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Narutimate Hero ACCEL: Shippuden Platform: Sony PS2 Written by: Jim "Twak" Wu TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- -1- Narutimate ACCEL Controls ------------------------[CTRLS] -2- Introduction to Temari ---------------------------[INTRO] - Pros & Cons --------------------------------------[PROCN] -3- Temari's Moves -----------------------------------[MOVES] - Kawarimi no Jutsu --------------------------------[KAWA1] - Melee Combos -------------------------------------[COMBO] - Jutsus -------------------------------------------[JTSU1] - Useful Basics ------------------------------------[USEFL] - Ninja Weaponry -----------------------------------[WEPS1] [ E X T E N D E D _ G U I D E _ B E L O W ] Temari's Moves {Extended} ---------------------------[XTEND] - Kawarimi no Jutsu {how to use it well} -----------[KAWA2] - Melee Combos {how/when to use them} --------------[CMBO2] - Jutsus {how/when to use them} --------------------[JTSU2] - Ninja Weaponry {be merciless} --------------------[WEPS2] - Taunting {being evil about it} -------------------[EVIL!] -------------------------------------------------------------------- +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [CTRLS]Narutimate ACCEL Controls +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= /\ *Triangle* [] *Square* () *Circle* >< *Cross* Triangle: Prepares Ougi Launch. This involves "buffering" either one, two, or all three of your chakra bars in order to use an Ougi Launch. After you press this button to prep your Ougi Launch, you will have to press () to do the Launch itself. Square: Uses your selected ningu (weapon). See [WEPS1] and [WEPS2] for a comprehensive list of them. Circle: The button you use for nearly ALL attacks. Use the Circle button with D-Pad presses to execute any attack from your well-stocked move arsenal. Cross:Jump and air-dash. That's ALL this button does. Well, if you press Up or Down, you can stage- jump. R2 & L2: Blocking. ALso, pressing this button at JUST the right moment will be rewarding in battle. More about that at [KAWA1]. R1 & L1: Ningu selection. Scrolls your selection right and left. See [WEPS1]. I'm going to assume that you are already smart enough to understand things like how to use the analog stick, the d-pad, as well as being able to decipher commands like "Down, Down, []" +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [INTRO] Introduction to Temari +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Temari is, to put it modestly, the goddess of wind jutsus. She attacks using two things: her iron fan, and the gusts that it creates. Pros and Cons of Temari - [PROCN] Pros: She can deflect projectiles from a mile away. When in her Veil of Wind state, she can even reflect them at your enemy perfectly. Her easiest Ougi Launch happens to be usable in the air. Also, her jutsus work VERY well to cover her strengths and weaknesses. Her air dash covers INSANE distance when she's Veiled. Con: She's slow when she's not Veiled up. Her attacks are escapable most of the time. Her long-range abilities have been watered-down. Also, she seems to charge Chakra slower than most other TimeSkip characters. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ [MOVES] Temari's Moves +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ [KAWA1] Kawarimi no Jutsu (KnJ) ------------------- R2 & L2 This is THE most unique aspect of this game. Nearly every single character in this game has some sort of "infinite combo", so how do you escape them? By utilizing KnJ. Pressing Guard just as you are about to be hit will teleport you BEHIND your opponent, and uses about 15~20 chakra. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [COMBO]Movelist and Combos =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= There are several different terms I will use here, so read up: Slams: Moves that kock the opponent away forcefully. If he hits a wall or an obstacle or even the ground while flying, the opponent will bounce and lose a bit of his chakra. Its important to use his chakra loss to YOUR advantage. Oi Uchi: Follow-up move that initiates a sequence where you and your opponent try to out-mash each other on the () button. NOW, ON TO THE MOVELIST! ------------------------------------------------------------- Forward + () - Temari opens her fan and attacks with a gust of wind. - This deflects all projectiles except Fuuma or Poison. Back + () - Temari's ground grapple. She knocks the opponent away with her open fan. - Can wall slam as well as go into Oi Uchi. ------------------------------------------------------------- Up + () - Temari swings her fan upwards and hits the oppoenent in the face. Up + (), () - Temari follows the swing with a multi-hit fan throw. - This is her most basic Oi Uchi launcher. ------------------------------------------------------------- Down + () - Temari uses her closed fan to hit the opponent's legs. - This is a Guard Bypass move. Down + (), () - Temari opens her fan and Ground Slams the opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------- () - Temari smacks her opponent with her fan. (), () -Temari opens up her fan and does a spin attack. (), (), Forward + () - Temari follows the spin with a blast of wind. - This can Slam if the opponent hits a wall, and it can also initiate Oi Uchi. (), (), Up + () - Temari throws her fan and knocks the enemy upwards. - This is also an Oi Uchi launcher. (), (), Down + () - Temari smacks the opponent into a ground Slam. Nothing special here, really. ------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combos: Can be done in the air, OR right after doing a ><, >< Air Dash (which is NOT blocked) ------------------------------------------------------------- Down + (), () - Temari does several turns in the air, spinnig her fan to hit behind her as well as in front of her. - This is her air-to-ground slam. It throws the victim at a 45° angle, but does NOT knock out chakra. Forward + (), (), () - A simple smack, smack, smack aerial combo. - This can end with either a wall slam OR an Oi Uchi. Up + (), () - Another simple aerial combo that ends with Temari throwing her fan and knocking the opponent skyward. - This is also an Oi Uchi launcher. Back + () - This is her air grapple where she grabs the opponent and throws them at the ground. - This move will almost always end in a ground slam, but if you're REALLY high up in the air, it can go into Oi Uchi. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [JTSU1] Jutsus =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Down, Down, () - Shin Kamaitachi No Jutsu Temari summons her pet weasel Kamatari using her fan and sends him forward, dealing 10-12 hits as well as deflecting any projectiles in its way. This move is *almost* completely undodgable. Mighty Guy can jump over this, and some of the speed characters can do a stage-shift (Up or Down X) fast enough to avoid it. Up, Up, () - Kiri Kiri Mai Temari lunges forward and does a small swipe of her fan. If the swipe connects, then it shows a short cutscene where Kamatari does a 13-hit combo on your unfortunate victim. However, if you miss the first hit, then you've pretty much wasted chakra. See my [JTSU2] section on how to utilize this jutsu. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [USEFL] Useful Tips =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= - NEVER use her Forward + () at close range. It's way too slow and will give your opponent a free combo. - Air-Dashing WILL knock out projectiles, but don't resort to using it too often. If your enemy sees the pattern, he WILL use it against you. - Also, Temari's air-dash distance is somewhat...lacking. So avoid using it too often, period. - Temari's taunt is evil, cruel, and all-around unfair. Use that to your advantage. - Temari's moves are mediocre in speed, so be prepared to throw some kunais in your opponent's face if he KnJs. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [WEPS1] Ninja Weaponry =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= - Infinite Ammo Weapon - This is the only weapon you will have at the beginning of a match, and this is the one ningu that you'll never run out of. For most characters, this is either a handful of kunais or shurikens. - Exploding Kunai - A kunai with a little flame next to it. EXPLODES ON IMPACT, so don't blow yourself up trying to nail your opponent at close-range. - Exploding Sticker - A red piece of paper with a yellow flame next to it. This will stick to your opponent and count down from 8 seconds, then blow up. - Exploding Slip - A plain piece of red paper. This will float to the floor when thrown, and will explode after 3 seconds. - Kunai Bag I - A deflated-looking bag with a kunai next to it. The bag falls to the ground and then spits out a handful of kunai a few seconds later. - Kunai Bag II - Floats in the air and rains kunai a few seconds later. - Multi Shuriken - Looks like three shuriken next to each other. Splits into about 15-20 HOMING shurikens. - Fuuma Shuriken - Giant shuriken. Nuff said. Will "over ride" every other projectile weapon in this game. - Those are all the ones that I will cover in this FAQ. For a more comprehensive list, go to cellb's Item FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/921262/33502 -------------------------------------------------------------------- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [XTEND] Temari's Moves (Extended) =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Forward + () - Don't use this at close range. Use it on cliff stages to knock people off the edge, but don't abuse it. - You can Shuriken Cancel (see [SHURI]) just as Temari pulls her fan back to launch the gust. Back + () - Very fast, and very reliable. If your reaction time happens to be AMAZING, then you might be able to use this grapple right after a successful KnJ. ------------------------------------------------------------- Up + (), () - This seems to be untechable, so this is a great setup for either Kiri Kiri Mai OR an Ougi. However, since the opponent is launched rather high, the timing will require practice. ------------------------------------------------------------- Down + (), () - Guard break comes too slowly, so use it ONLY if you're completely sure that your opponent can't stop you. ------------------------------------------------------------- ALL of the following combos can be cancelled into Shuriken OR Kiri Kiri Mai. That's pretty insane. (), () - This hits BEHIND you, for the love of God. That means TAKE ADVANTAGE of it. This plus SHC equals infinite combo. (), (), Forward + () - If you need a gust of wind, then I'd rather you use this instead of her Forward (). It's smaller, but faster, and pushes the opponent just as well. (), (), Up + () - Techable but EASILY chained into Kamaitachi. If you land this combo, then it's a free Kama + Taunt for you. (), (), Down + () - Cancels into Kamaitachi, cancels into Kiri Kiri Mai, and chains into all 3 of her Ougi launchers. My God, this chains into everything! ------------------------------------------------------------- AERIAL COMBOS EXTENDED ------------------------------------------------------------- Down + (), () - Temari's risk-free move. It hits all around her, the spin goes on for a good while, AND it's SHC'able. Back + () - If you use this while Temari's Veil of Wind is active , you can literally do this move about 4 or 5 times in a row, and since this is a grapple, trying to guard against it is useless. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [JTSU2] Jutsus (Extended) =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Shin Kamaitachi No Jutsu - Slow startup means you can NOT use this move as part of close-range combat, unless you're using the jutsu RIGHT after a ground slam or an air launch. Good God , this move does great blocking damage, is nearly un -avoidable, and pushes the victim a HUGE distance. - If you land this jutsu, then don't STAND there! Do your taunt, or charge. But don't waste the window of time this move grants you, understand? Kiri Kiri Mai - Chain this into her combos. "Which one?" ANY OF THEM. Every single one of her ground combos will chain into this move. EVERY single one. Using this right after a ground slam is especially cruel, because the chakra you used to perform the move can be regained simply by picking the chakra that your OPPONENT lost from your ground slam. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [WEPS2]Ninja Weaponry (Extended) =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= - Infinite Ammo Weapon - Good only for Shuriken Cancel or as distraction. - Exploding Kunai - Use this right after an aerial launch. You'll blow the opponent out of the sky, and avoid all risk of being caught in the explosion yourself. - Exploding Sticker - Once this sticks, keep your opponent from stage-jumping! If they do, then they'll avoid the explosion. Be very careful about getting caught in the explosion yourself. - Exploding Slip - Jump over the big explosion. - Kunai Bag I - Use this if you're fighting against a guy who constantly KnJs out of your combos. - Kunai Bag II - Useful as a distraction only. - Multi Shuriken - Combining this with ground slam means big damage for your opponent. Don't waste this item by trying to throw it from the other end of a stage. - Fuuma Shuriken - Nothing creates an opening like a big shuriken to the face. Use this on unsuspecting victims to ensure that they won't be able to block your combo. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= [EVIL!] Taunting =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= - I'm not entire sure her taunt deserves its own section, but here we go! - This is another one of those unique features of the Nar utimate Series. Every single character has a taunt that bestows some beneficial effect on them. Some taunts use up chakra in exchange for increased attack, while others give a power boost. The list of effects is below: - Healing: Characters like Sakura and Tsunade recover HP. - Stat Mod: Temporarily increases ATK/DEF/SPEED/ETC. - Items: Summons ninja weapon. Unique to Tenten, I think. - Avoidance/Counter: Avoids/counters incoming attacks. - Awakening: Goes into the chracter's Awakening Mode. - Now, Temari's taunt is of the Awakening type. That means when she taunts, she gets a nice boost in DEF and ATK, PLUS the ever-useful Veil of Wind. - Veil of Wind: Greatly increases Temari's jump height, running speed, air-dash distance, and attack speed. This means you can jump like crazy and pull off insane combos. - The Veil also grants you complete immunity to nearly all projectiles, except for Fuuma, Poison, and explosives. - Now, it is KEY that you take advantage of the Veil while it is still in effect. Here's a few ideas how: - Air Dash and use Back + () to do a ground slam, then quickly throw some kunais with []. Soon as you hit the ground, air-dash to your falling opponent, and repeat. This knocks out a huge amount of chakra. - Remember how her Down Down () fits into nearly all of her ground chains? Well, so does her Awakening Ougi. - If your opponent gets smart and starts blocking, DON'T BACK OFF! Use her increased attack speed to pull off a Down + () guard-break, then continue pummeling!