Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2 Hello, welcome to my first walkthrough. In this walkthrough, I shall only tell how to complete the story mode. I will add more to my walkthrough, but I need to play more to unlock of course. Well, I hope my walkthrough help anyone with this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Episode 1 - Mission starts! Quickly to the Burning Village! Team Members: Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura 1. Leave the Leaf Village, and then go from Leaf Village to the Kisaragi Village. You might be encountered about two times by bandits. 2. When you enter Kisaragi Village, there will be a short cut scene about the villages' crises. After it is over, Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu near the leaf symbols on the ground. Naruto's clones will point where you have to go to find a place to get to a water tank on top of a building. After you follow Naruto's clones, press the square button to get on top of the buildings. There are about three water tanks on the buildings, so use Naruto, Kakashi, or Sakura to destroy the water tanks to free the village of its fire. 3. After that is completed, beat up all the remaining bandits. After you have defeated the bandits there will be another cut scene with the bandits, and a puppet that you will later fight in the game. 4. After the cut scene, you will be back on the map. Go back to the Leaf Village and enter. You might be encountered by bandits again while on the way back to the village. When inside the village, select to go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. After this cut seen, you have then completed episode one. Note: If you hate cut scenes, and you do not want to see them, just press the start button. Episode 2 - Catch the Bandits! Battle on the Ship! Team Members: Naruto, Neji, and Sakura 1. When you start this episode there will be a cut scene with Neji. Go to the Hokage's room, and there will be a cut seen. After the cut scene is over, leave the Leaf Village, then go from Leaf Village to Rakan Lake. You might be encountered about two times by bandits. 2. When you enter Raken Lake, there will be a cut scene. After the cut seen is over, Beat up the thieves on the ship, until the boss appears. You will have to beat the boss within 3 minutes, or you will fail the mission. 3. After the boss bandit is beaten and captured, there will be about three cut scenes. 4. After the cut scene, you will be back on the map. Go back to the Leaf Village and enter. You might be encountered by bandits again while on the way back to the village. When inside the village, select to go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. After this cut scene, you have then completed episode two. Episode 3 - Find it Now! The Shirogane's Treasure Team Members: Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kankurou 1. When you start this episode, there will be a cut scene with Rock lee and Might Guy. After the cut seen is over, go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. Leave the Leaf Village, and then go from Leaf Village to the South Forest. You might be encountered about one time by bandits. 2. When you enter the South Forest, there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene, fight the puppet Kankurou. 3. After the fight with the puppet Kankurou, there will be another cut scene. In this cut seen, the real Kankurou will show up and finish the fake. After that cut scene is over, there is another one. 4. After the cut scene is over, fight the bandits. 5. After the fight with the bandits, there will be two cut scenes. After the cut scenes are over head to the Leaf Village. You might be encountered about one time by bandits. When inside the village, select to go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. After this cut seen, you have then completed episode three. Episode 4 - Find the Orb! Invade the Fort! Team Members: Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kankurou 1. When you start this episode, there will be a cut scene with the Fifth Hokage, Shikamaru, and Kankurou. After the cut scene, leave the Leaf Village and go to the Machine Fort. You might be encountered about three times by bandits. 2. When you enter the Machine Fort, there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene, fight the ninja's until their all defeated. After you defeat the bandits in this area, there will be a cut scene. 3. After the cut seen is over, go forward up the stairs to the next area. In the following area, defeat the bandits and continue on forward up the stairs. 4. Go forward up the stairs to the next area. In the following area, defeat the bandits and continue on forward up the stairs. 5. After going up stairs, you will be in the central room area. On the right in this area is a ramp. Go up the ramp to where the giant clock is. Use Naruto, Shikamaru, or Kankurou to hit the clock until it is at 6:00. 6. After setting the clock to 6:00, a room to the left of where you entered will open in this area. After the room opens, hit the giant clock until it is 8:00. After that, another door will open. Go through the door that first opened, and go up the stairs through the second door. In the room, there will be about twenty switches. Use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to find the correct one. Go to the switch and step on it. The giant clock will stop moving for only about a minute, so rush to clock and go through the door in it. 7. After going through the door in the clock, there will be a save point to the right of you. After you save, go forward down the stairs. 8. After going down the stairs, go through all the rooms with the cogs, jumping on them, and following the Leaf Symbols. 9. After going through the rooms with the cogs, you will enter a room with wooden stairs going down. There will a door near where you entered the room. Go through it, and save. After you save, go to through the room ahead. There will be a cut scene. 10. After the cut scene, fight all the puppets inside the room. After the puppets are destroyed, a cut seen will show Naruto being an idiot, and using his Rasengan on the orb. When the cut scene is over, head to the Leaf Village. You might be encountered about three times by bandits. When inside the village, select to go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. After this cut seen, you have then completed episode four. Episode 5 - Dreadful! Cruel! Enter the Shirogane Three! Team Members: Naruto, Sakura, and Lee 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with the Fifth Hokage, and Sakura. After the cut scene, leave the Leaf Village and go to the Hozan Temple. You might be encountered about two times by bandits. 2. When you enter Hozan Temple, you will have to make your way through a few paths, some of the paths are covered in grass. Use the Leaf Symbols to find your way. You will be encountered by puppets. 3. When you arrive in the next area where it is storming, there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene, use Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu to find a hidden staircase to the temple. 4. When you find the staircase, you will see a save point. Save your game, and continue up the stairs to the temple. When you arrive outside of the temple, there will be about three puppets, defeat them, and then go inside the temple. 5. After you go in, about three puppets will appear, but more will appear after each one is defeated. When all the puppets are defeated, go to the secret door on ground on the right of the porch ahead. To go into the door, press your square button. 6. After you enter the secret door, there will be a cut seen. After the cut scene rescue the bandits that are being attacked by the puppets. 7. After you rescue the bandits, there will be another cut seen. Use Naruto, to use his Shadow Clone Jutsu on the wall near the fire in the center of the room. His clones will point to two light pink symbols that are in Japanese on the wall. Press the square button on these symbols, and they will open up two doors. One door leads to three treasures, and a save point, and the other door leads downstairs. 8. After you go downstairs, there will be a cut scene with a girl named Meno. After the cut scene, you will need to escape the temple. Escape the temple as fast as you can, you only have five minutes. While escaping the temple, use the leaf Symbols as a guide to exit the temple safely. 9. After you escape the Hozan Temple, there will be a cut scene. When the cut scene is over, you will appear on the map. Return to the Leaf Village. You might be encountered about two times by bandits. When inside the village, select to go to the Hokage's room, and there will be another cut scene. After this cut scene, you have then completed episode five. Episode 6 - Leaf Village is a War Zone? Battle the Army of Puppets Team Members: Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, Lee, Chouji 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with the Shikamaru, and Naruto. After the cut seen, leave the Leaf Village and go to the Sand Village. You might be encountered about three or four times by bandits. 2. When you get to the Sand Village on the map, press the X button to enter. After you have entered the Sand Village, there will be about two cut scenes regarding information on the Shirogane Clan. Shikamaru will stay back to look at the information for a while. Therefore, it is up to Naruto to return to Leaf Village to report to the Hokage. Again, you might be encountered by about three or four times bandits while returning to the Leaf Village. 3. When you return to the Leaf Village, there will be a cut seen with Neji, and about five puppets. After the cut scene, you will tag with Neji, and Rock Lee to defeat the puppets in the village. While helping Neji, and Rock Lee in defeating the puppets, use the Leaf Symbols to help you get through the level. 4. After following the Leaf Symbols to a certain point, you will be stopped, and there will be a cut scene. In this cut seen Neji, and Rock Lee will tell Naruto they are going to take care of the puppets. Meanwhile Naruto will hunt down who is controlling the puppets, alone with Chouji. 5. Like before, use the Leaf Symbols to help you get through the level. Use the Leaf Symbols until you find the exit of the leaf Village. When you find the exit, there will be a cut scene, and you will meet Ibushi of the Shirogane Three. After the cut scene, you will need to fight his lizard puppet. 6. After you defeat the Lizard Puppet, there will be another cut scene with Ibushi's puppet. After the cut scene, there will be another one where Naruto and Neji report to the Hokage. Then after the cut scene is over, episode six will be completed Episode 7 - Sand Village Battle! Struggle for the Orb! Team Members: Naruto, Kankurou, and Lee 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with the Rock Lee, and Naruto. After the cut scene, go to the Hokage's room. When you enter the Hokage's room, there will be another cut scene. After the cut scene is over, leave the Leaf Village, and go to Kigan Hill. You might be encountered about four or five times by bandits. 2. When you arrive in Kigan Hill, there will be a cut seen with Kanurou, and some puppets. Then there will be another scene with the sprit orb, and Meno. After the cut scene, defeat four barrier puppets to break the barrier Meno made. 3. After the barrier puppets are destroyed, and Meno's barrier is destroyed, she will bring out her bee shaped puppet. Defeat the bee shaped puppet to win this area. 4. When you defeat the puppet, there will be a cut scene with Meno, and her defeated bee shaped puppet. When the cut scene is over, go to the Sand Village. You might be encountered by bandits at least one time. When in the Sand Village, there will be a cut seen where Naruto, Rock Lee, and Kankurou tried to stop Meno, but she escaped. After this cut scene, episode seven will be completed. Episode 8 - A Dangerous Trade! Who's Gonna Win? Team Members: Naruto, Lee, Kakashi, and Gai 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with the Gaara, Kankurou, Rock Lee, and Naruto in the Sand Village. After the cut scene, go to the Hazuki Village. You might be encountered at least twice by bandits. 2. When you get to Hazuki Village, there will be a cut scene with Naruto, and Rock Lee looking at the destroyed village. While here, destroy all 15 puppets in this level. One-half of the puppets are on the east side of this level, and other remaining half is on the left half of this level. Some of the puppet's hide in certain buildings, so make sure to look to defeat them. Some puppets hide in areas where you have to use the Leaf Symbols. 3. After you defeat the 15 puppets, there will be a cut seen. When the cut scene is over, head back to the Leaf Village. You might be encountered two or three times by bandits. When you arrive in the Leaf Village, go to the Hokage's room. There will be a cut scene regarding helping Kakashi with the Shirogane. Might Guy will join to help as well. After the cut seen, and the one following it, leave the Leaf Village and head to the Deep Forest. You might be encountered three or four times by bandits on the way to the Deep Forest. 4. When you enter the Deep Forest there will be a cut scene with Naruto, and Gando of the Shirogane Three. Gando will put a barrier to keep Kakashi, and Might Guy from entering, but they destroy it. Gando throws up the sprit orb that Naruto used his Rasengan on in episode 4, and Meno's bee shaped puppets grabs it and escapes. After the bee puppet escaped, Gando summoned his two blue and red monkey puppets. Now that the cut scenes are over destroy Gando two puppets to win this area. After you defeat Gando's puppets there will be a cut scene with Gando explaining the Shirogane Clan's grand plan. However, after he explains, he not a few seconds later falls on the ground and dies. 5. When the fight with Gando ends, return to the Leaf Village. You might be encountered by one or two times by bandits while on the way back to the Leaf Village. When you enter the Leaf Village, go to Hokage's room, and there will be a cut scene. After the cut seen, episode eight will be completed. Episode 9 - Destroy the Orb! Leaf and Sand Team Up! Team Members: Naruto, Kankurou, and Gaara 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with Sakura and Naruto. After that cut scene there is another cut scene with Naruto, and the Fifth Hokage. After the cut scenes, leave the Leaf Village, and go to the Sand Citadel. You might be encountered four times by bandits. 2. Upon entering the Sand Citadel, you will need to follow the Leaf Symbols on the ground until you get to a bridge. Over the bridge there will be a cut scene with Gaara trying to destroy the orb, as he is trying Sakura appears, but she seems different some how. After the cut scene, follow the Leaf Symbols to the end of this area. At the end, there will be a save point. You can save if you want, but after you save or not continue downstairs. 3. After you get out of the area after going downstairs, there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene destroy the puppets, and continue through the area using the Leaf Symbols as a guide. After defeating the puppets, there will be a cut scene. When the cut scene is over, make your way through the area until you reach the end of this area. There will be puppets in this area, so defeat them, or continue through area and avoid them. When you get far enough in this area, there will be Leaf Symbols on the wall. So like before, use them as a guide. At the end of this area is a save point, save your game and go through the hallway ahead. There will be two cut scenes after you go through the hallway. 4. After the cut scenes, fight Sakura. Then after you fight her, there will be another cut scene and you will find out it was Meno. After that cut seen, destroy Meno's three bee shaped puppets. After you win, there will be another cut scene where Meno tries to destroy the castle where Gaara, Naruto, and Kankurou are in, and take them with her. When the scene is over escape as fast as you can out of the castle, you only have 13 minutes to get out. After you get out of the castle, there will be a cut scene. Meanwhile Naruto returns to the Leaf Village to make missing person report on Sakura. On the way back to the Leaf Village, you will be encountered three times by bandits. When you arrive in the village, go to Hokage's room, and there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene, episode nine will be completed. Episode 10 - The Final Showdown! Destroy the Puppets! Team Members: Naruto, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Sakura, and Neji 1. When this episode starts, there will be a cut scene with Neji, Rock Lee, and Naruto. After this cut scene, go to the Hokage's room. Upon entering the room, there will be a cut scene. After the cut seen, leave the Leaf Village and go to Bonten Swamp. You will be encountered two or three times by bandits. 2. When you enter Bonten Swamp, there will be a cut scene. After the cut seen, go through the area until you reach the temple at the end of this area. Use the Leaf Symbols as a guide. When you reach the temple, go up the stairs, and go through the door. When inside, go up the staircase until see a door leading outside. Go out the door, and go up the stairs and go through the next door. When you have gone through the door; there will be more stairs, so go up them until you reach the save point. After you save, go through the door in the wooden pipe. After going down, go forward until you are stopped for the next cut scene. After the cut see continue forward until the next cut scene with Chouji. He will sell you items to help you. Afterwards, continue forward until the next cut scene with Kakashi. However, before the cut scene, there will be a save point so you can save. 3. After the cut scene with Kakashi, there will be another cut scene. After the scene, you will need to fight the lizard puppet and destroy it. After you destroy the lizard, there will be another cut scene. When the cut scene is over you will have to fight Naruto. After Naruto is defeated, there will be another cut scene. Now the fight with Master Puppet begins. Use Naruto's Rasengan on the puppet for the next cut scenes. After the cut scenes, Use Naruto, Shikamaru, and Neji to beat the Master Puppet. When the Master Puppet is almost defeated, use Naruto's Nine-Tailed Fox power, and finish off the puppet. After that, episode ten will be completed and you have won story mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This walkthrough is (c) Haslage Net Electronics - Written by YakkovB