TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT Paul Phoenix In-Depth FAQ Version 1.0 January 14, 2001 By Eugene Huang chockydonutman@hotmail.com DISCLAIMER: This FAQ is the sole property of Eugene Huang and can not be reprinted without his consent unless you ask real nice. In the event that you do not ask real nice, or if this FAQ is taken without my permission, strict legal action will be taken. You have been warned. If this FAQ is viewed elsewhere besides on GameFAQS.com, we recommend viewing it under Microsoft Word. Usage of other text viewing programs may cause headaches and irritation (due to poor text alignment). Writer does not assume any responsibility for any injuries that are sustained while viewing this FAQ with any other text viewer. You have been warned once again. P.S. Sometimes, I will only use the word "he" instead of "he/she" when referring to an opponent. I know girls play Tekken too (very well, in fact); it's just that it's very annoying to write "he/she" in every instance of a 3rd person pronoun. You have been warned for the last time. Thanks for understanding. i. FOREWORD ----------------------------------- WHY AM I WRITING THIS FAQ? Well, it seems to me that Paul Phoenix just does not seem to be able to get the respect that he so justly deserves. He might not be blasted more than someone like Jin, but many people in Tekken circles falsely label him as a one-dimensional character (subsequently, anyone who plays him is also a one- dimensional fighter). Other than that, his character is completely ignored by many of the discussions within the GameFAQs message boards, and moreover, there is still not an in-depth Tekken Tag Paul Phoenix FAQ available on GameFAQs to this day (01/14/2001). There are many Paul FAQs available for Tekken 3, but most (not all) of them are lacking in content. I have set out to change all that. I'm writing this to proclaim to the world that Paul Phoenix is NOT a one-dimensional character. He's just MORE of a one-dimensional character than other characters due to his powerful strength, yet lack of variable moves. Real Paul players don't seem to mind, however. Most Paul players know that more moves just seem to complicate matters, and that it is still possible to completely demolish an unsuspecting opponent with only a small arsenal of moves. And advanced Paul players know how to do this without looking cheap. Hopefully, this FAQ will inspire the intermediate Paul players to play like advanced Paul players. Likewise, it should inspire advanced Paul players to continue to fight with confidence and not remorse or guilt. As for the beginner Paul players? Most of them don't even want to be intermediate Paul players, so forget them. Read on... CONTENTS ----------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION II. MOVELIST III. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS IV. JUGGLES V. STILL NEEDED VI. FINAL WORDS VII. SPECIAL THANKS I. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------- Paul Phoenix - known by his fans to have the strength of Titans. Known by some creatures in the forest to have the power knock out grizzly bears with his mere fists. Known by his enemies as a worthy foe - worthy to be the heir to the power of "Bear Killer" Williams. Known by his friends to be a total dweeb. And he is known by the people who play against him as cheap-s**t Paul. And he is known by the people who play him as our savior. Whatever. We all know that Paul has his many glaring weaknesses - for instance, he has no devastatingly complex juggles worth speaking of, his strings are by no means effective, his throws are weak and few, and he is a member of the tier of characters that has the least endurance by taking the most damage with every hit. What balances these weaknesses is the amount of power he packs into many of his punches. Any match involving Paul can be over in a few seconds if his opponent has poor defense. So, if you are the type of player that likes matches that are hinged on a few key hits, then Paul is the player for you. (Here would be a proper analogy: If you play Street Fighter and prefer a standard Jumping HP, Crouching HP, Hadouken combo to a rapid 6 hit "war-of-attrition" combo, then Paul is definitely the player for you.) I like using Paul just because he teaches those obnoxious newbies a lesson on where their place is on the Tekken food chain. One or two Phoenix Smashers send those button-bashing kids flying back home crying to their mommies. That'll teach 'em to abuse the machines... And speaking of abuse, let me just add one more point that justifies the usage of Paul - he is at the greatest disadvantage when it comes to playing in the arcades. Why? Well, unlike most of the Tekken Fighters, three of his most important moves, the Thruster (elbow charge), the Phoenix Smasher (death fist), and the Rapid Fire (sway, 3) utilize a rolling movement of the joystick. What function of a joystick is lost first as a result of abuse caused by obnoxious children? The rolling action, of course. It's so hard to find a Tekken machine that allows me to roll with confidence. II. MOVELIST ----------------------------------- *exclusive to Tekken Tag a) THROWS 1+3 [1] Over the Shoulder 30 2+4 [2] Shoulder Pop 30 1+3(2+4) [1] Dragon Screw 45 (Left Side) 1+3(2+4) [2] Fall Away 40 (Right Side) 1+3(2+4) [1 or 2] Reverse Throw (Back towards opponent) (Damage differs upon which part you catch on the throw) 1+3(2+4) Reverse Neck Throw 50 (inescapable) B+2+3 [2] Foot Launch 35 f,F+1+2 [1+2] Push Away 35 f,F+1+2~5 Push Away Tag Throw ?? D/F+1+2 [1+2] Twist and Shout 40 b+1+3(b+2+4) Attack Reversal 80% of the reversed attack (Attack Reversal will reverse Mid or High attacks only) d(D/B)+1+2 Ultimate Tackle 5 From Ultimate Tackle: 2,1,2,1,2 [1 or 2] Ultimate Punch 5,5,5,5,5 1,2,1,1+2 [1,2,1,1+2] Ultimate Punch to Arm Breaker 5,5,5,25 2,D+1,1:4~1~1+2 Ultimate Punishment 56 1+2 Arm Breaker 25 B+1+2 Tackle Reversal ?? b) ARTS 1,2 Left Right Combo HH 5,15 (6,15 for f+1~2) 1,3 Reverse PDK Combo HL 5,8 QCF,1 Thruster H 20 (stuns on counter) d(WC)+1 Hammer Punch M 15 d(WC)+1,2 Hammer Punch to Power Punch MM 15,26 d(WC)+1,4,2 Hangover MLM 15,15,21 *SS+1 Turn Thruster H 23 2,3 Jab-Roundhouse HH 12,21 2,D+3 Jab Sweep HL 12,8 f+2,3 Quick PK Combo HH 12,20 f,F+2 Flash Elbow M 15 D:d/f+2,1 Gut Buster MM 21,25 (delay: 20,19) D:d/f+2,2 Stone Breaker ML 21,21 (2nd hit delays) *WS+2 Thunder Palm M 16 QCF,2 Phoenix Smasher M 33 (49 on counter) d(WC)+2 Down Strike D 16 (for downed opponents) f+1+2 Hammer of the Gods M 32 (staggers on block) B+1+2 Burning Fist H 100 (unblockable) f,f+3~4 Double Hop Kick MM 20,15 f,f+3~4,4 Double Hop Kick High MMH 20,15,25 f,f+3~4,f(d/f)+4 Triple Kick Combo MMM 20,15,15 f,f+3~4,d(d/b)+4 Double Hop Kick Low MML 20,15,15 u/f+3~4 Shredder MM 17,28 *SS+3 Pump in Pedal L 15 (22 on counter) f,f+4 Neutron Bomb M 20 (staggers on block) d(WC)+4,2 Bone Breaker LM 15,20 QCB Sway QCB,1 God Hammer Punch M 15 (floats on counter) QCB,2 Rubber Band Attack M 18 (stuns on hit, staggers on block, knocks opponent across screen on counter) QCB,3 Sway & Low Kick L 12 QCB,3,2,1 Rapid Fire to Phoenix Smasher LMM 12,21,25 (delay:12,21,19) QCB,3,2,2 Rapid Fire to Stone Breaker LML 12,21,21 (3rd hit delays) f+1+4 Shoulder Tackle M 20 D:u+1+3+4 Incomplete Somersault M 25 (player receives 15) 1+2+3+4 Supercharger All hits = counter c) STRINGS String 1: 1~2~3~1::2 10,15,7,6,30 H H M M M String 2: 1~2~3~2::1:2::1:4:2:1 10,15,7,5,7,4,5,7,8,30 H H M H M H H L M M String 3: 1~2~3~1::4:2:1:4:2:1 10,15,7,6,7,8,5,8,10,30 H H M M L M H M L M III. IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS -------------------------------------- A detailed look at some of Paul's more useful techniques, and how to use them effectively: THROWS Paul does not have many useful throws, in comparison to other characters, but that means that you should throw as much as possible, as long as there is an opening. With every standoff you see, perform a throw. After every one of your opponent’s unsuccessful combos, perform a throw. (Note: This is pretty much a throwing philosophy that’s applicable to all characters in Tekken) This will strengthen your throwing game and will also hide Paul’s real strength - his powerful array of punching arts. f,F+1+2 PUSH AWAY This is one of my favorite throws because it accomplishes three things: first, it can be done from outside of Paul’s normal throwing range because of the f,F motion. Secondly, it pushes your opponent three quarters of a screen away, leaving you the option of running towards your opponent to use get-up (Okizeme or Wake-up) tactics. (try going from a Push Away into a Running Tackle into an Ultimate Punishment!) Thirdly, it can be used as a useful tag throw. It only does 35 damage, but it’s not bad, considering that none of his special throws do more than 40 damage (apart from his back throw and left side throw, which do 50 and 45 repectively). B+2+3 FOOT LAUNCH This move will successfully launch your opponent into the air (a la Ken & Ryu style) far enough away from you to initiate get-up tactics (similar to Push Away). You can also use this move if you either want your back towards your opponent, of if you just want a change of pace on the other side of the screen (like if some punk kid has made it hard for you to perform a rolling motion on one side of the joystick). D/F+1+2 TWIST AND SHOUT (Striking Shiho-nage) This throw does 5 points more damage than both of the previously mentioned special throws. Therefore, use it as your first option when you want a close range throw. Also, note that after stunning your opponent on a counter-hit (when using a Thruster, for instance), your opponent is open for any attack of your choosing. If you choose to throw your opponent, this would be the one to use. D/F+1+2 ULTIMATE TACKLE Most opponents will not see this coming, since only a select few characters (King, Jin, Kazuya, and Paul) possess this move. Do notice, however, that there are many ways to reverse any of the Ultimate Tackle attacks. Use it sparingly to set up the Ultimate Punch to Arm Breaker combo. Or, if you’re even more aggressive, I would suggest using the Ultimate Punishment combo: 2,D+1,1:4,1,1+2 ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT Welcome to the ultimate pain. If you master this attack, you will do a whopping 61 damage every time you use the Ultimate Tackle. It’s extremely hard to time, but well worth the effort to learn this combo. The hardest part to this combo is most likely the speed and accuracy needed to pound out that 4,1,1+2 combination. To make it easier, utilize the shoulder buttons on your Playstation 2 (if you own one) to make it so that one of them is a hotkey for the 1+2 command. This will greatly improve your Paul game, since so many of his moves utilize the 1+2 command. B+1+2 TACKLE REVERSAL Paul is the only character in the entire game to bear the honor of being able to reverse a tackle with an offensive reversal. If your opponent utilizes any sort of tackle (either running tackle or Ultimate Tackle), Paul can easily flip his opponent over and break his arm. The technique is relatively easy to perform and, in addition, you will have many chances to try this reversal out, depending on the type of people you fight. Just be sure that you press the button quickly enough, and it will be your friend forever. ARTS Paul is a man of quality, not quantity. He does not have a gigantic array of moves, but what he lacks in variation is made up for in raw power. His limited number of arts can still be devastating to any opponent. Learn to mix-up his more powerful and useful moves in order to show your opponent that Paul needs no nifty extras. QCF, 1 THRUSTER (Elbow Uppercut) Introduced in Tekken 3, the thruster is a much needed weapon amongst an already powerful arsenal. Those who never had a chance to experiment with the move and never incorporated it into their game should do so now as soon as possible. Every Paul player knows that, when this move connects, despite the result, it will give you a distinct advantage over your opponent. The expected result of this move (which occurs whenever your opponent merely forgets to block) is a launch of your opponent into the air - high enough to perform most of your favorite juggles. For instance: u/f+4, d+4~2 - Very simple, yet very deadly. (See Section IV for more juggles) But the real joy of this move lies in the fact that it causes your opponent to be stunned on counter hit (note that the stun occurs more frequently than the juggle launch), leaving him completely open for any attack of your choosing. You could perform an even more concentrated and potent juggle, or you can be like me and just follow in with a Phoenix Smasher for massive damage (Most opponents will never see it coming). Consult the section on the Phoenix Smasher for how to follow up on this maneuver. d+1 (or WC+1) HAMMER PUNCH The Hammer Punch has been a mainstay with Paul ever since Tekken 1. Please note that this move is being featured on its own, and not just as a simple part of a combo. This is because there are so many incredible uses for this one simple technique that most people don't even realize. Here's a complete list: d+1,2 HAMMER PUNCH TO POWER PUNCH (Tile Splitter to Phoenix Smasher) This is a standard move the most Paul players should learn first. The usage of this move is limited to Beginners and Advanced Players. Intermediate players usually don't utilize this maneuver because it's not "confusing" enough, preferring to use the Hangover combo. Beginners will use this because they don't know much else, while Advanced players must use this to fake out the people that are expecting the Hangover. If it hits, then mucho damage is taken. If it fails, then the opponent is brushed back to medium distance (Paul's best distance). Watch out for reversals, however. If you use this move too much, you might get hurt through your own neglect. d+1,4,2 HANGOVER (Tile Splitter to Falling Leaf Combo) This is the move that establishes you as an Intermediate Paul player since this move allows you to easily eat newbies with a spoon. Not even Expert players can see this move coming 100% of the time (provided that you don't overuse it). What makes it special is the fact that it hits high, low, then high, meaning that if they do not block the second hit, then the third hit is automatic (whether the first hit is blocked or not). For more information on the drawbacks to this move, consult the section dedicated to the Bone Breaker. D+1:d/f+2,2 HAMMER PUNCH (pause) TO STONE BREAKER (Uprooter) D+1:d/f+2,1 HAMMER PUNCH (pause) TO GUT BUSTER (Left Smasher) This is where we start getting creative. According to the VERSUS BOOKS Tekken 3 strategy guide (a very definitive, yet possibly out-of-print Tekken 3 guide with in-depth analyses on all the characters), just because a Paul player uses a hammer punch, does not necessarily mean that the player should follow with a power punch or a hangover. Instead, the crouching action associated with the hammer punch can let you go straight into a Stone Breaker or Gut Buster with only a slight pause. First of all, your opponent will never be expecting that slight pause. Instead he'll be bracing for either a Hangover or Power Punch, so he must decided whether to block low or high. If you confuse him with a Stone Breaker, then he'll have to completely change his mind set and figure out whether he should block low for the Stone Breaker or High for the Gut Buster. Even experienced Paul players will comment on its usefulness when they see this for the first time. Read more about the Stone Breaker and Gut Buster in their respective sections. D+1:WS+2 HAMMER PUNCH TO THUNDER PALM While this isn't really a quick combo, or even a combo at all, this Tekken Tag exclusive is still an interesting technique. Just like the aforementioned Hammer Punch to Stone Breaker/Gut Buster, utilize the Hammer Punch to assume a crouching position. Afterwards, when your opponent leasts expects it, return the joystick to a neutral position while pressing 2 for a quick lift-up. Whatever you do with it afterwards is really up to you. Look for more on the pros and cons of the Thunder Palm in the appropriate strategy section. Finally, the Hammer Punch itself should also be used as a get-up tactic, meaning that you should mercilessly pound inexperienced players into the ground if they don't know when and how to get up. Some Paul players feel guilty about this, but keep in mind that Paul doesn't have the advantages of other characters, like Hwaorang's wide range of moves, Gunjack's endurance, Jun's versatility, or Xiaoyu's speed. Therefore, do what you wish with Paul, because get-up tactics are just his style. It's your fifty cents - just don't be obnoxious about it. Plus, if you're playing against someone who's "experienced," then they should easily know how to get out of such common traps. d+4,2 (WC+4~2) BONE BREAKER (Falling Leaf Combo) The Bone Breaker is pretty much just a variation of the Hangover, but without the Hammer Punch. It works the same way, except that it must be used in slightly different situations. First, it must be used when you are absolutely certain that your opponent is vulnerable to a low attack. This is because low hits are now interruptible by a close range low block in Tekken Tag, so the usefulness of this move has sharply decreased against opponents who are experienced in blocking this maneuver. If you are the victim of a low hit interruption, consider yourself wide open for a counter attack. Unfortunately, the move must be done in close range, or it just simply ineffective. If you can't even touch your opponent with the initial sweep kick, then you are completely out in the open for a quick counter attack since the recovery time associated with this move is exceptionally long, even for Tekken standards. Furthermore, this technique brushes back a blocking opponent considerably less than a Hammer Punch to Power Punch combo, so after performing an unsuccessful Bone Breaker, expect an immediate throw. So, when should you use this move? Simply when your opponent has completed a successfully blocked move that has a moderate recovery time. If Law throws you a quick Rave War Combo, or if Hwaorang tosses you a series of high- hitting kicks, knock them both out with a Bone Breaker if they're not expecting a quick low attack. If your opponent has just completed an unsuccessful jumping attack, then throw an immediate Bone Breaker. Also, note that the Bone Breaker is a perfect finisher to every juggle in Paul's arsenal. All of Paul's juggles can be finished with a Bone Breaker, provided that you have the correct timing for some of them. D:d/f+2,1 JAWBREAKER TO GUT BUSTER (Elbow to Left Phoenix Smasher) This technique (along with the Stone Breaker) was first introduced in Tekken 2, but was tweaked to full effectiveness in Tekken 3. After a momentary pause in the crouch position, the technique goes from the mid-hitting Jawbreaker into a quick and powerful left punch. Most will say that the Stone Breaker is a better move because it launches your opponent in the air, but without the Gut Buster, the Stone Breaker is useless. Since the Gut Buster is a quick mid-punch, it keeps your opponent honest, forcing him to block low for the Stone Breaker only at the last minute. If he blocks low too soon, then he gets a quick left to the ribs. Plus, the Gut Buster pushes your opponent back into a better offensive range for Paul, leaving you time to gather your wits and follow through. D:d/f+2,2 JAWBREAKER TO STONE BREAKER (Elbow to Uprooter) The Stone Breaker is not only a complement to the Gut Buster, but it's also a great launching move. The beauty of it lies in the fact that it hits low, launching your opponent in the air for a successful juggle. After a successful Stone Breaker, you can try to finish with a simple Bone Breaker (which is pretty much a guaranteed juggle), or some of your more creative minds (show-offs) will go straight to a Rapid Fire to Gut Buster combo. Consult the section on the Rapid Fire Combos for more information. There are two drawbacks to the Stone Breaker, which are its predictability and its delay. Just like the Hangover, if you overuse the Stone Breaker, your opponent will begin to always expect it. Mix and match between the Stone Breaker and Gut Buster. When your opponent begins to expect it, he will always block low immediately after the Jawbreaker. There is such a tremendous delay between the elbow and the low hit that your typical expert opponent will always have enough time to react to it successfully. Overuse at your own risk. WS+2 THUNDER PALM This move was just introduced in Tekken Tag as a new toy for Paul to play with. Essentially, it works as a mid-hitting juggle starter. While it may be quicker than some moves, most players will see it coming and block it, or perhaps block it by accident, interrupting the process. That's why utilizing the aforementioned Hammer Punch to Thunder Palm combo is one way to throw your opponent off his train of thought. There is also a distinct disadvantage associated with this move as opposed to some of Paul's other juggles: When Paul launches an opponent in the air with a Thunder Palm, the opponent goes flying straight up into the air, but in a completely horizontal position. This makes the juggling process slightly different. Now, in order to hit your opponent with a quick Bone Breaker, you have to wait a while for his body to come down a bit, which can really throw your timing off. Another thing I've noticed: Sometimes the Thunder Palm will accidentally come out when you attempt another move, like say a Phoenix Smasher (especially if the controller is broken) or if you simply want to utilize the 2 button after crouch blocking for a while. Learn to control your actions and make sure that when you want a Thunder Palm to come out, it will come out in all of its Thunder Palming glory. Don’t forget, control is THE most important element of Tekken. QCF,2 PHOENIX SMASHER (Death Fist or Iron Fist of Cheapness) This move is the sole reason why Paul Phoenix is sometimes known as "Cheap- s**t Paul." (Which confuses me since Heihachi uses the exact same technique) The reason why? Newbies. That's who. Those newbies you see in the arcade who use the move over and over again, completely unaware as to how obnoxiously they're acting. The kind that make you scream at them and ask, "IS THAT ALL YOU KNOW????" Or so I've heard. I personally do not overuse this technique. However... I will say this: (and the VERSUS BOOKS strategy guide says the exact same thing) It is nearly impossible to play a match with Paul without utilizing the Phoenix Smasher at least once per round because it plays such an important role in turning the tide of a match. You could be one centimeter away from dying, but with one well-placed and well-timed Phoenix Smasher, the fates will smile upon you, and it will be your opponents that have to lick YOUR shoes (not vice versa). What hurts your opponent most about the Phoenix Smasher is what you can do after the move. It places your opponent in a precarious position, since he will be catapulted at least one screen length away from Paul. Obviously, Paul needs to run towards his opponent (f,f,f, for all you newbies) and play some mind games. If your opponent gets up too quickly or rolls backwards or forwards, he becomes the victim of a high-damaging shoulder charge at full speed. If he stays on the ground, he simply gets stepped on. Your opponent's only option is to either roll out (1) or retaliate with a flying cross-chop or some other offensive move. Be on the lookout for these retaliations. Furthermore, to those who don't like this move, there is something out there called "DEFENSE." First of all, the Phoenix Smasher is easy to block, and second of all, it is VERY easy to reverse if your opponent knows that it's coming. Be aware of that, and mix it up a bit. Do NOT overuse it against expert players who have mastered the reversal, because your Paul will soon be attempting to do a pathetic Phoenix Smasher with a right arm broken in about seven places. d+2 (WC+2) DOWN STRIKE (Stone Splitter) (while opponent is on the ground) Simply use this technique when your opponent no longer wants to play get-up tactics with you and decides to play dead instead. When you know that your opponent is about to get up, throw a Hammer Punch and keep him down on the ground. However, if he is stubborn and is still on the ground, throw a quick Down Strike and let him know that you still wanna play. B+1+2 BURNING FIST (Super Phoenix Smasher or Death Fist Part Deux) This is the only unblockable attack in Paul's arsenal, and frankly, it's the only one he needs. His other moves do massive damage, but if you actually get this technique off, you're either very lucky or very very good. Like all unblockables, you take more damage when you're charging them, so watch out. u/f+3~4 SHREDDER (17,28 damage) f,f+3~4 DOUBLE HOP KICKS (20,15 damage) These two moves are nearly identical in purpose, except for a few minor differences. First, there is the movement required to initiate each. For The Shredder, it's a simple u/f motion, but for the Double Hop Kicks, you need to push f,f. If you utilize the power of the Hammer Punch, however, you can easily buy time to buffer the joystick motions and easily initiate a Double Hop Kick combo without letting up your offense. Plus, you no longer need to be farther than sweep range to start it up. Don't forget, that with the Double Hop Kicks, you can also add one more kick to the combination to either juggle or confuse your opponent. Press 4 for a high kick, f+4 for a mid kick, or d+4 to finish up with a low kick. If they succeed in blocking the first two kicks, don't forget that a final low kick will almost always catch them off guard. Where do you use either of these moves? I personally only use them until the very end of a match, where both you and your opponent are only within an inch of your lives. When the match is on the line, do a quick Shredder or Duoble Hop Kicks (depending on your range) to quickly put your opponent away, since the execution of these moves are extremely quick and unexpected. If you use this technique too often in the match, your opponent will come to expect it, so the shock value will be lost forever. f,f+4 NEUTRON BOMB The neutron bomb provides a nice change of pace for Paul players due to his lack of any sort of good kicking attacks. Plus, not only does it quickly close the distance between you and your opponent, it also staggers when blocked. I personally have not incorporated this maneuver into my game, but I do use it every now and then when I don’t know what else to do (kind of like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious). QCB SWAY The sway not only provides you with some of Paul’s more useful combos, but it also succeeds in being an excellent defensive tactic. More useful than a quick b~b, the sway allows Paul to avoid high attacks before following up with some of his own. Here are all the techniques that can be executed from the sway: QCB,1 GOD HAMMER PUNCH While this move looks almost identical to Paul’s normal Hammer Punch, there is a slight difference. On CH, your opponent will be bounced (floated) on the ground, allowing you to follow up with a well-timed Phoenix Smasher (pretty hard to do). Other than that, being bounced on the ground is just plain embarrassing for any opponent. QCB,2 RUBBER BAND ATTACK This move is quick, versatile, and will stun any opponent who doesn’t, for some reason, feel like blocking. It also has the advantage of staggering a blocking opponent, and launching an opponent across the screen on counter hit. Like the God Hammer Punch, utilize it as a Rapid Fire fakeout. QCB,3,2,1 RAPID FIRE TO GUT BUSTER QCB,3,2,2 RAPID FIRE TO STONE BREAKER The Swaying Low Kick is where you begin the two Rapid Fire combos, which start as a low-hitting kick, but can go straight into a Stone Breaker or Gut Buster depending on how you want to fake your opponent out. What’s impressive about these combos lies in the amount of ground you can cover after each move. In addition, the Gut Buster and Stone Breaker combos are some of Paul’s best combos, so the Rapid Fire is just yet another way of allowing you access to them. The same rules apply as in the normal Jawbreaker or Hammer Punch combos, except the fact that you can perform this little gem (offered to us by the Tekken 3 Combo Training Mode on PSX): D:d/f+2,2,QCB,3,2~1 STONE BREAKER TO RAPID FIRE TO GUT BUSTER It’s impressive, but very hard to time, so it might be better off if you substitute the Gut Buster with another Stone Breaker. It’ll take off less damage, but it’s a sure thing. f+1+4 SHOULDER TACKLE The shoulder tackle should be used as a counter to any attack that comes from your opponent’s left side (Paul’s right). The way it works is, Paul will take a momentary sidestep to his left and dash in with a quick shoulder charge. That way, he should be able to avoid any attacks that come in from his right side. Do not attempt to use this as an offensive move, however, since you might as well be telegraphing your entire game plan to him if you do. This technique is very easy to pick up, and will leave you completely open if you miss or if it is blocked. Use it very sparingly. STRINGS No, Paul is not a master of Strings either, unfortunately. All of his strings can be survived by blocking high through the majority of Paul’s attacks. However, the three strings he has are much more useful in parts than they are as a whole. Read on to find out why: STRING 1: 1~2~3~1::2 This string is powerful, but it is also easy to block (all your opponent has to do is block high throughout the entire five hits). Plus, there is an extremely long amount of time between the 4th and 5th hits, so be wary of a counter attack or reversal. The only advantage to this string is that it is quite easy to remember. As a change of pace, try utilizing just the first four parts of the string as a means of confusing your opponent. Reversal-crazy opponents will try to reverse the fifth hit, so wait till he tries a reversal and hit him with something much harder. STRING 2: 1~2~3~2~::1:2::1:4:2:1 This string is also easily to block, except for the one low 8th hit that your opponent must remember at the end of it. Also notice that the 9th hit will stun your opponent (only briefly), so take advantage of that. Take care to avoid an attack reversal during the string’s two pauses (after hits number 4 and 6). Try to stop and start this string to catch your opponent off-guard. Stop the string after the 5th or 6th hit, and see what happens. Experimentation with Paul's strings is the only way to equalize them with the power of some other character's strings. STRING 3: 1~2~3~1::4:2:1:4:2:1 This string is the hardest to learn and remember, so it’s not hard to understand why it’s also Paul’s best and most damaging string. There’s only one pause - in between the 4th and 5th hits - and there are two low attacks for your opponent to remember to block. Use it sparingly, and your opponent will never remember to expect it. Utilize the same technique as String 2 and stop and start often in order to keep your opponent guessing. IV. JUGGLES ----------------------------------- As mentioned before, Paul is not an expert juggler because he is a very down- to-earth fighter (ha ha! BONK!). So, don’t expect to use many juggles with him, since he doesn’t have many worth speaking of. Paul has only five moves that can begin juggles (not counting the CH God Hammer Punch to Phoenix Smasher combo). They are: THRUSTER (QCF,1) HOP KICK (u/f+4) RIGHT UPPERCUT (d/f+2) THUNDER PALM (WS+2) STONE BREAKER (D:d/f+2,2) All of the above juggle starters can be finished with a well-timed Bone Breaker, so use this as the be-all and end-all of basic juggle finishers. So, a typical Paul Phoenix juggle looks like this: Thruster -> Hop Kick -> Bone Breaker The following juggles can be performed after any of Paul’s normal three juggle starters (Thruster, Hop Kick, Right Uppercut). Some of them undoubtedly can’t be performed with the Thunder Palm, but most of them can be done. There are some more exceptions like this, but unfortunately, I’m not sure if I know all of them. Also, there may be some particular juggles that I have not been able to do that some of you may be able to do. Experiment with them to see which juggles you can do, and which of them fit under your play style. Bone Breaker Hop Kick -> Bone Breaker Jab-Roundhouse 1 -> Jab-Roundhouse Shredder 1 -> Shredder 1 -> 4 f+1 -> f+1 -> 4 (pause very slightly between the two jabs) Left Right Combo -> 4 Left Right Combo -> Left Right Combo Left Right Combo -> Shredder (can not be done with Thruster starter) Left Right Combo -> Flash Elbow (very difficult) Left Right Combo -> Down Strike (move forward after Left Right Combo) 1 -> 3 f+1 -> f+1 -> 3 Left Right Combo -> 3 Crouching LP -> Gut Buster (difficult; can only be done with Hop Kick) Crouching LP -> Stone Breaker (same as above) f+1 -> Phoenix Smasher (difficult to time) Rapid Fire -> Stone Breaker Rapid Fire -> Gut Buster (delay the 2nd hit of Gut Buster for all GB juggles) f+1 -> Rapid Fire -> Stone Breaker f+1 -> Rapid Fire -> Gut Buster Hop Kick -> Rapid Fire -> Stone Breaker Hop Kick -> Rapid Fire -> Gut Buster SPECIAL JUGGLES: God Hammer Punch (counter-hit) -> Phoenix Smasher Stone Breaker -> Bone Breaker Stone Breaker -> Rapid Fire -> Stone Breaker Stone Breaker -> Rapid Fire -> Gut Buster V. STILL NEEDED ----------------------------------- 1) A Get-up Tactics (Okizeme) Section 2) A VS. Other Characters Section 3) Damage for the Push Away Tag Throw and the Tackle Reversal 4) Is the input for the Tackle Reversal correct? 5) More Juggles (Specifically for the God Hammer Punch) 6) Any advice for other specific moves 7) Nice ASCII art (which I do not feel like creating) E-mail all criticism or contributions to: chockydonutman@hotmail.com VI. FINAL WORDS ----------------------------------- After reading this Character FAQ, I hope you have a better understanding of Paul’s character. I also hope that you have gone on to develop your own style with Paul. I, myself, feel that I have not mastered every aspect of Paul, since I’m still learning whatever complexities Paul has left. Paul is a loner character, so it’s pretty difficult to find him a partner for Tekken Tag. The team that I always use if I absolutely need a win is Paul and Jun, since they personify a combination of power and finesse. (Jun is actually my favorite character, but I didn’t attempt to write a FAQ for her because there are so many more of them out there.) The two of them, in a way, exemplify Yin and Yang - Paul makes up for whatever Jun lacks in strength while Jun makes up for whatever Paul lacks in variety. I would suggest trying to find a similar formula for your own tournament team. Here’s a final thought on Paul: all Tekken characters lie on three tiers in terms of their potential. Easy to pick-up characters like Eddy and Law would lie on the low tier while difficult to master characters like Yoshimitsu and Xiaoyu would be on the high tier. Paul lies somewhere in between the low and middle tier, meaning that it takes easy to moderate difficulty to incorporate some of his more useful moves into your game. However, once all of his techniques have been mastered, there is no more potential for that character, and thus, no more discovery. Therefore, Paul players are at a great disadvantage against those who have mastered characters on a higher tier. If you desire the joy of discovery, try a character in the Tekken universe that has more potential and more moves to discover and incorporate into your game. There is nothing wrong with mastering a character like Paul, but there is something wrong with being satisfied with mastering only one character. After all, Tekken is far too complicated to be wasted on knowing only the subtleties of the Phoenix Smasher. Try to get a better and more thorough Tekken experience. You’ll thank me for it later. VII. SPECIAL THANKS ----------------------------------- Go to... Namco, for making such a great game. Versus Books, for making such a definitive strategy guide. GameFAQS, for being such a great site. The GameFAQS Tekken Tag Message Board (except for Enve in all his many forms), for creating such interesting conversation. That guy who beat my Jun in the Livingston South Towers Tekken 2 tournament about two years ago, for first teaching me how to play Paul merely by imitation. Al Santana, for providing me with such challenge with Lei. Bones, for stepping up my Paul game. That guy in Busch Student Center, for stepping up the rest of my Tekken game. You, for reading this. If you want to see your name here, contribute!!! Copyright 2001 Eugene Huang chockydonutman@hotmail.com If you copy this document illegally, I swear that I shall hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Thanks for reading it.