=============================================================================== ObsCure The Aftermath - Document/Flair Transcripts - System: Playstation 2 Version: 1.2 Written By: Darque Developer: Hydravision Publisher: Europe - Playlogic Publisher: North America - Ignition Entertainment =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 0.0 ~ Table of Contents =============================================================================== 0.0 - Table of Contents 0.1 - Introduction 0.2 - Document Transcripts 0.3 - Flair Transcripts 0.4 - Version History 0.5 - Legal Info, Credits, Contact Info, and Everything Else =============================================================================== 0.1 ~ Introduction =============================================================================== This file is basically a transcript of all of the Documents you can find in game, as well as the various Flair texts you can find as you explore ObsCure: The Aftermath - Presented here for easier access. The Documents can be seen in game when you first receive them, and by going to your Inventory Menu (after they've been collected). Flair documents are similar to the Documents you can collect in game, but can only be accessed within the part of the game they are found. Another difference that exists is the fact Documents are for the most part there to flesh out the main story, or provide clues to the game, while Flair texts are basically fluff that adds to the atmosphere of the area they are found in (with a few exceptions). Note: These document and flair files contain some spoilers, so keep that in mind if you haven't already played ObsCure: The Aftermath. =============================================================================== 0.2 ~ Document Transcripts =============================================================================== ========================== = Reconstituted document = ========================== [Image: Three vertical lines cut by a single horizontal line. The ] [ Delta, Theta and Gamma symbols are spaced around the page.] [Note: This is a clue to the Library Puzzle in Delta Theta Gamma. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== = Generic Report = ================== The viral infection has spread quickly on campus. From 9 recorded patients last month, the figure has increased to 34 today. Everything points to a general lack of moral standards when considering how fast the contamination has spread. The disease is developing mainly among those who enjoy nights of binge-drinking, and unprotected intercourse. This new virus is easily transmitted through bodily fluids. On the other hand, "traditional" STD's are in regression. It is like the new virus is killing off the competition[...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= = Hospital floor plan = ======================= [Image: A reconstructed map of the hospital floor plan.] [ The numbers 0108 are on the picture in red ink.] [Note: This is a code to a door in the Hospital. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== = Generic Report = ================== [...] Fallcreek campus is plagued by a collective psychosis. The mental affliction is strangely contradictory: on the one hand it causes a profound sexual anxiety and, on the other, a hyperactive libido. The students are disorientated, and are torn between their fears and an insatiable sexual appetite. Some have recurring nightmares that reveal primitive and violent emotions emerging from their subconciousness[...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== = Recipe for explosive = ======================== How to Make Nitroglycerine Recipe summary: Bleach Ascorbic acid (code: 1634) Ice Glycerine Soda Make sure you follow the following order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== = Autopsy report = ================== Male subject 22 years old. Rh factio 0 neg. Cause of death: Victim bled to death after having been cut and raked by an unknown weapon [...] Remarks: The body contains traces of an unknown black substance, concentrated in the lungs and in the genital area. The lungs are definitely the first area that was exposed to the substance (which seems parasitic in nature); probably after taking some kind of narcotic via the respiratory system. This death is to be connected with that of the girlfriend of the victim. Her lungs were completely clean, contrary to her reproductive organ. Contagion through genital contact with any of the bodies mucus membranes (through intercourse for example) seems likely at this point. I recommend an epidemiological study at Fallcreek Academic Hospital to identify the viral agent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== = Generic report = ================== The flower seems to be the product of a cross between several parasitical plants. It is able to relieve pain and act as an anaesthetic, but causes extremely lucid and frightening hallucinations as well. There are indications that the flower has enjoyed some popularity as a party drug amongst the student population of Fallcreek. As they opened their petals this evening, the flowers released a massive cloud of black spores that seemed to act independent of each other during their dispersal. At the same time that the flowers blossomed, their parasitic spores activated themselves in the bodies of those who had used them for recreational purposes. This process remains unexplained, but it is certain that the metamorphosis of the students took place at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== = Generic report = ================== The flower is sensitive to light. Nevertheless it has a very effecive defense system: if exposed to a source of light it closes its petals hermetically, protecting it's photosensitive cells. Sunlight was unable to prevent its propagation throughout Fallcreek County. The flowers feed and propagate from a supremely widespread root system which - in order to destroy it - must be terminated at the source. Regrettably, because of the complex root structure, we are unable to locate it's origins at this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= = Reconstituted stele = ======================= [Image: Several creatures in a row. ] [Note: This is the solution to the Cemetary Puzzle.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== = Written note, page 1 = ======================== mommy and daddy don't come any more jedidiah is all alone all alone everybody else is mean I must punish them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= = Child's photo = ================= [Image: Lil' Jedidiah in front of several pillars. ] [Note: This is the solution to the Basement Puzzle.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== = Written note, page 2 = ======================== with the flowers, jedidiah doesn't have bad dreams when mommy was here other people came they came to bother me they will never leave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================== = Written note, page 3 = ======================== i found daddy he was badly hurt i'm taking care of him he dreams with the flowers now no one will touch him ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== = Leafmore newspaper = ====================== "Leafmore private school was voted to be closed for demolition yesterday" declared our mayor, Mr. Hazelhof. The high school, built in 1902 by the brothers Leonard and Herbert Friedman, apparently has serious water drainage problems. A team of experts was sent to the site and found that the basement of the school was flooded and that there was some kind of parasite infestation. Parents took the opportunity to bring up the case of the unexplained disappearance of students from the boarding school. "It is unacceptable to ignore the pain of the parents in this way", declared Mr. Craig, the father of one of the victims, who thinks that "the cover-up of this matter seems to be convenient for a lot of people in high places" [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== = Jedidiah's letter = ===================== April 18, 1903 I'm stuck here, at Leafmore. My body can no longer tolerate light after I injected myself with mortifilia cells. It's changing... I can no longer move. Undoubtedly, I won't be able to write anymore soon. I failed. Instead of giving me eternity, mortifilia is going to kill me. How ironic! I leave behind me my young son, Jedidiah. The genes I transmitted to him during conception were already mutating. Even so, his mother and I wanted him to live. He is strong, but his psychological state is troubling. At times he can be very agressive. Mortifilia has powers that exceed my predictions. My emotions are changing. Anger rises in me more and more frequently. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================== = Old reports from the Brotherhood = ==================================== April 16, 1903 I, Theodore Willidge, current President of the United States of America, today pledge allegiance before the High Brothers of Delta Theta Gamma. As an honorary member of the Fraternity, I pledge to open the doors of government to its members, and to provide them with political, legislative, administrative and financial support. By my blood, I pledge to ensure the perpetuity of the bond of honor that unites Delta Theta Gamma and the American States. Together, we will make sure that any new president who comes to power will be trained and enthroned. In this way, there will always be a virtuous soul at the heart of our country [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================== = Old reports from the Brotherhood = ==================================== May 6, 1904. 103rd Traditional Ceremony of the Assembly of Lodges; Paris, in the basement of 51 rue de Montmorency. We thank each Head Lodge of our ninety-six brother countries to have sent their Master of Ceremonies on this occasion. On the occasion of this celebration, the High Brothers have unanimously voted to enscribe the recent works of Leonard and Herbert Friedman in the Fraternity's codices. Their discoveries concerning the possibility of eternal life promise Delta Theta Gamma a paramount place among the prominent powers of this planet. =============================================================================== 0.3 ~ Flair Transcripts =============================================================================== ======================================================================= = The following Flair documents are found within Fallcreek University = ======================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for drummer to join rock group. Good drumming skills required, as are long hair and an excellent tolerance for alcohol. 555-785-645 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale. LTD Wagon 1975 model, 300,000 km, average condition but with large back seat that allows for "creative excercises" anywhere and anytime you want. Some cleaning required. Price negotiable. 555-364-452 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeking female models 18-25 yrs for filming an amateur R'n'B clip by the dormitory pool. The technical team is complete so no applicants are accepted for those positions. Also looking for 30 kilos of gold pendants and chains. 555-423-544 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a fitting celebration of its 200 years of existence, the Delta Theta Gamma brotherhood will hold a huge party on its premises on the night of the 23rd of February. Limited Entry due to the quantity of alcohol available. Selection at the door based on the discretion of our doorman. Come early or miss the biggest party of the year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following the accidental death of our coach during the team's last match, the Fallcreek Pitbulls are urgently looking for a new trainer so they can crush the Cordell Helldogs next season. Sensitive or easily-depressed types need not apply. Details from the Sports Committee on campus. 555-482-752 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the occasion of its 200th anniversary, Delta Theta Gamma is organizing a huge rock concert at the Lincoln Stadium. Free entry, free drinks. Be there! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request to student couples: don't forget that the soundproofing of the rooms in this dormitory is almost non-existent and that there are still some people who want to wait until they are married and don't want to be tempted by others. Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found a pink "toy" in my bed on the morning of Thursday the 3rd. The person to whom it belongs can come and collect it from room 206, but must provide me with an explanation for what happened on Wednesday evening! Charly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Fallcreek Gazette: - Ways of gaining as much money as possible from bursary allocation agencies. - Cheating without getting caught: some professional advice. - Missing a day's lectures. Are bomb scares effective? - The most stupid challenges. - Taking exams while drunk: our tips. - Sex: exploring new techniques for the first night. Price: 2$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Resident's Association recently agreed to buy a TV and games console for the ground floor. In spite of repeated requests, no beds will be installed in the bar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following a recent fire in my room I am looking for psychology degree course books, as well as psychopathology and clinical care. I'm also looking for the idiot who threw a cigarette in my waste basket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come back Susie! I know I was wrong, but I didn't do it on purpose! I drank a lot that night, and the bedroom lights were out! I didn't know Ted was spending the night in your room! He put in a complaint about me. I feel so alone. Forgive me! Billy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Geeks Club continues to condemn the teasing and bullying by which its members are regularly victimized. We will be your bosses or managers one day and we caution you that there isn't a single geek on this campus who isn't noting down the names of their tormentors for future reference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSING: I lost my girlfriend at the Mu Gamma Phi Evening on Saturday the 2nd March. She's blonde, has green eyes, a beautiful figure, and sports black tortoiseshell-framed glasses. Last time I saw her she was wearing a red lace bra and matching panties. I love her very much: a reward for anyone who can provide information on her whereabouts - 555-357-951 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number 4 of the Student's Notebook of Jesus has just come out. Headlines this month: - How to please God every day? - Be a popular student and evade the flames of hell: it's possible! - Special report: Lust. PS: The campus chapel awaits your generous donations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to inform students that we have apprehended the stalker who was stealing panties from unlocked rooms in the Dormitory. He has been identified as Mr. Ward, Sociology Professor. The pervert was trapped using expensive underwear as bait - our thanks to all the sisters on campus who made this possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fallcreek Cheerleading team is recruiting! To apply, bring your resume, a short skirt and small skin-tight top. Selections will be made in three stages. 1) Interview with the senior members of the team. 2) A demonstration of physical aptitude and improvised cheering for the Fallcreek Pitbulls. 3) A parade in front of a male jury. (PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The jury is already full so please STOP WRITING to us!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A note from the Student's Association: "It is expressly requested that couples who wish to engage in sexual intercourse do so IN THEIR OWN ROOMS with the door locked. Also, you are asked to vomit in the toilet and not besides it - or else to clean up after your accident." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This issue of Campus Journal includes an early selection of summer jobs! Available soon: Telesales Agent for dental prostheses; Sales Rep for a new diaper product; Video Games Tester; Stress Tester for the world's leading Vaseline producer! Sign up for more offers! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of a recent delivery of new samples, the virology laboratory is looking for test subjects (PAID) who are in excellent physical condition. We are also looking for a male student recently gone missing, who has been exposed to cells from the Yellow Fever virus. Calls to 555-678-156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================ = The following are from Delta Theta Gamma = ============================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CODE OF HONOR OF DELTA THETA GAMMA The mission of the Delta Theta Gamma fraternity is to offer future Science graduates an experience of brotherhood, mutual aid and absolute friendship. It also has the aim of transmitting to students the noble values that come from the three pillars of the fraternity. "Knowledge and excellence in the service of humanity." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st pillar: Knowledge "When you open up a school, you close down a prison." Victor Hugo Obscurantism imprisons Man, knowledge frees him. Our Brothers and Sisters must thirst for knowledge. Their culture and their openness will enlighten their choices and will guide their steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Pillar: Excellence "He who seeks perfection obtains excellence." Jori Cazilhac Achievement of self is the key which will allow you to overcome all obstacles. Our Brothers must have tremendous will to exceed their limits. Perfection and excellence will guide their steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd pillar: Philanthropy "A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." George Bernard Shaw Humanity is the first of the virtues. Our Brothers and Sisters must always reflect on the consequences of their actions and place humanity at the forefront of their priorities. Altruism and philanthropy will guide their steps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================ = This one is found on the way to the Hospital = ================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Stalker of Fallcreek Forest has struck again! A couple who was walking in the forest claims to have been assaulted by "a stocky man with a deformed face". This is the 7th report of such an incident in 1 year. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================ = These are from your second visit to Fallcreek University = ============================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeking generous person studying Modern Languages who can help me prepare for the exam on Tuesday 8th March. Open to any kind of favor in return. 555-451-693 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a fitting celebration of its 200 years of existence, the Delta Theta Gamma brotherhood will hold a huge party on its premises on the night of the 23rd of February. Limited entry due to the quantity of alcohol available. Selection at the door based on the discretion of our doorman. Come early or miss the biggest party of the year! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Burger Wizz, for every pound of burger eaten, the 2nd is free!!! Exclusive: the Mega-Soda-Tower, 1 gallon of fizz for just 1$!!! [Surgeon General's Health Warning: over-consumption of sugar is bad for your health] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Matches for Orb 2 and Call of Weapons organized every evening from 9.00 PM, room 201. If you think you can beat me, bring your PDAs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern Student Magazine provides you with useful tips to become a Grade A student. Headlines this month: - Best vacation plans. - Study while you sleep: it's possible! - Taking over Daddy's business: opportunity or mistake? 6$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The owner of the rusty car dumped in Car Park E is asked to remove it immediately. The black pool of oil that is steadily being released by the wreck has killed the eco-system of the surrounding lawns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the 21st time since the beginning of the year, we would point out to students that food is FOR EATING, not for throwing at other students. Thank you for your cooperation. (scratched on the side: "Then stop serving us cockroach infested food!") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join our protest demonstration in the south courtyard on the 10th March against the continued infestation of the refectory meals with cockroaches and larva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We remind male and female students that official decency codes prohibit walking around naked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New 'Wind Blows 2007' will improve the abilities of your PC! To use its full potential, 'Wind Blows 2007' deletes 99.9 percent of all viruses found, downloads pirate music to your personal taste, generates insults for discussions and chat rooms, cracks passwords to the best dating sites! This version includes all-new humorous error messages! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== = Finally, these two are from your second trip to Delta Theta Gamma = ===================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolute knowledge requires that a balance be maintained between enlightened souls and the ignorant masses. The members of Delta Theta Gamma will use this knowledge for the benefit of society. Honor nature and reveal to Men gifts they cannot see! You, the spiritual elite of this world, must sacrifice everything for the benefit of Humanity, including, if necessary, humans themselves. You will thus guarantee the triumph of reason over the ignorance of mankind. Medicus curat, natura sanat. The doctor treats, but it is nature that heals. Jared Crowly, Founding Father (1760-1852) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From William James, October 25, 1902 Dear Leonard, We can no longer deny that the incredible plant you brought back from Africa slows down the cellular aging process. In fact, it stops it completely! We shall cure humanity of its greatest affliction: we will kill death itself! We still need to refine the process so that it will be compatible with the human body. I understand the passion you put into your quest, but as none of your guinea pigs have survived to date, it would be suicidal to try it on yourself! [...] From William James, May 8 1903 Dear Herbert, We know that the noose is drawing tighter. Using your students as guinea pigs was the height of foolishness! Fortunately, the complaints from the parents will not have any consequences. The fraternity has already called upon highly placed former members in the government. The case will soon be hushed. Research must continue! We must save your brother Leonard, and this project. To this end, we will regularly send you new test subjects through unofficial channels. [...] =============================================================================== 0.4 ~ Version History =============================================================================== 1.0 - Initial Version Created 5/4/08 1.1 - First Update May 21st 2008 - Minor modifications 1.2 - Second Update June 5th 2008 - Minor edits =============================================================================== 0.5 ~ Legal Info, Credits, Contact Info, and Everything Else =============================================================================== Legal Info ========== - This Document is protected by International Copyright Laws - This Document is Copyright (c)2008 Darque - This Document was written for use on Gamefaqs.com. No other site has permission to use this document. - "Playstation" and "PS" are Trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment - Obscure The Aftermath was developed by Hydravision and is (c)2007 Playlogic International - All Trademarks and Copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective Trademark and Copyright holders. Credits ======= Thanks to Cjayc for creating www.gamefaqs.com Thanks to anyone reading this guide =) I hope it was useful =) Contact Info ============ For questions or corrections I can be contacted at: darque_ness - AT - hotmail - dot - com Replies may be slow (as in weeks) due to my schedule, but all constructive emails WILL get a reply. Be patient. Emails ====== Unless the emailer asks me directly to do so, I will NEVER list a person's email address in the faq. To do so could lead to spam, and spam is bad. ===============================================================================