Ainvar's Tekken Faq to Michelle Chang Version 1.000000.0.0.0 and erm, some more 0's fer the fun of it :) Author's Beginning Notes #1. This fact is in its preliminary stage. Many updates will be added to make it the most complete Michelle guide I can write. #2. This faq is written for people that are well experienced in the Tekken 3 area. Many vocabulary words, such as buffering will not be defined as people better then me have already done it better then I could do it. Faq Outline 1. Why Michelle? 1.a. Strengths 1.b Weaknesses 2.0 Move List. Courtesy of Mr. Catlord 3.0 Detailed analysis of Each Pretty move of hers 4.0 Combos and Strings 4.a Juggle Combos *needs some work here* 4.b Custom Strings 4.c Tag Juggles *not those crappy moronic KI type juggles, the real tag juggles* 5.0 Final thoughts 6.0 Thanks and other happy thoughts The Beginning. Mr. 1.0. Why Michelle? Simple to answer. Lets start with her pretty Strengths. 1.A Strengths 1. Fast. And I mean fast. Oh, did I mention she is fast? 2. Confusing. Block low? Block high? erm, where do I block? 3. Hello, Strong, Strong Strong *Her moves hurt like monkeys on cocaine* These will all be shown much better in section 3.0 4. Has some incredibly great tag team juggle starters. *d/f+3+4* 1.B Weaknesses 1. After her FC, d/f 2 and FC d/f 4,3 She has nasty lag time. As in, its easy to hit her with just about any juggle you can think of. 2. Sometimes can get caught in *no man's land* Not really sure what I mean by this, just seems in some situations, she seems to have limited choices. No true examples of this yet, but erm, ill come up with some. 2.0 Pretty Move List courtesy of Mr. Catlord GRAPPLING TECHNIQUES (Front) 1+3 Front Suplex 2+4 Fisherman Suplex 2+5 ??? {2} D/F+1+2 Arm Lock Suplex (Left) (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5) (Right) (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5) (Back) (1+3)_(2+4)_(2+5) German Suplex SPECIAL TECHNIQUES f+1 Rushing Uppercut *Juggles* 1+2 Double Strike CH 1,2,1 Punch, Death Push, Sky Uppercut *Juggles* f,f+1,4 Dashing Elbow, Highkick d,d/f+1 Dashing Punch FC,d/f+2 Dashing Elbow *Stuns on CH* d/f+2,1 Death Push, Sky Uppercut *Uppercut if D-Push hits* d/f+2,(3_4) Death Push, (LK_HK) 2+3,1 Death Push, Punt Kick, Uppercut *Juggles* d+2~(N+3) P-K combo (1~1,1)_(d/f+1,1) Catapult Combo *Juggles* 1~1,4,3 Catapult, Sweep, Bow Leg 1~2,(1_3_4) P, Death Push, (Heaven Cannon_HK_LK) 1+4,3 Club Fist, Sweep, Bow Leg d/f+1,4,3 Overhead Chop, Back Sweep, Fan Leg WS+4 Skyscraper Kick u/f+3+4 Earthquake Stomp FC,d/f+4,[3] Leg Sweep, Bow Leg SS+3+4 Double Jumpkick *Juggles* 3+4,4,4[4_d+4_1] Side Spin, HK, Leg Sweep, [HK_LK_Uppercut] d+4,(N+4_d+4_1) Front Leg Sweep, (HK_Fan Kick_Uppercut 4,4,(4_d+4_1) Kick, Sweep Kick, (HK_Fan Kick_Uppercut) WS+2_3~2 Slice Uppercut 2 Elbow 1,1 Catapult Combo *Juggles* 1,4,3 Club Fist, Sweep, Bow Leg 4,(N+4_d+4_1) Sweep, (HK_Fan Kick_Uppercut) f+1+4 Heaven Cannon *Unblockable Juggles* 211:2:33:3:4:4:1 Tenstring 211:2:33:2:3:2:1 Tenstring 211:2:33:2:1:4:3 Tenstring 3.0 That detailed pretty part where Mr. Ain talks about which moves he feels are good and such. Move Name Rating(out of 5 stars) Grappling Techniques (Front) 1+3 Front Suplex *** What can I say. Its a simple throw. And erm, you throw people if yer in the mood to throw. A little chance for some okizame, but yer not gonna break the house with this. (Front) 2+4 Fisherman Suplex *** Ditto (Front) 2+5 Tag Throw **** Reason this guy gets 4 stars is this. Tagging your partner in and out can be very difficult at times. Due to pressure/annoyance/whatever sometimes its hard to find a good time to tag. This little sucker makes it all easy. You throw them, change partners, and even do a little damage. Comes out fast, difficult to break, and fits the bill. (Left) Any throw *** Its a side throw, need to know more? (Right) Any throw *** Ditto (Back) Any throw *** Hurts more then yer normal throw. But still, its a throw. SPECIAL TECHNIQUES f+1 Rushing Uppercut *** If you actually connect, its very useful to juggle with. Juggles them to the perfect height that makes doing most of her juggles fairly easy. Its Very much like Jun's Tooth Fairy, but I don't think you can team juggle with it. (ill find out for next revision) Problems == Fairly slow. Can see it coming. But if you anticipate, it can be well rewarding 1+2 Double Strike *** (damn, lots of 3* moves, lol) The Stagger that this move causes can lead to some fun custom juggles. But due to its long execution time, it can cause more trouble then its worth. Nice to add in to the mix, but definitely not necessary. CH 1,2,1 Punch, Death Push, Sky Uppercut ***** Ever find someone doing lots of d+1 low punches on you? Ever wish you could smack them and hurt them good? Here is your best friend. This very pretty move does wonders in stopping all those annoying low punches. Plus the fact that you can juggle them with a f,f,f+1,2 right after the sky uppercut makes this little sucker a must have for any good monkey. F,f+1,4 Dashing Elbow, High Kick **** Lets start off with the Dashing Elbow (f,f+1) Unlike Julia, this sucker has a very low lag time at the end of it. Plus the fact that it has very high priority. Downside is that its not exactly gonna kill people in 1 hit. This little ditty can set you up for many of her FC type moves. For Example f,f+1 d+1 FC, d/f 4,3. The f,f of the Dashing elbow can be buffered to go an incredible long distance. It can close just about any gap you may have. Its low lag time allows you to follow up with a d+1 low punch, allowing you to follow up with her FC d/f2 and her FC d/f4,3 mix-ups. d,d/f+1 Dashing Punch. **** Oh where to begin. ? #1. Juggle Ender. This move has a very nice reach and can close that little gap to finish off just about any juggle #2. High Priority Pain. Comes out fast. Hurts enough to make it useful. Plus it knocks the opponent to the ground when it hits. (more on that in the Custom Strings section) FC d/f+2 Dashing Elbow (Stuns on CH) *********** Sheesh, only 10 stars. *do ya think I like this move?* Lets start like this. #1. Amazing priority. Comes out almost instantly. #2. Due to its high speed, getting a major counter is not uncommon #3. It sets up 50/50 choosing games between it and the FC d/f 4,3 thus making your opponent have an incredibly difficult time to choose between blocking high and low. #4. After a CH, very pretty juggles await the persistent Juggler. Only bad side is this. If your opponent blocks this sucker, yer gonna see a new world of pain. a WHOLE new world. Be careful, don't abuse it, but don't forget how powerful it is. d/f+2,1 (3_4) Death Push Series *** I've got mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, if the Death push connects, you can put your opponent in a whole world of pain. It doesn't need a MC to juggle, it just needs to hit to cause them to get hit by the sky uppercut. Only problem is that this sucker is slow. Very very very slow. Maybe in later updates of this faq Ill find a pretty use to this move, but for now its one of those rarely used moves. (1~1,1)_(d/f+1,1) Catapult Combo *** (juggles) Another one of those mixed feeling type moves. If you MC your opponent with this, the juggle seems to be guaranteed. (someone tell me if its not) On the other hand, it comes out slow. You can trick your opponent in to eating this combo, say by shooting it after a d,d/f+1, but its so slow its fairly risky. 1~1,4,3 Catapult, sweep, Bow Leg *** Well, here is the deal. If you switch between the catapult combo, and this little ditty, you could train your opponent to eat the last to kicks of this combo. Or you could train them to eat the last punch of the Catapult combo, thus Causing a juggle combo. But in my humble experience, most people can see both of these guys coming a mile a way. If you train yer opponent, they are very pretty. But in most cases, Julia has more pretty things to do. WS+4 Skyscraper Kick **** It gets a high reason not because of high damage causing, but due to the fact that it has nice priority. Plus it can be used to switch between the FC d/f+2, to hit your opponent with less risk. But less damage is associated with the lower risk. Personal preference type of move. FC d/f+4,3 Leg Sweep, Bow Leg ******* doh, Its a 5 star rating system, and now I've gone over it twice. This baby only gets 7 stars though. It hits low, the Bow Leg is guaranteed if the leg sweep connects. (sometimes it misses, but this seems to occur much less then it did in Tekken 3.) The main reason why this sweetheart gets 7 stars will be explained in the custom strings section. D/f+3+4 Double Jumpkick ***** Ever wanted an easy way to do a tag juggle? Ever wish you could find a move that did a tag juggle where you didn't need to CH? Here is a cute gift package. Has all ya ever wanted in a juggle started. U/f+3+4 Earthquake Stomp * Don't use this. Please. (if anyone has a real useful use for this move, let me know, enlighten me, make me more intelligent, cuz ever since this move has been in Tekken, its been totally 100% useless) f+1+4 Heaven Cannon ** Its an unblockable. Normally they are useless, but tossing one in every so often does hurt. They surprise people once in a while. 1 Left Punch **** Call me a monkey, but I love pecking attacks. I REALLY LOVE pecking attacks. Stick a punch out every so often, they annoy people. Even though hers is fairly slow as far as left punches go, its still annoying. People love to eat a good left punch. d+1 Low Left Punch ***** This pretty move starts all her FC games. Its fast. Its easy. And even the kids on Sesame Street think its pretty cool. SS+1 No Name **** Wow. And wow again. She sidesteps, then she shoots out this pretty little move. On a CH it just happens to make the opponent shoot all the way across the screen. #1. Its fast #2. Its fast #3 It hurts enough to make it useful SS+2 No Name (to be determined) Someone clue me in here. It appears to me that she sidesteps and does a move that appears to hit low, even though it hits mid. (Sorta like Jin's new d/b+1) Its solid damage when it hits, but it seems rather boring. Someone clue me in. SS+3,4 Little leg kicking thingies **** #1. Its a juggle starter #2 Travels a good distance #3 Its a juggle starter that travels a good distance and also is during an evade #4. You get the idea ? f,f+2 running punch move thingy **** The rating for this move may change in the near future. As of right now, I think that is has a good enough recover time so that you cant be juggled after the opponent blocks this move. So as it stands right now, I think its a move that comes out surprisingly fast, that reaches a very far distance with few risks attacked. Rating may change if I find more risks to it though, but a good all around move. Ten Strings----Personally, I find them boring. Hers are especially easy to block. Don't ever go the full 10 hits. If you find you must use them, stop after 4 or 5 hits. But honestly, they are icky. ? Juggle Combos and Custom Strings 4.A. Juggle Combos. Juggle Starter Move 1. f+1 2. (1~1,1)_(d/f+1,1) 3. d/f+3+4(normally used to do a tag throw btw) 4. SS+3,4 5. u/f+4 Juggles That Work With These Starters (very very very preliminary) 1. 1,1, f,f+1 2. 1,1,f,f+1, 4 3. 1,1, d,d/f+1 4. 1,f+1 5. 1,d/f+3+4 Stun Juggles Juggle Starter Move FC d/f+2 on CH Juggles That Work With This Starter (Also very preliminary) 1. Walk forward a step, d+1, FC, d/f+4,3 d+1 (cant seem to get any more hits after the low punch though. ?) 2. u/f+4 Then Any juggle from the above section. 4.B.Custom Strings Section Blitzkrieg Hyper Offensive Strings. I'm Sure everyone reading this FAQ is wondering what in tarnation this is. To explain it as simply as possible, its doing a ton of low offensive fast moves, that switch between medium and low attack levels, causing massive confusion with your opponent. To demonstrate, ill start with a very quick String. Ex. Run up to opponent, hit d+1. At this point, we can choose between FC d/f+4,3. Or we can use FC d/f+2. D+1, FC, d/f+4,3 OR d+1, FC, d/f+2 At this point, we would usually use the d/f 4,3, as it hits low, and most people wouldn't expect a low hit to come out so fast. After repeated (and intentional) over use of this FC d/f+4,3 maneuver, the opponent will easily start to block the Move. Once the opponent is trained to block low after every d+1, we start switching in Michelle's FC d/f+2. Since both the FC d/f+2, and the FC d/f+4,3 always cause the opponent to be knocked to the ground, it is easy to run up, hit a d+1, and start the guessing game all over again. Repeat and rinse until opponent gets pissy and walks away. Extending the BlitzKrieg Strings The above string is very simple, to basically show what the blitzkrieg is all about. From Michelle's FC position, she has 2 amazing moves that hit low or mid. But Opponents can catch on to the pattern, since its not very complicated. Now is where we make long strings, where we just hide opportunities for the Blitzkrieg idea. Example Custom Strings for Julia(more will be added in frequent additions) 1. f,f+1, d+1, FC d/f+4,3 OR FC d/f+2 2. f+1, d+1, FC d/f+4,3 OR FC d/f+2 3. d+1, FC, 4, WR 4, d+1 FC d/f 4,3 OR FC d/f+2 4. d+1, WR+1, 1, d+1 FC d/f+4,3 OR FC d/f+2 5. d+1, WR+1, f,f+1, d+1. FC+4, WR+1, f,f+1,d+1, FC d/f+4,3 OR FC d/f+2 *Note -- The Mix-up between the FC d/f+4,3 and the FC d/f+2 can be inserted at any point where Michelle ends up in a FC position* 4.C. Tag Team Juggles For Tag Juggles, Michelle has the very very Pretty d/f+3+4. All it needs to do is connect. It does not need a CH to be able to tag juggle. The following Juggle Combos Have Michelle Paired with either Jin Kazama Or Yoshimitsu. Michelle and Yoshimitsu Juggle starter(Michelle will always start the juggle) d/f+3+4~5 Juggles That Yoshi Can follow Up With(very brief as there are FAQ's way better then mine with tons of Yoshi Juggles that will work perfectly with Michelle's Juggle starter.) 1. 1,1,f,f+4 2. 1, b+1~1, 1, f,f+2 Michelle and Jin Juggle Starter(Michelle starts the Juggle) d/f+3+4~5 Juggles that Jin can follow up with(also very brief for the exact same reason) 1. 1, b,f+2,1,2 2. 1,b,f+2,1,d+2 3. f,N,d,d/f+1,3 4. f,n,d,d/f+2 Final Thoughts Michelle was made to be incredibly offensive. She has all the tools to just continually attack attack attack and attack again. She can switch between a low attack and a medium attack at a moments notice. By using her speed and continuity, you can apply unrelenting pressure to your opponent that will cause them to screw up even more. Never underestimate her power, and her Sidestep. Her sidestep needs to be talked about in more detail, as she had very very nice moves added to it to make her that much more dangerous. Due to the addition of her SS+3,4 Michelle was given the ability to easily juggle your opponent after a successful SS of an attack. Like Jin Kazama, people should now be VERY afraid of her SS due to her easy juggle ability from that position Also, her SS+1 comes out very quick, and can be devastating if you are able to follow up with a charging shoulder block. (f,f,f) Appreciation and Thanks and Copyright and other fun Stuff My total and undying love goes out to all my friends at the Greece Ridge Mall in Rochester New York. Without them as my practice tools, I would never have become as good as I am today. Very special Thanks goes out to my Friend Brendon. Even though I havn't seen him for many months, He devised the entire Blitzkrieg offensive idea, and he also pushed me to continually get better at Tekken. Other Thanks go to Pat, Chris, Tony, Keith, and all the other Time Out Regulars and management. Very Special Thanks Also go out to Catlord as he allowed me to use his Michelle Move list. This FAQ will grow as Catlord's faq continues to add more and more moves. Other Thanks also goes to all yall at #tkn, for your insight and just for bouncing ideas off of. Major Props go to Namco, as well, they made this damn game that has sucked 3 years outta my damn life. This Document Copyright 1999 Joshua Pryor. Please don't copy or sell this Faq as it stands for countless hours of working with Michelle Chang. Please do distribute this faq, as long as you keep my name on the paper, and recognize me as the author.