Soul Calibur 2 Guard Impact FAQ By Skyrax ( v0.1 -------------- UPDATE HISTORY -------------- 0.1: Initial draft -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Legend 3. Guard Impact Move List -Assassin -Astaroth -Berserker -Cassandra -Cervantes -Ivy -Kilik -Lizardman -Maxi -Mitsurugi -Nightmare -Raphael -Seung Mina -Sophitia -Taki -Talim -Voldo -Xianghua -Yoshimitsu -Yunsung 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. Credits/ Legal Info -------------- 1.INTRODUCTION -------------- -Why write a Guard Impact FAQ? Because the game does a lousy job of telling you what the Guard Impact (GI) Moves actually work against, leading to annoying hours of trial and error to see what works and what doesn’t. -Notes on Guard Impact Moves ---------------------------- -What is a Guard Impact? Guard Impact refers to the knocking away of an opponent’s weapon to leave them open to attack. Guard Impacts can only be successful when the opponent is about to attack. There are two types of Guard Impacts: Repels and Parries. A repel is a GI that pushes the opponent back while the opponent steps forward. A parry is a GI that redirects the opponent to the side, leaving their sides wide open. Repels are performed by pressing 6G and are effective against high and mid-level attacks, while Parries are performed with 4G and are effective against mid- and low-level attacks. - What are Guard Impact Moves? Guard Impact Moves are attack moves that have a built in GI capability. GI Moves only GI for a brief moment: the GI moment is evident when the weapon or limb flashes purple. Most GI Moves are of the repel variety, though there are a few parry GI Moves. -What is Counter-GI? When an opponent is GI’ed, they are unable to do anything EXCEPT GI. This means that successfully GI’ing a move does NOT guarantee free damage. A smart opponent will GI your move right back, and if you are not wary you will be left WIDE open. This cycle can be repeated indefinitely or until someone falls asleep. Important Note: Guard Impact Moves can be counter-GI’ed if there is enough time left to do so. GI Moves typically hit so fast after a GI that most people never even think to try it. The exception to this is IF the move changes properties. Then it becomes an inescapable throw. Other Notes: Moves that GI Horizontals will repel high- and mid-level horizontals, but not low-level horizontals. Moves that repel verticals also repel high, mid-level verticals and some low verticals. Special Mid-level attacks can be either, if they qualify. Be careful. -------- 2.LEGEND -------- You see your numeric pad often indicated on the right side of keyboard? Well if you cannot see your number for some reason, here is another way to know what I'm talking about. 7 8 9 7 = up+back 8 = up 9 = up+forward 4 5 6 4 = back 5 = neutral 6 = forward 1 2 3 1 = down+back 2 = down 3 = down+forward A = Horizontal B = Vertical K = Kick G = Guard INPUT METHODS WC/FC = while crouching / fully crouched WR/WS = while rising / while standing 8WR = 8-way Run + = simultaneous input (i.e. A+B, B+K) ~ = slide input (accompanied by small letters, a~B, b~B, a~K, etc.) ( ) = optional input [ ] = hold button * = can be delayed _ = OR (as in either this direction OR that direction). HIT CATEGORIES L = low attack M = mid attack H = high attack SM = special mid attack (can be blocked high or low) GI = guard impact with types of attacks specified SCUB = unblockable upon full (blue) Soul Charge ? = Unknown/ has no ATTACK property ------------------------ 3. GUARD IMPACT MOVELIST ------------------------ Assassin -------- -6A+B: Property: M, M GIs: Verticals and high Horizontals This move has a very short GI frame. When Assassin waves the weapon high (shortly after starting the move) is when the move will GI. -3B+K: Property: M GIs: Verticals This move GIs at the beginning, when Assassin crouches low to the ground. Astaroth: --------- -6B+K: Property: M GIs: Verticals The move will only GI when Astaroth’s chest glows purple. It will repel jumping verticals too like Seung Mina’s 9B+K. Berserker: ---------- -6B+K: Property: M GIs: Verticals This move is identical to Astaroth’s and as such shares the same quality. Cassandra: ---------- -4A: Property: H GIs: Horizontals She will GI only if the shield is hit, so if you wait until she strikes with her sword you are too late. This move’s property changes on a successful GI. -4B: Property: M GIs: Verticals This move also changes property when successfully GI’ed. However, remember two things: even on a successful counter, the counterattack can MISS if the opponent is far enough away, like with Nightmare, Astaroth and Ivy, and you can ring yourself out with the counter, as Cassandra jumps back during the beginning of the move. -214G: Property: ? GIs: Verticals This move is troublesome to get off if all you want to do is the counter, but as a mixup it’s invaluable if your opponent is a predictable vertical abuser. This also changes property on success -FC 3BB: Property: SM, M GIs: Verticals The move has a rather small range, and also changes property on successful GI. The GI window is tricky to utilize. Cervantes: ---------- -A+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals This is quite familiar to all who use Cervantes, even if they never use it. The GI window is quite large. -B+K: Property: ? GIs: Verticals This move can miss if the opponent is far enough away, like Ivy. The GI window is also relatively sizeable. -8WR 3_9A: Property: M GIs: Horizontals This move will GI when Cervantes holds his smaller blade out upside down. -8WR 2_8K: Property: M GIs: Horizontals This move looks like it has a large window, but getting it to work may be tricky. Heihachi: --------- -A+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals This move has a large window and is fairly easy to perform. It also Soul Charges Heihachi allowing him to pull of 10-hitters if you desire. Ivy: ---- -4A+B: Property: MMM GIs: Horizontals This move GIs quite easily and has good range. -B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals There is no counterattack after this move, it simply allows you to change stances. -WR B+K: Property: MMM GIs: Horizontals and Verticals This move only GIs at the beginning, so you can still be attacked as she stops spinning. Kilik: ------ -236: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals The GI window is large relative to the move, but the move itself is a quick one. The move has several follow-ups, but nothing GI-specific. -214: Property: ? GIs: Verticals The move tends to work better when deflecting overhead verticals rather than underhand verticals. -B~K: Property: H,M GIs: Horizontals The move will only GI with his foot, not the staff. -4KB: Property: M,M GIs: Horizontals The move GI’s with the initial spin of the staff BEFORE Kilik kicks. The actual kick does not GI this time. Lizardman: ---------- Nothing(!?!) More research may need to be done, but thus far he has nothing. Even his FC 3BB doesn’t GI like Cassandra’s despite them being virtually identical. Maxi: ----- Nothing (?!) Can’t find anything for Maxi either. If you do, send it in. Mitsurugi: ---------- -A6_4A+K: Property: M GIs: Verticals This move is tricky to GI with, as it has to hit fairly close since Mitsurugi GIs very close to his body. -4B+K: Property: H GIs: Horizontals You need some space for this to work, as Mitsurugi GIs with his sheath, which he sticks out at arms length. -Mist A+B: Property: M GIs: Horizontals, Verticals and Kicks Yes, this move GI’s everything you throw at him as he steps forward for the slash. However, the move has a small GI window (as he leans back and winds up). -Relic A+B+K_6G: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals and Kicks This move will change property on a successful GI. After the hits, Mitsurugi will exit Relic stance. Necrid: ------- -1A+B: Property: M GIs: Horizontals The move will only GI when Necrid motions with his right hand. The rest of the move has a purplish trail but does not GI. -8WR 2_8K: Property: M GIs: Horizontals The move has the exact same properties as Cervantes’ version, including the trickiness of actually getting it to GI. Nightmare: ---------- -3A: Property: M GIs: Horizontals This move switches properties on a successful hit. It GIs when Nightmare is bringing his hand out. Once his hand is halfway raised up, it will no longer GI. -44K 3A: horizontals (second hit). Same as 3A, just occurs after 44K. -Night Lower Stance K: Property: M GIs: Horizontals This move GIs when Nightmare places his sword into the ground for leverage as he rises up for the uppercut. The uppercut itself does NOT GI. Raphael: -------- -A+K: Property: ? GIs: Verticals This is an autoevade. It does not deflect the attack, but leaves the opponent open. It has follow-ups. -B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals This is also an autoevade, and it too has follow-ups. -1A+B: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals The move GIs during the first half of the spinning blade. -9A+B: Property: H,M GIs: Horizontals This move GIs shortly after the move begins, but before the move actually strikes. -Prep I_Prep II_214B: Property: M GIs: Verticals The move has a decent GI window, but it has a while before and after the GI frames where it does nothing. -Prep II_Prep III_Prep IV A: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals This move parries on successful GI. It also allows for the usual Prep follow-ups without overtly interrupting the flow. Seung Mina: ----------- -B~K: Property: H,M GIs: Horizontals and Kicks The move will only GI with her foot, not the staff. The GI window is quite good, but the timing is tight. -4KB: Property: M,M GIs: Horizontals The move GI’s with the initial spin of the staff BEFORE Seung Mina kicks. The actual kick does not GI this time. -6K: Property: M GIs: Overhead verticals The actual GI comes from the blade of Seung Mina’s zanbatou, not the staff portion. It is almost imperceptible though, and the window is very small. Since she places the staff above her, it only works on tall people like Astaroth or jumping verticals like Seung Mina’s 9B+K. Sophitia: --------- -A+B: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals Taki: ----- Nothing(!!?) either. Hmm… Talim: ------ -BT A+K: Property: M GIs: Horizontals The move has a little bit of windup before it actually GIs. -BT B+K: Property: M GIs: Verticals and Kicks The move also has some windup, but it seems to be shorter than that of BT A+K. Voldo: ------ -B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals, Verticals and Kicks This is also an autoevade. It has a very large window. -6B+K: Property: ? GIs: High Horizontals and Kicks Also an autoevade. It’s more specialized so the window is smaller. -4B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals This is also a specialized autoevade. -2_8B+K: Property: ? GIs: Verticals As is this one. -FC B+K: Property: M GIs: Low Horizontals and Kicks This is an EXTREMELY specialized autoevade, as it avoids only a very specific kind of attack. -Mantis Crawl [B+K]: Property: M GIs: Overhead Verticals This one takes a while to execute, but it has a very large window once executed. It also uses his ENTIRE body for the GI. Xianghua: --------- -8WR 2_8B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals and Kicks This move may be able to GI verticals, but the initial sidestep at the start of the motion often places it out of range to try it. -4A+B: Property: M,M GIs: Horizontals The move GIs at the beginning, shortly after Xianghua steps sideways. -66B_BB~4: Property: ? GIs: Verticals The move is hard to effectively GI with, but it if it connects it brings the opponent closer to Xianghua despite how it looks. -44B~4: Property: ? GIs: Verticals Same as above. -66B+K: Property: ? GIs: Horizontals The move has a fairly large GI window, but offers no immediate follow-ups. -44B+K: Property: ? GIs: Verticals The GI window is fairly decent, but still no follow-ups. -B~A: Property: M GIs: Horizontals The window is small (just as Xianghua raises her sword above her head) but the move itself is fairly fast and allows a little lax in timing. Yoshimitsu: ----------- -A+K: Property: M GIs: Horizontals, Verticals and Kicks This move by itself damages too, but on GI will only repel UNLESS it is a deep hit. Yoshimitsu has to be standing VERY close to his opponent to cause post-GI damage. Yunsung: -------- -WS_6A+B: Property: M,M GIs: Horizontals This move has a very short GI frame. When Yunsung waves the weapon high(shortly after starting the move) is when the move will GI. -4A+B: Property: M GIs: Verticals This move GIs at the beginning, when Yunsung is crouched low to the ground. -Crane A+B: Property: M GIs: Verticals The move GIs when Yunsung rears back slightly before slashing down. ======================================================================= FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================= Q: Why do certain characters have no GI moves? A: Beats me. I didn’t program them. Q: Can I GI unblockables? A: No, you can not. You can, however, GI moves that become unblockable by Soul Charging. So you can GI Nightmare’s 66B after it has been Soul Charged to be unblockable, but you can’t GI Nightmare’s 236B. Q: How about throws? A: You can GI throws but it is DEPENDENT on the buttons used for the throw. Technically, you can GI a B-button throw with a Vertical parry, and an A-button throw with a Horizontal Parry. But good luck guessing which is which. Q: I thought (insert name here) had a GI move off (insert move here) in Soul Calibur 1? A: Move properties have been changed. For example, Kilik’s 4[B] used to GI verticals, and Sophitia could also deflect verticals with her A+B move. But it would seem that that has changed. ======================================================================= CREDITS/LEGAL INFO ======================================================================= Copyright 2003 Afolabiyi Okubanjo (Team Sky City). This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form (physical, electronic, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely accessible, non-commercial web page in its original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ may only be hosted here, on GameFAQS, and cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Afolabiyi Okubanjo. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.