Narutimate Hero 3/Ultimate Ninja 3 FAQ By: Spazzdude Hope this helps you all!!! Comments, questions, concerns? E-Mail me at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ___________________________________________________ ---------------------------|Hey for you all who arent familiar with browser 1. Version History....[S1] |hotkeys, hit ctrl+f for the find box and type 2. General Overview...[S2] |the section source code for a magical teleport!! 3. Basic Controls.....[S3] |___________________________________________________ 4. Menu Translator...............................[S4] 5. Story Mode [Hero's History]...................[S5] Part 1......................................[S5.1] Part 2......................................[S5.2] Part 3......................................[S5.3] Part 4......................................[S5.4] 5. RPG Mode [Ultimate Contest]...................[S6] Plot Missions Part #1.................................[S6.1] Part #2.................................[S6.2] Part #3.................................[S6.3] Free Act................................[S6.4] Ranked Missions.............................[S6.5] D Rank..................................[S6.5D] C Rank..................................[S6.5C] B Rank..................................[S6.5B] A Rank..................................[S6.5A] S Rank..................................[S6.5S] "Dating" Information........................[S6.6] Jutsu & Ougi Information...................[S6.7] 6. "Tips"........................................[S7] 7. Narutimate Hero 3 vs Ultimate Ninja 3.........[S8] 8. Legal Information.............................[S9] 9. Credits & Thank you's.........................[S10] ------------------------------------------------------- [S1] Version History ------------------------------------------------------- 3/26/2007; v1.00 - Finished very first version 4/29/2007; v1.20 - Story mode bug;Added Hokage info;Some grammar & typo errors 5/16/2007; v1.40 - RPG Mode bug;Konohamaru mission help;Secret scroll locations 11/16/2007; v1.60- Few more tips;added Ultimate Ninja 3 info;typo/errors 4/1/2008 ; v2.00 - Added translations from Ultimate Ninja 3 where needed as well as changes that were made by developers. -------------------------------------------------------- [S2] General Overview -------------------------------------------------------- Naruto: Narutimate Hero is the third entry in a series of fighting games based on the popular manga & anime, Naruto. The game itself can be said to be an extreme cross between Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 and Super Smash Bros. Meele. It has the HUGE cinematic scenes and power of DBZ:B3 and the stage presence of SSBM. If you are a Naruto fan, GET IT If you are a fan of DBZ:B3 or SSBM I would still recommend it. --------------------------------------------------------- [S3] Basic Controls --------------------------------------------------------- This covers BOTH menu and fighting controls ------Menu Controls------ *Note that in Japanese imports, O selects and X cancels. Get out of the of pressing X to go forward as it will cause you a lot of frustration* Left Analog Stick or Directional Buttons - Select option x Button - Previous Menu/Cancel O Button - Confirm/select ------BASIC Fighting Controls------ Left and Right - Char. movement Up (Hold) - Taunt (some characters cause special effects) Down (hold) - Charge Chakra O Button - Attack X Button - Jump (tap twice rapidly to dash, twice slowly to double jump) [] Button - Throw selected item /\ Button - Ougi (must have required chakra to power-up) L1/R1 Button - Cycle through equipped weapons L2/R2 Button - Defend (if hit at the correct time you will warp behind enemy) Start Button - Pause --------------------------------------------------------- [S4] Menu Translator --------------------------------------------------------- --If you are playing the English release, no need to read this section. as it is COMPLETLY unchanged from previous versions of the FAQ. ------Title Screen------ Top Option - New Game Bottom Option - Load Game ------Main Menu------ RPG Mode (Top choice in continue, bottom choice is new game) Story Mode Versus Mode Training/Practice Mode Mini-Games Shop Naruto's House Options ------Versus Mode Menu------ Left Analog Stick or Directional Buttons - Select Character O Button - Confirm Char. Selection L1 Button - Select Outfit, there are three options R1 Button - Use char. with stats from RPG mode After you select your char. with circle, another menu will appear with two options. This menu is asking if you want to customize your character. Select the bottom option for the default preset and select the top to customize. In the customize menu, you will see 2 options, a top and bottom *Note - you unlock more Jutsu and Ougi in RPG mode* The top option allows you to selet you 2 different jutsu for the battle. These will be mapped to the up, up, O & down, down, O configurations The bottom option sends you to the ougi selection screen. Here you choose which Ougi (Special) your char. will perform. There are two options were. The top allows you to select you mini-battle. Option 1 - Command - Tap different random buttons Option 2 - Spin - Spin those analog as fast as possible Option 3 - Press - Mash a single random button till your arm hurts The bottom option allows you to select you char. actual Ougi (Ultimate) for the match. After you are finished, tap X a few times untill you get to the level selection screen. Hit /\ for a random stage. Now the Fight screen will appear. This is your last chance to tweak the fight to your liking. Hit O to begin the match, X to go back, or [] for the battle settings menu. ------Battle Settings Menu------ -From top to bottom- Time Limit - 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,99,infinite Difficulty - Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane Item Frequency Rate - Low, Standard, High Chakra - Standard, Infinite Ougi's - On, Off Handicap - More stars=greater handicap ------Pause Menu------ -From Left to Right- Exit to Char. Select Exit to Main Menu Jutsu Attack Display - on, off(toggles commands that appear when jutsu perform) Button List P2 Command List P1 Command List Reutrn to Fight ------Naruto's House------ -From Left to Right- View Items Codes ------Options Menu------ --Left Row-- Computer Difficulty - (Easy, Standard, Hard, Expert) Button Config. Sound Adujuster - Stero, Mono --Right Row-- Jonin Selection - Selects which Jonin appears at the Main menu Screen Adjuster Reset (Defaults) ------Rpg Mode Menu------ *Press triangle to show this menu* Inventory Char. Development/Stats -Here you place jutsu and Ougi on your unlocked characters Ranked Missions -Ranks D through S Naruto's House Save Map -Starting from the top-most option and in a circular motion (clockwise) -Forest Area -Shrine -Training Grounds -Arena -Casino -Hot Springs -Main City --------------------------------------------------------- [S5] Story Mode/Hero's History --------------------------------------------------------- Story Mode Tells the story of Naruto from the formation of Team 7 through the Retrieve Sasuke arc. There are four seperate parts. *NOTE THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IN THESE FIGHTS IS DEFEAT YOUR OPPONENT. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS BENEFIT YOU OPPONENT SUCH AS INCREASED POWER. THESE DO NOT AFFECT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO DURING THE FIGHT.* --------------------------------------------------------- [S5.1] Story Part 1-Genin Training Arc --------------------------------------------------------- Part 1 focuses on the formation of Team 7 and the Land of Waves Arc Part 1 has 3 Fights Naruto vs. Kakashi Naruto vs. Haku - Unlocks Haku Kakashi vs. Zabuza - Unlocks Zabuza --------------------------------------------------------- [S5.2] Story Part 2-Leaf Destruction Arc --------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 focuses on the Chuunin exams and the destruction of Konoha Arc Part 2 has 4 fights Naruto vs. Orochimaru - Unlocks Orochimaru Naruto vs. Neji 3rd Hokage vs. Orochimaru - Unlocks 3rd Hokage Naruto vs. Shukaku (Gaara Transformed) - Unlocks Gaara Other Characters unlocked after Part 2 completion Kankurou Temari --------------------------------------------------------- [S5.3] Story Part 3-TsunadeSearch Arc --------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 focuses on Akatsuki's attempt to capture Naruto and the Tsunade search Part 3 has 5 fights Kakashi vs. Itachi Gai vs. Kisame - Unlocks Kisame Jiraiya vs. Kisame - Unlocks Jiraiya & Itachi Naruto vs. Kabuto - Unlocks Kabuto Tsunade vs. Manda (Orochimaru's summoned Snake) Other Characters unlocked after Part 3 completion Tsunade Shizune --------------------------------------------------------- [S5.4] Story part 4-Sasuke Retrival Arc --------------------------------------------------------- Part 4 focuses on Sasuke feeling weak toward Naruto and running like a Bitch Part 4 has 10 fights Naruto vs. Sasuke Chouji vs. Jiroubou Neji vs. Kidoumaru Kiba vs. Ukon/Sakon Shikamaru vs. Tayuya Naruto vs. Kimimaro Lee vs. Kimimaro Gaara vs. Kimimaro Naruto vs. Sasuke Naruto (1 tailed) vs. Sasuke (Level 2) --------------------------------------------------------- [S6] Rpg Mode/Ultimate Contest --------------------------------------------------------- RPG mode is where you will unock all the other characters as well as jutsu and Ougi. I highly reccomed completing story mode first as the money earned there will help when items need to be purchased and it will give you an understanding of the control system. Story Mode also unlocks several characters, and the more characters you have unlocked, the more characters you can level up in RPG mode. Also is stroy mode, you don't need to worry about conditions, such as have a certain amount of HP or substitute a certain number of times before a match ends. You can get the hang of the game faster without worrying about certain conditions. --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.1] RPG Part 1 --------------------------------------------------------- When Act 1 starts, you will be in free roam mode. Unfortunately, you cannot begin to complete lettered missions until Act 3 so just jump right into the plot. Head to the Shrine Area and view the cutscenes (like you have an option ><) Tsunade announces a competition in which the winner will be determined by the first person who can collect 60 blue crystal pieces. After this announcement, you will fight a few story dirven battles for crystals. Atfer these fights, you will return to free roam mode. While in free roam mode, you can find more crystal pieces by looking under crates and barrels (punch them) as well as challenging other shinobi to fights. To challenge someone to a fight simply speak to them. If they dissapear, you have to find them somewhere in the city. When you find them (look everywhere, even rooftops) they will agree to your fight. When you have enough crystal pieces, a cutscene will auotmatically progress the plot. If the plot does not advance still, go to the different areas of the map and talk to everyone. After that go talk to Iruka/Tsunade to advance;Also make sure that you have given Hinata & Chouji the items they are requesting. They can be bought from the street merchant. --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.2] RPG Part 2 --------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 is the definition of repetitive. Now you are collecting 60 red crystal pieces....Nothing much else to say here.....SCROLL DOWN!!.....GO AWAY....... ..WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS?!? --------------------------------------------------------- [s6.3] RPG Part 3 --------------------------------------------------------- In part three, you can start alphabet missions, but I suggest you hold off on it at the moment, as you will have ample time to do these in the free act just after this act. Here the goal is to finish up the main plot of RPG mode. In this act, the Arena will open up. Here you will have to fight Kakashi, twice and Tsunade once. After you complete that, the credits will roll, but you can just press start to skip. Rpg mode will reset. If you get kicked out to the main menu, just re-select RPG mode and MAKE SURE YOU PICK THE TOP OPTION as the bottom will start you all over. Completing RPG mode unlocks the following characters -A.N.B.U. Kakashi -Green Beast Naruto (Naruto; Lee's clothes--Imagine Naruto trained by Gai--) |***I threw this in up here in case some Plagiarist deletes my legal section |This FAQ is copyrighted © 2007 to Brayland Ross. International Copyright |laws protect this FAQ. You cannot sell or reproduce this for a profit of any |kind with out my written consent. You are allowed to download this for |personal & private use. | |This FAQ only has permission to be posted at the following website(s): | | |Comments, questions, concerns? E-Mail me at: |***I threw this in up here in case some Plagiarist deletes my legal section --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.4] RPG Free Act --------------------------------------------------------- Here you will begin to Unlock the rest of the game's characters as well as more jutsu and Ougi. Depending on your play style, this can be a long and tedious road ><. ------Important RPG Notes------ --Street Merchant-- This is where you purchase the items needed for dates. I call him Street merchant because he is the only merchant who does not operate out of a store. He sells what I like to call "infinite sets," by which I mean once you purchase an item, it's yours for life. You don't need to re-purchase. Check back between acts for new items. You will need to purchase all his items eventually. He can be found near the set of stairs outside the academy gate. --The Scroll Dude...Trade...Person...Guy-- This trader is in the most southwestern shop on the Konoha map. He sell scrolls that are needed to unseal and use your unlocked ougi's. You can tell if your ougi's are sealed if there is a blue seal over one of the Ougi's items. BUY THESE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE as a lot of ougi's not only need to be unlocked but unsealed to be used in RPG as well as versus mode. Unlike the other shops, this guy requires you to trade for his scrolls rather than just buying them. You can find the trade material floating around on the rooftops after you complete an alphabet missions. --The Weapon Lady-- This lady here (the store in the middle of town) sell items that can be equipped and used in fights. While she and her items are not relevant to completing RPG mode, it can come in handy to start each match with an explosive kunai or a multiple shruiken tool. --Konohamaru-- To get the Naruto wannabe, first make sure you completed the main RPG mode plot missions. Go to the academy and talk to his other to friends. If you answer the questions correctly you will recieve konohamaru as a playable character. Here is the best way to do so: What you want is the first set of answers where choices two & three look like "L shaped hooks", both letter characters contain the same first symbol. If you don't get this setup the first time around, keep guesing incorrectly untill you do. Once you get the set, the right choices will be from top to bottom (example, 3=bottom choice): 1,2,1,2,3,1,3,3,2,1 ***Props to heeysa for this*** --1st & 2nd Hokage-- You first must unlock Konohamaru to unlock the first and second. Go to the resturaunt near the main Konoha gate and talk to the Closet Pervert, Ebisu. Once again, he will quiz you and you must answer the questions correctly to unlock the Hokage's. Similar to the technique used to unlock Wannabe, look for the first set of answers to look like this: 175cm 147cm 180cm Once you recieve this set of answers, the correct choices will be: 2,1,3,3,1,3,2,3,3,1 ***Props to Jchen6 for this*** --4th Hogake-- The Yellow flash will become unlocked once you unlock every other character --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5] Ranked Missions --------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to go through each of the Ranked missions now. These can be as simple as running an errand or as difficult as winning a fight against a powerful opponent AND follow a bunch of other criteria. You fail a mission by losing a fight, not completing the required conditions within a fight, or not doing the task or errand correctly. If you fail,you will be presented with this menu: -Retry -Change Char. -Surrender The first two are self explanatory. If you surrender, the mission will completly end and it will count as a failed misson. You activite these missions by pressing /\ in RPG mode. It is the third option from the top. I assume that you are in the city area when you accept these missions. Missions are listed from top to bottom.....[Insert Joke Here]....... --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5D] D Rank Missions --------------------------------------------------------- ---Mission #1--- After accepting this mission, travel to the Hot Springs area (look above in this guide for the map locations). Talk to Ten-Ten (WTF is her last name???) to begin her mini-game. Conditions: --Win the mini-game. Do not hit the dummies that wear Jonin clothes ---Mission #2--- After accepting this mission, travel to the forest area. Talk to Sakura to begin her mini-game. Conditions: --Win the mini-game. Hit the feet to increase speed and hit the small Naruto faces to drop boulders on your opponents. ---Mission #3--- After accepting this mission, travel to the training grounds. Talk to Lee (the handsome devil of Konoha village;Fuzzy Brows; THE BEST SHINOBI EVER) to begin his mini-game. Conditions: --Win the mini-game. There are three parts to his mini-game. The first part just out mash Lee. The second part, you just have to alternate between the /\ and X buttons depending on where the meter is. The final part is simply pressing the correct button in the as it enters the circle. ---Mission #4--- Talk to Ebisu (the closet perv) after taking this misson. Next talk to Jiraiya (the open perv). This is your first mission that actually involves a fight, YAY! Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least three times(tap guard right before getting hit) Ruturn to Ebisu to complete the mission. ---Mission #5--- Talk to Kakashi (he's too BA for a corny nickname or comment) after this. He asks you some questions. Answer them 3,2,1 .....You're done ---Mission #6--- Talk to Shino (the Bug Boy). The brags about his team and says you suck... Thats a lie....I don't know Japanese....he dissappears after telling you to go to the forest area. Talk to Kiba (dog-breath) and a fight begins. Conditions: --Win the fight --Land a five hit combo (you don't really need a hint here do you???) ---Mission #7--- The kids ran away and Iruka is too lazy to find them himself so you're doin' it. These are D-Rank after all. After talkint to Iruka, look toward the right and a kid will be under a tree. Talk to him and he will go back to school. The next one is behind the water pump, up those little stairs past the gate. The final one is near the front gate. Go back to Iruka to get you're reward. ---Mission #8--- Talk to Sakura (Pinky) and she sends you to see Kakashi, who flees as soon as you talk to him. Keep followin him aroud the city and eventually he will return to Pinky. Kakashi leaves again and Pinky will ask you some questions. Answer them 2,2,3. ---MIssion #9--- Go to Tsunade (stop lookin at her chest SHE'S LIKE 50 YEARS OLD). Go meet her at the Casino place and go into the room that has the slot machines. Talk to to Shizune (the secretary) and she tell you you gott win 300 more coins than what you already. It's a lot easer than real slot machines. Go back to the city and talk to Tsunade to get rewarded. *Personal note: THIS IS CAKE COMPARED TO THE RETARDED DIFFICULTY OF THOSE MORONIC SLOT MACHINES IN THE POKEMON TITLES. I NEVER GET PORYGON CAUSE I THROW MY GAMEBOY AT THE WALL AFTER SPENDING ALL MY FREAKIN CASH ON COINS AND LOSE THEM!!! ---Mission #10--- Another Tsunade mission. When she stop speaking leave the office and follow the dots. Eventually a fight will start against Kankurou. Conditions: --Win the fight --Do three Substitution Sequences (the ones there you tap O to get the final hit. I suggest throwing your opponent first. ---Mission #11--- Tsunade once again. This is just an errand mission. Go to the dot and then return to Tsunade when you're finished there. You're done...The people in this city are too freakin lazy... ---Mission #12--- Talk to Konohamaru. The wants you to catch Pakkun (Kakashi's talking dog).These games are fun and should be one of the mini-games on the main menu. You will be under a box. The compass at the bottom is you guide to the target. Keep your speed below the line so he wont jet away. When the blue light at the bottom turns yellow, decrease speed. When the yellow light starts flashing stop as it is about to turn red. Do not move until the light is solid yellow again. Repeat this until you get close enough no nab him with O. ---Mission #13--- Go to Kiba (dog breath). He gives you the same task you just completed. The thing different is that you have to catch Akamaru instead of Pakkun. ---Mission #14--- The perv asks you to do this one more time but this time you have to catch Gamakichi (the frog boss' older son). ---Mission #15--- Chouji (CHUBBIES RULE) asks you to do the same thing again but to catch Gamatatsu, Gamakichi's little brother. ---Mission #16--- This one is a fight. Kakashi sends you to the secretary for a small battle. Conditions: --Win the fight --Opponent has speed increase --Opponent has attack increase --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5C] C Rank Missions --------------------------------------------------------- ---Mission #1--- Talk to Shizune. She asks you to go to the slot machines in the casino and bring Tsunade back to the village. When you get there, talk to Tsunade. A fight will commence. You must return to Shizune to complete the mission. Conditions: --Win the fight --Match is only 60 sec. --Opponent has increased attack ---Mission #2--- Talk to Tsunade. Three more dots will appear after she is finished. Only talk the the dot that represents Ino as the rest will cause you to fail the mission . After talking to Ino, return to Tsunade for an easy mission complete. ---Mission #3--- Konohamaru is doubting your skills. Meet him in the forest area and win the tree climbing mini-game. After that, he will ask you to go to the hot springs area. He talks more trash and makes you play Ten-Ten's game. Win them both for an easy mission complete ---Mission #4--- Speak to Tsunade after accepting this one and she will send you on a search for Jiraiya. He in at the hot springs so head there. When you speak to him he will cut out once Tsunade appears. Go bac to the city and Jiraiya will be there. Talk to him and a fight will commence. Conditions: --Win the fight --Match is only 60 sec. --Retain at least 1 chakra bar ---Mission #5--- Another errand mission. Speak to Ino. When she finishes blabbing speak only to the dot that represents Temari. Don't talk to the other ones. Choose the top option to Teari's question and go back to Ino for a mission complete. ---Mission #6--- This is a tedious one. Its not hard but tedious. Go talk to Pinky and then a few more dots will appear. Talk to each one and watch as each rudely disappears after you talk to them. Go back to Pinky and pick the second choice when she asks you a question. When you do that, go talk to Shikamaru (Lazydude) who then sends you to the Bug Boy, who sends you back to Lazydude. Finally, head to the training area and speak to Neji. FIGHT. Conditions: --Win the fight --Land a five hit combo --Use at least three different items ---Mission #7--- Speak to Chubby or Lazydude, you will get the same message anyway. Head to the next dot and after that go to the training area. Find the sparkining item and return it to Chubby and Lazydude for a mission complete. ---Mission #8--- Ten-Ten wants to play a joke on Neji. It appears her idea of a joke is a fight. They are ninja after all. She sends you to Neji for a battle. Conditions: --Win the fight --Use at least three different items ---Mission #9--- Neji now does the same to Ten-Ten. Conditions: --Win the fight --Land a 15 hit combo *Note: when a mission tells you to achiece a certain number of hits in a combo, it only counts by the combo counter. What this means is that if you select a char who has a preset jutsu that does the required hits, USE THEM. Sasuke's Up,Up,O Jutsu does 25 hits alone and Shizune's Up,Up,O does 32 hits. Use this strategy to make combo hit conditions a cakewalk. ---Mission #10--- Speak to Pinky who will send you to Kakashi for a battle. Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 6 times ---Mission #11--- Talk to the perv who will send you to Konohamaru who sends you to the training area. Speak to him once more and you will participate in Lee's mini-game. After winning that game, meet Konohamaru at the Casino and he will have you play the slots. You must winn 300+ you starting coins. Go back to the city and talk to the perv to finish the mission. ---Mission #12 (Ghost Mission)--- This mission is a strange one. When I did the missions in order, this specific one did not appear until I completed all the other missions. Acutally, this is not true as I only checked back once I complety finished, so it may be possible that completing another mission inlocked it. Anyway, when it does appear, talk to Gai who will send you to the training area to fight Lee. You will actually fight him three times. Conditions: --Win the fight #1 --Land a 5 hit combo --Win the fight #2 --Land a 10 hit combo --Win the fight #3 --Land a 10 hit combo --Do not block (when a condition says do not block, it means do not get CAUGHT blocking. If you tap it and the opponent or their weapons do not hit you, it is ok. You can also substitute, but it may not be best to risk it.) ---Mission #13--- Talk to Kurenai (chick who dresses like a mummy) who wants you to go fight Asuma Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 6 times --Asuma has stat increase (all of them) --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5B] B Rank Missions --------------------------------------------------------- ---Mission #1--- After accepting this mission, speak to Kankurou who sends you to Pinky. She tells you to go the the Hot Springs area. Talk to Chouji and a battle will start. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain half (50%) of your HP --Retain at least 2 chakra bars ---Mission #2--- Speak to the secretary who will tell you to got to the forest area. There is an item on the ground in this area. Find it and return to the secretary for a fight. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain half (50%) of your HP --Retain at least 2 chakra bars ---Mission #3--- Talk to Asuma who challenge4s you to a fight in the training grounds. Go there and prove yourself...again. Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 6 times --Defeat your opponent with a throw --Your speed is decreased ---Mission #4--- Go to the training grounds and speak to Gai. Win the mini-game and then a fight will commence. Conditions: --Win the fight --Match is only 60 sec. --Land a 20 hit combo (remember my tips for getting a high combo) --Win fight #2 --Opponent has attack increae --Opponent has defense increase ---Mission #5--- After accepting this mission go speak to Scarface & Skully (don't act like if I used their real names you would still recognize them). They send you to the perv who sends you to some wierd salesman near the gate. He charges you 5,000 for the item. Return it back to the perv and he will fight you. (YEA JERK! I JUST DID YOUR SHOPPING AND YOU WANNA FIGHT WHAT A PRICK!) Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 3 times --Ground Tech at least three times (learn more about techs in my tips section) ---Mission #6--- After speaking to the secretary, speak to the other dots that appear. Return to the secretary and select the first choice when she asks you a question. Now you must do battle Conditions: --Win the fight --Match is only 30 sec. --Opponent has attack increase ---Mission #7--- Again, go to the secretary who sends you to the slot machines where Tsunade is waiting. Speak to her for a fight. After the battle, go back to the secretary to complete the mission. Conditions: --Win the fight --Match is only 30 sec. --Opponent has speed increase ---Mission #8--- Speak to Temari (Windy) who sends you to Lazydude. He asks you a question and select the second choice as your answer. Head back to Windy to begin a battle. Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 3 times --Defeat you opponent while you both are in the air, (not just you) ---Mission #9--- After talking to the Mummy, go answer's Hinata question in this sequence; 1,2,1 Sh initiates a fight. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain at least a third (30%) of your HP --Land a 15 hit combo ---Mission #10--- The perv sends you to the Mummy who wants to fight. Return to the perv to complete the mission after the fight Conditions: --Win the fight --Land a 25 hit combo --Opponent has stat increase ---Mission #11--- Speak to Anko and you jump straight into a fight. Conditions: --Win the fight --Substitute at least 6 times --Opponent has attack increase --Opponent has defense increase --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5A] A Rank Missions --------------------------------------------------------- ---Mission #1--- After accepting this mission, go to the training area and speak to Kakashi to battle 2x. Conditions: --Win the fight --Do not use any Jutsu --Do not use Ougi (specials) --Retain at least half (50%) of you HP --Win fight #2 --Match is only 30 sec. --Do not Block __Do not allow Kakashi to land an Ougi ---Mission #2--- Speak to Tsunade and the 3rd (bless his soul) will appear to battle. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain at least 80% of your HP --Opponent has speed increase --Do not allow the 3rd to land an Ougi ---Mission #3--- When Tsunade is finished talking, leave her office. Make your way toward Kabuto for a fight. Go back to Tsunade for the mission complete. Conditions: --Win the fight --Opponent has speed increase --Opponent has defense increase ---Mission #4--- After having words with Kakashi, Orochimaru will come for a fight. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain at least 1 chakra bar --Substitute at least 6 times --Opponent has increased speed ---Mission #5--- Th perv will send you to Kisame (Gills) for a fight. Conditions: --Win the fight --Retain at least one chakra bar --Retain at least half (50%) of your HP --Opponent has Chakra absorption (similar to Byakugan) (Samehada) ---Mission #6--- Scarface is gonna send you to fight both Jiroubou (Fatty) and Kidoumaru (Spiderboy). Conditions: --Win the fight (Fatty) --Match is only 60 sec. --Retain at least half (50%) of your HP --Opponent has attack increase --Win the fight (Spiderboy) --Match is only 60 sec. --Defeat you opponent while you both are in the air, (not just you) --Opponent has speed increase ---Mission #7--- Skully is gonna send you to fight both Sakon (2Face) and Tayuya (Potty-Mouth) Conditions: --Win the fight (2Face) --Match is only 60 sec. --Defeat your opponent with a throw --Opponent has speed increase --Win the fight (Potty-Mouth) --Match is only 60 sec. --Your chaar. starts with no chakra; YIKES! --Retain at least one chakra bar ---Mission #8--- Kakashi sends you to Kimimaro (Bones) for a battle. You must return to Kakashi to recieve mission complete. Conditions: --Win the fight --Opponent has attack increase --Opponent has speed increase --Opponent has defense increase ---Mission #9--- Kakashi sends you to fight with Itachi (traitor!!!). Conditions: --Win the fight --Opponent has attack increase --Opponent has defense increase --Opponent regenerates chakra --------------------------------------------------------- [S6.5S] S Rank Missions --------------------------------------------------------- ---Mission #1--- Collect the 20 Secret scrolls -This can be done in any mode. Best advice is to do it in training mode so you won't be distracted by an opponent. Ramen Shop --Destroy 10 items in foreground and background. Hokage Mountain --Destroy the 4 faces. Forest of Death --Stand in front of the fish in the water for 5 seconds. Memorial Shrine --Jump back and forth between the two tree branches in the background 5 times. This can be difficult depending on you choosen character. The roof with the fishes --Taunt 5 Times while standing on a Fish Tail. you must complete the taunt and not just start it. Hot Springs --Stand on the middle rooftop of the building in the background and tothe right for 5 seconds. Konoha Woods and Trees --Stand sideways on a tree for 5 seconds. Kazekage Mansion --Hit the vending machine 4 times. Sand Village Courtyard --Hit the vending machine 6 times. Great Naruto Bridge --Knock the Opponent into the Water 4 times. Sand Village --Hit boxes in tornado 5 times. Spider Nesting --Hit the small spiders in the foreground of the stage. Use the rope web to get the necessary height. Plains/Tall grass area --Hit Sasuke's barrel 5 times. Valley of the End --Jump from the statue heads 5 times. Orochimaru+3rd battle area --Jump from Frog to Snake to Frog. Chuunnin Stadium --Hit the floating Kunai 5 times. 3 Stick Training area --Stand on water for 5 seconds. Swamp N' Snakes --Hit the snake in the face 3 times. Zabusa+Haku's Hideout --Stay in attic (upper Upper area) for 5 seconds. Sasuke+Naruto battle cliff --Knock opponent off 5 times. ---Mission #2--- Unlock All the characters ---Mission #4--- Collect all the Ninja Information Cards -Buy in the shop ---Mission #5--- Collect all the music files -Buy in the shop ---Mission #6--- Collect all the sound files -Buy in the shop ---Mission #7-- Collect all the character videos -Buy in the shop ---Mission #8--- Do konohamaru's objective's. You can find him in the academy *Note: All of these tasks must be accomplished in RPG mode fights Conditions: --Have a total of at least 50 fights --Win at least 50 fights --Gain 1500 exp points in a single --Finish at least one match in 10 sec. or less --Land a 40 hit combo or higher Things may get a little difficult here, espicially the Combo objective and the 1500 exp objective. The best advice I can give for the combo objective is to attempt to deplete youropponents chakra and trap them in an infinite or another type of combo. With you opponent out of chakra, they cannot substitute out of the combo; Or you can try to combo into Shizune's big combo jutsu. As for the 1500 exp, here is a neat little trick you can use. Select a character that has the chakra powerup for their Ougi. Use it about 4 times in the match. Landing an Ougi gives you 300 exp, so spam this Ougi to gurantee success. ---Mission #9--- Acquire at least 9,999,999 dollars. Must have this cash at once, not over a period of time. The best way to do this is not to spend a single buck unless necessary to move the plot of the story. If you do get this huge amount, you will have all the money you will ever need. |***I threw this in up here in case some Plagiarist deletes my legal section |This FAQ is copyrighted © 2007 to Brayland Ross. International Copyright |laws protect this FAQ. You cannot sell or reproduce this for a profit of any |kind with out my written consent. You are allowed to download this for |personal & private use. | |This FAQ only has permission to be posted at the following website(s): | | |Comments, questions, concerns? E-Mail me at: |***I threw this in up here in case some Plagiarist deletes my legal section ------------------------------------------------------- [S6.6] "Dating" Information ------------------------------------------------------- In RPG mode, to collect all the collectible jutsu, you must "date" other characters. Dating does not mean hugging and kissing, but just spending time with that character. First you will have to buy the item from the street merchant and you will have to date the character twice brfore they reward you with their jutsu. To date a character, simply talk to them. You can tell if a character is dateable if an option appears after a message when you talk to them. Chose the top option to begin dating that character. Do this a second time and they should reward you with their respective jutsu after the date. The following lists each dateable character, where they can be found, and the locations of where they will meet you for the "date" Kakashi: ---Location--- The middle of the map, reading his book on a balcony ---Date location #1--- The Ramen Shop, but he will disappear after you speak(it still counts) ---Date Location #2--- Ramen Shop again, this time he will stay and eat Sasuke: ---Location--- In the middle on top of the Konoha gate. ---Date location #1--- Near the river on the right side of the map ---Date location #2--- The training area Sakura: ---Location--- Middle of the map next to the river ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has those benches out;left middle of the map ---Date location #2--- Near the river on the right side of the map Kureni: ---Location--- The top right of the river ---Date location #1--- The resturaunt located at the bottom right of the map ---Date location #2--- Same location Kiba: ---Location--- Bottom right of the map, on the ramp just under the Konoha gate ---Date location #1--- The resturaunt located at the bottom right of the map ---Date location #2--- Same location Shino: ---Location--- The bottom right of the map, next to the tree ---Date location #1--- Near Gai+Iruka's Dojo ---Date location #2--- The left of the Ramen shop Hinata: ---Location--- Left bottom of the Konoha map, just under the ledge ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has the beches out ---Date location #2--- Same location Gai: ---Location--- The roof neft to the roof of the blace that has the benches out ---Date location #1--- Hot springs ---Date location #2--- Same location Lee: ---Location--- Same location as Gai ---Date location #1--- Hot Springs ---Date location #2--- Same location Neji: ---Location--- On the roof of a building in the middle of a map ---Date location #1--- In front of the Ninja Academy gates ---Date location #2--- The Ramen shop Ten-Ten: ---Location--- In front of the store just North of the Ramen shop ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has the benches out ---Date location #2--- Same location; Lee will interrupt Asuma: (THIS DATE IS HILARIOUS!) ---Location--- Near the top right of the map along the river ---Date location #1--- The training area ---Date location #2--- Same location Shikamaru: ---Location--- Upper left of the map on the roof of a building, under the awning ---Date location #1--- Hot Sorings ---Date location #2--- Same location Chouji: ---Location--- Standing in front of the store that has the benches out ---Date location #1--- Ramen shop ---Date location #2--- Same location Ino: ---Location--- In front of her family's flower shop, next to her father ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has the benches out ---Date location #2--- Same location Gaara: ---Location--- On top of the tall tower near the middle of the map ---Date location #1--- The exact same spot where you found him,walk a bit away and come back ---Date location #2--- Far left of the Ramen shop;between Chouji & Hinata's usual spots Kankurou: ---Location--- On top of a building near the bottom right of the map ---Date location #1--- Ramen shop ---Date location #2--- Same location Temari: ---Location--- Same location as Kankurou ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has the benches out ---Date location #2--- Same location Konohamaru: ---Location--- In the academy ---Date location #1--- Ramen shop ---Date location #2--- Same location Hanabi: ---Location--- On top of the samebuilding as Temari & Kankurou ---Date location #1--- Near the flower shop ---Date location #2--- On top of the same building as Neji Jiraija: ---Location--- The hot springs area ---Date location #1--- In front of the Rames shop ---Date location #2--- Same location Tsunade: ---Location--- Outside the Hokage's mansion ---Date location #1--- The casino area ---Date location #2--- Same location Anko: ---Location--- Under those long stairs ---Date location #1--- In front of the store that has the benches out ---Date location #2--- Same location -------------------------------------------------------- [S6.7] Jutsu & Ougi information -------------------------------------------------------- ---Jutsu--- Basically date other characters, thats above. ---Ougi--- The only way to obtain each and every ougi (exception are the dual Ougi's) is to spen time leveling up each and every character. The last jutsu each char. recieves will be the one that increases their stats. You can dtop leveling up when the char. recieves this jutsu, usually around level 43-45. A great way to level up is to complete the very last A rank mission multiple times. All you have to do for this mission is defeat Itachi. This works out great because its high rang allow for plenty of exp and if you have the game on the hard or expert difficulty, the fight will never get old. Itachi is already a tough opponent abt the fact that he has increased attack speed and defense makes ot even harder. You also have to buy scrolls from the scroll trader to remove those blue seals that keep you from equiping your Ougi's. When you by all the scrolls from him, there will still be seals on a few Ougi. The way to unseal these is to beat Gai's 50 batle challenge and to complete Konohamaru's S rank mission. Each Char. has several Ougi and some of those have a number next to it, (2-5). An Ougi with a higher number next to it does more damage and requires the same amount of chakra as the original. If you have already unsealed the original Ougi, the higher level ones are automatically unlocked. Yea, I don't know Japanese so the translated names are 55% and the other 45% are names i made up because of how they look. They are in the order they appear in the RPG mode stats menu (Starting with Naruto and moving to the right). Oh and for you cunfused fanboys out there, there is a difference between Chidori and Lightining Blade. Lightining Blade is stronger as Kakashi's power. And yes, I do use a lot of the english translated names for moves. Why? Cause I speak english ya dunce. I get A LOT of crap about -"Where is [insert character here] ultimate. -"what about the dual rasengan?" -"I'm an idiot who would rather spam your inbox than hit up Google myself" So here, a list of what to do. I you have not done all these things, it's the reason you don't have a certain ultimate. 1) Level up all characters to max 2) Do Gai's challenge 3) Talk to Konohamaru & do his SRank mission 4) Get all scrolls from scroll merchant For Dual ougi, jygting wrote an excellent guide on gameFAQs and I am going to point you in his direction. There. Don't ask me anymore. He explained it better than I ever could. ---Naruto--- Naruto Rendan [1-2] Gamabunta knife slash [1-2] 4th Hogake & Gamabunta combo [1-2] Fox uppercut-Releases red chakra [1-2] Rasengan [1-2] Rasengan using the red chakra [1-2] Gamabunta fox transformation [1-2] massive shadow clone attack [1-2] Fox rasengan-activates tailed Naruto [1-2] Chakra Power up - stats increase ---Sasuke--- shishi rendan [1-2] Shuriken attack-Opens sharingan eyes [1-2] Arm bender-Activates cursed mark level 1 [1-2] chidori [1-2] Dark chidori-activates cursed mark level 1 [1-2] Fireball attack [1-2] Cursed chidori-Activates cursed mark level 2 [1-2] sharingan piledriver-opens sharingan eyes [1-2] Chakra Power up - stats increase ---Lee--- Pirmary Lotus [1-2] Hidden Lotus-Opens the gates [1-2] Blooming Lotus-opens the gates [1-2] Lotus-opens the gates [1-2] Sake-Activates Drunk Lee [1-2] Air combok-opens the gates [1-2] ---Gaara--- desert funeral [1-2] giant sand clone smush [1-2] Half Shukaku shuriken-Activates Half Shukaku [1-2] Half Shukaku Blast-Activates Half Shukaku [1-2] Shukaku Mouth Blast-Activates Shukaku [1-2] Sand Avalanche [1-2] Pillars of sand crush [1-2] Shuukaku-Activates Shukaku [1-2] ---Shikamaru--- Shadow possession [1-2] Shadow binding choke [1-2] shadow shikamaru Bind [1-2] Shadow Crush [1-2] ---Neji--- Rotation [1-2] Hyuga Taijutsu counter-Opens Byakugan eyes [1-2] Jyuuken-Opens Byakugan eyes [1-2] 64 hit combo-Opens Byakugan eyes [1-2] Jyuuken combo-Opens Byakugan eyes [1-2] OMFG hit combo [1-2] ---Sakura--- Huge Inner sakura bone smash [1-2] Inner sakura uppercut [1-2] Inner sakura multiple punch combo [1-2] explosive tag & kunai attack [1-2] "Summons" inner Sakura [1-2] ---Kakashi--- flying lightining blade-opens sharingan eye [1-4] dual lightining blades-opens sharingan eye [1-4] Ultimate lightining blade-opens sharingan eye [1-4] ---Orochimaru--- Scares the crap out of your char. combo [1-4] Summoned Manda eats you [1-4] Summons coffins that suck you in [1-4] Manda-Summons Manda [1-4] ---Haku--- 1000 Needles of death & Destruction [1-5] Demon ice mirrors [1-5] (lol. this kicked Sasuke's ***) ---Zabuza--- Hidden Mist sword slash [1-3] Water Clone Combo [1-3] Water Dragon Blast attack [1-3] Water Dragon attack [1-3] ---Hinata--- Hinata's rotation [1-3] Hyuga Counter-Opens Byakugan Eyes [1-3] Gentile Fist Combo-Opens Byakugan Eyes [1-3] Gentile Fist Glowing Combo [1-3] ---Ten-Ten--- Weaopn Chakra puppet attack [1-2] The ol' ball and chain [1-2] Wepaon scroll attack [1-2] ---Chouji--- He throws and slams you [1-5] Body Slam [1-5] Expansion jutsu [1-5] Butterfly-Activates chakra wings [1-5] ---Ino--- Flower senbon [1-3] She calls her daddy [1-3] Explosive bouquet of flowers [1-3] ---Kiba--- Gatsuuga [1-3] Giant dog head slam [1-3] Giant dog gatsuuga-2 Headed Wolf Transformation [1-3] 2 Headed Wolf Transformation [1-3] ---Shino--- A lot of bugs [1-3] Bug tornado [1-3] Bug Bomb [1-3] ---Kankuro--- Karasu missile [1-5] Karasu blade spiarl [1-5] Black Secret Technique Machine One Slot [1-3] ---Temari--- She throws her fan then slams you [1-5] Slicing Winds [1-5] Summoning: Quick Behading Dance [1-5] ---Gai--- Nice Guy Combo [1-3] Hidden Lotus [1-3] 100 combo [1-3] Primary Lotus [1-3] Blooming Lotus-Opens the Gates [1-3] Air punch-Opens the Gates ---Jiraiya--- Gamabunta knife slash [1-3] Toad Oil Flame Bullet [1-3] Toad Stomach Flame [1-3] Toad Stomach Rasengan [1-3] Rasengan [1-3] Summon Gamabunta [1-3] ---3rd Hokage--- Shadow shuriken [1-4] Adamantine Pole attack [1-4] Adamantine Prison Wall [1-4] Dead Demon Consuming Seal [1-4] Pyramid(couldn't find a name) [1-4] ---Itachi--- Tsukiyomi-opens Mangekyo Sharingan Eyes [1-4] Tsukiyomi pitfall-Opens Mangekyo Sharingan Eyes [1-4] Black fire [1-4] Tsukiyomi Blast [1-4] Cant think of a name lol [1-4] ---Kisame--- Mist sword slash [1-4] Water clone combo [1-4] Sword Combo-Powers up Samehada [1-4] (Sadehama=chakra absorbing sword) Another sword combo-Powers up Samehada [1-4] Water Shark Missile Technique [1-4] Water sword [1-4] ---Tsunade--- 1000 Meters [1-4] The Finger [1-4] Glowing hands [1-4] Slug crusher [1-4] Leg Smash-Can heal at chakra cost [1-4] Summon Katsuyu [1-4] ---Shizune--- Deceptive Tonton slash [1-2] Chakra power up - Stats increase ---Kabuto--- A.N.B.U. attack [1-2] Chakra power up-Stats increase ---A.N.B.U. Kakashi--- Dog Combo [1-2] Chakra power up-Stats increase ---Green Beast Naruto--- Grean Beast Combo [1-2] Chakra power up-Stats increase ---Jiroubou--- Fat Combo-Activates cursed mark level 1 [1-4] 2)Ukanken - cs2 com [1-4] ---Kidoumaru--- Spider Smash-Activates cursed mark level 1 [1-4] Bow and arrow-Activates cursed mark level 2 [1-4] ---Tayuya--- Combo-Activates cursed seal level 1 [1-4] Hear No Evil,See No Evil,Speak No Evil-Acitvates cursed mark level 2 [1-2] ---Sakon--- Summoning Rashomon-Activates cursed mark level 1 [1-4] DOuble Trouble-Activates Cursed mark level 2 [1-2] ---Kimimaro--- He pokes you-Activates cursed mark level 1 [1-5] Srtikes with bone arm-Activates cursed mark level 2 [1-5] ---4th Hokage--- Flying Thunder God Technique [1-2] Chakra power up-Stats increase ---Konohamaru--- FUnny...just watch [1-2] Chakra powerup-Stats increase ---Hanabi--- She calls her dad-Opend Byakugan eyes [1-2] Chakra power up-stats increase ---1st Hokage--- OMFG Explosion [1-2] Chakra power up-stats increase ---2nd Hokage--- Practically drowns opponent [1-2] Chakra power up-stats increase ---Asuma--- Trench Knife combo [1-2] Chakra power up-stats increase ---Kurenai--- Flower/tree genjutsu [1-2] Chakra power up-stats increase ---Anko--- Twin Snake Sacrifice Jutsu [1-2] (don't worry, this DOES NOT hurt Anko) Chakra power up-stats increase [1-2] -------------------------------------------------------- [S7] "Tips" -------------------------------------------------------- If you are looking for a tier list, go away. I do not believe in tiers in this game because it depends on the skill of you opponent. Yes, some characters can take more hits that others and some punch hard but every character has both advantages and disadvantages. I am a hitness to this myself, as a friend of mine chooses Hinata ans kicks my ass regularly. He is that good. If you put fourth the time and effort, you can kill opponents with the weakest of them! Here I'm gonna list some basic tips. I'm not going to go into specific details with each char. because that will take to long. I'm just going to go over some basic defense moves, the ever useful "Techs" Ground Tech: --When your char. is thrown, press X just before you hit the ground. If done correctly, you should hop up and jump back a small distance instead of hitting the ground on your face. Learn how to judge this, as falling on your face may be safer than performing the tech Bounce Tech: --Similar to a ground tech, but this is performed by hitting X after your chararacter is bounced off the ground and not fully thrown. Like when your opponent slams you into the ground instead of tossing you. Spin Tech: --Press X Just before your character goes into that little spiral motion. If done correctly, you should re-gain control of your character in mid-air Wall Tech: --Press X right before you character hits a wall. If done correctly, you should bounce off the wall with complete control or you character Shuriken Cancel: --During your combo string, hit [] to interrupt your characters animation. This is useful for throwing off your opponent and disrupting then if they are attempting a substitution Dash Cancel: --This is performed by pressing [] just after dashing with X,X. You can tell if this was performed correctly if your charecter does the small spin but DOES NOT follow through and move toward you opponent. This is very useful for faking out opponents and evading incoming shuriken without moving or jumping. Ok, I uill admit that some of these are hard to do with out seeing. So I am going to give you this AWESOME link http://www, This forum has videos you can watch that shows an explains everything I just went over so you see them in action for yourself. Join this site too so you can post on the fourms. They have tournaments and other events as well. My member name is Spazzdude, if you see me, PM me!!! We have also posted several character guides on how to do great with each individual characters. Though I cannot officially state how long the guides will remain avaliable, they are indeed present at the time of this most current revision. -------------------------------------------------------- [S8] Narutimate Hero 3 vs Ultimate Ninja 3 -------------------------------------------------------- The game is here and as I suspected, there are no changes other than the translations. Which unfortunately means they did not fix any of the game breaking glitches andit is just a direct port. I will be constantly updating this guide untill all translations are complete. -------------------------------------------------------- [S9] Legal Information -------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyrighted © 2007 to Brayland Ross. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ. You cannot sell or reproduce this for a profit of any kind with out my written consent. You are allowed to download this for personal & private use. This FAQ only has permission to be posted at the following website(s): Comments, questions, concerns? E-Mail me at: -------------------------------------------------------- [S10] Credits & Thank You's -------------------------------------------------------- - I pretty much live there - for the jutsu translations - for posting this FAQ filled with my sweat Masashi Kishimoto -love hate relationship right there My Parents....self-expalinatory My Rivals.....Segaman & Milo I'm looking at you two God, cause he pwns