Game: Soul Calibur II Guide: Weapon Histories Author: David "TigerhawkT3" Muller Email: Version: 1.02 Date: 10/08/05 Version History: 1.02, 10/08/05: Updated my email address. 1.01, 10/31/04: Added the subtitle "Weapons" within main body. 1.00, 10/29/04: Wrote the entire guide. Table Of Contents: I. Introduction II. Weapons A. Raphael B. Talim C. Yunsung D. Cassandra E. Mitsurugi F. Taki G. Voldo H. Nightmare I. Astaroth J. Ivy K. Kilik L. Xianghua M. Maxi N. Necrid O. Link P. Sophitia Q. Seung Mina R. Yoshimitsu S. Cervantes III. Legal Stuff Introduction ------------ This FAQ is intended to provide factual information about Soul Calibur II to whoever wants to know. This includes weapon descriptions from the in-game Weapon Gallery. The characters and their weapons are listed in the order in which they appear in the Weapon Gallery Screen. For each entry, the weapon name is given, followed by a short practical description and then a longer description. Weapons ------- Raphael: Flambert Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. After losing in battle and being pursued even by his former friends and family, Raphael managed to take this sword with him from the Sorel family home. The Flambert is an amazingly sharp sword rapier - Raphael continued to use the sword long after his departure from aristocracy. It is a well-balanced, easy to use weapon. Epee Good defense, but has weak single strikes. A type of rapier with a thin blade. It was used by European nobles and knights for duels of honor, but it was uncommon for it to be used on the battlefield. Its light weight makes it difficult to knock aside enemy weapons, but it can be manipulated to keep the opponent's attacks in check. Stiletto Penetrates defenses, but has short reach. A sword created to deal with the advancement of plate armor. It was designed solely for the sake of piercing and was feared on the battlefield by knights in armor. Its blade pierces through an opponent's armor and promises deep wounds. Reiterpallasch Good offense and penetrates defenses, but easy to lose balance. A long sword used by knights in Western Europe, it excels at both piercing and cutting. Its best feature is the hilt design which protects the wielder's hand. It has a sharp edge and can easily break an opponent's defense, but it is difficult to use it to block incoming attacks. Wo Dao Powerful single strikes with SC, but has short reach. A sword from the country of Wo. In other words, it is the Ming Dynasty era Chinese name for a Japanese sword. Most of them were used only for display, but among them were some that were actually used in battle. This wo dao is one of them. Even as far away as Europe, the sharpness and power of Japanese swords were well-known. Schweizer Offense increases with SC, but vulnerable to impact. A sword used by the Roman Empire with a point modified for piercing. It is considered to be a type of bastard sword, but it actually more closely resembles a saber. This sword is a work of master craftsmanship that looks as if it could cut apart anything with a single full-strength blow. Holy Antler Good offense, but lacks defense. A blessed sword that is said to banish evil and protect its wielder. It was carried primarily by holy warriors for the purpose of destroying demonic monsters. It is a piercing weapon and is not suited for blocking attacks. Perhaps it was created with the idea that faith itself is the strongest defense. Estoc Easy to SC and offense increases with SC A sword designed to pierce through an armored opponent. Resembling a giant needle, it has no problem shearing chain mail and can even penetrate plate armor if properly aimed. But because it lacks a wide blade, it is not good for defense. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to be the strongest in the world... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is an exceedingly powerful weapon, but it demands the wielder's soul in return. Queen's Guard Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A legendary defensive weapon passed down through the royal family. Even now, royal guards protecting the Queen use swords with the same name, but they are the same in name only. This particular sword forces its wielder to fight even to the death to protect whomever he has sworn to protect. It also grants the power to accomplish this task. Cane A true gentleman never leaves home without it. A favorite of gentlemen everywhere. It can even be used as a weapon in a pinch, assuming the wielder has sufficient training as a swordsman. Someone who faces an individual holding a cane and is not familiar with Western sword techniques will surely let their guard down. Talim: Syi Sarika and Loka Luha Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for her. A type of tonfa-like paired weapon called elbow blades, used by the wind-worshipping people of Southeast Asia in ceremonial dances. They are usually though of more as ritual items than as weapons. These elbow blades are well-balanced and can take the rigors of combat. Wind Guide Good defense and penetrate defenses, but easy to lose balance. A pair of elbow blades used in wind-worshipping ceremonies. They are used once a year in the dance to welcome the wind that circles the earth. This dance has the theme of how humans should relate to the embracing wind, and it makes a firm impression in the minds of those who see it. They are sturdy weapons, but difficult to use. Tonfa Powerful single strikes, but lack offense. A type of weapon used in the unique martial arts of the Ryukyu Islands, a region that prospered as the midway point for trade between China and Japan. They are designed for balanced offense and defense. They have no actual blade, but they can deal powerful blows. Side Harpe Powerful single strikes with SC, but lack offense. There is an ancient Grecian sickle-sword known as a harpe, but these blades are far removed from that weapon. They were once owned by a collector of rare swords, but they were stolen, and their whereabouts became unknown. Skillfully applying strength yields powerful attacks. Unfortunately, their cutting edges have dulled over the years. Double Crescent Blade Excel in offense and defense. Offense increases with SC. Unusual weapons consisting of two overlapping crescent blades. They were uncovered as burial treasure in an ancient grave. The name Double Crescent Blade was given to them by a later owner; their real names are unknown. On top of their sturdy construction and sharp blade, they respond to their wielder's fighting spirit and become even heavier and sharper. Chaqu Good offense, but guard is penetrable. Types of kai, a Chinese weapon. Differing from a normal kai, these have a small blade attached near the grip. The grip, blade, and everything else are all designed for efficient attacks. In exchange for their efficiency, they have little defensive capability. Cao Ankana Long reach and penetrate defenses, but require energy. Special elbow blades created for the purpose of appeasing out-of-season windstorms and lost typoons. Unlike normal elbow blades, there is only one because the other blade is buried as part of the ritual to appease the wind. Its large size and heavy weight translate directly to high damage, but it takes stamina to swing. Maila Kari Long reach, but wielder receives damage. Ancient elbow blades that are said to generate wind when swung. They were taken from the village of the wind-deity and lost when they were transferred into the hands of a European noble. The true value of these precious treasures went unknown, and they were treated as mere decoration. They are difficult weapons to use because their wielder is constantly buffeted by the wind. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. In addition to draining the life of its opponents, it also brings misfortune to the one who wields it. Soul Calibur Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! The spirit sword that has fought countless battles against Soul Edge behind the scenes of history, unbeknownst to man. It reacts to those of pure heart and gives its wielder the power to counter darkness. Just like the dark sword, it can change its form. It actually calls forth hope and grants vitality when its owner is in danger. Weight I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I won't do it again! In the village where Talim was born, children were occasionally punished by forcing them to stand for several hours while holding heavy weights created in the shape of elbow blades. They are not weapons, but perhaps opponents who see them may let down their guard. Yunsung: White Storm Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. A sword passed down as a family treasure in the Korean Seung Family, famous for its martial artists. It is said that its blade shows the reflection of the deepest parts of its wielder's heart. After re-examining his own heart, Yunsung decided to go out in search of Soul Edge. As appropriate for a Seung Family Treasure, it is an exceedingly well-balanced sword. Machete Penetrates defenses, but lacks defense. A type of blade used by the indigenous people in the land beyond the Atlantic Ocean. Most that people encounter are actually replicas made in Europe, but this particular one is a rare authentic one brought back by sailors. Its heavy blade can cause impact damage even when blocked. Khanjar Powerful single strikes, but has a short reach. Originally created in twelfth century Turkey, it is now widely used everywhere from Persia to India. Its sharp, curved blade which matches its name (meaning 'meat cutting knife,' in Arabic) makes it easy to attack while knocking aside the enemy's attacks. Xiao Lian Long reach, but wielder receives damage. One of the three legendary Shang dynasty treasure swords. It is said that during the day, only its shadow can be seen, and during the night, only the light that it radiates allows you to find its location. It is said that the sword can partially change its shape at its wielder's will, but it is also said that it is difficult for a normal human body to withstand the sword's power. Giant Butcher Knife Good offense, but has a short reach. A simple sword designed for mass production. It was designed expressly for soldiers and was used on the battlefield. It was given the name 'Giant Butcher Knife' by the soldiers, but of course it was not used for cooking. Its heavy blade, designed for killing, has a short reach but packs a powerful punch. Cheng Ying Easy to SC, but lacks offense and defense. One of the three legendary Shang dynasty treasure swords. it is said that its blade can only be seen, barely, at dusk and dawn, and even then only if the sword is pointed northward. The blade's very existence is unstable, making it difficult for an enemy to block, but likewise, it is difficult to use it to guard against the opponent's attacks as well. Ramdao Long reach and absorbs health, but guard is penetrable. A widely used sacrificial sword from Nepal. It has a characteristic eye-motif decorating the end of the blade. It has the power to sap the life from its enemies and heal the body of its wielder. As a result of its long reach, the shock when absorbing enemy attacks is increased, making it difficult to guard effectively. Blue Thunder Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense. A sword that Korean Admiral Lee Sun Shin received in his younger days from his closest friend, Seung Han Myong. When the Korean national hero, Hwang, went out on his second quest for the Sword of Salvation, the Admiral himself presented this sword to him. It does not do much damage with each hit, but its weight breaks the opponent's stance. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is an evil weapon which saps the strength of the enemy it wounds and rends the soul of the one who holds it. Han Guang Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! One of the three legendary Shang dynasty treasure swords. Its blade has no physical presence, and it is said that those cut by it do not even realize that they have been hit. It boasts a surprising lightness and a long reach, but it saps the life of its wielder with every swing. It is unlikely that any human can truly handle it. Child's Sword And what am I supposed to do with this? A sword that Seung Mina once gave to Yunsung. Upon close examination, the words 'For little kids' have been engraved onto an inconspicuous place. In other words, she'd been treating him like a child when she gave it to him. It is completely ineffective as a weapon, but perhaps it will cause opponents to let down their guard. Cassandra: Omega Sword and Nemea Shield Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. A sword and shield once used by Cassandra's older sister, Sophitia. The set was made from holy ore received from the ancient Greek god of the forge, Hephaestus. After Sophitia returned from her journey, they were reverently placed in an ancient shrine. They were made with great care and provide a well-balanced combination of offense and defense. Spiked Shield Good offense, but vulnerable to impact. A weapon that consists of a spike added onto the center of a shield. This spike is quite effective for offense, but it lowers its defensive capabilities. Dark Blade Long reach and penetrates defenses, but lacks defense. A long sword with an elegant black blade. At one point, a group of people that assassinated a tyrant left these swords at the crime scene as a mark of justice. Even now, it is sometimes used by assassins under the cover of darkness. By soaking the blade in poison for extended periods of time, the attack capabilities of the sword have been increased. It was not designed, however, for defensive use. Metesashi Good defense, but lacks offense and has weak single strikes. A type of Japanese short sword. Carried on the opposite hip from a katana, it was used in close quarters on the battlefield in situations where drawing a katana would be difficult. It allows quick movements, but is designed only to finish off an enemy and is lacking in damage-dealing power. Spine Blade Good offense and penetrates defenses, but has a short reach. A sword designed to cause devastating wounds. The comb-like blade opens numerous wounds with the small gap between each tooth. This kind of wound heals extremely poorly. It addition, the claw-like blade can work through an opponent's guard and effectively deliver damage. Katzbalger Speed increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. A sword with an S-shaped hand guard designed to be hung from clothes or belts. The name 'Katzbalger' came from a colloquial word that means 'used for fighting.' As appropriate for a weapon used by those that are quick to fight, it is designed to allow quick and agile movements. Red Crystal Rod and Red Line Shield Recovers health, but vulnerable to impact. A staff and shield said to have been used by a hero and a priestess in ancient Babylonia. Lending credence to that story are the many accounts from those who have used them, which tell of the healing powers the items possess. But compared to modern weapons, they are somewhat difficult to hold, and thus may be somewhat weak at blocking attacks. Ivan the Terrible Offense increases with SC, but wielder receives damage. A sword and shield used by the soldiers of Ivan the Terrible to conquer the Grand Duchy of Moscow. These items, the source of terror for the people of the land, were referred to by the same name as their emperor. Their fearsome design would likely wound their wielder if one was not accustomed to using them. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to have powerful single strikes... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It boasts fearsome attack power, but in return demands the life of its wielder. Valkyrie Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A divine sword and shield bearing the name of the maidens of war from Northern European mythology. They are said to have been left behind on earth by one of the maidens when she descended from heaven. It is said that one who wields it will be filled with courage and that their true potential will shine forth, but mere humans cannot make full use of their real power. Keepsake Old and useless junk. No one will care if it gets taken, right? A sword forged by Sophitia's husband, the blacksmith Rothion, when he was still an apprentice. Apparently, someone used it in an outburst of anger, as it is quite heavily damaged. It's not much of a weapon, but perhaps that will cause opponents to let down their guard. Mitsurugi: Shishi-Oh Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. After learning iaijitsu and other techniques to combat firearms, Mitsurugi sought a sword appropriate for a new style of fighting. He finally settled on Shishi-Oh. An incredibly well-balanced Japanese sword, it is Mitsurugi's preferred weapon. Korefuji Good offense, but has short reach. The sword Mitsurugi used on his first quest for Soul Edge. Later, when he lost to firearms in an imperial court tournament, it was confiscated by his lord. Several years later, that lord died, and Korefuji went missing. Even now, after countless battles, it remains as sharp as ever. Two-Handed Sword Offense increases with SC, but vulnerable to impact. A Western sword with a beautiful wave-patterned blade. In contrast to its appearance, it is actually a very effective weapon. Its design, which at first glance appears to be decorative, actually acts to widen inflicted wounds. This also makes it somewhat weak against blows, however. Shamshir Long reach, but easy to lose balance. A curved sword from Persia. Its name means 'lion's tail.' Its long blade and easily gripped, loosely curved hilt make it effective in combat, but using it skillfully requires experience. Basilard Good defense and has powerful single strikes, but has short reach. A type of short sword used widely in Europe. It is an all-purpose blade used not only in battle, but also in cooking, manufacturing, and other everyday activities. It is built very tough to handle frequent use. Gassan Powerful single strikes, but requires energy to wield. A sword forged by a Japanese sword smith named Gassan, who is said by some to have been an oni demon. It is said that the Gassan has both spiritual and demonic powers, and that it chooses who is worthy to wield it. If an unworthy warrior grips the sword, it will turn on him instead. Tulwar Long reach and penetrates defenses, but lacks defense. A curved Indian sword. Normally, it is equipped with a knuckle-guard, but Mitsurugi considered it an annoyance and removed it. Because of this its defensive capability has been lowered, but it is easier to apply force to the sword and deal decisive damage. Masamune Excels in offense and defense. Speed increases with SC. Masamune was a famous fourteenth century Japanese sword smith. This sword is said to have been crafted by him, but whether that is true or not is unclear. But it is such an incredibly elegant piece of work that the issue of whether or not it was made by Masamune himself feels trivial. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to have powerful offense... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. But it is true that its incredible power, unleased by burning the soul of its wielder, is not something one can gain through normal means. Damascus Sword Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A sword that boasts an unusual sturdiness and sharpness. The pattern on its blade, resembling the surface of water, is a characteristic of the Damascus steel. Its manufacturing process is a fiercely guarded secret. It is said that its shining blade raises spirit and inspires confidence in those who wield it. Souvenir Gift A handmade wooden sword. Don't be deceived by its looks! A man claiming to be a Japanese samurai have this carved wooden sword to a family living in a remote part of Northern Europe. According to the man, it was a product of his homeland, but upon further investigation it was found to have been made from local wood. Because it doesn't look like a strong weapon, it may catch opponents off-guard. Taki: Rekki-Maru and Mekki-Maru Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for her. Rekki-Maru is a demon-slaying sword that Taki created by infusing it with supernatural powers. Mekki-Maru was given to her by Hachibei, former ninja of the Fu-Ma Clan. She later increased its power with a fragment of Soul Edge. These weapons form a good balance of offense and defense - they are as much a part of Taki as her arms and legs. Kunai Excel in offense and defense, but have short reach. A type of bladed weapon used by the ninjas of Japan. It is said that they originated as digging tools. They can be thrown like shuriken, but they are primarily used while gripped in the hand. Those with experience can use them as if they were extensions of their own body. Slicer Powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. Large knives invented by the huntsmen of the frozen north. They have slightly curved edges good for cutting meat, and the blades are sturdy and built to last. Due to their weight, it can be difficult to maintain balance when forced to use them defensively. Kagekiri Penetrate defenses, but lack defense. Magic swords said to be capable of cutting even shadows. They are over a hundred years old, yet even now, they continue to fascinate all who look upon them. Their otherworldly shine bears testament to their cutting power. Yoroitoshi Powerful single strikes with SC, but lack defense. Short swords designed to stab through the weak points of armor. Many soldiers equip them as backup weapons for the sake of taking down fully armored opponents. Due to their slender design, they are not useful for defense. Fumakugi Recover health, but have short reach and guard is penetrable. Weapons used by the Fu-Ma Clan to hunt demons; few outsider are aware of their existence. They are said to bestow unlimited vitality upon the wielder and the ability to slay demonic monsters. But against anything else, they are nothing more than mediocre weapons. Silent Edge Long reach, but lack offense. Weapons that can be used without making a sound. Widely used by European assassins, it is said that their manufacture was banned by those in power who feared assassination. Designed first and foremost to guarantee a successful sneak attack on the target, they only have the bare minimum killing power. Kamizoroe Speed increases with SC, but lack offense. Its name means 'hair-slicer' - so named because they were so sharp that a strand of hair placed upon their blades would fall in two. But because they were left abandoned in storage for so long, they no longer possess the sharpness of the original cutting edges. Even so, they are still capable of unleashing blindingly fast slashes that seem to split the very air itself. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to excel in offense and defense... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is true that it is an inhumanly powerful weapon, but... Kris Naga Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power! Mysterious short swords from the Malay Peninsula. A large number of these unusual weapons are magically enchanted. They unleash power in response to their wielder's will, but their strange shape makes them difficult to use. These weapons reacted most strongly to Taki's spiritual power. Tobacco Pipes Don't be deceived by their innocuous look! Metal pipes used for smoking tobacco. Folklore has it that tobacco smoke was once used to defeat a demon snake. Because wielding these weapons makes one appear unarmed at first glance, some opponents may be caught off- guard. Voldo: Manas and Ayus Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for him. A pair of katars from Vercci's collection that Vercci himself found when leading his fleet in search of Soul Edge. Since his death, they have been used by Voldo. They are valued not only as works of art, but also as excellently balanced weapons. Cat Claws Good offense, but easy to lose balance. Weapons long favored by assassins. They consist of several sharp claws fixed in parallel on a pair of gauntlets. Striking the enemy with these weapons causes wounds as if clawed by an animal. They excel in delivering damage but are somewhat fragile and ill-suited for defense. Tofana Scissors Good offense, but require energy to wield. Unusual weapons shaped like pairs of scissors. As appropriate for weapons named after the famous Tofana poison water, the blades are imbued with poison. But perhaps as some sort of malicious joke on the part of the designer, the poison soaks through the hilt and reaches the wielder as well. Shame and Blame Good defense, but lack offense. A pair of katars obtained by Vercci on his journey across the seas. Voldo used them to defeat intruders, but even when stained with blood they remain stunning works of art. Their heavy blades are sturdy and well-suited to defense. Iron Ram Offense increases with SC, but defense decreases. Giant iron spikes used for torture and execution. Spiral patterns are engraved into the surface, but they are not for decoration - upon piercing an enemy, they allow the blood to flow freely. They are constructed so that the killing power increases with applied force. Heavy Jur Long reach, but vulnerable to impact. Jurs are made of metal and resemble animal horns. These ones are unusually large variants that make a powerful impression worthy of their names. Karma and Mara Good defense, but have weak single strikes. A pair of katars obtained by Vercci on his journey across the seas. They are valuable works of art, but from the fact that Voldo chose to fight with them, it is safe to say that they are also quite effective as weapons. The blades are heavy, and the overall design is robust and sturdy. Full Moon Long reach and strong against impact, but lack offense. Eastern weapons consisting of iron rings with bladed outer edges. Their ring shape actually gives them good defensive capabilities. They are better suited for slashing than for thrusting. Wielding them effectively takes significant skill. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to penetrate defenses... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. The insatiable blade will inevitably consume all the souls around it. Guillotine Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power! Large pendulum-styled guillotines. The areas behind the blades are shaped conveniently for gripping, and they can be used as-is like a weapon, but they are heavy and require strength to handle. They are appropriate weapons for one such as Voldo whose duty is to deliver justice to intruders. Tambourines Old, antique instruments treasured by Vercci. The tambourine has a very long history, and drawings of it that date back before the birth of Christ look little different than modern ones. These particular tambourines, a part of Vercci's collection, are presumably extremely old and valuable. They are not weapons, but perhaps it might lead opponents to let their guard down. Nightmare: Soul Edge Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. Known by many legends, Soul Edge is a cursed sword that devours men's souls and controls the one that holds it. It is an object best regarded with fear. Currently, its power has been weakened as the result of a great many battles, but it remains a terrible force. Now, with half of his mind controlled by the demonic sword, it is the most balanced weapon for Nightmare. Flamberge Penetrates defenses, but guard is penetrable. A two-handed sword with a flame-like wave design on the blade. It gives the weapon a beautiful outward appearance, but in fact, the wave design actually serves to make the sword difficult to guard against, making it easy to damage the enemy. On the other hand, it is also difficult to use it to guard against enemy attacks. Great Blade Easy to SC, but requires energy to wield. A huge sword that lives up to its name. Presumably added to assist in its task of bringing down giants, its hollows, spikes, and other features five it a very threatening appearance. A blow from this weapon is quite powerful, but it is incredibly heavy and can wear out its wielder in just a few swings. Steel Paddle Good defense and penetrates defenses, but user is damaged. A giant iron paddle. It has no blade and thus has no cutting ability, but it can cause plenty of destruction with its size and weight alone. As one would expect, it is very useful for defense as well. Glam Good offense and penetrates defenses, but easy to lose balance. A black sword passed down over the ages, it is said to have once been used to slay a dragon. The symbols engraved on the blade apparently have some sort of mystical effect, and it boasts cutting power much greater than it appears to have. That sharpness allows it to damage opponents even if they manage to block the blow. Requiem Good defense and strong against impact, but has weak single strikes. A zweihander once wielded by Siegfried when he temporarily escaped the curse of Soul Edge and tried to make amends. Its thick blade is very sturdy, but it is heavy and not suited for clashing directly against other weapons. Faust Offense increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. Siegfried, the current holder of Soul Edge, used this zweihander during his mercenary days when he was searching for Soul Edge. It is probably this very sword that Siegfried used to spill the blood of his own father. It was once broken, but was later restored by the cursed power of Soul Edge. Soul Edge (Growth) Good offense and recovers health, but guard is penetrable. The form of the cursed sword Soul Edge after merging with a number of its fragments and recovering a great deal of its former power. While it is not yet complete, it already radiates a continuous aura of abominable evil energy, as if to boast its power to the world. A normal human being could not likely grip its hilt for long. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with SC... Soul Edge, after recovering all of its fragments and becoming whole once more. Even after covering the entire world in darkness, it is safe to assume that it has not come close to reaching the limits of its terrible power. At this point, it is not certain whether even Soul Calibur could stand against it. It can only be described as ultimate. Soul Calibur Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! The spirit sword that has fought countless battles against Soul Edge behind the scenes of history, unbeknownst to man. It reacts to those of pure heart and gives its wielder the power to counter darkness. Just like the dark sword, it can change its form. It is a sword of light that fills its wielder with vitality merely by being held, but apparently, it is actually somewhat weak against direct impact. Galley Oar A warrior from the East used something like this, apparently. An oar from a galley ship with its handle cut short to make it easier to carry around. Perhaps it was modified by someone who heard the legend of the Japanese swordsman who won a duel with an oar and decided to try it himself. The ridiculous sight of using it as a weapon might cause opponents to let down their guard. Astaroth: Kulutues Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. A giant ax designed for Astaroth by the cult that created him, the heretical order of Fygul Cestemus. It carries the blessing of their priests, but to a non-member attempting to use it, that blessing acts as a curse. It is Astaroth's preferred weapon and is very well-balanced. War Hammer Offense increases with SC, but speed decreases. Used on the battlefield since ancient times, it is effective against helmets and armor. It is said that it was originally developed from pickaxes and other everyday tools, but in the face of its crushing blows, its histor is irrelevant. In the hands of a strong warrior, it can yield even greater damage. Terror Moon Penetrates defenses, but lacks defense. It was originally called the Moon of Fortune, but each successive owner died a horrible death one after another, and now no one dares to touch it. At some point, it gained its current name. This cursed blade has the ability to slip right through an opponents guard. On the other hand, its decorative design makes it somewhat frail. Battle Ax Good defense and is strong against impact, but lacks offense. An ordinary ax modified for use in combat. Its sturdiness far exceeds that of a sword, but its weight limits those who can wield it. It can easily stand up to the impact of an opponent's weapon, but it has not been well cared for and is not particularly sharp. Great Maul Strong against impacts, but has a short reach. A giant wooden hammer used primarily in castle assaults to smash open gates. For anyone that possesses the strength to swing it repeatedly, it can also be used in combat. It is far sturdier than any ordinary weapon. Tabar Good offense, but guard is penetrable. An Indian battle ax with a large crescent blade. The ax heads of tabars often come in unusual shapes and it is said that no two look alike. Its heavy ax head yields powerful blows, but it is not well-suited to guarding against attacks. Nanbanfu Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but guard is penetrable. 'Nanban' means 'Europe,' but the construction of this ax and its decorations indicate that it is more likely of Asian design. It was probably given its name to indicate that it is a European-style ax. Its weight gives it high attack power, but in turn, it also transmits the shock of an opponent's blow directly to its wielder. Bulova Health recovers with SC, but requires energy to wield. A type of battle ax used in the highlands of East India. It excels at dismembering foes. This ax is gigantic and requires great strength to wield. It has been enhanced with magic power and apparently grants increased life- force to the one that holds it. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with SC... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It possesses a destructive power like that of no other weapon, but it also consumes the soul of its wielder. Thanatos Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A giant scythe wielded by Death. Thanatos is the personification of death in Greek mythology. This soul-harvesting weapon could indeed be described as death incarnate. It was originally designed to be used by the angel of death, who had no reason to fear injury, and thus is not constructed to provide any defense. Rock Know-how from the Stone Age. A rock attached to a stick. It is a very primitive weapon, but as heavy as it is, its damage-dealing ability should not be underestimated. It looks somewhat silly, so it may lead opponents into letting down their guard. Ivy: Valentine (Ivy Blade) Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. A living sword created by the alchemist, Ivy, for the purpose of destroying Soul Edge. Ironically, she used the power of Soul Edge in the creation of this very weapon. Perhaps because of her cursed blood, this is the weapon best balanced for Ivy. Mirage Blade Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks offense. It looks like an ordinary blade at first glance, but its movements are ever-changing. It is said that this weapon is hard to defend against, as it seems like an illusion. No one knows whether or not it actually exists, however, so the sword is true to its name - an illusion. Wiseman Mace Recovers health, but lacks defense. A defensive weapon spoken of in a journal said to have been left behind by the famous Roman sage and poet, Virgil. It resemples a mace with a handle split into multiple parts and can theoretically be manipulated with an incredible degree of freedom. There is space inside for the purpose of inserting medicinal plants, and doing so is said to bring strength to the wielder. Dream Blade Penetrates defenses, but vulnerable to impact. Records show that this weapon was conceived and built during ancient times. Its blade contains multiple joints, and each joint is connected with iron wires. This design allows it to be used as both a sword and a whip, making it extremely difficult to guard against. But on the other hand, the blade is relatively frail. Chained Flail Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but requires energy to wield. While its outward appearance is that of a spiked-ball mace, it is in fact an experimental weapon with a multi-jointed handle. Its reach combined with the destructive power of the heavy ball make it a devastating weapon, but wielding it is extremely difficult, and it is said to have caused more damage to allies than it has to enemies. It is considered a complete failure. Viper Edge Good offense, but vulnerable to impact. A legendary sword that is said to move freely like a snake. One theory holds that it is actually alive, but educated sages have stated that the idea of a living sword is nothing more than a myth. Its undulating, whip-like blade can take advantage of centrifugal force to increase its impact, but it is somewhat fragile and not suited for blocking heavy blows. Alraune Excels in offense and defense, but guard is penetrable. Resembling a rose, the Alraune is a spiked whip used for torture. It bears the name of a mysterious plant said to grow from earth that has absorbed the blood of executed criminals. The numerous thorns increase its damage potential as well as its sturdiness, but can also hurt the wielder. Demon Tail Offense increases with SC, but has weak single strikes. A sword that belonged to a woman named Philnnion, who, after her death, was later rumored to be a witch. According to the rumors, she could summon and control demons receiving this sword from one as proof of its loyalty. It is said that the stronger the mind of the wielder, the brighter it shines. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with SC. An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is said that it increases its power and sharpness as it feeds on living beings. Kaleidoscope Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A legendary sword said to have existed since the world was made and destined to continually change its form until the world ends. Many have sought it throughout history, but no one has ever reported seeing it, and currently it is thought that it may actually have been a metaphor for thunder clouds. The legend that one who grips it will be burned supports this theory as well. Prototype Ivy Blade A failed attempt at making a living sword. One of many experimental versions created by Ivy in the process of designing Valentine. This one was created before she began to make use of black magic, and it is based on mechanical principles. It's not very much of a weapon, but perhaps it might cause opponents to let down their guard. Kilik: Kali-Yuga Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. One of the three treasures of the Ling-Sheng Su Temple, it absorbs and accumulates power irrespective of whether that power is good or evil. After the night in which the temple was destroyed by the Evil Seed, it became filled with evil energy and now must be carried at all times by Kilik, who can control the evil influence. He has trained with it for many years and it is his most balanced weapon. Quarterstaff Good defense, but has short reach. A simple wooden staff made of oak. It is inexpensive and easily mass- produced and thus used commonly by armies in Central Europe. It has the sturdiness one would expect from its simple design. Ling-Sheng Su Bo Powerful single strikes, but vulnerable to impact. A staff from the Ling-Sheng Su Temple, famous for its high-level martial artists. Now that the history of Ling-Sheng Su has ended due to the Evil Seed, there is hardly anyone left that can wield this staff. The staff- fighting techniques of Ling-Sheng Su are extremely advanced and are especially good at disarming an opponent. Iron Staff Good offense, but requires energy to wield. An iron staff. Originally created for training purposes, it served well as a weapon to those with the strength to wield it, and was eventually intentionally made for use as a weapon. Its weight allows it deliver crushing blows, but at the same time it can quickly exhaust its wielder. Kunlun Bamboo Recovers health, but has weak single strikes. A staff made of bamboo which grows in the sacred Kunlun Mountains of western China. At first glance it appears to be a normal bamboo staff, but because it grows in sacred ground, it yields power to its wielder. Unfortunately, since it has not been modified for use as a weapon, it is not suited for stopping an opponent's blows. Rokushakubo Long reach, but vulnerable to strong single strikes. Staves are used as weapons throughout the world. Among those used in Japan, a staff that reaches from the ground up past its user's ears is called a rokushakubo. Its length allows attacks from a distance, but on the other hand, it the opponent is able to move in close, it is difficult to react effectively with it. Amud Good offense and penetrates defenses, but requires energy. A weapon constructed entirely of metal, originating from the Mughal Empire of India. The word 'amud' means 'pillar' in Arabic. Its weight allows it to cause damage even when guarded, but it also requires quite a lot of stamina to wield. Duel Rod Long reach and offense increases with SC. A staff created expressly for dueling competitions. It is artfully decorated and is said to have killed many in the contests in which it has been used. Regardless of its external beauty, it is still a deadly weapon. Its flexible material makes it well-suited for delivering sharp blows, but poorly suited for defense. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to ease SC... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is an awesome, powerful weapon, but one that devours its wielder. Jingu Staff Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A divine weapon, legend says that it is able to alter its length according to its wielder's will. It is said that originally it was not a weapon, but a pillar of the Dragon god's castle. Being a divine weapon, it is difficult for a human being to use it for long periods of time. Bamboo Staff It's a fake Kunlong [Kunlun] bamboo staff. Got tricked into buying it. An unmodified bamboo shaft. It was sold labeled as Kunlun bamboo, which caught Kilik's attention. He decided to buy it after much consideration, but unfortunately, it turned out to be fake. It's really not much of a weapon, but it might cause opponents to let down their guard. Xianghua: No Name Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. After the fight with Soul Edge four years ago, an old man carrying this nameless sword paid a visit to Xianghua. he referred to himself as a master swordsman and gave this sword to Xianghua as thanks for stopping Soul Edge, then immediately left again for parts unknown. It is an exceedingly well- balanced weapon. Kard Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks offense. A Persian short sword shaped like a kitchen knife. It entered into use in the Mughal Empire in India starting in the sixteenth century and eventually became the most commonly used short sword in the Empire. Its small size means that it does not deliver enormous damage, but it is easy to score hits upon the opponent. Northern Star Powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. A magic short sword bearing some special markings. Some ships' crews use this sword to ritually carve a star into the mast of their ship as a prayer for safe sailing. Its sharp point makes it good for attacking, but it is not suited for defensive use. soul Calibur (Evil) Offense increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. After being exposed to the poisonous evil of Soul Edge for an extended period of time, Soul Calibur was eventually taken over by the cursed sword. This form of Soul Calibur contains great power, but it is incredibly unstable. Kopis Penetrates defenses, but has short reach. An ancient Grecian sword used extensively throughout the Mediterranean coast. Its curved blade can penetrate an opponent's defense and successfully deliver damage. In general, those that exist today are all ancient artifacts and in no shape to be used as weapons, but there are still some like this one that are in good condition. Qi Xing Sword Long reach and has powerful single strikes, but lacks offense/defense. A treasured sword said to have been used by a sage who lived in the sacred mountains of Kunlun in China. It is said that he used the sword as part of a ritual to prepare elixirs of immortality. The 'Qi Xing (Seven Stars)' of its name refers to the seven stars of the big dipper, said to govern death. Since it is not really a weapon it doesn't inflict much damage, but it has great resistive power against an enemy blade. Krita-Yuga Health recovers with SC. One of the three treasures of the Ling-Sheng Su Temple. It is said that it changes form based on its surroundings. It was lost into a void during the battle with Soul Edge four years ago. According to legend, it fills its wielder with overflowing vitality. Blue Storm Long reach and has good offense, but vulnerable to impact. A Tang dynasty Chinese long sword passed down as a family treasure through members of the Seung Family in Korea. It was carried by Korea's greatest hero on his first quest for Soul Edge and aided him greatly on his journey. It saw a number of battles along the way and is now somewhat worn. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to increase in power with SC... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It increases its cutting power by enhancing and then devouring the spirit of its wielder. Soul Calibur Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! The spirit sword that has fought countless battles against Soul Edge behind the scenes of history, unbeknownst to man. It reacts to those of pure heart and gives its wielder the power to counter darkness. Just like the dark sword, it can change its form. It is the true form of the Krita-Yuga. It is a blessed blade that fills its wielder with power and strikes at the forces of evil. Calligraphy Brush It's not much of a weapon, but it is still a fabled item. A tool for writing letters with ink. Among members of the Chai Family in China, well-known for the number of successful military men it has produced, there is a story of a Chai ancestor that once fought off an assassin with a brush such as this one. It's not really a weapon, but perhaps that will cause opponents to let down their guard. Maxi: Soryuju Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. A nunchaku that Maxi created when he set out once again on a mission of revenge. The name means 'Gathering of Revived Dragons,' and presumably it indicates his determination to avenge his crew. Since he made it himself, it is well-balanced and exceedingly easy to handle. Tetsuryu Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense. A nunchaku consisting of nothing more than two iron bars chained together. It was created for sheer offensive power. Unfortunately, because it is difficult to grip, it is hard to make full use of the destructive power it can deliver. Chained Kozuka Long reach, but lacks defense. Two short swords, each with a short blade and long hilt, connected with thread. It was originally conceived by a street performer as a prop for use in acrobatics. It definitely lacks the sturdiness of a real weapon. Fatibal Good offense, but lacks defense. Special nunchaku made of wood from the Palisander tree. It was made to match Maxi's Shissen Karihadi fighting techniques as well as the strength of his arms. Created by one of Maxi's crew, it is the ultimate Maxi-specific weapon. It does still have the unavoidable weakness of all wooden weapons, but nevertheless, there is no other weapon that fits Maxi as well as this one. Raimei Offense increases with SC, but wielder receives damage. Nunchaku that is said to be able to generate lightning. It once belonged to the famous martial artist, Li Wang, but because he never took an apprentice, it went unused for a long period of time after his death. It is said that the wielder can increase the strength of the lightning by focusing his will. Fuzoroi Long reach and good offense, but vulnerable to impact. An unusually-shaped nunchaku with two differently-sized rods. Like a Western flail, it is used by gripping the longer end and swinging it. It appears to have been created primarily as a foot soldier weapon. Its weight balance is poor, and using it to defend against attacks is difficult. Modified Flail Long reach, but guard is penetrable. A European weapon consisting of a long rod chained to a short rod with an attached point. It is swung while gripping the longer stick. This particular one is an experimental weapon created by Maxi by cutting down the size of the longer end to convert it into a nunchaku. Since it was not designed to be used this way, if not handled skillfully it will injure the wielder instead. Falcon Offense increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. A modified nunchaku with a blade on each end. Its damage-dealing ability is greatly increased, but in turn, it requires great skill to handle. Li Long, a Chinese martial artist, was famous for using this weapon. It is said that its sharpness increases in proportion to its wielder's strength of will. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to penetrate defenses... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. Not only does it promise death to one's opponent, it threatens the life of its wielder as well. Vajra Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! The vajra is said to be the weapon of esoteric Buddhist gods and can be seen on various Buddhist items such as statues. It is said to have the power to destroy the enemies of Buddha. It possesses great destructive power, but unleashing that power requires its wielder to literally fight with the dedication of a martyr. Termite Snack Old and decrepit weapon filled with memories of a raging adolescence. An old nunchaku left behind in storage in Maxi's home of Shuri in Ryukyu. It is believed that these are the very first nunchaku he used when he began his training. It isn't very useful as a weapon, but perhaps it might cause opponents to let down their guard. Necrid: Maleficus Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. This weapon is a fragment from another realm which Necrid broke off and brought with him when he returned to this world. It is something never before seen in this world - a physical manifestation of the same energy contained within Soul Edge. This substance is both comforting and familiar to Necrid, which is why Maleficus is such a well-suited weapon for him. Lemures Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks offense. This luminous object appears at night near bodies of water. The most widely accepted explanation for this phenomenon is that swarms of luminescent insects are to blame. Nevertheless, those who have actually witnessed its light and heard its soft hum swear that it beckons with the voices of those who met their end in a watery grave. It reacts to the presence of strong-willed individuals. Morphos Good offense and powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. A mysterious stone that changes shape depending on its possessor's will. According to legend, it has the ability to transmute into a variety of objects, from a powerful sword to a priceless jewel. It is for this reason that this stone has been long sought by humans. Its hardness makes for an excellent weapon, but its effectiveness as a defensive weapon is questionable. Orcus Claw Offense increases with SC, but guard is penetrable. This spectral light is also known as the Nail of Hades. Often seen hovering above the corpses of the newly dead, the ancient Greeks believed that this light was responsible for the harvesting of souls. It is unlikely that any mortal can triumph against a weapon with such strong associations to death. Ignis Fatuus Good defense and recovers health, but lacks offense. A mysterious flame feared for its ability to confuse and lure humans to their deaths. Although visible to the eye, none can touch it, and not even the most violent storms can extinguish this flame. Rumor has it that non-human entities find comfort in its presence. Lambent Viper Powerful single strikes, but lacks defense. A mysterious phenomenon that appears to be electrical in nature, it has been observed at various locations throughout the world. A notorious omen of death, it hovers through the air emitting a cold light, and any contact with it will drain all heat from its victims. Hex Luminae Penetrates defenses, but lacks offense and defense. A faint column of light rumored to appear only during a new moon. Legends say that ghosts, werewolves, and witches gather under its unnatural luminance, and forevermore render that site barren. Humans consider it an ill omen and avoid it at all costs, but those who unknowingly stumble within its range are certain to be stricken. Infernal Edge Speed increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. A mythical object notorious for inflicting injury upon the living, it is made by harvesting the last breaths of the dying, and grows stronger with each soul that is added. One day, when it has grown strong enough to consume the life force of a star, the world will come to an end. This weapon is also able to disrupt the flow of time. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It consumes the souls of those who fall before the blade, and also the soul of its wielder. Chaos Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! This is the substance from which all existence is comprised. Alchemists claim that this mysterious matter is a complex amalgam consisting of life, space, and even time. Its shape is constantly shifting. Ethereal Edge So wispy and so useless. This vaporous weapon is formed from a collection of particles so faint, one questions whether or not it actually exists. The reflections from its ever- changing form are beautiful to behold, but deemed by many as nothing more than a trick of light. No weapon is more suitable, however, for catching unsuspecting enemies off-guard. Link: Master Sword and Hylian Shield Link's most familiar and well-balanced weapon. A magic sword and shield that have accompanied Link on many adventures and helped him repeatedly save the land of Hyrule. This journey is no less dire, and Link once again goes into battle equipped with these items, this time in another world. These are well-balanced arms for Link. Razor Sword Good offense offset by a short reach and a penetrable guard. A sword forged by the blacksmith from the Mountain Village on Snowhead. The blacksmith is famous for his perfectionism - this sword is an excellent example of his craftsmanship and boasts an amazingly sharp cutting edge. Unfortunately, the metal used to forge this blade is prone to chipping, so there remains some concern about its defensive capabilities. Armos Series Offense increases with SC but lacks defense. A sword and shield from one of the living Armos statues that dot the land of Hyrule. The origins of these items are shrouded mystery, much like the Armos themselves. Concentrating one's will increases the weapons' power, but they are a bit too heavy for Link and he cannot use them effectively for guarding. Megaton Hammer Good offense, strong single strikes, but a short reach. An extremely heavy hammer. Learning to use it effectively could take some time, as its reach is somewhat short for a weapon. Its power and toughness, however, far exceed that of any normal sword. It's guaranteed to inspire awe. Cane of Byrna Recovers health and increases defense with SC. An ancient magic staff that grants protection to heroes. It can be used even by those who are not sorcerers as long as their hearts are pure. It is said that praying to the staff with all one's heart will shroud the user in light and fill him with vitality. Because it is not a true weapon, it usually does not fare well when it clashes against an opponent's weapon. Mirror Shield Reflects attacks, but may cause Link to lose balance. A mirror-like shield found in the Spirit Temple. It is an amazing work of art, and there are few who would argue that it is not one of the finest shields in Hyrule. It is said that its surface reflects not only light but hostile intent as well. Magic Sword and Magic Shield Good at penetrating defenses, but weak against impact. Ancient arms hidden deep in an underground tomb. This powerful sword holds an enchantment that counters the forces of darkness, and its holy aura allow it to deliver damage to the enemy even without making physical contact. The shield is enchanted with a spell that protects its user from enemy magic, but the actual shield itself is quite old and is weak against physical impact. Biggoron's Sword Long reach and has good offense but requires energy to wield. A masterfully crafted long sword forged by the best blacksmith in Hyrule, Biggoron, who lives on Death Mountain. Designed specifically for Link, it is made to be wielded with one hand. Even so, swinging it with full force gets tiring after a while. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to excel in offense and defense... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It consumes the souls of those who fall before the blade, and also the soul of its wielder. Great Fairy Sword The ultimate sword! Wield it to discover its true power! A sword blessed by the Great Fairy, rumored to be able to reflect any and all dark magic. Merely holding it fills the wielder with strength, but unfortunately, its protective power did not survive intact in this world, and it is no longer able to resist enemy attacks. Bug-Catching Net Looks like there are no fairies in this world... A long-handled net used for catching bugs. This item is an old companion of Link's and has appeared on many of his adventures - it accompanies him on this adventure as well. Obviously, it is not a weapon, but perhaps it will cause opponents to let down their guard. Sophitia: Omega Sword and Elk Shield Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. Sword and shield forged by Sophitia's husband, Rothion, from holy ore given to him by Hephaestus, the ancient Greek god of the forge. She received the blessing and protection of Hephaestus for the sake of her journey. Every bit of the design was created with Sophitia in mind, and they are thus perfectly balanced for her. Swordbreaker Easy to SC, but lacks offense and has short reach. As its name implies, it was built to destroy opponents' weapons. It is generally used to catch and break an opponent's sword with the comb-shaped ridges, but it can also be used as a normal short sword. Xi Sword and Game Shield Powerful single strikes, but vulnerable to impact. A holy sword and shield given to a Spartan knight, who once received a message from Hephaestus just as Sophitia did. He would later suffer a cursed fate, but the sword and shield retained their holy properties. However they also hold a curse, thus their power is unstable. Owl Shield Strong against impact, but lacks offense. A holy shield said to have been forged by Hephaestus himself. One theory holds that it is a physical incarnation of the gods themselves and that it can only be handled by those who can hear the words of the gods. Blue Crystal Rod and Blue Line Shield Recovers health, and defense increases with SC. According to legend, this rod and shield were blessed by the goddess Ishtar and used to defeat a demon that ravaged ancient Babylonia. The truth of the legend is unknown, but these artifacts to indeed possess a power that protects the bearer from evil and brings hope even in the darkest of times. Fire Blade Long reach and has good offense, but wielder receives damage. A magic sword that is said to unleash burning heat in response to its wielder's emotion. There are also stories of the sword occasionally bursting into flame, searing the hand of the unfortunate warrior who wielded it. Gladius Speed increases with SC, but offense decreases. A military weapon used in ancient Rome that later became the standard for all Western swords. The name 'Gladius' means 'sword' in Latin. As a result of the very simple and easy to use design, this weapon is suited for extremely agile attacks. Synval Long reach and has powerful single strikes, but lacks defense. A spirit sword that warns its wielder of danger by emitting a wind-like sound. It was foretold to bring calamity to the land and was sunk to the bottom of a fountain for a long time, but its blade remains as sharp as ever. It is believed to have once been part of a set that included matching armor. Thus, the sword by itself is not suited for defensive use. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It sips not only the life of those it wounds, but also drinks the soul of the one who wields it. Orichalcum Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A weapon made from orichalcum, a mysterious metal said to have been used by the people of the lost continent of Atlantis. Atlantis vanished in the far distant past, and there is no one left in the present day who knows how to forge it. It is said to be the world's strongest metal. Memento Badly worn weapon, but adored by a loved one. The first shield that Sophitia's husband Rothion created when he was still an apprentice. It was put away in storage for a very long time, but at some point someone brought it back out. It is just as ineffective as its worn- out shape would suggest, but perhaps it might cause opponents to let down their guard. Seung Mina: Scarlet Thunder Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. A zanbatou passed down by members of the Seung Family in Korea. Seung Mina has been using this weapon since she was a young child. She has taken Scarlet Thunder with her on several of her past journeys, as it is her preferred blade. It is an incredibly well-balanced weapon. Defender Good defense, but lacks offense and has weak single strikes. A lance that lives up to its name. It is difficult to use in an assault, but it shows its true worth when being used to protect something. Hyup Do Defense increases with SC, but easy to lose balance. The hyup do is a long-handled sword common in China, but it is not used very often on the battlefield. This hyup do is intricately ornate and was most likely intended for use in performances. It is well-suited for flashy moves, but in the end it is still just a performance prop and does not stand up well to clashes against other weapons. Naginata Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks offense. A famous Japanese weapon consisting of a long handle with a curved blade on the end. Since it lacks a heavy blade, it is light despite its length, and thus it is possible for even those lacking in physical strength to still use it effectively. Couse Penetrates defenses, but vulnerable to impact. A pole weapon used in the Holy Roman Empire. This couse stands out for its ornate decorations, a characteristic of weapons used by royal guards. All who view it as a mere ornamental piece will quickly come to regret it when they taste its power. As a result of its decorative elements, it is quite heavy. This enables it to damage opponents even when they are guarding. Bardiche Good offense, but guard is penetrable. A type of pole weapon used in Eastern Europe. Designed for ease of manufacturing and efficiency as a weapon, it has no extraneous decoration. Its weight gives it power when attacking, but in turn makes it hard to use defensively. Halberd Recovers health, but lacks defense. A hybrid of a spear and an ax. It can be used to slice, pierce, and hook. Its multi-purpose nature and strong attack power have led it to become a widely used weapon among foot soldiers. This particular halberd has a protective aura cast upon it, and merely holding it causes strength to flow through the wielder. Ambassador Offense increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. One of the pole weapons favored by General Murato of the Ottoman Empire. The name 'Ambassador' was derived from the fact that it was equipped by the frontmost assault troops who cut a path into enemy territory. It was said that holding this weapon literally turned one into a monster, and the sight of it struck fear into enemy soldiers. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It rends the soul of its wielder even as it rends the flesh of its enemy. Hraesvelgr Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A legendary weapon with a smooth, wing-like blade. It is said that in the hands of one with the capacity to wield it, one swing gathers clouds; two swings brings thunderstorms; and a third swing turns the sky blue once more. It is too heavy for normal human beings to use, but its power is unfathomable. Feather Broom A broom made from feathers. It's soft and airy to the touch. A broom made of feathers. Extremely high quality brooms, made from the softest feathers, are used to dust paintings and other kinds of artwork. It goes without saying that it is not actually a weapon, but perhaps it might cause opponents to let down their guard. Yoshimitsu: Yoshimitsu Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. A special Japanese sword created using techniques passed down within the Manji Clan. Since the clan was destroyed, this has become the final sword of its type. It is currently tainted with the power of Soul Edge and has become a demonic sword, but it is Yoshimitsu's preferred weapon. It is exceedingly well-balanced. Shiranui Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks defense. A secret sword that is said to increase its shine and power in response to its wielder's mind. If one grips this weapon with strong feelings, it will surely respond in kind. It is rather old, and as such, it is somewhat weak against direct blows. Kastane Good offense and has powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. A Sri Lankan curved sword. It is intricately decorated and at first glance looks like it is a ceremonial sword, but it is in fact a sturdy weapon. It stands up well against clashes with an opponent's weapon, but unfortunately, it is poorly balanced which makes it difficult to maintain an effective stance in battle. Zantetsuken Good offense, but vulnerable to impact. A Japanese sword that bears no name, yet will likely still remain a legend. Its blade has been honed to an unbelievable sharpness and can cut through even iron. As a result of its focus on cutting ability above all else, it is somewhat frail and weak when struck by an opponent's weapon. Dha Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense. A sword from Burma. Despite being a real combat weapon, it has no hard guard or other defensive elements. Perhaps it was designed solely with offense in mind. Kagekiyo Powerful single strikes with SC, but requires energy to wield. A secret sword with an incredibly long blade. While the truth is unknown, it is described in a variety of legends. One famous lore says that the sword grants power and luck to those who have sworn revenge. Its edge is unusually sharp, but, as befitting the legend, it clouds and enrages the mind of its wielder. Pakayun Speed increases with SC, but lacks defense. A modern sword created in Borneo. The Pakayun combines a Western saber with a hilt design that is unique to Borneo, and it can be said to be a symbol of the meeting of two cultures. Its light construction makes it well-suited for agile attacks, but, in turn, poorly suited to stopping an opponent's blows. Monohoshizao Long reach, but requires energy to wield. A steel sword said to have been carried by the famous Japanese swordsman, Kojiroh Sasaki. It boasts an unusually long and heavy blade for a Japanese sword, and it takes an extraordinary man to even draw it from its scabbard, much less wield it in combat. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. The cursed blade sips from the souls of its victims and dulls its wielder's sense of fear and ability to recognize danger. Hihiirokane Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! A mystically sparkling sword. Hihiirokane is the name of a mysterious Japanese metal of which little is known. It is said to respond to strong emotions and lasts for thousands of years without degrading. This sword is apparently made of that metal. However, it has been quite some time since its blade was sharp... Shepherd's Crook Yoshi had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. A staff with a curved end, carried by shepherds. It is a tool for catching sheep by the body or legs and controlling their movement, and is also sometimes referred to as a shepherd's staff. It is obviously not a weapon, but perhaps because of this it might cause oppenents to let down their guard. Cervantes: Soul Edge and Nirvana Most familiar and well-balanced weapons for him. The fragments of Soul Edge inside Cervantes' body acted through his sword to consume souls and eventually took on the form of a new sword. Nirvana has a pistol built into it and is an extremely unusual weapon. They are balanced weapons but pale in power compared to the real cursed sword itself. Falchion Excel in offense and defense, but have short reach. A curved, single-edged sword used in Europe from the Dark Ages up through the Renaissance. The blade is wide, heavy, and is good at splitting things in two. Its sturdiness also works well defensively, and it is unlikely to break from normal blows. Firangi Good offense, but vulnerable to impact. A sword used many times in the past by invaders that troubled the Mughal Empire. It is unique to that region, but its design looks very Western. It has a sharp blade, but the grip does not fit Cervantes' hand very well. Erlang's Blade Long reach, but vulnerable to impact. Also called a tri-point double-edged sword, its name comes from the Chinese hero-god, Erlang. It is actually a good weapon, but Cervantes cut short the handle in order to make it easier to hold. It has a good reach, but because it is not as long as it was designed to be, the balance is poor. Acheron Offense increases with SC, but guard is penetrable. A long sword that lay in storage along with Nirvana on Cervantes' flagship, the Adrian. Cervantes used this sword for a period of time before reviving Soul Edge. It is good for both offense and defense. But when blocking an opponent's blow, the shock is fierce, which takes its toll on the wielder's body. Phlegethon Penetrate defenses, and have powerful single strikes with SC. Flames run along the blade when this sword strikes a target, and it is said that there is no forge on earth that can melt it. Soon after being found near the crater of Mount Etna, it was taken by someone and disappeared, leaving only rumors behind. Its deadly flames would surely take their toll on any opponent. Cocytus Good offense, but wielder receives damage. An ancient sword dug up out of the permafrost. It is always cold and causes freezing burns in those it wounds. Because of its low temperature, droplets of water appear on its surface and fall to the ground like tears, giving it the additional name of the Crying Sword. As one would expect from its cold temperament, it is unaffected by the state of its wielder's heart. Styx Speed increases with SC, but have weak single strikes. Also known as the Sword of Oaths, it has a curved blade with a hook at the tip. An oath sworn upon this sword is treated as more important than anything else, and breaking that oath is the most shameful act a person can commit. It is said that the one who wields the Styx becomes as a servant of the gods and can outrun the wind. Soul Edge (Complete) Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life... An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter - which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is a fearsome evil force that consumes all life around it, enemy and ally alike. Lethe Legendary weapons. Wield them to discover their true power! Legendary twin swords. Those who grip these weapons find their heart rendered blank, unable to even remember who they are. They have acted as the final trap that put an end to many a quest. Those who wield this weapon are said to unleash its power by burning away their own lives. Imitation Sword Painstakingly made with obsessive care. Wooden swords carved by Cervantes after being revived. They are made of high quality wood and carved with great care. They are not particularly useful as weapons, but perhaps because of this, they might lead opponents to let down their guard. Legal Stuff ----------- I...Copyright 2004 David Muller. II..All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. III.The information in this guide is copied from Soul Calibur II. IV..I, David Muller, painstakingly transcribed all information from the above sources to this guide myself. I wrote this guide. V...This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. VI..Use common sense. Don't do anything illegal or unethical.