_______ __ | | |.---.-.----.--.--.| |_.-----. _ | || _ | _| | || _| _ | |_| |__|____||___._|__| |_____||____|_____| |_| _______ __ __ | | |.-----.--.--.--------.---.-.| |--.|__| | | ||-- __| | | | _ || < | | |_______||_____|_____|__|__|__|___._||__|__||__| _______ __ __ | | |__|.-----.--| |.-----.-----. | | || | _ || -__| | |__|____|__||__|__|_____||_____|__|__| ************ * Contents * ************ 01. Introduction 02. Basic Japanese Terms 03. Characters 04. Main Menu 05. Start/Pause Menu 06. In front of Konoha Village’s gates 07. Items/Weapons 08. Ability Pieces 09. Help Me! 10. Version History 11. Credits ******************** * 01. Introduction * ******************** I was bored one day, and started this guide. Originally this was typed up so that I could share it with friends. The guide was 100% japanese when I first started it, but they wanted me to translate it. My english isn't 100% correct, lots of grammar/spelling mistakes, if you find any, contact me. I left all of the japanese in the guide as well, as it is easier to follow, so right now there is probably more japanese than english. NOTE I typed this guide using Notepad: FixedSys, 10 pt, Regular. Change your font to this if the margins on the guide don't look right. To read Japanese, you may have to change the encoding on your browser to Japanese And also... (copied directly from GFAQs) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. **************************** * 02. Basic Japanese Terms * **************************** 技能帖 = I think literally it is Ability Notes, but I called it Ability Pieces 技能札 = I think literally it is Ability Notebook, but I called it Ability Grid クナイ = Kunai = Ninja Throwing Knife 手裏剣 = Shuriken = Ninja Throwing Star 体術 = Taijutsu = Tradition form of attacking (punching, kicking) 忍術 = Ninjutsu = Ninja techniques 体力 = Physical Strength (Hit Points) スタミナ = Stamina (Chakra) 徳 = Upgrade Orbs 体術攻 +x = Taijutsu Attack +x 体術防 +x = Taijutsu Defence +x 忍術攻 +x = Ninjutsu Attack +x 忍術防 +x = Ninjutsu Defence +x ****************** * 03. Characters * - taken from in-game ****************** うずまきナルト Uzumaki Naruto 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 影分身の術 (Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) R1 螺旋丸 (Rasengan) R2 おいらけの術 (Oirake no Jutsu) R1+R2 O button: User defined 火影の目指す。木ノ葉の里の問題児。だが里や友を思う心は誰にも負けない。 攻守に使える影分身の術、多くの敵を巻き込む螺旋丸など特徴的な技を持つ。 Aims to be Hokage. The troublemaker of Konoha village. But, when he thinks of his village and friends, he won’t lose anyone. In offence and defence, he uses Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, many enemies have been rolled up in his Rasengan, and so on with more distinctive techniques he posses. うちはサスケ Uchiha Sasuke 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 火遁・鳳仙火の術 (Katon: Housenka no Jutsu) R1 千鳥 (Chidori) R2 O button: Fuuma Shuriken 優秀な血筋を引き継ぐ戦いの中し子。遠くの敵を焼きつくす火遁・鳳仙火、 恐るべき破壊力を持つ千鳥など、リーチ・パワー・スピードに秀でる。 A child in the middle of a fight with people wanting his superior blood limit. For distant enemies he burns them with Katon: Housenka no Jutsu, and the dreadful destructive power of Chidori, he aims to surpass in terms of reach, power and speed. 奈良シカマル Nara Shikamaru 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation トラップクナイ (Trap Kunai) R1 影真似の術 (Kagemane no Jutsu) R2 O button: Kunai ヤル気0だが実はIQ200の切れ者。敵が触れると発動するトラップクナイや 行動を封じてしまう影真似の術など、使い方しだいで超強力になる技を持つ。 Will to work 0, but with an IQ of 200, he is a sharp and able person. To get in contact with enemies, he uses his Trap Kunai and seals them with his Kagemane no Jutsu, and has his super ability as a strategist. 秋道チョウジ Akimichi Chouji 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 肉弾戦車 (Nikudan Sensha) R1 部分倍化の術 (Bubun Baika no Jutsu) R2 O button: Exploding Ball 臣体を活かしたパワフルな攻撃が得意。周りの敵を吹き飛ばす部分倍化の術や 全てをなぎ倒して突進する肉弾戦車など広い場所で有効な技を持つ。 To make use of his large body, he excels in powerful attacks. He blows away enemies around him with his Bubun Baika no Jutsu, and defeats everyone with his Nikudan Sensha, he holds techniques used in large open areas. 日向ネジ Hyuuga Neji 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 八卦掌回天 (Hakkeshou Kaiten) R1 八卦六十四掌 (Hakke Rokujyuuyon Shou) R2 O button: Use Byakugan (Shuriken) トップクラスの能力を持つ孤高の天才。敵1体に超絶速打を放つ八卦六十四掌、 全てを弾き返す八卦掌回天など、攻守ともにスキがない。 Holds the top class of abilities, and a real genius. To fiercely hit one enemy he uses his Hakke Rokujyuuyon Shou, and he repels enemies around him with Hakkeshou Kaiten, in both offence and defence he leaves no openings. はたけカカシ Hatake Kakashi 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 雷切 (Raikiri) R1 千年殺し (Sennen Koroshi) R2 O button: Kunai ナルトの師でもある最強クラスの上忍。体術、忍術ともに強力な技を持つ。 雷をも切り裂く突き・雷切はその代表。一撃必殺の千年殺しもまた恐ろしい。 Naruto's teacher and a jounin. His posses taijutsu and ninjutsu thet are are strong. A thrust of lightning that tears thing apart, that is his Raikiri. His one hit, certain kill attack, Sennen Koroshi is also terrible. 我愛羅 Gaara 忍術攻 Ninjutsu 操作 Operation 砂縛柩 (Sabaku Kyuu) R1 砂陣壁 (Suna Jinheki) R2 O button: Sand Shuriken 砂を自在に操る、砂隠れの里の忍。敵を砂でつぶしてしまう砂瀑送葬、 敵の足元から砂を突き出す砂陣壁など、間接的な攻撃が得意。 Can control sand freelt at his will, ninja of the Sand Village. He crushes of enemies with his Sabaku Sousou, pushes sand up from his enemies' feet using Suna Jinheki, he is good at attacking indirectly. ***************** * 04. Main Menu * ***************** STARTボタンを押してください Please press the START button 最初から From the Start 続きから Continue 基本演習 Basic Practice オプション Option |-> 振動設定 Vibration (ON/OFF) |-> レーダーマップ Radar + Map (ON/OFF) |-> サウンド Sound |-> サウンドモード Sound Mode (Stereo/Mono) |-> BGM音量 BGM Volume |-> SE/ボイス音量 SE/Voice Volume |-> 初期設定に戻す Default Settings |-> 戻る Go Back |-> キーコンフィグ Key Config |-> 弱攻撃 Weak Attack |-> 強攻撃 Strong Attack |-> アイテム使用 Item Use |-> ジャンプ/変わり身 Jump/Change of Stance |-> 忍術1 Ninjutsu 1 |-> 忍術2 Ninjutsu 2 |-> ロックオン Lock On |-> 初期設定に戻す Default Settings |-> 戻る Go Back |-> 初期設定に戻す Default Settings |-> 戻る Go Back クレジット Credits ************************ * 05. Start/Pause Menu * ************************ アイテム Item |-> アイテム使用 Use Item |-> 攻撃アイテム裝備 Equip Attack Item |-> イベントアイテム Event Item 援護キャラ Choose Support Character 能力強化 Upgrade Stats |-> 体力の上昇 Raise Physical Strength (Hit Points) |-> スタミナの上昇 Raise Stamins (Chakra) |-> 技能札の修得 Acquire Ability Pieces |-> 体術系技能札 Taijutsu Ability Pieces |-> 忍術系技能札 Ninjutsu Ability Pieces |-> 特殊系技能札 Special Ability Pieces |-> 接合系カラ札 ????? 技能帖 Ability Grid |-> 技能札の設定 Place Ability Pieces into Grid |-> 所持札一覧 All Ability Pieces |-> 体術系技能札 Taijutsu Ability Pieces |-> 忍術系技能札 Ninjutsu Ability Pieces |-> 特殊系技能札 Special Ability Pieces |-> 消費系技能札 Consumable Ability Pieces |-> 接合系カラ札 ????? |-> 使用札一覧 Ability Pieces in Use |-> 技能帖の変更 Change Ability Grid |-> ワカバ帖 Wakaba Grid |-> クナイ帖 Kunai Grid |-> コノハ帖 Konoha Grid |-> ガマ帖 Gama Grid |-> ラセン帖 Rasen Grid |-> キュウビ帖 Kyuubi Grid |-> シュリケン帖 Shuriken Grid |-> 技能札を全て外す Remove all Ability Pieces ----------------------------------------------------------------- | 体術 : 体術攻 +30% Taijutsu : Taijutsu Attack +30% | | 忍術 : 忍術攻 +30% Ninjutsu : Ninjutsu Attack +30% | | 特殊 : 気絶??性 +50% Special : ??? +50% | | 消費 : 体力・スタミナ +30 Consumable : HP & Chakra +30 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- ステータス Status ----------------------------------------------------------- | NOTE for Support Characters | | In the status screen, there is also a hexagon | | for the area the character excels in: | | | | Taijutsu | | [体] | | | | | Spirit [精]--- | ---[忍] Ninjutsu | | --- | --- | | --->|<--- | | --- | --- | | Intelligence [賢]--- | ---[幻] Vision | | | | | [速] | | Agility | | | ----------------------------------------------------------- 任務の確認 Mission Confirmation |-> 任務を引き受けていません。 You are not undertaking any mission. オプション Option (Refer to above section) ******************************************************** * 06. 木ノ葉大門前 In front of Konoha Village’s gates * ******************************************************** 火影室へ行く Go to Hokage’s Room |-> 食料輸送任務 Transport the Food (Rank D) |-> よろず屋救済任務 Rescue the Shop (Rank D) |-> 玉三郎探索任務 Look for the Tamasaburou (Rank C) |-> ワレモノ輸送任務 Transport the Fragile Items (Rank C) |-> 一日先生任務 Teacher for One Day (Rank C) |-> 火影人形回収任務 Collect the Hokage Dolls (Rank D) |-> 捕虜護送任務 その一 Prisoner Escort - One (Rank C) |-> よるず屋再宣伝任務 Shop Publicity Again (Rank D) |-> 不穏分子調査任務 Investigate the Weird Occurrences (Rank B) |-> 賭博師護衞任務 Protect the Gambler (Rank D) |-> 原稿回収任務 Collect the Manuscript (Rank B) |-> 罰任務 Punishment (Rank C) |-> 国室警護任務 Mansion Bodyguards (Rank C) |-> 油輸送任務 Transport the Oil (Rank C) |-> 捕虜護送任務 その二 Prisoner Escort - Two (Rank C) |-> 反乱分子鎮圧任務 Suppress the Rebellion (Rank A) |-> 警護任務 Bodyguard (Rank B) |-> スタントマン出演任務 Stunt Man Appearance (Rank D) |-> 捕虜護送任務 その三 Prisoner Escort - Three (Rank B) |-> よろず屋訪問 Visit to the Shop (Rank C) チーム編成する Form a Team |-> 末選択 |-> 末選択 |-> 大門前に戻る Return to the Gate 道草する Walk Around よろず屋へ行く Go to Shop セーブ Save 里を出る Leave the Village ********************* * 07. Items/Weapons * ********************* NOTE: that as you progress through the game, some of the prices will change, I intend to put the prices of the items when you complete the game. _______ | ITEMS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 滋養丸 | 体力を25回復する (Nourishment Pill) | Recover 25 health points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大滋養丸 | 体力を80回復する (Big Nourishment Pill) | Recover 80 health points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力滋養丸 | 体力を200回復する (Strong Nourishment Pill) | Recover 200 health points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超滋養丸 | 体力を全快する (Super Nourishment Pill) | Recover all health points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 兵糧丸 | スタミナを25%回復する (Provision Pill) | Recover 25% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大兵糧丸 | スタミナを50%回復する (Big Provision Pill) | Recover 50% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力兵糧丸 | スタミナを75%回復する (Strong Provision Pill) | Recover 75% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超兵糧丸 | スタミナを全快する (Super Provision Pill) | Recover all stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 双生丸 | 体力を100回復し、同時にスタミナも25%回復する (Twin Pill) | Recover 100 health points + 25% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大双生丸 | 体力を200回復し、同時にスタミナも50%回復する (Big Twin Pill) | Recover 200 health points + 50% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力双生丸 | 体力を300回復し、同時にスタミナも75%回復する (Strong Twin Pill) | Recover 300 health points + 75% stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超双生丸 | 体力とスタミナが全快する (Super Twin Pill) | Recover all health points + stamina points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鉱石 | 忍具の村料にな石よろず屋でアイテムと交換できる (Ore) | Stone that is traded at the shop for ninja | weaponry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ | WEAPONS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- クナイ | 最も基本的な忍具の一つ 敵に技げて攻撃できる (Kunai) | Most basic from of ninja weaponry, strikes at one enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身クナイ | 技げると五つに分身するクナイ (Multiple Kunai) | When thrown, splits into 5 kunai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身クナイ | 技げると八つに分身するクナイ 一つ一つの攻撃も高い (Super-Multiple | When thrown, it splits into 8 kunai, attacks get Kunai) | stronger and stronger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 両刃クナイ | 強力で貫力もあるクナイ 当たった敵は転倒する (Double-ended | Strong and heavy kunai, when it strikes an enemy they Kunai) | fall down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 起爆札付クナイ | 攻撃力クナイと同じが、敵や壁など当たると爆発する (Exploding | Same as a kunai, but when it hits something (enemies, Kunai) | walls, etc.) it explodes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 手裏剣 | クナイより攻撃力は低いが、追尾力が高く多段ヒットする (Shuriken) | Weaker than a kunai, but it may hit multiple enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身手裏剣 | 技げると三つに分身する手裏剣 (Multiple | When thrown, it splits into 3 shuriken Shuriken) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身手裏剣 | 技げると六つに分身する手裏剣 (Super-Multiple | When thrown, it splits into 6 shuriken Shuriken) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 起爆玉 | 木製の玉に起爆札をつけて技げやすくした。技げると爆発する (Exploding Ball) | A ball made with wood and exploding tags. When thrown, it | explodes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身起爆玉 | 技げると三つに分身する起爆玉 爆発の範囲や威力も高い (Multiple | When thrown, it splits into 3 exploding balls, explosion Exploding Ball) | radius and strength also increased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身起爆玉 | 技げると八つに分身する起爆玉ただし、爆発は起爆玉より小さい (Super-Multiple | When thrown, it splits into 8 exploding balls, but the Exploding Ball) | explosion is smaller than a normal exploding ball ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 乱れ咲き起爆札 | 飛距離は短いが、十枚の起爆札が全方位に放たれ、一気に爆発する (Bunch of | Range is small, ten explosive tags released in all Explosive Tags) | directions, all exploding at once ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 光玉 | 技げると強烈な光を放ち、敵をしばらく行動不能にする (Light Ball) | When thrown, there is an intense flash, enemies are | temporary immobilised ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身光玉 | 技げると四つに分身する光玉 (Multiple Light | When thrown, it splits into 4 light balls Ball) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 銀のクナイ | 銀でできたクナイ 五本で、金のクナイと同価値となる (Silver Kunai) | Kunai made from silver, 5 of these is equivalent to one | gold kunai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 金のクナイ | 金でできたクナイ 商品価値がかなり高い (Gold Kunai) | Kunai made from gold, it's commodity value is very high ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM COSTS AT THE SHOP _____________________________________ | After you open the shop (mission 2) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 滋養丸 | クナイ x10 | Kunai x10 (Nourishment Pill) | 分身クナイ x3 | Multiple Kunai x3 | 手裏剣 x5 | Shuriken x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大滋養丸 | 分身クナイ x8 | Multiple Kunai x8 (Big Nourishment Pill) | 手裏剣 x15 | Shuriken x15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大兵糧丸 | 超分身クナイ x3 | Super-Multiple Kunai x3 (Big Provision Pill) | 光玉 x5 | Light Ball x5 | 滋養丸 x5 | Nourishment Pill x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 双生丸 | 鉱石 x2 | Ore x2 (Twin Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身クナイ | クナイ x4 | Kunai x4 (Multiple Kunai) | 手裏剣 x2 | Shuriken x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 起爆札付クナイ | 超分身手裏剣 x1 | Super-Multiple Shuriken x1 (Exploding Kunai) | 分身起爆玉 x1 | Multiple Exploding Ball x1 | 乱れ咲き起爆札 x1 | Bunch of Explosive Tags x1 | 滋養丸 x2 | Nourishment Pill x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 起爆玉 | クナイ x18 | Kunai x18 (Exploding Ball) | 分身クナイ x5 | Multiple Kunai x5 | 手裏剣 x9 | Shuriken x9 | 分身手裏剣 x3 | Multiple Shuriken x3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 光玉 | クナイ x10 | Kunai x10 (Light Ball) | 両刃クナイ x3 | Double-ended Kunai x3 | 手裏剣 x5 | Shuriken x5 | 滋養丸 x1 | Nourishment Pill x1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________ | Added after you help the shop again (mission 8) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力滋養丸 | 大兵糧丸 x2 | Big Provision Pill x2 (Strong Nourishment Pill) | 分身クナイ x25 | Multiple Kunai x25 | 分身手裏剣 x13 | Multiple Shuriken x13 | 起爆玉 x6 | Exploding Ball x6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力兵糧丸 | 両刃クナイ x30 | Double-ended Kunai x30 (Strong Provision Pill) | 起爆札付クナイ x6 | Exploding Kunai x6 | 大滋養丸 x4 | Big Nourishment Pill x4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大双生丸 | 鉱石 x3 | Ore x3 (Big Twin Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 両刃クナイ | クナイ x4 | Kunai x4 (Double-ended Kunai) | 分身クナイ x1 | Multiple Kunai x1 | 手裏剣 x2 | Shuriken x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身起爆玉 | クナイ x24 | Kunai x24 (Multiple Exploding Ball) | 分身クナイ x6 | Multiple Kunai x6 | 手裏剣 x12 | Shuriken x12 | 分身手裏剣 x3 | Multiple Shuriken x3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分身光玉 | クナイ x18 | Kunai x18 (Multiple Light Ball) | 両刃クナイ x5 | Double-ended Kunai x5 | 手裏剣 x9 | Shuriken x9 | 起爆玉 x1 | Exploding Ball x1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 猛攻の構え | 金のクナイ x1 | Gold Kunai x1 (Moukou no Kamau) | 銀のクナイ x5 | Silver Kunai x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鉄壁の構え | 金のクナイ x1 | Gold Kunai x1 (Teppeki no Kamau) | 銀のクナイ x5 | Silver Kunai x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三代目の構え | 金のクナイ x1 | Gold Kunai x1 (Sandaime no Kamau) | 銀のクナイ x5 | Silver Kunai x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ナルトの真髄 | 金のクナイ x1 | Gold Kunai x1 (Naruto no Shinzui) | 銀のクナイ x5 | Silver Kunai x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +10 | 金のクナイ x1 | Gold Kunai x1 (Taijutsu Attack +10) | 銀のクナイ x5 | Silver Kunai x5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________ | Added after Sasuke challenges you to the fight | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超滋養丸 | 鉱石 x3 | Ore x3 (Super Nourishment Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超兵糧丸 | 鉱石 x4 | Ore x4 (Super Provision Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 強力双生丸 | 鉱石 x4 | Ore x4 (Strong Twin Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超双生丸 | 鉱石 x5 | Ore x5 (Super Twin Pill) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身クナイ | クナイ x20 | Kunai x20 (Super-Multiple Kunai) | 分身クナイ x5 | Multiple Kunai x5 | 手裏剣 x10 | Shuriken x10 | 滋養丸 x2 | Nourishment Pill x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身手裏剣 | クナイ x20 | Kunai x20 (Super-Multiple Shuriken) | 分身クナイ x5 | Multiple Kunai x5 | 手裏剣 x10 | Shuriken x10 | 滋養丸 x2 | Nourishment Pill x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超分身起爆玉 | クナイ x30 | Kunai x30 (Super-Multiple Exploding | 起爆札付クナイ x2 | Exploding Kunai x2 Ball) | 手裏剣 x15 | Shuriken x15 | 光玉 x3 | Light Ball x3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 乱れ咲き起爆札 | クナイ x24 | Kunai x24 (Bunch of Explosive Tags) | 両刃クナイ x6 | Double-ended Kunai x6 | 手裏剣 x12 | Shuriken x12 | 分身手裏剣 x3 | Multiple Shuriken x3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************** * 08. Ability Pieces * ********************** HELP ME! - if there are any pieces that you have and isn't on the list, then please tell me ---------------------------------------- | 体術系技能札 (Taijutsu Ability Pieces) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力強化・小 | Cost: 50 Health Points Increase - S | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大体力が20上昇する Raise maximum health points by 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力強化・中 | Cost: 200 Health Points Increase - M | Available after mission 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大体力が30上昇する Raise maximum health points by 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力強化・大 | Cost: 500 Health Points Increase - L | Available after mission 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大体力が50上昇する Raise maximum health points by 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術ダメージ軽減・小 | Cost: 50 Taijutsu Damage Decrease - S | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術系攻撃で受ダメージが10%軽減される Damage taken from taijutsu attacks decrease by 10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術ダメージ軽減・中 | Cost: 200 Taijutsu Damage Decrease - M | Available when you start collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術系攻撃で受ダメージが20%軽減される Damage taken from taijutsu attacks decrease by 20% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術ダメージ軽減・大 | Cost: 500 Taijutsu Damage Decrease - L | Available after you finish collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術系攻撃で受ダメージが30%軽減される Damage taken from taijutsu attacks decrease by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +1 | Cost: 50 Taijutsu Attack +1 | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が1上昇する Taijutsu attack +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +2 | Cost: 50 Taijutsu Attack +2 | Available after mission 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が2上昇する Taijutsu attack +2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +3 | Cost: 100 Taijutsu Attack +3 | Available after mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が3上昇する Taijutsu attack +3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +4 | Cost: 300 Taijutsu Attack +4 | Available after mission 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が4上昇する Taijutsu attack +4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +5 | Cost: 500 Taijutsu Attack +5 | Available after mission 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が5上昇する Taijutsu attack +5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器ダメージ軽減・小 | Cost: 50 Weapon Damage Decrease - S | Available fron the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器系攻撃で受ダメージが10%軽減される Damage taken from weapon attacks decrease by 10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器ダメージ軽減・中 | Cost: 200 Weapon Damage Decrease - M | Available after mission 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器系攻撃で受ダメージが20%軽減される Damage taken from weapon attacks decrease by 20% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器ダメージ軽減・大 | Cost: 500 Weapon Damage Decrease - L | Available after mission 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器系攻撃で受ダメージが30%軽減される Damage taken from weapon attacks decrease by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 追加効果・気絶 | Cost: 2000 | Available after mission 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相手を攻撃すると気絶しやすくなる(特定の敵には無効) When you do an attack combo, enemy becomes temporary paralysed (doesn't work on some enemies) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 追加効果・弱しぼり | You get it from Kakashi at the start | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相手を体術攻撃するとチャクラ玉がはき出される When you do a taijutsu attack combo, chakra orbs come out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 追加効果・強しぼり | Cost: 1000 | Available after chasing after Sasuke ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 相手を体術攻撃するとチャクラ玉がはき出される When you do a taijutsu attack combo, chakra orbs come out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +5 | Cost: 1230 Taijutsu Attack +5 | Available after mission 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が5上昇する Taijutsu attack +5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力強化・超 | In the cave in a chest on a ledge that you Health Points Increase - SUP | drop down from to meet Neji + Lee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大体力が100上昇する Raise maximum health points by 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力強化・特 | Cost: 3000 Health Points Increase - SPL | Available after mission 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大体力が50上昇する Raise maximum health points by 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術ダメージ軽減・特 | Cost: 2000 Taijutsu Damage Decrease - SPL | Available after the group investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術系攻撃で受ダメージが30%軽減される Damage taken from taijutsu attacks decrease by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻 +10 | Cost: 5000 Taijutsu Attack +10 | Available after the group investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術攻が10上昇する Taijutsu attack +10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- | 忍術系技能札 (Ninjutsu Ability Pieces) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ強化・小 | Cost: 50 Stamina Points Increase - S | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大スタミナが20上昇する Raise maximum stamina points by 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ強化・中 | Cost: 200 Stamina Points Increase - M | Available after mission 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大スタミナが30上昇する Raise maximum stamina points by 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ強化・大 | Cost: 500 Stamina Points Increase - L | Available after mission 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大スタミナが50上昇する Raise maximum stamina points by 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術ダメージ軽減・小 | Cost: 50 Ninjutsu Damage Decrease - S | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術系攻撃で受ダメージが10%軽減される Damage taken from ninjutsu attacks decrease by 10% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術ダメージ軽減・中 | Cost: 200 Ninjutsu Damage Decrease - M | Available when you start collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術系攻撃で受ダメージが20%軽減される Damage taken from ninjutsu attacks decrease by 20% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術ダメージ軽減・大 | Cost: 500 Ninjutsu Damage Decrease - L | Available after you finish collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術系攻撃で受ダメージが30%軽減される Damage taken from ninjutsu attacks decrease by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +1 | Cost: 50 Defence +1 | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ1上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +2 | Cost: 50 Defence +2 | Available after mission 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ2上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +3 | Cost: 100 Defence +3 | Available after mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ3上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +4 | Cost: 300 Defence +4 | Available after mission 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ4上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +5 | Cost: 500 Defence +5 | Available after mission 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ5上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻 +10 | Cost: 50 Ninjutsu Attack +10 | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻が10上昇する Ninjutsu attack +10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻 +20 | Cost: 200 Ninjutsu Attack +20 | Available after mission 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻が20上昇する Ninjutsu attack +20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻 +30 | Cost: 1000 Ninjutsu Attack +30 | Available after chasing after Sasuke ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術攻が30上昇する Ninjutsu attack +30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ消費軽減・小 | Cost: 10000 Reduce Chakra Usage - S | Available when you start collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- チャクラを練り込むときのスタミナ消費が20%軽減される When chakra ball is glowing and full, chakra usage is reduced by 20% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ消費軽減・大 | When you are escaping from the Seiryuu cave, Reduce Chakra Usage - L | go left at the 2nd fork, in a chest at the end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- チャクラを練り込むときのスタミナ消費が50%軽減される When chakra ball is glowing and full, chakra usage is reduced by 50% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 封印解除・小 | Cost: 200 Release Seal - S | Available when you start collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 九尾ゲージ上昇しやすくなる Increase Kyuubi gauge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 封印解除・大 | Release Seal - L | Reward for the group investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 九尾ゲージがすごく上昇しやすくなる Increase Kyuubi gauge by a lot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ回復強化・小 | Cost: 500 Increase Chakra Recovery - S | Available after mission 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナの回復速度が少し速くなる Stamina recovery rate is a little faster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ回復強化・大 | In the 風門の村, in the 2nd building (one a Increase Chakra Recovery - L | "砂"). Break it down and enter to a chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナの回復速度がかなり速くなる Stamina recovery rate is a lot faster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 防御力 +5 | Cost: 1230 Defence +5 | Available after mission 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体術防と忍術防がそれぞれ5上昇する Taijutsu defence and ninjutsu defence +5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ強化・超 | In the cave, in a part where you can jump over Stamina Points Increase - SUP | 3 bowguns, go behind then to a chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 最大スタミナが100上昇する Raise maximum stamina points by 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- スタミナ強化・特 | Cost: 3000 Stamina Points Increase - SPL | Available after mission 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 最大スタミナが50上昇する Raise maximum stamina points by 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術ダメージ軽減・特 | Cost: 2000 Ninjutsu Damage Decrease - SPL | Available after the group investigation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 忍術系攻撃で受ダメージが30%軽減される Damage taken from ninjutsu attacks decrease by 30% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- | 特殊系技能札 (Special Ability Pieces) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 戦利品増加 | Cost: 1000 Increase Items | Available after mission 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵を倒した時にアイテムの出る確率が上昇する Increase the change of getting an item when you defeat an enemy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 気絶耐性強化 | Strengthen Resistance | Reward for mission 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵に攻撃された時気絶しにくくなる When an enemy attacks you, you have a less chance of being paralysed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- チャクラ玉ボーナス | Chakra Orb Bonus | Reward for mission 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵を倒した時にチャクラ玉が追加で出やすくなる When you defeat an enemy, more chakra orbs come out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 徳玉ボーナス | Upgrade Orb Bonus | Chest in the 2nd floor of the 白天稲荷 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵を倒した時に徳玉が追加で出やすくなる When you defeat an enemy, more upgrade orbs come out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 瞬身ジャンプ | Cost: 100 Flash Jump | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 立った状態でジャンプボタンを素早く2回押すと、一瞬でジャンプできる When standing, quickly double tap the jump button to dash upwards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 空中ダッシュ | Cost: 100 Mid air Dash | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ジャンプ中に再度ジャンプボタンを押すと左スティックの方向に空中でダッシュできる In a jump, move in a direction and the press jump button to dash in mid air ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 簡単受け身 | | Reward for mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵の攻撃で浮かされた時に身をとれるなら受け身とるうになる ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影分身追加・あ | Cost: 100 Kage Bunshin Addition - A | Available when you start collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影分身が一体多く抱せるようになる(発動時、最大四体まで) Increase the kage bunshin by one (when performing, you need to go to the end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影分身追加・ん | Cost: 100 Kage Bunshin Addition - N | Available from the start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 影分身が一体多く抱せるようになる(発動時、最大四体まで) Increase the kage bunshin by one (when performing, you need to go to the end) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- うずまきナルト連弾 | Cost: 500 Uzumaki Naruto Rendan | Available after you finish collecting money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵をロックオンして影分身を四体出すと「うずまきナルト連弾」を発動できる Lock-on to an enemy and summon four Kage Bunshin to do "Uzumaki Naruto Rendan" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 玉吸着・強 | Cost: 800 Orb Attractor - Strong | Available after mission 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 徳玉やチャクラ玉を吸いつける「玉吸着・弱」と同時に使うと範拡大 Upgrade orbs and chakra orbs attracted to you, use with “Orb Attractor - Weak” to increase the attraction area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- キリモミ防止 | In a chest in the place where rocks fall | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 徳玉やチャクラ玉を吸いつける受け身可能な「ふき飛び」になる ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 気絶回復強化 | Cost: 300 Strengthen Recovery Time | Available after mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 気絶状態から回復しやすくなる Speed up your recovery time when you are dizzy/paralysed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 真の螺旋丸 | Real Rasengan | Reward for mission 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- チャクラゲージを最大までためると最強の螺旋丸が発動できる (空中不可) Charge chakra gauge to max to do the strongest rasengan (cannot be done in air) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 新しい水着 | New Swimsuit | Reward for mission 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 水着の色が変化しおいろけの術の効果が上昇する Change bathing suit color, takes effect when you perform Oiroke no Jutsu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 玉吸着・弱 | Orb Attractor - Weak | Reward for mission 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 徳玉やチャクラ玉を吸いつける「玉吸着・強」と同時に使うと範拡大 Upgrade orbs and chakra orbs attracted to you, use with “Orb Attractor - Strong” to increase the attraction area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ | 消費系技能札 (Consumable Ability Pieces) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超螺旋丸 | Get over 80 at Jiraya's training (only for the Super Rasengan | first time, after thet you'll need 100) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「螺旋丸」を使ったときに敵に与えるダメージが2倍になる Damage of the "Rasengan" is doubled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超ナルト連弾 | Get over 80 at Jiraya's training Super Naruto Rendan | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「うずまきナルト連弾」で敵に与えるダメージが2倍になる Damage of the "Uzumaki Naruto Rendan" is doubled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 超おいろけの術 | Super Oiroke no Jutsu | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「おいろけの術」の効果範囲が拡大する Range of the "Oiroke no Jutsu" is increased ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 不屈の闘志 | Get over 100 in the Seals game (Konahamru minigame) Persistant Will to Fight | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 敵に倒された瞬間、体力を25%回復して復活する When you defeat and enemy, you recover 25% health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 瞬間九尾 | Instant Kyuubi | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- すぐに九尾の力を発動できるようになる You can use the Kyuubi's power immediately ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- | 接合系カラ札 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札一 | Cost: 1000 Karas Piece One | Available after mission 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札二 | Karas Piece Two | Reward for mission 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札三 | Karas Piece Three | Reward for mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札四 | Cost: 500 Karas Piece Four | Available after mission 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札五 | In the water wheel room in 龍神池, drop down from there Karas Piece Five | to the chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札六 | Cost: 100 Karas Piece Six | Available after mission 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- カラ札七 | In the sand village castle, in a room with moving Karas Piece Seven | platforms, jump from the pipe to the chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技能帖を全部埋めて追加効果を得るために使う If you use all of these in a ability grid, you gain additional effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **************** * 09. Help Me! * **************** There are still lots of ??? around the guide, whether they are from kanji I don't know how to read, or ones I can see off the TV I'm using. Or they may be translations they that I am wrong with. Also, if there are any items/pieces that you have and I do not have in this guide, then tell me about it. If you can help me, contact me at: abcd9416@gmail.com *********************** * 10. Version History * *********************** 0.1 - 27/08 - First version, translated most of the menu, just started items and ability pieces 0.2 - 28/08 - Added character section 0.3 - 30/08 - Added items, ability pieces available up to the end of mission 16 0.4 - 31/08 - Added Gaara character description, items, ability pieces 0.5 - 09/09 - Added Kakashi 0.6 - 12/10 - Remodelled item section, added more costs, remodelled pieces section *************** * 11. Credits * *************** Me - cos I wrote it :) You - cos you're reading it GameFAQs - hosting it IoriYagami8 - gave me site that helped me complete this 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 -EOF-