-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** T E K K E N 4 : T E K K E N F O R C E M O D E Walkthrough and Guide by Ronnie Badger *************************************************************************** "Dedicated to all the members of TEKKEN FORCE who were lost in combat" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Platform - PlayStation2 Game version - PAL (SCES-50878) Guide Author - RONNIE BADGER (a pseudonym of Paul Wilson) Email - ronniebadger@yahoo.co.uk Version 1.2 - last update: 25th October 2002 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** C O N T E N T S *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1 - Contact details 2 - Important Information 3 - LEGAL NOTICE 4 - TEKKEN FORCE: Walkthrough and Guide a - What is TEKKEN FORCE? b - General Tips c - Level 1: Military Installation d - Level 2: Temple Ruins e - Level 3: Corridor f - Level 4: Mishima Fortress g - The End 5 - Credits 6 - Version History 7 - Previous FAQs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 1 - C O N T A C T d e t a i l s *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you have any genuine ENQUIRIES about, SUGGESTIONS for or CONTRIBUTIONS to this WALKTHROUGH/GUIDE, please email: ronniebadger@yahoo.co.uk - include the words TEKKEN FORCE in the subject line to avoid instant deletion and blocking. Any contributions used will be credited (NAME only - no other details will be published). SPAM will be reported and/or deleted. I take no pleasure in getting email accounts closed down for SPAM violations and I get no pleasure from receiving SPAM (or other junk) - let's all save ourselves the hassle and be sensible. Proof of sending is NOT proof of receipt. Please read the Walkthrough/Guide in full before sending me an email. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 2 - I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N A B O U T T H I S G U I D E *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you are playing TEKKEN FORCE, then it is highly likely that you have played TEKKEN (in one form or another) before. It is more likely that you have *at least* played TEKKEN 4. Therefore, I will assume that you know each character's moves and combos. If you don't, then you're in trouble: button-bashing isn't going to get you very far! I would like to take a moment to suggest that you either partake of the TRAINING or PRACTICE modes OR that you *at least* consult one of the published MOVES LISTs or CHARACTER GUIDEs. This version of the guide is missing some key elements. I have tried to complete the GENERAL TIPS section, providing as much detail as possible. The sections describing each level are lacking information. I have provided an overview of each level and made special note of each end-of-level BOSS. I will, in time (depending on my other work commitments) break each level down in to sub-areas, describing each section. I will (probably) compile some tables showing each enemy with his points value and (where applicable) bonus value. There SHOULD be a table for each section described within any given level. Submissions for inclusion in this guide are welcome. Please visit http://www.gamefaqs.com for all your TEKKEN 4 FAQ and guide needs. This guide is intended for PERSONAL use only. You may download and keep a SINGLE COPY of any version of this guide. This guide shall NOT be posted on any website EXCEPT GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com), and I will not respond to any emails requesting the use of this guide. All other rights are reserved. For entertainment purposes only. NOT to be taken internally. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 3 - L E G A L N O T I C E *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This guide is subject to copyright and any infringement will be acted upon. Quick Guide Content (c) 2002 Paul Wilson - aka RONNIE BADGER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 4 - T E K K E N F O R C E : W a l k t h r o u g h a n d G u i d e *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** [a] - W h a t i s T E K K E N F O R C E ? *************************************************************************** TEKKEN FORCE is a sub-game found in TEKKEN 4: a 3D beat-em-up adventure through a variety of locations. Unlike the version in TEKKEN 3 (which was not exactly 3D), TEKKEN FORCE is available from the outset - it is not a bonus mode that must be unlocked. The only element of TEKKEN FORCE that must be unlocked is the extra characters. These may only be unlocked by playing the game in STORY BATTLE mode. The aim of this game is to reach Heihachi's dojo and beat the living daylights out of him. Getting there is not simple - his own private army is out in force (geddit?) to stop you. There are four levels to negotiate, with each level divided into distinct sub-areas; and each ending with a BOSS. You must race against the clock, picking up points, collecting health bonuses (which are worth bonus points) and sundry other pickups (described further below). *************************************************************************** [b] - G E N E R A L T I P S *************************************************************************** Character selection - Choose a character that you are confident with. It's going to be a long, hard slog and you will need to know your character's moves inside out. Some characters are more ideally suited than others. For example: Christie's flailing legs can damage multiple bad guys at once, whereas Kuma/Panda is a bit slow and difficult to control. Direction - You can only use the D-pad to move your character. RIGHT will always move your character forward in the direction he, she or it is facing. LEFT will move your character backwards (and can be used for blocking). UP can be used for a sidestep or a jump. DOWN can also be used for a sidestep and is also used for crouching. The directional buttons are, of course, also used with other buttons for attacks and other combos. Don't walk: run - Remember: you're working against the clock. If the timer hits ZERO, then it's GAME OVER. If you run everywhere then you not only save time, but you have the added bonus of being able to pile into your enemies and cause some damage - sliding or flying tackles can also cause a lot of damage! Controller setup - Any changes to your controller setup made in the main OPTIONS menu are ignored in TEKKEN FORCE. However, you may change the configuration for TEKKEN FORCE by pausing the game and choosing the appropriate option. Targetting - You can select the enemy you would like to attack by using the all-new targetting system. The default buttons are L1 and R1. Using these buttons, you may cycle through your enemies to select the next to be fought. By pressing RIGHT when an enemy is targetted you will automatically face in his direction. Targetting can be useful for other things.... Enemy health - Every enemy has a health bar that can be seen (along with his name) when targetted. The points received for each kill reflect the size of the health bar. Each level features a number of special baddies. They are more like sub-boss enemies. They are big on health and aggression and killing them earns a potentially large bonus. When targetted, you will see not only his health bar and name, but also a number counting down. This number represents the bonus to be earned when that enemy meets with a sticky end. Once that enemy appears, the countdown begins. The sooner the enemy is destroyed, the bigger the bonus awarded. L1 and R1 can be used to cycle through your assailants to find the sub-boss. Once located, pressing RIGHT (i.e. forward) will point you in the direction of the enemy. Quickly dispose for a large points bonus bonanza. Significant others - Some sub-bosses have a special friend. The special friend can be taken down as normal. However, if you choose to dispose of the sub-boss first, his demise will be closely followed by that of his special friend whose health instantly drops to ZERO. Pick it up! - Some of the evil forces that conspire against you have the decency to drop some useful items for you when they have been beaten. Whatever else you do, don't forget to pick them up. Each item has an effect on your character and will result in BONUS POINTS being awarded at the end of the level. The items are: EGG (small health boost) -> 10 points CHICK (medium health boost) -> 30 points CHICKEN (large health boost) -> 50 points BOTTLE (potion to boost your character's attacks) -> 100 points SPECIAL BONUS ITEM -> 200 points (I have only seen the last item, which looks like a small flag, in the final level) ** UPDATE** See the end of this section for some reader contributions to this particular subject. NOTE: these items won't stay on-screen forever. After a short time, they will disappear - so go get 'em! Extra time - Each level begins with sixty seconds on the clock, and time is running out! Killing some of your enemies will add time bonuses to your ticking clock. The maximum time that you can have at your disposal at any given moment is ninety-nine seconds. So, if a five-second time bonus is awarded and your timer displays ninety-six seconds, two seconds of your bonus will have been wasted. That said, it's quite difficult to run out of time. Such a scenario is only likely to arise in the final level OR during a poorly executed BOSS fight. Bonus points - At the end of each level, you will be awarded bonus points. In addition to getting a score for each item you have picked up (see above), you will awarded points that are proportional to your remaining HEALTH and TIME. Game over? - If your health drops to nothing OR you run out of time, then it is effectively GAME OVER. However, you do have a choice. You can let the CONTINUE countdown reach the end and you will be able to enter your final score into the HI-SCORE table (if the score was good enough!). Alternatively, you could CONTINUE with the game, although your score thus far will be reset to ZERO and you will have to restart the game on the current level. Walls (part one) - Pin your enemy against a wall and administer a sound thrashing. If you hit a guy, he's going to hurt; but if you smash him into a wall, he's going to hurt even more. Walls (part two) - Try not to get trapped against a wall or in a corner. If you find yourself trapped, there is a special switch move that will get you out of trouble. SQUARE and CROSS together will see your character grab an opponent and switch places with him. Combine that move with a directional button to perform variations on the switch move. Walls (part three) - When the camera moves to certain points of view, a wall or other barrier (including an enemy) will become transparent allowing you to see what is going on. The downfall of this is that you can sometimes be fooled into thinking you have more space to move around than is actually the case. Multiple hits - It is possible to take down (or at least damage) several of your assailants at the same time. You sometimes encounter your enemies lining up one behind the other. Are these guys stupid? A sliding tackle will take a decent chunk of their health bars away from them, leaving you with less work to do. There will also be times when a powerful strike against a single enemy will do damage to others in the immediate vicinity. Use this to your advantage. Walls can also assist with multiple hits.... Dead bodies - You've beaten some guy to a bloody pulp and he's now on the floor in a small heap. Is he really dead? Well, I don't know; but what I *do* know is that if you strike the body, you'll be awarded TEN whole points. Sure, it's not much, but (to borrow the slogan of a popular UK supermarket chain) "every little helps." READER SUBMISSIONS - I have included some contributions on the subject of pickups below. I have NOT verified any of the details listed. 1. "OLD MAN" Hey, just wanting to email you saying that i found out what the little s- flag thing does (the icon that appears in the last stage of tekken force, right before the rude interruption of 5 flying kicks to the head). i was busy pluging my way through tekken force on level one, and i'm not sure how or why this happened, but when combot dropped in at the end of the level, there were two charge drinks and one s-flag icon beside him. i thought "YES! now that i have the s-flag-thing i will be INVINCIBLE! entire galaxies will fall before my uh... s-flaginess!" well, i throw combot and while he's down, go over and pick up the ALMIGHTY S-FLAG... and all it does is just make the word "BOUNUS!" in big fruity pink and yellow caps letters pop up on the screen. oh well. there goes my plans for conquering the universe... oh yeah, and after finishing off combot it gave me 7600 points. whee... i dunno what it does other than the points though... maybe it gives you... an... EXTRA CONTINUE! WOOT! now i have infinite continues... +1!! yeah baby! It's no replacement for omnipotent power and ruling the universe...but i'll take what i can get. :) 2. FRANO McNEIL The "Special Item" does appear on other levels, but you have to meet certain conditions. What those conditions are I don't know, but I do know I got it on the first level twice and it stayed on screen as long as the other power ups do, unlike the item on the last level. Further more, I do not know how many points I got for it when I picked it up, but at the end of the level, it was worth 7600 points. It was the US version if that matters any. 3. ALEX KASTNER Hey, I just wanted to say that you can find the 200 bonus point icon thingie in all of the other levels. I have only seen them sitting next to the boss, but they are in the other levels. Just wanted to point that out. *************************************************************************** [c] - L E V E L O N E : M I L I T A R Y I N S T A L L A T I O N *************************************************************************** The opening level offers little more than a chance to become acquainted with the controls, the targetting system and the feeling of being surrounded by many assailants. The path comprises a number of enclosed corridors. There will be a lot of running up and down as new assailants appear at different ends of each corridor. BOSS: Combot STRATEGY: This encounter takes place in a very confined space, and it is all too easy to get trapped. Start with a sliding tackle (or flying leap) as soon as you enter the room. Combot is the TEKKEN 4 equivelant of Mokujin (and Tetsujin and TEKKEN TAG's Unknown): the sooner you can identify whose moves are being pulled off, the sooner you will be able to provide a more effective attacking strategy. Remember: if you get pinned against a wall, use the switch command to swap places. *************************************************************************** [d] - L E V E L T W O : T E M P L E R U I N S *************************************************************************** Again, a mostly straightfowrard level and set on the edge of a forest. The path is barred at intervals by fallen masonry which must be attacked (and smashed) in order to proceed. However, the rubble cannot be cleared until all of your attackers have been done away with. Arrival at the temple offers a branching path. You may (having rid the area of bad guys first) continue past the temple, into a sub-area on the same path and on to the end-of-level BOSS; or you may break through the rubble to the left and enter the ruined temple to fight some extra baddies before reaching the BOSS. The final enemies encountered at the junction are used to determine which way you will be allowed to proceed: killing a specific one of the two allows you to take the shorter path past the Temple; killing the other takes you on a longer into the ruined Temple itself. Whichever way you go, a sub-area will be missed and cannot be visited during that particular game. Watch out for the pathway next to the temple: it is very narrow. Remember that some attacks can damage or destroy multiple enemies. BOSS: Kuma/Panda STRATEGY: In this area, you will find other enemies in addition to the BOSS. Ignore them unless you need a health boost. Kuma/Panda will unleash devastating attacks and needs to be taken down quickly. You'll need to anticipate every move because they're going to hurt. There is more room to move around, but the troops at the back can get in the way. *************************************************************************** [e] - L E V E L T H R E E : C O R R I D O R *************************************************************************** The most straightforward (literally) of all the levels is the most frustrating. You find yourself in a wide corridor - there are two rows of pillars running the entire length of the corridor, effectively dividing the arena into three parts across the width of the corridor. Upon completion of a sub-area, you must move on to the next (remembering to run) where you are likely to be ambushed. Be VERY wary! The enemies encountered here are not just Heihachi Mishima's punchbags: they have tactics and some nasty attacks. Upon arrival at a sub-area, you will be met by five or so enemies who will each perform a rolling or flying attack in turn - that hurts! Fortunately, they will drop large amounts of health which you will NEED to collect. Much of the action takes place between the columns in the centre of the corridor, but a couple of sub-areas begin to the sides, by the walls. Again, an ambush is likely. In one sub-area, attacking your enemy will cause him to run away! Your attack will fail. The only way to stop these guys so you can fight them is to run into them and knock them over: only then do they start fighting back. TIP: an enemy will NOT attack you unless you have run into him and forced a fight - this can save your ass getting overpowered. BOSS: Kazuya Mishima STRATEGY: There is a LOT of space to play with here: almost too much! The encounter begins with Kazuya alone, but he is soon joined by some reinforcements. Unlike at the Temple Ruins, they are not just hanging around, joining in the fray when it is absolutely necessary: these guys are actively trying to hurt you! Try and remain focussed on Kazuya and defend against his blistering attacks. Eventually you will wear him down and enter Heihachi's domain. *************************************************************************** [f] - L E V E L F O U R : M I S H I M A F O R T R E S S *************************************************************************** The final level is fairly straightforward with a few bonus areas. You could take a moment to observe the nicely-designed Japanese decor; or you could get down to the dirty business of breaking faces. The ultimate goal is to infiltrate Hon-Maru, a room of some significance in the STORY mode of TEKKEN 4. The enemies that populate this level are particularly ruthless and numerous. A great many will drop a lot of healing items along the way and there are big time bonuses to be had. They will, however, conspire against you in an attempt to eat away at your health and whittle down the time available to you. If you are going to fail miserably, this will be the level where it will happen. BOSS: Heihachi Mishima STRATEGY: Much like the previous BOSS encounter, Heihachi has his minions out in force to protect him and divert your attacks. Make sure that Heihachi is targetted at all times - this will help maintain your focus. Unleash your deadliest combos to dispense with the old man with the silly hairdo. ** UPDATE ** The following strategy for beating HEIHACHI was submitted by Bruce Pollock. I happened to be bored one day and decided to check to see what faqs where up for Tekken 4 when I saw your Force Mode faq, so I checked it out. Not bad. Well, the reason I'm mailing you is to let you know about a trick I use that you could include in your faq. During the final battle with Heihachi I like to thin out the herd before fighting him. I do this by entering the room just enough to activate the "intro" sequence where Heihachi speaks to you. Then I side step to one side (usually the left) while focusing on the far left "grunt". Side stepping far enough and approaching slowly will cause one or two of the henchmen to break formation and attack while the rest of the enemies stand and watch. This can be done for both sides and I'm usually able to take out 4 of the 6 guards with Heichachi before he even moves. While not a "cake walk", it certainly makes the battle easier. Anyway, hope you find this a useful trick. Happy Hunting. *************************************************************************** [g] - T H E E N D *************************************************************************** Upon completion of the game, you will be shown a list of all the enemies in the game (including the BOSSes). The enemies you encountered and killed are listed with the combo responsible for their deaths. Also listed are the enemies you did not encounter - the ones to be found in areas you did not manage to visit and those found with BOSS characters who didn't need to be killed. While all of this is taking place, Heihachi is holding a seminar for some of his military underlings. Once he's finished speaking, he takes them all on in a never-ending fight. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 5 - C R E D I T S *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanks to NAMCO for producing as fine a fighting game as anybody could ask for. It's a shame the buttons aren't analogue; and it's it's a pity they felt the need to do away with the hidden sub-games (but how do you possibly top TEKKEN BOWLING?) Thanks to THE OLIVIA TREMOR CONTROL whose CD "(music from the unrealized film script) DUSK AT CUBIST CASTLE" was the soundtrack to this guide. Thanks to GameFAQs for giving and receiving. Thanks to "OLD MAN," FRANCO McNEIL, ALEX KASTNER and BRUCE POLLOCK for their contributions. Thanks to TYLER, my cat, who is curled up on my bed (actually, she has just woken up and appears to be looking at the monitor: probably just making sure that she gets a mention!) Thanks to YOU for reading, wherever you may be and and whoever you are. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *************************************************************************** 6 - V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.0 - Got the core of the Guide written - a few key elements are missing, but that will be fixed in time. So, aside from the usual everyday stuff, I wrote GENERAL TIPS and the LEVEL overviews. (20th September 2002) 1.1 - A few minor alterations and tweaks to the main text in lieu of the main update (hopefully done by Sunday.... fingers crossed) (23rd September 2002) 1.2 - The big update was not forthcoming owing to work commitments. Oh well. This update includes some READER CONTRIBUTIONS and I have added their names to the CREDITS section. (25th October 2002) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 7 - Previous FAQs, Walkthroughs and miscellaneous guides (posted at http://www.gamefaqs.com unless stated otherwise): Gran Turismo Concept (PAL) -> FAQ -> July 2002 Onimusha Warlords (PAL) -> In-depth FAQ -> August 2002 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Walkthrough/Guide Content (C) 2002 Paul Wilson - aka RONNIE BADGER -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-