*********************************************************************** Soul Calibur 2: Ivy FAQ By Robin Stafleu "Tyrasibion" E-Mail: robinstafleu@hotmail.com This FAQ was written using the GameCube version of Soul Calibur 2. Date Created: October 7, 2003 Last Updated: Januari 16, 2004 *********************************************************************** Version: 1.0 ======================================================================= Chapters: --------- 1. Introduction 2. Ivy 3. How To Use Ivy 4. Basic Moves 4.1 Horizontal Attacks 4.2 Vertical Attacks 4.3 Kicks 4.4 Throws 4.5 Miscellaneous Moves 4.6 Signature Moves 4.7 Quick Attacks 4.8 Powerful Attacks 5. Very Powerful Attacks 6. Invisible Whip State (IWS) 7. Weapons 8. Stage 9. Costumes 10. Voice 11. Ending 12. Copyright ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION *********************************************************************** Hello everyone, welcome to my Soul Calibur 2: Ivy FAQ! I made this FAQ because Ivy is my main character, and because she's fun to use. I'm a 17 year old male. I live in the Netherlands. Usually I'm not a fighting game freak, but this game really made me change my mind. The reason I choose Ivy as my primary character is because she has some great moves, and because of her attitude, which I really like! Have fun reading my Soul Calibur 2: Ivy FAQ! *********************************************************************** 2. IVY *********************************************************************** Profile: -------- Name: Isabella Valentine Age: 32 Birthplace: Britisch Empire: London Height: 5'10" Weight: 128 lbs Birth Date: December 10 Blood Type: Unknown Weapon: Snake Sword Weapon Name: Valentine (Ivy Blade) Discipline: Unrelated Link Family: Adoptive Parents: Deceased Father: Cervantes Mother: Deceased Ivy's father, Count Valentine, was driven insane by his pursuit of Soul Edge. By the time of his death, the Valentines -- one of London's most distinguished family -- was in ruins. The Countess fell ill and passed away soon thereafter, leaving Ivy with the words that the Valentines were not her true parents. Obeying the wishes of her adoptive father, Ivy continued the search for Soul Edge and studied alchemy. During her investigation, she uncovered the true nature of the sword, which was an evil blade that feasted on souls. She vowed to destroy Soul Edge to avenge her father's death. She invoked strange powers through occult rituals to summon a mysterious individual who gave life to the mechanical sword she dubbed "Ivy Blade." When she left on a journey to search for the evil sword, Ivy crossed paths with Nightmare, the one who breathed life into the sword. She agreed to assist him in his ritual to summon souls. Little did she know that it was all part of the demonic weapon's plan. Ivy found out the truth the day Nightmare was defeated and Soul Edge was shattered. She realized that Nightmare possessed Soul Edge, and that her birth father was manipulated by the weapon's wicked powers. Shaken by the horrifying truth, Ivy returned home and locked herself away in a dark laboratory. After months of soul searching, Ivy emerged with renewed resolve. Her goal was to completely wipe out the sword's existence. She renamed her weapon, which shared the same fate as herself, "Valentine." *********************************************************************** 3. HOW TO USE IVY *********************************************************************** Ivy is a very hard-to-learn character. She has over 10 unblockable moves, and a wide variety of standard combo's. She possesses power over defense, and defense over speed. She also has some long range attacks, but most of her attacks are best used when you're close to an opponent. Most of the characters only have 1 unblockable move that does around 60-100 damage. Ivy has 13 moves that each can produce more than 100 damage. That's one of the reason she's my favorite character. *********************************************************************** 4. BASIC MOVES *********************************************************************** The Basic Moves I am going to show you are the same moves as you can find in the Command List section when you're playing Practice Mode. Ivy has, to be exact, 151 moves! Every move has his own directional input. You can see that your Control Stick and your D-Pad can move into 8 directions. In this move list, the directions will be shown as follow: 7 8 9 4 6 1 2 3 As you can see the 4 stands for left, which means you have to tap your Control Stick to the left, etc. You need to remember something else: A: Horizontal Attack B: Vertical Attack K: Kick T: Throw G: Guard If I say a move can be performed by pressing 4B, I don't mean you have to press left on the Control Stick plus the B-button. The B only stands for Vertical Attack, you have to press the button that is assigned to B. Normally, B is assigned to the Y-button. If you see this: [B], [A], [4] or something, it means you have to hold the button to make the move work. Seeing this, A/B or K/B for example, means you can choose which one of these two buttons you want to use to do the move. Seeing this, 4(6) or 8(2) for example, means you can choose in which direction you want to do the move. With 4 being to the left, 2 for going down, etc. ---------------------- 4.1 HORIZONTAL ATTACKS ---------------------- Name: Command: 1. Biting Raven A A 2. Biting Raven~Whip State A [A] 3. Biting Raven~Spiral Senerade After A [A], directional input 4. Raven Butt 6A 5. Raven's Egg 66A 6. Cross Madness 3A 7. Cursed Mark 2A 8. Ancient Wheels 1A A 9. Menace Slice 4A 10. Dancing Insanity 44A 11. Dancing Insanity (Hold)~Whip State 44[A] 12. Serpent's Venom 214A 13. Serpent's Venom (Cancel) 214A G 14. Spiral Senerade A+B 15. Freeze Gaze 6A+B 16. Insanity Light 66A+B 17. Insanity Feast During Insanity Light [4] 18. Insanity Light (Cancel)~Whip State 66A+B G 19. Eye of Madness 3A+B 20. Eye of Madness~Spiral Lust 3[A]+[B] 21. Dominance 2A+B 22. Razor's Bite 1A+B 23. Spiral Punishment (Cancel)~Whip State 4A+B G 24. Spiral Punishment 4A+B B 25. Spiral Dominance (Hold) 4A+B [B] 26. Crucifixion 44A+B 27. Crucifixion (Hold) 44[A]+[B] 28. God Whisper 8(7,9)A+B A 29. Royal Huntress 2A+K 30. Raven's Egg [6]A 31. Wolf Lash [3]([9])A 32. Insanity Light [2]([8])A 33. Insanity Light (Cancel)~Whip State [2]([8])A G 34. Ancient Wheels [1]([7])A A 35. Dancing Insanity [4]A 36. Dancing Insanity (Hold)~Whip State [4][A] 37. Menace While rising A 38. Masquerade~Resting Madness While crouching 3A+B 39. Masquerade~Resting Madness~Spiral Lust While crouching 3[A]+[B] 40. Demented Loop While rising A+B A/B -------------------- 4.2 VERTICAL ATTACKS -------------------- Name: Command: 1. Immortal Gale B B 2. Immortal Gale (Hold)~Whip State B [B] 3. Immortal Gale~Spiral Senerade After B [B], directional input 4. Squire's Cage B 6B 5. Caged Silouette~Whip State B 6B K 6. Ivy Lash 6B 7. Ivy Lash (Hold) 6[B] 8. Biting Ivy Inner (Hold) 6[B]2(8) 9. Serpent's Breath 66B 10. Serpent's Breath~Spiral Tribute 66[B] 11. Cursed Heavens 3B 12. Curse Brand 2B 13. Poison Ivy 1B 14. Poison Ivy (Hold) 1[B] 15. Ivy Bite 4B 16. Darkside~Whip State 44B 17. Darkside~Spiral Senerade 44[B] 18. Venom Lash 214B 19. Venom Lash~Serpent's Embrace 214[B] 20. Ivy Brambler 236B 21. Pleasure Charge (Weapon shape change) B+K 22. Embrace of Lust 6B+K 23. Embrace of Lust (Hold) (Short distance) 6[B]+[K] 24. Embrace of Lust (Hold) (Long distance) 6[B]+[K] 25. Fear's Void 2(1,3)B+K 26. Fear's Void (Cancel)~Whip State 2(1,3)B+K G 27. Gnome Huntress (Hold) Approach enemy 3[B]+[K] 28. Heel Explosion 4B+K 29. Heel Explosion (Cancel) 4B+K G 30. Exile~Whip State 44B+K 31. Exile~Spiral Lust 44[B]+[K] 32. Ivy Kick~Whip State 8B+K or 6B8 33. Silhouette~Whip State 8B+K K or 6B8 K 34. Serpent's Breath [6]B 35. Drowning Madness [2]([8])B 36. Drowning Madness~Spiral Tribute [2]([8])[B] 37. Poison Ivy [1]([7])B 38. Poison Ivy (Hold) [1]([7])[B] 39. Darkside~Whip State [4]([3],[9])B 40. Darkside~Spiral Senerade [4]([3],[9])[B] 41. Shameless While rising B 42. Asylum While rising B+K 43. Ivy Masquerade While crouching 3B 44. Ivy Masquerade (Hold) While crouching 3[B] 45. Pride While crouching 1B ----------------- 4.3 KICKS ATTACKS ----------------- Name: Command: 1. Ivy Sweep K2 2. Raven Knee 6K 3. Mind Shatter 66K 4. Mind Shatter (Hold) 66[K] 5. Evil Sparrow 3K 6. Charmer Silhouette 2K 7. Serpent Silhouette 23K 8. Rage Kick 1K 9. Rage Kick (Hold) 1[K] 10. Raven Catcher 4K 11. Diving Raven 44K 12. Evil Sparrow [3]([9])K 13. Royal Huntress [2]([8])K 14. Ramble Sobat [1]([7])K 15. Diving Raven [4]K 16. Rising Cross While rising K 17. Nail Cross While crouching 3K ---------- 4.4 THROWS ---------- Name: Command: 1. Primal Dominance Approach enemy A+G 2. Dominion Throw Approach enemy B+G 3. Sweet Dominance Approach enemy from behind A+G or B+G 4. Heartless Guide Approach enemy from the left A+G or B+G 5. Sunset Cradle Approach enemy from the right A+G or B+G 6. Ivy Kick Against airborne enemy 8B+K or 6B8 7. Summon Suffering Approach enemy 376231A+B 8. Calamity Symphony During Whip State, approach enemy 376231A+K ----------------------- 4.5 MISCELLANEOUS MOVES ----------------------- Name: Command: 1. Punishment Change (Weapon shape change) 214 2. Pleasure Change (Weapon shape change) B+K 3. Punishment Change (Weapon shape change) During Whip State 214 4. Pleasure Change (Weapon shape change) During Whip State B+K 5. Venom Strike~Serpent's Embrace During Whip State A+B 6. Lamenting Tail During Whip State A+K 7. Eye of Madness~Spiral Lust 3[A]+[B] 8. Spiral Senerade During Spiral Lust, directional input 9. Spiral Senerade A+B 10. Serpent Slash~Spiral Tribute During Spiral Senerade A 11. Serpent Whip~Whip State During Spiral Senerade B B 12. Cross Kick During Spiral Senerade K 13. Reeling Mind During Spiral Senerade A+B or B+K 14. Raging Flames~ Serpent's Embrace During Spiral Tribute A 15. Lost Soul~Whip State During Spiral Tribute 2A 16. Mistress' Justice During Spiral Tribute B B B 17. Mistress' Justice During Spiral Tribute B 6B 4B 6B 4B 18. Cross Knee During Spiral Tribute K 19. Fencing with Flames~Whip State During Spiral Tribute A+B 20. Violent Spirits During Serpent's Embrace A A 21. Lamenting Tail During Serpent's Embrace 2A 22. Whirling Exile During Serpent's Embrace B 23. Whirling Exile (Hold) During Serpent's Embrace [B] 24. Charging Serpent During Serpent's Embrace K 25. Charging Serpent During Serpent's Embrace 44K 26. Released Souls During Serpent's Embrace A+B 27. Stinging Souls (Mid distance) During Serpent's Embrace B+K 28. Stinging Souls (Short distance) During Serpent's Embrace 4B+K 29. Stinging Souls (Long distance) During Serpent's Embrace 6B+K ------------------- 4.6 SIGNATURE MOVES ------------------- Name: Command: 1. Summon Suffering Approach enemy 376231A+B 2. Darkside~Spiral Senerade [4]([3],[9])[B] 3. Drowning Madness~Spiral Tribute [2]([8])[B] 4. Venom Lash~Serpent's Embrace 214[B] ----------------- 4.7 QUICK ATTACKS ----------------- Name: Command: 1. Biting Raven~Spiral Senerade After A [A], directional input 2. Ivy Bite 4B 3. Curse Brand 2B 4. Raven Knee 6K -------------------- 4.8 POWERFUL ATTACKS -------------------- Name: Command: 1. Calamity Symphony During Whip State, approach enemy 376231A+K 2. Summon Suffering Approach enemy 376231A+B 3. Serpent's Venom 214A 4. Released Souls During Serpent's Embrace A+B Alright, that was it. All Ivy's moves can be found in this list, but of course also in the Command List (Which I used to make this list) when you press Pause during a fight. *********************************************************************** 5. VERY POWERFUL ATTACKS *********************************************************************** The moves I will tell you about have also been discussed in chapter 4 of this FAQ, but in this chapter I will tell you it more advanced. Ivy has around 13 (!) moves which can do over 100 damage. Some are unblockable, some are not. Some can be done from afar, some can be done when you're close to an opponent. There is only one thing for sure: No character has this many super combo's! Ivy is the only one. Before I forget to tell you: Super combo's don't have high, mid or low levels. Alright, here we go: This will be the set-up for the move list: -Name: The name of the move -Command: How to perform the move -Damage: How much damage the move does -Extra Notes: Some extra comments will be shown here -Unblockable: Tells you if an attack can be blocked by your opponent -Kind Of Move: This will tell you if it is an Horizontal Attack, etc. 1. Calamity Symphony Command: During Whip State 376231A+K Damage: 95-110 Extra Notes: This move is very hard to accomplish. But here's a tip: Be sure you're in Whip State and close to your opponent. Now turn your Control Stick al the way around like a mad man. While doing so, press A+K and here it is. Unblockable: No Kind of Move: Throw 2. Summon Suffering Command: 376231A+B Damage: 90 Extra Notes: This move is very hard to perform, too. Even though it's not as hard as the Calamity Symphony, you will have trouble learning the move. Do exactly the same thing with the Control Stick as with the Calamity Symphony, but press A+B at the end, instead of A+K. With this move, it doesn't matter if you're in Whip State or not. Unblockable: No Kind of Move: Throw 3. Serpent's Venom Command: 214A Damage: 95 Extra Notes: This move will hit an opponent when he's close to you, but also when you're far away. The best time to do this attack is when you knocked your opponent on the floor. Because this move is unblockable, he must be really fast to dodge this move, and because he was down on the floor, there is a big change you will hit him. Hard! Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Horizontal Attack 4. Released Souls Command: During Serpent's Embrace A+B Damage: 95-100 Extra Notes: Be sure you are very close to your enemy, it's doesn't hit your opponent when you're far away. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Horizontal Attack 5. Whirling Exile (Hold) Command: During Serpent's Embrace [B] Damage: 97 Extra Notes: It does the most damage when you're close to your opponent. The further away, the less damage. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 6. Stinging Souls Command: For Short Distance: During Serpent's Embrace 4B+K For Mid Distance: During Serpent's Embrace B+K For Long Distance: During Serpent's Embrace 6B+K Damage: 47-57 Extra Notes: As you can see this move has three different distances, a normal one, one for nearby, and one for far away. Unblockable: No Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 7. Heel Explosion Command: 4B+K Damage: 95 Extra Notes: This is a short distance attack. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 8. Gnome Huntress (Hold) Command: Approach Enemy 3[B]+[K] Damage: 61-67 Extra Notes: This move only works when you're right in front of your opponent. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 9. Exile~Spiral Lust Command: 44[B]+[K] Damage: 101 In Total - The Spiral Lust Does 57 Damage Extra Notes: Stand right in front of the enemy for the best effect. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 10. Eye of Madness~Spiral Lust Command: 3[A]+[B] Damage: 76 In Total - The Spiral Lust Does 57 Damage Extra Notes: Exactly the same attack as the Exile ~ Spiral Lust, only this one is a little easier to accomplish. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 11. Masquerade~Resting Madness~Spiral Lust Command: While Crouching 3[A]+[B] Damage: 105 In Total - The Spiral Lust Does 57 Damage Extra Notes: The third and strongest Spiral Lust attack, the only negative thing about this attack is that you need to crouch to make it work. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Vertical Attack 12. Crucifixion (Hold) Command: 44[A]+[B] Damage: 80 Extra Notes: Be sure you're close to your opponent, it isn't a attack for far away enemy's. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Horizontal Attack 13. Spiral Dominance (Hold) Command: 4A+B [B] Damage: 116 Extra Notes: This move takes very long to charge, so your opponent could already have done a counter move by the time you're finished charging. Unblockable: Yes Kind of Move: Horizontal Attack This is it. Maybe I will add some more if I forgot some... Doh! *********************************************************************** 6. INVISIBLE WHIP STATE (IWS) *********************************************************************** When your sword is in Whip State, press G+K or slide kG very quickly. Pressing G+K will perform her weapon blocking motion, while changing her whip back into a sword. Sliding kG will simply change her whip back into a sword. The glitch is that her weapon only appears to be a sword, but your weapon is still actually a whip. You can still do Whip State moves like A+B into Serpent's Embrace or her Calamity Symphony. If you do any move that normally cancels your Whip State back into a sword, your Invisible Whip State (I'll call it IWS) will also cancel back into a sword. If you do a kick move, her IWS will cancel back into normal Whip State. If you hold G+K or slide input and hold G to block an attack, she will still remain in IWS after blocking. If you press G+K at the same time, it helps to press the K a split second before the G, but it isn't necessary. If you use a slide input, slide from K to G and do it very quickly. If you slide from K into holding G to block, make sure you slide over the K incredibly fast, a split second too long and she won't go into IWS. The thing to pay attention to is the *ching* sound her whip makes when changing back into a sword, because it doesn't make this sound when going into IWS. So if you see Ivy go from Whip State to Sword State without making that noise, she is really in IWS. *********************************************************************** 7. WEAPONS *********************************************************************** Now it's time to show you the weapons Ivy can use. All weapons can be bought in the Shop when playing Weapon Master Mode. To buy these weapons you have to earn gold. Everytime you play a match in WMM you'll get gold, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose. You will earn more gold when you win the match, of course, but even losing will give you some pocket change. Alright, here are the weapons with a description. 1. VALENTINE ------------ Ivy's standard weapon. Other call it the "Snake Sword" because it can extend and become a whip. This is her basic weapon which she will have from the start of the game. 2. MIRAGE BLADE --------------- - Lower attack power than normal. + Moves that are Unblockable at Level 3 Soul Charge are Unblockable at Level 2. 3. WISEMAN MACE --------------- - Lower defense than normal. + Recovers health. 4. DREAM BLADE -------------- + Damages through guard. - Your Horizontal Attacks are easier to Break with Vertical Attacks. 5. CHAINED FLAIL ---------------- + Higher attack power than normal. - Drains health. + Easier to break Horizontal Attacks with your Vertical Attacks. 6. VIPER EDGE ------------- + Higher attack power than normal. - Your Horizontal Attacks are easier to Break with Vertical Attacks. 7. ALRAUNE ---------- + Higher attack power than normal. + Higher defense than normal. - Take damage even when guarding. 8. DEMON TAIL ------------- - Harder to Break Horizontal Attacks with your Vertical Attacks. + Attack power increases during Soul Charge. MORE WEAPONS SOON! *********************************************************************** 8. STAGE *********************************************************************** Egyptian Crypt -------------- This crypt lies underneath the old ruins that house the murals surrounding Soul Edge. The ruins have many mysteries, such as the Pharaoh's tomb, shrine of worship, and a seal to lock away evil being, but the true goals of these structures remain unknown. One thing is certain, however -- the entire structure, including the shrine at the entrance, was created using the very best technology available to ancient Egypt. It is clear that these ruins were of vital importance. Future generations have named this place 'crypt' out of convenience, but this structure has numerous features that warrant such a name. *********************************************************************** 9. COSTUMES *********************************************************************** Ivy has, like almost anybody else, three costumes to choose from. But she only starts with two costumes. You need to buy the third one from the shop in Weapon Master Mode. Costume one is her primary costume. It's a leather suit which fits perfectly with her nice body! It's very naked, and you can see a lot of 'private' things. Nice! Costume two is somewhat more smart. Ivy is dressed in a blue suit with highly pulled white socks. This is the only costume where Ivy has her hair combed to the back. This suit is, in my opinion, less beautiful than the other two. Costume three is the best costume ever!! Ivy is dressed in a very tight red dress with roses drawn on her tights. To get this costume you must go to the shop in Chapter 6 of Weapon Master Mode. It will cost 22500 Gold. Believe me when I say it's worth every piece of Gold you pay for it! *********************************************************************** 10. VOICE *********************************************************************** This chapter will display everything Ivy can say in the game. You can find this yourself after finishing Arcade Mode with her. Go to Museum and press Character Profiles, and then Ivy. Click on voice and voila! 1. Give up already. 2. You're next! 3. It's time to die. 4. (Laugh 1) 5. Go away! 6. I like that. 7. You won't suffer much. 8. Be careful, or you'll feel te pain. 9. Do you have any last words? 10. Where shall I cut first? 11. This sword is my destiny. 12. No one can escape from me! 13. This sword... 14. You're revolting! 15. It's useless to resist me. 16. Do you want more? 17. I can never go back to my old life. 18. Go ahead, hate me. 19. You're all talk! 20. (Laugh 2) 21. Be still! 22. There, are you satisfied now? 23. I'm not here to play with you. 24. You're pathetic. 25. This can't be! 26. (Breath 1) 27. (Breath 2) 28. Begone, evil! 29. Silence! I can change my own destiny! 30. This is the end of my cursed journey. 31. You die first... I will join you some day. 32. (Attack 1) 33. (Attack 2) 34. (Attack 3) 35. (Attack 4) 36. (Attack 5) 37. (Attack 6) 38. (Attack 7) 39. (Attack 8) 40. (Attack 9) 41. (Attack 10) 42. (Attack 11) 43. (Attack 12) 44. (Attack 13) 45. (Attack 14) 46. (Attack 15) 47. (Attack 16) 48. (Attack 17) 49. (Attack 18) 50. (Attack 19) 51. (Attack 20) 52. (Attack 21) 53. Extend! 54. Be... 55. ...still! 56. There! 57. Dance! 58. Strangle! 59. Go there! 60. Go! 61. Entwine! 62. Squirm! 63. Don't move! 64. Scum! 65. Behave! 66. This is the end! 67. How's this? 68. (Laugh 3) 69. Is that painful? 70. Does that hurt? 71. I got you! 72. (Damage 1) 73. (Damage 2) 74. (Damage 3) 75. (Damage 4) 76. (Damage 5) 77. (Damage 6) 78. (Damage 7) 79. (Damage 8) 80. (Damage 9) 81. (Damage 10) 82. (Damage 11) 83. (Damage 12) 84. (Damage 13) 85. (Damage 14) 86. (Death Cry) ************************** Credit Voice: Renee Hewitt ************************** *********************************************************************** 11. ENDING *********************************************************************** After beating Arcade Mode once with Ivy, you'll get an ending movie. I will write down the story that has been told in the ending movie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Her oath her destiny, Ivy killed everything that stood in her way. At the end of her bloody, infernal journey, she destroyed the loathsome, evil blade. Now, only she and her beloved sword possessed the cursed blood. Forsaken others, she chose a life of solitude to wither away in obscurity, accompanied only by her sword. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************** 12. COPYRIGHT *********************************************************************** Copyright Robin Stafleu "Tyrasibion" 2003-2004 You'll need my permission if you want to put this Soul Calibur 2: Ivy FAQ on your website, or to use it with other purposes. Copying or stealing things from this FAQ is not allowed!! Where to find this FAQ? -www.gamefaqs.com (GameFAQs) You found this FAQ somewhere else? Please contact me: robinstafleu@hotmail.com Thanks to: -CJayC for posting this FAQ on his website; GameFAQs -Namco and Nintendo for making this fantastic game -All the people on the Soul Calibur 2 (GC) Message Board on GameFAQs -All the people who are using this FAQ ======================================================================= Feel free to contact me by E-Mail if you have any questions about the game or my FAQ. ~Tyrasibion~ (robinstafleu@hotmail.com)