################################################################################### ********************* *King's Multi-throws* ********************* Author: Kent Dela Pena Email: diamond_dela_pena@hotmail.com Version 1.2 This FAQ is copyrighted (c) Kent Dela Pena 2001. All rights reserved. I can't really believe I have to say this, but this work is not to be used for profit and doing so bequeaths you the title of poor sad loser who must find a real job. Really, there's better ways to make money out there. Don't try to reproduce it and write it off as yours. You'll never amount to anything in life if you're out there copying FAQs and saying it's yours. There are better and more important things to plagiarize. Do not go out there claiming to be me either, or an FAQ writer for that matter. Although I know these moves, I am not the greatest player, nor should I recommend living my life. It's something you don't wanna do. If you knew me, you wouldn't wanna be me. This FAQ is in English and the only foreign language I can speak is French. I'm sorry if you can't understand it or get any of the jokes (there's jokes?) This FAQ should be posted on www.gamefaqs.com unless you ask me for permission to post it on your site (chances are, I'll say yes, especially if you baked cookies). This FAQ can also be found on the following sites: www.neoseeker.com www.psxcodez.com ******************* *Table of Contents* ******************* 1. Introduction 2. Legend 3. What? 4. Who? 5. Why? 6. How? 7. When? 8. Breaking them 9. Credits 10. Version History 11. Final Words ************** *Introduction* ************** This FAQ is for all those players who use King or want to use him and know more about his multi-throws. I bet the reason we all use this Mexican wrestler is for his multi-throws. If you want to know about his other moves, you won't find them here. Check out the other King FAQs. This one focuses on his multi-throws. I'm writing this because after all, these are Frequently Asked Questions. Well, FAQ can mean other things, but there could be children reading and I've already corrupted enough youths. ******** *Legend* ******** I'm assuming that you know the conventions such as 1_2 and so on. Here's just a rundown on all the buttons and directions. I think the illustration below insults your intelligence, but if ya stil need them... 1P 2P UB U UF UF U UB O O O O O O \|/ (1) (2) (5) \|/ (1) (2) (5) B O-O-O F F O-O-O B /|\ (3) (4) /|\ (3) (4) O O O O O O DB D DF DF D DB I'm guessing that you're aware of the PSX and PS2 buttons, so I won't use an illustration here. u,d,f,b: Tap direction U,D,F,B: Hold direction CD: Crouch Dash (f,N,d,df) N: Neutral(no joystick direction) qcf: Quarter circle forward (d,df,f) SS: Side step (u_d, N_b) 1: Left Punch 2: Right punch 3: Left Kick 4: Right Kick 5: Tag ALL: Must I explain? Throw Chart (Starter name(A)) A----C---E | | | | B D Throw A initiates the chain. Throw A can be followed by throw B or throw C. Throw C can be followed by throw E or throw D. X. Throw Name [Acronym](Command) Damage, (Escape) Comments and rating(Out of 5*) ******* *What?* ******* A multi-throw is a series of throws executed on an opponent. After the starter, a series of buttons are pressed so that you will perform another throw on your victim. This is also known as a chain throw. ****** *Who?* ****** There are 4 people in Tekken Tag Tournament that I know who can execute them. They are King, Armor King, Nina, and Bruce (I've never seen it happen). For this FAQ, I will be discussing King's multi-throws. ****** *Why?* ****** Do we really have to ask here? You all have your own reasons, but one thing's for sure, THEY LOOK SO COOL. This is why I started using King in the first place. Most result in heavy damage and can win you matches out of nowhere when it looks like you're down and out (Believe me, I've come from behind and then won games with these). It makes your opponent look like your bee-yahtch while King's having his way with their fighter. ****** *How?* ****** Here are all of King's multi-throws. There are about 6 of them, but I won't add the Irish Whip (chances are, you'll only use it as a tag in with Armor King). Some are good, some are bad. Though the names differ from each one in each FAQ, I will be using the pro-wrestling terms for the moves if I know them. Now for the chains... Throw Chart (Reverse Armdrag Take Down or Gory Guerrero Special) A-------C-------F-------G-------I | | | --------J | B-------D-------------G---------I | | | ----------J | -----E-------H--------I | ---------J A. Reverse Arm Drag Take Down (f,df+1+3_2+4) 25 (1_2 depending on command) This path leads you to King's longest and most damaging chain, but it isn't really a good series. If your opponent tried to break the initial start up, chances are, they'll escape the next throw. I can't really do the throw and it's one I stay away from. Doesn't it look like Paul's shoulder throw? (**) B. Gory Guerrero Special [GGS] (SS+2+4_df+1+2_df+DF,2+4) 28 (1+2) Probably the multi-throw starter you'll see most often, especially the side step version. You'll see scrubs do most often. The side step version is cancellable by tapping b, which ironically, can be more useful than the actual throw. The (df,df,2+4) will only catch a crouching opponent. On a side note, this is a real move invented by Gory Guerrero and currently used by Shane Helms of WCW. (***) C. Backdrop (2,1,1+2) 18 (1_2 same as A) If your opponent couldn't escape the Reverse Arm Drag, all they have to do is tap the other punch button to escape. In other words, it's the same escape as the Reverse Arm Drag. Looks like the suplex counter off a side headlock on tv. (*) D. Cannonball (2,2,1+2) 18 (2 only after Backdrop) This move is guaranteed after you do it from the GGS. Not much to say here. Buffer the move to increase the chances of doing it. Tap 2 twice and hold it then tap 1. You'll get this move if you tried a SS GGS, but caught them on the side or from behind. (***) E. Inverted Atomic Drop (3+4,1+2,1+2+4) 17 (2) Common move you see in wrestling. This is the scrub's move of choice (or at least they know) after the Cannonball. Taking this path results in greater damage, but this is one sequence most people know. (***) F. German Suplex (3+4,1+2) 18 (1) It looks better on TV and by Chris Benoit. Can't comment much 'cause I've never done it in a match. At least it's follow up is inescapable when you use this. (***) G. Powerbomb (1,2,3+4) 22 (1 only after Cannonball) Nice standard wrestling powerbomb. More damaging than the Inverted Atomic Drop, but only 1 follow up after that. Some reason, I connect with this part of the sequence more often than the Inverted Atomic Drop. (***) H. Sit-down Powerbomb (1,2,3+4,1+2) 20 (None) Different looking powerbomb, but at least it's inescapable. This and the Inverted Atomic Drop adds up to more damage than the Powerbomb, plus it has one more move to go. (****) I. Giant Swing (2,1,3,4) 27 (1) Move you see in old school wrestling, women's wrestling, and midget wrestling. Not as much damage as the other follow up, plus it can be tech rolled. To make matters worst, this is the most common follow-up and the one scrubs use most often. Do it only when your opponent escapes the Muscle Buster often, expects it, or just taps 2 when caught in a chain throw. (***) J. Muscle Buster (3,1,2,3+4,ALL) 35 (2) Most damaging final move of this series. Looks cool and you can follow it up with a Moonsault or a Blind kick. I normally go for this move, but there are times when people will break it. I don't think it's possible for someone to execute this move on TV, but I could be wrong. (****) Throw Chart (Jaguar Driver [a weird looking Pedigree-like maneuver]) A-------B | | | --------C A. Jaguar Driver (qcf+1) 25 (1_3+4 during) What an awful move. Less damage than a standard King throw. One to stay away from. I only do this by accident when trying a Giant Swing command. Shame on you Namco! (*) B. Pedigree or Dominator (1+2 during A.) 30 (Same as A.) Whether it's Triple H's or Faarooq's move, this version sucks. So it's 5 more points just to change the throw, but a standard King throw does more. Stay away! (*) C. Boston Crab (1+2,3,4,1+2) 25 (none) It adds 25 more, so if you get caught doing A, go for this one. (**** only because it's guaranteed, but this chain still sucks) Throw Chart (Standing Heel Hold) A-------B------E | | --------C | | | --------D A. Standing Heel Hold (CD+2+3) 30 (2) My personal favourite of the chain throws. Decent initial damage and the follow ups will guarantee you at least 60 damage in total if you get one them. The only setback is, if the followups are escaped, you will eat 10 damage. Do it and you'll see why it's the preferred throw. (****) B. Indian Death Lock (1+2,1,3,1+2) 30 (1+2) Nice lock, adds up to 60 damage, double button escape, and there's one more inescapable move to go. Great move, but don't do this too often or your opponent might get smart about it. (****) C. STF (1,2,3,1+2) 35 (1) The submission of choice for William Regal. Looks nice, least damaging follow up though. I only use it when I know one more follow up will finish the guy. Good for mix ups too. (***) D. Scorpion Death Lock (1+2,3,1,1+3) 40 (2) This name makes much more sense than the Sharpshooter. Plus Sting did it first. Of the follow ups from A, this is the most damaging, but it ends here. I use this when I don't feel like doing the STF, but the 2nd lock will finish the opponent. Looks cool when you get the 4x ending animation. If your opponent keeps tapping the 1+2 buttons during hold A, switch up to this one. (****) E. Romero Special (1,3,4,1+2,3+4) 50 (None) Looks awfully painful, most damaging, and inescapable. There's no reason why you shouldn't do this move, unless hold B kills them. Looks cool during the 4x death replay too. (*****) Throw Chart (Arm Breaker) A-------B-------E | | | ---F | --------C-------G | | | --------D A. Arm Breaker (CD+1+4) 20 (1) Name says it all. I only do this move if my opponent escapes the Standing Heel Hold repeatedly. Other than that, I don't try this often, unless I'm gonna show off as well. (***) B. Cross Face Chicken Wing (2,1,1+2+3) 25 (1+2) Decent move, double button escape, and has most damaging follow up. It's really easy to do if you buffer. Hold 2, hold 1, tap 3. It's that simple. Too bad it's a well known prerequisite for a well known move. (***) C. Side Russian Legsweep (1+2,4,2+4) 20 (2) Looks cool and it's follow up is inescapable. I'm not sure if people know about this move since the majority of the time, you'll see a Cross Face Chicken Wing. Honestly, of this series, I go for this unless I'm playing a guy who has absolutely no idea about the Rolling Death Cradle. (***) D. Triple Arm Breaker (1+2,1+2) 25 (1) Stay away. Looks bad, plus it's just as easy to do B and it does the same damage, but there's no follow up for this move. (*) E. Dragon Sleeper Hold (2,1,3,1+2+4,1+2+4) 30 (1) Nice follow up and guarantees you one more shot at your grounded opponent. Do this when your opponent will try and break a Rolling Death Cradle. (***) F. Rolling Death Cradle (1+3,3+4,2+4,1+2,1+2+3) 75 (2) Coolest looking move and most damage in the least amount of moves. Unfortunately, this is a well known move. Every expert in the Tekken community knows about this move and can break it. This is a really difficult move to execute because of it's sequence. I can get it about 3/4 of the time with my own sequence. Here's how I do it: I press 1+3 with my trigger finger and thumb, 3+4 with my trigger and bird flipping finger, 2+4 with trigger and thumb, 1+2 with the trigger and bird and hold it so I can just press 3 with my thumb. This takes a lot of practice to do it. (**** only because of style and damage) G. Arm Crucifixion (4,3,4,3+4,1+2) 25 (None) I can't see why you shouldn't go for it since it's inescapable and you can do a Stagger kick after that. (*****) Throw Chart (Ultimate Tackle) A-------B-----------G | | | -------C----E | | | -------D----F | C-------E | | | D-------F A. Ultimate Tackle (WC, df+1+2_WR_CD+1+2[df must be held]) 5 (2_1+2 to reverse) A move I'm not too fond of doing since it can be reversed leaving you at your opponent's mercy. (**) B. Punches (1,2,1_2,1,2) 5 per punch (1 if started with 1_2 if started with 2) Not much to stay, just a standard mount and punch. I prefer to stay away from this move since it's easily blocked. (**) C. Cross Arm Lock (1+2) 25 (1+2,2,2,2,2...) Standard arm submission. I've seen Royce Gracie win many matches in UFC using this move, but this is Tekken, not UFC. Easy to do, but can be reversed by those with an arm lock followup. (***) D. Cross Leg Lock (3+4) 25 (1+2,1,1,1,1...) Same as C, but you're doing this to a leg. I prefer this one since no one really sees it and it has a really cool follow up. (***) E. Arm Breaker and Arm Twist (1+2,1+2) 10 (None) Just like all inescapable followups, you should always do this. (*****) F. Arm Breaker to Cross Face (1+2) 40 (None) Same as E but a bit harder to do. The way I do it is while King's starts going for the D, tap 1+2, but hold 2 and keep tapping 1. Looks cool too. (*****) G. More punches (1,2_2,1) 5 per punch (same as A) It's the same as A. Refer to that. ******* *When?* ******* Just because you now know how to do these moves doesn't mean you're a master. You have to know when to use multi-throws in order to be successful with them. If you keep trying them, chances are you're gonna get nailed. So when? If you're fighting a reversal scrub, you'll land a CD series on them quite easily. Once that has been established, the scrub won't reverse anymore which opens you up to smacking them with moves. If the game turns into something like just trading blocked hits (most likely against a scrub using the death fist), crouch dash in and have your way with them. If you're fighting a turtler, force them to use standing blocks by using low moves like df+4. This will open them up to all sorts of throws. Establish a good poking game. Using moves such as (d+1,N+2) will give you good openings and make them use standing block a lot. Poke your opponent with a few high and mostly mid moves (don't forget to chicken). This forces people to continually use standing blocks and open them up for throws. Mix up your crouch dash game. Keep your opponent guessing if your King will be going for a chain throw series, just a Black Bomb, Konvict Kick and moves buffered from a CD, or even a crouch throw. If I've been playing against a guy who's been scouting me or people watch me rack up a little win streak, chances are, they'll be begin the round with a block because my 1st move is usually a (d+1, N+2). Here's a chance for me to utilize a CD series and get an early lead. It's not always true depending on the opponent's skill level. It's said often, but do it when least suspected. Really, I don't go for chain throws that often. If my calculations are correct, on a good player, I'd attempt a chain throw 20% of the time. It really depends on the type of player I'm fighting. When people see you pick King, the first thought would be his chain throws. Take advantage of his other attacks and after a while, they won't think of his chain throws.....until you do one. If you're playing against a pitbull or even a button mashing scrub, don't bother doing one. You'll get nailed with random hits and it just won't do any good. You're better off counter hitting them. Another questions being asked was...WHEN DO I INPUT THE COMMANDS? For the first move, right when King grabs the guy with the starter, input the next possible command. If you can hear the sound of slams or broken joints, if not, right after you see the impact or the twist, start doing the command. You can do it anytime after that point but only as long as you input it before the current move causes damage. Relax, you have plenty of time (even for the Rolling Death Cradle). You only have to do it once. That way, it makes you look like a seasoned pro (if you're not), show off, and your opponent only has 1 chance to read your fingers. You can press it repeatedly if you don't feel comfortable that you did it right. I do that when if I'm playing at an arcade I'm not familiar with or has crappy button registers. *************** *Breaking them* *************** It's one thing doing them, but when you get caught in them, you should always know what to do. King is infamous for his chain throws. Every good player, decent King user, and expert knows them inside out. It's good to know them, but breaking them doesn't end there. Nobody likes to get caught in his multi-throws and I'm no exception. Here's a few things to do if you ever find yourself in one. If you're playing a beginning King player or a King scrub (Shame!) chances are they'll be going for the highest damage move in the sequence if they can do one. Example: You somehow got caught in a GGS. You can't do anything about the Cannonball, so when your opponent goes for the next move, chances are, it will be an Inverted Atomic Drop. Solution here is to press 2. Escape! Good players will always mix up the throws. If you're playing at an arcade that has the controls side to side, not the Battleship format, look at their fingers for the next throw. I don't know why many people don't do that, since they'd rather mash every button and wiggle 'n' jiggle the joystick. That just looks silly. Example: You're caught in the Standing Heel Hold. Look down and see what your opponent is pressing. If you see the right fingers press (1,3), chances are, you're gonna be caught in the Indian Death Lock. Press 1+2 now! - On a side note, you should do the same when initiating a chain throw as well. Watch your opponent's fingers and watch which button(s) he's pressing. If you see them going nuts on either 1 or 2, then go for the other link. Ex: You execute a Cannonball from the GGS, you see your opponent jabbing the 2 button. Then go for the Powerbomb. This only works on scrubs and beginners. - Most importantly, the best way to break a chain throw is simple evasion. You'll never get caught in a Rolling Death Cradle if your opponent can't land the Arm Breaker. Soooo...just duck (But watch out for the Black Bomb off a CD or a crouch throw or whatever). ********* *Credits* ********* Anybody who's made a King FAQ - Showing me moves, sequences, and most importantly, how to play effectively with King Avex Honda NSX - Giving me those mercy rounds so I could practice on campus Every opponent - Challenging me. Nobody likes to play the CPU all the time Gamefaqs - Posting this up. If it's not here, it hasn't been published Me - Need I explain? Namco - Making a great game to a great series with a great character Pascal - See Avex Honda NSX and also for getting me into Tekken Pro wrestling - Without you, there'd be no King Tekkenzaibatsu - Information on throw damage and sequences Tekkencentral - Having that forum for Canadian players. Hilarious posts York University - Having this game on campus so that I could find some time to play when I'm not studying on campus. But no thanks for charging us a loonie to play! You, the reader - Giving a purpose for this FAQ ***************** *Version History* ***************** 1.0 - Feb 10, 2001 - First time writer, long time reader 1.1 - Feb 15, 2001 - Added more comments Fixed grammar errors Touched up on the Legend section Thanked the reader and some more people Fixed the Arm Breaker chart and other errors Changed my name on GameFAQS Changed Conclusion to Final Words Listed some sites this FAQ could be found 1.2 - Feb 26, 2001 - Fixed the spacing Added more on the When and Breaking Fixed Cross Arm Lock and Leg Lock escape error Found the name for Vertabreaker to GGS ************* *Final Words* ************* This FAQ wasn't that difficult to write. Unless I get real bored and start using someone else or have reached my maximum potential with King, this FAQ will never be finished, especially the When to use them part. Always feel free to write (email's at the top of the page) and you will receive credit for any contributions. Just because I am teaching others out there how to do Multi-throws doesn't mean that I won't learn anything here. If you ever catch a guy in a multi-throw and you see them going mad on the stick, please tell them that doing that is useless and to stop it. Nobody likes to play with damaged joysticks. If you've just started using King or are currently learning him, please do not use this FAQ as the basis of your game plan. I suggest that you read the other King FAQs on this website where ever it's found. You must learn the basics of King before you can get into his chain throws. It's possible to beat other players without the use of his multi-throws and you'll find yourself beating people more often with punches and kicks than with slams and locks. When you play better opponents, you'll be using these less. Another section for multi-throws is Catlord's site. If you've been reading other Tekken related FAQs, you'd probably know Catlord by now. Check out his site for more multi-throw info and other Tekken related information. If you're really into the Tekken story, read the Tekken Committee fanfic. Pure hilarity. I am not the greatest King player in the world or even in Toronto for that matter. I can't even do his throws 100% of the time. I'm sure there are some readers out there who can beat me using King or even my King/Armor King combo. In the Tekken Central forum, I use the alias Naked King. GameFAQs forum I'm Mini King. If you're from Toronto and you know Honda or Pascal, then they can tell you who I am. Lately, I can only play at York. You'll know who I since I am the only one that I know who picks King/Armor King. I play around in Toronto, but I don't have an arcade that I play at exclusively. ###################################################################################