********************************************* ********************************************* * * Heihachi Strategy FAQ * * * * Version 1.2 * * * * By Exar Kun (Nicholas Seemungal) * * * * exar30@hotmail.com * * ********************************************* ********************************************* This guide is written using WordPad using Courier New (Western) Font 10. 1234567890 .......... If the dots and numbers are aligned then it's properly formatted. ************************************************************************************************ Legal Stuff. ************************************************************************************************ Unpublished Work Trademarked (tm) and copyrighted (c) Nicholas Seemungal 1999, 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004. All Rights Reserved. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST READ AND AGREE TO EVERY PART AND EVERY WORD TO THIS DISCLAIMER. USE OF THIS FILE CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE TO THIS DISCLAIMER. 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Nicholas Seemungal also acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks of ALL OTHER FAQ AUTHORS (whether if it's Kao Megura, John Culbert, Henry LaPierre, Josh Harring, Mark Kim, or otherwise) and if for any reason I MUST USE any or all of the document, it will be mentioned somewhere in this document, commonly in the Acknowledgements section of this document. If for any reason you must use any or all of this document for your own FAQ, please properly give credit where credit is due. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS LISTED AT THE URL AFOREMENTIONED ABOVE AND/OR IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS DISCLAIMER, then you must destroy this document at all costs. Tekken, Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament, Heihachi Mishima and all other related events and objects are registered trademarks and copyrighted (c) Namco. All Rights Reserved. This document was carefully prepared and created by Nicholas Seemungal in respect to all Namco Properties, as no copyright infringement was intended. I'll make this clear: This document is MINE and there is NO UNAUTHORIZED USE of this document at any cost!!! You are free to mirror this document at your web site, but IT MUST BE SHOWN IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IT MUST REMAIN 100% ORIGINAL AND UNTOUCHED. Feel free to distribute this document BUT IT MUST BE DISTRIBUTED ELECTRONICALLY AND FREE OF CHARGE. I didn't create this document so that some lamer will come around and steal this work and/or have a Gaming Mag Company (namely EGM, who's been making blood money from some Tekken 3 FAQs back in 1997) print this document into a magazine. NO MONETARY COMPENSATION CAN BE MADE FROM THIS DOCUMENT AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE. ONE FINAL FOOD FOR THOUGHT: THE DOCUMENT MUST BE FREELY ACCESSIBLE WHICH MEANS NO PASSWORDS, NO USER ACCOUNTS, NO CHACHI CAN BLOCK ACCESS TO THIS DOCUMENT!!! 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The purpose of this FAQ. Revision History. Heihachi's Strengths and Weaknesses. 1)Strengths. 2)Weaknesses. 3)Is he worth it? Things you should know. Move List. Move List Explanations. 1)Throws. 2)Special Arts. 3)Unblockables. The Art of Crouch Dash. 1)Dash Buffer. 2)Instant While Standing. 3)Is the Mix Up Still Alive? Tagging. Juggles. 1)My Favorite Juggles. 2)A Quick Hit. 10 Hit Strings. Offensive Tactics. 1)Attack. 2)Countering. 3)Okizeme. 4)Throws. 5)Chicken. 6)Custom Strings. Offensive Style. 1)Poking. 2)Pitbull. 3)Turtling. 4)The Keep Away Game. Defensive Tactics. 1)Block or Sidestep. 2)Interrupting Moves. 3)Reversal and Parry. 4)Getting Up. Positioning. Advanced Strategies 1)Reading your Opponent. 2)Movement. 3)Wave Dash. V.S. CPU V.S. Human Character Specific Strategies. Tag Partners 1)Partner Ratings. Putting it all Together. Conclusion. PS2 Stuff. 1)Secret Stuff. 2)Tekken Bowl. Tekken Sites. Acknowledgements. ************************************************************************************************ Why use Heihachi? ************************************************************************************************ Heihachi Mishima is one of the game's more no nonsense characters and is one of the hardest characters to learn for someone who doesn't have numerous stances. He is all about raw power. No fancy business, no constant movement like Hwoarang, no animal stances like Lei, no turtling waiting to get in an attack. It's all about offense here. Heihachi is arguably THE most powerful juggler in all of Tekken. He can take a lot off someone's lifebar with just a single juggle. That's what he's all about, connecting a launcher then watching your opponent squirm as you unleash some all encompassing juggle on them. But that's not all, if you're not connecting with the juggle starter, you can totally overpower your opponent as Heihachi is just bristling with power strikes. This is Heihachi Mishima, this is what he's all about. Heihachi has been constantly weakened since Tekken 1 but so has just about everyone else (except Jin). Heihachi still has the power to conquer all. If you have ever played a Mishima beforehand, then believe me, you'll have no trouble learning Heihachi. ************************************************************************************************ Heihachi Mishima, The King of the Iron Fist. ************************************************************************************************ King of Iron Fist. Country of Origin: Japan Figthing Style: Mishima Style Fighting Karate Age: 73 Height: 5"10 Occupation: Leader of Mishima Financial Empire Hobby: Meditation, Bathing Likes: Ruling the World Dislikes: Nothing Heihachi was born some 70 odd years before Tekken 3. Heihachi's father was the CEO of the family company Mishima Financial Empire. After his father's death, Heihachi assumed control of the MFE. He later got married and while giving birth to his son, dies. Heihachi becomes grief stricken and ruthless. One day while training, Heihachi 'accidentally' drops Kazuya of a steep cliff. His son almost dies in the fall and develops a huge scar on his chest and hates Heihachi thereafter. While on a trip to China, Heihachi sees and adopts a young boy, Lee ChaoLan to develop a sense of jealousy in Kazuya and push him to do better. Kazuya becomes jealous of Heihachi's treatment of Lee. In 1995, Heihachi organizes the King of the Iron Fist Tournament, the winner to receive a large cash sum and control of the MFE. In the final battle, Heihachi faces off against Kazuya, who strengthened by Devil's influence, defeats Heihachi and throws him off a cliff. Heihachi survives his fall and begins training with Kuma. In 1997, Kazuya organizes a second King of the Iron Fist Tournament, the winner receiving an even larger cash prize then before. Heihachi faces off against Lee who comes to stop him at Wang's wishes. Heihachi defeats Lee and moves onto Kazuya for the final battle. Even with Devil's might, Kazuya loses this time around and Heihachi throws Kazuya into an active volcano. Heihachi regains MFE from Kazuya and forms 'Tekken Force', his private corps which he dispatches to settle disputes and brought waste land under cultivation to feed the poor countries of the world to gain support of leaders worldwide. Fifteen years later, in an ancient ruin in Central America, the Tekken Force unearths a strange being who summararily destroys them all. Heihachi realizes that this being could be the legendary 'God of Fight' and plans to take control of Ogre to rule the world. At the same time, many famous fighters all over the world begin to disappear, allowing him to speculate that this Ogre feeds off the souls of powerful fighters. Heihachi was one day visited by a boy known as Jin Kazama, who told him the story of how he was Kazuya's son. Heihachi trains Jin in Mishima karate in a plan to use him as bait for Ogre. In Jin's 19th year, Heihachi organizes the King of Iron Fist 3. Jin begins to show the same dangerous power than Kazuya has possessed and Heihachi decides to dispose of Jin after using him as Ogre's lure. Tekken tag Tournament has no true place in the storyline but nevertheless I'm sure that Heihachi will be back in Tekken 4 considering that every conceivable ending that could be a candidate for the true ending has Devil Jin in it and Heihachi has to take out the trash again. Kazuya is already in the latest Tekken 4 images, so lets all wish Heihachi luck for his next fight against an already angry son. ************************************************************************************************ The Purpose of this FAQ. ************************************************************************************************ Anyway, this is my second FAQ so I've got a better handle on things now. In this FAQ I'm going all out on Heihachi's more strategic aspects and focusing on what is required with him in each situation. Yeah, a movelist and some juggles help but if you can't use them, then what the hell good are they? I'm concentrating on how to use Heihachi here. If you've read my Kazuya FAQ then you'll know what to expect, I'll be using a similar format to things as you saw in Version 1.4. Now this FAQ is not for green Tekken players, this has been produced for the more advanced player who has at least some experience with the Tekken engine and how the game goes. The new player will also be able to find his/her way around here and learn stuff, but keep in mind that which group this guide was tailored to. A lot of Tekken players just settle into routines with certain characters, people I've played 6 months ago play exactly the same way. Good competition is what we all want so if people can improve their game then we all get a better challenge. Why another Heihachi FAQ? He's been put to death between the FAQs for Tekken 3 and Tag with Reverend C's FAQ leading the way. But I play Heihachi differently and I'm here to cover some of the finer points that the good Reverend may have missed. Anyway allow me to introduce myself, I'm 16 and have been playing arcade games since back when TMNT2 Arcade was the rage. I'm from Trinidad, which I'm sure no one has heard of. I go to school at Presentation College. I generally play in the arcade by the Center Pointe Mall food court in Chaguanas if any Trinidadians are reading. I'm usually there on Saturdays after lunch. You really can't miss me. If I'm not trying someone new in TTT I'm kicking ass in Soul Calibur. Challenge me unless you're in that 10 hit till you drop crap. Anyway, I'm no Heihachi messiah or something like that, but I'm pretty sure I'm qualified to teach most of you how to use him. Like most characters it's mostly just timing. If you have any questions don't hesitate to e-mail me, as I'll respond to any and all e-mails. Just make sure you put something Tekken related as the subject so I don't dump it as junk. ************************************************************************************************Revision History. ************************************************************************************************ Version 1.0 First version of the FAQ released on 28/04/2000. I'm basically satisfied with this version, the only thing I want to add is Heihachi's Bio and I don't feel like researching it now. Version 1.1 First revision of the FAQ completed on 16/06/2000. I've added quite a bit to it, including lots more juggles, re-wrote a few sections and added some new stuff like putting it together, PS2 stuff, and a whole new crouch dash section. Version 1.2 Second revision of the FAQ completed on 14/02/2004. Mainly aesthetic changes to clean the FAQ up.This will be the final version of this FAQ.I've had this version ready for years,unfortunately I never got around to posting it. ************************************************************************************************ Heihachi's Strengths and Weaknesses. ************************************************************************************************ Strengths. Heihachi possesses the Great Mishima tradition of excellent moves coming off their crouch dash which will be the primary source of Heihachi's attack and defensive power. They allow him great juggling prowess with his powerful Wind God fist and his versatile Hell Sweeps. Crouch dash is also ideal for evading attacks and useful for covering distance and as we will learn later, it can be adapted to suit various uses. Heihachi has the best launcher in the game, the Electric Wind God Fist, the most invincible move if there ever was one. Insane priority, great height off it and totally safe to use. Of course having the launcher isn't everything, Heihachi can follow up on it with his excellent juggling ability. Heihachi is by far one of the game's finest jugglers. His juggles are full of finesse and do great damage and they don't look too bad either. Very few other characters can even hold a candle to Heihachi's juggling skills. This is also where the majority of his damage dealing abilities stem from. However his more damaging juggles are very difficult to pull off, he has no easy damage solution like those possessed by Bruce Irvin. Heihachi has a very impressive array of power moves, more than any other Mishima in fact. These allow him a greater mix up game and more options than others of his kind. His moves don't revolve around Mishima standards, he is much more rounded and is mainly adapted to dealing huge amounts of damage in single volleys of attacks. Not really a strength, but since Heihachi will probably be in Tekken 4, you should probably learn him now rather than then. It really sucks going to into a sequel of a game not knowing how to use anyone while Paul users always have a steady character. Weaknesses. Heihachi is old, real old. Which means he takes damage like a little girl. This really sucks but it's not his fault. Besides he more than makes up for it with his extraordinary damage doing capabilities. It still is annoying though seeing the once mighty heihachi taking so much damage off attacks that his pet Kuma would shrug off. Of course there's the fact that Kuma is a grizzly/polar bear. Heihachi has basically lost the crouch dash mix up. Blocking his crouch dash low will do the job about 95% of the time. His only true mix-up is with Tsunami Kick. This just wastes a lot of some people's Tekken game right there since they now have to adapt to using Heihachi is other ways. But since the overall standard of Tekken has risen, you can only expect the crouch dash mix-up to take you so far. Heihachi does not have any attack reversals or a command parry. All he possesses is the lever parry everyone has, which is very risky to use as you, for a time, have to leave the safety of your block. Therefore Heihachi's defense relies mostly on counters and interrupts. I guess that isn't so bad as he truly is gifted in that regard. Heihachi's throws mostly suck. Aside from throws that are standard, he has but one command throw, which doesn't even do that much more damage than a standard throw. If you rely on throws then you're in trouble. I suggest you go take a closer look at King. Heihachi, like his son, doesn't care much about his partner's well being shown by the fact that on average it takes 7 hits before he gets a Netsu powerup compared to the average 5 for most characters. He doesn't powerup at all for Kazuya, what do you expect? The boy threw him off a cliff for crying out loud. Is he worth it? Oh yeah, Heihachi is one of the game's more no nonsense characters. He is quite hard to master but his great power and juggling abilities make him an excellent choice. You're never really out of it as long as Heihachi is in the game. He is a powerhouse more than anything else. Heihachi is meant to be played is an attacking way and not in a cowardly manner. Even though his stamina is very low he is still more than powerful enough to beat out the rest of the game's cast. As long as you like juggling, you'll feel right at home with Heihachi Mishima. ************************************************************************************************ Things you should know. ************************************************************************************************ Tap f when knocked down face up, feet toward, for quick get up. Tap b when knocked down face up, feet toward, for quick back roll. Tap f when knocked down face down for an instant straight get up. Tap f when sent rolling by a power strike to stand after first roll (very useful so you don't get hit with a running move) Tap 5 early in a standard stun to interrupt stun animation and tag out. When you've been Ultimately Tackled 1 - Right Punch Block, Kickoff 2 - Left Punch Block, Kickoff 1_2 - Back Tackle Flipoff 1+2,2,2,2,2 - Tackle Arm Lock Escape 1+2,1,1,1,1 - Tackle Leg Lock Escape ************************************************************************************************ Move List. ************************************************************************************************ Conventions. 1 - Left Punch 2 - Right Punch 3 - Left Kick 4 - Right Kick 5 - Tag button f - tap forward once b - tap backwards once d - tap down once u - tap up once d/f - tap down/forward once d/b - tap down/back once u/f - tap up/forward once u/b - tap up/back once F - hold forward once B - hold backwards once D - hold down once U - hold up once D/F - hold down/forward once D/B - hold down/back once U/F - hold up/forward once U/B - hold up/back once h - attack hits high i.e. can be blocked high m - attack hits mid i.e. can be blocked high l - attack hits low i.e. can be blocked low sm - attack hits special mid i.e. can be blocked high or low ! - unblockable i.e. can't be blocked (duh) H - hits high and grounded opponents M - hits mid and grounded opponents L - hits low and grounded opponents + - Commands must be input simultaneously , - Move to be done following the previous one _ - Or i.e. either command may be input ~ - Command to be input immediately after the previous one (and I mean immediately) FC - Fully Crouched WS - While Standing from a crouch N - Neutral joystick i.e. no movement SS - Side Step WR - While Running < - Command may be slightly delayed CD - Crouch Dash i.e. f,N,d,d/f OB - forces opponent's back to face you OS - forces opponent's side to face you OSB - forces opponent's side to face you when blocked JG - juggle starter BN - bounce juggle starter RC - recovers crouching after a move CH - requires a counterhit DS - double over stun FS - fall back stun LS - lift stun GS - gut stun KS - kneel stun HS - hunch over stun TS - trip stun CS - crumple stun CFS - crumple fall stun CF - crumple fall BS - block low stagger SH - stagger hit GB - guard break big - big character combo i.e. Jacks, T.Ogre, Kuma WGF - Wind God fist EWGF- Electric Wind God fist TGF - Thunder God fist cc - crouch cancel Throws: Command Position Name Damage Escape Properties 1+3 front Neck Breaker 30 1 2+4 front Power Bomb 30 2 f,f+1+2 [~5] front Stone Head 33 1+2 #1#2 f,f+1+4 front Head Butt Carnival 29 1+2 #3#4 2+5 anywhere Tag Throw 30 2 1+3_2+4 left Tile Splitter Guillotine 40 1 1+3_2+4 right Freefall 40 2 1+3_2+4 back Atomic Bomb 45 N/A #1 You can quick recover after this throw. #2 Tag throw works only with Jun on team. #3 Only work on Jin, Heihachi, Kuma, Lei, Jack-2, Gun-Jack and P.Jack. #4 Can be reversed with 1 or 2, and Heihachi can reverse again with 1+2. Special Technique Command Name Damage Range Special Properties b+1 Alter Splitter 22 m GB KS 1,2 Double Punch 5,8 h,h =4 Roundhouse 18 h 1,1<2 Shining Fist 18 h,h,m 1,2<2 Demon Slayer 5,8,18 h,h,h =~1+2 [~U_~D] Demon Executioner [~side-step] 22 m #3 #4 f+1