Tekken 4: Kazuya FAQ By: Mike Hamlin e-mail cmhamlin@mchsi.com 10/29/02 Table of Contents ================= 1. Copyright Info 2. Version History 3. Intro 4. About Kazuya Mishima 5. Conventions 6. Move List 7. Strategy 8. Combos 9. Outro 10. Credits ================= 1. Copyright Info This document copyright 2002 to Mike Hamlin. This FAQ may, in no way, be illegally reproduced and/or distributed by any means. You may NOT rip-off my work and make money for it! JUST DON'T DO IT!! ================= 2. Version History v.01 10/29/02 First version finished. v.02 10/31/02 Fixed a couple of errors and added to the combo list. Happy Halloween! v.03 1/30/03 Added the JF Spinning Demon to the movelist and strategy section. ================= 3. Intro Kazuya just happens to be my favorite character in Tekken 4. Although I actually like Jun better, she is not in Tekken 4 and I'm a bit disappointed. I first started playing as Kazuya in Tekken 2 and I found him to be fast and powerful. Jin, from Tekken 3, really didn't help much because, although he has a lot of Kazuya's moves, he isn't nearly as big of a badass as Kazuya. Then came TTT and finally Tekken 4. I hope you enjoy this guide and that you find these strategies helpful in some way. ================= 4. About Kazuya Mishima (The following is Kazuya's story written in my own words. None of this has been taken from an official Namco site or the instruction manual of the game) Kazuya Mishima, son of Heihachi Mishima, was a powerful fighter, well trained in Mishima Fighting Karate. However, Kazuya had never liked his father. Heihachi had always shunned and looked down upon Kazuya. Heihachi even chose his adopted son, Lee Chaolan, over Kazuya to study business in America. Kazuya soon became jealous and hateful. All of this eventually led to Heihachi throwing Kazuya over the edge of a cliff. Kazuya survived the fall but was horribly scarred for life. Determined to seek revenge, Kazuya entered the King of the Iron Fist Tournament and was successful in defeating his father, thanks to the powerful Devil Gene in his blood. Kazuya then tossed Heihachi off a cliff (like father, like son). Kazuya assumed control over his father's financial empire, Mishima Zaibatsu, and began corrupting it. However, Heihachi survived his fall as well. After hearing of this news, Kazuya decided to hold King of the Iron Fist Tournament 2. Kazuya greatly underestimated his father and Heihachi won the tournament. Heihachi then threw Kazuya into the mouth of a volcano... 20 years later... Heihachi could not capture Ogre in the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 3. With his scientists working on a Devil/Human integration project, Heihachi soon learned that he needed someone who had the powerful Devil Gene. Heihachi immediately set out to search for his grandson, Jin Kazama, who had become a devil and disappeared after the tournament. However, Heihachi never found him. Suddenly, Heihachi came upon the news of the G Corporation, a company dedicated to genetics research. Heihachi ordered his Tekken Forces to raid a G Corporation facility. Unknown to Heihachi, Kazuya's remains had been found by G Corporation, and he was revived. Kazuya allowed the scientists to perform experiments on him to learn more about the Devil Gene. The Tekken Forces reached the bottom of the facility. Suddenly, Heihachi looked at his monitor and saw Kazuya standing there. "You're still alive!?" he said. The Tekken soldiers attacked Kazuya, but he soundly defeated them all. Then, Kazuya pointed a gun at the remaining soldier. He noticed a small camera on the soldier's helmet and he knew Heihachi could see him. Kazuya growled, "I'll... get everything back!" He punched the soldier, knocking out the camera. Afterwards, Kazuya was not surprised to see the announcement of the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 4. Although Kazuya knew this was a trap, he enters the tournament anyway. This is chance to defeat Heihachi once and for all. Kazuya is the main character of Tekken 4. He is pretty good all the way around, but he has some very powerful juggles and most of them come from heavy stuns, not lifting his opponent in the air. He is a powerful close-range fighter because of his various stunning attacks. Take full advantage of his super fast Crouch Dash, as one of his most useful moves, the Electric Wind God Fist, comes out of the Crouch Dash. Beware, though. He has few long-range attacks, and if you come up short, you'll be a sitting duck. ================= 5. Conventions These are the numbers and symbols I will use to refer to button presses and joystick/pad movements. Seasoned Tekken players are probably familiar with these. 1- left punch 2- right punch 3- left kick 4- right kick f- tap forward b- tap backward d- tap down u- tap up F- hold forward B- hold backward D- hold down U- hold up N- pad in neutral position /- press in between the arrows (d/b means down and back together) +- press buttons simultaneously ~- press buttons very quickly >- the next button press can be delayed =- Move is an "add-on" to the move above with lesser indent _- moves are interchangeable :- Just Frame input (requires precise timing for button presses) WR- while rising WC- while crouching SS- during sidestep iWS- instant while rising (d, d/b, N) CD- crouch dash (f, N, d, d/f) CH- counter hit CL- clean hit Stun Types There are 3 different types of stuns Kazuya can use on an opponent: Double-over Stun- Opponent clutches his stomach and falls backward to the floor. Crumple Stun- Opponent clutches his stomach, holds out the other hand, and falls face first to the floor. Knockout Stun- Opponent is knocked to one side and falls to the floor. Hit ranges There are 5 hit ranges: h- High range attack. Block by standing. Avoid by ducking. m- Mid range attack. Block by standing. Will hit crouching opponent. l- Low range attack. Block by crouching. sm- Special mid range attack. Hits mid, but can be blocked when crouching. !- unblockable. ================= 6. Move List This is a list of all of Kazuya's moves. I've included the name, how to do it, damage, and any special properties the move has. An asterisk (*) means that move has a special property. Look for that move name in the section below the move list for the move's property. All of the commands apply to the character facing right. Reverse them if they are facing left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Command Damage Property Demon Slayer 1,2,2 hhh/5,10,18 * Twin Fang Stature Smash 1,2>4 hhl/5,10,17 * Demon Backhand Spin 2,2 hh/12,21 * Flash Punch Combo 1,1>2 hhm/5,8,18 * Soul Thrust f+2 m/30 Right Splits Kick f+4 m/27 * Glorious Demon God Fist f+1+2 m/25 * Abolishing Fist d/f+2 m/21 * Stature Smash d/b+4 l/17 Heel Drop d/f+4>4 mm/10,18 * Entrails Smash d/f+1 m/15 Rising Sun u_u/f+4,4,4,4 mllm/25,15,12,25 * Skull Splitter b+1 m/18 * Overhead Strike b+2 h/25 Roundhouse b+4 h/18 * Lightning Uppercut b+1+4 !/40 Lightning Screw Uppercut B+1+4 !/80 Demon Scissors 4~3 m/25 Front Kick to Jab 3,1 hh/18,5 * Left Splits Kick f,f+3 m/23 Mist Step f,N N/A * Rising Uppercut f,N,d,d/f,2 h/25 * Electric Wind God Fist f~N~d~d/f+2 h/25 * Dragon Uppercut f,N,d,d/f+1 m/29 * =to Middle Kick 3 m/20 =to Spinning Demon 4 l/12 Spinning Demon f,N,d,d/f+4,4 ll/12,12 * JF Spinning Demon f,N,d,d/f+4:4 ll/12,12 * Hell Lancer f,N,d,d/f+3 h/23 Demon God Fist WR,2 m/25 * Twin Pistons WR,1,2 mm/12,15 Tsunami Kick WR,4,4 mm/13,18 * Spinning Backfist b,b+2 h/25 * Jaw Breaker SS,1+2 h/18 Devastator d/f+1,f+2 mm/15,18 * Soul Annihilator f+1+2,f+2 mm/25,18 Demon's Wrath b+3,1,4,1 hhlm/17,10,12,17 * Oni Stomp d+4 l/18 * Leaping Sidekick f,f,f+3 m/30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throws Name Command Position Damage Escape Property Hip Throw 2+4 Front 28 2 Double High Sweep f+2+4 Front 30 2 Steel Pedal Drop 2+4_1+3 Left 40 1 Skull Smash 2+4_1+3 Right 40 2 Reverse Neck Throw 2+4_1+3 Behind 50 None Stone Head f,f+1+2 Front 33 1+2 * Ultimate Tackle d_d/b_d/f+1+2 Any 5 1+2 * =Ultimate Punches 1,2,1,2,1 N/A 25 1_2 * Position Change 1 1+3 Any N/A 1 Position Change 2 f+1+3 Any N/A 1 Position Change 3 d+1+3 Any N/A 1 Position Change 4 u+1+3 Any N/A 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-hit Combos f,f,N,2,1,2,2,3,4,4,1,2,1- 93 damage f,f,N,2,1,2,2,3,4,4,3,2,1- 110 damage f,f,N,2,1,4,4,2,4,3,2,1- 104 damage Move Properties Demon Slayer- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Twin Fang Stature Smash- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Demons Backhand Spin- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Flash Punch Combo- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Right Splits Kick- Floors an opponent on CH. Glorious Demon God Fist- Always causes a crumple stun. Abolishing Fist- 31 damage on CL. Causes a crumple stun on CH. Heel Drop- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Rising Sun- Not all of the kicks will connect. Skull Splitter- Floors an opponent on CH. Roundhouse- Causes a knockout stun on CH. Front Kick to Jab- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Mist Step- d/f to cancel into Crouch Dash. See Mist Step in the strategy section for more details. Rising Uppercut- Juggle on CH. Electric Wind God Fist- Juggle on CH. See EWGF in the strategy section for more details. Dragon Uppercut- Launches an opponent and causes 43 damage on CL. Spinning Demon- Floors opponent and causes 18 damage on CL only when the second sweep is NOT executed. If both sweeps are used, the first trips the enemy and causes 15 damage. JF Spinning Demon- See strategy section fro more details. Demon God Fist- Causes a double over stun if executed at close range. On CH, causes a double over stun where the enemy falls forwards instead of backwards. Tsunami Kick- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Spinning Backfist- Causes a knockout stun on CH. Devastator- This move has no guard point. If the first hit connects, the rest will follow. Demon's Wrath- Last hit causes a crumple stun and exposes the enemy's left side. Oni Stomp- Only works on grounded opponents. Stone Head- Tech roll possible by hitting an attack button when your legs touch the ground. Ultimate Tackle- Reversal possible by hitting 1+2 when your back hits the ground. Ultimate Punches- Punches can flow in any of these possibilities: 1,2,1,2,1;2,1,2,1,2;1,2,1,1,2;2,1,2,2,1. ================= 7. Strategy First, let's go over Kazuya's strengths and weaknesses. Strengths -Kazuya is very powerful. His close range moves are very damaging and often result in major stuns on CH. Some moves don't require CH and will always stun, making him all the more lethal. -Kazuya is a powerful juggler. Although, it takes a while to get used to his best juggling moves, you'll find that he can do some pretty impressive stuff. Familiarize yourself with moves like the EWGF and you'll be well on your way to juggling. -Kazuya doesn't have many moves that lift his opponents in the air, so it's not surprising to see that many of his powerful combos come from stunning. He is an excellent close range fighter. Weaknesses -Kazuya is a little slow. His powerful stunning moves are slow compared to his uppercuts. It takes patience and timing to land that Glorious Demon God Fist that puts you into a high damage combo. -Kazuya has few long-range attacks. The only one that has some real range on it is the Hell Lancer, and that one hits high, meaning your opponent will be waiting to duck it. -Kazuya has few low attacks. The Spinning Demon is the only attack that is a useful low one. However, you'll soon find that it is very useful because of its speed. Stunning Strategy First off, Kazuya's stunning moves require him to be close to his opponents. The best time to try a stun is when you duck a high attack or a throw. When this happens, come back up with the Demon God Fist, then knock them in the air with the Rising Uppercut or EWGF. That's right; once the guy's stunned, you can send him straight up in the air, which results in a very powerful combo. A simple juggle like this one (WR,2 EWGF f+2) causes 74 damage, a little less than half the opponent's life bar. You can also try using the Abolishing Fist on your stunned opponent to knock him into ANOTHER stun. Experiment. Play around. Also notice that on CH, you can use a simple jab or d/f+4 and follow up with u/f,N+4 for another way to juggle. The Abolishing Fist is also a nice stunning move. It's fast and it causes great damage. Also, it pushes your opponent back on a CL, so they can't retaliate so easily. Another tactic is to use the move and immediately use it again after they block it. I can't tell you how many times I've done this. The guy blocks the first one and tries to retaliate only to be caught in a CH by the next Abolishing Fist. It sounds crazy, I know, but everyone falls for it at least once. Kazuya's last good stunning move is the Glorious Demon God Fist. You'll notice right away that this move is quite slow, both in execution and recovery. Kazuya takes a big step forward, though, giving it a nice long range. Try it on an enemy who sidesteps a lot because it has nice tracking ability, as well. If the enemy blocks it, however, you're in for some damage. If you add the f+2 to it, you can push the enemy back and hopefully prevent them from attacking you, but it's no guarantee. Mist Step One Kazuya's most interesting moves is the Mist Step. Kazuya sidesteps automatically during this move, but if you press d/f, it cancels into a crouch dash. Moves such as the Rising Uppercut, Dragon Uppercut, Hell Lancer, and Spinning Demon can be executed with this motion: f,N,d/f. This means that he can execute these moves VERY QUICKLY. Try a Spinning Demon. If you're close enough, you can floor your opponent in the blink of an eye. Most human players are open to low attacks, so as long as you don't abuse this move, it's great way to clip the other player. One thing about the Mist Step is that you cannot Wave Dash with it. A Wave Dash is a bunch of Crouch Dashes strung together. The motion is like this: f,N,d,d/f,f,N,d,d/f,f,N,d,d/f... This tactic can really trick your opponent. Also notice that when you press f during an actual crouch dash, you can follow that with 3 for a Left Splits Kick, a useful mid attack to use in conjunction with those low Spinning Demons. JF Spinning Demon The advantage to this is that when you connect with the first sweep, it can cause a small stagger if it is not CL. If you use both sweeps, the second sweep, the first will trip the opponent always. By inputting the second 2 JF fashion, the first sweep will still cause the stagger and second sweep will trip your opponent, giving you juggle opportunities. The Electric Wind God Fist, or EWGF What is this EWGF? It's basically a better version of a regular Rising Uppercut. The differences are: the EWGF has faster execution and recovery time, knocks the enemy over on a hit, and pushes the enemy back on a block. This move is difficult to execute because you have to be so fast with the pad movements. Practice this move a lot to get it down, because it allows you to perform some spectacular juggles. Don't overuse it, though, because it still hits high and most human players will learn to duck it, despite its speed. Long Range Game Kazuya lacks long range moves and is therefore better suited for close-range fighting, especially because of his powerful stuns. The moves he has that do have some nice range on them are the Glorious Demon God Fist, Hell Lancer, and Demon Scissors. The Hell Lancer is pretty fast and can put a surprise on your opponent, but they will duck it if you keep using it over and over. The Demon Scissors can be a nice move to close the gap with your enemy and since you finish the move on the ground, it will limit the way your opponent might retaliate. The Demon Scissors also has a faster version. By pressing u/f+4~3, the move goes a little faster and actually makes it possible to hit grounded opponents. On the attack With Kazuya, learn to sidestep and be evasive, then strike when your opponent messes up. This does NOT mean to turtle and NEVER attack, but sidestepping can be useful for fooling your enemy. Stay just outside of sweeping range and sidestep back and forth. This sideways movement constantly forces your enemy to move back or forth to prevent you from circling. If they move into sweep range, stop sidestepping because all they have to do is rush at you during a sidestep and hit you because your guard is down while sidestepping. To combat this, cancel sidesteps with b. Sidestep, cancel, sidestep, cancel, sidestep, cancel. Do this over and over to fool with your enemy while still keeping your guard up. Once you block an attack, come back with one of your own. If you have the time, a powerful move is nice, but try using moves such as Flash Punch Combo and Demon Slayer. These moves cause moderate damage but the real beauty of them is that once you start connecting, they can't block the rest. And if you duck a high attack or throw, punish them with a Demon God Fist, then lift them in the air and juggle them. And if your opponent is a hot head, keep him at bay with a quick low right kick. This keeps him out of sweeping range, while delivering small amounts of damage. Be sure to mix this up with a couple mid attacks to avoid predictability. ================= 8. Combos The following are some nice juggles for Kazuya. The first five are the sample combos available in Practice mode. The rest are my own and some others that I've seen. If you have any good combos, especially wall combos, please e-mail me and tell me about them. WR,1,2 f+2 f+1+2 u/f+4,4 d/f+4,4 WR,2 d/f+2 3,1 d/f+1,f+2 WR,2 EWGF f,N,d/f+1,3 WR,2 EWGF 1 EWGF EWGF WR,2 EWGF EWGF EWGF WR,2 f,N,d/f+2 f,N,d/f+2 f,N,d/f,2 (Let Kazuya move forward before last hit) f+1+2 d/f+1,f+2 f+1+2 f,N,d/f+4,4 f,N,d/f+2 (CH) 1 1,2>4 (delay the last hit) WR,2 f,f 1 f,f,N,2,1,4,4,2,4,3 f+2 (wall) f,N,d/f+1,3 WR,2 f+1+2,f+2 b+3,1,4,1 f,N,d/f+1,3 WR,2 d/f+2 f,N,d/f+2 d/f+4,4 WR,2 d/f+2 d/f+2 ================= 9. Outro Well, that's about all I have to say. Kazuya is such a great character, with his powerful stuns, great juggles, and a wicked personality. I hope this guy makes it to the next Tekken! ================= 10. Credits If you contributed anything to this FAQ, such as a combo or if you correct me on an error, I will be sure to include your name here: gamefaqs.com: for being a really good site. Until we meet again... ==EOF==