Violet (Violeta) ------------ Written by IC September 30, 2001 Tekken 4 is a copyright of Namco 1995-1999, 2001. Version 1.0 URL: http// Out of nowhere comes Violet all pack with a purple suit. Many will be shocked that he is actually Lee Chaolan in disguise (check more info on bio). Many will say "a Law ripoff","useless",etc. This is where they are wrong. Violet is one of the most umpredictable characters in the T4 series(along with Jin), hopefully people will change their minds. This FAQ is made in a simplefied format so everyone new to Violet can get accustomed with Violet/Lee easily, so you won't see a "legend" info just the Violet only stuff. If you have stuff I should add or correct or questions then email me at In conclusion please don't sell this FAQ or copy to another FAQ because this took me hours to do this and I WILL FIND YOU. All written aspects(non-official) are copyright to Isaiah Cornejo aka "Riskbreaker" and it's respective owners. *By the way many many people say if he's gay or not? My answer: I could care less as long as he whoops some can of whopass. People, it's your imagination that makes him look what you think. This character is pure fantasy. Nuff said.* I. Bio II. Violet's Techniques -Throws -Arts -Hitman -Combos -Juggles -Mist Trap (coming soon) IV. Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Bio. Violet is a majority shareholder and the de facto leader of a manufacturer of humanoid robots. Apparently a fighter in his past, he lived a quiet life in a mansion in the Bahamas. Bored by his career lifestyle, Violet decided to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. The senior executives in his company wrote this off as the mere diversions of a rich man. In any event, there were no weaknesses in Violet's physique, forged by state of the art training equipment. There was another significant reason for his entrance in the tournament. Violet believed that he could complete the ultimate fighting weapon based on his pursuit of developing advanced humanoids. He believed in a utopian world where inorganic humanoids would carry out the will of their human masters.But the tide of technology in the world favored biotechnology. The Mishima Zaibatsu and Heihachi Mishima were part of this movement, seekers of unfathomable power through genetic engineering. Violet accelerated the development of a prototype humanoid for the tournament. If the prototype could be completed in time, he could leverage this tournament as an excellent PR tool. Violet's mind was filled with visions of him and his prototype dominating The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4. (Credits to Namco) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Basics Well on we go with the basics. I will specified his throws, here we go: Throws: Front 2+4---Wu Tip- His new and second best throw. Violet grabs the opponent on his/her sholders, handstands over them and crosses his body to flip and roll opponent off the ground causing opponent neck and back to twist and hit the groud. Fancy *** This does about 30% damage F+2+4---Neckbreaker, Shoulder- Violet grabs the opponent on his/her head on a front face lock, spins to the side, twisting the head of the victim and falling to the floor. This does about 30% damage f,F+3+4---Knee Lift- Violet grabs opponents head and rams his knee to the opponents head seding them flying up. This does 30% damage Side 2+4|F+2+4---Left-Harrasment- This is his coolest throw. Violet grabs one of the opponents arms and joint-locks their wrist bending the arm backwards making the opponent go down to the floor in pain, while they are on the floor Violet starts to scrape his foot on their head and finally making a deadly stomp at their head. Killer Five Star!! ***** about 42% damage 2+4|F+2+4---Right-Somesault Crusher/Cutter/Stunner- His third best looking throw. By his/her side, Violet jumps and flips over them grabs their neck to create a 3/4 facelock and drops down the ground to hit the opponents neck and chin. Brutal ** 40% damage Back 2+4|F+2+4---Flying Bulldog (close to opponents back side)- Violet jumps up to the opponnets back and side headlocks the victim and drops them down on their face. 45% damage. Daiji Arts: I will show you from left to right: moves, name of move, positions(low, medium, high), and hit/percentage. *(new moves) W/A-while standing J-juggles U-unblockable ~-Immediately :-Frame Action Moves(accurate timing) SS-Sidestep >-Delayed Move Names Position Hit % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,2(starter)----------left, right punch-----HH---------5,10 * ~f,N----------------Mist Step------------------------ 2-------------------Violet Knuckle--------H----------10 * (>)4----------------Violet Kick-----------M----------10 ~3----------------Hitman Stance-------------------- *1,F+2,2,(>)2---------Violet Knuckle Combo--HHMH-------5,12,5,10 *1,3:3:3--------------Acid Rain Combo-------HHMH-------5,14,8,5(CH last) b+1,1-----------------Backfist Rush---------HM---------10,8 * ~f,N----------------Mist Step------------------------ 2------------------Triple Fang-----------H----------15 3+4----------------Hitman Stance-------------------- b+1,N+1---------------Backfist Rush II------HH---------8,8 * ~f,N----------------Mist Step------------------------ 2------------------Triple Fang-----------H----------15 3+4----------------Hitman Stance-------------------- 2,2-------------------Rave War--------------HH---------10,10 F+2>2>2---------------Rave War Combo--------HMH--------12,5,10 d/f+2-----------------Uppercut(J)-----------H----------10(CH Juggles) SS+2------------------Rear Cross Punch------H----------10 * ~f,N----------------Mist Step------------------------ *SS+1+2---------------Schwartz Rose Hook----M----------20(CH last) 3---------------------Head Kick-------------H----------18 * >3------------------Violet Hammer---------M----------15 * (f_d/f)+3-----------Step In Kick----------M----------15 *F+3:3:3--------------Acid Rain Combo-------HMH--------14,8,5(CH last) B+3-------------------Mist Wolf-------------M----------18 >3------------------Mist Wolf Combo-------H----------18 ~3[4]---------------Feint Mist Wolf[Trap]-H----------18[30] ~4------------------Hitman Stance--------------------- d+3,3-----------------Silver Low-Head Kick--LH---------8,18 * >3------------------Violet Hammer---------M----------15 * (f_d/f)+3-----------Step In Kick----------M----------15 u/f+3-----------------Quick Silver Sting----H----------20 d/f+3-----------------Side Kick-------------M----------18 d/b+3-----------------Low Slice Kick--------L----------12 f,f+3-----------------Split Axe Kick--------M----------23 FC,d/f,d,d/f+3--------Dragon Slide----------L----------18 WS+3,3----------------Tsunami Kick----------MM---------10,17 d/f+3_(D+3)--------Mid/Low Infinite------M(L)-------15(15) 3,3,3,3..------Rave Kicks------------MHMH-------10,15,10,15.. u+3,3,3..-----Violet Hammer-Rave----MMH--------15,10,15.. d+3,3,3..-----Silver Low-Rave-------LMH--------15,10,15.. SSRight+3-------------Violet Screw----------H----------25 ~4------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- u/f+3+4---------------Silver Sting----------H----------30 f,f,N+3+4-------------Falling Dragon Slide--H----------15 b,b,N+3+4-------------Handspring Backflip--------------(Hitman) f,f,N+3,4_(rng+3+4,4)-Shredder--------------MM---------20,15 >4------------Shredder Combo--------H----------25 >d/f+4--------Shredder Mid----------M----------15 >d+4----------Shredder Low----------L----------15 *4,3,3----------------Violet Spin Hammer----HHM--------16,12,19 4,3,4-----------------Shaolin Spin Kicks----HHH--------16,12,12 4,4,4-----------------Machine Gun Kicks-----HHH--------16,8,10 4,u(u/f)+3------------Kick-Somersault-------HM---------16,30 f+4-------------------Silver Whip-----------H----------8 b+4-------------------Silver Heel(J)--------M----------22 ~3------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- b,b+4-----------------Quick Cutter----------M----------20 ~3------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- *u/f+4----------------Violent Knee(J)-------M----------15 U/F+4-----------------Hop Kick(J)-----------M----------12 D#+4>4>4>4------------Laser Edge Rush-------LLLM-------7,5,5,21 D+4-------------------Laser Edge------------L----------7 >N+4,4,4------------Machine Gun Kicks-----HHH--------20,8,10 * >N+4,3,3------------Violet Spin Hammer----HHM--------16,12,19 >N+4,3,3------------Shaolin Spin Kicks----HHH--------20,12,12 >N+4,u+3------------Kick-Somersault-------HM---------20,30 * ~N+4~3--------------Silver Cyclone(U)-----H----------80 d,d/b+4---------------Blazing Kick(J)-------M----------22 d,d/f+4---------------Silver Tail-----------L----------12 WS+4_(d/f+4)----------Rising Kick-----------M----------20 ~3------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- SSLeft+4--------------Violet Screw----------H----------25 ~3------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- FC,(u/b_u_u/f)--------Fake Catapult-------------------- FC,(u/b_u_u/f)+4------Low Catapult----------M----------15_22_25 ~3------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- FC,(U/B_U_U/F)+4------High Catapult---------M----------25_28_30 FC,(U/B_U_U/F)+3+4----Rainbow Kick----------MM---------30,20 3+4-------------------Hitman Stance-------------------- F+3+4-----------------Hitman Stance(step)-------------- *f,N------------------Mist Step------------------------ * 3,4-----------------Soviet Kicks(J)-------H----------10,16 * b,N-----------------Reverse Mist--------------------- * 4-----------------Code Red--------------L----------15 d+3+4-----------------Silver Cyclone(U)-----H----------80 d/b+1+2,(u,u)---------Silver Demon(U)-------MM---------10,70(cancel) *b,b~u/b--------------Wall Backflip---------H----------20(BK to Wall) Hitman Stance: 3+4(F+3+4) u(d)----------------Sidestep------------------------- U(D)----------------Hitman Cancel-------------------- F(hold)-------------Forward Step--------------------- b(B)----------------Hitman Cancel-------------------- 1,1,1..-------------Freaker Jab-----------HHH--------15,15,15..(HM) 1,3-----------------Traping Kick----------HH---------21,13 * 1,4-----------------Jab,Violet Kick-------M----------10 ~3----------------Hitman Stance-------------------- 2-------------------Scatter Blow(J)-------M----------23 3-------------------Trapping Kick---------H----------21,13(CH) 4-------------------Ship Slicer(J)--------L----------22(Floats) 10-Hit: d/f+ (last hit juggles, if hit of course) mhm.hh.L.h.h.h.m}{10,5,6,5,7,6,7,7,10,25 Combos: ---------------------- start with: 1,2,4, trick with: 1,2,>4 1,2,d/f+2(J) 1,2,d+4 1,2,2+4(throw) 1,2,~f,N,1,2 1,2,~f,N,3,4(J) 1,2,~f,N,2+4(throw) 1,2,~f,N,f,3+4,4 1,2,~f,N,f,f,3+4(throw) (more coming soon) Juggles: This is in construction. ---------------------- Start with: d/f+2--U/F+4--u/f+4--f,f+3 1,1,2,4 (1),(2),b+1,1,2 4,4,4 b+1,1~f,4,3 1,D+4,4,4,4(only haved worked on Marduk and King) 1,2,d,d/f+4 1,2~f,1,2~f,1,2~f,(f,3,4) u/f+4,1,2~f,1,2~f,(1,2~f),u/f+4 u/f+4,1,2~f,1,2~f,(1,2~f),f+4 WS+3,3,d+3 F+3:3:3 1,2~f,1,2~f,d,d/b+4 ---------------------- Start with: 1,3:3:3--F+3:3:3(if last hit) b+4,d,d/f+4 D+4,4,4,4 b+4~3,4 ---------------------- Start with: d,d/b+4 4,4,4 4,3,4 4,u+3,(f,3,4-only have worked on Marduk) b,b+4~3,2 FC,U/F+4 SS+2~f,1,2~f,f+4 1,2~f,1,2~f,1,2~f,(3,4) 1,2~f,1,2~f,d,d/b+4 d+4,N~4,3,3 ---------------------- Start with: Hitman 2 (2), u/f+3+4 f,3,4 ---------------------- Start with: Hitman 4 d+2,f,1,2~f,1,2~f,3,4 ---------------------- Start with: b+4 SS+2~f,1,2~f,f+4 SS+2~f,1,2~f,d,d/f+4 ---------------------- Start with: f,3,4 1,f,f,N+3,4_(rng+3+4,4) 1,2~f,1,2~f,1,2~f,(f,3,4) u/f+4,1,2~f,1,2~f,u/f+4 1,2~f,1,d,db+4 u/f+4,1,2~f,1,2~f,f+4 1,D+4,4,4,4(only haved worked on Marduk and King) More Combos to come! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Thanks and Credits Well its time for me to say thank you to everyone and hopefully I can help someone out there about Violet. I have to thank GameFAQs for letting me put this faq out. Namco for giving us something to not give up the coin-up industry and putting the best fighting game out there. I like to thank my girlfriend Erika and my daughter Jaleen(14 months!) for letting- supporting me while playing Tekken. Also I like to thank Catlord and the for having all the names of every single moves in T4 and great faqs. If anyone has stuff or corrections I need to add email me I promise to respond just give me some time please. Oh and I love to hear your feedback about my Violet's faq. Thank you IC(Riskbreaker)