*********************************************************************** A Player's Guide to JULIA CHANG version 1.0 by Dayful (David Fulstow) and iLuvMomo (Lee Kian Chong) last updated: 15/01/2K1 ----------------------------------------------------- Contacting Dayful E-mail: DayFul@totalise.net ICQ: N/A Website: N/A ----------------------------------------------------- Contacting iLuvMomo E-mail: helsmley@yahoo.com leekianchong@netscape.net ICQ: 6477770 Website: http://www.geocities.com/helsmley/ *********************************************************************** This guide is written using Wordpad usings Courier New (Western) Size 10 Fonts. 1234567890 .......... If the dots and numbers are alligned then you are set. ************ Legal Stuff ************ Tekken and all the characters in Tekken are copyrighted by Namco. Feel free to print this guide for your personal use. If you wish to distribute this guide, make sure that it is distributed free of charge and in its unaltered state, even with typo and grammatical errors. If you want to put this on your site, make sure that you have our written permission before you in anyway distribute this guide. Please give credit where credit is due. EGM, keep your hands off this guide. ******** Content ******** Using this FAQ Whats New? About the Authors - About Dayful - About iLuvMomo Why a Julia FAQ? - Dayful's View - iLuvMomo's View Why Julia Chang? Changes to Julia from T3 Conventions Julia's Move List (courtesy of Catlord and Tekken Zaibatsu) Move Analysis - Throws - Special Techniques - Unblockable - Pre-canned Ten Hit strings Julia's Juggles - Juggle List - Favourite Juggles Setups Okizeme OB Trap Movement Positioning Poking and Custom Strings Chickens Throwing and Throw escapes - Throwing - Escaping Throws Tagging Parry or Not to Parry? Character Specific Strats (Vs. Strats) Suggestions for Partners - Partner Analysis - Dayful's Favourite Partners - iLuvMomo's Favourite Partners Credits ************** Using this FAQ ************** This FAQ is targetted at readers of all level, beginner thru intermediate thus the title "A Players Guide to JULIA CHANG". Throughout writing this FAQ, we found that co-writing an FAQ for Julia would have its pro's and con's. Having two authours, the reader can easily see the difference in opinion players will have with certain moves and strategy. We hope that by co-authouring this FAQ, we would be able to bring to you a diverse and different methods to approach playing Julia. Remember, No two players are the same. We have written this FAQ in such a way that you can easily look up info on a certain topic which you need to refresh on. For instance, if you want to know more about Julia's 1~1,1 just go to her "Move Analysis" section to read about its uses. Likewise if you want to know more about setting up her 1~1,1 then refer to her "Poking and Custom strings" section. This method provides for easier reference and is not as confusing in the long run unlike certain faq (Hint: RevC) We hope you will enjoy this FAQ as we have writing it. Dayful & iLuvMomo *********** Whats New? *********** v1.0 - This is it. The release of the FAQ. We hope that it will provide sufficient information. As always should there be any errors or new tricks discovered, we will undoubtedly make revisions to the FAQ. ****************** About the Authours ****************** About Dayful ------------ I'm 18 I live on the outskirts of Liverpool in England, I'm curently studying A levels in Chemistry and computer science. First time I played tekken was just when Tekken 1 first came out on the PS1, it wasn't mine I just went to one of my friends houses and I sucked at it anyway. I started playing a lot more when T3 came out once I had a playstation of my own and had nothing better to do than go to the arcades. Using Julia as my first character was an easy choice for me realy she's easily the best looking character (IMO of course). The only problem there was Julia was very difficult to use but I wasn't going to give up even though I sucked. Now I'm playing TTT a lot as I'm one of the lucky people in the UK who actualy managed to get a PS2 (slow as shit sadly). Also I played in the arcades for over a year with the constant motivation to show everyone Julia didn't suck (Peope in the UK got duped in to thinking Ling was something special and Julia got ignored by most people). I spend most of my time playing in Casears in Southport, hopefully soon I'll be going to the Trafford centre a lot. So if you see a guy playing Julia, Yoshi, True Ogre, Kazuya, Bruce and Armor King it may be me. I'm not an expert player but I feel I'm able to give good advice to any one who wants to play Julia. About iLuvMomo -------------- I am an 18 year old boy who lives in Ipoh, a small town in Malaysia. I have moved to KL, studying my second year in A levels at Taylors College. I would consider myself a hardcore gamer and have been playing games in the arcades since I was 6 playing the then popular Street Fighter II series (the ironic thing about this all is that people under 18 are banned from going to arcades!... so you would say I had to illegally sneak into arcades time and time again) Anyways, back to the topic. My first taste of Tekken was Tekken 2 on the Playstation and I have to say I never liked it in the first place. (to slow for me) I really got into Tekken when Tekken 3 was released for the Playstation, and I addictively play Tekken Tag Tournament right now, spending most of my allowance in the local arcades learning new combos or practising new strategies. If any of you readers live in Ipoh (or KL for the matter), do e-mail me as I would be glad to have a game or two with you. When I am in Ipoh, I always hang out at Capcom Station in Jaya Jusco during the weekends from 2-6pm. It doesn't matter if you are better than me and if you beat me because if you do , I will still be learning something new. Anyways, I am NOT a player with Mad skillz, just an average player who wishes to pass a tip or two to would-be Julia Players. Writing this FAQ has not been easy as one would think since it invovles a lot of time and patience. This FAQ has gone through numerous revisions to make it better for you the reader. I hope you will therefore enjoy reading it. ********************** Why a Julia Chang FAQ? ********************** Dayful's View ------------- Well she's my favorite character (Blatantly obvious to anyone on TZ) and I feel that a character of her quality defianately deserves a realy good FAQ. At the moment the only FAQ involving Julia is the Julia/Michelle one which doesn't go in to enough depth pretty strange seen as there are countless Jin FAQ's and a few other charcters have many FAQ's as well. Also of all the types of scrubs you can come across Julia scrubs are among the worst as she isn't easy to use giving some people the wrong impression of her. Hopefuly as well as helping the many Julia players out there get the best out of her it will put an end to the people who still live in the early T3 days when people thought she was weak. LOL it's blatantly obvious when you think about it realy she is overpowerd but few people can use her properly. A lot of people think abuse mad axes and elbows and you will be fine well that's why they still suck. Julia is a very deep character and hopefuly this guide will show people how to get the best out of her. iLuvMomo's View --------------- This is my second attempt at writing an FAQ. When I first wrote my Kazuya FAQ I was quite new to FAQ writing and never discussed much strategy be it at forums or on IRC. Needless to say, there were numerous mistakes in the FAQ. Fastforward almost ONE whole year since the release of my initial FAQ to this one. Over the period of time, I have learnt a lot on FAQ writing, and also loads of new tricks from the pros and fellow players alike. Besides the lack of an FAQ solely on Julia, I feel that a lot of players do not use Julia to the fullest of her capabilities. The reason I am writing this FAQ is much like when I wrote my Kazuya FAQ, to promote other lesser used moves of Julia and provide a different view from the "Boring Boring Changs" label which is fixed on Julia. I am so sick of seeing Chang scrubs all around who do nothing but mixups. Most parts of my FAQ have been written from scratch except for certain sections where I have been too lazy and just copied relevant details from my own Kazuya FAQ. I know that some of my ideas may prove to be radical to people, but before you start flaming me, just consider the countless nights I spent staying up till 4 a.m. to make sure that this Julia gets the best FAQ treatment. **************** Why Julia Chang? **************** She is a top tier character, 'nuff said. LOL. Julia is a great pitbull character. She can be played in a boring manner or very interestingly (using her lesser used moves) both which are effective. Although she tends to rely a lot on her CH moves, she has the right bunch of tools to drive turtlers to near insanity. Her quick pokes will keep even the Mishima's on their toes because they cannot get careless with their pokes. Speaking of her CH moves, they do a lot by themselves, but better still lead to easy extremely damaging juggles that rival 's cheese knees. Her Mad axes is prolly the best throw in the game, if not THE throw of any fighting game, period and she has the command low parry which creates one of the best confusion in the game. No character even comes close to her when it comes to usefulness of her command low parry. Julia's universal parry is also augmented by powerful GURANTEED follow ups which depletes almost half of your opponent's life. Movement is also a key to any players game, and fortunately for Julia, she has great movement with her double/ triple sidestep. More often that not, this double/triple sidestep will allow Julia to get behind her opponent for loads of free stuff. Also, being a small character, her opponents will find juggling Julia extremely hard. Some combos that will hit other small characters will even whiff Julia. She packs this all in one good package by also having better stamina than her mother, Michelle... not to mention Netsu friendliness with a lot of characters. Why not her then? Julia is not without her weaknesses. A good Julia player will know that she has no single launching move like WGF or power hits like Deathfist. Her elbows can hardly be considered a powerhit even though it is quick, safe and knockdowns since it does pitiful damage. Neither can her hopkick or df+2,1 be considered good launching moves because they either are to slow to initiate or have extremely bad recovery time. Also if your opponent is a very good turtler, Julia is very SCREWED in her gameplay. Of course you can say that not everyone can turtle well against Julia, not when Mad Axes is 10 frames away. And of course if you want to nitpick, Julia does not have as much stamina as T.Ogre or Kings. ************************ Changes to Julia from T3 ************************ RedKing did a similar section in his Jin FAQ and I feel it can be useful for anyone who played T3 Julia and hasn't yet played TTT Julia. Overall Julia is definitely a much easier to use character than she was in T3, she still isn't easy but getting the best out of T3 Julia is very difficult although if you have d,d/f+1 down you're a long way there as most of her very powerful combos in T3 depended on it. Well I think the biggest difference to Julia is the huge improvement to her elbow, it recovers much faster and is much safer to throw out now and increaces her ability ot presure her opponent as she couldn't do much safely after her elbow in T3. Her juggles are far easier to use now with the adition of her mountian chrusher it does a handy 28 damage on its own and can be used as juggle ender. Her elbows recover much faster and allows her to get in a lot more elbows. 6 elbows isn't that difficult to do (IMHO), in T3 she could get in two elbows then they could tech roll which was pathetic. Considering when the tech roll is taken off in practice you can hit 7 elbows on the big characters it's a bit sad realy. The juggle propeties of her d,d/f+ 1,2 have been changed as well it can now be used as a juggle ender which is great but you can't use it at the beginning of juggles now If it had stayed like that her juggle damage would have probobly broke 50 damage, her main juggle weapon for T3 would be F+2,d,d/f+1,2 that did a nasty 26 damage on it's own add in the significant increase in elbows and her wonder juggle would have been obsolete, but it can't sadly so don't think it's an improvement it isn't. Also very significantly her command low parry has been butchered the best you get now is an u/f+4 off a parried low kick and that's not always garunteed. Anyone who played Julia in T3 knows the deal she had a garunteed u/f+4 and juggle of a parried low jab and d/f+2,1 off a parried low kick, hell even f+1 was gaunteed off a parried low kick and that's pretty slow. Julia's okizemie is now much better due to the mountian chrusher more specifically the d/f+4 it has very good range and will float your opponent if they roll for some very good damage. The d/f+4 is a vital move for Julia IMO due to the increase in range from T3. Also it doesn't push your opponent away making it a much better set up tool. One small difference to mention 2+3 is not sm not low so I'm sure you realise this is completely crap now. *********** Conventions *********** This is the general convention used in Zaibatsu and is the most widely excepted. It has been around since the days of Tekken 2 I think. Anyways veterans of Zaibatsu or any other Tekken FAQs should just skip this part. Was kinda lazy on doing this so I just copied PMartin's abrevation and modified it with the legend in Tekken Zaibatsu as needed. Command ------- 1 = Left punch 2 = Right Punch 3 = Left kick 4 = Right Kick 5 = Tag out N = Neutral f = Tap forward (toward opponent) F = Hold forward b = Tap back (away from opponent) B = Hold back u = Tap up U = Hold up d = Tap down D = Hold down uf = Tap up/forward diagonal UF = Hold up/forward diagonal ub = Tap up/back diagonal UB = Hold up/back diagonal df = Tap down/forward diagonal DF = Hold down/forward diagonal db = Tap down/back diagonal DB = Hold down/back diagonal QCF = Quarter circle forward (d,df,f) QCB = Quarter circle back (d,db,b) HCF = Half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f) HCB = Half circle back (f,df,d,db,b) Notations --------- FC = Full Crouch animation SS = Sidestepping/ while sidestepping. SSL = Sidestep left SSR = Sidestep right WS = While standing (up from a crouch) WR = While Running [] = Optional command Input = = next in sequence + = Do the commands before and after '+' simultaneously. ~ = Do next command immediately after the previous command. , = Do next command quickly after the previous command. < = Next command is delayable. _ = Do either previous command or next command. Move Property ------------- BT = Backturned to opponent OB = Force opponents back to face you JG = Juggles RC = Recover Crouching CH = Counter hit DS = Double Over Stun FS = Fall back Stun GS = Gut Stun TS = Trip Stun CS = Crumple Stun GB = Guard Breaker # = See corresponding footnotes c = CH modifier (ie FSc is Fallback stun on CH) Hit Ranges ---------- h = Move hits high. m = Move hits mid. M = Move hits mid and grounded opponents. l = Move hits low. L = Move hits low and grounded opponents. sM = Move hits special mid (i.e., can be blocked high or low). *!*= Move is unblockable, hits big grounded. " = Block/break point in string hits. Grounded Position ----------------- KND = Knockdown position (face up, feet towards) PLD = Playdead position (face up, feet away) SLD = Slide position (face down, feet away) FCD = Facedown position (face down, feet towards) Extra Combo Conventions ----------------------- cc = Crouch cancel (ie tap u while crouching) WGF = Mishima's Wind Got Fist, f,n,d,df+2 EWGF = Mishima's Electric Wind God Fist, f~n~d~DF+2 big = big characters like Kuma, Jacks, also referred to as fatties () = missing hit in a combo ***************** Julia's Move List ***************** Throws: ------- Command Name Escape Property 1+3 Death Valley Bomb 1 2+4 Fisherman's Suplex 2 d,DB+1+3 Front Suplex 1 b+2(~5) Arm Whip (tag) d #1 df+1+2 Armlock suplex 1+2 FC,db,d,db+1+2 Cross Arm Suplex 1+2 QCB Before starting Julia's wonder juggle is d+1_d+2,d/f+4,3,d/f+4,2,b>f+1 as I can't be bothered typing it as it's referred to constantly. I don't see why it's named the wonder juggle and I don't know who started it it does craploads of damage but Jin's scrubby lazer cannon juggles do just as much. Throws ------- Command Name Escape 1+3 Death Valley Bomb 1 Well this is one of Julia's 1+3 throw. The special thing about this throw is that it does 35 points of damage which is 5 more than your normal throws (not including King). Besides after the Death Valley Bomb, you are guranteed d+3 to raise the damage up even more to 47. This throw is also a very good setup for OB traps. For those who don't know what is OB trap, it is a method of baiting your opponent so that they will get up with an attack which you promptly interrupt with a d+1 to backturn them (and thus score subsequent free hits). Overall, the Death Valley Bomb is certainly one of the better throws that Julia has. Its downfall is its easy escape (1 which most scrubs default to) and the huge escape frame for breaking (you can break it as long as you input 1 before your Julia gets you on her shoulders) You might have to switch to other throws, since most opponents default to 1 as their instinctive throw break. Even though it's a 1 break which is the most commonly escaped throw it's still very good it's does 35 and a garunteed d+3 so the damage is pretty dam good. You must use this throw even if its easy to escape as all of Julia most useful/damaging throws are a 1+2 escape. This and Julia's other basic throw are excellentfor OB traps as explained above. I personly use this throw fairly often as overall the damage is better than mad axes so even though it's easy to eascape it's worth using just to make mad axes even more of a headache. 2+4 Fisherman's Suplex 2 The fisher mans's suplex is your "other" generic throw. It does 5 points less damage though you can prolly follow up with d+3 (which is not guranteed by any extent) Use this only if your other throws are being broken because it certainly isn't one of the best throws that Julia has. Not as much damage but still you have a garunteed d+3 (Not sure but you have better options anyway). And as mentioned in the 1+3 description this is excellent for OB traps. Basic throws are easy to escape but most of the time your opponent will need to expect mad axes Or else they will struggle to break it, hell it's hard to break anyway so as I said it's very important to mixup your throws to make mad axes even more of a pain. d,DB+1+3 Front Suplex 1 Why on Earth would Julia want to use this move? For one thing, it does 5 points less than DVB and has the same break button (1) So unless you are a dumb ass, you'd rather stick to DVB for easier and more damaging throw. The command for this throw just doesn't make this throw worth doing especially in a tight battle. Well this is sad it's inferior to death valley bomb in every way. Add to what iLuvMomo said to make this even worse you have no garunteed followups whlie DVB has an ideal OB trap situation. it doesn't even look that good keep far away from this one. b+2(~5) Arm Whip (tag) d Worthless, since your opponent (assuming he knows anything bout tekken) can easily escape the tag out to Michelle. This is not one of the better (and safer) tag throws you'd wish for. Stay clear from it. Oh yeah, btw, this works like a charm on the computer, even on Ultra hard mode... thats if you can get b+2 to connect. Well in one way it sucks ass badly but once your opponent knows they have to duck to escape you could mix this up with d+1 which will result in a very damaging OB trap. Don't use it often but it can realy be a pain in the ass if you use it right. df+1+2 Armlock suplex 1+2 This is a good throw to use in close (and to mix up with DVB) since it is a double break throw. Besides it does very good damage (37 pts) and is a very easy double break command throw. The downfall is this throw is prolly its poor range (its range is even less than her generic throws!) and the fact that the window for breaking this throw is larger than that of Mad Axes. Use this only if you are tired of seeing mad axes for the 58321681254th time. It's a bit more powerful than her basic throws sadly the reach is poor. It can catch people who get up off the floor and recover standing (In fear of d/f+2 which you realy don't want to get hit by) but 1+2 is a very common escape for Julia. One strange feature this has is that the grab is for a right throw so if your opponent looks at the throw animation for the escape You can trick them in to this well (Thanks to Notti for pointing that out to me). Then on the flip side of the coin your opponent may be wary of that it can completely confuse there throw escapes and this and 2+4 can create an extra throw headache along with mad axes. This also has garunteed followups I.e d+3. And this is also very good for OB traps. This is best incorporated in to Julia's running game as she has two fast mid hitting moves and you opponent realy has to block and try to escape the grab unless they want to eat the running 1 or 2. FC,db,d,db+1+2 Cross Arm Suplex 1+2 This throw is an excellent throw to pull out of FC position and is almost similar to King's DDT. It does 45 pts damage and has a double break. Use this throw like you would use Kazuya's WS+2 - after ducking scrubby high attacks like ermm.... Hwoarang's 3,3,3,3 (last hit can be ducked you stupid scrubs) d+4,4, 1,1,3,3, Mishima's 1,2,2 or anything which gives you an opportunity to get into FC position. Besides that you prolly can get into FC position via the recovery of your Party crasher, f,f+1 (more on that later) which is used to good effect by Shafi in the World tourney (FYI its shafi vs nappi 4) After the Cross Arm Suplex, you are guranteed at least a d+3 or b+3 or other okizeme attacks, since your opponent is very close to you (and to the side). It has limited oppourtunites for use but when you hit it the damage is very good it has a garunteed d+3 with you opponent off axis. But why do d+3 when your opponent must either roll to the side or stand up I normaly use d+4,1 to flip them over sadly the face down tech roll has ruined the d+4,N+4 followup to that she had in T3 which took the damage to 80+. Actualy this gives you such a big advantage you could try and SS so that your opponent is in PLD and d+1 for an OB trap the SS is pretty good bait to get your opponent up. You can play the fake low parry game very well with this and seen as Julia has a lot of mixups in it (high, mid, low she has everything covered here, too many options). You can tick this in to d+1 easily (Among others I'll get in to that later). Looks very painfull too. QCB Abuse this move, thats all I can say. It is the sole reason why Julia is anywhere near Michelle. Mad asses, as I like to call it, is just so damn good a move that I can't stop thinking of its Pros. Come on.... its the best throw in the entire game and also in the entire history of tekken if you want any reason to use it. For one it is just so damn bufferable into any attack. Buffer it into 1, WS+1, f,f+1, d,df+1, d+1+3 heck even 1~1 anything! Second this throw has such an INSANE range that it surely puts King's long arms and G. Swing to shame. Third, you can delay it so much so you can do a sidestep, dash in or just pause (go to neutral) before initiating the throw, which of course gives the throw more mobility. The neutral pause also adds to the throw's deceptiveness. Dashing during the motion of this throw gives the throw even MORE range than it has naturally, and sidestepping adds to its evasiveness. Moreover, this throw is the fastest throw to initiate (in terms of frames) which is at 10 frames and has the smallest escape window possible (if I remember correctly its 5 frames). And damn... its even double break! Even good players find it hard to escape this throw unless they expect it coming. Heck I think you prolly have to be pressing 1+2 when the throw connects to have any chance to break this damn throw. You'd think a throw such as this which is so good has a catch in the damage? Well NO. It does very decent damage which amounts to 42 fat points (3 points short of the harder to do Cross Arm Suplex) However, there is no guranteed okizeme attack after the Mad axes but you can of course run towards your opponent and set up other things. More on that later. The only bad thing about this throw is, if you do sidestep during the throw, you could end up with a side throw. Why is that bad you ask? Side throws are easily escaped by good players. Oh and if your opponent starts breaking from Mad Axes you really KNOW your gameplan is going right down the drain and you need to get some FRESH setups. Best throw in the game by a mile IMHO I'll argue that with anyone unless they are a scrub (Actualy I will argue with them but they don't understand the huge advantages this has). Mad axes is very fast 10 frames which is as fast as the Mishimas jabs. The range on mad axes is just plain unfair you would expect a character with Julia's short arms to have poor throw range but that isn't the case. This looks so cool and it takes a long time to execute very annoying for your opponent and a reat time waster. Mad axes can be used in Julias game very easily you can buffer it in to pretty much any move Julia has (There's a section dedicated to that later expect it to getbigger and bigger with every update ;p). As well as her different moves you can buffer this in to spins and backdashes (Very good one the reach of mad axes makes that possible). If someone tries to punish a backdash throw them out of whatever they tried to do. LOL you can even buffer mad axes in to blocked moves same with her FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 on low attacks. If you're brave buffer this in one of Baek's kick strings and find a window where you can throw him out of it. You can use this in the fake low parry guessing game but for that purpose I would rather use FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 which overall will do much more damage. Mad axes does some decent damage (42) her other throws have a bigger payoff potentially but this hits much more often due to the speed and tiny escape window. This is an excellent way to get plenty of easy damage which is why she realy doesn't need a power shot, other from her CH's throws are an excellent source of damage for Julia. Mad axes has no garunteed followups but she has her very good running game to get in to. BTW can't agree for a second about the Michelle comment there's lots more advantagesother than mad axes. 1+3_2+4_2+5 Running Bulldog 1 Normal left side throw. Does 40 points of damage, easily broken by good players but looks kinda flashy. Unless your opponent doesn't know how to break throws, stick with SS, 1~1,1 or the likes. Nothing special to look at (IMHO of course), no garunteed followups and easily escaped, use 1~1,1 or f+1+2 please it hurts more. 1+3_2+4_2+5 Spinning Frankensteiner 2 45 pts of damage which is a lot for a right side throw. Looks real cool but sadly like all side throws, is easily broken. After sidestepping to your right I feel it is best for you to use 1~1,1 or maybe f+1+2 than go for an easily broken throw. The damage is good but sidethrows are very easy to escape as you have no guessing game normaly. However I do use this in some okizemie situations if you run up to your opponent and throw you may hit this instead of d/f+1+2 but the potential escape confusion is a bit redundant that d/f+1+2 has a right throw animaton. So realy I mainly get this by accident other than that you have better moves off the SS. 1+3_2+4_2+5 Spinning Air Neckbreaker n/a The Spinning Air Neck breaker is Julia's back throw and is inescapable. Does a cool 50 points of damage, which isn't much compared to the damage done by Ogre, Yoshi, Heihachi etc. Still, with Julia's superior SS ability, you will prolly be getting behind your opponent a lot. Anyways here is a tip to set up Julia's back throw. After any launch, lets say f+1, wiff a move (standing punch, 1 works great). If your opponent should tech roll and rise with an attack, then sidestep in the opposite direction and grab him. Lo and Behold... a back throw. Anyways to see this example in action download the a1 Japan Honor Videos at s8n's (look for the website under the webpage section) Although this is done by Michelle in stead of Julia (and I feel it was more of a coincidence than anything else), it still works the same. However it is better served that you do 4,4,1 than risk a back throw since the back throw can be ducked. Inescapabe and it looks so cool even mad axes can't touch this if a little unlikely to happen (People do say yea right when they see this). 50 damage isn't bad and with Julias 3xSS you can get this once in a while. Whenever you use this do remember you could have used 4,4,1,f,f,N+1,1,d+4,1 just remember that. Basic Arts: ----------- *Note* Only selected moves are chosen here to be commented on. It would proof redundant to comment on all her hopkick variations. Command Name Range Property 1 Standing Left Jab H Julia's best poke move. If you don't use this in ANY Julia game, quit her and play someone else. This is where all your CH's will come from, and at 8 frames (which is the fastest other than Yoshi flash) you WILL gain a lot of CH's from it when it interrupts your opponent. Interrupting is only one thing. A standing 1 is also setup for her throws as well as a quick tick move for Julia. Julia's basic jab at 8 frames is among the fastest in the game, this gives her a very big advantage against characters witout an 8 frame jab as you canget CH's considerably easier. The main strength of this is if it counterhits, your opponent can say goodbye to around 60% of there life and that's without netsu. It's also very easy to buffer mad axes off this (I'll be sorting out all the mixups with this later as a mad axes setup). You can be pretty safe throwing out a couple of jabs in succesion, sadly this gives no frame advantage when blocked like Law or Bruce but you can still setup some stuff. Hell buffer mad axes in to a blocked 1 as well there's no frame disadvantage and if your opponent ducks you have the mid hitting 1 followup (That's a simple minded idea I'll be going for a safer followup later which gives even more advantages). 2 Standing Right Jab H Often overlooked by even some of the best Julia players, because of its inability to produce mass damage and being a tad slower than her left punch. In most cases, I would say the right punch is pretty useless and should not be used when you could use a left punch except if your opponent has 10 frames or more disadvantage and is very close to you. Should it hit, you can either link with b to go to his back (not advisable) or buffer a throw (mad axes again) since you have 9 frames of advantage. If he does ANYTHING but duck, he will be thrown. No where near as deadly as her 1 but it does give you a +9 frame advantage making mad axes easy to hit. I think you actualy have to buffer this in to the recovery of the 2, I sometimes find myself buffering mad axes in to the jab and getting her spin behind which sucks so make sure you avoid buffering it at the wrong time. Also using F+2 is my choice first hit when juggling you can easily get d,d/f+1 after this to bring up the damage. I find that so easy to mess up this gives you a bit more air time to get it right. also it does one more point of damage than f,f,N+1 anyway. d+1 Low Jab sM Most important move in the game and a move you can't live without. It sets up Julia's FC mix up game. It interrupts all those annoying 10 strings with ease. It stops WGF dead in its tracks (assuming you time it right). It is goddamn 8 frames. It is excellent in OB traps. It is so useful in Okizeme. It is DA Move of the game. It is off course none other than d+1. If it hits, you gain +9 frames advantage, so you might want to buffer a FC,db,d,DB+1+2 throw to capitalize on the situation. Again if your opponent does ANYTHING but duck, he will be thrown. Well now Julia's low parry is wrecked d+1 is no longer dangerous to use as a poke. Anyway enough bitternes d+1 as iLuvMomo said the most important move in the game it interupts pretty much everything and it's safe even when parried your opponent has nothing more than a d+1 if there not of axis. It's also a very easy way to get in to FC and it gives you a +9 frame advantage so at worst you can hit another d+1 or go in to er FC mixup. Do be wary though use too many of these and a fellow Julia player for example could stick a CH 4 on you this will happen if your opponent tries to d+1 and you beat them to the 4 this is more commonly seen with Willimas players who use lots of strings with d+1,N+4 after a blocked move of course (Will they ever learn?). WS+1 Standing Left Jab m Many players ignore this move of Julia because of her other more damaging options, but at least in my gameplay, I don't. There will be a lot of situations where you need a faster poke to outpoke your opponent, and this is it. WS+1 acts like Kazuya's WS+1 of his twin pistons, with equally short range, but FASTER! If she wiffs it, it recovers pretty fast and she is safe. If it is blocked you are completely safe, and should it hit you get 8 frames of advantage which is ideal to buffer Mad Axes or any other throw. WS+1 is guranteed after blocking certain moves like King's f+2+3 shoulder ram for example. Well I never realy notice this move much but I do find myself using it as it's very safe sounds weird? well it just flows in to my gameplay realy it's not something I think about. I usually use this when I'm in FC and I don't see an oppourtunity to use her FC mixups or I need to interupt. It's a very good mad axes buffer if it hits but the range is poor but even if you whiffs you can't be punished. 4 Standing High Kick h JGc Even though this isn't listed under her move list, I feel that her standing 4 is still a very good good move to be mentioned here. Also it deserves more recognition than its crappier 4,4,X variations. The kick is one of the fastest move (other than her d+1 and standing 1) at 10 frames. On CH, like all other high kicks, it juggles and Julia can get a free 4,(4),4 or f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1, d,df+1,2 combo. Pop out this move once in a while since it has more range than her standard 1, has very good priority and is bound to catch a lot of pitbull players on CH. 4 is pretty much abusable. You could just stand outside jab range and try 2 or 3 of these consecutively without being punished usually. Also because of its speed, you will rarely see opponents duck it unless of course you do 10 of these in a row. A 10 frame kick 20 damage on normal hit and it's pretty easy to connect with and you have a free 35 damage juggle on CH making for a nice 65 damage. It's safe when blocked and gives a nice frame advantage (+4) on normal hit you can buffer mad axes in to this resulting in some very good damage, you need to move forward VERY slightly for it to connect however. This can link it to the spining kick strings but you wan't to train yourself out of using them as good player will parry the second hit often. Also this kills d+1 for a free CH for a so called safe move as I explained in the d+1 description. WS+4 Skyscraper Kick m KD I wonder why Zaibatsu never put this move in Julia's Special arts since it definitely does not act like other character's WS+4. If it connects, your opponent will be knocked down and you can get a free d+4. Plus you will be in FC position and should your opponent move you can get a free FC,df+4,3 combo. Although some may think it is so, WS+4 properties differ from f,f+(1),4 properties since you can't do her elbow juggles after the WS version of the skyscraper kick. The skyscraper kick also comes out relatively fast and although the frame suggests that it recovers poorly at -17 frames, done at the correct distance, it will push your opponent away to avoid any major damage done. Of course long pokes and certain powermoves (like Bryan's Mach Punch or Jin's f,f+2) are still guranteed. If you are in FC position and want a mid hitting attack and yet fear the long recovery of FC,df+2, use the Skyscraper kick instead. Otherwise, I'd stick with WS+1 any day. The only drawback to this is if this is blocked up close Julia will get raped, at maximum distance this will push your opponent away and leave you safe from retaliation apart from long pokes like Kuma's f+1 and some fast power shots. Also as iLuvMomo said you can get in an FC,d/f+ 4,3 if they move and an MC on the end for some very good damage. This is very fast 11 frames and has excellent priority and suprisingly good range range. It can be sidestepped just don't use it up close unless you are certain it will hit. I actualy find this most useful when you use it from instant WS there are a number of methods that people use, I personaly use d~d/f it seems a bit more natural that way you can use d~d/b or d~b there's more as well but there the most common ones. You can use this of the fake low parry it's one of the moves you should be using most frequently off it. uf+4 Hopkick m JG Another standard move of Julia's which should be given recognition. Julia's hopkick is prolly one of the best in the business (bar the Kings of course) It has good priority (like most of Julia's moves btw) comes out quite fast and the potential damage she can do after the hopkick is quite unfair. Just ask Dayful and he will go on all day about Julia's wonder combo. If there is one thing so wrong about her hopkick it is prolly cuz it recovers very badly (free juggle) and because Julia is so small in size, she can't do it u+4 like the Kings or even heihachi and still be relatively safe. However the uf+4 is still very powerful since she can do a hopkick (+juggle) off the d,df+ (1)<2 stun and also off a parried low kick (not entirely guranteed though) Julia's basic hopkick is among the best it comes out in 14 frames and has very high priority. Also this does loads of damage and allows Julia to hit her infamous wonder juggle on the end taking the damage for hitting this well over 70 damage. BTW I did not brand it the wonder juggle some guy was whining about it in TZ and refered to it as the wonder juggle I just took it from there, pretty much everyone uses that term now. The only drawback is the poor recovery if it's blocked you will get hit very hard but you shouldn't intend it to be blocked(Like many of Julia's moves). Also this is an excellent first hit for class 1 juggles on normal characters, on the big guys b+4 would be better as you can flip them over for some far more damaging combos this is very useful though and does more damage. I think the range problem is an execution flaw the Changs leg reach (Or more specificly Julia's leg reach) isn't that bad realy, it's just it's done so sloppy but it's very effective. Special Techniques ------------------ Command Name Range Property 1+2 Twin Arrow m GB Chicken command : f+1+3 (for everyone except Anna who is f+2+4) You can't chicken Wang's reversal since it is considered a lp reversal. This move is both an excellent and yet not so excellent move. It has good range and does quite a significant amount of damage yet its downfall is its slow execution time (21 frames) However it does make up for it somewhat with a guard stun which gives you a +3 frame advantage. While nothing is guranteed with that small advantage, it is an excellent opportunity for Julia to set up her subsequent attacks, like buffering Mad Axes for example or a simple d+1 to set up her FC/WS attacks. If it hits, then the effect is quite comical as it sends your opponent flying away (your opponent can hold DB of course to recover from the power hit) The Twin Arrow is a good move to use when you are trying to catch an opponent who is rising from the ground with an attack due to its good range. You can also use this to of course punish whiffed/ slow recovering attacks or even people who try to carelessly tag out (not in). Good damage (25) and if it's blocked you have a +3 frame advantage has dam good reach, it's a bit slow though. this is the closest thing Julia has to a true power move but (f+1+2 doesn't knockdown so it's not realy a power move as such even though damage wise). Also it doesn't track too well either and because it's so slow you can be punished for this. I'd rather use f+1+2 more damage (Much more on CH), quicker, small evasion property. But if you connected with this you probobly could have connected with u/f+4 nuff said. f+1(~5) Flash Uppercut m JG Another so-so move that Julia has. While performing the flash uppercut, Julia will duck under her opponents high attacks and dash a little before performing an uppercut. However, the time that she uses to duck and dash is quite substantial which leads to this move being used less at a high level of play. Moreover, this move juggles only normal and semi big characters and does not juggle fatties (Ganny, Ogre, Jacks etc) Worse, this move recovers rather poorly when blocked and gives you a -15 frame disadvantage, enough time for you to be EWGF and df+2'ed. But this move still is useful because of its evasive properties and is good against people who get really predictable with their custom strings (e.g. Mishima scrubs who 1,1 all day) The pay off if this move hit is good since Julia's combo ability is excellent. I personaly like this move a lot it's not very powerful but you can do a nice long elbow juggle on the end. It's not that fast and if it's blocked you will be punished but you shouldn't use it expecting it to be blocked. This doesn't launch too high but Julia can still do plenty of damage after hitting this. It goes under high attacks so it's very handy for people who like to jab (1,1,2 Mishima scrubs come to mind, note I did not see what iLuvMomo wrote about this so it's kinda weird how we both came up with the same example LOL). And it's a sort of instant juggle starter (Slow) you can get around 50 damage off this and it doesn't require CH which is very important for Julia considering her high dependency on CH. This only launches the fat characters on CH and you can hit the MC after this on non CH to get in a very nasty 67 damage, who tries to say big guys aren't disadvantaged. (WR_d,df_d,DF)+1<2 Flash Punch m Flash Elbow m FSc The flash punch,elbow is a very excellent move for a lot of situations. First the punch has quite a long reach (for Julia's short hands anyways) and comes out relatively fast at 11 frames which is how fast a WGF is. The flash punch has very good priority and is a useful poking tool in Julia's bulldog approach to the game. On CH the Flash Elbow is guranteed. Otherwise, the elbow can be blocked. Players like to delay the flash elbow quite a bit to catch players on CH which lands a big fat stun. You will have to perform the d,DF version and not d,df if you wish to delay the flash elbow. For those having trouble doing this move, all I can say is pick the mishimas and practise their WGF loads because the d,df motion is the same as the d,df motion in the WGF. If the stun is not escaped (by pushing f or tagging out) then Julia can juggle with both uf+4 or df+2,1 whichever she chooses (Note: In Tekken 3 after the flash elbow stun, Julia could do only simple juggles but not connect with df+2,1 let alone uf+4 so this is a huge improvement for her) Also, the flash punch is excellent as an okizeme attack on rolling opponents (refer to Okizeme section) My advice on using d,DF+1< 2 is to mix up the initial flash punch with a delayed Flash elbow or a throw (preferably Mad axes of course) Also if the flash elbow is blocked you get -7 frames disadvantage (assuming you do the d,df+1<2 version) which is pretty safe. If your opponent tries something stupid (like oh say a slow move like Deathfist) then CH him with 1~1,1 or 1~ 2,1 and make him pay oh so dearly. Do NOT however try to CH him if he knows anything about Tekken as he would just poke you out of it (Mishima's Twin Pistons work great in this situation) Remember to buffer chicken for the initial punch, though you won't need to buffer chicken for the elbow. Well I have gone on so long about how great the flash punch to flash elbow is I forgot to mention one other thing - it is one of Julia's best combo enders. Yupz! Try to end any multi elbow combo with d,df+1,2 since it really jacks the damage sky high. Something like the classic combo of df+2,1, f,f+1 X3, d,df+1,2. Also different in TTT from T3 is that d,df+1,2 WILL knock away. This was certainly not the case in T3 as you could do juggles like df+2,1, f,f,f+1,2, f,f+1,4 but this juggle does not work anymore in TTT. This is one of the best moves Julia has, this is a non knockdown, fast, high prioroty poke that sets up loads of stuff like mad axes maybe a CH 1 attempt, or delay the 2 and stun them on CH. This in a way can be seen as an answer to Michelle's no knockdown elbow as it can set up a lot of stuff if only it was as easy to do. This is also a good juggle ender for Julia's elbow jugles and overall easier than the d,d/f+1,2 variations. This is handy for okizemie if your opponent rolls towards you or away use this but then the MC does that as well and does more damage. This is great for closing up distances as you have the running 1, this is what makes Julia such a great pitbull you can run at your opponents with much less risk than other characters, obviously don't run for the hell of it you want to be up close but this makes your job of closing distances much easier. Also this can allow you to throw more easily as your opponent will need to block a lot of the time you can use d/f+1+2 and start up her wake up game. This is also a very useful interupt and the 2 ender is garunteed on CH. If your opponent has a mid/upper parry you need to use this carefully. On the downside maybe it's just me or is this move very easy to mess up? And when this misses you are in a major world of hurt it tracks like shit as well. Also the 2 stun on this allows you to get a full lift on a d/f+2,1 or an u/f+4, if your opponent doesn't escape stuns use them for absolutely HUGE damage d,d/f+[1]>2,d/f+2,1,f,f,d+1,d/f+4,3,d/f+4,2,b,>f+1 = 118 damage. I think you can tell by how much we both wrote that this move rocks and it should be a major part of your game. 1~1,1(~5) G-Clef, Club Fist h,m Flash Uppercut(tag) m JG This is one of Julia's better move. The first punch (the G-Clef as it is called) is only 8 frames which is the fastest poke you can get outside Yoshi's b+1+4 Yoshi Flash Unblockable. If the 1st or 2nd punch connects on CH, then tthe flash uppercut is guranteed and that can only mean one thing - Juggle time! However, this move it not without its risks since the recovery time for both the 2nd and 3rd hit is quite bad (-15 and -14 respectively) and is long enough for you to be juggled by a quick EWGF or Twin Pistons. If your know that your opponent is able to block the last hit, then stop at the second or just go with 1~1,4,3 (Good players will likely see the low hit though and parry it) Also another thing to note is that, if your opponent ducks the last hit in anticipation for the bow and arrow, your opponent will not be juggled unless on CH or he was holding df. Instead he will just grab his broken nose and fall back (much like Jin's df+2 on normal hit). Like the standard flash uppercut, this move does NOT juggle fatties, but should the last hit connect, then you can do a df+4<2 This is your only real useful tag launcher unless you have Jin, Bruce or Yoshi on your team 1,2,1 is a better choice for damage and you can tag out off that anyway afer the juggle. Ok this starts with an 8 frame jab so you can get a CH fairly often but it has very bad recovery when blocked and as iLuvMomo said -26 when blocked that is absolutely hideous Nina can even get her DC in (One of the few times it can actualy conect now ;p). However this is an excellent move to use off the sidestep as you can cofortably take off 50% of a lifebar from your opponent and if you have netsu it's around 90 damage. Overall 4,4,1 is probobly better off the side damage wise but this is faster, also I'm not sure of the risk in Ling's backturned low parry if it can be used at the side so this is safer anyway. For all of this to connect you need to be around 26% of the way round your opponent (Julia's SS is 18% if Armour Xahn gave the correct info). Your opponent can otherwise block the second hit with f so be wary of that. You will probobly be able to hit this after sidestepping moves like Paul's deathfist and Jin's f,f+2. Yea I said in TZ a while back that the MC can connect after it the timing is funny from what I've seen you need to buffer d/f+4 after the third hit connects, the timing is similar to CH d,d/f+[1],2,d/f+2,1 so if you have that down this will be easy sick damage. Anyway if you have netsu and are up against a fat character this is deadly and you should use it in preference to 1~2~1. I'm not too sure if this applies to f+1 but I do find it connecting after that as well same timing as above. Also this is EXTREMELY easy to chicken you can simply use 1~F+1+3,1+3,1 +3, yes it reads the comand 1~1,1 but you can just use 1 then the buffer the chicken and the rest of the commands can be in puted as 1+3 you need to hold F and you have a very easy chicken buffer that works with any move that has the same chicken command for the same limb (Bob's 3,3,3,3 LOL scrubby but one hell of a good bait for reversal scrubs). So if your up against reversal scrubs use that as you main chicken bait. 1~1,4,3 G-Clef, Club Fist h,m Bow and Arrow l,m Another variant after her G-clef, Club fist. Like 1~1,1 if the first or second hit on CH, the rest are guranteed. You won't prolly use this move much at a higher level of play since good players will easily be able to see the low sweep coming and parry/ block it. However, 1~1,4,3 and 1~1,1 mix up is pretty good at intermediate level since your average player will not have those oh so quick reflexes to guess where to block. Generally if the 4 connects, then 3 is guranteed. There are some exceptions like against Ling or Ganny. For Ling, even if the 4 connects the follow up 3 will wiff because she is too short. As for Ganny, no matter how I tried, I just couldn't get the 4 to connect so the 3 will whiffed or at most get blocked. Also if you are not sure whether the 4 will connect or get blocked, it is best to do just 1~1,4 (although good players will I'm sure barry it). Besides you will end up in FC position and have full excess to Julia's mixups. If 1 is blocked or non CH you can occasionaly throw the 1~1,4 out, it's not fast enough to hit consistently though. It will rip scrubs to shreads but good players will kill you for this, a fellow Julia player could use the d/f low parry and get a garunteed d/f+2,1 hope I inspired some caution there. This should be used very sparingly if the 4 connects the 3 is garunteed (Unless your up against Ling, or Roger/Alex, the 4 won't connect on Ganny) don't use it often or you will get killed for it. df+1,1(~5) Club Fist m Flash Uppercut(tag) m JG This move is exactly like 1~1,1 without the initial jab. If the Club fist lands on CH then the flash uppercut is again guranteed. The problem is that the Club Fist isn't entirely the fastest move in the game at 20 frames... thats plenty of time for your opponent to block/ deathfist/ wgf you. It would seem that such a move be seemingly useles.. but it actually has one use. As pointed out by MIC in jjt and koftekkens Advanced Guide (an excellent FAQ which I suggest everyone should read) If you know that your opponent is going to techroll to their left you can try this... uf+4, 1, f,f+1, f,f+1, (df+1),1 to catch those techrolling fools and relaunch them. From there just finish the juggle unless of course your opponent is super dumb in which case you can just rinse and repeat. Also I find that df+1,1 is excellent to punish people who do d+1 too much. If you are expecting your opponent to d+1 you, then hit df+1,1 to CH him with the Club fist and launch him. Very slow but it's a good chicken baiter if you aren't good at buffering chickens very easy to buffer the chickens but they may prefer to CH you, Bruce's 3 will beat out this crap and I'm sure you know what that leads to. Apart from the tech roll punishing ability this has as iLuvMomo has already stated I don't use this much at all it's just so slow not to mention the horible lag when blocked. df+1,4,3 Club Fist m Bow and Arrow l,m Utterly useless if you ask me unless of course you are playing a scrub and want to mix up between the flash uppercut and the Bow and arrow, in which case 1~1,4,3 and 1~1,1 would serve the purpose better. All in all, this is a move Julia should avoid using. I never really bothered with this version the startup is very slow and the pay off isn't very good leave it alone there's no point using it the 1~1,4,3 is better if you feel the need to mix the moves up. 1~2,1(~5) G-Clef, Gut Punch h,m Skyscraper Cannon(tag) m CH If in a situation you are given a choice to use 1~2,1 and 1~1,1, almost always choose to use this instead of her 1~1,1. Why? Because of the damage... well not by much (5 pts) but hey... I won't give up extra damage if I were you. There are a few problems though. First off, the juggle off 1~2,1 is a lil bit harder (well to scrubs anyways) since the skyscraper Cannon knocks them quite far away so you will have to dash quite a bit to continue juggling them. Secondly, 1~2,1 isn't really tag combo friendly since only a tag slide or dive (fatties) is guranteed. So again if you are teamed up with someone like Jin, then 1~1,1 will be a better choice. Also, the first punch HAS to hit on a CH for the skyscraper cannon to be performed. There is no use if the gut punch connects on CH. Therefore, again in some situations, 1~1,1 will be better. The best example is this.. a bryan scrubs comes at you from range 2 with his 1,2,1,2 punches, where the first punch wiffs but the rest are bound to connect (or get blocked at least) In this situation, it would be safer to back up a bit and hit 1~1,1. Even if the first punch doesn't connect, the club fist will hit on CH and thus gurantee you a juggle. It would be far better than risking to stand your ground with 1~2,1 as you might get hit in return on CH. To view this example in action, watch "shafi vs nappi 4" of the world tourneys. One thing to bear in mind when using 1~2 is that even though it may not seem so, the recovery of the gut punch (2) is as bad as that of 1~1 therefore, do not be a moron and go around telling people to use 1~2,1 instead of 1~1,1 because of the better recovery kay? One small tip, which works well up to intermediate level at least is that if you have problems breaking throws, and your opponent has the habit of running up to you with either a throw or a power move, you could just fiddle between 1 and 2. If you are lucky (well according to statisctics it would be 33 1/3%) then you will break his throw, and if he tries a power move, then you will get a CH 1~2,1. This is so so deadly, loads of damage on its own and a 40+ damage juggle. This actualy does much more damage than 1~1,1 the strongest CH 1~1,1 combo comes up to 82 damage (Yes I do have a better one than f,f,N+1(x3)d,d,d/f+1,2), 1~2,1 and the strongest juggle off that brings the dmage up to 93 damage so it's considerably more. Also this launches the big guys just as high as everyone else so this is a much better option in that situation. This is best used of the sidestep as you are facing your opponet and they are not facing you so even if they have an 8 frame jab like you it won't matter as they will be jabbing thin air. The only problem is on non CH the 1~2 has bad recovery time but if your opponent tries to punish the lag the 4 ender could be used for CH unless Ling uses d/f+1 to get in to RD which would be a pain in the ass. Your opponent should realy try to duck to avoid the followups so it isn't as punishable as it may seem. And yes the recovery of 1~2 is very bad it's not as punishable as you may think as she can stick the 4 ender in and if you opponent tries anything you can CH them (Not sure about an 8 frame jab or d+1). Obviously most people will crouch to avoid the sad excuse for a mixup but hey they have to crouch so they can't realy punish you. I've already said how the changes to d,d/f+1,2 has made the 1,2,1 juggles more difficult as you can't hit f,f+1,4 after this. As I said before if it had stayed how it was this would probobly be a 100+ damage combo for Julia has she would have been able to hit many more elbows after d,d/f+1,2 shame that. One other bad thing now in TTT or at least on the PS2 the clean hit damage of the gut punch has been toned down. The long legged characters such as King and Eddy took around 55 damage off 1~2,1 making it a good bit stronger but it's now 51 for all characters, of course on the other hand it does more damage to characters like Ling so that's good seen as her stamina sucks. Unless you feel the need to tag juggle this is overall a better choice than 1~ 1,1 if you know it is a CH. 1~2,3 G-Clef, Gut Punch h,m Low Kick l RC One of Julia's more pathetic moves. The low kick is soooooo slow it just BEGS to be parried/ blocked. Worse still the recovery of the low kick when blocked... it just begs to be WS'ed. Even when it connects, you are STILL at a disadvantage. Use only against scrubs since they never learn to block low and then harass them with Julia's FC mixups. If the low kick is blocked (not parried) try rising with a Skyscraper kick since it will override most things. Never EVER use this against good players unless you miss seeing Jin's WS+2, b,f+2,1,2 combo a lot. Do you want a low parry on your ass not thought not because I guarantee you if you use this that is what will happen (d/f+2,1 again). The kick is very very easy to block and well your opponent will always crouch. The only good thing about this is your opponent has to defend this, they can't punish the lag of 1~2 because of the existence of this move that's the only good thing about it. 1~2,4 G-Clef, Gut Punch h,m High Kick h Use this only once in a while. Although the last hit, a high kick may seemingly be useless, it can be used to catch players who are too eager to counter you. Most players will duck (or at least have their controller pointing towards df) and you will wiff the kick (wiffs aren't good you know....) However, if you always do 1~2 ONLY, your opponent may think that you have mucked up with your 1~2 and then try to attack you. The high kick will CH them and give you a nice opportunity for a yummy elbow juggle. Use this in moderation, maybe once in 10 matches and prolly it will bear fruit. Against good players this is just as bad as the above option but some over eager opponents may try to punish the huge lag of a blocked 1~2 you could try the 4 on CH you will float them for your CH 4 juggles (This isn't quite as fast as the basic 4 though or it doesn't seem to be). Don't use it often but if your opponent does anything dumb on a non CH 1~2 don't hesitate to use the 4 ender as the payoff is very good. so like 1~2,3 it sucks realy but it's existence wipes out the potential punishment of a blocked 1~2. f,f+1<4 Party Crasher m Skyscraper Kick m JG I reckon that this has to be Julia's most improved move from T3. I remember the days in T3 when I groaned over how I couldn't even perform a 3 elbow juggle with ease. Now in TTT, her party crasher (aka Elbow) is now much better than that in T3 because of the better recovery time after each elbow (which also means more elbows in a juggle) even though it still does not recover as fast as that of Michelles. Before I go into much detail with the Elbow, Skyscraper Kick, let me enlighten those who do not know about the properties. First there are two ways to do it... f,f,N+1 and f,F+1. For the first method (f,f,N+1) the elbow recovers much faster, but you have to do the skyscraper kick immediately if you want it to come out. The second method has slower recovery but you can also delay skyscraper kick, which is vital in ending some multi elbow juggles. Well enough talk about the party crasher Sky scraper kick. What is it used for? Duh! Her strings. Her Party crasher is prolly useless if it hits your opponent since it will hit your opponent too far away unlike Michelle where on CH the skyscraper kick and a combo is guranteed. But in some sense the KND can be quite useful, like a Safe tag for example or Okizeme (more on this in the Okizeme section) Anyways with Julia, you will want the party crasher blocked (yes you read right) to start one of Julia's guessing games. Say your opponent blocks the party crasher he would then have to guess whether you would follow up with the sky scraper kick, buffer mad axes, hand him another party crasher or try to CH his power move with 1~1,1 or 1~2,1. Another plus is that if her sky scraper kick connects, then Julia can continue with her f,f+ 1 x3, d,df+1,2 juggle much like Michelle can juggle after f,f+1,4. Put it this way, the party crasher is one of Julia's various setup tools for her mix up game (along with d,df+1, fake low parry etc) In one very good example, the party crasher is used to set up her throws. Not only is it a useful move to set up Mad Asses. I mean Axes, but the party crasher also has special properties to duck immediately by holding down after inputting the party crasher (thus f,f,N+1~D). This is especially useful if you want to set up her FC,db,d,DB+1+2 throw. To see this trick in action do download "Shafi vs Nappi 4" from the world tourneys. Also the Party crasher has always been a famous Chang move in combos especially those multi elbow ones. It is bound to irritate your opponent since they keep bouncing in the air for a long looooong time and each time the elbow hits, it does only miniscule damage (amounting to roughly a jab) However, the usefulness of the elbows has been toned down somewhat now in TTT with the addition of her Mountain crusher since it is a better juggle ender after uf+4, d+1, FC+4,3. (f,f+1,4 ending was very risky in T3 since if you missed and your opponent tech rolled he would rise behind you for a free back throw... not very good) Still the improvement in the recovery of her elbows makes her multi elbow juggles a whole lot more better than what they used to be. Lastly, the Party crasher is good to catch rolling opponents. If you manage to hit a party crasher on a rolling opponent, you will cause them to float in the air and thus you can do the f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1, d,df+1,2 combo. This is the ultimate in piss hit in TTT and the improvements to Julia's elbow are one of the things that have made her much better. In T3 this wasn't too good as it had fairly bad lag when blocked even the quick recovering elbow (I still used it loads which just emphasised how great this move is). Now it's a case of if in doubt an elbow is a pretty safe bet. Sadly this knocks your opponent away unlike Michelle who can do a hell of a lot of nasty/cheap stuff with this but still it's fast and interups very well. One nice advantage Julia's elbow has is that the 4 ender will always connect on fat characters so consider this a 22 damage move on fat characters much better. It's easy on True Ogre but I find you need a very small dealy on other fat characters unless it's the way you input the move. And one small point Julia's elbow has exactly the same frame data as Michelle's she just loses a frame in the N input it's a sad idea I don't know who started is it too difficult to look up frame data? One good thing is Julia has the delayable f,f+1>4 so people may try to punish the huge lag on the delayable elbow it will avoid high attacks and throws and simply out priorotise a lot of moves. It's also very useful for tagging out safely which is always a good thing you can safely knock your opponent away and this is easy to connect with. It can keep away people who want to try and poke you to death (Anna, Bruce, Ling, ect). But anyway this is more useful when blocked as you can keep a constant offense try to get a CH you could grab them with mad axes don't go overboard as you can be interupted with d+1 but it's very useful for keeping up the pressure on your opponent. And then for jugling it can make for some long, iritating and tag partner health replenishing juggles so if your partner has taken a beating 6 elbows will be very useful if you want to kill some time. Use this a lot you can bank on hitting a few of these every round and the damage does add up. f+1~2 Palm Explosion m FSc Chicken command : f+2+4 for everyone. *erm*.... Well... it stuns and it does quite a lot.... and well ARGHHH! This move sucks. Its almost worthless. It takes almost eons for this move to come out, even eddy mashers will CH you out of it before you can even hit with this move. Who the hell will ever fall for the flash uppercut fake in the first place? DOH! Well you could use it for catching back rolling opponents (whats f,f+1 for anyways) or you could use it to catch tagging in/ out opponents (then why do you have uf+4 and df+2,1) or you could just use this move in juggles after you have grown sick of her elbow and wonder juggle. Use this move only in extreme moderation. Decent far away okizeme tool and if they try to catch you with a rising mid kick or sweep you will stun them, the stun is very easy to escape though. One very good scenario is if you stun your opponent in the back (Tag out and okizemie) then they can't do much other than take the stun combo if they try to tag out you have WR,1,2. Other than that don't use this much. But seriously the only time I use this is to punish scrubs tagging out (Let them tag but the ridiculous range this has will allow you to hit them), altenately to that after the right side throw and you may get lucky and stun if they see this coming and seen as it's slow they may try a rising mid kick or sweep and you can stun them in the back and they can either take the juggle or escape and invite an OB trap. Other than that it's realy crap. f+1+2(~5) Shove it Up m JGc Chicken Command : f+1+3 for everyone. You can't chicken Wang's reversal though since this is considered a lp reversal. I like this move a lot. Although it might be slow to initiate it has good range and more importantly leaves you relatively safe when blocked. Even with a -3 frame disadvantage, f+1+2 pushes your opponent so far away that you are completely safe. Your opponent has NO advantage whatsoever. (Btw, I'm referring to f+1+2 sans tag buffering - but why on earth you would want to tag buffer f+1+2 in the first place I don't know) On CH this move will launch so you can jump kick your opponent before continuing with her elbows. Anyways enough talk about this move. So when should you use this move? Do not, I repeat do NOT just throw this out in the open with your opponent a distance away from you and hope for the mistake. People who use this move that way often deem this move useless. You are just ASKING for the move to wiff and eat a EWGF in return. Instead, use this move when you sidestep your opponent and find that there is some distance between you and your opponent try using this move. If he tries any stupid move you will get him on CH and as everyone knows Julia's side juggles are something to be feared (especially on fatties) You have a very good chance at CH since f+1+2 ducks under a lot of high attacks and has extremely good reach. If he doesn't so what? You still have dealt him a decent amount of damage right? Very good damage Julia crouches slightly in the opening frames the evasion shouldn't be relied upon, but I do find this avoiding the standing 4 for example so it's fairly useful in that respect you can call it pretty certain that it avoids jabs but it's too slow to CH a jab. If it CH's you get a class one juggle with the damage rivaling that of 1,2,1 On CH this can lead to over 80 damage. This should be your power move of choice it's underrated, not abuseable though 19 frames is not fast. This is also good to use of the sidestep it is much better than SS+2 and always launches at the side for an easy b+4,f,f,N+ 1,d/f+4,2,b The clubfist- bow and arrow is like 1~1,4,3 minus the initial punch. IMO it isn't really good because the club fist is slow to initiate and moreover the bow and arrow is easily seen coming by good players. Against scrubs or intermediate players though it may prove to be more useful though I still suggest that you stay with 1~1,4,3 if you want some mixups. Well this is basicly the same as d/f+1,4,3 which as we have already said it's crap so don't use this either. df+2,1(~5) Gut Punch m Skyscrapper Cannon(tag) m JG Although the Gut Punch is rather slow to initiate and has kinda poor reach compared to other Julia moves, the Gut Punch skyscrapper Cannon is one of Julia's most underestimated move and one which is extremely useful. Unlike 1~2,1 the skyscrapper Cannon will come out as long as the Gut Punch hits your opponent in the front on any hit - CH or Clean hit. The Gut Punch is an excellent move to use when you rush up to your opponent and know that he is going to duck (or if he gets up and crouches) since the risk is not as great as that of a hopkick (though the pay off is of course less) It is a very safe move to use as long as you don't wiff with it since it has excellent recovery (-6 frames for a blocked gut punch) compared to its 1,2 cousin. What is best though is that the Gut Punch is guranteed off certain situations like a parried low right kick. oooooOoooh! Can You just SMELL the damage? Also in certain situations, the gut punch is guranteed but not the hopkick like after blocking one of Laws flip kick where he recovers low (eg. 3,4) . In this situation you have just enough time to punish him with df+2,1 but a Hopkick will be blocked. Also after a FC,df+2 elbow stun ONLY df+ 2,1 is guranteed (this is not the case for d,df+(1),2 stun where both a hopkick and df+2,1 are guranteed) Remember also that df+2,1 is such a good move to catch tagging in opponents. I kinda stray away from uf+4 hopkick because it is far more risky. In conclusion, although df+2,1 may seem like a dumb move in the first place due to the poor range and slow initiation, used at the right place at the right time WILL win you matches. Go Ahead. Try it. This is your safe tag in punisher and does loads of damage and it is actualy more damaging than an u/f+4 and it's safe when blocked at only -6 frame disadvantage. It's a bit slow (16 frames) but you can dash in and use this with pretty good success. You just need to see how often Shafi connects with this against Shauno in semi final of the tourney vids that are at electric cancel if you doubt it's usefulness. If your opponent whiffs anything hit them with this if it was slow enough. Also this is a pretty useful okizemie tool, if your opponent recovers crouching whack them with this and put them back on the floor with half of there life bar gone. Of course that is when you mixup with d/f+1+2 which is the easiest throw to get in when running. This is garunteed of a parried low kick when you use the d/f low parry which is just unfair. Whatever you do never whiff with this the lag is frightening and you can be hit by pretty much anything. This can now be used off her d,d/f+ (1),2 and FC,d/f+2 stun it's escapable and considering the lag this has the risk of missing is a bit much IMO. If your opponent doesn't escape the stun they will learn very quickly. df+2,3 Gut Punch m Low Kick l RC Goodness me! This move really stinks. Already hampered by the slow execution and lack of distance of the Gut punch, at least the low kick executes faster than it would with 1,2,3. That doesn't save anything from it though. You may be able to catch scrubs with this OCCASIONALLY. But if you land the low kick on a good opponent, remember to jot down that day and buy yourself a lottery. Use this move only if you are trying to tell your opponent that YOU SUCK. Otherwise stay clear of this move like the plague. Look familiar? Do not use this, actually it's much worse because of the slow start up. Well iLuvMomo gave the d/f+2,4 the vote for Julia's worst move this sucks a bit more for me as another Chang player hitting d/f+2,1 on you is a bit more servere than u/f+4 wonder juggle, also the 3 does a crappy 10 damage considering the huge risk this is worse. O wait no there is worse two of them actualy but yea this move is one of the worst. df+2,4 Gut Punch m High Kick h This is Julia's WORST move IMO. If you ever connect with both hits of df+2,4 remember to buy yourself a lottery ticket. To be honest, winning a lottery is easier than connecting with both hits on a button mashing scrub. First df+2, is so slow and unless on CH the High kick will wiff. Second, your opponent will already have ducked in anticipation of your low kick and thus the high kick will wiff... can you say WS+2? I feel it is MUCH safer should df+2 be blocked not to follow up with 4 since df+2 blocked is as I mentioned -6 frames and you won't run the risk of eating a WS move after wiffing the high kick. 3rd, since the high kick comes out slightly faster than it would for 1,2,4, the chances of scoring a CH is slimmer than me winning the World Championships (I'm exagerrating of course). Prolly one of the worst move in Julia's arsenal. Not as good as the other variation you aren't as vulnerable when d/f+2 is blocked but the slow startup leaves this not worth doing. Is your opponent going to try and punish a 6 frame lag and give you a free CH no this isn't as crap as d/f+2,3 but never use it. I find it amusing that this was seen as a part of a custom string game for Julia you wonder why so many people thought she sucked in T3 very few people know how to play T3 Julia properly. (d+2~N+3_2+3),1(~5) Ultimate Cannon(tag) sM,m,m JG Okay So I lied when I said df+2,4 was Julia's worst move. But the Ultimate Cannon is really the ultimate crap move of all time. It is practically d+2 low jab to a rising Kick before Julia charges up for the flash uppercut. d+2~N+3 alone is OKAY and can be used in juggles or to create some space when they are in FC position. It also can be used for Mad Axes setup. Problem is the delay between the rising Kick and the flash uppercut is so great that it is a tragedy waiting to happen. Kazuya can get a df+2 in (thats 40 big points of damage on CH + clean hit) Wang can get db+4,2 in, heck even Julia herself can get f+1+2. And if Juggles aren't your cup of tea, then May I suggest sidestepping twice around the last hit so you can get nice back throw.. *oucH* Kings Octopus slam just gotta hurt. Even a simple throw WILL throw Julia out of the flash uppercut animation. Use d+2~N+3 but Never .... and I mean NEVER try the 1 follow up. It really is so sad that for a character with such an extensive movelist Julia is filled with piles of turd. Really makes Kazuya proud in comparison... short movelist, effective use. Never use the 1 ender as you will eat a backthrow, or maybe I'll stick 3xSS, 4,4,1 and juggle you at the side and smack off over half of your life or maybe Devil's SS+2 or a clean hit CH deathfist or Kazuya's clean hit CH d/f+2 or, well you get the idea this is so so so so so incredibly crap. I remember in T2 the ender did a nasty 45 damage and there was no tech roll and the huge amount of time it took to stand up, Michelle had some evil juggle+okizemie but now it's totally shit. So what the 1 ender avoids high attacks, yes as I found out much to my amusement whiff 2+3 Bryan scrub thinks f,f+2 and bam CH 1 ender and wonder juggle on the end, if they want to be scrubby I can be scrubbier LOL. Sadly the 2+3 version now hits Sm, in T3 it was realy useful for tick damage but now this move sucks ass competely leave it alone. This is probobly her worst move overall as it's the most risky and has absolutely no good use at all, Ironic name for a move realy. (WR_FC,df)+2 Flash Elbow m FSc The Flash elbow is a bit of a risky move which pays off handsomely enough. You will prolly use the FC, df+2 version more often rather than the WR version. Anyways with Julia's excellent FC mixup (WS+2 links, FC,df+4,3, WS+4 and of course FC,df+2) the flash elbow is a good move to use. Moreover, the Flash elbow, once initiated has great priority and will interrupt almost any move. However it really suffers with its recovery which at -20 frames is just a free WGF juggle for your opponent. If you really want to use this move (I prefer the less risk WS+4) then at least you must hope for this move to hit. To do this, you should try training your opponent to block low (FC,df+4) and then occasionally, just OCCASIONALLY try the flash elbow. As RevC pointed out in his Michelle FAQ, you could try this move at the edge of the Flash Elbow range (therefore knowing your range is critical) but that could be risky especially if your opponent plays a turtling game and backdashes a lot. You should also attempt the running version of the flash elbow when closing the distance on your opponent and you know he likes to get up with a rising attack or try a power move (deathfist for example). On CH, your opponent is stunned. The stun is of course escapable but getting the opportunity to stun your opponent is really rare indeed. Maybe try this move after you block a low move and your opponent trys a high move (eg. Hwoarang's 1,1,3,3) Unlike the stun off d,df+(1),2 you can only juggle using df+2,1 and not the hopkick. I still remember that in Tekken 3 the Flash Elbow was used as a combo ender in Combos such as uf+4, FC,df+4,3, d+1, FC,df+2 but that combo is rarely used due to its difficulty and risk involved, even more so today with the introduction of the great Mountain Crusher. First the FC version is very important to the fake low parry mixup this is why you will be able to use FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 fairly often as this does some pretty good damage to discourage crouching. Also this gives a stun on CH which you can launch with d/f+2,1 (Not u/f+4) it's escapable but the damage is good. I feel with Julia's FC mixups you opponent would be more inclined to block and keep ther distance though. The other version is another great addition to Julia's running game if your opponent thinks you running at them = a deathfist smack them with this, it has excelent priority and good reach, the recovery is bad (20 frames which is realy bad) but then you could use the running 1 that has -2 recovery with recovery which is safe. This can be used in juggles but unless you are going for style it's not realy worth it. SS+2 Parting Fist m GS This is Julia's brand Spankin' New SS move and one which I feel isn't really that good when compared to Michelles arsenal of Sidestep moves. When doing this, Julia takes a small step forward and lunges out with her right fist. There is no guranteed stuff if this hit (Like Michelle's SS+2), no guranteed knockdown (like Michelle's SS+1), does not Juggle (like Michelle's SS+3,4) and poor recovery if it whiffs. This itself has deterred me from using the Parting Fist in serious combat. I usually pull the Parting fist off by mistake while trying to do the Mad Axes after sidestep. Speaking of Mad axes, you can buffer Mad axes after SS+2 much like you can with almost every move. Besides after a sidestep it would be best to try for 1~1,1 or 4,4,1 (if you are really sure you can are behind your ops) Sure some may argue that the parting fist has good range (Well for Julia yes but for someone like PJack No) but if you WANT range then go for SS f+1+2. And whats with the +1 hit advantage? Sure you can set up things but after SS 1~1,1 you get some nice fat damage. Which would you want? Use this move only moderately. What the hell Michelle gets so many excellent SS moves and Julia gets this, what where Namco thinking? It's ok if you haven't SS a good distance but Julia has much much stronger options than this you won't need this much. It's safe when blocked and gives a nice frame advantage on normal hit and CH so mad axes can be easily buffered yet again. I have came to the conclusion that this move sucks pretty badly as it sure as hell seems way too slow the damage is ok but it doesn't seem to track well either f+1+2 is MUCH better. Actualy of all the options Julia has of the sidestep there are many better non SS mover better than this. (b+2_2~b) Arm Whip h OB The Arm whip of Julia is an average move IMO because of the fact that the standing 2 is rather slow (compared to her 1 at least) After the arm whip you are at a frame disadvantage (-1 frame) You can try for a back throw but chances are your opponent will duck it. You can of course try to hit him with a mid hitting move (hopkick) but if your opponent attacks (standing 3_4) then he will hit you first. You can also allow your opponent to attack first and duck/block it but that would be extra risky since some characters like Ling have both low and mid hitting attacks from BK position. Otherwise you can try *evil* d+1 which should hit him and since he is already backturned give you the opportunity to try all those fancy stuff like WS+2,1,1. You are at a frame disadvantage after this and no one is going to stand there and take a back throw you could try a d+1 to set up an OB trap but your opponent could beat you to the d+1 (iLuvMomo's note: BT d+1 is 6 frames only which beats out anything you throw). Even worse a Ling player will actualy gain the initiative as being in RD is always a good thing for her and you give away the frame advantage, not a good move at all not even against scrubs. The only potential plus is if you have Michelle on your team and your opponent crouches to avoid the tag throw, well use d+1 just make them guess so if you don't have have Michelle on your team this sucks but if you do this may actualy be pretty dam good. = (1+2_5) = Back Push n/a "?" I give up. If you can think of a good way to use this move do tell me. This move is easily ducked, by even morons although the CPU falls for this 99% of the time and even if it does connect does nothing other than erm.. push your opponent a bit away? Wholesome crapness all round. This is so crap it can be ducked and it doesn't give you any initiative you simply push your opponent away no reward at all I never use it even by accident. (WS+2_3~2)<2 Tequilla Sunrise m Flash Elbow m FSc Of Julia's many WS+2 moves, I feel that this is prolly the weakest one of them all. Undoubtedly, the flash elbow can be delayed for very long periods to try to induce a stun. However unlike its fellow counterpart, d,df+1,2 the recovery of the flash elbow is HORRIBLE. With -20 should the flash elbow be blocked (I'm not even going to bother talking about if it should wiff) your opponent could murder you with half his arsenal of moves of WGF's, Deathfists, hopkicks and so on. The only situation where this move might be of some use would prolly be during OB trap when you are already in FC position. It would be much safer to try WS+ 2,2 instead of WS+2,1,4,3 (though you could try WS+2,1,1) Stay clear from yet another stinker. Definitely the worst of the tequila sunrise combos' not very good damage, horrible lag when blocked this should be left alone. BTW the 2 ender does not stun on the PS2 so it's even worse there but you don't need this it sucks. As for OB traps this is probobly the best tequlia sunrise combo for the job why? well it knocks down and both hits will connect unlike the other variations which will either whiff or can be escaped. (WS+2_3~2)1,1(~5) Tequilla Sunrise m C.Fist-Flash Uppercut(tag) m,m SH This is another mediocre move that Julia has. You will prolly never ever use her 3~2,1,1 version of the tequilla sunrise into cfist and flash uppercut since there is the better and faster 1~1,1. What kills this move though is the fact that the flash uppercut does NOT launch. What will happen is your opponent merely grabs his nose in pain, stumbles back abit and then falls down. If you tag out after the flash uppercut, then you can get a guranteed tag slide (or cross chops for fatties) This might seem good but when you compare that to a CH 1~1,1 which launches your opponent for some meaty juggles, 3~2,1,1 really is crap. Oh yeah and the flash uppercut is not guranteed unless the 3~2 or WS+2 hits on CH which mean it is not as good as 1~1,1. Oh yeah. WS+ 2,1,1 has one very good use. OB trap. The reason this is excellent is because WS+2,1,1 does a good deal of damage (43 points if I'm not mistaken) on normal characters. Best though is that your opponent will sometimes grab his nose and stumble backwards towards you like Jin's df+2 in T3 (don't ask me why this happens after hitting your opponent's back) and if they are dumb you can repeat the whole process again. If this CH's it's all guaranteed and you get a free tag slide but if you CH ALWAYS use WS+2,4,1 as you can juggle off it. There's one little problem you won't CH this very often it comes out in 18 frames and has a very obvious startup. The recovery sucks if this is blocked on a non CH you are going to eat something like a WGF never a good thing. This is okayish in OB traps after a d+1 but yes it can be tagged out of after the second hit which is crap it will total about 30 damage. So this sucks in OB traps as well overall this has been toned down badly from T3 this rocked in OB traps as it was all garunteed once WS+2 hit and it juggled. (WS+2_3~2)1,4,3 Tequilla Sunrise m Club Fist-Bow & Arrow m,l,m Unless you really want to play mix up games with Julia, then this move isn't of all that much use. On CH, all 4 hits are guranteed which means they will produce some meaty damage. However if you are going to try the bow and arrow mix up against good players, you are just asking to be parried and punished. The 3~2,1,4,3 is much much more obvious than 1 ~1,4,3 because Julia moves forward quite a bit. Like 1~1,4,3 the last kick will wiff ling while the low kick will not hit Ganny. And WS+ 2,1,4,3 isn't all that useful in OB traps since the last kick will most likely wiff. Anyways like 1~1,4,3 if you stop at the low kick you will recover crouching to start her WS games. Oh yeah, and for those who have trouble beating the comp on ultra hard mode, well just use this move alone. The comp is too stupid to block the bow and arrow kick. So you can just cruise through all your oponents using just this one move alone. Of course it doesn't work on Ganny and Ling so if you have to fight them then you gotta use some skillz. Another scrub killer a handy mixup with WS+2,1,1 but good players will parry the 4. If you CH this does good damage but you have better options. And yes the 3 misses Ling and Roger and the 4 misses Ganny so that sucks also it sucks for OB traps it just sucks. (WS+2_3~2)4,4 Tequilla Sunrise m Razor Sweep l RC High Kick h Uh! If the razor sweep hits then the high sweep is guranteed. But in that case just use WS+2_3~2, 4,1 instead since the uppercut is guranteed and will juggle. The high kick is practically worthless since the recovery is abysmal if blocked. (-19 thats a free EWGF) Even if it DOES connect you are at a frame disadvantage. And its worthless in OB trap since the High kick will wiff. Dumb move. Use this not. Decent damage but There are stronger options and if the last 4 gets avoided you are in big trouble but you probably won't get that far another crappy tequila sunrise combo, wait they all suck. O and I'm pretty sure the ender is not garunteed after the sweep conects that applies to Michelle only (Still it sucks who is going to get hit by the 4). (WS+2_3~2)4,d+4 Tequilla Sunrise m Razor Sweep l RC Low Kick l RC Another useless move. Maybe not as bad as WS+2,4,4 since scrubs will never ever block the low kick. But even if they do eat the low kick, you are at a horrible frame disadvantage (- 8 frames!!) The recovery of the low kick is horrible when blocked though it does leave you in FC position. Problem is with such a horrible frame disadvantage, you can't really do much even in FC position. You can prolly get away with using this once or twice against Scrubs but never try this move against advanced players. They will definitely make you pay. Well you have the scrubby low mid mixup with the 1 so scrub intermediate players do eat this fairly often but it's not very good at all. throw it out once in a while (Against scrubby players no one else will eat two consecutive slow low kicks). but it will get parried often if you use this more than once every few rounds. The risk of this move is too high for the poor reward. (WS+2_3~2)4,1 Tequilla Sunrise m Razor Sweep l RC Razor's Edge m JG This move is extremely effective against scrubs. In fact, by using this move alone you can kill most scrubs much like by doing Kazuya's uf+ 4,4,4,4. If the razor sweep hits, you are guranteed the Razor's edge uppercut which means free juggle. Problem though is that good players will ultimately always parry the low kick which leaves you in trouble. The Razor Sweep is extremely slow and extremely telegraphed. Also contrary to my initial believe, WS+2,4,1 is not useful during OB trap since the razor's edge WILL definitely wiff (not sure though about fatties but I will try that out some day) This is will do loads of damage on CH (Juggle) and it's the best scrub killing Julia move IMO and you can mixup high, low and mid. Good players will take this apart on non CH yet again as it's not that fast. This is the tequila sunrise combo of choice as it's easily the most damaging and this can total around 80 damage when you add the juggle damage but it doesn't change the fact that is not a good move realy. It's not even good for OB traps anymore this was awesome in T3 d+1,WS+ 2,4,1,d,d,d/f+1,2,f,f+1,4 did almost 100 damage and it never whiffed but again it sucks ass now. And it can hit the big characters I went off tequila sunrise combos for okizemie long ago. b+3 Liquid Sweep l TS PLDc I have to admit that I prolly have been TOO hard on this move initially. Anyone would be put away by this move anyways just by looking at the frame data. 27 frames to hit (thats slower than Kazuya's f+1+2), with -33 frames disadvantage when it is blocked. -33 frames you say? YES.... thats a lot of painful stuff guranteed. For Jin thats free WS+2 and Laser cannon juggle. Should it hit, Julia tripstuns her opponent and is at a frame ADVANTAGE (+2) and she has the advantage, and use one of her many FC mixups whether it be FC,df+4,3, WS+2,1,1 or even a plain ol' hopkick. Your opponent is in a disadvantage and anything he tries can be snuffed out easily with d+1. However b+3 is not without its good points. When performing b+3, Julia ducks so low that high attacks will miss her. Julia will take duck quite low to the ground, before reaching all out to sweep her opponent. At the apex of the sweep, Julia may even duck some mid attacks. On CH this trips and Julia can follow up with FC+4,3, f,f+1, d,df+1,2 juggle which needless to say does shitloads. In this sense, b+3 is extremely risky, but the risk pays off handsomely. Besides that, b+3 can be used in Okizeme, where Julia needs just that extra reach. Be CAREFUL though. Because of the slow startup b+3 has, your opponent can roll out of the way or even hit you with an attack of his own. The good thing though is that if he tries to rise with a high attack, you will most likely duck under him and CH him. Juggle time! Also unlike some moves which have extremely long recovery when blocked, b+3 does not have a long WIFF animation. Therefore, b+3 is OKAY if you throw it out for spacing reasons. Overall though b+3 is not a bad move, but neither is it an extremely good move. It is okay if you pull it off once in a while, especially when your opponent is tagging in, much like Kazuya's f+1+2, but don't abuse this move like crazy. As Dim_sim said, "Just don't revolve your game around it" Ok I said this was realy shit in a thread recently, I think it's just so slow it's not realy shit it's a case of use it at the right time. Only use this unless you are 100% certain you will hit -33 block advantage is hideous. If you are up against a Mishimas player who likes 1,1,2 this will become a very effective move as you will be able to CH them and get a free juggle. If you hit this on non CH you can buffer FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 it's interuptable but then you could mix it up with WS+4. I'm not sure if d+1 has the priority to beat it out though it will conect 1 frame before WS+4 but priority does come in to play. I wouldn't use this for okizemie personaly as FC,d/f+4 is better it has a bit more range and comes out considerably faster off the fake low parry. Overall this is a good move if you know when to use it it goes under high and even some mid attacks so you need to read you opponent well to use this effecitvely. uf+3+4 Earthquake Stomp M What is this? A world series of bad moves? Sometimes I really feel like changing my policy of not rating moves and just give all Julia's move a bad rating. This move is almost worthless in 99.999999999% of the situations. Julia doesn't even track well with this move. In fact she can't even judge her distance properly. Imagine your opponent lying next to you. you do earthquake stomp..... Julia jumps.. she lands..... and MISSES your opponent. LOL. When you do this move you are asking your opponent to back throw you. Although stated in Pmartin's Changs FAQ that you can use this to knock opponents in stance from mid range like Ling in AOP. Any one who plays a decent Ling will know that Ling can go in and out of AOP (as well as into other stances) with ease and easily sidestep the Earthquake stomp. The only use I have found so far for the earth quake stomp is after certain tag throws like Paul's f,f+1 +2 throw for instance. It works much like PJack's stomp in this case.... only without the *crunch* to it. Not sure if its guranteed but I will check it out soon. As an okizeme attack, you must be able to judge your distance carefully and be very very sure that your opponent is going to lay still on the ground. A good note though, is that onec Julia is airborne, its almost impossible to avoid the uf+3+4. By training your opponent to fear you rushing in with your okizeme and thus laying still, the Earthquake stomp can be used to great effect. Also after her Heaven cannon unblockable, assuming you are an idiot who can't juggle to save your life (or you just wanna prove to a scrub that you can be scrubbier) then do the Earthquake stomp. It is GURANTEED after the f+1+4 if timed correctly. There is only one time you should use this, after Paul's f,f+1+2 tag throw where it's garunteed for some very good damage Outside that use never use this as it's even crappier than the ultimate cannon IMO. I was origionaly in favour of rating moves but iLuvMomo wanted to do it this way, but he is right it's blatantly obvious that a move is incredibly bad. Yea this is garunteed after a f+1+4 but how often will you hit that on a good player? And this is pathetic for okizemie it's so slow I mean there's hardly a deer in the headlights effect like kings moonsault is there? If you want to knock Ling out of AOP use d/f+ 4 much safer and has more than enougth range to be safe. 3+4 Counter Clockwise Spin n/a Finally a decent move to talk about. This move is a classic Michelle move since the Tekken 2 days. Then it was a real big advantage to Michelle since it was the sole sidestep move in the game (other than Kazuya's Mist step) However, with the addition of Sidesteps for every character one may think that 3+4, the Spin, is useless now. Undoubtedly when used by itself, it definitely is, since moves generally track quite a bit better now in TTT. However the beauty of the Spin is when it is used in conjunction with her Sidestep move. As such you can perform her double and triple sidestep. Admittedly though, her double and triple sidestep does not cover as much range as that of say Hwoarang, but it is extremely useful to run circles round your opponent and get behind them. Also another bad point about the Spin is that she only spins to her right and as such to be used effectively Julia has to Sidestep right (SSR) Although this may not prove to much a problem since most powerful moves (WGF, deathfist, etc) are sidestepped usually to the right (you actually can sidestep to the left though your time has to be excellent) you could find yourself eating 1,1,2 shining fists if you are not careful. Still the drawbacks are not enough to stop any good Julia player from using this move. You can cancel 3+4 into her Razor kick (4,4) combinations which makes the SSR, 3+4 combinations even more lethal since you can get behind your opponents with ease and get a guranteed 4,4,1 plus juggle. Evil damage. Besides you will have to rely a lot on your SS & 3+4 combo to cause confusion to your opponent. Also remember that SS can be cancelled automatically with 1~ 1,1 or 1~2,1 unlike Michelle which has to cancel the sidestep manually. This is very useful when you combine it with Julia's SS as you can get round your opponent quickly. it doesn't travel far but it is best combined with her SS, it can serve as a buffer tool similar to her command low parry but it's not as safe. It can link it to the spinning kick chains so you can do plenty of damage off the 3xSS after using this smack them with 4,4,1 and juggle them for a nice 90+ damage. It's a good okizemie tool as well as you can get round your opponent to set up an OB trap once you train your opponent to stay down since you have so many ways of punishing them. It only spins to the right sadly you can actualy use consecutive spins using one the following two methods first you can spin then hold F to carry on another spin and do that as long as you feel the need too (Not long I hope). Altenately use the spin and hold B, this causes you to travel less forward, strange movement learn to use it and it can be useful for confusion (Well I'll have to explain how to confuse I'll get to that with mad axe setups hint). So what does this mean? well as you can tell from that method I given you can cancel the recovery of the 3xSS. Instead of being restricted to the spinning kick strings you could use a d+1 if your opponent tries to punish the high 4 that starts the spinning kick strings or you could use 1,2,1 so it's not as restrictive as it may appear, so in fact this is a great buffer for standing moves as long as you use it at the right distance. This can be used as a tag cancel which can be handy if you opponent tries to punish your tag in. Another good use for this is if you are at mid distance the axis that this spin travels in will bring you a bit closer to your opponent so why not buffer mad axes out of it? Recently that's become one of my favourite buffers very hard to see coming. d+4 Razor Sweep l RC = N+4 = High Kick h = d+4 = Low Kick l = 1 = Razor's Edge m JG You'd notice I have grouped all 3 moves together in one lump sum. Although d+4,1 and d+4,4 may have its use in combos, even d+4 should not be used at all in normal gameplay. Why? d+4 is so slow, 20 frames. Even if it hits you are at -10 disadvantage which in fact means your opponent will get a FREE d+1. Why would you want to get into Crouched position using d+4? d+1, d+2 heck even d+3 prove to be better options when you want to get into FC position due to their speed and/or their range. Being slow is one thing, the main problem though is that Julia telegraphs d+4 as if she is screaming to her opponent "PARRY ME" Of course good players will undoutedly snatch the opportunity to parry the low kick (or at lesat block it) There is no saving grace either in her follow ups. NOTHING is guranteed if d+4 counterhits. If your opponent blocks the low kick he will opt to remain crouched since he can block the low kick and duck the high kick. So you ask "What bout the mid hitting Razor's Edge?" Unfortunately the Razor's edge is slow and any good player will be able to block it on reaction (not that you need much reaction) Getting d+4 and 1 followups blocked is definitely not good news since the recovery is awesomely bad. At least with d+4 it pushes your opponent somewhat away. Therefore unless you really need to use this in juggles, stay clear of all the above moves. d+4,1 is Good for okizemie as it will catch rolling opponents but you have the mountain crusher to do that, as I mentioned earlier use this after FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 and you can flip your opponent over and get more free hits so for that purpose this is excellent. On its own if the d+4 is slow and the 1 has horrible lag so you want to use this sparingly if at all Julia has better options. d+4,N+4 is an okay jugle ender if you want to add a bit of variety F+2,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 does 31 damage pretty solid, not as good as them long elbow juggles but elbows get VERY boring after a while. O and the mixup potential of d+4,d+4 and d+4,1 is pathetic don't even think about it. Outsde okizemie and juggles don't use any of these. 4,4 Spinning Razor's Kick h,l RC I feel that the initial 4,4 deserves special mention here. High kick into razor kick is extremely useful as a chip away move, at least from scrub to intermediate level. The Razor Kick comes out exceptionately fast so much so that it will almost always hit your opponent. Even if the low kick hits, and with the -3 frame disadvantage, your opponent will be fearing the low kick razor edge mix up, and thus the FC position that you are in is very suitable to create even more confusion with her FC/WS mix up game. At advanced or higher level of play the high kick to razor kick is almost useless. In the good ol Tekken 3 days when not every one had a low parry, this move could be abused a lot. However with the addition of universal low parry, good players will almost always parry (or block) the low kick which leaves Julia in a huge disadvantage? Why? Because most of the time when 4,4 is used, Julia will be outside poke range, and decent players will usually try two or three standing 4's in hope of catching an onrushing player on CH. As such, when one sees the standing 4, he will go immediately into crouched (or df) and thus neutralize the razor kick. You prolly could get away with 4,4 against a good opponent if you train your opponent to block high so much so that he forgets that 4,4 even exists, and thats where Julia's elbow strings come into play. Also I forgot to mention that 4,4 can be a decent Okizeme attack since the low hitting razor kick comes out faster than it would for d+4. The 4,4 is okay for tick damage as long as you use it sparingly as your opponent knows the next hit is low so it's not something you want to abuse. This is an okay way to get in to FC mixups your opponent will probobly block high mostly as the 1 ender is definitely the one you don't want to get hit by so FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 is your best followup. And yes that generic d/f low parry has made this much more risky to use you could pound Jin with this without fear in T3 as he couldn't parry it but but you can't throw this out at will anymore. This is handy in okizeme if you 3xSS your opponent you can set them up for an OB trap with the second hit and juggle with the 1 ender. = 4 = High Kick h = d+4 = Low Kick l The high kick and low kick follow ups are just UTTER CRAP. If your opponent is at intermediate level, you could prolly win a match with 4,4,d+4 but since a good player would have already parried the razor kick, the follow ups here are practically USELESS. If 4 CH's though the last kick will hit so you get 4,(4),4 but if 4 CH's you'd be better off with elbow juggles. Well the 4,4,4 is very bad I mean it hits high it's the most powerful variation but it will never hit trust me. The pay off for both are not good enougth for the inferior reward. And well two consecutive low attacks give me a break it's easy to tell between this and the 1 ender so your opponent won't have much trouble parrying the low ender assuming they haven't paried the second hit which they normaly will. 4,4,1 Spinning Razor's Kick h,l RC Razor's Edge m I believe 4,4,1 deserves special recognition. As a move on its own, it is equally as crap (or worse) than 4,4,4_d+4. However when used in conjunction with her double/triple sidestep to get behind your opponent, this move ROCKS. Since Julia does not have SS+3,4 which Michelle has, 4,4,1 is the replacement juggle starter for her. When done behind your Opponents bare back (which happens often with Julia) they will get their assed launched, and you can follow up with a simple f,f+1, 1, d+4,1 juggle. To see this technique in action, download Shafi vs Shauno Semi Finals 2 at www.electriccancel.com. Laugh at this Analquin. I bet Anna's SS+3 rulz Right? Now how many people are going to get hit by the second 4 when you know the second hit it low? It's going to get parried often. But if your opponent is slow to block this is your best option, mix it up with d+4 and 1 and you can have modest success (It's still a bit slow). If you hit the 1 you will be able to smack an extra 40 damage on the end do not abuse this as it has very bad lag when blocked. This is very good off the 3x sidestep though, the spacing is tricky but the payoff is huge just restrict the use of this to 3xSS and it's a very good move. And yes this is another technique that Shafi uses to great effect in the EC vids. Actualy this combined with 3xSS is far better than Michelle's SS+3,4 so why the big fuss about it Julia doesn't need it, 3xSS 4,4,1 more damaging and it's far more realible too. (iLuvMomo's note: Because SS+3,4 if blocked is extremely safe, but if 4,4,1 is blocked, and seldom happens unless you are not careful, will get you into big trouble) b+4 Heaven Shatter Kick h CSc For one moment, imagine Yoshi's b+1+4 Yoshi flash. Now take away all the good points of the move (speed,unblockable) and add all the bad points of this move (absolute lack of range, hits high) and there you have it. Another brand NEW absolutely useless Julia move. When you do look at the frame data you will notice that it is a 14 frame move, which would genrally be very good, but Yoshi's flash is only 4 frames damn it! Well thats the general opinion people have on this move. I noticed that none of the good players actually use this move.... except in one particular movie, a1 of the Japan Honor Videos in which the Changs player used this move a few times. Undoubtedly this was intentional use of the move. Therefore with this in mind, I discussed this move (along with several others) with a few people. On one hand some said the move was terrible, a travesty to Julia, but a few other people also praised this move saying it is a very very underated move. So whats good about this move? Absolutely no range, hits high and rather slow for a move thats supposed to counter? I also did not mention that the Heaven shatter kick is COMPLETELY safe even when it is blocked with a paltry -7 frame disadvantage. If you hit with it on a normal hit you get a +4 frame advantage, which does not gurantee anything be allows Julia to keep on the offensive. Besides,the Heaven shatter kick has a weird property of it that it ducks high attacks during certain frames of its animation. In fact it does go under certain mids. This ducking property will prove EXTREMELY useful against pitbulling opponents who rely a lot on their standing 1's and 4's (e.g Changs, Laws etc.) Why not 1~1,1 you say? Take a instance where Law and Julia match. Well if both were to hit 1 at the very same instant (Julia aiming for 1~2,1 Law aiming for 1,2 punches), both will get hit and you gain nothing. Instead if you try b+4 instead, it will duck under your opponent's high poke and CH him. Another instant where b+4 is rather useful is against opponents who have habit of rising with a standing kick. In this case, I suggest that you run up to your opponent, SS a lil and b+4 him. 9 out of 10 times, it will either hit him before he is able to hit you, or duck under the kick, both of which will land a CH. Thanks to Catlord for confirming this. On CH, Heaven shatter kick will crumple stun your opponent, a stun which is NOT escapable. As Shafi (Redfoot) put it to me, and I quote "Basically its a risk vs reward question, and I think its worth the risk. A stun on CH is way worth it, especially for Julia." Indeed, after the CH stun you can get combos that are so damaging they are insane! Anything as stupidly easy as d+1, WS+2,2 to Julia's Wondercombo is possible which makes you and I wonder WHY we did not notice this move in the first place. This is slow 14 frames (Used to think 17 so it doesn't sound as bad now). It has EXTREMELY poor range, however if this CH's you can do a very large amount of damage b+4,f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,d/f+1,2 does huge damage, more than her wonder juggle need I say more? But how are you going to CH with a move like this? Well it avoids high attacks yes the range sucks but if your opponent sticks a lot of jabs and standing 4's this is very handy. In fact of all the moves Julia has that avoids high attacks this is the fastest and second in damage only to f+1+2 but that has a far less relible evasive ability. It's also very handy in side f+1+2 juggles which can happen once in a while and it flips your opponent over for a large amount of elbows. Note how the stun won't happen on the side which is a pain you have a very nice frame advantage after it though. On paper this is a crappy move but the simple fact is I do get CH b+4's. It's safe when blocked and it has a short whiff animation as well. O and seen as it gives a +4 frame advantage mad axes yet again, you may as well it's 60+ damage and well it will make this a high damaging move on non CH as well. df+4<2 Julia's Mountain crusher is EASILY one of her best new moves in TTT. The addition of Mountain crusher easily takes away the burden of having to do extremely hard juggles after her bow and arrow juggles. In fact now with the Mountain crusher, you can do simple damaging juggles without having to master multiple elbows. On further inspection, the purpose of Mountain crusher is easily MORE than just a combo ender. I have broken the move into three parts and examined them in more detail. df+4 of Mountain crusher is extremely useful. Because of Julia's range, or lack of, df+4 will be like a shield to her every time she throws it out. A lot of people say that Julia's Mountain crusher should only be used in combos and not in open play. This is certainly not the case. df+4 is an excellent keep away move for Julia and will be used in open play a lot. It is essential for Julia to use df+4 for keep away games especially against equally good pokers like Michelle, Law and Lee. On CH, 2 is guranteed (though b,f+1 is not) df+4 is very very very safe to throw out just for the heck of it because you can delay the 2 (and hope for CH and guranteed b,f+2) buffer Mad axes into it or just stop and start another of Julia's string. Also because of its speed (14 frames) it is extremely useful in Okizeme or OB trap (though d+1 IMO is still better) Although df+4 isn't exactly Jin's b+4 it will "pick up" any opponent who tries rolling on the ground for a free df+4,2,b,f+1. Thats almost 50 points!! df+4 can also be used in certain combos to float her opponent much like df+4 of the Mishima's. Combo starters like Bryan's b+1 for example will cause Julia's opponent to bounce on the ground and as such won't be able to techroll. When Julia tags in she is able to lift her opponent up with df+4 and either finish up her Mountain crusher or do multiple elbow juggles instead. 2 in Mountain crusher is also quite useful. Although when blocked, it offers, -9 frame disadvantage, b,f+1 will beat out ANY attack your opponent tries to throw in to interrupt it as long as you do not delay b,f+1. Besides that, your opponent also suffers a small stun after blocking 2. Also like df+4, you can buffer the Mad Axes throw after it since most players will be in defensive mode anticipating b,f+1. Mixing up Mad Axes after df+4 and df+4,2 or not at all will drive your opponent up the walls especially since Mad Axes has such a small escape frame. Lastly b,f+1. Although you actually are in -15 frames disadvantage, Julia knocks her opponent away far enough that she is relatively safe. Long pokes like Kuma/Panda's f+1 will still hit her, but she won't be in range for EWGF, Devil's TP or Deathfist if b,f+1 is blocked at maximum range. However I seldom finish of MC with b,f+1 unless I'm sure that 2 hits on CH. b,f+1 will knock your opponent far away if it hits giving Julia a safe opportunity to tag out of required. Oh yeah and I think it should be notated as b Definitely Julia's best new move, a contender for the best new move in TTT (Hei's EWGF doesn't count EWGF isn't new). First this is Julia's best juggle ender it's not hard to learn to delay the 1 on the end. And it all hit's mid so it's hard to punish. Very very good okizemie tool as well the d/f+4 will catch rolling opponents Although it's best if you use FC,d/f+4,3 and put this on the end for an easy 40+ damage. It is probably the safest okizemie move in the game Lei's play dead is very well tamed by this d/f+4 beats out anything he can do from it. Ok you could argue d+1 but what happens if Lei uses 3+4 will d+1 beat it out I'm pretty sure it doesn't. But the range of the d/f+4 gives it a big advantage anyay. The d/f+4 is much better than the generic d/f+4 and as I mentioned in the throw section this is one of the most effective OB trap moves it's got better range than d+1 but when it whiff it's not too good. If the d/f+4 CH's the 2 is guaranteed and if the 2 CH's (Won't happen often) the 1 is guaranteed. The 1 has bad recovery time it does push your opponent far back though. But anyway that d/f+4 the range is sick the distance you opponent stands from you at the beginning of the round is enougth for this to connect, the range can realy hamper some characters for example your against Michelle ok Julia is at her best up close but Michelle has so many weapons her non knockdown elbow her SS+2. It's boring as hell but just keep her out of range and she is realy disadvantaged she can't even use her elbows as the distance will simply allow you a free CH and 2 followup for a handy 30 damage+mixup with b,f+1 and mad axes. The d/f+4 is near abusable it doesn't track well but you should be using it at range 2 as a keep away move. Don't overestimating the reach yes it is realy good but don't get carried away. Do be wary that this tracks like shit so don't use all the hits unless your opponent screams CH me. FC,df+4,3 Bow and Arrow l,m The classic Changs move. If the Bow kick hits, arrow is guranteed except if your opponent is Ling, you are off axis or the bow kick hit at maximum range (seldom though) Should her Arrow get blocked or wiff Julia is left quite open to quick counter attacks (twin pistons, shining fist, throws) The Bow and Arrow is a wonderful WONDERFUl move though for Julia since it can be used in so many occasions. As an Okizeme move, Bow and Arrow will give your opponent a one way ticket to Major Hurt. If your opponent lies still, you can just FC,df+4 and do some decent damage and knock him away. Should he roll, FC,df+4,3 WILL float and you can follow that up with Mountain crusher for oodles of damage. Also since Bow and Arrow is an attack from FC position it is extremely useful in her mix up game. FC,df+4 has good range and is a useful tick attack at intermediate level though good opponents will undoubtedly parry/ block it. Also with her low thrust (fake low parry) the Bow and arrow kick has a higher chance to connect since it comes out more deceptively and your opponent has to worry about other mix ups. FC,df+4,3 will float in certain situations like after a blocked tag slide (or slide in general) and when you get up from the ground with a rising sweep. And this is of course part of Julia's "Wonder Combo". If used against reversal scrubs, remember to buffer chicken for the last hit since it is always reversed. Very useful off the fake low parry and one of the moves you should use a lot off it. The FC,d/f+4 has excellent range and it very good for okizemie because of how safe it is. This also plays a part in Julia's wonder juggle so you have to like this move. It's an excelent okizemie move it can float your opponents if they try to roll stick an MC on the end for some very good damage. Another big plus this has is the range, you can use this in okizemie from a good distance away and stay safe from your opponents attacks (Very good against Lei's play dead game I would prefer this to d/f+4 is I'm not in close). The 3 will sometimes miss Xiaoyu and Roger if you hit it up close the 3 will connect you need to learn the spacing (Practice on the PS2). If the first hits the 2nd is guaranteed on the characters not mentioned earlier so this is important to get in some easy damage especialy if you train your opponent to block high (Remember you have an FC mixup with WS+4 and u/f+4 so they have to realy on reaction to block this. The recovery on the 3 is realy bad however but it's pretty easy to determine wether the 4 has connected soit's easy to know when you should use the 3 ender. (FC_d)+(1+3_2+4) Low Parry n/a This move is too useful to be here. As such I have dedicated a nice meaty section of this FAQ to this move alone. Refer on this in "Setups" Also Julia can cancel her tag in with a low parry, and make her less vulnerable to low hitting attacks. The command low parry got raped in TTT, Julia had so many awesome followups in T3 you could parry a d+1 jab and get a free 70 damage combo. But anyway the strength of this is that you have so many options in this you can use the fake low parry (There's a section on that later). This is a great way of putting someone on the defensive that allows you to use mad axes with even less risk than before (If that was possible). 2+3+4 Wave Taunt n/a It's a taunt. And well... unlike some taunts, it doesn't hit which makes it useless even in show off combos. It does have a certain use though. Like Dayful says, you can tag cancel using 2+3+4 taunt and immediately cancel the taunt without the danger of getting CH. However, throwing this out once in a while could be useful to mock your opponent. If I ever throw out this move, I'm telling my opponent "You Suck" Dam I love this move ;P. This is the coolest taunt in the game by a mile it's so cheeky ok you can't taunt juggle but it looks funny. Anyway a very good use of this is it can tag in cancel you can cancel the taunt straight away using 2+3+4~b. I personaly find it easier than the u~u/b version so if you aren't too hot with the u~u/b tag cancel use this instead. Also you can cancel this with a 1 so if your opponent is realy dumb taunt them and if they try something like a deathfist bust out a 1~2~1 and maybe they'll let you do the whole thing. But this is a brilliant taunt it's a game after all Julia is one of the most fun charctaers to play IMO so that's what this is for fun. Very handy in mind games also if your opponent is turtling just keep a safe distance and taunt them you never know they may try something stupid if not it still looks good. Unblockable: ------------ Command Name Property f+1+4 Heaven Cannon *!* As an Unblockable goes, Heaven cannon ranks high up there with other unblockables. As a move goes though, it is well after all an unblockable, not that its useless or anything. Heaven Cannon alone does 50 points alone. Pretty little for an unblockable. The beauty of it though is the possible juggles Julia is able to perform should the Heaven Cannon hit. f+1+4 acts as a Class 1 launcher for Julia, even though she cannot tag out of it. Julia can do some MEGA damaging juggles like UF,N+4, f,f+1, f,f+1, d,df+1,2 or even something mindlessly easy like uf+3+4. However the main problem with Julia's f+1+4 is that of all unblockables. It takes forever to wind up. Julia's make rank as one of the faster unblockables there is, but it still is extremely slow. It's reach is exceptionately good and it does have semi tracking ie she will track before she starts charging at you. The charge acts much like her f+1 uppercut only that it has WAY much more range which will definitely catch people unfamiliar with the range. Besides a lot of unblockables has that "FREEZING" property in which even good players just stop and eat the unblockable. Do not be hesitant to use this move, especially when you know that you have the round lost. After all you have nothing to lose. Also, Julia's unblockable will hit grounded big opponents. Therefore it is deadly especially in combos like Devil SS+2~5, tag cancel, f+1+4 (not guranteed though). Pretty good tag in punisher due to the range and speed it has. Julia can hit this and a 50+ damage juggle after it and it's considerably faster than other unblockables and has a lot more range. This hit's the big guys when they are on the floor but don't use it often Julia has safer okizemie options than this. I noticed this won't hit Ganny on the floor so be wary of that. If your opponent tag cancels and this whiffs you are completely screwed so you would be better off using something safer, a scrub punshier if nothing else Eddy mashers have a magnet to this one. Basicly how slow is this? 67 frames now think we have been talking about something like b+3 being slow at 27 frames well this takes more than twice as long to do so you could do far beter than to keep away from this a simple d/f+2,1 and juggle has damage that can rival this fairly well. If your opponent is dumb enougth to use the Devil/Kazuya team you can hit them with this in the morph animation with the right spacing but I think everyone knows that team sucks now. For a while I was VERY disapointed with Julia's class 1 juggles, I was hoping I could stick the wonder juggle in after an u/f+4 you can use u/f+4,FC,d/f+4,3,d/f+4,2,b One word to describe all three of them "USELESS". Learn how to block and punish them. 10-strings are Scrub killers so use them unforgivingly against eddy scrubs. The best one would prolly be 2,1,1,2,3,3,2,1,4,3 since they never learn how to block low. Forget about even trying this against good players. Stick to custom strings since they are much more effective. Well how many different languages do I need to say 10 hit are gay in? never never use them. Ok scrubs can't block them but it's a sick joke people take the time to learn this crap. Well I learned the hard way 10 hits suck and guess what the A.I punished me LOLOLOL well I guess the A.I does serve a purpose. O and remember the 1,2,2,1,3,3,3,4,4,1 the 9th hit will usualy whiff on the big guys, the last hit of the one iLuvMomo mentioned above will miss Ling and Roger. Have I convinced you these suck ass yet I don't know why Namco put these in. (iLuvMomo: Because they want to feed to scare away the pros with 10 hit scrubs) *************** Julia's Juggles *************** Well there are loads and out of all of these you won't use 80% of them but using the same juggles over and over is dull. The wonder juggle is so boring now I can play TTT at my leisure I see far too much of it. The majority of these from Castels combo list There are a few missing ones I have added in From Catlord's combo compendium. Note that these combos include big character juggles which explains the 7 elbow juggles so until Castel updates his Julia juggle list you'll have to do without big character juggle notations unfortunately. The damage is calculated on the principle that the first hit does 80% of its normal damage and all hits after do 50% these may be off by a point or two due to rounding. I'll have the true damage read outs in later revisions. Thee's a section at the end for some unlisted juggles me and iLuvMomo have found and a couple of side 1~1,1 juggles courtesy of Devil hopefully I'll have a few more to add in later revisions. Class 2 (standard) Juggles Damage *************************** 1~1,4 21 1,f+1 12 1,f+1+2 18 1,3~2,2 23 1,d+4,1 20 1,f,f,N+1,1~(2),3 19 1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f+1,4 24 1,f,f,N+1,4 12 1,f,f,N+1,d+4,1 25 1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 26 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 32 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 34 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 24 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 27 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 26 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 32 1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 29 1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 34 1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 28 1,d+1,FC+2 11 1,d+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 29 1,d+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,4 34 1,d+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1, 27 1,d+1,FC,df+4,3,f,f+1,4 33 1~2,d,df+1,2 33 1~2,d,df,N+1,f,f,N+1,4 35 1~2,d,df+1,df+3 31 1~2,f,f,N+1,d+4 26 1~2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 32 1~2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 33 1~2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 38 1~2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 36 1~2,4 26 1,1,d+4,1 22 1,1,d+4,N+4 23 1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 22 1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 29 1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 27 1,1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 26 1,1,1,f,f+1,4 34 1,1,1,d,df+1,2 39 1,1,1,f,f+1,f,f+1 31 d+1,FC,df+4,3,f,f,+1,f,f+1,4 39 d+1,FC,df+4,3,f,f+1,f,f+1,f,f+1 37 d+1,FC,df+4,3,df+4,f,f+1,4 42 d+1,FC,df+4,3,df+4,2,b,f+1 46 f,f,N+1,2+3 17 f,f,N+1,df+4,2,b,f+1 34 f,f,N+1,d+2,FC,df+4 19 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 30 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f+1 23 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,df+3 19 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 26 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 28 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 31 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,1 26 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,N+4 27 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 25 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 35 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,2,3 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 28 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 23 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 19 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 30 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 27 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 29 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,4 36 f,f,N+1, x6 38 2+3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 34 2+3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 36 2+3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 27 2+3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 34 2+3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 36 d,df+(1),2 (CH) Damage *************** Any normal combo UF+4 and any normal combo df+2,1 and any normal combo d,df+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 28 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 27 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 36 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 33 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 42 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 35 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 37 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 42 d,df+1,f,f+1 x6 44 1+2 25 (4),4,1 21 (4),4,4 22 UF+3+4 35 FC,df+2(CH) Damage *********** 1+2 25 f+1+2 28 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,1,(2),3 27 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 32 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 29 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 39 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 28 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 36 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 39 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 33 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 34 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 37 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 42 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 44 (4),4 10 (4),4,4 21 U/F+3+4 35 f+1~2 (CH) *********** Any lightning bolt combo CH f+1+2 Damage Any class 2 combo d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 36 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 25 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 22 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 33 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 30 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 39 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 31 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 34 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 39 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 41 d,df+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 33 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 24 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 25 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 26 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 34 d,df+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 34 UF+4,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 43 UF+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 37 UF+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 40 UF+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 43 UF+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 40 4,(4),d+4 25 4,(4),4 31 B+4 CH Damage ****** Any standard combo F+1+2 28 1+2 25 b+3 10 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 28 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 25 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 36 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 33 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 42 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 34 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 37 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 42 d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 44 d+1,cc,1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 29 d+1,cc,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 22 d+1,cc,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 19 d+1,WS+2,2 23 d+1,FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 30 d+1,FC,df+4,3, df+4,2,b,f+1 67 B+3 CH Damage ****** f,f,N+1,2+3 17 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,f,f+1,f,f+1 30 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 21 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 22 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 26 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 31 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,1 26 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,N+4 27 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,(2),3 21 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 22 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 19 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 30 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 36 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 27 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 36 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 38 d+1,WS+2,2 23 d+1,FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 35 d+1,FC,d,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1 30 d+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 26 d+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 27 d+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 32 d+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 24 d+1,cc,1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 29 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 35 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 40 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 33 1,2,1 CH ******** any standard combo Skyscraper kick (f,f+1,4 version not WS+4) Damage *************** f,f,N+1,2+3 17 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 30 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f+1 23 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,df+3 24 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 26 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 33 f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 31 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,1 26 f,f,N+1,1,d+4,N+4 27 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1(2),3 21 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 34 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 22 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 19 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 30 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 36 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 27 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 31 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 36 f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 38 df+4,2,b,f+1 30 df+4,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 31 df+4,f,f,N+1,2+3 24 df+4,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 33 df+4,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 28 df+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 35 d+4,1 19 d+4,N+4 20 D+4,4 13 df+2,1 ******** Any standard combo Heaven cannon (Class one tag) Damage Any standard combo Any f+1+2 f+1+2 22 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 41 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 50 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 42 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 45 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 50 f+1+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 52 df+(1),4,3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 45 df+(1),4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 35 df+(1),4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,4 42 df+(1),4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 22 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 44 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,2+3 33 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,df+4 31 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 41 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 38 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 40 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 42 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 47 FC,df+4,3,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 45 FC,df+4,3,d+1,FC,df+4 28 FC,df+4,3,d+1,FC,df+2 32 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f+1,4 50 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,2+3 39 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 36 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 47 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 44 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 45 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 48 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 53 UF,N+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 50 UF,N+4,d,df+,1f,f,N+1,2+3 41 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+4 38 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 49 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,df+3 41 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 42 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 43 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 50 UF,N+4,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 50 B+4,f+1+2 28 B+4,1+2 27 B+4,UF+4 27 B+4,b+4 23 B+4,df+4,2,b,f+1 39 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,df+3 32 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,d/f+1,2 41 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d+4 34 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f+1 36 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 41 B+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1 44 Class 1 tag combos ********************* Any heaven cannon combo Class 4 combos Damage ************** d+4,1 19 d,4,N+4 20 (4),4,4 20 (4),4,FC,df+4,3 22 New juggles *********** Standard combos Damage **************** F+2,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d,d,df+1,2 38 # F+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 36 # F+2,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 38 # F+2,f,f,N+1,d+4,N+4 31 # F+2,f,f,N+1,d+4,1 30 # F+2,f,f+1,4 23 # f,f,N+1,d,df+1,f,f,N+1,d,df+1,2 36 f,f,N+1,df+4,2,bf+1 Julia's wonder juggle everyone knows this one even scrubs take the time to learn it such is the ease of use and awesome damage this does. It's very easy and this is a killer with Netsu I just wish you could add this on the end of Bruces 3,2,1 (Yes it's taggable as some peole aren't aware of) that would be so cheap though. 2) 1,2,1,f,f,f+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,d/f+1,2 Slightly more damage than the f,f,N+1 x3,d,d/f+1,2 that most people use but I'm so used to the running 1 after 1,2,1 from T3. My only prob with this is that dam d,d/f+1 maybe it's just my prob but if you have it down use this to keep Julia interesting. 3) 1,2,1,f,f,d+1,d/f+4,3,f/f+4,2,b>f+1 Get this down and your Julia will becombe much more scary it's not easy to get the d+1 every time but this is overall easier to do than the above juggle once you get to it and the damage is better. 4) f+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,f,f+1,4 Easy this is your safer option than the juggles involving d,d/f+1 the damage is the same and this is much easier to pull off. Also this has huge air time so if your tag partner has taken a beating this is very handy. 5) CH f+1+2,u/f+4,f,f,N+1,f,f,N+1,d,d/f+1,2 Style points and this will take off a hell of a lot of health you won't hit many CH f+1+2 but when you do the damage is awesome for a move that is safe unless whiffed. 6) d,d/f+(1)<2(CH) d/f+2,1,f,f,d+1,d/f+4,3,d/f+4,2,b Although the Command Low parry has been toned down to near uselessness as far parrying low attacks go with the addition of the universal Low parry and the fact that it does not give the 20 frames which guranteed a hopkick and juggle, it nevertheless is still a useful move in Julia's arsenal. The Command Low Parry, sometimes nicknamed as Low thrust or Fake low parry is THE best set up tool in my opinion since Julia has almost an unlimited resource of moves which she can do after the low parry. After a command low parry, you can do her FC/ WS moves, throw another low parry, Buffer throws like Mad Axes, Cross Arm Suplex, generic throws, hopkick or cancel every thing and CH with everyone's favourite (or not so favourite) 1~1,1 or other pokes. Use the fake low parry a lot because it will create total confusion for your opponent not to mention whenever you use it, you are TOTALLY safe from ALL LOW ATTACKS. For more fun, throw 2 to 3 consecutive low parries to confuse your opponent even more. First off the method for executing standing moves out of the fake low parry from jjt and KOFTEKKEN's advanced tekken guide. For standing moves you have to input it as d+1+3_d+2+4 and you will be considerd standing during the motion. For FC moves you have to input it as D+1+3 _D+2+4. You are only vunerable for 2 frames (I'll have to check WTF the freeze window is LOL) you can play on the lag of this as it can execute for longer but you can cancel out of the whiff animation very quickly. This is also excellent for putting your opponent on the defensive as you can use your 1 out of this so they won't do anything silly. I'm going to group what moves can u done through each method and a '*' indicates a recommended move. D+1+3_D+2+4 FC,d/f+4,3 '*' FC,d/f+2 FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 '**' WS+4 '*' WS+2 WS+1 '*' WS+3 FC,1 '*' FC,4 d+1+3_d+2+4 1,2,1 '*****' u/f+4 '***' 4 '*' mad axes '********' b+3 f+1+2 b+4 d/f+1+2 Generic throw '*' The fake low parry can be used in some okizemie situation mainly when you don't have the oppourtunity for an OB trap. It's an easy way to get in to your FC mixups and overall the mixup of being able to use standing and FC moves and having no way of distinguishing which group of moves are going to be used. You can use the fake low parry in any situation realy contarary to what some people believe, you can use this in your opponent's face, Ling's b+1 will not interupt it during its animation (I'd love to see who this guy plays can't be that good realy). It's a very valuable move that should be a big part of any Julia players game. Group #2: Setup into FC position -------------------------------- -First she has 4,4 which won't be effective above intermediate level as most people will parry the second 4. But it will be effective if you opponent is not able to parry it (Scrubs). -1~1,4 it's not as bad as you think as long as you use it sparingly remember you have the mid hitting 1 to follow which will result in a big fat elbow juggle. This gives you a nice frame advantage and it's easy to buffer FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 out of it, you need to make sure you are in ange as you aren't going to be if you use it too far out. -FC,d/f+4 same deal as above but you can't buffer FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 because your opponent will be pushed back. this will connect more often than 1~1,4 this is best used against small characters when you hit them at maximum distance. -You can Recover crouching from her elbow (When blocked) by inputing f,f,N+1~D. Her elbow leaves you at a small frame disadvantage but your opponent has to be wary of the 4 ender. I'm sure you already realised you will be using Julia's elbow a lot to pressure your opponent so it will add a lot to Julia's mixups from her elbow. -Non CH b+3 is very good also, unlike her elbow that leaves you at a -2 frame advantage this gives you a +2 frame advantage. WS+1 is very useful here as you can buffer FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 which can be interupted by d+1 but WS+1 will at worst give you a trade of hits but you'll get more damage than your opponents d+1 anyway. You could use WS+4 or u/f+4 as well although they aren't as safe the payoff is good and they have excellent priority (WS+4 blocked close up is very bad). -d+1 is very safe for getting it to FC also it gives you a +9 frame advantage, FC,1 is garunteed here. You have an uninteruptable FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 and WS+4 and they are a good mixup you could play safe with WS+1 which they must block high if they do anything else it will hit. -Fake low parry as you will know from the fake low parry section this is much more than just an FC setup. It's a bit difficult to get in to an FC mixup usualy because of the positioning that is required most of the Fcmmoves are a bit slow and the success of them depends on the mixup potential you have. Group #3 Throw/CH bait ---------------------- * CH bait 1~1,1_1~2~1 There are a lot of scenarios when you can go for a CH 1 and it's one of the most important CH moves you have. -After a blocked f,f,N+1 if your opponent tries to attack with anything slower than an 8 frame jab or d+1 you can CH them. This works well due to the possibility of the delay on Julia's elbow as there is a whooping -17 frame disadvantage (Well sort of you can hit them with the 4 ender at any time).If your oponent wises up and tries to d+1 use the 4 ender as it's uninteruptable when done imidiately. If your up against P-Jack just laugth your ass off as he has no d+1 it's a tile splitter, d/b+1 is the machine gun blast which is a lot slower than d+1 and d/f+1 is that very slow uppercut type move (I suck at descriptions). -Fake low parry is good here too but it's a bit of a turtle inducer IMO but it's good to throw in there. -You could CH through interupting an opponents strings but you need to get to know where you can interupt (Baek's kick trings are not adviseable). Most custom strings are good for this as a blocked move in the custom string will leave you in a good position to CH them. -Taunt tag cancel, very strange one this but if your opponent tries to punish your tag in taunt and cancel it with 1~1,1 or 1~2~1 your opponent will usualy use a slow power move to punish the tag in moves like Kazuya's f+1+2 (May be better and safer blocked though, stick an u/f+4 on him) and Paul's deathfist ect. -You can throw out a couple of jabs in succession even when blocked, you have no frame disadvantage so it's a safe one make sure yo don't hit 1~1 though. -Julia can go for CH 1's in her movement as well, the techniuqe for this is best explained in Renick's Bryan FAQ known as stairs. The basic idea of this is combining dashes, back dashes and SS keeping your opponent off axis and getting CH's, this works well for 1 and 4. One thing you should try to avoid, blindly running in and trying 1~2~1 it's dumb and frankly scrubby. I went through that stage it works well on scrubs but people who know Julia well know her well enough that she has a d/f+1+2 and d/f+2,1 mixup to contend with and won't try anything silly. CH 4 -Her spin is an easy one to start with you are vunerable during the spin but you can use it at range 3 or so and remember you aren't commited to just the 4 you have a very good range of mixups. -Fake low parry, this is served well due to the range her 4 has some people just have to attack when you use it so if your opponent isn't in range for a CH 1 this is your best option. -Blocked 1, you have no frame disadvantage so it's a good setup don't use it too much though you would be better off sticking an elbow in there. Remember they're both mad axes setups so your opponent will crouch fairly often. -You can throw out a couple of 4's in sucession it has a very short whiff animation so it's safe most effective when your opponent runs in after the first 4 whiffs. -As with the CH 1 setups this is easily incorporated in to your sidestep, dashing and backdashing the added range makes this easier as well. CH f+1+2_b+4_b+3 Well this is more anticipation than a setup all of these moves are fairly slow so it's difficult to setup. They all go under high attacks which makes the job of CH in easier it's down to judgement here mainly. f+1+2 is good off the SS as is b+4, it's not quite side more off axis similar to the CH 1 and 4 setups covered earlier. If you hit f+1+2 at the side it always launches so CH doesn't matter there. A CH b+4 at the side will not give a CS sadly but you still have a nice frame advantage I'm Not sure if the frame advantage is increased due to the CH but you could hit them with 1~1,1 depending on how far you have go round your opponent. u/f+4 -Connecting with an u/f+4 is based mainly on your mixup game revolving around mad axes setups. The difficulty some people have in escaping mad axes eventualy causes them to crouch hoping to avoid mad axes instead. -u/f+4 is a very good option off the fake low parry as you have d/f+4,3 and mad axes to mixup with and you can outpriorotise a lot of moves anyway. -You can incorporate u/f+4 in to your FC mixups so refer back to that section for the various setups. * Throw setups I covered mad axes in a separate section due to the huge range of mixups you have and a lot of them still apply here. Generic throws These are mainly to mixup with mad axes but not all mad axes buffers will apply but here are the ones that are able to be mixed up with mad axes. 1 4 2 d,d/f+1 d/f+4 f,f,N+1 (Blocked) 2+3 WS+1 b+4 The other buffer for mad axes are not possible due to the shorter range than the generic throws have. d/f+1+2 This has very poor range you mainly want to use this in your running game. With this you can mixup with d/f+2,1 WR,1_2 all hit mid to deter your opponent from crouching. This is a prime example of the cheap run up throw okizemie situation that many people despise very effecive. FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 The FC setups section has all the nessecary references to the various moves you can buffer this in to so here's a quick list just to keep it all together. Not all the FC setups apply 4,4 1~1,4 and FC,d/f+4 will push your opponent too far away. d+1 Non CH b+3 Fake low parry f,f,N+1~D Group #4 Mad Axes ----------------- Ok small contradiction on what iLuvMomo said in grouping moves but mad axes does need it's own section due to the size of it. Expect many updates to this section. For the time being I'm going to list the most common setups and some more unfamilliar ones that I use frequently. There are too many mad axes buffers, I'm not going through all of them that would be inpractical and completely unnessecary these are just buffers you will have the chance to use (For the thime being anyway I'll certianly add more here). Also I feel that the most effective buffers are fast mid hitting moves that have followups so it's certianly worth looking at what other mixups are possible with bufers, like Julia's SS game you need to improvise. 1 Simple and very easy to buffer mad axes in to a non CH 1, with this your opponent can't realy crouch as you have the second 1 that hits mid, the 1 is a bit easy to interupt though but this buffer is very hard to see coming. After the 1 you could use f,f,N+1 after it to discourage any attempts to avoid the throw, that would be better than the 1 followup so 1,f,f,N+1 would be a handy short string to use and after the elbow you could throw out another jab maybe mad axes your opponent can't crouch as the 4 ender of the f,f,N+1 would result in around 50 damage so this is realy useful. 4 Why not? A non CH 4 is very easy to buffer mad axes off and the damage adds up very nicely there's no real mixup potential on this sadly but this does very nice damage. I noticed that you will probobly have to move forward very slightly it's barely noticeable but you are just out of range to hit mad axes just get used to the forward movement and it will be fine. 2 a +9 frame advantage mad axes is only 10 frames so this is a very good mad axe buffer, you also have the 1 followup for the second hit of her tenstring and it hits mid to discourage any crouching (Wow Julia's 10 string does have a use well 2 hits of it the damage is sad however). The second hit of the tensting is weak but you could buffer mad axes in to that as well so the first 3 hit's can be messed around but the 4th is always high so it's not worth playing around with. d,d/f+1 This is one of the best mad axes buffers you have it's very fast and has a quick delayable mid hitting followup that stuns on CH. You could even use the running version of this but if you have distance between you and your opponent you have either knoked them down or your playing Julia wrong d/f+4 Like d,d/f+1 this is very good, it has a delayable mid hitting followup that gives the b,f+1 ender garunteed if the 2 CH's so your opponent is not going to try anything funny. The d/f+4 has very good range so you can get plenty of these probobly your best option as d,d/f+1 isn't the easiest move to get every time. f,f,N+1 This is ideal as you have a mid hitting 4 followup and the oppourtunity to go for a CH 1. And of course with this you can throw out a couple of elbows in succession so your opponent is going to have to be ready to break the throw at any time. There's very little risk remember you have the uninteruptable 4 followup so they can't crouch can they? 2+3 You have a nice frame advantage after this and it very easy to buffer, the ender for this takes a year to come out so it won't help any kind of mixup game. 2+3 is more of a surprise move to throw out once every so often so buffer mad axes and this can be useful but there is no mixup here. Sadly though the 2 is Sm now so it's nowhere near as good as it was it T3 just use the 2+3 every so often it's fairly safe when blocked. WS+1 If you connect with this you have a +8 frame advantage after it and its much easier to buffer off this than 2. Only problem is the range is pathetic but it's a 10 frame WS move so it will interupt a lot of moves. (iLuvMomo: This Rulz! Watch this in the World Tourney vids!) d/f+3 You could have hit with u/f+4 if you could have hit this normally. but anyway this isn't bad for hitting techrollers so you will hit this once in a while it's another easy one, it's not very fast and there isn't much mixup potential but throw it in every so often as it makes things much more dificult when getting up. 3~2 On non CH this is very effective why? you have two different mid hiting options to chose from you wont hit many 3~2. It's a bit slow but this is very effetive because of the mixup potential but you won't get many oppourtunities to use it. f+1+2 On normal hit you have a pretty good fame advantage and nice distance to buffer mad axes out of. The damage on this is very good and in some cases you could try this when blocked as you get a small guard stun and push your opponent back but still in range to hit mad axes so that can be useful as well. d/f+1 Not very useful as this is so hard to hit and with the high risk you would have been better off doing something else, but anyway this is a case of its ability as a mad axes buffer. Well this has a mid hitting followup and its easy to buffer just a shame it's such a bad move. b+4 The distance for this is good but when you use this you noramly want to intend it to CH so you won't get many chances to use this one. But if you don't CH you have a +4frame advantage to use mad axes so it's worth using. Using mad axes in your movement ******************************* First the most useful way of using mad axes movement wise is off the SS you can SS then buffer QCB in to a back dash then hit them with mad axes while they're out of range. You could also buffer QCB then SS in to mad axes as the delay on the QCB motion is very big. Mad axes is a good option when using the tried and tested okizemie tactic of running up to your opponent and throwing them if they rise in to a mid kick or rising sweep you can backdash and use mad axes there, in that situation you can mixup with f+1+2 to discourage any crouching u/f+4 is an even better option but not always safe. iLuvMomo's Secret Tip: ---------------------- Big props goes to Shafi (Redfoot) for letting me know about this GREAT property of Mad Axes. Not only can you SS during the motion of mad axes. You can dash/ backdash during the motion or simply add a Neutral (your character just pauses for a while). Hence QCB~f,f,N,F+2 or QCB~b,b,N,F+2. Didn't know that? Well there is more, you can incoporate dash/ backdash into Mad Axes buffer ALONG with SS. Try QCB~f,f,SS,N,F+2 or QCB~b,b,SS,N,F+2. In fact the buffer time is so huge that you can attempt 2 backdashes and 2 SS's (thanks Catlord)!! Hence, it is notated as QCB~b,b,SS,b,b,SS,F+2. Note that you cannot at a neutral to the motion when you attempt to do 2 SS and 2 backdash (neither can you if you do 2 backdash and 1 SS) This really adds a huge dimension into Julia's Mad Axes game since you can pull the MA out of almost no where. Imagine, your opponent sees you dashing in with f,f and expects an elbow but instead you give him Mad Axes in return. All the combinations is limitless and when you add backdash/ dash before the MA's it really makes you wonder why there are still retarded posts in TZ questioning this as THE #1 throw in TTT. Also another tip from Catlord is that you can add a TAUNT (2+3+4) in between the motions of MA. Hence, QCB, 2+3+4, f,f+2. You certainly didn't know all this, did you? Well neither did I :) 3+4 --- Ah yes very good litle trick here you can buffer mad axes into the spin very easiy and you can use the buffer to keep a continuous spin going. As before this requires you to use the F method. so the method would be, 3+4,QCB,F then at this point you can continue the spin or altenately use mad axes so from this you can use mad axes at any time from the spin. Also you could use the B method using QCB and holding B. And you have a huge range of mixups from the spin once you get the cancel down so throw out some elbows and d,d/f+1 out of it as well to keep them honest. Fake low parry -------------- This one one of a huge range of mixups you have from the fake low parry FC,d/b,d,d/b+1+2 is better from the fake low parry as already covered in the fake low parry section but mad axes from the fake low parry is a nightmare considering the mixup potential. Chickens -------- I mentioned this in the 1~1,1 part of the move analasis it's very cheeky and damaging. Sadly there aren't any chicken glitch back throws in TTT where you just had to buffer mad axes and get a free chicken+backthrow but this is still very good. I haven't actualy seen any frame data for chickens but it doesn't change the fact that this is an excellent buffer and very unexpected usualy unless you use it every time. Escaped throws -------------- You think mad axes bufered in to a chicken is cheeky what do you do here? This is well served by the excellent range mad axes has I'm not sure about the frame data once again but unless your up against King (Because of his GS and GunJack and Jack-2's d/b,f+1+2 the reach works well for them as well) you will be able to throw them out of whatever they do. Don't abuse this tough as it can get a bit predictable. ******** Okizeme: ******** Okizeme is a japanese term which roughly translated means hitting your opponent while he is down and keeping him down. Julia has a very very Mean okizeme game which rivals that of the Williams. In fact Julia's Okizeme game beats that of her mothers thanks in no part to several of her exclusive moves. Here are all the possible Okizeme attacks listed here. d+1 d+2 d+3 db+3 d+4,4_d+4_1 (4),4,4_d+4_1 b+3 df+4,2,b,f+1 FC,df+4,3 (and any move with bow arrow like df+1,4,3) f,f+1,4 df+1,1 f+1 uf+3+4 d,df+1,2_f,f,f+1,2 b+4 f+1~2 f+1+2 UF,N+3 f+1+4 ....well there could be more. Anyways here is a quick review of how to use the okizeme moves. Again they can be divided into a few categories. Group #1 Rolling Backwards/Forward Opponents Group #2 Laying still opponents Group #3 Rolling to the side opponents Group #4 Getting up with an attack Group #5 Tech rolling opponents Group #1 Rolling Backwards/Forward Opponents -------------------------------------------- If this happens, Julia has landed herself OKIZEME jackpot. Of course you won't see good players rolling backwards/ forwards without reason especially without reason. In fact backrolling in the heat of the battle is a tell tale sign that your opponent is a scrub or at least has a bad habit which you are going to cure. A lot of Julia's moves work well here. Moves like d+1 and d+2 will catch an opponent in their early frames of backrolling and float them up. If your opponent floats, he gets a free FC,df+4,3, df+4,2,b,f+1 juggle. d+1 and d+2 recover well which means you are at a minimal risk when going for loads of damage. You can also omit d+1 and just do FC,df+4,3 Mountain crusher too. Like wise with f,f+1 (her party crasher). If this catches your opponent tech rolling, he is floated and you can continue with two more elbows before rounding off with d,df+1,2. f,f+1 is exellent because its recovery is very good. df+4 can also be used much like f,f+1. df+4 has good range and if it catches a back rolling opponent you can finish off with df+4,2,b,f+1 for good solid damage. The WR version of d,df+1,2 works in the same way too. It gives Julia Okizeme power even from far away. Julia can run in from 2 characters distance away and catch your opponent on the later frames of rolling backwards. d,df+1 will float which gives you a free 2. Solid damage again. d+4,4_d+4_1. Use this only sparringly. You have to hit your opponent quite early in the roll (assuming you are near them) since d+4 has pitiful range. You must really be expecting your opponent to roll backwards. You can't d+4 on reaction, because it is rather slow and will wiff most of the time. If your opponent chooses to lay still, d+4 will push your opponent too far away for the follow ups to connect. 4,4,x can be used much in the same way though I find it faster and thus slightly better. Other moves would be df+1,1, f+1, f+1~2, f+1+4... the possibilities are ENDLESS (well not quite but there are loads of them). Group #2 Laying still opponents ------------------------------- After some serious pounding time and time again from attempting to roll away, your opponent finally decides that it is time he stays on the ground. Safe? Not really. Julia still has a lot of moves to throw to punish a opponent lying on the ground d+3, db+3 and d+4 work much in the same way to hit grounded opponents. They don't do to much damage, but they are very safe. db+3 has more range than d+3 though the drawback is that it sometimes WIFFS your opponent. So unless you are craving for that extra lenght, stick to d+ 3. d+4 is slower and I wouldn't recommend players using it especially with its equally short range like d+3. Stick to d+3. b+3 is used almost in the same way as d+3. I'd like to stress ALMOST because although b+3 is a low move, it sacrifices speed for the additional length. The extra speed would be enough for alert opponents to counterattack you though if you KNOW your spacing you could EASILY get a CH and punish them in return. Also because of the extra length, you could use b+3 at a safer distant away in case you require to tag out after that. FC,df+4 can also be used similarly though you don't get anything from a CH. FC,df+4 will push the opponent away so do not follow up with the arrow kick (3). The earthquake stomp, uf+3+4 should ONLY be used very sparringly. The damage dealt by it is great, but due to the poor tracking, Julia's poor judgement and relatively slow iniatition as mentioned when discussing uf+3+4. f+1+4 can be used against BIG characters ONLY. 50 points of damage isn't so bad after all especially if they refuse to wake up. Other mid hitting attacks are also possible against fatties. Among them are f,f+ 1, f+1~2, f+1, WS+4, WS+2,x etc. This is also a good opportunity to 3SS or jump over your opponent to set up OB trap. Even if your opponent rises before you get to his back, you have positional advantage over them. Group #3 Rolling to the side opponents -------------------------------------- Rolling to the sides is prolly the best thing an opponent can do. However Julia STILL is able to punish her opponent severely if he choose to roll to the side. d+1 and d+2 can be used again. You have to be very close to your opponent and if they try rolling to the sides, d+1 and d+2 will float them for a juggle. 4,4 is also pretty useful to catch opponents rolling to the side in the early frames. This is because 4,4 is quick and has pretty good tracking. I'm not so sure with d+4 but I stay far away from it since it is slower in which case its hard to catch opponents in the earlier frames. db+3 can be useful since the sweep is a wide one and so it will be able to hit opponents in their early to mid frames of rolling to the side. Group #4 Getting up with an attack ---------------------------------- Some players JUST have the bad habit of "Must get up with an attack". The attack gives them the illusion that they are safer. How wrong they are. What they do not know is that they can easily be CH'ed for a huge as juggle. Usually when punshing a player getting up with an attack, he has to guess or at least predict whether what he is going to do. With Julia however, she has some execellent moves with LONG reach that prevent her from getting into danger zone. d+1 is commonly used (more in OB trap though) to snuff out an opponents attack. d+1 will beat out almost anything of your opponent except the low shin kick, and possibly the hand spring (if timed right) b+3 This is where the range of b+3 comes into play. Since it has very good range, Julia is safe from anything your opponent tries. Plus you are in the running to nail them in the act on CH and punish them big time. b+4 works much in the same way but is way more riskier. Since it will only CH certain attacks like the rising kick for example. Try to SS before attempting b+4. Risky. f+1+2 is used when your opponent tries to spring up to his knees immediately (don't know how to explain it) much like you would with Jin's b+4. Hopefully it will CH to send your opponent flying for a juggle. It can be used from afar so its safe. d,df+1,2 can be used to counter hit your opponent if you suspect he is getting up with an attack. Best to use the WR version to attack an opponent from a distance. There are other better options if you wish to use d,df+1,2 in close. Group #5 Tech rolling opponents ------------------------------- Tech rolling opponents are the most difficult IMO to punish, mainly because most of the time when they tech it is because of an error in a combo or a powermove. There is no surefire way of punishing tech rolling opponents and most of the time you will have to rely on mixups when he recovers. df+1,1 as mentioned earlier can be used to trick opponents into techrolling during a elbow juggle. Should your opponent tech roll, df+1 will wiff but 1 (the flash uppercut) will connect. d+4,4 is okay too in catching tech rolling opponents though you have to start doing d+4,4 early. Thanks to Priz for telling me this. A trick I like to do when In close is to SS in the opposite direction that your opponent techs and immediately grab him. If you time it right, you will get a Back throw. You can also SS to his back and 4,4,1 juggle him. Other suggestions (from Night) would be to mix up Mad Axes and df+2,1 to punish opponents when they finish tech rolling. ******* OB TRAP ******* OB trap? Whats that? -------------------- OB trap is a term when you force your opponent's back to face you. Usually in a game of tekken, your opponent's back will seldom face your back unless he has a move to get into BK position (Lei's, Ling's, King's etc) However since your opponent is extremely vulnerable when he is backturned (note: Can't block anything) it is the best position you could have hoped for. So how can I backturn them if that is so? This invovles a bit of trickery. Basically, you want to interrupt your opponent in a frame where they turn their back towards you to attack and backturn them ready to capitalize on their mistake, hence the term "OB trap". Setting Up OB trap ------------------ You must first make sure that your opponent is in PLD position. PLD or "Play Dead" position when your opponent lies on the ground, facing up, head towards you, feet away. You can get your opponent to PLD position via a few methods. They are Mentioned and discussed as below. * Direct Method This involves moves which will put your opponent in PLD position immediately. Moves that fall under this category would be her 1+3 and 2+4 throw. Also on CH, b+3 will place your opponent in PLD position. * Indirect Method This involves moves which will put your opponent in PLD position from KND (ie Opponent is Face up, face away, feet towards). The first method would be jumping over your opponent. Another method is triple sidestep to the back of your opponent. Yet another way is using an uf+3+4 which will jump over your opponent though this is NOT a very good or useful method. * Automatic Method Like Yoshi, Julia can Backturn her opponent automatically too. However unlike Yoshi, because she is at a frame disadvantage, NOTHING is guranteed. The move I'm referring to is of course Julia's b+2 (or 2~b). And the Bait? ------------- Now that you have gotten your opponent to PLD position its time to bait your opponent so that he thinks you have messed up and tries to rise with an attack. Moves that fall into this category are quick moves with good recovery. Among some of them are:- f,f+1 (prolly the MOST popular and common choice) df+4 (another popular choice) Quick standing pokes like 1, 2 and 4 WS+1 (best One I suppose from WS position) b+4 etc. What now? --------- Should your opponent try to wake up and attack, d+1 or df+4 immediately I like d+1 more than df+4 but df+4 has good range which your opponent may undersestimate. Also df+4 puts Julia in STANDING position which is more useful. Hopefully if you do it correctly your opponent's back will be facing you ready to eat some painful follow ups. Julia's Follow ups after OB trap are AMONG the best in the game, next to Jin. Among some of the follow ups that I bother to use are WS+2,1,1 and WS+2,2 in FC position and df+4,2,b,f+1 and 4,4,1 to juggle in Standing position. Confused?!? Okay I will give you a few example of how it works. OB Trap Situation #1 -------------------- Julia grabs her opponent with 1+3 throw. Her opponent's head is facing towards Julia, faced up. Julia rushes in with an elbow hoping to catch her opponent rolling and juggle him. Her opponent was wise to stay on the ground (since the worst that could happen is he eats a free d+3 which is guranteed anyways) but on seeing that Julia's f,f+1 had wiffed him, he tries to rise up with an attack. Julia IMMEDIATELY does d+1 after f,f+1 had whiffed, to interrupt her opponents rising kick and her opponent is backturned. She finishes him off with WS+2,1,1 for some solid damage. OB Trap Situation #2 -------------------- After knocking down her opponent with a move, her opponent choose to lie on the ground. Julia jumps over her opponent. Seeing that Julia jumped over him, his opponent thinks that Julia has messed up and immediately rises with an attack. Upon landing, Julia immediately d+1 which will also turn her around and interrupt her opponent's attack. In FC position, Julia chooses to punish her opponent with WS+2,2. OB Trap Situation #3 -------------------- Julia managed to grab her opponent with her FC,db,d,db+1+2 throw which leaves her opponents side towards her. Instead of sweeping her opponent she instead Sidesteps towards her opponents head (so that her opponent will now be in PLD position) Now she tries a standing 1 which of course whiffs her opponent. Seeing the standing 1 whiffs, her opponent tries to rise with an attack, in which Julia immediately interrupts with df+4. Now Julia has a choice, she can either finish off with a mountain crusher or attempt a 4,4,1 and juggle. The mountain crusher is guranteed but 4,4,1 has a chance of whiffing due to spacing. These are but just some examples of OB traps. Try to be creative and set up other OB traps of your own. ******** Movement ******** Movement is a key in any good players game. Most players just do a move, stand there and block and attack again. Sure against beginners and average players this will work out fine. However , if you are to play it as a 2D game in a 3D world, I'm sure you are going to get a serious trashing against good opponents. DO NOT ADOPT THE MENTALITY OF "HIT, BLOCK, HIT". Think of this as a boxing match. You don't punch your opponent and wait for him to react and punch you back right? Come on, you have so many options available to you. Namco didn't just put the Sidestep feature into the game for no reason, did they? Just look at any of the top player's and you will see that they are constantly on the move, whether it is sidestepping, dashing, backdashing, poking etc. They are alwasy doing something. By moving around a lot, your opponents chances of hitting you and landing that major butt-kicking juggle starter is lower. Moreover, he may wiff and therefore allow you the chance to counter attack him. There are occasions when blocking will be more of a disadvantage to you than sidestepping. The best example is Bryan's b+1~5 which causes such a long guardstun that he is guranteed at least a 1,2 or 1~4. In such a case, blocking would be very much hazardous than sidestepping. If you managed to sucessfully sidestep his b+1 and end up at his back you get a free 4,4,1 and juggle. By stressing the importance of sidestepping I do not mean just sidestepping for the sake of sidestepping, because if you do your opponent can punish you easily. A DEWGF is a reason enough. Sidestepping ------------ Julia does not have a wide sidestep as compared to the Mishimas or Team Korea. However, that does not mean her sidestep is not as important. She makes up for it with her extremely useful 3+4 spin which, when used in conjunction with SSR enables her to do a double and triple sidestep. Her double sidestep can be notated as SSR, 3+4 or 3+4, SSR SSR, 3+4 is the one most commonly used since SSR has a wider SS movement than 3+4. Using 3+4 enables her to chain immediately into her 4,4,1 should she be able to get behind her opponent. You can also use this on a downed opponent to circle strafe them. Her triple sidestep is notated as SSR, 3+4, SSR Her triple SS is not as useful as that of Team korea. It is usually limited to circle strafing a downed opponent. Best used when you down an opponent after a KND move like f,f+1 elbow for example since you will be off axis and hold the advantage. Those are her basic sidesteps. You should now incoporate other movements into her sidestep such as dash or backdash, even cancel her sidestep into another sidestep. This is a basic one, f,f,N, SSR,3+4, b,b,N, SSL, And here is a more complicated one SSR~f, SSR, 3+4, f,f,N, SSR, 3+4, SSR If you get unpredictable with your sidesteps you create enough confusion with your opponent that he is afraid to commit himself to an attack. Just look at Shafi's Changs. They have awesome SS movement indeed. Once you have your sidestep movement down, then its time you add attacks into your sidestep. Although Julia does not have any Sidestep moves to come out from Unlike Michelle except for her pathetic SS+2, she can cancel her SS anytime with moves like 1~1,1, 4,4,1, f+1+2 etc. This will be discussed further when I go to positioning. To succesfully sidestep opponent's moves, sidestep in the direction the move of which he is pulling off. For instance if he is pulling off a right punch, you would sidestep to your right (your opponents left) Of course this is just a general formula. Somemoves track well and some don't. Take Jin for example. EWGF doesn't track well while f,f+2 Demon's Paw has good tracking. EWGF can be sidestepped in both directions rather easily, but sidestepping to the left (your opponents right) of f,f+2 is a tad risky because of its tracking. Not to say that it is not impossible though, with perfect timing, you can sidestep Jin's f,f+2 to both sides, a technique which RedKing mentions in his Jin Compendium as interrupted sidestepping. Even if you aren't interested in playing Jin, do read his FAQ because his sidestep section is useful for all characters, not only Jin alone. Succesfully sidestepping an opponent's attack is more of an art which you will slowly master. Do not give up when, at first you often get hit even when trying to side step your opponent's move. Another thing to remember is that some moves have really good tracking and it will hit you unless you sidestep at the very last second. Other moves have good radius (example Yoshi's standing 4) and will hit you if you sidestep too early. *********** Positioning *********** Movement of course will lead to positioning. I find it sad that a lot of players nowadays do not understand positioning. Julia has great movement in her game with her double/ triple sidestep game. With that, she can strafe around her opponent much like what is possible in a game of Quake. As such you will get to a few common positions. They can be divided into a few groups: In Close, Dash range, Far, Side, Back In Close -------- Well this is the area Julia will be most of the time because she will be all over her opponent pounding them with poke after poke. Basically you want quick attacks like standing 1 and stay far far away from slow attacks like f+1+2 and b+3. b+4 is also an ideal attack to use assuming your opponent is trying to fight out of this position with pokes of his own. Dash Range ---------- Inevitably after pounding your opponent for some time, there is going to be some space left between you and your opponent. I feel that the Dash range game for Julia is the most important part of all since it decides whether you can keep your opponent at bay or get pounded to a pulp yourself. This may not be Julia's strongest part of the game since she does not have a CD move or Yoshi's WGF like df+2. In such an instance, moves like df+4, standing 4 should be very common to play a keep away game. Her elbows and d,df+1 is going to be used a lot to close the distance on your opponent. If you are aiming to punish an opponent, badly then f+1+2 and even b+3 should be used in hope for a CH. Far --- Nothing much really..... run up to your opponent... maybe use WR, 1,2. You could go for the cross chop or tag slide or best yet cut the run half way, sidestep and then use moves like her f,f+1 and d,df+1 to get in close to your opponent. Side ---- If you are at your opponents side, which is very likely with her double triple sidestep game, you can attempt f+1+2 or 1~1,1 in hope of a CH. I noticed that a lot of good players use f+1+2 after a sidestep and I found that it is excellent. I prefer f+1+2 over 1~1,1 since it has a longer reach and as such has less chance of wiffing over the shorter ranged 1~1,1. You could also attempt a side throw on your opponent though if he is alert he would easily break out of it. Backturned ---------- You will get into this position after sidestepping an opponents move like the last hit of Jin's b,f+2,1,2 for example. You could also get into this position as a result of an OB trap setup. If your opponent is still recovering from an attack, Backthrow him. It looks cool and you won't have to worry about missing a juggle. If not just try one of the follow ups discussed in the OB trap section. ************************* Poking and Custom Strings ************************* Poking is an essential part in any characters game, be it a big character who depends on power hits or a weak character who relies on many hits. Even at intermediate level of play, you can't depend solely on doing 10 power hits in a row to win your game, because unless your opponent is retarded he not going to fall for it. As such poking your opponent with weak but quick moves will open the opportunity for you to counter your opponent with that power move or CH move that you have been waiting for. Which leads us to strings. I think Ben Cureton (Tragic) best defined what custom strings are in his Yoshi FAQ and I quote, " Custom string is a series of quick moves in which, when used together, make it very difficult for your opponent to do much of anything besides blocking. This isn't as easy as it sounds though, because putting a few moves together one after another doesn't make an effective custom string. You must create your custom strings to be quick and very unreadable. Most custom strings are more useful than real strings because of their speed and lack of major delay between moves. Some people refer to custom strings as "patterns" but this is a general misconception. Patterns can easily be spotted which in turn can be easily defended against. A true custom string has many alternatives, making it very hard to defend against and at the same time they often force your opponent into making unwise decisions. " This is NOT a section where I just give pre-canned cookie cutter custom strings which you use over and over again. Generally, people would agree that custom string sections in FAQs are useless and Indeed they are. Some of the pre made custom strings may work against slower characters but not against the other more pacey ones. Using the same custom strings over and over again will get you into a lot of trouble because in any setup there are undoubtedly loophooles which your opponent can capitalize on. However in this section, I strive to give you readers a better understanding of stringing with Julia and how to understand frame advantage. For beginners, do not be put off or afraid if you do not understand frames. I will put a lot of the frames in layman's (or gameplay) terms so that you can see what and what not to do. Forward Momentum Moves: Stationary moves: f,f+1 1_2 1,2 df+4 1~1 4 WS+2,1 WS+1 d,df+1 FC,df+4 4,4 d+1_d+2 Well the above is just some of the examples I can think of. Note there are others but these are the basic and favourites which everyone uses. Since the moves have already been discussed in detail in the move analysis section, I will just get to her strings. We start off with this, a basic string for Julia. 1, d+1, FC,df+4,3_FC,df+2_WS+1_WS+4_WS+2,x Well nothing much too it. A standing Jab will give you 0 advantage when blocked and 6 frames of advantage when hit so d+1 is extremely safe after that (the worst that could happen is against another opponent with 8 frame jab is you both get hit). Should your opponent try to hit you after 1 d+1 will interrupt him and give you a few frames of advantage. With the advantage, you can try Julia's WS mixups. Try to go for quick ones initially, WS+1 for example since your opponent may try to interrupt you with a d+1 of his own, before moving to slower ones like FC,df+4,3 or WS+2,1,1 when he knows that attacking you after d+1 will get him hit instead. Should d+1 be blocked you are at a frame advantage, so it is best to remain on the defensive blocking/ interrupting the moves he throws at you. Got that? Now I will move on to her more popular elbow strings. f,f+1, f,f+1, 4_1~1,1_1~2,1_Mad Axes or any throw f,f+1, f,f+1<4 f,f+1, f+1 f,f+1, , FC,db,d,DB+1+2 f,f+1, d+1, FC,db,d,DB+1+2 f,f+1, d+1, WS+1, f,f+1, d+1, WS+1... (infinitely) When I say f,f+1 I am of course referring to the f,f,N+1 version of it since that gives her less disadvantage should it be blocked. Her elbow is used a lot in strings because it helps closes distance very well, is extremely quick and also is mid hitting (meaning your you are able to train your opponent to block high) Since Julia ducks slightly during the elbow animation, she is quick save from high attacks. Okay quit yapping and on to the meat of the string. * You are basically using f,f+1 to close a small distance between you and your opponent say after blocking Kazuya's WGF for example. After blocking the f,f+1, your opponent will prolly try to retaliate with quick standing 8 frame pokes in hope of CH'ing you (knowing that you are in -2 disadvantage). In this case f+1 or even f,f+1 serve the purpose well. If you wish to hit your opponent with f+1 you need to be very sure that your opponent is going to poke high, other wise you will be doing a slow f+1 which your opponent will easily interrupt. If unsure, do not do ANYTHING. * If he tries to d+1 you (an attack which will fluff out anything you try even another elbow) you can either get him with a delayed 4 (why why why would you sacrifice recovery of an elbow for delayed 4 I don't know) or just duck right after the elbow. Remember when I said after blocking the elbow you have the advantage? Now is your chance to capitalize on it with a FC,db,d,db+1+2 throw or any of Julia's FC/WS mixups. * Should your opponent decide to turtle after blocking the elbow, you can either throw him with a generic throw, buffered Mad Axes or d+1 setup into a throw. f,f+1 or df+2,1 works well if your opponent ducks in anticipation of your throw. * Should your opponent try to CH you with anything slow (e.g. WGF, Deathfist) after an elbow hit 1~1,1 or 1~2,1 immediately to CH him for big damage. Congrats, you have just hit jackpot with Julia. * Er and forget about the infinite string... that only works against scrubs and intermediate players. You can prolly use the string during the last 2 seconds of a match to waste some time. Now that we have gotten strings which are in close and personal, I will discuss briefly strings where there is a bit of distance between you and your opponent. Its rather hard to give a full account of things possible because the spacing can vary and there are millions of things your opponent can do. df+4, f,f+1, elbow strings df+4, d,df+1<2_ d,df+1, Mad Axes df+4, Mad Axes df+4, b+3_b+4_f+1 df+4, df+1,1 4, f,f+1, elbow strings 4, 4, f+1+2 (note this is two high kicks not 4,4) These are just some examples to show how spacing can make a difference from in close. df+4 and 4 are works almost in the same as long ranged pokes. However, their purpose is the same, as zoning attacks, but their properties are of course different as discussed earlier. * If you use df+4, the distance between your opponent is about 1 characters away. df+4 will keep most bulldogs at bay, and will help snuff out a lot of Michelle's elbows. If df+4 is blocked, your opponent will be a safe distance away. Should he rush in with high pokes, you can attempt b+3 or b+4 in hopes of a CH or f+1 to duck his attacks and juggle him. Personally, I would go for b+4 since a lot of people underestimate this attack by Julia and it is going to catch a lot of people on CH by surprise. * If your opponent decides to turtle you have an option here, do you apply more pressure on him or do you go for a throw? Mix them up especially a mad axes with a dash in between. Most of the time your opponent will not suspect that you are going to throw him with Mad Axes when you dash towards him but stand instead in anticipation of an elbow. As an alternative to her elbow you can always try d,df+1 instead and the mixups ensuing it. * 4 works in the same way as df+4 only that you have to realize it doesn't have as much range and as such your opponent will be nearer to you. I like to do a few 4's in a row especially if the first 4 whiffs my opponent as they will usually carelessly charge into the subsequent 4 for CH. You know what to do after that right? Also f+1+2 works well after 4 (and also df+4) since it will duck under high attacks and CH your opponent. Now that you have at least a basic idea of effective strings, here is what you should stay far far away from. d,df+1,2, 1~1,1_d+1 1, d+1, d+3, FC,df+2 4,4, FC,df+4,3 * In the first example above, after d,df+1,2 you are already in a frame disadvantage. You should not do ANYTHING at all because anything you do will lead to your opponent getting you on CH. If your Opponent is fast enough, that would mean an EWGF juggle or at very least a free Shining Fists. * In the second one, d+3 should not be used. You could try using 1 in a few matches, but the risk that you are taking is not worth the reward. d+3 is slow to initiate and has horrendous recovery when blocked. Moreover, even if it does hit (counter or clean), you are STILL at a frame disadvantage. Although this strings to a fair level against scrubs (since they will just eat the d+3 and then rush into the FC,df+2) even semi decent players will punish you badly if you try d+3. * Finally the last example. 4,4 is pretty good at intermediate level to get to FC position, and then start her FC/WS mixups. However, 4,4 is too risky at higher level of play since the low kick will almost always get parried. Besides even if the low kick hits, you will be at a frame disadvantage and your opponent can snuff out any attack of yours with a d+1. In conclusion, I would once again want to reiterrate that the poking and custom strings section should not be used wholesale but only to give yourself an idea of what should and should not be used in a given situation. Be creative, try new setups of your own because being predictable will be your worst enemy. ******** Chickens ******** If you played DOA2 (or Tekken 2 for that matter) you will know how much it is a blessing to Tekken players that you are able to reverse a reversal (aka Chicken). This discourages turtling and also prevent you from taking what would otherwise be unfair, unnecessary damage. The general formula to chickening is to input f+1+3 for reversal which invovles a left punch (1) or left kick (3). You can also guess that f+2+4 are chickens for move that involve right punch (2) and right kicks (4). However there may be some ambiguity over some moves which require double button presses, like f+1+2 for example. In those cases, their chickens are stated in the move analysis, if you haven't noticed by now. Unless you have good reflexes, or your opponent reverses every single move, you will have to buffer chicken selectively. What I mean here is you buffer moves which have the possibility of being reversed, and not every single hit in a move. Take for example 1~1,1. Your opponent can only reverse the first and last hi if 1~1,1 is blocked. Therefore, with that knowledge, you should only buffer chicken for the first and last hit. Buffering chicken for the 2nd hit is redundant. With all this in mind, let us look at moves which are usually reversed. 1~1,1 (first and last hit) 4,4,4 (first and last hit) 4,4,1 (first and last hit) df+1,1 (both hits) 1,2,4 (first and last hit) df+4,2,b,f+1 (all hits) d,df+1,2 (only first hit) f,f+1,4 (last hit only) uf+4 (er... well there is only one hit here) df+2,1 (only the first) df+2,4 (both hits) f+1+2 f+1 WS+4 SS+2 f+1+4 etc. If you already know how to buffer chicken then skip this section. It is a waste of time. For those who still have no idea of how to buffer a chicken then read on. Lets take a basic example of f+1 shall we. First of course press f+1 to initiate her flash uppercut. Usually you would just release f+1, but if you want to buffer a chicken into it, don't. Instead keep holding f+1 and then press 3, hence f+1+3. Should your opponent reverse your f+1 Julia will immediately punch him back in the face before he can hurt her and the announcer will shout "Chicken" If he doesn't the match will just continue as normal. Lets move on to a trickier move to chicken, say df+1. After performing df+1, keep on holding 1. Now roll your joystick (or joypad) from df to f and when you reach f, press 3. Chicken baiting --------------- Some opponents (especially scrubs) just can't help but reverse all day. You might want to teach them a lesson. This usually involves using slow, easily chickened moves to make them see how wrong they are that reversals are king. This is known as chicken baiting. Among the moves are 1~1,1 (last hit), f+1+2, f+1+4 and SS+2. Do note that if your opponent wisens up and blocks instead of reversing you could be in trouble at times like a blocked 1~1,1 for example. Also be aware that in some cases, some reversals cannot be chickened. They are King's Kick reversal and Wang's left punch reversal. Any parries (normal or punch parries) cannot be chickened as well. Chickening is a vital technique for any player who aspires to be good in Tekken. If you want to improve your gameplay you have to be able to buffer chicken into your attacks fluently, while not affecting your normal gameplay. *************************** Throwing and Throw Escaping *************************** Throwing -------- Duh! Like you need advice on throwing. Just abuse her mad axes. Do not however use familiar set ups time and time again. f,f+1, Mad axes will only work 2 or 3 times before your opponent catches on and breaks the throw on anticipation. Breaking Julia's Mad Axes on reaction is extremely hard to say the least and even the best players rely on anticipation rather than reaction to break the throw. Also you should mix up your throws (double Duh!) Maybe try f,f+1, Mad Axes and the next time f,f+1, 1+3 instead. Mixing up throws is a battle of psychology of you and your opponent. I think this section should explain itself enough and I need not go further into telling you how to throw. Throw Escaping -------------- Throw escaping is a completely different matter though. I find that average players do NOT escape throws enough. Therefore, they deem throws cheap, when in fact you have a large window of escape for most throws (bar throws like Mad Axes) Basically,escaping throws is easy if you know which throw he is going to do and when. In theory it is easier said than done, but here are some pointers. 1) Watch your opponents hands. If the Left hand extends longer than his right, then he is going for a throw with a 1 break. If his right hand is longer than his left, then the break for the throw is throw. If both hands extend equally, the break is 1+2. Of course there are some exceptions but this is the general rule. 2) With most throws, the escape frame is almost one full second. Watch for the purple flash whenever a person grabs you. Most opponents have a tendency to go for certain throws so it would be wise to know before hand which throw he likes to go for. 3) When being thrown, and unsure, just press something (1,2 or 1+2) Pressing any of the combinations is better than not doing anything because you will have a 33.3% chance of breaking the throw. 4) Look at your opponents hands if possible. This does not apply only to Multithrows only. Looking at your opponent hands while playing not only tells you what throw he is going to do, but generally gives away what he is going to do next. 5) Becareful when looking at your opponent's hands when he does Multis. Some Multi windows are pretty large and your opponent has loads of time to fake the throw. 6) Although some people suggest the theory of 1~2(hold 2)~1 or 2~1(hold 1)~2 this theory has not been proven. I think that the escape of the throw depends on the frame of input of the escape. In other words, the technique suggested by some people worked because it was coincidence that they hit the correct escape button at the frame of escape. Remember, everytime you escape a throw, you are avoiding 30+ damage and the follow up damage from Okizeme. When you think about it, thats almost the same damage from a CH 4, f,f+1 x3, d,df+1,2 juggle. Learning to escape throws on reaction, not anticipation, will tremendously improve your game. If you need practise on throw escaping, I suggest that you turn your PS2 to Ultra Hard (Ultra cheese) mode and practise escaping throwing there since the computer does nothing but block and throw. ******** Tagging ******** Tekken Tag wouldn't be half the game if it weren't for this element - TAGGING! A lot of players do NOT understand the tagging system of Tekken Tag Tournament. From what I observe when playing, many players blindly tag out when they are low on health. Yes, I know that you have to bring in a fresh new partner because your character can be easily KO'ed but by foolishly tagging out, they leave the poor tagging in character open to all kinds of dangers. Worst is if you carelessly tag out, your tagging out character may be KO'ed in the process. Do this to me and I will undoubtedly punish you with something nasty. Think about this, your character is low on health but if you bring a fresh new character in and say Julia hits you with a Heaven Cannon Unblockable + Juggle, your partner could be even badly hurt than the initial fighter that just tagged out. Morever, your opponent is given the initiative to pound you into oblivion with all kinds of Okizeme attacks. As a rule of thumb you should only tag out when 1) Your opponent is on the ground or your opponent is far away and not is not able to hit you. 2) You use a tag throw or do a tag combo. 2+5 is a very safe tag throw but the damage depends on Julia's partner (ie Bruce = very lil, Michelle = qutie a lot) Stay clear of Julia's special tag to Michelle. Its USELESS. 3) The worst time to tag out is when your opponent is charging up an unblockable or heavy hitting move. More likely than not, your partner will come rushing in only to be hit by the said move. 4) If your opponent is all over you and you need to tag out, try to knock him down or at least push him away so before making a tag. For this reason, Julia's elbow is ideal. 5) When you do tag, try to come in with a cross chop or tag slide (or its equivalent), at least once in a while, so that your opponent will not get into a habit of always trying to counter you when you tag out. Tag slides are useful not only because they can catch your opponent unaware but can be used to tag in an extra bit of damage at the end of a juggle. Also tag slides may be an excellent counter to certain moves (say Yoshi's b,b+1~1) At certain distance, tag in cross chop is almost unavoidable. 6) Tag frequently when given the chance to tag out. The small health regained may be the difference at the end of the bout. Also, do not get predictable with your tagging. A wrong tag will probably result in a nice WGF up your shiny noses. 7) If tag slides or cross chops are not your thing, you can always cancel the run in by inputting u~ub. This will stop your character from running and you can block or input your attack. This technique is also useful for doing some of the class 1 launcher juggles where you need to position yourself. It is usually much wiser (and safer) to use use the tag cancel since you do not need to commit to and attack and thus do not lose any initiative. 8) Julia can also tag cancel with her various moves like her taunt and command low parry. Like everyone she can cancel her tag in with d+1. Don't be stupid however and d+1 all the time, especially when your opponent is up your nose because he will almost always CH you. I think you should know by now that Julia's CH 1~2,1 is not very nice. With all said, I also find that a lot of Tekken Tag players do NOT use tag juggles enough. Come on, the damage lost during tag juggles cannot be recovered. I can't remember how many close battles I won because of the 'extra' health I could regain from tagging out. Julia may be a very good juggler, but I'd sacrifice that extra health for the unrecoverable health. ********************* Parry or Not to Parry ********************* Okay, so you are probably pyschic enough to know that your opponents next move would be a db+4 by Lei. Question what do you do, what do you do? With the introduction of Universal Parries as well as the Sweep Stagger system, there is more than one way to 'counter' Low attacks, so to speak. With this in mind, players sometimes do not know when may be the ideal time to parry or block. Both has its pros and cons. Btw when I speak of parries, I am referring to the universal parry and not command parries or punch parries. Blocking Usually, you want to be blocking SLOW RECOVERING LOW PUNCHES. Of course there are exceptions. Julia does not have good launchers off her FC/WS position other than of course her hop kick. Since her hopkick is 14 frames and recovers like ass, you will most of the time rely on guaranteed damage like FC,df+4,3. A Parried low punch gives you only 9 frames of advantage where you only get a free jab in. It would be better to block the 9th Hit in Pauls' 1,2,3,1,4,2,1,4,2,1 10 string since there is a long delay in between and you can get him with CH WS+ 2,1,1 or WS+2,1,4,3. However there are some exceptions like a blocked Julia's b+3 which gives you -33 frames of advantage! You could easily capitalize on this with a hopkick to wonder juggle. Parry The reason you'd wanna use the universal low parry (df) is because it ALWAYS gives you the initiative no matter what. A parried low punch would give you get 9 frames advantage and with a parried low kick you will get 16 frames of advantage. Obviously, the 9 frames after a parried low punch do not mean much especially since parrying will often shift your opponent off the axis a bit, so technically after readjusting yourself, your advantage is less than 9 frames. The parried low kick will give you a bigger advantage, so much so that you can get a free df+2,1 into juggle. Generally parry any of your opponents attacks especially if its a kick. An Example would be Julia's 4,4. By parrying her Low kick you get a free juggle. If you had blocked the low kick not only would you gain nothing, but you now have to face her mixups. At the end of the day, a correct parry or block could mean defeat or victory especially in a tight battle. ****************************************** Character Specific Strategies (Vs Section) ****************************************** Alex/ Roger Difficulty : Easy Against Alex and roger watch out for d+1,N+2 which is an essential King's poke. Both of them have really short arms so unless you let them get very near you, even Giant Swing will wiff more than often. Remember Giant Swing can be tech rolled for half. The trick is to hit the button WHEN you land so timing is of the essence here. You will have to look out for moves like the Wind up punch, f,N+1 or its variant which causes such a long guard stun that Animal Godfist (well its actually TGF) is guranteed. When you see them wind up for their punch don't just stand there and look... Hit him with anything... uf+4, CH 1~2,1, CH, 1~ 1,1 heck even b+3. Also do look out for SS+4, the low sweep, which you should have more than enough time to block on reaction. Blocking this low sweep causes Alex/ Roger to be guard stunned so erm...just follow up with her Bow and Arrow to MC. The last thing to look out for is the tail sweep which has small range but comes out so deceptively even good players may have trouble looking out for it. I don't have any tips against the tail trip but no opponent would be crazy enough to abuse this move too much since he is just asking to be CH'ed by Julia. Angel/ Devil Difficulty : Easy ~ Hard It really depends what kinda Angel/ Devil player you are up against, a WD master or a Laser master. Anyways there are some subtle differences between both of them which I will mention for those who have no knowledge whatsoever of Tekken. Angel is a bit shorter, has shorter arms and netsus with other characters. Devil is taller (so his laser will wiff against smaller opponents like Ling), has longer arms (so WGF X3 is easier with him) and does not netsu with other characters. Anyways the main tool of Angel/Devil is of course df+1,2 Twin pistons. A lot of Angel/ Devil players abuse this move a lot. If your opponent is a scrub and abuses df+1,2 the whole day, a well times CH 1~1,1 will see to it that his bad habits are not repeated. Watch for good players to WD and mix up with Hell sweeps and Twin Pistons (though this is not as dangerous as against Kazuya) Be careful of his OB traps (I will explain more in detail in the vs Jin section since Jin's Ob trap is the one to be feared) Angel/ Devil also has a Class 1 launcher in his/ her SS+2 the devil twister. This launches you so high and you come spiralling down, head first, meaning you can't tech roll. This really opens the door to some very very sick juggles like Heihachi's d+1+4 unblockable... OUCH! Fortunately this move is easily telegraphed and has poor recovery time (time for df+2,1 juggle I see) Of course I won't even bother mentioning WGF which is THE best juggle starter in the entire history of Tekken. Anna Williams Difficulty : Annaquin-like ~ Medium Against Anna it is a battle of Pokes... her uf+1<3 and d+1,N+4 being the more feared ones along with df+1,2 and d+4,1. Well uf+1<3 is her new addition to TTT and a great addition it is. For one if the bad habit kick connects then Anna gets a free f+1+2. Anna players will look to delay the bad habit Kick in hope that it gets you on CH (and thus free juggle)Needless to say, do not try anything stupid ... not even 1~ 1,1 when an Anna player does uf+1. Be prepared however with 1+2 in case they try throwing you with uf+1+2 after uf+1. Most of the time though the throw comes out of no where so tech roll it and immediately tag out (if you don't tag out immediately then your opponent gets a GURANTEED cross chop) d+1,N+4 much like King's d+1,N+2 will be used a lot to interrupt your poke. Another new move is her QCF+1, the high elbow which will juggle on CH only. However if it does juggle look out for chunks of lifebar gone. I would be tempted to say " Duck the QCF+1 and punish the wiff" but unfortunately good Anna players will delay the QCF+1 until the very last minute and if they find that you have ducked in anticipation of the elbow, then they will instead go for her flip kick which also equals juggle potential. Then, there is also her sidestep mix up in her SS+2 (low) and SS+1+2 (mid) Off SS+2 she also has a juggle waiting for you. Anyways do know her multi breaks (which aren't that good in the first place) and also remember to buffer CHICKEN! Armor King Difficulty : Medium ~ Hard A.King is a tricky customer to deal with, that is because he has so many tools he can use against you - pokes, throws and a good launcher. A.King is a very well balanced character, even though he has been weakened somewhat since Tekken 2. Among the pokes you have to look out for is of course the classic King d+1,N+2, 1,2, 2,1 and df+1. A lot of A. King players like to set up throws (Giant Swing and DDT especially) using a string of those pokes with the concept of "hit them mid until they can't afford to block) Be wary of Giant Swing since it has great range. DDT is prolly his best double break throw but doesn't do that much damage. The last throw you should fear is his Tombstone piledriver. While you can't perform it ala Mad Axes like you can with King this throw does a lot of damage and after that it gurantee's him some free okizeme. You really have to be prepared to break this throw because it can really mean a great come back for your opponenet. Do not bother too much with his Multi throw though since it is easily ducked/ telegraphed. My suggestion would be to duck the initial multi throw and give him a throw of your own (FC, db,d,DB+1+2). Well so much for pokes, I haven't even talked about his juggle launchers. In CD+2 A.King has one of the best juggle launchers (bar EWGF of course) in the game. The Dark Upper as it is called (more like WGF to me though) has funny properties that it flips your opponent over (if he is normal sized or to the side of a fattie) so he can do juggles which end up with a guranteed Okizeme attack.... something like CD+2, 1, CD+1, d+1+2 does shit loads. Fortunately the Dark Upper is a bit on the slow side (well slower than the WGF that is) but has better range due to A. King's giant arms and hits sM (can be blocked low or high) The unfortunate thing though is A.King has a pretty good CD mix up game with his Knee move... CD+4 which hits mid, so there shall be no turtling for those of you who think you can just be safe staying crouched. However I myself prefer CD cancel into hopkick. Hopkicks for A.King is very VERY safe since with his big size, he can do u+4 and not commit himself (most characters have to do uf+4 and if its blocked get punished real bad) u+4 leaves A.King relatively safe though you can punish it with an elbow (the damage is puny though) Last but not least he has the lariat kinda move in CD+1 which will leave you back turned on the ground. Your opponent gets free mounted punches after that or if he is extremely cheesy do the infamous A.King cuffs trick. For the uneducated, this is when A.King repeated performs the backmount and cancels it (without doing the mounted punches) As such he can go on till time runs out or you beat him up (most preferably) maintaining his lead for a cheap ass victory. Namco though has kindly removed such cheese from the PS2 TTT so you don't have to worry about this. Other not so common mix ups is of course CD into f,f,N+2. On CH you are stunned. A lot people say this is a useless move without any auto throw but trust me, the auto throw of King sucks and instead A.King has to do a harder throw (well timing sense) in the Tombstone. Big damage though (actually I didn't find it that hard, got it the first time I tried) Since his multi throws (again) are not in the same league, I won't bother mentioning them here as his CD mix up. And in his miscellaneous tools section, A.King has the db+4 low drop kick which is very deceptive even good players fall for it as LONG as you don't over abuse it. His unblockable (the jumping smash) is also worth a mention. Do not (I repeat) DO NOT just run at the back of him when he is air borne and wait near where he is about to land hoping for a back throw. A.King will turn in mid air and nail you for being so dumb. Besides there is a weird recovery animation in that he bends a bit after he lands so, a back throw is really tricky. Your best bet would be to side step around him and nail him with 4,4,1 and juggle. Baek Do San Difficulty : Easy Baek Do San is another unpredictable character. He can either be really hard to fight against or very easy. Baek players will usually go into their flamingo stance and from there force you to guess whether it they are going for the Cannonball throw (F+2~3 in flamingo), df+2 uppercut, more punches or kicks, the kicks notably can stun on CH. So how does he go into flamingo stance? Well there are a few popular ways like WS+ 4,4,3~(F_B), SS, b+3, and of course 1,2,3~(F_B). I'd like to bring your attention to WS+4,4,3_3~(f_b), Albatross, which has a lot of range in it and Baek will use it a lot to play a keep away game against you. Do not try to interrupt even with d+1 after WS+4,4 lest you get stunned by the 3 kick. I find a lot of good players using WS+4,4 a LOT and most of them usually do it from CD. If you managed to download those huge Freebaek movies, you'd be able to see how he just practically ABUSES WS+4,4. As such, you unfortunately will end up having to play a turtle game at times so be prepared to break the cannonball throw with 1+2. The throw does good damage puts some space in between you and him to set up his keep away game. He can opt to tag out to Hwoarang after this throw, for one of the coolest tag throws in the game. In this case, Hwoarang will be next to you and gets to set up some okizeme attacks. Moreover it can be very hard for Julia players to interrupt the constant barrage of punches since Baek players can also go into flamingo and into d+1. It would be easy for me to advice you to play a bulldog game but lets not forget the good sidestep game Baek players has with their double/ triple sidestep which allows them to get behind their opponent with ease. I have warn Julia players here about excessive elbows and punches because Baek is one of the characters with a punch parry. His Punch parry, b+1+2 is IMO the BEST in the game (yes better than Bryan's if you are wondering) because it executes rather quick (11 frames), gives him 15 frames of advantage if he manages to parry something (good enough for a df+2 elbow and juggle) and if he wiffs leaves him vulnerable only for 11 frames. The best thing about the parry though is that it can be cancelled into flamingo. Oh and one last thing... don't ever think that Baek is vulnerable when he is in flamingo because he CAN punch parry out of flamingo. Just a reminder, Baek does have a class one launcher in the Wing blade (f,n,d,df+3) which juggles higher than most class 1 launchers. Of course the move is so slow that you have enough time to go take a break before interrupting with d+1. Bruce Irvine Difficulty : Hard Two words. Cheese Knees. This is what makes Bruce such a hard opponent to fight against, scrubs or masters. 3,2,1 has so much length and decent speed to it that you really have to watch your spacing. Any CH on 3,2,1 will result in you flying in the air watching those oh so lovely...... I mean boring Cheese knees tear away at half your life bar. Also even if its not on CH, if the 2 (or 1) connects you will also be popped up. Remember that Bruce can only end the string 3,2,1,4 unlike Bryan (who can vary it with 3,2,1,2) so always tap df+4 for a split second as it won't hurt you. The spacing between you and your opponent leaves it relatively safe for you to tap df in anticipation for a low kick. If you manage to parry the low kick follow it with df+ 2,1 plus Juggle of course. Unfortunately, staying close to Bruce would only mean df+2 and df+1,2. df+1,2 in particular is used a lot since it has good priority and will juggle on CH. Again on CH look for another cheese.. well you get the idea. A Chang player CANNOT play a total punch game against Bruce lest you will get Punch reversed (f,f+2 which is also the mach breaker) For those people who always say that bruce Punch reversal is too slow to be used in a higher level of play, well either you aren't using it correctly or you are just too dumb. Watch Hameko's bruce and its no surprise to see him land countless Mach Punch reversals. Unless you like hearing the CRUNCH of your bones, you need to vary your game a lot. Julia has a good Kick game you know (take that annaquin!) Besides its not only the auto punch reversal that Bruce could really hurt you with. He has the b+1 back hand which on CH will stun you and he will juggle you with your favourite juggle finisher. b,f+4 the Knee launcher is used quite a lot to catch tagging in opponents. Though slow, this move really does quite a lot on its own and coupled with you know what does shit loads. And what about his hopkick? It comes out real fast, and best of all the damage after the hopkick rivals well Julia (you know what combo right?) Bruce poking game can really screw you up if you up too. The mix up of (1),2,4_d+4 will keep you guessing. From what I notice, Bruces' (and Bryans to some extent) game is all about spacing getting your opponent outside range 0 and range 1 so that their long legs will beat the hell out of you. Do NOT be hasty with your moves, SS+4 and more importantly CH 3,2,1 are just a tap away. His Okizeme game is rather weak, fortunately for you. Bryan Fury Difficulty : Hard Julia Bryan... ahhh such an evil team. Anyways Bryan is one of the best all round fighters in terms of power. If you think that Julia's combo are too easy for the damage they do well think again. Imagine a simple combo like uf+4, d+2, F+4,3,4 well just EATS away at your life bar. And lets not forget all those stun combos like WS+3 (CH), b+1, d+2, 1~4, (3),3 and you will soon get the idea of what is up with Bryan. You just can't afford to make a mistake against bryan just like against Julia, Jin or Bruce since he will make you pay very very dearly. Anyways Bryan has a very good CD or in his case rolldash mixup game. Off his Roll dash he can perform his Knee (WS+3_QCF+3) Uppercut which seems more like a class 1 launcher even if it is a class 2 launcher (WS+1_QCF+1), gut punch into fisherman slam (WS+2,F_B+2 or QCF+2,F_B+2) or every one's favourite throw C.O.M (chains of Misery) Be prepared to break COM with 1+2. Also his new move b+1 can be tag buffered. If blocked Bryan gets a huge frame advantage, long enough for him to get a free 1~4 or 1,2 punch. If it hits, you will be sent bouncing on the floor and cannot tech roll. Just think of the possible damage he could do b+1~5 to P.Jack tag in Stomp. Not necessarily guranteed but... OUCH! You can of course sidestep this move and punish him because this move comes out a bit on the slow side. d+2, the gut uppercut, is another new move of his and is used to set up a lot of things, namely C.O.M., his WS moves, uf+4 or continue with his other pokes. Speaking of Pokes, bryan has a very heavy arsenal of it in 1,2,1,2_3 , 3,2,1,4_2 mixups. Occasionally he may use b+3 since it does have good reach but if he continues the other part of the b+3 string (b+3,2,1) remember to duck and punish him. As mentioned against Bruce it is vital that Julia does not just rush into him like pitbulls always do and pepper him with punches because he too has a punch reversal, and unlike Bruces, I feel that His is more effective. Left punch reverses into Mach punch and right punch reverses into the Vulcan Punch which gurantees f,f+4 snap kick into df+3. He also has moves like the QCB+2 (backsway into uppercut) which is good to punish people and 1+2 which has evasive properties. Though Bryan lacks low attacks, he does have df+3, a low sweep which JUGGLES. This move is highly telegraphed and can be blocked easily as long as you keep half your mind on the game. Block or parry it (doesn't matter really but I always like to parry it) and punish him accordingly. Problem is good players like to move around and suddenly come out with the sweep. Do remember that even when Bryan ducks so low, he still CAN be hit by mid moves so df+2,1 or uf+4 is a good counter tactic. And what bout his overhead kick, uf+4? This move really rocked in Tekken 3 and though toned down a bit now in TTT (doesn't seem that toned down to me since the damage is just way too high) it is still the perfect move to catch people who like to do d+1 the whole day. Well all these moves actually fail in comparison to Bryans power game. He just oozes in power with moves like the snap kick f,f+4, elbows b+2,1,2_4, f,f+3 and of course every scrubs favourite... the mach punch. My advice against Bryan is play a good Kick game with Julia if you want to dominate. Eddy Gordo/ Tiger Jackson Difficulty : Easy ~ Medium To be very honest with you readers, I have not played against an Eddy master so I can't really talk about how to play against good Eddy players. However I do have some general ideas on how an Eddy player would go about playing a good Eddy. If you are facing a masher, just ignore this section and abuse 4,4,1 and f+1+4 like crazy. Low parry to df+2,1 will work like a charm. If however he knows anything decent about TTT, then he will use launchers such as df+3+4 which leaves him relatively safe. Also do be careful because good Eddy players are able to to half the recovery time of some of their moves and if you are too hasty you will be caught on CH. One example is after Eddy's Headbutt, he can do another one almost immediately. Be aware of Eddy's command throw (argh... can't even remember the command off hand) but it is the one where he climbs on top of you and spins around before throwing you much like the arm drag in Wrestling. This throw does quite a lot and is double break so be ready with 1+2. Also another launcher for Eddy is one where he falls to the ground and kicks you. Well just be careful with Eddy because the last thing you want him to do is Sidestep around you and get a whole lot free slippery kicks. Forest Law Difficulty : Hard Law when played right can be a total headache. However half the Law players out there are stupid flip kick scrubs. Anyways for players who do nothing but flip kicks the whole round, punish the recovery (assuming they recover low) with df+2,1 plus juggle. It is a bit trickier with a Law player who knows his stuff. Law is IMO the best turtler in the game since he can just sit there and parry everything you throw at him. Above the normal parries, low and high, he also has a punch parry. Although the follow ups after the punch parry has been changed quite a bit in TTT, the fact that he has a punch parry can really mess up a Changs game based solely on elbows. Law can and will match you poke for poke since he has equal speed and priority as you do. I also have to bring to your attention one of Forest Law's BEST move in d+2,3. Darn.. d+2 has so much priority speed and on CH, the flip kick is guranteed. Law players will look to interrupt you a lot with d+2 so watch your frame advantage and if you are at a disadvantage its best to back off for the mean time. His hopkick is pretty decent too (comes out fast and has a good combo after it connects) and so too is his df+2 uppercut. Prolly the intermediates favourite move with Law would be his b+2,3,4 and b+1,2,1 mix up. Of course they are both so easily seen and countered that it should not be a problem. for b+2,3,4 its best to parry the low kick (duh!) rather than block it. For b+1<2< 1, watch out for Law players to delay the hits to try and catch you on CH. They may even stop half way and throw, sweep you or try another poke so I feel that b+1<2<1 is a decent set up move for Law. The sweep move that I mentioned is db+4 which is highly telegraphed so block it (he gets guard stuned) and punish him. Law players like to use db+4 in Okizeme too, but it only hits rolling opponent and can't reach low enough to hit a grounded non moving player. His SS moves are a mixture. The double kick move, is pretty decent because it has speed but the SS gut punches into the power punch isn't that effective IMHO. Law has very good movement. While intermediate players will prolly use FC,df,d,DF to initiate the slide, more experienced players will use it for mobility as well as to mix up the slide with a WS+2 (or WS flip kick) My advice? d+1 and hope that it floats him (Bow arrow kick into MC) If he ever uses the Poison arrow f+1~2 and manages to hit it on CH, you can (and should) tag out. However if Law is teamed with Paul, I think that Paul can delay the run in 2,2 (actually his FC,df+2,2) and still snag you but always try to escape the stun. Throw wise Law comes up a bit short, his command throw f,f+3+4 (the knee to the gut) is a double break throw and he also has a move where he uses your body as stairs before splashing on you. This throw is escaped uniquely with df. A battle between Law and Julia will be a close one since it is going to be poke vs poke, hopkick vs hopkick, and juggle vs juggle.... fortunately he doesn't have Mad Asses. :P Ganryu Difficulty : Medium In most cases, a big character would be a very easy kill for Julia because of her sheer speed which just pounds slower characters to the ground. Not Ganny though because he has the right tools (and advantage) to beat Julia. However, Ganny is sort of the special Big characters since he does not float with some juggle starters (like 1~1,1) much like the other fatties YET you cannot do those long insane juggles that you could do on like the other fatties. First off, as everyone may or may not know, if Julia tries 3~2,1,4,3 or 1~1,4,3 the low kick in the bow and arrow with wiff and thus leave Julia begging to be punished. Sure not many will be using this face to face with any decent player but imagine if you got your opponent back turned, and tried WS+2,1,4,3 only to see it wiff. Argh! Ganny also has a punch parry which again will screw up a Changs game if she depends alot on elbows and 1~1,1's. His punch parry is a weird one in that he will hop to your back (for someone that fat its AMAZING) and give you either a back push or a not guranteed back throw. However after chatting with ChinkyEye, he has convinced me that Ganny depends too much on his WS+1+2, 1+2 and df+2+3. Be very afraid of the guard stun if the second hit of WS+1+2,1+2 hits since it gives him a whopping +23 frames advantage ... can you say free throw/ juggle? I find that my opponents like to delay the second hit. The guard stun opens up a huge mix up game for him. If you watched the Jurio Cup matches where Mr. Wizard played, you will see why since wiz practically went crazy on this one move. Also his df+2+3 the low juggling punch is rather dangerous. It comes out rather deceptively and is hard to see. If it connects your opponent can get a free juggle in. Something from a simple uf+3+4 to df+2 juggles. And when it comes to decent low pokes, he has one in the stature kick like df+3. Great for okizeme as well as chipping away the life bar. Among his pokes, he has the classic Sumo punches in 2,1,2,1 etc which is dangerous. On CH, the 2nd punch will give him a +12 frame advantage so that he can get in a free throw or set up his other attacks. Also one of his new moves, df+ 2, is a great poke and juggle starter since it has evasive properties. Fortunately the juggles off the df+2 are rather tricky and don't do much damage. His other moves are basically Jack moves like the jump in sitdown (great for opponents who refuse to get up), sumo stomp (used solely in combos Im afraid) f+1+2 the clap in as well as numerous others. To top things up Ganny has a class 1 launcher which players will use prolly to catch you tagging in more than anything. I evn forgot to give mention to his wicked unblockable. Ganny ducks down real low that high attacks and some mid attacks will wiff. More importantly the unblockable comes out very fast, CAN be cancelled into an uppercut and more frighteningly does a LOT of damage. Either poke him out of it d+1, d+2, whatever, or sidestep the unblockable. Played right, Ganny is a force to be feared. Gun Jack Difficulty : Easy Although I have not played Gun Jack extensively (I personally like P.Jack and Jack 2 more) Gun Jack can be dangerous in the right hands even if he is at a severe speed disadvantage. If you are constantly poking away with 1 and 4 you have to be very very ready to interrupt his d+1+2 Bravo Knuckle. Although this move is very slow to say the least, it ducks under high attacks and launches you very very high. If Bryan is teamed with Gun Jack, then he gets a fisherman slam into juggle.... can you say *ouCH* ? Also to watch out for is his uppercuts which will cut through most of your standing pokes. On CH he can juggle you and anything that Gun Jack deals is needless to say very very damaging. But for pure CH damage, his 1,1,1 does shitloads and gives him the spacing he needs to set up his other attacks. Remember though that unlike most characters, his 1 is not his normal poke. Instead Gunjack will poke with 2,(1) and occasionally when you get into the habit of rushing in throw in the another 2 (making it 2,1,2). Also used for poking is his df+3 which though slow is good for spacing reasons. Again remember he is a Jack so anything that hits is bound to be high damage. His Machine gun Knuckle (FC,db+2,2,2....) is an above average poke (although I feel Jack2's version is much better) which is very good to punish people who always duck low. Oh and before I forget, Gun Jack has tons of throws which has very very good range (rivals King I should add) which does tones of damage. You will prolly see the Punishment drop the most (uf+1+2, d,df+2) If you fail the break the initial throw you have the opportunity to block the follow up punch (assuming he follows up with the punch) But with 1 frame to tap f to block the punch, and if you fail it would count as CH, I suggest that you very much take the damage. Other throws worth noting is his Tombstone Piledriver (db,f+1+2) which is his most damaging throw of all and gurantees him some okizeme and of course his modified catapult which is a good juggle setup. His unblockables are nothing to sneeze about too... well his wind up punch at least. Good players will use this move occasionally only they will prolly make only one wind up before punching you. The Wind up punch will be used often as to catch tagging in opponents or attack immediately when you wake up. His low sweep punch to deathfist (well looks like a deathfist to me) is used occasionally. His trip punch (df+2+3) much like Ganny is another move you should look out for a lot since it comes out deceptively (but slow enough for you to block on reaction) and worst gives him good opportunity for a juggle. Personally against the Gunjack, Julia should play a very aggresive elbow/punch game and not let up any space for him to set up his slower moves. Heihachi Mishima Difficulty : Hard ~ Very Hard Erm... he is hard cuz he is a Mishima, `nuff said. Actually need I go on about how his EWGF cuts through a lot of Julias move like a hot knife through butter. Need I tell you that his df+1,2 twin piswon will punish any blocked 1~1,1 , 1~2 even though there is a lag. Need I tell you about his Wavedash into WS+2. Need I even explain why his Hell sweeps are to be feared? *sIGhz* Heihachi is really REALLY tough opponent to say the least. For the uneducated first off we have his 1,1,2 shining fist. Although the jab is 10 frames, and slower than yours, it is very useful because should the 2 jabs hit the last punch is guranteed. Not to mention that the last punch is delayable very much. Of course if your opponent is a 1,1 scrub CH him with 1~2,1 and teach him a good lesson. Good thing Heihachi's stamina is poor so 1~2,1 will prolly cut off around 65% of his life. Heihachi's EWGF is IMO the best because it hits sM (so it cannot be crouched like Jins) and when blocked gives him such a huge frame advantage he can prolly set up the next attack. Besides you are knocked far away that you cannot punish him (unlike Kazuya's WGF for example) More unfortunately yet, his EWGF sets up some really evil juggles like EWGF, EWGF, f+1,b+2,1 which is plain evil not to mention DAMAGING. Also Heihachi is has tools of his own like 1+2 which is damn useful though lacking in range. It is vital you becareful with your pokes especially 4 and 1~1 since Heihachi will be able to duck under those high attacks (from his CD) and pop you up. Since EWGF does not track well though (well not DEWGF that is) you should emphasize your sidestep game and punish him with 4,4,1 plus juggle should your opponent get really predictable with his EWGF setups. Btw do not be too hasty about ducking once you see your opponent goes into CD because he can do the tsunami Kicks or even f,f+2 demon uppercut to juggle for more damage. His hell sweeps though toned down a bit from T3 is still evil. After the initial sweep you still have to guess whether he will continue with more sweeps or the rising kicks failing to do so will result in at least 50 pts gone. Since Heihachi is after all a Mishima, all the Mishima techniques like WD, LD, snake dash, whatever dash is available to him. It is best to stay on top of Heihachi with loads of pokes, elbows etc and not let him get into CD. However should he inevitably get into his CD (and thus CD mix up) it is vital to stay cool. Simple things like d+1 to a hopkick can interrupt the WD as long as you keep your cool. I will cover more of this when I go to Jin's vs strats. The new addition to Heihachi's arsenal is his wonderful WS+2 which though slightly slow, has good range and built in sidestep. It stuns on CH and gives him good opportunity for juggle. Beware of this move especially the iWS and CD cancel ones. Should heihachi try d+1,2 you can interrupt after blocking the initial falling leaf with 1~1,1 for kick ass damage. p/s I don't hate Heihachi as much now... I HATE JIN. Hwoarang (aka Bob) Difficulty: Hard Since I do not play Bob and have trouble describing his moves (RFF, LFF, whatever) I have requested people on TZ to write in with their comments on him. Night Sez: ---------- Vs A stringing Bob: This can be annoying. At first it may seem impossible to get out of his strings, i.e 3,3,3,4,2, f+3,1, f+4,2, RFF 2, d+3,4,3, f+3,3,3,4,4, f+ 3,1, f+4,2 etc etc.. However, you can counter this tactic effectively if you know how. It's easy to recognise the string happy bob. He/she will be happily chaining kick after kick, using jabs to go out of Flamingo, and abusing RFF 2. Most of these hits will give him frame advantage, so don't even think about CH 1~1,1 to stop him... that's just what he wants you to try. The trick is to know what is high and what is mid. I.E - d+3,4 - a good player can duck automatically after they see the Sm d+3, thus avoiding the 4 and being able to hit Bob with WS moves. A good bob stringer will mix mid moves finishers into his strings, the most common being LFS 2, RFS 1, df+2, RFS 4, df+3,4, LFS b+4 and RFS b+3. Even with these moves mixed in, it's still quite easy to duck a Bob string and WS+4/FC,df+4,3 him with Julia. Generally the safest time to duck a Bob string is when he has finished in RFF, because he will most likely use RFF 2 or RFF 3~ 4 at that point, both of which are high. RFF 2,4~f,f+4 is also excellent, but the first 2 hits are high, and can easily be ducked and WS'd before he gets the RFF f+4 in. He can of course, use RFF f+4~4 to pop you up, but a d+1 can stop this kind of business, and RFF f+4~4 is also quite risky (if blocked standing). Of course, the safest mid option for a RFF Bob is probably df+3,4 (mid) but getting hit with this while ducking isn't as bad as being caught in a string. Ducking while Bob is still in the flamingo part of a string is dangerous, as he could use a heel lance (RFS b+3 or LFS b+4) to launch you. This kind of bob will also love using the Flamingo sweeps followed by okizeme - i.e RFS d+3, ws+4,4, db+4... if you're fast, df parry the sweep and df+2,1 him. Another option to kill a string happy Bob is to back dash out of his string range, and then CH 1~1,1 or CH 4 him while he doesn't have the block advantage from his strings. This doesn't work vs a good bob often, but against infinite stringers, they won't seem to understand that you just popped out of their string range and your next hit will be faster than their 3,3,3,4,3 etc... Vs a freestyling, 3xssing Bob: This is difficult, I can't really help much with this. I'm not sure if Julia has any moves which track SS well, especially a bob 3xss (which certainly beats Julia's 3xss). (ILuvMomo: 4,4 is pretty good against SS as long as they are within range. 4,4, can track pretty well) Jack 2 Difficulty : Easy The rating here can be very misleading. The reason I rated Jack 2 as easy is because Julia has more advantage over him due to her speed and his size. However do not assume that Jack 2 is a walk in a park. In fact he is anything but that. Jack2 has of course 10 frame pokes in his 2,1,(2). Usually these pokes are used for him to play keep away games since they have good range. f+1+2, df+2 is also another move which knocks you far away even when blocked. His foot stomp, f,f+3 is used a lot! When blocked it causes a huge guard stun so that he is able to set up his next move. As an okizeme attack, it is great too not to mention a great tag juggle finisher for class 4 launchers. His Windup punch hcf+2, equally is great to set up his throws because of the INSANE guard stun. Throws? He has a multitude of them. However I will just mentioned the most common ones = db,F+1+2 tombstone piledriver and df,df+1 modified catapult. Tombstone does insane damage on its own but he also has okizeme opportunity. Modified catapult does very lil damage on its own (30 points) but the ability to juggle of it speaks volumes. He can do a simple d+1+2 Bravo Knuckle and tag out for a tag dive, f+3+ 4 ram or the deathfist like move, Megaton Punch for oodles of damage. Oh yeah, his f+3+4 shoulder ram, although not as good as King's (due to poorer range) does insane damage plus leaves him safe. Since I have already covered his Bravo knuckle when discussing GunJack, I won't repeat it here again. Due to his size and difficulty to juggle, use 1~ 2,1 most if not all of the time. SS f+1+2 works wonders against Jack 2 (and other big characters) since you get get huge juggles off it. Use b+4 a LOT to interrupt his slower power moves. Overall though, fighting Jack 2 is a matter of spacing. If you manage to keep the pressure on your opponent in close without allowing space, you would be able to take the match easily. Jin Kazama Difficulty : Godlike I think I will be wasting time telling you about all his moves, when he actually needs like 5 moves to win. 1. EWGF 2. Hell sweep 3. WS+2 4. b,f+2,1,2 5. b+4. Thats ALL Jin really needs to win. All the other moves are just nice additions to his arsenal. Jin is deadly because he has the ultra cheap, ultra effective and ultra boring wave dash into WS+2/hell sweeps mixup. Problem isn't just in the guessing game - the damage he can deal out in juggles is extremely high and ridiculously simple. Moreover, you can't really do anything when he wave/lightdash towards you since EWGF will interrupt almost everything. Forget it, I won't waste time giving strats on how to defeat Mishima wave dash because if I could I would easily be the best player around. Just hope you get lucky during his guessing game and of course punish him severely when he pokes carelessly when at a frame disadvantage. Chances to punish Mishimas are few and far between so capitalize on that. Although at the surface Jin may seem to have the same okizeme options as his dad, it is completely different because of his WS+2... yes the rising uppercut. It is with this move that Jin is able to use OB trap to such effectiveness. For those who do not know what it is, OB trap is basically stands for Okizeme Back trap. Basically your opponent tempts you to rise and then interrupts your rising animation with a d+1 which backturns you. To get a better idea do download Tommy vs Shauno 2 semifinal match at Electriccancel.com and see how he uses it to great effect. Jin players will usually trip you using a single hell sweep. He will then wiff a df+4 and knowing sensing that you are going to rise with an attack, immediately do d+1. Since d+1 is but 8 frames, it will interrupt the animation of your attack hence backturning you and giving him a free WS+2 and juggle. Of course Kazuya has the this trick too, but what makes Jin more formidable is again his juggling capabilities as well as the good range of WS+2 (Kaz's twin pistons has the tendency to wiff at maximum distance so that will be a Ling BK 4 + juggle to you) Other ways a good player might set up the OB trap is jumping over you while you are down and do d+1. All I can say is be very careful and do not stupidly rise and attack if your opponent wiffs a move because most of the time (assuming he is a good player) wiffs it on purpose to bait you into his trap. *note* If Jin is teamed up with Heihachi, he will have the opportunity to turn into Devil Jin after a force block (b+1+2) In this form, Jin's body is surrounded with electric. Along with a new string, Jin's WGF will now hit Medium and juggles you higher. Julia Chang Difficulty : not rated If you don't know by now what to expect from Julia Chang, you are wasting your time reading this FAQ. Forget it. Go do something else instead like play DOA2. Jun Kazama Difficulty : Easy Scrubs think they are invincible when using Jun's infinite strings which are definitely gay. Not only are they slow (like her leg cutters) but also they have soooooooo many loopholes and most of the time hit high. Duh! Crouch, CH WS+2,4,1 do the rest yourself. In the hands of skillful players watch for Julia's b+2, 1+2 a LOT. Look for them to delay the 1+2 to catch you on CH. b+2 is by far her BEST poke in the game and has great range too. It is also great in Okizeme games to juggle rolling opponents and can be initiated from SS. 1+2 looks a lot like Heihachi's sanchin palm, only it stuns on any hit. On its own, it is a slow crappy move with almost no range.However, Jun players use this a lot especially since the stun cannot be escaped. There are many ways of setting up it such as 1,2, 1+2, blocked f,f+2, 1+2 (thanks MIC)and 1,1,3, 1+2 (thanks Shinjin) just to name a few. f,f+2 is prolly her best move with its built in sidestep. It works much like Jin's f,f+ 2 only better IMO. SS+4 of Jun is an equally ideal poke. On CH her opponent is placed on their stomach. Jun can get a free 3+4 cartwheel flip or look to set up OB trap with WS+3+4, 3+4. Her standing 4 will be used a lot much like Julia's standing 4. On CH jun gets free 1+4, 2,4 juggle. Her df+4 will be used a lot for keep away games, a must in Jun's case. A things to note too is that Jun has b+1 sparrow trap. It looks like a slow gay low hit, but it ducks real low and should it CH it auto reverses. If players abuse it too much, just double/ triple SS behind her and 4,4,1 her juggle. Her standing 2 juggles everyone (including fatties) and will be her main launcher. Good Jun players stray from F+2 since that move has poor recovery and overall poor range (it sometimes wiffs an opponent who stands next to her for inexplicable reasons) F+2 does duck under high pokes though so becareful about throwing out too many standing 4s. Jun's main downfall is her lack of damaging juggles coupled with poor stamina which sums up to her quick downfall. Kazuya Mishima Difficulty : Almost as Godlike like Jin I'm not going to waste time with him either. Kazuya has the same stupid CD mixup game as Jin which ultimately makes him one of THE best players of the game. Instead of WS+2, Kazuya has WS+1,2 twin pistons which is IMO is better since its faster. One thing about Kazuya though is that he just doesn't have the power in the juggles unlike Jin. Kazuya's damaging juggles are extremely hard to do compared to Jin's cheap combos. However, WGF/WS+1,2, 4 is extremely damaging and cheap, not to mention it positions Kazuya so well that he can continue putting pressure on you with his Wave dash. Well if you are actually looking for other things, then Kazuya has df+2 gut punch which does solid damage on its own and insane on CH + clean. After the stun Kazuya can do some cheap juggles like u+4,4,4,4 or extremely hard ones like WGF, WGF, df+4,4. By now you should know that Kazuya's WS+2 has already been severely weakened so much so that it can be escaped either by tagging out or tapping f. His f+1+2 is slow but has good range and delivers the same stun too. Guess you are going to be bored with the same ol combos real soon. Also since Tekken 2, Kazuya has his mist step (f,n) which adds more dimension to his game. Besides he can perform WGF faster than other mishima's by using Mist step cancel. His WGF comes out at the speed of EWGF, though without the EWGF guard stun, his is susceptible to quick pokes should WGF be blocked in close. If WGF is blocked in close, you can get a free standing 4. Overall though, Kazuya is going to be a tough nut to crack so just hope you get lucky and manage to guess right when he mixes up. King Difficulty : Medium Moves to watch out for with King is his d+1,N+2 poke. Most if not ALL of the time, should you attempt an elbow he will reply with d+1,N+2. If you do ANYTHING other than block you will get out poked. Also you have to be very familiar with his throw set ups. Fortunately, his G.Swing is not as good as your Mad Axes, though it is still very bufferable into anything. Some of the setups are 2,1, G. Swing, WS+4, G. Swing, Jump in, G. Swing, fake low parry, G. Swing etc. Fortunately the throw is a 1 break throw and the damage isn't too great...... if you know how to tech roll out of it. Teching Giant swing will reduce the damage from half (35 from original 70) plus it is very easy once you get the timing down (tech it like you would tech normally) Even if you don't have the timing down, just mash and more than likely you will get lucky and tech the throw. His most damaging throw will be the dreaded Tomb Stone piledriver (db,F+2). King has the luxury of being able to do it ala Mad Axes and throw in a sidestep in between (QCB,SS,f+2) If it hits, King gets a free ground throw attempt (1+2 break) but most of the time if not all you would consider yourself lucky to be able to break the ground throw since it has only 4 frames to input the break! Even so, King is at least guranteed an elbow drop (d+1+2) Big damage. And lets not forget the 3rd throw King has, his Muscle buster (QCB+1+2). One good thing though is that King's BK 3 is not guranteed after QCB+1+2 since Julia is relatively small sized. Do not lie there too long though since King can punish you with the Moon sault. His Moon sault is prolly one of the most effective unblockables in the game, since a lot of people will just FREEZE and look at it land. Don't. Poke him out of it, whether standing 1, 4, hopkick whatever... even SS it. Also be very familiar with his multithrows. At intermediate level a lot of players like his RDC, but IMO its pretty useless at higher level of play since people will break the Chicken wing. At a higher level, they usually go for his Leg Hold (f,n,d,df+2+3) Unless you really are good at guessing throw breaks, you have to break the Leg Hold at the start. If you should get into the Leg Hold and are not sure, just mash 1+2 to exercise damage limitations (your opponent won't be able to get the indian deathlock which is by far the most damaging link) Lastly for Power moves, King has many, f,f+2+3 body splash, f+2+3 shoulder ram, 1+ 2,2 the backhand combo. If body splash is blocked, you get free d+3. I strongly advice against sidestepping the shoulder ram unless you are very sure. This is because King being large, is hard to sidestep. Its not worth risking to sidestep unless you are sure about it. Besides after blocking the shoulder ram you get a free WS+1 (the shoulder ram forces you into FC). There is also a very famous set up, for the shoulder ram. Irish whip. You can escape the shoulder ram by tagging out (which you should do..DUH!) As for 1+2,2 King players usually use it off a SS, so if you are expecting that, SS it for most of the time, a backthrow. If it is blocked you are pushed far away. As for juggling, King doesn't have much juggling options. He has u+4 which is very very safe. His other launchers like FC,df+2, FC,df+1, are unsafe so you will rarely see them used unless you wiffed a move. Kuma/Panda Difficulty : Easy Kuma is IMO, much better than the Jacks (though most players say that Jack 2 is the best of the bunch). He is a big target and slow to boot which makes poking and juggling so much more fun. However, as I said, he makes up for that somewhat with excellent pokes because he has the G-clef Cannon move of the Changs (performed f+1~1,1) which could juggle you for some huge damage. The first punch of his G-Clef is 8 frames so you should be very careful with your jabs. Kuma will try to play keep away game with you with the long jabs, so attempt to close the distance with elbows, d,df+1 or SS f+1+2s. Also another noteworthy move is his f,f+2 which is the demon uppercut of Heihachi. It ducks under high attacks and with his long paws has extra added lenght. Best yet it is a class 1 launcher. However other than that, Kuma won't be a huge threat to you. Kunimitsu Difficulty : Easy Again, there aren't any good Kuni players in my arcades and I am still in the process of learning how to play Kuni so I can't write much about this. Basically Kuni is a Yoshimitsu clone with some moves to call her own. Her d/f+2 uppercut isn't as good as Yoshimitsu due to its leser range, but you should not underestimate it because she can do some mean juggles off a single uppercut. You should have realized by now that if you try 1~1,1 her uppercut will beat you anytime. Kuni has a move where she disappears into the ground and comes flying out of the air with an unblockable Sai attack (u+1+2) which she can mix up with the fake. Though this unblockable can be easily seen a mile away, if you actually get caught in it you will be juggled. Her fake is more important to her game though and is great as evasive tactics. Again becareful with your moves since she can just disappear into the ground. Most Kuni players use only her 2+4 throw (sword... i mean sickle bash) and db+1+3, Judo toss which is prolly the most useful throws and sets up her Okizeme game. Kuni's most dangerous weapon however, is her okizeme tactics. She can keep you on the floor all day with moves such as her D,df+3,3,3,f+ 4, poison wind (uf+3+4) and if you move she can nail you with an unblockable (b+2 or f,f,(N)+2. Her unblockables are used a lot to especially when you begin to turtle. Although she may not have as much range as T.Ogre when it comes to the unblockables, it is still lethal. I find Kuni very weak defensively even with her Earth Divide (d+1+2) and her lack of versatile moves like Yoshi puts her a grade further below. Do not underestimate Kuni even though she is said to be inferior than you are. Lee Chaolan Difficulty : Easy ~ Medium Finally, after playing Lee for sometime (and funny I took so long to choose him since my surname too is Lee) I have got some ideas of how to face at least an intermediate Lee opponent. Mind you, my Lee isn't really that good, and I would welcome anyone out there to send in vs Lee strats to me. One thing is for sure though, Lee is not Law even though he has a lot of his moves. Most Lee mashers like to do the stupid Inifinite Kick string. Block the first few kicks and then punish them when you have the space. Parry, df+2,1 and juggle. Simple as that. If you aren't confident, you can always d+1 instead to interrupt Lee has a Class 1 tag launcher (d,db+4) which, like all Class 1 launchers, you should be extra careful of. A thing to note is that it does NOT juggle big characters. However it comes out quick and ducks very low to avoid high and even some mid attacks. Goodplayers though will not rely too much on d,db+4 since it comes out on the slow side and will only use it to punish a slow recovering move, high pokes or a stupid tag in. They will rely more on Lee's Hop Kick and df+2. The thing with Lee though is the fact that a lot of people underestimate his juggling prowess. This may be true as most of his intermediate combos do very minimal damage, but if your opponent is the master of f,f,N+3,4,4, then you could be in a bit of trouble. Lee does have a very good, no-damage move in his Mist step. Done by inputting f,N, his version of a Mist step moves him forward, all the while, while keeping his guard up. Of course a low attack will break up his intentions. At intermediate level, players try to mix up f,f,N+3,4,4with f,f,N+3+4 for a 'guess high or low' game, since both start off exactly the same. Once you get familiar with it though, f,f,N+3+4 the Chaolan Slide can easily be seen and blocked. Follow up a blocked slide with FC,df+4,3 and MC (which I must say is height dependent) Poking with Lee usually involves his 4,4... kicks which has good range and speed. I feel that 4,4 gives Lee as much frontal advantage as your standing 4 will and will juggle on CH. Treat it as you would with your own standing 4. d+3,3... is rather cheesy since if the d+3 hits on CH, the rest of it is guranteed, and you'd be surprised how often that will get you if you aren't careful. If scrubs abuse it though.. LOL... the second low hit can be parried even if the first hit... df+2,1 juggle time again. When Lee does his FC,df+4 and wiffs, remember not to blindly rush in if he is partnered with Kazuya since he can follow up with 2~2~1 unblockable and a subsequent free hit. Although Lee may seem a weak opponent at first, he has the right moves for the right situation to counter anything that you can dish to him. So do not always underestimate your opponent if he chooses Lee. Lei Wulong Difficulty : Medium / V.Hard I don't think Lei is that difficult if you have enough experience playing against Lei players. Lei is the master of stances and you must know each and everyone of them as well as the moves from which they can perform from the stance. Lei has some rather powerful moves but most of his moves come out slow and easily interrupted. Also, from his stances, most of his moves either hit High or Medium bar a few moves. Even then, those moves are slow enough for you to block on reaction (acception is PAN 1). Lei also has some moves and stances which will evade/parry attacks. Take for instance his drunken headbutt (b+1+2) where he will take a step back before delivering a headbutt. You have to becareful when charging in because he could easily evade the attack you were trying to dish to him and land you a blow on a CH. db+4 the low hitting razor sweep has been toned down some what but it still is very very dangerous when used since it is hard to see coming. A lot of intermediate players abuse his PLD (d+3+4) like a football player on drugs. This is prolly because a lot of people do not know how to counter PLD position effectively. They think that PLD, roll forward to Sweep/ Mule Kick mix up is good. Yeah right.... if they start this nonsense from afar, charge up f+1+4 immediately and it will hit them when they roll forward. However if they do it from dash distance, 4,4 is great at stopping their roll forward. Good players use PLD in moderation only to duck attacks and not simply abuse it. If you have even played an average Lei player you know what his game is mostly about.... punch rush to Animal stance and mixups. Well here they are in the order of Punch rush (ie after first punch in punch rush he goes to snake, 2nd punch to dragon and so forth) 1) Snake : He has 2 noteworthy moves here, 1,1,1,1,1 (the quick jabs) and 2,2,2 which is 2 mid swipes into a low swipe. Lei players will prolly use 2,2,2 a lot after db+4 sweep but watch for them to use 2,2 to induce you to retaliate, after which they will follow up with f,n,4,1,2,3 or b+1+2,drunken headbutt for massive damage. Lei can go into DRG after 2,2 and PAN after 2,2,2. 2) Dragon : If any Lei player goes ino Dragon and tries the grab, Duck and punish him with FC,df+4,3 or any WS move. The grab can be escaped so easily so if you get caught in it you DESERVE the guranteed elbow drop If he tries 1+2 and you block it, your best bet is to continue blocking because he will most likely follow up with a drunken headbutt. Also he can go into TGR after a blocked 1+2 to mix things up. In DRG, Lei has 4,1,2,3. If 4 connects in CH, then the rest is guranteed. Look for Lei players to bait you and then go for the CH. One particular example would be blocked SNK 2,2 which then goes to DRG. From there, if you even attempt anything stupid, he will CH you and that does shit loads of damage. 3) Panther This is where Lei starts to get really frightening. In panther he has a mix up of low (in 1) or mid (in 2) I really have no advice as to tell you where to block but lets just say I hope you get lucky. If 1 hits then Lei is guranteed a WS+3_4 and if 2 hits he is guranteed any normal juggle like he would off a hopkick. The fortunate thing is that 1 will only trip in close. If it connects far away on a standing opponent, it will be blocked. It sorta has a semi sM property. Don't get into a habit of trying to d+1 or CH him with 1~1,1 everytime he goes into an animal stance, since he can SS again and you will be wide open. Besides he can low parry you in Panther (hold F). Take your time and watch him carefully. 4) Tiger Another dangerous position for you. In Tiger, Lei has another guessing game. Duck and he will give you an overhead swipe and stun you which then screams HOPKICK. On CH you will be bounced on the ground for a juggle. Stand and block and Lei will give you a sweep in the forms of 4 and follow that up with a 4~4,3,3. The sweep is slow enough for you to block on reaction and he will be guard stunned should it be blocked. Also trying to out poke him in this situation is very dangerous since he has tiger parry (hold F) 5) Phoenix Neither is this a good stance for you. Watch for the low kick (4) to catch you tagging in. This move has really good range. The phoenix power punch is prolly another good move since it disorientates both characters and is a good set up for a BK d+1 low backhand swipe and juggle. The Phoenix dance (3,4,2,3) will prolly be used occasionally as an Okizeme attack. More advanced players employ a technique which is known as the 'Haha' step. Basically, Lei dashes back by cancelling the backturn. (b~3~4, b, b~3~4, b and so on) I must highlight how important it is to not dash blindly into a backturned Lei because he can easily come out from it with some razor punches. Go download the Tekken Tag Championship Finals movie and watch how Seok makes full use of the Haha Steps. If you have a partner like Jin and can light dash, then this is not a problem. However if you can't then you might have some problems since he can fustrate you. You could use tag slides or cross chops though it is NOT a guranteed by any means. At a certain distance though, the tag slide/ cross chop is unavoidable so if you learn your spacing, use it often. Other than that, your best bet is to play it save and back away. The HaHa step technique pratically tranforms Lei from an averagefighter to one that should be feared. Ling Xiaoyu Difficulty : Medium If Ling and Julia had equal amount of Stamina, this match would have been much harder. Instead, Julia holds the small upperhands in the stamina department. Anyways what should you be looking out for with Ling? BT 4 of course. Duh! Everyone knows about BT 4 but its the setups which your opponent will use to make you eat it. One of the more popular string is df+2, 1,2, df+1,2,4_throw. There are of course other ways to get into BT position like f,f+3 Racoon swing which is an excellent okizeme Move on its own, D+3,2,(1,4) and more. Be familiar with them all. For Pokes, Ling players use 1,2 and f,f+1+2, 1+2 a lot. Blocking f,f+1+2, 1+2 causes guard stun. On CH the last hit will bounce you. A good advice is to sidestep it since it doesn't track well. Be careful of your pokes because she can easily get into AOP. From AOP Ling players usually go for 1+2 (hits mid) or 3 which trips. The recovery for the low kick isn't all that cool though should it wiff. Also she can hopkick off her AOP, and mix up when she wants to kick to boot. Against Ling, you will be eating as many pokes as you will deal out to her. However just keep cool. Bear in mind that she is a lil girl and as such takes damage like one so be patient and wait for the opening. Nothing is worst than getting fustrated and just hitting 1~ 1,1. A few spanks to her will probably end the round in a jiffy. Funny thing though is Ling has been tonned down quite a bit from Tekken 3 (she was among the top 5 fighters IMO in Tekken 3) but yet, she still holds her own. Michelle Difficulty : Hard She plays the same as Julia, but she has a few moves to call her own. Namely the df+3+4 and SS+3~4, both juggle starters. Her SS+3~4 puts her sidestepping game leagues better than Julia's even though the SS+3~4 may miss at times (it has to be near to be sure of connecting). Her df+ 3+4 ducks under high attacks and she will use it if you are not careful with your pokes. A correctly timed df+3+4 can interrupt your high pokes. The drawback about Mich's df+3+4 is its unpredictability though. Sometimes the first kick will hit while the second will wiff inexplicably... hopkick time! She too has 1~1,1, 1~2,1 which you should be familiar by now. Therefore, be verycareful when using your strings. Keep the pressure on her and do NOT let her get into her WS game. But if the battle gets too intense and you find that she is getting the upperhand, it is sometimes best to retreat and play on the defense. She can be extremely dangerous if you allow her to get into a Crouched position. One of her new moves, SS+2 is an excellent move for her to get into FC position without any disadvantage to her. Like Jules, she has loads of option from FC position. Worse though is if SS+2 hits you (which happens often if you aren't too careful with pitbulling) then WS+4 is guranteed. Speaking of WS+4 it will gurantee d+4 and sether up in prime okizeme position. Besides her elbows are very different unlike Julia since they do not knock away on CH and thus gurantee the Sky Scrapper kick ---> Juggle. Look for a good Michelle player to incorporate LOADS of elbows into his poking strategy. While I need not discuss more on her FC,df+2 elbow on CH. Punish a blocked bow and arrow kick (FC, df+4,3 or any of its variants) with a Shining fist or WGF (though remember that good players will never ever use follow up with the 3 unless the 4 connects). Julia can't rely fully on pitbulling because Michelle herself can punish you in many ways. Michelle in fact is equally good if not better at pitbulling than Julia. Michelle's is rated Hard instead of V.Hard because Mich has very poor stamina so if you just keep on top of her and do not allow her breathing space, she will be out in no time.... though hitting her may pose to be the biggest problem. I'd say play her like you would play Julia but keep in mind their differences. Mokujin / Tetsujin Difficulty : -variable- Can you tell which character your opponent is playing from the start by just looking at the entrance animation or the way they move? If you can that is a good start. Mokujin / Tetsujin is as good as the character being used but in some cases the size factor makes it a bit different (Mokujin is bigger than Ling but smaller than the Jacks for example). You'd better be prepared to learn stances if you are to defeat an expert Mokujin player. Nina Williams Difficulty : Easy Nina has toned down to such a Gay level in TTT that she cannot be considered one of the best characters anymore. In fact, many would consider one of the worser characters. Her d+4,1 no longer hits low but sM now which makes it practically useless except in juggles. This really hurt her overall poking game though d+1,N+4 is still a useful poke. Her Divine Cannon is 20 frames *eep!* and recovers very badly if blocked. Near useless ness now if you ask me. Her CD game is gay since she can't come out of it which much, unless you consider Bad Habit Kick/ Multithrow mixups good. And btw whats with the Bad Habit kick on girl fighters anyways? On CH it will stun so she gets to juggle. But the Bad Habit kick is so easy to SS and you can punish her severely. Note she doesn't take damage very well also. DC weakened, bad habit Kick being easily SS'ed, Nina has to rely on small juggles from d+3,2. She also can mix it up with d+3,d+4 so parry, df+2,1 and juggle. Same goes with her 4,3,d+4_2 mixups. With so many new stuff, what has Nina gained instead? Nothing much... SS+1 is okay if you ask me though the lacck of range hurts her badly. SS+1+2 is bad. Also FC,df+4 or D,df+4 works somewhat like Law's db+4 only the range is much worst. It won't trip unless it clean hits, and will leave Nina open for more punishment. All in all, Nina has been weakened so severely that she has to get lukcy if she has any hope of beating Julia. Ogre Difficulty : Medium Ogre has moves stolen from a lot of Tekken 2 characters. Among some of his moves is Kaz's DGP. Watch out for it because he will most likely follow that up with a Waning Moon throw (break : 1+2 and can be tag escaped) or a Hopkick juggle or a simple 4. He also has Lee Chaolan's d~db+4 which is a great Tag launcher (not Class 1 though). Ogre has probably one of the meanest Okizeme games with the inclusion of Kuni's Unblockables (b+2 and f,f,N+2). Watch out for Lee's Infinite Kicks which is a favourite among scrubs. Block the first four hits at most and then retaliate. If Ogre uses his f,f+2, sidestep after the initial punch to avoid the unblockable and then counter appropriately. Ogre can poke too since he has your 1,1<2 and Bruce's df+1,2 (which sadly doesn't juggle). Most of Ogre's moves are slow, powerful and if they should connect, will almost always give him a frame advantage. Watch out for his other unblockables (he has loads of them) and poke him out of the act. As long as your keep the pressure on Ogre with tonnes of pokes you should do fine. Paul Difficulty : Easy / Medium At a Higher Level of Play, Paul is quite limited. His Mix up game is severely weakened to the point of near uselessness since d+4 in the falling leaf will only trip on Clean hit and the range for a Clean hit is extremely small. Therefore, Paul has to rely on quick pokes like df+ 1, 1,2, and standing 4. His Standing 4 has more range than Julia, comes out just as quick and he gets a free Deathfist (or 1,1,1, Deathfist) on CH. For Juggles, Paul usually relies on WS+2, df+2 and uf+4. QCF+1 for the most part is not used at a higher level of play, since it hits high and has poor recovery (no where near Anna's QCF+1 elbow). His weak juggle starters is made up for with his power moves. Duh! Don't tell me you haven't heard oOoooooooowaghhh at least once. His Deathfist does LOADS of damage especially on CH+ clean hit. On netsu, it destroys 70% of your life bar on ONE single hit. Other power moves are f+1+2 his new over head punch which bounces you on CH and QCB,2. Another thing I like to speak about is Paul's movement. At a higher level of play, Paul playes like to use the Hayashida step. This queer looking step (qcb~ub~u) has Paul backswaying and cancelling it into a SS. Again, against SS moves, punish them during the SS animation with 4,4. I find fighting Paul rather easy as long as you keep the pressure on him and do not make silly mistakes which will allow him the opportunity to deathfist you. Prototype Jack Difficulty : Easy I have been playing P Jack a lot lately and after extensive play with him I must say he has to be one of the weaker character in the game. However thats not to say he is useless, far from it since he can actually hold his own. 2+4 throw is prolly the only throw a PJack player will use along with db+2+3 since 1+3 throw is pathetically slow (Pjack Press) Anyways back to 2+4 throw. It has one of the biggest range and can (and will be) linked into b,d,db,d,df,F+2 gigaton punch. You can actually block the punch, but since you only have 1 frame to do so and failing to do so would mean the punch counts on CH, my recommendation is that you just take the damage unless you really must take the risk (say the blow would kill you otherwise) or are very sure of your timing. Most of Pjacks moves are rather slow, but have good range. SS moves like SS+1+2 is a perfect example. The range is extremely good but the startup time is poor. You should be pressuring him continuously with elbows and pokes in close while closing distance well with moves such as f+1+2. I find f+1+2 is very useful against Jacks since his long range moves is slower than yours. Again just to remind you, off SS CH f+1+2 you can do meaty juggles. However Pjack does have a rememdy for that in his Glock Up. Thanks to Brahma for this nice tip (dood when is you and Trekk's PJack FAQ coming out?), Pjack can continously do his Glock Up (b+1+2) and cancel that with b infinitely to do a weird dance. If you should get caught by the force block, f+1+2 is guranteed. When we talk about PJack, anything guranteed is big damage. Other abused stuff are 1+2<1+2 where Pjack players will delay the second hit to hope to catch you on CH. Should a PJack player do Torpedo Jack f+3+4 to end a round and fail to do so, punish him properly for that since the recovery for the move is horrible. (Blocking/wiffing that moves gurantee's you an unblockable if timed right) However this move is great to catch people tagging out for that last sliver of life. Lastly, when Pjack comes tagging in, be cautious since he can cancel his tag run in into the Stomp unblockable. If you are too eager to attack, you will be caught out and *Crunch* there goes a chunk of your life. True Ogre Difficulty : Medium Refer to Ogre to get a basic idea of what True Ogre has in store for you. The difference between True Ogre is he is way bigger (so most of his attacks have added range), has that irritating flame attack (which scrubs abuse), can't be juggled (or at least you have to get used to the change in timing should he try to fly away) and has an unblockable horn attack (3+4 when KND). With his added range, T.Ogre's DGP will have more range, therefore, scoring a hit will be a little bit easier. Not only that. Because of the added range, should T.Ogre's DGP get blocked at the maximum distance, he is relatively safe from anything but a quick poke. Moreover True ogre has a good WS game as he has the FC, df+2 which hits low (the low backhand swipe which was stolen from Anna) True ogre has moves like df+1+2 the horn uppercut which ogre does not have. Good players will use df+1+2 a lot both as an okizeme attack to catch players back rolling, tagging in/out and as a juggle starter. Even though it is rather slow, the horn uppercut ducks under high attacks, so be very careful with your poking strings. A df+1+2 juggle takes off ass loads of damage. Also the horn unblockable has VERY good range, and unless you time it perfectly, the horn unblockable will hit you when tagging in even if you tag cancel. If T. Ogre is partnered with Lei, then after Lei's 1+3~5 throw, T. Ogre is guranteed a df+1+2 I think. Anyways, other not so common moves to watch out for is f,f,N+3+4 which is the same as Lee's slide, SS+4 (pure crap) Watch out for his flame attack and remember to punish those scrubs for abusing it. Good players do use the flame too... suprisingly... but they do so to waste time especially when you are a full screen's distance from them. Also, the flame attack is a very good to bait opponent. Don't go carelessly running in because you could be at the end of df+1+2. Personally, I like double flame at full range before bashing the rushing in opponent with f+2. Again remember the unblockables. More unfair is you can't juggle him properly since he can easily fly backwards to avoid subsequent hits.DARN! For example if you try an elbow combo on him, he could escape the combo by flying after eating the first elbow. Of course if he times it wrong, he is subject to even MORE elbows. I strongly suggest going for strong moves (like d,df+1,2) after launching him. If he is flipped over, then of course he cannot escape. However, T. Ogre's size is his main downfall since he is slow and should be played much like you would play Ogre - all out offense. If you manage to hit T.Ogre down, okizeme him to death. T.Ogres fat size is sooooooo okizeme encouraging. Oh one last thing, remember that you can always SS after blocking f,f+2 (the semi unblockable twister attack) That move is the ultimate scrub killer. Do what you do best.... get in close and deny him the space that he needs. Elbows, 1's 4's df+4s whatever... do NOT give him any space. Wang Jinrei Difficulty : Easy Hmmm... if you thought that Heihachi being alive was impossible , this fella is a greater exagerration. Anyways though, I think that Wang should just be put to rest because his stamina is attrocious. Moreover, he has poor frame data. His moves are slow to recover and even slower to come out. Be careful though of his db+4,2 combo on CH because if the db+4 connects on CH, the 2 is guranteed and leads to a very damaging (and easily done combo) Nothing much to worry about though since the punch recovers like er....does it actually recover? The recovery time is so slow you prolly can go make yourself a cup of coffee before coming back to df+2,1 the scrub for abusing the move. Wang has a deathfisttoo but it is no where as cheap as Paul's. Becareful when poking with 1,1,>2 (Shining fist) as Wang has an Unchickenable Left Punch reversal (he can reverse other moves too but only left punches are unchickenable) Wang may be disadvantaged with his poor frame data BUT he has enough tricks to pull out of the hat to defeat you if you take him on lightly. Look for him to abuse SS+1+2 the heatbutt move sincethat is one of the rare moves where he isn't at a frame disadvantage. If you get caught by it, you are in DEEP shit I tell you. The Frame advantage he gets allow him to get in with his mixups/ throws. You know by now that his most dangerous throw is his Waning Moon (df, df+2+4) which offers LOADs of damaging follow ups. Most follow ups however can be escaped be it tagging out or d+1. Oh another thing, don't worry about Wang's FC,df+4,3.... the 3 isn't even guranteed if the 4 hits. Keep the heat on him and he will be done. Yoshimitsu Difficulty : Hard Yoshi is very dangerous for many reasons. First off, he has the infamous df+2 uppercut which is the best basic uppercut in the game (what uppercut?!? Like DJ sez, its more like a WGF damnit!). It comes out fast, has good range, ducks under high attacks and has insane priority. Off a single df+2 uppercut, Yoshi can do a juggle which will take more than 40+ life off of ya. Worse yet, Yoshi can tag buffer his df+2 in TTT which means that there is 0 badv for you since there is a small guard stun and worse still, df+2 will juggle you even when crouched whether on CH or not. (normally df+2 on crouching opponents require it to be on CH for it to launch) A lot of Yoshi players use this in conjunction with his sidestep b+3+4. In TTT, Yoshi has also gained the benefit a SS moves in SS+1 and SS+2. SS+1 will be used the most by good players since it has good range, does decent amounts of damage and juggles on CH. Not to forget his unorthodox starter in the forms of a head/shoulder charge off his pogo stick stance. Yoshi players will go into pogo stance when you are on the ground hoping for two things i) you tag out and they nail you with the pogo headbutt hoping for CH or 2) you move (or lie around) in which he runs you over with the pogo stick. Although the Roo Kick (4~3) isn't used much by good players, be warned that IF it does connect, you are in a major world of hurting. Yoshi has loads of unblockables some of which are very useful. Yoshi's QCF+1 (flip in air with sword) is used a lot even by good players. Be prepared to sidestep it. If the match is running out of time, you can be sure Yoshi players will use the spinning sword attack to waste time should he be winning or do a jump-in suicide move as a last attempt to get a Double KO if he is low on life anyways. I don't know how many times this has happened but players will freeze when Yoshi jumps in.... a simple d+1 or 1 would the the trick. Yoshi's jump in Knee or Fubuki (f,f+4) which has exceptional speed and priority and is mostly used to punished wiffed or slow recovering attacks. If you do block the Fubuki though, make sure to punish Yoshi to the fullest because it has a long recovery time. Good Yoshi players also make use of the Bad Breath attack so when you do see Yoshi turning back ready to blow, CROUCH, and FC,df+4,3 him. Beware of Yoshi when he goes into FC position because he can come out of it with a FC, df+3 which hits low and sets up a juggle. Speaking of going into FC position, a lot of Yoshi players like to make use of his low thrust (d+1+3) to deceptively get into Crouched position. Be aware of the options that Yoshi has off his FC (like FC,df+3 and sword sweep) One last thing, Yoshi has the infamous b+1+4 yoshi's flash which I reckon is the FASTEST move in the game.... so think twice about barraging in with a whole arsenal of attacks. This move is has the fastest startup at a minimal 4 frames...THATS faster than any jab you know! Yoshi players will use the flash to punish aggresive pitbull players. Also he may set it up in many ways. An example would be a wiffed roo kick when you are on the ground. Play smartly against Yoshi because he has a lot of "useless" moves which he can utilize at the right situation to turn the tide in his favour. *************** Partner Ratings *************** I find it quite redundant to run through the abilities of the partners since I have already gone through them during the character vs. strategy section. These are just ratings in our opinion. Do not be fooled by these ratings, because you might be able to use some of the characters more effectively than we can. Anna 7/10 Armour King 9/10 Baek 8/10 Bryan 8/10 Eddy 7/10 Ganryu 8/10 Gun Jack 7/10 Heihachi 8/10 Hwoarang 9/10 Jin 11/10 Jun 5/10 King 9/10 Law 7/10 Lei 9/10 Xiaoyu 8/10 Michelle 9/10 Nina 6/10 Paul 7/10 Yoshimitsu 9/10 Kunimitsu 7/10 Bruce 9/10 Jack-2 8/10 Lee 7/10 Wang 3/10 Ogre 6/10 Roger/Alex 5/10 Kuma/Panda 7/10 Kazuya 9/10 True Ogre 7/10 P-Jack 4/10 Devil/Angel 8/10 DayFul's favorite partners -------------------------- 1) Yoshi Where do I start there are so many reasons why you should use Yoshi with Julia. If I was going to rank ideal Julia partners Yoshi would be a very close second to Jin but I hate Jin (As does 90% of the tekken community). His d/f+2 is very good it even launches fat characters and it's garunteed off a parried low kick when a tag is buffered sick. Also his SS+2 will lauch for the wonder juggle also, his SS+1 is excellent and safe when blocked but with Julia as his partner i'd be more inclined to use SS+2. Yoshi compliments Julia well in that he doesn't need to rely on CH to get damage. He has plenty of poking cheese like his 1,2,1 which is a true combo, yea the damage is sad compared to Julia's CH 1~2~1 but it's easy to connect with an 8 frame jab. His f,f+ 4 is very fast and can interupt pretty much everything as it's only 7 frames it does plenty of damage as well. Prob with Yoshi his d/f+4 has been raped, his d/f+4 rocked in T3 and I used it a hell of a lot it's now almost wiped out of my Yoshi gameplay as it's has been slowed down and it doesn't even seem to have as much range even though the animation is the same. That problem aside Yoshi is a top notch Julia partner who I would recommend to anyone. 2) Armor King Ok his black upper isn't anywhere near as good as a WGF but it's still awesome. He is LOADED with power shots that as you know Julia lacks also he has good reach as iLuvMomo said his hopkick is one of the best due to the excellent recovery and reach it has. He is an excellent poker with his d+1,N+2 2,1 1,2 ect, he's got plenty of painful throws and a ground throw, his handcuff clitch has been removed from the PS2 but it was gay anyway. He is a fairly good juggler himself but nothing special. I could just as easily put King here instead they're both excellent as stand alone characters and compliment Julia well. 3) True Ogre He was rated as a 6 well that was a major comprimise I would have rated him as a 9. As far as teaming up with Julia is concerned all *it* lacks is a reliable launcher but realy you don't need one as True Ogre does such huge damage anyway. It has excellent reach and fast power shots and it has EASILY the best okizemie in TTT once your on the floor it's very difficult to get up safely and often the round is over. Just check out Shafi Vs Shauno round 5 at electriccancel to see what can happen. The only problem here is that it's so huge a fellow Chang or Mishima can kill True Ogre very quickly once it's down. Learn to control your spacing and true Ogre can be a very good partner and there is always huge comeback potential with it. 4) Bruce Duhh did you think Bruce would not be on this list he's just so cheap. You can stick cheese knees on the end of 1~1,1 and elbows on the end of his d/f+2 (Which connects frighteningly often for a quick safe move that tracks well). He's got plenty of good pokes like F+2,4 which is a true combo an 8 frame jab with very good reach and on CH he can go damage comparable to 1~2~1. He has very few low attacks and throws Julia covers that problem up perfectly though, while Bruce has a reliable instant juggle starter and poking cheese. Sadly his b,f+4 isn't taggable as it launches very high but he can just use an u/f,N+4 in to cheese knees anyway. O and he has 3,2,1 nuff said there. 5) Hwoarang I think all that is lacking here is an instant class 2 juggle starter, however he does have a 16 frame class 1 juggle starter so have fun tag jugling. He has an easy 3,3,4,3 off Julia's 1~1,1 for plenty of red bar damage. Bob's overall style compliments Julia's well as he plays a more standing non CH orientated game and his 3xSS is excellent so both of them can play an equally confusing SS game. Last but not least Bob is probobly the only character who has anything in common with Julia there 4 outfits. iLuvmomo's favourite partners ----------------------------- 1) Jin Don't think I will say much. Jin alone can win the game for you. WD, EWGF, b+4, Hell Sweeps, WS+2. End of story. 2) Bryan Bad ass team. Bryan can do whoopass damage with his stuns, plus having 2 of the coolest throws in the game doesn't hurt. Also Bryan's WS+1 is very very useful since it launches to near Class 1 height. Sadly it lacks range though. His new b+1~5 is sooooooooo abusable plus Julia has very good ability to juggle off it. Plus Bryan covers what Julia lacks - power hits, good launches and adds to that even more bad ass juggles. 3) Lei Duno... mixups are good. Lei's mixups is the best. Stance are cool. Lei has the coolest stance. Too bad he doesn't have any good generic launchers or he would rate even higher. But Lei is really fun to use especially if you want to impress your opponents with your stance changing ability. ******* Credits ******* Dayful would like to Thank ************************** I'd like to thank the following people. My sister you're hardly ever home these days but your cool as hell and have a talent for going out with people I actualy like. Dave hopefully this can help you get a clue of how to beat my Julia ;p. All the guys who play me at Casears thanks for giving me the encouragement to keep getting better. The people who always pick the Bob Eddy team funny as hell and good class 1 juggle practice LOL. All the guys on TZ Rev, Night bluu, Devil_Jin and of course iLuvMomo who without I'd prolly have made a mess of this FAQ. You guys are funny as hell and make TZ far more entertaining and useful. All the people who are actually interesting in CCC DK, Tapion and Ultros for your ridiculous post rate, and KenshiChan thanks for the Julia pic and keep up the good work you do. And Castel for making such an awesome site that I spend too much time on shame there's only 1 Julia combo vid still. And I apologise to anyone who was expecting to see me at Euro3 sadly I can't make it this year but hopefully I'll have the time and money to get there next year for T4. And lastly the following bands need credit for saving me from having to listen to the atrocious music on the PS2 TTT. Alice in chains, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Metallica (Please don't hit me), Cold, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Deftones Nine inch nails and many more. iLuvMomo Likes to Thank *********************** Well thats all for now, and these are the people I would like to show my gratitude to. 1) Momo Well, she is no more a part of my life any more since we broke up this past new year, but she still lives within me and still is the inspiration of which this work would never have been completed. 2) Dayful Duh! Isn't this obvious? For helping co-write this damn long FAQ which is wayyyyy wayyyyy past its sell by date. LOL 3) Castel For his great work at TZ. It is always updated (though the movelist for Julia still has errors) Of course I pulled off the movelist and referred to the frame data from TZ throughout the course of the work. 4) Redfoot, Catlord, Priz, MIC, Tragic These doods are cool. Unlike the pros here, these guys are very friendly and would gladly share info with me (except for Priz who on countless occasions flames my ass for making retarded statements) Extra thanks go to Cat for his movelist and Redfoot for giving me the idea of the Mad Axes buffering madness. And of course Priz, for flaming me countless times so that I know where I am going wrong. 5) RevC, bluu, Night, Jonman_Mishima, Lomber, Carnage etc. All those TZ and/or #tekken people who were able and willing to look through my initial FAQ and comment on it. It was because of Night's comments about the FAQ saying that most of the info contained were already knowned info that I strived my best to add more info which even the advanced players may not know. Night, I hope you like the Secret info I learnt from Shafi. Rev for his excellent Layout of FAQ which I have used. Rev... I'm still awaiting your response. 6) Blacksmith, Chinky-Eye For being really interesting to chat with on ICQ and also sharing with me the latest in Tekken. 7) Han Tzen, Han Shin, Ken, Ah Foong,Ah Seng, Chandra For beating my ass up constantly so that I always am reminded how much practise I need. Han Shin (my sinsei) is the reason why I actually started playing Julia in the first place, and I still get owned by his Julia. Most of them just OWN me and give me a real bad trashing. 8) Anyone else I'm sorry if I missed you out, but if you think you deserve recognition, well just add your name here :) " There is something new to learn in Tekken everyday, and if you haven't learnt that by now, you ain't learnt nothing yet." ********************************** END ********************************