------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- The Bruce Irving Faq 2.0 By: Nick Noreaga (Devil x Hlywood@aol.com) :::yeah its aol, don't make fun =P::: (12/2/99) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- This Faq/Guide is for the Tekken heads all over the net. It may be distributed freely through out the net as long as it stays in its original form, and is distributed for no financial gain. PLEASE don't steal my stuff I spent countless hours and quarters on =P. If you see another faq ripping mine off please tell me. If you have any questions or see mistakes in the faq please e-mail me . I'll respond to every letter. It seems that most people writing faq's don't seem to like EGM so...EGM, leave my faq alone ;P. If you wish to distribute this faq for profit please E-Mail me. All strategies and concepts written here are (C) Nick Noreaga 1999. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Bruce Pros/Cons 3. Moves In Depth 4. Strategy Guide 5. Almost Complete Vs. Character Strategy 6. A) Juggle Section B) Some Okizeme Stuff C) Possible Partners 7. Special Thanks and Other Stuff ;P -In the Version 2.0, I've added the Vs. Strategy section as well as other stuff, as far as general strategy I didn't get around to that IM sorry, the holidays are getting in the way =P. 1. INTRODUCTION This is my first attempt at writing a faq so please e-mail me if you see mistakes or if something just looks weird. This Faq is geared toward medium and high levels of play so you wont find a move list here or any story lines. Bruce, easily my favorite character in the Tekken series was unfortunately left out of Tekken 3, (Bryan is no Bruce!). But to my surprise and delight, he has risen from the dead to once again compete in Tekken! All the strategy has been tested through many hours of arcade competition (any many victories over my opponents, hehe)and hopefully this faq will get more people to use the best fighter in TTT in my opinion, hehheh ;). 2. Bruce Pros/Cons First off he's a real Muay Thai kickboxer (He looks like the guy in the Van Damme movie "Kickboxer" =P ), unlike Bryan who uses a sissy American kick boxing style. Bruce is definitely an intimidating opponent, he looks very mean, towering over most fighters. He also doesn't do anything cute, (Ex. Ling) or make any really annoying grunts, (Ex. Paul). He just beats the crap out of people. Why is this important? Tekken at high levels is definitely a psychological game and many opponents who see you choose Bruce know that they are in for a very tough fight (usually a loss, heh). Which already gives you an advantage from the start ;). As for the obvious, he is the best balance of speed and power and range in TTT. Very unfair indeed. He can poke with any fighter in the game, and overpower any fighter as well. His juggles, simply put, are devastating and extremely easy to use. Bruce is also an easy character to master since most of his arts require little joystick motions. He also has a great sidestep and very good moves off his sidestep as well. But what is the main reason why I think he's the best fighter in the game? Many of his attacks are knees and elbows. Why is that so important you ask? Because no one can counter these attacks. You can attack at will without having to chicken buffer the bulk of your attack, which slows you down. His basic uppercut is probably the best in the game next to Yoshimitsu's because it is an elbow that is UNCOUNTERABLE and has very good priority. Bruce also possesses the singe most devastating combo in the game, his 3,2,1,4, which will be explained in detail later ;P. Ok, lets start off with the Cons. The biggest problem I can see with Bruce is that he doesn't have any special throws. Although he has multi-thows, its extremely difficult to catch a good player in them. Bruce also doesn't have any great WS moves like his wannabe Bryan and most of his moves can be sidestepped without great difficulty. Some people also think he is weak defensively because he doesn't have any counters besides the universal low parry. In my opinion, counters are the most overrated art in Tekken. If you're standing still looking for an attack to counter then you're not playing TTT correctly. Counters are also not final, and can be chickened. I believe only one character can play defensively and that's Forest Law. Other then that, the best defense in TTT is a solid offense, in my opinion of course ;P. 3. Moves in Depth Real quick intro to this section, I'll rate Bruce's moves/combos in the popular 1-5 star system. Not every move will be mentioned in this section, only the most important and least important. 1 star * being the worst piece of monkey crap move(from the Rock ;)} as opposed to 5 ***** stars being the most kick ass moves/combos. -Standard Jab (RP) ***** Definitely one of his more annoying attacks. Extremely fast, but what gives it the five star rating is the range. Bruce has incredible range on most of his attacks and its extremely important to remember this. For example if you're fighting against Nina or Ling this will be one of your main weapons since he can poke them from beyond their poking range. He can also follow the RP up with an annoying low or mid kick. -Left punch Right punch combo (LP, RP) **** Another annoying attack with can lead into several strings. Again his range on these punches come into play. Unless your opponent is extremely fast he wont be able to duck under these two high punches and it wouldn't be wise either since Bruce can follow them up with a mid kick. -Right punch, Mid/Low kick (RP, RK/ d+RK) ***** This little baby here is one of your main poking attacks. Use the RP, d+RK version about 75 percent of the time and mix in the Mid kick about 25 percent the time to keep opponents honest. This attack comes out extremely fast with of course, great range. Its also very annoying since most opponents can't retaliate even if they block both hits. Its impossible to distinguish between the Mid kick and the Low kick since they both come out at the same speed. I have rarely seen an opponent block the low kick, even good players since they know Bruce can mix in a more damaging mid kick. The RP, d+RK version is actually a short version of the RP, D+RK, LK combo. However, it is wise not to use the LK since it his high and is not guaranteed. I mostly follow this up with the LP, RP, RK/d+RK combo since opponents think they can attack you after this poke and will usually eat all three hits. I also use this attack against Lei players who like to play dead a lot. When you rush in on a Lei player most of them immediately play dead, just use the RP, d+RK version and the low kick will hit Lei before he can hit the floor. In closing, use this poking attack with no mercy >;). -Left punch, Right punch, Mid/Low kick (LP, RP, RK/d+RK) **** Great overall combo since its fast, has no lag time and you can mix the mid or low kick at the end. The reason it isn't as great as the first combo is that someone with quick hands can take a chance a low counter the last hit, or simply duck the first to hits and counter with a standard low jab. Also if the first hit connects on a counter all three hits a guaranteed. If you really have fast hands if you counter hit with the first jab try a f+RK high kick instead of a mid kick which is guaranteed and devastating. This is pretty much an overall safe combo if not abused. -Bruce Rush (LP, RP, LP, RP) ** This is not a great string but it does have some uses. If the first jab hits on a counter im 99 percent sure all the punches will hit. However if the opponent blocks the last hit there is a slight lag time and I think the last hit can be countered but Im not sure since I rarely use this combo since there's better options off a LP, RP starter. -Face Buster (df+RP) ********** Probably Bruce's best juggle starter, Bruce takes a tiny step forward and elbows opponents in the air which can be followed by a triple knee juggle. The best property about this move is that no one can counter it. It also has great priority up close, please abuse this move. After a couple of failed attempts at trying to counter this move most opponents will be to scared to even think about countering anything from Bruce again. Don't use the double Face Buster (df+LP,RP) its not nearly as useful. I have beat many Paul scrubs who keep trying to counter this and never learn, they just slam the game and say the controller doesn't work, ah hehehe thank god for Paul and Eddy scrubs, the game would just not be the same without them ;). -Low Kick (d+RK) **** I love this move, a simple low kick, doesn't take much damage but by the end of each round I like to connect with at least 6 or 7 of these. They can really annoy the hell out of anyone and are impossible to see coming and have great range. I usually stand out side an opponents poking range and low kick them without mercy. Also great to hit Xiayou out of her phoenix stance. -Leaping Jump Kick (uf+RK) *** Unfortunately this move doesn't seem to have the same priority as Paul's or King's leaping kick, it is however a good overall move. I mostly use this move to catch opponents tagging in and punish them with a triple knee juggle. -Triple Elbow Rush (f+LP, RP, LP) *** I mostly use the first two elbows to cover small distances between me and my opponent face and then start poking srings. If you hit the first elbow on a counter the following elbows are guaranteed and also take very good damage. However the last elbow if blocked has a terrible lag time. Also remember all the elbows can't be countered -Nightmare Backhand (b+LP) *** Comes out fairly quick, takes off good damage and if you hit someone on a counter hit you can get a quick juggle. More of an intimidation move if anything. You should use this move once in a while just as a change of pace -Gatling Combo (LK, RP, LP, RK) ********* This is the combo that will strike fear in your opponents. Remember that this is not the same combo that Bryan has although they look the same. The first hit comes out incredibly quick, and hits mid with unfair range and priority. The next two hits are also mid, and cant be countered if the opponent blocks the first kick. You should never use the last hit since it can be low countered. Now lets get to the really good stuff ;). If the first kick hits on a counter, the next two hits are guaranteed. One important thing to remember....the third hit juggles! Believe me, its not hard to even get really good players on a counter hit with the first kick since its very fast and has great range. Plus there's NO lag time on the combo. After you connect on the first 3 hits watch your opponent float helplessly in the air as you slam them with a triple knee combo, and waste over half their life. This is definitely an intimidation move. Also your opponent may try to counter the first kick so don't forget to throw in a chicken buffer ;P. Everyone at my local arcade has felt the wrath of this combo ;) the key to your success with Bruce is setting this combo up. -Knee Launcher (b, F+RK) *** Although this is a devastating juggle starter (takes off 29 percent of your opponents life by itself) and Bruce's highest juggle launcher, its hard to connect with this against a quality opponent. However, I have found a couple of uses for it ;). Against counter players if you expect a counter (EX: Paul uses his Death Punch which you block, and he will most likely follow with a counter...) Throw this little baby out, it can't be countered and will make any player think twice about countering any attack. Also if its obvious someone's going to tag in you can time this move and catch the person tagging in. -Nightmare Cross Straight (f,f+RP) ** This move can be seen coming by good players, doesn't take off much damage and hits high. It does look pretty cool if you counter someones high punches with this art since he'll do a special throw type animation. I use this punch once in a while if someone is constantly poking with jabs, its more of an "in your face move" then anything else. -Swaying High Kick (db+RK) *** I was surprised on how good this move is. Bruce sways back quickly and throws a good damaging high kick. Use against over aggressive opponents. This move is not something you should just throw out there, you have to anticipate what your opponent is going to do. -Spinning Elbow (F+LP+RP) * This move is about as useless a move that Bruce has. It doesn't sidestep anything well, hits high and can be seen coming. If anyone knows any good uses for this move E-Mail me. -Slash Kick (f,f+LK) *** This is the same slash kick that Bryan has...only difference is that Bruce's Slash Kick causes a nasty guard stun so there's no chance to retaliate against it. If you have some distance between you and your opponent this attack is pretty safe to throw out since it hits mid and its hard to counter do to its timing. However, my best use for this move is in Bruce's okizeme game. If someone rolls backward please don't hesitate to throw this baby out for some major damage. -Leg Slice Tornado Uppercut (df+LK, LP) ** This combo isn't nearly as useful as it was in Tekken 2 since Bruce's Gatling combo or Double Knee low kick combo have been weakened in TTT, and don't trip opponents where this combo was the best follow up. This combo is best used to hit someone laying down after being knocked down, but just the first kick. Also if someone is stupid enough to roll forward after being knocked down, use both hits. Also if you hit someone on a counter hit with the Nightmare Backhand, use both hits to combo them. -Leg Bazooka (f,f+RK) * Don't use this move, it hits high and can be seen coming. It does cause guard stun but the animation of the move doesn't give you any advantage. -Stomping Knee Feint (b+LK, RK) ** Safe move to use against scrubs but against good players they will make you whiff the knee and punish you. Use cautiously. -Triple Knee/Double Knee Low Kick Combo (b+RK,LK,RK/d+RK)****** This is another move that will cause your opponent to call you cheap. ANYTIME you juggle someone, please use this combo. Don't get fancy trying anything else, this will take off loads of damage off of any juggle starter. Also if you juggle someone with your teammate please tag in Bruce so he can finish with his Triple Knee combo. It is extremely easy to juggle someone with this combo and takes off insane damage. I also use the first two knees of the combo to get up close to start poking which I'll explain more in the strategy section, a great combo overall. The other day I was facing a Heihachi Mishima master who was doing all these fancy juggles and thought he was the man. Well he connected with a Electric Wind God Fist and did some cool looking juggle and the crowd was like ::oooh ahhh:: All I did was get up and connect with the Gatling combo, Triple Knee and that was it, fight was over. Everyone there kept telling him he was better then me so he kept playing and I kept floating him, Triple Knee. Df+RP, Triple Knee. Uf+RK, Triple Knee. He kept losing everytime. The point of this story is that he probably was more skilled then me, but with Bruce you can compete with players more skilled then you do to the ease of his juggles and moves and power. -Nightmare Elbow (SS+LP) **** Bruce seems to have been blessed with a very good sidestep, and some useful sidestep moves. This is a great over all attack, mix this up with a side throw and you should have a good sidestepping game. If you hit someone normally with this move it causes them to drop to one knee giving you a slight advantage. However, if you hit with a counter it will drop them to the floor allowing you to play some okizeme games. Oh yeah, did I mention it has great priority, comes out very quick and can't be countered? -Double Bull Kick/Bull Kick Right Cross(SS+RK,RK/RP) *** Bruce sidesteps and throws out two great range kicks, the second kick is delayed a bit and will catch mostly anyone who hasn't seen this move. The second Bull Kick also sends your opponent rolling backwards if you connect. The Bull Kick right cross uses the same first kick but then Bruce throws a fast hooking punch. Alternate between the two versions in combat. -Nightmare Low Heel (b,b+LK) ** Hard to connect with this move against anyone good...I'll sometimes run up to someone and do this move but its extremely risky. Its pretty slow too so it can be seen coming. Also if your opponent blocks this kick it will cause a "trip" effect leaving you vulnerable to WS moves. If this move had the range of some of his other kicks it would definitely get a three star rating. -Sledge Hammer (LP+RP) * This move comes out slow, and usually SS by good opponents. This move is pretty much useless, however I do use it against Xiayou players when they go in their phoenix stance. -Knee Bash (LP+LK) *** Probably Bruce's best throw, does a quick knee but the best part about it is you can tag in your teammate after it. -Rib Crusher (RP+RK) ** Bruce grabs his opponent and knees them in the ribcage , nothing special. -Embracing Knee Strike/Multithrows (f,N,d,df+RP+RK+LP) *** Good move to use against scrubs but don't dare try it against a master. You can try to time to catch someone tagging in but the crouch dash isn't very good and doesn't cover ground like a Mishima family crouch dash, but I guess if he had a good crouch dash it just wouldn't be fair ;). However, the follow ups are devastating especially the multiple knee strikes. 4.) Strategy Guide Alright, lets get to the good stuff ;). Now that you have a basic idea of which moves you're going to use to win, lets put this whole thing together shall we?. A.)How to win With Bruce your main goal is to annoy your opponent into frustration and then when he makes a mistake, make him eat a painful juggle ;). Here are some basic custom strings I use to achieve this goal, also make your adjustments to these strings to best suit you ;) -RP, d+RK/ LP, RP, d+RK/ df+RP-juggle or LP+LK-throw This is definitely one of my favorites. The quick RP, d+RK poke I 99.9 percent assure you your opponent will eat the low kick. Most of the time your opponent will immediately try to attack after eating the low kick. Because your opponent has just been hit you have the advantage and that's when you slam him with the LP, RP, d+RK. After completing this your opponent will most likely do two things. Either he'll get pissed and still try to attack, that's when you use the df+RP and nail him/her with a juggler or your opponent will turtle, and that's when run up and throw. Its also a good string to see what kind of an opponent you have, a turtle or an aggressor. Of course, masters can be both defensive or offensive so don't try to categorize them or you will pay. The best thing as with any character is to keep mixing up your strings. If you ended with a juggle the first time you pulled off this string and you do this string again, throw him/her the next time. Cause havoc in your opponents mind ;) Also I've run into some intelligent players who after getting hit with the Rp, d+RK, they'll duck anticipating the LP, RP, d+RK. A simple solution to that is after the RP, d+RK, use the df+RP juggle starter. See how many times they'll try to duck after that ;) Also remember to mix in a few Mid kicks on the RP, d+RK use the Rp, RK because some players will learn to duck immediately after you jab, make'em pay for adjusting ;P. Also if you come up with some better options more power to you, don't just take what I write and think its the best way to play Bruce. Share your ideas with me too, hehe. -d+lp/ WS+RK/ df+RK/ LK,RP,LP One of the most important things to know when using Bruce is the range of the first kick of the Gatling combo. I try to catch people from as far away as possible to counter hit and this is one of the ways I achieve this. Simple d+LP, WS+RK to get some space, then the standard df+RK to even create more space, then you should just be able to reach the last kick of the Gatling combo ;). I've noticed that the farther you connect with the first kick of the Gatling combo the more likely you'll get a counter hit simply because your opponent thinks he's/she's safe at a certain distance. They may try to rush in , or crouch dash and that's when you'll slam them big time ;) If your opponent wises up and expects the Gatling combo at the end of the string that's when I abuse Bruce's d+RK. I'll go d+LP, WS+RK, df+RK, walk a little forward and d+RK, and usually if I want to be a jerk I'll walk in a little a do another d+RK. Against counter freaks be sure to buffer some attacks, after a few chickens they'll most likely stop their childish play ;). I also use a d+lp, d+rk and rise to the Gatling combo, also very effective since the d+lp, d+rk creates good space. Also if you whiff the first kick or the Gatling combo please stop or you'll get sidestepped and punished... -df+LP/ LP/ df+RK/ LK,RP,LP.. Same concept as the last string just to give your opponent a different look. Most of my strings do exactly the same thing but just look different so the opponent just has no idea what is coming ;). There's a lot of games I play off of strings like these. Instead of following the df+LP elbow with a LP, I'll use the RP, d+RK string instead and go from there.... Or I'll replace the df+RK with a couple of d+RK pokes. Or if your opponent blocks the whole string including the first kick of the Gatling combo stop the Gatling combo at the LK, RP/ and just poke him/her with some d+RK's. Also remember to chicken buffer some attacks against counter freaks, its obvious when they're going to counter I've noticed, all Paul scrubs seem to counter at the same time and the same moves. If someone is just trying to counter everything just run up and df+RP juggle them a few times and they'll stop I guarantee it >;). Also remember Bruce isn't Bryan, when im playing as Bryan I try to catch people with WS moves and create my strings to achieve that goal. Bruce on the other hand is more affective standing and poking, and he doesn't have any great WS moves. So create most of your custom strings to take advantage of Bruce's range and quickness at his normal standing position. Don't create too many strings with d+LP's in them that are so popular now-a-days for the simple reason that at the crouched position you take away the speed of Bruce's punches and kicks and take away his range, and most of his attacking options. Here are some really evil strings I use... RP/ b+RK, LK/ RP, d+RK/ RP/ b+RK, LK/ Throw or df+RP Juggle Quick jab, Two Knee strikes that get in your opponents face, hit mid and can't be countered and have almost no lagtime. Then the RP, d+RK poke that you should be abusing by now ;). Another RP, and then the same double Knee strikes but this time change the ending. The goal of this string is to make your opponent think you're doing the same thing over and over. After the first pair of knee strikes you throw out your quick jab to keep them on guard....then after the second pair of knee strikes come around they'll be expecting that same quick jab, but this time your toss them ;) or juggle them, if they duck. Also play more string games with your opponent, cut your strings short and replace them with d+rk's as I explained earlier, be creative ;). F+RP, LP/ RP / F+RP, LP/RP/ df+RP Make sure you have a little room before starting this string...Your goal in this string is train your opponent to block high. Use the very quick Triple Elbow combo but cut it short and only use two elbows...the two elbows make great poking attacks since they're fast, can't be countered and have no lag time if you only use two. And your opponent will fear the last elbow so they usually wont try to interrupt you. What's the problem with the two elbows then? They hit high...but don't make it your problem, make it your opponents ;). Use the two elbows to get in your opponents face, then Jab to get a little space then use these same annoying elbows again, and jab again! By this time your opponent thinks he/she has you figured out, they're just going to duck the next pair of elbows and punish you...wrong ;). Instead of using another pair of elbows, walk in a little and use your juggle elbow and watch your opponent's watch jaw drop, ah hehehe. Sometimes for fun I'll just keep repeating 2 Elbows ,LP against a scrub just to see how long he will just stand there, eh hehe. Also change the string up, Use the double elbow starter, then go into the RP, d+RK poke and go from there...vary your attack ;). Sidestep+LP, or Throw Bruce seems to have been blessed with a good sidestep so use it. Sidestep close to an opponent and either Elbow Drop them or throw. Remember the Elbow Drop can't be countered. Also try not to go for a side throw, just a normal one. Good players know that to get out of a side throw all they have to do is press LP if you're on their left side, or RP if you're on their right side....indeed sidethrows are the easiest throws to counter. So what I do and recommend is for example if you sidestep to someones left side, don't go all the way to their side, but as close as possible but still if you throw them it would be a normal throw. Then use the normal throw opposite the side you just sidestepped to >;P hehe. In a nut shell, if you sidestep towards someones left side, use RP+RK to throw with a normal throw cause smart players will press LP anticipating a sidethrow from their left side....hope I didn't confuse you there ;P. 5.) Vs. Character Strategy Just remember that these are strategies against quality human opponents, if you need help to beat your local CPU something's wrong with you, ah heheh. This section is also in no particular order and I will have a last say sentence on the main strategy you should use at the end of each scouting report You'll also notice I don't have every character here, its just i can't say I've seen every character mastered, therefore, it wouldn't feel right for me to right a strategy for them ;). -Against Bryan aka Wannabe Evil Dead Freak Lets start off with Bruce's wannabe, hehe. First thing you have to know is that good Bryan players will try to set up his WS moves and punish you if you whiff moves with his Mach Punch. Remember the Mach Punch and Mach Kick both hit high so you have to make Bryan pay when he whiffs these moves. When Bryan's in the crouched position he has 3 powerful moves his WS+LP juggle, WS+RP, B+RP juggle which is devastating and his WS+LK knee which isn't as powerful as it used to be. If you get hit by a WS+LK on a counter tag out immediately since you can know tag out of double over stuns or your match will be a very short one. He only has one damaging low move which is easy to see coming (df+LK). If you block it counter with a uf+RK Hop Kick. Good Bryan players will use his mixing combos (LK,RP,LP,RK/RP) (b+LK,RP,LP,RP/LK), (LP,RP,LP,RP/RK), (LP,RP,LK/df+RP) <--one I invented, heheh. The best thing to do is eating the low kick instead of a mid RP because It'll knock you to the guard allowing for some okizeme, or you can simply look at your opponents hands to see what they're going to do ;). Also on the LP,RP,LK combo you can low parry the last kick (DF) and uf+RK juggle him. Bryan is also good at catching people tagging in with his Mach Punch so be very careful tagging in. Also never finish the last low kick of your Gatling combo since he has a true low parry, his punch parry shouldn't cause you too many problems as long as you vary your attack. - last word...Remember most of his power moves need time to start up so get in his face, at point blank range he's not very effective and sidestep alot. -Paul Phoenix aka Trailer Thrash Rebel Eh...I really don't like this guy cause he's too easy to use, hehe. Well, at least his Falling Leaf combo (d+RK,RP) has been toned down so he doesn't have a 50/50 game with that and his Death Punch (QCF+RP). When playing Paul your execution has to be perfect, and never take anyone likely that can take 50+ percent of your life with one simple move. DO NOT WHIFF MOVES AGAINT PAUL, AND TAG CAREFULLY...if you don't do either of those you will be eating Death Punches. OK....now lets get to some strategy, heh don't try to counter the Phoenix punch since he can mix it up with a Thruster Elbow (QCF+LP) which can't be countered. Try to catch Paul players QCF dashing in with your Gatling combo when you have some distance, but it's risky business. Good Paul players will use his Thruster Elbow and Shredder jugglers (uf+LK or ff+LK) alot because both have insane priority. However all these moves have lag times which Paul players try to make up for with his reversals. That's when you make him pay with your df+RP juggler. If you block his Shredder kicks throw him, and the next time you block it df+RP juggle him to keep him guessing. Paul also has mean okizeme so please beware when you've been knocked down. You shouldn't have too much problems with his sidestep moves because they aren't that great. However, beware of his sidestepping shoulder (f+LP+RK) it works good against Bruce's linear attacks. -last word....It's not going to be an easy fight, stay up close with your df+RP and make him pay for trying to counter, poke alot and stay up tight since his poking skills are weak. DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY PAUL. -Nina Williams aka Blond Slut Where to begin...She's got a ton of moves and most of them have the ability to change at the end to either a medium of low attack creating some frustrating 50/50 games. Im not going to go specifically into her moves since most of them do the same thing...poke. At point blank range she's devastating, know that you're going to eat alot of low pokes against Nina just don't get juggled! I can't stress that enough, don't get hit with the Divine Cannon (db+LK+RK) or get juggled with the d+lk,RP combo or any combos similar to it. Eat her pokes and overpower her since her true power comes from her juggling and okizeme. Also punish reversal freaks with a df+RP juggle and if you get knocked down against a good okizeme playing Nina I feel sorry for you. Also I've noticed the Divine has a longer lag time then in Tekken 3 so after you block her Divine Cannon im almost certain you can get a guranteed Hop Kick in, if not throw her, then the next time df+RP juggle her. Don't try to duck the d+RK,LP poke since she can mix it up with the d+LK,RP juggle. The Bad Habit (f,f+LK or QCF+LK) also has great range but you should see it coming. Her mulithrows shouldn't be a problem since they are very easy to see coming as well. -Last word...stay outside her poke range and use your reach advantage, also punish her for abusing her reversal, and as I said before DON'T GET JUGGLED and Surgeon Generals Warning: Nina Okizeme is bad for your health! -King aka Big Dumb Freak Who Growls Too Much King is in my opinion one of the best fighters in the game. Mostly all his moves are useful and he has some painful throws. Good king players will use the threat of throws to their advantage and use his hop kick (u or uf+RK) when you expect a throw. If you think you can get up real close and poke him think again, his d+LP,N+RP is one of the best poking attacks in all of TTT. You can, however poke him from a distance with RP, d+RK strings and d+RK. Also remember he doesn't have any true follow ups to the RP,LP combo so many King players abused in Tekken 3. If this is a fancy King who likes to use muli-throws punish them for whiffing the muli-throwing motion. Don't use any moves with lag time since he will catch you with his b+RK. If your opponent use's his Ali Kicks (d+rk, rk...) block them and counter with a uf+RK. Also many of Kings moves have lag times like his Ankle Smash (D,df+LP), Dynamite Uppercut (D,df+RP) and his Hop Kick and his Ali kicks as I said before, make him pay for not connecting with these arts. - Last word...Poke him from long range, annoy the hell out of him and KNOW YOUR MULTI-THROW REVERSALS...great King players can get almost anyone in a multi-throw, study a list on how to get out of his throws pleasssssse. (note- Don't hesitate to look at your opponents hands when he's doing multi-throws ;) ah hehe ) -Kazuya Mishima aka Wannabe Evil Cool Guy In my opinion the strongest member of the Mishima family tree (I'll get alot of heat from Jin users for saying that, heh) Although Kazuya doesn't have as many moves as his father or his son, He can definitely hold his own against any fighter. Beware of the Wind God Fist (f,N,d,df+RP) as much as you do Paul's Death Punch. Don't whiff attacks or you will eat a painful juggle. Remember the Wind God Fist hits special medium (SM) so you can block it low or medium, so anytime you see him crouch dashing block low to block his WGF or his Hell Sweeps (f,N,d,DF+LK,LK). If he goes for the Two Jab Stature Kick combo (LP,RP,RK), low parry the last kick and Hop Kick him. The Stature Kick (db+LK) can be annoying just weather the store and don't get juggled. Of course I don't have to tell most of you about the Demon Gut Punch (WS+RP) Good players have the ability to disguise this move very well, if you get hit on a counter tag out immediately to avoid a nasty juggle. The Glorious Demon Fist (f+RP+LP) has a nasty lag time I think you can get a guaranteed uf+RK hop kick if you block it, but if not just throw him, then the next time around df+RP juggle him. -Last word....Kazuya is a well rounded fighter but he doesn't have many moves so he can become predictable, for example from the crouched position you can bet your life the Demon Gut Punch is coming. Also beware tagging in carelessly or you'll eat the Wind God Fist. -Heihachi Mishima aka Old Mean Rogaine Reject I really feared this fighter in Tekken 1 and 2 but it seems he gets weakend as the Tekken series goes on and he is definitely a shell of himself from Tekken 2. His Hell Sweeps (f,N,d,DF+RK...) are out right pathetic in TTT besides using them for okizeme. Like Kazuya, Heihachi's Wind God Fist can be blocked low or high, but this is still where his power lies. Heihachi is devastating when he pops you in the air with one of his uppercut juggles, if you avoid them this match shouldn't be too difficult. Heihachi is very vulnerable in the poke game so get up on him, frustrate the old fart but watch out for his Double Palm Strike (f+RP+LP) he'll use it in a sidestep or to punish over-aggressive opponents. He does have a Death Fist but it is a shell of what Paul's death fist. Heihachi also has a nice okizeme game so beware getting up. Also his Twin Pistons (df+LP,RP) have a terrible lag time so make him pay for using it. I also like to interrupt his Tile Splitter, Death Fist combo right after the Tile Splitter with my Gatling Combo after the Tile Splitter but its risky business. -Last word....Heihachi is definitely the weakest Mishima male and must rely on his powerful juggles to win matchs. As long as you don't do anything stupid you should come out on top (note- If your opponent can pull off an Electric Wind God Fist consistently you're in for a tough fight.) -Armor King aka Shrugging Growling Freak Wow, I'd have to say Armor King is one of the best fighter that came straight from the Tekken 2 series. He's got nasty pokes (d+LP,n+RP) (df+LP), two great juggle starters (uf+RK), (f,n,d,df+RP) the last which is a form of Wind God Fist, which I call the "Armor God Fist" ah hehe. He also seems to me to be quicker then King. Since he only has one Multi-throw starter know how to break it right when it starts. His Mule Kick (b+LK), is a great move to counter moves with long lag times. Also beware of his Low Drop Kick (db+RK) that he'll use if you block high too many times. If Armor King like to do Ali Kicks (d+LK+RK, RK..) block them and punish him with a Hop Kick. Beware tagging in against Armor King or you'll eat the Armor God Fist (f,n,d,df+RP). His sidestepping move (SS+RP) is a very under-estimated move, quick and takes a good 20 percent off. One more thing....most Armor Kings will throw with RP+RK since you can do a pile driver (d,d+LP+RP) from it, so whenever Armor King throws you, its probably safe to press RP to thwart his efforts ;) -Last Word, if the player knows what he/she's doing, you're in for a tough fight, you must stick to your strengths, nothing fancy. -Jin Kazama aka Obedient Pet School Boy Although many characters were toned down from Tekken 3, Jin actually seems to have gotten stronger. His Hell Sweeps {f,n,d,DF+LK) seem to trip you easier then they did in Tekken 3. Also his new kick, the Demon Steal Petal (b+RK) has insane priority and is used in juggles and okizeme. It is also possible to escape heavy damage from his Stun Punch Combo (b,f+RP,LP,RP_d+RP). If your stuns you with only the first punch alone, tag out immediately. If he stuns you with the first two hits, hold F. Against counter freaks, use your df+RP juggle starter. When Jin sidesteps you can bet your life he's going for the Tooth Fairy (ss+RP). The Tooth Fairy is a great juggle starter, but has a nasty lag time if blocked. Im not sure if the uf+RK is guaranteed but it always seems to work for me, if not df+RP or throw him, I just love doing that ;). Jin is usually an easy fight for Bruce since he's a better fighter then him, ah hehe impose your will on him, poke him to death. -Last Word, make sure you show Jin who's in control of the fight, poke alot and get juggling, hehe you'll over power him trust me. -Wang Jinrey aka "Hey, aren't you dead?" I don't know how this guys still alive he was friends with Heihachi's dad for crying out loud, but anyways, heh, he's Another Tekken 2 powerhouse returning. I love to use Wang, he can flat out juggle people. I'll be writing a Faq on Wang and Bryan, ASAP ;). Up close expect the G-Clef Club Fist Cannon (f+LP~LP,LP) trying to connect on a counter hit. Stay out of his range and poke him. His new Combo the Low Kick, False Lift (db+RK,RP) has to be one of the most useful combos in Tekken and you should fear it. It can be used as a juggle starter, juggle finisher, and in okizeme tactics. He also has a Death Fist so beware whiffing your moves and tagging in. Wang also has mean okizeme, if you stay on the ground you're going to get a Bowling Ball Punch (df+LP+RP), if you roll, you'll also be punished. Against counter freaks use your df+RP as usual. Also the Razor Rush Sweep Combos (RK,RK,d+RK_RK-LP) can be annoying, you can try to low counter the second sweep, but you have to be extremely fast. -Last Word, over powering Wang is not going to be easy, use your Gatling Combo alot since you can start it way out of his range where he can do anything effective. Poke him ALOT most of his arts are slow to start. -Yoshimitsu aka No IM not the alien from those autopsy movies One of my favorites ;). He can do it all, poke, juggle, pull out some nasty tricks, some great unblockables, against a master you're in for a real fight. Lets start with Yoshi's main pokes, his df+RK which has insane reach and priority, his standard jab which is one of the fastest, and his Step Uppercut (df+RP) which always seems to pop people in the air. How do you fight back against this? Overpower Yoshi ;). Although his Jab is quick, it doesn't have good range so poke him just outside his Jab range. Against the df+RK boot, I really don't know how to counter this well, there's not much you can do, besides poking him faster then he can poke you. If he tries his Low Sweep juggle (D,df+LK) block it and Hop Kick him. Ok lets cover some unblockables...The Bad Breath (b+LP+RP,any) is mostly used in two ways. If you're over aggressive on your pokes or throw alot, you'll probably end up in a mist of stank Yoshi Breath, so beware. Yoshi might also try to run up to you and do the Bad Breath, use your RP,d+RK poke to keep him at bay. Against his Somersault Sword Slice (QCF+LP), sidestep it and punish him with the attack of your choice. Against the ff+LK,LP combo poke him quicky after the LK. His Sword Counter,(b+LP+LK) is a great move for Yoshi to run right up to you and Juggle you, if Yoshi whiffs this move df+RP him to make him pay. -Last Word, definately one of the best fighters in Tekken, beware of Yoshi masters, even though they are a rare breed of Tekken player ;). Overpower him with your Gatling Combo and stay out of his Jab range and be prepared for a poking war ;). -Lei Wu Long aka Wannabe Jackie Chan One of the most annoying fighters next to Ling, most of your tactics aren't going to work against him since he can fall to the floor to avoid such arts are your Gatling Combo, or juggle starters. Ok, most Lei users don't get to complicated with their stances, they mostly Play Dead (d+LK+RK) when you get close to him, or Razor Rush Punch (f,n+LP,RP,LP,RP,LK_RK) you when they get the opportunity. Against Play Dead freaks, use your RP,d+RK poke to catch him on the way down with a low kick. Agaisnt Razor Rush freaks what I like to do is stay far away and try to lure them into doing the Razor Rush too early, then counter them with my Gatling Combo. Its tough to do though, but the first kick of the Gatling Combo has priority over the Razor Rush punches. Also during the Razor Rush if he tries to change stances after one of the punches, Hop Kick him out of it. Learn what moves he can do in his stances, I really don't feel like going through every single stance ;). Two more things to remember.....Lei has a Hop Kick too, and a low juggle starter (db+LK). Against the Hop Kick, Block it and throw him, then the next time...you know by now,hehe. Against the Low Juggle Starter, if you block it Hop Kick him. - Last Word, I hate fighting Lei its just no fun since you can't use most of your moves. Be stubbern, if he drops dead just stay away from him, make Lei come to you. Never give in to him, its going to be a real boring fight :::yawn:::. -Ogre 1 aka Aztec Monster Freak This guys so freakin' predictable, its funny. Every non-scrub Ogre is going to try to get to his crouched position, then pull out some powerful moves. His main method for getting in the crouch position is the d+LP poke. If Ogre does this, do the same. D+LP him, hehe. It's faster then anything he can do, annoy the hell out of him. Also remember its hard to juggle this freak, so you'll have to rely on your pokes. Also remember he has a great Hop Kick, so beware....Also he has some good unblockables, but as long as you keep poking they shouldn't be too much of a problem. If he gets you with his Ogre Grip (f,f+RP) tap b,b quickly. Ogre also has a very good Sidestep, so keep your combos short and quick, and he has a throw that has no escape so beware. Last Word- another ::yawn:: fighter, impose your will on him as usual, he doesn't really have any weaknesses or anything to really fear, just play smart and you should come out on top. -Ling Xiaoyu aka Somebody Please Slap My Annoying Ass I really don't like this fighter, but she's still one of the best in the game. She's so short, you're really going to have to rely on your RP,d+RK and d+RK pokes alot. Please stay out of her poke range, she's much to fast for you. If she goes in her Phoenix stance (d+LP+RP) d+RK her out of it. If she has her back turned poke her some more, but its risky business. Honestly when I play a good Ling player I don't do much else but poke. The Gatling combo is almost useless since she can sidestep all over the place. She's also got some of the meanist okizeme in the game, be very careful getting up. Ling players also set up throws real well, especially when her back is turned. She'll RP poke you with her back turned, then throw you. Or Roll at you from her Back position, then throw you when you expect her juggling upward kick. My opinion, she's the best fighter in the game. LastWord- Bruce was not made to fight this fight, call on my buddys King or Wang who are just great against her ;). -Gun Jack aka Big Dumb Metal Freak This really goes for all the Jacks. POKE HIM TO DEATH. Simply put, he's to slow to deal with your Bruce. Poke him at will, don't let him breath. There's not much Jacks can do if you do that. Maybe it's because I haven't played great Jack players, but I have played good ones, they still can't handle Bruce's pokes. -LastWord, to dumb, to slow to handle you ;) Poke with no MERCY. -Forest Law aka Bruce Lee Test Tube Baby One of the better fighters in the game, in the hands of a master he can do it all. Although he's extremely quick with his pokes, his real strength is in his defense. Against people who abuse jabs he'll use the Tricky Sidestep Counter (b+LP+RP,LP) and get to juggling you. Or his low counter, and Hop Kick you and juggle. IM really not sure if he can tricky sidestep counter your df+RP, but I doubt he can so use it until he proves me wrong ;). You all know about the JunkYard combo/Dragon Rush combo scrubs, low counter the second kick of the Junkyard combo and Hop Kick him. If you block the Dragon Rush Punch combo, Hop Kick him after the third punch. Stay out of his poke range as usually, and poke him but BECAREFUL. He doesn't have any real weaknesses, if you block his Hop Kick, throw him or df+RP him. If you block any of his moves that end with a Flip, or his Dragon Sweep (db+RK), Hop Kick him. If you block his WS+RP, Hop Kick again. If you get juggled, I really feel sorry for you. -LastWord- not an easy fight, should come down against his defense against your offense. If its an offensive style Law, you definitely have the upperhand. -Anna Williams aka The Booty Shaker Another annoying fighter, she seems to be faster then Nina, but can't juggle as well as her sister. Basically, she can poke you even meaner then Nina can, up close you're a sitting duck..get out of her poke range and over power her, that's the only way you're going to win this fight. Again like her sister her okizeme is flat out not fair, hehe be VERY careful when rising from the ground, try not to roll anywhere. She also has a counter, to deal with that of course use the df+RP juggle starter ;). Against the Cat Stance (b+RK) hit her with a mid attack, don't hit her low or try to throw her, you'll pay. From the crouched position she's very dangerous, kinda like Ogre-1 is, so d+LP her when she goes down on you ;P. If you can't see her multi-starter coming, something's wrong with you, it shouldn't be much of a problem since she can't do as much off her crouch dash as Nina can. - Lastword.....yeah, you're going to get poked, but her power is no where near yours, this shouldn't be a very difficult fight for Bruce. 6. A.) Juggle Section Ok people, I really wanted to make an interesting juggle section but everytime I popped the CPU in the air I kept thinking to myself, there's nothing better then the Triple Knee so here's my juggle section, I will have more stuff in the next version of this FAQ ;). Starter-Df+RP/ RP/ b+RK,LK,RK Starter-uf+RK/ RP/ b+RK,LK,RK Starter-b,F+RK/ RP/ b+RK,LK,RK Starter-LK,RP,LP/ b+RK,LK,RK Starter-CH b+LP/ df+LK,LP B.) Okizeme Bruce is not as good as Nina or Ling in his okizeme game but he still is effective. Ok, against opponents who Roll Backwards, use your Slash Kick (f,f+LK). If your opponent Rolls at you, which is almost suicide, use the Leg Slice, Tornado Uppercut (df+LK,LP). If your opponent tech rolls, or just normally rolls sideways, throw them as they're getting up, then the next time they do that, Hop Kick them. If they just lay there, which is probably the smartest thing for them to do, use the standard D+LK, or the Leg Slice by itself (df+LK) without the Tornado Uppercut follow through. If they get up with an attack, make sure they whiff the move and Hop Kick them. C.) Possible Partners After thinking about this question for about a minute I came to one conclusion, that Bruce is the ideal teammate for any fighter. Anytime you Pop an opponent in the air you can always call on ol' Bruce to finish off the juggle with his devastating triple knee combo. But the reason I really feel he should be apart of your tag team is he's very easy to use and very powerful. Basically what IM saying is, I've had problems using teams like Yoshimitsu and Lei Wu Long, or Lei Wu Long and Ling simply because when I choose two characters who have complicated fighting styles, it mixes me up alot....im not sure if anyone else has had this problem but I do. However, a team of Yoshimitsu and Bruce can be effective especially if you're losing the fight, you can always tag in Bruce and trust me, you are NEVER out of a fight with Bruce since he can end anyone in a few seconds. And its not hard to adjust from Yoshi to Bruce since Bruce's fighting style is very simple and effective. My perfect team that I use is Law/Bruce. I start with Law and poke to get people out of my face, and play very defensively looking for pokes to counter, then with Bruce I go right after my opponent, but that's just me, you put together your perfect team ;). -IN THE NEXT VERSION OF THIS FAQ Alright, The holidays have really slowed me down...I didn't get as much work in as I wanted too but I will make one more Update for this FAQ after I finish a FAQ that I've been wanted to do for a long time, an in-depth Bryan FAQ, I promise I'll deliver on that FAQ since I haven't seen any FAQs on Bryan that truly show how to master this complicated character, no offense to FAQ writers ;). I also might write either a Wang or Anna FAQ, or both if I have the time. I'll add on to the strategy section, finish the Vs. Character section and try some weird juggles that pop into my mind =P. 7. Special Thanks -All the Faq writers on the net, for some very cool ideas and strategies on how to play Tekken. -WWW.Tekken.Net/Zaibatsu, probably the best site for Tekken info, I recommend it to any Tekken player -WWW.Tekken.Net/Catlord, This site has some interesting features and probably the best move list on the next. Or to my best friend...the place to find nude Tekken art of Nina and Anna, ah hehe ;) -Namco, for this great game ;) -Eddy/Hwoarang/Paul/Law Junkyard Scrubs, If it weren't for you guys the arcade would just not be fun ;) If you're in the Los Angeles area and know of any tournaments, or just simply want to challenge me, just e-mail me please, im always looking for quality competition...even if I lose there's always something to learn when two quality players battle ;). I can usually be found in the downtown Los Angeles arcade on Broadway and 7th, or the Fun Center in Commerce (I got 2nd Place in a tournament there..should have won, hehe) or sometimes picking on Eddy Scrubs at Tilts in the Montebello Mall ;). Please don't challenge me if all you do is choose Paul and Death Fist, Counter..I will just chicken your life away, ah heheh. You'll probably see me using teams of Yoshimitsu/Bryan/Wang /King/Anna unless I lose a few times then you'll see the unbeatable team of Bruce/Law ;) Thanks for reading my faq.