B227, #B228, #B229 Groups : All-Repairer x1, High Speed Nemo x2 All-Repairer x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Barrier Marasai x1, Flame Cannon x2 Dowadge Kai x1, Flame Cannon x2 Dowadge Kai x1, Flame Cannon x3 Dowadge Kai x1, High Speed Nemo x2 High Speed Nemo x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Kamikaze Raven x2 Items : [ ] 01. Repair Unit DX x1 [ ] 02. EN Pack x2 [ ] 03. Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 04. Regeneration Kit DX x1 [ ] 05. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 06. Locked Box: Beam Gatling Gun x1 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Back Charge x1 [ ] 08. Giant Bazooka Kai x1 [ ] 09. Zaku III Data x10 Chests : 9 (7 cleared, 2 remain) Hacks : 2 required Level : 35-36 Notes : Though fast, the Kamikaze Raven only has 1 hp. So attack them with all your guys to kill it with whoever it doesn't kill. If you have +EN items equipped on Tremmie, Rezner, or Vargas, they can use their Quick/Speed boosts to kill the KS before it can act. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. SER #1: Dowadge Kai x2, Zarth Guard III x1 Continue North. Head North, veering to the West to enter the building. Item: Repair Unit DX x1 Trigger the panel so it's ON then exit the building. Head South and around to the Eastern path. SE #1: Shot Killer II x2, Dark Qubeley x1 Continue East. Head East to the Save Point. Head North/Northwest from the Save Point. SE #2: Dowadge Kai x2, Shot Killer II x3 Continue NW. Head West. SE #3: All-Repairer x1, Gaplant x2 Continue West and into the building. Item: EN Pack x2 Trigger the panel so it's ON then exit the building. Return East. Pass the Save Point and head East to the fork. Take the Eastern-most path, past the nearby SE. SE #4: Barrier Marasai x2, Dowadge Kai x3 Continue Northeast. Keep going Northeast, taking the Eastern branch again. Northeast some more until... SE #5: Dowadge Kai x2, Battle Asshimar x1 Item: Bawoo Data x10 Return Southwest. Head North into the second previously-bypassed encounter. SE #6: Gaplant x2, Shot Killer II x2 Enter the building to the North. Item: Regeneration Kit DX x1 SE #7: MP Qubeley x2, Psychic Zaku II x1 Triger the panel so it's ON then exit the building. Head Southwest. Return to the Save Point to the Southwest if necessary, otherwise head North to the first previously-bypassed encounter. SE #8: Shot Killer II x2, Barrier Marasai x3 Head North up this middle path. Head North, veering West. SER #2: Dowadge Kai x2, Black Xamel x1 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Continue on the path into the building. Item: ECAP (S) x3 Item: Locked Box: Beam Gatling Gun x1 (middle) Item: Locked Box: Back Charge x1 (left) Exit the building. Take the Eastern, North path. SER #3: Zarth Guard III x3 Continue North. Head Northwest past the Save Point. SE #9: Gaplant x3 Follow the path as it curves West to the gate. Boss Fight: Psyco Gundam x1 (HP: 12,000) Turn 1: Technique - Offense Jammer Turn 2: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon (50% damage dealt to boss) Turn 3: Technique - Over-Charge Turn 4: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 5: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 6: (defeated) Continue onward through the gate. Head West, dipping south past a building that's just scenary and follow the path as it winds to the North. SE #10: Shot Killer II x2, Barrier Marasai x3 Continue forward through the gate. Head West to the next encounter. SE #11: Dowadge Kai x2, Serpent x1 Continue West. Pass the gate in favor of the Save Point and continue down the path as it curves to the South. SE #12: Dark Qubeley x3 Continue South up the path. Head South. SE #13: Shot Killer II x2, Battle Asshimar x2 Item: Giant Bazooka Kai x1 Item: Zaku III Data x10 Return North. Enter the building by the Save Point. Head Southeast down the cooridor. Boss Fight: Altron Gundam x1 (HP: 16,000) Dropped: Dragon Fang x1 Turn 1: Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 2: Boost - Plasma Lancer (50% damage dealt to boss) Turn 3: Technique - Over-Charge Turn 4: Boost - Over-Boost Turn 5: Boost - Voltic Lancer (defeated) Retreat back to the Save Point unless you're feeling ultra confident. Once saved, re-enter the building and run down the hallway to the other side. Run Southeast down the next hallway. Boss Fight: Psyco Gundam x1 (HP: 25,000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1, EN Charger x1 Marie took Lapis in. Meanwhile... Tristan and the others went to see Astona in Diggins Rock about a spaceship. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #11 - Diggins Rock *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Enter Diggins Rock and proceed to the back to speak with Astona. Before heading to the HQ, return to Marie's place and you'll find Lapis has recovered and will join your team with a Quebley. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #01 - Marie's place *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* *Lapis joins your party!* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #12a (Didn't do much with Lapis yet.) Lapis: BODY : Qubeley - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : High Power Wing, Front Charge, Charge Plus (Able to gain 5 EN a turn) R-SLD: Qubeley Thruster R L-SLD: Qubeley Thruster L R-ARM: Beam Gun Arm R L-ARM: Beam Gun Arm L LEGS : Qubeley Legs ``````` `````** ``````` ``````` Gundam Saber *`````` `****** ``````` ``````` Large Beam Cannon *`````` ````*** ```*``` ``````` Gundam Rifle II *`````` ``````` `****`` `````** Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle *`````` ``````` ``````` ``***** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fly over to and enter the Unicorn HQ. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #10 - Unicorn Headquarters Enemies : None Items : [ ] 01. ECAP (S) x1 [ ] 02. 3000 Credits [ ] 03. Hacking Tool x1 *LP* [ ] 04. Restorative Drink SP x1 *LP* [ ] 05. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 06. GPS System x1 [ ] 07. 2000 Credits [ ] 08. Bawoo Data x10 Chests : 8 (8 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 23 Features: Inn, Mini G System, Item Shop People : Boy, Unicorn Officer, Unicorn Officer2, Unicorn Officer3, Item Merchant's Wife, Olivia, Unicorn Officer4, Unicorn Officer5, Unicorn Engineer, Boy2, Girl, Girl2, Indecisive Boy, Woman, Woman2, Constable Ox's Wife, Beautiful Woman, Unicorn Officer6, Unicorn Engineer2, Manager, Worker, Work2, Fisherman, Fisherman2, Woman3, Young Man, Man, Lazy Engineer, Vendor, Vendor2, Unicorn Engineer3, Unicorn Engineer4, Unicorn Officer7, Unicorn Reception, Unicorn Officer8, Unicorn Officer9, Unicorn Officer10, Operator, Central Administrator, Operator2, Unicorn Officer11, Director Shelbourne Books : Machina Sapiens, The G System on the Moon, The Greatest of the Gundams Notes : *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Proceed into the Unicorn Base and upstairs to talk to Olivia. Tristan told Olivia how the Neo Zarth fled to the Moon in a shuttle. Now that you have access to the rest of the town, it's time to find some items and buy some Hacking Tools! Head North. Take a left (North from the camera angle) past the Vendor. Item: ECAP (S) x1 (Behind left side of house with porch, it'll have a dog in front of it.) Enter that house. Item: 3000 Credits (Upstairs, by bed) Exit that house and enter the house right next to it. Item: Hacking Tool x1 (Beside Bookshelf) Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 (Upstairs by bed) Exit the house and return to the zone with the Vendor. Head East (between the two barricades.) Follow the road Northeast to a new area. Run to the end of the pier and head right behind the warehouse. Follow the road down around to a ramp. Item: Hacking Tool x2 (Behind ramp down to vendor) Return to the pier and then to the area with the asphalt road. Head right/east, past the Unicorn Engineer with the purple hair. Enter the 2nd barracks building. Item: GPS System x1 Item: 2000 Credits Exit the barracks. Item: Bawoo Data x10 (Behind laundry and water pumps) Return to the area with the first Vendor. (The Hacking Tool seller.) Head Southeast past the 2 folks near the Weapon Shop. Enter the big building. Into the elevator and up to the 3rd floor. Enter the only room up there. *You received a Card Key (L4)!* Exit Unicorn HQ. The Spaceship Data can wait. For now, it's time to do more optional stuff. Fly down to South America, landing where it's possible. Trek Northwest back to Mt. Trial. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #17 - Mt. Trial Enemies : #099, #104, #172, #173, #174, #175, #B231, #B232, #B233, #176 Groups : Barrier Marasai x3 Barrier Marasai x4 Gaplant x1, Barrier Marasai x3 Gaplant x2, Barrier Marasai x2 Items : [x] 01. Item: Gundam Heavyarms Data x50 [ ] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 03. 10,000 Credits [ ] 04. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 05. Altron Gundam Data x50 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Mobility Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 08. EN Max x1 [ ] 09. 20,000 Credits [ ] 10. EN Charger x1 [ ] 11. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 12. Deathscythe Data x50 [ ] 13. ECAP (S) x3 Chests : 13 (7 cleared, 6 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 36 Notes : I used Configure #12 and #12a for these. Hadn't added anything bought from Unicorn HQ since I wanted the Altron first. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North and take the East path before the Save Point. Head East along the curving path, passing the branch that leads further North to continue East to the door. *You use the Card Key (L4)!* A short distance Northeast is the first fight. SER #1 ~ Raven Red x2 (HP: 11,000) Continue Northeast. SER #2 ~ Walter Red x2 (HP: 10,000) Continue Northeast again. SER #3 ~ Grand Red x2 (HP: 10,000) Continue Northeast some more. SER #4 ~ Devil Gundam x2 (HP: 10,000) Continue Northeast one final time. Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 Item: 10,000 Credits Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: Altron Gundam Data x50 Item: ECAP (S) x3 Item: Mobility Upgrade Kit x2 Escape out after getting everything. Head over to your favorite G System and make the Altron. I also made the Zaku III from Data I'd bought at Unicorn HQ. Since you can buy Hacking Tools, it's time to go grab the Locked Boxes we passed up before. If you did different ones then I suggested... hope you marked down what you missed! Buy 5 for now and you should be fine. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #14 - Underground Tunnel Enemies : #054, #065, #066, #067 Groups : Arctic Leader x2 Cold GM Kai x2 Cold GM Kai x3 GM Sniper II x1 Guncannon II, Arctic Leader x2 Items : [x] 01. Repair Unit x3 [x] 02. Hacking Tool x1 [x] 03. Locked Box: ECAP (L) x1 [x] 04. Locked Box: Large Type Propellant x1 [ ] 05. Locked Box: Psycommu x1 [x] 06. Locked Box: ECAP (S) x3 [x] 07. Locked Box: Bawoo Data x10 [ ] 08. Locked Box: Gelgoog Shield Kai x1 [x] 09. ECAP (S) x1 [x] 10. Z'Gok Claw Kai L x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 6 needed total Level : 36 Note : Grab the last 2 boxes. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* and *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #19 - Neo Zarth Secret Base Enemies : #099, #101, #102, #103, #104, #109, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #117, #B227, #B228, #B229 Groups : All-Repairer x1, High Speed Nemo x2 All-Repairer x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Barrier Marasai x1, Flame Cannon x2 Dowadge Kai x1, Flame Cannon x2 Dowadge Kai x1, Flame Cannon x3 Dowadge Kai x1, High Speed Nemo x2 High Speed Nemo x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Kamikaze Raven x2 Items : [x] 01. Repair Unit DX x1 [x] 02. EN Pack x2 [x] 03. Bawoo Data x10 [x] 04. Regeneration Kit DX x1 [x] 05. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 06. Locked Box: Beam Gatling Gun x1 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Back Charge x1 [x] 08. Giant Bazooka Kai x1 [x] 09. Zaku III Data x10 Chests : 9 (7 cleared, 2 remain) Hacks : 2 required Level : 35-36 Notes : Grab the last 2 boxes. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #13 (I used some of the Items for upgrading the final 2 levels of the Altron to save some of the credits. I only had 31 ECAP (S) at this point and the only nice option part that was usable with the Dragon Fang was a Double Booster, so I spent time farming ECAP (S) until I had 40 and could make a 3rd DB [Got 1 free with the ZZ Gundam] to use with Trisan's Altron Gundam.) Tristan: BODY : Altron - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Power Device III (5 EN for Power Charge) R-SLD: Marasai Spikes R L-SLD: Zaku Spikes III L R-ARM: Altron Arm R L-ARM: Altron Arm L LEGS : R-Jarja Legs `**`` ```** ````` ````` ````` Large Beam Sword `**`` ````` ```** ````` ````` Shining Vulcan `**`` ````` ```** ````` ````` Battle Shield `**`` ````` ```** ````` ````` Dragon Fang `**`` ````` ````` ```** ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle `**`` ````` ````` ```** ````` ````` ````` ````` ```** ***`` ````` ````` ````` ```** ***`` Fritz: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Internal Propellant (EN 7 for Shot Burst) R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm R L-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm L LEGS : Bawoo Legs *****``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam G *****``` `````*** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Grand Cannon ```````` ******** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Beam Rifle ```````` ``````*` ```*```` ````**`` ```````* ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```````` ```````` ******`` ```````` ```````* ``````*` Beam Pick ```````` ```````` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ````**** Gundam Rifle II Bazuli: (Unchanged) Tremmie: (My new tank, so I can do Charge, Power All, and Speed All easier) BODY : R-Jarja - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Extra Armor III (4 EN for Speed Lancer) R-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor R L-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Marasai Arm R L-ARM: Marasai Arm L LEGS : Altron Legs ``*** ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` High Power Machine Gun ````` `**** ````` ````` ````` ````` Double Armor Guard ````` ````` **``` ````` ````` ``*** Shining Vulcan ````` ````` ````` **``` ````` ``*** Enhanced Machine Gun ````` ````` ````` *```` `*``` ``*** Tallgeese Shield ````` ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```*` Drill Lance ````` ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```*` ````` ````` ````` ````` ***`` ```*` Rezner: (Unchanged) Vargas: BODY : Qubeley - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 (EN 5 for Quick Shot and Snipe Assist) OPT : Enhanced Propellant, Sensor Plus II, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Qubeley Legs *****`` `````** ``````` ``````` ``````` Large Double Beam Gun *****`` ``````` `````** ``````` ``````` Bullpup Machine Gun ``````` ``````` `****** ``````` ``````` Large Beam Cannon ``````` ``````` ````*** ****``` ``````` Double Beam Gun ``````` ``````` ``````` ****``` ````*** Small Beam Rifle Li Fang: BODY : Zeta Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : High Power Wing, Bio-Sensor, Charge Plus R-SLD: R-Jarja Shield R L-SLD: R-Jarja Shield L R-ARM: Drill Claw R (The bonus ATK for unarmed is 210 for this!) L-ARM: Drill Claw L LEGS : Zaku Legs III **````` ``**``` ``````` Shining Guard **````` ``**``` ``````` Shining Guard **````` ``**``` ``````` Gatling Cannon ``````` ``````` ******` ``````` ``````` ******` ``````` ``````` ``***`` Lapis: BODY : Zaku III - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Zeta Booster, Sensor Plus III (EN 5 for Shoot All) R-SLD: Qubeley Thruster R L-SLD: Qubeley Thruster L R-ARM: Beam Gun Arm R L-ARM: Beam Gun Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs **````` ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` High Output Beam Saber **````` ``***** ``````` ``````` ``````` Sniper Rifle II **````` ``````` ``**``` ````*** ``````` Shining Vulcan **````` ``````` ``````` ``***** ``````` Beam Gatling Gun **````` ``````` ``````` ````*** ```*``` Double Beam Rifle ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` ******` ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` ```*``` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just one more optional stop. Fly over to Japan and enter the forest. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #20 - Hory Forest Enemies : #099, #122, #123, #164, #165, #166, #167, #168, #169, #170, #171 Groups : Barrier Marasai x1, Shield Zaku Kai x2 Barrier Marasai x2 Hyper Tank x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Hyper Tank x2, Shield Zaku Kai x2 Hyper Tank x3 Shield Zaku Kai x3 Shield Zaku Kai x4 Items : [ ] 01. EN Pack x3 [ ] 02. Clay Bazooka x1 [ ] 03. Power Absorber x1 [ ] 04. Launcher Arm L x1 [ ] 05. Energy Capacitor x1 [ ] 06. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 07. Nu Gundam Saber x1 [ ] 08. High Armor Kit x1 [ ] 09. High Speed Kit x1 [ ] 10. High Power Kit x1 [ ] 11. Nu Gundam Rifle x1 [ ] 12. Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 12 (12 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 37-38 Notes : Once inside the building, there are no random encounters. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head Northeast. Follow the winding road North. Head North into the cave. Follow the caveway Northwest. Head West. Follow the curving parth Northwest and Northeast. Head East. Head East/Northeast. Head North towards the Save Point and to the gate. *You use the Card Key (L3)!* Head North into the building. SER #1 ~ Black Cannon x3 Head North through the door. SER #2 ~ Black Cannon x2, Black Gundam x1 Head North through the door. Head through the door to the West halfway up the hallway. Item: EN Pack x3 Item: Clay Bazooka x1 Item: Power Absorber x1 Exit the room and head North. *You use the Card Key (L4)!* Head North and West. SER #3 ~ Black Full Armor x3 Head West. SER #4 ~ Black Dias x3 Continue West. Head West and North. SER #5 ~ Black Dias x2, Black Hyaku Shiki x1 Continue North. Head through the door to the West halfway up the hallway. Item: Launcher Arm L x1 Item: Energy Capacitor x1 Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Exit the room and head North. *You use the Card Key (L4)!* Head North and East. SER #6 ~ Black Mk-II x3 Continue East. SER #7 ~ Black Zeta x1 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1 Turn 1: Technique - Power Up Turn 2: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 3: Boost - Lightning Lancer Turn 4: (defeated) Continue East. Head to the door to the South. SER #8 ~ Black ZZ x1 Dropped: Double Armor Guard x1 Turn 1: Ranged - High Mega Cannon Turn 2: Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 3: Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 4: Ranged - Double Beam Rifle Turn 5: Melee - Hyper Beam Saber Turn 6: (defeated) Pass through the door to the South. Item: Nu Gundam Saber x1 Item: High Armor Kit x1 Item: High Speed Kit x1 Item: High Power Kit x1 Item: Nu Gundam Rifle x1 Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x1 Exit Hory Forest. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #21 - Japan Enemies : #099, #122, #123, #180 Groups : Barrier Marasai x1, Shield Zaku Kai x2 Barrier Marasai x2 Hyper Tank x1, Barrier Marasai x2 Hyper Tank x2, Shield Zaku Kai x2 Hyper Tank x3 Samurai Zaku x1 Samurai Zaku x2 Shield Zaku Kai x3 Shield Zaku Kai x4 Level : 38 Note : This is the only place to fight the Samurai Zaku *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* With these optional areas out of the way, head to the North Entrance for the Lost City. Fly to the Northwest part of Canada and land on the small clearing. Head Southeast through all the trees until you reach the North Entrance of the Lost City. (If you didn't visit this before when I suggested it, scroll up to the earlier information on Dungeon #18.) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #18 - Lost City (North Entrance) Enemies : #101, #104, #105, #109, #112, #113, #114, #116, #118, #119, #120, #121 Groups : All-Repairer x1, Dowadge Kai x2 All-Repairer x1, Dowadge Kai x3 Dowadge Kai x1, Shot Killer II x2 Dowadge Kai x3 Gaplant x1, Blue Cannon x2 Messala x1, Shot Killer II x2 Messala x1, Dowadge Kai x2 Items : [x] 01. Restorative Drink DX x1 [x] 02. Spaceship Data x10 [x] 03. Bawoo Data x10 [x] 04. Double Arm Guard x1 [ ] 05. Spaceship Data x20 [ ] 06. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 07. Spaceship Data x30 [ ] 08. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 09. Spaceship Data x9 [ ] 10. Spaceship Data x30 [ ] 11. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 12. Locked Box: Beam Scythe x1 Chests : 12 (12 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 38 Note : With my build and having already fought these for the Enemy Data earlier, I just used Invisible all through here to avoid the random battles. Shot Killers take too much technique points if you don't want to keep switching in your melee team to deal with them. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head West and South. Head South to SE #1 just past the intersection. SE #1 ~ Gaplant x3 Dropped: ECAP (S) x1 Continue South. SE #2 ~ Battle Asshimar x3 Continue South on the next map area. Item: Spaceship Data x20 Item: ECAP (S) x3 Return North. Go North to the intersection and head East down it. Turn South at the Save Point, following the road as it curves West. SE #3 ~ Psychic Zaku II x1, Messala x2 Continue West and then follow the curve South. Go South. SE #4 ~ Messala x2, Gaplant x2 South to the next map. South to SE #5. SE #5 ~ Battle Asshimar x2, Dowadge Kai x2 Continue straight ahead at the crossroads, going East/Southeast. Head East. SE #6 ~ Shot Killer II x2, Shot Killer III x1 Item: Spaceship Data x30 Item: ECAP (L) x1 Return West. Head to the crossroads to the West and head Northeast this time. Head North. SE #7 ~ All-Repairer x1, Blue Cannon x4 Continue North. SER #1 ~ Gaplant x2, Gatling Zaku x1 Dropped: Zaku Shield III R x1, Zaku Shield III L x1 Item: Spaceship Data x9 Return South. Head South back to the crossroads. Head Southwest to the gate. *You use the Card Key (L4)!* Head South. SER #2 ~ Dark Qubeley x2, Dijeh x1 Dropped: Armor Upgrade Kit x1, ECAP (S) x1, Qubeley Data x1 Continue South. Go down the ramp in the room. Item: Spaceship Data x30 Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 You can leave this dungeon now, but you'll be missing a nice weapon if you do. Instead, do the following: Head to the ramp up in the Northeast. Go directly south to the white console and swith it to ON. Exit South through the upper level Southwest door. Head South and East. Head East and take the North path from the crossroads. Head North. Head North and East. Head East through the exit on the upper level to the NE. Head East then South. Head South and pass through the now-unlocked door to the South of the crossroads. Head South. Item: Locked Box: Beam Scythe x1 (This is the box you saw earlier when first inside the Lost City.) Escape out. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #13a (A couple weapon tweaks.) Tristan: ***`` ```** ````` ````` ````` ````` Rod Type Beam Weapon ***`` ```** ````` ````` ````` ````` Dragon Fang ````` ```** ***`` ````` ````` ````` Beam Scythe ````` ```** *```` `**`` ````` ````` Battle Shield Kai ````` ````` *```` `**`` ```** ````` Shining Vulcan ````` ````` *```` `**`` ````` ````` Rod Type Beam Weapon ````` ````` *```` ````` ````` `***` ````` ````` *```` ````` ````` `***` Fritz: *****``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam G *****``` `````*** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Grand Cannon ```````` ******** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Rifle ```````` ``````*` ******`` ```````` ```````* ```````` Double Beam Gun ```````` ```````` ````*``` ****```` ```````* ``````*` Beam Pick ```````` ```````` ```````` ****```` ```````` ````**** Gundam Rifle II Bazuli: (Unchanged) Tremmie: (Replace the Nu Gundam Saber with the Hyper Beam Saber once attained.) `**** ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` Double Armor Guard ````` **``` ``*** ````` ````` ````` Shining Vulcan ````` ````` ````` ***`` ````* ````` High Power Machine Gun ````` ````` ````` ***`` ````* ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle ````` ````` ````` ````` ````* `*``` Nu Gundam Saber ````` ````` ````` ````` ````* ***`` Tallgeese Shield ````` ````` ````` ````` ````* ***`` ````` ````` ````` ````` ````* ***`` Rezner: (Unchanged) Vargas: (Unchanged) Li Fang: (Unchanged) Lapis: (Unchanged) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now head over to the Mobile Coliseum for the Champion League and Shadow Champion matches. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #13 - Mobile Coliseum *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #13b (This was a one-fight build change to take on the Burning Gundam. Since he can only be harmed by melee attacks, my party of 6 was Tristan, Rezner, Li Fang, Tremmie, Fritz, and Lapis. I choose Lapis as my 6th because I thought her System Hack Boost would weaken the Burning Gundam. It doesn't. So I'd recommend a Melee build for Bazuli as your 6th instead, since he has some Unarmed Boost Attacks similiar to Li Fang.) Tristan: BODY: (unchanged) ***`` ```** ````` ````` ````` ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle ***`` ```** ````` ````` ````` ````` Dragon Fang ````` ```** ***`` ````` ````` ````` Beam Scythe ````` ```** *```` `**`` ````` ````` Battle Shield Kai ````` ````` *```` `**`` ```** ````` Shining Vulcan ````` ````` *```` `**`` ````` ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle ````` ````` *```` ````` ````` `***` ````` ````` *```` ````` ````` `***` Rezner: BODY : Shining Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Back Charge R-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor L R-ARM: R-Jarja Arm R L-ARM: Drill Claw L LEGS : Zeta Gundam Legs ```` ```` ```` Hyper Beam Saber **`` ```` ```` Knuckle Guard Kai **`` ``** ```` Battle Shield Kai **`` ``** ```` **`` ```` ``** **`` ```` ``** **`` ```` ``** Li Fang: (unchanged) Tremmie: (My buffer, she'd usually go before the Burning Gundam. EN 9 Boost Attack is immune to counter-attack or Counter-Zone. Semi-tank still.) BODY : R-Jarja - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Front Charge R-SLD: Dowadge Thruster R L-SLD: Dowadge Thruster L R-ARM: Marasai Arm R L-ARM: Marasai Arm L LEGS : Altron Legs **``` ``**` ````` ````` ````` ````` Shining Vulcan ````` ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` High Output Beam Rifle ````` ```*` ***`` ````` ````` ````* High Power Machine Gun ````` ````` ````` ****` ````` ````* Double Armor Guard ````` ````` ````` ````` ``*`` ````* Tallgeese Shield ````` ````` ````` ````` `***` ````* Nu Gundam Saber ````` ````` ````` ````` `***` ````* ````` ````` ````` ````` `***` ````* Fritz: (Semi-tank build.) BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Extra Armor III R-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor R L-SLD: ZZ Gundam Armor L R-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm R L-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm L LEGS : Bawoo Legs (Weaponry unchanged) Lapis: OPT : Zeta Booster, HP Parts III (The rest unchanged) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After that, return to Unicorn HQ. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Town #10 - Unicorn Headquarters *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head to the Administrative HQ. Take the elevator to 3F. Exit the building and everyone will have gathered outside. If only for a moment, Tristan put the war out of his mind to enjoy a brief respite, along with his friends, his comrades in battle. After a restful night, morning arrives... Exit the room, building, and town. *You received the White Base!* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #14 (Here we go again! Now that I have the Burning Gundam, it's time to put it to use. I took apart and rebuilt most of my units. Lapis, Fritz, and Bazuli are my random encounter/set encounter killers with a Turn 1 opening barrage of Shot All, Shot Burst, and Shot Burst. Tristan, Tremmie, and Rezner are my backup trio for those annoying Shot Killers, though I can also use Lapis, Fritz, and Bazuli to Funnel, Giga-Bomber, and Giga Bomber. Rezner can Power Charge on Turn 1 against any Metal MS or Tremie and Rezner can Speed Lance Kamikaze Ravens, Speed Lancers, etc on Turn 1.) Lapis: BODY : Bawoo - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Bio-Sensor R-SLD: Qubeley Thruster R L-SLD: Qubeley Thruster L R-ARM: Beam Gun Arm R L-ARM: Beam Gun Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs HP 1930/1930 EN 5 MEL 175 AMR 111 RNG 319 SPD 333 *****`` ``````` ``````` ``````` `````** Large Double Beam Gun *****`` ``````` ``````` ``````` `````** Sniper Rifle II ``````` *****`` ``````` ``````` `````** Hyper Bazooka II ``````` ``````` *****`` ``````` `````** Burning Vulcan ``````` ``````` ``***`` **````` `````** Beam Lance ``````` ``````` ``````` **````` `````** Fritz: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: R-Jarja Shield R L-SLD: R-Jarja Shield L R-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm R L-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm L LEGS : Bawoo Legs HP 1820/1820 EN 7 MEL 229 AMR 186 RNG 378 SPD 204 *``````` ``****** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Saber *``````` ``````*` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Rifle *``````` ```````` `*****`` ``````** ```````` ```````` Large Dbl Beam Gun *``````` ```````` ```````` ``****** ```````` ```````` Large Beam Cannon *``````` ```````` ```````` `````*** `****``` ```````` Double Beam Gun *``````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `****``` `````*** Small Beam Rifle Bazuli: BODY : ZZ Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Internal Propellant R-SLD: Heavyarms Armor R L-SLD: Heavyarms Armor L R-ARM: Heavyarms Arm R L-ARM: Heavyarms Arm L LEGS : ZZ Gundam Legs HP 2250/2250 EN 7 MEL 186 AMR 143 RNG 412 SPD 326 `******* ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Mega Launcher `````*`` *****``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam Gun ```````` *****``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Missile Kai ```````` ```````` ***````` ```***** ```````` Hyper Cannon ```````` ```````` ```````` `******* ```````` Zeta Gundam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ``````*` ******`` Tristan: BODY : Burning Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Burning Booster, Power Device III R-SLD: Burning Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Burning Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Burning Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Burning Gundam Arm L LEGS : R-Jarja Legs HP 2480/2480 EN 4 MEL 751 AMR 193 RNG 114 SPD 264 ***` ```` ```` ```` High Power Machine Gun ```` ***` ```` ```` Beam Scythe ```` *``` `**` ```` Burning Guard ```` *``` `**` ```` Burning Guard ```` *``` `**` ```` ```` *``` ```` `**` ```` *``` ```` `**` ```` ```` ```` `**` Tremmie: BODY : Altron - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Zeta Booster, Extra Armor III R-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Shining Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Altron Arm R L-ARM: Altron Arm L LEGS : Burning Gundam Legs HP 1822/1822 EN 4 MEL 406 AMR 228 RNG 99 SPD 385 ***** ````` ````` ````` ````` Hyper Bazooka II ``*** **``` ````` ````` ````` Hyper Beam Saber ````` **``` ``**` ````` ````` Shining Vulcan ````` **``` ````` ```*` ````` Tallgeese Shield ````` **``` ````` ``*** ````` Double Armor Guard ````` **``` ````` ``*** ````` ````` **``` ````` ``*** ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` ****` Rezner: BODY : R-Jarja - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : High Power Wing, Large Type Propellant R-SLD: Marasai Spikes R L-SLD: Zaku Spikes III L R-ARM: R-Jarja Arm R L-ARM: Drill Claw L LEGS : Altron Legs HP 1594/1594 EN 5 MEL 356 AMR 158 RNG 73 SPD 315 *```` `**`` ```** ````` ````` Heat Lance *```` `**`` ```** ````` ````` Shining Guard *```` `**`` ```** ````` ````` Battle Shield Kai *```` ````` ````` `***` ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle *```` ````` ````` `***` ````` Rod Type Beam Rifle *```` ````` ````` ````` `***` *```` ````` ````` ````` `***` ````` ````` ````` ````` ````` Li Fang: BODY : Shining Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Enhanced Propellant, Charge Plus, Front Charge R-SLD: Hizack Spikes R L-SLD: Marasai Spikes L R-ARM: Drill Claw R L-ARM: Drill Claw L LEGS : Zaku Legs III HP 1362/1362 EN 4 MEL 331 AMR 118 RNG 59 SPD 208 ```` ```` Shining Guard ```` ```` Dragon Fang (has to be on left arm to not replace Arm Drill) ```` ```` ```` ``** **`` ``** **`` ``** **`` ``** Vargas: BODY : Zeta Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Power Booster, Back Charge R-SLD: Altron Armor R L-SLD: Altron Armor L R-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm R L-ARM: Hyaku Shiki Arm L LEGS : Zeta Gundam Legs HP 1444/1444 EN 4 MEL 196 AMR 127 RNG 226 SPD 294 **````` ``***** ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` Gundam Saber II **````` ``***** ``````` ``````` ``````` ``````` Large Double Beam Gun **````` ``````` ``***** ``````` ``````` ``````` Hyper Bazooka II **````` ``````` ````*** ```*``` ``````` ``````` Double Beam Rifle ``````` ``````` ``````` ******` ``````` ``````` Shining Vulcan ``````` ``````` ``````` ```*``` `**```` ````**` Arm Machine Gun Kai +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fly to the moon! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #22 - Moon Enemies : #119, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138 Groups : Psyco Gundam x1 Red Dreissen x1, Shot Killer III x2 Red Dreissen x1, Space Leo x3 Space Leo x3 Space Leo x4 Speed Lancer x1, Shot Killer III x1 Speed Lancer x1, Shot Killer III x2 Speed Lancer x3 Zeong x1 Level : 38-39 Note : Careful with the Zeong and Psyco Gundam random battles. If you're not prepared they can kill you. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Starting on foot, head East and follow the canyon until it curves North into a larger, open area. Head Northwest through here to the colony base, Moon Base Alpha. Once at MBA, head West and North. Continue Northeast through the open area. Head West through the next open area. At the next open area, you see the Giant G System. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #21 - Giant G System Enemies : #113, #114, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138, #139, #149, #150, #151, #152, #153, #154, #155, #156, #157, #158, #159, #160, #161, #162, #163, #B231, #B232, #B233, #B234, #B235, #B236, #B237, #B238 Groups : Giga Crusher x2, Mind Killer x2 Giga Crusher x3 Mind Killer x1, Psychic Zaku II x2 MP Bawoo x1, Giga Crusher x2 MP Bawoo x1, Red Dreissen x2 MP Bawoo x1, Zaku III x2 Psychic Zaku II x1, Mind Killer x2 Psychic Zaku II x1, Speed Lancer x2 Psychic Zaku II x2, Zaku III x2 Speed Lancer x3 Zaku III x1, Red Dreissen x2 Zaku III x2, Red Dreissen x2 Zaku III x3 Zaku III Custom x1, Mind Killer x2 Items : [ ] 01. Buster Rifle x1 [ ] 02. Machine Cannon x1 [ ] 03. Wing Guard x1 [ ] 04. Wing Guard x1 [ ] 05. Restorative Drink x3 [ ] 06. Regeneration Kit SP x1 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Heavy Machine Cannon x1 [ ] 08. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 09. Locked Box: Nu Gundam Bazooka x1 [ ] 10. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 11. Locked Box: Beam Glaive x1 [ ] 12. Locked Box: Recovery System III x1 [ ] 13. EN Max x1 [ ] 14. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 15. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 16. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 17. Repair Kit SP x1 [ ] 18. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 19. Restorative Drink x3 [ ] 20. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 21. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 22. High Power Kit x2 [ ] 23. SOS Signal Flare x3 [ ] 24. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 25. Locked Box: Overhand Cannon x1 [ ] 26. Restorative Drink x3 [ ] 27. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 28. Restorative Drink DX x1 [ ] 29. Regeneration Kit SP x1 [ ] 30. EN Charger x1 [ ] 31. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 32. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 33. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 34. EN Max x2 [ ] 35. Locked Box: Card Key (L5) x1 [ ] 36. Locked Box: Beam Cannon Shield x1 [ ] 37. EN Charger x1 Chests : 37 (37 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 7 needed Level : 39-41 Notes : This area has 8 different floors and a basement floor along with several different elevators, so I'll do my best to explain where to go and when. At any time, you can hit the Select button to check what floor you're on. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head North. SER #1 ~ Grand Red x1 (HP: 10,000) SER #2 ~ Walter Red x1 (HP: 10,000) SER #3 ~ Raven Red x1 (HP: 11,000) Return South to the Save Point on the previous map since there are no random battles in this area before heading North. Head to the middle of the room. Boss Fight: Devil Gundam x1 (HP: 30,000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1 Turn 1: Technique - Confuse All Turn 2: Boost - Demonic Claw Turn 3: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 4: Boost - Wild Attack Turn 5: Ranged - Shoulder Beam (Reduced to weakened state) Turn 6: (defeated) After a fierce battle, Tristan and his compaions, succeed in rescuing Aeon. *Aeon joins your party!* Head through the door to the East (Not Northeast). *Aeon boards the Wing Gundam!* Item: Buster Rifle x1 Item: Machine Cannon x1 Item: Wing Guard x1 Item: Wing Guard x1 Return West. From this main room, head North. This leads to Elevator 1. Take E1 to 2F. Head South. Follow the ledge clockwise around the room through all three SEs. SE #1 ~ Red Dreissen x4 SE #2 ~ Giga Crusher x2, Shot Killer III x3 SE #3 ~ Serpent x2, Giga Crusher x2 Exit North(west). Head North and West. SER #4 ~ Psyco Gundam x1 Dropped: Restorative Drink DX x1 Exit West. Head South. SE #4 ~ Red Dreissen x2, R-Jarja x1 Item: Restorative Drink x3 Head North along the ledge, counterclockwise. SE #5 ~ Red Dreissen x4, Bawoo x1 Head up the ramp to 3F. Head South and through the door to the West. Head South. SE #6 ~ Space Leo x4, Serpent x1 Exit Southeast. Take the bridge East. Continue East. Head East. Auto Fight: Dark Dreissen x3 Continue East. Head East along this 2nd bridge. Head North. SE #7 ~ Heavy Shield x2, Zaku III x1 Continue North. SE #8 ~ Shot Killer III x2, Giga Crusher x3 Exit Northwest. Head North down the ramp to 2F. Head CCW around the ledge, past the door to the North. SE #9 ~ R-Jarja x2, MP Bawoo x1 Item: Regeneration Kit SP x1 Return CW and exit through the door to the North. Head North and West. Auto Fight: Dark Dreissen x4 Exit West. Head CCW around the ledge. SE #10 ~ Serpent x3 Continue CCW. SE #11 ~ Bawoo x3 Continue CCW around to the ramp. Head North down the ramp that's along the Southern ledge to 1F. Just north of the Save Point is a white console. Click it to set it On. Quickly take a detour to the door in the Southeast of the room. Head South. Passing through this door will unlock it for future use. Return to the North and the room with the save point. Head back up the Ramp to 2F and East. (This is a strong battle so I recommend that chance to save beforehand.) SER #5 ~ Psyco Gundam x1 Dropped: Restorative Drink DX x1, Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Locked Box: Heavy Machine Cannon x1 Return to 1F by the Save Point and access E2 to the North. Head up to 2F and exit West. Item: Hacking Tool x2 Item: Locked Box: Nu Gundam Bazooka x1 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Return to E2 and go to 3F. Exit South. Head South. SE #12 ~ Giga Crusher x4 Exit South. Exit through the West door. Head West. Head CW and South along the ledge. SE #13 ~ R-Jarja x2, Bawoo x2 Item: Locked Box: Beam Glaive x1 Return North. Return East. Exit South through the door. Head South and unlock the door to E1 then return North. Exit through the East door. Head East. Head CCW and South along the ledge. SE #14 ~ Zaku III x4, Zaku III Custom x1 Item: Locked Box: Recovery System III x1 Return to E2 and go to 4F. *(5F's exit is currently locked)* You automatically exit to the South and the door locks behind Tristan. *Tristan has been cut off from the party!* *Mahdi departs in her Mobile Suit...* SE #15 ~ Dark Cannon x2, Black Lancer x1 (NW group) SE #16 ~ Dark Dreissen x3 (NE group) SE #17 ~ Dark Dreissen x4 (Middle group) SE #18 ~ Dark Cannon x2, Dark Dreissen x2 (SW group) SE #19 ~ Dark Dreissen x2, Black Lancer x1 (South group) SE #20 ~ Dark Dreissen x2, Dark Cannon x1 (SE group) *The door has been unlocked!* (When everyone rejoins, their HP and TP has been restored.) Head East through the Southeast door. Head East. SE #21 ~ Dark Cannon x3 Continue East. SE #22 ~ Dark Dreissen x4, Black Lancer x1 Exit East. Continue East. SE #23 ~ Dark Cannon x2, Dark Dreissen x2 Exit East. Head South. SE #24 ~ Dark Cannon x3 Continue South. SE #25 ~ Dark Cannon x2, Black Lancer x1 Exit South. Item: EN Max x1 Exit South. Head South and West. SER #6 ~ Zaku III Custom x2, Barrier Claw x1 Dropped: High Power Claw R x1 Exit West. Head West across the bridge. Boss Fight: Deathscythe Hell x1 (HP: 20,000) Dropped: Beam Scissors x1 Turn 1: Technique - Terror All Turn 2: Boost - System Crack Turn 3: Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 4: Melee - Beam Scissors Turn 5: Technique - Terror All (Below 50%) Turn 6: (defeated) Head West, the ground sloping up to put you on 5F. Item: Hacking Tool x2 Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Exit North through the gate. Head North. Head North again. SE #26 ~ Zaku III x4, Zaku III Custom x2 Continue North. SE #27 ~ R-Jarja x3 Exit North. Head CW, West and North along the ledge, to exit West. There's a save point in this room. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Repair Kit SP x1 Item: Hacking Tool x2 Exit East and follow the ledge CCW this time. SE #28 ~ Zaku III Custom x1, Heavy Shield x3 Continue CCW. SE #29 ~ R-Jarja x2, Bawoo x1 Head West up the ramp to 6F, there is no map reload for this change so keep going CCW around the ledge. SER #7 ~ R-Jarja x4, Re-Gelg x1 Dropped: Re-Gelg Thruster R x1, Re-Gelg Thruster L x1 Go past the door and continue CCW along the ledge. SE #30 ~ Serpent x5 Click the white console to ON. Head back CW to the door you just passed and exit East through it. Head East and North. Boss fight: Master Gundam (HP: 20,000) Dropped: ECAP (L) x1 Turn 1: Melee - Darkness Finger Turn 2: Boost - Ankoku-Ken Turn 3: Boost - Ankoku-Ken Turn 4: Melee - Darkness Finger Turn 5: Technique - Negative Force Turn 6: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 7: (defeated) *Gabriel's presence disappears!* Head North. Item: Restorative Drink x3 Head South to the middle gate to the West and enter it. Head West and unlock the door. (If you haven't recently, take E2 to 1F and save your game.) Now that you're at E2 again, go back down to 5F. Exit West. Head West and North. SE #31 ~ Zeong x2 Head North to the white console and turn it ON. Return to E2. Once that's done, return to 6F in E2, exiting East. Head East. Head North. Go West through the Northern gate. Head West. Take this 3rd elevator, E3, down to B1F. Exit West. Head West. SE #32 ~ R-Jarja x2, Bawoo x2 Continue West. SER #8 ~ Serpent x2, Final Guard x1 Dropped: Buster Guard x1, EN Max x1 Continue West and South. Go South along the Eastern side of the room. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: High Power Kit x2 Item: SOS Signal Flare x3 Item: ECAP (S) x3 Head to the Western side of the room. Turn the white console to ON. Item: Locked Box: Overhand Cannon x1 Item: Restorative Drink x3 Return to E3 and 6F. Exit East and Head East. Head South back to the middle gate and through it to the West. Return West to E2 to go up to 7F. Exit North. Head North and East. Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: Restorative Drink DX x1 Go North. Head North and West. SE #33 ~ Serpent x4 Exit West. Yet another elevator, this one being E4. Take it down to B1F. Exit South. Head West down the ramp. SE #34 ~ Bawoo x3 Item: Regeneration Kit SP x1 (due West) Item: EN Charger x1 (NW part of room) Head to the Eastern side of the room. SE #35 ~ R-Jarja x4, Bawoo x1 Item: Locked Box: Fin Funnel x1 (behind SE #35) Item: ECAP (S) x2 (NE corner of room) Head to SE corner. SER #9 ~ Psyco Gundam x2 Dropped: Restorative Drink DX x1 Exit South through the door. Head South. SE #36 ~ Zaku III Custom x3 Continue South. SE #37 ~ Serpent x5 SER #10 ~ Final Guard x3 Dropped: Buster Guard x1, EN Max x1 Exit through the door (South)east. Head South along the Western wall. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Hacking Tool x1 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: EN Max x2 Item: Locked Box: Card Key (L5) x1 Head over to the Southeast section of the room. Item: Locked Box: Beam Cannon Shield x1 Item: EN Charger x1 With Card Key (L5) in your possession, I'll now take you through the rest of the optional stuff. Escape out of the Giant G System. First stop, Greenland's G System 05. Autodrive over to Diggins Rock for the shortest flight. From there, head almost directly Northeast to land beside the structure. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #22 - G System 05 Enemies : #99, #105 Groups : Barrier Marasai x3 Barrier Marasai x4 Messala x2 Messala x2, Barrier Marasai x1 Items : None Level : 41 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. *You use the Card Key (L5)!* Continue North. Go North again, switching the white console at the end to ON. Head North some more. Head North into the G System center. *You received a Nu Gundam Mobile Suit!* Escape out and Auto-Drive over to Angelia. Return to the Moon Ark. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #02 - Moon Ark Enemies : #001, #002, #003, #004, #005, #006, #B206 Groups : Magella Attack x2 Type 61 Tank x2, Type 61 Tank Kai x1 Items : [x] 01. Machine Gun x1 [x] 02. Metal Shield x1 [x] 03. Locked Box: Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [x] 04. Zaku II Special Data x30 [x] 05. ECAP (L) x1 [x] 06. Gundam Sandrock Data x50 [x] 07. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 08. 10,000 Credits [ ] 09. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: Drill Claw R x1 [ ] 11. Locked Box: Beam Knife x1 [ ] 12. Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 13. EN Charger x1 [ ] 14. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 15. Locked Box: Active Cannon x1 Chests : 15 (15 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 3 needed. Level : 41 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Keep heading East until... *You use the Card Key (L5)!* Item: 10,000 Credits Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Locked Box: Drill Claw R x1 (third from the left) Item: Locked Box: Beam Knife x1 (eastern most) Item: Mobility Upgrade Kit x1 Item: EN Charger x1 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: Locked Box: Active Cannon x1 Escape out. Return to Mt. Trial. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #17 - Mt. Trial Enemies : #099, #104, #172, #173, #174, #175, #B231, #B232, #B233, #176, #177, #178, #179 Groups : Barrier Marasai x3 Barrier Marasai x4 Gaplant x1, Barrier Marasai x3 Gaplant x2, Barrier Marasai x2 Items : [x] 01. Item: Gundam Heavyarms Data x50 [x] 02. Armor Upgrade Kit x2 [x] 03. 10,000 Credits [x] 04. ECAP (L) x1 [x] 05. Altron Gundam Data x50 [x] 06. ECAP (S) x3 [x] 07. Mobility Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 08. EN Max x1 [ ] 09. 20,000 Credits [ ] 10. EN Charger x1 [ ] 11. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 12. Deathscythe Data x50 [ ] 13. ECAP (S) x3 Chests : 13 (13 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : None needed Level : 41 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North towards the Save Point and veer East. Head East to the branch and head North. Head West, past the gate. Item: EN Max x1 Return to the gate you just passed. *You use the Card Key (L5)!* Head North. Take E1 to 2F. Exit North. Head North. SER #1 ~ Altron Gundam x1, (HP: 16,000) Gundam Sandrock x1 (HP: 16,000) Dropped: Dragon Fang x1, EN Charger x1 Turn 1 : Technique - Defense Jammer, Technique - Terror All Turn 2 : Boost - Plasma Lancer, Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 3 : Boost - Power Charge, Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 4 : Technique - Offense Jammer, Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 5 : Boost - Shot Burst, Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 6 : Boost - Power Charge, Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 7 : Ranged - Head Vulcan, (Destroyed Sandrock) Turn 8 : Technique - Operation Jammer Turn 9 : Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 10: Boost - Plasma Lancer Turn 11: (Destroyed Altron) Exit North. Take E2 to 3F. Exit North. Head North. SER #2 ~ Deathscythe Hell x1, (HP: 20,000) Gundam Heavyarms x1 (HP: 13,000) Dropped: EN Charger x1, Double Gatling Gun x1 Turn 1: Technique - Terror All, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 2: Boost - System Crack, (Destroyed Heavyarms) Turn 3: Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 4: Melee - Beam Scissors Turn 5: Technique - Terror All Turn 6: Boost - System Crack Turn 7: Boost - Sonic Storm Turn 8: Melee - Beam Scissors Turn 9: (Destroyed Deathscythe) Exit North. Item: 20,000 Credits Item: EN Charger x1 Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: Deathscythe Data x50 Item: ECAP (S) x3 Escape out and go make your Deathscythe. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mobile Suit Configure #15 (Time to put all our goodies to use. Aside from equipping the Beam Scissors in place of the Beam Scythe when I got it, I did all the above with Config 14. You'll notice I only list 6 suits here. That's all I bothered to make since these were the only characters I was going to use.) Lapis: BODY : Deathscythe - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Front Charge R-SLD: Wing Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Wing Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Wing Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Wing Gundam Arm L LEGS : Nu Gundam Legs HP 2314/2314 EN 5 MEL 311 AMR 159 RNG 310 SPD 443 ****** `````` `````` `````` `````` `````` Nu Gundam Rifle ````*` ****`` `````` `````` `````` `````* Heavy Machine Cannon `````` `````` *****` `````` `````` `````* Sniper Rifle II `````` `````` `````` ****`` `````` `````* Double Beam Gun `````` `````` `````` ****`` `````` `````* Large Double Beam Gun `````` `````` `````` `````` *****` `````* Nu Gundam Saber `````` `````` `````` `````` *****` `````* Fritz: BODY : Wing Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Energy Capacitor R-SLD: R-Jarja Shield R L-SLD: R-Jarja Shield L R-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm R L-ARM: ZZ Gundam Arm L LEGS : ZZ Gundam Legs HP 2070/2070 EN 7 MEL 292 AMR 164 RNG 371 SPD 332 *******` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heavy Mega Launcher ````*``` ****```` ```````` ```````` `````*** ```````` Active Cannon ```````` ****```` ```````` ```````` `````*`` ``````** Nu Gundam Bazooka ```````` ```````` *****``` ```````` `````*`` ```````` Large Dbl Beam Gun ```````` ```````` *****``` ```````` `````*`` ```````` Beam Scythe ```````` ```````` ```````` *****``` `````*`` ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```````` ```````` ```````` *****``` `````*`` ```````` Bazuli: BODY : ZZ Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Double Booster, Internal Propellant R-SLD: Re-Gelg Thruster R L-SLD: Re-Gelf Thruster L R-ARM: Nu Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Nu Gundam Arm L LEGS : Bawoo Legs HP 2180/2180 EN 7 MEL 316 AMR 151 RNG 392 SPD 456 *****``` `````*** ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam Gun *****``` ``````** ```````` `````*`` ```````` Clay Bazooka ```````` ```````` **`````` ``****** ```````` Arm Machine Gun Kai ```````` ```````` ```````` `````*`` `****``` Double Beam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `*****`` Overhand Cannon ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` `*****`` Tristan: BODY : Burning Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Burning Booster, Power Device III R-SLD: Burning Gundam Armor R L-SLD: Burning Gundam Armor L R-ARM: Burning Gundam Arm R L-ARM: Burning Gundam Arm L LEGS : Deathscythe Legs HP 2540/2540 EN 4 MEL 754 AMR 193 RNG 114 SPD 274 **** ```` ```` Beam Scissors **** ```` ```` Burning Guard *``` `**` ```` Burning Guard *``` `**` ```` *``` `**` ```` *``` ```` `**` *``` ```` `**` ```` ```` `**` Tremmie: BODY : Nu Gundam - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Death Cloak, Extra Armor III R-SLD: Deathscythe Armor R L-SLD: Deathscythe Armor L R-ARM: Altron Arm R L-ARM: Altron Arm L LEGS : Burning Gundam Legs HP 2180/2180 EN 2 MEL 430 AMR 359 RNG 254 SPD 410 ``*****` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Bazooka II ````***` ***````` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` Machine Cannon ```````` ```````` ******`` ``````** ```````` ```````` Double Beam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```*```` ``````** ***````` ```````` Hyper Beam Saber ```````` ```````` ```````` ``````** ***````` ```*```` Beam Cannon Shield ```````` ```````` ```````` ``````** ***````` ```*```` Buster Guard ```````` ```````` ```````` ``````** ***````` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ``````** ***````` ```*```` Aeon: BODY : Heavyarms - DUR 8, ATK 8, MOB 8 OPT : Zero Wing, Sensor Plus III R-SLD: Heavyarms Armor R L-SLD: Heavyarms Armor L R-ARM: Heavyarms Arm R L-ARM: Heavyarms Arm L LEGS : Heavyarms Legs HP 1540/1540 EN 2 MEL 114 AMR 183 RNG 433 SPD 254 ***````` ```***** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Missile Kai ```````` `******* ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Cannon ```````` ``````*` ******`` ```````` ```````` ```````* Double Gatling Gun ```````` ```````` ******`` ```````` ```````` ```````* Small Beam Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ***````` ```****` ```````* Buster Rifle ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` *******` ```````* Heat Saber +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Return to the moon. Starting on foot, head East and follow the canyon until it curves North into a larger, open area. Head Northwest through here to the colony base, Moon Base Alpha. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #23 - Moon Base Alpha Enemies : #119, #135, #139, #140, #141, #B230 Groups : Claw Messala x2, Killer Gaplant x2 Giga Crusher x1, Claw Messala x2 Giga Crusher x1, Space Leo x3 Giga Crusher x2 Space Leo x4 Items : [ ] 01. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 02. Power Booster x1 [ ] 03. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 04. Regeneration Kit SP x1 [ ] 05. ECAP (S) x2 [ ] 06. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 07. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 [ ] 08. Locked Box: VSBR x1 [ ] 09. Attack Upgrade Kit x2 [ ] 10. High Power Kit x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 42 Notes : This dungeon is easily do-able before the Giant G System, so feel free to do so if you like. I just wanted Aeon back first though. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head clockwise around the ring past the Save Point. SE #1 ~ Space Leo x2, Shot Killer III x3 Continue clockwise around the ring. SE #2 ~ Shot Killer III x2, Giga Crusher x2 Continue clockwise back to the Save Point. Enter the first door. (SW from center) Head Southwest. Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head West. (The door locks behind you, opening when all 3 battles are completed.) The 3 fights are numbered from entering MS's left to right. SE #3 ~ Shot Killer III x2, Killer Gaplant x2 SE #4 ~ Giga Crusher x2, Red Dreissen x1 Se #5 ~ Space Leo x5 Dropped: Repair Kit DX x1, Repair Unit x1 Item: Power Booster x1 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head Northwest. Activate the white console so it's On. Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. It's still locked, so continue clockwise to the next one. Head Northeast. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head East. (The door locks behind you, opening when all 3 battles are completed.) The 3 fights are numbered from entering MS's left to right. SE #6 ~ Claw Messala x4, Red Dreissen x1 SE #7 ~ Shot Killer III x2, Space Leo x3 SE #8 ~ Killer Gaplant x2, Claw Messala x2 Activate the white console so it's On, thus unlocking the Northern door. Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Item: Regeneration Kit SP x1 Return to the ringed room. Save your game then head to the North door. Head North. SER #1 ~ Red Dreissen x2, Red Qubeley x1 (HP: 11,000) Dropped: Funnel Container x1 Head North. Item: ECAP (S) x2 Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Item: Locked Box: VSBR x1 Item: Attack Upgrade Kit x2 Item: High Power Kit x1 Exit Moon Base Alpha. Now it's time to trek over to the 2nd moon base. Head East to the North Path and take it, following it as it zigzags North and East then turns East. At the small, open area, head South. (Not that you can go anywhere else.) The path curves East and back North. Enter the base to the Northeast. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #24 - Moon Base Beta Enemies : #142, #143, #144 Groups : Dark Leo x3 Dark Serpent x1, Dark Leo x3 Dark Serpent x2, Dark Leo x2 Dark Serpent x3 Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink SP x1 [ ] 02. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 03. Regeneration Kit SP x1 [ ] 04. ECAP (S) x2 [ ] 05. Zaku Shield III L x1 [ ] 06. EN Charger x1 [ ] 07. Locked Box: Beam Trident x1 [ ] 08. Regeneration Kit SP x1 [ ] 09. High Armor Kit x2 [ ] 10. Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 1 needed Level : 43-45 Notes : This dungeon is *alot* easier if you've already grabbed Aeon, the Wing Gundam, Nu Gundam, and Deathscythe. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Enter the first door. (SW from center) Head Southwest. (The door locks behind you, opening when all 3 battles are completed.) The 3 fights are numbered from entering MS's left to right. SE #1 ~ Dark Serpent x2, Dark Leo x2 SE #2 ~ Dark Leo x5 SE #3 ~ Dark Serpent x3 Activate the white console so it's On. Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head West. (The door locks behind you, opening when all 3 battles are completed.) The 3 fights are numbered from entering MS's left to right. SE #4 ~ Dark Serpent x1, Dark Leo x3 SE #5 ~ Dark Leo x5 SE #6 ~ Dark Leo x3 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head Northwest. Item: Restorative Drink SP x1 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: Regeneration Kit SP x1 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. It's still locked, so continue clockwise, bypassing the next one to go to the East one. (There is nothing at the Northeast one.) Head East. Item: ECAP (S) x2 Return to the ringed room. Head clockwise to the next door. Head Southeast. (The door locks behind you, opening when both battles are completed.) The 2 fights are numbered from entering MS's left to right. SE #7 ~ Dark Serpent x1, Dark Leo x4 SE #8 ~ Dark Serpent x1, Dark Leo x2 Activate the white console so it's On, thus unlocking the Northern door. Return to the ringed room and save your game. Head North. Head North. SER #1 ~ Dark Serpent x2, Dark Tallgeese x1 Dropped: Power Absorber x1 Exit North. Head North. Item: Zaku Shield III L x1 Item: EN Charger x1 Item: Locked Box: Beam Trident x1 Item: Regeneration Kit SP x1 Item: High Armor Kit x2 Item: Armor Upgrade Kit x1 Exit the base via Escape. Having cleared these two bases, it's time for Moon Base Gamma. Autodrive back to any spot on earth and board the White Base and head for the Moon. Instead of landing, this time you fly West in the White Base until you reach an enclosed crater that you can land at. (The landing spot is marked on the mini-map with a yellow X.) From there, head Southwest to the nearby base. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #25 - Moon Base Gamma Enemies : #145, #146, #147, #148 Groups : No random enemies Items : [ ] 01. Restorative Drink SP x2 [ ] 02. Repair Unit SP x1 [ ] 03. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 04. ECAP (S) x3 [ ] 05. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 06. 10,000 Credits [ ] 07. Hacking Tool x1 [ ] 08. Locked Box: Mega Beam Rifle x1 [ ] 09. High Power Claw L x1 [ ] 10. Locked Box: High Power Propellant x1 Chests : 10 (10 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 2 needed Level : 45 Notes : There are no random encounters here, which should be a clue that these battles, even just the yellow ones, are tough. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. *You use the Card Key (L5)!* Just like Alpha and Beta, Moon Base Gamma is laid out in a circular pattern. Head clockwise to the first door and enter it to the Southwest. Head Southwest. SE #1 ~ Zeong Gamma x2 (HP: 7200) Switch the white console to the SW to ON. Return NE to the main room. Head West through the next door along the circle. Head West. Item: Restorative Drink SP x2 Item: Repair Unit SP x1 Item: Hacking Tool x1 Return East to the main room. Head Northwest through the next door along the circle. Head Northwest. SE #2 ~ Quebley Gamma x3 (HP: 4500) Switch the white console to the NW to ON. Return Southeast to the main room. Head Northeast through the second door along the circle, bypassing the one to the North. Head Northeast. SE #3 ~ Quebley Gamma x2, Zeong Gamma x1 Switch the white console to the NE to ON. Return Southwest to the main room. Head East through the next door along the circle. Head East. SE #4 ~ Perfect Zeong Gamma x2 (HP: 13,500) Item: ECAP (S) x3 Return West to the main room. Head Southeast through the next door along the circle. Head Southeast. The door locks behind you as you enter the new room. SE #5 ~ Quebley Gamma x3 (NW) SE #6 ~ Zeong Gamma x2 SE #7 ~ Perfect Zeong Gamma x2 (SE) SE #8 ~ Quebley Gamma x2, Zeong Gamma x1 (SW) Switch the white console to the SE to ON. Return Northwest to the main room. Circle around to the North door and enter it. Head North. SER #1 ~ Psyco Gundam G x1 (HP: 40,000) Dropped: EN Charger x1 Exit North. Head North. Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: 10,000 Credits Item: Hacking Tool x1 Item: Locked Box: Mega Beam Rifle x1 Item: High Power Claw L x1 Item: Locked Box: High Power Propellant x1 Aside from the SERs on the Earth world map, that's everything but the final battles. Time to return to the Giant G System. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #21 - Giant G System *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. North again. Take the Northeast door. Head North. Take the North door. Take E2 to 7F. Exit North. Head North and East. Take the South door. Head South. SER #1 ~ Zaku III Custom x2, Psychic Zaku III x1 Dropped: Mother Funnel x1 Continue South. After saving, head West and up to 8F. Follow the road as it curves from North to East. Take a few steps South if you're ready! Boss Fight: Alpha Azieru x1 (HP: 32,000) Turn 1: Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon Turn 2: Boost - All-Range Attack Turn 3: Boost - Hellfire Turn 4: Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon Turn 5: Technique - Large Funnel (Below 50%) Turn 6: Technique - Over-Charge Turn 7: Boost - Genocide Storm (goes first) Turn 8: Boost - Hellfire Turn 9: (Defeated it.) *Hal joins the party!* *Hal restores all party members' HP and TP!* Boss Fight: Black Wing x1 (HP: 35,000) Dropped: Twin Buster Rifle x1 Turn 1 : Ranged - Twin Buster Rifle Turn 2 : Ranged - Buster Rifle L Turn 3 : Boost - Black Wind Turn 4 : Boost - Machine Cannon Burst Turn 5 : Ranged - ? Turn 6 : Ranged - Buster Rifle R Turn 7 : Boost - Black Wind Turn 8 : Boost - Machine Cannon Burst Turn 9 : Ranged - Buster Rifle R (Below 50%) Turn 10: Technique - Over-Charge Turn 11: Boost - Prelude to Destruction (goes first), (Destroyed it.) Thus was a second Great Fall averted in exchange for two young lives... The end credits roll. Watch the scenes after the credits. The End. Save your game. Upon loading the cleared save game: Bonuses for Beating the Game: * A new Combat Zone in Antarctica. * Hal joins your group of allies. * Any member besides Tristan can now be changed. The three red SERs remain on the world map, unless you did them on your own, so it's time to take those out. Fly directly North from Marie's for the one by England. SER #1 ~ Blue Leo x4 (HP: 5000), Tallgeese x1 (HP: 25,000) - (#133 & #186) Dropped: Repair Kit DX x1, Dobergun x1 Next up, Auto-Drive to Tohai. Board your White Base and head directly South to Indonesia. SER #2 ~ Great Dias x4 (HP: 7000), Gold Nemo x1 (HP: 13,000) - (#132 & #184) Dropped: Perfect Guard *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Region #23 - Indonesia Enemies : #075, #076, #127, #128 Groups : Blue Hizack x1, Blue Gogg x2 Blue Zock x1 Hyper Z'Gok x1, Blue Gogg x2 Hyper Z'Gok x2, Blue Hizack x2 Level : 46 Note : This is the only region to fight the Blue Hizack and Blue Zocks at. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Now Auto-Drive over to Diggins Rock. Board your White Base and head directly North and a little East and you'll find the final SER. SER #3 ~ Metal Zaku King x3 (HP: 5400) (#183) Dropped: Pilot Guard All that leaves is the final dungeon. Your Enemy List should be complete from the Type 61 Tank down to the Black Wing. The remaining 32 enemies are found in Another G System, the final dungeon. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Dungeon #26 - Another G System Enemies : #239, #240, #241, #242, #243, #244, #245, #246, #247, #248, #249, #250, #251, #252, #253, #254, #255, #256, #257, #258, #259, #260, #261, #262, #263, #264, #265, #266, #267, #268, #269, #270 Groups : Hell Army x3 Hell Army x4 Hell Army x5 Hell Cannon x2, Hell FA Gundam x1 Hell Cannon x3 Hell Dias x1, Hell Marasai x2 Hell FA Gundam x2 Hell Gelgoog x3 Hell Gundam Head x3 Hell Gundam Head x4 Hell Hizack x3 Hell Hizack x2, Hell Marasai x2 Hell Kaempfer x2, Hell Gelgoog x2 Hell Marasai x3 Hell R-Jarja x2, Hell Dreissen x1 Hell R-Jarja x3 Hell Serpent x3 Hell Serpent x4 Hell Zaku III x3 Hell Zaku III x4 Items : [ ] 01. Locked Box: Double Gatling Gun x1 [ ] 02. SOS Signal Flare x10 [ ] 03. Gundam Data x50 [ ] 04. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 05. Full Armor Gundam Data x50 [ ] 06. Master Gundam Data x5 [ ] 07. Master Gundam Data x10 [ ] 08. Zeta Gundam Data x50 [ ] 09. Shining Gundam Data x50 [ ] 10. ECAP (S) x5 [ ] 11. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 12. ECAP (L) x1 [ ] 13. Master Gundam Data x5 [ ] 14. ZZ Gundam Data x50 [ ] 15. Wing Gundam Data x50 [ ] 16. Master Gundam Data x15 [ ] 17. Hacking Tool x2 [ ] 18. Locked Box: Mega Beam Cannon x1 [ ] 19. Locked Box: Atomic Bazooka x1 [ ] 20. Master Gundam Data x5 Chests : 20 (20 cleared, 0 remain) Hacks : 3 needed Level : 46-50 Notes : This dungeon will test your resolve. But if you stick with it and follow the directions and patterns listed below, you should be able to complete even this challenge. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Head North. Head West and follow the curve down South, you'll zone down to B992F. Head East. Item: Locked Box: Double Gatling Gun x1 Item: SOS Signal Flare x10 SER #1 ~ Hell FA Gundam x2 (HP: 9000), Hell Gundam x1 (HP: 7200) Dropped: EN Charger x1 Exit through the door. Head North. Head West. Head West and South. Head South to E1 and go down to B993F. Exit East. Head East. Head South. SER #2 ~ Hell FA Gundam x3 (HP: 9000) Exit South. Head South and West. Head CCW (North) along the ledge. Item: Gundam Data x50 Head CW back along the ledge. Going down the ramp will put you on B994F without a zone change. Continue going CW. SER #3 ~ Hell Dias x2 (HP: 15,000), Hell Mark II x1 (HP: 13,000) Dropped: Repair Kit SP x1 Continue CW along the edge, ignoring the South door for now. Enter the door to the East. Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: Full Armor Gundam Data x50 Item: Master Gundam Data x5 Return East. Head CCW along the ledge and pass through the door to the South. Head South. Head South again. Head East, going down the ramp to change zones to B995F. SER #4 ~ Hell Mark II x3 (HP: 13,000) Dropped: Repair Kit SP x1 Exit East. Head East across the bridge. Head East and North. Item: Master Gundam Data x10 Item: Zeta Gundam Data x50 Head North. SER #5 ~ Hell Dias x4 (HP: 15,000), Hell Hundred x1 (HP: 16,000) Dropped: Restorative Drink SP x1 Exit West(Northwest). Head West. Head West again. Head West into the middle of the room. SER #6 ~ Hell Hundred x2 (HP: 16,000), Hell Zeta Gundam (HP: 20,000) Dropped: Restorative Drink SP x1, Repair Unit SP x1 Head to the Western wall to find a white console. Switch it to ON. Head North. Take E1 to B994F. Exit West. Head West and North. Item: Shining Gundam Data x50 Return South and East. Return to E1 and go down to B998F. Exit South. Head to the Southeast corner of the room. Item: ECAP (S) x5 Item: Hacking Tool x2 Now head over to the Southwest corner. SER #7 ~ Hell Zeta Gundam x1 (HP: 20,000), Hell ZZ Gundam (HP: 22,000) Dropped: Repair Unit SP x1, Hyper Beam Saber x1 Head South up the ramp, putting you on B997F. Head CCW along the ledge around to the east and the white console there. Turn it to ON. Return CW and follow the ledge around to the door to the (North)East. Head East and South. CCW is a dead end, so head CW and up the ramp to B996F. Continue South and head through the door to the East. Head South and through the door to the West. Head West across the bridge. Head West. SER #8 ~ Hell Sandrock x1 (HP: 35,000), Hell Arms x1 (HP: 28,000) Dropped: Large Heat Shotel x1, Double Gatling Gun x1 Continue West. Head West. SER #9 ~ Hell Altron x1 (HP: 25,000), Hell Scythe x1 (HP: 25,000) Dropped: Dragon Fang x1, Death Cloak x1 Exit West. Head West across the second bridge. Head North, exiting to the East. Head CW along the ledge, down a ramp to B997F. Continue CW along the ledge. SER #10 ~ Hell Tallgeese x1 (HP: 36,000), Hell Wing x1 (HP: 32,000) Dropped - Dobergun x1, Zero Wing x1 Exit East. Head East and South. Head CCW around the ledge to exit North. Head North to E2 and take it to B996F. Exit North. Head North, unlocking the door as you pass through it. Turn around and head back to E2. Take it down to B998F. Exit South. Go to the North(east) door and pass through it to unlock it. Turn back around and go South through the door unless you need to Save to the North. Head to the Eastern door. SER #11 ~ Hell Shining x1 (HP: 30,000), Hell Burning x1 (HP: 45,000) Dropped: Back Charge x1, Front Charge x1 Exit East. Make use of both the Save Point and the MS Change Point found in this room. Click on the white console along the Eastern wall to turn it ON. Exit West. Take the Eastern North door. Head North. Head North again. Take E1 to B997F. Exit West. Item: ECAP (L) x1 Item: Master Gundam Data x5 Item: ZZ Gundam Data x50 Return East. Take E1 to B992F. Exit North. Head North and East. Head North. Head North and West. Take E3 to B999F. Exit South. Item: Wing Gundam Data x50 (NW) Item: Master Gundam Data x15 (West) Item: Hacking Tool x2 (East) Item: Locked Box: Mega Beam Cannon x1 Exit South(west). Head South. Head Southeast SER #12 ~ Hell Master x1 (HP: 50,000) Dropped: Internal Propellant x1 Go to the white console behind where the SER was and turn it to ON. Head up the Southeast Ramp to the East, putting you on B998F. Head CW around to the door to the North. Head North. Head North and West. Head CW along the ledge to exit East. Head East and South. (This next section appears glitched with the map. You head South but it shows as heading North. Really odd. Head away from where you came from until you reach the next zone. If you get confused, use Select to look at the dungeon floor map and get your bearings.) Head CW along the ledge to the ramp heading East. Head East. SER #13 ~ Hell D Gundam x1 (HP: 54,000) Dropped: Recovery System III x1 Head to the white consol behind where the SER was and switch it to ON. Exit through the door to the North. Head North and East. Take E4 up to B993F. Exit East. Head East. Head South and enter the door to the East just past where you came from. Head West. Take E1 to B996F. Exit South. Head South. Take the West door. Head West. Head South along the ledge. Item: Locked Box: Atomic Bazooka x1 Return North. Head East. Take the East door. Head East. Head South along the ledge. Item: Master Gundam Data x5 Return North. Head West. Take the South door. Head South. Take E2 to B998F. Exit South. (Reminder: The room to the east from here not only has a Save Point and no random encounters, but you can change your MS parts here as well.) Head South. Head South. SER #14 ~ Hell Sazabi x1 (HP: 45,000), Hell Nu Gundam x1 (HP: 40,000) Dropped: Beam Tomahawk Sword x1, Fin Funnel x1 (Final fight is ahead, so save your game.) Head South. Boss Fight: Omega Gundam x1 (HP: 90,000, Ultima Gundam x1 (HP: 90,000) Dropped: Master Gundam Data x10, ECAP (L) x1 Escape out of Another G System. (If you now have all 270 Enemy Data, do the following.) Auto-Drive over to Angelia. Head up to the Gould mansion to the Northeast. Speak to Professor Gould. *You received an !* That's everything then. You can go back to the Moon and stomp Gabriel into the ground with your improved MS. Thanks for playing and reading this FAQ. Seeya again if Bandai makes Gundam: True Odyssey 2 / MS Saga 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Melee - Affects the power of melee attacks Ranged - Affects the power of ranged attacks Reflexes - Affects turn order in battle Skill - Affects effectiveness of MS techniques Mind - Affects effectiveness of character techniques Stats are abbreviated thusly: Ranged = Rngd Reflexes = Rflx A character's Melee skill is added to the MEL of his/her MS which is added to the equipped Melee weapon's ATK for determining in-combat attack power. Likewise, a character's Ranged skill is added to RNG for Gun weapons and character's Reflexes is added to the MS' SPD for determing combat order. *************************************************************************** Tristan Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TP 8 10 14 17 19 23 27 30 34 36 40 44 47 51 Melee 5 11 15 21 26 31 35 40 45 52 59 65 70 76 Rngd 3 5 8 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 36 39 42 Rflx 4 6 10 14 16 19 21 25 29 31 33 37 39 43 Skill 2 5 8 10 12 14 16 19 21 22 23 24 26 29 Mind 5 11 15 21 27 32 36 40 44 49 54 61 66 71 Level 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TP 55 60 63 67 72 76 80 84 87 91 96 101 104 107 Melee 82 89 96 102 107 114 121 127 134 142 150 157 163 171 Rngd 47 51 55 59 64 69 74 79 82 85 89 94 97 101 Rflx 46 50 55 58 63 66 71 75 79 82 86 91 95 100 Skill 31 33 34 37 40 42 44 47 50 52 54 58 62 65 Mind 76 82 88 94 101 109 117 124 131 137 145 152 159 166 Level 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TP 111 115 121 125 131 137 143 148 154 158 162 168 173 179 Melee 178 186 193 202 209 217 225 234 243 251 260 268 277 286 Rngd 106 111 116 120 125 130 134 139 145 149 154 160 166 171 Rflx 105 111 116 121 127 131 136 141 146 150 156 160 164 169 Skill 67 69 71 73 75 77 80 83 87 90 93 96 101 106 Mind 172 179 186 194 203 211 218 227 235 242 251 260 270 280 Level 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 184 188 193 198 204 211 217 222 Melee 296 305 313 322 331 339 349 359 Rngd 177 181 188 193 198 204 211 216 Rflx 174 178 184 191 197 204 209 214 Skill 111 116 120 123 126 130 133 136 Mind 289 298 308 316 325 335 345 356 Techniques: lvl 4 ~ Healing (TP 3) lvl 5 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 7 ~ Auto-Drive (TP 2) lvl 8 ~ Escape (TP 1) lvl 14 ~ Therapy (TP 3) lvl 19 ~ Repair All (TP 16) lvl 21 ~ Invisible (TP 5) lvl 28 ~ Regenerate (TP 12) lvl 32 ~ Full Repair All (TP 35) lvl 34 ~ Fin Funnel (TP 30) lvl 44 ~ Full Charge (TP 99) Boosts: lvl 2 ~ Boost Attack (EN 4) Sword/Axe lvl 6 ~ Mega-Slash (EN 6) Sword/Axe lvl 9 ~ Bakunetsu-Ken (EN 4) Bare handed lvl 10 ~ Power Charge (EN 5) Sword/Spear lvl 12 ~ Counter Zone (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 13 ~ Double Arms (EN 6) 2 Arm Guns lvl 14 ~ Gatling Body (EN 8) 3+ Shooting Wpns lvl 18 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 23 ~ Gatling Punch (EN 7) Bare handed lvl 26 ~ Hyper-Charge (EN 7) Sword/Spear lvl 30 ~ Giga-Crush (EN 8) Sword/Axe lvl 40 ~ Final Impact (EN 10) *************************************************************************** Fritz Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TP 22 26 30 34 38 43 48 51 55 60 63 69 75 81 Melee 3 5 8 10 13 16 19 22 25 26 28 31 33 35 Rngd 3 6 9 12 16 19 23 28 33 37 41 46 51 56 Rflx 8 13 16 21 24 28 33 36 41 46 51 57 62 68 Skill 5 11 17 21 27 33 39 45 50 55 60 65 70 76 Mind 3 5 7 10 12 14 17 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 Level 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 TP 87 93 98 132 137 143 149 156 162 168 174 180 185 191 Melee 36 38 41 61 64 68 70 72 75 78 80 82 86 90 Rngd 61 67 72 105 111 118 123 128 133 138 145 152 159 164 Rflx 72 76 81 118 124 129 135 142 149 155 162 168 175 181 Skill 81 86 93 142 150 158 165 171 177 186 194 202 210 218 Mind 29 30 32 50 52 54 56 60 64 68 70 72 76 80 Level 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 TP 197 204 210 216 222 229 236 244 252 258 266 272 279 287 Melee 93 96 100 104 106 109 114 118 122 127 131 136 141 146 Rnged 170 177 183 189 197 205 212 218 226 233 240 248 256 263 Rflx 186 194 200 206 212 220 228 235 242 248 254 260 268 277 Skill 227 236 243 251 258 268 276 286 296 305 315 324 334 344 Mind 84 88 92 96 98 102 105 108 112 117 122 127 132 137 Level 49 50 TP 296 304 Melee 151 154 Rngd 272 280 Rflx 285 293 Skill 354 363 Mind 141 145 Techniques: lvl 1 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 3 ~ Grenade (TP 3) lvl 4 ~ Armor Up (TP 4) lvl 6 ~ Acid Clear (TP 2) lvl 8 ~ Heat Clear (TP 3) lvl 10 ~ Chemical Cracker (TP 4) lvl 11 ~ High Repair (TP 4) lvl 13 ~ Bomber (TP 6) lvl 16 ~ Short Clear (TP 4) lvl 24 ~ High Grenade (TP 6) lvl 24 ~ High Bomber (TP 10) lvl 24 ~ Chemical Bomb (TP 8) lvl 24 ~ Regenerate (TP 12) lvl 25 ~ Smoke (TP 5) lvl 26 ~ Mega-Grenade (TP 10) lvl 27 ~ Full Repair (TP 8) lvl 28 ~ Armor All (TP 8) lvl 29 ~ Repair All (TP 16) lvl 32 ~ Giga-Bomber (TP 16) lvl 35 ~ Full Regenerate (TP 20) Boosts: lvl 2 ~ Shoot All (EN 5) Gun EN1-3 lvl 5 ~ Double Shield (EN 4) 2 shields lvl 7 ~ Double Attack (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 9 ~ Chaff Field (EN 4) lvl 12 ~ Double Arms (EN 6) lvl 14 ~ Gatling Body (EN 8) 3+ Shooting Wpns lvl 15 ~ Shot Burst (EN 7) Gun EN1-4 lvl 17 ~ Double Shot (EN 7) 2 Held Guns lvl 24 ~ Leg Snipe (EN 6) Held Gun lvl 24 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 24 ~ Over-Boost (EN 10) lvl 30 ~ Triangle Snipe (EN 8) Held Gun lvl 40 ~ Ultimate Weapon (EN 10) Above 4 wpns *************************************************************************** Aeon Level 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TP 40 46 50 54 59 64 70 76 81 86 92 98 103 110 Melee 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 17 18 18 18 19 Rngd 25 30 36 42 46 51 56 61 66 71 78 84 89 94 Rflx 15 17 18 19 21 24 25 28 29 32 34 36 37 38 Skill 20 23 28 33 38 42 47 51 56 61 65 69 73 77 Mind 19 23 27 32 36 40 43 49 54 58 64 68 74 89 Level 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TP 115 123 129 136 143 149 156 162 169 175 181 189 198 206 Melee 21 22 22 24 24 24 26 27 27 27 27 29 31 34 Rngd 100 108 116 122 129 136 142 149 157 164 172 181 190 197 Rflx 41 44 48 52 55 59 62 64 66 70 72 74 76 78 Skill 81 86 92 98 104 109 115 121 127 132 139 146 151 156 Mind 84 89 94 100 104 109 115 122 127 134 140 145 152 158 Level 33 34 35 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 TP 213 222 229 263 273 283 292 301 311 321 329 338 346 355 Melee 36 39 42 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 62 65 67 68 Rnged 204 212 221 250 260 268 278 286 295 305 313 321 330 338 Rflx 81 84 86 116 122 128 134 116 121 125 129 132 137 142 Skill 163 169 176 207 213 220 227 233 240 248 255 263 271 279 Mind 164 169 174 202 210 216 223 230 238 246 252 259 267 276 Level 50 TP 364 Melee 70 Rngd 349 Rflx 145 Skill 288 Mind 284 Techniques: lvl 5 ~ Defense Hack (TP 4) lvl 5 ~ Operation Hack (TP 4) lvl 5 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 7 ~ Analyze (TP 2) lvl 8 ~ Terror Mind (TP 3) lvl 10 ~ Shock Mind (TP 4) lvl 11 ~ Confuse Mind (TP 5) lvl 12 ~ High Repair (TP 4) lvl 13 ~ Offense Hack (TP 4) lvl 14 ~ Operation Jammer (TP 8) lvl 15 ~ Bits (TP 8) lvl 16 ~ Defense Jammer (TP 8) lvl 17 ~ Regenerate (TP 12) lvl 18 ~ Terror All (TP 6) lvl 24 ~ Funnel (TP 12) lvl 27 ~ Confuse All (TP 8) lvl 32 ~ Full Repair (TP 8) lvl 34 ~ Offense Jammer (TP 8) lvl 3? ~ High Funnel (TP 20) lvl 46 ~ Fin Funnel (TP 30) Boosts: lvl 5 ~ Mega-Fire (EN 6) Gun EN1-4 lvl 6 ~ Arm Snipe (EN 4) Held Gun lvl 9 ~ Snipe Assist (EN 5) Held Gun lvl 20 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 21 ~ System Hack (EN 6) lvl 22 ~ Beam Field (EN 5) lvl 25 ~ Giga Fire (EN 8) Gun EN1-5 lvl 31 ~ Barrier Field (EN 8) lvl 33 ~ Limiter Off (EN 7) lvl 3? ~ System Crack (EN 9) lvl 41 ~ Omega Blast (EN 10) Gun EN1-6 *************************************************************************** Tremmie Level 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TP 30 34 37 39 41 43 46 49 52 56 61 64 69 72 Melee 50 55 58 63 67 73 79 83 87 91 97 102 107 113 Rngd 45 48 51 56 61 66 70 74 80 86 92 98 103 107 Rflx 50 56 61 66 72 78 85 91 96 103 110 118 126 134 Skill 27 30 32 35 36 37 40 43 46 48 50 52 55 59 Mind 18 21 22 25 26 29 31 32 33 34 37 40 43 47 Level 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 TP 75 80 84 89 92 97 100 105 111 115 119 124 128 133 Melee 119 125 130 135 141 148 154 161 168 173 178 183 190 197 Rngd 113 120 126 131 138 145 151 156 163 169 174 180 185 193 Rflx 141 148 155 161 167 175 181 188 196 223 232 242 251 260 Skill 62 64 68 70 74 77 79 83 87 90 93 96 100 104 Mind 49 51 54 56 59 61 65 67 70 79 82 85 89 92 Level 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 139 145 150 156 160 165 169 175 181 187 193 200 205 211 Melee 203 211 219 225 231 237 244 251 257 264 271 278 285 292 Rngd 200 206 213 220 227 234 240 246 252 258 265 272 280 288 Rflx 245 254 289 299 309 317 327 338 348 327 336 344 352 363 Skill 108 110 113 118 121 126 131 134 138 143 147 152 156 160 Mind 87 91 96 99 104 108 112 117 120 123 128 133 136 139 Techniques: lvl 9 ~ Speed Up (TP 4) lvl 9 ~ Therapy (TP 3) lvl 11 ~ Power Up (TP 4) lvl 12 ~ Speed All (TP 8) lvl 16 ~ Healing (TP 3) lvl 20 ~ Napalm Cracker (TP 6) lvl 21 ~ Enemy Call (TP 5) lvl 24 ~ Refresh (TP 6) lvl 27 ~ Napalm Bomb (TP 10) lvl 30 ~ Charge (TP 15) lvl 32 ~ Power All (TP 8) lvl 37 ~ Refresh All (TP 12) Boosts: lvl 9 ~ Speed Lance (EN 4) Sword/Spear lvl 9 ~ Double Arms (EN 6) 2 Arm Guns lvl 10 ~ Sonic Boom (EN 5) Sword/Axe lvl 13 ~ Double Shot (EN 7) 2 Held Guns lvl 14 ~ Lightning Lancer (EN 6) Sword/Spear lvl 15 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 18 ~ Mega-Fire (EN 6) Gun EN1-4 lvl 22 ~ Sonic Storm (EN 7) Sword/Axe lvl 25 ~ Plasma Lance (EN 8) Sword/Spear lvl 28 ~ Giga Fire (EN 8) Gun EN1-5 lvl 34 ~ Sonic Blaster (EN 9) Sword/Axe lvl 39 ~ Voltic Lancer (EN 10) Sword/Spear *************************************************************************** Gavenger Level 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TP 65 70 76 81 86 93 99 106 113 120 126 134 Melee 55 58 60 62 65 70 75 80 85 88 91 94 Rngd 55 59 65 70 75 80 86 92 98 103 107 113 Rflx 22 24 26 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 33 Skill 55 59 64 68 73 77 81 86 90 96 101 105 Mind 33 35 37 40 45 50 54 58 62 65 70 73 Techniques: lvl 11 ~ Bomber (TP 6) lvl 11 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 11 ~ High Repair (TP 4) lvl 11 ~ Acid Clear (TP 2) lvl 11 ~ Heat Clear (TP 3) lvl 11 ~ Acid Shield (TP 4) lvl 11 ~ Heat Shield(TP 6) lvl 11 ~ Armor Up (TP 4) lvl 11 ~ Speed Up (TP 4) lvl 13 ~ Short Clear (TP 4) lvl 17 ~ Short Shield (TP 8) lvl 18 ~ High Bomber (TP 10) lvl 23 ~ Power Up (TP 4) Boosts: lvl 11 ~ Boost Attack (EN 4) Sword/Axe lvl 11 ~ Counter Zone (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 11 ~ Mega-Slash (EN 6) Sword/Axe lvl 12 ~ Shoot All (EN 5) Gun EN1-3 lvl 14 ~ Beam Field (EN 5) lvl 15 ~ Chaff Field (EN 4) lvl 16 ~ Gatling Body (EN 8) 3+ Shooting Wpns lvl 19 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 21 ~ Shot Burst (EN 7) Gun EN1-4 *************************************************************************** Rezner Level 14 15 21 22 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 TP 60 64 92 97 147 151 157 162 167 173 179 183 188 192 Melee 75 79 111 117 187 192 199 206 213 221 228 236 242 249 Rngd 55 59 82 87 141 147 152 157 162 166 172 177 182 187 Rflx 52 53 69 72 103 107 121 123 127 118 123 128 132 135 Skill 45 49 71 76 132 136 141 147 153 157 161 166 172 176 Mind 45 50 75 80 131 135 139 144 148 154 160 164 168 174 Level 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 197 203 210 217 222 227 232 Melee 257 265 273 279 287 295 304 Rngd 192 199 204 209 214 220 226 Rflx 139 143 148 152 155 158 163 Skill 182 187 193 199 204 211 218 Mind 178 185 190 196 203 209 216 Techniques: lvl 14 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 14 ~ Acid Clear (TP 2) lvl 14 ~ Heat Clear (TP 3) lvl 14 ~ Short Clear (TP 4) lvl 14 ~ Acid Shield (TP 4) lvl 14 ~ Heat Shield(TP 6) lvl 19 ~ High Repair (TP 4) lvl 19 ~ Short Shield (TP 8) lvl 19 ~ Power Up (TP 4) lvl 30 ~ Maintenance (TP 6) lvl 31 ~ Regenerate (TP 12) lvl 36 ~ Power All (TP 8) lvl 38 ~ Maintenance All (TP 15) lvl 39 ~ Full Repair (TP 8) Boosts: lvl 14 ~ Speed Lance (EN 4) Sword/Spear lvl 14 ~ Sonic Boom (EN 5) Sword/Axe lvl 14 ~ Power Charge (EN 5) Sword/Spear lvl 15 ~ Lightning Lancer (EN 6) Sword/Spear lvl 19 ~ Hyper-Charge (EN 7) Sword/Spear lvl 22 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 23 ~ Double Shield (EN 4) 2 shields lvl 30 ~ Plasma Lance (EN 8) Sword/Spear lvl 35 ~ Critical Charge (EN 9) Sword/Spear lvl 42 ~ Voltic Lancer (EN 10) Sword/Spear *************************************************************************** Vargas Level 14 15 16 17 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 TP 50 54 58 63 94 98 101 106 111 116 121 125 131 137 Melee 60 65 70 74 102 106 111 115 120 124 129 134 140 144 Rngd 75 79 85 90 125 132 138 145 151 158 164 170 176 182 Rflx 45 49 53 56 84 87 90 94 97 102 107 113 117 122 Skill 60 64 70 75 111 118 123 129 135 140 145 150 155 161 Mind 40 45 50 55 82 85 88 91 96 99 103 108 114 120 Level 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 TP 142 146 151 155 160 164 169 175 181 187 191 197 204 211 Melee 149 153 157 163 168 172 176 182 187 192 196 202 209 216 Rnged 187 192 199 207 213 219 225 233 240 247 253 261 268 274 Rflx 126 130 136 142 148 152 156 161 165 169 173 180 185 192 Skill 167 174 182 190 198 205 213 221 229 235 241 247 255 262 Mind 126 131 135 140 144 149 155 160 165 171 175 181 187 194 Level 48 49 50 TP 217 222 229 Melee 222 227 233 Rngd 283 292 301 Rflx 198 203 209 Skill 270 279 288 Mind 201 207 213 Techniques: lvl 14 ~ Grenade (TP 3) lvl 14 ~ Operation Hack (TP 4) lvl 14 ~ Speed Up (TP 4) lvl 14 ~ Invisible (TP 5) lvl 15 ~ Speed All (TP 8) lvl 18 ~ Operation Jammer (TP 8) lvl 24 ~ High Grenade (TP 6) lvl 24 ~ Auto-Drive (TP 2) lvl 27 ~ Plasma Cracker (TP 8) lvl 29 ~ Smoke (TP 5) lvl 32 ~ Mega-Grenade (TP 10) lvl 37 ~ Plasma Bomb (TP 12) Boosts: lvl 14 ~ Quick Shot (EN 4) Gun EN1-3 lvl 14 ~ Arm Snipe (EN 4) Held Gun lvl 14 ~ Snipe Assist (EN 5) Held Gun lvl 14 ~ Leg Snipe (EN 6) Held Gun lvl 16 ~ Counter Snipe (EN 7) Held Gun lvl 17 ~ Double Attack (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 24 ~ Sonic Storm (EN 7) Sword/Axe lvl 24 ~ Triangle Snipe (EN 8) Held Gun lvl 25 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 34 ~ Intercept Snipe (EN 9) Held Gun lvl 41 ~ Perfect Snipe (EN 10) Held Gun *************************************************************************** Li Fang Level 15 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TP 40 51 53 54 56 57 58 61 64 66 68 69 71 72 Melee 80 187 195 202 211 218 227 234 243 250 259 269 279 288 Rngd 16 28 31 33 34 36 37 39 42 43 46 49 50 52 Rflx 65 165 171 178 183 189 196 185 211 218 205 211 219 226 Skill 17 32 33 34 37 38 40 43 45 47 50 52 54 56 Mind 64 150 156 163 169 174 180 187 212 220 207 213 219 225 Level 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 73 75 77 78 81 83 84 86 Melee 298 307 317 326 336 346 354 365 Rngd 54 55 56 59 60 61 64 66 Rflx 233 240 248 254 260 269 277 284 Skill 59 62 64 65 67 70 72 75 Mind 232 238 244 251 257 265 273 282 Techniques: lvl 15 ~ Shock Mind (TP 4) lvl 15 ~ Healing (TP 3) lvl 16 ~ Enemy Call (TP 5) lvl 28 ~ Shock All (TP 7) lvl 28 ~ Therapy (TP 3) lvl 31 ~ Mind Shield (TP 8) lvl 33 ~ Refresh (TP 6) Boosts: lvl 15 ~ Bakunetsu-Ken (EN 4) Bare handed lvl 15 ~ Counter Zone (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 15 ~ Double Attack (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 15 ~ Senko-Ken (EN 6) Bare handed lvl 15 ~ Gatling Punch (EN 7) Bare handed lvl 28 ~ Ankoku-Ken (EN 8) Bare handed lvl 28 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 35 ~ Limiter Off (EN 7) lvl 38 ~ Deadly Assault (EN 9) Bare handed lvl 42 ~ Shin Hosho-Ken (EN 10) Bare handed *************************************************************************** Hal Level 19 20 21 22 23 40 46 47 48 49 50 TP 113 118 122 127 131 244 282 288 297 306 315 Melee 143 147 152 156 160 267 310 316 325 334 342 Rngd 112 116 121 126 130 213 245 251 258 263 268 Rflx 91 96 100 105 108 187 221 228 235 242 249 Skill 87 90 95 100 104 183 217 222 228 235 242 Mind 98 104 109 115 119 226 270 277 286 295 302 Techniques: lvl 19 ~ Offense Hack (TP 4) lvl 19 ~ Defense Hack (TP 4) lvl 19 ~ Operation Hack (TP 4) lvl 19 ~ Acid Shield (TP 4) lvl 19 ~ Heat Shield(TP 6) lvl 19 ~ Short Shield (TP 8) lvl 20 ~ Confuse Mind (TP 5) lvl 22 ~ Bits (TP 8) lvl ?? ~ Funnel (TP 12) lvl ?? ~ High Funnel (TP 20) lvl ?? ~ Confuse All (TP 8) lvl 4? ~ Negative Force (TP 20) Boosts: lvl 19 ~ Boost Attack (EN 4) Sword/Axe lvl 19 ~ Quick Shot (EN 4) Gun EN1-3 lvl 19 ~ Sonic Boom (EN 5) Sword/Axe lvl 19 ~ Double Attack (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 19 ~ Mega-Slash (EN 6) Sword/Axe lvl 19 ~ Mega-Fire (EN 6) Gun EN1-4 lvl 19 ~ Sonic Storm (EN 7) Sword/Axe lvl 19 ~ Double Shot (EN 7) 2 Held Guns lvl 23 ~ Shot Burst (EN 7) Gun EN1-4 lvl ?? ~ Giga-Crush (EN 8) Sword/Axe lvl ?? ~ Sonic Blaster (EN 9) Sword/Axe lvl ?? ~ Ultimate Weapon (EN 10) Above 4 wpns *************************************************************************** Bazuli Level 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 TP 120 126 133 139 144 151 158 164 170 176 181 186 192 200 Melee 100 102 104 107 111 115 119 122 125 129 133 135 137 141 Rngd 130 138 145 152 159 167 174 182 190 197 204 211 218 225 Rflx 55 58 61 64 68 70 72 75 78 80 84 87 89 93 Skill 90 94 98 101 103 106 110 113 116 120 122 126 130 133 Mind 70 73 76 78 80 82 85 89 93 96 98 101 105 109 Level 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 208 214 221 227 234 241 249 256 263 269 278 287 296 Melee 144 147 151 154 157 162 165 169 173 178 182 187 191 Rngd 233 241 250 258 266 275 284 294 302 312 321 330 340 Rflx 96 99 104 108 112 116 121 125 128 132 136 139 144 Skill 136 139 143 148 151 154 159 164 169 174 179 182 185 Mind 112 114 117 122 127 130 134 137 140 145 149 152 157 Techniques: lvl 24 ~ Bomber (TP 6) lvl 24 ~ High Bomber (TP 10) lvl 24 ~ Repair (TP 2) lvl 24 ~ High Repair (TP 4) lvl 24 ~ Heat Clear (TP 3) lvl 24 ~ Short Clear (TP 4) lvl 24 ~ Armor Up (TP 4) lvl 24 ~ Terror Mind (TP 3) lvl 25 ~ Terror All (TP 6) lvl 26 ~ Armor All (TP 8) lvl 32 ~ Giga-Bomber (TP 16) lvl 36 ~ Regenerate (TP 12) Boosts: lvl 24 ~ Bakunetsu-Ken (EN 4) Bare handed lvl 24 ~ Shoot All (EN 5) Gun EN1-3 lvl 24 ~ Mega-Fire (EN 6) Gun EN1-4 lvl 24 ~ Senko-Ken (EN 6) Bare handed lvl 24 ~ Double Arms (EN 6) 2 Arm Guns lvl 24 ~ Shot Burst (EN 7) Gun EN1-4 lvl 24 ~ Gatling Body (EN 8) 3+ Shooting Wpns lvl 28 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 30 ~ Giga Fire (EN 8) Gun EN1-5 lvl 34 ~ Ankoku-Ken (EN 8) Bare handed lvl 40 ~ Explosion (EN 9) Gun EN1-6 lvl 42 ~ Omega Blast (EN 10) Gun EN1-6 *************************************************************************** Lapis Level 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 TP 180 189 196 205 212 219 228 237 244 253 261 270 279 288 Melee 90 95 100 105 111 116 122 126 130 135 139 143 147 153 Rngd 130 137 146 154 163 172 180 187 194 203 211 220 228 238 Rflx 90 96 102 108 126 133 139 147 156 162 155 163 170 176 Skill 110 117 123 128 133 138 145 151 158 166 172 180 187 194 Mind 120 127 134 140 159 165 171 180 188 194 185 191 199 206 Level 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 TP 297 305 314 324 333 341 351 Melee 158 165 170 176 183 190 197 Rngd 246 255 263 271 279 289 298 Rflx 184 191 197 204 211 218 227 Skill 202 209 216 224 232 241 248 Mind 214 220 228 234 241 249 256 Techniques: lvl 30 ~ Chemical Cracker (TP 4) lvl 30 ~ Napalm Cracker (TP 6) lvl 30 ~ Chemical Bomb (TP 8) lvl 30 ~ Napalm Bomb (TP 10) lvl 30 ~ Offense Hack (TP 4) lvl 30 ~ Defense Hack (TP 4) lvl 30 ~ Defense Jammer (TP 8) lvl 30 ~ Bits (TP 8) lvl 30 ~ Funnel (TP 12) lvl 30 ~ Terror Mind (TP 3) lvl 30 ~ Shock Mind (TP 4) lvl 30 ~ Confuse Mind (TP 5) lvl 30 ~ Shock All (TP 7) lvl 30 ~ Confuse All (TP 8) lvl 31 ~ Terror All (TP 6) lvl 33 ~ Plasma Cracker (TP 8) lvl 36 ~ Offense Jammer (TP 8) lvl 37 ~ Mind Shield (TP 8) lvl 40 ~ High Funnel (TP 20) lvl 41 ~ Plasma Bomb (TP 12) Boosts: lvl 30 ~ Quick Shot (EN 4) Gun EN1-3 lvl 30 ~ Shoot All (EN 5) Gun EN1-3 lvl 30 ~ Double Attack (EN 5) If melee possible lvl 30 ~ Mega-Fire (EN 6) Gun EN1-4 lvl 30 ~ System Hack (EN 6) lvl 30 ~ Shot Burst (EN 7) Gun EN1-4 lvl 30 ~ Giga Fire (EN 8) Gun EN1-5 lvl 30 ~ Gatling Fire (EN 9) 4+ Guns lvl 39 ~ Limiter Off (EN 7) lvl 43 ~ Omega Blast (EN 10) Gun EN1-6 lvl 47 ~ Over-Boost (EN 10) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Mobile Suits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mobile suit stats are for the body only. Shoulders, Arms, and Legs will be listed seperately. Body parts are sorted by max HP. Zaku I (3x4) Base Stats: MEL 13 RNG 13 AMR 17 SPD 14 HP 65 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 42 RNG 42 AMR 17 SPD 38 HP 197 EN 2 Cost 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 160 HP +16 +17 +16 +17 +16 +17 +16 +17 MEL +3 +4 +3 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 RNG +3 +4 +3 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 SPD +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 Zaku II (4x4) Base Stats: MEL 16 RNG 14 AMR 18 SPD 15 HP 70 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 46 RNG 43 AMR 18 SPD 40 HP 206 EN 2 Cost 30 45 60 90 120 150 180 240 HP +17 +17 +17 +17 +17 +17 +17 +17 MEL +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 RNG +3 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 +3 +4 SPD +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +3 +3 GM (4x4) Base Stats: MEL 19 RNG 15 AMR 20 SPD 17 HP 75 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 50 RNG 45 AMR 20 SPD 43 HP 215 EN 2 Cost 40 60 80 120 160 200 240 320 HP +17 +18 +17 +18 +17 +18 +17 +18 MEL +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 RNG +3 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 +4 SPD +3 +3 +4 +3 +3 +4 +3 +3 Zaku II Special (5x5) Base Stats: MEL 25 RNG 17 AMR 22 SPD 29 HP 115 EN 3 Full Upgrade: MEL 59 RNG 47 AMR 23 SPD 47 HP 287 EN 3 Cost 90 135 180 270 360 450 540 720 HP +21 +22 +21 +22 +21 +22 +21 +22 MEL +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +4 +5 RNG +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 SPD +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +5 +4 Gouf (6x3) Base Stats: MEL 33 RNG 11 AMR 22 SPD 25 HP 130 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 70 RNG 39 AMR 22 SPD 57 HP 314 EN 2 Cost 70 105 140 210 280 350 420 560 HP +23 +23 +23 +23 +23 +23 +23 +23 MEL +4 +5 +4 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 RNG +3 +4 +3 +4 +3 +4 +3 +4 SPD +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 GM Command (5x4) Base Stats: MEL 22 RNG 21 AMR 24 SPD 25 HP 145 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 54 RNG 53 AMR 24 SPD 57 HP 341 EN 2 Cost 80 120 160 240 320 400 480 640 HP +24 +25 +24 +25 +24 +25 +24 +25 MEL +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 RNG +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 SPD +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Dom (4x5) Base Stats: MEL 20 RNG 22 AMR 26 SPD 31 HP 190 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 52 RNG 54 AMR 26 SPD 66 HP 422 EN 2 Cost 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 HP +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 +29 MEL +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 RNG +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 SPD +4 +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 Guncannon (3x7) Base Stats: MEL 16 RNG 32 AMR 30 SPD 23 HP 200 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 46 RNG 68 AMR 30 SPD 53 HP 440 EN 2 Cost 120 180 240 360 480 600 720 960 HP +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 MEL +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 RNG +4 +5 +4 +5 +5 +4 +5 +4 SPD +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 GM Sniper (4x6) Base Stats: MEL 22 RNG 30 AMR 28 SPD 32 HP 255 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 54 RNG 66 AMR 28 SPD 68 HP 539 EN 2 Cost 160 240 320 480 640 800 960 1280 HP +35 +36 +35 +36 +35 +36 +35 +36 MEL +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 RNG +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 +5 SPD +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 +5 +4 +5 Gyan (7x3) Base Stats: MEL 40 RNG 16 AMR 33 SPD 30 HP 270 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 80 RNG 46 AMR 33 SPD 65 HP 566 EN 2 Cost 156 234 312 468 624 780 936 1248 HP +37 +37 +37 +37 +37 +37 +37 +37 MEL +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 RNG +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +3 +4 +4 SPD +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +5 +4 +5 Gelgoog (5x4) Base Stats: MEL 33 RNG 33 AMR 30 SPD 47 HP 280 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 70 RNG 70 AMR 30 SPD 93 HP 584 EN 2 Cost 170 255 340 510 680 850 1020 1360 HP +38 +38 +38 +38 +38 +38 +38 +38 MEL +4 +5 +4 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 RNG +4 +5 +4 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 SPD +5 +6 +6 +6 +5 +6 +6 +6 Hizack (4x5) Base Stats: MEL 25 RNG 25 AMR 31 SPD 25 HP 310 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 59 RNG 59 AMR 31 SPD 57 HP 638 EN 2 Cost 140 210 280 420 560 700 840 1120 HP +41 +41 +41 +41 +41 +41 +41 +41 MEL +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +4 +5 RNG +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +4 +5 SPD +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 (Comes with an Extra Wing attached when made) Gelgoog Enchanced (5x5) Base Stats: MEL 35 RNG 40 AMR 33 SPD 61 HP 330 EN 3 Full Upgrade: MEL 73 RNG 80 AMR 33 SPD 116 HP 674 EN 3 Cost 240 360 480 720 960 1200 1440 1920 HP +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 +43 MEL +4 +5 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 +5 RNG +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 SPD +6 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 Gundam (5x5) Base Stats: MEL 40 RNG 35 AMR 36 SPD 50 HP 350 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 80 RNG 73 AMR 36 SPD 98 HP 710 EN 2 Cost 300 450 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2400 HP +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 MEL +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 RNG +4 +5 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 +5 SPD +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 Kaempfer (6x5) Base Stats: MEL 45 RNG 40 AMR 36 SPD 67 HP 350 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 87 RNG 80 AMR 36 SPD 125 HP 710 EN 2 Cost 300 450 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2400 HP +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 +45 MEL +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +5 +6 RNG +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 SPD +7 +7 +8 +7 +7 +8 +7 +7 Death Army (7x7) Base Stats: MEL 46 RNG 46 AMR 32 SPD 29 HP 385 EN 1 Full Upgrade: MEL 88 RNG 88 AMR 32 SPD 63 HP 773 EN 1 Cost 200 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 1600 HP +48 +49 +48 +49 +48 +49 +48 +49 MEL +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +6 +5 RNG +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +6 +5 SPD +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +5 +4 Nemo (5x5) Base Stats: MEL 40 RNG 46 AMR 41 SPD 60 HP 400 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 80 RNG 88 AMR 41 SPD 114 HP 800 EN 2 Cost 320 480 640 960 1280 1600 1920 2560 HP +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 +50 MEL +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 RNG +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +6 +5 SPD +6 +7 +7 +7 +6 +7 +7 +7 Full Armor Gundam (4x7) Base Stats: MEL 40 RNG 44 AMR 41 SPD 50 HP 430 EN 3 Full Upgrade: MEL 80 RNG 85 AMR 41 SPD 98 HP 854 EN 3 Cost 400 600 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2400 HP +53 +53 +53 +53 +53 +53 +53 +53 MEL +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 RNG +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 SPD +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 Marasai (5x6) Base Stats: MEL 50 RNG 40 AMR 42 SPD 65 HP 450 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 94 RNG 80 AMR 42 SPD 122 HP 890 EN 2 Cost 340 510 680 1020 1360 1700 2040 2720 HP +55 +55 +55 +55 +55 +55 +55 +55 MEL +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 RNG +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 SPD +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +8 +7 +7 Rick Dias (5x6) Base Stats: MEL 50 RNG 55 AMR 44 SPD 70 HP 460 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 94 RNG 101 AMR 44 SPD 130 HP 908 EN 2 Cost 360 540 720 1080 1440 1800 2160 2880 HP +56 +56 +56 +56 +56 +56 +56 +56 MEL +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 RNG +5 +6 +6 +6 +5 +6 +6 +6 SPD +7 +8 +7 +8 +7 +8 +8 +7 (Comes with a Large Type Wing attached when made) Shining Gundam (7x4) Base Stats: MEL 75 RNG 25 AMR 48 SPD 85 HP 490 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 129 RNG 59 AMR 48 SPD 155 HP 962 EN 2 Cost 640 960 1280 1920 2560 3200 3840 5120 HP +59 +59 +59 +59 +59 +59 +59 +59 MEL +6 +7 +7 +7 +6 +7 +7 +7 RNG +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +4 +5 SPD +8 +9 +9 +9 +8 +9 +9 +9 Hyaku Shiki (4x8) Base Stats: MEL 45 RNG 75 AMR 46 SPD 82 HP 510 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 87 RNG 129 AMR 46 SPD 150 HP 998 EN 2 Cost 540 810 1080 1620 2160 2700 3240 4320 HP +61 +61 +61 +61 +61 +61 +61 +61 MEL +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +5 +6 RNG +6 +7 +7 +7 +6 +7 +7 +7 SPD +8 +9 +8 +9 +8 +9 +8 +9 Gundam Mark II (6x6) Base Stats: MEL 55 RNG 50 AMR 50 SPD 65 HP 520 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 101 RNG 94 AMR 50 SPD 122 HP 1016 EN 2 Cost 520 780 1040 1560 2080 2600 3120 4160 HP +62 +62 +62 +62 +62 +62 +62 +62 MEL +5 +6 +6 +6 +5 +6 +6 +6 RNG +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 SPD +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +8 +7 +7 Zeta Gundam (6x7) Base Stats: MEL 80 RNG 80 AMR 55 SPD 95 HP 580 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 136 RNG 136 AMR 55 SPD 171 HP 1124 EN 2 Cost 600 900 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4800 HP +68 +68 +68 +68 +68 +68 +68 +68 MEL +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 RNG +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 SPD +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 +10 +9 (Comes with a Zeta Booster and Bio-Sensor attached when given) Qubeley (5x7) Base Stats: MEL 45 RNG 100 AMR 48 SPD 95 HP 600 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 87 RNG 164 AMR 48 SPD 171 HP 1160 EN 2 Cost 600 900 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4800 HP +70 +70 +70 +70 +70 +70 +70 +70 MEL +5 +5 +5 +6 +5 +5 +5 +6 RNG +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 SPD +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 +10 +9 (Comes with a Funnel Pod attached when Lapis joins) Zaku III (7x7) Base Stats: MEL 60 RNG 70 AMR 51 SPD 105 HP 630 EN 3 Full Upgrade: MEL 108 RNG 122 AMR 51 SPD 188 HP 1214 EN 3 Cost 640 960 1280 1920 2560 3200 3840 5120 HP +73 +73 +73 +73 +73 +73 +73 +73 MEL +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 RNG +6 +7 +6 +7 +6 +7 +6 +7 SPD +10 +10 +11 +10 +10 +11 +10 +11 R-Jarja (8x5) Base Stats: MEL 100 RNG 35 AMR 71 SPD 90 HP 680 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 164 RNG 73 AMR 71 SPD 163 HP 1304 EN 2 Cost 740 1110 1480 2220 2960 3700 4440 5920 HP +78 +78 +78 +78 +78 +78 +78 +78 MEL +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 RNG +4 +5 +5 +5 +4 +5 +5 +5 SPD +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +10 +9 +9 Altron (8x5) Base Stats: MEL 130 RNG 25 AMR 56 SPD 145 HP 690 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 206 RNG 59 AMR 56 SPD 253 HP 1322 EN 2 Cost 960 1440 1920 2880 3840 4800 5760 7680 HP +79 +79 +79 +79 +79 +79 +79 +79 MEL +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 RNG +4 +4 +4 +5 +4 +4 +4 +5 SPD +13 +14 +13 +14 +13 +14 +14 +13 Heavyarms (6x8) Base Stats: MEL 50 RNG 135 AMR 81 SPD 75 HP 700 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 94 RNG 213 AMR 81 SPD 139 HP 1340 EN 2 Cost 960 1440 1920 2880 3840 4800 5760 7680 HP +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 +80 MEL +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 RNG +9 +10 +10 +10 +9 +10 +10 +10 SPD +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 +8 Dreissen (7x5) Base Stats: MEL 90 RNG 60 AMR 66 SPD 85 HP 730 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 150 RNG 108 AMR 66 SPD 155 HP 1394 EN 2 Cost 700 1050 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 5600 HP +83 +83 +83 +83 +83 +83 +83 +83 MEL +7 +8 +7 +8 +7 +8 +7 +8 RNG +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 SPD +8 +9 +9 +9 +8 +9 +9 +9 Bawoo (6x7) Base Stats: MEL 65 RNG 95 AMR 61 SPD 105 HP 750 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 115 RNG 157 AMR 61 SPD 188 HP 1430 EN 2 Cost 760 1140 1520 2280 3040 3800 4560 6080 HP +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 +85 MEL +6 +6 +6 +7 +6 +6 +6 +7 RNG +7 +8 +8 +8 +7 +8 +8 +8 SPD +10 +10 +11 +10 +10 +11 +10 +11 (Comes with a Power Booster attached when made) Sandrock (6x6) Base Stats: MEL 70 RNG 60 AMR 58 SPD 85 HP 770 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 122 RNG 108 AMR 58 SPD 155 HP 1466 EN 2 Cost 920 1380 1840 2760 3680 4600 5520 7360 HP +87 +87 +87 +87 +87 +87 +87 +87 MEL +6 +7 +6 +7 +6 +7 +6 +7 RNG +6 +6 +6 +6 +5 +6 +6 +6 SPD +8 +9 +9 +9 +8 +9 +9 +9 Wing Gundam (7x8) Base Stats: MEL 95 RNG 130 AMR 74 SPD 135 HP 800 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 157 RNG 206 AMR 74 SPD 237 HP 1520 EN 2 Cost 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 HP +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 +90 MEL +7 +8 +8 +8 +7 +8 +8 +8 RNG +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 +9 +10 SPD +12 +13 +13 +13 +13 +12 +13 +13 (Comes with a Zero Wing and a Zero System attached when given.) Deathscythe (7x6) Base Stats: MEL 105 RNG 90 AMR 78 SPD 105 HP 880 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 171 RNG 150 AMR 78 SPD 188 HP 1664 EN 2 Cost 960 1440 1920 2880 3840 4800 5760 7680 HP +98 +98 +98 +98 +98 +98 +98 +98 MEL +8 +8 +8 +9 +8 +8 +8 +9 RNG +7 +8 +7 +8 +7 +8 +7 +8 SPD +10 +10 +11 +10 +10 +11 +10 +11 (Comes with a Death Cloak attached when made.) ZZ Gundam (6x8) Base Stats: MEL 80 RNG 120 AMR 71 SPD 125 HP 900 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 136 RNG 192 AMR 71 SPD 221 HP 1700 EN 2 Cost 800 1200 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 6400 HP +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 +100 MEL +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 RNG +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 SPD +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 (Comes with a Double Booster attached when made.) Nu Gundam (8x8) Base Stats: MEL 150 RNG 150 AMR 83 SPD 180 HP 1000 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 234 RNG 234 AMR 83 SPD 311 HP 1880 EN 2 Cost 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 6000 7200 8000 HP +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 +110 MEL +10 +11 +10 +11 +10 +11 +10 +11 RNG +10 +11 +10 +11 +10 +11 +10 +11 SPD +16 +16 +17 +16 +16 +17 +16 +17 (Comes with a Psyco-Frame attached when given.) Sazabi (8x7) Base Stats: MEL 160 RNG 120 AMR 96 SPD 155 HP 1100 EN 3 Full Upgrade: MEL 248 RNG 192 AMR 96 SPD 270 HP 2060 EN 3 Cost 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 6000 7200 8000 HP +120 +120 +120 +120 +120 +120 +120 +120 MEL +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 +11 RNG +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 +9 SPD +14 +14 +15 +14 +14 +15 +14 +15 (Comes with a High Power Propellant and a Funnel Box attached when given.) Burning Gundam (8x4) Base Stats: MEL 180 RNG 50 AMR 91 SPD 125 HP 1050 EN 2 Full Upgrade: MEL 276 RNG 94 AMR 91 SPD 221 HP 1970 EN 2 Cost 1300 1950 2600 3900 5200 6500 7800 10400 HP +115 +115 +115 +115 +115 +115 +115 +115 MEL +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 RNG +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 +5 +6 SPD +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 +12 (Comes with a Burning Booster attached when won.) Master Gundam Base Stats: MEL 170 RNG 55 AMR 86 SPD 135 HP 1070 EN 1 Full Upgrade: MEL 262 RNG 101 AMR 86 SPD 237 HP 2006 EN 1 Cost 1300 1950 2600 3900 5200 6500 7800 10400 HP +117 +117 +117 +117 +117 +117 +117 +117 MEL +11 +12 +11 +12 +11 +12 +11 +12 RNG +5 +6 +6 +6 +5 +6 +6 +6 SPD +12 +13 +13 +13 +13 +12 +13 +13 (Comes with a Master Wing attached when made.) *************************************************************************** ---Shoulders AMR SPD MEL RNG GM Armor R 6 -1 GM Command Armor R 10 -2 Sniper Armor R 14 -3 Guncannon Armor R 17 -9 Gundam Armor R 18 -4 Gundam Armor Kai R 23 -12 Zaku Armor R 7 -2 Zaku Shield R 9 -5 Zaku Spikes R 5 -5 5 Zaku Shield Kai R 12 -2 Zaku Spikes Kai R 6 -2 5 Gouf Spikes R 4 -6 9 Dom Armor R 14 -7 Gelgoog Armor R 20 -8 Gelgoog Armor Kai R 20 -3 Gyan Armor R 12 -2 Kaempfer Thruster R 16 5 Kaempfer Spikes R 12 1 18 Nemo Armor R 18 2 Rick Dias Armor R 24 -7 Gundam Armor II R 30 -15 Hyaku Shiki Armor R 22 -2 Zeta Gundam Armor R 30 10 Hizack Shield R 25 -15 Hizack Spikes R 13 -10 12 Marasai Shield R 35 -10 Marasai Spikes R 15 -10 20 Quebley Thruser R 19 25 Zaku Shield III R 40 -10 Zaku Spikes III R 18 -10 25 Dreissen Armor R 26 -12 R-Jarja Shield R 35 -40 25 10 Bawoo Armor R 27 -5 ZZ Gundam Armor R 41 -15 Nu Gundam Armor R 38 -2 Sazabi Armor R 46 -15 Shining Gundam Armor R 21 -5 20 Burning Gundam Armor R 31 -20 40 Wing Gundam Armor R 33 20 Deathscythe Armor R 28 -25 28 Heavyarms Armor R 31 -30 15 Sandrock Armor R 39 -20 Altron Armor R 36 -1 Master Gundam Armor R 41 -10 35 Death Army Armor R 18 -4 Dowadge Thruster R 20 15 Re-Gelg Thruster R 40 40 -------------------------------------------- AMR SPD MEL RNG GM Armor L 6 -1 GM Command Armor L 10 -2 Sniper Armor L 14 -3 Guncannon Armor L 17 -9 Gundam Armor L 18 -4 Gundam Armor Kai L 23 -12 Zaku Armor L 7 -2 Zaku Shield L 9 -5 Zaku Spikes L 5 -5 5 Zaku Shield Kai L 12 -2 Zaku Spikes Kai L 6 -2 5 Gouf Spikes L 4 -6 9 Dom Armor L 14 -7 Gelgoog Armor L 20 -8 Gelgoog Armor Kai L 20 -3 Gyan Armor L 12 -2 Kaempfer Thruster L 16 5 Kaempfer Spikes L 12 1 18 Nemo Armor L 18 2 Rick Dias Armor L 24 -7 Gundam Armor II L 30 -15 Hyaku Shiki Armor L 22 -2 Zeta Gundam Armor L 30 10 Hizack Shield L 25 -15 Hizack Spikes L 13 -10 12 Marasai Shield L 35 -10 Marasai Spikes L 15 -10 20 Quebley Thruser L 19 25 Zaku Shield III L 40 -10 Zaku Spikes III L 18 -10 25 Dreissen Armor L 26 -12 R-Jarja Shield L 35 -40 25 10 Bawoo Armor L 27 -5 ZZ Gundam Armor L 41 -15 Nu Gundam Armor L 38 -2 Sazabi Armor L 46 -15 Shining Gundam Armor L 21 -5 20 Burning Gundam Armor L 31 -20 40 Wing Gundam Armor L 33 20 Deathscythe Armor L 28 -25 28 Heavyarms Armor L 31 -30 15 Sandrock Armor L 39 -20 Altron Armor L 36 -1 Master Gundam Armor L 41 -10 35 Death Army Armor L 18 -4 Dowadge Thruster L 20 15 Re-Gelg Thruster L 40 40 *************************************************************************** ---Arms MEL RNG AMR SPD GM Arm R 6 6 GM Command Arm R 11 9 GM Sniper Arm R 11 18 Guncannon Arm R 0 18 2 Gundam Arm R 20 18 Gundam Arm Kai R 20 25 5 Zaku I Arm R 4 5 Zaku II Arm R 5 5 Zaku Arm Kai R 9 9 Heat Rod Arm R 10 0 Dom Arm R 12 12 2 Gelgoog Arm R 16 16 Gelgoog Arm Kai R 18 20 Gyan Arm R 22 7 Kaempfer Arm R 23 20 3 Nemo Arm R 23 23 Rick Dias Arm R 28 30 Gundam Arm II R 30 25 -5 Hyaku Shiki Arm R 25 40 5 Grenade Arm R 35 35 Hizack Arm R 13 13 -3 Marasai Arm R 20 15 6 Beam Gun Arm R 15 46 Zaku Arm III R 30 30 Dreissen Arm R 32 27 R-Jarja Arm R 42 0 Power Missle Arm R 30 35 ZZ Gundam Arm R 35 55 10 Nu Gundam Arm R 75 75 10 Sazabi Arm R 80 55 Shining Gundam Arm R 35 0 Burning Gundam Arm R 85 10 Wing Gundam Arm R 55 55 Deathscythe Arm R 60 40 Heavyarms Arm R 10 70 Sandrock Arm R 33 33 7 Altron Arm R 70 10 Master Gundam Arm R 85 40 Death Army Arm R 24 15 Z'Gok Claw R 12 7 Gatling Arm R 0 30 Missile Arm R 0 19 Zakrello Sickle R 55 0 Launcher Arm R 0 50 Drill Claw R 50 0 High Power Claw R 55 55 Vulcan Arm R 0 10 Heavy Handgun Arm R 0 16 3 Improved Z'Gok Claw R 32 0 ---------------------------------------------- MEL RNG AMR SPD GM Arm L 6 6 GM Command Arm L 11 9 GM Sniper Arm L 11 18 Guncannon Arm L 0 18 2 Gundam Arm L 20 18 Gundam Arm Kai L 20 25 5 Zaku I Arm L 4 5 Zaku II Arm L 5 5 Zaku Arm Kai L 9 9 Heat Rod Arm L 10 0 Dom Arm L 12 12 2 Gelgoog Arm L 16 16 Gelgoog Arm Kai L 18 20 Gyan Arm L 22 7 Kaempfer Arm L 23 20 3 Nemo Arm L 23 23 Rick Dias Arm L 28 30 Gundam Arm II L 30 25 -5 Hyaku Shiki Arm L 25 40 5 Grenade Arm L 35 35 Hizack Arm L 13 13 -3 Marasai Arm L 20 15 6 Beam Gun Arm L 15 46 Zaku Arm III L 30 30 Dreissen Arm L 32 27 R-Jarja Arm L 42 0 Power Missle Arm L 30 35 ZZ Gundam Arm L 35 55 10 Nu Gundam Arm L 75 75 10 Sazabi Arm L 80 55 Shining Gundam Arm L 35 0 Burning Gundam Arm L 85 10 Wing Gundam Arm L 55 55 Deathscythe Arm L 60 40 Heavyarms Arm L 10 70 Sandrock Arm L 33 33 7 Altron Arm L 70 10 Master Gundam Arm L 85 40 Death Army Arm L 24 15 Z'Gok Claw L 12 7 Missile Arm L 0 19 Launcher Arm L 0 50 Drill Claw L 50 0 High Power Claw L 55 55 Vulcan Arm L 0 10 Heavy Handgun Arm L 0 16 3 Improved Z'Gok Claw L 32 0 *************************************************************************** ---Legs SPD HP RNG MEL AMR EN GM Legs 15 45 GM Command Legs 22 75 GM Sniper Legs 32 105 4 Guncannon Legs 17 100 2 Gundam Legs 50 150 Gundam Legs Kai 10 170 8 Zaku Legs 10 35 Zaku Legs II 13 40 Zaku Legs Kai 35 65 Gouf Legs 15 70 (50% Overheat protection) Dom Legs 20 90 2 Gelgoog Legs 40 120 Gelgoog Legs Kai 55 140 Gyan Legs 30 110 5 Kaempfer Legs 60 130 Nemo Legs 65 150 Rick Dias Legs 55 170 10 Gundam Legs II 35 200 5 Hyaku Shiki Legs 85 190 Zeta Gundam Legs 95 220 Hizack Legs 22 130 Marasai Legs 45 175 8 Quebley Legs 105 230 Zaku Legs III 115 220 Dreissen Legs 55 240 15 R-Jarja Legs 65 260 Bawoo Legs 105 180 1 ZZ Gundam Legs 135 250 1 Nu Gundam Legs 175 350 Sazabi Legs 155 400 Shining Gundam Legs 75 190 (Pilot Reflexes +10%) Burning Gundam Legs 105 300 (Pilot Reflexes +10%) Wing Gundam Legs 145 300 Deathscythe Legs 75 320 18 Heavyarms Legs 55 200 20 Sandrock Legs 85 280 (100% Overheat protection) Altron Legs 140 290 Master Gundam Legs 135 380 25 Death Army Legs 29 155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Mobile Suit Items: Repair Kit Restores 150 HP to a single ally Repair Kit DX Restores 500 HP to a single ally Repair Kit SP Restores all HP to a single ally Repair Unit Restores 500 HP to all allies Repair Unit DX Restores 1000 HP to all allies Repair Unit SP Restores all HP to all allies Regeneration Kit Reactivates an immobile ally and restores 50 HP Regeneration Kit DX Reactivates an immobile ally and restores 500 HP Regeneration Kit SP Reactivates an immobile ally and restores all HP Cleansing Fluid Cures a single ally of Acid Coolant Cures a single ally of Overheating Fuse Cures a single ally of Short-Circuiting Maintenance Kit Cures all allies of Acid/Overheating/Short-Circuiting Maintenance Nanotech Cures one ally of Acid/Heat/Short-Circuiting Power Kit Inceases a single ally's Attack Power Armor Kit Increases a single ally's Armor Speed Kit Increases a single ally's Speed High Power Kit Inceases a single ally's Attack Power High Armor Kit Increases a single ally's Armor High Speed Kit Increases a single ally's Speed EN Pack Boosts a single ally's Energy(EN+3) EN Max Boosts a single ally's Energy to maximum EN Charger Boosts all allies' Energy to maximum Armor Upgrade Kit Increases a single Mobile Suit's Durability Level Attack Upgrade Kit Increases a single Mobile Suit's Attack Level Mobility Upgrade Kit Increases a single Mobile Suit's Mobility Level ---Pilot Items: Stimulant Med Restores a single Stunned ally to normal Sedative Med Restores a single Fearful/Dazed ally to normal Healing Med Cures a single ally of Hurt/Hurt+ General Purpose Med Restores a Fearful/Stuned/Dazed/Hurt ally to normal Medical Nanotech Resotres all Fearful/Stunned/Dazed/Hurt allies Restorative Drink Restores 30 TP to a single allied pilot Restorative Drink DX Restores 100 TP to a single allied pilot Restorative Drink SP Restores all TP to a single allied pilot ---Situation Items: X-Ray Scope Displays detailed data for a single enemy Smoke Bomb Retreat from combat(Unavailable during boss battles( SOS Signal Flare Escape from a "dungeon"-type area GPS System Teleport to a previously visited town Stealth System Decreases chance of encountering low-level enemies ---Special Items: ECAP (S) ECAP (L) GM Data GM Command Data GM Sniper Data Guncannon Data Gundam Data Gundam Mark II Data Full Armor Gundam Data Zaku I Data Zaku II Data Zaku II Special Data Gouf Data Dom Data Gelgoog Data Gelgoog Special Data Gyan Data Kaempfer Data Nemo Data Rick Dias Data Hyaku Shiki Data Zeta Gundam Data Hizack Data Marasai Data Qubeley Data Zaku III Data Dreissen Data R-Jarja Data Bawoo Data ZZ Gundam Data Shining Gundam Data Master Gundam Data Death Army Data Altron Gundam Data Gundam Sandrock Data Deathscythe Data Gundam Heavyarms Data Wing Gundam Data Marie's Introduction Fritz's letter Database Disc Black Ticket Card Key (L1) Card Key (L2) Card Key (L3) Card Key (L4) Card Key (L5) Hacking Tool Lockpick ---Option Parts: Extra Propellant Grants a +1 bonus to initial Energy: SPD -10 Enhanced Propellant Grants a +2 bonus to initial Energy: SPD -20 Large Type Propellant Grants a +3 bonus to initial Energy: SPD -30 High Power Propellant Grants a +3 bonus to initial Energy: SPD -15 Extra Wing Improves Mobility: SPD +30 Enhanced Wing Improves Mobility: SPD +60 Large Type Wing Improves Mobility and Armor: AMR +20, SPD +50 High Power Wing Improves Mobility and Armor: AMR +10, SPD +80 Funnel Pod Increases funnel damage by 30%: SPD -10 Funnel Container Increases funnel damage by 50%: SPD -10 Mother Funnel Increases High Funnel damage by 30%: SPD -10 Funnel Box Increases High Funnel damage by 50%: SPD -10 Power Booster Enhances power: MEL +10, RNG +10, SPD +20, HP +100, EN +2 Zeta Booster Enhances Speed: MEL +20, RNG +20, SPD +60, HP +200, EN +2 Double Booster Enhances output: MEL +30, RNG +50, SPD +40, HP +300, EN +3 Burning Booster Enhances melee potential: MEL +100, SPD +50, HP +250, EN +2 Defender Unit Enhances Durability: RNG +20, AMR +30, SPD -30, HP +400, EN +2 Master Wing Wing imbued with evil: MEL +30, RNG +30, AMR +30, SPD +80 Zero Wing Total immunity to special attacks: AMR +30, SPD +120 Death Cloak Total immunity to special attacks: AMR +80, SPD +70 Fin Funnel +50% Funnel power, sp-effects immunity: AMR +50, SPD +50 Power Device Improves melee attack effectiveness: MEL +5 Power Device II Improves melee attack effectiveness: MEL +10 Power Device III Improves melee attack effectiveness: MEL +30 Sensor Plus Improves ranged attack effectiveness: RNG +5 Sensor Plus II Improves ranged attack effectiveness: RNG +10 Sensor Plus III Improves ranged attack effectiveness: RNG +30 Acid Guard 50% chance of resisting Acid effects Acid Barrier Total immunity to Acid effects Heat Guard 50% chance of resisting Overheat effects Heat Barrier Total immunity to Overheat effects Short Guard 50% chance of resisting Short-Circuit effects Short Barrier Total immunity to Short-Circuit effects Perfect Guard Total immunity to Acid/Heat/Short-Circuit effects Mind Guard 50% chance of resisting Fear/Stun/Daze effects Mind Barrier Total immunity to Fear/Stun/Daze effects Shock Absorber 50% chance of resisting Hurt/Hurt+ effects Power Absorber Total immunity to Hurt/Hurt+ Pilot Guard Total immunity to Fear/Stun/Daze/Hurt/Hurt+ effects Psycommu Increases the pilot's Mind by 10% Bio-Sensor Increases the pilot's Mind and Reflexes by 10% Psyco-Frame Increases the pilot's Mind by 20% Zero System Increases the pilot's Reflexes by 20% Recovery System Rear HP Recovery increasted by 5% in battle Recovery System II Rear HP Recovery increasted by 10% in battle Recovery System III Rear HP Recovery increasted by 20% in battle Maintenance System Cures MS effects when in Rearguard in battle Medical System Cures pilot effects when in Rearguard in battle Back Charge +1 bonus to Energy recovery rate when in Rearguard Front Charge +1 bonus to Energy recovery rate when in Frontline Charge Plus +1 bonus to additional Energy from "Charge" command Internal G System Compact G System which provides abundant energy: EN+2, +1 EN per turn, +1 EN per charge Energy Capacitor Converts offensive power into Energy: EN+1, MEL -15, RNG -15 Internal Propellant Grants a +1 bonus to initial Energy: SPD -10 HP Parts Increases HP Total: HP +50 HP Parts II Increases HP Total: HP +100 HP Parts III Increases HP Total: HP +200 Extra Armor Improves defensive potential: AMR +5 Extra Armor II Improves defensive potential: AMR +10 Extra Armor III Improves defensive potential: AMR +30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --SWORDS ```````` Acid Sword ```````` ATK 25 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` SP: Acid ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Knife ```````` ATK 200 ```````` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Pick ```````` ATK 32 ```````` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Saber ```````` ATK 98 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Sword ```````` ATK 60 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Saber ```````` ATK 110 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Saber II ```````` ATK 160 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Saber ```````` ATK 60 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` SP: Overheat ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Shotel ```````` ATK 177 ````*``` EN 1 ```**``` ```*```` SP: Overheat ```**``` ````*``` ```````` ```````` Heat Sword ```````` ATK 27 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` High Output Beam Saber ```````` ATK 200 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` Hyper Beam Saber ```**``` ATK 300 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` Large Beam Sword ```**``` ATK 235 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` Large Heat Shotel ````*``` ATK 288 ```**``` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` SP: Overheart ```**``` ````*``` ```````` ```````` Ninja Sword ```````` ATK 50 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` SP: Acid ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Saber ```*```` ATK 265 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Plasma Saber ```````` ATK 62 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` SP: Short ```````` ```````` ```````` Samurai Blade ```````` ATK 250 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` SP: Hurt ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Zeta Gundam Saber ```````` ATK 180 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` --AXES ```````` Beam Scissors ``****`` ATK 380 ``****`` EN 2 ``*````` ``*````` SP: Fear ``*````` ``*````` ``*````` ```````` Beam Scythe ``***``` ATK 290 ``*````` EN 2 ``*````` ``*````` SP: Fear ``*````` ``*````` ```````` ```````` Beam Tomahawk ```````` ATK 255 ``**```` EN 2 ``***``` ```**``` ````*``` ````*``` ```````` ```````` Beam Tomahawk Sword ```````` ATK 340 ```**``` EN 2 ```**``` ```**``` ``****`` ``****`` ```````` ```````` Heat Hawk ```````` ATK 18 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Hawk Kai ```````` ATK 90 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` ``***``` SP: Overheat ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Tomahawk ```````` ATK 163 ```````` EN 2 ``****`` ``****`` SP: Overheat ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heavy Hammer ```````` ATK 199 ``****`` EN 3 ``****`` SPD -80 ```**``` SP: Stun ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` High Heat Hawk ```````` ATK 205 ``***``` EN 2 ``***``` ``***``` SP: Overheat ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Iron Axe ```````` ATK 10 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Heat Hawk ```````` ATK 145 ````*``` EN 2 ```***`` ```**``` SP: Overheat ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Tomahawk ```````` ATK 42 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` ``***``` ```*```` ```````` ```````` --SPEARS ```*```` Beam Glaive ```*```` ATK 310 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 10 ```*```` SP: Hurt ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` Beam Javelin ```````` ATK 105 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 8 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Beam Lance ```**``` ATK 210 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` AMR 12 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` Beam Naginata ```````` ATK 99 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 10 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ``***``` Beam Trident ``***``` ATK 350 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 15 ```*```` SP: Hurt ```*```` ``***``` ``***``` ```````` Drill Lance ``***``` ATK 240 ``***``` EN 3 ``***``` AMR 10 ```*```` SP: Defense Down 30% ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Heat Lance ```*```` ATK 230 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 7 ```*```` SP: Overheat ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` Heat Naginata ```*```` ATK 175 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 6 ```*```` SP: Overheat ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Heavy Lance ```*```` ATK 90 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 3 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Impact Lance ```**``` ATK 200 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` AMR 10 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` Iron Spear ```````` ATK 58 ```*```` EN 1 ```*```` AMR 3 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` --GUNS ```````` Acid Machine Gun ```````` ATK 12 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ```**``` SP: Acid ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Enhanced Machine Gun ```````` ATK 88 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Atomic Bazooka ```````` ATK 600 ```````` EN 5 *******` *******` SP: Overheat ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Bazooka ```````` ATK 30 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Cannon ```````` ATK 190 ```````` EN 3 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Gun ```````` ATK 35 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Launcher ```````` ATK 200 ```````` EN 3 `*****`` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Machine Gun ```````` ATK 105 ```````` EN 1 ```````` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Pistol ```````` ATK 100 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 95 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Shot Rifle ```````` ATK 285 ```````` EN 2 `******` ```****` SP: -30% Armor ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Spraygun ```````` ATK 23 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Bullpup Machine Gun ```````` ATK 58 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Buster Rifle ```````` ATK 290 ```````` EN 3 ```****` *******` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Clay Bazooka ```````` ATK 175 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Dobergun ```````` ATK 360 ```````` EN 3 `******` ```****` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 255 ```````` EN 3 `````*`` `******` `````*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Drum Machine Gun ```````` ATK 45 ```````` EN 1 ``***``` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Flame Launcher ```````` ATK 99 ```````` EN 4 ``*****` `******` SP: Overheat ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Giant Bazooka ```````` ATK 65 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Giant Bazooka Kai ```````` ATK 168 ```````` EN 2 ``****`` ```*`*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Rifle ```````` ATK 110 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Rifle II ```````` ATK 150 ```````` EN 2 ````*``` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heat Machine Gun ```````` ATK 70 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ```*```` SP: Overheat ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` High Output Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 195 ```````` EN 2 ```**``` `*****`` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` High Power Machine Gun ```````` ATK 128 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyaku Shiki Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 172 ```````` EN 2 ````**`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Bazooka ```````` ATK 120 ```````` EN 2 ``****`` ```***`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Bazooka II ```````` ATK 195 ```````` EN 2 `*****`` ```***`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Mega Launcher ```````` ATK 300 ```````` EN 4 *******` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 180 ```````` EN 2 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Light Beam Gun ```````` ATK 32 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Long Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 215 ```````` EN 3 ````**`` `******` ````**`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Long Range Rifle ```````` ATK 99 ```````` EN 3 ```**``` `*****`` SP: Defense 30% Down ```***`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Long Rifle Gun ```````` ATK 135 ```````` EN 3 ```***`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Machine Gun ```````` ATK 10 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Machine Gun Kai ```````` ATK 29 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Magella Top Cannon ```````` ATK 33 ```````` EN 3 ``****`` `````*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Mega Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 300 ```````` EN 3 `````*`` *******` `````*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Missile Launcher ```````` ATK 75 ```````` EN 3 ``***``` ``*````` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Bazooka ```````` ATK 280 ```````` EN 2 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Nu Gundam Rifle ```````` ATK 200 ```````` EN 1 `******` `````*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Plasma Railgun ```````` ATK 92 ```````` EN 2 ``****`` ````**`` SP: Short ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Railgun ```````` ATK 82 ```````` EN 2 ``****`` ````**`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Rod Type Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 28 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` FIG 5 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Shotgun ```````` ATK 70 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``***``` SP: -30% Armor ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Small Beam Rifle ```````` ATK 133 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Sniper Rifle ```````` ATK 70 ```````` EN 2 ```````` ``****`` SP: Stun ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Sniper Rifle II ```````` ATK 160 ```````` EN 2 ```````` `*****`` SP: Stun ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` SUBROC Gun ```````` ATK 16 ```````` EN 1 ``**```` ```**``` SP: -30% Speed ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Twin Buster Rifle ```````` ATK 480 ```````` EN 4 ```***** ******** ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` VSBR ```````` ATK 320 ```````` EN 3 *******` ``*****` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Zaku Machine Gun ```````` ATK 5 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Zeta Gundam Rifle ```````` ATK 155 ```````` EN 1 ```````` `******` ```````` ```````` ```````` --SHOULDER MOUNTED ```````` Active Cannon ```````` ATK 215 ```````` EN 1 ``****`` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Cannon ```````` ATK 120 ```````` EN 3 `*****`` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Burning Vulcan ```````` ATK 100 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Beam Cannon ```````` ATK 180 ```````` EN 4 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Cannon ```````` ATK 100 ```````` EN 4 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gatling Cannon ```````` ATK 210 ```````` EN 3 `******` `******` SP: Overheat ```***`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Grand Cannon ```````` ATK 295 ```````` EN 5 `````*** ******** SP: Overheat ``````*` ```````` ```````` ```````` Guncannon ```````` ATK 60 ```````` EN 3 ``****`` ````**`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Heavy Machine Cannon ```````` ATK 165 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Hyper Cannon ```````` ATK 420 ```````` EN 5 ``*****` *******` `````*`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Beam Cannon ```````` ATK 230 ```````` EN 4 `````**` `******` ````***` ```````` ```````` ```````` Long Cannon ```````` ATK 160 ```````` EN 4 `******` `******` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Machine Cannon ```````` ATK 135 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Mega Beam Cannon ```````` ATK 550 ```````` EN 5 ````**** ******** SP: Short ````**** ```````` ```````` ```````` Overhand Cannon ```````` ATK 400 ```````` EN 4 `****``` `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Shining Vulcan ```````` ATK 80 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Small Cannon ```````` ATK 40 ```````` EN 3 ``***``` ````*``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Sniper Cannon ```````` ATK 150 ```````` EN 3 ````**`` `******` SP: Stun ````**`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Spray Launcher ```````` ATK 108 ```````` EN 3 ``***``` ``***``` SP: Overheat ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` Xamel Cannon ```````` ATK 220 ```````` EN 6 ``*````` *******` SP: -30% Armor `*****`` ```````` ```````` --ARM WEAPONS ```````` Arm Beam Gun ```````` ATK 60 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Gatling ```````` ATK 70 ```````` EN 1 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Launcher ```````` ATK 80 ```````` EN 2 ``***``` AMR 6 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Machine Gun ```````` ATK 18 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Machinegun Kai ```````` ATK 80 ```````` EN 1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Missile ```````` ATK 45 ```````` EN 2 ```````` AMR 3 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Arm Missile Kai ```````` ATK 90 ```````` EN 2 ```````` AMR 10 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Gatling Gun ```````` ATK 198 ```````` EN 1 ```***`` AMR 38 `*****`` ```***`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Beam Gun ```````` ATK 120 ```````` EN 1 ``****`` AMR 15 ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Gatling Gun ```````` ATK 297 ```````` EN 2 `******` `******` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Double Beam Gun ```````` ATK 220 ```````` EN 2 `*****`` `*****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` --ARM GUARDS ```````` Arm Guard ```````` AMR 12 ```````` SPD -10 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Burning Guard ```````` AMR 20 ```````` SPD -16 ```**``` FIG 40 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Buster Guard ```````` AMR 40 ```*```` SPD -18 ```*```` ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` Double Armor Guard ```````` AMR 35 ```````` SPD -15 ```````` ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Dragon Fang ```````` AMR 30 ```**``` SPD -15 ```**``` FIG 50 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Knuckle Guard ```````` AMR 3 ```````` SPD -4 ```**``` ATK 8 ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Knuckle Guard Kai ```````` AMR 12 ```````` SPD -7 ```**``` ATK 15 ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Metal Guard ```````` AMR 3 ```````` SPD -1 ```````` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Metal Guard II ```````` AMR 7 ```````` SPD -4 ```````` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Shining Guard ```````` AMR 12 ```````` SPD -10 ```**``` FIG 20 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Wing Guard ```````` AMR 25 ```````` SPD 0 ``***``` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` --SHIELDS ```````` Battle Shield ```````` AMR 25 ```````` SPD -8 ```**``` FIG 10 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Battle Shield Kai ```````` AMR 25 ```````` SPD -8 ```**``` FIG 25 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Beam Cannon Shield ```````` AMR 70 ``***``` SPD -8 ``***``` ATK 180 ``***``` EN 1 ``***``` ``***``` ```````` ```````` Front Type Shield ```````` AMR 25 ```````` SPD -15 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gatling Shield ```````` AMR 16 ```**``` SPD -10 ```**``` ATK 60 ```**``` EN 1 ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gelgoog Shield ```````` AMR 30 ```**``` SPD -20 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gelgoog Shield Kai ```````` AMR 35 ```**``` SPD -1 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Shield ```````` AMR 40 ```````` SPD -5 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Gundam Shield II ```````` AMR 45 ```**``` SPD -12 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Large Missile Shield ```````` AMR 48 ``****`` SPD -40 ``****`` ATK 188 ``****`` EN 2 ``****`` ```````` ```````` ```````` Launcher Shield ``*`*``` AMR 75 ``***``` SPD -25 ``***``` ATK 230 ``***``` EN 2 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` Light Shield ```````` AMR 38 ```````` SPD -3 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Medium Shield ```````` AMR 10 ```````` SPD -8 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Mega Cannon Shield ```````` AMR 40 ``***``` SPD -15 ``***``` ATK 135 ``***``` EN 2 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Metal Shield ```````` AMR 5 ```````` SPD -2 ```*```` ```*```` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Metal Shield II ```````` AMR 8 ```````` SPD -6 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Missile Shield ```````` AMR 22 ```````` SPD -20 ``***``` ATK 88 ``***``` EN 1 ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Prototype Shield ```````` AMR 25 ```````` SPD -15 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Small Shield ```````` AMR 18 ```````` SPD -1 ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` ```````` Tallgeese Shield ```````` AMR 65 ```*```` SPD -8 ``***``` ``***``` ``***``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Titans Shield ```````` AMR 55 ```**``` SPD -30 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Titanium Shield ```````` AMR 15 ```````` SPD -3 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Titanium Shield Kai ```````` AMR 34 ```````` SPD -6 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ```````` ```````` Zeta Gundam Shield ```````` AMR 52 ```**``` SPD -3 ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```**``` ```````` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII. Enemy List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Name HP XP CR Dropped Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 001 Type 61 Tank 25 1 1 Repair Kit, Regeneration Kit 002 Type 61 Tank Kai 35 3 4 Repair Kit, Regeneration Kit 003 Magella Attack 40 5 3 Repair Kit, Mazara Top Gun 004 Magella II 55 30 37 Magella Top Cannon, Repair Kit 005 Prototype Zaku 45 8 6 Repair Kit, Iron Axe 006 Zaku I 60 10 7 Zaku Armor R, SOS Signal Flare 007 Zaku Tank 30 9 9 Repair Kit, Regeneration Kit 008 Zaku II 60 20 9 Zaku Machine Gun, ECAP (S) 009 Zaku Cannon 50 25 13 Zaku Shield L, ECAP (S) 010 Boost Gouf 360 80 75 Gouf Data 011 Shield Zaku 35 40 15 Zaku Shield R, Zaku Shield L 012 Zaku Sniper 130 50 25 Zaku II Special Data 013 Acid GM 50 30 12 Cleansing Fluid, Acid Machinegun 014 GM Tank 35 40 15 GM Data, ECAP (S) 015 Zaku Marine Type 55 40 18 Acid Sword, SUBROC Gun 016 Acguy 60 50 30 Speed Kit, Mobility Upgrade Kit 017 Gogg 220 150 105 Repair Kit DX, ECAP (S) 018 Repair GM 180 35 30 Repair Kit DX, ECAP (S) 019 Desert Zaku 120 55 30 Coolant, Smoke Bomb 020 Gouf Tank 70 50 37 Gouf Data, ECAP (S) 021 Light Armor 75 65 45 Speed Kit, Light Beam Gun 022 Counter Zaku 150 70 60 Metal Guard, ECAP (S) 023 Spear Gouf 400 250 150 Gouf Data, ECAP (S) 024 Grenade Zaku 90 60 42 Zaku Armor L, Attack Upgrade Kit 025 Speed Cannon 100 70 52 GM Arm R, GM Arm L 026 MP Guntank 75 40 22 Sedative Med, Healing Med 027 Zaku Charge 160 60 30 Zaku Spikes R, EN Pack 028 Mirror Gouf 230 150 150 Heat Rod Arm R, Handgun Arm L 029 Heavy Gouf 350 200 60 Heavy Handgun Arm R, Add. Armor 030 Metal Zaku 40 2000 15 ECAP (S), Smoke Bomb 031 Mega Cannon 500 400 100 Guncannon Data, ECAP (S) 032 Guntank 750 600 300 ECAP (S), Missle Arm L 033 Dark Guard 470 300 50 ECAP (S), Attack Upgrade Kit 034 Dark Leader 420 300 60 Tomahawk, ECAP (S) 035 Dark Shooter 200 90 37 Metal Shield, Gatling Arm R 036 Dark Bomber 90 100 37 Cleansing Fluid, Dom Legs 037 Dark Soldier 250 120 30 Gouf Spikes L, Gouf Data 038 GM Sniper 220 130 52 X-Ray Scope, ECAP (S) 039 Death Army 290 150 75 Death Army Data, Sedative Med 040 Leo 180 130 80 Repair Kit DX, Drum Machinegun 041 Shield Dom 120 180 90 Hizack Shield L, Hizack Shield R 042 Buster Zaku 300 300 120 Zaku Spikes Kai L, Zaku Spikes Kai R 043 Gyan 470 500 225 Gyan Data, ECAP (S) 044 Golden GM 300 10 1000 ECAP (S), Smoke Bomb 045 GM Slasher 240 160 75 GM Command Arm R, GM Command Arm L 046 Mirror Cannon 380 400 225 Double Cannon, Guncannon Legs 047 Barrier Dom 240 500 300 Dom Arm R, ECAP (S) 048 Dom Knuckle 1300 600 400 Hizack Spikes R 049 Gyan Launcher 690 450 450 Spray Launcer, ECAP (S) 050 Dom Tank 80 100 37 Dom Data, ECAP (S) 051 Gouf Hammer 650 800 0 Heavy Hammer 052 Cold Climate GM 225 160 150 Repair Kit DX, Maintenance Kit 053 Arctic Zaku 205 140 112 Repair Kit DX, Fuse 054 Arctic Leader 290 300 112 Repair Kit DX, Restorative Drink 055 Speed Armor 200 250 100 Fuse, Mobility Upgrade Kit 056 Plasma Dom 370 260 195 Fuse, Plasma Saber 057 Gouf Custom 530 320 187 Gatling Shield, Arm Gatling 058 Defender 320 400 375 Armor Kit, High Armor Kit 059 Gyan Lancer 930 700 450 ECAP (S) 060 Shot Killer 460 500 150 Guncannon Arm R, Guncannon Arm L 061 Barrier Gelgoog 1000 650 225 ECAP (S) 062 Full Armor Dom 1400 800 450 Extra Armor II 063 Gelgoog Cannon 1380 900 330 Gelgoog Special Data, Beam Naginata 064 Kaempfer 1825 1500 800 ECAP (S), Shotgun 065 Cold GM Kai 250 330 150 Repair Kit DX, Restorative Drink 066 GM Sniper II 390 450 450 GM Sniper Legs, X Ray Scope 067 Guncannon II 470 480 300 Guncannon Arm R, Guncannon Arm L 068 High Repair GM 390 400 75 Repair Kit DX, Repair Unit 069 Hizack 380 450 110 Hizack Data, Hizack Spikes L 070 Nemo 420 420 180 Stealth System, Restorative Drink 071 Marasai 480 550 300 Marasai Spikes L, Marasai Spikes R 072 Hizack Kai 660 600 225 Hizack Data, Beam Launcher 073 Asshimar 850 800 375 Large Beam Rifle, High Armor Kit 074 Psychic Zaku 570 1000 750 EN Pack, ECAP (S) 075 Hyper Z'Gok 290 520 300 I.Z.C. L, Improved Z'Gok Claw R 076 Blue Gogg 245 490 375 Improved Z'Gok Claw L, I.Z.C. R 077 Full Guard Zaku 210 600 375 Heat Machine Gun, Armor Upgrade Kit 078 Gelgoog Gunner 470 650 375 Gelgoog Arm R, Gelgoog Arm L 079 Death Hizack 480 540 400 Death Army Data, Rod Type Beam Rifle 080 Death Marasai 570 700 450 Death Army Data, Large Heat Hawk 081 Death Dias 660 850 500 Death Army Data 082 FA Death Army 570 800 800 Death Army Data 083 Dark Mark II 950 3000 700 Death Army Data 084 Zaku Shotel 1800 1000 800 EN Pack, ECAP (S) 085 Death Knuckle 520 750 400 Death Army Data 086 Death Counter 600 900 400 Death Army Data 087 Death Gatling 570 650 450 Death Army Data 088 Death Cannon 800 770 450 Death Army Data 089 Death Shield 450 800 450 Death Army Data 090 Death Vulcan 480 700 500 Vulcan Arm L, Vulcan Arm R 091 Death Claw 630 1000 500 Z'Gok Claw R, Z'Gok Claw L 092 Death Rocket 630 1200 500 Launcher Arm L, Death Army Data 093 Death Sickle 700 1500 500 Zakrello Sickle R, DA Data 094 Death Drill 700 1300 500 Drill Claw R, Death Army Data 095 Death Wing 600 1800 150 Death Army Data 096 Death Guardian 480 680 225 DA Data, Rod Type Beam Rifle 097 Gundam Head 940 1000 0 Regeneration Kit DX 098 Giga Tank 430 550 150 Long Cannon, ECAP (S) 099 Barrier Marasai 610 770 300 Plasma Railgun, Marasai Data 100 Death Knight 850 800 225 Death Army Data 101 Shot Killer II 730 870 350 Nemo Data, Restorative Drink 102 Kamikaze Raven 1 750 2000 ECAP (S), EN Pack 103 Dark Qubeley 1500 800 700 Qubeley Data 104 Gaplant 1100 950 400 Repair Unit DX, Medical Nanotech 105 Messala 1200 1000 450 ECAP (S), Restorative Drink 106 Zarth Guard 4000 2000 375 EN Pack 107 Zarth Guard II 4900 2500 375 EN Max 108 Dreissen 2000 3500 600 SOS Signal Flare 109 Dowadge Kai 800 900 400 Heat Tomahawk, Dowadge Thruster R 110 High Speed Nemo 440 850 225 Nemo Data, Small-sized Beam Rifle 111 Flame Cannon 950 920 350 Sniper Cannon, Heat Machine Gun 112 All-Repairer 720 620 300 Repair Unit DX, Repair Unit SP 113 Psychic Zaku II 600 1050 400 Attack Upgrade Kit, Funnel Pod 114 Serpent 2000 1350 500 Repair Unit DX, Armor Upgrade Kit 115 Black Xamel 7200 3000 750 ECAP (S), Armor Upgrade Kit 116 Battle Asshimar 970 1200 400 Large Beam Rifle, High Armor Kit 117 Zarth Guard III 4100 2000 500 ECAP (S), Medical Nanotech 118 Blue Cannon 780 1100 375 Double Beam Cannon, ECAP (S) 119 Shot Killer III 910 2050 930 Restorative Drink DX, Armor Up. Kit 120 Dijeh 1950 1400 375 Armor Upgrade Kit, ECAP (S) 121 Gatling Zaku 5000 2500 1000 Zaku Shield III R, Zaku Shield III L 122 Shield Zaku Kai 800 1300 300 Hizack Shield R, Hizack Shield L 123 Hyper Tank 900 1500 100 Repair Kit DX 124 Burst Tank 310 580 450 Coolant, Heat Guard 125 Marasai Custom 900 1000 500 Marasai Shield R, Marasai Shield L 126 Gold Command 900 50 5000 ECAP (S), Smoke Bomb 127 Blue Hizack 950 2000 540 Rick Dias Data, Heat Naginata 128 Blue Zock 1845 3000 500 ECAP (S), EN Max 129 Zaku Shotel II 1845 2000 450 Large Heat Shotel, ECAP (S) 130 Metal Hizack 600 20000 30 ECAP (S), Smoke Bomb 131 Guard Lancer 1350 1500 375 Armor Upgrade Kit, ECAP (S) 132 Great Dias 7000 2000 75 Armor Upgrade Kit 133 Blue Leo 5000 2000 150 Repair Kit, Drum Machinegun 134 Space Leo 700 1300 300 Repair Kit DX, Repair Unit 135 Red Dreissen 910 1500 400 Tri-gun Arm L, Tri-gun Arm R 136 Zeong 4500 5000 1500 Repair Unit DX, Mind Guard 137 Speed Lancer 950 1600 450 Mobility Up. Kit, High Power Wing 138 Psyco G. MA (Moon)12000 8000 1500 Restorative Drink DX, Res. Drink SP 139 Giga Crusher 770 1600 600 ECAP (S), Repair Unit 140 Claw Messala 870 1400 600 Restorative Drink DX, Servicing Nano 141 Killer Gaplant 810 1450 525 Restorative Drink DX, Medical Nano. 142 Dark Leo 1800 4000 150 Repair Kit DX, Repair Kit SP 143 Dark Serpent 2700 5000 450 Repair Unit DX, Restorative Drink SP 144 Dark Tallgeese 18000 15000 5000 Power Absorber 145 Qubeley Gamma 4500 5000 1125 Medical Nano., Restorative Drink SP 146 Perfect Zeong G 13500 12000 2250 Medical Nano., Restorative Drink SP 147 Zeong Gamma 7200 10000 1500 Medical Nano., Restorative Drink SP 148 Psyco Gundam G 40000 30000 2000 SOS Signal Flare 149 Zaku III 890 1800 525 Zaku Shield III R, Zaku Shield III L 150 MP Bawoo 950 1700 600 Bawoo Data 151 Mind Killer 860 2300 800 Tri-gun Arm R, Tri-gun Arm L 152 Black Lancer 1000 2200 750 R-Jarja Arm L, R-Jarja Arm R 153 Dark Cannon 850 2100 900 Repair Kit DX, Repair Kit SP 154 Dark Dreissen 950 2000 900 Dreissen Armor L, Dreissen Armor R 155 Heavy Shield 650 1900 750 Marasai Shield R, Marasai Shield L 156 Bawoo 1500 2450 900 Power Booster, Bawoo Data 157 R-Jarja 1750 2700 900 R-Jarja Shield L, R-Jarja Shield R 158 Zaku III Custom 1250 2500 870 Zaku Spikes III R, Zaku Spikes III L 159 Barrier Claw 3000 2300 500 High Power Claw R 160 Re-Gelg 5000 2700 1200 Re-Gelg Thruster R, Re-G. Thruster L 161 Psychic Zaku III 3000 3000 800 Mother Funnel 162 Final Guard 4000 4000 1000 Buster Guard, EN Max 163 Psyco G. MS (Moon)25000 10000 1500 Restorative Drink DX, Res. Drink SP 164 Black Cannon 3600 2000 200 Nothing 165 Black Gundam 6000 3000 600 Nothing 166 Black Full Armor 7000 3500 300 Nothing 167 Black Dias 5000 3500 400 Nothing 168 Black Hyaku Shiki 12000 4000 4000 Nothing 169 Black Mk-II 9000 5000 700 Nothing 170 Black Zeta 15000 10000 2000 ECAP (S) 171 Black ZZ 18000 20000 5000 Double Armor Guard 172 Zock Kai 4500 2000 500 ECAP (S), High Power Kit 173 Xamel Kai 7200 2500 1000 ECAP (S), High Armor Kit 174 Apsalus Kai 9000 3000 1500 ECAP (S), High Speed Kit 175 Big Zam Kai 9000 4000 2000 ECAP (S), EN Max 176 Devil Gundam 10000 10000 2000 Nothing 177 Gundam Heavyarms 13000 20000 4000 Double Gatling Gun 178 Gundam Sandrock 16000 20000 4000 EN Chrager 179 Deathscythe H Mt. 20000 25000 4000 EN Charger 180 Samurai Zaku 2750 10000 15 Regeneration Kit DX, Samurai Blade 181 Big Cannon 5500 10000 2000 Hyper Cannon 182 Drill Lancer 7000 10000 2000 Drill Lance 183 Metal Zaku King 5400 20000 750 Pilot Guard 184 Gold Nemo 13000 2000 30000 Perfect Guard 185 Perfect Zeong 7000 10000 2000 Charge Plus 186 Tallgeese 25000 10000 2000 Dobergun 187 Zaku (Arena) 700 200 0 Nothing 188 Gouf (Arena) 1000 300 0 Nothing 189 Dom (Arena A) 900 400 0 Nothing 190 Dom (Arena B) 1300 400 0 Nothing 191 Dom (Arena C) 1000 400 0 Nothing 192 Gyan (Arena) 2500 500 0 Nothing 193 Gelgogg S (Arena) 7000 2000 0 Nothing 194 Hizack (Arena A) 2000 800 0 Nothing 195 Hizack (Arena B) 2500 900 0 Nothing 196 Asshimar (Arena) 3500 1000 0 Nothing 197 Gaplant (Arena) 4500 1500 0 Nothing 198 Messala (Arena) 6000 1500 0 Nothing 199 Qubeley (Arena) 10000 5000 0 Nothing 200 Zaku Cancer 5400 1000 0 Nothing 201 Zaku Kanone 7000 1500 0 Nothing 202 Zaku Monster 9000 2000 0 Nothing 203 Nu Zaku 18000 10000 0 Nothing 204 Burning Gundam 45000 20000 0 Nothing Bosses: 205 Zaku I (Soldier) 50 10 18 Zaku Machine Gun, Iron Axe 206 Zaku II (Soldier) 220 150 50 Heat Hawk, Regeneration Kit 207 Gouf 900 400 200 Heat Sword, Gouf Spikes R 208 Guardian 130 75 0 Nothing 209 Z'Gok 500 300 200 Z'Gok Claw R, ECAP (S) 210 Zock 1000 600 300 ECAP (L), Energy Capacitor 211 GM Comm. (Tremmie) 600 300 0 Nothing 212 Xamel 2700 1500 900 ECAP (L), Xamel Cannon 213 Death Army SP 740 500 75 ECAP (S), Rod Type Beam Rifle 214 Black Assassin 1800 4000 1500 Ninja Sword, Kaempfer Spikes R 215 Guncannon(Li Fang) 1200 1000 0 Nothing 216 Gelgogg 930 800 300 Gelgogg Data 217 Apsalus 4500 5000 2000 ECAP (L), Enhanced Propellant 218 Big Zam 7000 7500 3000 ECAP (L), EN Charger 219 Qubeley 4500 4500 1000 EN Pack, Funnel Pod 220 Master Army 5000 5000 0 ECAP (S) 221 Grand Gundam 10000 7500 3000 Extra Armor III, Armor Upgrade Kit 222 Walter Gundam 10000 10000 5000 Sensor Plus III, Attack Upgrade Kit 223 Raven Gundam 11000 12000 5000 Power Device III, Mobility Up. Kit 224 Devil G. (Gustav) 15000 15000 3000 ECAP (L), Recovery System III 225 Altron Gundam 8000 8000 0 Nothing 226 Black Zaku 17000 20000 5000 Large-sized Beam Sword 227 Psyco Gundam MA L 12000 10000 0 Nothing 228 Altron (Beam Glv) 16000 20000 3000 Dragon Fang 229 Psyco Gundam MS L 25000 20000 5000 ECAP (L), EN Charger 230 Red Qubeley 11000 10000 3500 Funnel Container 231 Raven Red 11000 12000 0 Nothing 232 Walter Red 10000 10000 0 Nothing 233 Grand Red 10000 8000 0 Nothing 234 Devil Gundam Aeon 30000 30000 10000 ECAP (L) 235 Deathscythe Hell 20000 25000 4000 Beam Scissors 236 Master Gundam 20000 30000 6000 ECAP (L) 237 Alpha Azieru 32000 40000 10000 Nothing 238 Black Wing 35000 40000 10000 Twin Buster Rifle Secret Dungeon (Another G System) Enemies: 239 Hell Cannon 2700 3500 300 SOS Signal Flare, Hyper Cannon 240 Hell Gelgoog 3100 3500 400 SOS Signal Flare, Beam Glaive 241 Hell Kaempfer 2700 3500 400 SOS Signal Flare, Mega Cannon Shield 242 Hell Gundam 7200 20000 3750 EN Charger 243 Hell FA Gundam 9000 4000 400 Gatling Cannon, Double Beam Gun 244 Hell Marasai 4000 4000 500 SOS Signal Flare, Beam Tomahawk 245 Hell Hizack 3900 4000 500 SOS S.F., Large Missile Shield 246 Hell Dias 15000 5000 600 SOS Signal Flare, Beam Gatling Gun 247 Hell Mark II 13000 5000 500 Repair Kit SP 248 Hell Hundred 16000 5000 600 Restorative Drink SP 249 Hell Z Gundam 20000 10000 3000 Repair Unit SP 250 Hell Zaku III 4500 5000 600 SOS Signal Flare, Large Heat Shotel 251 Hell Dreissen 4900 5000 600 SOS Signal Flare, Drill Lance 252 Hell R-Jarja 5400 5000 700 SOS Signal Flare, Beam Trident 253 Hell ZZ Gundam 22000 10000 4000 Hyper Beam Saber 254 Hell Serpent 2700 3000 750 SOS Signal Flare, Double Gatling Gun 255 Hell Sandrock 35000 25000 5000 Large Heat Shotel 256 Hell Scythe 27000 25000 5000 Death Cloak 257 Hell Altron 25000 25000 5000 Dragon Fang 258 Hell Arms 28000 25000 5000 Double Gatling Gun 259 Hell Wing 32000 30000 6000 Zero Wing 260 Hell Tallgeese 36000 10000 3500 Dobergun 261 Hell Army 3400 3000 400 SOS Signal Flare, Repair Kit DX 262 Hell Shining 30000 20000 4000 Back Charge 263 Hell Burning 45000 30000 6000 Front Charge 264 Hell Gundam Head 2500 2000 400 SOS S.F., Restorative Drink DX 265 Hell Master 50000 30000 6000 Internal Propellant 266 Hell D Gundam 54000 30000 10000 Recovery System III 267 Hell Sazabi 45000 30000 8000 Beam Tomahawk Sword 268 Hell Nu Gundam 40000 30000 8000 Fin Funnel 269 Ultima Gundam 90000 32000 10000 ECAP (L) 270 Omega Gundam 90000 32000 10000 Master Gundam Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. Boss Patterns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss patterns and strategies are found below. Mind you, your pattern could turn out different if the enemy you're fighting has the ability to use techniques and/or boosts that increase Atk, Def, or Spd since they can react to you decreasing those. Apsalus: Turn 1: Ranged Attack - Output 100% Turn 2: Technique - Attack Up Turn 3: Boost - Maximum Output 250% Turn 4: Boost - Magnetic Storm Turn 5: Boost - Magnetic Storm Turn 6: Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 7: Technique - Full Charge Turn 8: Boost... (killed) (Beam Field the Turn 3 Boost, Defend the Turn 4 and 5 Boosts. I recommend switching out your back guys to take the damage for these 2 turns so your main damage dealers can really lay down the death and destruction on Turns 6, 7, and 8 to take it out. Aeon's Bit technique will do good damage against a single foe like this boss.) Big Zam: Turn 1 : Ranged Attack - Giant MP Cannon Turn 2 : Technique - Power Up Turn 3 : Boost - Beam Cannon x 28 Turn 4 : Boost - Beam Cannon x 28 Turn 5 : Boost - Earthquake Turn 6 : Ranged Attack - Beam Gun Turn 7 : Ranged Attack - Giant MP Cannon Turn 8 : Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 9 : Boost - Beam Cannon x 28 Turn 10: Boost - Beam Cannon x 28 Turn 11: Technique - Full Charge Turn 12: Boost - Gigantic Flame Turn 13: Boost - Beam Cannon x 28 Turn 14: Boost - Gigantic Burst Turn 15: Technique... (killed it) (This unit is immune to beam attacks, so don't bother using them. Melee, projectile-firing weapons, and techniques work best. All of it's moves except for the Boost - Earthquake can be blocked by Aeon or Gavenger's Beam Field Boost, so make sure you have that ready at all times and you'll find this a pretty easy fight.) Zock Kai x2: Turn 1 : Boost - Phonon Storm, Boost - Phonon Storm Turn 2 : Boost - Mega-Wave, Boost - Mega-Wave Turn 3 : Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon, Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon Turn 4 : Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon, Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon Turn 5 : Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon, Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon Turn 6 : Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon, Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon Turn 7 : Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon, Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon Turn 8 : Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon Turn 9 : Ranged - Phonon Maser Cannon Turn 10: Ranged - Mega Particle Cannon (After the first 2 turns, this fight is pathetically easy. You can have Aeon Beam Field one of the 2 Boosts. I recommend the Turn 2 one with the build I had for her as seen in Configure #9. After that, they just repeat between the Turn 3 and 4 ranged attacks.) Xamel Kai x2: Turn 1 : Boost - Super-Cannon Burst, Technique - Terror All Turn 2 : Boost - Missile Barrage, Boost - Super-Cannon Burst Turn 3 : Boost - Super-Cannon Burst, Boost - Missile Barrage Turn 4 : Ranged - Missile Launcher, Boost - Super-Cannon Burst Turn 5 : Boost - Missile Barrage, Ranged - Missile Launcher Turn 6 : Technique - Full Charge, Boost - Missile Barrage Turn 7 : Boost - Missile Barrage, Technique - Full Charge Turn 8 : Boost - Missile Barrage, Boost - Missile Barrage Turn 9 : Technique - Terror All, Boost - Missile Barrage Turn 10: Boost - Missile Barrage, Technique - Terror All Turn 11: Boost - Super Cannon Burst, Boost - Missile Barrage Turn 12: Ranged - Missile Launcher, Boost - Super Cannon Burst Turn 13: Boost - Super Cannon Burst, Ranged - Missile Launcher Turn 14: Technique - Full Charge, Boost - Super Cannon Burst Turn 15: Technique - Terror All, Technique - Full Charge Turn 16-30 repeat the pattern of 1-15 (This is a little trickier due to the fact the Xamels perform different moves. On the definite plus side is the fact that these bosses are *not* immune to Acid, Overheat, or Short-Circuit. Abuse this fact and remember that Fritz's Chaff Field will protect you. If you'll notice from the pattern, the 2nd Xamel Kai always does what the first Xamel Kai did the previous turn. Note, if you use Terror on the Xamel Kai before it can do Full Charge, that will change the pattern.) Apsalus Kai x2: Turn 1 : Technique - Power Up, Technique - Power Up Turn 2 : Boost - Maximum Output 250%, Boost - Maximum Output 250% Turn 3 : Boost - Maximum Output 250%, Technique - Shock All Turn 4 : Ranged - Output 100%, Ranged - Output 100% Turn 5 : Boost - Magnetic Storm , Boost - Output Limit 400% Turn 6 : Ranged - Output 100%, Boost - Maximum Ouput 250% Turn 7 : Technique - Full Charge, Ranged - Output 100% Turn 8 : Boost - Maximum Output 250%, Boost - Magnetic Storm Turn 8b : Technique - Power Up, Boost - Magnetic Storm Turn 9 : Technique - Shock All, Ranged - Output 100% Turn 9b : Boost - Maximum Output 250%, Ranged - Output 100% Turn 10 : Ranged - Output 100% , Technique - Full Charge Turn 10b: Technique - Shock All, Technique - Full Charge Turn 11 : Boost - Output Limit 400% , Boost - Maximum Output 250% Turn 11b: Ranged - Output 100%, Boost - Maximum Output 250% Turn 12 : Boost - Maximum Output 250%, Technique - Shock All Turn 12b: Boost - Output Limit 400%, Technique - Shock All Turn 13 : Ranged - Output 100%... (killed it) Turn 13b: Boost- Maximum Output 250%, Ranged - Output 100% Turn 14b: Ranged - Output 100% Turn 15b: Boost - Magnetic Storm Turn 16b: Ranged - Output 100% Turn 17b: Technique - Full Charge Turn 18b: Boost - Maximum Output 250% (Man, talk about a complicated pattern. You can change it up some if you can land an Offense Hack on the first Apsalus. On turn 8, it will do a Power Up and that will delay each of it's following moves by 1 turn, thus getting more in a pattern with the second Apsalus. I did this fight a second time, thus the b pattern just to try and figure it out but didn't see any concrete proof of repeating.) Big Zam Kai x2: Turn 1 : Ranged - Giant MP Cannon, Ranged - Giant MP Cannon Turn 2 : Boost - Earthquake, Boost - Earthquake Turn 3 : Ranged - Giant MP Cannon, Ranged - Giant MP Cannon Turn 4 : Ranged - Giant MP Cannon, Ranged - Giant MP Cannon Turn 5 : Boost - Earthquake, Boost - Earthquake Turn 6 : Boost - Gigantic Burst, Boost - Gigantic Burst Turn 7 : Technique - Full Charge, Technique - Full Charge Turn 8 : Boost - Gigantic Flame, Boost - Gigantic Flame Turn 9 : Ranged - Giant MP Cannon, Ranged - Giant MP Cannon Turn 10: Ranged - Giant MP Cannon, Ranged - Giant MP Cannon Turn 11: Boost - Earthquake, Boost - Earthquake Turn 12: Boost - Earthquake, Boost - Earthquake Turn 13: Technique - Full Charge, Technique - Full Charge Turn 14-26 repeat the pattern of 1-13, same for 27-39 (Basic strategy will get you through this fight. Beam Field the Non-Earthquake Boosts, Defend during those, land Attack Down and Speed Down on the enemy while buffing your own guys with Armor Up and Speed Up. The difference in Speed will effect being hit with criticals and landing your own. A level 30 Tremmie with the ability to Charge Aeon will keep you in Beam Fields indefinitely, while Tristan does the melee damage.) Walter Gundam: Turn 1 : Ranged - Double Claw Beam Turn 2 : Technique - Power Up Turn 3 : Technique - Over-Charge Turn 4 : Boost - Walter Fang Turn 5 : Boost - Walter Fang Turn 6 : Technique - Terror All Turn 7 : Boost - Walter Fang Turn 8 : Boost - Walter Fang Turn 9 : Boost - Rolling Attack Turn 10: Technique - Terror All Turn 11: Technique - Power Up Turn 12: Ranged - Claw Beam Turn 13: Boost - Walter Fang Turn 14: Boost - Rolling Attack Turn 15: Technique - Full Charge Turn 16: Boost - Walter Fang Turn 17: Boost - Walter Fang Turn 18: Technique - Terror All Turn 19: Boost - Walter Fang Turn 20: Boost - Walter Fang (This fight was beatable on Turn 3 with Configure 10, but I decided to play around to see if there was a specific pattern here. I never saw one, but this fight should be a piece of cake with Gatling Fire abuse.) Grand Gundam: Turn 1 : Ranged - Guncannon Turn 2 : Ranged - Guncannon Turn 3 : Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 4 : Boost - Grand Press Turn 5 : Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 6 : Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 7 : Technique - Armor Up Turn 8 : Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 9 : Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 10: Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 11: Boost - Grand Press Turn 12: Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 13: Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 14: Technique - Armor Up Turn 15: Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 16: Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 17: Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 18: Technique - Defense Jammer (Reduced him to 50% hp) Turn 19: Technique - Over-Charge Turn 20: Boost - Grand Thunder Turn 21: Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 22: Boost - Grand Cannon (Another turn 3 battle if you use Configure 11. Aeon, Bazuli, and Fritz unleashing 3 Gatling Fires will be the end to this guy. I just kept defending to see what he'd do but there wasn't a specific pattern aside from the Grand Press/Thunder followed by 2 Grand Cannons.) Raven Gundam: Turn 1 : Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 2 : Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 3 : Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 4 : Ranged - Raven Dart Turn 5 : Ranged - Raven Dart Turn 6 : Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 7 : Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 8 : Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 9 : Melee - Raven Kick Turn 10: Ranged - Raven Dart Turn 11: Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 12: Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 13: Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 14: Melee - Raven Kick Turn 15: Melee - Raven Kick Turn 16: Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 17: Boost - Raven Tornado (Raven Dart is bloackable by Chaff Field, the rest requires Barrier Field. Configure 11 proves it's power once again. If you want to play around some, having Aeon use her System Hack Boost while Fritz uses his Over-Boost will make him pretty indestructable.) Devil Gundam (Gustav): Turn 1: Technique - Self-Evolution Turn 2: Technique - Self-Evolution Turn 3: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 4: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 5: Technique - Self-Multiplication Turn 6: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 7: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 8: Technique - Overcharge (knocked down to under 50% hp) Turn 9: Boost - Demonic Attack (The DG doesn't get serious until you damage it for more then half it's health, so all you need to do is System Hack it, buff your own guys, charge to full, and unleash 3 Gatling Fires to wipe it out.) Black Zaku: Turn 1: Ranged - Dobergun Turn 2: Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 3: Ranged - Dobergun Turn 4: Boost - Shot Burst Turn 5: Technique - Full Charge Turn 6: (defeated) (Sonic Blaster is melee based while Shot Burst is beam based, so block with the cooresponding fields if you want to protect your MS from the group attacks.) Psyco Gundam MS (Lapis): Turn 1 : Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 2 : Boost - Scattering Beam Blast Turn 3 : Technique - Confuse Mind Turn 4 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 5 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 6 : Ranged - Double Hand Beam Turn 7 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 8 : Technique - Confuse All Turn 9 : Boost - Scattering Beam Blast Turn 10: Technique - Confuse Mind Turn 11: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 12: (defeated) (This can be a tough fight if you don't buff up. On turn one, make sure to do a Armor All on your guys to negate the Defense Jammer that's about to hit. On Turn 2, I highly recommend having everyone defend. After that, continue to buff and heal, dealing damage via your best Boosts when you have the EN.) Raven Red x2: Turn 1 : Boost - Gatling Kick, Technique - Offense Jammer Turn 2 : Technique - Shock All, Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 3 : Boost - Raven Tornado, Technique - Shock All Turn 4 : Boost - Wind Fire, Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 5 : Technique - Shock All, Boost - Wind Fire Turn 6 : Boost - Gatling Kick, Technique - Shock All Turn 7 : Boost - Wind Fire, Boost - Gatling Kick Turn 8 : Technique - Offense Jammer, Boost - Wind Fire Turn 9 : Boost - Wind Fire, Technique - Offense Jammer Turn 10: Boost - Raven Tornado, Boost - Wind Fire Turn 11: Boost - Raven Tornado, Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 12: Technique - Full Charge, Boost - Raven Tornado Turn 13: Boost - Gatling Kick, Technique - Full Charge (Turn 14-25 repeat the pattern of 2-13. The 2nd Raven Red does the same move that the 1st Raven Red did the turn before it in the pattern. Be very liberal in your use of techniques. Lapis' System Hack Boost in conjunction with Tremmie's Speed All Technique will enable you to go before the enemy, thus negating the use of it's Shock All technique. The Raven Tornado Boosts are it's weakest attack, so that's when I recommend you pummel the enemy.) Walter Red x2: Turn 1: Technique - Power Up, Technique - Power Up Turn 2: Boost - Walter Fang, Boost - Walter Fang Turn 3: Ranged - Claw Beam, (defeated second) Turn 4: Ranged - Double Claw Beam Turn 5: Boost - Rolling Attack Turn 6: Boost - Walter Fang Turn 7: Technique - Power Up Turn 8: (defeated first) (This fight is a ton easier then the first. Speed All with Tremmie, Armor All with Bazuli, and Charge Lapis on Turn 1. Turn 2, I had Tremmie and Bazuli Defend while Lapis used her System Hack Boost on the 2nd Walter Red. Turn 3, I brought Fritz up from the back to have him and Bazuli use Gatling Fire Boosts on the 2nd Walter Red with Tremmie doing Power All before them. Death to the 2nd Walter before it could even attack. Piece of cake from there.) Grand Red x2: Turn 1 : Melee - Megaton Punch, Melee - Megaton Punch Turn 2 : Boost - Grand Cannon, (defeated 2nd) Turn 3 : Boost - Grand Cannon Turn 4 : Boost - Grand Press Turn 5 : Boost - Grand Thunder Turn 6 : Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 7 : Boost - Grand Thunder Turn 8 : Boost - Grand Press Turn 9 : Technique - Armor Up Turn 10: (defeated first) (Harder then the Walters, but still easier then the Ravens. I did Power All with Tremmie and had Bazuli and Fritz Charge to 10 EN on Turn 1. On Turn 2, I brought in Li Fang to Defend while Bazuli and Fritz hit the 2nd Walter with Gatling Fires, destroying it. The rest was a piece of cake again.) Mt. Trial - Devil Gundam x2: Turn 1: Technique - Self-Evolution, Technique - Self Evolution Turn 2: Ranged - Shoulder Beam, (second destroyed) Turn 3: Ranged - Shoulder Beam Turn 4: Boost - Demonic Attack (Goes before all but Speed attacks) Turn 5: Technique - Self Multiplication (Revived the 2nd Devil Gundam) Turn 6: Ranged - Shoulder Beam (This is the 2nd Devil Gundam, defeated first) Turn 7: Boost - Demonic Attack (Went with the same Power All, Charge, Charge as the Grand Reds. Since they buffed themselves, I brought in Lapis on Turn 2 for Defense Jammer. Turn 3, I have Lapis and Bazuli Charge while bringing in Tremie to use her Charge Technique on Bazuli so he could Gatling Fire with Lapis on Turn 4, along with Tristan doing a Hyper-Charge in place of Tremmie. The Devil Gundam's Demonic Attack hit and heated Tristan so his move was a waste, allowing it to live to Turn 5, when I used Fritz's Mega-Grenade, Bazuli's Giga-Bomber, and Tristan's Fin Funnel to take out the first, but only after it'd brought back the second! "Luckily" it attacked Tremmie with the Turn 7 Demonic Attack after she'd already done her Plasma Lancer Boost so Fritz and Bazuli finished it off) Nu Zaku: Turn 1: Tech - Terror All Turn 2: Boost - Ultimate Weapon Turn 3: Tech - High Funnel Turn 4: Tech - High Funnel Turn 5: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 6: Boost - Quick Shot (The Ultimate Weapon did 3k to an Armored Up and Defending Fritz, so basically it's going to hit whoever it kills. Since I couldn't do a Full Regenerate with Fritz dead, this fight took a couple extra turns since on turn 3 and 4, Fritz was rekilled with the High Funnel attack. All in all, not that scary.) Burning Gundam: Turn 1 : Boost - Over-Boost Turn 2 : Melee - Burning Finger Turn 3 : Boost - Shoot All Turn 4 : Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 5 : Boost - Quick Shot Turn 6 : Boost - Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 7 : Boost - Gatling Punch Turn 8 : Boost - Shoot All Turn 9 : Etc - Defend Turn 10: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 11: Boost - Shoot All Turn 12: Boost - Counter-Zone Turn 13: Melee - Burning Finger Turn 14: Boost - Explosion Turn 15: Boost - Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 16: Boost - Gatling Punch Turn 17: Etc - Defend Turn 18: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 19: Boost - Shoot All Turn 20: Ranged - Burning Vulcan Turn 21: Boost - Explosion Turn 22: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 23: Etc - Defend Turn 24: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 25: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 26: Boost - Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 27: Boost - Gatling Punch Turn 28: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 29: Boost - Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 30: Boost - Gatling Punch Turn 31: Boost - Shoot All Turn 32: Etc - Defend Turn 33: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 34: Boost - Shoot All Turn 35: Boost - Counter-Zone Turn 36: Melee - Burning Finger Turn 37: Boost - Explosion Turn 38: Boost - Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 39: Boost - Gatling Punch Turn 40: Etc - Defend Turn 41: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 42: Boost - Shoot All Turn 43: Ranged - Burning Vulcan Turn 44: Boost - Explosion Turn 45: Boost - Quick Shot Turn 46: Etc - Defend (defeated) (Starting at turn 28, the Burning Gundam began to repeat it's moves from Turn 5 to 27, though destroying it on turn 46 (same as 23) means I was 4 turns shy of checking the entire pattern. This fight is insane. Don't waste time with trying System Hack since the Over-Boost it does on Turn 1 is unremovable. I tried 4 System Hack Boost Attacks with Lapis without any change. I hope you stocked up on Repair Unit, Regeneration Kit DX, and Restorative Drinks while at Unicorn HQ since you'll use several if you try this pre-45ish. Fritz is the key with his Regenerate Full technique, Repair Full technique, and Chaff Field Boost Attack to block damage from Shoot All and Explosion.) Gold Nemo: Turn 1 : Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 2 : Boost - Intercept Snipe Turn 3 : Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 4 : Boost - Intercept Snipe Turn 5 : Boost - Intercept Snipe Turn 6 : Boost - Explosion Turn 7 : Boost - Full Charge Turn 8 : Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 9 : Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 10: Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 11: Boost - Intercept Snipe Turn 12: Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 13: Boost - Explosion Turn 14: Technique - Full Charge Turns 15-27 repeat Turns 2-14 (My revised strategy is to use my group hit boosts on turn 1 and 3 to wipe out the Great Diases, healing up on Turn 2 as necessary. Knowing the Gold Nemo's pattern means he's harmless once you take out a few of his minions.) Tallgeese: Turn 1: Ranged - Dobergun Turn 2: Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 3: Boost - Explosion Turn 4: Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 5: Boost - Shot Burst Turn 6: Boost - Sonic Blaster Turn 7: Boost - Sonic Storm (Be prepared for lots of group attacks from the Tallgeese. If you can take out the Leos early with Shoot All and Shot Burst, this fight will be a breeze.) Metal Zaku King x3: Turn 1 : E - Charge, T - Giga-Bomber, T - Offense Jammer Turn 2 : T - Giga-Bomber, E - Charge, E - Charge Turn 3 : E - Defend, T - Giga-Bomber, T - Offense Jammer Turn 4 : T - Giga-Bomber, T - Giga-Bomber, T - Giga-Bomber Turn 4 : (First destroyed.), T - Offense Jammer, B - Sonic Storm Turn 5 : T - Giga-Bomber, T - Giga-Bomber Turn 6 : T - Giga-Bomber, E - Defend Turn 7 : T - Giga-Bomber, T - Offense Jammer Turn 8 : T - Offense Jammer, T - Giga-Bomber Turn 9 : (Second destroyed.), T - Giga-Bomber Turn 10: T - Giga-Bomber Turn 11: (Last destroyed.) (Though they're metal, attacks like Gatling Fire will still make mince-meat out of them. Hands down the easiest of the three SERs if you've leveled up and already beaten the game once.) Psyco Gundam G: Turn 1 : Ranged - Enhanced Beam Barrage Turn 2 : Boost - Scattering Beam Blast Turn 3 : Boost - Scattering Beam Blast Turn 4 : Ranged - Double Hand Beam Kai Turn 5 : Ranged - Double Hand Beam Kai Turn 6 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 7 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 8 : Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 9 : Ranged - Double Hand Beam Kai Turn 10: Ranged - Double Hand Beam Kai Turn 11: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 12: Boost - Scattering Beam Cannon Turn 13: (Defeated it.) (The Gamma PG is scary. You *must* defend on Turn 2 and 3, switching out probably all 3 MS between Turn 2 and 3. Use Tristan's Repair All Full on Turn 4 while laying on your best Boost Attacks then bring in 2 other MS to do the same on Turn 5. The Scattering Beam Cannon isn't as deadly as the Blast, but I recommend defending during it to rebuild TP without too much risk. Again, you'll likely have to switch out MS on Turn 7 or 8. Lay down as much damage as you can on Turns 9 and 10 while healing with Tristan again. I was sufficiently healed that I did some Boost Attacks on Turn 11 and 12 along with Defending to weaken it enough for the kill on Turn 13.) Hell Sandrock, Hell Arms: Turn 1 : Technique - Armor All, Technique - Power All Turn 2 : Boost - Sonic Blaster, Boost - Gatling Body Turn 3 : Melee Large Heat Shotel, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 4 : Boost - Sonic Boom, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 5 : Ranged - Head Vulcan, Boost - Explosion Turn 6 : Boost - Sonic Blaster, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 7 : Technique - Offense Jammer, Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 8 : Boost - Sonic Boom, Technique - Power All Turn 9 : Ranged - Head Vulcan, Boost - Gatling Body Turn 10: Boost - Sonic Blaster, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 11: Melee - Large Heat Shotel, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 12: Boost - Sonic Boom, Boost - Explosion Turn 13: Melee - Large Heat Shotel, Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 14: (Sandrock destroyed) , Technique - Defense Jammer Turn 15: Technique - Power All Turn 16: Boost - Gatling Body Turn 17: Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 18: Ranged - Double Gatling Gun Turn 19: Boost - Explosion (The pattern seems to begin repeating from 15-28 same as 1-14. The Hell Arms is the more dangerous of the two, so I'd recommend taking it out first.) Hell Altron, Hell Scythe: Turn 1 : Boost - Over-Boost, Boost - System Crack Turn 2 : Melee - Beam Trident, T - Confuse All Turn 3 : Ranged - Head Vulcan, Boost - Sonic Boom Turn 4 : Boost - Voltic Lancer, Boost - Sonic Boom Turn 5 : Ranged - Head Vulcan, Boost - Chaff Field Turn 6 : Boost - Lightning Lancer, T - Confuse All Turn 7 : Melee - Beam Trident, Boost - Sonic Boom Turn 8 : Boost - Counter Zone, Boost - Beam Field Turn 9 : Boost - Lightning Lancer, Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 10: Melee - Beam Trident, Boost - System Crack Turn 11: Ranged - Head Vulcan, T - Confuse All Turn 12: Boost - Voltic Lancer, Boost - Barrier Field Turn 13: Ranged - Head Vulcan, Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 14: Melee - Beam Trident, Boost - Sonic Boom Turn 15: Boost - Lightning Lancer, T - Confuse All Turn 16: Ranged - Head Vulcan, Ranged - Head Vulcan (Destroyed Scythe) Turn 17: Boost - Over-Boost Turn 18: Melee - Beam Trident Turn 19: Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 20: Boost - Voltic Lancer Turn 21: Ranged - Head Vulcan Turn 22: Boost - Lightning Lancer Turn 23: Melee - Beam Trident Turn 24: Boost - Counter Zone Turn 25: Boost - Lightning Lancer (Turn 17-32 seems to repeat 1-16. I recommend taking out the Scythe first since it's Confuse All and Field boosts can prove very annoying.) Hell Tallgeese, Hell Wing: Turn 1: Ranged - Dobergun, Ranged - Twin Buster Rifle Turn 2: Boost - Giga-Crush, Boost - Snipe Assist Turn 3: Boost - Snipe Assist, Boost - Giga-Crush Turn 4: Ranged - Dobergun, Technique - Operation Jammer Turn 5: Technique - Defense Jammer, Ranged - Machine Cannon Turn 6: Ranged - Dobergun, Boost - Explosion Turn 7: Boost - Explosion, Etc - Charge Turn 8: Etc - Charge, Boost - Quick Shot (Turns 9-16 and 17-24 repeat. This fight is easier then the last 2 with the simple pattern. I recommend taking out the Wing first.) Hell Shining, Hell Burning: Turn 1 : Ranged - Shining Vulcan, Boost - Shot Burst Turn 2 : Boost - Shin Hosho-Ken, Ranged - Burning Vulcan Turn 3 : Ranged - Shining Vulcan, Boost - Counter Zone Turn 4 : Boost - Shot Burst, Ranged - Burning Vulcan Turn 5 : Technique - Shock All, Boost - Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 6 : Melee - Shining Finger, Ranged - Burning Vulcan Turn 7 : Boost - Counter Zone, Boost - Shot Burst Turn 8 : Boost - Deadly Assault, Technique - Shock All Turn 9 : Melee - Shining Finger, Melee - Burning Finger Turn 10: Boost - Shot Burst, Boost - Counter Zone Turn 11: Ranged - Shining Vulcan, Boost - Deadly Assault Turn 12: Boost - Counter Zone, Melee - Burning Finger (Turns 13-24 repeat Turns 1-12, also note that the Hell Burning is repeating the pattern of the Hell Shining 3 turns delayed. I.E. Hell Burning's Turn 4 is the same as Hell Shining's Turn 1, etc, etc. Take out the Shining first since it's the weaker of the two.) Hell Master: Turn 1 : Technique - Over-Charge Turn 2 : Technique - Negative Force Turn 3 : Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 4 : Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 5 : Boost - Majin-Rambu Turn 6 : Boost - Defensive Formation Turn 7 : Melee - Darkness Finger Turn 8 : Technique - Negative Force Turn 9 : Boost - Majin-Rambu Turn 10: Boost - Majin-Rambu Turn 11: Boost - Tenha-Majin-Ken Turn 12: Boost - Defensive Formation Turn 13: Melee - Darkness Finger Turn 14: Technique - Negative Force Turn 15: Boost - Defensive Force Turn 16: Boost - Defensive Force Turn 17: (Defeated) (No visible pattern in the time I was fighting him. He regains 500 HP a turn, so try to make sure you continue to deal damage every change you get. On Turn 3-5 and 9-11, what worked for me was having all 3 of my characters doing EN9 and EN10 boosts, knowing one would die to begin with, then having both the remaining 2 units using Regeneration Kit DXs on the downed pilot. I'd lose one but always bring back the other, so I'd have 2 up at all times.) Hell D Gundam: Turn 1 : Boost - Wild Attack Turn 2 : Boost - Shi-no-Moko Turn 3 : Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 4 : Boost - Shi-no-Moko Turn 5 : Boost - Wild Attack Turn 6 : Boost - Wild Attack Turn 7 : Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 8 : Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 9 : Boost - Shi-no-Moko Turn 10: Boost - Wild Attack Turn 11: Boost - Wild Attack Turn 12: Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 13: Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 14: Melee - Shoulder Claw Turn 15: Boost - Shi-no-Moko Turn 16: Boost - Wild Attack Turn 17: Boost - Wild Attack Turn 18: Technique - Full Charge (Turn 19-36 repeat 1-18. Shi-no-Moko will always go first, so I just had my three scrubs use the cheap Regeneration Kits on each other. MS #1 uses on MS #2, MS #2 uses on MS #3, MS #3 uses on MS #1. This way, you'll have all 3 guys up after the turn is over. I kept Tristan slower then the Hell D Gundam so he could use Repair Full All on the same turn as the Wild Attack, restoring my guys to full HP while they Defended, Charged, or attacked with Gatling Fire. The Melee turns were basically freebies that allowed Tristan a chance to attack if his EN was at 10.) Hell Sazabi, Hell Nu Gundam: Turn 1 : Technique - High Funnel, Ranged - Nu Gundam Rifle Turn 2 : Boost - Beam Field, Boost - Explosion Turn 3 : Boost - Final Impact, Boost - Snipe Assist Turn 4 : Ranged - Internal MP Cannon, Techinuqe - Fin Funnel Turn 5 : Ranged - Beam Shot Rifle, Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 6 : Boost - Barrier Field, Melee - Nu Gundam Saber Turn 7 : Boost - Chaff Field, Boost - Explosion Turn 8 : Ranged - Internal MP Cannon, Technique - Fin Funnel Turn 9 : Boost - Final Impact, Boost - Snipe Assist Turn 10: Technique - High Funnel, Boost - Counter Snipe Turn 11: Boost - Barrier Field, Melee - Nu Gundam Saber Turn 12: Boost - Beam Field, Boost - Explosion Turn 13: Boost: Chaff Field, Ranged - Nu Gundam Rifle Turn 14: Melee - Beam Tomahawk Sword, Boost - Snipe Assist Turn 15: Technique - High Funnel, Ranged - Nu Gundam Rifle Turn 16: Boost - Beam Field, (Hell Nu Destroyed) Turn 17: Boost - Final Impact Turn 18: Ranged - Internal MP Cannon Turn 19: Ranged - Beam Shot Rifle Turn 20: Boost - Barried Field Turn 21: Boost - Chaff Field Turn 22: Ranged - Internal MP Cannon Turn 23: (Hell Sazabi Destroyed) (After the past battle, this one will be a breeze once you know their moves, as listed above. I recommend taking out the Hell Sazabi first though it has 5k more HP. My reason is that you can have your guys defend the Nu Gundam's Explosion move and they'll all survive even if it criticals, but even when you defend on the Sazabi's Final Impact boost attack, someone dies. The turns seem to repeat 15-28 though I didn't verify this.) Ultimate Gundam, Omega Gundam Turn 1 : Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 2 : Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 3 : Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 4 : Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 5 : Beam Field, Deadly Assault Turn 6 : Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 7 : Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 8 : Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 9 : Chaff Field, Deadly Assault Turn 10: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 11: Barrier Field, Deadly Assault Turn 12: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 13: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 14: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 15: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 16: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 17: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 18: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 19: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 20: Beam Field, Deadly Assault Turn 21: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 22: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 23: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 24: Barrier Field, Deadly Assault Turn 25: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 26: Beam Field, Deadly Assault Turn 27: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 28: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 29: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 30: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 31: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 32: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 33: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 34: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 35: Barrier Field, Deadly Assault Turn 36: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 37: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 38: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 39: Chaff Field, Deadly Assault Turn 40: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 41: Barrier Field, Deadly Assault Turn 42: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 43: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken Turn 44: Arm Snipe, Counter Zone Turn 45: Omega Blast, Shot Burst Turn 46: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 47: Technique - Full Charge, Technique - Full Charge Turn 48: Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken Turn 49: Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken (Omega Gundam Destroyed) Turn 50: Arm Snipe Turn 51: Omega Blast Turn 52: Beam Field Turn 53: Sonic Boom Turn 54: Ultimate Weapon Turn 55: Arm Snipe Turn 56: Chaff Field Turn 57: Omega Blast Turn 58: Barrier Field Turn 59: Ultimate Weapon Turn 60: Sonic Boom Turn 61: Arm Snipe Turn 62: Omega Blast Turn 63: Ultimate Weapon Turn 64: Sonic Boom Turn 65: Arm Snipe Turn 66: Omega Blast Turn 67: Chaff Field Turn 68: Sonic Boom Turn 69: Ultimate Weapon Turn 70: Arm Snipe Turn 71: Barrier Field Turn 72: Omega Blast Turn 73: Beam Field Turn 74: Ultimate Weapon Turn 75: Sonic Boom (No exact repeating pattern due to the Ultimate Gundam's use of Beam Field, Chaff Field, or Barrier Field. Aside from that difference, Turn 48-75 were repeating 1-47 until Turn 67 was a Chaff Field instead of a Beam Field. Aeon is a must for this battle though I did the other Hells without her. Make sure she has a Front Charge, Charge Plus, and Back Charge option parts equipped. To have any chance to survive, you need to have a ton of Regeneration Kits and three slow MS (SPD + Reflexes around 500) that will use the kits similiar to the Hell D Gundam fight during the Ultimate Weapon, Shin Hosho-Ken turns. Any Sonic Boom, Bakunetsu-Ken turn is a good one to toss up Barrier Field and slam the enemy since that'll deflect both attacks, and if you're using melee boosts, it will protect from the counterattack. I highly recommend taking out the Omega Gundam first. Don't be afraid to use your EN Charger items since this is the ultimate and final boss battle in the game.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X. FAQs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Q. Can I buy ECAP (S) or ECAP (L) anytime in the game? A. No. Though there are several units throughout the game that will drop the ECAP (S) items, there seems to be a limited amount of ECAP (L) items. After doing everything possible in the game, if you've made one of each Mobile Suit, while not making those you earn when people join you, you'll have four space ECAP (L)s. Q. How come my characters have different stats then those listed for yours? A. Stat gain for characters isn't set, but is instead a certain random amount for each stat and character. I've listed my character's stats for ease of comparison and to show what stats they dominate in. Q. How come there are some gaps in the character stats listing? A. Though a character will initially join at a set level, once that character *has* joined, even if they leave, they continue to get experience points, and thus will level when not in your party. I can only track the levels of a character when s/he is still in the party or rejoins it. Q. I can't find the Black Assassin. Where is it? A. If you didn't fight it when you first visited the area around Tohai, it's too late to get it. This appears to be the only missable enemy in the game and could keep you from getting all 270 Enemy Data. Q. I can't find . Where is it? A. If you'll look at my Enemy Data list, you'll see I've assigned each of them a number cooresponding to how they're listed in the game. By using the search option of your browser, usually via Ctrl F, you can search for that unit by it's #, using the format "#___", such as #014 to find the GM Tank. Bosses use the format "#B___" for units 205 through 238. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XI. Credits/Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to Bandai for not only making an enjoyable game, but finally deciding to bring one out here in English. Maybe we'll see a G Generation game someday. The Proloque at the start of the Walkthru section is taken from the instruction guide to help set the mood for the game. Thanks to Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) for his Wild Arms: Alter Code F FAQ which gave me the idea for reformating my town/dungeon/items list. Permission requested and granted for the similiar look in this new FAQ. Thanks to DaCidre for recommending the use of Quick Shot or Speed Lance boosts to take out Kamikaze Ravens before they can kill your guys. ASCII title created at: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ This entire document is (C)2005-06 by Michael Cox. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making reference to any material contained within. Only the site mentioned below has permission to do the above. Please email me at dragen@aol.com to enquire about gaining permission to use this document. www.gamefaqs.com - Thanks to Michael Sarich for this Copyright -