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Thanks to GameFAQs for the above statement, which made this section a lot easier. If you do want to use part of this guide then just ask me. I'll probably let you. You can e-mail me at: Rbatmc3098@aol.com The sites that are currently authorised to display this FAQ are: - GameFAQs.com - Neoseeker.com If you find this FAQ posted anywhere else then could you please e-mail me at above address and let me know. Many thanks. Soul Blade, Soul Calibur and Soul Calibur II are trademarks of NAMCO LTD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. About This Guide This guide is intended to cover all the aspects of using Cervantes in game. This means I don't intend to cover anything that is not of use in game, such as his profile. I decided to write this FAQ since I've been looking to write one for quite a while (yes, this is my first FAQ), and after looking at the available information on Soul Calibur II I thought that I could write a fairly decent guide on Cervantes, who is far and away my best character. So here is my guide to using everyone's favourite Spanish pirate. I've listed his weapons and their various effects, which I have tried to make as accessible as possible, as well as all his moves (including his hidden ones), together with their soul charge effects (and others). I've also included a few tips you could use when fighting with him, since they have proved extremely useful for me. If you spot any mistakes then feel free to e-mail me using the address found above. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Cervantes Weapon's I'm going to set out the weapons in the following format: (number down list)(name) (weapon assessment) (effect influence - positive(+), negative(-) or neutral(*))(weapon effects) I got the percentages shown by using the Extra Practice mode, and I can't guarantee that the two shown for the Acheron are correct, since the effects of the soul charge distorts the figures. But if they are wrong then they won't be out by much. I also can't give you the proportion of health you lose when using weapons that drain it. Sorry. Okay, here we go: I. Soul Edge And Nirvana Cervantes's starting weapons. They slice, they dice, they sever limbs. They also come in handy when carving up the Sunday roast. What more could you want? * They provide no bonuses or penalties. II. Falchion This is the first weapon you can buy with Cervantes. It has a shorter reach then his other weapons, but given the range of Cervantes's attacks I don't consider this a major shortcoming. It also boosts both attack and defence, which were hardly lacking in the first place. Personally I consider this to be Cervantes's second best weapon, which I have to say was a little disappointing since it's the first weapon you acquire! - Shorter reach than normal (for left handed attacks) + Damage dealt + 20% + Damage taken - 20% III. Firangi Oh dear. And the Falchion was so good as well. This sword gradually recovers your health, but it does it so slowly it might as well not bother. There's no point in ever using this, since if you need a conservative weapon the defence boost you get from the Falchion easily tops this thing's regeneration. Use something else. + Recovers health - Your horizontal attacks are easier to break with vertical attacks IV. Erlang's Blade Has a slightly longer reach than normal. That's it. Not really worth using in my opinion, but I don't suppose it could hurt. As with the Firangi, it apparently makes your horizontal attacks easier to break, but I can't say I've ever noticed much of a difference. + Longer reach than normal (for left handed attacks) - Your horizontal attacks are easier to break with vertical attacks V. Acheron Interesting. This blade increases your defence during a soul charge, but also enables you to connect with multiple attacks while charged up without losing the charge. This gives it potential for some really nasty sustained assaults. For example, you can launch - and connect with - two level 3 charged Geo Da Rays (provided that your opponent doesn't stay on the floor for two long after being hit by the first) from the same soul charge. I'd just like to point out that this would make them both unblockable. Despite this, and given the fact that you still take damage even when guarding, I still can't say that I'd ever urge anyone to use this. Use at your own risk. - Damage taken when guarding = 20% - Damage dealt - 5% during soul charge + Damage taken - 20% during soul charge + Attacking after a soul charge does not cause it to dissipate VI. Phlegethon Hmm. Has a shorter range than normal, but damages through your opponent's guard. It also makes level 3 soul charge unblockable moves unblockable at level 1. So that would be Geo Da Ray then (and Dread Lifter, but it's such a poor move it barely even counts). Oh, and don't let the lack of flames that normally accompany an unblockable attack fool you - level 1 charge does make [3U] attacks unblockable. I suppose you could do worse, but I wouldn't recommend using this. - Shorter reach than normal (for left handed attacks) + Damage dealt when opponent is guarding = 20% + Moves that are unblockable at level 3 soul charge are unblockable at level 1 VII. Cocytus Looks better than it actually is. It deals more damage than usual, which is nice, but you lose health when you attack with it. Just like the Phlegethon, this also helps your soul charge unblockables, but when you've got a whole one, this isn't much of a bonus. Okay, so there are actually two, but who uses the Dread Lifter? (i.e. don't.) If you want extra damage, use the Falchion. Next. + Damage dealt + 30% - Using attacks drains health + Moves that are unblockable at level 3 soul charge are unblockable at level 1 VIII. Styx So your speed increases during a soul charge. I mean, come on, who actually uses the soul charge that much anyway? Feel free to use it if you really want, but I can't see why you'd want to. - Harder to break horizontal attacks with your vertical attacks + Speed increases during soul charge IX. Soul Edge (Complete) And it looked so promising. This weapon is good for two things; killing your opponent (good), and killing you (not good). Admittedly it does do a lot of damage, and it also restores your life when you inflict damage, but it drains your health like no tomorrow. Personally, I'd just use Lethe instead. It's better all round. And it's up next. Yay! - Drains health + Health recovers in relation to damage dealt + Damage dealt + 40% X. Lethe Hallelujah! (a beam of light shines down from the heavens). At last, a decent weapon! And it even looks cool too! This is the strongest weapon Cervantes can get, and at 150% damage I'm not complaining. It also reduces the damage you take, and even extends the range of Cervantes's second blade. It's only drawback is that you take damage when attacking with it. Because of this, it's not a good idea to use it in fights where preserving your life bar is of paramount importance (such as in survival mode). Otherwise, this sword is far and away Cervantes's best. Honestly, if you don't like this weapon then there must be something wrong with you. + Longer reach than normal (for right handed attacks) - Using attacks drains health + Damage dealt + 50% + Damage taken - 20% XI. Imitation Sword Come on, what were you expecting? In technical terms, this sword sucks. It drops both your attack and defence. If you're in a serious fight, then don't use it. I'm not sure what the "something good" that might happen is, although it might be referring to the stupid noise it makes when an attack connects. Also, it does look like the soul blade from the original game (Soul Blade), which brings back memories (eyes glaze over). Ah, Edge Master Mode was so much better then it's predecessors, if only they would reproduce it... mumble rant mutter.... * Successful attacks make a different sound than normal - Damage dealt - 20% - Damage taken + 20% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Cervantes's Moves Key: H = Horizontal attack V = Vertical Attack K = Kick G = Guard F = Forward DF = Downforward D = Down DB = Downback B = Back UB = Upback U = Up UF = Upforward hH - This indicates that the buttons should be pressed in rapid succession, in this case H followed by H H+V - Press buttons listed simultaneously (at the same time), in this case H and V V(hold) - This indicates that you have to hold down the button shown to the left of this word, in this case V ... - This indicates a delay between button presses. The length of the delay is optional to a degree, but has limits depending on the actual attack. The only way to know the exact timing is to try it! (while rising) - Input buttons listed while getting up off the floor or moving from crouching to standing (H) = This attack hits high (M) = This attack hits mid (L) = This attack hits low (SM)= This attack hits mid, but can be blocked crouching [T] = This attack is a throw (throws hit high) [AT]= This attack can throw an opponent, but is blockable [ND]= This attack has a non-damaging effect [GI]= This attack can perform a guard impact [GB]= This attack can break an opponent's guard [U] = This attack is unblockable [1B]= This attack can break an opponents guard if executed with a soul charge at a level equal to or higher than the number shown (in this case level 1) [3U]= This attack is unblockable if executed with a level 3 soul charge = You'll find this next to Flying Dutchman. This is because the final hit from this attack can sometimes be a guard break, but I don't actually know what the condition is that causes it. Sorry! If anyone does know then feel free to e-mail me (check the 'About This Guide' section for my address). <*> = You'll find this next to Iceberg Ray. This attack can only be executed at level 3 soul charge, and won't work on a counter hit. Odd I know, especially when the soul charge is meant to make attacks counters, but that's the way it seems to work. Just to clarify, the moves will be set out like this: (attack name)(button input)(where the attack hits, e.g. mid)(extra effects) For the moves that aren't listed in game I got the names (and in most cases the moves themselves) from Soul Calibur, since most of them are listed in it. For a few of the moves I just made the names up, since there weren't any available. Now for the lists: I. Horizontal Attacks II. Vertical Attacks III. Kick Attacks IV. Throws V. Other Attacks VI. Attacks Not Listed In The In Game Command List I. Horizontal Attacks Merciless Wave hB (M) Merciless Stab, Cannonball Split hbV (M) [AT] Merciless Needle hbV,V (M)(M) (First strike must not damage opponent's front) Merciless Needle (Delay) hbV...V (M)(M) (See above) Soul Swing H,H (H)(H) Crush Keel F+H (H) Lagging Wave F,F+H OR F(hold)+H (H) Scissor Wave DF+H (M)(M) Laser Wave D+H OR (while crouching) H (SM) Dread Wave DB+H (L) Dread Wave (Hold) DB(hold)+H (L) Dread Lifter DB+H...V (M) [3U] Bridgette Wave B+H (M) Tornado Slice B,B+H OR B(hold)+H OR DB(hold)+H OR UB(hold)+H (H)(M) Eraser Wave H+V,H (M)(M)(L) Armada Eraser H+V,V (M)(M)(M)(M) Gale Slash F+H+V,V (M)(M) Windmill F,F+H+V OR F(hold)+H+V OR D(hold)+H+V OR U(hold)+H+V (M)(H) Slant Cross DF+H+V (M) Killer X D+H+V (M) Eternal Curse DB+H+V (M) [U] (Press G to cancel) Bloody Hoist B+H+V (M) Cross Bone Divider B,B+H+V OR B(hold)+H+V (M) [1B] Cross Bone Divider (Hold) B,B+H+V(hold) OR B(hold)+H+V(hold) (M) [U] Iceberg Circular U+H+V OR UB+H+V (M) [2B] (Press G to cancel) Iceberg Ray U+H+V,V OR UB+H+V,V (M)(M) [GB] <*> (Press G to cancel) Killer X Crawler UF+H+V OR DF(hold)+H+V OR UF(hold)+H+V (M) Pressure Astern UF+H+V(hold) OR DF(hold)+H+V(hold) OR UF(hold)+H+V(hold) (M) Anchor Whirlpool DB+H+K OR (while crouching) H+K (L) Pirates Cross hV (H)(M) Gentle Wave hgH (H) Dread Pressure DB+hV (M) Dread Pressure (Hold) DB+hV(hold) (M) [U] Scissor Lifter DF+hV (L)(M) Scissor Lifter (Hold) DF+hV(hold) (L)(M) [GB] (GB is on second attack only) Bridgette Slice B+hH (M)(H) Dishonest Wave DF(hold)+H OR UF(hold)+H (H) [GI] Gibbering Torpedo D(hold)+H,H OR U(hold)+H,H (L)(L) Gibbering Pressure D(hold)+H,V OR U(hold)+H,V (L)(M) Full Sail Anchoring (while rising) H,V (M)(M) Full Sail Anchoring (Hold) (while rising) H,V(hold) (M)(M) (Causes a tremor) Flying Dutchman (while crouching) H+V (M)(M)(M)(M)(M)(M)(M) Aft Dread Pressure (back facing enemy) H+V (M) Leaping Swing UB+H OR U+H OR UF+H (H) Hull Breacher (while jumping) H (L) II. Vertical Attacks Storm Generate vD (M) [AT] Wild Storm V,V,V (M)(M)(M) Wild Storm (Delay) V,V...V (M)(M)(M) Wild Storm (Alternate Delay) V...V,V (M)(M)(M) Wild Storm (Double Delay) V...V...V (M)(M)(M) Bloody Storm V,V,H (M)(M)(L) Storm Flare V,V,B+V (M)(M)(M) [2B] (Last hit 2B only if prior attacks miss) Sail Nautilus F+V,V (M)(M) Sail Nautilus (Hold) F+V(hold),V (M)(M) Bile Lunges F,F+V OR F(hold)+V (M) [AT] Cannonball Lifter DF+V OR DF(hold)+V OR UF(hold)+V (M) Cannon Flare DF+V,V OR DF(hold)+V,V OR UF(hold)+V,V (M) (Counter hit only) Spike Anchor D+V (M) Slay Storm DB+V OR (while crouching) V (M) Bloody Hilt Kick B+V,K (M)(H) Bow Breaker B,B+V OR B(hold)+V (M) Fang Cross F+V+K (M)(M) Anchor Bow Heel DF+V+K (M) High Tide Anchoring D+V+K (M) High Tide Anchoring (Hold) D+V+K(hold) (M) Night Raid DB+V+K (M) [2B] Night Raid (Hold) DB+V+K(hold) (M) [GB] Shadow Flare B+V+K (M) [1B] (Press G to cancel and backstep) Shadow Flare Cancel b+v+kG [ND] (unlike the cancel above, it has no backstep) Surprise Wave vH (H) Quick Wild Storm vgV,V (M)(M) Quick Wild Storm (Delay) vgV...V (M)(M) Quick Bloody Storm vgV,H (M)(L) Quick Flare Storm vgV,B+V (M)(M) [1B] (1B only if first strike misses) Side Needle D(hold)+V OR U(hold)+V (M)(M)(M) Riot Storm DB(hold)+V OR UB(hold)+V (M) [2B] Devastator (while rising) V (M) Leaping Spike Anchor UB+V OR U+V OR UF+V (M) Stern Splitter (while jumping) V (M) III. Kick Attacks Anchor Gusty Kick kF (H) Anchor Knee Kick F+K (M) Head Scratch Kick F,F+K OR F(hold)+K OR DF(hold)+K OR UF(hold)+K (M) Anchor Middle Kick DF+K (M) Anchor Bow Kick D+K (L) Anchor Marooned Kick DB+K (L) Anchor Steep Kick B+K,K (H)(M) Galleon Sinker B,B+K OR B(hold)+K (M) Head Snap Kick F,F+kV OR kgK (M) Sliding F(hold)...+K (L) Anchor Side Kick D(hold)+K OR U(hold)+K (M) [GI] Anchor Swirl Kick DB(hold)+K OR UB(hold)+K (L) Anchor Low Kick (while crouching) K (L) (Weaker than Anchor Bow Kick) Anchor Revive Kick (while rising) K (M) Leaping Side Kick UB+K OR U+K OR UF+K (M) Hop Kick (while jumping) K (M) IV. Throws Sadistic Cross H+G [T] Surging Current V+G [T] Flash Flood (from behind) H+G OR V+G [T] Figurehead Break (from the left) H+G OR V+G [T] Jolly Roger Hoist (from the right) H+G OR V+G [T] Merciless Stab, Cannonball Split hbV (M) [AT] Storm Generate (against airborne opponent) vD (M) [AT] Bile Lunges F,F+V (M) [AT] V. Other Attacks Pirate's Scheme H+K (M) [GI] (See entry in '5. Basic Tips/Tactics' below) Pirate's Scheme (Long Range) H+K (M)(M) [GI] (See above) Pirate's Tactics V+K (?) [GI][U] (See above) Dread Charge DB(hold)+H+V OR UB(hold)+H+V OR D,DB,B [ND] (Press G to cancel) Dread Slash (during Dread Charge) H (H) [U] (Press G to cancel) Geo Da Ray (during Dread Charge) V (M) [3U] Geo Da Ray (during Dread Charge) D+V OR U+V (M) [3U] Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) V,V (M)(M) [3U] (Requires a wall) Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) D+V,V OR U+V,V (M)(M) [3U] (See above) Sadistic Sweep (during Dread Charge) K (L) Sadistic Archmage (during Dread Charge) D+H,D+H (L)(SM) Sadistic Wiseacre (during Dread Charge) D+H,H,V (L)(M)(M) Sadistic Wiseacre (Hold) (during Dread Charge) D+H,H,V(hold) (L)(M)(M) Dash Flare (during Dread Charge) F+V+K (M) [1B] (1B only if you're quick!) VI. Attacks Not Listed In The In Game Command List Merciless Wave hB (M) Merciless Stab, Cannonball Split hbV (M) [AT] Merciless Needle hbV,V (M)(M) (First strike must not damage opponent's front) Merciless Needle (Delay) hbV...V (M)(M) (See Above) Iceberg Ray U+H+V,V OR UB+H+V,V (M)(M) [GB] <*> (Press G to cancel) Gibbering Pressure D(hold)+H,V OR U(hold)+H,V (L)(M) Leaping Swing UB+H OR U+H OR UF+H (H) Hull Breacher (while jumping) H (L) Wild Storm (Alternate Delay) V...V,V (M)(M)(M) Wild Storm (Double Delay) V...V...V (M)(M)(M) Quick Wild Storm vgV,V (M)(M) Quick Wild Storm (Delay) vgV...V (M)(M) Quick Bloody Storm vgV,H (M)(L) Quick Storm Flare vgV,B+V (M)(M) [1B] (1B only if first strike misses) Leaping Spike Anchor UB+V OR U+V OR UF+V (M) Stern Splitter (while jumping) V (M) Anchor Gusty Kick kF (H) Anchor Bow Kick D+K (L) Sliding F(hold)...+K (L) Anchor Low Kick (while crouching) K (L) (Weaker than Anchor Bow Kick) Leaping Side Kick UB+K OR U+K OR UF+K (M) Hop Kick (while jumping) K (M) Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) V,V (M)(M) [3U] (Requires a wall) Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) D+V,V OR U+V,V (M)(M) [3U] (see above) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Basic Tips/Tactics This section is just some basic advice on which of Cervantes's moves are the most useful, as well as one or two combos. This section is totally arbitrary, and is based largely on my experience, so you might not agree with some of the things I have to say. But I have completed the game multiple times on extremely hard using these tactics, and I haven't lost doing so for a long time, so I'm confident that they work. At any rate, it probably wouldn't hurt to take a look, so why not read on? Merciless Wave hB (M) Lagging Wave F,F+H (M) Possibly the two most useful moves for positioning your opponent. Merciless Wave knocks your opponent into the background, Lagging Wave sends them into the foreground (if you're facing to the right - otherwise, vice versa). Handy for changing the plane of combat, and even better for getting ring outs. If you can't remember any other moves for choosing which direction your opponent falls in, at least remember these two. Lagging Wave F,F+H (H) A great move, this. Comes out pretty quickly, has a decent range and does reasonable damage. Use this from a distance and you should be able to flatten your opponent the majority of the time. Also good as a starting move (used the second the fight starts) due to it's speed, but don't use it every time and it is by no means a guaranteed hit. Also handy for hitting off guard opponents, or just after a guard break (although a good opponent will probably GI it). Dread Wave DB+H (L) Dread Wave (Hold) DB+H(hold) (L) Bloody Storm V,V,H (M)(M)(L) Quick Bloody Storm vgV,H (M)(L) Eraser Wave H+V,H (M)(M)(L) The move I'm focusing on here is the Dread Wave. This is probably Cervantes's best low attack. It's not overly slow, it's reach isn't bad and neither is the damage. Plus, it even hits opponents on the ground. Bloody Storm is a pretty reliable three hit take down, and is definitely better then Wild Storm, which frequently (much more then half the time!) gets it's last hit blocked or even guard impacted. Another great way to use it is to use Dread Wave (Hold) at the edge of it's range on a grounded opponent. If they get up before the move executes then you can release it early, if they get up as the move is released then it will hit them and if they don't get up at all then it will still hit. Killer X D+H+V (M) Flying Dutchman (while crouching) H+V (M)(M)(M)(M)(M)(M)(M) Full Sail Anchoring (Hold) (while rising) H,V(hold) (M)(M) (Causes a tremor) Okay, I'll admit that I got this combo from having it used on me by the computer, but that still doesn't make it any less flashy. The idea is that if you can connect with a Killer X on a counter hit then they'll be bounced into the air, at which point you should be able to catch and suspend them with all seven hits of the Flying Dutchman as they fall back to earth. As Killer X puts you into a crouch, you just need to keep down held and press H+V at the right time, which is pretty much as soon as Cervantes's finishes his Killer X. It doesn't work every time, but it's not outrageously hard to pull and does look quite skillful. However, you'll actually do more damage if you use Full Sail Anchoring (Hold) as the second move - although this doesn't look as good. Typical. Killer X Crawler UF+H+V OR DF(hold)+H+V OR UF(hold)+H+V (M) Pressure Astern UF+H+V(hold) OR DF(hold)+H+V(hold) OR UF(hold)+H+V(hold) (M) This is impressive. Much of what applies to the Lagging Wave applies to this. It has considerable range due to the flip, is pretty fast and can be executed from standing. What's more is that if you hold the buttons down when you execute the attack, then if your opponent manages to get behind you it automatically converts to a Pressure Astern. A good time to use it is on a grounded opponent when they are at the edge of it's range. They most probably won't be expecting it, giving you a good chance of getting the hit, and if they don't get up then you'll still hit them. Also quite a nifty starting move, and useful for flattening off guard adversaries. Dread Pressure DB+hV (M) Dread Pressure (Hold) DB+hV(hold) (M) [U] I wasn't gonna include this, but in the end I just had to. I'm more interested in the hold version, since it's unblockable, but I can't say that the regular version is not worth using. Basically this is a short range, surprisingly quick unblockable attack. Cervantes also moves forward slightly just before he uses it, so it's actually not quite as short ranged as it appears. If your opponent is playing defensively then chuck this at them. Also a good move to use if the computer is lying on the floor and Cervantes has enough room to turn around without standing on them (not literally, of course). They have to get up to be hit by it, but more often then not they will. Gibbering Torpedo D(hold)+H,H OR U(hold)+H,H (L)(L) Gibbering Pressure D(hold)+H,V OR U(hold)+H,V (L)(M) Ah, Gibbering Torpedo. An attack that hits low. Twice. You just know that it's gonna be good. This move executes quite fast, and although the second hit is blockable even after getting tagged by the first, the attack's speed normally prevents it from being blocked. If you like to use this attack a lot, then you could alternate it with Gibbering Pressure from time to time, but it just isn't as good. A good opportunity to use this seems to be just as your opponent is getting up off the floor, but timing here is important, since it unfortunately can't hit opponents on the floor. Darn it. Cannonball Splitter DF+V OR DF(hold)+V OR UF(hold)+V (M) Cannon Flare DF+V,V OR DF(hold)+V,V OR UF(hold)+V,V (M) (Counter hit only) Storm Generate vD (M) [AT] One of Cervantes's more flashy attacks, but that doesn't make it any less lethal. You can only get the second hit of Cannon Flare if the first hit connects on a counter. If you don't get a counter with the first hit then you can still catch your opponent with a Storm Generate for some extra damage. This attack does quite a bit of damage, but it's not all that fast, so it's not recommended up (too) close. It also leaves you wide open, so try not to use it unless you can be fairly sure it will connect. These might sound like major drawbacks, but even so, this is still a highly effective move. Night Raid DB+V+K (M) [2B] Night Raid (Hold) DB+V+K(hold) (M) [GB] I only started using this regularly after I began writing this guide, but I have to say that it can be lethal. I generally go for the hold version more, since it doesn't take an awful lot longer to execute and gains the ability to guard break, as well as some extra power. Use it at long range to offset it's sub-par speed. When it connects it does quite a bit of damage, as well throwing the victim backwards, also making it not bad as a ring out move. It is liable to get blocked, but is of course a guard break attack (which is why I tend towards the hold version). I mostly use this when the opponent is at the edge of it's range and on the floor (surprise surprise) since the delay gives them enough time to stand up into it. Just try not to get side-stepped, since this move has severely low horizontal capability (i.e. none), and also has an agonisingly long combined execution and recovery time. Bloody Hilt Kick B+V,K (M)(H) Anchor Gusty Kick kF (H) An extremely quick move. This is my attack of preference when your opponent is too close for comfort, but any other quick, short range move (like Scratch Kick) will do. Basically, when your opponent is right up in your face it becomes quite difficult to use most of Cervantes's attacks, since when you start to execute something your opponent normally gets their attack in first due to their higher speed. So, to get round this, you can use an extremely quick attack which launches them either off towards the horizon or down into the pavement. You could try using a throw, but if your opponent is holding their ground and continually attacking then I find that one of these moves actually works better. As a side note, you can also use the kick from Bloody Hilt Kick on it's own, and it's actually not that bad as a medium range attack. Bet ya didn't know that, huh? (if you did, then just humour me.) Storm Generate vD (M) [AT] Ever been frustrated by your inability to catch falling folk mid air, zap them with a couple of lightning bolts and then slam them forcibly back to earth? Well, stress yourself no longer, because now you can with Cervantes's very own Storm Generate. Simply use the attack to connect squarely with a falling victim, and you can generate electrical surges to your heart's content. Also available in up close face smashing form. No batteries required. .... Er, sorry about that. Anyway, as you might have gathered, Storm Generate can be used to throw an airborne opponent, regardless of why they are in the air. It's most common use is to catch a juggled opponent, which it is pretty useful for, and you should try to do so whenever you can. But, if can also be used to grab unsuspecting opponents out of the air as they attempt to perform an aerial attack. A couple of examples would be Cervantes's Shadow Flare and Nightmare's Fatal Dive. It's definitely more of a challenge to do so, but if you manage to I gotta say it's pretty satisfying, and probably annoying to boot on the receiving end. You can also use this attack to hit a standing opponent, and it will floor them too, but it's not particularly great for this. Pirate's Scheme A+K (M) [GI] Pirate's Scheme (Long Range) A+K (M)(M) [GI] Pirate's Tactics V+K (?) [GI][U] Hard to use well, but extremely effective (and no doubt annoying). If you successfully guard impact an opponents attack with one of these then Cervantes will automatically follow up with an inescapable counter attack. This is why I'm not sure what height Pirate's Tactic's hits at (hence the ?), but in practice it is of no importance what-so-ever. Anyway, there's more to it then simply guard impacting an attack that your adversary throws at you. Pirate's Scheme can only guard impact high and mid horizontal attacks, whereas Pirate's Tactics can only guard impact (yeah, you've guessed it) high and mid vertical attacks - which explains why there's two of them. This does make them a little more tricky to use then regular guard impacts, and so to help you out you can use them while running in any direction, or even during a Dread Charge. Isn't that nice of the game designers? Oh, and I have to mention that Pirate's Tactics is the only attack in which Cervantes uses his gun (he has a pistol in the hilt of Nirvana, if you didn't know). Why bring a gun to battle and not use it? I mean, duh. And I don't wanna hear any excuses about game balance or any of that rubbish. Ah well, I suppose he does have the major handicap of being dead to overcome, so I guess I can let it slide. Storm Flare V,V,B+V (M)(M)(M) [2B] (Last hit 2B only if prior attacks miss) Quick Storm Flare vgV,B+V (M)(M) [1B] (1B only if first strike misses) Shadow Flare B+V+K (M) [1B] (Press G to cancel and backstep) Shadow Flare Cancel b+v+kG [ND] (unlike the cancel above, it has no backstep) Dash Flare (during Dread Charge) F+V+K (M) [1B] (1B only if you're quick!) Are you surprised that I had to mention Shadow Flare in this section? A cool attack this, not to mention disorientating as hell. If you really want it to bite then pull a quick level 1 soul charge just before you execute it so that you can add the guard break. As it happens, the Shadow Flare on the end of Storm Flare is also a guard break at level 1 soul charge, but a) the first two attacks have to miss and b) even if this does happen the soul charge runs out by the time the Shadow Flare strikes. Oh well. If you feel like shaking things up a bit (usually to annoy your mates) then use this when you're right in front of your opponent, but only if you can afford to take the chance of getting hit. You can also use it when your opponent is on the floor, which works reasonably well. Just watch out for characters with mid air throws - particularly Astaroth. Also handy when your opponent is quite a distance away, and they seem to be under the impression that they have a few seconds to do whatever they want unassailed. Prove them wrong. Geo Da Ray (during Dread Charge) V (M) [3U] Geo Da Ray (during Dread Charge) D+V OR U+V (M) [3U] Dread Charge DB(hold)+H+V OR UB(hold)+H+V OR D,DB,B [ND] (Press G to cancel) High Tide Anchoring (hold) D+V+K(hold) (M) Finally. If there's a move that Cervantes should be famous for, then this is it. In my opinion, this is much better than Shadow Flare, but I'm sure there are some people out there who would argue with me (there always are). This move can absolutely demolish your opponents, but you can't just use it any old how. Firstly, you should only really use it from a distance. Since Cervantes has to charge up first, unless there's some space between you and your opponent then Dread Charge is usually just an invitation for your enemy to flatten you. It CAN be used up close, but unless you know what you're doing it's generally not a good idea. Also, watch the arena edges! It is surprisingly easy to fire yourself straight off the edge of a stage, and an instant loss, so if you're facing an edge and are anywhere near it, then just don't use this. Just don't, OK? Aside from these precautions, there are two ways that I tend to use this. The most obvious would be to attack vulnerable opponents when they are out of reach of conventional attacks. My other method is to delay the attack. When you have at least some distance from your adversary, pull a Dread Charge and then wait. The chances are that your opponent will either block, attack or move. If they block, then you can simply abandon the Dread Charge. If they attack then you can counter with Geo Da Ray. A lot of the time the computer will respond to this by performing a move timed to knock Cervantes out of the attack, but since you have delayed it their move will just leave them wide open, and you can execute your move just as their's is ending. Lastly, if they decide to move then you can wait and see where they go. If they start to back up or side step, then you can just leave the Dread Charge. But sometimes your opponent will decide to circle round you in which case you can launch a sideways Geo Da Ray. If it misses, which it does quite a bit, then most of the time you won't end up right next to your opponent and shouldn't get hit. But it can connect occasionally, and that certainly doesn't help your opponent out much. One thing I must say though is to be wary when using this against a character with quick long range attacks - specifically Ivy - since they can hit you almost as soon as you start the Dread Charge. As a final point, if you successfully connect with a Geo Da Ray then you have enough time to turn around and execute a High Tide Anchoring (Hold), which will connect with your opponent after they land - guaranteed. DON'T use Storm Generate, since this not only does less damage but it actually reduces the damage your opponent takes from the Geo Da Ray. Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) V,V (M)(M) [3U] (Requires a wall) Geo Da Ricochet (during Dread Charge) D+V,V OR U+V,V (M)(M) [3U] (See above) Really this is just an extension of Geo Da Ray, but grouping them together would have put the move details (above) well over the 79 character limit, and since this ability isn't listed in game I thought I'd write them as separate moves. Anyway, to pull this off simply Geo Da Ray Cervantes into a wall and then press V before he recovers from the move. This comes in quite handy when your opponent is close to a wall, since if it fails to connect then you'll end up with some distance between you after the move, hindering any reprisal, and occasionally if the initial attack misses you catch them on the rebound. Also, I've only listed the attack as having one rebound, but in fact it can have a lot more if the walls are in the right place. My current record is five, but this isn't necessarily the limit. Try getting yourself into a corner and then seeing how many rebounds you can get. What could be more fun? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Acknowledgements Thanks to Namco for making yet another great instalment in the Soul Blade saga Thanks to GameFAQs for publishing this guide (I hope - obviously if your reading this then they have).