XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX IAM's: TIME KILLING RECORDS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Version 2.22; July 27, 2000) By: Ph.D. IVAN ALEX MERCADO LORBERG IMPORTANT: YOU MUST READ AND AGREE TO EVERY PART AND EVERY WORD TO THIS DISCLAIMER. USE OF THIS FILE CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE TO THIS DISCLAIMER. IAM's DISCLAIMER.- This guide may be freely distributed as long as the contents remain intact, credit is given to the author for his contribution to Tekken knowledge in general, and no monetary compensation is received (Just if I could win a penny for the practice of this knowledge ... I would be rich!). In no event shall this document be reproduced or retransmitted in any way, shape, or form (including but not limited to physical, natural, or electronic). In no event shall this document be used for HTML, Perl, C++, HTMLScript, Active Server Page Files, JavaScript, Java, or any other forms of web mastering that exist without E-Mailed Permission from Ivan Alex Mercado. Anyone who wishes to mirror this document MUST make this document freely accessible (meaning no access moderation exist at your site), FREE OF CHARGE (whether if it is through FTP, HTTP, Gopher, Finger, LDAP, Mailto, or any other Internet Standards that are approved by the World Wide Web Consortium), and in its 100% entirety, ¡bugs INCLUDED!. Ivan Alex Mercado (IAM) GRANTS NO PERMISSION IF FOR ANY REASON THIS FILE WILL BE USED for any profitable (even if you fail to make any money out of it), promotional, and/or commercial transactional purposes. This document is protected by ALL APPLICABLE copyright and trademark laws, patent laws, and International Treaties. Remember any breach of copyright, trademark, and/or patents (which includes but not limited to plagiarism, stealing, laming, pirating, or otherwise) and failure to adhere to the aforementioned URL and ALL PARTS of this disclaimer counts as unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution (partial or full), resulting in severe civil and criminal penalties, which is punishable through prosecution under the maximum extent possible under the law. So, basically, don't F%#K with any of it and/or go around saying this is yours. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS DISCLAIMER, then you must DESTROY this document at all costs. All non-official information contained in this document is copyright by: Ivan Alex Mercado Lorberg All the credits of the Tekken Series are copyright by Namco. ============== | WHAT'S NEW | ============== V2.22 Included brand new characters: Bruce Irving, Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima; and Ling Xiaoyu for Tekken3. v2.00 Included other characters: Yoshimitsu, Prototype Jack and Gun Jack. v1.11 Updated Roger/Alex, True Ogre. v1.10 Included another fast-killing-characters: "the old man sea" Wang Jinrey, and his "unblockable mirror" True Ogre. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX TABLE OF CONTENTS: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1).- INTRODUCTION 2).- CONVENTIONS 3).- HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE 4).- THE PLAYERS: * Heihachi Mishima * Paul Phoenix * Forest Law * Roger/Alex * Wang Jinrey * True Ogre * Yoshimitsu * Prototype Jack, Gun Jack * Bruce Irving * Jin Kazama * Kazuya Mishima * Ling Xiaoyu (for Tekken3). 5).- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXX 1).- INTRODUCTION XXXXXXXXXXXX First at all I would like to salute all my Tekken brothers in the whole World for reading this lines. Maybe the first question you maybe saying is "What's about this FAQ?". Well, is for answering one of the most Frequently Asked Questions: HOW TO BREAK ALL TIME RECORDS IN TEKKEN!!!. In the next chapters you'll learn how to beat that X-Character record in your local arcade video shot, and then immortalize your name forever as "numero uno" (#1) in best timing. Cause one of the best things Namco could done was to set the Time Records permanently!, that's cool because you may be attached as one of the best players even after dead. So, what's the trick?, I have to say that I beat almost all the records here in my country (La-Paz, BOLIVIA) with this simple techniques for the last years (so, you'll read IAM in most of the Arcades around here). Yeah, it was exciting for so many years being "numero uno" ... wasn't it?. I remember that some days I waited like a monk at the Video Games for nobody seeing me performing this fast-killing-techniques, and I got to tell you that sometimes this kind of "secrecy" putted me in an neurotically state of mind! ... but those days are finally over my friends; ... because then I tough that my best contribution to the Tekken Community was to unravel these secrets once for all, and then make the game even more interesting for everybody: trying to beat the record of the others and so on. It's exiting that people are using these techniques here in my OWN country against ...ME! Yeah man! This is stimulating bust mostly funnier than a space monkey joke! (I think that the local arcade video game owners should OWE me lots of money for the thousands of coins that the Tekken players will expend in their stores after being reading this FAQ ... that would be pretty cool ah? ... but I think I'm just only dreaming!; besides ... "I Just love THIS game!"). WARNING ARCADE PLAYERS!.- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Remember that first at all you MUST know in witch level of difficulty the CPU is set in (or at least guess it!), because it can vary from "easy" to "extra hard level 3" difficult mode, and will made of course the enemies smarter to cheat them with the techniques presented in this paper. The last level of difficult -witch appeared in the C version of the Tekken Tag Tournament- is really a painful mode, because the CPU seems to be more concerned in "block all" the attacks you plan to do ( Burn!!!). And now, let's kick some time ass record ¡at the arcades and PSX!. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXX 2).- CONVENTIONS XXXXXXXXXXX *-*-*-BUTTON CONVENTIONS-*-*-* __________________ | BUTTON LAYOUTS | ------------------------------------------------- | ARCADE | PLAYSTATION2 ___ | | | ___ | 5 | | 1 - Left Punch | ___ ___ ___ | / \ |___| | 2 - Right Punch | / \ / \ / \ | | 2 | R1 | 3 - Left Kick | | 1 | | 2 | | 5 | | \___/ R2 | 4 - Right Kick | \___/ \___/ \___/ | ___ - ___ L1 | 5 - Tag | | / \ / \ L2 | | ___ ___ | | 1 | | 4 | | | / \ / \ | \___/ \___/ | It's very important to | | 3 | | 4 | | ß ___ O | become familiar with the | \___/ \___/ | / \ | numeric conventions of the | | | 3 | | buttons. | | \___/ | | | X | ------------------------------------------------- *-*-*-MOVEMENT CONVENTIONS-*-*-* f - tap forward once d/f - tap down/forward once b - tap backwards once d/b - tap down/back once d - tap down once u/f - tap up/forward once u - tap up once u/b - tap up/back once F - Hold stick forward D/F - Hold stick down/forward B - Hold stick back D/B - Hold stick down/back D - Hold stick down U/F - Hold stick up/forward U - Hold stick up U/B - Hold stick up/back N - Neutral joystick position (Joystick is not touched) SS - Sidestep (u,N or d,N) QCF - Quarter circle forward (Circle stick from down to forward) QCB - Quarter circle back (Circle stick from down to back) HCF - Half circle forward (Circle stick from back to down to forward) HCB - Half circle back (Circle stick from forward to down to back) *-*-*-LINKING & SPECIAL CONVENTIONS-*-*-* + - Moves must be done together , - Moves must be done right after the other ~ - Moves must be done IMMEDIATELY after the other > - Slightly delay the move after the '>' # - Hold movement preceding the '#' until end of string or until N (Neutral) FC - Do move during full crouched position WS - While standing up (Returning the stick to neutral from a crouch) cc - Crouch Cancel (Tapping u while crouched to bypass performing a WS move) BK - Back facing the opponent FD/FT - Lying on the ground Face Down / Feet Towards opponent FD/FA - " " Face Down / Feet Away from opponent FU/FT - " " Face Up / Feet Towards opponent FU/FA - " " Face Up / Feet Away from opponent CH - Major Counterhit (Hitting your opponent during their move execution) [] - Brackets around moves mean that the hits are not part of the combo, but Is necessary to be thrown for the later juggling hit. {} - Curved Brackets indicates an attack that misses in a juggle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3).- HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This guide is useful in the following situations: * For beating records in TTT video arcades games, and PSX Tekken3 with a little modifications that I'll explain later. About the PSX2 version ¡I don't have it for the moment!, but I wish that it will come to my country (BOLIVIA) in a few months more; so when I play it, be sure that I'll update this FAQ specially for the PlayStation2. * It also works nicely against ... Yes! Real people!!! (but I will take no responsibility of further consequences this cheap game can do to the self-esteem of your enemy!). * When it's the last round for winning against the CPU and your life bar is almost about to die but the one of your opponent is pretty full of energy, so a guaranteed unblockable hit can be consider really as your best move before you passed-out!. A few words before we begin the lessons: if you want to beat a Time Record remember that you cannot continue the game, i.e. imagine that you are kicking ass with the legendary Heihachi Mishima and you "accidentally" loose the Final Stage against your opponent, and you "decide" to insert a new coin and continue with a slow time killer (say Ling Xiaoyu for example), no way man! The machine is clever than you so the record will not be for Ling (even is the previous Heihachi´s time was 1 minute 55 seconds). In the TTT Version there is a little modification: you have to pick two characters so they can tag, isn't it? Yeah, but there is a little trick: if you want to immortalize your initials you can pick a lousy guy (like Kuma) and THEN pick a real time killing character (as Paul Phoenix), so the machine will think that you are playing with Kuma and all the credits will go for him cause its the FIRST character you chose, but don't worry ... for gaining extra golden seconds you can push the Start button BEFORE the round begins so the second character will appear at the beginning of the game; cool ah?!. Okay, now let the magic begins!. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXX 4).- THE PLAYERS: XXXXXXXXXXX ==================== | HEIHACHI MISHIMA | ==================== I will start this FAQ with the oldie (but goodie) Heihachi, because he inspired me to be #1 at the arcades Time Record, so the info here can be applied to other characters with sharpness differences that I will explain later on, now let's get started with an easy step by step(S-S)Guide: Step #1).- Why he is the first?, well, I discovered most of the Time Killing Records with him. So we can say he is my inspiration for kicking bad asses. Okay, now seriously, the fastest way to put your enemy into the air is the Wind Godfist (f,N,d,d/f+2) ; so, when the voice of the machine yells: "¡fight!" you execute this juggle starter immediately, and most of the times it will connect to the enemy. Now, you got your enemy floating into the air, and the computer maybe thinks: "Hey, this position is really embarrassing so let's make a quickly stand up with the "rolling technique" (it means that as soon as the character hits the floor, pressing any button he -she- will rapidly stand up). So, be ready for a quick raise of your enemy. Step #2).- After the Wind God Fist you can follow your mini-combo with one of the following hits: - 1,2. This is my fav cause most of the times it will make your opponent to quick raise before it looses more energy with a full combo (not only beginners, but intermediate players -believe me- tend to smash the buttons when they're floating!). - 1,1,1. Sometimes the CPU will not tech-roll immediately and it will wait a few seconds expecting your next move, but you can go through this situation by jabbing him three times in the air. Step #3).- HERE comes the magic my friends!, why? Because of the simple fact that if the opponent (Human or CPU) roll technique after you connect the jabs of steps one or two, you perform the UNBLOCKABLE! , this means the Demon Tile Splitter (d+1+4), and there you go! An enormous damage to your poor enemy!. In Tekken3 this would mean "Perfect!" so ¡congratulations! You kill your opponent is less than 10 seconds. If you continue doing this trick you can beat the entire stages in a 1:25´:37" (my best time at the arcades). But the PSX has some more difficult so be prepared to expend more time, anyway your time will be less than two minutes ¡believe me!. Now lets talk about the Tekken Tag Tournament, Heihachi has being tone down a lot since the terrifying Hell Sweep[s] (f,N,d,D/F#+4,[4],[4]) can be easily blocked at the second sweep (buuhhh!). But don't worry, the Wind Godfist is still one of the quickest and deadliest attack in the game so the steps one and two remain but in TTT the machine has a little extra energy enough to tag out of the shame and making you loosing precious seconds (even if this happens you can make to the second opponent the same steps 1,2 & 3). Okay, in TTT the referee yells "fight" and you perform a Wind Godfist so the opponent float into the air helpless, you Jab him a couple of times and then you strike the Unblockable but ... ¡the enemy is still alive!, so it's very important that your distance from the opponent is middle (this means not so close to be attacked by a Rising Mid Kick -4 -). An f,f move will make you closer to the enemy but be careful with the Rising Kick (3_4). Now, the machine will try to do one of the following moves: a) Avoid further attacks with the Ankle Lighting Kick (d+4), I love this cheap technique cause if you stay at a middle distance the opponent's right feet will whiff and then with a simple Wind God fist motion or a Deathfist (QCF+2) your enemy is knocked out. b) Try to escape by tagging (fifth button), so here comes another f,f, useful motion: the Low Slice Kick (f,N,d,D/F#+3). This means that you can finish you opponent with a low attack, this is pretty good because you can reach an enemy that is trying to escape with a front attack. Another good move when they try to tag is the Deathfist (QCF+2) because it can reach a considerable distance between you and the in-hurry enemy. c) Tech-roll, now your enemy is creeping death ... ¡mistake! because a simple Tile Splitter (d+1 ) will finish his (her) suffering. Note the difference that any arcade has, for example the "C" Version of TTT is more difficult than the others, anyway you must follow the 1,2,3 steps and if the CPU is still alive with an important amount of energy ... !improvise! ¿how? Well, for example, at the very beginning of the first round you perform the Wind Godfist (S-1) and two quickly jabs (S-2) but now you can use the d/f+1 for an additional hit; then as soon as your opponent gets up you can follow the Steps 1-2-3. One more thing, I know that sometimes it's hard to do S-3 because it needs to press two buttons (1+4) at the same time making it a hard move to pull off properly for beginners, so listen, an important difference about Tekken and other games (like Street Fighter X-version) is that if you want to press more than one button at the same time, i.e. the Kiai Tame Powerup (1+2+3+4), you can just press one button then HOLD that button and press the other and so on; in the previous example it means (1) -hold it-, (2) -hold it-, (3) -hold it-,and finally press (4). This can become very handful in many characters multimoves, and Heihachi its no exception: you may noticed that sometimes Step-2 means connecting a couple of Jabs (button 1), well ... ¿witch button you need for the next Unblockable move?, Yeah! The (d+1+4)!, so if the buttons seemed to be very whacked out simple Jab the floating opponent with Left Jabs (1,1_1) and HOLD the first button (1) and immediately finish the Demon Tile Splitter (d+4) ¡It will work perfectly and without any whiff surprises!. ================ | PAUL PHOENIX | ================ This blonde guy with a hair cut like Guile style, has one of the most inflicting unblockable damage than any other character (only Law, Wang Jinrey and Roger/Alex can compare his Super Death Fist), and this means a perfect round without any additional surprises!. First at all, you need a good control over the diagonals specially the u/f and the d/f motions because his Jumping Kick will be very necessary. Ok, now lets figure it out Step-by-Step how to break a time record within few minutes: (by the way my best time record -BTR- in TTT with Paul is 1:25´:92" ¡surprise?!, maybe ... but remember that when the game appear last year the difficult was not so hard and the arcade was an "A" type, but my best BTR happened in Tekken3´s arcade version -sit down-: 0:57´:38" ... less than a minute ¡amazing! ... but I think the machine was very brainless those days). Step #1).- If you read the previous Steps for Heihachi you must be noticed that the central point of a perfect round is how to juggle the opponent, so the Phoenix has two ways to do this: a) Performing the Jumping Boot (u/f+4). b) Using the Elbow Uppercut (QCF+1), but be careful cause this won't work in a Counter Hit (CH) witch it only will stun your enemy. If you hit properly this attack will take your opponent floating helpless into airborne and ready to eat the next Step!. Step #2).- Ok, your enemy is in the air now your next moves are the 1-2 Punches (1,2). Note that you can also try a 1,1,2 Punches if you fell that the CPU will wake up quickly. Remember here that you can HOLD IN the first button (1); so by the time you connect the second jab (1_1), just hold it for your next unblockable move. Step #3).- Now it's the perfect time for using the Unblockable motion, so as soon as you do S-2, finish the poor bastard with the Super Death Fist (b+1+2). I can guarantee you that if this steps are done with precession and coordination after the S-3 you will have a Perfect round, but if the enemy continues alive you can relief it's suffering with the f,f motion (Run) and the Sliding Leg Sweep (4) or -most effective- the Flying Cross Chop (1+2). ============== | FOREST LAW | ============== This fellow is a legend in martial arts (but always remember that there is just "One") so I think that's why the Namco Team gave him a lot o good combinations plus one of the most deadly unblockable in the game. Okay, Forest has a lot moves to juggle an opponent but now I'm going to suggest the ones that I think work best: Step #1).- Your first move to the victory must enter your enemy into the air, so a nice and easy juggle starter is the Jumping Boot (u/f+4) because it's quickly and done with just one move; but if your enemy insists in getting ducked (D), then your best shoot can also be a Lifting Uppercut (d/f+2) , the problem is your opponent doesn't float too high. If your enemy tries to hit you can perform a Counter Hit like the Low Punch, Flipkick (d+2,3), this is good move because it will give a time advantage. Step #2).- Now, your next move are the 1-2 Punches (1,2), this means that you are pissing off your opponent to rise up quickly and if you can do this, boy you're one step left to the glory!. Remember to hold down your last button to finish the S-3 successfully. Step #3).- It's time for the final blow: the mighty Law's unblockable Dragon Fang (d/b+1+2), the thing I don't like about this crusher it's that you need to master the diagonals really good, if not ... "just forget about it!". Another handicap of this move its that Forest tend to finish the unblockable in a liner motion, this can be really messy if you whiff the hit. In other hand, its one of the few character in the whole game who can "fake" his deadliest attack (u,u to Cancel); but I think this will work better in human opponents who will buy the trick of the unblockable and will try to escape or strike back, this last one gives you a little time advantage cause you can parry their hit with b+(1+3)_(2+4) if you expect a high attack, or d_FC+(1+3)_(2+4) if you think that the opponent will try a low attack. My BTR is 2´:34":51 ================ | ALEX / ROGER | ================ ¿Why choosing a so amusing pet as a lead head of your team?. Two reasons: first that if the other records are full plenty of Paul's or Heihachi´s BTR, then you may try to use others characters less conventional. Two: because the unblockable of these creatures are awesome, it drills almost the 80% (or more if you are lucky enough)from the lifebar of your opponent. Alright, now let's get started with a simple S-S explanation: Step #1).- A fast and easy way to juggle-start your enemy is an Animal Right Kick (u/f+4), so at the very beginning of the round you walk towards your opponent and then kick him out. You can also try a Crouching Uppercut (FC,d/f+2) as an S-1, but only if you feel the diagonals will work for you. Step #2).- Then you must jab the opponent with a Double Punch (1,2)for keeping him (her) into the air for a few more seconds and also for make ´em try to wake up faster than a rabbit (it's incredible how this works so good not only against the machine but also in a human being ¡same on you!). Remember that the CPU will not always wake up as soon as it hits the floor, so sometimes you must combine the jabs, like (1,1,1) -always walking against the opponent-, this hazard decisions make the game even more excitement so ... "Trust the Force". Step #3).- Okay, the time for the final blow has come: now do the Animal Gigaton Punch (b+1). If you connect this fancy punch it won't be so funny for your punished enemy. By the way my BTR in TTT is 1:57":32 =============== | WANG JINREY | =============== This is the oldest fellow in the Tekken series, so ¡he must be trickier than hell! and as an Spanish tale says: "el diablo sabe más por viejo que por diablo", it means "the devil is wiser by oldie than devil itself". And I have to confess that I never knew the real power of this dude since I played with him these short days, and man ... ¡he is the cheapest character for BTR in the Tekken Tag universe!. Well now lets see why: Step #1).- At the very beginning of the game you can walk directly towards your opponent and then juggle him (her) with a Jumping Kick (u/f+4), but the problem with this move is that you have to be really close to the enemy so it can be become really hard to pull this off properly. But wait, there is an answer for this, the miraculous Force Kick (f+4), it so easy to do that anyone can juggle the opponent without any suffering; that's another reason why any beginner player can enter his (her) initials at the end of the game with even no experience before in TTT!. Step #2).- This guy is so simple and cheap that he only needs two steps for winning a Perfect game. After S-1 you must perform the Indigo Punch (b+1+2), this unblockable is so extraordinary that most of the times you will listen "Perfect!" from the machine and you will wonder "I may be finish this game in less than a couple of minutes", and you are right my friend; by the way my BTR with Wang as a wingman is 1´:40": 25 ... pretty nutty ¿eh?. If you fell a little tense, you can rely with a little jab (1) after S-1, buy never with two or three jabs because they are unnecessary attacks for your tied schedule, so it's better to finish the CPU with the Unblockable just after the (u/f+4) lick. Sometimes your enemy will not die after the power of S-2, so if this happens you must quickly view the lifebar of your enemy: if it still have energy to resist a few hits, it better to run and wait haw he (she) raises up and if you're lucky enough it will thy and Ankle Lighting Kick (d+4), then its piece of cake to finish the clumsy guy with a fast Deathfist (QCF+2) or a Front Strike (f+2). But if the opp´s energy is about to die, Run immediately towards him (f,f,f_f,F)and then use the Sliding Leg Sweep (4) for a quick victory. ====================== | TRUE OGRE (Ogre-2) | ====================== It's not a coincidence that now I'll explain True Ogre after Wang Jinrey and if you are clever enough for answering that question you're in the right path to become a real time killer machine in the Tekken World. Got it?. Yes! The simple fact is that the God of the Fight eat (literally speaking) the old W. Jinrey at the beginning of Tekken3, so he "absorbed" Wang's soul and, of course, some of his best moves ... and ¡yeah! The amazing unblockable too!. Step #1).- As you may read the Wang Jinrey text, I suppose that you already know the first movement; if you answered "the Jumping Kick" (u/f+4) you are so right!. But there is also an additional first attack that I just love to do with True Ogre: the Snake Squeeze (f,f+2), against the CPU this means a guaranteed Unblockable because it NEVER escapes from it (at least in the Arcade version), that makes this attack very reliable. Step #2).- As you may figured it out now its a time for a couple of Left Jabs (1_1). This is important because it makes your enemy to try a tech-rolling quick rise, and also because it will keep your opponent at a convenient distance between you and him (her). Step #3).- Now, ¡Yes! ¡You got it! ... it's the perfect time for the Indigo Punch! (b,b+1+2), this Unblockable is also a great hit for putting your opponent in its coffin. My BTR with True Ogre is 2´:03":28 A very odd matter about True Ogre it's his Extended Gutpunch (WS+2), witch by the way stuns your enemy on a clean hit; the estrange thing happens when it connects both opponents with a few energy left, this means that if you hit any of them with a Gutpunch ¡he(she) will tag with it's partner and by the time it does ... apply another Gutpunch and so on till one of then finally dies! A final word about this character, an interesting "bug" that I've found since the Tekken3 days is that when the machine its on the floor after it had being hit, when you close up to him (her) with the Kunai Stab attack (b+2) sometimes it will connect the CPU ... but the weird thing its that if you insist performing this hit ... ¡It will succeed until your opponent dies!. This is real cool because it also works nicely in TTT so try it on!. ============== | YOSHIMITSU | ============== The mayor difference of this dude is that he hasn't a quick juggle starter like the other characters above so this can be a really pissed off problem, especially if the CPU is turned in the hardest level mode. But I recently figure it out an special hit that can solve this messy trouble; in TTT the folks of Namco added to Yoshi a new move (and very useful for our purposes), witch includes a Side Step motion, here it is how this works: Step #1).- You must be able to side step many time till you can successfully connect the Dodging Uppercut (SS+2); this is a very special juggle starter because when it hit the opponent his position will be facing down and feet away from you. This is a very convenient attack because in Tekken Tag Tournament after a successful Dodging Uppercut your enemy won't be able to perform a tech- roll escape (some kind of "Floating Position" -FP- that I will explain later in the Kazuya character); so he (she) will just stand up but they will DELAY a few seconds before being able to do anything ... there is the evil trick of using this side step motion!. Step #2).- Okay, now you enemy is floating in the air after you SS+2 attack and he (she) expect for the worst from you so, don't disappoint em!. But before that a couple of jabs (1,1) will be useful to keep your distance from the opponent, this is important because the next Step (as I think you have already discovered), needs the mighty and powerful sword of Yoshi. This special attack is the farthest unblockable of the whole Tekken characters, so its better that you keep a safety distance between you and your enemy. Step #3).- Now it's time for the final Step: the terrific Samurai Stab (b,b+1) this unblockable is very powerful because it will drain almost the complete lifebar of you enemy. But most of the times you opponent will denied to die fast, so if there is just a little breath of them you can hit em while they are lying of the floor with a simple d_D+4 kick. In the other hand, if you enemy still has a considerable amount of stamina, many times the CPU tends to wake up from death with an Ankle Kick (d+4), so after the Unblockable move forward your enemy until a safe distance (this range means that you are close to your enemy but far from being hit with their feet); if the machine gets fool of using an Ankle Kick to stand up (thank God for this!), you immediately finish your enemy tossing the Shark Attack, Shark Dive and also the Kangaroo Kick (f,f+3+4,1+2,3+4). This final blow will just ripped out the last hope of your enemy to keep alive. Well, this is how it works for the Yoshi character; the funny thing is that I discovered this set almost for accident when I was trying to pull off another way of Time Killing Record with Yoshimitsu. It happened that a dude decided to challenge me in the middle of my way of the warrior BTR (this really pisses me off a lot!), well a few rounds before I observed the convenient move of SS+2 and decided to try it out with a human character, for my great surprise the whole 3 Steps that I described above worked out perfectly and the face of my opponent was red of anger ... the best part comes here: I immediately noticed that he was an intermediate player, this is easy to notice cause you can observe what they do after a juggle starter: 100% of the times they tend to tech-roll away from the pain mashing the buttons quickly as soon as they hit the floor ... a wet blanket decision!. So in second round I repeated the same doses, and it also worked out for the fun of the crowd that was in the arcades!. Of course this will work properly only against beginners players or tech-rollers very stupid; against good players or masters this attack will just suck!, because they will simple get away from the Unblockable rolling backwards (b), but until this FAQ gets to every ear and view of all the Tekken Nation players ... you can fool your opponents using this techniques!. How about the big opponents like Kuma, Ganryu or the Jack's fellows?. Will these techniques work against these big guys?. The answer is a simple YES!, because even when you connect them a Dodging Uppercut (SS+2) they seemed to not float into the air (they are too heavy weights!); but don't worry, it's just an appearance because you can still follow the steps 2 and 3 ... but be careful because even if you hit ´em with Step 1 they will not be facing down and feet away from you, this means that you have a little handicap against this kind of enemies for the reason that they can interrupt you attack with a single hit or escape from certain death tech-rolling or even rolling backwards; anyway it's worthy to take a chance of glory, isn't it?. But, what happened to the Tekken3 players that wish to immortalize their names as the BTR?. My friend Catlord showed me the way to pulled this off properly and I modified a little his experience, this is how you can beat the Arcade Time Record within a few minutes in Tekken3 (by the way my BTR at the arcades is 1´:18":72, enough for me!): Step #1).- The first move is the Backhand (f+2) witch will turn your opponent around, in this position he (she) will stay a few seconds practically defenseless to any attack or grab, so this is your chance to drill him (her) the most energy you can use in your next attack, so ... Step #2).- At this point you must choose one of the following paths: a) You can directly make the Shark Attack, Shark Dive and the Kangaroo Kick (f,f+3+4,1+2,3+4) as quickly as you can; if not, your opponent will be able to interrupt your move or even grab you from that position. If you connect this attack be sure that your enemy will loose a considerable energy out. b) But there is also another way to use the backwards position of you opponent. A guaranteed hit after the Backhand it's the Yoshi Uppercut (d/f+2), then you must keep your enemy in the air with a couple of Jabs (1,1) and finally -yes- perform the terrific Samurai Stab (b,b+1), after this cluster its a little bit probably that your opp remain any energy, but if this happens a modest ground kick (d_d+4) will end your trouble (not double). ============================= | GUN JACK / PROTOTYPE JACK | ============================= Why choosing these big guys with funny noising sounds? (Brrr!, yack!, yack!). One thing is for sure ... If you can hit an opponent with his unblockable, the Dark Greeting (f+4~1) to ANY enemy (CPU or human), then: man, you're a Tekken god!; because it's really a fluke to get this one properly!, your enemy will interrupt your execution almost all the time with a simple attack. But don't worry, there is a guaranteed way to make a BTR with the guidance of the next 1,2,3 Steps: (note.- This Steps works perfectly not only in the TTT but also in Tekken3 Arcade version and in Playstation too!, by the way my Best Time Record in PSX with Gun Jack is 2´:15":62 ... not bad for a big dude eh?). Step #1).- This fellow its a little different than the others, in one hand it's bigger and heavier than the other characters we've been analyzing since now, and in the other hand it's no discrimination at all that he needs a different way to make a BTR. So, your first move when you listen "fight" it's the Hammer Knuckle (1+2). Be careful in NOT pressing the buttons twice because you will swamp the Double Uppercut (>1+2), witch will force the CPU to tech-roll as soon it gets into the floor ... not very convenient for you at all!. Step #2).- The beautiful of the Hammer Knuckle is that it makes your opponent lying on the floor for a few seconds (waiting for what Namco Crew?!). It's incredible but the CPU won't try to stand up or anything, it just stays on the floor like Lei Wulong´s break off day!. Of course against human opponents these cheeze techniques won't work at all because its pretty obvious what it comes next,; but the computer enemy it's really a shame to its class!. Okay, after a successful S-1, the trick here it's to use the Dive Bomber (3+4) taking advantage of the 2nd and 3rd Thrusts (3+4_3+4). This unblockable is very special because it attacks vertically instead of horizontally ("death comes from above"). For secure your unblockable properly made, remember that in the Tekken world you can hold down a button and then press the other; this means that you perform the Dive Bomber (3+4) and hold down the third button (3) meanwhile you press the forth button (4). This is a safe way to fly away towards your opponent without any risk of pressing the 3 and 4 buttons at the same time; but anyway, remember that you need to calculate the distance between you and your floored enemy ... most of the times you will need just a (3+4,3+4) motion to stomp into them, but some other times you'll need an extra 3+4 thrust. Step #3).- No matter how good you perform the Steps one and two, anyway .... your enemy will be still alive!. In tekken3 for the PSX a simple Hammer Knuckle (1+2) will finished them off, but in TTT it may be not enough; so if your enemy tries to tag escape from dishonour you can execute the Digital Hans Head Slide (f+3+4), the reach of this motion is really good against opponents witch have only a simple fact in their minds: getting out the screen!. But don't abuse this movement because in any case you connect or not this attack, its recovery is painfully slow!. You can also mix the Scissors (f+1+2), and the Low Scissors_Megaton Punch (1+2)_(d/f+2) for getting a bad shape opponent and then finally strike the Digital Hans Head Slide for a nice touch of bloodlust. =============== | BRUCE IRVIN | =============== This guy is really powerful with his triple knee attacks and he can tag juggle with almost any character of the game, making him a really good opponent. The negative side of Bruce is that his Unblockable is too weak for such a punisher player (is this a paradox Namco?). This means that even if you are able to perform the 1,2,3 Step-by-Step properly; your enemy won't die with such technique ... too bad!. Anyway, you can do the following for fun or use Irving as a tag side wind guy in cases that your primary character is about to die, so he really can save your ass many times!. Okay now lets focus in the Steps that will make the tech-roller players think twice before they smash rapidly the buttons: Step #1).- Bruce has one of the best Jumping Kick attacks of all the game so you may use this in your advantage. As soon as the game starts you must approach near you opponent (f,f_F) and then use your Jumping Kick (u/f+4), this attack will put your enemy into the air, making him /her) helpless and desperate to avoid your next juggle punish, but instead of that... Step #2).- Now it's a perfect moment to cool the situation using your Jabs (1_1_2), just be careful to don't move the stick ahead (F), believe me, that becomes almost as a reflection after been played with the other characters!. If you move the control forward the CPU will think that you are trying to execute the beginning of the Triple Elbows (f+1,2,1); if that happened you will just miss the opportunity to finish the S-3. Performing the Jab attacks is very important because this will not only maintain a safe distance between you and your enemy but it will also put your opponent in a straight line for the next Step. This means that if you skip Step two from your strategy, the CPU will be able to tech-roll faster than your Unblockable and will counter you, stop you or grab you, got it?. Also without the Jabs Bruce's Unblockable is too straight to connect your opp properly, so better stick to the original strategy (but if you feel lucky enough ... please be my guest!) Step #3).- So by now your helpless enemy should be still in the air, wondering that maybe you will miss your next attack with a bad timing or concentration; Wrong! Now your bloodcurdling move will be in: the Sidewinder (b+2+3). As I said before Bruce's unblockable really sucks compared from the guys above!, so you won't get and instantly "perfect!" voice form the machine ... sad but true!. Anyway you must run towards your fall opponent and try to execute these Steps one more time baby! (no way!). You may noticed this Unblockable requires the right punch so a I recommend to use a 1,2 Jab attack in Step two if you are not sure about pressing the two buttons at the SAME time. There is a word that explains this and its called "buffering" witch in the words of the expert Nicky Quick it means:" Buffering is the art of PRE-INPUTTING COMMANDS or parts of commands, and then finishing them subsequently. What this means is: 1) buffering applies to multi-button commands (with directional commands, buffering applies to adjacent or subsequent commands rather than to simultaneous ones). 2) some difficult command inputs can be simplified and execution times improved. 3) moves can be chained together. 4) WHEREAS A 2 BUTTON COMMAND (ex. 1+2) produces 1 technique (Lei's hook-punch, recovers BK), a buffered version [1], 2, will produce 2 techniques (jab followed by hook-punch, BK). 5) many buffered combos can be started either left or right. 6) all the quick taps (4~3) are in reality buffers. And 7) superb mix-ups can be created". So use the one two Jabs (1,2) -after the Jumping Right Kick (u/f+4) of course- then right away MAINTAIN - remember that the bracket symbols [ ] means this- the second button pressed [2] and then move the stick backwards and simultaneously press the third button (b+3) for a perfect execution of the Sidewinder Unblockable! ... Good!. Another way to start juggle your opponent for the S-1 it's the Rising Knee (b,f+4), then you can follow the standard Steps two and three from there. Unfortunately this sort of attack is more complicated than the Jumping Right Kick but it works a okay against side-steppers and CPU´s that refuses to eat the (u/f+4) hits, I "Du Hast" that!. For the duck-opps or the reverse-dudes, nothing better than a simple Face Buster (d/f+2) to start juggle and penalize them with Steps 2 and 3 ... Bruce can be really a pain in the ass!. Finally I have discovered another funny "bug" in TTT, I like to call it "the super-cocacho". How does this works? Effortless, just use the buffering technique of the Overhead Bomb (1+2). For entertaining, I recommend to knock down your enemy with any hit that put ´em to the ground so then it's easy to set up the CPU with single hit: the Overhead Bomb (1+2), do it one time and then ... maintain one of the buttons i.e. [1] and just press the other punch button and so on till the machine yells: Perfect!. Also you can beat the hell out your opponent till the degree he (she) needs to tag out, if you expect this run towards your enemy and as soon as the CPU changes character execute him (her) the Overhead Bomb until it sleeps!. Remember that this kind of techniques is also applied to beginning human rivals and tech-rollers, just be careful in your timing or your "cocacho" will whiff out. ============== | JIN KAZAMA | ============== I have to confess that I never believed that Jin was able to use his Unblockable suitably, especially after I was being trying to accomplish this tricky mission in Tekken3 because his Lightning Godfist was in a straight line making it easy to tech-roll away from it or even being counter, but ... I was Wrong!. A new attack included the Tekken Tag Tournament made it possible!. This action confirms what everybody at the Community had being complaining about since the release of TTT for the Arcade: Despite almost all the good butchery guys in Tekken3 that have being ripped off of their most fierce attacks - characters as Heihachi, Nina, True Ogre and of course the Paul Phoenix players will know what I am talking about- Jin Kazama seems to have being blessed with new GOOD moves like the over abused Demon Steel Pedal (b+4) and -for our own purposes- the incorporation of the Corpse Thrust (d/b+1) ... Does this means that Jin K. in the beloved son of daddy Namco? Who knows. Anyway, let's start with the one, two, three Steps specially prepared for this lucky guy ... wait a second! ... did I said: one, TWO, three Steps? ... Opps I think I did it again!, Jin just needs a simple couple of movements to finish out his opponents! (another one Namco Stuff?): Step #1).- As soon as the round begins you may be ale to master the diagonals of the stick control, if not: better don't try to pull this off!. Well, your first action must be the brand new move the Corpse Thrust (d/b+1) witch allows you not only knock out your opponent but also to thrust him (her) very far away from you!. This power punch beats up an enemy very hard and I think it's a future copy of the definitely possession of Devil-Jin, just remember that the Devil character has the exact motion (the Devil Fist) in TTT but with the difference that when it connects he passes trough his opponent; besides, his Unblockable is totally different from Jinn's, but guess ... who has the exact Unblockable power in the Mishima family?; yes, you got it!. Step #2).- If you did accurately S-1, then you may be able to use your "useless" unblockable motion, the Lightning Hell Godfist (B+1+4) and then ... surprise! The lightning punch connects perfectly to the CPU. Why? I really don't know but I think that the machine doesn't expect you to do such a silly move all across the whole scenario!, so he (she) waits you whiff your attack and foolishness try to counter it, being of course hit with such and straight and so predictable Unblockable!. Just remember that even you connect this techniques properly your opponent won't die instantaneously so ... do it again and again till your enemy refuses to continue the battle!. For a perfect execution and timing you may use the buffering motion of the Corpse Thrust d/b+[1] and then move backwards the stick control for the Lightning Hell Godfist B+4. It's important that you remember to keep the joystick back (B); if not, then you will only be able to implement the Lightning Godfist (b+1+4) witch attack range is too short for hit any kind of enemy!. Sometimes, your Unblockable won't be able to reach the necessary range required to hit your opponent so it may misses just a little. I strongly recommend that you have your eyes stared in the game; cause if you see that the enemy flies to far away from you after S-1, it's better that you move forward just a little (f_F) -not too much- to arrive at your adversary properly. ================== | KAZUYA MISHIMA | ================== Good looking-sharp gentleman!, but be careful cause he can really be a nightmare when he gets mad!. If you have practiced the two steps from above, it's now obvious that you must know what I'm going to write here, right?. Yeah!, like father like son (and vice versa) and this is no exception in the Mishima family; so now let me tell you what I'm talking about: Step #1).- Kazuya has some devastating combos to make your life a really hell on the earth and he has actually three ways to put his enemies into the floor and they are: a) And straight Wind Godfist (f,N,d,d/f+2) in counter hit (CH) will set your enemy into the air defenceless, and most importantly: taking you control of the whole situation without any interferences. Now you can follow the Wind Godfist with a couple of left, right jabs (1,2) for maintaining your adversary floating into the air and for keeping you in his same line of attack. Last but least, you must use the brand new movement in Tekken Tag Tournament implemented for the Kazuya character: the Demon Gutpunch (d/f+2). This attack has the peculiarity to set your enemy into the "floating position" (FP) witch means that your enemy is helpless to make ANY movement after this hit has been connected for a pair of seconds ... enough time for the next Step!. b) Other way to achieve the Step one is by using the Glory Demon Fist (f+1+2), this powerful punch will Float your enemy ("ouch my stomach!" or maybe ... my guts?!). This movement will take you the advantage in a neat FP as I mentioned above. I know what you are thinking now ("I can read your mind"), this attack looks exactly as Jin´s Corpse Thrust (d/b+1) but believe me, it's totally different because it will place your enemy right in front of your nose and will not set your victim in the other side of the screen as his son did!. c) Another way to set your opponent in a convenient FP is the use of the traditional attack of Kazuya Mishima since Tekken2: the immortal Kazuya Gutpunch (WS+2); this motion is really useful against High attacks or grappling opps because it will stuns your enemy on Clean Hit. Funny thing is that the True Ogre cheeze technique works here pretty good again!. I mean, if the CPU has a little bit of energy and you perform the Kazuya Gutpunch against him (her), the machine will tend to move his character off the screen and placing the wingman instead but ... you perform another Kazuya Gutpunch and the CPU will tag out again and again till you win for good!. But if you are in a little hurry up, then your best choice is to attack directly with the Demon Gutpunch (d/f+2) witch set your opp in the convenient FP that you were looking for. Any case remember: any of this options will put your enemy in a FP so don't stick glue with any of them!, vary your attacks depending in your sixth sense ("use the force Luke!"). Step #2).- You got it!. It's time for the Lightning Hell Godfist (B+1+4), this Unblockable is very efficient because after S-1 your opponent is facing down and grabbing his stomach (guts) in the cold floor, just in front of you!. I don't know if the machine is so stupid or what, but thinks that you are going to use a bizarre attack against it and will move just a little bit, sufficient for being touched by the lightning fist!. Bad!. Against human players I really don't recommend the (B+1+4) attacks because they are extremely obvious even against novice opponents. Anyway, if you fell cocky enough to show off that you are the best Tekken player ever ... try some! (sometimes I won incredible victories using the Lightning Hell Godfist and delightful the Arcade fellows in a red heat experience!). =============== | LING XIAOYU | =============== What can I tell you about this youth, kinky girl?. Well, believe or not she has one of the best times finishes in Tekken3 (specially in the PSX version because her "technique" is so cheap that you won't need to use her Unblockable!). For an approximation to her power let me tell you that I finished the game in 1´:23":04 (a real BTR ahh?!) at the Playstation console and if you think this is one of the bests ever I guarantee you can do the same so easy that you won't believe what your eyes will see!. And now, let's start this simple two Steps in order to achieve this goal: (note.- In Tekken Tag Tournament she had been ripped off this extravagant technique so be careful!): Step #1).- As soon as the round begin you must input the Power Crescent (f+3) to kick out your opponent from the fighting scenario. This is a very quick movement but the problem is that it connects on in High attacks, making it duckable and so dangerous for you. But don't worry, the CPU is too unintelligent for avoiding this kind of attack. Step #2).- Now here comes the pain!. After you've been succeeding in S-1, your adversary might be in the floor, out of your attack range ... isn't it? Yes but Ling has an special motion that let her going forward an executing a powerful kick attack; so now you must perform the Lunging Kick (f,f+4) as soon as you entered the Power Crescent. The trick here is to do these two attacks really quickly because after the S-2 your opponent will stay in the Back Position against you so ... Yes! Become a real cruel person at the game and execute Steps One and Two AGAIN!. Of course that after a successful Lunging Kick your poor enemy his defenceless against any attack so you can do ANY (you can even try a throw grappling if you want to!), but remember that the CPU tends to skip the disgrace of being cruelty defeated by stopping your next move after the Power Crescent with any move, so I suggest you to use the traditional Steps 1 and 2 for a guaranteed BTR (but anyway it's up to you!). As I said before, unfortunately these cheeze techniques has being removed in the TTT version because your opponent instead of being backwards and grabbing whatever he (she) has -lungs maybe?- ... and then he (she) will just float forward into the air far away from any attack of yours!; but these cheeze techniques works smoothly in the Tekken3 Arcade and PSX version. So you can go back to the future and thrill with this older version just for the fun to do it and make your own Best Time Record!. One last word about this subject, Xiaoyu seems to have lost her big advantage after a successful attack with the Lunging Kick (S-2), but sometimes its pretty much probably that the CPU tends to roll in the floor and try to use an Ankle Kick or another open guard motion; if your enemy does this, punish him (her) with another One, Two Steps mentioned above (do it for me man!). XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 5).- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Finally, I want to thank Catlord for sharing with me his conventions (the most complete I think) and for the cheeze techniques he contributed for the Jack's characters, Yoshimitsu and for the fastest CPU time killer in Tekken3: Ling Xiaoyu. Another good friend of the Tekken Community is Exar Kun who write me about a character witch his Unblockable I thought it was useless in TTT: Jin Kazama. Thanks to Nicky Quick for the explanation of the Buffering section and I also would like to thank David J. Antoine and his useful suggestions for the legal Disclaimer stuff of this guide. Well my friends, that's all for now ... but don't worry I will update this FAQ with other interesting characters like: Devil/Angel, Nina Williams, Ogre, Ganryu, King, Armor King and maybe other interesting competitors. As some kind of epilogue I dare to make this million dollars question: "¿ WILL THE FOLKS OF NAMCO ELIMINATE THESE ´BUGS´ IN TEKKEN 4 ???" That's a hell of a question!, I wonder if someday I will get a solid answer about that!. I would also like to salute some good friends of mine: my brother Franz and of course my Mom Gladys Martha for being so supportive all the time, my "compadre" Luchin (LFSG) with witch we started to enjoy the Tekken games playing thousands and thousands of hours with the PSX at home; my "padawan" learner Jusseff and his family; and finally to all the Tekken Players here in La Paz (Vladi, Andres, Ariel, Felix, and all the guys at the Arcades) ... This one goes for you boys! Well, for the moment that's all. Thank you very much for reading this essay and if you have any suggestions, comments, questions or some interesting stuff about this subject, please feel free to E-mail me at: (And don't worry, if your stuff is useful you will gain all the credits in the Acknowledgements as my gratitude for contributing in the development of this FAQ). I wish you all the best luck and skillful techniques in beating everybody's records, and as my favorite proverb says: "Information is power ... but the REAL POWER becomes after several practice from this Knowledge" ¿don't you think so? Your BOLIVIAN friend Ivan Alex Mercado (IAM) "Good fight and ..." ¡you know the end of this sentence!. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Electronically Published Document is copyrighted (C) and trademarked (TM) by Ivan Alex Mercado Lorberg. All Rights Reserved. This document is protected by applicable copyright laws and International treaties. Unauthorized reproduction, retransmission, and/or a breach of copyright, partial or full, may result in civil and criminal penalties and is subject to maximum punishment and prosecution to the highest extent possible by law. Please properly credit Ivan Alex Mercado (IAM) where credit is due. IAM's: TIME KILLING RECORDS FAQ Written by: Ph.D. Ivan Alex Mercado Lorberg Copyright (c) 2000. All Rights Reserved. You can find the latest version of this FAQ at the following URL's: (John 3:16) (Isaias 53:5-6) (Apocalypses 22:18-19) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------