BUFFERING GUIDE version 2.5 March 24, 2000 by NICKY QUICK jodeniki@bluewin.ch This guide is intended for use by "the Tekken community" (to quote one of my "mentors", gargoyle sox). It may be freely distributed as long as the contents remain intact, credit is given to the author for his contribution to Tekken knowledge in general, and no monetary compensation is received. All non-official information contained in this document are copyright (SUISA) joe nickerson, February 15, 2000. I'd like to thank in advance, rather than at the end, those who have most influenced and contributed to my general tekken thinking and progress: tragic, catlord, slikatel, gargoyle, castel, angry bear, madrilejo, santa, triple lei, fipo and many more - thanks everybody! Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome and should be addressed to the above e-mail address. NEW: Version 2.5 March 24, 2000. Additions to the Lei section and added Jin and Julia sections. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Conventions Introduction Chickens Throws Character Specific Buffers - Lei Wulong - Paul Phoenix Advanced buffering - Ling Xiaoyu Bonus - Anna Williams Multi-throws - Nina Williams - King Additional Character Specific Buffers - Hwoarang - Forest Law - Jin Kazama - Julia Chang Postscript Acknowledgement FOREWORD This started as version 1.1 of my first attempt at contributing a FAQ to the Tekken database at large. I didn't list a table of contents, rather simply shared my findings as they applied to the subject of this guide, hence the somewhat unstructured form. I would like to at least once here refer to it as "The Art of the Buffer" or perhaps "Buffer your Way to Glory" or something equally pretentious. Seriously, we've all read somewhere that at the highest levels of Tekken play, buffering plays a major role (and not just to chicken). It is one thing to be told of doors to higher levels, another to be given the keys. Has everyone understood what buffering suggests and how it works? If so, you probably don't need this guide. Let it be for average players, and for those who are interested in attaining these "higher levels". CONVENTIONS I'll assume everyone reading this is a Tekken 3 or TTT player who is in no need of an explanation of the accepted conventions used in Tekken FAQs. But one convention used in this FAQ must be introduced: bracketed buttons (with or without directional inputs) for example [2], must be held until the inputting of the complete command is finished. Likewise, F+[1] (using a capital letter for the directional command) means both f and 1 must be held. INTRODUCTION Perhaps buffering, at least intentionally, is not something the average player has had much time to think about. It's simple: "Buffering" is the art of pre-inputting commands or "parts" of commands, and then finishing them subsequently. What this means is: 1) buffering applies to multi-button commands (with directional commands, buffering applies to adjacent or subsequent commands rather than to simultaneous ones). 2) some difficult command inputs can be simplified and execution times improved. 3) moves can be chained together. 4) whereas a 2 button command (ex. 1+2) produces 1 "technique" (Lei's hook-punch, recovers BK), a buffered version [1], 2, will produce 2 techniques (jab followed by hook-punch, BK). 5) many buffered combos can be started either left or right. 6) all the quick taps (4~3) are in reality buffers. 7) superb mix-ups can be created. Until tekken Tag is available on PSX2 next year, I won't be able to study buffering techniques for all characters concerned (as I wasn't previously a Tekken 2 player) and so will confine my "move lists" of buffering possibilities to those characters I know and love best. Version 1. will focus on Lei and Paul - my second favorite, Hwoarang, won't be appearing in this version because as defined in point 1) above, buffering only applies to multi-button commands. Sadly, from a bufferer's point of view, "Bob" is lacking (but hey, he doesn't have a reversal either) in multi-button commands. He does however have a couple of buffered combo throws that are dynamite! If you really want to get into buffering though, be sure to choose a character rich in multi-button commands. Later versions of this FAQ will look at Xiaoyu, Law, Hwoarang, Julia, Jin, Nina and Anna. I'll try to evaluate the potential of each "combo" in terms of its strategic and/or tactical use in real play as I go along. CHICKENS Everybody knows by now, or should know by now, what a Chicken is and how to buffer one. A "Chicken" is for those who fear or respect reversals or those who are just too cool to be caught pants down. In effect we reverse the reversal - Kaeshiwaza in Aikido. Even Namco told us how to do it: if you punch left or kick left, 1 or 3, you must immediately input (buffer) f+1+3 afterward to have a Chicken buffered in the CPUs short term memory "in case" a reversal appears. This is certainly possible but difficult to do: after every move that could conceivably be reversed, we have to additionally punch-in f+1+3 or f+2+4. It's easier to risk it - after all, only Paul, Nina, Jin, and Anna have reversals for both punches and kicks! But I would argue this is not truly "Buffering a Chicken" rather simply inputting one. Buffering means to pre-input parts of commands then finish them subsequently. This is "buffering" a Chicken: [3], f+1 Easier and faster F+[4], 2 f,F+[3], 1 b+[2], f+4 d, df+[2], f+4 uf+[4], f+2 There's a "catch" here that has maybe already raised a question in the minds of those who are in the habit of being one step ahead: Won't [3], f+1 or F+[4], 2 produce a throw attempt? Yes. Now here's the catch: If we input f+1 before our previous command [3] recovers, it is a buffered Chicken. If we input after the recovery (which is pretty fast with a jab) it's going to be a throw attempt. DON'T FORGET! Alternatively, we could also input as shown above: f+[4], f+2 As we can see this applies to virtually every move with less than 3 buttons simultaneously. Rather than risking it, show 'em who's boss. But of course the choice is yours to Buffer or Suffer. THROWS Every character, rich in multi-button or multi-directional commands or not, shares this in common: the ability to buffer the normal throws and some special throws. However Namco did not create all souls equal, and not all characters have the same number of throws - nor do all special throws require two buttons. Call it basic buffering and keep these points in mind when applying your own buffers: Jab [1] or [2] followed by kick, 3 or 4 = throw 1+3 or 2+4. Can we do this the other way around, kick first? Sure. The only problem is, a kick may knock your opponent too far away to reach with your grab. It depends on your character's attributes of course as well as those of your opponent - how far each jab or kick distances you from your opponent. So its simple and deep at the same time. But in general, this is the way to learn buffering. PLAYER SPECIFIC BUFFERS Lei Wulong Starting at the top of Lei's special moves list: [1], 2, 1 (=1, 1+2 BK, 1) Lei left jabs then hooks to recover with his back turned followed by his repeatable spinning back-fist. So we get a fast jab to start our little combo. As to the usefulness of this all high hitting combo I won't hazard a comment other than to say it's a buffered combo which creates a small mix-up combo - useful or not, see the possibilities for general theory of relativity, Tekken style? If you can pull off a d+1 juggle from BK, everything is relative. [1], 2, 2 (=1, 1+2, 2) Lei jabs left then hooks to recover BK followed by a counter-ably slow, but nonetheless lovely, juggling uppercut. Here's the great thing about buffering: these two combos can be started [2], 1. So from the original two combos (1+2, 1 and 1+2, 2) we now have four enhanced combos starting from either side. In theory the same, but in practice I've found the [2], 1 starter to be much more effective. F+[1], 2 _ F+[2], 1 (= 1, f+1+2 _ 2, f+1+2) Good news for Lei fans: TTT's great new Lei move, Double Snake Punch to Crane Stance (f+1+2~F) is buffer-able. Hold F to go to Crane or u or d to go to Panther. [2], f+3 (=2, f+2+3) Snake Stance. But not just the tricky to input, unprotected stance change rather a right jab that is fast, scores 15 points damage, and is followed by a mix-up to SNS to fool the best of ‚em. [3], f+2 gives you more room to switch but takes away the surprise. Remember that each opponent may necessitate you side-stepping in a different direction, ex: SSR vs X, SSL vs Y. GLITCH: It was assumed that SS+2+3 was a new TTT only chance for Lei to go into Snake Stance - but it also works in Tekken 3! Now apply the above buffers with a side-step, ex: f+[3], SS+2. [4], SS+1 (= 4, SS+1+4) The other possible side-step to SNS buffer - also enhanced by appropriate choice of SSL or SSR. B+[1], 2 (= 1, b+1+2) Another good mix-up: prepare your Cannonball head-butt with a strong left jab. Why b+1? Because it scores 13 instead of 7 points damage (a bonus glitch to only Lei and Jin). You can turn this one around too no problem - jab and hold right punch first, then input b+1. Slight loss in speed but slightly more damage. B+[1], 4 , 3 (= 1, b+1+4, 3) OK, you can get to Phoenix Stance this way, a jab mix-up to unblockable sounds tempting, but the execution/recovery time is horrendous so make sure you knock ‚em down first with the 3. Recovery or Execution time will indeed be one of the deciding factors in your use or abuse of buffered techniques because the second button responds only after the first move recovers. Combos done with fast recovery moves are advised. [4], b+3 (= 4, b+3+4) One of the best of the truly useful buffered mix-ups. Instead of just turning your back (albeit in itself a useful mix-up) you first deliver a fast right kick, then turn BK to start a great guessing game: rave trip, spinning uppercut, mid-kick, low spinning juggler, or spinning hop-kick? [3], 4 works too - but don't forget the recovery time. D+[1], 2 _ [1], d+2 (= 1 _ d+1, d+1+2) An even more mixed-up, deceptive ruse to do Lei proud. This time alternate between low or high jabs to prepare your drop to Slide position. Again, instead of just dropping, you jab then drop. A simpler command input, faster execution time Mix it up with [2] or D+[2], 1 to start a right or left guessing game. [4], d+3 _ D+[4], 3 (= 4 _ 3, d+3+4) These just keep getting better. A fast kick followed by a fast drop to PLD for a pop-up launch (3+4) to juggle your merry way home. D+[3], 4 or [3], d+4 are also both useful and give the same d+3+4 result - but is your opponent more likely to strike high or low/mid to minor counter your low kick? NOTE: Buffers from BK position - the back flips don't buffer, but one thing that works well as a mix-up is BK [4], D+3 which is mid-kick to rave trip to SNS. Unfortunately, buffers from Prone positions are also not possible - the single buttons all recover standing - so just press 3+4 instead. F+[4], 3 (= f+4, f+3+4) One of Lei's favorites. The f+4 avoids many high attacks, does good damage, and knocks your opponent down. By the time he/she jumps up and comes for revenge, Lei has been buffered into Drunken Stance and can nail ‚em with the Drunken Punch (mid) for 25 damage or hit low for 15 and recovery in FCD. If you happened to whiff the f+4, you might catch a high punch retaliation with the drunken parry. Compare to the [3], f+4 or [4], f+3 or F+[3], 4 possibilities. f, N+[3], f+4, 1 _ 2, 2 (= f, N+3, f+3+4, 1, 2, 2) This qualifies as an Advanced Buffer. Lightening Crescent to Drunken Stance with either a Drunken Fist or, new in TTT, 2 Drunken Punches. NOTE: You'll have noticed that directional commands that are included must be held if performed with the first button input, but input with the second button if the first button was performed alone. Ex: F+[4], 3 but [4], f+3. In addition, directional buttons must sometimes be released or re-pressed before the next command is input. d+1+3 _ d+2+4 Both low punches and both low kicks can be buffered into the low parry for surprising results. Remember a low counter attack might follow your low attack in order to catch you still crouching. A low parry will set-up your uf+4 hop-kick or df+2 uppercut juggle starter. SPECIAL THROWS f, N+[1], uf+2 (= rush punch, uf+1+2) Almost no one expects you to stop after only one razor rush punch - unless it's to switch to SNS, which they expect to counter, or to hop-kick, which they try to block. Instead, we snatch ‚em up with the fast executing Dragon Falls, which recovers FCD. Easily tack-on Deep Sleep, Rave spin, or Go to Sleep for a wake-up mix-up. You can also try f, N+[2] and [1] or [2] starters. f, N+[1], SSL, 3 (= f, N+1, SSL (SNS), 1+3) The only drawback to this sneaky Snake Stance throw (from the right side is the coolest Lei normal throw, Closing Fan) is that you have to recover in SNS before pressing the 3. Hold 1 all the way. This is another Advanced Buffering example. [1], f, f+2 (= 1, f, f+1+2) After knocking them back with a jab, jump in there and trip-throw ‚em for 33 additional damage. If you use b+[1] to start, the total damage goes up to 46 but you must remember to release the b to input the f, f+2. Paul Phoenix Paul has only a couple of multi-button commands, albeit good ones, and luckily a few throws. These few added buffered combos alone can greatly enhance Paul's overall game. In this section, we're going to ask Paul as well to demonstrate multi-directional commands buffering. F+[4], 1 _ F+[1], 4 (= 4 _ 1, f+1+4) Both right kick and left jab are fast ways to lead into Paul's Shoulder Ram, setting up a nice wake-up game. Note again: This could be input as [1], f+4 or [4], f+1 without holding the directional command. [1], f+2 _ [2], f+1 (= 1 _ 2, f+1+2) Jab left or right to God Hand. With the right jab starter, we score almost 50 normal damage with the 2nd hit going mid to catch the high jab duckers - need I say more? B+[1], 2 (= 1, b+1+2) Paul's Burning Fist off a jab is possible, but following up the simple jab is suicide - a good example of execution time spoiling an otherwise good buffer. WELL, that just about does it for the 2-button category - unless you want to buffer Paul's reversal - but now comes the interesting stuff with directional buffering: FC, df. Paul has some great moves off these commands. d+1, df+2 (= d+1 (FC), df+2) Let's just get heavy right away - Hammer Punch to Jaw Breaker. Combined damage for this mid/mid combo is 36. OK, it does less damage then the canned Hammer-Deathfist which also hits mid/mid so the blocking is the same - but the timing isn't. Plus, you get style points for this mix-up - and this is only the start. NOTE: by not holding anything, only the FC is being buffered. Furthermore, any move that recovers crouching is in effect the buffered FC for our FC, df commands. d+1, df+2, 1 (= d+1 (FC), df+2, 1) This time we are buffering the FC and increasing the follow-up possibilities of our beloved Hammer with the Gut Buster combo. d+1, df+2, 2 (= d+1 (FC), df+2, 2) Here it is, my favorite Hammer Punch mix-up, the Stone (d) Breaker. An expert opponent might block high/high for the Hammer-Deathfist but we tack on a low juggler! Follow with a Falling Leaf for damage worthy of a ten-string. Or they block high/low/high for the Hammer-Falling Leaf combo but we fool ‚em mid/mid/low for some real bewilderment - don't forget to juggle! NOTE: All of the d+1 buffers could be started with d+2, d+3 or d+4 because we buffered the FC, not the punch and kick buttons. SPECIAL THROWS B+[2], 3 (= 2, b+2+3) I love this throw despite the touchy input. I started buffering Paul to see if I could improve my chances of consistently pulling-off this move. Unfortunately, the results are also touchy. Paul's right jab of course, is strong ( the left kick is worse) and knocks, under normal circumstances, the opponent too far away to reach with the grab. A nice little combo in theory at least: Jab and Grab. TIP: it can work if it whiffs. [1], f, f+2 (= 1, f, f+1+2) Just like Lei, Paul can start with either a left or right punch followed by one of his best throws. These f, f throws are great: push ‚em back with a jab, then jump in and grab to throw (like we do in Aikido). DF+[1], 2 (= df+1, df+1+2) Perhaps the best buffered combo throw for Paul. The mid hitting uppercut usually keeps the opponent close enough to grab for the Face Bash. If the first hit is blocked or even whiffed, it sometimes works even better. Follow with the Hammer for an easy 12 + 40 + 15 = 67 damage! For that matter, any Paul move (ex. QCB+1) where the 1 can be held, is buffered to chain into df+2 (if it doesn't CH) for the Face Bash. If you mess up the commands you often get the Hammer-Gut buster combo at no extra charge. DB+[2], 1 (= db+2, db+1+2) The Ultimate Tackle is buffered by means of a low punch (1 or 2 will work). It may surprise your opponent because a buffered tackle executes fairly fast - but the telegraphing is still too hideous to fool even a fool. ADVANCED BUFFERING Advanced buffering is characterized by complex button combinations such as 1) changing or releasing button commands 2) holding a button(s) through more than one subsequent command 3) pressing a subsequent button more than once. Let's ask Xiaoyu, a character rich in multi-button commands to demonstrate. Ling Xiaoyu First though, her basic buffering possibilities. Remember as with Lei and Paul that every buffer can be performed [1], 2 or [2], 1. If one directional input is required, we have four possibilities: F+[1], 2 or F+[2], 1 but also [1], f+2 and [2], f+1. [4], 3 _ D+[3], 4 (= 4 _ d+3, 3+4 _ d+3+4) Xiaoyu is already a great mixer-upper but by buffering her moves we can increase her tricky-ness four-fold. Kick or low kick then spin away or near before your next attack or combo. [3] as a starter would knock your opponent down and a few steps away which pretty much negates your spin. F+[1], 2 (= 1, f+1+2) Punch left or right (that's the last time I'll say it) then cartwheel right. F+[3], 4 (= f+3, f+3+4) This time flatten them with one of my favorite Xiaoyu power shots, the Cloud Kick. Why exactly you'd want to cartwheel after knocking your opponent flat isn't immediately clear maybe just to showboat a little? F+[4], 3 is much more useful - afterward you're in position for the Rain Dance Power Hook Kick (4). [1], 2 (= 1, 1+2) I could have listed this first under Xiao's special moves but since it's new to TTT, it's new to me. Like Lei's new F+1+2, this move, Birds Flock, doesn't need to be buffered to be great, but a quick jab intro doesn't help - your opponent! [3], f, f+4 (= 3, f, f+3+4) Here is a use for the standing 3 kick that knocks down your opponent then follows up with the Front Layout which scores a hit if they stand up without rolling. If you try this f, F+[4], 3 you get the Step Kick to Cartwheel Left because only the second f is buffered (= f+3+4). f, F+[3], 4 will be shown later under Xiaoyu's advanced buffers. [1], b+2 (= 1, b+1+2) Proceed to Hypnotist Stance via a jab then afterwards a follow up. B+[1], 2 or B+[2], 1 produces the excellent mid parry, The Great Wall, left or right to HYP and perhaps beyond, but it has tricky timing. Even though the directional command is shown here with a capital B, meaning to hold, you must release it shortly after inputting the second button. [4], b+3 (= 4, b+3+4) Like Lei, instead of just turning your back to the enemy, kick ‚em first. [1], 4 (= 1, 1+4) Jab to High/mid Parry (maybe if you whiff a lot of jabs). D+[4], 1 (= d+4, d+1+4) Low kick to Low Parry - for when you're feelin' Eddie wary. Hold the 1 to tack-on more fun. Speaking of fun, we can also jab and/or kick then follow with a taunt: [1], [2], 3 or [2], [3], 4. d+[1], [2], 1 (= d+1, d+1+2, 1+2) the drop to Phoenix Stance can be proceeded by the Sunset fan. It's the same as the normal Flapping wings D+1 but by holding the 2 and pressing 1 once more, you get the juggler Wave Crest-Power! We're now heading into Advanced Buffering: We wouldn't normally think there's a buffer for a one button command, even an excellent one like Xiao's f, f+3 Raccoon Swing. But if we do it: f, F+[3], 4, 4 (= f, f+3, 3+4, 3+4) Holding 3 all the way, we get the Raccoon Swing followed the California Roll to Kangaroo Kick! An awesome high-damage combo that serves up, as Catlord would say, "Juggle du jour". [2], b+[1], 2 (= 2, b+1+2, 1+2) We probably won't find a finer way to attempt Xiaoyu's unblockable Thunder Strike. If you miss it you might get the Spin Sticker if yer lucky. U+[1], [2], 2, 1 (= u+1, u+1+2, 2, 1) Yep, that's Back Palm-Forward to Fortune Cookie. Guess you just got to buy Tragic's (Ben Cureton's) book now! F, F+[1], [2], 1 (= 1, f, f+1+2, 1+2) A Phoenix Wings short cut - but hopefully not clipped short. ADVANCED DIRECTIONALS Xiaoyu has even more FC, df moves than Paul and with several different starters (including both d+ and RC possibilities) it would take awhile to list them all. Using only d+1 as my starter, here are a couple: D+1, df+2, 1, df+4, 4, WS+2 (BK), 2, 2, 2 3 _ 4 (= d+1 (RC), df+2, 1 (RC), df+4, 4 WS+2 (JG, BK), 2, 2, 2, 3 _ 4) Sunset Fan (RC) to Lotus Twist (RC) to Sun Flower (JG, BK) juggle ending with 3 for more damage or 4 to juggle some more! d+1, 3, 2, 1, 4 (= d+1 (RC), 3, 2, 1, 4) Sunset Fan to Fire Dancer. After any move that recovers crouching (ex. df+4, 4) we can initiate the Fire Dancer. This is again buffering the FC. Maybe a couple more mix-ups: d+1, df+2 (= d+1 (RC), df+2 (BK) Sunset to Shady Lotus to recover into Rain Dance. d+1, db+[3], 4 (= d+1 (RC), db+3, db+3+4) Sunset to low kick to Low Back Turn. SPECIAL THROWS Xiaoyu is a thrower's delight. Oddly enough, she doesn't really have any 2 button special throws to speak of but she has so many special moves with 1 or 2, in addition to the normal jabs, that it's possible to throw the whole match (no pun intended of course) - intentional or not! MASHERS take note: (I for one am convinced the unintentional buffering is what makes lucky mashers the great pain in the ass that they are) just hold down 1 or 2 and mash out those throws! Xiaoyu's weakness, her short reach, is actually her throwing strength: most of her moves leave her very close to her opponent so tossing's only a snatch away. Not listing them all: df+[1], 3 (= df+1, 1+3) Belly chop to Jade. Ain't that sweet... DF+[1], 2, 3 (= df+1, df+1+2, 1+3) Again advanced buffering. Hold the 1 all the way through for Belly Chop to Phoenix Stance to Jade. Mixing it up. u+[1] _ U+[1], 3 (= u+1 _ U+1 (BK), 3) Back Palm to Jade, front or back. uf+[2], 4 (= u+2, 2+4) A good hit (stun) off of Cyanide will definitely leave you in throwing range. D+[1], [2], 3 (= d+1, d+1+2, 1+3) Sunset fan to Phoenix to Jade. Buffering gets us there a little faster and helps to mix things up. Df+[2], 4 (= df+2, 2+4) Butter the Bread - yer dead! (I'll settle for the KO). >From Rain Dance: f, F+[3], 4 (= f, f+3, f, f+3+4) Buffering from Peg Leg to Back Layout, just for fun. f, F+[3], 1 (= f, f+3, f, f+1+3) Even better. After Peg Leg, spin around and throw with Jump reverse Clutch. NOTE: There's a lot more to check out, especially in Raindance and Phoenix - and not just for throwing either, but hey, remember, this is my first FAQ! I think we'll let the rest ride till next version 3.0 - but by then you'll probably have started finding a lot of stuff yourselves so I think I'll move on... BONUS I couldn't resist a few choice Anna Williams buffers. Anna is truly a Mystic Booty buffering bonanza - so let's start there: [3], 1+2, 4, 3 (= 3, 1+2+3, 4,3) Left kick (knockdown) to Mystic Booty taunt with a fast turning low/high kick combo to keep ‚em off your butt. [1], b+[2], SS+1, d+3 (= 1, b+1+2, SS+1+2, d+3) Jab to Single Slap to Bloody Chaos (JG) to low kick. Or just start with b+[2], SS+1. SS+[2], 1 _ 4 (= SS+2, WS 1+2 _ 2+4) I know it sounds crazy but when you hold the 2 then hit the 1 you get the Anna Bomb. If that isn't cool enough, check out the throw alternative. [2], d+1 (= 2, d+1+2) We like to at least try for unblockables, "bloody" or not! d+3, FC f+1, d+3,4 (= d+3 (RC) f+1, d+3,4) Low kick to Bloody Spear to Low Left/High Right kicks. d+4 _ d+1, f+[2], 4 (= d+4 _ d+1 (RC) f+2, 2+4) Low kick or punch to Overhead Windmill with follow up throw. d+4 should give you the side throw, Trick Embrace Strike. d+1, FC df+2, d+3, 4 (= d+1 (RC),df+2, d+3, 4) Low jab to Low Arm Sweep. Juggle with d+3, 4. Oo-o-ohh, baby! [2] _ b+[2], uf+1 (= 2 _ b+2, uf+1+2) Jab or slap to grab. Tack on a running attack. MULTI-THROWS Until such time that Mike Nappi or another true King/Armor King master steps forward, willing to divulge a few of the secrets that usually remain the providence of those on the "highest levels" of Tekkening, this section must be considered Under Construction. Nicky Quick is not a King player - well, not yet anyway. I know Nina much better but, in any case, I find it more difficult to input all that acrobatic stuff on an arcade controller than on a PSX controller. Life was easier in some ways with R1, R2, L1 and L2. It cost me many hours to get the Tendon Lock (1,3 2+4, 3+4, 1+2) to work on arcade buttons - the joke I think being on us - as in whose tendons are being locked? Again buffering provides a key. Nina Williams [4], QCF+[3], 4 , 4, [2], 1 (= 4, QCF+3+4, 3+4, 4, 2, 1+2) Crab Claw to Heel Hold. It's pretty hard, buffering or not, to get this input to cooperate - but Practice Makes Perfect (if we understand Lei's movie correctly)! Indeed if we understand Lei's movie correctly, we also understand that a very important part of training is to know when to take it easy. Buffer or Suffer. Without the buffer above, we have three, 2-button inputs including - let's just call it a "simple split", 3+4, 1+2, easy horizontals. But multi-buttons as used especially in multi-throws, seem to abound in not only these, but also "vertical splits" (1+3, 2+4), "hard splits" (2+3, 1+4) or even "combo splits" - like my favorite follow up to Heel Hold, Tendon Lock (2+4, 3+4, 1+2). You have to be a real dancer to input accurately and it's easy to slip up. Starting with a fast right kick, the buffered version has NO double buttons until after the Heel Hold. I have to confide it seems easier to input the Tendon Lock follow up as 1, 3, 2+4, 3+4, 1+2 than as 1, 3, 2+[4], 3, 1+2. Practice makes perfect. Since however, it'll get even more rad - even with fingers crossed, in the "Advanced Multi-Throw Bitchin' Bufferin' Section", don't worry too much about these. [2], QCF+1 (= 2, QCF+1+2) Jab to Palm Grab. = 2, 3, 4, 2, 2 Double Attack = 1, 3+4, 1, [1], 2 (= 1, 3+4, 1, 1, 1+2) Neck Crusher at a modest savings. = 1, [2], 4, [3], 1 (=1, 2, 4, 3, 1+2+3) Galetech Stretch your fingers! If you try to buffer the 1 from the beginning, you'll get the 1+2+3 one move too soon - food for thought. QCB+1+4 (= QCB+1+4) Betrayer. Unless we find a move with 1 or 4 that doesn't push our opponent too far away, we'll have to settle for the "hard split". The compensation isn't bad as this move ducks high attacks (if yer timing's right) and auto-blocks low ones. Nina has to be pretty close though to reach. = 2, [1], 2, 2, 3 (= 2, 1, 1+2, 1+2, 3) Octopus Grab. No DBs (double buttons) = 1, 3+4, [1], 2, 2 (= 1, 3+4, 1, 2, 2, 1+2) Neck Crusher. No DBs. = 1, [2], 4, [3], 1 Galetech Stretch ‚em again. = 1, 3, 2, 1 (= 1, 3, 2, 1) Standing Reverse Arm Lock. To mix.up or betray your opponents breakout attempt when she/he assumes your doing the Octopus follow up. = 2, [1], 3, 4, 2 (= 2, 1, 3, 4, 1+2) Falling Reverse Armlock to follow up the SRAL. It's a finger crosser to hold the 1 all the way but, Hey, anything to save a button! = 3, [1], 4, 2, 2 (= 3, 1, 4, 1+2, 1+2) Rear Galetech. Same buffering idea, different result. King I just BECAME a King player! It's a very enlightening irony, after cajoling you to "choose a character rich in multi-button commands", that I, before the reader's very eyes, should at this time first "discover" King for the awesome self that he is. This can truly be a site Under Construction now. I can just keep adding indefinitely till version 218.0 or so. This will become an "Alter to King's Buffered Awesome-ness" or something! Please indulge just a few easy combos before the Multi-Throw-Show begins: [1], 2, 1 (= 1, 1+2, 1) Axle Spinner with a jab beginner. [4], df+3 (= 4, df+3+4) Right kick (a big 26 damage) to Frankensteiner, 60 (at least!) damage - don't ever cry and moan again about Deathfists and Rave Spins! F, f+[2], f,d,df+1 (= f, f+2, f,d,df+1+2) Power Upper to Black Bomb. Paul be knowin' where this all come from. We're talkin' Soul now. Obviously Tekken already has enough techno killers, (no offense Yoshi), zombies (actually I'm a Brian fan too) and otherwise pure white skinned, cold-blooded ninja for your sister types (yes, I've made Kunimitsu's aquaintance) or major destruction Proto- bionics types as it is and was in need of some Duende Caliente - but now back to work: [2], f+1 (= 2, f+1+2) Right jab to left Iriminage (Jaguar Lariat) unblockable. Worth a try to make them cry. [3], f+2 (= 3, f+2+3) Left kick to Shoulder Tackle. The lovely but slow executing Shoulder Tackle is given another chance by the left kick which knocks your opponent down just inside of - you guessed it, Shoulder Tackle range. [4], SS+3 (= 4, SS+3+4) Kick to Boomerang. It's been said a lot, but don't under estimate mix-ups and simpler inputting. [1], f,f,N, 2 (= 1, f,f,N, 1+2) Jab to Push back. f,f+[2], f+1 (= f,f+2, f+1+2) Power Upper to Jaguar Lariat. [3], 4, f,f+1+2 (= 3, 3+4, f,f+1+2) Kick to Exploder (KND) to Cross Chop Block. b+[4], 1 (= b+4 (BK), 1+4) Prison Break to Moonsault. Soulful. [1], d+2 (= 1, d+1+2) Jab to Mini Elbow Drop. [1], f,f+2 (= 1, f,f+1+2) Jab to Lay Off! So maybe I should. If that was a folder not yet even full of normal and advanced buffers, a veritable Thesaurus of buffering is next: King's Multi-Throws [2], b+[1] (= 2, b+1+2) Let's start with the Irish Whip and its buffer-able links. = 3 if we buffer the 1 above, we only need 3 to get the Spin Feint. = 4 if we buffer only the 2 above we get the Quick Slam (hot damn!) with 4. = 1 if we hold both the 1 and 2 above and hit either again we get Turn Around. = 3+4 - no buffer from Irish Whip for Destruction. d,df,f+[1] (= QCF+1) Again, buffering the 1 from Jaguar Driver sets up: = 2 (= 1+2) Face Buster = 2, 3, 4, 2 (= 1+2, 3, 4, 1+2) Here's where it gets cool. Believe it or not, we can hold 1 all the way through the Boston Crab because there are no double buttons that require a different button be buffered. You need to run like a crab to not thumb this one. [4], f,N,d,df+[1] (= 4, f,N,d,df+1+4) Easier to start kicking than to cross finger a "hard split" crouch dash 1+4 Arm Breaker. If we buffered the 1 as well, we can tap 2 twice: = 2, 2 (= 1+2, 1+2) to get Triple Buster = 2, 3, 4, 2 (= 1+2, 3, 4, 1+2) Same chowder as before for Boston Crab. = 2, [4], 2 (= 1+2, 4, 2+4) Head Jammer. Remember we're holding the 1. = 4, 3 [4], 3, 1+2 (= 4, 3, 4, 3+4, 1+2) Buffering where we can as we go from link to link - here the Struggle Combo. = [2], [1], 3 (= 2, 1, 1+2+3) Chicken Wing variations from Arm Breaker. = [2], [1], 3, 4, 4 (= 2, 1, 3, 1+2+4, 1+2+4) Dragon Sleeper - advanced buffering at its craziest? NO - check out this Advanced Bitchin' Bufferin': = [3], [4] [2], [1], 3 (= 1+3, 3+4, 2+4, 1+2, 1+2+3) R.D.C. This last link from Chicken Wing is worth 70 damage alone but I think it was KO before we even got this far! NOTE: Just to make it clear: you can try to contort your fingers into holding all the buttons at once but they can and should be held in succession or only as long as necessary. [2], SS+[4] (= 2, SS+2+4) Reverse Full Nelson. = 2, [2], 1 (= 2, 2, 1+2) Cannonball = 1, 2, 3+4 (= 1, 2, 3+4) Power Bomb, no buffers. = 2, 1, 3, 4 (= 2, 1, 3, 4) Big Swing, no buffers. = [3], 1, 2, [4], 1+2 (= 3, 1, 2, 3+4, 1+2+3+4) T-Bone. Again, if we tried to buffer the 1 and 2 instead of the 4, we would arrive at the 1+2+3+4 one command too early. = 3, 1, 1 (= 3+4, 1+2, 1+2+4) Manhattan Drop. If we were to hold the [4] all the way from the Reverse Full Nelson and the [2] from the Cannonball, we would have an easy time of this otherwise difficult "combo split" Full Nelson fingering. = 1, [2], 3, 1 (= 1, 2, 3+4, 1+2) If we were still holding the 4 from above and now the 2 here, we could continue our bitchin' bufferin'. = 2, 1, 3, 4 (= 2, 1, 3, 4) If you got this far, congratulations. Now you can let everything go for the Big Swing. = [3], 1, 2, [4], 1+2 (= 3, 1, 2, 3+4, 1+2+3+4) T-Bone, same menu as before. LISTEN, if this section is still Under Construction, then I'm finished for now with Version 2.0 - especially if I want to have time to share some buffers for Hwoarang and Law. See you here again in a future up-date. ADDITIONAL CHARACTER SPECIFIC BUFFERS Hwoarang >From the lack of 2-button commands, it would appear at a glance, that "Bob" has no chance. But combining moves to buffer into his two spectacular normal front throws is in itself a thrill - and maybe just the chance Bob needs to become a buffering Star. [1], 2, 3 (= 2, 1+2, 1+3) Right jab to Disrespect to Pickpocket. 1, [2], 4 would of course lead to Human Cannonball but seems to always come up short. Pickpocket almost never comes up short, the pay-off is always within reach. [4], 3 _ [3], 4 (= 4, 3+4 _ 3, 3+4) Kick ‚em, then Stance Change. Again, holding the second command would set-up Pickpocket or Human Cannonball. [3], 4 (= 3~4) Flying Eagle. The quick taps are buffers but again the "catch": the second command must be input before the first fully recovers. [1], df+2 (= 1, df+1+2) Jab to Body Blow. To help Hwoarang's mix-up game, alternate between the four possible starters: [2], df+1 or df+[1], 2 or df+[2], 1. [3], db+4 (= 3, db+3+4) Any number of kick combos ending on 3 or 4 could theoretically buffered into the Dynamite Heel. Distance to target would be the determining factor. Try this: Launch ‚em high with Wing Blade (crouch dash+4), juggle ‚em with Hunting Hawk, uf+3, 4, [3] then finish the demo off with (perhaps a quick side-step first) db+4 - DYNAMITE! LFL 1+4 Sorry, no jab to Power Blaster buffer. Both 1 and recover out of LFL. SPECIAL THROWS Hwoarang has so many possible ways to buffer into all the normal throws (if you like to side-step) that they're all sort of Special: LFF F+[4], 1, 2 (= f+4, 1, 2+4) Funny, the only one who noted that Doggie Lift recovers in RFL seems to have been gargoyle sox, to me the best Hwoarang Guide writer. Maybe no one noticed because it's the beginning of Bob's LFF ten-string. It's followed by a Left-Backhand to Human Cannonball throw. Now you're only, give or take a little, half a life-bar from victory - time for your opponent to tag out. As gargoyle says, I love this combo like family. RFF F+[3], 2, 1 (= RFF f+3, 2, 1+3) Same brew as above, but from RFF. Here the command for Pickpocket is 1+3 but from RFF, even 2+4 will give you the Pickpocket. Here are just a couple of starters for use with either normal throws or the RFF Cheap Shot to Right-Backhand to Pickpocket. f+2, RFF F+[3], 2, 1 or f+[2], 4 (= Pickpocket) b+4, RFF F+[3], 2, 1 or b+[4], 2 b+2, RFF F+[3], 2, 1 or b+[2], 4 A few more buffered combos: f+2, RFF 2 ,2, [1], 3 (= f+2, RFF 2, 2, 1, 1+3) Rusty Knife to Big Fists to Pickpocket. If you find after jabbing that you are too far away, make the last command f+3 or f, 3. Db+[4], 2 (= Db+4, 2+4) Low kick (the Crippler) to Human Cannonball. Take That! d+[4], WS+2 (= d+4, 2+4) Well, you'll get the 2+4 throw or a juggling uppercut - can't go wrong either way. d+[2], WS+4 (= d+2, 2+4) This time if you see that you're getting the Tsunami Kick instead of the throw, tack-on another 4 to finish it. Forrest Law Bruce Lee has always been my favorite martial artist. Why he's not my main man in Tekken 3 and TTT, I'm not sure. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that many Tekken players consider him "cheap" - that's just sour grapes. Besides, all's fair in love and Tekken. Law does however have enough buffered combos to restore him to the exalted position bestowed upon his benefactor - and to cure him of the lingering Somersault Syndrome from which he seems to suffer. [4], 3 (= 4, 3+4) Kinda hard to cure SS (not side-stepping, Somersault Syndrome) when the first buffer down the list is the Quick Somersault. The good news is this move recovers RC - Law has so many FC moves that we could write a whole FAQ just on his buffers alone! [4], 3, 4 (= 4, 3+4, 4) This time the left kick followed by the Back Flipper RC recovering juggle - buffer so they suffer before screaming CHEAP! [4], d+3 (= 4, d+3+4) Frogman from this, or this, D+[3], 4 or this, [3], d+3+4). NOTE: If you try D+[4], 3 you will get two low kicks because D+4 recovers crouching but D+3 does not. You can do it with d+[4] (releasing the d) but you have to wait till Law recovers standing before inputting the 3. I think the only real use for this move is if you whiff the first kick, you do a "fall-back jumper" (like NBA style, you know what I'm talkin' ‚bout?) -and kick their teeth in on your way down. [4], SS+3 (= 3, SS+3+4) Double Dragon. It works better with 4 then SS+3 but if you really want all three hits to connect consistently, do it (facing right) SSL, [4], SS+3. D+1, (FC) Uf+4 (= d+1, FC, Uf+4) Using a low punch again to buffer our FC, we finish with a kind of far away after a buffered punch or kick, Catapult Low. NOTE: Once last time, any move recovering RC is the buffered FC for any multi-directionals that could follow. I'm not going to list them all, how about after 3, 3, 3, 4: Triple Head Kick-Somersault (RC) going into Catapult High? B+[1], 2 _ B+[2], 1 (= b+1, b+1+2 _ b+2, b+1+2) Either the first hit of the Dragon Storm or the first hit of the Junkyard Attack to Trick Step. I like this move: If your opponent tries to punch you back for her/his minor counter, Law's Punch Reversal is waiting. Whether you go into Law's Trick Step or Punch Reversal, let ‚em have afterwards with the Fatal Backhand/Dragon Blow! SPECIAL THROWS First a couple "special" normal throws: b+[1], 3 (= b+1, 1+3) Dragon Fire. I love this one. b+2, [3], 1 (= b+2, 3, 1+3) Dragon Fire from the Junkyard. d+[1],N, 3 (= d+1, 1+3) You have to let Law recover standing first but, hey, Anything for a Dragon Fire! DF+[1], 2~1~[2]~1 (= df+1, df+1+2, 1, 2, 1+2) Chastisement buffered into Bulldog. Law's only multi-throw (and it's way cool)! [4], f, f+3 (= 4, f, f+3+4) Play it again: these f, f+ throws are great! Right kick to Knee Lift. df+[3], f, f+4 is also up-lifting. [2], f+3 (= 2, f+2+3) Hard to grab this one unless you're close, which the jab doesn't help - but I'm all out of throws and I'm all out of time. Jin Kazama Buffering can offer Jin many fast and mixed-up ways to start the White Heron combos, unblockable uppercuts, and normal throws. Thanks to a large number of 2-button commands, Jin's moves list begins to resemble Lei's, King's, or Nina's - 2 pages long! In addition, buffering helps to boner Jin's repertoire of cool throws. In order to buffer the White Heron we must be able to hold 1 or 4. The list is long: [1], 4 (= 1, 1+4) the start of many mix-ups - enough to out- fox even a seasoned Jin opponent. [1], 4, 3 (= 1, 1+4, 1+3) buffered into Double Kicks. [1], [4], 2 (= 1, 1+4, 2+4) Holding 1 doesn't effect the buffered 2+4 Shoulder Throw. 1, [1], 4 (= 1, 1, 1+4) If we finish the Shining Fists with the 2, we render the buffered White Heron useless (you Do Know how far away Jin slams his opponent with this hit, don't you?). [1], 2, 4 (= 1, 2, 1+4) One-Two Punches. Hmm, the recovery time after the second punch could/should be better. [1], 2, 2, 4 (= 1, 2, 2 ,1+4) Holding 1 through both 2 inputs is no problem. Tap 3 after the White heron start to go into Double Kicks or hold [4] then tap 2 again to get the Shoulder Reverse. [1], 2, 3, 4 (= 1, 2 ,3, 1+4) Here's where to buffer gets rougher: If we wait till [1], 2 recovers, we'll get a throw attempt when we tap 3. After that, if we hit the 4 too soon, we'll get the complete One-two-Split-Axe Kick - but if we wait too long to tap 4, we'll miss the White Heron juggle coming off the 1, 2, 3 single Axe! 1, 2, [4] (= 1, 2, 4, 1+4) Starting the White Heron after the One-Two Knee. df+[1], 4 _ df+[1], 2, 4 (= df+1, 1+4 or df+1, 2, 1+4) To buffer the Heron after the Twin Lancers (one or both hits) you must release the df so Jin recovers standing. As above, if you wait/hold too long before entering the 2, you'll get the Ultimate tackle instead of Twin Lancers. NOTE: We're talking about a "Window of Time" (thanks Catlord) In which to enter the buffer - as in multi-throws and 10-strings. df+[4], 1 _ 3 (= df+4, 1+4 _ d+3+4) If you complete the Double Axe Jin will be too far away to connect with the Heron. A juggle through the Can-Can kicks is available with 3. [3], d+[4], 1 (= 3, d+3+4, 1+4) Jin's left kick is useful because unlike the 4, which knocks your opponent flying, 3 keeps you close enough to connect with the second leg of the Can-Cans. Hold 4 to juggle with the Heron. d+4 _ d+3, WS+[4], 1 (= d+4 _ 3, WS+4, 1+4) Half a rising Axe will allow you to buffer into the White Heron. uf+4, 4, [4], 1 (= uf+4, 4 , 4, 1+4) Far fetched but, if your opponent rolls forward... 2, b+[1], 4 (= 2, b+1+2, 1+4) Can't tell Jin this isn't a cool combo. If they bounce off your Force Block, crouch dash ‚em! b, f+2, [1], 4 (= b, f+2, 1, 1+4) Or after the second hit of Laser Cannon change to the Heron. WELL, that's at least a Baker's Dozen ways to start the White Heron. Whether to finish the combo (glazed) or to throw (powdered) - it's your donut. [4], B+1 (= 4, B+1+4) Following a knock-down spinner like Jin's 4, the Lightening Uppercut will fall short unless they move toward you upon standing, so use the Super Twist Uppercut instead. uf+[4], b+1 (= uf+4, b+1+4) The first hit of the Leaping Spin Kicks puts Jin in range for the Lightening Uppercut! b, f+2, [1], b+4 (= b, f+2, 1, b+1+4) A stun off the second hit of Laser Cannon might just do the trick. f+[4], b+1 (= f+4, b+1+4) Another small chance to surprise? Moves with 4 or 1 that don't leave Jin enough room to power up his unblockables will present even greater problems than these but - hey, isn't every unblockable a problem? CROUCH DASH I wanted to be able to say we can buffer hits onto every directional command in the CD: f, d, df. But as you can imagine this would inhibit the flow of the movement, in fact turning it into a three move poker to juggle combo: f+2, d+3, df+2. The GOOD news is, we can attach a strike to the f, command and flow right on through to the dash. Indeed a directional buffering addition to the already deadly dash. f+2, d, df+[4], b+1 (= f+2, f, d, df+4, b+1+4) Just to start off crazy, I've buffered the Power Overhead to the Hell Sweeps first hit to the Lightening Uppercut. As Einstein showed, the theoretical can become the physical. E=MC2 (Energy = Major Counter, squared). f+1 is probably the easiest starter because of it's recovery time but f+4 knee is also very interesting. The obvious choices, just mix ‚em up: f+1, d, df+1 (= f+1, f, d, df+1) Left jab to Thunder Godfist. f+4, d, Df+2 (= f+4, f, d, Df+2) Knee to Electric Wind Godfist. f+2, d, df+4, 4, 4, 4 (= f+2, f, d, df+4, 4...) Overhead to Hell Sweeps. Remember these can be chained to subsequent techniques and buffers. SPECIAL THROWS Buffering some normal throws was described above, if only briefly. Here are Jin's three Specials: 1, [2], f, f+1 1, 2, [2], f, f+1 4 possible Stone Heads [2], f, f+1 f+[2], f, f+1 [2], df+3 [3], df+2 4 Elbow Slams f+[2], df+3 df+1, [2], df+3 [1], QCB+3 Trip Wire. Without your opponent walking into the second part of this buffer, you won't reach. Julia Chang Ah, Julia. With a movie like hers, she should be everyone's favorite. To protect Mother Earth we probably are going to have to fight, so it's good we have Tekken to practice. It's important not to get predictable with Julia's 2+3 and 1+4 moves, central to her arsenal though they might be. Completing the 2+3, 1 Ultimate Cannon is predictable. Buffering into and out of it is not. There are just too many possible continuations available. [2], 3, (= 2, 2+3) You may follow up a successful right jab with a low hitting one leading to a mid kick but often times the low jab will be short. This would be an excellent follow up to a fake/whiff jab or kick because the buffer continues on combo fashion: after whiffing a jab you counter your opponent's counter attempt with low and mid strikes then follow with d+4, 1 or [4], 1 (RC) or even the rest of the Ultimate Cannon by pressing 1. [1], 4 (= 1, 1+4) Likewise the 1+4. Actually the somewhat slow downward fist of Julia's Axe-Mini Bow is a better follow up to the 4 kick so it's better to buffer it [4], 1 - but if the right kick whiffs, your counter is a bit slow. Since this move recovers RC however, it's too important to just not use it. Any Julia player knows there are at least 7 WS combos to buffer into from RC moves like 1+4. [2], 1 (= 2, 1+2) Using Julia's fast, strong right jab to set up the Twin Arrow. [4], 3 (= 4, 3+4) Like Xiaoyu, Julia can kick then spin sideways. If you buffer 3 you'll send them flying, negating your spin. Finish with the Roundhouse. uf+[4], 3 (= uf+4, uf+3+4) The only way this is gonna work is to launch with uf+4, then Foot Stomp down on the back of their head as they're standing - which looks really mean, but wouldn't you rather juggle? F+[1], 4 (= f+1, f+1+4) Flash Uppercut to Heaven Cannon. I thought I'd at least mention it. DIRECTIONALS It took some work but it goes like this: Julia's Thunder Palm d,df+1 and Lightening Bolt d,df+1, 2 are two of her best power moves which are often performed while running (f,f,f+1) and can be used to great effect in countering and wake-up games. It's performed with a more or less direct slap into df+1. It will not buffer like this: d+4 _ d+2, df+1 - but it will buffer like this: d+4 _d+2, df+2. In other words we can tag a hit onto our first directional command d, but it will only work as a buffer to the second hit of the Lightening Bolt combo. This is none other than one of Julia's FC moves: Body Elbow. d+4, (FC) df+2 (= d+4, FC df+2) Low kick to Body Elbow. d+3, (FC) df+4, 3 (= d+3, FC df+4,3) Low kick to Bow and Arrow. [4], 1 (RC) df+4, 3 (= 4, 1+4, FC df+4,3) Adding an intro and an extra low hit makes this 1+4, 3 less predictable. [2], 3, d+4, df+4,3 (= 2, 2+3, d+4, df+4,3) We buffer both to disguise our 2+3 to mix it up with 3 hits in the place of two high, low, mid. Instead of finishing the Ultimate Cannon 2+3,1 we go into d+4. Rather than finishing the d+4,1 Razors Edge (a move which our opponents know all too well) se use the d+1 to buffer the FC then go into the Bow and Arrow as a mix-up. Now we can use our predictable Razors Edge to juggle! SPECIAL THROWS I'm going to continue the directionals discussion just a bit farther here: d+[1], db, d, db+2 (= d+1,db,d,db+1+2) The Cross Arm Suplex buffers nicely if you input before the db motions move Julia back out of reach. QCB, f+2 The Mad Axes are everybody's favorite Mother Earth protector. QCB is like the ultimate directional buffering exercise: After launching, while running, jumping, back-dashing, recovering - you name it, wherever you have enough breathing room to do it, QCB can be input. The choices are only limited to those of timing and distance. d, db+1+3 Waist Suplex. Forget about buffering this one unless you want a mixed-up way to get the Low Parry. df+[2], 1 (= df+2, df+1+2) Once in awhile you get the Arm Lock Suplex but if you're really lucky you get the Power Punch Launcher andcan then time a Palm explosion just right to keep 'em off their feet. Remember our Thunder Palm d,df+1 that wouldn't buffer? Use it like this: d, df+[1], 2 and you will sometimes get the throw! WELL, as a "see you later" I want to remind you that those left kicks that send your opponent flying are there for a reason: [3], 2+4 - for waving BYE, BYE! Be cool. POSTSCRIPT to Version 2.5 I hope this proves helpful to those who are interested in broadening their understanding of certain aspects of Tekken inputting not explained in official Tekken documentation. It is dedicated solely to the advancement of Tekken knowledge and Art in general, and to repay in part, that which I've borrowed from all of you who are as enthusiastic about Tekken as I am. A second Thank You is indeed in order to those who have made all the FAQs and multi-media available to us - the Tekken web sites (to mention only a few): Tekken Zaibatsu Catlord's Tekken Collection Fighters.net Gamefaqs.com Inside Tekken Tekken Tag Tournament Iron Fist's Movie Page Tekken Web Tekken Players Tekken Worldwide ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To Tragic. I've referred to the techniques used in this FAQ by the names (which differ from Namco's) used in your book The Unauthorized Tekken 3 Fighting Guide - Thanks, I hope this is OK with you. Names for TTT techniques used in this FAQ are borrowed from Catlord's TTT movelist. Thanks, I hope you don't mind. Nicky Quick