TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT Playstation 2 / Arcade Tag Throw List FAQ v1.2 Author: Bear "replicant" Powell Game Testers: Lots of QTR chuckers including myself and the gang at the Oak Hollow Cyberstation in High Point, NC. Also, friends at home and my fellow members of Team BDP. Compiled on January 12th, 2001 Last Revision: January 19th, 2001 "This document is Copyright 2001 Bear Powell." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the some members in Tekken Tag Tournament think of Bear "replicant" Powell. "replicant is the best Tekken player I have ever seen!" - Armor King "I think he's sooooo HOT!" - Nina "Who?" - Kazuya Mishima "Grrrrrrrrrrr?" - Kuma "I think he looks tasty." - Ogre "That boy's a bigger pimp than I'll ever be!" - Heihachi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is it?: This is a growing collection of Tekken Tag Tournament tag moves that I have found along with the help of many friends and opponents. These throws are based upon characters specific throws for those who wish to show off. In my opinion they are not very useful for the tournament level player or serious competitor, but they are fun and quite a few of them look cool and impressive to say the least. This by all means is not all of the tags, but it is a start and all that I can remember at this late hour. Please, send me any charcter specific tag throws I left out and any very cool looking tag throws that should be added. Since, there are so many Tag Combos please send in only the most flamboyant ones since this is mainly for showing off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: *This FAQ/Move List was written by Bear "replicant" Powell and is hopefully a useful item for those who are trying to learn how to play this wonderful game. No reproductions of this FAQ or links to this FAQ are allowed without the expressed written consent of myself. This FAQ may also not be reproduced as part of a Strategy Guide, Move List, or anything for monetary gain without my consent. I can be e-mailed at (replicant@northstate.net) if you would like to request the addition of this FAQ to your site. **Tekken Tag Tournament is the sole property of NAMCO and this listing is in no way affiliated with them except as a fan appreciation for such a wonderful game. ***If you notice any errors in this FAQ or have any information that would benefit other gamers of this wonderful game, then e-mail me with comments, missing moves, or secrets at (replicant@northstate.net) and you will be given full credit for your additions in the future versions of this FAQ. Thanks to everyone in advance for their assistance in making this FAQ better and I hope it is a help to all who read it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omission Statement: I will omit adding a move legend to this FAQ, because if you have come here seeking Tag Moves then you are already versed in the basics of Tekken FAQ abbreviations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revision History: Version 1.2 - Added Mokujin/Tetsujin Glitch Tag Throws and spellchecked. Version 1.1 - Added more tag throws, partner specific special moves, and stuff. Version 1.0 - Original Revision Dates: Version 1.2 - January 19th, 2001 Version 1.1 - January 18th, 2001 Version 1.0 - January 12th, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Contents" Section 1: Special Partner Related Attacks Section 2: Executed Tag Throws Section 3: Tag Throws Section 4: Mokujin/Tetsujin Glitch Tag Throws Section 5: Shout Outs! Section 6: Links Section 7: Team BDP Members ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 1: "Special Partner Related Attacks" ***The 1st name is the person who gained the new move. The 2nd name is the person with whom they have to be partnered with in order to perform it. Jin (Heihachi) - Devil Jin Omen Moves(You can do only one move in Omen state.) -> b+1+2,2,2,3 - Omen (Devil Jin Stance) -> 1+2 - Corpse Thrust (variant) -> f,N,d,d/f+1 - Thunder God Fist (variant) -> f,N,d,d/f+2 - Wind God Fist (variant) -> f,N,d,d/f+3 - Hell Brusher -> 3,3 - Hell Brusher Heel Cutter -> 1,2,2,3,2,4,3 - 7-Hit Combo Kuma (Heihachi) -> b+2 - Demon Bear Lee (Kazuya) -> WC,d/f+4,2,2,1 - Silver Fang Special Panda (Heihachi) -> b+2 - Demon Bear Paul (Law) -> WC, u/f+3+4 - Somersault ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 2: "Executed Tag Throws" ***ETT's are throws that can be used to tag out instead of using character specific tag throws or a standard tag throw. Not every character has one of these. Alex -> d/f+3+4, 5 - Frankensteiner Anna -> u/f+1+2, 5 - Overhead Toss Armor King -> d/f+3+4, 5 - Frankensteiner Baek -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's left side) - Snake Revenge Bruce -> 1+3, 5 - Face Crushing Knee Bryan -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (back side throw) - Hummer Neck Wringer Eddy -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's left side) - Missile Launcher Ganryu -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's left side) - Upper Throw -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's right side) - Crotch Throw GunJack -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's left side) - Hanging Neck Throw Jack-2 -> 2+4, 5 (back side throw) - Death Shoot King -> d/f+3+4, 5 - Frankensteiner Kunimitsu -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's right side) - Tornado Law -> f,f+3+4, 5 - Knee Lift Lee -> f,f+3+4, 5 - Knee Drive Lei -> 1+3, 5 - Dounle Foot Stomp Nina -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's right side) - Swinging Toss -> u/f+1+2, 5 - Overhead Toss Paul -> f,f+1+2, 5 - Shoulder Ram Prototype Jack -> 2+4, 5 (on opponent's right side) - Father's Love Roger -> d/f+3+4, 5 - Frankensteiner Wang -> 1+3, 5 or 2+4, 5 (on opponent's right side) - Golden Mountain -> d/f, D/F+1+2, 5 - Waning Moon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 3: "Tag Throws" *The Main Character name is the initializing character. Which means the character you see on-screen at the time of the tag. **The arrow points to the tag partner. ***The move listing represents the commands that need to be pressed by the initializing character to perform the tag throw. Standard Tag Throw: EVERYONE ------> ANYONE: f+2+5 Character Specific Tag Throws" Alex -> Everyone: D/F+3+4, 5 Angel (?)No idea if she has any. I figure she doesn't Anna Williams -> Everyone: U/F+1+2, 5 -> Nina Williams: qcf+1+2~5 Armor King -> Everyone: D/B+3+4~5 -> King: D, d/b+2+4~5 Baek Do San -> Everyone: From opponents left side: throw, 5 -> Hwoarang: f+2+3~5 Bruce Irvin -> Everyone: 1+3, 5 Bryan Fury -> Everyone: Behind opponent: throw, 5 -> Roger/Alex: ws+1~5 (animal taunt) ***Cool Tag Combo(Multi-Tag)*** -> Bruce Irvan: Have Bryan do a d+2 upper, then tag out and do a sweep+upper. Oddly enough, the sweep will get the opponent off the ground enough for the upper to nail him. Simply: d+2, 5, d/f+3, 1 Devil Jin -> Jun Kazama: f, f+1+2, 5 Eddy Gordo -> Everyone: From opponents left side: throw, 5 Forest Law -> Everyone: f, f+3+4, 5 -> Kuma: f+2~1~5 -> Hwoarang, Bryan, Lei, King, Armor King, Gun Jack, Heihachi, Jin, Roger, Alex, Kuma, Panda, P.Jack: F+2~1~5 (leave neutral for kick, hold d for slide) ***Cool Tag Combo(Multi-Tag)*** -> Paul: f+2~1~ 5, (as Paul) 2, 2, (as Law) 1 "Finish his flip before pressing (1)" (?) He has several other tag combos that are Multi-Tag's. Let me know if you want them. Ganryu -> Everyone: From opponents left side: throw, 5 -> Everyone: From opponents right side: throw, 5 Gunjack -> Everyone: From opponents left side: throw, 5 -> Jack-2: 2+4, 5 ***Cool Tag Combo(Multi-Tag)*** -> Bryan Fury. Do Gunjack's d+1+2, then press 5 quickly. Bryan tags in. Quickly press 2, he will do his "D, f+2, 2" throw. Simply: d+1+2~5, (as Bryan) 2 Heihachi Mishima -> Jun Kazama: f, f+1+2, 5 Hwaorang -> Baek Do San: f+2+3~5 Jack-2 -> Everyone: Behind opponent: 2+4, 5 -> Gunjack: 2+4, 5 ***Cool Tag Combo(Multi-Tag)*** -> Bryan Fury. Do Jack-2's d+1+2, then press 5 quickly. Bryan tags in. Quickly press 2, he will do his "D, f+2, 2" throw. Simply: d+1+2~5, 2 Jin Kazama -> Jun Kazama: f, f+1+2, 5 Julia Chang -> Michelle Chang: b+2, 5 (on b+2 hit) Jun Kazama -> Jin Kazama: b+1+2, 5 -> Heihachi Mishima: b+1+2, 5 -> Kazuya Mishima: b+1+2, 5 Kazuya Mishima -> Jun Kazama: f, f+1+2, 5 King -> Everyone: D/B+3+4, 5 -> Armor King: b+1+2~5 Kuma (?)No idea if he has any. I figure he doesn't. Kunimitsu -> Everyone: From opponents right side: throw, 5 Lee Chaolan -> Everyone: f, f+3+4, 5 Lei Wulong -> Everyone: 1+3, 5 Ling Xiaoyu -> Kuma, Panda, Jin or Heihachi: f+2~1~5 or f+2~1, 5 Michelle Chang -> Julia Chang: b+2, 5 (on b+2 hit) Mokujin *******Mokujin has the character tag throws of whomever he is emulating, when compared to who his tag partner is. Example: If Mokujin is emulating Baek and Hwoarang is your partner, then you can do their (f+2+3, 5) tag throw. Nina Williams -> Everyone: From opponents right side: throw, 5 -> Everyone: U/F+1+2, 5 -> Anna Williams: qcf+1+2~5 Ogre (?)No idea if he has any. I figure he doesn't. Has lots of tag combos. Panda (?)No idea if she has any. I figure she doesn't. Paul Phoenix -> Everyone: f, f+1+2~5 Prototype Jack (?)He has alot of tag combos, but not sure of a character specific one. Roger -> Everyone: D/F+3+4, 5 Tetsujin *******Tetsujin has the character tag throws of whomever he is emulating, when compared to who hisr tag partner is. Example: If Tetsujin is emulating Baek and Hwoarang is your partner, then you can do their (f+2+3, 5) tag throw. True Ogre (?)No idea if he has any. I figure he doesn't. Has lots of tag combos. Unknown ******Unknown has the character tag throws of whomever she is emulating, when compared to who her tag partner is. Example: If Unknown is emulating Jun and Heihachi is your partner, then you can do their (b+1+2, 5) tag throw. Wang Jin Rei -> Everyone: from opponents right side: throw, 5 -> Everyone: d/f, D/F+2+4, 5 Yoshimitsu (?) - He has tagable throws, but I'm not sure of character specific ones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: "Mokujin/Tetsujin Glitch Tag Throws" *I think that it is basically a glitch, but Mokujin/Tetsujin can do some tag throws that would seem to be impossible in the game and cannot be done with the regular characters. He does the normal tag throws as described above, but for some reason can do the below tags as well. There may be more, but these are the couple I know of. Mokujin/Tetsujin (Emulating Baek) - He tags as if he were actually Hwoarang. -> Baek: f+2+3~5 Mokujin/Tetsujin (Emulating Hwaorang) - He tags as if he were actually Baek. -> Hwoarang: f+2+3~5 *This section sponsored by Chris Keppler. **I described this section badly, but I think you get the jist of it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 5: "Shout Outs" *This is a section where I thank those from the various Tekken forums, e-mails, friends, and various other places who have given me assistance in providing you with as many tag throws as possible for this FAQ. 1. The members of the "Team BDP" - Bear "replicant" Powell, Shane "TKO" Hughes, and Mark "Evil" Monroe. 2. Blackdove 3. scabble 4. Chris Keppler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 6: "Links" *Here is a section on my favorite Tekken 1-TTT sites that I feel may benefit those who love the game. http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com - The best Tekken site currently on the net. http://www.gamefaqs.com - The best gaming site in the world! Check the forums. http://www.electriccancel.com - Some cool vids and strats. http://www.tekkencentral.com - Another site with cool vids and strats. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 7: "Team BDP Members" - Beatdown Posse 1. Bear "replicant" Powell ------ Armor King of the Iron Fist Tournament! -> Current Best Team: Paul/Armor King----------Alternate Team: Heihachi/Jin Quote: "Have I shown you my Phoenix Smasher collection?" 2. Shane "TKO" Hughes ------ Best Okizeme game I have ever seen. -> Current Best Team: Xiaoyu/Lei-------------------Alternate Team: Xiaoyu/Bryan Quote: "Well, get up already!" 3. Mark "Evil" Monroe ------- One of the best poking games in existence. -> Current Best Team: Bryan/Bruce----------------Alternate Team: Bryan/Lee Quote: "A quick jab is your friend." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Added - Need testing Currently testing is complete. Awaiting new moves.