-------------------------------------------------------------- Inuzuka Kiba Guide for Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ written by Turibe for the ps2 game ======= INDEX ======= 1- Introduction 1.1- Copyright 1.2- Revision History 1.3- Explaining the terms 1.4- Basic Controls 2- Inuzuka Kiba 2.1- What's so cool about him? 2.2- Biography 2.3- Pros/Cons 3- Of Fangs and Claws 3.1- Combos 3.2- Jutsus/Ougis 3.3- Strategies 3.4- Combat Stances 4- Ending 4.1- Final Comments 4.2- Who the hell is "Turibe"? 4.3- Credits ============================================================== 1- Introduction ============================================================== Hello again folks. After writing a guide for the Kaguya clan best warrior, I'm here to introduce you to one of my favorite characters, not only in the game, but in the Naruto universe: Inuzuka Kiba. --------------- 1.1- Copyright --------------- Let's go all over again. This character guide is of authorship of Caio Cassio Adileu Miranda, most known as Turibe. You can't copy or post it in your site without my permission. Modify is even more forbidden. But you can help me improve it, just e-mail me at caiocassio@hotmail.com and I'll add your contribution, giving you the credits. Sites with my permission: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.supercheats.com www.mycheats.com www.gamesradar.com www.cheatplanet.com Copyright Caio Adileu 2006 ---------------------- 1.2- Revision History ---------------------- I'll look forward to add new stuff when I can. -------------------------- 1.3- Explaining the terms -------------------------- Chakra - The energy of the body. All the jutsus and ougis that you'll use in this game will expend chakra. Use it wisely if you want to survive. Jutsu - Japanese word for technique. You will be using this a lot, especially the most important of all them, the kawarimi jutsu (substitution technique). Ougi - Japanese word to final blow or technique. Name used to the attack with the triangle button. If you do a successful hit, a mini-game will start. The objective is to fill the bar (which can be seen at the bottom of the screen) as much as you can, by button sequence (press the right buttons at the right time), button mashing or thrill analog stick. If the attacker wins, he will do a good amount of damage and in some cases, a power- up or transformation. If the defender wins by 1 or 2 points, the damage will be reduced. If he wins by 3 points or more, he will take no damage. Ougi Trigger - I'll call ougi trigger the attack used by pressing triangle, then circle. Oi Uchi - When a throw attack is successfully performed, press O again and a kawarimi sequence will begin. Press O to hit the opponent, and if he kawarimi, press O when he is about to hit you to do the same. This will continue until someone takes the hit (and the damage. Henge - Transformation. That's it. Jutsu Collision - When two jutsus hit at the same time, a mini-game will begin. Press continually the button to win. The looser will take the damage. Cancel Collision - When two normal attacks, ougis, dash, or some jutsus hit at the same time. This will make both of the characters dashes backward, with a little delay. Button Lock Combo - Basically, an infinite combo. -------------------- 1.4- Basic Controls -------------------- Directional/Analog buttons - This will make Kimimaro move left or right. Up makes him taunt and down makes him recover chakra. I suggest for you to use the directional, because this will make the right jutsus come out much easier. Circle button - This is the basic attack, which will make Kiba jump toward the enemy, attacking with his claws. Triangle button - Activates the Ougi. Press Circle to hit the ougi trigger. The kind of trigger varies with the ougi. X button - Makes Kiba jump. Press again to double-jump and tap twice to dash. Square button - Throws a projectile. Kiba use kunais. L1/R1 buttons - Switch items in your inventory (appears in the bottom of the screen). L2/R2 buttons - Block an upcoming attack. Press on the moment of collision to kawarimi. ============================================================== 2- Inuzuka Kiba ============================================================== It's time to learn some basics about Kiba. In this section You'll find his biography, pros and cons and see what's so cool about him. ------------------------------ 2.1 What's so cool about him? ------------------------------ In my opinion, everything about him is cool. I really like this character; he's fun to use and has some nice moves. Also, he ha no big secrets so it's pretty easy to use. --------------- 2.2- Biography ---------------- Inuzuka Kiba is a member of Team number 10, leaded by Kurenai, along with Aburame Shino and Hyuuga Hinata and a genin. He is also a member of the Inuzuka clan, which is known for fighting with the help of dogs. Kiba has a dog too, named Akamaru, and with him he can unleash synchronized and devastating jutsus, with an incredible speed. The red marks on Kiba's face indicates that he is part of the Inuzuka clan. One of the clan basic abilities is to communicate with canines (dogs, wolfs, etc) in general. The hardest mission he gone through was to "rescue" Uchiha Sasuke and bring him back to Konoha (Hidden Leaf Village), with the help of three other genins and a chuunin. The group was formed by Shikamaru, Naruto, Chouji, Kiba and Neji. During the mission, they had to defeat the "Sound Four"; which later was shown as being in the truth the "Sound Five". Kiba's opponents were Sakon and Ukon, two brothers united in the same body by a jutsu. Kiba fought well but he couldn't defeat them. After he was seriously injured, Kankurou appeared and defeated both of the sound brothers. --------------- 2.3- Pros/Cons --------------- Pros: Power Up - When using the taunt (hold up button) or the Jyuujin Taijutsu Ougi, Kiba will increase status. This will be more useful than it look. Good Jutsus - The Jyuujin Bushin jutsu can be easily connected in a combo or on a falling opponent and the Tsuuga can be used to reach a distant enemy and as a effective way of getting away from him. Combos - Since his attack isn't good, they had to give him something to compensate that. After the starter, the rest come out fast and softly. Cons: Attack and Defense - His attacks damage are a little bellow regular and his defense is bad. See strategies to know how to live with that. Ougi Trigger - His triggers are difficult to hit. I recommend you don't risk yourself trying to hit them unless you're sure they will it. Combo Starter - A little bit slowly. Nothing too serious, though. ============================================================== 3- Of Fangs and Claws ============================================================== Now the guide begins for real. Here you'll see what Kiba is made of. The move list was supplied by Jygting. Check his FAQ for other characters move list. ------------ 3.1- Combos ------------ Normal/PowerUp Kiba: Shouka (O, O, O, Up + O) - Slashes the enemy then launches him upward with a kick, lotus style. Senpuuka (O, O, O, Forward + O) - Slashes the enemy then do a spin kick forward. Taifuushou (O, O, O, Down + O) - Do a leg spin attack, like he is dancing. Akamaru Rengeki (O, O, O, Back + O) - Akamaru throws himself attacking the enemy then Kiba rush with the shoulder. Shisou (Up + O, O) - Upward claw attack, shoryuken style. Souka (Down + O, O) - Low kick, and then leg spin. Jyuuden (Forward + O, O) - Rush then do an aerial side kick. Hyakujyuusoushuu (O, O, O, O repeatable) - Multiple slashes. Shousoukyaku (Back + O) - Ground Throw Tensoukyaku (While in air, Back + O) - Aerial Throw Tenretsusou (While in air, Up + O, O, O) - Upward kick then upward claw shoryuken style. Kijyuukyaku (While in air, Down + O, O, O) - Downward kick. Jyuushuugeki (While in air, O, O, O) - Throws punches and kicks against the enemy. Soutourou Kiba (Double Headed Wolf): Rouka (O) - Garouga (Hold Square then release) - Gatsuuga. Garouga Jyuuaumujin (Hold Square until the max then release) - ------------------ 3.2- Jutsus/Ougis ------------------ Jutsus: Jyuujin Bunshin (Up, Up + O) - Akamaru henge into Kiba, then both perform a claw combo, finishing with a Gatsuuga. Tsuuga (Down, Down + O) - Spins forward with great speed. A very nice jutsu, do damage (not much) and get near the enemy at the same time, besides being sooo fun. It is on my favorite jutsus list. Ougis: LEVEL 1 Jyuujin Taijutsu Ougi: Gatsuuga - Akamaru henge into Kiba then both perform a gatsuuga synchronized combo. LEVEL 2 Soutourou - Henge into Double Headed Wolf and then perform a head slam. LEVEL 3 Jinjyuu Combi Henge - Henge into Double Headed Wolf. Garouga - Henge into Double Headed Wolf and attacks with the Gatsuuga. ---------------- 3.3- Strategies ---------------- 1-Button Lock Combos This is very useful against inexperienced players, or against players that are running low on chakra and can't stay kawariming. I'll list all of his BLC, so you won't have to expend time testing which combos can be locked. O, O, O, Forward + O, Square (Near Wall) O, O, O, Back + O, Square (Near Wall) Dash toward the enemy O, O, O, Square (Near Wall) Dash toward the enemy Up + O , O, Square Near Wall) 2- Being the Hunter As I said before, his attack and defense isn't the same thing in the game as is in the anime/manga. To compensate that, you must maintain a good rhythm of attack. More hits mean more damage. 3- Being the Prey If the opposite happens, being a coward and run is recommendable. The Tsuuga can be an effective way of escaping if you have chakra. "But how is this going to defeat him?" Pretty Simple, grab the itens around the stage and use against him or hit him with the Tsuuga, recover chakra and do that again. It is cheap, I know, but may work. 4- Chakra: A Basic and Important Thing If you don't have chakra you won't be able to kawarimi the incoming attacks, and since Kiba's defense isn't good, this is a problem. Without chakra you won't be able to use the Tsuuga escape too. And I still not mentioned the possibility of taking a BLC. So, remember, chakra is as important as your hp. 5- Sojiro Seta Factor Be unpredictable. It's easier to play when the enemy doesn't know what you'll do next. Use different attacks, and he'll be unable of foreseeing your moves. -------------------- 3.4- Combat Stances -------------------- Keep in mind that some enemies use more than one stance. 1- Close Combat Since you're a close combat ninja too, you shouldn't have problems in this part. Push the enemy into walls to rip their chakra and them BL them. Kiba's grab will be useful to throw the enemy into the air and perform an Air Infinite (do the air combo and when the enemy is falling dash into him and continue. Throw a shuriken if you need). 1A) Mangekyu Sharingam Just don't let it hit you, or you're screwed. 1B) Byakugan This is a real threat. If you get hit, say goodbye to your chakra, and then your life. Luckily, the user will be with no chakra, so if you get him first, victory will be shaking hands with you. Close Ninjas: Sasuke, Itachi, Kiba, Kakashi, ANBU Kakashi, Rock Lee, Gai, Asuma, Shizune, Neji, Hinata, Hanabi, Konohamaru, Anku, Kurenai, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Gai Suit Naruto, Temari, Kisame, Jiroubou, Kimimaro, Kidoumaru, Sakon, Jiraya, Naruto, Ino, Sakura, Zabuza, Haku, Chouji, all hokages and Shikamaru. 2- Mid-Ranged Combat Well, the mid-ranged ninjas have a better range compared to the ones up there, but there's no need to worry. Fight them like if you were fighting a close combat. Tsuuga will be useful to get near them. Pay attention to Gaara's Suna Shigure, it is Full Ranged. Mid-Ranged Ninjas: Gaara, Temari and Shino. 3- Full Ranged Good kawarimi timing is needed for these guys, or will be hard to get near them. After kawariming, beat them up with combos and repeat the process. Tsuuga can help. Full Ranged Ninjas: Kankurou, Nidan Jyuin Kidoumaru, Tayuya. ================================================================ 4- Ending ================================================================ We're almost in the end. Now, in the last sections of the guide, you'll find the credits, know a little more about the author (me, of course) and see my comments. Not in this order. -------------------- 4.1- Final Comments -------------------- Yay, another finished guide! I hope you all enjoyed it. It took me more time to write than the one about Kaguya Kimimaro, and in my opinion it ended a lot better, maybe because I like Kiba most. ------------------------------ 4.2- Who the hell is "Turibe"? ------------------------------ A very cool and handsome guy, I love him. Real Name: Caio Cassio Adileu Miranda Nicknames: Turibe (MSN, Gamespot and GameFAQS) and Niptuck (other forums) Birthday: May 29th, 1991 Favorite Bands (in order): Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Beatles, Muse and U2. Favorite Animes (in order, again): Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Wolfs Rain, Samurai X, Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Gundam Wing, Naruto, DragonBall Z and Yu Yu Hakusho. Currently Practicing: Tae Kwon Do Currently Playing: Mass Effect (X360) and Pokemon Fire Red (on DS) ------------- 4.3- Credits ------------- Thanks for GameFAQS and Gamespot for supplying us gamers with the latest news, guides and for giving us a chance to help the other gamers too. Thanks for jygting for providing the names of the moves and writing the move list of all characters. Thanks for all the players that decided to play with the wildest character of the game. Thanks for Bandai and CyberConnect2 for making this awesome fighting game. Thanks for all the fan subs that translated the anime and manga for us. And finally, thanks for Masashi Kishimoto for creating Naruto. You rock!