Soul Calibur 2 Berserker FAQ By Skyrax ( v0.1.5 -------------- UPDATE HISTORY -------------- 0.2: Added info in Combo section, added extra notes in "Who is Berserker?" section. Credits updated. 0.1.5: Added Berserker Vortex moves, info on throw mixups. 0.1: Initial draft -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Legend 3. Move List 4. Combo 5. Frequently Asked Questions 6. Credits/ Legal Info -------------- 1.INTRODUCTION -------------- -Why write a Berserker FAQ? For one thing, Berserker's moveset is not documented in the game in any modes. This, in addition to all the new stuff they've added over the original Soul Calibur makes Berserker an awkward choice to use. Hopefully this eases the transition. -Who is Berserker? Berserker is a new character added to the Japanese version of Soul Calibur 2. He was playable in that version only through a code. He was made playable normally in the US version. His lack of story, added to the fact that he can only be used in versus and practice modes, indicates that his presence is not SC2 canon (he has no voice, no backstory and no ending). Berserker's moves are based directly off Rock's moveset, which is in turn based off of Astaroth's, without some of the throws. And he's NOT Rock all gussied up in gladiator gear. Rock's whereabouts are not mentioned in Soul Calibur 2, but it is highly unlikely that he is Berserker. Berserker is too large, the weapon is not Rock's, and even though Rock may have gone to Rome (as may be evidenced by his SC1 level), I doubt he was enamored enough to change his entire getup and resort only to feral growls and hisses. This is not to say that Rock is dead. If the Soul Calibur 1 ending is anything to go by, he's very much alive. More than likely, however, Berserker is either another golem made by Fygul Cestemus or another cult (unlikely), or simply a warrior driven mad by a shard of the blade (this sounds more believeable). Either way, I don't see Berserker's origins resulting in fights breaking out. And on a side note, Berserker's weapon is named the Great Axe, which coincidentally also was Rock's Ultimate Weapon in the original Soul Blade. However, this might simply be a reference to the design of the Axe, since Rock's Great Axe was markedly different. -------- 2.LEGEND -------- You see your numeric pad often indicated on right side of keyboard? Well if you cannot see your number for some reason, here is another way to know what I'm talking about. 7 8 9 7 = up+back 8 = up 9 = up+forward 4 5 6 4 = back 5 = neutral 6 = forward 1 2 3 1 = down+back 2 = down 3 = down+forward A = Horizontal B = Vertical K = Kick G = Guard INPUT METHODS WC/FC = while crouching / fully crouched WR/WS = while rising / while standing 8WR = 8-way Run + = simultaneous input (i.e. A+B, B+K) ~ = slide input (accompanied by small letters, a~B, b~B, a~K, etc.) ( ) = optional input [ ] = hold button * = can be delayed _ = OR (as in either this direction OR that direction). HIT CATEGORIES L = low attack M = mid attack H = high attack SM = special mid attack (can be blocked high or low) UB = unblockable attack GB = guard break GI = guard impact with types of attacks specified SCUB = unblockable upon full (blue) Soul Charge EFFECTS Crumple after attack, enemy is falling to ground Collapse after attack, enemy is instantly on ground Turn Away after attack, enemy steps in another direction Launch after attack, enemy is in air for generic juggles Airlift after attack, enemy is in air, but little to no air time Bounce after attack, enemy bounces off the ground and into the air Low Fall after attack, enemy catches self near ground Knock Down after attack, enemy falls in a certain way, direction specified Spin after attack, enemy spins round, could be short or long Hop after attack, enemy holds their foot in pain and falls down 3. MOVELIST -------- THROWS -------- Notes: All of Berserker's grabs do 3 pts of damage when he touches them. This is before he starts the actual throw, so instead of doing 60 pts of damage on his Berserker Slam, he does 63. Berserker can also grab twice before doing anything. This means he can grab and change his mind on the throw to mess with the escape. For example, if the opponent has been escaping his berserker slam, Berserker can grab with A+G but change the throw to Berserker Crush. To change a throw, press A or B after A+G or B+G. If you press A+G, B, Berserker will perform his B+G throw instead. If you press A+G, A, Berserker will perform his A+G throw. If you press B+G, B, Berserker will perform his B+G throw. If you press B+G, A, Berserker will perform his A+G throw instead. You can also use this to mix up his crouching throw. If someone has been learning to crouch under your grabs and double grabs, you can surprise them. If you press A+G, 2A_2B, Berserker will perform a standing grab then a crouching grab. If you press B+G, 2A_2B, Berserker will perform a standing grab then a crouching grab. This does not work with his prone throws Get Up! and Berserker Dynamite. A+G: Berserker Slam -------------------- Escape: A when the throw connects -Berserker lifts the opponent up with one hand, and then slams them HARD. This throw can ring out. Not much to say about this, it's a throw. Use it when you want to set your opponent up for mind games, or if you want to ring them out. B+G: Berserker Crush -------------------- Escape: B when the throw connects -Berserker headbutts the opponent, forcing them to lie on the ground. He then readies himself and jumps on the opponent, landing in a sitting position. This throw does the same damage as the Berserker Slam, and doesn't ring out. It also makes Berserker switch sides with his opponent, which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on where you are. You don't want to end up with your back against the ring edge. 214B+G: Berserker Vortex ------------------- Escape: B when the throw connects -Berserker grabs the opponent with one hand, and tosses them straight up. The throw can not be Air Controlled out of. This is a multipart throw, and can be followed by the next move. (after Berserker Vortex)8_2A+B: Batter Up ----------------------------------------- -Berserker rears back and performs a powerful horizontal strike. This hit can ring out. By itself, Berserker Vortex is very similar to, if not identical to, Astaroth's B+G4. It doesn't do a whole lot of damage, and since Berserker doesn't have any midair grabs it may seem useless. This is not true. Vortex allows for some pretty decent combos, and the Batter Up hit is good for ringing out, as mentioned before. But don't rely on it for pure damage alone, or you'll be fighting a losing battle. Use it to mess further with your opponent's game by comboing it off your standing A, then adding a decent ender like 8WR 2_8B. Don't overdo it though. 3A+G: Berserker Driver ---------------------- -Berserker grabs his opponent by the waist and piledrives them into the dirt. This throw hits mid, and will ONLY catch a CROUCHING opponent. It only catches a croucher. If you use Berserker's throws to essentially force your opponent to crouch in anticipation, then use this once in a while. Or if the opponent whiffs a move that leaves them crouching. Don't expect to be abusing this a lot. 2A+G_B+G: Berserker Dynamite --------------------- Escape: B to escape 2A+G, A to escape 2B+G. The escape MUST be executed at the start of the throw. -Berserker grabs an opponent's leg and slams them twice into the ground, then swings them into the air, and upon landing they take damage. This move, despite how it looks, will not ring out. It does good damage, and has some pretty good moves it can come after. The opponent doesn't technically have to be lying fully on the floor. Berserker can nab them a slight inch or so above it. Strange. Left Side throw: Berserk Fling ----------------------------- Escape: depends on buttons used for throw. Must be done just before throw starts. -Berserker digs his horns into his foe, and then rears up, tossing them over his head. This move will ring out if Berserker's back is close enough to the ring edge. If you're good enough to expose your opponent's side and forget a combo to pull off, the grab is as good as any. Right Side Throw: Axe Slam -------------------------- Escape: depends on buttons used for throw. Must be done just before throw starts. -Berserker grabs his opponent with one hand, and slams them into the flat broad part of his axehead. He then lifts them up and throws them to the floor. The throw can ring out if Berserker is close enough to the edge. Ditto this throw. Good damage, but Berserker has problems getting the opponent to show their side due to his bulk. Rear Throw: Maximum Berserker ----------------------------- Escape: depends on buttons used for throw. Must be done just before throw starts. Can only be escaped by Voldo and Astaroth. -Berserker grabs the opponent in a vicious stranglehold. He lifts them up and performs a body drop. If you get the chance to do this, good. A few combos can leave the opponent's back open, or if they whiff a move (Cervantes 4B+K is one). 2A: Get Up! -------------------- Escape: Inescapable Note: Only works when opponent is prone. -Berserker kneels and forces a prone opponent to get up by lifting them to their feet with his blade. If you want to be merciful and just pick them up, I suppose this will suffice. It doesn't leave any room for any decent combos though. ------------- REGULAR MOVES ------------- ------------- HORIZONTAL (A) ------------- A: Single Slash ----------------- Property: H Note: Hold A to delay motion and add weight to swing. --Berserker swings his axe to the left. A bread and butter move. It's simple yet effective. Good for chipping away at the opponent while you choose to follow up with any of his options, like AB or A~214B+G. A~214B+G: Slash to Berserker Vortex ----------------------------------- Property, H,H Note: First hit can be delayed by holding A. Second motion can be done at any time until first hit fully connects. See Berserker Vortex for followup. -Berserker swings his axe to the left then suddenly reaches out and grabs the opponent. This move is useful for creating a surprise opportunity for a devastating combo or messing with the flow of an opponent. Since the grab motion can be delayed somewhat by execution, you can catch enemies off guard with careful use. A,A_[A]: Double Slash --------------------- Property: H,H Note: Both commands can be held for a Maximum Delay. If you give both commands maximum delay, then the property changes to H, UH. Second hit switches to Attack Throw on max charge and switches side with Berserker. -Berserker performs two side-to-side swings. The swings naturally combo, but they both hit high. Good for punishing sidesteppers, rather weak however. A,B: Cannon Swing ----------------- Command: A,B Property: H,M Note: Hold the A Button to delay the motion of the first attack. The second hit staggers blocking foes. The second hit may gut stun on counterhits. -Berserker performs a horizontal axe swing followed by a stab. This is also a natural combo. If you're stuck in a clutch situation, this simple combo can create the breathing room you need. Use it a lot. A,B,B: Cannon Thrust -------------------- Property: H,M,M Note: Hold A to delay first hit. -Berserker performs a horizontal swing followed by two axe stabs. Only the first two hits naturally combo. The last stab does not and will not, even on counterhit. It can be easily stepped and air controlled out of. So stick with the first two. 6A,B: Crater Grip ----------------- Properties: H,M Note: You can hold the B Button to delay the motion and increase the Second Hit's weight. Second hit staggers blocking foes. Second hit may or may not start juggling combos. -Berserker does an Axe Butt into an Axe Uppercut. Not one of the more effective moves because the first hit doesn't have good range. Yet it can combo on counterhit and it launches. Sadly not high enough for a move like 8WR 2_8B. 66A: Scythe Tap --------------- Property: M -Berserker performs a swing at the opponent's ribcage. This move, by itself, is not that great. The arc at which he swings it will ensure that you tag anyone sidestepping to Berserker's right, but it doesn't combo well and it's not exceptionally strong. On a counterhit it causes crumple stun, which has its uses... 66[A],B: Tornado Spike ---------------------- Properties: M,M Note: Second hit will Guard Break. If first hit is CH, second hit is inescapable. --Berserker performs a horizontal swing and then a crushing overhead blow. The second hit can Guard Break, but even if the opponent is hit normally by the first swing they can GI the second move. However if you catch them in a counter, the second hit is GUARANTEED. This is one of the moves that, when used at the right time, can turn the tide of a match and severely mess up your opponent's game. Newbies often quake in their boots at the sight of this move, but experienced players know how to get around it, so be careful. 3A: Typhoon ----------- Property: H Note: Hold A to delay and add weight. At max delay becomes UB H. -Berserker turns sideways slightly and charges up, then releases a massive sideways swing. It is hard to catch almost anyone with this move if you charge it. The basic uncharged version can be used a quick surprise move to catch someone off guard, or simply force them to block giving you time to reorient yourself. DO NOT abuse this move. 2A: Horizon (A Shin Slash) ------------------------- Property: L Note: Recovers crouching. -Berserker slashes at the opponent's feet. A weak low slash. It's useful for poking your opponent and forcing them to try and rush you, allowing you to counter accordingly. 1A: Cyclone ----------- Property: L Note: will trip opponent. -Berserker crouches low and spins round, axe outstretched. This move has surprisingly good range, and covers a 360 degree arc. If opponents see it coming they can block, but it makes a good soace-maker if you need it. 1[A], A: Double Cyclone ----------------------- Property: L,L Note: will trip opponent. -Berserker crouches low and spins round twice, axe outstretched. It takes a while to charge up, but if the first hit connects the second one is guaranteed, counter or no. Use it if you see the opening for it, otherwise don't bother. 1[A], B: Cyclone Smash ---------------------- Property: L,M Note: First hit trips. Even if first hit connects, second can be blocked -Berserker crouches low and spins round, axe outstretched, and then performs a crushing overhead blow. Pointless. The second hit is similar to his 66[A],B except it does less damage and doesn't Guard Break. And worse, it will never connect on anyone who knows how to block, even on counter. Stick with A,A. 4A: Reverse Break Axe --------------------- Property: H Note: Side-lunge Knockdown -Berserker performs a horizontal slash to the opponent's chest. It knocks down if you need it, but there are so many other options to do that. Don't bother. 4[A]: Switch Axe ---------------- Property: H Note Attack Throw. Will switch sides with Berserker. -Berserker performs a horizontal slash to the opponent's chest. Upon connecting, Berserker uses momentum to drag opponent to other side. If you wish to switch sides, then do this. It's not the greatest of moves, but it has its advantages, and since Berserker doesn't have B+K like Astaroth does, it's his only method, save throwing. 44A: Tomahawk ------------ Property: H Note: will cause opponent to spin. -Berserker charges up for a moment then performs a wide slash. It hss good range to tag sidesteppers. It causes a spin but doesn't allow any time for any guaranteed follow-ups, which means you'll both be back where you started. 44[A]: Tomahawk Spin -------------------- Property: H Note will cause opponent to spin multiple times. -Berserker charges even longer, and swings with more gusto. It does more damage and gives more spins. But you still can't get anything really worthwhile off it, except maybe 66B if your opponent doesn't react fast enough. 214A~214B+G: Spiral to Berserker Vortex -------------------------------------- Property: M,H Note: Can only be done up to and during first hit of Spiral. See Berserker Vortex for followup. -Berserker rears back and lets loose with a spinning attack, before stopping and grabbing the opponent. If you use this, be careful to follow it up with something for all that hard work. It's a decent mixup if alternated with 214AAAA, as the grab hits high, and the AAA series hits mid. However, simply doing the moves by themselves net little damage, so follow it up! 214A,A,A,A: Spiral ------------------ Property: M,M,M,M Note: Enables free movement in all 8WR directions while Berserker spins. -Berserker rears back and then lets loose with multiple spinning attacks. You can alter his trajectory the instant you complete the motion and before he starts swinging. You can also mix it up with his Berserker Vortex for fun. However do not abuse the move. It's all too easy for an opponent to simply block high and then escape the grab. It's no Poseidon Tide, so don't expect any fancy damage from the move. [G]7_8_9 L+A: Shin Slicer ------------------------- Command: [G]+u L+A Property: L -Berserker jumps, does nothing and then lands and performs a low shin slice. Good to avoid a low attack with style and counter with one of your own. 7_8_9A: Decapitator ------------------- Property: H Note: Staggers blocking foes -Berserker jumps and performs a wide swing to the left. Good to create space. Not recommended as a counter for low attacks because more often than not the opponent would be crouching too. But if you can do both, then cool. WS A: Reverse Spiral Axe ------------------------ Property: H Note: Staggers blocking foes and chest stuns foes on counterhits. A quick turnaround axe swing. If you duck under a high attack, you can use this to counter with authority. Don't try to do this move just for doing it: it hits high, so if an opponent crouched in anticipation of a low attack they're safe and can counter while you whiff the attack. It is good for tagging sidesteppers, as the actual move is quite fast. VERTICAL STARTING B: Overhead Smash ----------------- Property: M Note: Hold B to delay motion and add weight. Guard Break on SC. -Berserker performs a standing overhead downward swing with his axe. Basic swing. Bread and butter move, good for poking. B,A: Berserk Steer 1 -------------------- Property: M,M Note: The B Button Command can be held to delay the attack and to increase the weight of the move. Second hit side-staggers blocking foes. -Berserker does an overhead slash, and then pulls the opponent to the right side with a horizontal slash. It naturally combos, and if you alternate it with his other Berserk Steer you can use it to position your opponent as you wish. B,2A: Berserk Steer 2 --------------------- Property: M,M Note: Follow the same principle as with Berserk Steer 1. Same thing as with Berserk Steer Number 1, but steers to the left side. Use it for positioning and quick comboing. B,B: Double Threat ------------------ Property: M,M -Berserker does an overhead swing into a stab with his axe. It doesn't quite combo but it works more often than it should. It does a little more damage than the Berserk Steer, but I honestly wouldn't use this move over that one. B,B,B: Triple Threat -------------------- Property: M,M,M Note: cannot be delayed. -Berserker does an overhead swing into two forward stabs with his axe. Pointless. It doesn't combo, even on counter. Good if you want to pressure a blocking opponent and force them to GI, allowing a mixup. B6: Berserker Grip ------------- Properties: M Note: Hold the B Button to increase the weight of the attack with a Motion Delay. Staggers blocking foes. -Berserker hits the opponent with the butt of his axe. It's quick, and its range is very close range. Use it to punish someone who tries to remain in your face all the time. 6B: Axe Side Cannon ------------------- Property: M Note: Gut stun on counterhits and staggers blocking foes. -Berserker stabs the opponent in the gut with his axe. Good surprise move. Use sparingly, because like all vertical moves it can be sidestepped. 66B: Gravity Crash ------------------- Property: H Note: Staggers blocking foes. WARNING: FOES CAN CROUCH UNDERNEATH THIS MOVE! Guard Break on SC. -Berserker slides forward with his axe perpendicular to the ground to his with the blade. This is one of Berserker's all round best moves. Even though it hits high, it combos so well off of juggles and stuns, and comes out so damn quickly you would be a fool not to use it. In any situation where you gain a sudden advantage and don't know what to do, do this move. You could do SO much worse than this one. 3B: Axe Volcano --------------- Property: M Note: Hold B to motion delay and increase attack's weight. If you slight delay this move, then it will stagger blocking foes. On max delay turns to UB M. Press G to cancel if being delayed. It's hard to get anyone with the charged version, but if you do it launches high enough for a quick juggle. The basic version is a good move to pressure the opponent out of the ring. 2B: Mountain Crusher -------------------- Property: SM Note: You can hold the B Button to delay the motion of the attack and to increase the weight of the attack. UB M on SC. Recovers crouching. -Berserker performs a crouching overhead slash. This move is useful for punishing rising opponents or for faking out people who GI in anticipation of 3B. Otherwise, its close range and slow execution make it a risky choice in short range battle. 1B: Hill Crush -------------- Property: L Note: Recovers Crouching. Knocks opponent face down. -Berserker stabs deep and low. It is a good move to toss out once in a while, or to stop people to try to rush at you and slide kick you. It's unorthodox hit properties make it hard to use all the time. Can also ring out. 4B: Lion Fang ------------- Property: M Note: You can hold the B Button to delay the motion of the attack and increase the weight for even more damage. Motion delay version staggers blocking foes. -Berserker steps forward and performs a combination foot stomp and headbutt. I thought it useless at first, but the Lion Fang as very good close range potential. It instantly grounds opponents, giving the upper hand and it even has quite a few combo follow-ups. Nice. 44B: Berserk Hammer ------------------- Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foes. -Berserker holds his axe as high as he can and then slams it down. Surprisingly good range, but can be sidestepped with ease. Don't use it unless you're trying to show off. 44B, 2_8K: Hammer to Runabout ----------------------------- Property: M, M Note: Cannot be performed off delayed version. -Berserker raises his axe as high as he can, slams it down, and then runs about in a circle. If you miss with the first hit, this second hit allows you to push the opponent back. Or run all over them. Either is good. 44[B]: Berserk Crasher ---------------------- Property: UB M Note: Can be cancelled at any time before max by pressing G. Unless you're showing off, don't. Use the cancel to fake out opponents. Don't risk whiffing. [G]7_8_9, L+B: Hill Splitter ---------------------------- Property: M Note: Recovers crouching and staggers blocking foes. -A delayed leaping overhead crash. Good for avoiding low attacks in style. Also a decent fakeout. But merely average. 7_8B: Hill Chop --------------- Command: u+B Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foes -A faster leaping Siamese cut. Like it says, merely faster. Good to vary your game, but don't rely on it to win. 9B_[B]: Power Crash ------------------- Property: M Note: Hold B for delay and greater power. On max delay, Guard Break move. -Berserker takes a GIANT leap forward and crashes down with his axe. This move is good for avoiding attacks that would be troublesome otherwise (like Ivy's Serpent Embrace A+B when you're against a wall), but don't waste your time otherwise. It has noticeable startup, doesn't track, and it easily avoided by sidestepping and blocking .Cervantes can counter with B2, Astaroth can grab you, as can Ivy. Yoshi can 236B and beat you, as can Seung Mina with 9B+K. Astaroth and Berserker can even counter it with 6B+K. So, don't. Even as a Guard Break it doesn't offer much of an opportunity to follow it up. WS B: Coliseum Demolition ------------------------- Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foes. -Berserker jabs straight up with his axe while rising. Can be sidestepped. No real advantage to this move, as opposed to WS A or even FC B. KICKS K: Sole Butt ------------ Property: H Note: Hold the K button to delay the motion of the move and to increase the weight of the attack. On max delay, pushback knockdown. -Berserker performs a high forward kick. AS mentioned before, if you charge it it will knock the opponent down and send them sliding. It is not an Attack Throw like Astaroth's. Use it sparingly, like when you need to create space. K~B: Kneel Kick --------------- Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foes. -Berserker performs a side flip, hitting with his knee. This move is decent. It can also hit grounded opponents, and can sometimes track sidestepping opponents. Not worth the risk considering how you end up and the little damage it does. It can sometimes be used as a followup to 3B, but then again, there are other moves... 6K: Kneecap Butt ---------------- Property: M Note: Shove Knockdown on counterhits. -Berserker hops forward and smacks the opponent in the chest with his knee. This move launches on counterhit. And since Berserker doesn't have an air throw, you'll have to decide how best to follow up. It can ring out if you're very close to the edge. 66_[6]K: Shoulder Tackle ------------------------ Property: M Note: Hold the K button to delay the motion and to increase the weight of the move! You can also execute this move via WC 3K. The alternate version will stagger when blocked. At close range, move will knock opponent straight up to face facedown head towards Berserker. -Berserker performs a low football-style tackle. At a distance, this move will knock the opponent backwards, allowing you to ring out fairly well. When fully charged, at close range the opponent shoots up and falls behind Berserker. If you're deft(not daft!) enough, you can follow up with some good combos. It can be sidestepped once the move has started, but otherwise Berserker can track fairly well. A good move, but like I always say, don't rely on it. 3K: Shot Kick ------------- Properties: M Note: Hold K to delay and increase damage. -Berserker performs a straight kick. BY itself, it's a simple kick. It hits mid, which is good, but it is otherwise useless. Berserker's kicks are not his strength: don't go toe to toe using kicks. You'll lose. Badly. 3K,A: Kicking Vortex -------------------- Properties: M,H Note: If A is delayed, move changes from H to M. -Berserker performs a kick into a turnaround whack horizontal smash that sends the opponent flying to the left of Berserker. If You use this move a lot in your strategy, be sure to try and charge it from time to time. It not only messes up your opponent's timing, it forces them to play a guessing game. Also, the second hit can be used to position your opponent close to ring edges. 2K: Lion Kick -------------- Property: L Note: Recovers crouching -Berserker crouches and kicks his opponent's ankle. This move is a weak low that has less range than his FC A. It is quick, and I suppose if you want to give him a decent all-around workout then use it. But this isn't aerobics, it's a fight, so don't. 1K: Horizontal Clip ------------------- Property: L Note: Recovers Crouching -Berserker performs a sweep kick. Will not hit opponents lying on the ground. This movies decent for hitting close range sidesteppers, but even on counterhit it doesn't knock down. It's more annoying than anything else. But that doesn't make it a good move. 44_[4]K: Stomp Kick ------------------- Property: M Note: Staggers when blocked. -Berserker takes a step forward and stomps the ground with his right foot. Use to pressure your opponent if they block, or hit a grounded opponent. But there are always better options when moving back, like 44A or a G-cancelled 44[B] for playing games. [G]7_8_9~N K: Shin Buster Kick ------------------------------ Property: L Note: Knockdown on hit. -Berserker performs a delayed low kick. Good Lord, why bother? The only thing it has going for it is knockdown. However, when you consider the pithy range of the move, it means you have to get UP close. And unless you are MIGHTY sure of yourself and your skills, you don't want to be doing this. Avoid. Please avoid. 7_8_9 K: Gut Buster Sole Butt ----------------------------- Property: M -Berserker hops and kicks the opponent's chest. Whee. A hopping kick. Waste of a move. Doesn't track. Very vulnerable if blocked. Next. WS K: Round Kick ---------------- Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foe. -Berserker performs a kick that looks high but hits mid. It's a deceptive move in that it looks high but hits mid, and it can track as it's a spinning move. It also has a decent followup. WS K,A: Round Vortex -------------------- Properties: M,L Note: Both hits staggers blocking foes. -Berserker performs a deceptive kick and then a low spin slash that knocks the opponent off their feet. This move is not a natural combo, but at close range most opponent's won't think to block high then low, meaning you at least get one hit off usually. If they do block both, however, then don't use it again. Unless you know it won't be GI'ed. Then use it sparingly for pressure purposes. COMBINATION STARTERS A+B_9A+B: Storm Gust -------------------- Property: M Note: Staggers blocking foes. A+B swings opponents to Berserker's right, 9A+B to the left. At max range, axe knocks down opponent. -Berserker swings his axe in a wide horizontal arc. If the shaft of Berserker's axe hits the opponent, they will be stunned but remain standing. If they are hit by the blade of the axe, however, they will be sent flying in the direction the axe was swung. This makes an excellent opener as it immediately knocks the opponent down or forces them to go on the defensive. Use the alternate motions to position your opponent. And yes, it does ring out. 3A+B: Axe Tossup ---------------- Property: M Note: Hold A+B to delay motion and increase weight. At max, move knocks opponent over and behind Berserker. Guard Break at max delay with SC. -Berserker holds his axe parallel to the ground and pushes up and forward with the hilt. This move has lost the Attack Throw properties that Astaroth's had, and since he has no air throw, it limits his options after the move connects. It's alright to toss this out when you're against the edge, because on counter it will send them over Berserker's head and out of the ring. It also has a few follow ups for the quick of mind. 4A+B: Tidal Wave ---------------- Property: M Note: Guard Break with SC. -Berserker takes a step forward and performs a crushing hug. This move also has no Attack Throw properties. It is useful though: it knocks the opponent down, can ring out and has a good followup. 4A+B,K: Tidal Crash ------------------- Property: M,M Note: Hold K to delay motion. See Shoulder Tackle for more info. -Berserker performs a hug and then a Shoulder Tackle. In one seamless combo, Berserker dominates in pushback. I'm not saying this move is a whoreable move or it's a godlike one, but regardless of whether it's a counter or not, you will be able to hit with both hits assuming the opponent is not jumping. It also has crazy ringout potential. And all Shoulder Tackle advantages apply, such as the launching and whatnot. However, that assumes the first hit is blocked and the second isn't. A good move for Berserker, and Astaroth doesn't have it! 2A+K: Foot Sweep ---------------- Property: L Note: This version knocks down and can hit grounded opponents. -Berserker performs a foot sweep with his left foot. This move looks like Horizontal Clip in reverse. This is a very deceptive move. It looks like a Horizontal Clip in reverse, but does everything the Horizontal should have done. If you're into foot sweeps, then this is pretty much your only option. Use it wisely. 6B+K: Flying Press ------------------ Property: H Note: Hold B+K to delay motion and increase weight. Can GI. -Berserker jumps forward and attacks opponents by bodyslamming them. This move will GI any vertical that comes in contact with Berserker's chest while it glows purple. This includes stabbing moves, but not unblockables. On max charge, it has some nice followup moves as it knocks the opponent down but Berserker recovers faster. Use carefully. If blocked it takes a while to recover. It can also ringout, but don't be too close so you don't accidentally fall out yourself. 236B+K: Ultimate Cannon ------------------------ Property: UB M Note: During the motion, press G to cancel the move. -Berserker rears back and performs a massive fire-charged uppercut. If you G-cancel it, you can create some opportunities. If you actually get it to connect, then it has some awesome follow-ups that will pretty much guarantee victory, or at least a large lead. It can ring out. However, it's hideously slow, and it's vertical. Use at your own risk. BT B+K: Back Side Grip ---------------------- Property: M Note: Gut stun on counterhit. -With his back turned, Berserker performs a stab to his rear with the butt of his axe. If you're adept at creating situations where you can use this, then use it carefully. Otherwise don't bother. 6B on counterhit does the same thing, remember? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EIGHT WAY RUN MOVES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eight Way Run Moves are stronger versions of some of the Normal Moves that Berserker can use. There are also some moves that Berserker can only execute during an Eight-Way Run. Please be aware that some of the Eight-Way Run Moves can be more harmful than helpful if you are not careful with them. While Eight-Way Running, you are not restricted to run in one direction. 8WR 6A: Axe Shot ---------------- Properties: M Same thing as non-8WR version. 8WR 6[A],B: Tornado Spike ------------------------- Properties: M,M Note: Both hits staggers blocking foes Same thing as with the original version of the move. Be careful. 8WR 2_8A,A: Hunting Roar ------------------------ Properties: M,M Note: Second hit staggers blocking foes -Berserker holds his axe close to his waist and spins round twice. A good move if you're afraid of a stepping opponent. It covers his whole body. However it's not the greatest move in terms of range, damage or comboability. 8WR 1_7A: Cyclone ----------------- Properties: L Note: To execute the delayed version of this move, 8WR [1+A]. Same as the original version of the move. 8WR 4A: Tomahawk ---------------- Properties: H Note: If you hold the aforesaid command, then you can delay the motion of this move to increase the weight of the attack for more damage. Same as with the original version of this move. 8WR 6B: Gravity Crasher ----------------------- Properties: H Note: Staggers blocking foes. Same as the original version of this move. When in doubt, use it if you see an opponent whiff a move. 8WR 3_9B: Axe Volcano --------------------- Properties: M Note: Delay by holding the B Button. At max delay, move becomes UB M. Same as with the original version of this move. 8WR 2_8B: Hunting Breaker Wave ------------------------------ Properties: M Note: Lift staggers blocking foes. Guard Break on SC. -Berserker performs an all-out uppercut that knocks opponent really high into the air. This move is an awesome move. It has great range,and it works well in several combo situations. However, by itself, it can sidestepped, and it is very VERY hard to follow up with any combo without using walls. 8WR 4B: Berserk Hammer ---------------------- Properties: M Note: Delay by holding the B Button. At max delay, move becomes UB M. Same as with the original version of this move. 8WR 4B, 2_8K: Hammer to Runabout -------------------------------- Properties: M Same as with the original version of this move. 8WR 1_7 B: Discus Slam ---------------------- Property: M Note: Hold B to delay motion for more weight. UB M on SC. -Berserker swings his axe over his head and lets it hit the ground at an angle. This move has a weird trajectory. It tends to miss opponents right in front of you, so aim to connect with where the head of the axe will strike, not the shaft. It's an alright move to use, as it will more often than not hit a sidestepping opponent. But as with all 8WR moves don't abuse it. 8WR 1_7 B, K: Slam to Runabout ------------------------------ Property: M,M Note: Hold B to delay motion for more weight. UB M on SC. Second hit staggers on block. -Berserker swings his axe over his head and lets it hit the ground at an angle, then runs around in a circle. This set allows you to punish sidesteppers who get in your face. However, due to the 8WR startup, it may miss if the opponent senses it coming. 8WR 3_9K: Shoulder Tackle ------------------------- Properties: M Note: The move can be delayed for an increase of weight and damage like the original version of this move. Same as the original version of this move. Remember, it can be sidestepped (even though it rarely is). 8WR 2_8K: Hunting Quake ----------------------- Properties: M Note: Hold K to delay motion and increase weight of the attack. -Berserker flips his axe upside down and puts his foot on it before stomping the ground. By itself, useless. Looks cool but useless. However, there are certain combos where this move is guaranteed, and it is only in those situations that you should use it. 8WR 4K: Berserker Stomp ------------------ Properties: M Same as with the original version of this move. 8WR 2_8A+B: Axe Hurricane ------------------------- Properties: H Note: If you hold the command following the 8WR, you can delay the motion and increase the weight swing. At max delay the move becomes UB M. 2A+B knocks opponents to the right, 8A+B knocks opponent to the left. Same as with the original version of the Axe Hurricane. 8WR 6B+K: Berserker Press -------------------- Property: H Note: Hold B+K to delay and increase weight and damage. Same as with the original. ------- STANCES ------- Berserker does not have any stances. ======================================================================= STRATEGIES ======================================================================= First things first: Berserker is not Astaroth. Just as you would not play Yoshimitsu like Mitsurugi, Kilik like Seung Mina and Assassin like Yunsung, Berserker's style of play is not a simple style of mix and match. For one things he lacks a lot of move properties of Astaroth. Most noticeably his 214A. He doesn't have the same properties on his [A], [K], 4[A+B] and countless others. He lacks the countless throw mixups of Astaroth. He has no air throw. Certain other moves like 3B+K are non-existent. Berserker, as a result, relies a lot more on combos and guarantees than anything else. He has to struggle with the spacing issues that Astaroth has, but is also handicapped by the lack of good reliable moves. And he is a freakin' big target. Bigger than Astaroth, effective sidestepping is not one of Berserker's strong suits. He is quite strong though, and I would say a little stronger than Astaroth overall, especially in the throws department. For what little throws he has, he does good damage. To use Berserker, you have to do away with most of his moves and focus on a core set of moves. Everyone plays differently, but I would recommend using: AB 66B 4B 66[A]B 214AAAA A~214B+G 214A~214B+G 4A+B,K 44B, 2_8K 1A 2A+K FC 3K 8WR 2_8B AB is one of Berserker's bread-and-butter combos. It's basically guaranteed if the move connects. It doesn't do a lot of damage and it hits high, but it's reliable and quite fast. 66B and 4B are among Berserker's fastest moves. 66B has greater forward range, and 4B keeps opponents close to Berserker for a kick followup. Remember that 66B hits high, so if you just throw this out, you stand the chance of catching a crouching attack or a devious juggle move like Ivy's FC 1B. 66[A]B is an excellent move assuming the move connects on a counterhit. It does incredible damage, often enough to cause the opponent to quake in fear and lock up. By itself, however, 66[A]B is GI fodder. Even if the first hit connects, the second hit can be GI'ed with exceptional ease. Depending on your GI skills, this may not be a bad thing, but it can mess up the flow of your game. On a blocking opponent, the Guard Break allows you follow up with a 66B if you're within range. 214AAAA is basically a spacing tool. Since Berserker is capable of full 8WR motion during the move, he can use it to retreat or move to a safer part of the arena (if you're trapped against a wall or somesuch). You can stop the move at any time, or even go fro a 214AAAA into another 214A to frustrate your opponent. Beware, you can be hit by low moves like slide kicks or Voldo's Caliostro Rush A+B. A~214B+G and 214A~214B+G are alternates to his AB or 214AAA attacks. BY varying or delaying the timing of the throw cancel, you can avoid potential GI's. If you use the followup aerial smash, do it only to ring out. There are more devastating follow-ups to this throw, detailed in the Combo section. Be careful of someone who is adept at escaping throws. 4A+B, K is an excellent surprise maneuver. It's actually quite fast, and at close range can beat out many attacks. The K followup is best used uncharged. 44B, 2_8K is used to lull your opponent into a false sense of security. You have to basically pretend to miss with the 44B. As the opponent tries to counter, you flatten them with the K. Remember, this is a surprise tool, so if you abuse it you kill any use of the move. 1A is used to catch sidesteppers and control spacing. If you want to and if you're sure of your timing, you can charge it, after which point use the A followup ONLY. The B followup will never connect against any opponent with adaptive skills. 2A+K is another good move for in close game. It trips the opponent, allowing for a quick 4B if you're lucky. Either way, it forces the opponent to scramble to his feet, allowing you to pull back if you need to. FC 3K is another good surprise move, and works beautifully for ringing out. If you duck an attack and you're quick enough, a FC 3K will take them down. Fast. 8WR 2_8B is good for countering verticals or when you step an attack. It has good range, but is not a super abuseable move. Followups after this attack are very hard to pull off. As far as WS moves go, I recommend using WS A. If you get WS K on counterhit, you may try for the full combo. But WS A is quite fast and has good tracking. If you absolutely must use a jumping move, then use 7_8_9A. 9B is easily telegraphed, as awkward range, and be GI'ed and sidestepped easily. ======================================================================= COMBOS ======================================================================= Perform 214B+G, then either: -8WR 2_8B for 90 points of damage, or -4[B] for 86 points. Perform a fully charged [A], then: -8WR 2_8B, then 66B for 119 points. Note that the combo can be unreliable on a deep or a shallow hit. You can also try -4A+B,[K] for 101 points of damage. AS before, , it can be unreliable on a shallow initial hit. You can also try following the [A] by -dashing up, 2A+G_B+G for 85 points of damage. As the throw is a Berserker Dynamite, be warned that your opponent can escape throw. Also try: -8WR 2_8B for 69 points of damage. It's simpler than the first combo, though does less damage. From a fully charged 4[A] from the opponent's back: -6K, 2A+G_B+G for 114 points of damage. As before, your opponent can escape the throw. For a little less damage or simply to mess with timing, try -dashing forward, 3A+G_B+G before they recover for 101 points of damage. Your opponent can escape the throw. For more simple follow-ups, try: -66B for 83 points, -66K for 64 points, or -4B (uncharged) for 60 points. Off a CH B6K, follow up with -2A+G_B+G for 103 points of damage. Be wary of an escape attempt from the throw. You can also try -66B for 81 points, or -66K for 69 points. This particular combo is suited for ring outs. After a successful CH 6B, try -8WR 2_8K, 8WR step to the right, then B for 123 points of damage, or -8WR 2_8B for 81 points of damage. From a successful 3B, simply try -2A+G_B+G for 92 points of damage. Like all throws, it can be escaped. Off a CH 3B or a fully charged 3[B], try -2A+G_B+G for an extra 9 points at 101 points of damage as opposed to an uncharged version. There's also -66B for 79 points, or -66K for 67 points. However, this last move as better ring out potential. After 8WR 2_8B to the opponent's side or back, follow up with -66B for 104 points on the side, or 94 damage on the opponent's back. From a WS B on a crouching opponent's side (don't know how often that will happen), try -8WR 2_8B for 72 points of damage, or -4[B] for 69 points. After hitting with WL B on the opponent's side or back, follow with -66B for 92 points on the side or 97 damage on the opponent's back. From a fully charged [K], use -2A+G_B+G For 83 points of damage. However, this works only if the opponent's back was to the wall prior to the [K] connecting. The throw is escapable. After a CH 6K, try -2A+G_B+G For 86 points. Throw is escapable. -66B for 64 points of damage, or -66K for 52 points. Low damage is offset by much better ring out potential. After connecting with a fully charged 66[K], -Turn around immediately, 8WR 2_8B for 106 points of damage. This combo is tricky to pull off. From a successful CH 1K, try -66B for 68 points of damage. From a fully charged 8WR 3_9[K], -Turn around, then 8WR 2_8K, 8WR 2_8B for a whopping 166 points of damage. -Turn around, 8WR 2_8B for 122 points of damage, or -Turn around, then a fully charged 4[B] for 18 points. 8WR 2_8K allows you to try -8WR 2_8B for 99 points of damage, or -fully charged 4[B] for 95 points. From a CH WS K, try -2A+G_B+G for 81 points of damage. Throw is escapable. You can also try -8WR 2_8B for 65 points of damage. After a basic 3A+B, try -66B for 74 points of damage. After a CH 3A+B, use -2A+G_B+G for 105 points of damage. Throw is escapable. If you do this follow up after a fully charged 3[A+B], you get one more point of damage at 106 points. Off a CH 6B+K, you can -Dash forward, then use 2A+G_B+G for 96 points of damage. Your opponent can escape the throw. You can also try -8WR 2_8B for 77 points of damage. If you ever manage to get 236B+K to connect (ever), try -8WR 2_8K, Dash forwards, 2A+G_B+G for an insane 203 points. Opponent can escape your throw. -8WR 2_8K, 8WR 2_8B gives you 187 points of damage. -2A+G_B+G simply gives you 164 points. Throw is escapable. You could also try -8WR 2_8B for 148 points. ======================================================================= FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================= Q: How do you unlock Berserker? A: Complete Stone Temple in Schedar, The EXTRA version. That means you have to FINISH Weapon Master Mode once i.e. Complete Chapter 10, then go to Schedar and play the new mission there. Completing the normal version of Schedar is NOT required to unlock Berseker. Q: Does Berserker have any extra weapons/outfits? A: No. He only has one weapon, and two outfits with three colors each. Q: I can't use Berserker in Aracde Mode, why? A: Bersrker is unusable outside of Practice, Versus and Team Versus Battle, Extra Mode only. To use him elsewhere requires a cheating device and the risk of crashing your game and corrupting your memory card. ======================================================================= CREDITS/LEGAL INFO ======================================================================= Thanks go to: Zigmover for the combos for Berserker, not to mention general tips on being a better player. Tube Man for bringing up some more info on Berserker's possible links to Rock. Copyright 2003 Afolabiyi Okubanjo (Team Sky City). This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronic, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely accessible, non-commercial web page in its original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ may only be hosted here, on GameFAQS and cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Afolabiyi Okubanjo. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.