-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Weapon Master Mode Story Guide/FAQ: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Weapon Master Mode in Soul Calibur II is very much akin to the Edge Master Mode of Soul Blade. In it, you travel across a map of Europe completing various challenges. These challenges can consist of one on one fights, one versus X amount of fighters etc. There are also dungeons which one must traverse through in order to reach a boss of the dungeon; some of these dungeons can be VERY long, but don't worry they ALL end at some point. Most if not all of the challenges also throw in match modifiers. These match modifiers can consist of slowly draining health, weaker weapons, faster timers, hit counters, etc. They add an element of urgency to complete these challenges, but also can make the match much tougher. As you progress through Weapon Master Mode completing certain challenges, you not only earn gold, but also experience. This experience accumulates, and depending on how much you have, the game gives you a rank. There are a total of 99 ranks. These ranks can progress you through the individual Chapters in the WMM. For example, Sub- Chapter 2 is only attainable if you are at least a level 72 Edgemaster. The very first challenge introduces the player to the fighting mechanics of the game by having them perform basic moves and maneuvers. Any character, and any weapon can be used to go through Weapon Master Mode. You do not need to keep the same character the whole time. In fact, I encourage you to switch in and out between characters during your adventures, as some are better suited for certain challenges than others. Weapon Master Mode is divided into Chapters, and also contains Sub-Chapters, and Extra Chapters. After you have completed all of the Main Chapters, EX Missions appear on the map. These missions are varied takes on the original missions, but usually much, much tougher. Sub-Chapters can also be avoided if need be as many of those missions are also pretty hard. You can always just go back and beat them when you have the means to do so. In addition, each Chapter has a shop associated with it (I will list each Chapter's shop, as well as its contents and prices after the initial walkthrough). After completing challenges, you earn gold. This gold can then be spent in one of the many shops. The shops hold everything from third costumes for some characters, various art galleries, Exhibition Theaters, and many different weapons that can be wielded by the characters. Weapon Master Mode serves as a story mode for a fighting game. The player will go through numerous Chapters, which reveal a story as to how Soul Calibur and Soul Edge came to be. It is very detailed and interesting. There are 10 initial Chapters, which are unlocked in sequential order. There are also 4 Sub-Chapters, which must be unlocked by completing stages in the original 10 Chapters, or by some other means. There are also 2 Extra Chapters that are secret. After you complete all the missions in these Main Chapters, special EX missions open up for you to complete. I will list each Chapter in sequential order, with a separate section for Sub-Chapters; there will also be a separte section for the Extra Chapters as well. The EX missions for the original 10 Chapters, the Sub-Chapters, and the Extra Chapters will be listed at the end of the initial walkthrough in their own sections. Below, I will list each Chapter and its many challenges in great detail. I will go in-depth with strategies for completing this mode with every single item bought. Know though, that it is not possible to purchase every item in the game without replaying MANY of the missions. Also the counter that appears on the screen for the challenges showing how many times you have completed and failed that mission has no effect on anything in the game. It is just there to remind you of your record. Also, the missions can be replayed, but most will not offer the same amount of gold as they originally did. Many times, the reward gold will drop after repeated playthroughs. In some missions, one has to defeat a certain amount of enemies with only one health bar. In these missions, it is not unlikely that you will receive more gold depending on how many characters you defeat and how many hits you have successfully landed. This mode adds a lot to the single player aspect of Soul Calibur II, and I want to help you to earn the best weapons the game has available so you can kick your cocky friend's ass. Away we go to Weapon Master Mode: There is an opening "cinematic" to this mode with a bit of history thrown into the mix. It has still pictures in the background of all of the Soul Calibur II cast, along with text explaining the story of the game. It starts off with some quotes: "Chosen by history, a man becomes a warrior. Engraved into history, a man becomes a hero." -Song by a 14th century traubador "Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold." -Anonymous "Countless legends surround a sword known as Soul Edge. Some claim it to be the ultimate weapon. Others refer to it as the Sword of Heroes; a phantom sword with immeasurable power of the spirits; the key to eternal youth; a treasure without equal; a panacea to cure all illnesses. Although various folklore of Soul Edge spread across the world, its true nature was unmistakably evil. It was a demonic sword that fed on human souls." "The sword, born from human hands, came to life and began devouring souls after bathing in human blood countless times. Around the same time, a spirit sword called Soul Calibur mysteriously appeared, almost as if to answer the call of the evil blade. The two swords clashed many times throughout the centuries, but these strife were never etched into history, for no one knew..." "All throughout history, men have craved adventure. Human qualities such as greed, curiosity and questing minds are intimately interwoven with history and drive it onward. Men saw Soul Edge as the ultimate prize. Rumors surrounding the demonic sword passed from person to person, tempting those who heard of its stories." "This era was inundated with clashes and battles of warriors who roamed the lands in their quest for Soul Edge. It was a world where any desire could be realized with enough strength and will. The story about to unfold is of one such warrior." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chapter Walkthrough: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-------= Tutorial: =-------= Command Menu: <<<<<<<<<<<<< In Weapon Master Mode, press Start to open up the Command Menu. Various controls such as character and weapon changes can be performed in the Command Menu. Mission: >>>>>>>> It is possible to change the selected character in Weapon Master Mode. The character you choose is up to you. Select a character that is most appropriate for the mission to ease your quest, or for an additional challenge, select a character that is least favorable for the mission. Acquiring Weapons: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< One of the challenges in Weapon Master Mode is collecting the bounty of different weapons. In Weapon Master Mode, you may use any of the weapons in your possession. Moreover, you can use the weapons you collected in the Extra Modes. Hidden Extras: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are numerous secret features in Weapon Master Mode, but it is up to you to find them. Good luck! =----------------------------------= Chapter 1 - Regulus Proving Grounds: =----------------------------------= Chapter 1 Scenario: You stood before the entrance to the Proving Grounds in the land of Regulus, famous for its skilled swordsmen. You predicted that your journey to find the legendary ultimate sword, Soul Edge, would likely be a difficult one. Therefore, you traveled to Regulus in order to polish your fighting skills before setting off on your quest. After passing through the gate, you found a man standing before you, blocking your path. "Halt, you who seek mastery of the way of the warrior. We have no interest in those who lack potential. First you must prove your worth!" It seemed you had to fight this man to prove your strength and determination. Seeing you take hold of your weapon without a moment's hesitation, the man grinned and said, "Well, looks like we've got a lively one here. Good! I think this one's got some promise!" =------= Regulus: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Proving Grounds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Clear all the exercises! Difficulty - * Explanation: "I sense your determination...I'm impressed." After a few bouts, the man said this to you and patted your shoulder lightly. You've been accepted into the Regulus Proving Grounds! Your training began the next day. It seemed that the man who tested you, (Mitsurugi, Samurai of the fire), was also to be your trainer. "We'll start with the basics." Taking your weapon in hand, you waited for Edgar's next words. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 1: Press A to perform a Horizontal Attack. Try hitting me with it! - Just tap the A button to hit Edgar when he gets close. "Horizontal Attacks are useful against circling enemies. Learn them well!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 2: Press B to perform a Vertical Attack. Now try attacking me with it. See if you can hit me! - Just tap the B button to hit Edgar while he is in the crouched position. "A Vertical Attack is good for countering your opponent's Horizontal Attack." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 3: Press K to perform a Kick. Now try hitting me with one! - Just tap the K button to hit Edgar when he gets close to you, or you get close to him. "Most Kicks are quick attacks. They are good for catching your opponent off- guard." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 4: Press G to guard against your opponent' attacks. I'm going to attack you now,. Let's see you guard! - Just press the G button when Edgar tries to attack you. "You can't win the battle if you can't defend against attacks. Its not flashy but it's critical to master!" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 5: You can run by holding down the directional pad. You can move about freely once you get used to it. Try running around! - Just hold down the D-pad to run in whatever direction you want, it doesn't matter. "By running around, you can adjust the distance to your opponent, as well as dodge attacks." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 6: Press A+G or B+G to throw your opponent! Don't forget that it only works in close range though. Try throwing me! - Get close to Edgar and hit any one of the two above button combinations to move on. "It's always a good idea to try throwing your opponent whenever you are close." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 7: Next up is Guard Impact. This one is a bit tricky. First, I'll show you how it's done. Okay, give me your best shot. - Just attack Edgar with any move and he will perform a Guard Impact on you. "You can repel or parry the opponent's attacks by pressing G with right or left on the directional pad at the right time." > Step 7 continued: Now it's my turn to attack. Show me that you can pull off a Guard Impact! Be careful of the timing! - When Edgar tries to attack you, just press G with a direction on the D-pad to perform a Guard Impact. "If you successfully Guard Impact an attack, you will have a significant advantage." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- > Step 8: Last lesson is the Soul Charge! You can gather your strength by pressing A+B+K. Now, show me your strength! - Just tap A+B+K to perform the Soul Charge. "Soul charge increased the strength of your attack. I'm a big fan of it myself. Show me how well you well you can use it! Very good, you've passed my test. Here is a little something in recognition." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mission Succeeded! You received 400 experience and 600 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Practice Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Bulwark Ruins), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Bulwark Ruins: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Utilize all that you learned to defeat all the enemies! Difficulty - * Explanation: Having completed your basic training, you traveled with Edgar to the advanced proving grounds of the Bulwark Ruins. After a half a day's walk, you arrived at a crumbling rampart. "This defensive wall was created during a war here in Regulus. At that same time, this proving ground was built to train the soldiers. Our predecessors claimed victory using the skill they honed in this place. Today, we train here with diligence to honor that history." Edgar stopped walking and gazed up at the wall, speaking to no on in particular. "But pathetically, there are many who cannot handle the training and leave satisfied with their half-learned skill, only to lead lives as bandits and thieves. Hmm...Looks like they've come out to welcome us." You, too, were aware of the three figures that watched you from a distance. Grinning, Edgar turned to you and said, "I bet it's been a while since you've had a chance to just go wild and show off what you've got. With your training, these guys shouldn't pose any threat to you. We'll just call this part of your training, too." Basics: - This battle is a three part fight. You must defeat all three enemies with one health bar. The enemies are: Kilik, Xianghua, and Maxi. After you defeat one enemy, you regain some lost health. The timer is set at 50 seconds, and after you defeat an enemy, some time is put back on it. Strategy: - These characters are not too tough to fight. They are quick, and Kilik has long range. Watch out for his staff. They will not put up much of an attack as this is only the second mission. They will however, Guard Impact your moves so watch out for that. Mission Succeeded! You received 400 experience and 900 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage (Warrior's Trial Grounds), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Warrior's Trial Grounds: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Overcome the enemy to clear the trial! Difficulty - * Explanation: After much rigorous training at the Regulus Proving Grounds, it was time for your final challenge. If you succeeded in passing this test, you would be recognized as a full-fledged warrior. The test consisted of combat between the disciples themselves. There were no restrictions and no special conditions-only those who made good use of what they'd learned and arose victorious would pass the test. It would be a test of all your training. Attempting to control your rapidly beating heart, you stepped into the arena. Your opponent was already waiting for you. "I've been watching your progress for quite some time. You're a worthy opponent for my final test." Saying this, your opponent readied her weapon. "I'll be fighting with everything I've got. I expect no less from you!" Basics: - This is a one on one fight to the finish with (Emperor of the Seiren) The enemy you face depends on which character you are going through Weapon Master Mode with. There is a 50 second timer with no health restrictions. Strategy: - This battle will be a little tougher than the previous one. Your opponent will go all out in this one, so be ready and use Guard Impacts; also watch out for Ring Outs as those are very possible. After some successful dodging and countering, this one should be over. Mission Succeeded! You received 400 experience and 1500 gold A new feature has been unlocked! "Lakeside Coliseum has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new area (Thuban), has appeared. =-----------------------------= Chapter 2 - The Journey Begins: =-----------------------------= Chapter 2 Scenario: "If you're in the search for Soul Edge, you should head east. Past the land of Thuban lies the free city of Benetnasch, with its never-ending flow of people. Perhaps you can gather information there." Following Edgar's advice, you set off toward the east. You did not know if you would really find information about Soul Edge in Benetnasch or not, but it was better than wandering aimlessly. You turned to look back just once. "You win, this time, 'said Minerva after the battle, 'but I'll catch up to you soon. Tomorrow, I'm going to take the test again. On, and I've heard you're searching for the Soul Edge. If that's the case, then we'll surely meet again. I seems we're rivals with the same goal. I'm looking forward to our next encounter." You faced forward again and began to walk. Your journey had begun. =-----= Thuban: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Thuban Ferry -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Land 20 hits on the enemy and survive the round! Difficulty - * Explanation: You found your patch blocked by the great Thuban River. Following the river in search of a place to cross, you soon came upon a ferryboat crossing. You immediately headed for the pier, but it appeared to have been abandoned for some time and there was no one else around. Fortunately, there was still a boat remaining, but as you prepared to launch it into the water, a human figure appeared before you. He claimed ownership of the boat and demanded that you give him all the money you had in exchange for the right to cross. He was obviously a bandit preying on travelers in the area. You sighed and drew your weapon. If you hit him a few times, odds are he'd just give up and run away. Basics: - You need to land 20 successful hits on your Voldo before time is up or before you die. Voldo is very unorthodox, so trying to hit him can be tough at times. Strategy: - This mission is tough if you don't pick the right character. I suggest you go with Kilik as he has some good poke moves that offer up many hits in one fell swoop. His R, A, B move is a good one to use, as is his DDR, A, B move when the opponent is on the ground. Mission Succeeded! You earned 500 experience and 400 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage (Village of Arche), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2: Village of Arche: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Strong gusts constantly push you and prevent you from stopping at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - * Explanation: After crossing the Thuban River and heading east, you came upon a small village. Judging from the fishing nets hanging dry in the sun, this was a fisherman's village. A commotion in the village square piqued your interest, so you headed over to take a look. There you found the young people of the village engaged in a test of strength. They fought one-on-one on a wooden scaffold. A champion eventually emerged, but just when the hubbub would subside, the crowd's excitement grew. You looked around to find the source of the commotion only to realize that you were the cause. The villagers had learned that you were from Regulus. They pushed you up onto the scaffolding without giving you a chance to speak. You found yourself facing the young champion. You didn't notice when you were down on the ground, but up on the scaffolding, the wind was strong-it threatened to blow you off the platform at any given moment. Basics: - You need to stay on the platform without falling off as the wind blows you toward the edge; you also need to defeat Yunsung or survive the round. Strategy: - This mission has everything to do with knowing where you are on the platform. Keep a constant eye on your position, or one false step and you fall and lose. Don't try to attack as much as to stay on the platform. Most of the time, the computer will be forced to the edge, and all you have to do is hit them once and they die. Mission Succeeded! You earned 500 experience and 800 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Minkar Mine), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Minkar Mine -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Difficulty - ** Explanation: Having defeated the hero of the village, you expected to torn apart by the crowd, but instead, they seemed genuinely impressed. Even the young man you defeated praised your Regulus-trained fighting skills. You quickly made friends with the straightforward, honest villagers. But it seemed they had a problem. The mine upstream was poisoning the river and killing the fish. They were planning to send people tp speak with the miners, but the miners were a violent group, and the river people had no choice but to prepare for the possibility of a fight. Having came to like these people, you soon found yourself agreeing to help them. As expected, the negotiations id not go well. The miners immobilized the villagers with poison and forced them out of the mines. Due to the poison, however, they couldn't even make it back to their village. Fortunately, it seemed you had not drunk very much of the poison. You infiltrated the inside of the mine. You needed to get the antidote to save the villagers, even if you had to take it by force. Basics: - This is your very first dungeon mission. There are many different rooms in these dungeons containing one enemy each. After defeating the enemy in a room, you are allowed to choose where next to go in the dungeon. After navigating through, you will eventually end at a boss character who is (Yoshimitsu, Chief of Minkar). Strategy: - These dungeons can be very long, but they ALL do end. So just keep on trudging through them. Most of the battles are fairly easy, so you shouldn't have trouble in the difficulty department. You earn 100 gold enemy you defeat; you don't earn any experience unfortunately. Map Layout (3 Rooms): {E} - { } - { } | {B} E = Entrance B = Boss Mission Succeeded! You earned 400 experience and 1800 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Yoshimitsu is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Benetnasch) has appeared. =----------------------------------= Chapter 3 - The Restless Benetnasch: =----------------------------------= Chapter 3 Scenario: Their boss defeated in front of their eyes, the miners looked as though they would attack at any moment, but Cherot stepped forward and silenced them. "You idiots! Just how much more do you plan to embarrass me today?" He promised to provide an antidote to the fishermen and agreed to discuss the situation. Your mission to mediate their dispute was a complete success. The rest was up to them. It seemed Cherot took quite a liking to you. Even as you hurried to leave, he practically dragged you back and insisted that you and the people of the fishermen's village join him in a feast. The next morning,, you bid farewell to everyone and headed out east through the opposite side of the mine. After traveling for some time, you eventually caught sight of Benetnasch in the distance and could feel the change in the atmosphere. The performers and travelers on the road increased in number, and you could hear the voice of peddlers about the noise of the crowd. I was clear that Benetnasch was a thriving bustling city. =---------= Benetnasch: =---------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Carnival -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Difficulty - ** Explanation: You've been surrounded by crowds ever since entering to Benetnasch. Listening to the conversations around you, you learned that today was the day of the monthly carnival. You decided that it would be best to just relax and enjoy the festivities. After a little while, you heard excited shouts from up ahead. Stopping to take a look, you saw a lone puppeteer crying out in frustration. A crowd of people had gathered to watch the out-of-control mechanical puppets. With the huge crowd in the way, you couldn't even pass through the area. Seeing no other choice, you stepped forward to put an end to the rampaging puppets. The noise of the crowd increased as people began to place bets. "W-Wait, please! Those are custom made puppets I ordered all the way from Schedar! Please don't wreck them!" The puppeteer pleased with you desperately. You sighed and thought up a plan. It looked like the fastest method would be to knock them out of the ring. Basics: - All you have to do is win this round via Ring Out. If you use Astaroth, you will have an easy time as his moves have long reach and knock opponents backward. Strategy: - As stated above, Astaroth is a good choice to complete this stage with. Mitsurugi, and newly acquired Yoshimitsu also have good moves to get Ring Outs with. Experimentation and patience are key here. Charade is the character you have to Ring Out, and he will imitate a random character. He blocks a lot, so try and use throws to get him near the edge. Dodge one of his attacks, and off he goes. Mission Succeeded! You earned 700 experience and 1000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Charade is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage (Talitha Gambling Den), has appeared. A road to a new stage (Diphda Temple), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Talitha Gambling Den -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - ** Explanation: You found yourself standing before a small arena. Judging from the sight of smiling women and frustrated, tearful men, it appeared that they were holding gambling battles. In no particular need of funds, you planned to simply pass on by, but then a familiar voice called out to you. "Long time no see. How's it going?" Turning around, you saw that Minerva was there. She must have succeeded in passing the final test after you left. You felt somewhat nostalgic as you recalled your memories of Regulus. When asked if you had found out anything about Soul Edge, you shook your head. Minerva looked disappointed, but quickly cheered up and said, "I see. Neither have I. Hey, as long as we're here, how about a match? It's been a while since our last one. It seems this ring is booby-trapped with a few tricks, but it shouldn't be any big deal." The sound of cheers and groans erupted behind you. It seemed the previous match had just ended. Basics: - As the goal states, try not to get knocked to the ground or against a wall, as you will take heavy damage. Any other basic attacks do minimal damage if used. Strategy: - I try to use throws as much as possible during this stage. Not only can they knock your opponent against the wall, they are also guaranteed to land on the ground, possibly causing double damage. Guard Impacts, and dodging are essential in this stage. Regular attacks do minimal damage if used in this stage, so try to stick with the launchers and throws. Mission Succeeded! You earned 700 experience and 1000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Benetnasch Harbor), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Diphda Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Throws are more effective. Defeat the enemy! Difficulty - ** Explanation: Traveling through the foothills on the path to the temple atop the mountain overlooking Benetnasch, you stopped to rest at a tavern along the way. "A tavern at the entrance to a temple...that's just like this city," you thought to yourself as you opened the door. Upon seeing the inside, you gave a wry smile. It seemed that the temple itself was running the bar. Acolyte priests scurried back and forth serving loud, rambunctious customers. You sat down at a small table and tried to relax, but a fight began brewing right beside you. A man carrying an enormous amount of luggage was surrounded by a group of drunks. You'd planned to avoid trouble, but then their leader kicked your table out from under you. It wasn't your style to just keep quiet after such treatment. You drew your weapon and dragged him outside. The man with the luggage took advantage of this chance and quickly disappeared. Your opponent, perhaps cowed by your aggressiveness, held back and maintained a defensive posture. This called for extensive use of throws. Basics: - This challenge has you using all throws to defeat the enemy. Not too tough, if you know how to throw effectively (you should by now). Strategy: - It does not matter which character you choose to complete this stage, as every character has many throw moves. It is just a matter of getting close enough to your opponent to initiate one. You are on a very short timer, 30 seconds, so time is of the essence. Regular attacks do damage as well, so you can use those to finish off Raphael. Mission Succeeded! You earned 700 experience and 500 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Schedar), has appeared. This is Sub-Chapter 1, and will be discussed in the Sub-Chapter section. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 4: Benetnasch Harbor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemies' weapons have poison, so you will go numb if you are damaged! Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Difficulty - ** Explanation: The port at Benetnasch was a very busy place in the evening. The city's commerce was built around the port, as the ships arriving and leaving carried goods for trade. Shops crowded the streets, and the bars were full of ships' crews and those who would do business with them. Having spent the day wandering around the port, you too headed for an inn for a hot meal and a room for the night. You awoke in the night shivering from the cold. Your head throbbed; there was a large mump on the back of your head. You quickly surveyed your surroundings, and it was clear that you were no longer in your room at the inn. It appeared to be the inside of a ship. You'd been sold away as a slave! It seemed your food had been drugged. The inn must have had a "business agreement" with some of the ships. Your weapon had of course been taken away. It wasn't like you to let your guard down like that. Now, you had to find a way off the ship before it set sail. Fortunately, thanks to your training at Regulus, you were still a threat even without a weapon. After ramming down the door with your shoulder, you recovered your weapon from the crew and ran for the pier. Unfortunately, they weren't going to let you get away that easily. Basics: - This is another match with multiple opponents. You have one life bar, and if you get hit, you are paralyzed leaving yourself open for extra damage by your enemies. Maxi, Ivy, Voldo, and (Cervantes, King of Pirates) are your enemies and are quite tough. Strategy: - I would pick a character who does a lot of damage (Astaroth) to complete this mission. It can get quite tough, since not much of your life is regained between rounds. Ring Outs are definitely the way to go, as trying to slowly eat away at your opponent's life bars will be risky. Throws are also a good idea, as most of them do a fair amount of damage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 2500 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Cervantes is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Mizar), has appeared. =------------------------= Chapter 4 - The First Gate =------------------------= Chapter 4 Scenario: After creating quite a stir at the port, you decided to leave the city before the situation grew worse. After making off with a small boat and paddling out onto the lake, you glanced back at Benetnasch behind you. Despite the number of people there, you weren't able to track down any information about Soul Edge. In the midst of the morning fog, the growing sound of voices drifted out from the city. It sounded like it would be another busy day in Benetnasch. As you continued a ways further on the lake, it became obvious that this dinghy would no be able to carry you all the way across. After stepping back on shore, you learned that you were now in a place called Mizar. According to the locals, a large gate lay to the east, and passing through it required the permission of the guars. You began to grow anxious and frustrated. Not only had you not found any leads to Soul Edge, but now it appeared you could not even travel freely across the land. It was then that you truly realized just how difficult the quest for Soul Edge was... =----= Mizar: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Al Gieba Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Force the bomb off onto the enemy with your attacks! You win if the enemy has the bomb when the timer runs out. Difficulty - ** Explanation: One day, as you searched for information on Soul Edge, a stranger approached you. "Hey, you, I've heard you're looking for Soul Edge. No need to be wary, I'm not a threat. And I just might be able to help you out a little, my friend." The man walked away and disappeared into a nearby ruin. You hesitated for a bit, but eventually decided to follow him. Despite the risk of it being a trap, it was also the first promising lead you'd found so far. "Took you long enough. Anyway, let's talk." The man explained that he was working for a knight by the name of Veral. He, too, was seeking Soul Edge. Veral had a number of underlings like this man, and he wanted you to join them. It seemed that rumors of you fighting ability had spread from Regulus and Benetnasch. "But when I came all the way out here to recruit you, I find that you are trying to acquire Soul Edge as well! That's not going to work, my friend. That's not going to work at all!" The man proceeded to pull some bombs from his pocket as he shot you a maleficent glance. Basics: - This is basically a game of hot potato, if you've ever played that. The main goal here is to be the last one "holding" the bomb as the timer runs out. Strategy: - The easiest way to complete this mission every time, is to let your opponent (Assassin, Servant of Veral) hit the bomb over to you. You should hang onto the bomb until there is very little time left. At this point, just use a knockdown move on Assassin, and he shouldn't be able to attack you before the timer runs out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 1200 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Money Pit/Top Tier has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Windmill), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Stone Windmill -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Your health is low. Defeat all the enemies under this condition. Difficulty - *** Explanation: You hid atop a large windmill in order to rest. A few hours earlier, you had entered the nearby forest not knowing it was the territory of a gang of bandits, and were caught in a trap designed to stop intruders. Fortunately, you managed to destroy the trap and escape before they arrived, but you needed time to recover your strength. Emerging out of the forest, you happened upon the windmill. It made a good spot from which to keep watch on possible pursuers. After hiding out there for a while, you eventually spotted a figure approaching. It was clear that it was one of the bandits, searching for whomever had destroyed their trap. You lacked the strength for a real fight-you'd have to make a surprise attack. You waited in silence as the figure approached, then leapt out and struck. Basics: - You start with low, health and are required to defeat Yoshimitsu and Taki with just this one health bar. They are both very quick, but don't have very damaging attacks. Strategy: - Since you have low health, I would use a weapon that has health regeneration or health leech (if you have one available to you). If not, just use a powerful character with good defense and power (Astaroth once again). The fight should be much easier that way. Also, Ring Outs are not a bad idea, as they can save you a lot of health. Also note, that you regain some health after the first round. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 1200 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Double Crescent Blade,' a weapon for Talim." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Deserted Village), has appeared. A road to a new area, (Merope Monastery), ha appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Merope Monastery -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. Defeat all the enemies before times runs out! Difficulty - *** Explanation: You left the windmill behind and headed north. You had interest in one of the legends of the area, the Merope Monastery, said to hold "the golden gate that leads to the land of the Edgemasters." You quickly found information about the Merope Monastery. It was a monastery that had once existed in northern Mizar and was not nothing more than a ruin. But it was said that a group of zealots who gathered there considered the place as hallowed ground. The monks turned out to be friendly, but the moment you mentioned the gate, their demeanor changed. You regretted your careless mistake and attempted to talk your way out of it, but they had already decided your must be a thief. One of them ran off to warn the others while the remainder surrounded you. Even for you, taking on the entire monastery was out of the question. You needed to take care of the group here before the others arrived. You took a quick count of the enemy. It was going to be a battle against time. Basics: - This one has you fighting more enemies with one health bar again. There are five altogether, Yunsung, Ivy, Mitsurugi, Astaroth and Nightmare. These guys are pretty heavy hitters. Strategy: - Since all of these characters can deal out big amounts of damage fast and easy, I suggest using a smaller character, Maxi or Ivy. They can deal just about as much damage without getting too hurt. They also have good unblockable moves as well. As always, Ring Outs are a good thing here, as they will save a lot of time. Your health will fully restore after each round as well. After you defeat an enemy, some time is restored to the clock, as it starts you off with very little time. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 3000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4: Stone Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemies favor Vertical Attacks and are armed with weapons that excel in Breaks. Defeat all the enemies under these conditions! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "Damn you! Filthy cowards! Give me back my weapon!" The voice of an old man rang out from a mansion in a long-since-deserted village. Passing through the area, you head the voice and wondered what was going on. Upon entering the dilapidated building, you saw a wounded old swordsman on his knees before two other warriors. One of the victors held the loser's weapon in his hands and grinned in satisfaction. "It was you who said we would fight fair and square! Yet the two of you attacked me at once!" It appeared that the old man had been tricked. The old man was perhaps too honorable for his own good, but you couldn't stand this sort of cowardly act. You decided to win back the old man's weapons and stepped in front of the two men. One of them reacted with alarm, but the other merely grinned. "I don't know who you are, but you've jus sealed your fate. We can't allow any witnesses to live. This will be a good opportunity to test my new weapon." Basics: - If you use Vertical Attacks on Mitsurugi and Raphael, it will do minimal damage. Focus on using other types of attacks. Strategy: - I would once again choose Astaroth for this fight because he does so much damage, no matter which way you attack them. You regain some lost health in between rounds. Try to stay away from using Vertical Attacks though, as they will always block them. Their attacks do a bit more damage than yours as well. Guard Impacts are also a problem with these guys. Ring Outs and especially throws will help you tremendously here. Mission Succeeded! You earned 900 experience and 1200 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Schweizer,' a weapon for Raphael. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Charon's Pass), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 5: Charon's Pass -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Upon hearing that you wished to pass through the gate in Mizar, the man gave you some information. "You're talking about Charon's Pass. Leana resides there. She's a fair and just woman. She'd surely grant passage to someone like you." The man explained that those with dark intentions in their hearts were not allowed through. You followed the directions given by the old man and eventually arrived at the entrance to an underground passage. Was this Charon's Pass? "You, who would pass through this place-for what purpose is your journey?" a woman standing at the entrance questioned you as you approached. You felt that lying to her would nt be a good idea and chose to state honestly your quest for Soul Edge. "Your desire is tainted with darkness...I am afraid I cannot allow you to pass. If you must insist, however, then show me the strength that lies within your heart. I will wit for you before the gate. Because if you truly possess a strong heart, your desire will not overcome you." Leaving behind those cryptic swords, the woman disappeared in to the underground passage. Basics: - Another dungeon mission. This one is not as long as the one in Sub-Chapter 1. It is though more booby-trapped. (Sophitia, Paladin Knight of Charon) is the boss character of this dungeon. She regenerates health throughout the battle with her and fights very similar to her sister Cassandra. Just use a quick Ring Out to end the battle quickly. She becomes playable after you beat her. Strategy: - This dungeon has element based areas. Some of the areas are inhabited by quicksand, some by ice, some by fire and so on. These levels will be marked on the mini-map below. You fight random opponents all the way through this dungeon in these element based rooms. Most opponents in this dungeon can regenerate their health. You earn 100 gold (sometimes 200 or 300) for every room you beat. You also unlock a new weapon for Cervantes as you go through. Ice is just what it sounds like, it makes you slip and slide all over the place. Go for Ring Outs when you reach an area with ice. Quicksand will make you start to sink into the ground. Running or attacking will bring you out of it. Lava will hurt you only if you are close enough, and stand in it too long. Map Layout (8 Rooms): {P} | { }-{ }-{B} | {E}-{I}-{Q}-{L}-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice Q = Quicksand L = Lava/Fire Mission Succeeded! You gained 1500 experience and 4200 gold (in total). A new featured has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Acheron,' a weapon for Cervantes." "Sophitia is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Altair), has appeared. =----------------------= Chapter 5 - Spirit Sword =----------------------= Chapter 5 Scenario: You fought will all your might. There was no other response you could have made. "I see that you have a strong heart. Nevertheless, the evil that the sword contains is powerful You do not yet understand its danger. You are filled with the false dream of an ultimate weapon and cannot see the truth , I cannot let you pass." You were not able to pass the gate, yet you were now certain that you were close to reaching Soul Edge. It didn't feel like Leana was lying. Soul Edge was real. But she also said that it was a terrible, cursed sword... You would later come to accept the truth, and it would be only then that you truly closed in on Soul Edge. After returning to the surface, you stopped and turned suddenly to get a better look t a man who passed you by. Wasn't that the man who had scouted you out before-the one looking for Soul Edge? When you headed back to the gate, a terrible sight was awaiting for you. The gate had been slice in two with a single cut of a blade. There was no sign of the swordsman; only Leana lying collapsed on the ground. Without another thought, you immediately headed for the gate, but stopped short when you head her voice. "He seeks Soul Edge with a terrible darkness in his heart. Someone must stop him...Please, inform Altair. Tell them that the first gate has fallen. I know I can count on you. You must hurry..." You soon stood at the entrance to Altair, ready to face your own weakness. "You must not yet let yourself be drawn to his power. For it would mean the loss of you own heart..." =-----= Altair: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Nereid Gorge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Team up with the fort's soldiers and defeat all the enemies! Difficulty - *** Explanation: You arrived at Nereid Gorge, the entranceway to Altair. Beyond the gorge lay Altair itself. You unconsciously quickened your pace. When you reached the other side, you heard shouts directed at you from the fort on the riverbank. "Halt! Go no further if you wish to live!" It appeared they were guarding the entrance to Altair. You obeyed the warning and stopped. You shouted back that you were a friend bearing no intention of harm and requested permission to proceed. After a short while, armed guards arrived and escorted you into the fort. You explained that you came on behalf of Leana and wished to enter Altair, but they seemed uncertain whether they should trust you. In the end, they locked you in a guest room in the fort. Later that same day, the situation suddenly changed. Unknown force attacked the fort. You escaped in the confusion and joined with the for' soldiers to fight off the intruders. Basics: - You are given three characters in which to fight off, Yoshimitsu, Spawn (on Xbox only) and Raphael. It is a three versus three match. You are provided with Cervantes, Sophitia, and Mitsurugi. When you lose with one of your charcters, the next one becomes playable and so on. Strategy: - If you are skilled in the use of these characters, this will not be a problem. If you aren't it can be quite tough. If you aren't good with a particular character, resort to throws or Ring Outs which can be a lot easier than button mashing. You regain some health and time after each round as well. Mission Succeeded! You earned 900 experience and 2100 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Time Attack (Standard) Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Paradise of Altair), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Paradise of Altair -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - You are your worst enemy...Defeat yourself! Difficulty - **** Explanation: After siding with the soldiers and defeating the intruders, you received permission to enter Altair and left the fort. The city of Altair, said to be paradise on earth, was of a much simpler and plainer construction than you expected. The residents valued scholarship, and the whole city left you with the impression of a giant library. You proceeded to the temple and conveyed Leana's words to the priest. "I had seen the thread of misfortune which clung to northern Mizar, but I never imagine that the gate itself had fallen..." The priest spoke with a look of great concern. He then faced you and said, "And she requested that you deliver this message yourself? I see, in other words, she saw in you the potential to take on the one who destroyed the gate. The priest pondered for a moment and then led you to the altar, saying he had something to give you. "I'm sorry, but I cannot yet bring myself to trust you. Would you allow me to perform a small test? A test of your will..." At the sound of the priest's words, an obviously hostile figure began to approach you! Basics: - You must fight against the character that you are using to go through WMM. This fight can be pretty tough as the damage you inflict is greatly reduced. Strategy: - I used Mitsurugi, and I just kept doing the same move over and over again. The L, B + Y move and it seemed to work wonders. Just remember, your moves do significantly less damage than your counterparts, so remember to Guard Impact and Block. Throws are also good in this battle. Mission Succeeded! You earned 900 experience and 1400 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Calibur (Evil),' a weapon for Xianghua." -Congratulations! A road to a new area (Aldebaran), has appeared. =--------------------------= Chapter 6 - The Second Gate: =--------------------------= Chapter 6 Scenario: Not merely pushed along by the flow of events, but rather of your own will, you began to talk forward. The gate allowed you to pass through with ease. "I apologize for deceiving you, but it was necessary." The Altair priest pointed to a sword as he spoke. "What you overcame was your own self. You have proven the strength of you will. Now, take this sword. You have earned it." The sword was of a peculiar design. It was intricately decorated and its blade was split in tow. It emitted a feeling of purity, yet at the same time, you could feel a darkness within it as well. "That sword possesses powers of both good and evil..." The priest explained that Soul Edge lay sealed in the land to the east. Furthermore, you learned that the sword you now held in your hands was in fact Soul Calibur, the spirit sword capable of defeating the cursed blade. But peoples greed and ambition had weakened the seal, and the evil energy had finally invaded the core of the seal-the spirit sword itself. The guardians of the seal built the three gates to fortify the seal, and they worked to purify the spirit sword. Everything had been fine for hundreds of years, but someone had destroyed one of the gates. If those bewitched by the cursed sword managed to get their hands on the weapon, the resulting devastation would be unfathomable. And it seemed that you were one of the few people who had the potential to stop it. "You will do fine. Believe in yourself. Leana and I believe in you. The purification of the spirit sword is incomplete, but even so, it should prove useful." You turned your gaze upon the spirit sword. Perhaps this sword will become the key that leads you to Soul Edge. =--------= Aldebaran: =--------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Castle of the Dead -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy within the time limit! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Traveling east, you came upon the ruins of a castle. For a moment, you wondered if it too was the work of the knights, but it was clear that much time had passed since the castle fell into ruin. You entered the castle in order to get a view of the land ahead of you. Looking out to the east from the top of the castle wall, you saw an ominous looking mountain range along the horizon beyond the flat plains. You wondered if perhaps that was the place that held Soul Edge. In a hurry to be on your way, you crossed through the central garden and came face to face with a giant stone monument upon which was inscribed, "Rest in peace, our brothers. Head to the right and do not lose your way in the court of the dead." A field of graves, presumably of those who had lived in the castle, lay on the other side of the monument. Standing before the exit to the castle was a man clad in armor. It seemed he was the grave keeper. He drew his weapon and moved forward to rid the holy place of its intruder. Basics: - This is basically a one on one timed battle, nothing more, nothing less; the battle is against an oversized Berserker. Strategy: - This fight can be tough because of Berserker's extreme range, and very powerful moves. Your attacks do very little damage as well. I would try to stick to throwing after you dodge a big attack. There is a 50 second time limit, which is plenty of time to kill him. Don't worry about the time in the least, just concentrate on picking away at his health bar, and he will be dead in no time. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1000 experience and 800 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (City of Nashira), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2: City of Nashira -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The prize money doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches. Difficulty - *** Explanation: The history of the city of Nashira revolved around its combat arena, and it was known as a city of gamblers. The bustling townsfolk gave the place the feel of a miniature Benetnasch. When you entered Nashira,, it was another day of burly warriors seeking challengers and gamblers seeking riches. Perhaps you could find information about the knights here. You asked a young townsperson for directions to the arena and made your way over to it. Upon passing through the gate, a great cheer arose around you. You'd walked in through the entrance for new challengers! You stood cursing your luck as the onlookers stared at you, trying to size up your strength. Basics: - This stage has you fighting 5 randomly selected opponents. As you defeat enemies, you win gold. However, you only have one life bar, and it never regenerates after rounds, so watch it carefully. As you defeat opponents, the prize money doubles, and it is up to you to stop when you think you can no longer go on. Strategy: - Since you do not regenerate health between rounds, I strongly encourage you stay away from physical confrontations. Keep your distance, and slowly pick away at a health bar. Also Ring Outs are essential to this stage as they will help you tremendously. When you think you can no longer go on, stop and take your gold. Note, however, you only need to beat the first opponent in order to move on in Weapon Master Mode (where is the fun in that?!?). Mission Succeeded! You earned 1000 experience and anywhere from 300-4800 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Seginus Temple), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Seginus Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy's weapon has the ability to Guard Break. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: As you left the temple at which you spent the night, the monk said to you, "Be careful, traveler." Someone in the area was ambushing passerby. Several skilled warriors from the arena at Nashira had already become victims. Was it the work of those you sought? Thanking the monk for his warning, you headed out of the temple. While walking along the path beside the river, a woman suddenly jumped out from the nearby bushes and blocked your path! She brandished a huge weapon disproportionate to her body. She wasn't one of the ones you saw in Mizar, but it was possible they'd added members to their ranks since then. You had to be careful. It was clear that this woman was the one attacking travelers. She didn't look like she had any intention of holding a conversation-there was no choice but to fight. Basics: - This is a normal one on one fight against (Seung Mina, Halberdier of Seginus), however, she has the ability to break up your ability to guard her attacks. Strategy: - This match is pretty easy if you don't rely solely on blocking your opponent's attacks. I recommend you don't block at all during this match, as she will break the guard and immediately follow up with a combo. Don't guard, and victory is yours. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1000 experience and 800 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Seung Mina is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Crytomeria Ridge), has appeared. A road to a new stage, (Siam Ruins), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4: Crytomeria Ridge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Guard Impact the enemy's attacks! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "If you follow this road, Master, it will lead to Crytomeria Ridge." After losing to you, Arma vowed to mend her ways and stop attacking travelers. She began calling you "Master." According to her, a famous warrior lived in Crytomeria Ridge. Several days ago, she saw a group of men head out to the ridge. You chose to follow their trail, but there was no one to be found at the ridge-only a dirt mound with a sword jutting out of it, surrounded by flowers. From the condition of the sword and dirt, it was clear that the grave was fresh. You realized that there had been a battle here. Yet if the man of the ridge was the one that was killed, who had placed these flowers? "Don't move! Was it no enough to take my master's life? Ave you come now to desecrate his grave as well!?!" Turning around, you faced a swordswoman brandishing her weapon. You tried to explain, but she didn't listen. "Silence! Listen up, dog of Veral! You'd best not let down your guard just because I'm a woman! My toughness exceeded even that of my master, and I'll prove it!" Faced with no other choice, you drew your weapon. Basics: - This stage can only be completed by Guard Impacting your Cassandra's attacks. Your basic attacks do very minimal damage and should be avoided. Strategy: - You remember how to Guard Impact right (G + a direction on the D-Pad)? This is the only way to harm Cassandra. So make sure you time it right and Guard Impact her moves to kill her. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1200 experience and 800 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 5: Siam Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy's weapon absorbs life. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "This is the way to the underground passage, Master. But it is known as a filthy place, and everyone steers clear of it." Arma continued to consider herself your disciple. She was knowledgeable about the area, and according to her, an old underground passage lay just ahead. You remembered the three gates you heard about in Altair. Perhaps this passage led to the second one. After traveling for a while, the spirit sword suddenly began to resonate as if reacting to something. Wondering at this, you began to search for the location that caused the strongest response. You soon arrived at an old ruin hidden on the opposite shore of the river not far from the path. "I was surprised at first that someone like you would make it here, but I see now that you have Soul Calibur. What were the priests of Altair thinking?" The young man in the ruin spoke to you as he looked at the spirit sword in your hand. It appeared that you were not welcome. "I know that you're nothing more than another fool in search of Soul Edge. Leave now," he said as he pointed his weapon at you, "or this place will be your grave." Basics: - Your opponent's (Yunsung, Guardian of the Empire) weapon regains some lost health if he successfully lands a hit on you. Strategy: - This battle is pretty easy. Just be relentless in your attacks, so Yunsung has no chance to get in any on you and regain some health. Throws work very well here; use them often and Yunsung will be dead before you know it. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1200 experience and 800 gold. A new feature has been unlocked. "Extra Survival (Standard) Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Underground Juno), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 6: Underground Juno -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss within the time limit! Difficulty - **** Explanation: Bastian fell to his knees, his shoulders shuddering with every haggard breath. "Damn you! You'll regret not finishing me off! I swear I'll kill you!" You explained to him that while it was true you were seeking Soul Edge, you were well aware of its danger, and that you were chasing the knight who destroyed the gate in Mizar. But Bastian did not listen. "I don't care what Altair or Mizar have to say. I don't trust you. You're the same as Veral! No, maybe worse-at least Veral doesn't pretend to hide what he's doing. "Who's Veral?" He's the man you're chasing! He went into the Underground Passage of Juno. He probably thinks Soul Edge is on the other side. He's a fool. If you're chasing him, then hurry up and go!" Upon arriving at the underground passage, you noticed that water covered the floor. You began to get the feeling that the water level was rising. It looked like you had better hurry. Basics: - This is another of the dungeon type missions. It has you going through 13 rooms with randomly assorted opponents except for the bosses. This time, one room contains a reward for beating it. In the very last room, you fight two bosses instead of one. They are (Assassin, Servant of Veral), and (Astaroth Marauder of Slaughter). There is an added twist however, as you only have 200 seconds to complete the entire dungeon, so use your time wisely, but you do regain health after each battle. Strategy: - Since you only have 200 seconds to complete this dungeon, I recommend going for as many Ring Outs as possible, as it will save you a tremendous amount of time. You will earn 100 (sometimes 200 or 300) gold after each room you complete. Also, if you die, the timer will reset back to whatever time it was set before your death. The boss characters, Assassin and Astaroth, are not very hard, but Assassin is quick, and Astaroth is big. Try and save some time, so when you get to these guys, you have ample time to finish them off. Map Layout (13 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{R} | | {E}-{ }-{ } { } | | { }-{ }-{ } | { } | {B} E = Entrance B = Boss R = Reward Mission Succeeded! You earned 2300 experience and 5600 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired "Halberd," a weapon for Seung Mina." "Labyrinth has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Rigel), has appeared. =-----------------------= Chapter 7 - Demonic Realm =-----------------------= Chapter 7 Scenario: "I...I can't believe we just lost two-against-one..." "Impressive." Hobb and Lanbardy defeated in battle against you, fell down where they stood and slowly disappeared from view as the water swallowed them. Perhaps Veral guessed that he would face pursuers. His men had been waiting for you inside the underground passage. That could only mean that you were headed in the right direction. Successfully defeating your enemies, you headed for the exit and reached the surface before the water filled the passage. Even compared to the locations through which you'd traveled so far, Rigel was an especially bleak and desolate area. Despite the abundance of rivers, it was a region of parched earth and scraggly vegetation. From what Bastian and the priest in Altair said, you knew that the cursed sword was not located there. But one could be easily convinced that Soul Edge lay hidden in this hellish land if one did not know better. It was understandable that Veral came here in search of Soul Edge. The image of the gate in Mizar, sliced cleanly in two, flashed briefly through your mind. It was just a matter of time before you caught up with him... =----= Rigel: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Underground Prison -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Pursuing Veral, you came upon a building situated in the middle of the desolate plain. The sun was especially fierce that day, so you headed for the building to rest in the shade. The building was small, but had a fairly large basement area. Judging from the rows of iron bars, it appeared to be a prison. But the walls and bars were heavily damage, and it was presumably no longer in use. When you went down to take a look, the sound of iron bars closing echoed off the walls. You turned around in surprise and saw a man standing before you. "It's just like he said...And he said he'd set me free if I defeat you. I don't have anything against you, but this is my chance. Don't take it personally!" Apparently, Veral had been feeding him stories. Seeing no other way out, you drew your weapon. As you did so, you noticed that the man was not your only enemy. The walls and floor were booby-trapped with gunpowder. The man noticed your momentary lapse in concentration and attacked! Basics: - You will receive heavy damage if you are knocked against the walls, or fall to the ground. Your opponent, Maxi, takes minimal damage from normal attacks as well. Strategy: - The best thing to use here are throws once again. They can hit your opponent against the wall causing damage, as well as when they land. Do not try to attack any other way, as it will do little to no damage. Trapping your opponent close to the wall (which causing more damage than having them hit the ground), and pummeling away on them relentlessly should make easy work out of this stage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1200 experience and 1800 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Rigel, Spiritual City), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Rigel - Spiritual City -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Neither you nor the enemy can guard against attacks. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "Sully... (My profile name) So it is you who has been pursuing Veral." The two of you met here once more, as enemies and as friends. "So, you defeated those two, did you ? I'm pleased to see that your skills are still sharp." Minerva grinned as she spoke these words. You were surprised to learn that she was now working for Veral. You explained to her how dangerous Veral was, but Minerva merely answered that she had a plan. She then pointed her weapon at you. "If you've got time to be worrying about me, you should be worrying about yourself. Have you forgotten that there is but one Soul Edge? In other words, it was our fate to fight on another sooner or later!" You could feel her fierce hostility. Faced with such aggression, you could not hold back your own. Basics: - You cannot use the Guard button on this stage. Dodging is the only defensive maneuver that can be performed. The enemy (your arch rival from Chapter 1) cannot guard against attacks either. Strategy: - Try for the big moves at the outset so you can take off big chunks of their life bar. Dodge moves often, and try for Ring Outs. Throws also work extremely well here and take off fair amounts of damage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 1800 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Forbidden Grounds), appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Forbidden Grounds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "He possesses a fragment of Soul Edge. In other words, he's the closes to finding Soul Edge." So spoke Minerva as she departed. "He's not a fool. He doesn't believe that Soul Edge is here. He came here to gain the power to destroy the gates. It is said that the key to the gates is the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, but no know knows where that is. So he thought of a way to pass through the gates without the key. It's a bit of a gamble, of course." "So, you've finally come. I believe we met once before, at Mizar." Veral slowly opened his eyes as if he had been expecting you. "I assume you['ve come to stop me? But you're too late." A powerful aura, like none you'd ever felt before emanated from his body. "Now that I've acquired the power to break the seal, I have no reason to stay here any longer, but I have a feeling you'll be a nuisance later if I let you live." The ground around Veral burst open and a monster of flame emerged! "This pet was born from a fragment of Soul Edge...a mere piece of its total power. Isn't it appropriate that your life be put to an end by the power you long sought after?" Basics: - This is just like beating Arcade Mode; you have to fight Inferno the boss of the game. Strategy: - This is a one-on-one fight, but with the boss of the game. Inferno can imitate any other character's move set in the game. So choose your best, and have at it. Throws can be useful as Guard Impacting his moves. Good luck! Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 900 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Growth),' a weapon for Nightmare." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Merak), has appeared. =------------------------= Chapter 8 - The Third Gate =------------------------= Chapter 8 Scenario: To the east of Aldebaran lay the holy land of Merak. Here existed the third of the three gates that sealed Soul Edge, as well as the Grand Shrine of Merak, a name with which even ordinary citizens were familiar. Of course, few knew that the Shrine was sealing the cursed sword. You experienced a bit of the evil blade's power in the Forbidden Grounds when you battled against the monster of flame born from a fragment of Soul Edge. You lost track of Veral while dealing with the monster. "I have obtained the power to destroy the gate." It was safe to assume from those words that he was headed for Merak. You hurried back to the second gate at Aldebaran, which was guarded by Bastian. The gate had been destroyed. Bastian was nowhere to be found just as with the gate in Mizar, this one was cut in two with a single stoke, but this time, it was also scorched black. You let out a shudder as you recalled your battle I the Forbidden Grounds. Passing through the two gates and chasing after Veral, you entered Merak. But the landscape was as far from the idea of a holy land as anyone could imagine. The entire area was awash with signs of destruction. Craters of black ash littered the ground, bridges and roadways were destroyed, and pillars of black smoke rose on the horizon. Was this all Veral's doing? =----= Merak: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Sirius, City in the Sky -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. However, the enemies' weapons penetrate defenses. Defeat all the enemies before time runs out! Difficulty - **** Explanation: You were surrounded by a group of warriors. The "city in the sky" in which you stood once possessed the characteristic beauty of all highland dwellings, but no trace of that image remained. The main street, the tree- lined roads, the very buildings themselves, all lay in ruin, as if sliced apart by giant blades. It could only have been the work of Veral. He seemed to bring destruction wherever he went. It was a mistake to mention his name inside the city. The gaze of those whose lives had been suddenly shattered all turned upon you. You told them that you were no friend of Veral, but they did not listen. You were forced to draw your weapon in self-defense, but this only served to anger them more. They slowly closed in on you. The thin air at this high elevation complicated the matter. You would lost any chance of survival if you waited any longer. You had to put an end to the situation. Basics: - This stage has you fighting against 5 consecutive opponents: Yunsung, Cassandra, Raphael, Ivy, and Xianghua. The timer does increase after every round, and their weapons can stun you if your are caught guarding. It is a race to the finish. Strategy: - I would not worry too much about the clock as it starts at 50 seconds and increases after every round; some of your health also replenishes after the rounds too. The enemies can be pretty tough because of their speed. As always, Ring Outs are the way to go as it saves a lot of time. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 5000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Crystal Mine), has appeared. A road to a new stage, (Dubhe Arena), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Crystal Mine -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The ability to know back the enemy has been increased, but your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy under these conditions. Difficulty - *** Explanation: "Is it true you're trying to fight against Veral?" While stopping in a town to recover your strength, you were approached by a group preparing to fight Veral. Just like you, the people of Merak weren't about to let Veral walk all over them. You exchanged information with the Merak fighters. It turned out that Veral had destroyed the city in the sky all by himself. In face, he was always seen alone. That meant Minerva was not traveling with Veral-you wondered what she was up to. The group leader sighed deeply. "There's something else I have to tell you, unfortunately. There are a few groups of outlaws, as well as prisoners, who broke free because of the destruction Veral caused, that now view him as a symbol of power. They are the shame of Merak." At that moment, there was a loud commotion outside the mine. It looked like an attack by the very people that he had just spoken of. But you were not in any shape to fight. The group leader handed you a vial. "Drink this! It's only temporary, but it will give you strength. I'll see you again if we survive!" The min had suddenly become a battlefield! Basics: - This is just a basic one-on-one fight with the added stipulation of a rapidly draining health bar. Strategy: - Your life bar drains pretty fast, so I would go for very high damage unblockable moves from the outset. If that doesn't work, go for the Ring Out as that has never failed you so far (has it?) Your opponent flies pretty far back after hitting them, so Ring Outs should be a piece of cake. Watch out though, as Berserker has VERY powerful moves, and couple that with your health loss, you can die pretty quick. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1400 experience and 2000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Pollux), has appeared. This is Sub-Chapter 3, and will be discussed in the Sub-Chapter section. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Dubhe Arena -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Knock the enemy against the wall and utilize wall combos to defeat the enemy! Difficulty - *** Explanation: You headed east toward the Grand Shrine of Merak. Veral was definitely headed there. By the time you arrived at the city, he already beaten you to it. In the center of the destroyed city were the remains of a combat arena, and it appeared to have been a place where great battles flourished. For Veral to pass through here so easily, the power he obtained must have been fearsome indeed. Seeing movement near the arena, you headed over to investigate. A disturbing-looking figure clung to the wall of the arena. It turned to glare at you with fierce hostility as you approached. Judging from the shackles on his body, he was obviously a prisoner, most likely set free in the chaos of Veral's attack. He must have been a very violent criminal, for heavy iron bonds enwrapped his body. It would be difficult to cause any damage through those bonds with normal attacks. You quickly realized that the best way to fight him would be to cause impact damage by slamming him against the wall. Basics: - This match requires you to trap your opponent in the wall, and pound on them relentlessly as that is the only way to hurt you enemy. Voldo is the character you will be facing in this stage. Strategy: - This stage is pretty simple. All you need to do is get Voldo to the wall, and continue to attack him so he repeatedly hits the wall. He loses a lot of health from this, and you should win in no time. Also, normal attacks do little to no damage, so stray from those. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1400 experience and 2000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Io's Vase), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 4: Io's Vase -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Airborne time is increased due to blasts of wind from below. Defeat the enemy using air combos. Difficulty - *** Explanation: The city was on fire. Veral's onslaught must have happened only moments ago. You were catching up to him. Since the Grand Shrine of Merak was still a little ways off, there may be a chance to stop him before he destroys the seal. Racing through the burning city, you soon saw a figure on the plains ahead of you. There was no mistaking him: it was Veral! You'd finally caught up to him. He hadn't noticed you yet. You carefully closed the distance. After following him for a short while, Veral suddenly disappeared. You hastily broke into a run and soon saw that there was a large chasm in the middle of the plain. Strong winds blew up from the hole. You entered the hole in order to pursue Veral. "That's far enough." A young man's voice echoed through the shaft. It wasn't Veral. "I cannot allow anyone to interfere with his mission. If you intend to get in his way, you are my enemy." A young man stepped out in front of you, brandishing his weapon. It seemed that he was one of Veral's followers. Amidst the fiercely rising winds, you drew your weapon and prepared to fight. Basics: - This mission is regular except for the fact that you have to use air combos to get the win. Strategy: - It might be kind of hard for people who don't know the game very well yet. But for those who do, it is obvious to start with a launcher, and as your enemy (Kilik) is falling to the ground, quickly attack him again to win the stage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1400 experience and 2000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Grand Shrine of Merak), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 5: Phantom Cave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *The Phantom Cave becomes playable after completing Stage 2, of Sub-Chapter 4 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Difficulty - **** Explanation: Heading north from Procyon and reentering Merak, you found yourself in front of an ominous-looking dungeon. The dungeon itself appeared to have been constructed by men, but the evil presence that flowed from it was definitely not human. A man in the nearby village had said that this haunted cave was the home of monsters. Having experienced battles against Veral's terrible power, a mere haunted cave did not sound very threatening to you. But as you stood bathed in the evil that radiated from the entrance, you quickly reconsidered you approach. It looked like a bit more caution was called for. Bracing yourself for what inhuman surprises lurked within, you proceeded into the darkness. Basics: - This is another dungeon stage. It is fairly long with every fight being against Lizard Man. Most of the time, their health starts at 50% making it all the easier to beat them and move on. The element based rooms are back with ice, lava/fire, and quicksand. Since you have already encountered those before, it should be no big deal. The boss is (Lizard Man, Knight of Oblivion). Strategy: - No strategy here as there is no timer, and you regain all your health from room to room. The Lizard Man's should become second nature to defeat after awhile, and the element based rooms aren't anything you haven't seen before. The boss, Lizard Man, is in a cage like structure, that ha the lava surrounding it. It does a lot of damage if you can get him to stay in it for a few seconds. Map Layout (20 Rooms): {E}-{ }-{ }-{Q}-{Q}-{ } | | { } {Q} | | {I} { } | | { }-{ } {L} | | {I} { }-{L}-{ }-{B} | | { }-{ }-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand Mission Succeeded! You earned 3100 experience and 9900 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Egyptian Crypt has been added." -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 6: Grand Shrine of Merak -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemy's health recovers over time. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - **** Explanation: The Grand Shrine of Merak-the third gate that sealed Soul Edge-lay in ruins before you. Veral had finally made it all the way here. Losing precious time to the fight in the chasm, you finally arrived at dusk and hurried into the center of the devastates shrine. The fierce battle had raged all the way into the deepest part of the shrine itself. Following along the path of the destruction, you arrived just in time to see the final blow. "I suppose it was inevitable that you would be the final one to stand against me. "Sully," wasn't it? I'll not forget that name." Veral tossed aside the opponent he had just defeated and turned to face you. You could feel Veral's energy gather into the strange sword in his hands. The entire shrine-no, the very barrier itself that sealed in Soul Edge-seemed to tremble. It was time to finally put and end to this chase. Basics: - This is a one-on-one fight with (Nightmare, Dark Knight of Soul Edge) with the added stipulation of his health regenerating over time. It can go quite fast if he isn't being attacked. Strategy: - I recommend using a quick character for this stage, because if you don't constantly pound him with attacks, his health bar will rise rather quick. Ring Outs are always a good thing, as are throws, just make sure to attack him while he is grounded and don't leave him idle for too long. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 1000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "A new costume for Nightmare has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Algol), has appeared. =----------------------------= Chapter 9 - Forgotten Grounds: =----------------------------= Chapter 9 Scenario: With your final blow, Veral collapsed. His face showed a look of surprise, as if he could not believe that he had actually lost. It was over. You had won. "Hehe...I see, so you had the spirit sword...to think that feeding on the powers made me more vulnerable. I never considered that..." Veral slid to the floor and ceased to move. "He had the power of Soul Edge within himself." Tristy, the guardian of the gate, barely manage to talk. "The gates existed to prevent the cursed sword from getting out. He saw through the way they worked. Using methods unknown, he called the power of the dark sword into himself in order to pass through the gates. The gates deliberately allowed him through because their very purpose was to seal that power inside..." The power that Veral obtained in the Forbidden Grounds was that of Soul Edge itself, Mizar, Aldebaran, and Merak...Veral had fallen, but with the three gates destroyed, Soul Edge was in an extremely dangerous state. And restoring the barrier would take time. Someone needed to keep watch over Soul Edge until prepareaions for the creation of the new barrier was completed. "May I ask this of you?..." As the vanquisher of Veral and the wielder of the spirit sword, you were most appropriate for the task. After some brief thought, you accepted her request. In order to handle the evil sword safely, it was necessary to first complete the purification of the spirit sword. After learning from Tristy about an old man with the power to do so, you set off to find him. You traveled to Algol, the land of exiles. =----= Algol: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Corridor of the Sky -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Only the enemy's weapon is visible. Defeat the enmy under this condition! Difficulty- *** Explanation: Algol was a land of exiles and outcasts. Some of them were formally sentenced criminals, while others were people with special powers cast out of their villages. You proceeded carefully along the mountain path. About halfway up Algol Mountain, you witnessed a mysterious sight. An ax floated in mid-air, blocking you way. Shocked, you stopped for a moment and stared. The ax responded by letting out a growl. You then heard a voice coming from somewhere. "Go forth, my ax! Take everything this fool has!" It seemed you had been ambushed by a highwayman. You had to do something about this ax before you could go any further. Basics: - This is a one-on-one fight, but the body of your opponent (Astaroth) is invisible. The only thing visible is his giant ax. Strategy: - This battle is not too tough, but can be if you're not prepared. Remember, Astaroth has VERY long reach, and is very powerful. You can pretty much guess where he is, because his body is so big and you can actually see his ax. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 2200 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage,(Ancient Amphitheater), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Ancient Amphitheater -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Unseen forces push the combatants together. Defeat the opponents under this condition! A bonus is available during the matches! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Upon seeing you defeat the ax, the man controlling it ran away. You tossed aside the now-lifeless weapon and proceeded along the mountain path. After reaching the other side of the mountain, you came upon a small town along the river. You entered the town and began gathering information about the old man that Tristy had spoke of. "That guy you're looking for, yeah, I know him." You heard these words from a man at the local bar. He knew what the old man looked like as well as his profession as a blacksmith. You were excited to have found a lead about the man so quickly after entering Algol, but things were not going to be quite that easy. The man at the bar requested a fee in exchange for his information. You offered him some money, but the man shook his head. According to him, there would soon be a fighting tournament in town. He wanted you to enter the tournament so that he could win big betting on someone who was unknown in the area. You accepted his terms and looked into the tournament. You learned that they linked the combatants together with chains, preventing them from putting much distance between each other. Basics: - You are constantly being pushed toward your opponent. Your opponent's in order are: Cassandra, Yunsung, Raphael, and Mitsurugi. It can be very annoying, but once you get the hang of it, you can attack relentlessly. It is set up like a tournament where you have to defeat 4 opponents. Your health will not be restored between matches, so go for Ring Outs. The matches are also very short, only 15 seconds. Also, you get extra gold for every successful hit you land on an enemy. Strategy: - If you have a weapon with a character that regenerates your health throughout the round, do not hesitate to use it!! It will come in VERY handy, as you only have one health bar to defeat 4 opponents. Go for Ring Outs every round as well, as it saves life and time. Also, go for the extra hits, as they will rack up some big points depending on how many of them you land successfully. I recommend completing this with Astaroth as he has some multi-hit moves, good defense, and powerful moves. This stage is a GREAT way to earn a lot of gold. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1700 experience and gold (depending on how many hits you landed). -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Reclusive Palace), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Reclusive Palace -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Only one part of the enemy can be seen. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: As promised, the man gave you the information you needed to find the old man, and you headed to his mansion. There was nothing else for miles around. It was said that the old man did not like people and chose to live away from others. You knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer. Seeing no other option, you pushed on the door. It was not locked and creaked open. "Who's there?" You suddenly heard a voice from behind you. It was the old man. The old man listened to your story without expression, but when you finished, he grumbled to himself, "Unbelievable. I'll never live down how that girl turned out." The next day, the old man led you to a room that had obviously not been used for some time. He asked you to show him the spirit sword, so you drew Soul Calibur and presented it to him. "I see. The spirit of Soul Edge is indeed present in this word. But Altair did you say? They've done quite a good job already. This amount of darkness won't take long to cleanse." As you stood there wondering what would happen next, the old man suddenly shouted, "Get ready for the physical manifestation of the evil energy!" As usual, things were never as easy as people made them sound. Basics: - This stage is very similar to Stage 1 of this Chapter. You can only see the lover portion of (Charade, Unknoown). Charade can only hit you using low attacks fortunately. Strategy: - This match is pretty easy, as Charade can only attack you using low attacks. Just counter that with your own low attacks and you will be fine. It will be pretty hard to get a Ring Out I suppose, so try to stray from that. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1700 experience and 2200 gold. -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4: Northern Algol -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Northern Algol is only playable after beating Stage 3, of Chapter 9 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Defeat the enemies! Difficulty - *** Explanation: "I'm afraid we need you to turn the cursed sword over to us." You stood in between two female warriors who blocked your path. They were after Soul Edge, an they also knew that it was cursed. Of course, you had no intention of handing over the evil blade, as you took responsibility to guard and contain it. Whatever their motive, you were not interested in fulfilling their request. "Sis, I don't think this person is going to cooperate." "Then I have no choice but to retrieve it by force." It appeared that they, too, had no intention of backing down. You briefly considered fleeing, but you were unfamiliar with the area, and would provide them with a significant advantage if you ran. You let out a deep sigh and prepared to fight. Basics: - This is a regular one versus two battle. You are fighting (Cassandra, Dual Knight of the Sun) and (Sophitia, Dual Knight of the Moon). Strategy: - This is a basic fight with no match modifiers. These girls can be pretty tough though. Just use throws, and Ring Outs to achieve victory. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1700 experience and 2200 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Time Attack (Alternative) Mode has been added." =----------------------------= Chapter 10 - The Final Battle: =----------------------------= Chapter 10 Scenario: "Excellent work." The dark energy that had infest Soul Calibur was washed away by the strength of your will. The spirit sword's form changed, and it began to pulse with holy energy. Eventually, it had completely transformed into sparkling points of light, which flowed into the air, heading southeast for Antares, the land where the cursed sword lay sealed. The old man, seeing your look of surprise, spoke thusly: "Do not worry. When the time comes, you two will surely meet again. The sword naturally seeks out the one most suited to wield it." "I've been waiting for you, Sully. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but things are not faring well." What awaited you upon your return to the Grand Shrine of Merak was the news that while you were in Algol, Minerva had entered Antares-the land where the demonic sword was sealed. She infiltrated the shrine when Tristy was gravely wounded and was in no condition to fight. Before Tristy had even finished speaking, you were already out the gate and on your way. You had to stop her! =------= Antares: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Midnight Coliseum -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Your health is low. Defeat all enemies under this condition! Difficulty - **** Explanation: Passing through the final gate, you entered the cursed land of Antares. Even though the spirit sword had purified the evil presence here, this place continued to eat away at your strength. You'd have to keep that in mind as you continue your journey. After traveling for a while, you suddenly realized that you were walking through the middle of a combat arena. You had no recollection of entering it, and when you turned to look behind you, the path on which you had traveled was gone. You couldn't tell what had happened, but you simply took it in stride-it must have been an effect of a cursed land that had contained Soul Edge for so long. Murmurs arose from the empty arena. Then, a thunderous roar like that of a thousand stamping feet began to echo from the empty stands. Right before your eyes, something began to ooze into existence! Basics: - This is another match where you have to fight five opponents (Talim, Xianghua, Seung Mina, Taki, and Ivy) with a low health bar. A little health is regained between rounds as well. Strategy: - I would not worry too much about the health thing, as only a little is gone, and you gain some back between rounds. These opponents can be tough, as they are all fast, and have quick throws. I would go for Ring Outs if nothing else. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1800 experience and 6000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Court of the Dead), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2: Court of the Dead -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Difficulty - **** Explanation: The arena disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. You hurried on your way, but yet again you found yourself walking in a new location with no path in sight. This time it seemed your were in an underground dungeon. You felt an enormously hostile presence from deep within It didn't seem to be directed at you specifically. Instead, it as an indescribable hatred for all living things. You pushed aside the nearly overwhelming fear and began to walk forward. Basics: - Your very last dungeon of the initial 10 Chapters. This is the second to longest one yet, and can get a bit complicated. You fight random opponents with some match modifiers. There is a room where your health slowly depletes, and one where you cannot Guard during battle; there is also one where your enemy's attacks paralyze you. You earn 100 (sometimes 200 or 300) gold at the end of each match. There is also a reward in one of the rooms as well. The boss is the character you have been chasing this entire time. It is character specific, depending on which character you are going through Weapon Master Mode with. Strategy: - You are not timed in this dungeon, so you can take your sweet old time. The matches are against random opponents, and shouldn't be too hard. If they are, as always, go for the Ring Out. There is also a boss in this dungeon that you have encountered before. They might be a little tough, but consistent attempts will eventually get the job done. Map Layout (17 Rooms): {E}-{ }-{ }-{ }-{L}-{ } | | { }-{ }-{ }-{G}-{P}-{R} | | { } { } | | {B}-{ }-{ } | {R} E = Entrance B = Boss R = Reward L = Health Loss during battle G = Cannot Guard during battle P = Enemy's attacks paralyze you Mission Succeeded! You earned 4200 experience and 6600 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Ambassador,' a weapon for Swung Mina." "Acquired 'Synval,' a weapon for Sophitia." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Tartaros), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Tartaros -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Unleash all of your power and vanquish the enemy! Difficulty - **** Explanation: "Sully! Must you continue to stand in my way to the very end?!" Minerva looked up at you as she lay collapsed on the floor. You had caught up and succeeded in stopping her. You sighed in relief, but then soon realized that something was wrong. Minerva, too, merely looked on speechlessly at what began to unfold. The two of you were no longer in the dungeon, but in the middle of a desolate plain. Black clouds covered the sky, darkening the area. Cracks appeared in the ground, and flames erupted into the air. A figure approached slowly from the distance. Its armor rattled with each step it took. Flames covered it sword, and periodically they reached out to lick across its entire body. "It can't be..." Minerva uttered words of disbelief. "Sully, did you really think it would be so easy to destroy me, with all the power I obtained? To destroy Soul Edge? Hahaha...How naive." With each word he spoke, flames burst from Veral's mouth. "Now be gone, my foe. For I must become complete!" The heat radiating from Veral intensified. The flames of his sword doubled their fervor, and in the next instant, his entire body became a raging inferno! Basics: - This is just a one-on-one match with the boss, (Inferno, Bringer of Despair). He has three forms. Once you knock his life bar to a little more than half, he transforms, regaining a little of his health. The same thing happens a second time, until he is on his last transformation. Your attacks do less and less damage depending on what form he is in. He also imitates random characters throughout all three forms. Note, however, that your health does not regenerate between "rounds." Strategy: - I would just do what you have been doing the entire game so far. Just be relelntless, and don't let him get any attacks of his own in. That is the best strategy I can offer. Throws will also help out a lot here too. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2500 experience and 1200 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Weapon Master Opening is now available." -Congratulations! You have completed Weapon Master Mode's initial 10 Chapters. There is an ending "cinematic." It shows the back of a figure standing amongst all of these weapons with the following words: "The last remains of Inferno's flames surrounding the blade were carried away by a breeze and faded unto nothingness. Standing before the sword you so long sought after, I can only wonder at what thoughts must have passed through your mind as you learned the truth of its awesome, terrible power. Soul Edge's legacy lives to this day. It most likely will live on forever, for humans will always desire the ultimate weapon. Unfortunately, though you triumphed in battle and claimed Soul Edge, your name does not remain in history. Only the name Veral, the man who steeped the world in fear in his quest for the demonic weapon, remains as a brief footnote in the annals of history. Many years have passed since then. The world has forgotten our names, and the seals we placed have long since weathered away. One time, a master swordsman wielded the evil blade. Another time, a pirate. Then, a pitiful youth. I have no doubts that the legend of the demonic sword and the spirit sword will continue on forever. And I shall continue to watch over the eternal battle, as it is a task only I can do...For I have been rendered immortal by the force of the two opposing energies." TRISTY 3/2004 Congratulations!! "You shall find your place in history and become a legend... A legend that will never die!" Weapon Master Mode is far from over however. You still have 2 Sub- Chapters to find, and 2 Extra Chapters to find. The EX missions are also opened up now. There is no story this time, the EX missions are there to give you more gold and experience. Once again, I will detail each of the stages objectives, and go in the order they are presented. Below, I will start with the EX Missions for the original 10 Chapters. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter Walkthrough - Extra Missions: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-------------------------------------------------= Chapter 1 - Regulus Proving Grounds: Extra Missions =-------------------------------------------------= =------= Regulus: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Proving Grounds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked against the wall or ground. Both combatants' health recovers. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - This match is similar to one you have already encountered. Your airtime has improved drastically, as once you are hit against a wall or the ground, you are knocked high into the air. Both, you and your opponent's health recovers throughout the battle as well. Strategy: - Your normal attacks work as well as any of the knockdown moves you might have. You do not need to hit your opponent against the ground or the wall in order to win this match. Since, your health recovers, that should not be a problem during this match. Stay focused on your opponent's health, though, as it also recovers. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 1200 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Bulwark Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat all the enemies! Basics: - This is another one versus three match. Your opponents are Ivy, Astaroth and Nightmare. These guys are heavy hitters so be careful. Also, your health regenerates a bit between rounds. Strategy: - This is just a simple outnumbered fight. It is almost the same thing as its regular counterpart, except with a little bit tougher of enemies. Try and conserve health by going for Ring Outs. You health regenerates, so don't worry about that during the match. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 1800 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Warrior's Trial Grounds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemies have strange weapons. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Basics: - All of your opponents, have their parody weapons during this fight, neither putting them at a disadvantage or advantage for that matter. It is another one against four match though. You do regenerate health between rounds. Strategy: - Since their weapons give them no clear advantage, just treat it like any other outnumbered match. Your opponents: Sophitia, Seung Mina, Necrid, and Spawn, can be quite a hastle though. Mission Succeeded! You earned 800 experience and 3000 gold. -Chapter Clear! =--------------------------------------------= Chapter 2 - The Journey Begins: Extra Missions =--------------------------------------------= =-----= Thuban: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Thuban Ferry -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Land 20 hits on the quick enemy and survive the round! Basics: - This is the same as its original counterpart, except the enemy (Taki) is much quicker, and much harder to hit. I suggest using someone fast, like Kilik who can land 4 or 5 hits in a couple of seconds. You are also only allotted 20 seconds for this stage, and Taki can be pretty hard to hit, because of her size and speed. Strategy: - As stated above, Kilik or the now unlocked, Seung Mina, can dish out many hits in very few seconds. I would use them, if not Raphael, Taki, or someone else very fast to counter your enemy's quickness. Taki also blocks, and Guard Impacts a lot, so dodging and following up are good strategies. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1000 experience and 800 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Village of Arche -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Strong gusts constantly push you and prevent you from stopping at the edge of the stage. Furthermore, both combatant's speed is increased. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - This stage is very similar to the original. It has you on top of the scaffolding with powerful wind. This time however, your speed is greatly increased, upping the chances of accidentally falling off. Mitsurugi, your opponent, is very quick to begin with, so he will probably fall off on his own. If he doesn't, follow the strategy below. Strategy: - This stage can be very easy, and very hard. I would try not to move around too much, and let Mitsurugi get himself close to the edge. When he is, just hit him once and he should fall off. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1000 experience and 1600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Minkar Mine -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - Just another dungeon stage. This dungeon has the exact same layout as the original, so it shouldn't be hard at all. The boss, Raphael, can be quite tough, however. You regain some lost health between rooms as well. There are no match modifiers, and the opponents are random except for the boss. Strategy: - This dungeon doesn't require much strategy, as it is very short, and has the same layout as the original. The random opponents, can be quite tough, but go for Ring Outs; same goes for Raphael. Map Layout (3 Rooms): {E} - { } - { } | {B} E = Entrance B = Boss You earned 800 experience and 2400 gold (in total). Mission Succeeded! -Chapter Clear! =-------------------------------------------------= Chapter 3 - The Restless Benetnasch: Extra Missions =-------------------------------------------------= =---------= Benetnasch: =---------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Carnival -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage, and the gravity is weaker. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Basics: - The gravity in this stage is gone, so when you get knocked into the air, you float and slowly come back to the ground. Also, your normal attacks do close to no damage, so go for the Ring Out. Strategy: - This stage is the same as before, except with low gravity. Just go with the launchers, and hopefully your opponent (Berserker) will fly right off the edge. Watch out though, because he has high hitting unpredictable attacks, and can drain your life faster than you know it. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 2000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Talitha Gambling Den -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Combatants receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Furthermore, your appeareance has changed. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Basics: - This is another one versus 3 stage. The characters are random however. You are forced to play as Lizard Man which is a drag if you are bad with him. All of your attacks do very little damage as well, further adding to the toughness of this stage. Some luck will get you past it. Strategy: - I recommend losing a few times on purpose to get the hang of Lizard Man, because if you have never played as him, if might be tough. Also, since Sophitia's and his moves are similar, you might want to go to the Practice Mode, and practice with her to familiarize yourself with Lizard Man's moves, as they are similar. Try your hardest to hit your opponent into the wall, as it takes off massive damage! Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 2000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Diphda Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemy will continually guard. Case a Guard Break and attack while the enemy's defenses are down! Basics: - This mission actually forces you to use Guard Breaks. You don't have to use them though, it is highly recommended. Your enemy, Charade, guards the entire match making it very difficult to beat him. Strategy: - This mission can be very tough without the right weapon equipped. I recommend equipping a weapon that can penetrate defenses so that you are able to hit Charade while he is blocking. Also, Ring Outs, and throws are possibilities. Throws seem to work a bit better than Ring Outs though. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1300 experience and 1000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Benetnasch Harbor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat all the enemies! Basics: - Another outnumbered stage. You will be fighting 4 opponents: Ivy, Raphael, Cervantes, and Voldo. They are all tough opponents. Your health will also be restored between rounds. Strategy: - Just play with your best character, and this stage shouldn't be too difficult at all. Throws, and Ring Outs, are also good possibilities. Don't worry too much about your health, as it fully restores. There are also no match modifiers to be found. Also, Cervantes' health slowly drains as you fight him; Voldo's life drains when he successfully hits you as well. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 5000 gold. -Chapter Clear! =----------------------------------------= Chapter 4 - The First Gate: Extra Missions =----------------------------------------= =----= Mizar: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Al Gieba Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-= Goal - Force the bomb off onto the enemy with your attacks! You win if the enemy has the bomb when the timer runs out. Basics: - This is almost the same as the original. When you hit your opponent, they are tagged with the bomb. You don't want to be the last one holding the bomb when the timer expires. Strategy: - The strategy is the same as for the original mission. Either keep your opponent at bay by using regular attacks while he is carrying the bomb, or purposefully get hit so you have the bomb, wait until the timer gets real low, and then attack him at the last second. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 2400 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Windmill -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Your health is low. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Basics: - What do ya know? Another one versus two match. You have to fight two rounds of Assassins. They can be quite tough due to their speed. You start with about 50% of your life, but do regain some after a round. Strategy: - Once again, I would pick your best character, as these Assassins can be quite tough. Force Ring Outs if possible, if not pick away at their life. Only the first match should you be worried about your health, as it regains some after a round. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 2400 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Merope Monastery -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. Figure out the best way to defeat all the enemies before time runs out! Basics: - This stage can be quite tough as you are under a SEVERE time constraint. It is again, one against five this time. Your opponents are: Mitsurugi, Voldo, Taki, Nightmare and Cervantes. The time starts at 30 seconds and only increases 15 seconds after each round. Your attacks also do less damage than they normally would, and your health only increases in small increments between rounds. Strategy: - As always, go for the Ring Outs!!! They will save you tremendous time. Also, notice, your opponents are very tough as well. You will need to pick your best fighter and a good weapon (preferably one with increased damage) to defeat these guys. If you lure your first opponent to the edge, and knock him off, the next fight will start right at that same edge, making it easier for subsequent Ring Outs. Good Luck! Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 6000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Deserted Village -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemies favor Horizontal Attacks and are armed with weapons that are strong against Breaks. Defeat the enemies under this condition! Basics: - ANOTHER outnumbered battle, this time against Necrid and Astaroth. If you use Horizontal attacks on these guys, it will do no damage or they will guard it. You also cannot use Guard Breaks. You regain only some health between rounds. Strategy: - Since both of these guys are big, Ring Outs are a strong possibility here. Also, it isn't too hard if you don't use Horizontal Attacks too often. Throws are VERY good here too, as obviously they are not Horizontal Attacks, and take off fair amounts of damage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1800 experience and 2400 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 5 - Extra Mission: Charon's Pass -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - Another dungeon stage. This one isn't too hard because the dungeon layout is exactly the same as the one in the original mission. All of the opponents are randomized, and you regain some health between rounds. Strategy: - The boss of this dungeon is (Maxi, Warrior of Prophecy), and he isn't too hard except for the fact that is health constantly regenerates throughout the match, so keep an eye out for that. Ring Outs work extrememly well here. This dungeon has the same element based rooms (ice, lava/fire, and quicksand) so it shouldn't be too hard, as you've already encountered it before. Also, in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th rooms, the opponent's health constantly regenerates throughout the round. Map Layout: Map Layout (8 Rooms): { } | { }-{ }-{B} | {E}-{I}-{Q}-{L}-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice Q = Quicksand L = Lava/Fire Mission Succeeded! You earned 1500 experience and 7600 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquire 'Fuzoroi,' a weapon for Maxi. -Chapter Clear! =--------------------------------------= Chapter 5 - Spirit Sword: Extra Missions =--------------------------------------= =-----= Altair: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Nereid Gorge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-= Goal - Control special team and defeat the enemies! Basics: - This is just like the original mission where you have to take control of certain characters in order to beat the other team comprised of 3 random opponents. It is essentially a 3 on 3 battle. Your team is comprised of Assassin, Berserker, and Lizard Man. You regain some lost health between rounds. Strategy: - There isn't much strategy involved here if you aren't good with any of those characters. I say practice will Sophitia again, if you aren't good with Lizard Man. Other than that, I guess throws are good, as are Ring Outs. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1800 experience and 4200 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Paradise of Altair -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemies have excellent speed and health. The ability to knock back the enemy has increased. Defeat all of the enemies under this condition! Basics: - Another one versus two match. This time it is both against Mitsurugi. You can knock your opponents far across the arena now, so go for the Ring Outs. You regain some lost health between rounds as well. Strategy: - This stage is pretty easy. All you have to do is use a knock back move, and your opponent goes flying allowing for easy Ring Outs. Your regular attacks do way less damage, so the best thing is to Ring Out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 1800 experience and 2400 gold. -Chapter Clear! =-----------------------------------------= Chapter 6 - The Second Gate: Extra Missions =-----------------------------------------= =--------= Aldebaran: =--------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Castle of the Dead -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy has excellent speed and health. Furthermore, your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - Almost the same as above, except you fight one enemy, and your health decreases. Assassin can be kind of tough due to his speed and size, but shouldn't be too bad. Strategy: - I would go for the quick Ring Out, as that is the best and easiest way to win this match without too much trouble. Your health decreases rapidly, so you have to be quick. Your attacks do little damage as well. Assassin is very fast, and can beat you before you know it. Stay focused, and knock his ass out! Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and 1600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: City of Nashira -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The prize money doubles with each win. Gauge your strength an win the matches! Basics: - This stage is exactly like the original except the bad guys are much harder this time around. Every time you win a fight, you are awarded money and given the chance to either quit or continue. This is a hard decision sometimes, as you do not regain health between rounds. Strategy: - Obviously, pick your best character, and go for all the gold. You do not need to win all 5 matches however, as you only need to win one, to move ahead. This is a good opportunity to make a lot of money however, and should not be passed up. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and anywhere between 1000 and 16000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Seginus Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy's weapon has the ability to Guard Break. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Basics: - This is pretty much a normal one on one fight, except the enemy can Guard Break. If you block, and they hit you, you will be paralyzed for a short time. So don't guard often on this stage. Strategy: - There is not much strategy to implore here except to not guard as often as you might like to. Also, throws are really good, as are Ring Outs. Your opponent is Seung Mina, who is very small and fast. She can dish up good punishment if you are not careful. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and 1600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Crytomeria Ridge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy excels in Guard Impacts. Reverse the Guard Impact back at the enemy! Basics: - This is a new type of match, and a unique one at that. You have to Guard Impact your opponent's attack to cause major damage. Normal attacks do close to no damage whatsoever. Strategy: - I'm sure you can Guard Impact by now right? Well, utilize that technique on this stage, and you should do just fine. Just telegraph Sophitia's moves, and Guard Impact her twice to win. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2300 experience and 1600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 5 - Extra Mission: Siam Ruins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Crouch or jump to avoid the effects of the frequent earthquakes. Furthermore, the enemy's health recovers over time. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Basics: - Just as the goal says, you need to crouch or jump to avoid getting knocked off balance during this fight. There is a counter, and when it reaches 1, you need to crouch or jump. Taki is your opponent, and can be kind of tough, because of speed and a small size. Strategy: - Just treat this as a regular match, and it shouldn't be too hard. Just be conscious of the timer, and crouch or jump when it hits one. A Ring Out is a good idea, as are throws. Your moves do regular damage, and don't forget Taki's life replenishes throughout the fight. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2300 experience and 1600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 6 - Extra Mission: Underground Juno -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Navigate through the booby-tapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - Another dungeon stage. This one is very similar to the original one as well. You only have 250 seconds to go completely through it. There are two bosses (Xianghua, Sword Master of the Hornet), and (Seung Mina, Halberdier of Seginus). Make sure you have some time left on the clock to take these two out. You earn gold for completing rooms as well. Strategy: - I wouldn't worry too much about the timer as you should have plenty of time to get through the dungeon. The opponents you fight are random, and not too tough. Some of the rooms, have random match modifiers as well, so be on the lookout for those. Also, the map layout is exactly the same as the original. Map Layout (13 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{ } | | {E}-{ }-{ } { } | | { }-{ }-{ } | { } | {B} E = Entrance B = Boss Mission Succeeded! You earned 4600 experience and 11000 gold (in total). -Chapter Clear! =---------------------------------------= Chapter 7 - Demonic Realm: Extra Missions =---------------------------------------= =----= Rigel: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Underground Prison -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - You've had this type of match before. Hitting the opponent against the wall will cause massive damage. Strategy: - The same strategy as before applies to this mission. The best way to end this quickly is to hit them against the wall/ground repeatedly as it takes off massive chunks of health. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2300 experience and 3600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Rigel, Spiritual City -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Neither you nor the enemy can guard against attacks. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - Its as simple as the goal says. You cannot guard, and neither can your opponent. Strategy: - I would recommend going for a Ring Out hear if you like to guard a lot. Also, throws work extremely well here. Also, your health can take a bit more punishment than usual; the same can be said about your opponent unfortunately. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2500 experience and 3600 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Forbidden Grounds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy! Basics: - This stage is exactly as it was before. You have to beat Inferno; he is not nearly as hard as he was as the boss though. Inferno also imitates a random character each time you fight him. Strategy: - Just apply the same strategy you used to beat him the first time. Throws don't seem to work as well, as they are constantly broken. You have a regular health bar, while Inferno takes little damage from regular attacks. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2500 experience and 1800 gold. -Chapter Clear! =----------------------------------------= Chapter 8 - The Third Gate: Extra Missions =----------------------------------------= =----= Merak: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Sirius, City in the Sky -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. However, the enemies' health recovers over time. Defeat all the enemies before time runs out! Basics: - Here is another outnumbered match. It is you against five randomly chosen opponents. You start out at 50 seconds, and gain an extra 10 after beating one. Their health replenishes throughout the match. Your health replenishes between each round as well. Strategy: - This mission can be kind of hard due to the low amount of time added between rounds. I would go for Ring Outs to save time. Also, don't forget that your enemies' health regenerates throughout the match. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2500 experience and 10000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Crystal Mine -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Furthermore, the ability to knock back the enemy has increased. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Basics: - When you hit your opponent (Charade), and they hit the ground, they are launched high into the air. Also, when you hit them, they are thrown backwards farther than normal. Strategy: - This match is pretty easy. Just knock them to the ground, so they are flung up, then kick them, and they should fly right off the edge. Ring Outs are so easy on this stage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2800 experience and 4000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Dubhe Arena -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Knock the enemy against the wall and utilized wall combos to defeat the enemy! Basics: - This is just what it sounds like. Hit the enemy so they are flat against the wall. They will be "stuck" there for a second allowing you to punish them into submission. Strategy: - This is pretty easy. Just knock them hard into the wall and they will stay there for a second giving you ample time to knock the life out of them with regular moves. This match should last 3 seconds at most. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2800 experience and 4000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Io's Vase -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Airborne time is increased due to blasts of wind from below. Defeat the enemy using this condition! Basics: - When you knock the enemy into the air, they stay in mid-air longer than usual. This should work to your advantage. It can be kind of hard to hit them in mid-air though. Just time it right, and you should be fine. Strategy: - Just use a good launcher attack, and they will become airborne. Hitting them in mid-air might seem tough, but if timed right, will win you this match in no time. Also, if they jump, you can hit them too, and it will take of health. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2800 experience and 4000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 5 - Extra Mission: Phantom Cave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *The Phantom Cave becomes playable after completing Stage 2, of Sub-Chapter 4 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - This is the exact same dungeon map as the original. You still earn back all your health between rounds, and the element based rooms are back. (Lizard Man, Knight of Oblivion) is the boss again in this dungeon. Strategy: - None needed here. The Lizard Man cronies in the rooms leading up the boss are a little tougher than before. The boss, is again surrounded in the cage- like structure with the lava surrounding it. He is a bit harder than in the original, but you should have him stand in the lava a few seconds to see him burn up. Map Layout (20 Rooms): {E}-{ }-{ }-{Q}-{Q}-{ } | | { } {Q} | | {I} { } | | { }-{ } {L} | | {I} { }-{L}-{ }-{B} | | { }-{ }-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand Mission Succeeded! You earned 6200 experience and 19800 gold (in total): A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Ethereal Edge,' a weapon for Necrid." -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 6 - Extra Mission: Grand Shrine of Merak -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemies recover their health over time. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Basics: - A one on three fight against, Ivy, Necrid, and (Kilik, Guardian Knight of the Soul). These guys' health recovers over the course of the fight too. Your health only replenishes a small amount after every round. Strategy: - This mission can be kind of tough due to the opponent selection and the recovering health aspect. You might need to equip a weapon with life leech to help beat this stage. You are definitely going to want to go for the Ring Out, as it saves you A LOT of health. Missions Succeeded! You earned 2800 experience and 2000 gold. -Chapter Clear! =-------------------------------------------= Chapter 9 - Forgotten Grounds: Extra Missions =-------------------------------------------= =----= Algol: =----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Corridors of the Sky -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Only the enemies' weapons are visible. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Basics: - This is just like the other match in the original. There are two enemies this time however, and only their weapon is visible. You regain some health between rounds. Strategy: - Just go after the weapons. That is about all I can say. You might be annoyed at first, but connecting with their body isn't too difficult. Ring Outs are always welcome. It might be harder if you are fighting an enemy with a smaller weapon like Taki, or Assassin. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2800 experience and 4400 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Ancient Amphitheater -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - There is a bomb on your body; falling down means certain death. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! A bonus is available during matches. Basics: - This is a tournament style stage where if you fall down, you die instantly. You fight three opponents (two random, and then Spawn) and you don't replenish health since one hit kills anyway. Your opponents do not die if they hit the ground however. The time is also cheaply low, set at 15 seconds per round. Strategy: - There is no real strategy here. All you need to do is find a move with a character that bashes them to the ground. Also, sidestepping, and guarding are important here. Watch the timer, as it can mean certain death for you, as it is very low. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3000 experience and gold (depending on how many hits you landed). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Reclusive Palace -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Only one part of the enemy can be seen, and the enemy has excellent speed. Defeat the enemy under this condition. Basics: - Another "only part of the enemy can be seen" match. This one isn't too hard, because low attacks are easy to execute. Strategy: - Since you fight Charade, it might be kind of hard to tell who he is imitating. But whoever it is, just use low sweep attacks on him, and he will fall quickly. Also, sliding into him near the edge will cause a Ring Out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3000 experience and 11000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Northern Algol -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Northern Algol is only playable after beating Stage 3, of Chapter 9 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Defeat all the enemies! Basics: - This is another one versus two match against the same two charcters: (Cassandra, Dual Knight of the Sun) and (Sophitia, Dual Knight of the Moon). You regain limited health between rounds. Strategy: - These two can be hard if you let them be. Just use throws, and go for the Ring Out. That is the easiest way to beat them. Unblockable moves also work pretty well. They can take a massive beating as well. Normal attacks do little damage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3000 experience and 4400 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Castor), has appeared. -Chapter Clear! =-------------------------------------------= Chapter 10 - The Final Battle: Extra Missions =-------------------------------------------= =------= Antares: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Midnight Coliseum -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Your health is low, and does not recover. Defeat the enemies under this condition! Basics: - Another outnumbered match, this time with your health starting at a little more than half. The match is one against five. Your opponents are: Raphael, Taki, Mitsurugi, Xianghua, Talim. Strategy: - Obviously, pick your best character for this stage, and try for Ring Outs every single time. These opponents can be pretty hard too, especially since your health DOES not regenerate between rounds. So in essence, you are facing 5 opponents with one non-regenerating health bar starting at 75%. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3000 experience and 12000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Court of the Dead -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - This is another of the dungeon type levels. It has the exact same layout as the original level. The rooms contain random characters with some match modifiers, such as bombed ground, and increased air time. The boss is the character specific person you have been fighting in these bit match types. Strategy: - No strategy really necessary as you are not timed in this mission, so you can explore to your leisure. The boss can be hard, but a Ring Out should do them just fine. There are also some rooms in which you are poisoned and your health slowly depletes, as well as rooms, where your throw distance is increased. Map Layout (17 Rooms): {E}-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ } | | { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ } | | { } { } | | {B}-{ }-{ } | { } E = Entrance B = Boss R = Reward Mission Succeeded! You earned 8400 experience and 13400 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Souvenir Gift,' a weapon for Mitsurugi." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Tartaros -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Unleash all of your power and vanquish the enemy! Basics: - This is the same fight as in the original. Inferno has three transformations. He morphs into one of those when he reaches a certain point in his life bar. He can be quite tough, so use your best character. Strategy: - Since there are no Ring Outs available here, I would just go all out with everything you have learned so far from this game. Throws can get you in trouble, as he will just block most of them. Unblockable moves might work semi-well, but they take a while to warm up. This fight can get very frustrating and hard, but don't give up. Good Luck! Mission Succeeded! You earned 3500 experience and 2400 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Weapon Master Ending is now available." You have completed Weapon Master Mode's initial 10 Chapters, and their Extra Missions. There is an ending "cinematic." It shows the back of a figure standing amongst all of these weapons with the following words: "The last remains of Inferno's flames surrounding the blade were carried away by a breeze and faded unto nothingness. Standing before the sword you so long sought after, I can only wonder at what thoughts must have passed through your mind as you learned the truth of its awesome, terrible power. Soul Edge's legacy lives to this day. It most likely will live on forever, for humans will always desire the ultimate weapon. Unfortunately, though you triumphed in battle and claimed Soul Edge, your name does not remain in history. Only the name Veral, the man who steeped the world in fear in his quest for the demonic weapon, remains as a brief footnote in the annals of history. Many years have passed since then. The world has forgotten our names, and the seals we placed have long since weathered away. One time, a master swordsman wielded the evil blade. Another time, a pirate. Then, a pitiful youth. I have no doubts that the legend of the demonic sword and the spirit sword will continue on forever. And I shall continue to watch over the eternal battle, as it is a task only I can do...For I have been rendered immortal by the force of the two opposing energies." TRISTY 3/2004 Congratulations!! "You shall find your place in history and become a legend... A legend that will never die!" Below, you will find the Sub-Chapters in their order. There are four in total. I will detail each mission and give strategies as well. Following the initial Sub-Chapter Walkthrough, I will list the Sub-Chapter Extra Missions as well. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sub-Chapter Walkthrough: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 1 - Sacred Treasure: =------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 1 is only playable after completing Stage 3, of Chapter 3* Sub-Chapter 1 Scenario: As you walked along the mountain path leading from Benetnasch to Schedar, you came to understand just why it was that so few people used the passage-it was little more than an animal trail. You made your way south down the path, suffering nicks and scratches from the thick foliage. You learned of this shortcut from the man with all the luggage in the bar at the entrance to Diphda Temple. After the fight, he reappeared and told you about it to show his thanks. Schedar was well known among adventurers. An ancient civilization that vanished long ago left behind countless ruins in the area, and even the present time there was still a never-ending flow of travelers visiting Schedar in search of knowledge and treasure. The man explained excitedly that he had discovered a new ruin that no one had seen yet. He had returned to Benetnasch to gather supplies for exploring it when he got involved in the trouble at the bar. In recognition of his debt to you, he revealed his secrets. As you continued along the path, you eventually came upon a half buried ruin. Your heart began to beat faster. =------= Schedar: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Stone Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Difficulty - **** Explanation: You had been searching for the entrance to an old stone temple. You'd heard that no one had ever gone inside it before, but there were clear signs that people had been inside already. In other words, your chances of encountering scavengers inside the ruin were high. Valuable artifacts were found often in these sorts of ruins, thus there were always treasure hunters milling about. It was reasonable to assume that, for the sake of protecting what they dug up, they would attack first and ask questions later. That's how valuable the relics of Schedar were. If you were going to make it back out alive, you'd have to keep your guard up. You spent a few moments peering into the entrance, but soon steeled yourself and stepped inside. Basics: - This is another dungeon mission. It is much longer this time around, however, but still has you going through many rooms. At the end is another boss character who is (Berserker, Phalanx of the Lion). Strategy: - This dungeon is different than the previous one in that in every room, you fight the same enemy, Berserker. It is further simplified because they rarely start at full health and are very slow. In some rooms, you regain health throughout the entire fight which is definitely a plus. There are two rooms where you are awarded a prize, (Raphael's Weapon, Reiterpallasch) and one room where you regain health throughout the battle and win a prize. Also, in one area, you fight an invisible opponent, where all you can see is his gigantic weapon. The boss is another Berserker character and is rather easy; the only thing that might give you some trouble is every 3 seconds an earthquake happens, which will stun you if you don't jump or crouch. You are rewarded with 100 (sometimes 200 or 300) gold after each successful defeat as well. Good Luck! Map Layout (20 Rooms): { }-{H}-{ } | | { } {R}-{ }-{I}-{ } | | | { }-{ }-{ } { }-{~} | | { } { } | | { } { } | | {E}-{ }-{ } {B} E = Entrance B = Boss H = Health Regain R = Reward I = Invisible Enemy ~ = Health Regain and Reward Mission Succeeded! You gained 0 experience and 5000 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Reiterpallasch,' a weapon for Raphael." "Acquired 'Side Harper,' a weapon for Talim." "Extra Team Battle Mode has been added." =--------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 2 - Eternal Conflicts: =--------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 2 becomes playable after reaching at least a level 72 ranking of Iron Edgemaster. After you achieve that ranking, you will need to complete Stage 3, of Chapter 4 one more time to unlock Sub-Chapter 2.* Sub-Chapter 2 Scenario: North of Mizar lay Alioth, a land in constant turmoil at the hands of four warlords, all holding the rank of Edgemaster, who fought a never-ending battle for domination. The region had become almost legendary among warriors. Having endured training upon training, finally achieving the rank of Edgemaster just as they had, perhaps it was only natural that you would take interest in the chaos inside Alioth. Seeking combat with a worthy opponent, you set off for the savage land. It was another day of struggling between the four powers in Alioth. Their leaders, Saika, Kanakana, Tany, and George, kept a constant watch for any opportunity to strike a decisive blow against their enemies. All four of them were superb warriors, yet it had been some time since any of them had made any headway. But when a fifth Edgemaster-you-arrived, it was only a matter of time before that balance was disturbed... Alioth was about to be plunged into chaos once again. =-----= Alioth: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Celbarai Fortress -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions. Difficulty - *** Explanation: "I understand that you, too, hold the rank of Edgemaster." Saika, one of the four generals of Alioth, sized you up as she spoke. "And so, you've come to see me first. But somehow, I get the feeling you're not here to join my army." When you answered that you'd come to test your strength, her expression changed dramatically, and her face became that of a warrior. "I, too, hold the title of Edgemaster. I accept your challenge." After leading you outside, she had one of her subordinates bring a bomb and lit the fuse. "I'm not going to bother with explanations." Basics: - This is just like one of the other missions. You are going in unprepared, according to your goal. The main thing here is the bomb battles of yore. You do not want to be the last one holding the bomb when the timer runs out. Your enemy is (Xianghua, Platinum Edgemaster of Galahad). Strategy: - This battle is pretty easy, as you have had some of these before. Just hold onto the bomb until the last few second(s) and then knock Xianghua down, and let her eat the bomb. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3800 experience and 3000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Xianghua." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Ceres Stronghold), has appeared. A road to a new stage, (Ancient Library), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Ceres Stronghold -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Due to your disturbance of the balance between the four powers, the situation in Alioth began to grow unstable. As you made your way toward the walled city that was your next destination, you could see army banners waving and other signs of preparation for the coming war. You informed the guard at the gate that you had defeated Saika. He made no effort to hide his shock and quickly hurried off to report what you said. After some time, you were escorted inside. "Our leader says that he wishes for you to join our army. I do not believe that it would be wise for you to refuse." A military aide of some sort attempted to threaten you into joining their ranks, but you shook your head in response. "Guards!" At the man's signal, soldiers surrounded you. But of course, they posed no challenge to you. You defeated them all in the blink of an eye, and cries of surprise arose from the soldiers. They stood cowering before your inhuman strength. At that moment, a rope came flying through the air from behind you. On the end of the rope was a metal ring, which caught your arm. The soldiers suddenly began to cheer. On the other end of the rope was another metal ring, attached to the arm of their boss, an Edgemaster. Basics: - An invisible force is constantly pushing you toward your enemy, (Platinum Edgemaster of Lionel). That is the only match modifier here. Strategy: - Since you are in a cage for this stage, Ring Outs are not possible. But, you can trap Voldo in a corner and relentlessly pound on him until he is dead. He can be quite tough, but don't give up. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3800 experience and 3000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Voldo." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Temple in the Clouds), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Ancient Library -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Difficulty - *** Explanation: The Edgemaster, George, was said to possess great spiritual power. Having heard that she had recently been traveling alone, you raced ahead of her and preceded to the old building that was her destination. After lying in wait for a short while, the person you sought came into view. "What do you want?" It seemed she was already aware of your presence. Of course, from the very beginning, you had no plans to launch a sneak attack. You calmly stepped out in front of George. The two of you conversed for a while. She was in the middle of training for the purpose of increasing her spiritual power. It would appear you had interrupted her. "I take no offense. Now, I presume you came here to fight me, did you not? You nodded. "So you, too, are in the midst of training." She smiled briefly, but her smile quickly faded. "Well then, let us begin at once...This is a place of spirits. You must keep a firm hold of you mind." Basics: - This match has your health slowly decreasing throughout the entire battle. You are fighting (Taki, Platinum Edgemaster of Tristram) in this battle. You need not worry about your health as it very slowly decreases barely posing any problem to you. Strategy: - As stated above, do not even look at your health bar. It will not play an important role in the stage. Just focus on Taki with your heavy hitting moves, and you should be fine. If not, go for the Ring Out. Your regular attacks do little damage, so Ring Outs can be very useful. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3800 experience and 3000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquire 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Taki." -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4: Temple in the Clouds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions. Difficulty - *** Explanation: "I presume you're Sully! I heard you're hunting down the Edgemaster. So it's my turn now, is it? Well then, let's get started!" You had traveled to a temple halfway up the mountain and were greeted with open hostility by the soldiers there. It seemed that your name had become known throughout Alioth. The soldiers looked like they were ready to attack you at any moment. As you prepared for the possibility that you might have to fight them all, a woman appeared before you. Apparently, it was she who had just spoken to you a moment before. "I've heard the rumors about you. You seem to be quite powerful. I've been waiting for you to come." It seemed she was looking forward to the opportunity to prove her strength by defeating you. The soldiers quickly prepared a ring for the battle. The two of you faced off as the strong mountain winds whirled around you! Basics: - This stage has winds pushing you against the wall. That is the match modifier, and is nothing you haven't seen before. The enemy here is (Cassandra, Platinum Edgemaster of Elaine). Also, when you get hit to the ground, you explode high into the air. Strategy: - There is no real strategy here, as long as you know that the blowing wind is your friend, and will pin Cassandra up against the wall, so you can pound her until she is dead. If you are having trouble, just use throws, as when Cassandra will land, she will explode into the air causing damage. Also, knocking her into the wall will cause major damage as well. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3800 experience and 6000 gold. -Chapter Clear! =-------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 3 - Road to Arcturus: =-------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 3 is only playable after completing Stage 2, of Chapter 8* Sub-Chapter 3 Scenario: The location you sought was located to the north of war-torn Merak. Pollux, known for being the birthplace of an ancient hero, had cut off all ties to the outside world a great many years ago. Information about the region was scarce; it was truly a land of mystery. There was a good reason you were going through the trouble of heading all the way out to a place like Pollux. For someone had seen a figure resembling Minerva heading to the North! =-----= Pollux: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Eternal Palace -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The ground is strewn with landmines; falling down means certain death. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: After crossing the Merak river, you entered the land of Pollux. As you walked, you began to wonder where Minerva was. Some time had passed since the two of you last me. When dusk approached, you sought shelter for the night in an old ruined temple. "Please wake up." Someone woke you up shortly after dawn. Wondering what was going on, you opened your eyes and were startled to see a warrior standing before you. "Traveler from the battlefields of Merak, I cannot allow you to drag your petty conflicts into our land. I'm afraid you are going to have to disappear. Prepare yourself." There wasn't any way out without fighting. You glanced at your surroundings and saw that there were numerous lumps on the ground around you. They were cleverly camouflaged, but it was clear that something was buried there. You'd have to fight carefully. Basics: - This is another typical one-on-one fight, but with landmines strewn about the ground. If you get knocked down once, you lose. This mission can be quite tough, since Talim is your opponent and she is very quick and unpredictable. Strategy: - I would pick someone fast for this stage. Also, try and go for throws, as they will always land on the ground after you perform one. Just try to stay away from your opponent, Guard Impact if possible, and counter with a throw or knockdown move. Talim also uses Guard Impacts very often, so watch out for those. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2200 experience and 1500 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Castle of the Damned), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Castle of the Damned -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy under this condition. Difficulty - *** Explanation: You found yourself battling in the drifting mists of the Castle of the Damned. You wondered from which direction the next opponent would come. You had met an old woman in the ruined castle. She seemed to have knowledge of the person you sought, and you found yourself following deeper and deeper into the castle. That had been a mistake. When you reached a certain point, the woman dissolved into mist and disappeared. By the time you realized your mistake, it was too late. You fought a never-ending stream of assassins as you searched desperately for an exit. Upon finally reaching the main gate, yet another enemy appeared before you. This one appeared to be a cut above the rest. Moreover, you could feel the presence of others from all around. Suddenly feeling a slight pain in your foot, you glanced down and cursed. S small dart was sticking out. It seemed you had been poisoned. Basics: - This fight has you competing against five other opponents: Voldo, Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Taki, and Assassin. Your health is slowly depleting over the course of every round. You do regain some back between rounds though. Strategy: - This match can be hard!! You need to constantly go for Ring Outs, as your health depletes rapidly. Don't worry about time on the clock, just getting your opponent to the edge of the arena is your prime concern. Good Luck! Mission Succeeded! You earned 2200 experience and 7500 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3: Hero's Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Stage 3 only becomes playable after completing Stage 2, of Chapter 3 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss. Difficulty - **** Explanation: During your journey through Pollux, you found your life in danger many times. It seemed the people of Pollux were protecting something. And it appeared that they believed they must protect it from men of evil hearts. Feeling the need to prove your innocence, you shoed Soul Calibur to the old woman of the Castle of the Damned. "So you were the warrior who saved Merak. No wonder my servants were not able to defeat you." The woman informed you of a path on the outskirts of Pollux known as the Hero's Trail. It was said to be an underground passage that the hero Arcturus entered upon turning over the throne to his successor. That passage was what the people of Pollux had been protecting. The hero, Arcturus. Surely there was no one who did not know that name, especially among those who followed that way of the sword. The legends said that he was an undefeated general who wielded the most powerful sword ever made. "Within the Hero's Trail live Pollux's master warriors. They train day and night and challenge anyone who attempts to pass through. I wish you good luck." Basics: - This is another dungeon stage with the elements thrown in for good measure. There are ice, lava/fire rooms, and quicksand rooms. You have already encountered these before, so it is nothing special. All of the rooms feature random opponents as well. The boss fight is against (Kilik, Soothsayer of Destiny). Strategy: - There is no real strategy for these types of stages. I recommend going through the entire dungeon to reap all the rewards and gold. Kilik might be a little tough, but Ring Outs are available if need be. The rooms shouldn't pose too much of a problem, it does however have the lava around its edges, so watch out for that. Map Layout (21 Rooms): { }-{I}-{ }-{ } | | { } {I} | | {E}-{ } -{Q}-{ } { }-{Q}-{ }-{B} | | { } { } | | { }-{L}-{ }-{ }-{L}-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand Mission Succeeded! You earned 2300 experience and 12200 gold (in total). -Congratulations! A road to a new area (Procyon), has appeared. =---------------------------= Sub-Chapter 4 - A New Chapter =---------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 4 becomes playable only after completing Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 3.* Sub-Chapter 4 Scenario: After completing the test, you proceeded down the Hero's Trail. As the days passed by, you began to lose all sense of the passage of time. You wondered for just how long you had been walking. When you finally saw light ahead of you, you broke into a run. Would you find Minerva on the path ahead? Did she take this same trail that you did? In the next instant, you once again stepped upon the surface of the earth. The dry surface wind embraced you, and you closed your eyes in response to the bright open sky. Was this Mount Procyon? The peak of Mount Procyon, located to the south of Merak, stood towering into the sky before you. You'd been traveling due south under Merak the whole time The people of Procyon were known for their unique physical abilities and displays of valor in battle. Many heroes and great men of history were born here on this mountain. You had arrived in a land of people who carried magnificent heritage... =------= Procyon: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1: Muliphein's Crypt -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Moreover, you cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: Inside Muliphein's Crypt, you found yourself surrounded by a group of warriors. Seeking shelter from the rain in a cave that was rumored to be haunted may have been a mistake. Perhaps Soul Edge had reacted to the evil atmosphere of the cave. Warriors emerged from empty space and materialized into solid form. By the time you noticed their presence, it was too late. There was nowhre to run. It appeared that they were after the cursed sword itself. Surrounded by inhuman opponents, you steadied your nerves and drew your weapon. Basics: - This match once again allows you to hit your enemy, and they will fly across the arena. This is also a one versus four match as you have to fight, Necrid, Lizard Man, Charade, Astaroth. These opponents can be pretty tough. The Ring Outs are fairly easy to get, and some health is restored between rounds. Strategy: - I would almost always for the Ring Out. If you can't get near the edge, then just go for the kill. You will fall off if you get too close, so try and steer clear of the edge, and be conscious of where your position is in the arena. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and 7500 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Tower of Happiness), has appeared. A road to a new area, (Mount Procyon), has appeared. A road to a new area, (Ruchba's Mandible), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2: Tower of Happiness -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The strong gusts increase your ability to knock back the enemy. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Difficulty - *** Explanation: In the northern region of Procyon, near the Merak border, you heard rumors of a fearsome beats. It had skin like stone that could absorb any blow. Many a warrior had sought to defeat it, but all had failed. There was no way you could pass up a challenge like that. You went forth to challenge the creature and learned that the rumors were true; attacks could not harm it at all. You retreated temporarily to think of a plan. How could it be defeated? Starting the next day, you began to stalk the monster. After several days, you finally got the chance you had waited for. It had climbed to the top of a tall tower. You began to climb the tower. No matter how though it was, if it fell from that height, there was no way it could survive. As the fierce winds wailed around you, you challenged the beast once again! Basics: - This is a simple one-on-one fight where the only way to win is to earn a Ring Out. You are fighting Charade this time, so be aware of what character he is imitating. Strategy: - Just "push" the opponent to the edge with relentless attacking, and finish him off. You should be skilled enough at Ring Outs by now, to beat this easily. Since the wind is constantly pushing you as well, it shouldn't be too hard to get him near the edge. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and 3000 gold. -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Mount Procyon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - You will be launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation! When you reached the top of Mount Procyon, you could not believe what you saw. Someone had built a port in Lake Caldera at the peak! There was even a large ship floating on it. For what possible purpose had it been built? You walked along the deserted port. Suddenly, a sword came flying and struck the ground at your feet. Turning to look in the direction from which it came, you saw a young man standing there. "And just what are you doing in my port? I don't appreciate unauthorized visitors..." It appeared that this harbor was not something he wanted people to know about. He clearly wanted to eliminate you, but you weren't about to just give yourself up. If a fight was what he wanted, a fight was what he'd get. "Oh, by the way, you might want to watch your step. I've planted explosives all over this arena." The man's face lit up as he spoke; he seemed delighted that you'd decided to put up a fight. Basics: - This is another stage where if you hit the ground, you are "exploded" into the air. Regular attacks don't do any damage, so rely on Ring Outs or throws to beat Yunsung. Strategy: - Since normal attacks don't faze Yunsung, go with small combos, Ring Outs, or throws to beat him. Also, try and throw him as he will hit the ground, blowing up, causing some damage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and 3000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Survival (Death Match) Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Lynx Arbor), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4: Lynx Arbor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Difficulty - *** Explanation: You went to investigate Lynx Arbor, an arena known as a gathering place for strong warriors from far and wide. There, you met up with Minerva again. "Long time no see. So you've come to check out Lynx Arbor as well, I see. I've taken a liking to it, myself." Minerva looked down and continued to speak. "By the way, I never did thank you for that time before...Thanks, Sully. If you hadn't stopped me, I might have been the one that turned into that monster of flame." Minerva was silent for a moment, but then looked up wit ha cheerful expression on her face. "So, what's your opinion after having fought here?" When you told her that you'd only just arrived, she told you a bit about Lynx Arbor. "This is a combat arena where strong warriors from everywhere gather to compete. You can always find a challenge here. Right now, there's one fighter who particularly stands out. He never says his name, so I don't know much about him, but rumor has it that he's from another world. Whatever the truth of that may be, there's no denying his strength...But you might be able to take him on. Good luck." After parting with Minerva, you headed straight for the arena. Basics: - You have encountered this type of match several times before. It is the same as always. You will fight one round and win some gold. You are then given the opportunity to continue, with double the gold you just earned, or quit and take the gold. You do not restore health between rounds either. You only have to beat one opponent in order to complete the stage. Strategy: - As always, Ring Outs are almost essential here because they save you a lot of health. Go for quick rounds with minimal confrontations and you should do fine. Spawn is the last character here and he can be quite tough, so you might want to think twice before attempting to beat him. Mission Succeeded! You earned 2000 experience and anywhere between 800 and 12800 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Cepheus), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 5: Ruchba's Mandible -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The ability to knock back the enemy has increased. Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss before your health runs out! Difficulty - **** Explanation: You cursed your own carelessness as you sat imprisoned in an underground jail. You never imagined you'd get caught in a trap in the middle of a fight. It looked like you could still use some more training. A few days previously, you had crossed swords with some bandits that roamed the area. You defeated several bandits and stepped forward to fight against their female leader, but instead walked right into a hidden pit. You were then captured and thrown into a cell. After complaining to yourself for quite some time, you decided that you had to find a way out. You waited for the right opportunity and then escaped from you cell to begin your search for an exit out of the dungeon. You hadn't been given much to eat, but rather than feeling weak, you were actually stronger than ever. It seemed to be an effect of the mushrooms that grew there. You couldn't let your guard down, however. It was possible that the enemy as eating those mushrooms as well. Basics: - Yet another dungeon mission. This one is VERY long, and the main difference is that you have one energy meter to last you the entire trip. But, the enemies are easy to get Ring Outs on because of the increased knock back when you attack. Between rounds, though, you regain some lost health, and during some rooms, you also regain health throughout the battle. The boss battle is against (Ivy, Siren of Calamity) and shouldn't be that hard pending you have ample health left. Strategy: - As always, no real strategy applies here. Just try and get Ring Outs every time, and avoid confrontations to conserve your health. Some matches have you fighting invisible opponents as well, so be on the look out for those. There are also two rewards you receive for completing certain rooms. Ivy can be very tough at times with that damn whip, so I recommend going for a Ring Out on her. Map Layout (31 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{A}-{ }-{ } | | | {H} {D} { } | | | { } {A} { }-{A}-{ }-{~} | | | | { }-{ }-{ } {H} {D} | | | { } { } {I} | | | {E}-{ }-{ } { }-{R}-{ }-{ }-{B} E = Entrance B = Boss A = Must use air combo or Ring Out to win H = Health restoration R = Reward available D = Health will decrease I = Invisible forces push you toward opponent ~ = A prize and health restoration Mission Succeeded! You earned 4300 experience and 14300 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked. "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Cassandra." "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Mitsurugi." -Chapter Clear! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Chapter Walkthrough - Extra Missions: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =---------------------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 1 - Sacred Treasure: Extra Missions =---------------------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 1 is only playable after completing Stage 3, of Chapter 3.* =------= Schedar: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Stone Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - This is another dungeon map. It is a pretty big one. Every single room is against a Berserker except for the one directly before the boss. They each start out with varying amounts of health just like in the original. The boss is another form of Berserker, and you can earn a lot of extra gold depending on how many times you hit him. Strategy: - These guys can be tough because of their size, but Ring Outs will do the trick every time. Since they all start out with varying amounts of health, some will be easier than others. At the boss (another form of Berserker) you will earn extra gold for attacking him. The Ring Out is also a possibility for those not willing to make a little extra cash. Map Layout (20 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ } | | { } { }-{ }-{ }-{ } | | | { }-{ }-{ } { }-{ } | | { } { } | | { } { } | | {E}-{ }-{ } {B} E = Entrance B = Boss Mission Succeeded! You earned 2200 experience and gold (depending on how many hits you landed). A new feature has been unlocked! "Berserker is now selectable." -Chapter Clear! =-----------------------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 2 - Eternal Conflicts: Extra Missions =-----------------------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 2 becomes playable after reaching at least a level 72 ranking of Iron Edgemaster. After you achieve that ranking, you will need to complete Stage 3, of Chapter 4 one more time to unlock Sub-Chapter 2.* =-----= Alioth: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Celbarai Fortress -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions. Basics: - This match is a one-on-one with Xianghua. The match modifiers are when you Guard, you will replenish health. Also, Xianghua has the ability to break up your Guard, so you will want to use it sparingly. Your regular attacks do little damage as well. Strategy: - Since you can Guard and regain health, I would only recommend that if you are at a great distance from (Xianghua, Platinum Edgemaster of Galahad) if not, she will Guard Break you and beat the hell out of you. She can be quite tough, so keep your distance and poke away at her health bar. Ring Outs are also a good thing. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 17000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Ceres Stronghold -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Basics: - This stage is almost the same as the original. Voldo now recovers health throughout the battle though, making it a little tougher. Invisible forces still push you toward him though. Strategy: - Since Voldo's health is constantly regenerating, I would not give up and go all out, so he cannot regain much health. He can be quite hard, because of his unorthodox style, but shouldn't be too much of a problem. Also, your regular attacks do little damage, so I recommend trying to trap him in a corner and just pummel him into submission. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 20000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Ancient Library -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Basics: - Here, your health decreases a little faster than in the original mission. Taki is also not more relentless, and she will Guard Impact a lot, so watch out for that. You regular moves also do little damage to her. Strategy: - Since you have faster decreasing health, I recommend going for a Ring Out as that is the easiest thing to do in this case. Watch out for Taki, as she is very fast, and can inflict large amounts of damage in a short amount of time. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 24000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Temple in the Sky -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Basics: - This match is pretty much the same as before with the explosives in the ground, and Cassandra being pretty hard. Your normal moves also don't do as much damage as they regularly do. Strategy: - I would recommend trying to hit her into the ground as you had done in the original mission. Cassandra also seems to be a bit harder this time around, so watch out for Guard Impacts and the such. Her health also replenishes throughout the round making it even harder. Knocking her into the wall causes massive damage as well. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 17000 gold. -Chapter Clear! =----------------------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 3 - Road to Arcturus: Extra Missions =----------------------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 3 is only playable after completing Stage 2, of Chapter 8* =-----= Pollux: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Eternal Palace -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The ground is strewn with landmines; falling down means certain death. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Basics: - You've had a stage like this before. All you have to do is keep from hitting the ground and you survive. This is only against one opponent thank goodness. Strategy: - Just avoid confrontations, Guard Impact, and strafe if you have to. Your opponent can hit the ground and not die, only you can. Ring Outs work beautifully as well. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3000 experience and 3000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Castle of the Damned -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy is quick and your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemies under this condition! Basics: - This is another one versus 5 match against: Voldo, Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Taki, Assassin. These guys can be very tough. You regain some health between rounds, but it will slowly deplete during them. Strategy: - Go for the quick kill, as your health is constantly decreasing. You need Ring Outs for this one, as it will save you a lot of time. Mission Complete! You earned 3000 experience and 15000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Assassin is now selectable." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Hero's Trail), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Hero's Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Stage 3 only becomes playable after completing Stage 2, of Sub-Chapter 3 of the Extra Missions.* Goal - Navigate through the boob-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - Yet another dungeon stage. This one has the exact same layout as its original though. You fight random opponents in every room as well. The boss, however, is (Voldo, Guardian of Arcturus). He might be a little tougher than Kilik for some people, but go for the Ring Out is you are having trouble. This stage also has the same element based areas and are denoted on the map below. Some of the rooms have an element, as well as health drain on your character. Strategy: - No real strategy here, as you can take your time, and are not under a strict time limit. The random opponents can be a little tough at times, but use Ring Outs to deter that and you should be fine. Voldo is a little unorthodox, so use your moves wisely around him, as they do less damage than normal. Also, there is lava surrounding the fighting area. If you stand in it too long, you get burned. Try to get Voldo to stand in the lava, as it takes off MASSIVE damage! Map Layout (21 Rooms): { }-{I}-{ }-{ } | | { } {I} | | {E}-{ } -{Q}-{ } { }-{Q}-{ }-{B} | | { } { } | | { }-{L}-{ }-{ }-{L}-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand Mission Succeeded! You earned 4600 experience and 24500 gold (in total). -Chapter Clear! =------------------------------------------= Sub-Chapter 4 - A New Chapter Extra Missions =------------------------------------------= *Sub-Chapter 4 becomes playable only after completing Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 3.* =------= Procyon: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Muliphein's Crypt -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage, unseen forces push the opponents apart. Defeat the enemies under this condition! Basics: - This is pretty much the same stage as the original, except you are being pushed apart this time. Your opponents are, Assassin, Lizard Man, Berserker, Necrid, so they can be quite tough, but your health is restored between rounds. Strategy: - This match can be pretty easy if you are a master of Ring Outs. You are being pushed away from your opponent, so running and sliding at them is a good idea if they are near the edge. You might fall off too, but they will have first, giving you the win. Try to avoid the edge of the stage, as it is slippery and will result in your own Ring Out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 4000 experience and 15000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Tower of Happiness -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Furthermore, receive heavy damage when knocked into the wall or ground. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Basics: - Another Ring Out match. Just get the enemy (Charade) near the edge and off he goes, not hard at all. Strategy: - This match is basically unchanged from the original. Just get Charade near the edge, by strafing around him or "pushing" him there with attacks, and off her goes! There is no wind blowing you this time, making it a little tougher. Mission Succeeded! You earned 4000 experience and 6000 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new area, (Phantom's Cave), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Mount Procyon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Use air combos to defeat the enemy! Basics: - This match is fairly unique, in that you can only defeat the enemy by using air combos. It is not that hard, just try to find a good launcher, hit them with it, and follow up causing massive damage. Strategy: - All you have to do is find a good launcher move with a character, and then hit them with it. They will then go airborne, and you can follow up with whatever moves you see fit. Just time them right, and you will win. You can also win via Ring Out which may prove a bit easier or tougher depending on your skill level. Mission Succeeded! You earned 4000 experience and 6000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Termite Snack,' a weapon for Maxi." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 4 - Extra Mission: Lynx Arbor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemies are quick and possess weeaopns that excel in Guard Breaks. The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Basics: - This stage is basically unchanged from the original. It is still a tournament style mission with you competing for the doubling of gold. You gain no health between rounds, and can quit at any time. Strategy: - As always, go for the Ring Outs! They obviously save you a ton of health, and you can find other ways to rack up a lot of gold, so don't worry about the gold aspect of this stage. If you are daring, go for the full amount. Remember that when they hit you, and you are guarding, it will temporarily paralyze you. Spawn is once again the last guy, and is quite tough to beat. Mission Succeeded! You earned 4000 experience and anywhere between 1200 and 19200 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 5 - Extra Mission: Ruchba's Mandible -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Basics: - Another dungeon based mission. It is almost the exact same as the original, except much harder. You still have random opponents in every room, along with a boss character. You still only have one life bar, so watch it carefully. Strategy: - There isn't much strategy involved here, as it is the exact same as the rest of the dungeons in the game. Just be sure to have some health stored up when you reach the boss of the dungeon. Map Layout (31 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{A}-{ }-{ } | | | {H} {D} { } | | | { } {A} { }-{A}-{ }-{ } | | | | { }-{ }-{ } {H} {D} | | | { } { } {I} | | | {E}-{ }-{ } { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{~} E = Entrance B = Boss A = Must use air combo or Ring Out to win H = Health restoration D = Health will decrease I = Invisible forces push you toward opponent ~ = Boss fight, and a reward is awarded Mission Succeeded! You earned 8600 experience and 26400 gold (in total): A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Imitation Sword,' a weapon for Cervantes." -Chapter Clear! Below, you will find the Walkthrough for both of the Extra Chapters. There are only two of these, and following the initial Walkthrough, there will be another section for the Extra Chapter Extra Missions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Extra Chapter Walkthrough: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =---------------------------------= Extra Chapter 1 - Swordsmen's Grave =---------------------------------= *Extra Chapter 1 is only playable after completing Stage 4, of Chapter 9 of the Extra Missions.* Extra Chapter 1 Scenario: In one town that you happened to drop by along the way, you heard rumors of something called the "Swordsmen's Grave." For someone like you, always in search of ever-greater challenges, it was too tempting a prospect to pass up. The labyrinth known as the Swordsmen's Grave was said to lie somewhere in the Mira mountain range to the north of Algol. Many men of great strength are said to have challenged its depths, but none had ever reached the end. You wondered what could possibly be lurking there. You heart dancing in anticipation, you headed north following the Castor river and soon arrived at the foothills of the Mira mountain range. =-----= Castor: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Castor's Eye -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Crouch or jump to avoid the effects of the frequent earthquakes. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Difficulty - *** Explanation: As you traveled north in search of the Swordsmen's Grave, you heard a rumor about a haunted ruin. It was said that ghosts of warriors who died at the Swordsmen's Grave appeared there. When told that it was a dangerous place best avoided, you laughed and made plans to spend the night here. Compared with fighting Veral, mere ghosts were hardly a problem. But in the middle of the night, you sensed a fearsome presence and jumped awake in a cold sweat. The sound of a bell echoed across the deserted ruin. As the ground began to tremble, you saw the ghost of a warrior walking towards you. You drew your weapon at once. You didn't know if earthly weapons would hurt it or not, but you vowed to defeat it by sheer force of will! Basics: - You have seen these before. There is a countdown, and every few seconds the ground quakes, and if you are not crouching or jumping you become paralyzed for a second. The enemy is Cervantes, and he can be a pain. Strategy: - Since Cervantes is the boss, I would block a lot as he is pretty relentless. Just wait for the countdown to hit 1, then crouch and guard, and Cervantes should get hit, allowing you to wail on him until he is good for dead. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3200 experience and 5000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Time Attack (Extreme) Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Gateway to Hell), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2: Gateway to Hell -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Difficulty - *** Explanation: When you arrived at the town closest to the Swordsmen's Grave, you found a notice posted at the entrance. It seemed that a fighting tournament was underway. Due to the large number of warriors lost to the labyrinth, the town authorities had established requirements for those who wished to challenge it. The tournament was a fight for the right to enter the Swordsmen's Grave. You quickly signed up to participate. Having made it this far, you weren't about to turn back. It was a bothersome task, but you decided to go ahead and get permission. Plus, you'd earn prize money as well, so there certainly wasn't any harm in trying. Basics: - You have definitely seen this type of match before. It has you going up against 5 other fighters. The catch is that you only have one life bar, no replenishing during rounds. Once you win, you are given the choice of continuing, or just leaving with your prize money. It doubles after every win, so it is sometimes tempting to go on. Strategy: - As with all of these types of matches, Ring Outs are your best friend as they allow you to save a lot of health. You can always just take the money after the first match and leave, as that still constitutes you having beaten the stage. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3200 experience and anywhere from 600 and 9600 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Swordsmen's Grave), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Swordsmen's Grave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Difficulty - ***** Explanation: After traveling for three days through the dense forest along the foothills of the Mira mountain range, you finally arrived at the entrance to the Swordsmen's Grave. The opening was halfway up the side of a steep cliff. Remembering the scattered bones of those who attempted the trek without acquiring permission and failed to even make it through the forest, you girded yourself for the real challenge that lay ahead. The forest was nothing compared to what lurked inside the labyrinth. You spent a night resting before the entrance. After fully recovering your strength, you entered the cave without looking back. Your quest to conquer the Swordsmen's Grave had finally begun! Basics: - This dungeon is fairly large in size, and is nothing special. Once again, the element based rooms are back. You gain all your health between rooms as well. The boss (Necrid, Purveyor of Darkness) isn't too hard and should be easily handled with a Ring Out. Strategy: - This isn't anything special, just more of the same with the element based rooms and whatnot. The boss, Necrid, isn't too hard if you let him sit in the lava for a while he will be dead in no time. Map Layout (24 Rooms): { }-{Q}-{Q}-{Q}-{Q}-{ }-{E} | {Q} | { }-{}-{Q}-{ } | {R}-{I}-{I}-{ } | {I} | {B}-{L}-{L}-{L}-{L}-{ }-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand R = Reward Mission Succeeded! You earned 6800 experience and 15900 gold (in total): A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Astaroth." -Chapter Clear! =----------------------------= Extra Chapter 2 - Ancient Hero =----------------------------= *Extra Chapter 2 only becomes playable after completing Stage 4, of Sub-Chapter 4.* Extra Chapter 2 Scenario: You heard an interesting rumor at the Lynx Arbor, a busy gathering spot for strong warriors. "The grave of the ancient hero, Arcturus, lies in the land to the south." There hero, Arcturus, had wielded a sword as legendary as Soul Edge. The location of his grave had been a mystery for almost an eternity, but it would appear that someone had found out at last. Or at least, that's what the rumors said. Even if it turned out to be false, it would definitely be worth the trip. Your decision made, you wasted no time in making your way to Cepheus. "But it's not going to be that easy," said the man who told you of the Hero's Tomb. "A man known as the grave keeper resides in Cepheus. His duty is to protect Arcturus' tomb. He's not just any old warrior, for he's the guardian of the Hero's Tomb. No one's getting anywhere near that tomb without defeating him first." Circling around the east side of Mount Procyon, you soon stood overlooking the land of Cepheus. With visions of the great hero's sword floating through your mind, you took a deep breath and strode forward. =------= Cepheus: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1: Cor Caroli -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemies under unknown conditions! Difficulty - **** Explanation: While searching for the Hero's Tomb, you came upon a giant mansion. It stood quite a distance away from the nearest town. You wondered if perhaps it was the home of the grave keeper. You knocked on the door with anticipation. When the servant girls answered the door, you introduced yourself and asked to meet the master, but was informed that he was currently away. They seemed surprised to see a visitor. They couldn't believe someone as traveling out there in the middle of nowhere. But when you spoke the name Arcturus, their expressions changed. Had you just made a mistake? "Oh, Sully is a grave robber." "Yeah, I though from the beginning there was something suspicious about this person." "But Master Duducus isn't here...What should we do?" "We'll have to deal with this grave robber ourselves." They began to converse in hushed voices. Fortunately, since you were standing right next to them, it was quite easy to hear what they were saying. You readied yourself for the possibility of a fight and waited to see what they would do. Basics: - This stage can be very hard, as it is you against seven other opponents. You regain health between rounds, and there are no other match modifiers. The opponents are: Ivy, Taki, Sophitia, Seung Mina, Cassandra, Xianghua, (Talim, Shrine Maiden of the Wind). As you can see, all of these fighters are pretty tough. Strategy: - This stage can cause some frustration. I would always go for the Ring Outs as it is the best way to defeat all of them in once piece. They are not too hard, but can get troublesome. Do yourself a favor and go for the Ring Out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 17500 gold. -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Er Rai), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2: Er Rai -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Difficulty - *** Explanation: After winning the fight at Cor Caroli, you confirmed that the girls' master was in fact the grave keeper. You found out his location and left the mansion. "Are you the grave robber I've been hearing about?" He seemed to have been expecting you. Presumably, the girls had sent out a carrier pigeon with a message. "You msut be quite a warrior to defeat those girls. They're all stronger than your average warrior. I'm quite impressed...And now I have to fight you. How scary." The man's grin was a stark contrast to his words. He proceeded to lead you to an underground arena. Fierce winds whirled inside the vertical tunnel. "I'm obligated to fight anyone who would challenge Arcturus' Tomb. I am the grave keeper, after all." Basics: - This stage has you being able to knock your opponent back farther than usual. The enemy (Raphael, Guardian Knight of Amy) is not too tough. Strategy: - The obvious thing here is to go for the quick Ring Out as you will be able to knock your enemy very far back with a single move. If not, just go for the kill. Mission Succeeded! You earned 3800 experience and 5000 gold. A new feature has been unlocked! "Extra Survival (No Recovery) Mode has been added." -Congratulations! A road to a new stage, (Hero's Tomb), has appeared. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3: Hero's Tomb -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Difficulty - ***** Explanation: After defeating the grave keeper, you finally arrived at Arcturus' Tomb- the long-sought goal of every warrior. Its outward appearance as that of any other cave, but you could feel the presence of what lay inside. The grave keeper told you that there were guardians inside the tomb. It was said that only those who proved their strength by defeating the guardians would be able to meet the hero. Everything you had learned and experienced as a warrior up to that point was about to be put to the test. Basics: - This is the very last dungeon you have to complete. It is very long, and linear, so it shouldn't pose too much of a problem. The boss (Charade, Slayer of Heroes) shouldn't be too tough at the end if a Ring Out is in your future. You regain health between rooms as well. There is also one room that has a reward for completing it. The rooms contain random opponents, and there are no match modifiers complicating things. Strategy: - You can explore this dungeon to your leisure picking up every piece of gold and experience. The rooms have easy random opponent with no match modifiers. You shouldn't have too many problems getting to Charade. If he gives you trouble, Ring Out he goes. Map Layout (23 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{E} | { } | { } | { } | { } | {R}-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{B} E = Entrance B = Boss R = Reward Mission Succeeded! You earned 7300 experience and 23200 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Soul Edge (Complete),' a weapon for Necrid." -Chapter Clear! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Extra Chapter Walkthrough - Extra Missions: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-------------------------------------------------= Extra Chapter 1 - Swordsmen's Grave: Extra Missions =-------------------------------------------------= =-----= Castor: =-----= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Castor's Eye -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Basics: - You are basically going into this match blinded as you don't know what kind of match modifiers there will be. The matches I played were always the earthquake match modifier however. Strategy: - This is just a one-on-one fight. The enemy is random so I can't give any real strategy. Go for Ring Outs if it proves to difficult for you. Mission Succeeded! You earned 6300 experience and 10000 gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Gateway to Hell -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - The enemy is quick, and you cannot guard. The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Basics: - Another tournament match but with the added stipulation of not being able to guard and speedier enemies. I find these to be annoying and useless, so I just beat the first character and move on. It is once again 1 against 5 with no replenishing health. Strategy: - No real new strategy here, except more of the same. Go for Ring Outs to conserve health, and if you are in a hurry, just beat the first guy and move on. Mission Succeeded! You earned 6300 experience and anywhere between 1500 and 12000. A new feature has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Bamboo Staff,' a weapon for Kilik." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Swordsmen's Grave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Basics: - This dungeon is virtually unchanged from its previous incarnation. It has the same element based rooms, and (Spawn, Unknown) is the boss. The opponents are random once again, and you regain full health between rounds. Strategy: - No strategy here, except to rush through this dungeon as they are getting pretty annoying. Spawn can be a pain, but if you let him sit in the lava, it will take off massive damage and make your life a whole lot easier. Map Layout (24 Rooms): { }-{Q}-{Q}-{Q}-{Q}-{ }-{E} | {Q} | { }-{ }-{Q}-{ } | { }-{I}-{I}-{ } | {I} | {B}-{L}-{L}-{L}-{L}-{ }-{ } E = Entrance B = Boss I = Ice L = Lava Q = Quicksand Mission Succeeded! You earned 13600 experience and 31800 gold (in total). A new features has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Galley Oar,' a weapon for Nightmare." -Chapter Clear! =--------------------------------------------= Extra Chapter 2 - Ancient Hero: Extra Missions =--------------------------------------------= *Extra Chapter only becomes playable after completing Stage 4, of Sub-Chapter 4.* =------= Cepheus: =------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 1 - Extra Mission: Cor Caroli -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - The enemy recovers health over time. Defeat the enemies under this condition! Basics: - This is another one versus seven against seven different opponents. The catch this time however, is that they all regain health as the match goes on. The opponents are Seung Mina, Voldo, Mitsurugi, Sophitia, Taki, Cervantes, Nightmare. You still regain some health between rounds as well. Strategy: - This stage actually gave me the most trouble out of any stage in Weapon Master Mode. The opponents are very hard, and are relentless in their attacks. I highly recommend equipping a weapon that has a very high offensive rating. This will make this mission a WHOLE lot easier! Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 35000 gold. -Congratulations! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stage 2 - Extra Mission: Er Rai -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goal - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Basics: - This match has an earthquake in it, like countless stages before it. The timer starts at 3, and if you aren't crouching or jumping, you will become temporarily paralyzed and open for attack. Strategy: - You enemy is always random, so there is no real strategy here, except to be crouching or jumping when the timer hits 0. When your opponent is stunned go for the Ring Out. Mission Succeeded! You earned 7500 experience and 10000 gold. A new features has been unlocked! "Acquired 'Prototype Ivy Blade,' a weapon for Ivy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stage 3 - Extra Mission: Hero's Tomb -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goal - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Basics: - The dungeon is virtually unchanged from its original form. The opponents in the rooms are randomized again, and the boss is Charade. Take your time, and reap all the benefits of the gold and experience. Strategy: - No strategy here. Explore every room, and collect the benefits. Charade can be hard, but a Ring Out should do him justice. Map Layout (23 Rooms): { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{E} | { } | { } | { } | { } | { }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{ }-{B} E = Entrance B = Boss Mission Succeeded! You earned 14600 experience and 46400 gold (in total). A new feature has been unlocked! "Lizard Man is now selectable." "Acquired 'Memento,' a weapon for Sophitia." -Chapter Clear! Congratulations! You have beaten every single Weapon Master Mode stage. If you haven't been spending your hard-earned gold, then do so now, and collect every weapon in the game. Below, I will list each shop's contents, and their gold prices. Remember, whichever character you used the most throughout WMM, their items will be significantly higher than someone you never touched. The item name will be first, followed by which character's item it is. The actual cost of the item follows the character. Note that some of the shops contain the same items as other shops. The price will always be the same unfortunately. Happy Hunting! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 1 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 21 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Epee (Raphael 600 Wind Guide (Talim) 600 Machete (Yunsung) 600 Spiked Shield (Cassandra) 600 Korefuji (Mitsurugi) 600 Kunai (Taki) 600 Cat Claws (Voldo) 600 Flamberge (Nightmare) 600 War Hammer (Astaroth) 600 Mirage Blade (Ivy) 600 Quarterstaff (Kilik) 600 Kard (Xianghua) 600 Tetsuryu (Maxi) 600 Lemures (Necrid) 600 Despair (Spawn) 600 Swordbreaker (Sophitia) 600 Defender (Seung Mina) 600 Shiranui (Yoshimitsu) 600 Falchion (Cervantes) 600 Weapon Gallery 2000 New Costume (Mitsurugi) 18000 =-------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 2 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Wind Guide (Talim) 600 Spiked Shield (Cassandra) 600 Kunai (Taki) 600 Mirage Blade (Ivy) 600 Kard (Xianghua) 600 Stiletto (Raphael) 900 Tonfa (Talim) 900 Khanjar (Yunsung) 900 Dark Blade (Cassandra) 900 Two-Handed Sword (Mitsurugi) 900 Slicer (Taki) 900 Tofana Scissors (Voldo) 900 Great Blade (Nightmare) 900 Terror Moon (Astaroth) 900 Wiseman Mace (Ivy) 900 Ling-Sheng Su Bo (Kilik) 900 Northern Star (Xianghua) 900 Chained Kozuka (Maxi) 900 Morphos (Necrid) 900 Malice (Spawn) 900 Xi Sword (Sophitia) 900 Hyup Do (Seung Mina) 900 Kastane (Yoshitmitsu) 900 Firangi (Cervantes) 900 Reiterpallasch (Raphael) 1200 Xiao Lian (Yunsung) 1200 Shamshir (Mitsurugi) 1200 Shame and Blame (Voldo) 1200 Iron Staff (Kilik) 1200 Battle Theater 4000 New Costume (Taki) 42000 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 3 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Stiletto (Raphael) 900 Khanjar (Yunsung) 900 Two-Handed Sword (Mitsurugi) 900 Ling-Sheng Su Bo (Kilik) 900 Chained Kozuka (Maxi) 900 Reiterpallasch (Raphael) 1200 Side Harpe (Talim) 1200 Xiao Lian (Yunsung) 1200 Metesashi (Cassandra) 1200 Shamshir (Mitsurugi) 1200 Kagekiri (Taki) 1200 Shame and Blame (Voldo) 1200 Steel Paddle (Nightmare) 1200 Battle Ax (Astaroth) 1200 Dream Blade (Ivy) 1200 Iron Staff (Kilik) 1200 Fatibal (Maxi) 1200 Orcus Claw (Necrid) 1200 Torment (Spawn) 1200 Owl Shield (Sophitia) 1200 Naginata (Seung Mina) 1200 Zantetsuken (Yoshimitsu) 1200 Erlang's Blade (Cervantes) 1200 Double Crescent Blade (Talim)1600 Spine Blade (Cassandra) 1600 Yoroitoshi (Taki) 1600 Chained Flail (Ivy) 1600 Kopis (Xianghua) 1600 Ignis Fatuus (Necrid) 1600 Misery (Spawn) 1600 New Costume (Voldo) 22000 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 4 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 30 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Side Harpe (Talim) 1200 Metesashi (Cassandra) 1200 Kagekiri (Taki) 1200 Dream Blade (Ivy) 1200 Owl Shield (Sophitia) 1200 Naginata (Seung Mina) 1200 Wo Dao (Raphael) 1600 Double Crescent Blade (Talim) 1600 Giant Butcher Knife (Yunsung) 1600 Spine Blade (Cassandra) 1600 Basilard (Mitsurugi) 1600 Yoroitoshi (Taki) 1600 Iron Ram (Voldo) 1600 Glam (Nightmare) 1600 Great Maul (Astaroth) 1600 Chained Flail (Ivy) 1600 Kunlun Bamboo (Kilik) 1600 Kopis (Xianghua) 1600 Raimei (Maxi) 1600 Ignis Fatuus (Necrid) 1600 Misery (Spawn) 1600 Couse (Seung Mina) 1600 Dha (Yoshimitsu) 1600 Acheron (Cervantes) 1600 Heavy Jur (Voldo) 2200 Requiem (Nightmare) 2200 Tabar (Astaroth) 2200 Lambent Viper (Necrid) 2200 Phlegethon (Cervantes) 2200 New Costume (Nightmare) 22000 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 5 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Reiterpallasch (Raphael) 1200 Xiao Lian (Yunsung) 1200 Iron Staff (Kilik) 1200 Fatibal (Maxi) 1200 Torment (Spawn) 1200 Wo Dao (Raphael) 1600 Double Crescent Blade (Talim) 1600 Giant Butcher Knife (Yunsung) 1600 Spine Blade (Cassandra) 1600 Basilard (Mitsurugi) 1600 Yoroitoshi (Taki) 1600 Iron Ram (Voldo) 1600 Glam (Nightmare) 1600 Great Maul (Astaroth) 1600 Chained Flail (Ivy) 1600 Kunlun Bamboo (Kilik) 1600 Kopis (Xianghua) 1600 Raimei (Maxi) 1600 Ignis Fatuus (Necrid) 1600 Misery (Spawn) 1600 Blue Crystal Rod (Sophitia) 1600 Couse (Seung Mina) 1600 Dha (Yoshitmitsu) 1600 Acheron (Cervantes) 1600 Chaqu (Talim) 2200 Katzbalger (Cassandra) 2200 Fumakugi (Taki) 2200 Viper Edge (Ivy) 2200 Qi Xing Sword (Xianghua) 2200 Art Gallery (Hi-Res) 8500 New Costume (Astaroth) 17000 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 6 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Double Crescent Blade (Talim) 1600 Spine Blade (Cassandra) 1600 Chained Flail (Ivy) 1600 Kopis (Xianghua) 1600 Schweizer (Raphael) 2200 Chaqu (Talim) 2200 Cheng Ying (Yunsung) 2200 Katzbalger (Cassandra) 2200 Gassan (Mitsurugi) 2200 Fumakugi (Taki) 2200 Heavy Jur (Voldo) 2200 Requiem (Nightmare) 2200 Tabar (Astaroth) 2200 Viper Edge (Ivy) 2200 Kokushakuboh (Kilik) 2200 Qi Xing Sword (Xianghua) 2200 Fuzoroi (Maxi) 2200 Lambent Viper (Necrid) 2200 Reaper (Spawn) 2200 Fire Blade (Sophitia) 2200 Bardiche (Seung Mina) 2200 Kagekiyo (Yoshimitsu) 2200 Phlegethon (Cervantes) 2200 Karma & Mara (Voldo) 3000 Faust (Nightmare) 3000 Nanbanfu (Astaroth) 3000 Hex Luminae (Necrid) 3000 Vengeance (Spawn) 3000 Pakayun (Yoshimitsu) 3000 Art Gallery (Illustrations) 5500 New Costume (Ivy) 22500 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 7 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Wo Dao (Raphael) 1600 Giant Butcher Knife (Yunsung) 1600 Basilard (Mitsurugi) 1600 Kunlun Bamboo (Kilik) 1600 Raimei (Maxi) 1600 Schweizer (Raphael) 2200 Chaqu (Talim) 2200 Cheng Ying (Yunsung) 2200 Katzbalger (Cassandra) 2200 Gassan (Mitsurugi) 2200 Fumakugi (Taki) 2200 Heavy Jur (Voldo) 2200 Requiem (Nightmare) 2200 Tabar (Astaroth) 2200 Viper Edge (Ivy) 2200 Kokushakuboh (Kilik) 2200 Qi Xing Sword (Xianghua) 2200 Fuzoroi (Maxi) 2200 Lambent Viper (Necrid) 2200 Reaper (Spawn) 2200 Fire Blade (Sophitia) 2200 Bardiche (Seung Mina) 2200 Kagekiyo (Yoshimitsu) 2200 Phlegethon (Cervantes) 2200 Cao Ankana (Talim) 2200 Red Crystal Rod (Cassandra) 3000 Silent Edge (Taki) 3000 Alraune (Ivy) 3000 Krita-Yuga (Xianghua) 3000 Art Gallery (Special) 4700 New Costume (Xianghua) 24000 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 8 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are on sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Chaqu (Talim) 2200 Katzbalger (Cassandra) 2200 Fumakugi (Taki) 2200 Viper Edge (Ivy) 2200 Qi Xing Sword (Xianghua) 2200 Holy Antler (Raphael) 3000 Cao Ankana (Talim) 3000 Ramdao (Yunsung) 3000 Red Crystal Sword (Cassandra) 3000 Tulwar (Mitsurugi) 3000 Silent Edge (Taki) 3000 Karma & Mara (Voldo) 3000 Faust (Nightmare) 3000 Nanbanfu (Astaroth) 3000 Alraune (Ivy) 3000 Amud (Kilik) 3000 Krita-Yuga (Xianghua) 3000 Modified Flail (Maxi) 3000 Hex Luminae (Necrid) 3000 Vengeance (Spawn) 3000 Gladius (Sophitia) 3000 Halberd (Seung Mina) 3000 Pakayun (Yoshimitsu) 3000 Cocytus (Cervantes) 3000 Estoc (Raphael) 4000 Blue Thunder (Yunsung) 4000 Masamune (Mitsurugi) 4000 Duel Rod (Kilik) 4000 Falcon (Maxi) 4000 Redeemer (Spawn) 4000 New Costume (Raphael) 19600 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 9 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 31 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Schweizer (Raphael) 2200 Heavy Jur (Voldo) 2200 Requiem (Nightmare) 2200 Tabar (Astaroth) 2200 Lambent Viper (Necrid) 2200 Holy Antler (Raphael) 3000 Cao Ankana (Talim) 3000 Ramdao (Yunsung) 3000 Red Crystal Rod (Cassandra) 3000 Tulwar (Mitsurugi) 3000 Silent Edge (Taki) 3000 Karma & Mara (Voldo) 3000 Faust (Nightmare) 3000 Nanbanfu (Astaroth) 3000 Alraune (Ivy) 3000 Amud (Kilik) 3000 Krita-Yuga (Xianghua) 3000 Modified Flail (Maxi) 3000 Hex Luminae (Necrid) 3000 Vengeance (Spawn) 3000 Gladius (Sophitia) 3000 Halberd (Seung Mina) 3000 Pakayun (Yoshimitsu) 3000 Cocytus (Cervantes) 3000 Maila Kari (Talim) 4000 Ivan the Terrible (Cassandra) 4000 Kamizoroe (Taki) 4000 Demon Tail (Ivy) 4000 Blue Storm (Xianghua) 4000 Synval (Sophitia) 4000 New Costume (Talim) 23600 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 10 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 28 Items are for sale here. =--------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Cao Ankana (Talim) 3000 Red Crystal Rod (Cassandra) 3000 Silent Edge (Taki) 3000 Alraune (Ivy) 3000 Krita-Yuga (Xianghua) 3000 Estoc (Raphael) 4000 Maila Kari (Taki) 4000 Blue Thunder (Yunsung) 4000 Ivan the Terrible (Cassandra) 4000 Masamune (Mitsurugi) 4000 Kamizoroe (Taki) 4000 Full Moon (Voldo) 4000 Soul Edge (Growth) (Night.) 4000 Bulova (Astaroth) 4000 Demon Tail (Ivy) 4000 Duel Rod (Kilik) 4000 Blue Storm (Xianghua) 4000 Falcon (Maxi) 4000 Infernal Edge (Necrid) 4000 Redeemer (Spawn) 4000 Synval (Sophitia) 4000 Ambassador (Seung Mina) 4000 Monohoshizao (Yoshimitsu) 4000 Styx (Cervantes) 4000 New Costume (Talim) 23600 New Costume (Mitsurugi) 28800 New Costume (Voldo) 22000 New Costume (Cassandra) 76500 =--------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Chapter 1 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 20 Items are for sale here. =---------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Exhibition Theater (Raphael) 5300 Exhibition Theater (Talim) 3500 Exhibition Theater (Yunsung) 4000 Exhibition Theater (Cassandra) 4200 Exhibition Theater (Mitsurugi) 3700 Exhibition Theater (Taki) 2500 Exhibition Theater (Voldo) 2800 Exhibition Theater (Nightmare) 2600 Exhibition Theater (Astaroth) 2700 Exhibition Theater (Ivy) 3100 Exhibition Theater (Kilik) 3000 Exhibition Theater (Xianghua) 3700 Exhibition Theater (Maxi) 2400 Exhibition Theater (Necrid) 4300 Exhibition Theater (Spawn) 5000 Exhibition Theater (Sophitia) 3300 Exhibition Theater (Seung Mina)2900 Exhibition Theater (Yoshimitsu)1900 Exhibition Theater (Charade) 4600 Exhibition Theater (Cervantes) 2600 =---------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Chapter 2 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 21 Items are for sale here. =---------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Cane (Raphael) 12500 Weight (Talim) 12500 Child's Sword (Yunsung) 12500 Keepsake (Cassandra) 12500 Souvenir Gift (Mitsurugi) 12500 Tobacco Pipes (Taki) 12500 Tambourines (Voldo) 12500 Galley Oar (Nightmare) 12500 Rock (Astaroth) 12500 Prototype Ivy Blade (Ivy) 12500 Bamboo Staff (Kilik) 12500 Calligraphy Brush (Xianghua) 12500 Termite Snack (Maxi) 12500 Ethereal Edge (Necrid) 12500 Sorrow (Spawn) 12500 Memento (Sophitia) 12500 Feather Broom (Seung Mina) 12500 Shepherd's Crook (Yoshimitsu) 12500 Imitation Sword (Cervantes) 12500 New Costume (Sophitia) 51000 New Costume (Seung Mina) 21000 =---------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Chapter 3 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 36 Items are for sale here. =-------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Schweizer (Raphael) 2200 Cheng Ying (Yunsung) 2200 Gassan (Mitsurugi) 2200 Heavy Jur (Voldo) 2200 Requiem (Nightmare) 2200 Tabar (Astaroth) 2200 Kokushakuboh (Kilik) 2200 Fuzoroi (Maxi) 2200 Lambent Viper (Necrid) 2200 Reaper (Spawn) 2200 Kagekiyo (Yoshimitsu) 2200 Phlegethon (Cervantes) 2200 Holy Antler (Raphael) 3000 Ramdao (Yunsung) 3000 Tulwar (Mitsurugi) 3000 Karma & Mara (Voldo) 3000 Faust (Nightmare) 3000 Nanbanfu (Astaroth) 3000 Amud (Kilik) 3000 Modified Flail (Maxi) 3000 Hex Luminae (Necrid) 3000 Vengeance (Spawn) 3000 Pakayun (Yoshimitsu) 3000 Cocytus (Cervantes) 3000 Estoc (Raphael) 4000 Blue Thunder (Yunsung) 4000 Masamune (Mitsurugi) 4000 Full Moon (Voldo) 4000 Soul Edge (Growth) (Night.) 4000 Bulova (Astaroth) 4000 Duel Rod (Kilik) 4000 Falcon (Maxi) 4000 Infernal Edge (Necrid) 4000 Redeemer (Spawn) 4000 Monohoshizao (Yoshitmitsu) 4000 Styx (Cervantes) 4000 =-------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sub-Chapter 4 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 26 Items are for sale here. =-------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Chaqu (Talim) 2200 Katzbalger (Cassandra) 2200 Fumakugi (Taki) 2200 Viper Edge (Ivy) 2200 Qi Xing Sword (Xianghua) 2200 Fire Blade (Sophitia) 2200 Bardiche (Seung Mina) 2200 Cao Ankana (Talim) 3000 Red Crystal Rod (Cassandra) 3000 Silent Edge (Taki) 3000 Alraune (Ivy) 3000 Krita-Yuga (Xianghua) 3000 Gladius (Sophitia) 3000 Halberd (Seung Mina) 3000 Maila Kari (Talim) 4000 Ivan the Terrible (Cassandra)4000 Kamizoroe (Taki) 4000 Demon Tail (Ivy) 4000 Blue Storm (Xianghua) 4000 Synval (Sophitia) 4000 Ambassador (Seung Mina) 4000 New Costume (Talim) 23600 New Costume (Cassandra) 76500 New Costume (Taki) 42000 New Costume (Ivy) 22500 New Costume (Xianghua) 24000 =-------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Extra Chapter 1 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 24 Items are for sale here. =------------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Soul Edge (Complete) (Raphael) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Talim) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Yunsung) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Cassandra) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Mitsurugi) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Taki) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Voldo) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Nightmare) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Astaroth) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Ivy) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Kilik) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Xianghua) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Maxi) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Necrid) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Spawn) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Sophitia) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Seung Mina) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Yoshimitsu) 7800 Soul Edge (Complete) (Cervantes) 7800 New Costume (Raphael) 19600 New Costume (Mitsurugi) 28800 New Costume (Voldo) 22000 New Costume (Nightmare) 22000 New Costume (Astaroth) 17000 =------------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Extra Chapter 2 - Shop: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 27 Items are for sale here. =----------------------------------= Item Cost ---- ---- Queen's Guard (Raphael) 9800 Soul Calibur (Talim) 9800 Han Guang (Yunsung) 9800 Valkyrie (Cassandra) 9800 Damascus Sword (Mitsurugi) 9800 Kris Naga (Taki) 9800 Guillotine (Voldo) 9800 Soul Calibur (Nightmare) 9800 Thanatos (Astaroth) 9800 Kaleidoscope (Ivy) 9800 Jingu Staff (Kilik) 9800 Soul Calibur (Xianghua) 9800 Vajra (Maxi) 9800 Chaos (Necrid) 9800 Abomination (Spawn) 9800 Orichalcum (Sophitia) 9800 Hraesvelgr (Seung Mina) 9800 Hihiirokane (Yoshimitsu) 9800 Lethe (Cervantes) 9800 New Costume (Talim) 23600 New Costume (Cassandra) 76500 New Costume (Taki) 42000 New Costume (Voldo) 22000 New Costume (Xianghua) 24000 New Costume (Sophitia) 51000 New Costume (Seung Mina) 21000 Ending (Arcade Ver.) 5000 =----------------------------------= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= List of Unlockables in Weapon Master Mode: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As you progress through Weapon Master Mode and complete stages, you are sometimes rewarded with extra characters, weapons for characters, extra stages, and extra modes. You also begin to unlock new areas on the map including Sub- Chapters, and Extra Chapters. Below is a handy list of all the unlockables and new areas you receive while going through Weapon Master Mode. Note, that each Chapter also includes their Extra Mission variants; these will be denoted in the list. -To unlock Sub-Chapter 1 - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 3. -To unlock Sub-Chapter 2- Complete Stage 3 of Chapter 4 a second time after having reached at least level 72 (Iron Edgemaster). -To unlock Sub-Chapter 3 - Complete Stage 2, of Chapter 8. -To unlock Sub-Chapter 4 - Complete Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 3. -To unlock Extra Chapter 1 - Complete Stage 4, of Chapter 9 of the Extra Missions. -To unlock Extra Chapter 2 - Complete Stage 4, of Sub-Chapter 4. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 1: -=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Practice Mode - Complete State 1, of Chapter 1. ->Lakeside Coliseum Arena - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 1. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 2: -=-=-=-=-= ->Yoshimitsu - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 2. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 3: -=-=-=-=-= ->Charade - Complete Stage 1, of Chapter 3. ->Cervantes - Complete Stage 4, of Chapter 3. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 4: -=-=-=-=-= ->Money Pit/Top Tier Arena - Complete Stage 1, of Chapter 4. ->Talim's Double Crescent Blade Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Chapter 4. ->Raphael's Schweizer Weapon - Complete Stage 4, of Chapter 4. ->Sophitia - Complete Stage 5, of Chapter 4. ->Maxi's Fuzoroi Weapon - Complete Stage 5 of Chapter 4 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 5: -=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Time Attack (Standard) Mode - Complete Stage 1, of Chapter 5. ->Xianghua's Soul Calibur (Evil) Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Chapter 5. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 6: -=-=-=-=-= ->Seung Mina - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 6. ->Extra Survival (Standard) Mode - Complete Stage 5, of Chapter 6. ->Seung Mina's Halberd Weapon - Complete Stage 6, of Chapter 6. ->Labyrinth Arena - Complete Stage 6, of Chapter 6. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 7: -=-=-=-=-= ->Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court Arena - Complete Stage 2, of Chapter 7. ->Nightmare's Soul Edge (Growth) Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 7. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 8: -=-=-=-=-= ->Egyptian Crypt Arena - Complete Stage 5, of Chapter 8. ->Nightmare's Third Costume - Complete Stage 6, of Chapter 8. ->Necrid's Ethereal Edge Weapon - Complete Stage 6, of Chapter 8 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-= Chapter 9: -=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Time Attack (Alternative) Mode - Complete Stage 4, of Chapter 9. -=-=-=-=-=- Chapter 10: -=-=-=-=-=- ->Weapon Master Mode Opening - Complete Stage 3, of Chapter 10. ->Mitsurugi's Souvenir Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Chapter 10 of the Extra Missions. ->Weapon Master Mode Ending - Complete Stage 3 of Chapter 10 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sub-Chapter 1: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Team Battle Mode - Complete Stage 1, of Sub-Chapter 1. ->Berserker - Complete Stage 1, of Sub-Chapter 1 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sub-Chapter 2: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Xianghua's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 1, of Sub-Chapter 2. ->Voldo's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Sub-Chapter 2. ->Taki's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 2. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sub-Chapter 3: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Assassin - Complete Stage 2, of Sub-Chapter 3 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sub-Chapter 4: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Survival (Death Match) Mode - Complete Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 4. ->Cassandra's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 5, of Sub-Chapter 4. ->Mitsurugi's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 5, of Sub-Chapter 4. ->Maxi's Termite Snack Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Sub-Chapter 4 of the Extra Missions. ->Cervantes' Imitation Sword Weapon - Complete Stage 5, of Sub-Chapter 4 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Extra Chapter 1: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Time Attack (Extreme Mode) - Complete Stage 1, of Extra Chapter 1. ->Astaroth's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Extra Chapter 1. ->Kilik's Bamboo Staff Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Extra Chapter 1 of the Extra Missions. ->Nightmare's Galley Oar Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Extra Chapter 1 of the Extra Missions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Extra Chapter 2: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ->Extra Survival (No Recovery) Mode - Complete Stage 2, of Extra Chapter 2. ->Necrid's Soul Edge (Complete) Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Extra Chapter 2. ->Ivy's Prototype Ivy Blade Weapon - Complete Stage 2, of Extra Chapter 2 of the Extra Missions. ->Lizard Man - Complete Stage 3, of Extra Chapter 2 of the Extra Missions. ->Sophitia's Memento Weapon - Complete Stage 3, of Extra 2 of the Extra Missions. Miscellaneous Unlockables: ->Extra VS Team Battle - Beat Extra Team Battle once, on any difficulty setting. ->Opening (Arcade Ver.) - Beat Extra Time Attack (Extreme) Mode, or play it 5 times. ->Opening (Home Ver.) - Beat Extra Survival (No Recovery) Mode, or play it 5 times. In the Collection History section of the Options Menu, it lists, in order, everything that you have "collected" so far in the game. There are 83 different items total, ranging from unlocked characters, extra arenas, exhibition theaters and so on. Below is a list of all 83 of those items: 1. Sophitia is selectable. 2. Seung Mina is selectable. 3. Yoshimitsu is selectable. 4. Charade is selectable. 5. Cervantes is selectable. 6. Lizard Man is selectable. 7. Assassin is selectable. 8. Berserker is selectable. 9. The profile for Raphael is available. 10. The weapon demonstration for Raphael is available. 11. A new costume is available for Raphael. 12. The profile for Talim is available. 13. The weapon demonstration for Talim is available. 14. A new costume is available for Talim. 15. The profile for Yunsung is available. 16. The weapon demonstration for Yunsung is available. 17. The profile for Cassandra is available. 18. The weapon demonstration for Cassandra is available. 19. A new costume is available for Cassandra. 20. The profile for Mitsurugi is available. 21. The weapon demonstration for Mitsurugi is available. 22. A new costume is available for Mitsurugi. 23. The profile for Taki is available. 24. The weapon demonstration for Taki is available. 25. A new costume is available for Taki. 26. The profile for Voldo is available. 27. The weapon demonstration for Voldo is available. 28. A new costume for Voldo is available. 29. The profile for Nightmare is available. 30. The weapon demonstration for Nightmare is available. 31. A new costume for Nightmare is available. 32. The profile for Astaroth is available. 33. The weapon demonstration for Astaroth is available. 34. A new costume for Astaroth is available. 35. The profile for Ivy is available. 36. The weapon demonstration for Ivy is available. 37. A new costume is available for Ivy. 38. The profile for Kilik is available. 39. The weapon demonstration for Kilik is available. 40. The profile for Xianghua is available. 41. The weapon demonstration for Xianghua is available. 42. A new costume is available for Xianghua. 43. The profile for Maxi is available. 44. The weapon demonstration for Maxi is available. 45. The profile for Necrid is available. 46. The weapon demonstration for Necrid is available. 47. The profile for Spawn is available. 48. The weapon demonstration for Spawn is available. 49. The profile for Sophitia is available. 50. The weapon demonstration for Sophitia is available. 51. A new costume is available for Sophitia. 52. The profile for Seung Mina is available. 53. The weapon demonstration for Seung Mina is available. 54. A new costume is available for Seung Mina. 55. The profile for Yoshimitsu is available. 56. The weapon demonstration for Yoshimitsu is available. 57. The profile for Charade is available. 58. The weapon demonstration for Charade is available. 59. The profile for Cervantes is available. 60. The weapon demonstration for Cervantes is available. 61. Extra Arcade Mode has been added. 62. Extra VS Battle Mode has been added. 63. Extra Time Attack (Standard) Mode has been added. 64. Extra Time Attack (Alternative) Mode has been added. 65. Extra Time Attack (Extreme) Mode has been added. 66. Extra Survival (Standard) Mode has been added. 67. Extra Survival (Death Match) Mode has been added. 68. Extra Survival (No Recovery) Mode has been added. 69. Extra Team Battle Mode has been added. 70. Extra VS Team Battle Mode has been added. 71. Extra Practice Mode has been added. 72. Art Gallery (Hi-Res) is available for viewing. 73. Art Gallery (Illustrations) is available for viewing. 74. Art Gallery (Special) is available for viewing. 75. Battle Theater is available for viewing. 76. Weapon Gallery is available for viewing. 77. Weapon Master Opening is available for viewing. 78. Weapon Master Ending is available for viewing. 79. Opening (Home Ver.) is available for viewing. 80. Opening (Arcade Ver.) is available for viewing. 81. Ending (Arcade Ver.) is available for viewing. 82. Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court is selectable. 83. Lakeside Coliseum is selectable. 84. Money Pit/Top Tier is selectable. 85. Egyptian Crypt is selectable. 86. Labyrinth is selectable. There is one last thing about the Weapon Master Mode, and that is the rankings. There are 99 in all, though I stopped at level 76. Each rank requires a certain amount of experience to attain. They don't do much except allow you to unlock Sub-Chapter 2 later on in the mode. Below are all of the rankings up to level 76. Next to the rank name, is the amount of experience needed to attain that rank. Remember though, that the experience number is the number I was at when I moved up in rank. Your numbers might be a little lower or higher. If anyone has the remaining rank names, and the associated experience number, don't hesitate to E-Mail me, and I will post those with full credit to you. 1 - Newcomer - 0 exp. 2 - Iron Neophyte - 1600 exp. 3 - Bronze Neophyte - 2500 exp. 4 - Silver Neophyte - 3800 exp. 5 - Gold Neophyte - 4700 exp. 6 - Platinum Neophyte - 6200 exp. 7 - Iron Apprentice - 8200 exp. 8 - Bronze Apprentice - 10600 exp. 9 - Silver Apprentice - 12000 exp. 10 - Gold Apprentice - 14700 exp. 11 - Platinum Apprentice - 16300 exp. 12 - Iron Disciple - 19700 exp. 13 - Bronze Disciple - 21200 exp. 14 - Silver Disciple - 23000 exp. 15 - Gold Disciple - 25000 exp. 16 - Platinum Disciple - 27000 exp. 17 - Iron Fighter - 29500 exp. 18 - Bronze Fighter - 32300 exp. 19 - Silver Fighter - 34800 exp. 20 - Gold Fighter - 36300 exp. 21 - Platinum Fighter - 38600 exp. 22 - Iron Battler - 41600 exp. 23 - Bronze Battler - 44100 exp. 24 - Silver Battler - 47300 exp. 25 - Gold Battler - 51200 exp. 26 - Platinum Battler - 54000 exp. 27 - Iron Combatant - 56500 exp. 28 - Bronze Combatant - 59400 exp. 29 - Silver Combatant - 63000 exp. 30 - Gold Combatant - 65600 exp. 31 - Platinum Combatant - 68000 exp. 32 - Iron Duelist - 72500 exp. 33 - Bronze Duelist - 74700 exp. 34 - Silver Duelist - 78200 exp. 35 - Gold Duelist - 81700 exp. 36 - Platinum Duelist - 86400 exp. 37 - Iron Mercenary - 88900 exp. 38 - Bronze Mercenary - 92600 exp. 39 - Silver Mercenary - 96600 exp. 40 - Gold Mercenary - 101400 exp. 41 - Platinum Mercenary - 104100 exp. 42 - Iron Warrior - 109300 exp. 43 - Bronze Warrior - 112600 exp. 44 - Silver Warrior - 116800 exp. 45 - Gold Warrior - 123400 exp. 46 - Platinum Warrior - 125500 exp. 47 - Iron Knight - 130300 exp. 48 - Bronze Knight - 135700 exp. 49 - Silver Knight - 140500 exp 50 - Gold Knight - 146700 exp. 51 - Platinum Knight - 150300 exp. 52 - Iron Champion - 155900 exp. 53 - Bronze Champion - 161300 exp. 54 - Silver Champion - 166400 exp. 55 - Gold Champion - 172000 exp. 56 - Platinum Champion - 178800 exp. 57 - Iron Conqueror - 184000 exp. 58 - Bronze Conqueror - 191800 exp. 59 - Silver Conqueror - 200200 exp 60 - Gold Conqueror - 205100 exp. 61 - Platinum Conqueror - 214700 exp. 62 - Iron Hero - 222100 exp. 63 - Bronze Hero - 226100 exp. 64 - Silver Hero - 234400 exp. 65 - Gold Hero - 243200 exp. 66 - Platinum Hero - 252000 exp. 67 - Iron Master - 260200 exp. 68 - Bronze Master - 270600 exp. 69 - Silver Master - 283800 exp. 70 - Gold Master - 290100 exp. 71 - Platinum Master - 301500 exp. 72 - Iron Edgemaster - 320000 exp. 73 - Bronze Edgemaster - 341800 exp. 74 - Silver Edgemaster - 365100 exp. 75 - Gold Edgemaster - 383400 exp. 76 - Platinum Edgemaster - 403100 -=-=-=- Credits: -=-=-=-= This FAQ is copyright Mike Zielinski. You cannot steal or borrow this FAQ without written consent from me. This FAQ is exclusive to GameFAQs.com at this time. If you wish to post this FAQ/Move List, you must E-Mail me at globalops21@yahoo.com with a link to your website before you post FAQ, as well as another link after you post the FAQ, fully credited to me.