Nobunaga no Yabou Online Communication Commands Translation Guide Version 0.1 Copyright 2003 ShibuyaYakuza Email: Date: June 14, 2003 Note: This is NOT a game-play FAQ. This is only a translation guide of the list of communication commands printed on page 43 of the instruction booklet. Unlike Final Fantasy XI (hereby known as FFXI), all the commands in this game are in Japanese Kanji, I have put down the Romanji equivalent to the best of my knowledge in hope to facilitate progress in the game for those who do not speak Japanese as their first language. This guide assumes that the reader already has the game and has some familiarity with non-English MMORPG's such as FFXI. It is very likely that Koei will add new commands in subsequent updates, this list only covers the ones for the initial release. Copyright Notice: This document is a copyrighted piece of material. You may print it out for your own use, but you cannot republish this guide in any context in any media without the author's written consent. Violation of the law will result in severe legal actions. Thanks. CHAT COMMANDS /周囲: (しゅうい)SHUUI Speaking to surroundings. The equivalent of /say in FFXI. Everyone in the immediate surround area will be able to hear what you say. Can also use Ctrl+ S. /大声: (おおごえ)OOGOE Shouting. The equivalent of /shout in FFXI. Everyone in your area will be able to hear you. Can also use Ctrl+ O. /仲間: (なかま)NAKAMA Speaking to party. The equivalent of /party in FFXI. Only members of your gang will be able to hear you. Can also use Ctrl+ N. /部隊: (ぶたい)BUTAI Speaking to battalion/squadron. This command allows you to speak to your entire squadron. Can also use Ctrl+ B. /対話: (たいわ)TAIWA Telling someone privately. The equivalent of /tell in FFXI. Only the designated person will be able to hear what you say. Can use Ctrl+ T to bring up a list of messages you sent. Ctrl+ H to bring up a list of messages you received. And can also use Ctrl+ L for log (up to 6). /返信: (へんしん)HENNSHINN Reply. MOVEMENT COMMANDS (Equivalent of Emotes in FFXI) /お辞儀 (おじぎ)OJIGI Bow. /手を振る (てをふる)TEWOFURU Wave. /うなずく UNAZUKU Nod in agreement. /頭を振る (あたまをふる)ATAMAWOFURU Shake head in disagreement. SYSTEM COMMANDS /全検索 (ぜんけんさく)ZENNKENNSAKU Search All. /勧誘希望 (かんゆうきぼう)KANNYUUKIBOU Invite ON. /党員募集 (とういんぼしゅう)TOUNNBOSHUU Now recruiting gang members. /不在 (ふざい)FUZAI AFK. /売却品有 (ばいきゃくひんあり)BAIKYAHINNARI Have things to sell. /買収品有 (ばいしゅうひんあり)BAISHUUHINNARI Have things to buy. /匿名 (とくめい)TOKUMEI Anon. /解除 (かいじょ)KAIJYO Release. Sets PC's system status back to normal. /追尾 (おお)OO Follow. /追尾:<名前> (おお)OO Follow a specific PC. /地図 (ちず) CHIZU Display map. END Nobunaga no Yabou Online Communication Commands Translation Guide Version 0.1 Copyrightゥ2003 ShibuyaYakuza